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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
U )I t Tnnit. fair; ,F'tar. Iarastf ; elm wuvdj bweomlAg uti 7 ; ;' "' ' . .. ,. Y VOL. III. NO. 20S. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER T, 1904 FOURTEEN PAGES. ' " PRICE FIVE CENTS, $1,000,000 IF HEINZE CAN LAVSON OFFERS TO FORFEIT DISPROVE SELLING OUT r'V J - V " 1 11 . '. . - .' A ... . ' . ' " 1 - AMALGAMATED COPPER GO: Honey Is to Be f ganization If Heirize Wins-Tells i lawson Says He Hired 100 Rooms m,WaIdorf . Astoria Hotel to Insure Secrecy of Meeting f?v-v Between Hdnze and H. H. Rogers. ; .: ffipeahll Mesafe to Ts Jeers!.) -' -- Butt Moot. Oot i7. TbonuM " ' Xwsou, the millionaire Boston oopper broker, in a signed lUUmut la thla morning's Miner declares that as will dtatribute ll.eoa.Ote tnoni tb mlnw ' of Butt If r. Augut Halnaa u die. provs hi statement1 that "Hslaae aaa old hie copper mining; Intareata to th ' AauUgamated." Bains la challenged to ., disprove tha statement of Luweoa and la branded aa tha greatest political Jobber i through Whose hands million of dol - lax art balng jua;lad In aa affort to : oontrol aha Montana Judiciary and lagia- Lawsob deelaraa that tha araaan .Bolltlaal aampatn will aaa tha and it 'iialnaa In Hootana. : - Tha atatamaat baa caused a araat aan aatloa. Lawaoa aajra: "1 blttarly hata Halaa and tha United Ooppar oomaanr. v baeauaa Z, know than to ha liar and xaaoaia. , 1 MttarlT -ttata- tha - Man - of tha Amaivaniatad, bacattaa I know that thajr hara foolly robbad thousands of tha m- soeant and booaat paopia or Ananoa ana Knropa, and aava drlraa aaoraa to ul- -Ma and priaoa.' - Lawaon daclaraa that tha TTnltatJ CP- war oomaanr paaaid out of tha oontrol of Halnaa months aao, and talla Of aerat ahaitlng with H. H. Roajara, and : hara: 1 awras that If Raltnta haa not triad 4o aaU.tha prooartr to tha AaaJammatftd, . to Haary HL iBraaa4 to myaaif ouniy tlmaa. particulmrly on ona occasion whan Halnaa Mrottated frooa 19 o'clock m tha mornlna; to s:10 tli tha avanlnr with H. H. Roaars at hla (Rocst!) offloa In , tha standard Otl bolldlna; to Kaw Tork. and on tha auna day from t o'dook in tha afternoon to t oeloak to tha morn lna; of tha foUowlna- day. whan I naaotl- atad with Halnaa ha aaklns; I7,foo,ow and I offarlna; I8.MM0O. and Upon an- ' ethar aooaalon whan I mad tha arrant-a- manta with him to scratly moat Henry H. Roarer fat tha Waldorf hotel in Now Tork where I hired 199 oonnaetlnf ' room for ha purpose of let tins' Mr. Rocara Into tha middle ana, front one and af tha hotel, both going tbronfb ran rooma to fat there, and Halnaa leaving Editor P. A, O'Parral and hie Boston representative. Kill tor Barron, of tha News Bureau of Boston, wetting . aide tha door of hla room, deliberately . deealvlnd therm Into thinking that ha was In tha ffret room with a woman, whlld ta reality he had paaaed through II 4ha intervening .rooms and - Closeted With Rogers, and where ha told na that If by any sllp-ap ha should be photographed In tha act of selling hla property to Roger and .photographs ware sent to Montana ha would assassinated by indignant miners Whom ha had tricked; I wtll pay to each and avery miner who la In fhe employ of tna Amalgamated copper oompaay and vnfted Copper oempany. on November -m, 3t4. tha sum of tto, and to each of the mining and smelting labor orginlaatloaa of Montana alt-aOO." Mr. Lawson an tha Hainan sail -out burs: "That tha myeftary of tha Halnaa el 1 -out may be cleared up, I will aay that whan last summer Halnaa oaased to own the United Copper company, and rrangamenta ware being perfected to turn It over to tha Amalgamated, he wag ealted east to save what ha could from tha wrack before the present owners had pasaed title. I than nerved MtlM A th nanammt ett tha Amal gamated on behalf of myself and other lerge stockholders that although tha price to be paid waa a eomparatlvely pmall one, I would secure an Injunction from tha eourts stopping tha sale on the ground that tha Amalga'mated waa al- reedy entitled te'the United Copper oonv pany's property beoauee af ore thafta of Helnso from tha Amalgamated oonv pany's properties, but