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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
JRSDAY EVENINO, C Z"X IT, STANDARD PATTERNS First Floor-An-exrAU Standard Pattern an bow 10a and 15dV-noue higher. ; , The KOVr:.3KR DESIGNER now ready at the counter only 10e, or special aubscrip. tion price, postpaid to any address, a year. i i HOW TO ORDE If vou cant ret to the store, order by mail or 'phone Private Bs change 12. leading mail order bouse on the " -.. ' coaat TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE Open an account here at Portland's beat andUrrat tore. Pay monthly. ge me about It The Credit Man,- Third Floor. 3 SOLE CICC AZLTC for tbe WarUkFamoos Boaod Silks V :'THB DIFFERENT STORI3" JOCXHAU PORTLAND. The School Vote ' FOR PANAMA ; CANAL MODEL f25 In Gold Given to Four v Portland School Pupils. ' Yowvu rand the particulare. The aaodai and the money that wlU both be pNMSUd by thle iton eft the eloemef tha mtia which enda November II at I . SoboUn,' send Alone your eomposKlona on tba Canal and wis money for ChrtMaua The Reeult of Vote at I p. m. Teeter day t t Mary iomr Hlffh School Harrleoa School Portland Anadem y Park School Atkinson aehool ........... William Avenue Bohee.... Feillns aehool Bunnyalda aehool .......... HihW School Total Ift.ftOT it, ii IMll 41.111 M.M tt.lll H.M1 U.M1 IMU .11.411 Startling Price Cutting: on New. Dependable Merchandise, Bearing Fashion's Approval i Mark. Signalizes the 78th Occurrence of Portland's Greatest Weekly Bargain Event The 01ds, Wortman & King Friday Sale Economy A Harvest Home 6f the Industrial World Our. splendid preparation for this event makes; it the buyer's opportunity. Every item mentioned here is a distixict and positive value, and Friday's; "Economy Sale" patrons will select from the largest and newest assortments west of Chicago. ' Bargains positively- impos sible with any other Portland house are here. , Our ability to create such has made this PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND BEST STORE y, THE GREAT EXPANSION BALES REACH OUT All Over Two Big 4th Floor Stores Main "Old Homeataad Store" and KerNeweet Off-apring THE JUST OPENED SIXTH-STREET AN NEX STORE ALL ' DAY FRIDAY. . Unmatchable low pricea In the special aale of Portkrea. Surpaaainf barfaina in the special aale of Lace Curtains. ' Remarkable irahiee In the. Especial aale of Blankets. Enceptkmal aarififs In the special aale of. Smyrna Run, Rare Tahiea In the epedal sale of Oriental Ruga. . . To which we add, for Friday only, two worthy bargains: Vr lie For Figured 8IIkolhiea Worth 16e, J Far' tha fcouaafcaaper who teuada to owk hair ewa aomrorta this Is ft Im oppottnuir to buy alltoolteaa. Tbaa Ukollaao a of tba rary aaot erada nd . ton tn faaoy Ortantal aa4 flofai Saalsaft, iafl laa vataa apaotal Boob- ear aala prioa aalr, tttaavd.. . . .............tH T ! ;' -v-'-...';.