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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
X Ever Popular- PAUL REVERE FLATWARE A pattern so simple yet as beau tiful to design that It cannot fail te be admired. And tka weight, you'll ted H of extra. heavy eil ver. wm M last a lifetime, Th pries la moat moderate, r"rt It peseibm for ft complete sat at little ooat to yon,, , , , - RAM WXTB A. T' TWO-DOZEN SET Van i, V.- .1 K ' Table Porks V- ?-V'V Table Knives j ; aoaM A 3 ' A WWW I Fancy jRiecc mm ,yfe Vv- Soup Ladle, Orary Idle. Parry Spoon, Preserve Spoon, Cold Beat Fork, Beef Fork, Salad Specs, and Fork, Cream ladle Boa. Baa , poo1 A, & C Fcldcnhcimer ( Cor. Tliird and Washington Jewders : Opticians Silversmiths SCOTS TO ANSWER all to con aTETT.T.T s FT Prom every bin and valley tn Oregon the clana ara Catharine. Clansmen among tha peaks and crag never an swered tha eurlaw. blast of Roderick Ihu with more alacrity than did tha Scottish clana of Oregon whan thay were notified that tha regular meetlnx of tha Caledonian club would bo bald tonight and tomorrow night at Condon. From- vry hamlet and eltr In tha state pilgrims ara an rout to tba meet ing place. It la aatlmatad that at laaat I.Ms Scots will assemble. The laat meeting of tha elub waa bold at Fossil, thla atata. whan naarly that MBbor waa la attandanca, From Portland twa plpara bava baan ant to provlda tha naUonal alra oa tha bMTplpa. Tha mualeUna ara Rob Roy Burt and Jamaa 8. Moon, SMfc Bum aMa atreot. Flpar Moon playad tha bac plpa whH bullata flaw at tha battla of Balakava. Ha waa plpar for tha Fortr- aacond, tba famoua "Black Watch" ra mnt r Qordon Hla-hlandara. Othra from Portland who ara attend ing tha moating of tba elub ara Judr oeortra i. camaroa, who will deliver tha annual address; Mlaa Roola Forbes, also dancer: William MoCormaok. Harrv IT Arc, Mrs. W. D. Xaavar, Mlaa Mysla Charpe, J, Suddlmao and Xlaa Laulla Stanton. At night at tha conclusion of the maettnes there la a ball. Tha pipers ara busy; tba Highland fling and Soot- tlsta real are Interspersed with newer and loss appreciated daneaa. Tnea after the danoea KUmamlok oomsa and stories and reminiscences. - , . . T PORTLAND'S CONEY TO: EE CALLED "THE OAKS" The Oregon Water Power At Railway company has decided to call Its Pacific Coney Island at Oak Point "Tba Oaks." Tba name ts one of tha most appropri ate that could possibly bo selected, as there la a grove of mora than. Id large oak trees en the arpund about te be ejtlllsed aa an amusement park. The grounds are being cleared for- ac tion by a force of men and the saanaa nent m In oommunaeatlon with eastern aon roes, planning what amusement feat urea ara desired for the bis" project, and sftsr these are decided upon work will le rushed to completion. Within M days It ta expected tha lay ing out of the various building; sites will be oompleted. TEST MADE OF LIGHTS ; ON FAIR BUILDINGS netit Ughts east then? nrflHanay over ft portion of the Lewis and Clark expo sition grounds mat night. The current was turned on and one of tha eight towers of the beautiful foreign exhibits rmlldlng was righted np. Twenty-five globes wars Sramlnated. each being ef M oandla power. , The lamps are ftvs Inches In diameter and dusters of them here and there ever the domes make the building stand out vary dearly. ' President Goods, Architect Huber, S. tL Thompson, B. I, Ammo, the con tractor and several ethers witnessed the first lllnxutnejfien of the grounds. Dur ing the later part of the week tha wiring will be oompleted on tba dome of tha states building and an the other seven towers of the foreign exhibits bulMlng. N&WBRO'S The Herpiclde Habit. OareM seesw sew eseasssr It a date t as s w. 9 p palstle, aa It laser teasUseas t -Mm fraaa eassreft wUsebea. The av - eealltr exeaavtte rrasraiMe al Hawarv SaepwMe aMfcaa thai estr am H, ' : v..-. -vw nmiTAman bn ocunamF ovrm wzua aasvI two bats tmxa an fbomI s etsMin. P-d" 4S,mF Crjrfx. I, IstresBHcs., aw i AiM-Mm - a BinniBiBnil sassns mopa. - THK CHINESE STUDENTS OF ENGL jH . GIVE J 1 ( 3 Ua jfc.