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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
TF " ""IGC'f 7 JOURNAL, PORTLAND. 1 "URSDAY FVKNINO, OCTOBER t?, T V tc::.:tc:.s- tomwmrt amuiuimti. 0lubU.... sad JaHef Cordraj'a A Or aaaa a Prliw Baku Taodavlll Ular Vaudeville Ljris Vaudeville BIJo ...,,.....,..,., Vaudeville itaM VantovlU. Headquarters la ft prominent location will be Mcurd by the Mao's Methodist , Social ujiion of Portland, to bo uaod nest yoar during tho fall-. Btsbordt reception-rooms will bo furniahed and made attractive, where members of tho Motbo dlat denomination may make themselves at homo. At tho annual meeting of the union laat night steos were, taken to , oarrr out o project, a oongratwaaiory .message waa alaa aont to Dr. Rader, tho . newly eppornted odltor of tho Pacific Christian Advocate. Officers for tho sn- sulng yoar woro sleeted, as follow . President, Dr. Osmoa Royal; vloe-preai dent, J. C Roberta; secretary. Dr. Theo dora Feaaler; treasurer. J. D. Leei chair nan of ni em be renin committee. J. W ' Boll: ehalrman of entertainment oas mlttee, Samuel Coanell; chairman of ie- oepUoa committee, J. K. GUI. - A aerleo of flv entertainments slml lar to thooo of laat year will bo 'given thla aoaooa by tbo Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons In their eathedral Morrison and Lownedal streeta Cards. . and dancing will oom pose the program and there will bo no refreshments served excepting punch. Tbo oommlttee having the imtarulniiirafi la rhtrM n Jackson (chairman), W. C. Knighton. W. C. Fraacls. C. B. Ruafslla. B. B. Col wdl, F. C Wasaerman and J. B. Wer- leln, Tho probable datoa are November it and April 17. These entertainments will bo for Scottish Rlto Maaono and , their sons only. , v Simon Wolf, tho noted Jewish speaker, who waa to arrive In Portland thla morning, waa delayed one day longer In ' Ban Francisco than ho bad intended and consequently will not reach Port- Isy. however, will eauee but ft alight (Maw tt tha mwww ftia iiMimmi on Friday and Saturday will bo accord ing to program, tho only ehango being tho Thursday evening address to the members of tho Independent Ordof of Bnal Brlth, which will bo delivered on Sunday evening at Tempt Beth Israel. Thla will bo followed by tho reception U Mr. Wolf. ... - . vv ' Tho Woman's club wlft discuss the exposition at the) meeting In BeiHng- Hlrach hall tomorrow afternoon. Thla will be tho second meeting of thla i son. President H. W. Ooodo, who baa boon engaged for an sddress, will be out of town, but Bis place will bo taken by 'other prominent member of tho com mies ton. Short talks on tho exposition will be given by Mrs. M. U. Hidden. Mra Robert Lutks, Mra, S. A. Evans, Mra, B. S. Paguo, Mr. Grace Watt Roaa and Mra. by Mloa Cornelia Barker, -violinist, and Mfcaa Knun Roaonstclnjpianlst. e . r l-r-r-r, 1 ii i : aert think of a staunch, strong, fleet and comfortable steamer. Tho Oataart cer tainly la tbo personification of porfvo- tlna It. Hh. mM .nil h.i Mm A h regarded as tho "ever-reliable." Thla handsome steamer leaves Alder street wharf everv Honda r. Wodcosdar and Friday moralng at 7 o'clock for ih trip .up. th magnlflcent Columbia to Tho Dalle, and wav oolntBL H teener Bean . iator, another staunch Regulator lino boat, loaves sum wharf at same hour on alternating days. rather steamer will give you ft speedy and safe journey. Jttoo Mala fleV,- , ., -,.,..