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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
THE C" 2QON E-'ILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, T: ""SPAY EVENING, OCTOBER VI, V' GRAND JURY FOR "m GAMBLING GASES District Attorney John hfaaoln wilf ; aeh PreeMUw Judae Ocorae of the eir aft court -to onll a rend Jury for tha November tons of oourt Hie announce ment that he Intends to take this notion m maae this nmlni. .. WhUo Mr. Mannin will Dot admit that any special elfniflonnoa attaches to hie pmpactlv action. H la Mlmd that awtun nkUv to the gamblm Situation will bo tfao loading foaturo before tbo Inquisitorial body. Thla la ' evidenced by the act km of tbo district attorney alon other Una. Informations will bo ffled by , Mannlnc this afternoon acalnet tbo 14 : men imiN by ftherift Word nnd , deputies at Krtcluon'o and nine arraotod at tho Mas cafe, conducted by Shapiro Lake, a ftw alehts a-o. abcrlff Word appeared before Mr. Manning, aittlnn; aa - a grand inrr, tblo afternoon, and vro- aented tho evidence which bo aoeurod when tho rooorta were raided. Mo stated Immediately after tha oonolualoa of tho conference that information would bo TUed and warranto issued. Sheriff Ward and Mr. M ana tag bold a ooaferenee lectin 44 minutes rolaUro to tbo poolroom .situation. Tha aherltf aid ho bad consulted a Dumber of law- and boHovod that tbo Warwick Commission company la oonduetltta a poolroom In vtatettaa of tbo state law. notwltbstaadlnc tho fact that tbo otty eounoll by ordinance baa Uoanood thorn. "1 am looking- up tho law on tbo sub ject of poolrooau now, oaJd Mr, nlna- "X do not oaro to ospn opinion until I have --mad a careful study of tbo arapooltloa." Sheriff Word aaya that ho desires tbo oovopcrauoa of the district attorney, but that bo b) aa firmly convinced pool rooau are ta violation of otato law and ao repugnant to a Large majority of tbo residents of tbo. otty that ho will atop them from operatlrur and make arroata without warraata If ttooeeaary. It be lieved Mr. Manama; will dooldo -thai poolroom are covered by tbo otato taw. o aooount, of certain coauaeata which bo has made. "Thero Is no special stalfleaaoa In ealllns; a fraud Jury." aald tho district attorney. "AeooralnaT to law and proooooM or sooum do oauea at, this Ume." Judfe Ooorn Teoeotly conferred with other members of the circuit oourt rel- atlve to a grand Jury, and win doubtless order seven men selected from. tho rea ular panel for November to act aa such a body, on advice of Mr. scanning. DIAMONDS STOLEN BY SNEAK THEF 9- 1 i While satin dinner at tha Norton ' vamm last evening a wealthy couple named rordyoe. who roeonUy arrived hero from- Salt Lako. wero robbed of Jewelry and toUot artlelea worth sev orai hundred dollars, a young fallow bamed Marob waa arreoted tbta vonv . Ins; by Deteetlvea Day and Werner and charged with tbo larceny. When eearcb d at tho cty priaon a number of tho stolen articles were found in bla pockets. '- Tho burglary was of tho boldest do : nerlptton. Tho sport won ta of tho Tie ,. tlma are located on tho lows? floor of tho Norton house, neartfce antra nee. Tbo thief probably ontorod their rooms through a window. Ho was neon leaving ' tho front entrance by aa employe of tbo place, who noted big appearance, though at that time It waa not known tho rob bery had occurred. Among tho stolen article waa egoJd watch, diamond studded, valued at 4144. A costly gold chain and charm, a num ber of rings and several toilet artloloa of solid stiver, in addition to brushes and combs with silver backs, warn aioo Obtained by tbo thief. - - -r Tho grold watch and ehala and other mail artloloa of value wera.oa tho man arrested. It tg believed that bo gave a fictitious namo. Ho la about It years of ago and says ha haa boon la tbo city only sis works. Ho la a nam own to any member of tho polios force, which loads totho belief that bo la telling the truth about aomlng bora reoonUy. OlD MAK SIM . AWFliL JERSEY - With Wa" right leg broken la two jlaeea, bla bh fractured and bla cheat crushed ao that he ooold