The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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111 B " P II
Sir Francis
$10.00 Complete " ' -Life
Reading for Q(J
. ins frew Kwy ..
I dl fasfsH tSOt where I Ml to tomes yes
how to flldHtt IVIM T deetr, how to
snake yosr enemies year frtesds,
pdy asirvtex wltt th on. f year
tW)i or hut d wkt res asgnwrsi
b mt buiMH. iwr nil lndu. rt
onlt tb MftfiM. siv roe techy sumbars.
locate the earth's burled tree anree, settle tbs
C4 sststes that ttas ku placed beyood the
wyer ihHwhiw, sad foeUlrely umptoto
i I have swd mcT ' l
gnW MS I ccstd is bosunus? . -mr
u I my heme happyt
How ems I conoasr my snsmtoaT
gow cas f marry th as I csesmf
o ess I BitfT wUT
Mow boss m I marry f '
- Few end 1 mit my Hvalt .
- Bow em I make any mm lov ms?
Bo mi will mj tow Monl , ,
Bow m I rt l tottsrf 1
. Mow ca I p( i mod snstttoaT J.
Bow ea I ifiww tea 4 Inf)nncaf
Bow nuk dtetaat ens think of amy
How ems I bold aty husbamd's lol., s ,
How eaa I heap ay wtfs's tovst
. UK rUHCU DRAAB tell aU Mi havw
Frost th point of drsmatla eonatnte-
Uoa, aw critics rogard Om flow
kmmi of Hon) uid Jullaf ma mora
prfA than any of Shakespeare's trm
odtoa. Kodmo baa baas banished from
Aeroaa for MIUbw Tybalt . Juliet baa
feoe oesnpallad by bar family to ba
mrotli horaolf t toub Parla, v kina
nwa of Saoalua. kln of Vorooo. In
rdar to oMatraet br froaj . tfao grlt
which sno la auppooad to fal at the
.tb. of ar oooala Tybalt, the aaarrlaca
la find at aa early data. The duv
tractad Jnltet coiaaa to bar father eon
faaaor, Frtar Xawranoo, for advleav Boa
baa a dacter la bar band and propoaaa
to aUy baroalf, aa tbo only . way tb
oaeapa the draaded narrtan with Porta.
Too frbu ondertakaa the deaparato rem
edy of providing bar wrtb a potion tbo
affect wheraof la to randor bar appar
ently aotd and Ufeleee for 41 hoora, da
lndlnc bar famUy Into tbo belief that
bo la doadV It cornea to paaa aa be bas
promlood and Juliet la burled te
tomb of the CaDuleta Aa accident p ra
ven ta tbo frtar from oommunlcatlns
with Romoo who, bearlnc of Juliets
. daatb. bursta uaoa -the tomb, take
Ctoon and- diem. Jo Met awakea from
r t ranee, finda Rodim'i oorpao, ataba
baroalf with bis daavar, and dlea. The
crownlnc point la the reconciliation of
-Capulet and Jfontaffuo over tbo daad
todlea of their obJldron.
Soott Seaton, who playa Capulet tn
Ibo Coluasbla, oompanirB proaantatloa,
haa won new ad ml re ra for hla aplondid
Interpretation of that rola. The beat
work Mr. Beaton haa dono In Portland
a tbo aeeao In which bo danounoao kta
daushter. Juliet, for bar rofuaal to
marry Parla. In tMa oceoa, alao, Mlaa
ConatbM rlaoa to a treat bolg-ht and
Mlaa abh b aooa at bar boat aa Lady
"tunum &omiAV n
Xlttertnc: Gloria" la aaid to bo the
Boat oue-eeaarui eroaUoa In recent
years. When presented la at aprlng
mt Daly'a theatre, Mew York, It dupll
omted the suecooa It achieved In London.
In the evolution of It plot, which la
1 ebarmlnB-ly entertatalns, it daaJa with
a phase of Ufa, s phase that la of vast
Importance, that of as actress aoemitid
a tH.Mfl necklace, roBArdloao of how It
nraa to bo (often.
Tbo acenery attracts, lta actors eon
vlnoa, lu comedy mm usee. . It Is a real
omnedy, whlcft raqulrea anmny clever
xeopla to Interpret It, and ' Messra.
flahor sad Ryley have exercised much
luderoent tn aeosrln this, roromost
le atlas Xasdora Rush, the clever come
dienne, who was hut seen hero aa Lady
Holyrood In "Florodora." In tbo part
of Gloria tt ta aald she haa a part which
aire her ample opportunity to display
her talents. Tbo rest of tbo oast In
cludes Ueorc Parsons, Wilton Harlot.
Edward at. Favor, Bert Clark, Channea
Olnsy, Lola Louden, I. Ounnls Davis,
Thomas A. Klernan, rma navla, Oeorajc
Jackaon and W. aX Freeman. Two per
formances only will be alven at toe
.. Marquam Ormad tboatra next Friday
ifht and Saturday matinee, October 38
- nod I. Soata are now selltna.
" rmvAJnc SAjranui ecmim: .
Prank Daniels will eoma to tbo afar
, Qoaai Oraad theatre next Ifondar and
Tuesday bights, October SI and Novem
ber -1, under the manmseroent of Char! en
' B- PHlinsbam, and offer to his many
local admtritrs bio vory latest lauching
Vehicle, "The Off! no Boy," a muabMl
oomody by Harry B, Samlth, with mualc
by tbo clever com poser. Ludwla Ens
lander. Tho piece la Interpreted, from
all aocounta, by a lar oompany of tat
ontsd and vocally excellent artists. A
tvolcsi Danlela chorus of - attractive
femininity, csrbod In dsshlnf and be
rrUchlns; stylo, la one of the promloml
lluroments. Tho ataalnx of tho piece.
'alao. Is spdVW of as belna up to the
hirnest atsndard of the aceno-palntara'
art. Tbo fun of tho piece Is aald to n
uninterrupted mm the time Mr. Dan
tela makes hla rst appearance from
aa offlc oafs, until tho Anal fall of the
eurtaln. The advance sale oi aeata wtn
open next Friday moraine; at Id o cldck
Bo gi est was the crowd after tho first
aventner porformmaco ml the Baker last
might a solid quarter W aa boar waa
in uaaaary to ompty tbo theatra and al
low tho Holtltudo to file la and a
Vast a The bill at tha Baker this week
la undoubtedly tbo arrostest vaudeville
r faring anmde ta Portland. Ton Star
acta hold hs stairs as aaoh ooo nots-
Iorthy. FTOtn pood old Pate Baker
-wn t tho olograph tbo applause Is
hearty and unatlnted. If ons wanta to
a. ). .rsmioat vaudovtlla bill over of-
.i a. tn. MMTthwsat tbo Beker hi
t plaeo to
aoosrwaaot with taotr prsmlas, tho)
-M " t
Special This Week
$ 10.00 UlV ,
Reading A
There art a mlrtakM la the pwrOen
d hf fee treat and woaderfal rylc.
Toe mar with to kmve if It to advUeble e
iraka a otaace U laaltiaw, H wee, U sw
rlr . .
Hban I km a ia sty mew uwimie '
Caa I eatmU au husaa. au wlamea, amf SBV
Mtloaa 1"
(thai! I over eajey tw nrame ei wwiur
"Can I" treat bit trteadar
'Have 1 raeaueeT' . . .
Win emaU I watryr
"How oMa email 1 arry Y A -
-fhill I awr be "ItvorrTdr' '
"Don am bar share the tore that rtshtfalb)
WrKa - ,
"Ami 1 wt la fetsraT" '
"! thare a rival la mr lvT
"Wmem eamU mu fan affair temlamht m
"Wbea asan wf aimmtie weeons eBsr
"How can I make air IK home kayayf
"Whea ahall mj abeest frtnd retsmr
Why de 1 pet receive a witter r'
norm ia te dailt ahd stthday.
m Morrison SL, Corner Rflh
o Floor of Bostorn Vestal Varlom
Bead Ofsee. H OM Broad street taeaae.