-.. t Tbo difficulty arising over th aaalgn ment of Rev. D. T. Summorvtllo to tho pastorate of Albany Methodist Episcopal cburcb nag boon eettled by his transfer to the church at Grants Pass. Rev. J w. acLounii Nciwniw puisna witn him. Albany desired a younger pastor, so Bishop Bpellmoywr consented to tho change. Itov. Mr. Bummervillo was for Is years presiding elder of O rants Pass district, and tho willlngnoss of tho church there to accept htm is oonalderad ft high compliment to him. ... Municipal Judge Hogwo thjo morning miwaTa m ih w n, www, negro, who followed Mrs. Mabel Han sell about th streets of Portland for 10 days. Tho fin was paid. Baton did not take tho witness stand In his own behalf. H Introduced no testimony. Th dty, through Deputy Prosecutor Fltsgorald. placed tho woman, her hus band and other oa the stand. They all wors Baton bad been following Mrs. Hansell from plao to place. Th negro waa finally arrested at th door of th Hans!! bosM. , ; ' Take ft steamboat rids through th mountainous region, amidst the snatch leas scenery of Oregon. View tho groat waterfalls, canyons end glens skirting ths Columbia. Th steamer Charles R. Spencer leaves foot of Washington street Monday. Wednesdays and Fri days on Its up-river run to Th lMlles and way landings, returning on alter nate days. When coming to Portland loava ths train at Th Dalle and rid down to the city on ths Speocer. . TeL Main li - - i Money w msy-lf lot alone. 'It Is ft nimble servant when you hav It In a bank. W nay 4 per Cent on time de posits and I per cent on chock accounts. Blegant savings hanks free to all. Ore gon Savings Bank, Sixth and Morrison. Telephone Main 4Mft, . s t , . -1 i . . . . Aft Information was filed In ths cir cuit court yesterday afternoon by Dls- OSTEOPATHY DRS.ADIXA NORTHRIJP BMlldhur. i B MMAMXMAVtOW ' i - - r ' -j , ' :. -, .' trlct Attorney Manning, charting John Keeas with obtainiikg by means of an order to whtnb the name of O. M. Smith had been forged goods valued at III from tho Mrter dt Frank oompany. Keeee went to Seattle and was arrested on a telefTaphle warrant sent by Chief of Polio Hunt. He was brought back to Portland by City Dotsetlvs Hsrtman, At meeting of the Central W. C. T. V. St th home of Mrs. M. J. Janney, Fifth and Clay streets. Mrs. Ablgull Scott Dun! way made ft short addreaa. Mrs. J. U Jit rode, of Oeyservllle. Cal., , lso spoke Mrs. Keller, tho evangel Istlc susorlntondent, led tho devotions. A vote of thanks wee extended th 1 Young. Women's Christian association for ths ass of th room during ths past yrr . - .r- .' gj&lj :::tK a::jTsteaii:ers WOwXJ --.OAjraTO waffDl VITXOsT. , CVTJIA ooa- If ths driontal Unmrm operating from Poetlana war fitted up for carrying pas- At ths W. C. T. U, meeting yesterday sangers. Chlness Inspector Barbour says that th Portland asisiio nieamsaip oompany would undoubtedly be la a posi tion to add to Its profits to so small de gree within the curse of ft yssr. He states that Chinamen are constantly re turning to their natlvo land, but under th present arrangement of. affairs they ere sithsr obliged to go to San Fran cisco or to ths sound to saours passage. He estimates that there are at toast four or five a week whs. lfts Portland and Oregon for China. . 1 "X receive letters from ' Chinamen nearly every day." continued the in spector, "making Inquiries shout when th next steamer sails from here. Very few of them- do not appear to understand that th steamers- operating from Port land do not oarry pasaengera, Fre- afternooa Mrs. Abigail Boott Dual way was a visitor. She announced that Jefferson Myers informed the Bquei Suffrage club that in a special building at the Lewis and Clark fair -there would be ' apao available for the uas of women's societies. A resolution of thanks was passed to the T. M. C A. for courtesy In allowing th use of their hail as a msstlnt place during- ths year. Football! Double header! Multnomah field! Sstttrday; first game, I a. m. I p. m. Portland Academy ra. Second nomsh. Multnomah vs. Utah! Adrnkudon to both. 0c ftUoand. Mult- st Linnton about th first of ths year by th Suitor Lumber oompany nas boon sold to a M. Clark