hardly broatho. A. A. Arnold, aged years, a da. bull dor, waa hauled In a aragon for 4 miles over tho roughest timber' and mountain road of Cowl its county. Wash., to Wobdlawn. where bo waa transferred ta a boat and brought down the river to Portland. bera medical relief oould bo aiveu him. - . - . , ' it wmo owe' of the hardest trips over undertaken considering tbo noxiousness of tho injuries and tho ago of tho vic- - tlm, but Mr. Arnold made the Journey " without uttering a single groan and re- minea ooneaiouaneas umu no waa amis .On a oot la tho North Paoiao sanitarium 'at 11 e'ilnrk thU Mornln . , Mr. Arnold la. ne of tho beat known dam-builders of tho lumber 'Oountry and 'waa engaged In oonstrvettng a dam en tho Cow I Its river for tho Weston Tim ber company. He waa working on the ton of the structure when hla foot 'lipped and ho fell to the foundation, SO foot below, striking on ,a nils of Um bers crushing hla leg. The lumber camp waa tt miles from 'the nearest river station and Portland -was tho nearest point to whiob bo could 'be brought for medical aaawtanoa, Tho 'accident happen Ad at ! o'clock yester day morning. -The drive to Woodlawn H commenced Immediately, but the rtvsr waa not reached unwl I o'olook thle morntng, the id hour be tag consumed In making tbo 4-muo drtve. " RATHCR THAN FACE t COURT, KILLS HIMSELF -r .? '(Jraraal tpeelal bsrHes.) " " Son Francisco, Oct. ST. Bather than anoear m oourt and faoe a charan of mtemptod murder. W. W. Caateol, a so lictor , laloldod thla sBornlng by taking '.par boria add. The tragedy ooourred an hour before tho case waa -called. ' 1 A few months ago he shot and - "rtoualy wounded K. H. Dunham, preai t dent Of tho California Business enUege. vkiu aetuMl ana la ' a Ojuaital over money oaoeed tho shooting. , The steamer Charles R. penoer haa Mia oonaiaa ko um airiaina innnnni girie ror an ezoarsion aunoay. i no 'boat will leave the foot of Washington treat Sanday noon and make a trip ouva ill vsiuavii- iv win muru aw .1 o'clock In the evening. Tha price for t 'the trip wlH bo cents. Xreldt'a or- East Bumslde street, betweea Union and Orand a venues. ATTORNEYS IN BITTER . FICDT In la document filed tn tha elrentt court1 thla morning by Attornoya John Dltchburn and John tV Watts, tho St. Helena law firm of Dlllard A Day la ac cused of- acting as Michael pMrtlera agent la tho alleged payment of 1 1.00 to tho paronta of little Mary Roblaaou to procure tholn. oonaent to an "out" : rageous and Indecent marriage. Zltobburn and Watto sued Plertler for Sdt. which amount they claimed waa daw aa fee for onndaettng hla'eaac here.- Dlllard at Day, tn answer. charged 4he ptamtllfa with having em ployed a "capper' to represent to Pler tler that they were lewyere of groat ability. They denied that the plaintiffs have oven a fair reputation at tho bar. and declared that they objected to Pier- tier's employing them it , Judgment for the tov la naked for aa prayed m then oomplalaL In support of their oontsntloa Attornoya Dltchburn and Watts submitting a copy of a letter sent by Plertler to Dlllard di Day, In which he notified them that ho bad em ployed the local barrlatere to defend him and desired their -operation, it la alleged that after this letter waa sent Attorn ev Dlllard oonaultod and advised with the plaintiffs. - . ASSESSED valuation ; .OF BAKER COUNT (sbeeUl Meo-we. j Tee Stomal.) " Baker. City. Or Oct. 1 7. Assessor Ooorge Jett yesterday filed with County Clerk Coo robe the summary of the aa aesament roll of Baker county for the year 1W4 showing the total assessment of all property la the cownty to be tl.tll.Us. Thla la about MO.Md Isaa than the total for IMS. which ta ao oounted for In a reduction of Si nor oont In an assessment on sheep and a tt nor oont reduction la aaosssment on cattle. The rate of taxation in Baker City for all taxes ta ltot waa 7V mlila. The rata for 104 will bo made at the January torn of the aouaty TmriE f:::EitTY . VAiiis i::::.eased Ceentv Aaoesaor MoDonnell pm- pleted thla morning a summary of the assessment roll of Muiutomaa county, aa flnallv