Tmta hank arameacu) a avaeral haahlmc besV
aea. muba loas. dtaeeaata btlM a ma team
Wrtara ef ceedlt avallabk far wavetora mad tar
the narahaii ef Btarchasdlae la amy city ef tbo
nortA Doala la farvlca and soBMatle aba as a,
Uteremt aaat em aU Osm evpoa1ts.u
W. A hIACa
jsas. sjasaym
tot arriaaa M. PorUmmd, Or.
Tmamila a Oaaatal smmfclng m
bavxxos DEruTinr.
Altowad ea TIbm and Sa Tiara
Aata aa Trmatae tor Bautea.
Draroi asd hrttem ef credit available la all mart
stf ttl vfsTssss
a P. ADAhtf ".'..Pl'eildist
L. A LEWIS , FW vtce-rrellBt
A C hi ILIA lie ia1 Tlae-Praeloemt
A . rUBITI sawoUiy
AtanaMe la U Htlaa ef the United Dtataf aoi
nam. Bent aemt aaa aumum.
....... ..X. C AIRfWOBTB
, W. B. ATKB
Aaatotamt Cmemlsf.
M, U DfRHAAI. VMt-Pratdaet
A W. HOTT Caakler
0B0R0B W. HOTT...........Asriataj caaaiw
Brafta mad letten of eradlt teemed available
te ail parts ec me wens.
Cetliitiim a aperialty. OeM sast heesht.
of PoatlmiLa. or.
tevr and naameta agasl ST
umrns axaam . . m
...!t".tt.ItIttt.i."W. BBWK1RK
Aaatatut Cmmier W. O. AI.vORD
aad Aaaaatant Oa abler. .... -B. P. BTKVIXfl
Isttatt of credit mweed tvallabhl Iff, Ahaesa
and the Kaacarm BMW".
Blast ahtebaage and TelejTiptue Tmaefeea
mid ea Rw York. Beoa, CUcafo, m. Lou I a.
at. PaaL owba,amarraBee ass me
prlmripal sMata la the Rorthwaet.
lbt amd UBM Mllo drawa Is osskl to Sett
em Leados. Pmrtm. Berua. DTaaarari-ea-me
Malm. Hoes Xng. Xafccaasu.
Cferattanla. teckbolm. St.
aew. Kartcs. Beaonua.
OotteeOoea Bust ea rrveramae
LA9B) ft IKVObT. BABTKBmS, -KtabHabed
la 185.
Tiaaeoffw, A Oeoaeal Baafclsp swabiesi.
CMtecUoae amde at all pntnta ea favmUe
termw. Lattera ef creat waves avaiiaow ia
arose amd an seiata u tm vmnea aiaiam.
mtt ItAmm amd Teleerasble Traaafera
Bid as Hew Xerk. Waahlngtem. Chleao, It
Loeta, Deever, Owmba, lam rtasdam asd
Meatasa and Brltsih Oatanbla.
Bxrhaas eaaa oa innon, nm. am
rr"kforBoe Kerns. Yokohama, Atemlle mad
OA. m
Oner tin-aare
Ut-4fe teveatmeate ATmalelsal
sm uraaa sen a.
lstM Pbst St..
ana ev i.
f Oa rVHtesf Baal Batate Itljesj Rates,
Tit tea Inenrd. Atwtracte rorniabd.
xmm auAUirn a nm vs.
mansxora of tbo Star theatre bars Im
proved on the treat vaudeville bill of
last weak by divlns Portland tbo moat
exponslvo vaudeville proaram over pro-
ssntsd In thla etty. There Is not a cheep
sot on tho list and each one la not only
hlati-prVod. but also tho limit or artist
leness. Tho A I pins family performs
wondsrA while Hows and Edward a bars
a. refined ana araempimtna
three Renos ars individual hits, ana
Lonlo Uendcnhmll la tbo areateat violin
virtuoso ever heard in a roosi- vaude
tUIs bouse.
Pooh 'week tbo Lyrkt tries to outdo the
orsoedlnc one. Thla week a bill la pro
ssnted that can compete with tho best.
The M ml col in a. In their wonderfnl alobo
rolltn turn, ars trsatlnt Portland vau-devlllo-doers
to somethlna; trenulnsly
rood. Falarado- astounds his audiences
with bis wonderful vole. Comedian a,
dAncers and eongntera completo the bill
In treat array. The vltascopo la show
ing the tnoonshlnsrs for another week.
Popular demand dee road It
That funny farce comedy. "A Friend
of the Family." whlob bas been pleasing
the theatre-goers of Portland, at the
Marquam Grand theatra tho past two
evenings, will be seen for tha last time
tonight. Thla clever comeoy is nneu
with nfnre'lnughmble sltuatlona than
any fares that aver came to tho ooaM,
and Interpreted aa It Ia by a capable
oompany of players, makes an excellent
evening' a entertainment.
Three seta that stand out from the or
dinary ars at tho BI)ou thla wank Lane
and Suaiustta. woo fight a dust with
Roman aworda, and then do soma mar
velous eannon-bsll ruggling, give a psr
formanos to bo rsmembored. Stick and
Stone Jump in and out of barrola and do
some of the most hrughable of sorooatio
tHoha Tho vrtsseopo shows tho Hol
land submarine boat firing a torpedo.
It m a laugh frwm etart to fkalss) when
bw 'at OwasiBiM awdldbsj. Tkud
atmifc Straata,
Van Cortland
3 1 3 Washington St.
RAr $10 Reading
1 11 1 bw eiAMi nuu Jill
oVm lAXIaf AOtOlf . olV
Vevsr befaes m the htetmry sf occult arlesee
baa a bmb ef rrefeemor Yen Oerttesd'a pre-
fe animal atassimt eoaaoaies ia paac
vtcea at the aleeoaol ef the pabne er each a
an eMail soasldaratles. BealtelBg that thla
dty baa hmea eve-res with pretenders, asd
rt maay ef Ita best cltlmna are mmstesa
vbst a asaailne etelneyaat asd apirtt bm
shum. be bw decided to place , ate eomealUttes
fee wtthu reach ef aA As s teat te roar
reeatas he wiu tell your bbbm amd the object
sf year vtett wlthes't sehtag yes a aiasHna.
B1WMBRS, opernlalioa, laveatmenta. raw-
mmce, ctaansea, tra vela, ami ta. wve. hitotcj.
doedm, Bwrtfaf ee, pateaia, CLA1US. aollec
ttooa, etc. Tie wilt tall yea what trass, boal
bsm sr ptnfiialea yea mm mdapiad asr. .
yew Ufa from the cradle te me gfavs, sad
exactly what yea wast te know,
aula. wteaUmefema tmat
auth treat . . ,
asm, te A dally and Bssdays.
1 tobi mm.
BetW hi berebv atves that the OeaaHl Of
the amSmamtst by ordlaaaee No. 14. for the
Improvement of CtttUm atreet faosi the weat
Una of BiKteesth etreat te the eaat line of
Twemtr-eeread etreet. la the Bmnw wovlded
Serdlnnmce Bo. W.TBJ. pon ab hit. part
lot and marcel of lane. Which are ly
amd memlterV tetmefltod, te be mvfoltowo, via:
CARTkRS ADDITION h tha City ef Part
land -BIOCK ST. let A Je-eph .Ch"''!"
frO.M; lot I Mae H- CardwelL AM : tet A
glBU644f S X Vumbeta" Bt
tet BH-abeth K. Bmltb. M4.4T:
Pi?. eUmVlia BLOCI .tei lib
F. lusraom. AMAJW; aosth 10 feet tet A
Ida P. Orayaoe, ASft.TS. BLOCK 48, tot A
raaste fV h, 9341 M: aoetb. feet tot
K Finnte P. TKae. IM.1T; aestb feet tot
A Pannle P. Fame, I1T.TB: tot . Fannie P.
