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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
jr JOc&NAL, THE OREGON DAILY PORTLAND, Ti: Y EV NINO. OCTOB.- EWS OF START BIG MILL .31 torn tSserlsl Dtopatcs to Tb ImL) ti Grove. Or, Oct. 7. Th Mt rap mtll of tti Dragon Securities u.y. In Bohemia dletrtct. ! Win ,(blr Mated. The management ia to put ft la continuous ommla about too last of November. Toe -track surface, I. feet In j, and connecting the mill with the t of the big crosscut, la alao being t It ha been found that thta line ily ntka every requirement of the tct deliver the mill tonnage d by tb new plant, but la capable auitng treble the amount guaima One of the company a sawmills. i la situated near the stamp mill. een naraeaaed to an lectrlo motor a manufacturing mine timber and ir to finish covering the lower ettd 4 tramway, which, baa not yt baas A. otnlng the mHl m a very complete 'ighouae electrlo plant, containing ormera and the motora required ilU and compraaaor plant. The r power and electric transmission - at, miles below th mill La run smoothly now, with abundant water U requirements. At present It tea the compressor, tramway, snw and other machinery used In de nent and equipment, besides llght J buildings and the mine workings. I by 9-foot eroeacut trolley tun hlch Is penetrating the saddle In mountain, la In about CS6 feet, la a little over half way through untafn. The power drills are m I In double shifts In the face, put n tl holes to the eh 1ft and using 7 pounds of powder to the round te. - Three shifts of muckers are d te handle th roek broken down i face of the. crosscut Th nun it estimates that la 1M feet from esent face th Champion vein will t, at a vertical depth of IB feet th workings above. One hundred rom tbe portal the tunnel cut th i ledge, and at 400 feet th Bg r. and o tbe hanging -wall of the a drift Is being run with power working two shifts. . Valuea te this are said by the management to be mg as the drift goes Into Orouss jiln. nothing unforseeti Interferes the mnt eetlmate that th eroaacut e completed la about Ave months. this has been done, the 'tram will tended to the Mustek mine, where la a. large amount of or blocked aady for the milt v . - 1 ;- 1 SILVER ORE IN A PROSPECT TUNNEL 'special Dtapatcate Te JvsnmM ouver. 4 B- C, Oct. 17. -Probably of the richest silver or ever z 4 la Brinah Columbia has been to Kaslo by Charles Olson. The from th Olson group of claims the No. I mine, at Alnsworth, n galena, plentifully sprinkled Mack sulphurate and ruby and aUver. elalms to have two feet of this jr. on which be has -driven about t. and It shows every Indication .ding out for a much greater dls- assays were taken jf th rsoent a. but assays from some of tbe Qtend atruck In th property gave as of 1M ounoe of sliver. MAT rtland men Interested In the Lever e group. Douglas county, stats that cements are being made- to work (roup again. It Is equipped with a ttamp mill, and development aggr g a few hundred feet has been don te principal vein. It Is located be n Can roo villa and Riddles, about mUea I rom th South era. Paclflo rail OssOSmai ST ATTAO VS. (pedal fnspsteh ts Tea Jenraal.) vttage Orove, Or., Oct. 17. Th eon ionery and cigar store conducted by A. G laser has been closed through ihmsat- proceedings. ' Olaaer Umae ily left for the east. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL 'early everybody knows that charcoal ia safest and moat efficient dlalnfect and purifier In nature, but few real its value won taken Into th human em for the same cleansing purpose, arooat Is a remedy that th mors take of It the better; ft la not a f at all. but simply absorb tbe gasos Impurities always present In th ech and Intestines and earrlas than f the system. rooal sweetens "the Vrath after i rig. drinking or after eating onions ther odorous vegetables, irooal effectually clears and hn- th complexion. It whitens the and further acts as a natural and ntiy safe cathartic. jsorbed th Injurious gases Which la the stomach and bowels; tt ota the mouth and throat from eon of eaterrh. -rugglsta sell charcoal In on form her, but probably taw seat char d the most for th money Is ia e Charcoal Losenges; they are 4 of th ftnest powdered Willow i, and other harmless antiseptics 4 form or rather te th form of Pleasant tasting losenges, the i being; nixed with honey. Uy us of the losenges wfU i In a much Unproved condition neral health, better complexion, areata and purer blood, and th f It te. that no possible harm t from their continued use, bat M r rj, great benefit io phyalclaa In apeaklng of the of charcoal, says: "X ad vis i i tar-coal Longes ts all pa - vrlng from gas In Btornsoh a, and to clear th complexion v the breath, mouth and throat: o v the liver la greatly bene- n dally use f them: they eost my -fire eenta a box , at drug nnd although tat some sense a rM ration. rt I believe I d better eherooa! la Stuart si raenges than In any sf ths r CfJOYEKIp -;. wiwWJ '"''. 