A Son, a Michigan firm of lumbermen, for Th new com pen y will assume control sf th property about January 1, In th mean time th Suitor Lumber oompany will run the mill and clean on all ths togs now .on band. Ths new sawmill which was completed I quently those In th Inland towns for ward m their papers v iix up ivr um a th thov mr ha abl to return. Of course I can do nothing for them nd hav to return their paper. This method boo ease rtly causes them ft big delay, and may bo the moans of their missing connections with tho vessels selling from ether ports. Naturally the Chinese do not like ths situation at all. and they maks many oomplalnU about tt" Aa Portland haft ths largest Chines population ! tn whole country ex cepting Ban Francisco " eome of the most influential are said to have gone on record ss ststlng that they believe they are entitled to more consideration than they are shown in tuts respeot. When a Chinaman lands at Port T,owna ond. for mats nee. on his return to Port land from th flowerr kingdom ha Is given an examination up there immedi ately afterwards by the inspectors. Whan this oeremony has been completed ho Is virtually held a prisoner until bla papers are sent t Portland to how they compare with those oa local file. If the documents sre found to he ail right th celestial la released from cus tody, but frequently not until ho has been detained an unwilling guest, at the northern port almost two months. This formality has become very distasteful to them, and thay are said to be wondering how much longer it is going to continue. The steamer Northland will safl from Greenwich dock Saturday evening, Oc tober t. for Baa FrancSmo and Sasi Pedro, earrvlng- cabin and steerage pas sengers. The accommodations on this vessel srs elegant and all her fittings are of ths moat modern type. For rate and other Information apply to T. S. McRata A Co.. Ainsworth building, tele phone Mala 4U, In aomplatnt for 9t,M damages filed In the circuit court yesterday against the- City A Suburban Railway oompany, John C Allen alleges that Mat June 4 he was knocked off the front platform of a Third street ear by ths motorman suddenly turning- ths brake handle. He says he sustained a out on ths bead and numerous contusion and abrasions. i - . . William Callings. Harry Olfbsok and Charles A. Beach are held st ths city Jsll. charged -with burglarising an east sld oyster, house and stealing? several cocktails. Charles Peterson. Charles ltoggess and Willie Nelson, also arrested on the chars, were released sn their own recognisance. Th cans will be called la the municipal court later. . Double. Football! Football t Football! Saturday, Multnomah fie Id 1 header! Portland Acadseny vs. MuttajMrna sec ond team; Multnomah vsV Utah! First nam I d. m. Second Sams, B p. H.' On ston, Qc- - -i'- ; . - manmmm fab ibbbbi SI i am Srtainm Being Bxfn at ftmrcka Few steam schooner on th coast are capable f making mors than Id knots an hour, but B. B. Freeman and W. A. Mitchell of Portland are having one built at Eureka, which they are confident will be able to cover 14 knots. If their ex pectations are realised they will hav th fastest stssm schooner on th coast. When ths plans and specifications wore drawn up by- tho architect ho was given special Instructions to .give sn eve to tho spaed question, and It hi aatd that he has faithfully compiled with that program. Th veaaet will be 260 feet long, ST feet across th beam, SI feet deep and ah Wdll also b on of the largest steam schooners oa ths ooast. Ths Idea of the owners Is to place her la ths lumbar women esuss I carrying trade altogether. It is thought C C C. Tonlo I that she will be completed and ready to haunch by April 1, and by that time It Is expected that there will b a big de mand for lumber at Panama. Ths