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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
-ay CTTT WF" OTTT VOTICTML , uv ( - I ( A Oty of , ( it I 1' ' P"- i -r a . 1 I i! . s f A "th etrs-tt 0 ; Qt Cultt (UNt tOO rf" lb street fall width vtlfe . to t r Jpai MVrk P- I ' It B5j,h C oiar- frtl UtLmt b.eo fc bt ' e eorfaat Of tb Btr0t fell a "h w'h rMcuoa t th mi Ik. a m-ride IT' 1 lrd By i with th City imnw pi- I. pC ..a d tl State. . Imr'ti Bt tor trncUua; rtliil-UI KoM Brn u . .iv wii the City ibwliMM'a Ope- . as and estimate. 1 ita Hw mniipwiliif atom lutlMI. Raid lniprorrmeo Iom mad In icturlW With th o. arter fad ordtninri-e of tM CUy Portland and th pKu. i rtcUes ua wu- uta of th fife luijMI. fljed in the Sty eC Mt the Sd day Of October, lor. lnW: ty Bngtneera pi'" ud Bpeclflcatluoe for tha lapreTemnnt of Beeenteentb, atreet from IT feet aouth of the north Uh ' Elisabeth street to th ath curb Um of CI If to treat. - and tb MtimatM of th work ft b aoa aad tLa probable boul coat t out." Tha erar ff Hid tDimL,init CO fed MM ' U proeldrd by the elty barter pan Um prop- Chereor declared to b all the tetC Prtef to and paw la of fend lying- btweo Una 100 feet weaterly from and parallel with tb ' westerly Una of ierentoeBth Street and Un 100 feet easterly from and parallel with the aereriy dm of BeTeatoeora street Ivmi thd aorth U of BllsabeU th onth ttna af CHftrai tr , Tta Bnftar'a aflmato of 0a prclMbto totol Mt foTlha lmireaDMi4 awtoatai Tba above improwmot to to w ! toacadaai Inproraoiaiit and ahall ba alnt1nd b tta rtW for a period of fl rarm, protliM tbat tbo owners ot a "JaJoflty f too property fiemntad by Mid Imrrormant or Ert'5 tbartmf ihall mat patltloa for a now o dlfforvnt taproTtftaat bafora Um upmuoa w TtM Btaita. aMK4fteatla and -wttitwJj tW ity E is id oar for um improruirni. wm .ni. r tu ,,iiir( of tta Cltr of fwrtUnd ba and b to batfby Jrortd to giyo kotlet of tbo propo d Impwrmont C Kro-t, aa proTMod iy im - .lat Mta aboro ll toant h; ho fllod In writ In wltb tbo odor Irood wit hi a so daxa from tb datd of tbt Drat pattitootlon off tnio muucow . , By drtoz f tbo Onunrtl. - t TIIOS. 0. DoTTUm, InMli. f tha (lit Of PuttHli oWUasC Orosoa. Octobar 24, WW. , no pomp xvnwrBisira or MaurciiqirtoT ' ATznnL - 1 Itottoi to borobr irtvo tbtt M bobl tho ltb dor of October 104, tM fal tewing- rooataUov was ddavtad; Booolnd, Tbat tbo Couefl at fbo TO dt rDrtUnd. Orarm. dromd It oxpodtent and pro poaoa to laiprotw PorUiBoatb too from tbo aortb Una of Wlltamotto boaUrard to tha aoutb Moo af Moald. atraat U Um faUawtog oaonBOTt to-wtt: . M Flrot By irowtof a wtoaot ftol art art faU lototaoetlooi ioj, Um sroda oo aJram bp Iki nit IrnlnHT. Swndj- Bj null or ftiip oraodooj rldww ' Third Br aoBotrartlar rooatrka. roortb BT eonatnctlajr bos guttata. lit kiMmnniil oataat ao mitm m yrith tba rbartrr and ordlaancaa of tbo Cltr f Portland ar4 tbo plaao. opooiaratlona and oatloukUa or tM City nngnoor ol eOBco of tba Aadltor af tho Cltj at Portland .an tba 4tb da of Ortobor, 1B04, ladorood: ' City Bogtnaar'o fUaa and opaotfloaUoao for tbo tnproTomont of Portomotitb OTonoo frojo rbo portb Una of WlUomotto boatorard to tb oooth Una of Hoato atraat and tba oatlmotoa ol tbo work to bo dopo aad. tba ptobabto total fa- ' ttf-roaf." ' TbO Mt of MM tipfvooaaont to bo ant a od a prwTldrd by tbo elty abartor apoa tba prop otty apocUllr and poraltorlr bonodtad tbatby and whlc to bar by doelarod to bo all tba lota, Krta of Iota and powolo of land lying botvooa i norfb Hm of Botafbtoa aUoot and tbo aootb Una of Honto atroot and hotwooa a lino 100 frot Mt of and nvattol wltb tbo wwat Haa of INvtomoatb avonna and a Moo 100 toot, of and aarall-I wltb tbo oaat llao at Portamovtb. tTonaoi alM all tbo loU. auto of lota and pare la of bud IrTnc batwooa-tba nortb Una af WinaBotto boalaTaH and tbo ooatt Uno of Pawno otroot and barwooa a Uno 100 foot Went Of and parallol.wltb tba wont Una af PorUtnootb arvnno and a Una 100 fort oaat of nd paraUal Wltb tbo oaat Itna af Porta naooth aowoo: and pbw tbo oaatriy ono bait of Stocks f and M antf Tbo woatorly ono balf af blocks f and Puiloawiatb Vllbt oxtondodL . Tba BMlnaar'i ootlaato of tbo praboblo total coat fnrtbe InprorooMnt of aatd otoawatb rMaa to I,4.oa - Tbo piano, apaclftoatloM and oatlntatoa f o City BBglnoor far tba tmprooonxnt af anld rWtaaioatb a ra dm an borvby adoptd. Kfaolvad, Tbat tba Auditor of tbo City f Krtland bo and bo bj boratty dtrortad to 1va nottra af tbo jroponod latproroiawnt af aald rvnoa aa prorUod tbo city cbortor. BoaaooMtrancwJ aiW thr aboro laprovataawt toor ba I lad hi wrlUng with ttw vadrrolgnrd l&la tO dan from tbo data of tba drat pofcv lleottaai of thlo aotUa. Sy ardor af Iba oaaaen. mrm n TraTTLt W. Aadttar'vf tbo City af PorUand. Portland. Orogoa. Oetobor B, 1004. imowxp nmomm or mawthoeIib ..... ATKbTCX. Notto la broby tiroa tbat at tba wMwtlif Etna Ooaacu of tba city or rortiana, urogoa. Id oa tho ltb day af Ortobor, Uoi, tb rlna ronlntlm wan adootod: Bi-aoHod. Tbat tho Covndl af (few CltP af PortUnd. Orwffoo, doom It azpodltnt and aro- poooa to improTo HawtaorB nronno noai la hot woo af tba oaat Hno of Boot Third atroot to tb aat Una af Bait ftUavaaU. atroot to tbo follow I Bg aaannor, to-wit : rirat By aonatrwtttaa- arttbaisl atosM endo ws I ka fai owordaneo wftb tbo City BwaTtaant'a piano, aaorlncatloo and aatlmtot. - ftfeond By ennatrwrtina; artificial ah '. Tblrd By coaalructtmg roawnUa. Said lBproTOBioat to bo nd la arltb tbo cbartor and erdtaaaroa of tba City of Portland and tbo plana. apacUtoattoaa and oattDMto of, tbo City Bniclnoor Uod In tb af co of too Aadltor af tbo City of Portland oa tbo 10th day of October. laOd. Indorsed: aty aftnoor'a plan and opottacattona foe tb las BroTooMnt of Haw tbor no otosuo front la foct VNt of tbo oaat Uno of Boat Third atroot to ttan oaat Una f Boat Bloratrtb atroot and tbo sott autsa of tba work to bo dawa aad tb atobobi total eaat Sbaroof " Tb coot of aatd toHWoT'niaoft to ba aSMooaad M piTldd by tbo rtty efaartap apoa tbo prop orty apoclally and pvultarly boo ft tad tborrby ana which to berrby drclarow to bo all tbo Iota, porta tfaoroof aad paroaai of land lying botwoea Una 100 foot onata of and -paraUol wltb tbo poath Una of Haw tbor ovonoo nod. a Uno 100 ftot north of and narallel wltb tbo north tin af Hawthorn amnio and batwoon tho ont Mn Of Bait Tblrd atroot and a lln 100 frot oaat of and parailo wltb tba oaat Una of Boat Btoswatb ttroot. L Tho Bfixlnoor'a aatlauto af fa probahto total gnat tor lb InrnrvroawaP af, aald Hawtsorno ronaa bi PTllH) 5o. Tba plana, apoctAeatlOM and wrfniatoa af tba City Rnotnoor for tbo 1ntirofmrnt of aald Bawtborao aonao aoa borby adnptod. Proolrod, That tba Aadltor of tho CltP of Portland bo and no I beraby dtroctod to air no tiro of tba proBoaad lmpromont of anM pTfDM aa prorldad by tb rtty cbartor. ' Braona trior ngalnot tbo aboro prorBiasrt awl bo ttlrd to writing with tba ardorignod wltbta B9 day from tb dU at tb drat Bob Ueattoa af thla twtlco. t. . ,T7 - Iby arttor at tba OooarTT. thos. c. hbttjfk, Aadttof af tho city of Parttoad. Porfbind. Orrgon, Octobor a, 