The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 25, 1904, Image 9

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jmi eeursw
I iffllBI! oAT fAIR
oomara wou mMgiiiaTiyr
Plan are well under mjr for Um w
hiblt to b nude at tb Lewis and, Clark
expoeltlou by tha publw schools of this
city. City Superintendent of Schools
Prank Rlgler baa appointed th chair
men of throa committees already and
thara will ba named tatar. . , ,
Robart Krohn will bare charge of tha
eotnmlttaa an physical culture, and ha
will andaavor to make an Interesting
showing for him department. Photo
grapha will oe taken of the work re
quired In ail the grades and arranged In
their order. Theae will ba placed
W. J. Standley. principal of the man
ual t rein Ins department will have charge
of the exhibit to ba made by his pupils.
Bpeclmane of work from the different
redes will ba on exhibition, together
with photographs showing the work
rooms. As soon aa the manual training
c las see are wall started an art asm erafta
club- of tb moat adept pupils la each
center wlU ba organised and they WlU
work Individually or Jointly on the sub
jects to be need for exhibition purposes.
Mrs. Anna & Knox, who has charge
of the drawing, will rurnlab that exhibit,
and will ba able to make aa elaborate
exhibit. The heeda of those committees
will appoint others to aaalet them.
imm eav,
ToMo, Oct II. -The total Japanese
casualties In the engagements around
Shekhe up to day' la reported as U.ltt
killM and wounded.
aid lh
. ntseiaseiaua
. atrocer lei me
duce Ooldea Gate the
Itfiaat gUada coffaa
ReAm pees warn OOLDBR OATB
-: COPFia bat aettoleettes). tfm
I and t lb. atomo-tldht tl.e.
J. A. Folder A Co.
eJkltahv4 avnlf S
7-7 Uilf W-M -
. v j WOMAN I1YNAHITFP .7 I ' SSI--JlJ1 V'et - the' $20. $30 and $40 . I
s-'lN ST REGIS HOTEL , I "ttlJc vJ llfAi.00 - I
' ' C i me iock oi tne Koyai i anors selling ior J as' : ; "i,
ba- II - ' ss . , ki , i f
Thteo men whose eombined wealth I4M.oM.0M At the left u Baron Alphonse da. ltethsehlld. next Baron
Ouatava ds Bothsoblld and at the right lsopold de Kotheoattd. The group -was - photographedr at the- Lengofaaxaps
, asewai sm mm.
Weshlagton, rX OL, Oct. . Tho ease
of Warren B. Wilson of Hinsdale, IlL,
against flaorstary of the Treasury Shaw,
which was called for bearing today in
the supreme oourt or the Dlatrtot of
Colombia, has attracted keen attention
from tba faot that It involves the eon
atltutlonallty of the Spoonar act for
the oonstruotloa of tba Manama omaul
and. In faot. the entire proceedings, of
the United States la the purchase of
tha eanal and tba work npon Ita oon
struotloa. The sutt Is for tho purpose
of preventing Secretary Shaw from pay
ing out any money for tba oonstructlon
of tho banal or of Issuing bonds for
money to oontlnue tha construction.
v It Is assorted In the petition that the
Spoonar act la unconstitutional and in
valid, both la Panama and tho United
etatee: that area If U were a valid and
legal enactment. Its terms and condi
tions hare not been somplled with, and
do not purport to authorise tho pay
ments that are now being made; that
tha payments being made are unauthor
ised and unwarranted, violating the pro
visions of the constitution, which stats
that ao money ahall ba drawn from tha
treasury except upon an appropriation
made br akw. .. .
' J(Jeraat aerial frrHee.)
Now York. Oct 1. Postmaster Cor
nelius Tan Cott died at S:U o'clock this
afternoon. He was stricken In his of
fice yesterday with acuta Indigestion,
whloh caused an attack of heart failure.
Van Cott waa ona of tho city's moot
notable men. Ha waa bora bare la lilt.
learned tho printing trade, and finally
abandoned that for a oommerclal Ufa.