'i- ndff TWT WW jmram Houn bmubtazw is r Knew Sew Vssfal tl as te lag Stealth asm Beeaty. THE MINES COAL MINIM MAR tlTY'S NC3TH GATE ootnrrrjBa stays zbutobtawy b- rokg-stt. raft MOBS Development of Washington coal beds la northern Lewis and southern Pierce counties has prospect of bringing pro ducing oenters of this fuel closer to Portland. Most of th work that m being dons Immediately to th Berth of ML St. Helens Is to the nature of de velopment, and as the companies .work ing th beds say nothing, the publt will know little of th result of work mtll production commences. Worn all In formation being received, however, It Is apparent that good coal Is being found along th upper Cowl its, Nl squat ly and Palous rivers. Lewis dounty produced the past year but tons This Is no index of th amount of work being done la the county. Pierce produced S7f,18s tons, a portion ef which came from th mora southern section where work la comparatively new. Washington's total ooal product for th year was 1,119.477 tons, valued at ,X0,4lt taking $J a ton as the price at th mine. From all ooal mined but 47,tla tons of coke was manufactured, the poke, at..4t a ton. having a total value of Sllt.sso. With such a production already and new work spreading rapidly, Washington's fuel mines are taking a prominent place In th mining world, and already employ 4.STC men. There an) two prospects of drawing a fuel supply from these northern fields to Portland by more direct route than has existed In the past. Th Taootaa A Eastern railway management says that It will Anally go through the Clspus pass norut of aft. u Helens, which would bring the lis out on th Colum bia slope where access to the river Would be comparatively easy. If the road so long discussed from Vancouver northeast lntoBkamanQt county la com pleted this would go near some of the new coal fields. If the mines of north ern Lewis and southern Pierce become important producers It Is regarded pos sible that a rail line may go down th Cowllts te the Northern Pacific, -that th ooal may be delivered mar directly to the south, .. MANY TUNNELS RAN -ON THE GOLDEN RULE (special Dispatch Is The Jeers!.) ' Cottage Orove, Or.. Oct. t7. Winiam Wechter, president ef th Golden Rule company of Bohemia district, has Just returned from an Inspection of the com pany'a holdings, consisting of 14 claims and a mlllalt. located on th west slop of Falrvtew mountain and around Mineral at the Coot of th hills. Sur veys for patent for the upper group have been completed by Mineral Sur veyor M. I Maff. Alonso Oesner has surveyed the lower claims. All the field notes arc fp th hands ef th surveyor- general. - The Damon tunnel' has been run lit feet and th Jonathan 71 feet on th vela of the upper group te free muling ore, which continues te th faces. On the lower group th Carrlboo tunnel has been run 11 feet, th Ibex , the Ootd Dollar extension 74. and th Rob bin Me, all work having been don this season. Work win be continued during the winter on th Robbln and OoM Dol lar extension. Mr. Wechter Is well pleased with the season's development, and has entire faith te th future of th Ooldcn Rule holding. He left to day for his horn te Balem. whloh city la also the headquansrs . of the pany. f GOOD RESULTS FROM FIRST WORK ON STAR asctal IHssstch ts Ts Jearaal.) Cottage Orove, Or.. Oct 27. Since the organisation of the Star Consolidated oompany of the Bohemia district, a contract has been let for the annual as sessment work on the U claims of th group, to Warren Hartley. Most of this work Is to be m th crosscut tunnel, whloh Is now te. about 100 feet This tunnel will open at considerable depth tbe seven veins crossing th group In parallel lines, and give the management stoplng ground under the rich surface ore sained on the Star several years ago. . Foreman Hartley reported to the home office of the company In Portland, L. T. Keady A Co., that the adit be gun at tbe surface to drive under th U-foot shaft from which rich or had been taken, had already out ' the vein, finding two feet of good quarts. There will be something more than a 50-foot drive on this vein te get under the shaft, where good developments are ex pected. ...... GOLDFIELD MINERS :? WARN OTHERS AWAY Tonopah and Gotdfleld. Nev,. miners warn fellow workmen intending to rush to th lower country to remain away. Th Ootdflald Miners wnloa Issued a warning last month, which Is couched te the following Unguage: "Notice-To Miners and Mllhnn:1 Stay away from GoJdfleld. This country is overrun with miners and skilled and unskilled labor. By order of Ooldfleld Misers union, A. B. ANDERSON, "Recording Secretary. There has been such a tremendous rush to Ooldfleld that comparatively taw of ths men there can ftnd employ ment and R Is acid that many work for their beard, with the hope of mak ing a strike on some of the many new claims being located. It Is not a very good plaos for a man without money. OOSGSJITAATOB SB MUBBlRdK (sertsl Dfssetek ts Tee Jeers! ) Baker City, Or., Oct Th Balsley Blkborn's new eotraentrattng plant 1 re ported te have been put ta commission, with very assurance ef permanent work. As ths smelter management was here a few days sge and entered into contracts with Manager 1etd for the mine output there seem no doubt that this mine, which Is regarded as one of th most faithful of th Blue mountain