-- Curtain Uadraa a S5e1 ; :Vf";v. ;A-. WMta Curtain MtAu 14 teahaa wtda. t , aaah oartalaa. racular ata nUoa apaalal (or filSaf' Moantm? Bala BEST VALUES AND LARGEST. STOCELQF NEWEStH CARPETS in tbe city. The lighteet roomiest, most convenient V arranged Carpet osieaiuom on the coaat. . . ' Tbe Little But Important Accessories to Dress' Are Lightiy Priced for Friday Buyers. In Garniture Realm Firat Floor. y. The Gr eat Annual Sale of "Embroideries Continues : - Am tauaanaa anracmtloa of ttia var offoroS at a apaotal aala la this etty. to ba hanr aaiaty. atrllah aabrolaartaa. bmldartas AU tha waataS saw aoat of aa- DMded for Rapid-Flre 8elling Into Eight Lota Ticketed to go Through This Way. - All fair ISa and lo valaas at. v fr lsvbe AU fair ISa valaaa at, yar4...1S All fair too valUM at, yard SOe AU fair 10a and too valvaa aft. mmwA ... .. AU fair Tie yafd . All fair Ha i rare .... All Satr ll.K vaJvas at yard.. 634 AU fair IL.M valvaa at. jrarS. .f S at. stu valaasat. 48 Added to this unrivaled attraction In the busy eain Floor Aiaka ..: -'i V -.9 the following .. :.- T : - Extra Special Friday Economies ! RIBBONS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, COLLAR, CUFF AND BELT SETS. GLOVES DAINTY ACCESSORIES FOR FASTIDIOUS WOMANKIND AT FRIDAY -ECON- y; OMY PRICES. ..v;;.: -,: S5c and 40c Ribbons For I5e, A.' yaaoy atrtpaS shadad lUMwna, pratty Draadm Rlbeoaa with stripad boraara, . , and nowarad SUbbona, ail worth ISa and 4v tha yard. To oloaa thaaa amt qalokiy you mm? buy tooat Friday aft tba Boonaaay Sato artaa at, tha raid v-lt -:;:;.:: . laces. v - Laoa BMras. Laoa Bands, VanUa Baada and Oatoons. Hat Band a, Orlaatal Mat Top Laoaa. Vaalaa Lacaa la fancy daalsna. ail vary dartrabla; toy Frl ;day BooDomy Sato aU go aft oaa ffrtoa, tha yard. B&d BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES ) 'f ty v ''v'V' 25c and SOc Embroideries For , K v ; 1 ; A tot or Gaabrto Xnacrtlona and WAmvm, mm aa wtda aa U taahaa. othare aaJTowar. vary aultabla for akin raf fllnaa and andaraarnanta. Thar era tha kind that will waah atcaly, aa thay hava tha buttonhola ada( axtra j aluaa aft Ito and Mo tha yard; for Friday Boooonay Sala; apaolal at yard - ...tSW 19c For Collar, Cuff and Belt Sets Worth BOc Sata aoaalattna of eollar, oaffa aad feaK with toaakto. nada as fancy atltohad, vary aratty and faahloaaala tasviar ava raioa; apaalal for ' Friday Boonomy Sato, at, sat.. tt jf"'"1V '--y A Lot of Kid Gloves. t -I 'V? Battglae fcft prtoa Crbn tl.H ta $t.t apaalal for PrMay Booswy Sala at tha pair ...... .. .Sd A Remarkable Two-Day Sale V STARTS FRIDAY IN ANNEX AND ART SHOP. ' : v SECOND FLOOR. '.. . . I In Fifth Street Anne Women'e $1.71 Gowns at $.X9. Chadren's Three Quarter Length Jackets One Half Price. In Art 8hop--Thoroughfare Aiale Pretty Art Pieces for 30e, . , the 60c sort. Read the particulars, y ; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. " f t- Ladlaa artra fall Oowno of vary Ana aiaalln. V shapad aaah and trlaimad af S rowa wlda ambrotdary rortloa aatwaaa 4 elastara aff T Una tucka aaob, aathroldary aaslne St aaok aad alaoraa, raealar prlaa li t.: apaelal B1.1B Chlldran'i Jaokata mpm lanata. ia a larva aaaorttaaaft of aaatartal aad ool- ora, prioaa i.4 to lia.oo, aft at rasuiar pnoaa today aad toaaorrow only., aaaa ffmn I to ft yaftra. Oarman Appllqna, ll-laah aquaras sad t0l4 saarfa to aa awrttoas Variety of pattcrnt ta atiaet Oroaa, rasnusr anas Mai ejinial aft.. . . .8S GRAND SALONS OP DRBSS-SBCOND FLOOR "f f' .. ' v. : ' " " - ';' " i Pretty A price Cataclasm in New Shirt Waist Suits ! $11.98 for the fetching, trim and trig Shirt Waist Suits ; .