-.eaa: J, J" i: ..a-' v. . . . -i CHAIR OF THK UNITED BRETHREN GHJKBSa MTflfilON. ' ... -Y L- Umnbers af th Choir Top row reading from tha left. George Torn, Koj Tork Won. Harry Dras, Moy Bone W. B. Mor. WllUam XM. Thoraag Bob, Benir Moy Cbee. Lower row, WT Q. Moy, Barry lias, Frank and Bertha Unft, Sbonst Uu and aon. Boa Lin, Edward Leo. . , .. ., . -. . , . At Salem next Saturday therd will bo a ttnlqoa antertalnxnent at tha United Brethren ehureh of that city. Tha en tertainment will be given by. tba tTnltad Brethren Chinese mission of Portland, of which Rev. Mor Ling Is guperlatend- Those who will participate In tha an- tsrtalament ara Chinese atudanu at tha mission. Mlsa Alice Bo wen will be one of too party aa accompanist- There will be a number of songs by tha choir,, be sides eoloe, duets and recitations by In- T PRIVATE RIGHT Cf .M SECURED osr vim mvss a Ait- VAT OOMFABTT XJIATJOUmATSS A VXOsTB WHO. sUVB &OVB OF Vrby Oregon Water Power A Railway company ta about to Inaugurate an im provement In the suburban ear servwe that will be appreciated by lta patrons mora than any move the company has made m years. Beginning on November 1 ail oars for Oregon City. Bstaoada. Cased ero and Intermediate points will run vis. the river -bank route, which will mean n great savin of Urns compared with the nreaenc schedule. The pres ent route Is through Mllwaukle avenue. and the oars are compelled to make In numerable stops at intersections for pas sengers to slight or board the oars. Tha river-bank routs la a private rtgnt ox war. and there will be no stops except at designs ted stations along; the Use. "On the new route," said Manager Hnrlbart today. ' will run between Oregon City and Portland Ik Id minutes Instead of 1 soar and so minutes, which la tba present time. Ws will ran right throush to OasBdero In 1 hour and 46 minutes Inatead of 1 hour, and. of course, the rerioootow rn time ail along ths road will be proportionate." , The rrrer-ssnk route has been open to freixht oars for some time, bat until new It has not been deemed advisable to uUMse It for passings? oars, v POIICEIRAN JOHNSON S DENIEV BEING DBUNK The trial of Potleeman Johnson on a eharge of disorderly conduct, at ths oantral station, Saturday night, was taken np late yesterday afternoon. - O. A. Koch and Dr. K. Johnson, who had tne enopunter with the officer, testified that ther were pretty roughly handled by him and tha be wanted to attack them at police headquarters, before he waa susoended. Captain Moors, said be thought Johnson was drunk. Anyway. he said, Johnson wanted to annihilate Dr. Koch and had to be restrained. . The accused of floor declared he was not drank, but only very angry , He said tie wan with men who could and would prove that he was sober. By wit nesses he showed where he was Satur day night from Y:SO to 11:10. Be de nied entering s saloon and Insulting two women previous to bis encounter with the two man: Ho said' he. wea never In the saloon. - ' " HERPICIDE s. a aliaiwi that aba "SevebMe ambrr; BafTr femetA ksifUavef that grewS poamlarltj. DaRghU tka laeua B7 Sep bw tae kaar nsnt sad tefff aa by glviag It a allkas gloee. Oerea SaadNfl, atopa fatHiw feair. Slvaa aallarastloa sdssntaaa. tteee laesasg ta astir. GONE III. Baapeaaaa WS Base H, lbs tees fer staasesssar OFOON DAILY 'jOURNAE. PORTLArV ELABORATE CONCERT dividual Chinese, Songs that are known to every Sunday acftooi student In tin country will bo suns. Both songs and recitations will be rendered la English. A aampla of tbet work that la being dona by tha mission my be seen from tha following program that will be ren dered Saturday evening: . Song. "Walk 1b tha Light" by choir; prayer; quartet. Swaot and Low." W. B. Moy, William Lai, George Tom. Harry Ding; dialogue, "Physician. Heal Tour self," Edward Lea, Tbomaa Horn; vocal solo, "Forgotten," W. B. Moy; Mcttatioa. "THEY'RE OFF" BUT TBEGAKE1SSHAKY 9AXX.T AV WsJSWIOK OMB, BVV PATsUrsTAM IS sBTJUbK FXAT- sacr AV ISSlff - At the Warwick isb, on . rvarth street, between. Washington and Alder, Is ths 'only pooroom that Is operated tn Portland. There ths devotees of ths form sheet and race sard eongregaia to discuss probable winners and . wager their yen on ths