district will become a mainstay of the jnw reduction work that promises so Your Nerves Are th Ufa, the vitality, the energy Af vour 0007 ilL ih. nerves that cause th heart to nuleat. the lunga to Inhale the oxy gn. the brain to direct the motion of every organ ox ne uuo, am """V" to dlgeat food, th liver tp secrete the bile, "he kidneys to Biter the blood, and the bowsls to carry off th waste. When the nerve of the stomach be- cem weakened or exneuew. i tlon. Constipation and Inflammation re sult because th stomach Is Inactive. This la true Of all th organs of th body and proves Ut to cure disease you must strengthen th nerves. Dr. MUea Nervine Is th great spsclAc for th nerves, and in bringing them bark to health never fa lie to cur ail cases of Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Headache. Spasms, Backache, Muscular Twitch ing. St Vitus' Dance, KplLepsy, Stom ach, Liver and Kidney trouble. "For two yssrs physicians and health resorts failsd to relieve m of a compli cation of stomach, liver, kidney and hosrt affect lona. Six bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine cured me." a. W. ARCH BOLD. Orocer. Decatur. Ind. Th Bret bottle will benefit. If not, toe drusgist win return your money. AT THE THEATRES - QOhUUIT SSZT There are a few people living today who have net witnessed a performance of "Rome and Juliet." If any of them are in this city they will do well to visit the Columbia theatre between aoer and Saturday sight and feast upon the magnificent production of that tragedy offered by the stock oompany. Next week th players at th Colum bia will return to 'quiet, natural com edy th sort In which they mads their first great hit, but tbls time In a play so distinctly Americas as to be a mar vel If only for Its 'atmosphere.' Th offering; will be Augustus Thomas ' "In Mlssoura," In which Nat Goodwin mads hundreds of thousands laugh and cry, alternately. Of all th American comedy .dramas, none Is more beastlful In conception, nor nearer perfect te treatment, than "la Mlssoura.' It case from the tame master band that gave us "Arlsona," which la Its own eloquent rcommnda Uon. - Miss Counties Is to b ssss for the first Urn this season In a character role, that of 'Ltsbeth. tbe awkward child vf the .backwoods. In which she mad a grstt hit with Ralph Stuart Mr. Baumcvwlll play Goodwin's old role, the sheriff. . Tbe offering at the, Marquam - Orand theatre tomorrow (Friday) night and Saturday matinee. October tS and It, will be the charming comedienne. Miss Isadora Rush, who was last seen her la- "Florodora," ta which she mad aa Immediate and moat emphatic success. Misers. John C Fisher and Thomas W. Ryley are now starring Miss Rush In th London comedy success, "Oil i taring Gloria," and will present th play in precisely th same manner as originally given te London and later at Dejys theatre. New fork. It was written by Hugh -Morton, author bf "The Bells of New York,' and haa for Its locale Lon don at the present time The atory Is most interesting, full of amusing com plications, bright dlalogu and clover characterisations. As ."Uiorla" Miss Rush has- probably one of the best character a ah has ever portrayed.- The company alao Includes Oeorg Parsons, Wilton Harlot, Bdward at. Favor, Bert Clark. Channea Olney, Lulu Louden, J. Gunnls Davis, Thomas A. Klerrtaa, frma Davis, George Jack son and W. Sl Freeman, Seats are now selling for both- performs noes, BAJrXSXjaV AJOVAJTOS SAUL The advance sal of seats will open tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10 o'clock for that always popular come dian, Frank Daniels, who comes to tbe Marquam Orand theatr next Monday and Tuesday nights, October .tl and November 1. , '-The Office Boy" will be Mr. .Danlela" vehicle, a play said to be purs fun from start to finish, Interspersed wltsr music of a popular variety. Daniels repre sents Noah Little, an office boy, who Is-compelled to be a jockey te spits of himself. From the time he Is blown out of a safe by a pair of bank burglars, to ths moment when be confess that be Is not ths king of Jockeys, but only a four-etoUer-e-wse; ornce noy, tne comedy la said to be incessant and of that peculiar type exactly suitable to th Individuality of the star. , SAstsa THAW m OSOWBdU Th Baker bill has beoom town talk among tfaeatre-gosrs, and th critical vaudeville Judg la unetintea in praise. "Pete" Baker continue to delight all audiences with" his witty monologue. Imitations and yodllng. Bingham A Ga ble treat their auditors with som sx- cellent musical selections. The mala member of th duet plays two cornets simultaneously. Huston and Dallas provide merriment In a comady Juggling act Del Adelphta mystifies with his wonderful sleight of- hand performing, and th nest of ths bUL consisting of tlsht-wlr srtlsts, sweet singers, acro-i bate and th blograph com piste in dui pleasing to every one. The most exciting scene produced on the stage of a Portland theatre this season 1 ths thrilling blowing up ef th safe In th third act of "An Orphan's Praver" at Cordray'a this weak. For the soke and only purpose of cracking a genuine burglar-preof vault, a reformed cracksman, who 1ft