eouallaod by the oounty board of oquallaatloa It showe an Increase In the assessed value ofproperty for the year 1M over the year .. IWt of t,4.fI. , One of tho prtnelpsl Items la that tho assessed value of shares of stock for llOS waa tl, laat year and only ll.flftl.4lf for thla year. It la autsd la the report that the decrease In the sharea Of stock to caused by changes In tho law, which makes stock assess able la counties where banks are located. Among tho principal Items showing differences for the two years may aeon the following: ' , Last year's assessment On 104 miles of telegraph i and tolspnono Unas. 1171,310; on lit mile of street rail way bed. 40I.SI; machinery, eta ll.44l.Hli merchandise, . 1,?0,H; farming . Implements, etc, 171,110; money, notes and accounts, IS,01,lftO: household furniture, $17.lf; horses and mules. I.B84 head, H,Mi: cattle. l.llT bead, 1481. Ui sheen and goat a 1.1M head, 141,417! awlno, 4 .head. Thla rear's aweasment On 171 miles of telegraph and telephone lines. II41.4S&: ori 14 milea of stmet railway bed, s7,o; machinsry, eic, marc hand las. S4.04.M4; fanning Imple ments, etc.; 1116.141; money, notes and accounts, f Z.SiO.SOi; household furni ture, 2,14I,40S: horses and mules, 4.484 head, AU41.714; -eattle, 9.XS4 head. 4121.444; sheep and goata, 1,494 head. 2,14l awlno. 1,144 head. II.1B1. Tbo Improvements on agricultural land last year were assessed at 4744.290; thla year the assessment wag 4772,944. Tbo Improvements on town lota laat year wero a 4 at 411.rfl.4&, wfalls Uila year tha figures have Increased to 414,144,400.. Tha total exempt tons laat year wore on property given, a valuation of 4241,444. No exemptions whatever were allowed this year. . The amount eoUectedJ in poll taxes last year waa in is year the aggregata poll tax baa swelled to 414.424. . MARION COUNTY TO MAKE BIG EXHIBIT Down "the Vy" to the Mountains By Sea end Plain Not Ooofrapby Lesaoa at All Nor Woatbor Bureau Report Simply ao Idea of tha Vft Tarritory tt Which Ellara Piano Houso U Wall Known, Oregon Is a tremendously big afata; aoaie of its counties are larger tnan the wonderful, state of bfaaaaooueetts. lu which ta the city of Boatun, where Uu. tamoua Chlckerlng planoa are made All through the mounulna of Uregon, out on the plains east of the mountains. Clear throuah wntcn is one of tho must ths great, lertUe valley, t the miiMt nroductlve In the world, all along Us extensive ooaat Hue. there are cities, towns and settle- oienis, wners mining, farming, canning, tuning or manufacturlBg la earned on extensively. Of all these settlements. It to safe to ay there Is not one In which the name of the great Western piano concern, EILKRI PIANO HO U HE, is not koown, and to moat of whieb it haa sent aot one. but many planoa ..Thla la true also of Washington. Idaho and California. Throughout the yaat Pacific Coast territory Kilars Piano House and Its methods of fair, square dealing, moderate prices, easy paymento and One instruments are known. Pianos are constantly being shipped everywhere by rail, by water, and where there la no railroad are teamed or atacen hundreds of miles, feeiore they reach their destination. . Here la a Hat of tho towns to which planoa have been seat by us In tho past three weeks, to aay nothing of tbo hun dreds of odd Instruments pianos. Pianolas, Pianola Planoa, which are called the only perfect pianos organs, orchestral le and elect rla planoa.. The two Instruments which left town; -October first, were Pianolas, both of which went to Seattle. Wash., one go ing to the Washington Hotel, and the otner io eltv Walta Walla, Wash.; the following day a superb Chlcherlng piano waa shipped "down the vailayo HcMlnavIlls, Or., for Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Then a Hobart M. Cable for Baker City, a Ha net a Davis to Hammond, a Kimball for As toria, a beautiful Ballev went el ear to Condon, being staged for about 40 miles, and the same day a Pianola went to an ient. Another Pianola went to Palmer, a Beua piano to A r lata. Or., a FJclfro Queen organ to Forest Grove, a Kimball and a