result. NotwtthstnndlnsT the vast number of turf admirers in Portland, ths place la but poorly patronised. It Is not fitted up In ths elegance and atyls that, is usual Is similar establishments eon- ducted by Colonel Applesate through out ths country. Ther is wanting the constant tick Of ths nvrea, the incessant bum of tout and habitue, the reckless talk of plungers, tba tense, expeotant looks of bop that ara sssn In ths avsr- ajre poolroom. These things are wanting, not through fault of ths Kentueklan, who has spent liberally to start ths gams In Portland, but because of the periodic raids of Sheriff Word. About the placs there hangs a oonstant air of expectancy. not over the result sf an event at La tonla or New York, bat of the actions of ths now sheriff, who Is indeed a mys tery ts ths "sports." Hs moves In mysterious way. and ens -bookies" constantly on the alert for ths prom Ised raid.-: , -- V Posted in a conspicuous place In -lbs dab, alongside the entries la the legend, "Commissions accepted hers and for warded to Spokane. Ws have no further Interest In the matter." , At the present time the entries at only two courses are posted, those at La ton la and New Tork. . Though the-, club la not lavish la Its preparations, the piae is ready lor business, sad everything necessary to conducting a poolroom la there exoapt the crowd. Rarely during; the day is ths plaoa filled with patrons, for there is constantly rn ths minds of sii who desire to bet ths threat of ths sheriff. But to those who think they eresrfee and desire to pit their judgment against that of ths "bookie" ths club offers a shanoe to bet. - Behind a oaged window the eashlsr sits ready to accept bets on any event. Ths combination window li ther. toe, and ths eomblaattsn Send oas find all ths plsy. hs wants. , The wire la there and the eallsr and ths marker and for a snort time aarly In the afternoon the plane boars some resemblance to a real, live poolroom. There la a tlck-tick-tlck of ths wire, and the oaller 1 announces, "They're oat at Lntonla, Then there. M lull ta con versation and the wire stops for a time. Then It ticks again and tha oaller sings in his nonehalane, sonorous way where they are on ths traok. how thay run at tba quarter, ths half, and hi ths stretch. Then he atopa suddenly. Ev erything stops until be says, "Tha win ner," and calls the horse, Tbey ought never ts let that boy rMs again," says a tout to a victim whom hs had steered In tha wrong di rection. "He's a bad one. He enn't aee a man's boras and should be back hi ths barn. - Z see him at Oakland ones wnen ths wise guys say he's going to be a great pilot. . X ,ee then he's crooked. but these wlee guya, tbey Know, ana they put him on this horse today. Our horse la a 'cinch' till that boy goes op. Then 1 know it's all off."- it's always ths rider who gets tne blame. And ta the vernacular oc uta tout there l no past tense. , ah Vhsr ' .'vV' "".. .' - rrom Fuck,' TTncte jesh-Mnst every official that amounts to anything has ts file aa an nual report. Uncle Hiram Tea; an' I guess thai s alMHat ail sums of them do ,t JA B?JPV!'lH!!r'PVd' u "Mr. Jonathan Smith, Moy Tork Won; song. X Iton't Want to Flay In Tour Yard." Oraoe and Bertha Line; - dla logue. The Englishman and tha Inn keeper,? Moy Tork Won. W. C. Moy; piano oero, "Sonatina," Rosa I-4rig: reci tation, "Cradle Bed" Hairy Dlhgf duet, "Love's Awakening W. B. Moy, Wil liam Lai; dialogue, "Johnny and tha Teacher," Bertha and Frank tdng; vocal sola. - "Little Dolly Driftwood Rosa Ling-; dialogue, "Double Play? Henry Moy Cbee. William Lai, W. B. Moy and Harry Dine; vocal solo "Rock df Ages," SETTLERS FOR . ; CATTLE RAKGES A Barney county stockman, who la ta tha slty to rook Into market prices of beef, says that radical ohangea are tak ing; place te that region. The biff stank companies are losing. said be. "The time has passed when they are able ta control thousands of sores of good gracing and tneadow land and realise a profit oa ths cattle Indus try. Ths result ta that ths Us ranches are splitting up. T believe next pear tbs Mttra'Olena Freneh holdings of Barney and Mal heur wlU be divided Into lev and