H waa onea vice-president of the Aetna
Fire Insurance oompany, and served tha
government aa In specter of cuitoma
houaea and - deputy revenue collector.
He was native In the campaign which re-1
suited tn tho overthrow of tho Tweed
ring. Ho nerved two terma ba president
of tba board of fire eommlaalonera, ona
term aa state eenator. end was appointed
postmaster In 1881. where ha served un
til lata. He waa again appointed post
master la iftftT, which aoeUloa he bold
untU ale death.
" tfesraal speelal Sarvles.r
New Tors, Oct- li. -It waa1 learned last
night that a woman bad exploded a bomb
under the door of tha apartments' of
Landlord Haas, on tho fourteenth floor
of tho Hotal It. Regis. Tha woman
arrived at tha hotel last Tuesday In
Sbs gavs a name which la
lleved to have been fictitious. She
richly and quietly dressed, and procured
a room on the fifteenth floor. Although
aha had never bean there before aha
knew tha room aha wanted, which waa
convenient to tba stairs leading to the
floor below and tha apartments of tb
landlord. Tho woman carried a large
leather bag. which aha refused to In
trust to tha oare of tho bellboys. . The
woman was aeon to take tba elevator
from tho fourteenth floor a few min
utes before tha explosion Wednesday.
She had tha black leather bag; which ap
parently waa not nearly aa heavy as
when sna reached tha hotel.
' k H.
(f eanal aeecUl serrtee.)
Pueblo, Cola., Oct. IK. Charles Do
om, a former editor of the Italaui
paper Levators, the official organ of
tho United Mine Wdrkera. waa
tenosd la tha federal court today to
servo two years imprisonment for send
ing, obeoene matter through tha mall.
Tha apeolfle article was one attack
ing tho character of Mrs.- Lionel Rosa
Anthony, the editor of Polly Pry, a Den
ver magaxlna, whloh opposed tha ooal
atrtkera, -
WILL BE 51,000,000
(Rperisl Mamam m Tat fcerseL) "
Seattle. Oct . Major Strong, editor
Of tba Nome Kuggat, accompanied by hla
wife, arrived on tha Senator yesterday
afternoon. Hs oatltaateo. tho output of
tba Nome district proper for the esse on
of 1104 at $i,e,. -
A new strike has boon mad, be says.
on Little oreek, and sea are running
from JIM to
He believes that at least tl.vOt.OvO
will ba cleened up this winter ready for
abtsment out in tho spring.
C 9. Swlgert and Kdword Lyonav. di
rectors of tha Portland Be ee ball aewe-
tetlon, past m their resignations aa
dlrootors to Preeldent B1ythla morning.
Tho reela-natioua are to b&ko aataat at
Ifeanal Special
St Loula, Oct. 16. Visitors at tho fair
era surprises uua afternoon ay tha
audden appearance In hla airship, of T.
C. Baldwin of Los Angelas, over the
tranaportatlon. building at a height of
1,6m feet.
On Its oouree from - the asronantla
grounds to tha main part of tho expo
sltlon, a dlstaaoa of about a mile. It
was greeted by tha oontlnvat -rrg
of tnouaanoa or persons.
(Jsaraal apadal SarrtaeJ
Mow Torn, Oct. M. Parker spent
moat of tba day la confarenoe with lo
aal leadera, among them being aeverai
raprassaUtlves) of Tammany.
- --- - . . . '
8VB VOm Ban "
(esctsl Dwfea tba tarsal.) -Salem,
Or Oct M.-Sult waa eoen
menoad yesterday by T. A. Lovesly
Co., hop dealers of thla city, in tha air
cult oourt agaiaet Martha A, Maraton
of Wood bum, wherein they ask for
Judgment for MIL . Alleged violation
of a hop eon treat Is the asuso for the
nit, ' . . K
Jesraal asiajil Ssrrlek.)
'Troy; Ow. OoC M. A second larsO ftra
broke out hero but night and dsatrtrasd
an entire block of sua hues awueea. Tba
rieareal apaelsl Ssrvlee.
