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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
THE1 O' SOON' DAILT JOURNAL, PORTLAND 3D f i DID THE ITS WORTH a. sutter 4JW ftfl fawsel t Fr tba KtUrteat wart ef aarr IfS 1 fo BM I" lfat anew 5""' rk Awta lirM( mi tk. wt brMM MDbM af k hi uit lirfMI HnnMI C fw tat aarna Ml largest eaauMM at - -. vtoa Ma ef eerty Iff" 0 wwtmi ot is. mJ3 toft" mW eppemat af Tea BUaaay '" T-,i,..T' an rate w w anioe "i"" . f . 1 . -: aaawar. ret (m m' oeaiPW Oct 27. f, thf cwnxm Only, T the WOOOUBBUO BDITOBi V y . .-; THB StrHDAY JOUKNAU POBTLAfT OBBOOIf. ' , Th mm to th qwwtKM uM f th Wrgfibug la Um liag ftne RMtiW of the faner f BUNDAT, OCTOBER M Is , w-.v . . - - - : at(4a,iau. " .... ' ; ," .,..- '-V . . . NIM... v .....,..........,.................. BtFMt and MUbmt.... ........ Tow or Cltr,........M...44.b.Va ; ; RULXS OF THE CONTEST :- rm at tjw alwn mini, alM tk ka ttflr ai Tha Imaal atfl tatwomr. Ortobar ta. Thto aim aa arM ea caa a aaawar tka fMth vatck aaMra ta Tht aaute JaaruT' af Ottabav aL Ba aT a fnak aatta la BkiL Tka aaavar w hi wrtttra M tba aaapoa artaaii oa nal faf and om aacfe af tha all v-k an fMlowlac. b(k bmA ttagina m aaetoat.' UTI TH1 COTTONS ul H Ut Amj af tar awatl aaa ti a THI WCK'OLB Bl a SPITOPL VTm ioanaL PortUB. 0. Oafar ap-S IM THI OFHCI OT THIWl'l. JlL BT U 1 N. Of THI XB1BB VAl OV VOTKMBIB wUl aa a aat ai Baidac Cm awaroa af Ortvbar pnaaa. If tv at awt aiaaaa aaatf vat mlrlwat aajajbar af aafiaat aaavaaa taa art artaa m ka alrUM aaaac tWaa. , I ataWlar aaaaa Oka ataar artaa aria aa aUdWlr Taa naaaaa far Oeaaaar an Maaarattralr MBkaH aa4 ararl aa alacai la aaa la aannVal arar. MO TWO THM UM KUHBBt. U aa am aUpHf af TO Jnanul ya avaat aartaai Ma ai t Moniin aari am mn aama nrfwat aaawvr tor wnf iaf. OOBJUDCT ANSWHU WIV, jftaavlaT at CBa Pi anal, m VII IECCE FATE Cf SAIGEOXES At fcrna tk fw arsyajmt oa th awnunw to u eompMint Ul IM Bok rdinaiMa aaB tw ratraj Um dty ntkortUM froai foretrar taw aatfooM autel rartawaatB t tafef mat tkir prjvmtt huh aw viiib ml Aitar ovinj; poat ponaal for Mmrlr two waafca through tba rfortB mt tb attornarB for Ua ajAinurra it win eoaa ap on Moadaj. ' Ta Brat avtt acatiatt tba city was Had ay Harry BaadrB f Rath Sandra. raatauraart aaaa, and IS ataera oa Bp- tavnbar IB. A tempo tarr raat rain ina ardar waa iaaoad and 19 dajra war gxrtm Bha dafandaau ta appear md sfcow oaoaa why tba ardar should aot ka aaada fwrmananc Haanwbua Olt AttornaV lleWarr ta- tarpaaed a damnrtar atatlnaj that tha oo in plaint aid aot eontaia fact auf fldDt to 'eoaatltaita a antaa af u aaalnat tba elty, Attornar HcNary waa anxiona tnac tna oaanirrar ba anpaad at anea, aa tha our aathortUaa daalr to aava tha asattar aattlad. Attornar Loaaa, for taa ptalrAlffa, tatafl that aa waa aot pi aim ad to arena th awttar aad ask ad that tha ar-uaMt Ba poatponad, aa ba aaatrad to look up amaa data. Mia piar for tlma baa workad admirably and tt ana aot aatU ywatarday that City Attoroar McNary aaeoaadad la ffattlnaT Attoraar Losaa to Bcraa to toka ap tha eaae ant Hoadap. . It la amid that oa tba craatlna; or ovar rnllnc of tha daararrar rcata tba aaetaloa f tha whola aaa. If tha damarrar la Bnataioad tha boxa will bar to go. On tha ather band, If tha dramrrrr la avarrulad. tha oMlrauioa wlU ba found by tha oenrt to ba uaalaaa and aalooa awa and raataurajtt kaaaara asap aoa tlnaa buataaaa aa of pora, . PORTLAND JAPS ARE ; ; READY FOR SERVICE arartad hy thUr natlv poTaraaient for aiUltary aarrlca. will lav Portland oa h boat