own ers stats that she msy be placed on that run. or they may decide to operate her from Seattt to Nome. In ape king of the craft Mr. Freeman said: "Thar Is ft good demand for large steam schooners oa the Pacific ooast. At p recent there are only about fonr others that will eon any where near compar ing with her la sis. The ones to which I refer ar th Nome City, now being rebuilt at Ballard, ths MelrtUs Dollar, ths Leggett and th Redondo. Then Is no necessity for craft of their descrip tion to be Idle. Oa th other hand It is a difficult matter for ths mail steam schooners to be kept In stsady commis sion. They ar necessarily Intended for short runs, and frequently there Is not Here! Herat Hsrwt Oreat Socialist Mass Meeting Saturday evening next. October ft, st Exposition building. Nine teenth sad Washington streets. Will be addressed by Bsn Han ford, vioe-presl-dentlal nominee of Socialist party. Big Urns. Everybody com. Free, .j ; . Strenuous pursuits In men and ar duous social duties la much nervous debility. m all th oorreotlv. Tor sals at JjCnigbt's 107 Washington, . ;. . ; 1 tma Souvenir cards ' of' Oregon wood. A genuine novelty. Bold by sll first class stores. Trade sudd lied by Mann A Beafih. f Second street, phone Mala 444. Social danos every Saturday svenlag. Woodward's hall, Mentavllla, Union mualo. Admission: Oents, kOci ladles free. Special car :., Wa-Rsd Tonic The great blood puri fier, nerve tonlo and liver regulator. Just what yon need these days. For sal by all druggists. ', . ,. . Be Portland. Take observation ear at Third and Morrison streets either at I a. m. or I a. a. I0e round trip, ... Chow Dett-Tal-Oum. hav pearly test lBough business to keep them moving. and prevent decay. Far sals every- whsrs. ,.-- breast down he had a sllht as of hie right hand. With this it said that hs managed to while away the long bsurs and months by writing on a typewriter. Ue kept ap a regular oorrospoadenos with a number of his local acquaint snoes almost to ths day of his death. M. Oetero. the sailor who fell Into the hold of to French ship Crilloa and broke his back ths other day, 1 said to he in a precarious oondlitou. HI frlenda entertain very little hopes for me recovery. Hs la paralysed and un oonsolott th greater part of ths Urn. :' r masoov is xAvwaxB. : Witt Bo Piaeed an Bails fttsav .;-.. Barly Beat Weak. -Having been patched up and given a thorough overhauling, the steamer Mas- was launched late yesterday After noon at ths Portland shipyards. After her engines have been lined up. th vassal will b1 placed back on the run between here and Lewis river points. Ths agent sf th line states that shs wilt probably be la spera-Uoa wlthia tho next week. As yet the ranchers a ths Lewis river have railed to dose a deal for ths steamer Leone, which they have been planning to place oa ths run In opposi tion to th Masoot. It Is understood tnar they srs still hopeful of bringing th matter to a suoosssful opneiualoa at an early date. "That Is one of the poorest routs oa the river, says Agent Harrison, whs looks after the Interests of the Mascot. "and If ths venture Is taken up It will oertainiy prove ft failure. I know it to be fact that ths sxpsnsss of operating th Mascot during the past IS year hav exoeeded the profits. Had It not been for ths numerous accidents shs has mat with, It is probable that ths vessel would hav mad a little money ror tn oompany. shs baa boon sunk four times and It has been a big ex panss keeping up th repair ABAOOBZA UA Is Ttalayed By Fog This It was I o'clock last night before the last pound of freight was stowed away In tho hold sf ths oriental liner Are goal, and consequently th vessel did not lesvs down tho river until this morning. As there was thick fog- shs was held In tbs harbor until M:U. and