years ago was a ter ror to ths police of svery etty on th oontlnont Is engaged at a princely sal ary. Happy Settle D Coursey has been properly called ths logical successor to Maggi Mitchell and Letts. She te the queen soubrett of th American stage.. Ther Is a matin Saturday afternoon. HJOT1 tou D T every on who attends a matins at th Bijou Is presented a coupon. To morrow evening at o'clock the person In th house holding th right coupon, or ths nearest number to It will receive a ll-teweled gold watch, man or wo man's. Th cannon ball Juggling act of Lan and Suslnstta, who catch - pounds of Iron on their aeoke, and fight s Roman sword dual. Is th vmudsvlll sensation f the wk. . Aurora TBio worms: ssa Were there only two features to the performance at ths Star theatr this week, and those th slark-wlrd work of BUILDING? Tf so. see that you equip your property with reliabl chimney pip and fir brick. Defective flues are responsible for half th fires that occur.. W will mall you further Infor mation, and pric list with pleas are, . Drop us at card. DIAMOND BRICK CO. OSsee 1S1 Bus O Bfc, sVirtlsaa, Qg. ''. Taed roe Ajaheay St, BUDAH BERNIQLI , cvlairvoyant; THE VEILED PROPHETESS TELUYOUHNAMB" Spfx Thh Week $10.00 Life v i: Reeding : 51 There sr as mtatskss hi tbe sreOettan aude bv the erest and weadrrfsl Bardie. Yoa amy vies te know If It la advisable te sake a CBsase la smunsa. ta lava, te "Caa I ebtalB mt buses, sur wises, mt aav Mtlons r- "shall I ever enjoy b nuartss c wesithr 'Cas 1 treat mt Meiadst' . .. 'Hv I mibIsT" ,';"' . "Whea ahsll 1 surryr' ' . - ,How oftas shall 1 BwrryT . "Khali I an ba divorced?" "Does another share the ave that, righ trail? ileus ts wf i . "Ifse, whow V "Aai I loved ta retaraTr "! ther a rival la aw aw 'Waa shall au Isve affaw fawmtsete te BMniaray "Whas sban sty eseststie erasbies air "Hnv can I aaaka aiy Ufa and borse aasspl rWkea ahatl mj aboAst frlfitd retsrar ."'Wky ds I set receive s htttsrr" ( wflDBS-.i Daily axd soirDAT. 29VA Morrison St, Corner fifth Bams Floor of Boeton Beabsl Tmttorm. T OarOOaT m SAJT WBABOxBOO af Casusa , : Stark Streets, Bead Ofse. Old Breed Street, tsedsa. This bank trasascts gaseral baaktag sen aeaa. BiakaS Vtens. dlaeoanU bin sad larter of efadlt a valla bit for trsvelara sad Baf the sarcbaso of marchsadlss la say city af the world. Daala la tor lea and dtMaWm ssrhassi Uteres paM en all time aaposlta, W. a. MAC 41a. Masager. CBOUB1TT r BATaros k Tmirgw oa raervtsoa St., PorUaad, Or. a Oeaeial Baaklns Bastesss, , O SM Merrlsae 1 1 a Sea in s oeaeial naakinf sAvniQi dspajitv nrr. Isteraet Alktwad on Time and Bavins - - am as ttbmm rot mates. Drafts and letters of credit avallabls I all sstts ef tee warM. . .. , 1,. A. I.RWIS.... i,.. First vlce-E'rMldant A b gisaS Tloa-Praoldat a. . JUBlTI .Secretary U' sTITBB aTATBi WATfOsTAX, BABJsT. oy yoBTLAifD. oaxoov. MOSTBWUT COX. THIPD AMD OAS STB. Tnuuests a BnTi Banking Bssjaesst DRAFTS ISSUED Available fa all cttles ef the TJsltsd Otanai sad t in, Boag Koag sad Haalla. . cxnxzcrnoiri madpov yATomABLB xsaMS. PrvaMwrt.: ..'....I. tt AnrajWOami VW Praallaat..... W. B AYRB Caabtar , B. W. SCHlfKKB AaalaUSt Csshtsr.... .....A M, WBIOBT MBaVCBABTTBT' BTATIOBTAI. BABTX, rOlTLiin. fiUOM 1. PBAinC WATBOM , hfatet B. L PrRHAkl,.,.. TteVrreatdVar m. w. wurf. oaahter amqurtt W. HOTT '...Asslstaet Caaaler Trassaots a Oeseral "Mf Busteaas. Drnrts ssd kttars ef eradlt lamed avsUaMs St sD parts ef the world. ConertJoes s speeUlty. Ooid east seegbt, raun vattobtaz, BAanrc I of Borttend, Or. Daatgaswd Denealtery and flaanolal Agsst f , the C sites Itatae. rVealdaet. hrrLUI Oaahler .....I. W. RBWKIRK Awtataat Oaahlar W. L ALVORD Becond Assistant Caahtcr ft. V. STSVCNi Letters C eradlt Isanad srallsbl ta Barosw and tbe fCaatem Itatea. Slsfat Kzcfaanse ssd Telesranhi Transfers sold oa Mow Tork, Bnotoe, Chlraso, St. Loals. St. PasL Omaha, Ban rranctoes sag the prtnrirMl pnista Is rh northwest. Burst ana ares bum s draws Is sasai ts sslt Berlls. Praakforte-th Mala, Hoag Kane. TekohsskS. Copaahssva, chmnsBia. BTnctnnna, St. retires arg, esw. Barlcb, Rneolala. Oollectloas Bues oa favambh) hsw. LaUkB S) fStXVQBT, BABTBrSBlS, . (Ratahllahrd In ISM.) Tmsssets a Oeseral Baahtag Bvsrsaes. Oollsstlons BNde at all points en favnrsbW trrma. Lattora ef credit kanwd avalUbla la Barope ssd all points Is the Halted Itatae. Bight Ri change and Telegraphic Transfers no Id oa Now Torfe, Washington, Chicago, St. Loots. Denver. Ossssn. Ban rraaotaoe sad htootaas and Brittah Gohmhls. Excbaago sold oa London, rjb. Barb a Prankfort, Boag BegoboaaBm, Manila sad Boeolula. Off or srllt-adte IsvoetaMata - Maalelssi aai Ballreag Sanaa, wnai r sau IttH twst St, rartlaad. Oreaea, . MORTGAGE LOANS ' ge Pertlasd Beat Batata st Lowsst Mmtm. Tlta Inmred. AharrsrtS Fnrnlahed. UAIAITl ft TBnil OC Beoni A Cbamtwr ef CoaisMrea. the Alpln trie and th playing of Miss Lois Mendmhall on th violin. It would be worth mar than th price of admit tance. Ths Alpine' trio does things on ths wire that are marvelous, Th two girls sngage In cam walking, dancing. temping over obstacles on their atten uated support, while ths older girl per form a handspring