St Petersburg, Oct.,1. Kuropntkln
raporta that yeaurda passed quietly
at tha Shakho river.
Thla atata of affalaa la taken to In
dicate that General Kuropatkln la giv
ing hla men a rest and making prepara
tions for taking the offensive aa set
forth la hla former raporta.
coal camp on tho Columbia Pugot
Sound railroad near Black Diamond,
ware wrecked by dynamite early yester
day morning.
Tho oxploaloa occurred shortly after
a foreman and aeverai man were dis
charged for drunken nee a, and It la be
lieved tba orlme was for revenge. The
building was of Utile value, and the loss
consists mainly of papers whloh will
on use tnoonvenlence.
(Joarael Special berries.)
London, Oct. U. The Moscow press
continues to publish painful etorlee of
lunacy and mania at tha front Tho
Slblrsky vieetnlk piinta tho following
story of a soldier driven mad by horror:
"Into tho Tomsk municipal hospital Is
carried a wounded man of middle ago.
He la covered with knife-wounds one In
tho ohent another la tha aide, and two In
tho atomaeh, tho latter ao deep that hla
Internal organs are visible. . Paying no
attention to hla injurlee, he eoatlnuaa to
relate triumphantly bow bo baa de
stroyed a whole Japanese corps. An
other madman thlnas ho la the cssr and
bestows decorations of tinfoil on hla
keeper. During tho earlier fighting
around Llao Tang two lunatics escaped
and went over to tho Japaneen, They
were sent book next morning under tho
white flag."
,v:"'k"'' (Jsaraal Special ferries.) ' '
San Juan, Oet. I. Forty paasangers
and oraw of tho at earn ship Kelvin, which
is abandoned in tha open sea two
days after she loft Mow York, -on Octo
ber I, have bean rescued by tba schooner
Cordelia Hay. They wore afloat IT daya
and suffered untold hardships la open
boats. ' .
fSinlil Mspstsb to The fearaal.) "
NatUo. Oct I. The offices of tho
Vesuvius Coal oompany at Danville, a
IT tho plans of the heir of Mrs. Rosa
w, Burrell do not aalsosTry, aa agree
ment wlU be reached with tha preferred
legatees by which they will receive part
payment of tha aaaouats bequeathed to
thorn. No provision has boon mads for
second -oiasa legatees.
"It Is true that an attempt la being
made to reach such aa agreement,' said
Waiter P. BurrelL "Nothing definite
has bean accomplished yet, but It hi
hoped that aa understanding will have
been reached whan tha matter comes
up la the oounty oourt again on Oc
tober tL
"This pTospecttvo arrangement does
not contemplate anything ao far aa eeo-ond-elasa
legatees are concerned, and It
la hoped they will withdraw their claims
In the preferred legacies, tha plana eon
template a settlement on the baa la of a
separata oompromlae, aooordlng to ob
oumstancee, la each Instance.
tatnlng whether Tha Hague will bo an
acceptable pleoe of meeting;
Of dUsTBTfld. '
rrcniifO mm h4(im mam
! ills lei as. es ". el" 4. S .j ot frattodin j:
Hiss en es s Or. sau. 2,i ItoSjemedr:
L'erst. essat -". ', , . " sWrtiJ
l ii 1 1 -1 i dx asuum, nii4a, II.
(Joarael apstlal Sarrles.)
New York, Oct l.-ln the Hearst Ooal
hearing before tho Interstate commerce
oommlsslon today George Merryweatber,
wholesale ooal dealer of Chicago, and
a representative of Cox Brothers, min
ers, testified that bo was chairman of
tho commission of railroad agents In
Chicago which met monthly and arbi
trarily fixed the price of ooal. Ho said
pressure was brought to bear to compel
to maintain fuel at fuM ratse.
' -". I ' ; . -rf
(Jsaraal apeetal Sarrlee.)