boat for Toaio, tbora to doa tha an I forma af (ha aoldlary af tha riowary Klnadoas, Thara ara waltara, oooka aad ehambar maa la tha lot, arwl Bit ar aaevr to belp th aturdy lltU aaUoa oat of Hi difficulty, although at laaat thra wha received notlrra from th boma irOTrnment hara refuaad to CO, a fact which ban tham foraver from Japanaa aolL Tha ordar oommudlnir thlr return to apaa doa not aoarlly tnaan aarv o -at tba front Tha Japanoaa are Btaralr rderad to hold tharoaelvaa tn raadlnaea at any one of the principal aaaporta of Japan and If, after thra Bftoatha, thay ara not calld ur-on to an sae la the war, thay ara privileged to )av tha country aa thay plaaee. adou( aa japaaaaa oava eaan 4 rafted Sft L oeuaj ran v . TrWOOerwak), Btaasedy Co., Cklaaga er M T. aaa 112,711 LOXI ISSI - arTOUUrjninr G1VK VaaVal SUFOMOi- . an t , . , f -iitipaHo. in tha SMMfTtiASJI WOGGLE - BUG SAY? $50 TO KN'OW salt iT tal m ,IMM It aarrB. . . ' fa MT W VWITVl SHWvn, ....... .. - , Wt IMWtn. ll.BS ..... JO t fl.OO ea. 10.00 c umn. lot essh.. ........ B.BB rr earreft No. 27 COUPONS IV AN IN TBI) n MCST BBAB toapoaa 4altr fraai am than aaa aaa far tha BMrta fa a aaaafata araioaa. r a aca saapnn. n Si Bat BHatKMBU. THB LAB nVMMl ft b iniilajil sc:2T cdakce r:en FLEECE raCHANIS Ucatatnc bana artlata, known polio aarlanea aa "fvah-aot am" worktaaj Portlaad. yiv lara bav baa vleUaitaad. Jatetlv Walaar has bean aaetmd to the aaaaa. Thus far ba has beaa aaabl to atTaot a -tar. Ha sUs awraraA artaa Inaia ara la tba Baac and that thay are npratlnp ta aniaoa. Tha followM at a Hat ee atoaaa Tto af. Btchal, dry eods. t'l. .'' Swatland Candy company, ff. Andrew Oordoa Coatfaotlaaary pmny. 16. D. G. Baras Oroeery awmamay. tl. Tha auocaa of th man oporatlnv tba swindle depends upon their ability to keep eaol and to work rapidly. Thay aula a email purohaa. hand th alrk a Its or 1B sold piece or bill and when tha ehanc cornea book make a aolok frlak of tbalr pooketa and find th ax- act ehang aaedad to pay for th sooda. They then explain that too much allvar is a harden, offer to walk beak to tha eaablar and pay tha amount of th aar ahaee, bandlnc book th sllrer aad r oairlaAT la ratara void or billa. Before ta eaablar dlacovera the ewtndle, the naraoa baa left tha a tore aad eaoaped. Tba aTm is an old one, accord I na to th pollc. but Is alwaya aaally worked by a elrr appeaiinc poraon and on who eaa taut allbly. Detective Welaar bell are that other anna bare ada vtatuaa, but have failed ta resort the BOY BANDIT WALTON I. GUILTY AS CHARGED Charles W. Walton has beaa found guilty of the charge af robbing Conductor Kmanuat Johnson, while armed with a levotvar. The Jury heertng the vldeaoe against him returned a verdict of guilty at 4 o'clock last night after being out almost aa hoar. It wee ooeompaoiedi by a recommendation for maray of the eoBjrt. wing to the prisoner's age. - Bandit Babe" remained ta the eowrt mi hi ehaxse of Undersherlff Hordea while th Jury was at. Hla attorney, Henry fit. Rayner, eat by his aide and engaaed him hi oonveraatloa during this period. Tba lawyer had become imbued with hope Just beTore the jury came In that there would be a dlaaa-reatnent. Tha prisoner received the verdict In si lence, with no manifestation of emo tion, but hbj attitude aa be was taken back to th oeuoty JaU waa vary do. pressed. The asaslmsm penalty for the offenaa la SB years and for aasanlttng a persoa with a deadly weapon with Intent to commit murder 10 year. It ts the com mon opinion that the bny will rwoelve from IB to M