- . Aat represent the best IN TOWN $18.50 and $20 Values Cararlasm A breaking or rending asunder. A precise definition of what has happened to the pricea on these stylish. Jaunty auita that are so deservedly popular with women of taste. It really takes s conscious effort, a gritting of the teeth, to eever, a third to almost s half m price from these ultra-etylish mew suite that, are so well worth their faQ valuation. ' But our suit buyer, now In the New York market, obtained nearly as much concession from the makers, on condition ahe would take 100 suite. We ought to sell every one tomorrow at the reduced price end no doubt will. They are m the popular unfinished serges ta blacks, navies and browns and In fancy cheviote and mannish suiting effects In black and white, brown and white, blue and white, tan and white and green and white. ' They have the full ' Bishop sleeves in Dolly Varden effecta, plaited back and shoul-. der straps ot matetiala, Tbe akkts are plaited. - In the neat. quiet, modest, unobtrusive dressy patterns so pleasing to the coneervative Portland woman, and $30 values. Friday only, ! . at . rrne so pleasing 10 me z $11.95 Skirts in tbe new and popular round, instep lengths. !: ; In the Two Great Third Floor Stores , . "Old Homestead Store" and New Sixth Street Annex. . "v :FpUR MONSTER BARGAIN SALES FOR FRIDAY, Special Sals of Cook Stoves Prices Sharply Reduced. Special Sals of Enameled Ware at Great Reductions. Special Sala of '".'v, Dinner Sets at Bargain Pricea. . As advertised thro the week. In addition to all these economy attractions we append for Friday "Economy Sale" patrons A GRAND SPECIAL "EXPANSION SALE" OF ROGERS 'r BROS.' 1847 SILVERWARE at t- MATCHLESS BARGAIN PRICES And WALLACE BROS.' PLATED WARE THIRD FLOOR. Taa Spooasv sat.of ft; apaelal at ......... Daaart Spooaa, aat of I; apaelal at....m..., ' .....SLOS . Taata Spaaaav aat of St apaotal afc...... ifliM Pi ami Forkat aat of St apaelal at....t.....n. Table Forka. eel of ft; apaalal at..... t..,.....fl.9 B any Spooaa, faaey sbapaaj apaelal aft, aaok ....s.......,' Oyster Vorka, faaey phapaa, aat of ft; apaelal at ...... ....91.4 Craaa Ladlaa, faaey hapaa) apaelal aft, aaok ..1 ...,.... .,,.02 Oravy Ladlta. feaoy shapaai apaotal aft, aaob .4.'.....,....,...,.SS ChUdran'a Seta, fancy; apaelal aft, aat.. SBe CblMreB'B Food Paahara, faooy; apaelal, aaok S4 V. '':' "? Wsllscs'Bros." Plated WstV::':---:"''" Tee Speone, taoey pattarna, eat of ft apaelal aft, aat ......... 4S4 Dan BpooDa, faaey pattarna, aat of I; apaelal at, aat .,.,,..... 