1004. - , . AVBoTtfS. Hottrar to bar try rtvw tbat at tba aWtlng f tbo OoanHl of tbo City of Portland. Dragon, bold on tba 1Mb day af October, 1004, tba following roaolottoa waa adoptod; Boaolrod. Tbat tb CaanrU of tba tfy of Portland, Orogon, dottna It ipdUnt and Briy poaaa to iBprc Wllltama aranoo from th north Mm of Mcbfttlra atroot to tb srmtb Un f Albert atroot, ear and accept that pordoa Of aald Willi aoa lying brtweea a tin T foot aortb of tb Berth Una f Cfaorry atraat aad a lino 100 foot aontb of tb mmta Hn of Broadway, la top folia wlog nanrr. to-wtt e Pint By dradhal tb trM fan wldtb wltb tall totoraoctlona t tba Drooor Mb-arail. a abowfl hy tb toko t by tb City Bnglnoor. aeoBdT By oooatraetLng artlflaUl a too Bar bo. Tblrd Bp laaajBdUaa; bBbb Uaafe BoatatB, donbla row. , , f rtb By fcytnt . ' ' ' riftb- Py bringinc th tarfaop of tb otirot fall wldtb with full bltonortlon to grade wltb bltellthle nremnt. icrpt tbat portlo of aid itraot ocetipiad by tba atroot nllway acatpany as a not af way. orhleb port loo of ai A otroot tball b Improved by rplaHoaT th n to bow la bo wiu prtwrod tt a toToa larb to doptb. Dart a tba aeaco b iW tba tail aad for a dlntartr of noo- root mnoi or taa ra riiaj wiid atnn Block art OB roweroto tbaadatlua aad fronted with ottoaat aw ar. tn eooeret atutor tb ra'N i in bIch t to ba at lit all tarb j doJt - tb ramal'-g pnrtlrn of th aald t ' of way to a Uarorod wltb PUaBtbi BK -Bt. a .J ImprwonoBt to ba atndo ta acoardano W.h tb c .-r and n'- -a of tb City of : -,nd a d ti a, Jii- -it Ion and rati , s if ' C r - r, fi-dtnfb affico urt Ant :'. 'Of P'-'laod ' e T ft. P ' '. h d; Tliy u't p. ,in at auwo tat wbt lav- . hUBO 1 tfO WD not t&or"-? to ba AMW- ' a tbo p f d tbor to a i u i. , A r by 17 a t - a. lra, paxto of k ' E i of I II '0 . A I .'t urly ll o 'terif II s of 1 11 y l .( E t wiurly f Us wm'm!; llao J W tm th ac h ' of d I Mb i ajM p" .Ml wltb iamo i-io and :a aad uraltol ar "Q arovuo dod - rt atroat ajtd tba Dt- k II s ai F H at i. 7 a Ktiaor e u ot tbo ptwbtbla total eoo far arrnao (a ITS." uuoai os aaid wuua 0. T a aboro tt Ttaaont b) to ba elaaad an. bth. itr tr, t. ad rU ba aaalntiln hy lit rtty for a portod of aijbt yoara, provided bat tbo ownara of a majority of Ibo property nroniiM ny lata improvrisani or any portion tberouf iball sot prttuun tor a now ar dlfforrat iSipforoaasat Mfora tbo asplratloa f parlod. Tba pinna, opaotfloktlooa and ootlantoa thr Cltr Irijltv ar f()r tho tmproTOmsot af I WIPtamio af. .0 ira horabv adootad. ired. T t U Aadltor of tba Cfty af r -aa ao aoa aa la nrraoy auoctod to fito anncm oc too nopoooa iniprotooMtit ac Taooo aa pronaoo oy UM city c Bar tor. lUmonatrancoa aaalnat tbo Un sarnt Bio bo fllad la srrlrlna with tho bihLw. atc.iwd wifaifi to days from tbo data of tba imi ponucanon af tbU asUea. ' Mr ardor of tb OwncU. V - TBOB. C MTUlf, . . Auditor of tbo City of Porttond, - PoHUnd, Orogoa. Ootobor A lOOd. - - rmorofXB snnrn nr mur mtzn 0O0X imvt, AXXXT TJUOVOX KLOCX t, aUTXmriBW ADOITIObl, Al abOSTB- incx nun, peom im mr sosn w fjOSTS UbTX PP BiOOU U AJTD tt, OXX TKAX oVLBUIA, TO UTO Q jlOJUUI wTKSBT AT DfUT I7UJT. Mottoo la borooy piooaj that at tbo ajaaottM of tba OoaaeU of tba CUr af Portlnod. OrogooT arid on tbo lPtn day af Ortobot, 1P0. rba lol lowing roootaUoa waa adoptod: fUaolTod, Tbat tbo Council of tba Cltr af Port land, Orrgun, dooaaa It aapadloiit and aro- puooa to aonatroot a aowor oltrlflod pl( la Delay street. Cook arena, alio through bloeh d. aUrerrtaw addition, and pWth.iT! Uof fwllW foot north af tbo aeatb 11a of block PI and 2. Ceatrat Atblna to tba or ib moms otroot at IMlay atroot Bald oowar bo oo oonatructad with ail na eatrb-boatoa, Baan-bDloa, lamp boW brancboo, and to bo of tba foUowiag alono: Of tfbt Inchoa clsor Inalda d oowar to b oenatructed with all HHurt botes and ataea iron b pout in voruwicb atroot IM foot north of tba aontb lino af blocks It mmS a Central Alblaa, to a point to Bortbwiek atroot where alloy ruaelog tAroogb block a, BlTorrlew a (Wit loo. latersecta aald Bortbwiek atreat: tbrnca of 10 Inch clear taaid diuneter along uier aiwanau urran aioca a. unnnn BdOfttoB. and a Albfaa aeaoua OS a nrdt I. Albln aTrnn at tiook a ran no; tbence of 11 incneo near inatda aiunetar tbraogh Cook aee noe to a point In Cook arm o at Mlchlgaa arenee; tbeac of 14 Incbaa clear taalde diam eter froaa a point to Cook arenna at bflcblean aTOBB aloojr Oook avenaa and Dele atrvet e a eoooecuooi.wua ib aowor ut Moma atroot. aaia aowor to ba coastrncted la amwoNiaB wltb tb charter and ordinance of tbo City of r or i ui no ana u piaoa, pociricatlona and U mats of tb Cltr Engineer, rllad la th affUw of tbo Aadltor of tba City of Portland oa tbo itib oay or October, 1B04. Indorsed: "City Ba- n msi 1 1 s piaoo nna sDseincauoo roe a aewar ra aiwrifw addition and Bortbwiek at at Strooto (tom 180 foot aortb of tb Una af bU4 ll and U, to aawor la atroot, and tho aotlmatoo a? tb work to Birerelcw addition and Bortbwtek atreet of tba aoatb ta blorria tn doa and tbo prooabio total coat tboroof." ib mm newer to be epnetrncted tor tba par bm of oworlna' and dralnlow all the fctni. Krta tboroof and parccla of land lying within t district bounded and described aa follow: Beetanlna at a not at to the east U veiar atreet iuo net aartnarie rroea Ba anrta Una of blorria street; fbeac aaatorly along tba aootb tine of lot T, block If, Oook1 a addltloa. to a point 100 foot easterly rrnaa aad oarallal Wltb th aaaterly One of Daley atreet; tbence northerly alone Una loo feed distent from and oarallal wltb tb oaat Una of Delay atreet wj a point iw teet esetant aa eaetanmlar renaenft front tb aoathaaaterle .Una at Owb'Taoe; tbene northeasterly along a Uno ii" teei aiauni iroai ana nrui win the aoBtbaaeterly Use of Oook arenas to a pelat to tb centar Bna f Mloslaatppt a retro e: thonoa aortb along tor Peeler Uno of llloalaalppt are na to a pout 60 feet In rectanpnlar aaeaatiro- bmk outaat xrooi ta aoathotriy Uo or Oook llel with ue pnaUeaaterly Usaof Cook arenee tn tbo Intersection wlrb tbo oaat Una of lot A btoek , BJroretoW addlftVa; thence swrtberly w a noiai in uto ceater una of Uonk arenas; thence easterly along tb orator lln of Cook a to nee to a Dot tit 100 faet went of the west Uit of Ceoaaerrtsl auaotj thence northerly WO feet distant froon and pa rails) erltb tb eotrly Ito f CoaunrrcUl atret to tb aortb Une of Blrerrlew oddltloii; toe no weaterly along tb aorta una or Ktrerrisw aooitioo ta a point 100 foot aaatorly froa tbo assterly Mne of Array atreet Utd ejt tm Bfrerrlew addltloa; theneo Bortberlr along a Una 100 feet aasterlv from and parallel with tb eaiterly Uno of Kerby atreet aa laid oat to B I terrier addlHoa to tb aontb Una af Central Albln: theoce weat erly along tb soBtb Has of Central A lb taa to the contrr Use of aller reenloa tb retire bloca SI, Ontral Aablna; tbenc Bortborly along tba center Un of aaM allay to a potat BM tool oathrlr from tba aouth lino af Beech otroot: thence westerly along a Hno 9M feet ontberlr from aatd para llel wftb tb eoatb lln of Beecb street to tb ooater Baw of ArUoa rane; tbenaa dwtariy atoor th eeater Un of AI Moa ana to tb