Pase. AS63.4A A tract ef land lytns hereTeea
Bbrttern Hue of Clifton etreet and a Una 100
feet aortberly therefroai a pare lie Itb ere
with and between the weat line of Twenty.
Arat street and the east Hne ef Twisty -eftcond
meet, accnrlty Bavlmm Treat awnr
Atll.lA BLOCK TO. tot 1. WUttasi t.
Bmitb, tTS.TAi lot i WlllUa K Smith.
All tt: tot 7. BDMt now. fM.88: tot f.
F W. Hlblna 1M.8. BLOCK if. lot I.
Alia. I. rrame. AB.t; tot A fiUiaB.
.. SS 91; tot T. Margaret B. McThire.
tikis', lot A Margaret A Mcflhiw-.
fT. BLOCK TfWU V feet of eaat
W feet. Orvnia M. Rankin. 2Ti.A4; went 18
feet of eaat 100 feet ef nortl i 10J ifeet, Axnae
w Crawford. IMU; wait TO feet ef north
100 fee? Aert Warth. tUO AS. BLOCK
TA tot J. EiteL Woodward. U74M: lot J.
Ella L. Woodward. 37.: lot Y. William M.
fidV !bm.tes. MATaT tot A, WOT.. M. Land,
bsatee. IW.i RLOrK
Beard. ..: toe A Tera Ourdrreoa. Mh Tl;
tot T. Trrn Qnnderaoa. fld.M; tot , A. L.
Pdtd. HM.74; rtirbt at way. Porttend Ball
way Company. $T2 (m. Total. 4.7TT Ti
A itatemcnt ef efnreaald oeeeeamMit haa bees
entered in the Nwket of Cltv Uema, and te
now dme asd payanie at tme emce oi a. ' "7
the date ef Oil nntW. 'each sraceedlnga will
be taken for we cniiecron nr w f
provided bytbe cbarter or tne m rmm.
... , Blti imv Intereat 10
day fur tb. Om r-Hl-'jo-ol ttta m
Auditor sf the City of PbrtUnA
Oregoa, October H, Itot.
Uated nropueaia will be received at the
-ffTfi of theAu-lltor ef the City of Portland
tt nM dty the lJ""
will be reenired for tbe month of Movemhetl
Twe .tone eennirr
(UtntMi tone beet qaahty Brnnthy hay.
Btabt torn beat earn llty white eetm.,
flutee remrvm the right te
rZLfiTn-ma hill.
-'z1-ZiJ.Za sVb mUutli Ts. are
sellvared and .Mrepted.
Bempiea or aran aim . . : .
.iTi. rk arenoaol. Hay mad straw SBbject to
"Tr.UU; be owsldered sbb J
cempaaled JT a certified check payM to
Oeorre H. WllUamm, Myor. lor an fnasat
il 1
,j - mi tn. hif,w ta Bid
The right to retost amy er all bUto la seroay
imayajl wmyav,
By erdSt N US aroj- -?Wwr.
Asdlter ef tb City of PortlasA
Oresos. October M. 04.
MntiM ta hereor given that at M eetoc
.mm Monday. rl-tober XI. 1WM. at tbe
Sty Bars, Ml Rlrteenth etreet, tha CttrH
artirle. which an ef as tosyw me W lbs dty
3 01d Fantall aprtnaler. 1 -
i Far mower iweeplss MaihlSM. . ;,,
1 Ton of Amp Ires.
IS Cart Ttree. ( -
Th'riaht te serebr rearrvod retost asp sr
Jl Men. .
By order sf tho Bwiniwa. .
Aadltnr of tha city t PartlaaA
Portland. Or-Fn. Octther an, 104.
GiUen and allien are en the atmgs at the
A m.. Tli. nrftfnrda dmnco and OH-
tertaln atssdlly, and Bee trios Lome has
tho best opera (Is voles that nam tnniiea
Arcsdlana. Tho Baldwin teem la up to
snuff, and tha bioscope presents comical
motion pictures. It la a wan-oaiancea
htvt HhAM m wemh set tn the lot and
H-. ia utva4. fun and doxtstitr creep
ing into tho proaram at ovary turn, i "s
pioneer vaudeville nouns pas an enter-
talnmant of oxosptionai merit mis woes.
' k Great AttrKtrM.
Don't miss hesrlnf; Pete Baker at th
Baker thla week. Pate In hla Oorman
porta and songs la known from eoaet
to coast Undoubtedly the greatest
yodier an tbo vaudeville SUA today,
ottt Boners,
' roa isrpBo
mrrH staxbx.
Hetle hi hereby gla that the OsmrB I sf
the Oliy ef PertteaA Oregon, a moo Ung held
oa ta Atet day ef A-pUwew. decUrjd
the in rmr-l by eralDanoe He. 14.U4. far tbe
lanVee'eoMnl ef Tenth etreet from the Berth
Uiic ef Waamimstem miwi w mm um
i tea ma near provided hf U
L apes each tot. part ef tot amd
which are epectelly tad sena
te be m feUewe, vie:
samce M- IS. Si A
marcel ef land.
tet A. B aide
flclBuea, aifi.swi av a,
lH.fcj; lot A Oerunse
Uuida o. Uol
Umaa. lsa.0Ai
A rct of tendiylns betwess the wast Boa
ei Tests atroet ana m une iw met
mad par
tn aoatk ane ef Jobs al Ooacfe smatlos
land claim asd a line M test naaCk thereof
aiui narauat uerewiis. rermy. u. w,
A tract ef bind vteff betweea the weat Baa
f lVath Ut mod a line Ms fast weat
thereof and parallel tberewltk and between
the snrtherlr 11a of Wanalmgtoa etreat aad
tbe eeutb Bme ef JoasV It Ooeeh donatton
Uni eialm. CnreUue A Trimble. 1131.0
COUCB'fl ADDITION te tbe City ef Porttand
BbUCK W. wt a sofaia aueiormam, .,
tot A setl Kloaterisas, ux li
ss. tot 1. Kumabotb aToUeam, glAt-Rl; tot
4. lusibeth A UUmaa. UA.A: tot A WV
Ounaa Baut. beira of. im.4s; let P. aoa
sejL ulteea Batata, have ef. lAlA
LOCK , tot 1, Mnlfneawh Oonnty. fill ' ng;
lot A Haltmomah Ouunir, ltLA4i tot i. Unit
Boaah County, A1S1
b; tot A Mni
CK TA tot 1, 1
, AtaiK; tot A
..w BliAw
1.1 A
Arld at
tat, hens ef
(elmea Avt.Ali lot A Mary Boshmar, IBAM:
tot A Mary Bonbaa
wt MU fba lot 1.
er. tY. 1XCV Jl.
.. mwnard flat a. til 51,
t Jamm 0. McOVllaa.
eaat T8te feet tot t. Jamas .9- MrCnIlam.
1147.74; tot 4. sam najae, fiaa.ii, p.
rilUam M. Davto. I10LAA; h A
MbaTte. IBl.nt BLOCK TT, let L Bs-
I.4A A LOCK Tt, let t Bs
rr r. railing mod Bmlly Cabell.
Beartotta aad Mar P. railing
kball. Ml.TT; tot I. BearlatU
riett ana aw;
a tear W. . ralUus asd . BmllJ Cabell.
stlli tot A Henri
Inata Lew
aoi fT- W m Wm SrKlvaa
Ef loi fot " A' Mra brlAga
Wins lie l 1 tevaa Tranafnt
Comuiany, flltsl; lot 4, Waheaaa Uera
Tranafer Company. 10A asj tot o. Lodg
Bclre. AM IB; let A Ludgir Itotre, VpM.