years hnprleoament for the two erlmea. . Until th atatutory tun of notifying the court whether a motloa for a aew trial will be made and argued, which la ftva days, has tie sail erntence will not be pronounaed. bp Cir cuit Judge CUland. PRODUCES 10,000,000 ' BUSHELS OF WHEAT fSpaetal Msparak b Taa SeanwL) Cotfaav Waah., Oat. 17-Of the 10. MO.eot baahala ef wheat predaoed to Whitman eounty this season. Colfax and nalgh bating stations alone vaoalvad 1,STI,MB bushels, erentyflve eenta b) the price tor which meat of the wheat waa BOM. wmm-m .... v SIOBOB fVAaTa? aWlaTaTT mm TOUfa , fee-Hal Pweata. to Tee fearaM.I axeou'rer. B, O, Oct. ITA Chtaaaa fin aged years, waa rsa ever by a siret car yesterday aternoo. Tbear . eTad and th4 child ran la frnnt of It and was blocked down amr tba body Bungled, TT " i ' & -fa-" aid is sc:::i m era river NT WOMK OBT CHMtTnt. 0 taSW XMnwrAmvm o mo laoa th work af deoenlna? th month of the Columbia river la of interaat to th state of Waahlnatoa. now that the open river la aa aaaured faot, th ooa Braaaloaal deleaauon from that atate baa been Baked to Jota with tha Oroa aaiegsuos la aeourinc an early asoro- pnauoa xroia oareas for oarryto aa ww wora. . - Senator Ankany. whoa tatarasu ara primarily In aaura Waanlnston, the section to b areatly benefited by the oaea rtvec, has tacitly aaaured the aav iaratlan committee of th chamber of oomateroa of fa la support la this mat ter. Th aMmbers of the. Idaho delea Uoa hav aiao been aakaa! to aselat and there la no doubt that they will lend their united aupport, althouarh no word haa yet been received from them. Idaho wlU ba beneatod by the opea mar almost aa muoa as Waahtnstoa. After aa laveatlsatlon th amvu- tioa aammltta of the ohambar of eom- Braroa foun that to tnaura early and oontinuoua work on Ui. Jetty bar at th mouth of th Columbia livar aa early appropriation would, be absolutely no eaaary. Then Is barely eaouak Baoaey oa hand aow to oaUnue this work oa- tU th nest approprlaUoa Is suppoaed to ba mad. Th OraaToa delaiaHoa has beea o- tlfiad af tha MlatlaaT eondltlona and aakad to act ulckiy. aaatot MitehaU. who leavea for WaahtnBtoa wlthla a week or so, said this nomine that th matter should ba srvea) 1m mediate at- BRIDGE BUILDING PREVENTS TRAFFIC People raeridlns oa Wniametta Hehrhta are maeh exarciaed ever the t carina up of the Thurman street brlda vr Bale era ah. for the purpose of ooa- etniotlna; a new atructur. As this Is tha only thorougbfare for traffw they will be practically cut off from tha dty whn th new brlda Is ander ooaetrvo Uon. which will be at least days. Work has already beea ooanmenoad on the brlda and tomorrow all atreetoar and paaaarmer travel win stop. . The only way for th reel dents- of Wil lamette Heights to reach th erty wlU be a round -a bout one. Their areataat obactloa Is . that theer ntiMrtiaa; wlU be kept from schooL la order that hla objeoMoa may be overoom the city engineer baa been pa. ttuoned Co aak tn engineer m oharg to keep a roadway .open ever the bridge a ' that toot paaaawgera may oroaa. They thought thla might be poa albla beoaus the ok) woodwork will be used aa Calsa atrootur fat th aaa brlOs. Engineer Knott atatoi thla hi fmaoa- altole. Ha la planning, however, to put a loot snag serosa tn creea to eon- aeot with tralla on either aide ao that foot paaeaoaara will have bat Httle fur ther ta walk to roes the anleh. Th footpath toads to a point about lat tact below the bridge and winds arouad so aa to oome cut anon Tharmaa street FIRST CARLOAD r OP MEAT PLOCKS Adolpa