that If tha eourts decided differently then the aala aouid JOURNAL LOCATES MISSING WOODMAN ' Portlanrl, Oat- It. To tha Edi tor of Tha Journal Raoaratly you pubtfehed description af Henry JX Meat era, Uta af Kerby, Joaephlna oounty. Dracon, who waa mlastng, and staled that tha last heard of him waa la thla eJty. He sent a latter to hla home atatlng that ha bad bean robbad 'and would have to work while before ha oould gat money with wuloh to go home on. Ho was a member of tha Woodman of tha World and In quiry oamo to ma asking ma to try to locate him. r erleh to thank yea for pub lishing tha description and also to aay that throuah tha notice ha waa located at Dufur, Or wbere ha waa sick with typhoid favor. He la now oonvutseoant and hopaa noon to be able to return tto hid family. J. M. WOOnwORTH. Clerk Multnomah Camp No It. , Paid to I.Tiners. Or- proceed 1 would agree In sueh event to ask tha army of Araalgamatad stock holders whom I oontrol to ratify It. , Thereupon tulta for damagaa of Lover 2t,ooo,00 ware broughl by tha Amalgamated company I "If UA praaent suits are decided against; tha United Copper eompaoy It will mean tha and of Halnaa In Mon tana and will bring great loan to tha : present Ownere of the United Copper company, hut In any event If tha suits should go against tha Amalgamated company, gtha Amalgamated company will take poaaaaaloa of tha united Cop per oompany and the praaent ownere will racaiva aa agreed-upon prion. v ' "Tha Halnaa properties are all now owned by tha baited Copper oompaay and others awn that company, and whan that compaay'e stockholders meet and turn aver their stock to tha - Amalga mated oompany, through the medium of a oertaia trust company, that la tha and Of It." ; , y In concluding Lawaoa aayat . ' ' "Halnaa, tha time haa paaaed for talk; either you furnish proof that you are not lying and that Z am not telling the truth, la which event tha miners of Montana who bare use for real money can eocura mote of It than they have ever had from you, or also admit yoa are a public brawler, a cowardly raaoal who attempting, te aaa honest eltlaen and honest laborers for aua own baa ends. " .' "Hehwa, your time bag aoate ta put tip or-wwa., - . . '- DESERT MAKES KIM ATHYSICAL WRECK ... ;y .... ,, ' -; '" aearod Peeetal serrtea. - ftaa Bernardino, CaL, Oat. 17. X, T. Yomfr. a wealthy mlnaoianar of Red lands, haa Just returned from tha Castle Creek mining dlstrlot, ta Arlaona, phyetoal wreek as tha result of being poisoned while Inspecting deposits of potash which ho parobAaed with other Badlands men.. Foate oom pletad hla Investigation and waa turning homeward when sud denly stricken. Many sours later ha found himself " wandering aimlessly about tha desert, hla entire body blis tered and paining intense! y. Gradually hla strength fulled until ha waa unable to want, and, mora than miles from elviiientloa) and without water, ha sank down upon the burning sand. By sheer force of will he fought off unoonaoloua- nana, which ha felt oraeptng over him Ha crawled through sand until hla hande nd knees ware raw, holding out until night, whan tha cool air revived him. Reaching tha mines, ha mounted hla horse and rode to Phoenix, arriving there dellrlouu. It la believed tha poison wsa taken Into hla system while aaa mining the potash aaposlta. DRUNKEN TAR MAKES ; A HIT IN LONDON '- aeuraal aseefal fcrHN.) - London, Oct. tt-Tber was a remark- abla damonstratloai here thla morning In favor af the United States. It waa all over drunken tar from tha erulaer Olympla. The sailor was arrested by a polloemaa the onlooker say needlessly. aa ha waa giving no trouble. Tha sailor restated, and both ha and the policeman fall, and tha sailor's head waa badly out. A arowd of several hundred persona gathered and demanded tha ailor'a ra pe, Other polio oanaa to tha aceaa. and tha crowd, whtoh continued to In crease, accused' the police of brutality guddenly the hoota cava way to eh ear for tha United States and tha American navy. They continued liirrsaaliig in toK um until tha polio station waa reached, where a big foroe of officers waa aee aaaarr to scatter tha arowd. DISPOSES OF HOPS . : AT BANNER PRICE