it Is probable that shs will not go down to tho bar in time t cross out before alghtfall. Word has been received at th local omos of th Portland dt Aslatlo Steam ship oompany that the N loomed la sailed from Yokohama for Portland oa October . With a fair passage shs should reach her a8t later than November It, All of her spss for th outward trip waa sngsged several weeks ago. It Is not known just when ths Ellerle will put tn an appearance off ths mouth of ths Columbia river, but It Is believed that shs will get her not many days behind ths N loomed la While It Is not sn absolute certainty that the Astos will return to Portland, ths statement Is mads that shs will probably bo ordered to oom bars from the orient. For Signs see W. P. Bergs V Boa, Ife-TamhUl; phone Red SMS. R. I Smith of Hood River is at tbs Perkins. Dr. Vaughn and wits of Astoria st tn the city.. George T. Prather w a guest at th Perkins from Hoed Rlvor. N. M. Latimer of tho Dexter Horton bank at Seattle hi -at th Portland to. osy. . T. B. WlnM of th Portland -Flouring Mills oompany will leave in ths morning on a vacation trip through th asst. He wilt visit Boston and New Tork and return by ths wsy of St. Louis, where he- will spend ft short Urn at th ex poeltloa. - Dan J. Mahtrkey expect ro leave next Sunday for an eastern trip that ' will occupy about ft month. Mrs. Maiarkey will aooompany him and they win visit the St, Lout fair and ft aum bar of eastern cities. - . There are also so many email oarrlsra oa 4 be coast that they have become a drag on the market Consequently ths rates hav fallen to such a low figure that ths owners realise but small re turns oa their investments. v There hi no doubt that big shipments of lumber will soon be mad to Panama, and I should Judge that th rates for trans porting cargoes of this description down there will amount to about 110 or lis per 1.C00 feet Inquiries for lumber from Panama are already being mads at Ban Franclsoo, and 1 understand that sev eral orders hav already been pleoed." Men are employed oa th ' st Tahoma replacing ths water pipes with new ones of a larger six. Th work will probably bs oom plated this after noon. ; . - Having discharged per cargo tho steamer Aurella moved over to the Oce anic dock this morning to begin loading for the outward trip. She will take out so tons of wheat in her hold and M M feet of lumber on sack. , . . Carry InsT a cargo of sM.M feet of lumber, th schooner atabel Oslo left down for the sea this morning. Her destination Is Bsa Pedro. Tho Alios McDonald will finish loading at tbs Portlaad mill tomorrow. Cspt W. P. Whltoomb has succeeded Capt Nelson Delude ss master sf ths steamer Joseph Xellogg- Local United States Inspectors ' Ed wards and Fuller spent yesterday at Arlington. Or., Inspecting ths steamer Columbia, which piles bstweea Colli and Paso. The vessel Is owned by ths Columbia Transfer oompany. TOUB O. F. Merrill, proprietor of th boat- house at th foot of Stark street, so- oompanied by his wife, returned ysetsr- day morning from sn extensive eastern touri Among other pieces they visited their old horn at Portland. Me., which thsy left to oom to Oregon mors thaa le year ago. Thsy sis mads short stops at Boston, ft Louis and a number of other oltlea. - . MANAGER CALYi.1 IS neeced n enc::; mam Btnr sexs wwrnst arxava omi atAmOtVT BB AOOOStraiBBJrB WW AJfO'TSEBSti Urn anaounoomeat having been made a to who will succeed Charles H. Mark- ham as general manager of th South ern Pacific lines In California, local railroad oirolea ar eagerly contemplat ing the action of th executives. Some there ar who bollev that B, X. "Cal vin, genera manager of ths system In Oregon, will wear Markham's mantle, while others bollev that his servtoes are Indlspenaabls to this stats at th pres ent