center Ua of fTeaaont atreet; theaao westerly along- tb oater Mne or rremont street to ta center II n or aller rwanlng tbrongh block B, Cook's odd! floe; tbeac southerly a bong tbo etr una f alley tbrongh blocks a and I. Cook' addlttoo, to tba contor Haa af Oook are a: tbaooo ooatb- weoterlr oa a Um between tota I and d, bloek fa, Cook'f addition, to a point M foot onCbweoterly f the southwestern Un of Oook itnv: tbeaea ontheoaterly alowg a lino M feet distort owthwostorly from and parallel with tbo envtbwoaterly una of Oook a too no to tba Booth west corner f lot a. Mack is. Cook'a addlttoa: tbeac aaaterly along tbo oatbartr line of brta t. IB. ll. IB ia and 14. block Id. Cook'a addlttoa, to th west Ba of lot U. bloek Id, Cook-i addltloa; then so tb or ly along tb weat Ua of lota la. and , block la. Cook'a addlthm. to a potot at tb aoatbwoot earner of tot BO. btoek If, Onok'a addltloa: tbenc easterly alowaT th aoBtberrr Un f lot SO, block la. Cook'a addltloa. to tba eentar lloo or Delay Btroet: thane oowuieTly elnng the center llao of Oetay atreet to a point 100 foot oretfcerly from tba aort Una of htorrla srreet: tbenc oeaterly oa a Una H0 feet northerly from sod par llel with tb north lino of Metrto ateoet to Um piaoa af begin- aln, eoat of aaM eewer rt be aaaeeood aa pro- eMod he the cite charter noon the orooerte pectaitr and pee ll arty neentej tnvroriy and which la hereby declared t be all the lnta. pert thereof aad parrela af land Ilag within the dtotrlet berolnaefor boonded aad do- aertbed. Tb Khglneor oerrmato f the PreaaM total mot of Um raaatroetlon of aaM aawar to fl.B30.00. Tho plana, apecincarioo aad rimte of fa City Bnaineer for tb aatracttoB of aaM newer are hereby adopted. Besotted, Tbat tbe Annitot af tba City Of Portland bo and be t hereby directed to give antic Of the Proposed eonetroctl're of aald aewer, a prorldcd by tbe city charter. Bemnnetrnnce against tba a bee aowor nay bo filed ta writing with tbe anderelgned within dare from tb data af tba flrat pabUoation of tbta notice. - t , By ordor af tt fwti . . V 7 THO. C. WBTMlf. ' " 1 Aadttof of fba City of Porftoad. Pottlaad, Oregon, October at, 1PM. raOVMXI) llfaVOTBaTBT Of WWI M : ataUT Oa rOBTBlIOVTat ATaJTfB. Wotle ta hereby gteen that at tb meeting at tb CobbcIi of tb City of IVH la d, Oregon, held on tb loth dy af Octobaa, ltd, tba tallowing resolution wad adopted: . nolrVd, Tbat tbe CoancU of the Crop of Portland, Ore so a. doom It spdtt aad fropnera to tmproea th weat on bait of f rtamoetb arrtin from tbo aootb Una of WUUmctt bovleeard to th north Una af Hlntf atreet by ooaatmctlng Wooden sldewatka and eroMwalk Ib aecordanca With tba City Bagl aeer'a ploa. apeddeattoaa and estimates. Said Improeemanf to be made ta accnrdaBC wltb th charter and ordlnea'-ea of tb City of Portland ajtd tbe plane, perldcatlooa and eatlaute of tho Crty auttoeer died la tho ofBce of tb Aadltor of tb City of Portland on th 10th day of October, IR04. Indorsed: "City Rttftfieee' plan and pr locations tt tho nuroTcmeat of tb wort mo half of Ports mouth arena from tbe nwh lln of Willamette NMtleTird to tbe aortb Uno of Btaff atreet and tb estimate of tbr work to be dona ana ib prone bla total cost tberrof." The be all the lnta. parts thereof and aareeU of land tying between tb weet Un of fort month arentte and Una 100 foot west thereof end Krallet therewith, sod betwee th aeath 0 ot Wlitamatt benlersrd aad tn aortb Bas of Btoff etreet. Th Knglneor's oertmar of the probe bU total eaat fat the Itnproratoent of told Wast ana half of Portenvrh arsno la S3 30 00. Tba plana, aped near) tbb add o(1eiaa af tba Cltr Bnaineer f"T fba lmprotrBtent et tb said west ono balf mt Portsmaalb a man ara naby adopted, teen I red. That tha Auditor of fb City of Pnrtlaad and be ta her- iy directed to gtv notice of tb pr-'pewed It tot moot nf naafl srano d proelded br tbe dty charter.' Bemoaatranoea afr'-t tb Shore Improvement mar be lied la n... with th nnderalgaed w 'Via Bi day from tba data of Um hrst pno Uoemb of tbta Bottc. By ardnr f th Coawctt. THOS. ft VBTLIN. Aadltor af th Oty f Portland. IwrfUna. Oreaoa, Otato Bt, 04 Mt or sm imLiisisojoai so ,a s- aeaaaa as preeioeo ny we city ensnsr open the property apedany ana psenllarly bane- ataat thorebr and which la be refer decurea ta nooKO narit - an- bjwt BTAU b Motlo t becere e that Bt th BkeetlBf of t Co- 1, i o P-ctlaad ftr.ft,o. w ' m ' ft r i !-r. IbtH. u ec u . I ft ' j k-?-a: pose to li - : ' atreet from tbe TTl Vi,J . street to tbe eenti a ta of tt ftii. to Um foltowhsj maa- ner. t- .: . . p-rat- y P-e in wooa earrn. mmm and Kia f at1 a ol mo atroot faU width tea t i I; .-. Beee i P t Witt i 11 j tare- y trd By wa'M la ac pi. s, aper ... -rrh F a Tt nib by Cm. B rentb By i Bt rw,: C0 W J aoeelftr! i BrJ e th street fnB width a - -d rrter grTeL ti ...1.11 stone aide ) t City angina ir' a ejumare. , i wrwdoB amaaoarai. s eeroo, r hua wuttora r wooden eldVwerk t f w Bnglaaara li.. aa- a. aatd mi, nut to ) mad. M aeeordan With tb e.arter al ordf t , of tb City of Portland ad lb t a. I cation and ee tu d iii Cltr i . ir-. filed to th office f the Anttee- of t C t of Portland an the. Mrs day of P trier r. 1 todoraed: "Clty B etneer' pi... e a-- 'U?a 1m- esrvwiaent of B't 9tt n root from the ooater ao of B tt -:" h tt to tb eentar line of Beat f oth strict at'd tho ceil mala of tbe work to ba dema and UM probaW total mt a aabf tmnreewaMnt to ba onaaoaaa an prOel d by tna r y Mrter npo tbe pron srtyp. 'beneflrrd thereby and which b beiwbrd, red to bo all Um lot, part af toil H t .to of land V tetwM a Bno 100 fTt ..a of and parol A with Urn aortb Hm at n. ,t Bt-k street and a Una 100 feet outb of and prallel w'th UM aoatb Hn of Bait B-'fc street end botwoea tb eaat Un of sit B. cth atreet aad la wont Una af Bant Tba nVeTUar' eerJmero af Mm pretMiM total net for t Ir rtroremea ni aai at atark rtreet la He O. The boe lu.r i uianioea boo eeseoew na grarel rrpolr i, ipreeetaent and ahall bo nula iA k. fhe eltr for a Period of two year. prorlded tbat the owners of a majority af tb property b Mftted by aatd tm pro re meet or any inM h. W ahall not DefltloB for a Bow or Afferent tiw women t bofor th oaptrattoa f nThpV'I. onectflcitioM and Btlnets of ta rt- rs th lmnroeement of aald Bna ttarfc srrert are hereby iflooted. Rreeled. Tbat th Aaltw of tb Cltr f Portland ba and bo la .Imreby directed to 1e norlc f tb PMponed ifwoTenvcnt oa mt. aa ernvteW hr the At charter. n atraneo aealnet tba ahor I went mar he filed In writing -with th aneW- alrnod eHthta SO dare from tb dato f Sh Ortt pnniioannB ox uw Borne. t y erner aa aJ,Iai. .Aanrtor of tha City af Parttaad. Oreova, October ti; UOa. notom aormoTMMXKT . or MefJLiXst Rotto at hereby glee tbat at fba Bmsttat tb OoaaeU of tb Oily f PortlaneVrenwo, iF. th. tftth dar of October. IPO. UM toi lowing roaohittoB waa adopted t Raeolred. That th Ooancfl of . tha City af PortUnd. Orseo. dee oh tt zpaiat ana pro pose to Improe Ucbtlltoa atrt from th atmtbwaaterty Un of Crosby trt ta tna ai Un of Wlluaam aeaa. la tba toltowladl man ner, to-wtt: .V .... . Pint By aradlBn M otreo ran anara win foU lntersertloD to tb -trade aa at ma by City Bna-lneer. BeeoBd- uiniBBlttaaT double row. Tblrd By toptng tflaa. roartlr--aW aaaatiaatra awrba. rtrtB-ltr Brteetme ran eaefaaa of a to tbe oatabUshed arado tuU width with fall Intoreoetloen with UtnUtht paeamont. Bald ImproeenMBt to be made to accord c With the pbmrtae and M-dtaancea of tb City of Portland and the plana, apeeiri cottons and estimate of tba City Barlneer, flledln tb ornoa of tb Aadltor at tb mry W .rornana on tb Bth day of Ootobor, IPM. tadori "City Baaiaoor plan and aaectncatlooa ivo. rnaoreea: or tae ImprereBMnt af afoMUtoa street frm tb thwasterlr tint, of Oroabr -atroot to tb eat one of Wllllama aretiee, and the -Bute of the work to b anaa and Um prahahla total aost - - - ' - Th oaat of aatd improe wniot aa no aa prorlded by tbo city charter apoa tbe prop art r aowlalre and oaeeUerle benefited thereby. and which Ta hereby declared to ba aa tol le we: All the lots, parts of brta and rts of brta and parcehi the aaathwostarly Uno l Hn 100 feet aoa ta or laoa tying or tore a of VJhaW mtwmm and Westerly from aad narallel wltb tb sooth wret- arty una or Croaay street aad Between a nam 100 feet northwesterly from and parallel with tb north westerly lino of McUlllea atreet and a line 100 feet aoatbeaateriy rrom ana naraiioi with th aontbeaeterly lln of McMillan atroot) also tbe anvthweotrrly one-hi If of Mock. B and th northeasterly ne-aav of Bioea as, ateaui lan'o addition to Beet Portland. . Taa Baaiaoar s timet of Um pponaM torsi eoat for th. Imworsmsat af aald MehUllen atroot la filaW oa. . , Tb oboe Improvement hi to b elaoaad a bltuUthlc paremeat and ahall b malatalned or a city tor a pertoa at ignt years, prw elded that the owner of a majority of tbo property benefited by aald lmproTsment r any portion tborref abaft not petition tor bow oirrereat twpooTamaai aoior mm wprBinB oca nerioa Tba alana. aiMHfteaitoa and mtraoatoB af the City Bogloeor for tbe laanroeement mt paid Mean Ilea street are herehr adopted. ' Beoolred. That tb Andrfw of tb City f Portaind b aad a la hereby directed to pie othsa of tbe nronoasd ImnroTement - 8 atrawt. an neoeldHl w tha cltr charter. BaM'Mstrancea agsTost tbe aboe Itnpi 8 aajBJ may be filed hi wrlUag with tba andmlgned wltbtB 90 day from tb dam g taa dbh pabHeatloa af tbl antic. , t. , ,; . By eraar ac iaa txwncu. y THOU. O. IrPmJlf, ; " 1 Aadltor of the City of Portioned rwrttaad. Oregon. Oetober 10. rBoroKCD nmtoTBBrxert or iabt rtnrjrrr-BivTK tbdt. ftotloa to borobr aires: that at tba to a ting at tha Coancil of th City mt rwtlad, Orsaroa, held on tbe rrtb day of October, mot, taa aallowlny resets I km was adoptod: - Beoolred. Tbat the Ceaiictl of ta City af Portland. Ureroo. aeenM it eapeaiont btm mw - - n hMim taat Teroatr-alntb atroot from the aorthUna af Hawtborna aeono to 100 feet north of tb north Una af Beat Mala street to tt following mannar, to-wtt t Plret By grading tb atreet fall width wtth faU Intervecfton it taa grado, al glrn by UM City Bnglaoor. iBond By eonaUBfiiBt woe eon pwmin, Third Br aonatractlng woodaa croeewaua. VoMetkk Re ennatFoetlna haa eat tar. Bald la samaaif ta he made In BOOordanC Wltb tha ohartot aad eraiaaacoo or toe vity at PnrtUod and tbe alana. Boecirtcatloo and eattmatee af tbo ClUt Bnaineer. filed to tb of IV of tba Aadttor of the (aty of .Portland an tba tad day af Bept tabor, loot, inaorooa: 'City BnglBeer plana and aped flea tton for a pro re meat of an at xwentyninia enrwei froaa tbo north Uno of Hawtborna aeeana to IM faae amk ad tks mm-t llsa) of Bast UalB street, and tb ssttmites of tb work to b doa and th pro b bla total eoat tboroof.' Th eoat of aald Imsroeement to ho a ooaed as provided by tb rtty charter apon thf prop erty specially and neeaUarly bench ted thereby, and which b heraby doctared to. be aU tba lota, parts of lot and parrel or una tying keiMkn e Une ina feet west of and narallel with tt West line af Boat Twenty-ninth etreet and a Un 100 feet eaat or nd parallel wun ind oara the east Un of hart Tweet 7 -ninth street and between the north llao of Hawthorne aeenua and a Un 100 feet north f aad aaraltoi Wltb the aortb line of Bast Main atraat. TV- ts.rinaw'1 eatimate of the proaabM total met for the lamroyeoMat af aald Baal Twoaty- ninth street Is fnni op. . . Tb Plena, aperi float tot and oetfrasto Of tba City ringlneor for tbe lmprorement of said Beat Tweuty Blnta etreet or Berioy aonpiwa. ReoolTod. That the Aadltor of the Ctty of Portland ho and be Is hereby directed to ft nr.tlna af the croDOBsd lmprorement mt aaM etreet, a prorlded by th dty charter. BeawMMtranr against in bdoto aanyrwew- ment mar ha filed la writing win ua anoer algnod within BO dar from tb data at first nahUration of tb notto. , taa By ror mt me loeoeiL . Aadttor of tba CUy of PartaUMti PortUnd. Oregon, Oetober at, 100a. rtorOtSD PfPBOTratZBT or BAIT amrrB . , BTBXXT. tfntlof to boroby glrea that at taa meefrng of tb Coaocil of tbe city of PortUod, Or sac n, held on tb ISth day of October, ISO, the fbUowtag reenlatioa was adopted: Hef-lejl, Tbat th Ooonrll of fba Ctty of PortUnd. Oregon, decme tt otpedlent and pro pnae to Uaproee hat Ninth street from tb oath Hn of Wygant atreet to tbe north Bna of Unto etrent la Um fouWunx ssoanat, ta- rintt Bp araaawf iba atrewt sal whttB Wtttt faU iBternseliona, teeoMl : Br brhiiiBg th aarfant of fba trreet fall width with full IWereeeUoBd to th nrepor grade With upland bank grarel. Third: ny eooe tree ting wooden sidewalk a. aid lmprorement to be amde lp accordaado with tbo charter and ordinance of tbo City of Portland ad th pUs. apeelflcattoas and esttroate of tbe (Ity abigtnoer, filed In tb offlc of tba Auditor af tb Wry of PnriUnd oa thetmb any of Aarast, 1604, ladorsed: "City Bngtneer's plana and aporlflratlona for the tmproremant of Beat tftaUi atreet from tba aoatb Hn of Wygant a treat to tho aortb line of (eelng atreet and tba estimate of tbo work to ba aaaa and tba ptahabU total neat Tbo a af M 1aanraeatont to bo losiasi 9 mm provided br the city charter apoa tn proper tr aped a fir benefited thereby and Which & hereby declared to to ah tb feu, part of feu and Barrels of mad lying berweea a Hn 1O0 feet eaat of and parallel with the Kl line r Ba Klnth atreet aad d Itna ion I wont af aai parallel with Una Wwet ttaa bbbo Inaak pnttorn, I nrtlftolnl aaaa fAaVwya4 of Boat rTtara atreet and Vows tha osoth Una of WygBat atroot and tat north Baa af teulag street. Tb Bnglneor'a eetiBiits f tbo prohehl total oaat for the lmproromaat of. aalaV ltot atton nren m ffl.UU.OO, Tbe shoes liniireeamaeit to tn ba eUoaod as Bra) lmproreuieot and shall b saalntalaed T the elty for a period of t it years, prorlded that ffc owners of a majority of th property benefited by said tniDrorcnicnt or aay portion thereof shall not pet it loo (or a nw or differ eat liamaiimaal bfm the axnlratton of anah period. -.Thi. ! aporineorlooa sod set! ma to f ITT fogusor tor tba Improremeat Z Bald Bast Klatb atreet are hereby adopted. Beeoreea, That tbo Auditor of tbo CKy Of fnrtlaad b and be to hereby directed to ft aotlc of tbe nrcpssid ImproretBeot af aald atreet. as prorlded by tb city rbartor. B-eeoneiraocea agatiMt tbo aboeo laoproT annit.may bo mod la writing with tba ander r?.thlla K day frum tha data ad tbo " Bwonrauoa r uu noflra, . , Mr araat f the CoondL THOB, C. BBTUIT, ' -kodtrs of tho aty of fortlaaeV Portland. Or.gon. Oetober tt lane. . ITBXXT. - - - Pottos la hsswby girea that a fa sptJaj af.ta CobbcU of the City of Porttaod. Orogun, bold oa tbe 10th day of October, laOd, th foUowlng ronalaUoa waa adopted: Reeoleod, That tbo Ooancfl of tbo Ctt of PortUnd, Oregon, deem It spedteat and pro poae to tupror Blrer etreet from tbo aortb -weaterly Une of Eandotph street to Un 10 faet oatheasterlf bratrem ta Um faUoerlng aMoner. to-wlt: Plret -By brlnaiaf tb aorta an af tba atroot fatl width with full Intersections to the grsdo oa rleeat by the Cltr Snarl neer with good, clean oartb. Uy, grarpl. , rock or atbor eol labia filling. 