aatI Dtoaatm a Tea Jeaenel.) . Indepeadsnoe, Or., Oct t, The hlgh- ast prto yet paid for hope waa paid last night, whan J. ft. Cooper of thla place aold hla crop to Mr. McClallan, repre senting Pabar A Nels. Tha price paid la secret, but earlier In tha dav ha was offered 11 eeats by Carmiobaal'a rep resentative, but would not accept the offer. Ha gold at better figure than that above quoted, understood to bo 11. This lot of hops waa of aupsrlot grade. There are only about three batches of hops now left in tba eHglnel ewners handa la tha Independence dis trict. (! tmoafan ta Tea ernM ' 1 Haw York, Oot tT. Tho National As- aociatloa of Profeaslotial Baseball LeaguM adjourned thla aftarnooh to meet la Baa Frandsoo on tha Tuesday la January, M0 HEAD OF THE FIRST NEW B.QOSEVEUT.;. YEARS OLD 1 IUrtiM.1 X ' Washington, D. G, Oot 17. For tha fourth time Praa Ident Rooaavalt haa birthday aanrveraaxy la tha White House. Thin wag bM tsth birth day and hundred of congratulatory let- tare and telegrams 'arrived to remind him of tha day. Tha cabinet, room and tha praaideot'a private office were filled with exquisite floral af fertngav ' Tha preaident spent tha greater part- of tha day m hm office, and with Secretary Loeb attended to mat tare of bo el noes. At luncheon there were aaveral gueaute te addlUon to tba mem bars of tba praat dent'a family, and ft eonaiderable am ber of invltatlona were sent ta intimate friends to attend a sort of an Informal birthday dinner tonight The preaident waa tha recipient of numerous present from tha membara of hm family. - Tha president's occupation at varloua blrthdaya: ' . , Twenty-first, at Harvard eollaga. r. TwentyHaacond, In BTurope. Twenty-third, campaigning aa Botnlnaa for state legtalatura. Twenty-foarth. member af Maw Tork legtalatura. Twenty-fifth, member of Mow Tork wglsUtura. Twentr-aixth. member of- Kew . Tork lagi latura. Twenty-seventh. on ranch Inv North Dakota. Tweaty-etghth. eampaignlmr aft an- dldate for mayor of New Tork. . Twenty -ninth, worMnar on hla Ufa of Oouveranur Morrla." - . Thirtieth, working on first volume of his "Winning of the Wast- - Thirty-first, member of national elvfl aervloe commission. . , . Thirty-second, working bax hia "His tory of New Tork.- , N ATI ON'S Railroad mam af this otty ara awalt- Ug with keenest .tntereat the axpeoted annouaoemant of the ooasummatlon of tha hug tnuaooontlneatai deal which haa finally Battled -tha Northern Securities controversy. . The Informa tion pubMsaed yesterday kt Tha Journal I tha first official statement aa ta tha terme Of tha deal would be given out about November 1 haa been eonffrmed by privet ad teas, but beyond this fsst nothing has been learned by railroad of riclale to Portland. The Interests involved In tba deal ara so vast that their opera Uona ara wholly beyond the ken. of maa on thla coast who In tlmaa past have been thoroughly familiar with tba ranscontinantal rail road eituatlon, Tha ultimate purpose tha Standard OH magnate and the d eta! la of the agraemant that haa been reached with Harrlman and 1, J Bill ui only be oonleoturcd. That Rockefeller and Ma aasootatse have gained a transcontinental system through tha aequieHkm of the alt Paal and tha Northern Pacific admits of lit tle doubt Tbe steady advance la quo tations of fit. Paul stock during the last few weeks plainly betrays the aalstenoe of Bosne huge schems, and tha mora re cent rlae In Union Pacific atook sat- iaOag Watt street that HarrUnaa at oo . . i ft - "! TRANSCONTIM YOtf SUBWAY COMMISSION i. v"msaaonw , .. 1S-46 TODAY .1, Thirty-third. ehrH aervtco nnnsmlsslnn ; Thirty-fourth, slvll, aervloa aommla alon. v -. - . , Thirty-fifth, elvfl eervKe eommlsslon. Thirty-seventh, president New Tork board of police oommleeionera. Thirty-eighth, preaident New Tork board of polloa oocnmi aeioaera. . ThlrtyvanaUb .aaslataat. saerstary af the navy. fortieth, oampafrnlng aa sand Mate for governor of New Tork, . forty-first, governor of New Tork. '' Forty-oeooDd. campaigning for vloa- p resident of the United Vtataa, Fcrty-toird. pros Man t. of tha United tatea,. . . rorty-fourth, araaldeaivaf the Ualtsd tatea. - . rorty-flfth, preaident- of the United