and Jumps over a table. All three are clever acrobats and their turn la done not only fro Uvely, but seemingly with perfect sesc ! BOOS) BLU A TBTB LTaUO. ' 1 And still th crowds cures to th Lyric This week's bill continue In great favor packed bouses very night is th record. Falaredo, the Instrumen tal man, wins a lion's share of the ap plause with his wonderful Imitations of bands, orchentraa, machinery and other difficult sounds. The Mstcoms, In thtir globe-rolling sot, elicit heavy applause and earn ovary "hand" by hard work. Th Draws furnish ff Btlnntes of com edy, a sure cur for any on In th "dumps.' Singing and dancing come dians Harry Hoyt and th vltascou complete th bllL BAjrorjre xxds a m aboabb, At th old reliable Arced there 1 always a crowd, and th crowd always gets Its monsy's worth. Th bill thta weak certainly give on as pleasant an hour aa can be found. Th program u strictly Arst-olaas and Includes son of th best stunts that can be sesa te vau deville. Durant and Baldwin ar good and th "Dancing Kids" ar certainly ther when It comas to ths shaming of feet,- Kate Coyl Introduced something new, In ths way of illustrated songs when eh produced picture of a ooon courtship and told about It te her sons- FATA The Cord ray management annonnees as Its nxt attraction Theodora Kramer's masterly melodrama, "The Petal Wed ding," which will open Sunday after noon. This is ne of the moat success- ful plays or th pest decade and will be produced her en a very elaborate seals and acted by a splendid company. Th last half of next week, The Heart of Chicago," ,v . Clairvoyant VAN CORTLAND v 313XWashlnKton St : vAr $10 Reading vV JlJl CDBAJMB VsT&BBS Illl V SATZST AOTOmT. . V Bsvwfeashi la tbe history sf eceslt seta see saa s sua of Prorrasor Vaa Oortiaac a pre freafoasl staselsg eoescated ts place sis aw Vtcae at the Slannul of the eahfle Bar sack S eoralmal coaeldaraUoB. Resllalas that tbla city hss bsea overrna WHh pretanaors, ana that away of Its best H tisane are assioes to visit a geselne eUlrvorast ssd spirit sa- is decided te place his entanltsHoa renfk ef all. Aa a teat la row readlDs he will tall soar um Ind the oMact ef your visit withost aaklaa ros s oaeatlon. HI GIVE Atcr B ATM ADT1CS UN ALL Bl'aMNEHS. specularioB. tnTSstSMsbL hMsr- aare. chances, trnTala. health, lnva, dlrurce. MAKAlAOaVLAWBriTB. aasarationa. VtUA dteds, aaartgataa, patcftta, CLAIMS, oolW tloes. ate. Ha wuftell yen what Uses, Beat er prnnawina yoa are adapted roc. HB TBr.IS KVKBVTillNO. Be srtll tn yoa year nam, te aS, tstk) year ttf from the cradle te tk grave, and asacthj whet yea wast te knew. PROP. VAN CORTLAND eessi weshhagtes Street, Prrfsss bitk atrest. YOUR 'LINEN. Will b called for promptly 'and delivered ths hour ws prom iss to return' it. - r , , Ws rnaks a special ty of the new dull finish that is by far the best finish ever in vented. No saw dges on your collars. Xjivs us a trial Order. : 's ' ' , . ' i West Side Office 129 6th St Laundry Water Street, East Side. : MonKeys and Parrots Ar not warm fr lands,, yet together they prslss, as with on vole. GLOBE WEATHER-PROOF" PAINT th great paint with a guarantee with ssoh pack age. A. WL CUBMh. BB fytov. gsst PORTLAND PAINT AND - WALL PAPER CO. ISS See end S. xL Black swTA O SPICES, o CCrrXE,TEAV BAK1713 POWDER. EXTRACTS Mhar. flnnlFlior. CLCSSTftEEYF2S ' roNTLAND,eeiaoN.! $35 CASH Buys a lot on ths Penlnaula n St. Johns ear line; high, sightly, level; lty,wster, streets gTsded; adjoining lots aame also, without unprovMiMts, selling for 111; must o sold te do out stete. Title perfect, abetract with saoh sal free. Last ehaae te scour a lot for H of its true value, and are u fln as any h twssa Alblna and St JohoA . aSttOWK. Ill Stark St, spp. Ubrary. Troy Laundry Co CLTiVOYM I . ,,11 a-nT fiiYliw aoau Washiattoa , wtrest. Sir Francis Drake $10.00 Complete 50c ure ReBssinrt for This Week Only B BrrLt TOO TOUB TVXJL BAMS, AUK. OCCUPATION, AND WHOM AMD WHBB TOU WILL MABHT. I win fsrfsH Mt where I fall te tesch ros bew te fascinate sayone yea Cm Ira, bo Is make year enasitss yoor frleoda, ssass s speedy aurrlass with the ene ef year cholss, flva yoa Saod hwh sod OMk yea aecaeafsl la year aualneaa. remove evil InBaeaeaa, re unite the soparatsd, (Its yoa Hrkw numbers, locate the ' earth's bmUd Braaaaras, settle the old eststss thst rtdk has pUrd bsyond tbs Jt Bew ess 1 save sped terkt How eas I sneered tot bnalsessf How eas I ml my bosae kaseyl Hvw css I CMtqaer Bay aaemleaf How ess I marry the oa I sasaatl - How caa I marrr well? How sons esa I marry V How caa I eoaouer my rival t , How psb I make snr one to swf How boob will my lover How ess 1 set s totter How esa I set a sood nesttteaT How esa I raaaove bad fAflsaaoaaf How mas distant eoea think ef met How ess Row ran 1 bold my hnabssd's Isvst I kes sj wife's tovef BIB FRAP! CI BBAKB MUs sQ asd aesr sska ooaaltooa. Hot RA-DAII.T. 10 TO T, AKV gntDAI. . mmk wai hth oto ft nr.. coa yirrH AND WABHINOTOIT 8T8. ITT BOTTOM. PBOPOSBS SBWBB IB EAST ALDBB BTBBXT Motto la honor atvea that at the saeetlsg ef the CeaaeU of tbe aty ef PortUeA Oregun. hrld on the lStb day ef Octobar, 1S04, lbs following reaoluttoa was adopted: Bosolred, That tbs Coaocll ef m City ef Port Una. Oragoa, derma It sspedlsat and sre poaan te eona tract a sawer te Caat Alder street from Pi fast west ef East Thlrtr-fKlS straet to tbs sewer te Beat TbU'ty.fottrtb straet. Bald eawrr te be ef vitrtsod eawer atpe wits all mcaessry eatrs-aasiiia, mas-bnlcs, bnanAetos as brancbM, sod ts i eigbt ucsss aid diameter. Bald sowar ts be aueau noma m seeerssae with Us cbsrter sad ordinances of the City ef Fort land and tbs Diana. sDaciSranosa sal est. mates ef th Cltr Bualnw, . fltod Is the afftca of ths Aadltsr of tea city f Portland ea tbs 17 U aay el October, ivos.