time. Mr. Calvin, working with General Man ager W. H. Bancroft mads ths Orsgoa Short Line what It Is to Utah and Idaho and Is without question on of the t progvsatvs ouKials in tho employ of Harrtmaa and his a acacia toe. Ho would be th logical man for ths high office, but for th tact that he has started a system of Improvement la Oregon that Is believed eannot be com pleted with th same perfection should another official be placed here. This fact la received as th only on that oould possibly bar Mr. Calvla from ths well deserved promotion. ' At Bslt Lake, where Mr. . Calvin's ability hi best known, gossip considers him tbs most-likely man for ths coveted position,' but whether or not he will succeed Markham is purely oonjeotursi. The second candidates to B. A. Worth lagton. who is regarded as ths stronger possibility sf tbs two, for ths reasons stated. 4 Th selection of a manager for the PaelAo system, lies largely In th hands of Julius Kruttsehnltt, general director of th Hsxriman linos and a keen ob server of the methods of his various menagera, among whom Mr. Calvin prob ably stands first. But It to hardly like ly, ss It Is thought here, after ths bril liant record he has made tn Oregon, that Mr. Calvin will bs removed from this field at ths present time. Two young lawyers from Illinois are in eastern Oregon and will work on ranches or at anything that turns up while deciding on ft location. They are likely to succeed at something !, If not at'th mw. AW a a o st a a b w MRS. M'CREADY WILL PUILD INSIDE INN ft.. ,. .,. , , It Is definitely derided that an Tn std Inn, to b known as ths American Inn. will be erected on' ths Lewis and Clark exposition grounds by Mrs. J. T. McOrtsdy of Buffalo, backed by fecal capitalists. Work will oommeno at aa early date and th structurs will be completed by May 1. i The hotel will ooat about SUMM, It will face the upper portion of the grounds and OulM'a lake. There wilt be three stories and guests may live either American or European. Ths rates will be very moderate, the schedule oootern platlng at present providing for 10 rooms at fl per day. 1M at $tM "pet4 day, lss at SS per day and Its, with bath, at S4 per day. Th meals win be SS per Any additional to the abovs. Mrs. MoCready state that at least LS00 guests may bs accommodated In the big- dining room proposed, which ca pacity to the same as ths welds inn at St. Louis. Ths hotel will be opened an month ahsad sf time. ' Tillamook ere ar anxiously awaiting that new Portland steamer. I sgsmawsataai " A M. M. Austin of -Winchester, ' Ind.. knew what to do la the hour 'of need. Hi wife had such an unusual esse of stnmich and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and Tied Dr. King' New Life Pills and she got relief at one and was finally oared. usiy aeot BrJtm Tessst vMenee 1s not lacking that ths mem bers of ths smpowners' anion ftrs likely to manifest s disposition at an early date to eoeept lower rates for transporting cargoes from ths Pacific coast Word ebmes from ths sound that tbs British ship Engelhora has been -fixed to load lumber st on of th northern ports for Melbourne. Australia, at Sis Id. In August Meyer. Wilson A Co. offered to charter her for th earns bu sines fcat SSs d- By waiting about two months ths owners were finally forced to low Is Sd. Another Instance is cited by the ex porter to show that ths rates have s downward tendency. ' A few days ago ths British ship Claa Graham, lying st San Franclsoo, was sngsged tp proceed to Paget sound and load lumber for Port Plrie, Australia, at Sis Sd. By ths time he takes to ballast and makes th long run sp the coast It Is explained that th ret will be reduced to such ft figure that K will not bs equivalent to a SOs rat for transporting grain to Burope, . i . AFFBBjrTTCB IB