Hinse went out tho asms day to the famous mining town of Bepubllu, Wash. They, too. had a long rids. by ige before they arrived at their desti nation. Cheney. Wash., aot a Facing Queen organ, and Plasa. la the same state, a Kimbaii: cresten also a nromlnent nhvalHan' of that The next day a Pianola went to oonrt. ' rnperwJ Emonteh lbs Pendleton, Or., Oet 87. -The anneal fair of the Blstera of at Francis, for tho benefit of at. Anthony's hospital, to on lit this rtty. The fair will eloee fMt nrday flight. Large crowds are la dally attendance. iaaem wrmn Upuow bwariiiWE-TDaAccol roa ruu mtkiham " SYMPATHY ' Yon don't hear Jrtoch about tympatfrf in dendatry. . Do your People usually apeak of dentiats aa cruel and caUouaed to tho pain they inflict. . That la because our inethodajiave not been,, tried. Wf are so confidant that wa can operate successfully without paii in any instance or under any conditiona that we ask lor a cVoee inTettJtioo pi our methoda. Aa to the r durability of out work, we invite investigation also. .' -, Dr. B. L Wright's Dental Offices ' .v. 148 Washington Street, Comer Seventh. "Ontoa HovW- s. aa. to p. sal awnaaya, f a. aa. to 1 n. an.' ' ' PHONB MAIK Hit. w-aa 00 gtemetcaTBuedinc. 4)aleaa, (Baeda! Stasatm to The Jeanal ' Sal era. Oet. 17-Marlon aouaty will have ao complete an exhibit at the Lewie and Clark .fair aa tha county's products can make. Tho committee appointed to work' with tho oounty oourt to make up an exhibit foej tho iewto and Clark fair nret yeatoroay at the oonrt' house and decided to divide tho work ute aloe bureaua - , William Taylor waa appointed aa chief of the bureau of grains; Hon. L C Need ham tha bureau of grasses; Captain MUey, bureau of mining; Hon: W. X Tooee, bureau of hope; Judge J. H. Seott, bureau of education; H. B. Thill- sen. bureau of wool, mohair and flaxi F. 8. Derby, bureau of timber and manu facturing; D. H. Liooney, bureau of dalriea, and Hon. 9. H. aettlemetor aa chief -of the bureau af fruits and vege tables. ' aetuemeler waa appointed to take the plane of Iter; Father William of Mount Angel. ' . Tho beads of bureaua are Instructed to appoint four coadjutora, forming a commit tee of Ave for the management of tho work. A resolution was passed also that aa member, of tho obmmlaalon should receive any compensation for bla work, outer the a hla expenses actually Incurred la the performance of thoework of gathering and forming tho exhibit. The oommlttees will meet agala Nov ember for further study of the pro posed work and reports of . prog reap made. handsome Kimball; Lookout, Idaho, a Kimball: Wardner. Idaho, another fam ous mining district, one of tha popular Jacob Doll; Coulee City, a Bailey; Qrangevllls. Idaho, a Doll, that had to be ataged 44 miles; Cul do Sac. Idaho, a Kimball, and also a Bailey piano; Alanca, a Kimball organ, and also Ho. Idaho; while Oakesdale, Wash., was an other town to set a beautiful Chlcker- 1ns;: Mt. Angel. Or., a Baus: Hon ta villa. a nn isrwood. r In one dev. two Kim balls, a Bailey and our went to Bole WATER STREET FILL IS MISUNDERSTOOD .... . .- V" lffsundrstsndlng aa tha part of the property owners aver tho Oiling In of Cast Water street by the Oregon Wa ter Power Railway oompany oeema toj nave assumed greater proportions than the real facta would - warrant Tho property owners have been of the opin ion that tho railway oompany had con tracted to nil tha whole street, other than tho 14 feet required by the oom pany for Ha roadway, at the rate of 1H aenta a eublo yard - at th time they secured their franchise and that thla waa Included as a part of tho fraaohlaa. This la not true. P. A. Morris of the Oregon Water Power A Railway oompany, who made the agreement with the city engineer. yo that tho statement to the erf set that the oompany now re roses to all In the street for lttt cents a eublo yard. but wente 44 aenta hi not true. He says tha oompany stands ready and willing to flu tn tha balance of the street when ever the property owns re assure the oompany that tha money therefor will be fortbcomlng. - SMITH SWEARS WIFE - BEAT CHILD CRUELLY ' fi , II.M.I 111 , ,..,..,..