04 TaMa Bpoona, faaey pattana. aat of ft; apaelal aft, sat ....... ....06e a gar Spaoas, faaey pattarna; apaetaj aft, aaok Better Kalyaa, faaey pattarna;- apaalal aft, aaok .SSe Barry Bpooae Ovney panarnar apaelal aft. aaok ........4,t..,..4Ser OklkTs Sata, faaey pattarna, plaoaat' apaelal at, ee .........4Se t .This.Store's " ; Autumn Millinery The Beauty Salons Second Floor. Over ana over asats we've heard tha ootnmant this aaaaon. 'I've aaver aaea aueh beautiful hats tn Sueh quiet. ooneerTatlva atylea." Tie exactly what we've worked hard to brine; about; 'tie what our daelmera and buyara have worked for aa ta aet and what la here today on enow In tha sreat Millinery Balone. We like ta prove that It la poealale to sat orlelaaJUy aplrlt, ett thualaam and anuualnaaa without lettlne kata beeome Maarra or unpraetleaL Perhapa thta la moat atronalv domonstrafad la tha graad abowlnc of the erwaye atyilah and praetioal BlACK HATS we are aw li Ins From these we have aelefeted tomerroWa extra apaelal values. Bvary lady waata aft least one blaek hat an one; her millinery favorltea. and at these pnoaa 'tie easy ta flit the want. Ws place on aala for Friday only lft Silk Shirred Turbana. wttk velvet erowna, trimmed with ( AO ipaolal at fii7V A Happy Bargain Trio THB OOOD FAIRY TBCOKOirT" . HAS BBBN AT WORK IN THB . , DOMESTIC AlSfcSa. " v First floor. I llf) For Crepe Flannells and Cashmere Flannelette Worth ; .. - 17c, -. " ;. . Wa have I.Pftft yards of Crape Flan- ' . Bells and Ceahmere Flannelettae, In flsurea, eheeka and atiipea llfht. medium and dark colore . weU worth 17o the yardi.tSacla,! zor rnoay aoononr aaia oniy aft, yard . With Thanksgiving Only a Few Weeks Ahead You Can't v Afford to Miss This: -'' 95e For Bleached Damask " ) . Worth i l ruehardaon's Bleaehad rMmaek, fl In.- wide, aplendld assortment of dealsnai sham rook, roaa, poppy, pansy, buttareup. dot, ate. extra pood value at 11.16; apaelal for , Friday Beonomy Sala only at, yard.. 0)S4 fSO For Dinner Napkins Worth HOOl v .... Dinner Kapktna to match table Mean, ras. $4.99 vaL; spsclal for rrlday Boenemy Bala aft, the aoa..S8.SO le Silk Shlrrad Dreea Bhspee. with velvet arwwaa, trimmed with eetrleh ptttmaa and bandaome rlMaoaav h all black) vary dreaay) apaelal lid Larse Bilk Velvet Draaa Rata, m a reoeroes tarlety of ahapea, trlmaaed with feathara, Hbbona, aovalty ormunenta, ata. Bvery hat la this araad aheeetflt le either a real $4, IT or l value; ape- C AA ami for Friday aft eholoa for 9UV ; T1KBLT SAVIKOS " , For Friday Ecoii omists Bargains of Extraordinary Val ue at the Knit Underwear and Hosiery Counters First Floor. Women's $1.98 Underwear For 89e. Women's Stiik and Cotton Vesta and Fanta, tha famous "kferode un derwear, whiter welsht. vaetft with hlyh neck and Ions aleevea, hand finished, atlk trimmed, pants" ankle lene-th, Tw. ftl.II val; ape- ' eul Boonomy Sale prlee, aa. S9e Only 92.79 For Women's $4 . v Union Suits. - v Women's nitrh-Orede Union Suite. . full finished, repnler made, flna " ribbed, la white and pray. Ion , aleevea, ankle lenath, actual 4 a value; for Friday Beonomy Bale only, apaalal at, salt ....fS.TS 3Sj For Women's 80s Hoee, Women's Black Caahmere Hosa, fine -ribbed, with finished foot, roc. lee val: special for Friday Boon em? Bale only, pair ....... .SSa , 88d For