1 Second By montrarttiig mi fch ptoafc raad way with fall toteraerUnaa. Third By constrocUaf wacieo atdwwatt ta nccordanc With tbo City Boglnoec' plana, apeciacatloaa and aatlmato. Bald fanpraeapjant to be nuaa ta aeeordaaee with tho efiartet and ordlnanraa of tbo City of .Portaind and ta plana, peclflratlon and esti mate of tb City Bogtneer, filed tn th office of tb Aadltor of tb City of Portland an tbe nth day of September, left, todoraed: 'Clty Bngtnoar'a plana and spool flea Hon for ta 1m nroTameat of Blrer atroot from tbo aorthwnat erly Une of Budolpb street to Una 100 feet aoatbeaateriy therefrom, and tbo esti mates of the work to b dona and taa probable bpibi ooi inerooi. Tbo cost of aald toprorBMnt to ha aweejaoed M provided by tb elty ehorW apoa tbe prop arty apectally and pecoHarly benefited thereby, aad Which Is hereby declared to be iU the lot, parts of lota and parrel of hind hying between a Una 100 feet northeasterly from and parallel with the oftbawatrrly Hn of Blrer Street and a lino 100 feet aontn westerly from and eraUel with tna eothweotarly Un of Hirer street aad between a Una 100 feet north westerly from and peril let with tb north westerly Ito of Baadolph rtreet and a lln SO feet Bwurbeaeterlr from and parallel Wtta taa noatboasterly Un of Randolph street. Tho Knaiaoer i estimate or the probanm arte i aost for in lmnroremont af aald Rrror street ta I1.B90 00. Tbo a bee rtoworiiaowt to ta at mini aa a plank roadwiy tmprersmaat and abaU ba amalntalMd he tha ettv for aorlod af foor year, prorlded thl tbo awner of a majority of the property benefited by aald Improromoat or any portion thereof shall not petition far a new ar dlfforent Imnroramsat bator tb Ot- pl ration mt cb period. Tb plans, spec! flea t Ions aad estimate of tb City Kngtoeer for tb ltnpmrmeat af aald Bleep street ar bereby eaopted. Kesolred. That tb Aadltor of tbe Cltr at Poet land be and a ti hereby direct J to tie notice of tbe propoosd improremeat of aald atreet. na provided by th city charter. aWaanastraneo a gal net tn a nor iarproTo mcet mar ba filed In writing wltb tbo ander- signed wltb la B dare from tha dato ad th first poblleatloa af thai aottoat . . ar oraot c taa i minou. TBOP. C. IrBTtTTf, And! tor of tba Oty of PortlaaC PWrttoaA. Oregon. Oetober tt, Uod. raorOAALB FOB XaTTBOTZiairr Borod. flrr or niiuiD, ABD OB. a led propoaalo win na receiroa ay taa aadoielgiMl at tba office of the Auditor of tb Csty of PortUnd. Or., natll Tvmday, Mo eeasber 1, 104, at I e'cVx p. m., for tba aal. at not lee than per rain and accrued Interest, of Inuroeemoat bona of the City f Portland, Or aa th earns shall be ootWlaed to be leased for aba what or aay part at ett4.Bll.lP. Bald bonds wUl be Uooed la denomlnatlona of a led nrwBoaala will ba roeetvad bp tAHO.00 each, to ba dated K or ember 1. 1P04. pay able 10 years from date, bee ring Into rest at the rata or 0) per sent per annate, nayann eenu- payable . -a... te uia m nrAM at tttataa nuld cola, at tna ofilco of tbe City Traaonrer, PortUnd. Or. Prorlded, that th Oty of PortUnd users fba right to tak p and cancel anch booda, apoa the payment of tba too taJn thereof, wit aeeraed later- at to tb data f payment, at any aeui aauoil ooapoa period at or after ana yaar from ha not or uen nona. Said boons ar Ueanff anddr sataorlrr af aa art of tb lafUUtur or the Bta t ar uregon, pa as ad Frbruarr la, , so titled: "Aa act to provide for tbo tosusne of bead tor th ImproT meat of streets and tba taylag of erwsr In Incvruorated rttle. and for tbe payment of OMta of tui b Improet mints and urmg of aewere by IneuilmenU," aa ajnendod by aa act of tba LearUlatar at tb State of Oregon, aa arorod Kbruarr BL U01. en U tied 1 "An act to aaMnd.oeeUoa 1, $. t, d, B, d and T of an act eatltUd.: 'Aa act to pvorld far tb to eosace of boaAn for tap Uaproremeat of atreet and laying: sewers In Incorporated attic, nd lor the pay meat af taa coat of anch Im prove toe Bta pad Urine of aawar by InaUil SMmta,' riled In tb office at tba secretary of tat rebroary IB, 191, and tha proceed tboroof or to b seed tor th paymoat la part tor tha Improvement of strost or eons traction r sewra a Um said Imnroraaaaabi aba 11 ha etrilldlty of taaf act nf taa LaorlaUtvr aforesaid haa boon afflrnied bp th stonre Court of tb PUt of Oregon. Bidder win be repaired to awbnK a tat btd, Wltbont cendltlewa. ascept na to tba legatortty of tba Uoua of bond, and to mbmlt with thsir bids a certified check a Bank la th City of PortUnd, Or., oqI to B par cent of aba face ral of tbe beads bid far. aayabU to tba Ma ysr f th City ml Pte-tUnd, a 1 1 on I da ted daaug ta ease anch Mddrr withdraw hi bid or falsi ar neglect to outer Into contract to toko and pay for aald bond crdlng to tb terms of hi hid aad tbt notice. -Tbo right to reject any and all Mda hi hereby reserved. Bids should be addressed to Thomas 0. Dee Bo, Auditor. Portland. Or., and saarked "Bids par lanproeoaMst Booda," mm m-iIm- r ike rmtt . v . . m mm BiaiH, --. i. 1 PHBHRBTT. Ceanmfttee oa Way and Manna, PnrthiBd. Oregon, October U. 1P04. PBOPOAALB rOB TTKD, Bested nropooaU will be recelvsd at tb efflro of tb Auditor of dM City nf PortUnd nntll frlday. October M, 1904, at 4 o'clock SB., for fwrnUhlng to th fire rupartmeat aatd elty tb folVwtasT iteaoi of feed, wbtoh win ba reoaired ror tao mnntn oa evoveanatori Two tons aatry braa. ievovsteen toes best pnalltr tjatothp Bar. ght ton beet noaUty Wblto opto, wn tnmm Btraw. Tba ftre committee motto tb right ta order for throa mocifb at price. DeHeery t bo made aa roqnlred and atlhl to be rendered only for amen aaaaUUo aa ara dellrered and accept so as pie mt braa and aato aj 1 each propoaal. hUy and ant ba anharittod Wtth Uaw gahUrt to appro ral on e livery. Tfo nropooaU wUl Ba 4k4pnaarff)anrt VCaaraaf 'ntat em pa nled by a certified cbeck payable to Oeerg H. WlUUm. Mayer, for aa amoaat oual to IB per eot at Um aggrewato bid. Tho right fa taject any r al) bid Ta hereby Aodtto af tb City of Peftlana. PortUad. Oreaoa, Octobor H 1P0A - . AtrOTIOB BAXZ. Botto hi hereby atroa tbat at 10 ortoek SB., oA Monday, Ortobor Bl. 1P04, at tbe ty fcara. Ml Msteaath atroei th aty of Portland will aell ft eeh at pablto auction to tt bla heat bidder tba fntlowlnc described arttoiM. run J ties, which are at B Major an to u ntu Old ratatl Brarlaklera. Bora