- Ralph O. aVnlth took the witness stand In Circuit Judge Cwland'a oourt this morning In a suit for divorce and accused Ada Smith of shocking erueltv the case of their little bear, not aulto four rears okL Mrs. Smitb la content ing the action. In Isat February, tha husband swore, the- child waa sent to a hospital for an operation. He had barely recovered suf ficiently to leave tho tnetltuttea when ha contracted diphtheria and lay 111 for aoma time. - - r . . Weser. and on the same dar a very handsome Kimball piano waa shipped to Placerville. Idaho. Other prominent towns to which we shlDDed Dianas are The -Dalles, Houlton, Monmouth, Cham poeg, I on a. Gobi a. Hlllaboro. Or.; Flah- I era, Spokane, Harrington, Hillverd. Col- rax, lltsvuia, Tekoa, St. jonn, uoiviua, Wenatchea, Hatton, Lam pop. Wash.; Nes Perce, Idaho; Myrtle Poftit, Or.. way down the coast, where the Instru ment had to be staged In; ICnferprlse. Chambrook. Portsmouth. Brownsville, Albany. Imnaba, Flrwood. Lents, Cur rlnavlllo. Or.; Nahcotta, Egypt, Mauo, Krepp, Wash.; Stltea. Ida. Our supply of pianos Is Immense, Tn addition to our Portland retail estab lishment which occupies a quarter of a block,, right In the heart of the city, down on the railway tracks we have Just completed aa Immense warehouse, the most modern structure of the kind in the WoaL Here planoa are loaded di rectly to and from the cars at a great saving of labor and risk of damage This Is only one of our many moner savlng and labor-saving methods. In many ways we save you money on your piano, and we sen a& very nnest mane, our leaders, tho Chlckerlng. of Boetru; Weber, the great piano of New York; the Kimball of Chicago; Haa Hon, Crown. Lester, Story A Clark. Crown and 20-odd other high-grade makes. Write or see ua If you want a piano. Remem ber, full guarantees and money back In every tnatanco where Instrument fails In any way to nrove exactly as repre sented. Ellera Piano House, 441 Waah 1 net on street, comer of Park. ENDEAVORING TO OUST .GOVERNOR'SAPPOINTEE Circuit Judge George thla morning took under advisement, the demurrer to the eult mod to ouet Dr. R L Lincoln from tho Oregon state board of dental examiners. , Argument waa made by Attorney H. K. Sargent for the board and ex-Judge W. M. Cake for Dr. Lin coln. It waa ontendedV by Attorney Bay gent that, according to law. the gov ernor and the board are required to co operate in tha appointment of members of the board. The board must prepare a flat of roee eligible ta appointment in Its opinion, and tho governor eel oet aa appointee from tha Ilea. Jndge Xafta admitted thla fact, but declered that In thla Instanoe the board had failed to supply the governor with a list -of eligible persona from PACIFIC 'COAST - MAN IS WASTED 4-, t 1 . '. . . f r The entire Pacific ooaat delegation In congress will unite In urging P reel- dent Roosevelt to appoint a representa tive from the Pacific coast section to 4111 the vacancy to the interstate commerce -ootacnJesion which wul occur about Jan uary L and It la the opinion of Senator J. H. Mitchell that tho preeldent will grant tbo requeet by naming the anan recommended by tbo senators and renre aeatattvea from thla section. . Senator Mitchell feela that toft Httla difficulty will be met with In securing this appointment. Ho haa already takes the matter up with the congress men from the other states, and an early meeting of the Interested parties will be held In Washington noon tha oenvening of eon gross for the purpose of deciding upoa the men who will have tho sop port of tho Pacific ooaat people. Tha interstate commission Itself would bo agreeable to the appointment of a Pacific coast man, since the Importance of thle aectlon In the shtpplng world haa inereoaooVaa rapidly within tha past few years. The Interstate commerce commission la one of the greatest ta the United States and He declelona are of tho ut most importance to tha Interests of. tho Pacific . ooaat. Tha vacancy will be caused by tho raslgnatloa of D. Yoon meaa af Iowa, who retires