Boys' Shirts and Drawers Wprth 00c. , Bore Heavy Wetaht Mbrima Bhlrta and Drawers, blp ftee vtu.; . aperta for Friday Beonomy P ' enly at fc lAdd to Yesterday's AdvernaedJ Bargains for All Week These! Friday Ecpnomy Sptxiala in FOOTWEAR And It makes fust a score of ex-J tra Speciala for Friday In the! SMUtt bKCI IUr-First Floor $LiS For Parry Slippers , . - Worth 152.50. Farty Si tp para for women, pefteat or plaia leather, Louis or military heela, recaiar IS4 value; apeeiai Friday Baonoatty Sala prlee only, the pair 91.48 Women's $3.80 and $4 Shoes For 82.71. ; ? Woman's Street Shoea with turn or wsk aolea, patsat or plaia toss. military e Cuban heals, atyilah v 9 down-to-dat ahoea, reaiilar and l4.eo ralue; Friday Boonoav Bale epeoial pnea only, the ; p- M.rt. 1 98c For House Comforts Worth $1.00. Fur trimmed fait Jullettea, nfonaa Comforts, " with turn aolea and , flaft heela, rapular fl.ftft valoei apaelal Beonomy Sala prtoa 'at. Seir r. ........ ..74 Women's $8 Shoes For S3.42. Womea'a atyllsk Dreea Shoes, eholca styles, turn or welt aolea, patent kid or viol ktd stock, tbe beat makes, resular li.ftf veJuea; peelal Friday Beonomy Bale prtoa. pair SS.4S 18 Powerful Littie Magnets ;i THA WTUi DRAW FOLK TO i THB SMALL, WARES AISLES -:- TOMORROW. "Btxmamxy Is tha Password la the Motion Aisles on FrldayLJtUa : Artlelaa aft 8avte Priaea. Se For Wire Hairpins Worth le- .. Boa of Aaaorted Wlrs Halrptna, mixed, plaia and crimped, value le; apeeiai at, boa, .j 4 ron bnolish Fma. 4e to TatB PAFBR, VALUB ba. . B4 w tronfas; Was Worth lo , Chlneae Iroalnar Wax, plvea ruster to Itaea aad makaa lroouia aaay, x t aticka to box, vai. Ito; apaelal st, box,... ,.... 10a) FOB SKBLL-OOLOR STRAY LOCK HAIR COMBS WORTH lfta. dFor Fearl Buttons Worth lie . white Pearl Buttons, t doe, on nard, all eleae, t bolea, value lie; I apaelal at, card 94) - TOILIT KTNDRlll. . &4 Tar Ferfumee Worth lee Imported Bnvllsh Perfumes, ta vlolst, rose, heliotrope, oa mat loo and red elover, vaL ftvo oa.; spe oial at. oa, afte) 94 FOR BANDOUNB FOB THB HAIR, WORTH lie THB BOTTLB 10e FOR , BWAN8DOWW FACB POWDER IN FLBBH AND WHITE. lTd For Fnmch ' " ' ". Tollat Soap Worth Ifo -- . Freneh Toilet Soap, in violet, roaa, hellotropa aad mlanonetta, I oaksa In no, with metal aoap disk. val. ftftc; apaelal at, box ...... .,lTe 44 FOB TOILST PAFBR, FTHBTT QUAIJTT TISSUE, ft-OUNCB ' y ROLXJt, VAI tc t Ka) For Pocketbookv Worth AAdles Combination Pockatboeka and Card Caeoa, m aeal and aea- . Hon lest bars, la black, brown or -. taa, val. $Ut; apeeiai at. aa, Se !1.59 For Kodak ' : Ihumi Worth H it r - Finest Quality Heavy leather Covered Kodak Album a. for un mountedjpleturea, all 3 7xlt, broWa V and buff colore, val.; ape. .' ami at, aaah l.fte) 44 For Brownie ' ' Photo Albums Worth 14c Small Blaa Browam or Stamp V Photo Albums, burnt leather eov ara. all ooloro leafthar, raL 14e; apeeiai at, each ............ .Be) Shelf Paper . : Bhctra hepvp anallty, In white, Elak or blue, laoa edae. 19 aroa 1 piece j apeetaJ at, ptaoa.....Td SHTNTNO OBlfS OF BCONOMT AT A THB JBWBLRT COUNTBR FIRST FLOOR. T 4 For Blrrer Hatpins Worth tee . Bterllns Bllvar Top Hatpins, fancy . deetsaa, value lie; apecml at, each 17 led For Brooch Pine Worth tie New Fancy Bnamel Imported Brooch Pine, value tfto; special at. each. ai.SS Per Lonrnette Chalna Worth Ladlaa Bterllne Silver Lorgnette , ;l Watch Chaina, val. i.tft; apaelal at. each .....S1.85 For ehtrtwalat Beta Worth lftc Ulte Pearl Bhlrt waist Beta, three pine ta aet. val. lie; apaolai at. aet 94 Silks Velvets Dress Goods ' . FIFTH BTRBBT ANNBX 1RBT FLOOR FOUR FRIDAY EXTRA BPBCIALa, One should aae the aplandld atoeka of Dreea Fabrics tn taa Annex Store, for they are tba erlterlon of teats and Judgment ta the aelecttns of senteel and atyilah eoatumlne. Bvary popular fabric aad fasti k sable weava le here, maklnc aa Indeed varlad display, attractively low priced. For Friday selU ins, to numerous apaelal valuee to which your attootlon la celled by apa elal aale ticks ta. wa add tbe followinr-a quartet of worthy barsmlna: -INCH BLACK PBAU DB 8OIB, resular value, oxtra heavy and Man ly finished, aU pure ailk and feat dye aultabla for eoata, aktrta, suits, etc. nothlns better made for hard eervlcs: apaelal for Friday, yd. S1.8T taINCH ALL PTJRB BILK BLACK TAFFETA, the beat and purest taffeta ah own. our resular ll.ftft quality; apaelal foe Friday enly, yard. .. .91.SI HEW COSTUMB VELVETS, la metallic dote and flsurea, aplendld w carina , aad feat colors, pood for eulta aad waists, resular lie aad H-0t ejuallty; : special for Friday oaly, yard de - COLORED DRBSe OOODS. IfANKISH TWEBDS, SIBBLINBS AND HEATHER StTITINOS, rasuiar Ste ' . valuea, what aome atorea call "ftfte valuee our resular ftte srade all atraet eeloro la taa eeeortment; apeeiai for Friday only, yard Sfe Open Season fof Men Bargain Hunters ; The Best Oeme I-reserwes Our Man's Shop ' 1r1re aTTwkv ' Hew. SoaTt mtaanderataad eav ladlea, aad overrun mis popular praaarva toaaorrow. What wa waatsd to aay was, weva a aumkee at? the beat barsaiaa FOR men that man or wecaaa aver aaw but aat any IN man, The 00 men ef oars era rera barsalna, bat we don't want ta saB 'em at amy price. Wa wtak yea really would drop 'rowed, aowwver. aad have look eft tfceea apecleie they're woadera boo sat I . . MEN'S tl.M AND SI ISOOLF SHIRTS FOR STw A eoed Une of Men'o - Oolf Shirts, la Oaford Chtvt v eta, all thta aaaeon'a sooda and the V beet wa oaa find to as II at ll.ll . b aad ll.M; apodal for the rest af the week at, each ...........STe) : ' BTBN'S lie CABrTMBBB SOX FOR IB4V Men'a Seamleee Caahmara ' 1 Hosa, la black, natural and Oxford, extra pood vale at Me; apaelal all the week aft. pelt 10e 494 FOB MEN'S tfNDBBWBAB WORTH tto A Mae of Maa'O Ferm.Ft. tins Derby-Ribbed Underwear, wttk eovered asama, French fieok. In blue and wnita at rips, a aplandld 7 la aarnaaafti special for all tha week at. ' each MEN'S tee LINEN HANDKBRCHIBFS AT FOB S6 Men's Pure 1 Handkerohlefa, with Ultlaia, sold i-asularly at ftOe each; aperil f week at , - " SPECIAL FRIDAY r "v. Men's TBc Fkmnelette TJ,- A Una of Maa's Flannelette Nieht F , and flnenea. aateea-faoed a. t nay Beonomy Bala only at, uh a .t fc