S3- aers traota for amis te the settler. It is common Information also that the Pacific Livestock company, which has the interests ones- managed by Lux and Miller, will begin the partitioning proc ess within another year or two. . Harden and RUey, owning extensive land on Harney lake, sold to aa eastern crowd at a fancy price, but ths newcomers are losing on ths game sad 1. think would be glad to unload.' . "There are other cattle barons of ths old time whs are disappearing. John Dervin has immense possessions of mnd. but ths settler la destined to cultivate moat of It. In Lake and Klamath coun ties toe asms tendency ts noted. ' "Raising beef by syndicates has be eomo unprofitable because -lend la too valuable and they are getting ready to turn their princely possessions over to the multitude of settlers who await tbs time-when thay may secure a traot cap able of being onltlvated and aaanaged by one man. "The result must be a larga Influx of settlers. Take, tor Instanos. tbs Olsnn- French holdings In Harney county; Ths Diamond and Pea ranch sections on Dunder and Blltsen river will aooom modato several hundred families when thrown Open to purchase. I have rid- des over these tracts and found mile upon mil of beautiful meadow and ara ble land. It will grow ths best sf grain and hay and -also fruits -of. ths -more hardy nature are quite sure. - The river la fed by Steins mountain, a klsrh anew canoed rarura, Pete French got hold of many thou sane acres here In early- days, while workin-T for . old Doo Qlenn of California and la ths days when there waa as sheep and few set tlers to eneroaok upon ths range, they made Immense fortunes. Both , of tha original men havs been killed and ths present eompany aa unable ta realise the necessary profit ts oonUnue. ' , "When Harney bounty has ber cattle barons dethroned and ths settler Is given an opportunity, that community will ad vance as never before. . I .believe such a parted of development Is at hand and ths parpoe of tbs Glenn-French man ajrement will be the forerunner of many Bit $t Scheduled for Saturday.1 In order to arrange' la stock and mark down goods The Hub, Third and Barn- aids streets, will be- dosed an day Fri day. The sseond - ahlpsasnt of M1.000 worth, of men's high grade eiothlna. shoe, hats and furnishings ha just ar rived rrem Das Moines. li It Is the bankrupt steek of the Sterling Cloth mg oompan and was bought for 41 eents on the dollar. Bright and early at l: o'clock Sstnrdsy morning- ths doors of 4 lira Jiuu ww w uiiuwh vna ami ihvu win Portland etothins buyers be offered slothing bargains surpassing anything previously offered. Ths goods wlU be sold for inst a half the wholesals sost. . i T. . AnWIMw :: OF ' OBeWOsTW WATT KAmoirs idsajts ABTjurv of m ma or rn both mfcBMfeM VO MM TMMVWM OWMM ABB PXA0 OB SAXB. " ' - "t Alia A Lswlg' Bsst aUasA, ;o, oc ;.T A Oraeo Xfais; raoltatlon, "Agricultural Address," Harry Ling; vocal solo, "Onoe In a Purple of Twlllglit," William Lsj; dialogue. "Changing Servants," W. B. klloy, Harry Ding. George Tom and Harry Ling; vocal eolo, "Down tn tne Depth." Barry Dins; dialogue, "Oaaalua and Brotua." W. B. Moy. William Lali mandolin barn solo, Rose Ling; recita tion, "How Ho Saved St. Michael." W. B. Moy; quartet, "Bull Dos-," W. B. Moy, George Tom, BL Ding and William Lai; sons, "Seeking tba Loaf by -the choir.' v -.- T SPARE TflE RCD: SPCIL THE CHILD SUPMMlBTSJIUmJIV VXAV OAS OSTAV MM .TS MX OOBFOBAB ; ,v K :Tha qoeatlon of eorporal punishment la again agitating ths educational cen ters of the osuntry to a great extent In Kw Tork they had a law prohiblt fns; oorporal punishment ta the schools for many years, but last June the Prin cipals' association voted to have ths law repealed. Since that time ths mat ter has-been b angina by a thread. Many of these principals who voted favoring corporal punishment declared there were many children of such dlsposltloa that they will respond to aw other anode sf discipline than the rod. City Superintendent of School Btf Isr wasr Interviewed thla morning as to his views en the question and ha re plied that although ha did sot favor oorporal punishment, yet