-incera: -city Baataaar's clans and snaeatlous far a sswer la Baal Aldr strsst from TS feet wast of Best Thu-tr-Bfth abwt to swar Is East Thirty. fourth street end the aatlmatca ef tt work to be done end tbs probabls total 'coot thareef." The cost Of said sawar a s ssaaases so nre- vldad by tbe elty charter apoa th property specially snd pocsllsriy beaestad thereby end which Is baraby declsrod to ba ss follows: Lou t. . It, bbek A sad tots T, 10, 11, btosk s, Sonny al da. ths aasinasrs ernmsie ex cm pnessw sstai cost far tee saesunacUos ef- said sswss hi S&oo. Tbe plans, spedflesttes ssd esdSMtss ef the aty Bnrinaer for tbs ssss tract! a ef said are fcnrebv adontsd. Boaolvod. That s AsdJhw ef the City f Pertlasd be sad be Is hereby elrortnd to give nottes of tbs pro now d coostrsctlon sf ssld sewor as provided by the city charter. RoBMOstranc sgalnst the above sewer may be sled la writing with tbe sndoralroed within 20 dara from tbe date ef tbs Irst sshucs tton of tbls notice. By erdar sf tb OmactL THO. ft PVTLtN. Avdlter ef the City ef lrtlsad, yorrlasd, Oragoa, October ZS. isoi. norosxs nrrBoryirxBT or fasso Betlet Is hereby elves teat st tbs maott f tbe Oeaneil of ths aty ef Portland, OregoaT bold oa tbe lfrtk day of October, iavA, the loixrwios rseoinuoa was soopiaa: Besolved, That tb Council of the City ef Portland, Oregon, seems It expedient sad pre poses to Improve Parso street frost the seat line ef Osatonbela a toe no ts tb east line ef Comsierelal street te the teUowtsg maai. to-wit: alrst By grsatag ths street fall width with full toterserilons is tbs Brass, ss gtvas hv tbs City gnglseer. arcone By mnetmrttag wnuflaa aleewstks. Third By eonatriKtlBg woodea eresawalks. Bald ImprovsaMnt to ba mads to aorarenae with tbe charter sad ordinances ef tbe CUT of Portland ssd the plans, epedflrettoea and estlmstas ef tbs City Bnrlaerr, filed Is tbe office of tbs Auditor ef tbe City of Portland oa tbs XSd day of September, ISO. Indorsed: "City Bnslaerr'B plans and apecineatlons for tbs UBflroveinont of Targe straet from tb ssst lias ef Oan ten beta svenes to ths eaet line of Commercial street, and tbs oat! ma tea ef the work to be does sad the prebsbk total sst meresx." The cost Sf Mid laasrevimsat to be Basest ss provided by tbe Hty charter anas the prop, rty specially sad peosHarly benefited thereby, and wblcb are hereby dec Weed to be all the lots, perls or Into sad par re la ef land lying between a Use 100 foot north ef sad parallel wlta tbs north line ef reran street snd a line 100 feet south of snd parallel with tbs south tins of rargs street snd. between a lis loti feet ssst of snd parallel with the east Use of OsntenbHs a venae sad tbs as at Use f Commercial afreet. Tbe nslneer's estimate sf tbs probable total east for tbs lasprovesaast ef said Pars Street to tsarvoo. The olana. aoeHftflafloaa and eerlmates'nf Tbe City Bngtarer for tbe Improvement sf Said tiM, nil ! tra k,r,h. mAnnta. lueoived. Tbst tas snaitor or me city or Wortlnnd be sad ba hr baratir directed to dva notice of tb proposed Improvement ef ssld street, ss vrovtdsd br tbs citr charter. BemoMtraacee sgaiaet tne snova rm prove- ment mar ba filed In wrirlnf with the snder alsned wlthta SO dsrs from tbs dst f Ihi drat psbllcatloa f this tmtlc. my orcec at ue ncii. I - : AnAltor of tbs City of Portlssd. Port toad. Oregoa. October 33. 104. botiox or rtxivs bkpobt or tibwxbb OT TBS lTOTrasBB OrXBTBS, LATTB OUT ABB swTABUsBIB W BAST SATIS STBaTBTf-"-' '' - - m Notice to beresv sives that the report ef tbs viewers heretofore aoooloted te saaess the benefits and damage fa tbs matter ef the pro Bmed opening, laying oat sad astabllahlng sf aat Devla atrest. from the seat line of Ber- atone sddltlos to the west Una ef Baat Twenty elshth atreet. hi tbe aty of Portland, have filed with the anflersisnec rneir report ai ss- iments for briiellU that will be derived snd dsmasea tbst will ba -svetslned by ressoa of tbe opening, toying net and 'it a aliasing of Baat Da via etreet aa above described. , The Coonrlt ef mid City of lWrt1amt win consider ssld report at tbe aest resale r meet lag. Wednesday. November 1 1804, at S o'clock ?. m. All persona Interested ar aerrby Bott led to present thaw objections to said report n writing, If sny they have, at ssld time and place, that the aame may be beard sad deter mined by ths Council. , THOS. . WTUK. Asdlter Sf tbe City ef PorUasA Portland. Oregoa, October tf, 104. sonoB or rtLTBs BxroBB or Tirwrmg or tbb rhorosEB oramis, wiobx- rBS, LATTB OUT ABB BBT 4 BLISB IBS OT BAST