A. Dekam. lll-ltl First street. wholeaale dealer In butchers' and nack- era' auppllea, has received from the manufacturers one fall carload of meat blocks, th largest ahipment of this commodity sver made to Portland. The blocks are mad of rock maple, bolted together, handsomely polished and are ornamental. Indeed, la a p pea ran o. While Mr. Dekam oarrlea a fine line ef hardware, one of his apodal tlee la bOtchars suppliesblocks, hand aad power choppers, butchers' knives and aawa, lard coolers, lard presses, sausage stuffera, meat mixers, aonaervera, chill ing; powder, attaage seasoning, fillerlne, Icefne, preservative, pnnaltoae, traya. baabeta, aealee, beama, etc. AU things aeceaaary for the complete equipment of flab markets and butchers' shops may be had at thla store Some of the smaller alaes ef the blocks lust received ara especially adapted . for the use of restaurante and boardlng-Boeaa. , ,. DIAMOND FLEUR DE ' v.. LIS LOST IN HOTEl Mr. H. P. Oreen. whtf Itvea at the Portland hotel, reported to the police thla morning th lose of a flour d U cluster of diamonds, Th gams war valued at several hundred dollars, fin declared that ah had misplaced the Jowele and that a robbery had act been committed. She desired th assistance of the polio ta tocaalng them la they were found. "With th Udle. rm wrlntiep all ri&t," mmid Qod OaU. "ThU Udy told m I waa tha ftnaat coffea aha ha4 avar taatad! .. . - ; eebtog e wat OOUfiBfl OAT1 CorrBfi hart saetafaoUeei. H S and B lb. aeoma-tldht Una. , . , .111, , ' Adohyh A. BehaaB Bias Biaaliifi XeunjeeB Bhtpmant off Thla Oea aaodity Bess lead to Partlsnd, . a v auai i r - J. A rolger tn Cr, yLa.aUalfct laaahf Si lmemsv am roitwa. ;- ECS IBIERfE) . y SUB lIALOi! MOOwliW nt MAIB OOatTaTTfTZO V taAVa . ptTTIPWXw aTT fXAaTV ' A1 WAM Pog latarfered this mornlag; ha th military works above th City Park, Whan The Jeumal'e apodal war eoan mUe loner left the leld a heavy aase hung ever the seen. While operation ooatlauad, th anaatl materially inter fered with the marksmaav All af the guard aompetltors In the anauai sbeot had aot flalahed tha Bloa firing part of tha contact at 1 p. .ax. but Hal . a Baker stated that be believed the oom pany con teat would be flalabad by ava There ara three range for the alow aad- two for the rapid nrlng. it la th purpoae to oh lab both this afternooa. It poeslhle. although the light will- ba woxaa from noonday oa, as th taraata act fairly toward tba wast from Um shooting booths. t The scores are not aa good as vx peoted. Mam who were practicing aa th rang yesterday ware aola ta do a uttle better than today. Thla Is aeeounted for by the base thaf aim oat ohacured th 0d and to targe ta la tba early morning, and rendered snooting dlffloult all day. The beautiful Old fold and orange oolera of th foliage oa the hill around th targets also bland with such harmony that th buUseyea ara aaed or Indistinct, A list of th teSBB that had flnlehed on the alow rang aa till !: Is given herewith, la which tt la aeon that Ira Cola, Company D, Koeeburg. with a soore f SB at 100, stands first la that as. At bob yarda, A. J. Boris and k. a Soott both of Compaay Bw Port land, lead with score of tt each. Oa the tat rang, Harold Thomas of Com pany B, Ashland, and O. K. BartaU Of Company D, at The Dalle, are orat, with score of IS each. There la a po elble IS, eaoh man hasrnif asvaa shots. rated at five polnta each. la th following tables the aeoroa are for 100, CM and tt yarda, respectively: Caamamp 9, wis) Bailea. - Q. H. BartaU U IB M Qeorge Robinson ...... 