pnwsr BweenlBB MBaBtnan, Toa or ncrap iron. cart Tira, 1 Old labia. The right m hoeaBr UltoTll la patoat Aar ar all bide. By 11 aar ax ta aa retire aocra. . , THOB. O. DBTTJrt. -. " Aodrtor f the tty of PartlennV PortUaat, Oregon. October M, IBM. BonoB or rtxnio or bbpobt op tibwbtm 0M TJtB rBOPOBSD OPaUfTBw), LATTBB tnun BaaBIJBaa Of SBXITX ATKBirB. ' Mottre to herehr etra that tha reonrt nf the viewers heretofore appntnted to ases the beneflta aad dams see hi tha mattor nf the pro- Eiad pring, ia ring out ana estaa ilea lag or ekaal araou. from tbe weet Uno of Camden otroot to th eaat lln of Vancouver county road, to tbo aty of Pert la ad, ba filed with the anderatgned thob report of as aaaa moot tt benaflto tbat wfll ba derived and damage ttat wUl ba enstalned by reaeoa of the opening, layial aat and eatobUiblng. af Dek am arena as abort deecrlbeA . Tho Council af aald City at Portland will ennaldee aald resort at tbe no it roatBlar meet- Inf, WOdavaAay. Boeember . lOOd, at t o'clock m. Ail persons mterearea are oereoy noti of to present their blecllaa to aald fwpnrt In writing. If any they bar, t aald tlm and pfeo. tbat tba aaaa amy b bad and aetar mlnVd bp Um Coaaca , thou. u. rmvLiw, Aaartor of the aty of PwuaaV pertlaaa. dteann, Oetoant ti, UOA . . FOB Botle f boroby glrea tbat tba Oeonofl of aha City of PartUad, Oragoo, at a mnu. hW oa tb tut dar of iaoUaibor. 1P4. e iu tb aenemoMBt br ordUAiua K. 14.214. fur t ImanToramant mt Tonik etraat ban tin north J la af Waaalagtoo sfrMt to tha aootb Un of rent atreeL la tt bmbdm ptovidad by mdt Wom No. lI.SU. apoa ah art, part of lot and Croat at lone. Which or weetaliy ana j ly boos it iX to bt nt sWtown. eto: iPOBTLAJID BLOCK BI, bl 1 Kalda Mobnaa. aUU.lD: kit A Hulda At. b iUlI tot A bee trad fiaha. Blda-Wi art of Teau Mreet ana a no ij soot wane thereof sad peraUsT tWewltk and botwoea Cm aaath Une of oha bt Coneh ttonatioB Od eiaJm and a Une M feet owatt thereof aid naraBol Ibareenta, farcy JC Bitt, aa04.iL A tract f land tyeng to at Tsnth Mreet end a Una lap at woet thereof and psrottol there with, and botwoea tb northerly aa of WaeAlagtea atroot and tt mil Ha of inbn If, Cooob otbip toad clalam, OaraBna A. TrlmbM, Ti.. .COrca'l a&DITIOM to tba Ctty f PorUn ' BLOUS 0T, tot A SopnlalLldtrman, tlM.ftdj fet A Bovbia KloatMman, llll.a BLOCK at bt 1. BHsnbeth B. dUaaa. flBt-M: tot 4. BUanbetb B. U I lean. Ilaaad: mt A Beamt OUaan AeUte. bain nf. flC-d 41 tot a Bo . uuaoa BMtato, aaara ar, fioo-i Br stir" JKmes llit.TdiTH 4. Baaa B-ay. SUBtliJ toll VlUbaat fcrto, "a"" rletu'aud bUnrP. Palung a BoUjr n baft paif; fetl, neariatta and Mart T. railing and attally abeU. dl.TT; tot i, Btonrletu and hUry V. PallW and BaaUr Cabell. BLOCK UA. tot 1. Wahaaaan Moras Tram tar Ceaapany, ll to; tot . Wabaaean Moees A aUobard Beans. let A inaa naoi- 1st n, on w., Henry m. ana (iiam n. Brwera. aiSB.dti let B. John W., Henry PL Maramret S t w. wyafanr, pAWJ-ov I mn o. hlaraaret O, WygaaH. ; fet aV btar areV WTfaat. AA BLOClt 1D0 let t, Margaret MarahaUjartota. bean 1 af. OB. If: lot 7hlrgrt Marahail BotaU. batn mt . aaar- Of. paUl tot A Margaret Mares an awui. er.r-sfc -ass rd Fjoba Kiaaanoa U; tot A Joba (tarnaa. Hi A OP i tot, Joba Klarpaa, Mtflfci tot A aUTUjiiV LenaT Vclr W oT ns a Pr 1 a eleee, 19Alt; tot L CUrlatloa iTlfaewtela. fltTrt; tot A Jooapjrtoll-7p1 ti- M;OC U4. at bleekwrui isaetta Bteam IfUla 4 Pittock. Mi n: tot A Pary ft r isn. i.u: let 1. rieary &- nit. wei; .m ry U Pltteck. Blah tb. iloci onaa, iformed CoregatloasJ rb, pM 44 1 tot William riUdner. U.B: Vet. AfU r1raar!fll.TS: Vet TT B V Btata M8.B4. e it aeet of btoek. B, r. buu. wset aa.iT fawt of BAeab. aa- ent sent Peat, lerlfh B. Barren, BtOO.U I LOCK IB, lot t. W. aV Bobartoan, B1M.B1 A WllUnm Dnamn, ftlAlh; at Ml weal a tot t Amanda W. Bond tat. hetn las. Baraaad aUDarmott, iulw T. Mrora. tiie an IHMi tot T, tot. i4 aa. block as. oaat rtodnma Bna..; eeet U' Prtoshnoa Braa.. 4T.; west " lot 1 Antoine. Blale and John Labbee. 11 in. B0; In. Bl ewt u. tot A AAteto. Blatoa and Jena Lab1 BTB.3P; aortb u lot a. aresman naepaora tartan, traete. A44WM: aaartb H of tot A Ann Orta. H T, B f.llewo. V00.M. BLOOK BP, oaat Mt tot tot AIM Jablto. 44.Tji west U of tot B. A 1Mb 1 Htm. tpft; fet A Aa wmT BUIes and loan lbes. iTdd ob: tot laud, BUU and lobs lag A PapworQV MA IB; tot A J- W. ri.tcbar. t A Oaorg Krtog. M" M fet A laba Me- Crakeo. 101.111 fet T, Joba KCrnhn. Bat BLOCK Ita, tot A Celimbia K iiaineseina Worke, ll.ltl mt 1 .lambia Bnglnaonnf liaiMn BngloeorlBi lambia Bnaleeadar 1 lea, ipt a, uoinaiM weeaae ootubjs 1 w. at T, John teats Batata, naira r, iitn.ra ttnrSf IObV let A CaaoUn B. Wilson. Einaa lot A frolln B. Wltooa. crii trrt-af Biipr adfle Paeer Covapaar. t0A.ll: Uc A 0UV1 Paaar Ooeapanj, fM.U; Vet A Pa- ClB Paper Dbftpeor. HAopi fet T, Part At Paper Cempaa, pM OA BLOCK Cut 1st , Jobnaaa totato Coauaaa. MOLdB ; fet A Johonoa Bauu CnmpoBy. ti : aoatb tr faet tot Jobnaon BeUto Ooanpaear. I3BT lt Erth iJHfat tot A oba Ootoa Batata, Bngaea ang rrawaon w. unierea, pn.a; Alill 0. PJechso end Pros ten W. OtV P314.tti mt . piiia v. Maornae ana w. wiiert. bvi.b: Mt 1, im Huahoa and P res toa W. OUfetto. tSTO.BA J LOCK 241. let 1 0- It. Bmlta, 1A41 : fed O. bL Bmlta. fet A O. M. Baalth. i0 00; fet T. O. M. tmltt, Bltt-Pf: right af way. City aad barbae BaUway Coanpany. f8.t. Total. aia.Tll.XT. ure-aent of 1 taa tea Id manmat kn been ntared ta tb Docket of City ties and h) now , payabU at ta orace off tn city Traaaori r, ia lawroi manor r ta uaima Bta tee. and If not paid withl a SO days from the data af thto act Ice each aroe dtnaa wlU ba token for tha oelleottoa of tb same an are fnawMsi By tb charter of tbe City af PortUnd. Tbe aboro a 00 a earn a of win bear latere. M anye aftot, Ohe Brat pwn tbjj AodttM af rba. Oty of .tUad. Portland. Oreawa. October M, 1004. rtoroBxo urMTHmrKsTi1 or msmwute - BTBBXT. I .. ..: - WetJr to herehr it ran tbat at taa meattoa f tt Coaocil of the aty of PortUnd, Oreaoa, held on tbo IBth day af October, 1004, tb foiioenug reaoiutioa waa adoptod: ReoolrrA Tbat tb ODunctl of tad Ctt of PortUod, Oregon, deem tt Hpedleat and to tm i rove Bortbwiek street from tb north Bno of Kllllngaerortt arena to tb nnrtt Un of West Piedmont in tba fotluwlop; asaa aor, tcwltt ' First By gradlag taa streot fall width with fall Inttrerctfena to tha grade aa pitaa by tha Uty BKgiaeot. - Second--By raTtrarttnc frerei stdawalk with wooded rarba la accordance with tha City Bug Infer' plans, epeeiflcatlona and es timet. Tblrd hy oonatrMUng aroaawalhs. Bald Unproeeaunt to be mad Ib aceordaaoe wltb tb charter and ordlnanraa of tbo City of PortUnd and th plans, specification and eoti matoa of tb Ctty Bnglneer, filed la the office of tha Auditor f the City f PortUnd a tbo 0th day Of lUptMaber, 1904. Indoreed: r,Clty Bnaioear' plan and a pert flea (lone for tbo taprorement of BorMwIc atroot fr-mi th aortb Une of K till era worth Trm to tbe north ttu f Weet 1'ledinoat, and tba estimate of tbe work to "ba afen tad taa protMbfe total aost theraor.'' Tb cost af mm lmproeement a oa prorlded by tb dty charter opon tbo prop- art r