TWBBT1BTB bTBBXT. Kotlea to bofoby give tbst tbs report ef tb viewers bore to for appointed to Basses tt benefits asd damages Is tee matter ef the proposed open Ins, widening, laying sat snd establishing of Bast Twentieth atreet, from tbs Booth line of Divteton street to the north line of Cllntoa strsst, ta tb City of Portland, have filed wlta tb anoeraifnea l&eir report or ss- ts for bene flu that will bs derived snd dam fee that will bs snatalned by rosso of the rnlns, widest nf. laying oat and eatahltahlag Baat Twentieth street aa above described. TV Council of ssld nty of Portland win consider eald report st tbs sext regular BMet lag, Wsdoeadsy, November S. 1004, at f S'elock Sil persona interertee ar hereby sotl present their objection to ssld re port Inc. If say they have, st ssld tlms an that the aame may b beard ead dotsr hy tb Ceeaea tho. ensTf. Aodltor f the aty of Pox Us ad. Orsgas, Ostober ttf, 1104. ftod to to WT 01 FT SUTKfgS. noBosss nmTnnt or iast aadbb STSJUT. - ' Bono bj bessey elves test at the eiestlsg of the CobboU of tie City ef Portias. Ore- . sob, held oa ths 1BCB day ef October, aaVa, UV, folkiwUg reaelntloB vll sdosU: - Boaolvsd, That th Council of the CMS PottUnd, Oreaoa, dVoma It eipedlowt and sro poass ta Improve Bast Aider street tr"S tb , aost Una of Baat Thirty-fourth atri-ot to tbs went Has ef Buns; aide Third saallicn, 1 tbs following manner, to-wit: Plrat By aradliig tb street fall width, wlte fall interaoetloas Is tbs grass ss glvva eg the aty Knsln. ftocond-By essstoerttn wesds tawwstBS, - "lhlr4 By constructing wooden rroaswals m accordance with tbeClty Inglssef'S snd spedsesUoas. " i Fourth Br eoaobnartteg woods arbs Ba as errdanc with tbs Cltr stesluaer'S plsss Bd swcbVattoas. . , Bald Improvrmsat to ba made ta sessrdese v-lrh tea charter and ordinance of tbs City of 1-ortUad snd tbe pUns. apeclflcstlos snd eatl- state ef tbs City Bnslnear kled la tbs efOce of tb Auditor of th tlty ef rrt-ttond a the aoth day ef Septombsr. 1904. lodoraedi Clty Bnglneer's plana and apecldcaHnaa for th lav ; tirovomcnt of Bast Alder etreet from tbs eaet I 'do ef Best TblrtT-fourtt atreet to tb west line f SunnveJd third sddltlos. and mates ef the work to be eoa sad the pre- . able total eost thereof." , Tbs eost of said tra stove naoat to te aasseasd es provided by tbs dtv shartM os re prop- erty apeclatty brneflte thereby and whtchjB hereby declared to be all tbe tots ssd part , of lots and paresis sf Uad lying tt e kn 100 fsst'nortt of snd parallel with tbs Borth line ef Baat Aider street snd a Una 100 feat south of sod parallelwith tbs soatb lis of Beat Alder ntroot. sad between the seat Hna C East Thtrtr-fourth street Bad tbs wast lis t Bunsyald Third sddlrloa. . . 4 The gngteeer-s satlmat ef tb probabto total ret ef the ItapNvcswpt ef tb ssld Bast Alder, "Th ?l.!peehV.tlrms . asl nty Bnslaeer for the Improvement of mid Bsat Alder street are hereby a.pted. Resolved. That tbs Aodltor of tb CM ' f Pwrtsnd b sad as to hereby dlrWtad te glv notice f the propoaed unprovament sf tela . strtet ss provided V th city Remoostrancea asslsst the above l ment may be Med la writing U oodee algnod within B0 days fmm tb dst f ms grat psbllcatloa sf tbls so ties. By -umOeanct , Asdlter af th aty f rwrtlssd. , Portia ad. Oreaoa. October tt, 104. PBOPOgBB IByBOflsUBT 0 V BIB II- Kotlr ktowly given tbttteis,ang ' ef tbs CoonHl bf ft City of fcrtUad. Orj. ,r, sob. held ea tb Ifttt day ef October. W04, tbr fcltowuutrnsnttloB wan ..adopted; BseolvaeTThat Is Coascll f ths CMp PcftUi Oragoa. d-em. It P ' KoBoses to Improve Tweaty-erst street rrom att Mas efTstesoa etrmAtej a-rth X Ho ef ruftaa street 1 tbs following saaa- ( ratn1, riadter tbe street fsB w1Thwirb fall totsrsectloM to tbe proper s-grso S-r".! ,b? S' ea. M rVilwiath vrttt fail tetarsMttoas te a Third By constreettng artmrlal tos stdo wslks ta accordance with ths City Bsglnssf' plans, apeclflcatlona snd eatl ma tea. "Bald Improvement to ba -made J4t wttt tta charter ssd avdlasscM i of tb City of Portlssd sad ths plans, apcclncatlooa ssd astbsstes sf the aty Bnsloeer Bkd ito the of Scs sf the Aedlter of the City awttond ea tb KM day sf Beotombor. 14. "CHy BntlneerS plana and spedBCsUoss fov the ImproveawBt of Twsety-lmt atreet frost tbs sostb Hoe of Jackson street to the Bor n of CUfto Street Jh'!?,'tL,!i tbs work te he dsae and the atebabl total cost tBersor." . . , l L The coat ef told hn prove meet to be ssssaesi , as provided by tt ettv charter apes tbs prop- r . erty spVlallr snd peiallarly boaeflted thereby and wblcb to hereby declared to be lU ha tetwvea a Ito 100 feet west of nod parallel ' with tt west Una f Twvaty-Brst sown ana lies I no feet eaet of ssd parallel with the sast 11a of Twenty 4rt street sad tetwsea . tb seath ft na sf Jaessaa Street sad tbe arb Use ef niftos street. . . . The Bnalsaer's eetlmate f tbs " total oat lor the ImDrsvsmsst ef eald Tweaty- t- rat Straet Is sfJO.oo. ... . . Th sbove Improroewst m w oa etaasas as a macadam tmprovsmeat ssd shall be maintained , - by tb dty for a period of flv yssrs. provtd.d 2( tUt tb wnrrs T majority of tt iwewfy ; baaeatod by ssld Imnrovemeat er nay portlo