BLOCK 117. tot 1. Rlobard Ave a. I-A; let
, A Klcbard Bvasa. nKJB, let sTiaaa Ka(-
larptoy. A10A14I tot A Ornament Waearlag
'WorVsTUATs. BLOCK lJATtot 1. B. A Kla-
Marmmret 2. WrsaaC flll.At: tot L Maf
Wt 9.'WTwuL ).!. BWCB. BJO
. tiki Ct rhtergaret Marahall Utehrtm
ef7A,t; lot A Marart htareUU BUt
haira t J tot Margaret Maaali
in i. aMr aiamnaii nn
naira nr. d.wa aw at
1. Jona Kiainaa late 18: tot 4. Jess Ktarnaa.
Alt. s; tot -a. Joan airann, w.w.
nhn Hiermaa. asivom. nwva.
1. hUrr R, Ours, tt!4 74;
cWb,T6 40- iTbOCir W. totT. svtmg.
A Leas Boriaty of ana rnsetee. AhAM;
let A saringa Loaaboetaty of Raa Fran
STt7Va- lot a' Jnmnh' Jnakolla. tUl-SI. BLOCK
M4. out btoek. WllUmett Ateap MlQa a
U.n..nlna Ijimlu If BU1T. aon.Oa.
PGrtLAND BLOOK 11. Hot A Henry A
Uoeal CbnrcA PM 3b: tot T, Pint BjajngeUoal
Reformed oonaTgaueni vaercn. n va, m
OOUCB'I ADD1T10K la the OUT ef Portland
-totA Wlfltom DemvasT fllAl; eaat U lot
tH. si VSr-sf f i.
rSanda W Rd sntate. hatra . AJ44;
. foCn tot A. BnraaTi McDerrn IllAOd;
' uTtel 1 ldmii Broa,. 4T.A4: east M
allBg! "wsbsja Btjll JJ ifJS1 $
Xraf !o4. 'sLOm: A nat H Wl
jdWtt SS amT
Ubbet, llM.SBi tot T, Antonl BUte mad John
Unbe. VoABl BIK , totAstesl.
Blalet and Joha Ltbna. 7AM; martk H tot
A Domlna Lafyvre, A44.W: nonth H tot A
Lndaer Belr. 14.(7: tot A Antelne. Blalm
andJobm Labbe pK TT ; tett. - lXn. Btote
and Joha Labbee, BLOCK TA lot A
folding IT Pn7wrth. fTT J,Uk'laV-SpW-InVA
Papwerth. AM.ll; tot Iff, Vtdiar.
AS.ft; toVfTP- W Ftetehar. 10-
1)5, Mt a uanrtm vwv r, j as
rnartea H. tray. as.ei mi a, u. v.
Esar-jp-B vu&MsstBMi
Works, iOT.AOi tot 4 ColniMa fmglneartng
Worha- BM aTi tot T. Carambta Bntaertng
WorkaT I13A74. BLOCK 14A tot Dotombla
Pindaesrlog Werks. iTA4At V A Oelam
bte ataglneeriiig Wot tlrrkT; let
A Oarstaa Bnvlnta A Leas AoaietT. lsl-IT;
fctT3obn 03 fitatt. Wtra ef; E7ASA
BLOCK ISA. tot A Carolina A Wlteon.
tiaXM: lot A laronn a wima.
ut M a InhMnn Batahl Co
any. 27711:
i tan Batata.
mtS 11U feet tot A Jba
t.i w STB. Ta: kt T
fa; tot t, Jona Oate buu.
si AnSrx tad. lot A Elite
LJii a? 4ll.i. BLOCK
a ai.k .mA BtHatna W Olllatt. HXZ1 tft:
i-V arni. a Rnanaa and Jraatrm W. (Ml-
larr. atl4.TT: tot A. Elite O, Bogbea and
pVastos W. blUett.
ttMMi tot r,.wii
fcffAaJSL 'j-iil1
o m Saittn. ataa ai? tat
A 0. M. Smith. IIBI.IA tot A9- M. Bmltt.
llSOU: lot T. O M. flmlth. rim.tT; right
ef way, City aad tnrbna Railway Onawamy,
tabvaent of afeteaaWl f
mt Baa
esterea ia m uoean ei uimwwi mow
dme an payable at the efnc of the City
Tra-r. uTlawral money ef the Called Stat,
and If art paid within SO daya from the date
ef thla notice each proceedings will be taken
tar the ealtecttoa ef th sam aa an ma Head
by the rikarter ef the City of Porttond.
days sites me last mmetJea ef -ettea.
Tme aoov BeeaamB win war ininw
' AuMtetsf the. City ef.PjrtlasA
Portland. Oregon, October AA 10A
NoHrs hi berehy given then, at fh' meeting
ef tha ConncU of the aty ef Port tend, Oregon,
held em tbe 10tb day of October. U04. the
following raeolntloa wai adopted:
Reeolved, That the Cosncll of tb City Of
Portland, Oregna, deems It eznedlest ' and pro
poaea te Improve Borthwtck atrt froa tb
Borta lis "I Rlinngnworin avenne in in mru
Una of West Ptedmeat ta tm following maa
ar, te-wlt:
nm n eradln rh etreet fall width with
roll internrrtlona to the grade aa 0a by tb
City Knrlneer. . j.
Second By rona tree ting gravel Mdewnths
with wooden rnrbs la acenfdnnc with the City
Bnainew'a plans, pciflcatlons ana esnsamte,
Thir.l nautrurtlaa eraefewalka.
; Aald unnrevement MM mad la. accordance
with tb charter and Ordinance of the City ef
fVirtland and the plana, spaci ricatunw ana eau
mim af uta iltw Rnlnr. filed la the offlca
of the Anditor of the City ef Portland ea tb
dth day of Keptember, lm4. Indnmed: "City
Rnghieer's plan and apecincatlon for tbe
'mprovement nf Borthsirk atreet from tb berth
line of KlUlnreworth a venn te tn north lm
nf Wast Ptedmoat. and tm estlmaUs ef tb
work tet be some aad ta areoaaw mtai east
Tb cnt ef aald Improvement to be I
ad provided by tha city charier apnn the prop
erty sprrally beneiled thereby, and Which la
hereby declared W b all tb lota, part of kjti
and parcels ef land lying between line loa
feet wWt f and parallel wltb tb wet Ha of
Bnrtbwtcb atreet and a Hin H feet east of and
parallel wit a the aaat Una of Stbwl-k atrrt
and betweea the nnrtb Une of Kllllnjrewnrth
aveno and ts north tin of Went Ptrdmont.
Tb Bnglneer'S cetlaat ef tb probable total
east for ' txniprvamaet of aald Borthwtefc
MTb uUni clflrattens and estimates of the
Olty Bnglnew far tn lmpruvemeirt of mid
Borthwlek street ars hereby adapted.
ResalreA Tbat fa Auditor of tb City ef
Portland b amd h la hereby directed to give
nolle of th prnponad Imoroventent ef aald
street, provided by tbe elty charter.
Remonstrances against th ahnva lmpromnt
may ba fllrd la writing with th mnderslaned
wlthtn B daya from the data sf th first
publication ef this antic.
- " DBYLIB. '
Anditor nf th City nf Pnrtsiad.
PertteaA Oregon, October ZA IROe,
tea aad aaryr. ntumg
hUrT A
Plttock. SSl.H: lot s, aeery V- riymrn.
SL&YJ&SC -'LOcK'ng wt
Faetso Paper C-mpaay, JvW.lii tot Pj
1Ae Po7fh-ain. ; Jft Jf.
BnUe la sjereby glvsa that at the auwrmg
Of th OonocU of th City f PnrtUad. Ornan.
held oa tbe n)th day sf October, ilKM. the
fa.VnH- rosolotlos-was adopted:
It i ,, That the Cesavll of tha City ef
PWilaad, Ornaua. saete U ezpsdtemt end pre.
yoae t tuprior bUntllMm street from th
aonibwti-!y Urn of Crosby street to tb eaat
llu f V. -illam arena Is th follow lag sua
anr. to wit:
First Ry nrsolag the street fall width with
fall intrrtT.,iis to the ssb-gndt gltes by
tb City R ,nar.
gtond bw laimnllns amaas htesh matters.
double row.