BBAB. .. ; Will Srwys Falls Into BMoh and aiualBi SSs Bask KHsa wsartr www Tease. After two years sf Intense su Bering from a broken back and partial paraly sis, Will Dwysr. who was aa apprenttos on board the British ship Ardnamur chaa, passed away at his hem at Car diff. Kn gland, a fsw day ago. Word of his demies was received this morning by local friends of ths bereaved family. The accident which eaused ths young man's death occurred in Portland harbor In January, isos. While working shout the.deck hs lat his footing and plunged headlong Into sn open batch. He was taken to St Vincent's hospital and kept there nntll .bla mother arrived from England. A few days after her arrival shs started on the return voyage with her eon, end those who were apprised of th nature sf his Injuries did not be lieve that be would aurvlva th long trip. Th youth, who was S9 years of as, mads many friends while in Portland. Although almost paralysed from his abaxx as? auusa: Ones mot th ateamer Hassalo Is back oa her old run bstweea Portland ths th city by th sss. She went out laat night for ths first time sines Sep-' tembsr m, ths steamer .X. J. Potter hav ing taken her run after th seaside sea son oame to a close, la addition to be ing converted Into an oil-burner, ths Hassalo has been . given . a thorough overhauling, - CLOCKS Maks appropriate and spore-vela ted wedding presents, Ws, want to tog your- memory tell ing you that on of th most atenslvs sad beautiful line. Inthe PaelAo Northwest saa . bs found right, her at our store. It hi truly ft axagnln- ' cent . tins of clocks and eon tains all ths newestr designs, direct from th bis: manufac turers. Ws seU these docks at mighty rsasonabl prices, . ANWRIGHT 293rtORRrSON-ST . V -r. THB ECONOMICAL DRUG STORK. ' Frew Delivery to AH parts of tbs City. 1 Main Store, Third and YsmhiH . V Branch, Bearwood. 1 BASEBALL Portland ':'(- v. Los Angeles Astoria, Oct. l Setled. at I p. bu British ship Wray Oastie. for Queans town or Falmouth. Astoria. Oct. 17. Cloudy: wind, south east.. Bar sbscured. No shipping moving. j -waaBeaaaaaawania NOW COMES HALLOWEEN And w ar her to help you maks :tory. Hav you seen our many varieties of the celebration eatlafactoi FAVORS T PABTXCTOXAaXT WB BTBaTTIOa JACK OXANTERNS Just th thing , Part I for Ranowsss) from r 15c to 35c COMICAL FOLDED NAPKINS. Voided to rapmssnt birds, sni- Kile, nsh, clowns, etc Ths sport gins when, after using them. you try to refold to their original shape. A prise can be offered to the one who proves most adept. Pun for sld and young, lis per S wetland & Son ars m omars ow Tel. Taer I Bud Oas syatJaasTa. KECKEATtON PABK, October 289 29, 30 sssdftaa says, Tassdss and THist Games sailed I; stands. !; a. Admission, Seoi ohlldrsn, lac. SHOULD BE COMPOUNDED y? " ; JUST AS r;V'70L- Compound thm, using only fresh, new, btat quality mata riab) doing accurata work and following evary inatrtiction of ths physician, va bara mads a reputation for our prescrip tion work, bacauaa we do ths work axactly aa It should bs dona - . . -V , . - -' a ' f f" PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. Buy your Toilet Artie lea from us and Ssts Money, This Is Our Special " .mmr' Q '' ar' Vsay ggmssmT esaBsssW sgyae Sale for Friday and Saturday Pears Soap, forj...,.25 Lyon's Powder, I for..25 Mennen's Powder, 1 for 25t 4711 Soap, S for......;.25TV Camelline, 50c size. ...25a: 4 Roils XrRay Toilet , Tissue .......25 8 Rolls YsmhUl Tissue 25 8 Owl or Export Cigars 25 A bottle of Tooth Wash of ' Powder and a 95c Tooth y Brush all for.. ..;.. .25 Almond (ream. Kgular 4 80c .?....25a1 . 8 Packages Becrnan't , Gum ..........25 Verne'i Violet Water, 50c dire. v.. ...... ..25 Double strength Violet .. Perfume, ox.,,.'