thereof ahafa not petltloa for s sew or Bffaresl Improvsmmt bocsr th saptrsttoe ef sutb. h ptsa. ssatnltsrloaa ssd stJmtas sf . the aty Bnglnoer for tb Isaprevvment f ld . Twenty-Srat street ar hereby adopted. , Boaorred, That tb Andttsr or is vrrr -. ef Port U St be and fee la hereby dtrectod to give f j autlCS 01 in srspossn iBaprovoBani o street ss provided by tb city charter.. BsBsoastrsaces srsbist ths sbove Improve- r - , A-M itIZ h units. . l algssd with IB B ears from the date ef tb art publication of tbl SBttos. - By order of te OsbbHI. ' T THOS. O. DSTLIW, Audltsr ef tt aty ef Portia sA t PsrthrnA Orsgo. October ftt. ISO. ,i raorosxB utnsfTEMXtt or mrrnTAB lfetJcs Is beewbv stvsa that at th maatlag of tea Cevnrll of the aty ef Port la A Ore aoa. held os tbs 1rh dsy ef .October, U04, the following resolatloa was adopted: Resolved, Tbst tb Council of tbe City. ef. Portland, Oreroo. deems It expedient snd pre poses t Improve Cbapmas atreet from the -north Una of Elisabeth atreet to tbs sooth Use of Bprlag strsst, la th tolaswteg maasst, to- V wit: - - rtra Bv swsdtas the street to tie BTBBBT 1 BUb-grads as glvea by tbs City Bagtestr. Second By brtngteg tbs ear face of the Street to the proper grads with macadam. Bald Improvement t bs made to sccordsse with tbs charter Snd ordlnaocea sf ths aty ef ' Portbuid and tt plans, epecl&catlos sad ssnV mstes of tb aty Bnglaeev glad te tbs sf Ac of th Asdlter ef tee Cltr of Portland sa " - - th M dsy ef Ootobsr, 104. Indorsed: aty Kaglnesr's plsss snd spactfkstlons tor th . lmprovsment of Cba proas atreet from th Berth llos of Ellssbttb atreet to tbs sent has of t Spring atreet and tb asttmatas ef tb work to ba doss and tbe probable total eost thereof.- - Tas coat ef ssld UnprovesBeet to ba ssssssad ss provided by the dty chsrtsr apoa tbe property specially bewailed thereby and 'wblcb U hereby declared t b all tbs tots, parts of lots sad parcew sf toad blag betwoee a Una -100 feet westerly from and parallel with tn westsrly line ef Chap mas strsst snd a Us VQ . " feet ea atari from and parallel with th east erty line of Chapman atreet, sad be twssa the north line st Bllsabstb street sad tb oau . ' no ef Spring strsst. " Tbs Bnglnssr's eatl ma to of th ptobsbto total eost for ths Improvement of said Chap- ' ma a street to ASM. 00. ' Tb bov Improvement to te bs ctasssd a S ' ' macadam iBaprovemeat as ahaU be tolned by tbs city for a period f svs yssrs. E Tided that the imsi of a- aujorlty of property MneOtod by said ImprSVi-mest er snr norUxn thereof shall aau not petiuoa ror a new or eirrerent improvamana aior ms a plrBtton ef aucfe period. Tb plsss, sperlncwttess ami sstlswtsf of -the aty Btuinefr for tb improve meat ef eald Chapman etrirt are hareby adopted, ReaolvodV That ths Auditor of the Oty ef ' Portlssd bs and as ta hereby directed to glv notice of tbs propoaed Improve ntent ef said Street as provided by th aty charter. BBBstranes against the above Improvement may be Bled to writing with th aaderalgned wllMn fJO days from ths dst f te Brat Bs Urstloa ef thU notice. By srdst ef the Ceaacfl. thos. ol Drvxm. - Ad1tr-f the aty ef roctmsA Portland. Oregoa, October St 104. PBOrOSZS BXWXB rjf bosbxt Ararat, Norte to bervby rtvea ttat at tbs meettns ef tb Council of tt City of Portland, Oragoa, . held os the 1IH a dsy of October. 104, te following resntatiea was sdopted: ReeolTod, That tb Oaasrfl of the City of ' Portland. Oresoo, swam It expedient sad pro- -. poses to cenatruct a sower hi Rodney svetiss from ICO fast north of tb sort Una ef Pro most street to tb sewer to Beech atreet. Said , newer to b of vitrified sswer pip of tgbl I dc bee clear tosld diameter with all nocsaaarf catch be. alas, , mss-aolas, - U manbote asd branobes. . Ssld aewvv to bs snuatrsetsd Sj st card tie With tbs charter and: ordlssncss of th City of Port bind and tea pleoa, apedHcatloss ssd sstlmatrs of tbe dty RnrlBSer. filed la tbs ' office ef tb Aadltor ef the City ef Portland on tbt.lTtb day of October, 1WM, Indorsed) 'Tlty Euslnoer'a plan sad aped flea tlona for a ewer te Rodsey svsass from 100 feet aorth tt tbs aorth line of Premoat street to tb vawsr ts Beech atreet, and the eatl state of the -work te be dsn asd tasprvtebt total ssst thereof Th met ef Mid sewer to' b assess ss pre, vtded by tbe dty charter upon tt property ' specially and peculiarly boeented thereby, snd wbUh to hereby declared te be ss fottowat Lorn , A 4. S. to block f: lots 11, is, IX 14, Is block tS. Alblna BoBMatssd. lbs Baglsecr'S eetlmate sf tb probabls total -coat for ths esmwscttoe ef saU sewsr to giaooo. , , TB Bibbs, spevinesTiows an eenmsras ef tbs aty Rnrfnevr for ths ssmweetto ef said . arwer ar horehy adopted. keaolved. That tbe Auditor ef tb City sf . Portland bs snd ha ta hereby directed te glv notice sf th ptopsaed cooatr actio ef ssld erwer, as proviet sr ts city charter. sViaonatrsncM afalnat tbs sbove sows Slay bs filed la writing with tbs derslgel within - te days fmm ths date ef tea first pabOeaUoa ef this aotie. By svear of te Ormnca " THtis. c nsn,iw, sdltor of tb Car ef PortsxaA ' Aadltor Orago. UMM BB UBS, I 1 trcuel tablets." I much to to eisirtcv '.. i 7. X - if i