1 nlrd By mylmg tllsa. -,
Fowtb-BrT eanstsucOma atttOslal fsnae
Curb. .
Fifth B brinfltms tbe asrfaos ef the etreet
to tb etabltend grad fall widtb with fall
Intersect Uaa with MtuUthl pavvaMst.
Hald ImproveaMBt te ba mad lm accords sen
With the chart and ordinances of tn City
ef Portland and tha plana, specifics ttoaa and
estimates of th City Kuglneer. filed In th
office ef tb Anditor of th City f Portland
oa tha nth day of October, lo4. ladotwed:
"City Bnslaaar' plans sud apscirustlonn tor
th lnprovmat ef MeMtlten street trom th
aonthn-MtWly II n of Crosby street to th
mat Hit ok Wlluams avenue, end the saii-
mates of tbd'worfc to ba Sue aad lbs araaibli
total cost thereof."
Th cost of mid hssrevsBWBt to to ssseeaal
ss provided by th city chart apoa th prop-
ertr spec I a lb and sscsllarly
Ud thereby.
amd Which la hereby declared
t ba aa fol-
Irwar All Ma Int. aarta at tetS and aareelm
of lead lying between th ooBthwstrly line
of Wheeler atreet and a Una 100 feet aaeth-
weetorly from and para 1 11 wltb tn soatmwesT.
erly line of Crosby street and between .a Une
100 fet northwesterly from snd para 111 with
th sorthwesterlT line ef McMlltes trt and a
lln 100. feet soeuMMterly from and parsllsl
with the aoutheasterly Une ef MeMllleg atreet;
ale tba nmilbwraterly en-bU of htoe M and
In Bnrlbeast-rly ene-bslf of bkwk BL McMU
tou'S sddltloa ts Bast Portland
Tb Koginaer's sstlmete of the freaaUa 'total
east forth tmnroveawat . of mid McMUtea
aue-t to HA4At.oa . .
Th above lmpraveawst to to h rtesead as
a Utalltblc ssveauat and ahaU be maintained
by the city for a period of eight yew, pro
vided that tb wnra nf m matority f to
property benefited by BaU lmproTmst t amy
portion thereof shall not petition for w
or dl fferent Impmvsmeat aefsre the explfsUaB
ef soch parted. .
Th plans. speHfwttoss and estimates ef the
City Bogtneer for the Improvement sf aald
MrMlllen street are hereby adopted.
ReolvA That tb Auditor of th Ctty f
Portland be and be to hereby directed to glv
notice of the aroaossd lmprovsment sf aald
atreet, a provided by th city charter.
Ramoeatrancrs sgalnst th ahov Imp;
Star he filed Is writing with th unoenlgnsd
within SO days from the data . Of tba first
publication of this aetle.
By ordsr Of the CnenelL -
sr- es TrH(8 c rjBrrrjw. ,
Andtter of th City of PortlasA
PorffamA Oregon. October AA ltot
Bottes to hereby given that at the 1BMtlng
ef the CosncU of the Citj of jtlaad, Oraao
held ea tb 1Mb say ef October, iMhV the
foUowlng reeelntloa ws oovd.
RaeolveA Thai the Coaactl ef the Oty sf
Port land. Oregon, seams It expedlant asd pr
possa to improve Asst Tweoty-nlsth street from
tbanorUi lln ef Bawthorae arann to 100
feet north of th north tin ef East Malm
street te the following wmw. to-wlt:
olctrncttm. wend, mdralka
Third By sonstractlns woodsu crosswalka.
Fonrth-By constracUng boa gnttaca.
Asld improvement to b msd MnhM
with tb charter and nsrws of th City
-e n,i.a .mi tna alana. soncUlosttoo and
-""-tea .of the Bngtes-r.
oa the S3d day f September. 104, Isdoceed:
CltT ItWs plan, and ope rice ttooefor
tb usprovement ef Baht Twsnty-mlath street
from tn BorU Bas ef Hawthorns "-
100 feet north ef the north line of BaatMate
street, and the eatlmates Jh work te
be done snd the probable total snst thereof .
Th cost of said lmprovsmnt to he aaiasai"
at provided by th city chartor noon the proo
JrM wecUllf amd Peculiarly besehtod thereby
iml which to bcrtVy dsctorsd to he nU the
lots, parts of tots and parcto f land bring
Mrail Ho 100 feet weat of and Pnralto
wVth th. Vst Un ef MJM
snd a lime 108 feet seat of and
MSTvmT loHiet north - .n psrsltol wlU
tb north Hne ef Rest Malm t w,
JpVcffSttea- an -tme th
City ifnglneer for th Improvement
East Twenty-mnth styost nr hereby
Bolvl. That the Anditor of the rati d
rVettoDd to and JZJl'Z? - amLt
notice of tbe proponed improvement eg eaM
Kiet. a. provldedhyTi elty '-,.
Ramoos trances against the abov Inrprove
vETSSi hefltodja wrUtog ,-lth the a-xter-slgaed
within BO days from th date t the
first pabllcattos t thte nottob, .
By -dm f -; PBTLIK. . .
" Anditor of the City .of Portias'
Portlaad, Oregon, October Bt. Wt
Mntle to hereby glvsa that at th smetimf at
th?m?l jt SLtL
held m the lsth amy ef Octoeat, 1A04. the
yS?li the at, ef
rwdTorsV iL'half'
propoM to lmprovtb wsst half ef
Rrlsmontb avenns from the OMth Une C
WHtemitto bontevsrd to the north 1 In of ff wooAes sW
eromwalks ta sccordanc.
sar'a ntena, speelacatlom and estlmatea.
"XA Tp"-T.t to b. amd. te
with th charter aad crdlaaaess of the city
of Portland and to lUw. J"too'
stlaAtes ef the City An 1 seer Rlsd te the
orAcTef tb Anditor f th Oty ef Portland
opth lh say of October, 104. bwoia-d:
tvTjenatnMr's pUns and apscllcatlona for
fll"7m'fT.CtVtb" wt ewhalfj of Porte
month Vv-eus from fhA aoatb L l"
iiU hereby end which Is hereby itecUred to
be all th We. parts thereof sad Ato
tond bring be twee tn west Un Port.meeth
aven- and a Una 100 feet want thereof and
parallel therewith, and between thenonth
Un of Willamette, beslevard asd the north Una
Tb?Bsgir;i mtfmato gf the aroh.M total
eoet forthe lmprorment of asld wsat one
half of Portnmonth nvens to 130.00.
-The Plana. sprelAcattom sad estlmatea ef the
tr BagtBOsr for th Improvement nf the
. WssV on half sf PerUmesth avssaa am
fcX&1vedTnst the Ater Sf to City of
Por.Und to end a Is hereby directed to givs
notice ef the proved Improinent sf said
svenme as prorided by the city chartor. , ,
Raasonetrances agsfnst th above Improvement
msV b "ted la writing with tbs underslgnd
within B day from th date C the Arat pab
ttcattos of thla "ce.
B, d-r ef tba Counca fl MvxiB,V
Anditor of th City of Portlaad. -
pnrttend. Oregon, October ta. 104.