17 v SO 4 W. X Moor II IT SI Prank Tyler J ' St 14 Total . . ST Ji 1 Private Dloaal II Jj 'f ! !ejch""";i;! II tl ' Ll ROT uer O. Cramer Prtvat Oeenh Total . ...... S4 II 1 t,W4 Boy Kaiser ........... M L. ,T -? Orover Todd IS : If IT B. Walker It -l If a B. Bonney ......... u s i Total . . ............ SB , 41 41 &.VBK! ::::::::::: H ; : tc i: SwuU':::::::: ii 51 If Total , . ............ M. 1U At It BThelton It r If ; IT r. u White ..k. ...... si ii , ii & Bailer U . SO . 14 sTruU .. so t si v - ss Total . a........ .lio MB ' $$ A. fi. Shelley 17 Arrf.::::::::.!. Harold Thomas ;,. It 0 . ST - Total . .......Ul M 1ST H. H. Hunter .t SI W. A. Gilbert SS Thomas McCoimaok . If Malvln Lamb ....,,.. It 11 Total . i ,.y... M SS SS SI II Oaaapamy B. W. W. Wilson IS SI JISW?.::::- i ; ?? P. Etonian ............. 11 S4 Total SB- SS 14 - A number ef officer aot participating la the oonteet er la attendance. Aaalet- tng Major Baker Is Cant, I W. Knapp and Lieut. Brace Kalta, with a eerpe of I WORKMEN CELEBRATE LODGE ANNIVERSARY Today h) tha thirty -eevauth annrrer- aary of the founding of the Andent Or der of United Workmen. Th different lodge of this stty have beea holding special events in honor er thla oecaskm for the past week. Last night the Port Innes lodge of the Degree of Honor bold an onen-door eeesrion aad many friends enjoyed the excellent program rendered. After the program there was a whist tournament, followed by imreehmenta. Tonight Fidelity ledge. Decree af Honor ef the A. O. U. W., will ceiaBrate the anaiveraary by holding an opea meeting - In their ban on th east aid. Th nwatlns win be aa oaea en aad elaborate enUrtamanant has beea are- pared. The A. O. XJ. w. waa organised at MeadvUla. Pa., October ST, lsts. by John J. Upohuroh. For a few years the new order bad a hard struggle but finally it became firmly established and spread ivery rapidly throughout the whole country. It has grand lodge or ganisations In every state ef th union and la oorMndered one of the strongest fraternal societies hi th country. At th present time ther are SM.fr00 mam- v Doit Fall tt Tblit Beraus yea hav already' sent la aa eat i mate ea the popular vote for presi dent that yoa need not sand hi another. Tb more gxmaaa yoa sand the better your chance. Five thousand handsome prtaes valued at 140,000. Th eon teat positively eloeee o November s. Aot at a One guess ,1s allowed for every II cents remitted for rabcarlptlona at regullar rate to Th Journal. ; vo OMAjmn rftBAavB, ffi Sal fhspatck to Ta JoereaM . ' fjsnAnn . fie.. flat- IT. PreMtlASJI vm-v tmiilBMi wen le the nil v has signed a oall for a roaetlns to be held In th oourt house this evening, tha purpoae being th organisation of a Bvelopment league. The organisation il .siiiM with the ftreeme TOevelon- ment league, reoaaUy argaplaad at Port- Doi't Forget tt Goes. The presidential rosaslng' contest ofeees on November I. Forty thousand do! Vera worth of handsome and valuable arjaee to be distributed. Bvery on has an equal chance.' Put an your thinking cap and send In your estimate today. On gurae M) allowed for every cents re mitted for mibecrlpttons at regular rates t Taa Journal. . TNO, PC Jys READ There's a Hshiiczij rriia FREE fcr Yon It's :v CttREAD ';, THE mZZS GIVE On ytart tbficription to Youth's Compajtion, vt HAndaoraaly lJrwfiw4 Blsqus Do& standing 16 lzchM high. Tslks and ofis and shuts eyea.' , r . ' Choice of any aw book of fiction. - On Lamis and Clark fiouvtmir DoTtar. . t " . Ons year subscription to Ladias' Homa Journal, Chia Spaldint; Rugby 8pcdal FootbaU. -. I. 