.,...25dT "Crabapple Perfume, os.25a White Rose Perfume, ox. .25e Hort Cologne, 85c size. 8 for ..........25 . Haadquartera foe . Hot Water Bags and Chest Protectors To Cure Your Cold Quickly -h;v ... Take v v -r CARVER'S ' ONE DAY ; COLD CURE PRICE, 28 CENTS J f- COLUMBU THEATRE Mttt sad Wamiagtss. Tbs btsmoiisc asd swat sssshw ilsrssms n nte wesi. - oiclt rotm mors PBRpntiuRrmt Vosigkt, mdar Blfct, salnrdar snuaes sad nlsht, but performances ef tbs Oolambta Tbaetre Stock OMssssy la t grasd vevlral ef sssaswiars's tragear. " Romeo .and Juliet 99 SBO. L. BAKSB MlMfW. easts ma s sesmdi las. is, me. me. smi aaiierr. is. MaUBeioe. ue ana me; timr, ise. All Sar eowatowa Ticket efflet eess st Bow a Martla's srofatore, Blttk asd Waas lagtaa, rresi is a. St. te Tin. Bala 110. at- at tb taeatn sad Waskhwtes, T t W y. am. Phew til. Meunjuom Grand Theatre w a!, PboM Mats ass. Twe Perforata ncea Onlr 9m. IMsay Slaht and BmtnHaj Matinee, Oti. SB. S. a XaABOBB ausx Is Is sparktlni mBidT sitb mualel BMelaa PrWs Lowr -floor. II R0. sit eal- snnj, 1, T8, BOe; falUrr, BOe. Mattse rrlces Lewer flnor. 1. Tic; balceey. 7&-. KM) gal My, ast, 15c seats are sew selling. TBS aBTAJICB aALB OT SSATS poa ad , ta tbe BiDtlra comodr, , "TM OTTIOB BOT- At fs HarqiiaBi Oraad Tbestre, Measar Tnesdar elabtt. Oct tl and Her. 1. will taatorrew (Tridaj) swralps, at 10 e'ehx-k. rtcasBnur ktwer Smt. II eft. Balenav. rat rewa, tl; Srat 1 ef laat lews. TSc: laat t sews fa halconr, Wa. Satire Battery, SO. Sore sad wees. 10. CcraVt Theatre Pertteae Meet rssslsr rnaraeaae.- rvsuad saeaea IMlaateS aedteeces. t asd rr algat thai week, wits sd cell arte ' Mtine mreraay( mat season i sestet sa, wAn Orphan's Prayer" Stafttsg seat Sasday Sara neir, Sanaa SMHeea. rear . Mondar. Teaeda aad Weteestar. 0t SO, tl, se. 1 aad ANontaa aio ssnsation. Staetgbt snsi ts aaart Xew Xerk's Mg aM. "The Fatal Wedding" rVtiras, Mte. tOe, v. atwrstl rar--d mat. Me. Matinee, 1 tsr tart et is Miaj sailarea (sseeUl aeetsj, Me. WM1SC1EV X $3.00 PER GALLON DELIVERED FREE Thla is a But Years Old Moricgahela Whiskey, which wa bought in bond at a bargain. It fa thoroughly . matured, rich, mellow and abaohitely pars. This price inducement is our way of msking ciiatornera. .Order a gallon or half . gallon today. You will enjoy ic . - FUlX MEASURE V-!V KLINE BROS. -; Family Liquor Store .Thud and Taylor Streeta. :' " Phona Black $3L AMummMMmn. Benefit Ball stem by , .v farass 0bbu Be. ,, V. W. ef a. . nATtraixAT roit. ooioaaa m, . Saeest far Nelskker a O. OSerg. ateases Batt, em. wlka a, asd Ivy t, , - - Alklaa. v i , ASMianoM m aars. BAKER THEATRE TkM esd TasaUa sw. Kesnag a !. I sliest TasSeruM oaess tm Ska lul Bal aeelsasi Tea aaieeUi, TM slackest B Seeks. aWakef a. S. Aesnaslea. 1. - - a IWJUe. J, A. laBeree. . . Tb aWesraae, lttffcNrBBaB? S'waX T-H 9w0 journal; coupon No- 19-COUPON No. 19 8TAR THBATRB This coupon sod ft entitles bolder to one admisuoa waesi pre mew aw sw ot tlnjps. The Arcade Theatre... , el ream By Teeaeetne Bsssai . m DaBOKsTO a-ns, BBATsUCB liOB.. t. , Tairr aitb wtb aiLLiv amd e -i-a a. . a ATI prr x. . . , - tnta uoaoova. s-an a-aa t T Sa aa taisa taaBsse. IS. Ssj Sit Bijou Theatre a a a i 10 eenta: ! iMi trials Wesk i a s ox t r Btxtk St., Oh sf Oet St. ALL PIANOS W aarry ar thiwaghly good ssuwsi tberwugnly good atssng ss t lb ss urisr A , ,f.rVr the Vital Part of the Piano Vrsry ataao ess la oar stsr fa well constructed from eboioe seleottou ss? beautiful woods but esryou can Judg of fa sntsld for hlBself. It Is th lasMs, nn baslnsss part," that should be looked after ssrsfullr. Oar Pianos will stand tbs most critical in spection ere all eld reliable stakes that bar worked their way rato subtle favor ea their merits slow. Ws da as ear ry the -Just as good" ssaaoa that a oas knows aaythlas; sc. Scsa2 Drcs Co wt as THE LYRIC TLXm IT - W-Sj.