Koflcs hi hereby ft that at tbs RMetlng
a Co neTl oV 0 City ef Port land, Ora-
held th 1Mb day ofJVtob-r, Uud.
ttTfoltowlmA rm.tetlm wsa adwated:
Beanlves. That th Conor 11 of U. City wt
porttemA Tbregen. seems U eipedtest and -pre-nnnm
to Ivsrove Alberta atreet from th
wsat Mm oTlnlom arena to th east line
r Commercial atreet by grading the etreet
fall width with full laterectioiato th srsds
si shown by lb atakm mt by tha City logl-
,! tmprnvemeat to b made la accardaae
with th charter sad ordnances of th. city
sf Portland and the atom. aoeslAcstteoa and
estimate nf th City Engineer tied la th
onW of th. Audita f th City ef Portland
ilk "lAth dsy of October, 1&04. ladoraed:
"City Bnginaer' ptess and apeclocstlone tor
tn Improvement of Alberta atreet from lb
f Commercial atreet and tb eatlmates sf th
tuTu son snd the psobshls total eaat
tkTnrfwwt f all iBunrovemwat to to am owed
a provldd by tb .rity charter aps tb
Bcoprrty specially and pecullatly beoeAtad
fhertby 'andwhlcn to herjby decUrsd to to sll
the lots, parts thereof and parole of lend lying
betweee a line 100 feet porta of and para Hal
with the north tin of Alberta itrt and a
Un WO feet mouth f and parallel with th
ennth Hne ef Alberta street and btwea th
saat tin ef Cntee , rases aad th east 11m sf
TBflneera estimate f tb robshto total
-set tor the Un pro mast ef aald Alberla slteet
taTn'tplana! npai i tut Ion and et1t4 f the
City -Rnyinrer for rhe lmprovemmt f aald
Albert atreet ar hrby sitepted. ,
RcsolrsA That lbs Auditor nf th fjty of
Portland be and he to hereby directed to glv
nrtlc of the proposed improvement of aald
Street provided y tb ritr charter. v
Ramonstrancea against tb above Improvement
may be filed la writing with tb undersigned
within B day from tbs date ef the Bret bus
Urilton of this notice.
., ord to 1U C. DBTLTrt,
, ' Asdtter ef the city ef PorUaaA
PortmsA Orsgea, Oetotor ZA, UOs. .
BW to berehy stvs that at tb m
th Cvenril r tb 011 of Pnrttend. Orgs,
b. Id s tb 1Mb day f Ocumsf, HM, th tet
towiig raeshitloB was adopted: .
w A eolred. That tb Cuuscll ef tb City af
Porttead, Oregoa, dnems it gpedlat and ar
Poms to inpr.iv Randolph atreet from th
ncrthasstorly Una ef Hirer mot lTVZ
Weart, Uo. c UolAamlth attwet te tb U4
hwt. g PMnaar, te-wlt: ...
rv.t By gradtog tb etreet fnB wtdtb wltt
foil Istcvsectlooa te tbe proper tab-grade aa
given by th City Engl near. ,
Aeasnd by brtngiag U street fan width With
toll Uitersectloua to grsd wltb grvL
Third By uaa tructl u wood aldowslk.
F ,j-tb Hy .cuuatrncttng woudes womwrnlAA
r th By ennauwcUng sterna gutter.
Raid ilmprovcmaat tok msd toaeenrsaa
wlth tba ctorter and erdlmsBees nf the City
t PortleadH and th plana. pelnoaltome and
sstlmatos of th City stogtoeer lied 4s tb
orftc of tb Amtltor ef tb City of Portland
on the AOth day f Beptemtber. 104, todorsed:
"Cltv Bxiglnear1 pteaa and epeclfleattem tor
th ImprvTsment ef Uandwlph street from tbs
aortbesaterly Us of River atreet to th south
westerly 11 a of Oakland th atreet and tb atl
aates of th work to to ease and the acobsbls
i bi tarear.
Tb coat ef said On sen ea stent to I
aa provided by the eity charter apo the prap
rty PMlaly benedte thereby ind which to
hereby ascUred to be a U tbe tots, mart ef
te Bd parceto of tend lying totwa a Una
100 feat northwesterly from snd parallel with
the Bortbweeterly Un of Randolph street and
a Urns 100 fast southeasterly from snd parallel
with tb eouthMsterly Un of Randolph atreet.
and betwaen th northeaatarlr lln f River
trMt aad lbs eemthwMtefly Urn ef flaltomKh
The' aBagtsa-ra mtlmats sf tbs sretobto total
street to t3.A93.oa.
The above improvement to to to stomsd as a
travel Impreveswat and shell be malatalasd
hy the rity for a pwted sf v year, arovtoad
mat th ewnara of mstortty ef the property
beostd by said Improve went er say portion
thereof Ska II mot petit to for a mew r . dlf
rrm,t rmarivimamT beta ta exptrattea sf
Tbs plans. BperisnsnVma aad eatlmates ef
the City Baginaar tor tb Improvement ef embi
Randolph trt are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City ef
Portland be and he la hereby directed to ft
notice of th proposed Improvement ef sent
etrt ss proldd by the dty chart.
Bemomatrnaces against tha above imprave
Utent mar ba died in writing with tb ander
Blgnd wftbla ID day from Ito sat sf the Arat
publication ef thte no tic. - ,
By erser sf lbs OmuwiL i
t Anditor ef th City ef PertteaA
PwrttenA Orvaoa, Octobsr AA UhM.
Xetla fa beceby given that at tb ntewthuj
of the CosncU of the Olty of Port teed. Oregom.
held oa th 1Mb. day of XVtobar, 1004. the
nltowtng reaolutlos waa adopted: -
RaeulvsA That the Gbumcll of the City el
PortlamA Oreajoo, deem It expsdleat aad pre
po to Improve Bnchtet avause from tb
aorta Un of Bast Stark 'street to tb north
Un of Mayor (teles sedlttes la aha taltowlag
BMsnev. to-wit:
Pint By gradted fa ret faB width with
roll lntareectlona to th proper eab-grads as
gives by the City buriMer. '
Aood By bringing the serfs c sf the atreet
mu wiata wua ran merinuam t arson
with msvsl.
Third By omstrapttna' wnedea mdewams.
Fonrth By conatmcflsA crosswalks,
Firth By eeuaOructlng atone gutters.
Bald lmprovsment to to mad te accordaae
.with tb charter and ordinances of the City of
'Portlaad mid the plana, a pacifications aad estt
states of tbs City Engineer, filed la the Office
or tee Aaaitor or tbe dty M fort mud an m
17th day of October, 1004, Indorsed: "City
Cngtneec's plass snd peclf1 cations for the lm
Drovmnt ef Roehtol arenas from the morth
lino, ef Bast Atari street to the aorta Una ef
Mayor Uates addition, aad tb satlsute of
the work te to Some amd ts araoasi mm
cost thereof. '
The coat ef aaM Improvement to to
as provided by the city charter anus tb prop
erty specially and pscnUsrly benefited thereby,
aad which to hereby declared to be all the tots.
Darts of ton amd narcsto of land lying between
a Un 100 feet wt f aad parallel with th
west Una ef Bncbtsl a venae and a Has vout
dteteat from th eaat Ito of Bechtol avenu
and tb weet Un of Bast Thirty second tret.
snd it sx ten loa aortberlr hi It Dveeent cor.
snd betweea th Berth Ane of Bast itarh atrset
mod tb north Un of Mayer Gate addlttoa.
The hmglnaer's astlmat of the preeabl total
cost for the . Imnfoeimest of aald Beehtol
avvsss to $,Bri.0n.
Th ahon 1 iiiamiat to to h etoased as a
gravel improvement sad shall to mslstalsad bp
tbe rity tor m parted ef fire years, provioeq
that tha aaaaea at n malorltv ef th srosartr
benefited by said Improvement sr amy portion
thereof shall set petition for a aew or differ
ent IssproveaMBBt before the esph-attes sf each
The plans, epeetacstteesr and esthsatos sf th
City Bngtasw for tb haprovesjent sf mid
mi hlil avaaua aea haiahr adootad.
Hceolved. That th Auditor of the City ef
rertbiBd he and be to bareoy dree tee a giva
antic of the prnpnsid Improvement ef amid
aoe. m provided by tb city rbertec.
Remeaatrsncss against the abeve bn prove am at
stay be flled In writing with the soderstemed
nrftnlm SO days from tbs data of the first pb-
Bcatloa ef thte notice.
By order sf the CotrelL .
, , , TUOA C. BsTYLIK,
Aadltnr of th City ef Portlmmt.
rwrttomt, Orsgoa. October AA 1A0A
Motte to hereby al van. that , at tbs Bteetfhg
ef tb OssaeU of th Oty of rVjrtlead, Oregoa.
held on tb 1Mb day ef October, IBM, the
foUowlng rewa batten. Ws adopted: .