'T una Bpaiding otncuU Laagua Baawbalk . ; v , .-, f ' Ona Spalding Baseball Gkroa or Mit. U- . r ; Ona Spalding Bausball Bat-. , . ' how to get oran I fi In arary sack of tha OLYMPIC Patent Plour and packaga of PsUBcaka Flour, Caka and Pastry Flour and Wheat Hearts wul ba found one Olympic Magic Ptetura. 8ava a full un- CaUtcalad aat pumbered from ona to nixoi these picturas and present hem to THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO at 884 Stark street, and gat your choice of tha abort prizes. . , . . . . . . ; , Ii v ; PATeCNT TiwMILY.Ftmiv, v : ; PANCAKE rLOUR r ' - CAKt AND PASTRY FLOUR 1 - r wntAi Ask Your Grocer .About It - ' THE Portland rfoiiring XvrBtanaVlTflMa Frooioles DiestiottClMfftit- ftesa and itnLUmtoiM ndumr OvatB?A(arpliM Bjoruia?xai iHOTKmRCOTIC. Aperfcd raaristay rorjComllpa non. Sour SvosrOiavitnea rVtaias jCoiTTUadOf Jrvrtsb fatae and Loas op Suof. . lteSBMaS SiMreTSOf . KIW YDRK.' jBBBMsaSslfBaWfKJBjgn- 1 ) , DCaaTTooavoy wWABWetB. I Hotel Estacada 0a the bUbJli tf the Clactwat OPOK A1X THB TBAB. - GOOD HUNTING AND FISHING KBGULJ9 MEALS ! FIFTY CENTS O. W. P. trolley oars to Its doer. por Special iAincheons or Din aera, phone Mrveaactlnea, men aser. - CUTLERY THIS! s'. ' n&AKis -. .j:,'--yT. -a. a mmmmmmmmmmmmm ' - Porlnfttntt and Children. Tha Kind Yea Ksva Bought v Sear? the Signature For Over F.W.BALTES & COMPANY PRINTERS BINDERS FIRST OAK STREETS TELEPHONE MAIN 165 Always eV-V- yrv In Thirty Years smrkafamBaaat ' . ' i - ' amammMaHmaHmmmawawaBsi v BUSINESS T . COLLEGE o mmsBSBBBBjaBBBBt SPECIAL COURSE IN r PEIIMAriSIIIP Oa Monday and Thursday evenings from 7 to t o'clock. . TUITICX 3 Kons. J 10.00 This class is tn charge of Mr. L M. Walker and Mr. H. W. Ertais. Mr. Walker was a student of tha noted penmen, Behransinier, Scho field Williams. Mr. Ennto has been card - writer at Meier e Frank's for tha past lour years. - - Tor nooi or stiubns mum Holmes Business College FIRE Through the Uadness of tha Y. M. C A, day and T . nigh school is being hold as usual at the association building, Fourth" and Yamhill streets, telephone ; Mam fit,... . . Batabthrhad ta tOBB. Opea all th pes. Private er elasa lnstrootioak Thousands) of gradnatsa la positions; epporvunltle oensteatly aeenrrlag. It paya to attasut Hill MtlltArr Aeadcmy 1 ,. rwaTUSB. paiesii - A srrrata Bearetns- aad das aaaet Jataaaal - UTrdag. aUlf- mrj n.miiii. inn pnewa ttaa. Soy ef say sf a4oltt4 at aay ttaw. PAU TBAat MOW OPSN. rirr THith aairrJ ( 1 Aad BMll Dr. , W. KttV aTfll ' BUHary Beaeetay, Perttaed, Or. ' .... aeya. wham I waat to eaad to a t ear amnary asaaaL Teaer ages ara aaaarlptj mtalasa ef yam eeaaat. 1 v .. Uaaaml Your Boy or Girt Par vaiioaai raaaona raap aot ba abl to attend publla schools. Investigate ea faoUltlea for Instructing thorn. . USWlTHiB. ltSB. CHICAGO PAINLESS . DENTISTS t .,5' .vs.. Por a row days only, ta order that ear splendid work may rea know throughout this dty ana stats, w auota thass remarkably lew prtee: , GOLD CTtOWTfS ; , '. . J. . tS.Ow poix sirr op tbbtb. . as.oe B HI DOB WORK ........... .... 1LTBR PTLLIKOa ........ .60) oold piUAKoa ' i CHICAGO i DKNTAL PAlvLORS r GEO. BLACK ' PUEUC ACCOUNTANT - 9 in vp sTWSTaa, a. a. ooav pzbbt ajtb V , V BesuaiBO tit Wan aila Saay. Pbam Wsat St. Oeaeral rvartlaa. lavaatlvattoss. asUto Wert. ' . Baedel aad Pertoaleal Aadlta. - , f I MMTVU wairttas Spray V v atJ;-4i cvOTnUna, a " for Nir fiai By ro. v e .-a- a v a Be. a a ! -' i v. s .,r'i i i 1 i ' r' ' f. .... .:. ...