tatea. . Forty-sixth, preaident of tha United otaxaa. , - ITALIAN PEASANT : ; - LEAGUE IN RIOT . r . ' ; M 1 - Cresraal ftpeelel aurrleM V Roma, Oet 17. The arrant of tba bead of ft peasant-league on charge of swindling, aroused the village of Ban Plervaraotioe, with Itg S,OoO inhabltanta, to the point of riot in attempting to liberate tha accused man, a eonflhst oc curred with oarbtneere. Three soldiers were Injured. , Reinforcements dispersed the mob. r JAVAjntftai VAPn Mukden, Oct IT. Tha Japeneee bava advenoed to tha villas of Jordagan, capturing tha piaoa alter mm ftU aight'g fight - . , ... . , m. EYES FOC USED ON operattec with tba aHandard Oil tntar. eats, at least In tha Initial moves pf the ganw. Whether' Barrlman and his ftnancta allies can continue to maintain amicable relatione with tha Standard Oil king la another guestloa and must depend upon the ultimata purpose of the latter. RookefeUer'a schemes are ' aa bound leee aa hla power, and whether ha will be content with the aoqulatuoa of a single transcontinental system or whether ha asptrae to tba eventual control of all the railroad s of America la a oueetlou that none but he can answer. Prominent railroad afflolala and large hlppera of thla atty-and of tha coast are aa much la tha dark upon these questions as la the general public Men who have known the Intimate hie tory of rat freed manipulation for a quarter af a century oonfeae theanaalvea at a loss aa to tha outcome of the struggle which has Involved tba great eat financial Interests of tha edWntry. The acquisition of ths It Paal-Northern Pacific outlet to that eoaat will he of Immense value to tbe Rockefeller In terests. The Northern Pacific tape tha rich Coeur d'Ana region with its Im mense copper deposit, and this of It self ts a consideration of very great Im portance. The Standard Oil has been gradually gaining control ef the eleoUte NOV OPEN Fifty, Thousand People Use New York s Great "Tube.? WORLD'S LONGEST BORE Mayor NcCJelUi Operates First Car Over llie Whfek Cost More Tbaa $1,000,000 i Nile to Baili- Pablle OpcslDf Tonight. (Jearaal apeela Berrtee.)' ' ' New Tork, Oot IT. Tha Rapid Tran sit railroad, tha subway, aa It to pop ularly known, waa formally opened to day with Imposing ceremonies. The ex ercise took place under tha Joint aus pices of the lnterbo rough oompany and tha board of aldermen. In City Hall park, where the great downtown termi nal ta located and where tha first spade ful of earth waa turned, the principal ceramonlea of the day took place short ly before noon. The park and etty hall were lavtahly decorated. Bishop Potter opened the ceremonies with prayer and was followed by aa ad dress by Alexander B. Orr, preaident of tha rapid transit commission, who turned tba subway over to the city. Mayor McCTellaa accepted tha- trust and then turned thO road over to Auguat Belmont preaident of the Inter borough company, who also mad a brief add re. Arch bishop Farley closed the eeremonlee. At 1 o'clock the first train waa started over the road, operated by Mayor Mo Clellan In parson. Bands of muslo wars stationed at all tha principal stops along the route. Included among the passen gers on tba first train ware tha elty of- flclala, officials of the lnterbo rough oom pany, a large party of distinguished en gineer and - other invited guests. Promptly at midnight tonight tha road will be opened to tba general public That part of tha road that will be op erated for tha praaent Includes tha whole of the main Una from City Hall park to tha Harlem river on tba upper wast side. It la expected to have tha entire wast slda Una opened to t raffle within a month or so and also the east aide branch to tha Bronx. -. - , -, Fifty VManusad aUaa. , ( Fifty thousand people rode over1 tha line aa guests of the road thla afternoon. It la estimated that tha road will carry llt.tW.Wt passenger a year. The fare la aaata. When tha extension to Brooklyn, under the Bast river, haa been completed it la estimated that tha road wlU carry SOa.OOs.oot passengers a year. Kt prist trains will run through the autrway at tha rata of n mil minut for tha benefit af tha long haula from tha Bronx to tha busiest