KesolvsA That the Council of the Ctty af
PertteoA Oregoa, dee am it ezpedtent asd pre
poss to coos tract a- sewer la Kaat Alder street
tw.,a T eaat nraat af Bast TblrtvAfth Street
I the erwsr ta Bast Thirty-fourth atrsst. Asld'
aenrer ta be er vtmsea aewer mps win sii
success ry catch-baslna, man-holas. Utsp-bnVae asd
brancbea, a no a eg sigst uncsm chmht. m
sld diameter.
aaM aawe to h eausliaitid la aopsrdaa
with th charter aad ordinances of tb Olty of
Portland and tb plans a pert Or Hons and estl
suto ef tbe Cttr Bnglaaer. dted lm th efdc
of the A sol tor or ta t-ity ec roriiana sn toe
17th day ef October. It04. Indorsed: "rSty
Rnainoar's plsne end spa cefl cation for a atwar
in Ksst Alder atreet from 76 feet west of
Bast Thirty arts atreet to aewer ta Bast Thirty
fourth atreet and the estimates of tbo work
aa ha Ann snd th nrobabte total cost thereof."
Tbe at sc mid wwer to he muni ss pro
vided by tbe city charter apo th property
specially amd aetaUsrly bemeated tboreby aad
which to herebv declared to to aa follow:
Lou A t. IA btoek A aad tote T, 10, 11, block
a ffannvslds.
Th Engineer! mrlmst f tbs rbbM total
cost tor tbe eosstrnctteo af Mid wy to
fal. 00.
Th plana, inert flea rlons ant estlmatos of ts
City Bnclur for tbs, comtrocttoa of said sswer
are heranv admtted.
Rasolved, That tha Auditor af the Oty f
PortlsBjg to snd to to hereby directed to glv
notice f the proposed oonatructlos ef aald
atwnr ss provided by tb city charter.
Remonstrance sea Inst th abov sewer mar
be died la writing with th aadmgasd wltbla
an day trom u sat ef us . Brst pabllca
tton of thte notic.
By rdbt ef tb Counrtl.
Aadltor of tb City of PortlamA
" Porttond. Oregoa, October AA U0A
Botlc to bevvby Ive that it th mtetteg
tma fMenou oi ta mtr or rmuao. nn
Or son.
held es th 1Mb Amy ef October, 104,
Anllnwln resolnUo Was adoBted:
Resolved. That th Council of th City of
rWrtland, tweon, oeems it evpecient ana pro
nnnss to Imorov Fare street from th aaat
hn ef Oantenbeia svese to the t Un ef
(Vraroerclal atreet la th fnUswtng ma
ilrst By grsdlns tb street fait width with
toll latarsecTtons to th grade, as glvaa by
to ny sngineer.
, Second By constructing wood, sidewalk.
Thiro Rv ormstrurtlns woodsa crosswslhs.
Raid improvement t to aad ta accordance
srlth tb charter sad ordlnsnces of th Cltv
of Portlaad and tbs plana, spent first loo and
estimate of th City Engineer, filed lm the
office ef the Auditor ef the Ctty ef Porttend
oa the SM day of neptesnber. lbr4. Indorsed:
"City engineer's plana aad psclf1catloo for
tha Tmmovement f Psrge atreet frem th cast
Un sf Osatrnbelm avnmua to tb eaat Use ef
Commercial street, snd the estimate f the
work to( b Sssjs em wo areesoM aata I psi
r. nt of mid rmstvjVTSaeut to be aaemmei
aa aeaetded h th rttT charter nnoa th nroe-
srty specially and peculiarly beset Mad thereby,
and which are hreby declared to b all tbe
lots, pert of tote ana percent X lead lying
between II n -10 feet north Of and pern I L
with tba north line of Far
Sire i ana a
100 feet snntb ef and parallel with th
inn feat snntb f and parallel with th eeutb
Une of Psrge atreet and betweea a Un 10
fo st of aad parallel with th mat Ba
of OantsnbelB aad th eaat Us ef
Com mar rial atreet.
Th engineer ' ssttmgto f the rord pvtal
eot for th tenarovament ef aald Fargo atrset
i. seen, an
Th plans, spscmmrlsm sad esttmsf ef
the' City k'lujlneer for tbe Improve si tat ef aald
Fargo atreet er hereby adopted.
Resolved.- That the Anditor of the City of
Portland be and b ta- beretry airectee n rv
unites ef tbe propn d Improvement af uM
street, ss provided by the city chartor.
B a monstrances asatnst tbs abovs 1
Bcnt may he filed lm writing with tb under
slaved within AT) daia from the date ef th
rirt publication nf thla mtte4
ay srawt f th I oancu. j
. Aadltor of th City ef Perthmm,
PerUaad. Oregoa, October At, U0A . .
orrr boticxa
mm, new oa ns it-m -
roiiowug resomiw was a. .
lasvlvTThst th Cos sell of the CMf af
. . i- . T . in nil .at sua. sr
poaeeto Improve Eaat A tear atreet fra the.
!f '". 5 .f;:T!r"ihT.sntutea.
th following manner, te-wlt: ,
FtrMRy fradlng tbs strest wJt wtAtA pith
fall lntersectloes Is th grade ea gives bff tb4
V-"-1--- . -t.lht
puiuuia aj Mvuwini ww -
Third By eonsUurtlBg wnodes croeawalks TB
sccocdasce with the City gsglaiirg BteM
and sneciAratlonm. fc
Fourth By coWcttog wsadea osrhd to at
ecrdanc with the Oty Jteginear's ptema asd
apt ciaoattoo. .
Bald improveumM m a me TZTtiZ
with th charts and ordlnBnce f th City
ITtlasd d th pun, specincswona aaa
Bislca ef th City Angineer Ated te tt)s Aos
of the Aadltor of tbs City of Portland tf the
ATHh day of September. l0t indorsed: ''City
Engineer's plans and spsclncattons for th las.
provsmont of Esst Alder street from the esst
lln of Bart Thirty fourth atrest to ths west
Un eC Sunnynlo Third sddlites. and th oatl-
uMi m tKa ararBi to ha doom BBd lb
able total cost thereof." ... .
Th cost of mid imprevaansm w -
- k. .k. ah.rtaa none tba mroS
erty apeclatly beoedtad thereby and which to
berebydecUred to a all the tote snd parte
of tote asd paroato sf toad lying between a Une
100 feet north of snd parallel whs
u k . .u - - - ..ut a Haa loo feel
sosth of nod parsllsl wltb tb Una of
Bast Thirty fourth street amd tb West Un t ,
L!" em. nenaebl. total
watsf the lmpmvamsal of the mid Ksst Alder
Ths ?Un.! VHsest te-S and - f fk
Clty Bntiaser for the Imptwvemeot of mid
Bast Aider atreet are heveoy sdooted-
ReeolveA That the Anditor of th City
Portlaad be and to la hereby directed tm glvs
otic mt rhe proposed mprvasut ef tent
atriet aa prorldad by the dty charter. -
Remonstrsacas gauast the abov nsarovw
aJnaVbeiUd Is writiss wl th i tto snAjv
tgsed within AO day from tto ssto sf the
ret publication f thla nstloa. i .
By wdsr mt tto Connelly ft nt
Anditor f th CHy of Portlaml.
Portia aA Oregon, Oetober AA Ito.
Kottos 1 berebr jtaes
ef tb Ceancll of fh C
a Cka mai Tina
wm a awtual Ors
gos, bsld oa th Wto soy Ortob-r. 1PD4.
thr following i re-ehitk-i iwm ated.
ReeolveA That th Cemacll mi ?
Portland. Oregoa. Smn '."T"
Emm to Improve Twenty Art street IMS
sstt HiMTefTsekssa strest to the north
f cimoa mreet la tb feltowtng aaa-
irlt-By rioito the jt?
fall teterasctton to the proper sab grada aa
glres by th City Bnglneer. ...