epecalty beantd thereor. and wklch hi nersby decUred to be all tb lota, parti of feu and parrele of feed Irlnp hetwaea a Una jou fvt weet of and parallel with tbo weet line of nvwthevlck atreet aad a Una loO feet oaat of and par a let I with the east Una of Bortbwiek atreet and between tba mirth Mne of KlUlnreemrth retrae and tb north line of West Pledvaont. Tbo Boglneor't tltlmate f th probahfe total 40t for tbe taaproaemant at J4 BorUiwK'k trret to ll.BM.woT . Tb yltw. spectfleaffhna and epttwiate af fa Mtr Bnaineer for the iBmroremeat ol amid iorthrrlcfc etreet ar bereby edoy'- Keeolvod, Tbtt tha A-idltor of tho City of Pnrtlaad M and he I hereby directed to aire notice of th propooad lmproeement af told atreet. aa pro el dad hy th Cltr ebarter, B monstrance agatrat the aboro lmroTmeat may ba tiled ta writing wltb tb nnderstined with I a Bu day frem tba dato af th Or at pab ilea Hon of thto ootleo. ... . ; . TH08. C. naJtXfrf. Andltor of th Cltt f PortaannV. INrttoad, Oregon, asr a. uuaoa aiataie, nsars or, ain.ia. Ui&CW. a, let L Maltnaaub Cnonty, fltt M; CriMaUaooCntjltta; tot j v SoaMy, sAaut BL(cit tS tot BeTJiet Walsh Batata, Antra of. twAUl tot A Adolf J OTTT awttTBg. I Txi, , ITottoa to baroaW i'eee. th,t ot tbe meetl- at tbo Ooooeil of the City of P A. ( rn, held on tbe llrtb day of O. -tousg, iftud, to fnlluwiAf reaolntloa wa adopted Blrea. mat im toe wry f Port lan A iVrgon, Barm tt aspedleat and ere- ooeoa to Improe Albert street from th r.V 1. . Union avenn to tho au H Of CoinaMrcial etreot by griiloM Um atreet fall VT ih with full ratereectlMoe to tba m aaown bp'tha alaaaa ant hp tb Ctty Bngl- Ba'ld Uasi ueemsat to Ba antda to aeeardanea 1Z Tebu-tae and aflnancos of th Cltr of Portland aad tha plea. apeclAcataoo and ottMloaref the CltBnglneer Bled ta tao of a "el the Aadltor wf the Oty of Portland 01 la 1st" day of Oetober, 104. Indorsed: -City Bnflneer pUna and apoBoationa for tho rmi-roVement of Alberta etreet treat the weat Ilwa of Union areou to tba eaat Ua y'tUaeerclel rot .and lha aMto of tb. work to ho aaaa aad Um psihaato total aost UThT'ceet of aaM Isapteamut to baMenomaf aa provldod by tt dty charter boob tbo propeTtypeciatly and pomlUrU' beaeBted toerTy aniwblcfi to heraby deeLt&d to b .11 tb fete, part thereof and pareoU of fend tying uetwoe? a line 100 feet north of and noraltol wltb th aorta una or Aiuena nrm aoa Una 100 toot aootb f d per! Ul with tba aoatb Una of alberU atreet and aotwoon tbe Vt UnTof tmton aeoaw and Um eoat Una of imawrclal street. , Tb Bnotnoor's awttaMtt at tha nrohahl at tor the lnnsBwenreat af aid AlborU 'on semi traot tm Bl IB! lA ni, sikvtneae foe the lauroTeaaat mt aald Alberta street are bereby adoptod. Bvrolrea. TTil in Auairor 01 ure yny 01 PWtUnd be and na bl hereby direct to gira mrUrm mt the proaobodt lmproeement of onM. street aa prorlded by Um dty charter. Item 00a traacee agnaat IM anr imnrweeenswi may be Bled la writing with in andoralgaed within 10 daya from tha data mt Um Brat nnh ttcstlon of thto not lee. .- ." , By taOMT taa Coanefl 9umtm THOB. ft DBTtlB. ' Andttar of tbe City of Portlaad. aVrttoaa, Oregon. Oetober BA IdO. IKOrOBBB XJUBOTElfTBT 0 BBWTWTPB rTotto to atto to bnraby grren that at tha aaoetiaat mt tb UooncU of tbo City of Portland. Oregon, oa tbo lPth day af October. iWM, tb tot- held b' so trod. Tbat tb CoupcU af th City af Portland, th-egoa, daeaaa If arpedleat and pre boaea to Imnroea Randolnb atroot froaa tba ocrtbeaeterly Una of Blvar Street a tbo oaatV w eater ly lln af OeldnllB atraat ta Um foe- mw 1 ag msnnor to-wtt: rirOB By grading tb afreet faB wttth With fll lateraectloos to tb oronsa BBb qrado aa Baooaaf bytwiugTng the atreet foTi width afttk tail intereectlooa to grana wit a grseei. Third By com tree fine wooden sldewanta. Pourth Br oonetrtx-thg wooden rroaawaiha. , fifth By onatroctlng oten getters. Bala tmtwoeeeaant 10 ho ova do In ataardaane with tbo ebarter and ordlnancoa of tho Cltr of PortUnd and the plana, apeclVitiona and eat I mates of th Oty Bnaineer Bled In tbo ofaeo of tao Aadttor af tb aty of Portland on tha BOtb day of awgtomber, 1PM. indorsed: "City nglneora plana and eperiaeetioDO lor th Improvement of sUndolpb atreet from tb nortbeaaterly Una of Blrer street to Um anath weetorly Une of Goldsmith treat aod the eatl ma taa of the work to be don and Um nrobahto total eoat thereof." - Tb cost of aald Imarifimrat to ao asoaaa a prorlded by the ctty afaarter apoa tb prop arty apoclally beoefted tberrby and wbtch la bereby declared la be all the feu, part of lou and parceM of Uod rytaa- Between a una MM feet north weaterly froon sod parallel with tto aortbweatorlr Une of bUndotofa itreet and a Una UM feet aoatbeeeteely from and parallel with tb onttenatrrly Une of Bondolph street and between the north eaa tor lr Una of Blror street aad Um -aaatbwaniarlv Una at ttosdamlth atreet. Tba Bngisoor'a mttmare af the probabfe total t for tb ImnroMaaamt aat nald Maawtoinb. Street to A3,3M.O0. Tbo aboro HnprBO at to to h atoaaoi a gravel ImproeooMOt and ahall A aaai stained by tb dty for a pnriod of lea yoara. prorlded that th ownara af a majority af tt property bcneQted by aald lmproeement ar any portion thereof shall not petition for a new ar dif ferent Improvement bafora the aanwatlan af nocb period. . Th nUn. Snarl Or at Inaa a hat eettmnnaa of the Ctty EagtBoar for the lanproeatnont af anhl Mandolpb atreet are hereby adapted. Heeoiroa, Tnat no Andltor or tba aty or Portland ha and ho U hereby directed to give boUos of tb BrnDoSod uinroeement A aald atreet aa prorlded by taa dty chart ar. ncDBonsrrancee ageiaat tna an re improsn. Blent tomf he tied In writing With fbo nnder slgned wTthiB M days from tha data af tha Brat MiMleattiw C ahla utlu a By aranr of tha Caoncll. J - s- J Awattor af tbo City of PorttonaV PartUnd. Oregoak Octobar Ik, 1B0A noroflu xafrmTZHXATt or awnnzL ATXJHTB. . rTotato la borobr fire Iba at tho touting in uoanau or tn uty of rortiaao, Oregon, held oa tha IBth day of October" laO. taa fcl lowing reeolatloo waa adoptod: Beoolrod, Tbat the Coamcfl of tho City of rortiaoa, uregon, aeema It expedient and pro- (0 lawroro Buehtal aeana from tba nnru Ba f Baat Btark atroot to the north Hno of Mayor Oatos addlttoa in tha tolfewing manner, to-wit: rtrot Br aradtoar tha atroot fwtl srtnth setth fall lateraeetlona to th nrnanr aah-arade an giren oy uo t-Tty amgiooor. oecono ny bringing the aar race or taa atraet fnll width fwlth fail totofaoattana to prnd 11a crvj. TWrd Br raastraerlng wb ddewansa. ' rourtn try conatractiag cronrwalks. riftb By eanwtrnctlnf atone get term. Bald Imuroremeot to b mad la aocurdaata With Um eberter and ardlnance of tb City of Portland and tb plana, a peel fleet ion and eotl matm of tb Cltr Bnaineer. filed In tb fflco ft Um Andltor of tb City af Portland on th fth day of October, li4. Indorsed; "aty Engineer plans and epeeincatiim for BM lm- Krement of Borbtol arena frem tha Berth 1 of Beat Btark atroot to tbo north Un of Mayer Oetea addltloa, and tbe ee time tea of the work to ba aaaa and taa awobabto total eaat thereof." Tb eoat of aatd Imaroeemoat to Be nead ta prorlded by tb elty ebarter