aectionn of the elty below Fourteenth etreet Local tralna will atop at all of tha under ground stations, every half doeea blooks along tha rout. The earn have steel bottoms, topper sheathed sides and there la very little wood In their eons tract ion. The light ing eyutam Is entirely separate from tha power plant that wtil not tha tralna by manna of the tafrd rait . xna route ox tna mam una ts p Fourth ' avenue to Forty eeoond street then up Broadway until Ona Hundred and Fourth a treat ta reached. There It branches tot two eectkma. Tba first (Continued on Pas Two) , - -. . ENTAL DEAL ...t.ioi,. v - V v mteraets af the country and Is today tha virtual owner of almost every electric oompany of hnportanoe In the United Bute. Bleatrle ptaata are among the largest consumers of ooppar and tbe Importance af tha Coeur d'Alene field, which they own, to the Standard Oil la obvious. It la reasonable to assent that llar rlman'a acquiescence In the Scheme en gineered by the Standard oil muat mean that he la to control the Bor llngton, at leant ao far aa It com pa tea with tha Union Pacific. The latter la paralleled by tha Burllagton from Chi cago Into Colorado and It to not likely that Harrlman would allow, ftt ha can prevent such ft dangerojia possible competitor to pass Into . hands that might become hostile. That Harrlman and hla allied finan ciers may eventually b forced fo face a conflict with Rockefeller's omnipotent millions m ona of the possibilities of tha future, tf not actually of the praa ent la that event the truni Would be the most momentous that tha finan cial world haa ever known. It la for this reason and the mystery and uncertainty surrounding the situa tion that pub) la tntereat baa been keyed to such a pitch and that the final out come m watched with such feverish pubua tntereat RUSSIA IS SOURY BUT BALKS AT UIKD CHARLES BsTRESFORD, COMMANDING THB BRITISH FLSBT AT GIBRALTAR. Uft FfcC:i I'M Senator NHclell Says nlDeteeoti VIII Embirk Here If Government Has . M Committed Itself, i Unless the war department hag al ready committed itself to Ban Francisco, tha transport to convey tha Nineteenth infantry, now etatloned at Vancouver, to the Phlllppinea will In all probability ha brmia-h ta Pnrtland. I Thla la the assuranoa given by Sena tor J. H. Mltehelt who has taken up1 the question in earnest and will personally use hla Influence with tha department headquartara at Washington. Ho Is now gathering .ths' necessary information. havtng thlamornlng written a totter to Adjutant-Oeneral Brand for particulars. Ha will leave for Washington at the end of next week. He will make It one of hla first acta to go to the department headquartara and there press Portland's claim and right to this transport "I will braag thla transport to Port land If aooh a thing la poaalhta," said the senator this morning. I waa sur prised to learn that-tha department was considering any other port elnoe we have all tba faollHiae her that could possibly be urged In favor of San Pran eiaco or any other port and. ara entitled thla bustnaee. I do not Intend to trust tha request and claims which I shall maks to the department to a letter, but will leave for Waahlngton In about a week to gtva thla matter my personal attention, I feel .safe In assuring the people of Portland that unless tbs de partment haa already committed iteelf to som other port, this tranoport will ha brought to Portland. Senator Mitchell aald ha ha never considered but that whan tba time cam to transport this regiment to the Philip pine tha steamship would be brought ta Portland, since me harbor was equal to any on tha Paelfle eoaat, and waa surprised to learn that San Franelaoo had even been considered by the depart ment Aa soon aa h received notice to tha contrary ha took tha matter up and la preparing to present to tha quart er-master-ceneral and uta war department at Waantngton uiuclent facta and data concerning Portland's haroor facilities and tha eonventsnos for loading the troopa here aa to convince them that thla ta tha proper port for the em barkation. And ha bellevue that Pert land ta entitled to thla aonaldaraUon rearardless of all ether clalmante. The other