Aeaono Ry brtngins tb surfae of the atreet
wluTmSaam! laterescttoea w grsd
wsuV VcvrdTJeTrlnV "thlcSf aam?a
plans, sped bra tkxts aad eatlmstes.
Twlwrnon-t to be msds to sconrdanm
with th charter amd ordlmamcos of tto City
f Portlaad snd ths Ptens, apsrttatloes end
eatlmates of th City fciiser -ted to Ito of-
Bca as IB All! TOT OI me iiu v rwiwin, n
ST " 1. a taca l-rtneaadt
ty ef September, ltoi. Indorsed:
ssev't plan and speclBcstloos for
l 1 atvaat fmm
"City Rngineer'i stone and' jpsclhWtlooa tor
the ImnrLrement ef Twntr-Brt atreet from
th sonth line ef Jackson .street to .thVaor
Una of Ctlftos street and the attltpltos m
thV -wavS ta be don aad BM Probable total
ammflt' tlWteBnmf '
TbemTof mid tot-wvemea to he switiad
as provided by tie elty charter spas the prop
rty peeUlly aad ee liar ly bene died thereby
and S3T bersbyUrd to be all the
tote, parts ef tot and parceto af toad lytad
betwswh a "v. 100 feet weet ef and parallel
with th west Ha of Twest y arvt r t md a
Una lo feet esat mt and parallel with tb
eaat tin of Twenty tret Ptreot and betwWm
tbs snath Un mt Jackass atieet amd tb merUi
Un ef niftoa atrset. ,
Tto Enjrirr'a satlmst Of th Pshto
total cost for tb Improve as, of aald Twnty-
SEv. rmrtme-t to to to rtemsd -h
BMcadaa Improvemest ami shall b maintained
br th elty for a period of iv years, nrovldod
that tto owner ef majority mt tb property
based ted by mid Improvemest er ny portion,
thereof ahaU aot peUUoo tor ,nw r different
tmpeoToaamt tto wptrstms of aaeb
Tbt' ptans. aaecrAmttom asd asvsMtoa of
th City Rngtar for th hsrevemeat af aald
imauini swt miw ' ""C"T:
r Raaofred. That the -Auditor oi ths City
ef lortland to and he to hereby directed to give
attire ef tto proaossd lmorovment OS sat
atreet a provided by me rity charter.
ReaMNMtrance agalaet lb above Improv
ment may be Bled la writing with th snder
sigaed with ta days from tto data al tto,
trst publics tloa of this mutes.. ' ' . r.
Bywdw-OmpmuicIL. 'bbTYLT.
. Asdlter ef the dty nf PsrtteasV
PerttenA Oregva. October at. 1A0A
Botte to tofsby nivsa tbst at
tto stlas
ef tto Cosncll of w city
mt PortlasA Oro
Of October, 1AUA,
aoa. told oa ta lata aay
the followl
lowing rssokttloa wes sapted:
ved. That th Cosncll of the Ctty
1, Oregom, deems It lpd!eut and I
ua ta- lanmM fhanmnn street
from tto
north Has ef Elisabeth strest to tb onth Urn
of ssvtos strt hi ua f eUewteg manner, to-
yirt By grsdlssT tto atreet to tto pnpsr
aab-grad ss glv by th City Bngiaeer.
Second Ry brtngiag tb onrface of fbe
etreet to the proper grad with macadam.
Raid rmprevement to to made te aceordaars
with the charter and ordinance of tto City of
Portlaad and tb plans. apectAcsrkms aad es li
ma tm of tto Ctty Eagineer died ta tb f
Ac f tto Aadltor ef to aty mt Portlsed os
th Ad day ef October, Iftot. Indorsed: "aty
Engineer's plan aad apvrlAestlon fot the
lmprovsment of Chap ma a atrset from th- morth
line of Elisabeth street to tbe south Un of
aprimg strest and th estlsiates ef tto work
to be dose asd rh probable total oast thereof.';
Tto cost of said Improvement to a t saner
provided by th
cltv cfasrtsr -noon ta
property specially beeedted thereby and Which
te herebv declared to be all tbs lota, perls
of lots amd parcels sf tond lying setose a Un
100 fast westerly fmm aad parallel with (be
westerly 11ns ef Cbapmsa street sod a Mas 1M
feet easterly from sod parallel -with tto est
er I y Une ef Chapman street, amd bstwas the
north Une of Elisabeth attest gad the aeath
lin, a Hnrln street.
Th Rnaiomr' oatimste of
total eaat for th Improvem
sua atpaat ta Jn AO.
st as w Chap
Th ah improvemest to to to ctasssd aa
Bwcsdam tmarovsBMnl gad shall to ma lu
te laed by th cUy for S nerled ef tve years,
provided that nTe owners of a BMtority of
the property benefted by mid Improvement or
any portion thereof shall aot netltlos for a
mew or different Imnravsmiat btfor the as
plrattea f each period. '
Tba plane, spec) neat ten asd estimates ef
the City Bngiaeer for tbs hnprovsBMst ef aald
Chspmsa 1 treat are berahy adopted
. Resolved. Tbst tto Anditor f tto rity of
Portland b aad to I hereby directed to glv
n ties f th propoesd lmprovsment sf asld
etreet as provided by th dty charter.
ReBwrnstraace against ths abev rmpfovemeit to died la writing With fh undersigned
wtdila 30 day from the Sat ef tto Arat pub
Urstton of this aotl. .
, Wd tto ConncfJoA C. BBTLI. " !
And Her f tb Oty ef PertteaA .
Porttond, Or son. Ortohpr AA 104.
Hotle to hereby alves that at tto sbsettut
'of tb Council ef the city mt PortlaaA Oregon.
beM os tbs 1Mb day af October, lt04 th
following resolutloa waa adopted:
Reeolved, That tb Council of the City of
Portland. Orervi, deeut it expedient and pro
poses to com tract g sewer la Rodney aveno
from 100 feet north ef tto morth line of Fr.
meat street to ths sewer lm Beech itruet. Raid
aewer to b of vitrified wr pip of eight
inch clear testd dlametac with all ntcaoaary
nteb-bastes, aus-toto. toaw-totoa sal
Said assay to to eussu ncted' kt sevjrusnc'
with th charter and ordlmncts ef tb city
ef Porttoad and tto plsns. apectflcstloa aad
stlmatea of tba City BnaHaeer. filed Is the
office of tbe Auditor of tb Clfe ef Portlsad
oa tto lTth dsy of Oetotor, rM, Inooreed:
"City Basineer' pisa aad peel fl cat loss tor a
sewer to Rodney svenos from 100 feet aortb
rf tb aortb Hne ef Premost street to tbs
erwrn te Beech strest. Bed tto ssttmsts ef fh
work to to one asd tto prvbsste total ami
thereof." ' t ' '
Th east ef eats bawar to to aaa eta id aa sr.
rlded by th dty charter upon tb property
pertalfar asd pecfllterly benefited urby, snd
which hi hereby declared to to aa fol tews:
Lois A A 4 A I block SO; tot 11. 1&,
It. 14, hi Mors Albino Homes teed
. Tto Rsglneer's estlmats ef tto brphsbl total
coat for tto strucUa ef aald swt U
$10.00. t-
Tto pten. aaMf1mrteas wd earl mate ef
Bw Ctty Rnrinear for th mas tract tee ef mid
sewer ar hereby idoptoA
BemtveA That th Abetter mt tto City ef
Portland to and to to toroby directed to give
antics mt tto proposed cona traction af aaM
wr. as provided by tb lty charter.
Rcmonatrasee against tb abovs wr tosy
be filed In wrilloA wltb tto amderslgard within
AO oars from tb SsM sf tto first pabucatloa
mt thte notice.
By ardor af tto rVwsetL
Auditor of tbs tr of Perttoam,
. ItertmaA OtsroA 0toasr AA
! ':