K was the on ly method to be applied In many oases to enforce discipline. . - Borne children cannot be ruled." said he, - "other than by whipping them. If oorporal punishment was not need as a last resort, the Inoorrtgibles would have te be turned out Into the street. It Is a question whether they should be whipped or tamed out upon the streets. I believe ft Is better to ass eorporal punishment ta such cases. - - - "I feel, however, that If we had soma method of otherwise disposing of these pupils as tbey would not ha thrown out of school, than I would favor abolish ment, of corporal punishment. For ex ample. If we had schools not reform schoolsfor lnoorrlglbles Only. - where they oould be sent and kept away from other children and at 'the earns time rsoelva training, I believe such a plan would be much better than using- tha rod." , - ' - Traveler Is this really ' Yellowstone park? , ' Guide (pained) I hope yon don't think rd ring In a- substitute oa you. TwB t Jrfi Ps Qamlrty MlvVS x- are so good that you will want mora. ;V"'. rrash Coffees -V 15$ 20,25,30cts, Wa rm &ria4 ;:'r ."A Frea 7, DotsUe PremKimse v . Coota aarly : , luit to looL ; lsMrtaVllB f Hamj Saviatf Store. I First SU sat. Portland. ' sale: Coffees tog ir TLrre's No UY . cl Talking r aVaBaTBBBBBBBVVBBJaWBB You miht just as well come to headquarters, for your TX7 vy ;Ui ici g ,m y $ j Uiiderweacy: first as last for there's no store I in town that can show you the variety we can. All kinds at all kinds of prices.1 y BUFFUM C& PENDLETON; ' axfrmxKM hattbrs y tornishkrs 'r 311 Mrison Strt - Opposite Postoffice ' - sBeaaa SSaT w 9 Si 9 -a Our PHone ia Hatstv 966 W reepeotfulty sail ths attsnttoa si BotsI and Fntaaranr trade ta tba faet tkeat we rnaeufacture Beta Ranges from -ft. lt-fk, both portable and to set tn brick, alas havs terse Write or pbofm as for prloss, Ws ananstaetura the largest tans LOEVVErZRG M Mi I When It Comes ta Colors A WelL the man who nan ssisot a neck tie that trtll please bis wlfd is a wen- der. We please the wives or thousands or men wita our seiecnon og colors but then, bless you. wa give them a choice of forty -different ss- Krb oolora In plain house paint, Tbs paint that won't some og -mads our own Portland factory specially for this climate sold under the most liberal of guaranUes. Color card mailed on receipt of postal sard Fisher Thorseii&; Co. BTsTTVBXBf f las, las, ls4 rman. . tMIM ddddd Dry short slab wood, stove cord .. ..tyuiVv Same Kind of Wood Whafs the Diflereiace? Perord -.---4. Banf ield. Vevsey Fuel Co. Phona Main 353 . Special rates made to families bath establishment in the hotel. 25 il strong TE. Tailor wm for the remainder of thm month snaks a regular t. ult tor ." 1 - 1. " . 025OO Tha workmanship, trhw ming. llalnga, ths equal at any tailor's $ anil Over 1st pieces of gas salting ts se lect from. If s ts your inter est to mvestigass thla offer. Remember the nam her, i Wsshlsgtea street. V . TB Tailor J- CO 25 immm sT IMl iiarf. Flr-B . I1 44 W - r . ASTTJ ... m,,jM line ef Hocsi goooa, ooppsr and ..-,. s. at Cook aftovsa. Q GOING COi Vff- ' assBaBBBaae - ..I',-.- - . . . . iMIMWMMMMMvMHvvttMM SB VAIBVB, - " . ooavrmoi e) Dry Bhort coctiwood, atova cord... $4.50 -?' i. 80 Third St., Cor. Oak SU. x r 4uxvrwcmM run - S3 Par Dav and Uoward Portland BBABQVABTsTM FOB VOTnUarVi , " - - . . -iJ-4 1 Single genu em en. . a rawwn luraws H. C. BOWEK8, Ml lanagen. Boston Painless Dentists Known ths world over, are the only dentists In Portland having the late bo tanloal DISCOVERY to apply to ths gums for EXTRACTING, Fn-LTNO and CROWNINO TEBTH WITHOUT PAIN, and guaranteed for TIN ikajub, . S iver I yuaga ,..,..,, Oe O aA Th a ............fl.OO IS tretk tsmt si man. . . .. , .fo.o A. e k. .. . . . . ..... .aajjo to StoJO t b,t.:ct-b is aus to our faiw ir l y T'lUi S, LOW PRICES AND Q00D TS.ORK DONE BT SP3CIAMSTS tn ea"h department. NO STUDENTS in the e a. All work done PAINTASALT by Si-aTTALJiTS of long years' expe rience, OIve us s sail, and yon will fins we do Just as ws advertise, Boston Dental Parlors KBurrlswa Staaisi Sii aVevbsaoaa TEETH Fmsxlaatlea .,,...... Free . r"vJ L 'J Ha