apoa tto prop arty apecUIly and noraUarly bene hied thereby, and which la Bereby declared to be U the lota. parrs of lota and parcel or land lying Between a Una 100 feet west mt and paralfel with tb weet Une of Baehtel arenna and s Una eoet dlBtant frosa tb eset Hn of Borstal seen and Um weat Una af Bast Thirty aerowd atreet. and Its I tenet oa northerly ra IU present conroo, nd hetWMn tb north Un mt Bast Btark atroot nad tt north Un of Mayor Oatas addlttoa. Taa Bnaiaeer'f attmat of tn probabfe total cast for tbe twirieimiBt mt aald BodbUl arena to B4.M1 00. Tha aboe improeaamat la to aa dad aa a Krel ImpravetoeBt and ahall ha autntalned by dty for a period of five year, provided tbat tbe owner of majority of tbo property benefited hy aald Improvement ar aay portion thereof aboil not petition for a new ar differ ent improeesMaa be fur UM aaarattoa af awah period, Tba plana, apirtMatfeajf and oettma tea af tbe City Engineer for tbe Improvement mt aald Bnchtel area no nr hereby adopted. . . KaootTod. That Ua Aadltor of tn City ar PortUnd be and b bl berehy directed to ftre notice of the propowod Improvement of Mid avetine. oa prorlded hy th , dty charter. RanenatraK-se against the Aboro Impiuramaat may he filed In writing with tbo anderelgned n'thlo M dera from th data of tat flrat ptnV Ucattoa of this noflce. 4 By araat af tha CounrtL .A tbob. a DBTinr, ' Andltor of tho Ctty of Portman PortUnA Oregon, octosof n. laoa. eToncB or mni ioobt or tuwiu or m rBOPOAXB owbotb, winiratA ZJiTUIB OUT AJTB BBTABl.IBBIBO OT SAM? BAXKOhT BTBBXT. . , Nnttee to herebr ateen. that Pbs renort af th eknn aaralafiea aoselnted to a a BO tb benefits and damagea tn tba matter of tn propoeed opening, widening, laying oat and aatabllahtng of Bad Patrnon tret, from th west Hn af Bast Thirty-eighth Streot to tba weet Boo of blocks 11 aad IB Honor Id ad dition, la th City of PortUnd. bar filed wltb the onder alined their report of aoeraaments for benefits that will ba derived and damage that will be onataraed hy reaaoa f tbe opening, widen I oar. Urine est and establishing of East gatrnnn atreet as tbora d Berthed. The Covnril of aatd City of Port! tad win consider aald report at tho next regular meet ing, Wdneday. fo vera dot 3. inp, at cmcs , aa. ail pernoria uterenrea are nereny nnn ;ed ta nrenent their oblertlaei to said renort in writing, If any tbey have, at sold time and place, that th same may ba award and 4ewa tawed by tha CoonL . Aadttor af th Oty of PortUnd. , Pnrtland, Oregon. (Vtoher IT. 1004. ' TtoBaA OdBea IBB MM BV 3TrnsMontltw4ntMl TratlrtM Dally . FAST TIMB ' TO nPOKArtsX BT. PAtTV TJT",trTfJL MlNNCAPOI.lft. CHirTO W. ALX IOlNTB Ka. bay1rtt trta thrwiura r And Rocky son""' ulara, rntaa, 1 IBI TB or , v r r aW4a71 XVmeB mmj 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY' tjnrt.t aieerln, jar. dally u BSTcltTr tbroagt Pullman toartot sUeprag oar (aer' w-aa any ooadaetedl weekly to Chicago, kaLaieat ehalr ansa (seat free) to toe Bant aniy. ajr C It ION DBPOT. I Ian CaiCAOO-POBTLAJtB BPBC1AL. Mr M Cast rta at v , ' Ugtan. BPOXAfffl nr,Tienv Pbr Baatarn W aablna . ton. Walla WalU. Lew fetma, Oenr d'ALea and Ort Barttera polo to. ATLAirrrn kxphrbb. Par Um Baat via Bonl- lna-taaL ' ocxAB am ilvikn rOB BAM rKAJICtSOB: B. on. W. I Boo. A U, S, a b. Oct A 11. OanaUt Blrer MriaU. FOB ARTORIA and Wav point. ooanecttnsT Wltb Dally, fAbowt Rmr, for Ilwice aodei. tondoy 1:00 A 0V.J nrtb Beach, atr. Bna- 8ata rdy B. BaadnyJ mvi, ooqi. nu.wp. aa, TaaaaiU Blee Bewte, tiB narnriw w City nad Yamhill luVir polnta, stra. Batb sad T.bB f Mp. m. moooc. Aan sr. dock. a, atoaCap fan. tiilUjal t water permitting. n-aa Breor Beqta, POM t.KWrian-nw 1. and way potato' from' a-an an.. Abent 11 on a m Dalle. u pone, Waaa.. lab,, otmra. Bpokano pod oa. BaA Dolly. I Larwiet re, sraoor- kiTrtoBT, T1CB.BT OlTICB. Tblrd and WaeatawaaaL 9uJ taa to Arrteaa, tMgs. B. an.' Daily rm0y., ' ,,c "aa--- MmnMasa tr .- Utollr, lOallr. aun,am.l t a.aa,r ; Dally. iDotly. ! 11 1 M r. IZ-an I Dork: !) OnhuaMn- - liMaa I ' .t M f Oerameia Hear Rtrialeav, ' ' t - r .. pbon Male TlA , l.rlv. eVsxATxfj if, oa PW Taohama and Hong Kamg. anil tog Krb. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight' t ria eranoctinc tU.tnora for Manila. ortAr-l n ther and TliAmlnW. B a Dnnwta v. H .'T.?Tr Tr naa rnrxanr partaewei i mm bw ?, . - . a.v ass n. dbwbdii. Aaaa. Mala MB, Ppper Alaaaa EAST Tte. SOUTH Laar. UVfOef I1BPOV. OTBBLAPID BXPBKBSl train, for Bafeaa. B berg. Aeblaad, Bacra- B:Ma.nv manM, Ogden. Ban rrsa-l dco, Stockton. Lo An-I htB.BH ffOUa, Bl Peso, Few Oavl Man and Moraine train neeta at WoodbarnJ dally, eroept Booda y S40a.ka. wltb hrala ir ML AnasL Blfvrtn. hftaethnai Broernwetna. IprltM Bold. ' WatMUun . a a dl natron. Albany aai neet at Woodborn wltbUMrpa njm. Mt. A agol aad AllvorT toa lecaL tBta Oorratlto m SborldaB poaaenger. . a. Daily. ! Pally, eicept Ban day. Inn Una Pan air Baanrbaa aWrtoa sant anim, ' Popot 'fbat of jeffarnoa tr. Laae PortUnd dally lor Oaweeo TM n. aa.f U SO, SV06. 8:3. 8 BO. 6:36, B:M. 10:10 p. u Dally (cet Bonday), B:M,B:M, :. Tip3 m. f;on, ll:SO p. Pa. nanday only, Pnap Katanuar froaa Oewina. arrtr Pnrtlasnl datlo : a. m-l 1 :BH. 1:M. 4:86. 8:11L t .tt. f 11:10 p. to. itaiiy (eieapr nndar) j 1:10 p. po, R M. 11:4 a. m. Bxcept Manliy. 18:ai p. m. Bonday naly, 10:00 a. at- Lee res from mm depot for DaQa and fatofw ""a t mediate points datlr 'escept land ay) IM p, sa. A1' Arrlr Portland 10; a. m. The - nnyeoadace-Moawejtk Bfotor LtoaV enerato datlr to Moamootb and Alrlto, eco neetlg with Boa ther a Padat mmgaay'a trees. Bt iMllaa and ianpenence. Plrat-daos far from PortUnd to Ba era ma aba and Boa rranrtaeo BM, herua Mt to land ataeel'et" far I IB. Beoond-cUaa berth fSoA , Tlrketa to Baa tern nolnto and Janan, China Hnnoroht and AnatraUa. City Ticket ornre comer Third Hayton ttreete. maaa main tiz. Ticket Agent. ' 'en. Pae. A Swot, . , TIME CARD TRAINS PORTUaAJVD tmioif DBPOT, I1 Oeaad liawtod, lemaaa. BaattU Olrawta. Aoatb Bead BiMa. BL :Mp TrMA " ' , t and tarny'a , Berber pelato. let! uoas 14 aai taw. for tacoaaa. Soot tie. Bart. tPaal. Mtn BoanoHa. Chteaaa. New tawaVPA, - "f - - . , York. Boston and pntataj Bast and Beatneaet. Twln-Cltr Birr ma ap.. huttu n kana. Helena, Bt. Paal. Minnaapoiw cnieago. Mew Tork. Bootoa and UBa, to. aU potato Sjoameaat Puget Boemd - Kanaka Clty-Xt. lymta Ipectal, for Toenma. pettfe. '' aVV . :Ma.a. Spofcano. Batta, Billing, Denser. Omaha, Kanae City, ft, Louta and all petata Baat and twati- tb a aL All a BaatB branch. A. D. CHaBLTOH. AaetoroBt Boo ral Peeeaoger Agaa ' aaa aaerrMoa mt.. mmr. xaira. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. faeea. TJKIOW PBPOT. Arrteoa. M A an. Per MiyBsaAJ Bataant, Dnfty. Dolly. CUtakaole, West port. UJI1B :, Cllftoa. Aaaaria, War- ranton, Plavel Ham- 1 . s - , -C f. mood. Port v Bteee. . : OearkaH Park. Baa.lde. Aatosto and lanaks. Ur Aatorto Bipiiii c r x " a r. aad P. A.. A- " e. A. rntWAPT nawal Aeon. -d .' Paeon Mala Bwo. I- - m "it J" i;t,i tnr f - rat at m, - K A' m lo t, . 1 0 t at Irt t n 0 -. talhn a em f. mi v naai T hre I rfr Mai iM in .'iff!' fit 1 trcvi .at 1