about Jan uary L and the chamber of commerce of Portland, tn letters addressed' to the Oregon delegatloa, called their attention to tbo fact and aald that tha Paclfto coast inOt rests demanded tho appoint ment of a representative from thla sec tion to fill the vacancy. Owing to tha fact that the Paclfto ooaat baa had no representation on thla oommleaton. and aa tha conditions here are different from other Sections of the United Statee, tha shipping Interests have been aeateetod. When the Quaiiea- Ooeper bill waa Introduced in congress some five years ago, tbo chamber of commerce brought every Influence to bear to prevent Its passage. The bill bad for Ha object the Increasing of the tr Call (mVaaaa'S ' BLCC9 i! KS3VE TCXIC A fAHJf TO TAKS A lIBAIt TUU, . " ft 4wto flea aed ftreec IV, MA re reawee saaesssf neat a Om fe 4Veet Aeree ferea Fe aisreee t fe fra 01 tn . fe eVwe tf eaff fe rtea 47 M7ea fa t sea fe Ifsftalfter AHf. U Owe Me-ees Ofeessk fe feeieee iaw epeea, fs Sens 4 fe Owe iwajwto aVMeeaaeMenwoeaeMaatfea, sots wt sauaamt. m sr ata aa MMiPt sr rated, ma, A soij 4 aoxn 44. wa, aoaanxo eo, wmwu&mnaA. Pa. . . hi I NEW - DESIGN 1 BUFFETS ' , In Golden Oak. Qoartetwd Oak, Weathered Oak and Mahogany ' $18,00 TO $225.00 ; Doesn't your Buffet harmonize with the rest of your dining-room furniture ? -Are you at all dissatisfied with it ? Then let us show v you our pretty new ones that are thoroughly up-to-date... It's important that you be pleased -with your dining-room. Ydu re there three times a day. r FIFTY PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM v WRITE FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE' ' It's worth while having our new catalogue if you five in the country. " vYou can furnish your whole house by maiX or any part of it A - postal card to us and you get the catalogue postpaid. . .- MAKEYDUB 0WNTE2M3 o o Help us advertise our shoes by wearing a pair. You are found to tell your ; neighbor about the good v wearing qualities of our line. Our shoes always remain soft and pliable; and are : built so as to prevent arips." They are sewed with silk and we warrant them to ' contain first grade leather. ' v ; J . j ; Reid .i . a aw ' , Hertsche Go. : SHOE MAWPA CTURERS 9 and 11 lorth First Street Portland, Oregon powers of the Interstate ooeamoroo eosa si lee Ion. and aa tho Pacific ooaat had ao representatlveT the bill waa objected to. But within the past two aaonthe tho ob jections to triereaslns the power of the commission havebeen withdrawn by the chamber Of commerce owlnf to condl tloao which have artaea in tho railroad bustnoaa that demand an Increase in tha powers of tha Interstate body. WOMAN DISAPPEARS "I : FROM SANATORIUM Madam aVhoehmoffsld. antrt 4:14 o'clock Tweeder evonlns an Inmate af tho Mount Tabor Nervous sanatorium, la mlaeiaa and It la feared she haa eom ailtted autdda. The woman waa scanned ta tha tastl ration because of a nervous disorder. The officials ear ther do aot know where she came from or who her people are. She la described aa beta about 44 vearo aid and 4 feet teebee ta belaht. She baa brown hair, sprinkled with frer; baa erer Mao eyes; wore a red or white sweater.1 a Mnch welkin, skirt and taa ahosa whan aha left tha sana toria aa. tn another Cart Store Opeslnf. part af I Importing aompanv. sac., an nonnoea the opeoUHt af their new store October ta, at Nob. 144-144 FVth street. m the Ooodnewati bulldlaaT- The firm wM carry a meamlfieent. larawj lino of Oimeae and Jananeae anrhnv novel ttee, atlks, fWewerka, fUaw. eta. and eor- fdlalhr tnvltea tho publw ta hwpeat their stock. Tho windows am with samples of sjeada and beautiful aepearaaoe. ram art by anraiy fail ta atafw.. , , . The Western Importing Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; ?6S-17S FIFTH STREET : OOODNOUOH BUILDZNQ On October t9th w will open oar ncrw atora and win b paeabed to hhrsj tht) pubUc call and wmina our stfga fjtock of - r: ' ' a e a UllWt Ccrics, 5 Novelties, SSIX, Crepe, Sstia, Errcldcrcd Lcce SB Hn l44tasabl 1 v : Wo aro MaatiisKtarara of UALX T3 C " whjoh to t". I 'V''