members of ths Oregon con gressional delegation will be consulted In the matter and will Join m this re- queet to tbe department Tha eituatlon relative to the moving of the troopa from tha barracka at Vancouver to tha troopship will b laid before tha de partment showing the great convenience and ad van tare of thla port over Ban Franelaoo. Tb question of providing cargo for the ahtp will also be taken op with tha headquartera and tha superior fe-lll tie offered by Portland' wUl be urged. Senator Mitchell said he did not be llevo the department had committed Itself and that Portland would get the boat although he oould not make thla atatement ae ft fact until he consulted with tha officials at Wshlatnew New Tork, Oot. 1 Just bean irei- ' t J v POillDIT Reparation Offered ( fcr Sinking Trawlers Is ; ' " iDsumcieou est ROJESTVENSKY'SSTCXf Rossiai Admiral Sore Tbat'Hs Stilas y FM at War Vessels, Not at v ;"v Tracers, Whkfc He Says He Recoialzed. ! ' Umden. Oct tT.-rBuDetln- 'to learned that Bngtand refuse to acoopt RoJeetvenekyd explanation. In ess no agreement la reached, England will not ' declare war, but will Inform Russia that the Baltic float WlU not ha per mitted to proceed. Tarn may be tantamount to declara tion of war, only In' thla oaaa aucb dec laration would have to-be made by Rus sia, either thrpuah ordering bar fleet to proceed and resist any attempt ax atop page, or by a mora open method. ' - London, Oct ST. (Bulletin.) A Parle oorrwapoadant hears on the highest au thority" that within ft hour Russia will gtva complete satisfaction to Great Britain Including an apojoxy, pvut of Indemnity and a full toveetigMuus. - - "- -tfaarest ftp art it ahrrhsv) ' London. Oot S7. Admiral Rojestven sky, commanding 4h Roauan Baitte fleet has reported and declares ha fired upon Japanese torpedo boats. H aaw tbe trawlers, but waa not shooting at them and did not know that he hit any of them, . . On Premier Balfour's call, tha entire British cabinet will meet tomorrow at noon, Lanadowna, Benekondorff and Cambon , had a long conference today at Lans- downe'g home, which apparently brought neither eolutloa or an axraamant to al low Cambon to medlata. Balfour, Lansdona and other high of ficials then met In the foreign office. where another conference waa held. Benekendorff then ceiled at Lana- dowus's bouse to again meet the latter, presumably expecting an ultimatum. The deadlock la as ta tba pun I eo merit of Russian officer, which Russia will not ooooede. Tha Russian embassy predicts that Rojeetvenskya report will oauaa mm amicable atUmeat BngUnda fleets oontlnua to Baoblllse and await orders. Kverythlag indicate ft situation? of tha moat tenae strain. Thla la a aummary of aveata bare to day, and auch la all that la actually known to tha public, which faeie tha ominous brooding of war aver tha Brit ish empire and la willing to ftcoapt tha Soma Intimation muat hav erect ta Balfour ears last Bight that tha repwrt of tha Russian vloe-admire. Ro)estvea sky, would be other than aatldactory and that Russia would probably refuse Important dsmamla made by Great Britain and which aha considers only due hr dignity. At mldniaht tha premier dispatched from his bom hurried summons for a full cabinet meeting which it waa hoped oould be held today.' Thla act it waa generally understood, waa due ta tha failure of Rusetn to promptly Bond ft satisfactory reply to tha British de mand and waa tsksn aa a symptom sf (Continued on Page Two.) TRAIN MEN DIE . IN BLAZING CIL IJeareel kpeaatl servnuvt e Aurora, Neb Oct 17. An e aastbound Burlington naaaenger 4 atruck an oU wagoa here today. A hundred gallons of gasoltaa A were thrown over the ngtna ne, 'hleh waa soon anvelODed to e flame. Engineer . parhlmvta Waa taken out tm a dying condi tion, and Fireman, Lasaler wag Cremated. The accident occarred at a crossing. The driver of tha oil Wagon dtd not observe the ap pro coins frmtn until too lata to check tha epeed of hi team. Tha train wae running at a ami rate .of epeed, and before It earns to a steads till the entire ena!re presented i anoea ranee Of an lnfem rt fumn Intermlnsi. . r -- tlaiiv ecr" ter rt hia I wun i a. 1 t a i a ( W 6 t ... 1 .