Washington, Oot Sa.-irouiar notea
of instruction ware dlepetohed by the
state department today to diplomatic
ropreaantatlvee of tho United Suteo di
recting them to sound the various gov
emmens In regard to tha time for hold-
Prom tha Chtoago Journal.
The United States for many years has
had tha champion prlaa-ftghter of tha
world, while her athletes In other sports
head tha lists In almost ovary event la
the last few years. This oountry ear
tied off tha championship for single
scull rowing at tha Diamond Sculls la
Bngland, and has beaten England, Ire
land and Scotland at their own apaelal
and particular games. Aa for rifle and
pistol a hooting, America holds tho
world's honors. On tha turf our horses
havs woa tho Derby and tho Grand
Prix, while nobody has yet been able to
lift tho sup for yachting; held for nearly
half a century.
This Is the present record of a nation
which at the time that Charles Dickens
made bis visit was looked upon as a land
of dyspeptlos, oonauroptivee and over
worked whlaky-drlnkera nod tobaooo
users. The athletic spirit In tho land to
day Is everywhere noticeable. The Idle
wealthy are becoming a race of athletes.
Those who are busy manage to spare an
hour or two each day for recreation and
physical exercise, and aa a result our
health, strength and vitality compere
favorably with those of any dvlUsed
Those wholesome changes hi habit
seem to have been spontaneous. Amer
icana are naturally "outdoor" people, and
when tha strenuous ehaae after tha al
mighty dollar has Blackened a little the
old desire for tho mountains, fields, for
ests and oooaa returns. .
Tho rloo storm stUI rattles iayly
shout the shoulders of tho newly mar
ried, la spite of tho faot that rigorous
efforts have been made to suppress It
Statisticians have counted up tha
thousands of bushels yearly wasted In
the oeremony, and havs urged that all
thla nutritious grain should bo put Into
tho mouths of tho poor rather 'than
down tba backs of the opulent. Phys
icians speak of tha syaa that have bean
Injured or made permanently blind by
tho flying particles. Half of the people
present aeoretly resent tho stinging ball,
and tho departing couple are compelled
to amuse the public at largo for tha
next few daya by shedding rtoo with
avery movement
Ona must be young and oxettad to
The handsome tourlna oar, and ,Mff
other prtaes, which win be awarded for
the near art Correct stlmntee of the pop
ular veto for praaldeBt The prises are
valued at M,O0O and bear hf mind the
contest closes on November I Take a
chanoa and send tn your estimate today.
One guess Is allowed for ovary eenta
remitted for subscription at raguiar
thoroughly enjpy tho rkh aorimmage, :
yet it goes on year after year, a rowdy
but a permanent adjunct to Lohengrin, -Boston
tried to substitute Inoffensive
white flakes made of gelatins, but tho ;
public was not to bo moved from ita rice '
orgle. tTboa roeo loaves were tried, but :
they, too, had only a temporary accept "
And Bow tha - simple flinging of a ,
handful la being changed ' for an slab- f
orate mechanical distribution. At a re- ;
cent eastern wedding breakfast a bomb
waa arranged under tha flower tn tha
center of the table, and at the pressing
of aa electric button this blew up. scat
tering rlea in every direction. The next
devioe will probably be a rlea shower,
arranged on the principles sf stage rain, 1
and falling alike on tha bridal oonsis v
and everybody else.
aomare Bays la
Terrible accounts continue to ba rav-'
solved from St Petersburg of the hor
rors attendant upon tha work of mobili
sation la tho Interior. Letters written
from Charkoff describe tho Situation
thara In the most sombre oolors, Squada
of reserves, who havs mads them
selves half drunk, for tho sab sf I
rw.i.1. m.m e n t. - T
of walling women, arc dally as so, and
the general attitude of tho moa enrolled
Is described aa one of apathetlo despair.
They are only half fed. and often fall
In the ranks front exhaustion , prom
this provlnos alone to.Odo havs bawd
TB Tailor
"". - .. V ; v
WUl for tho remetnder sf this
month magS'g, regular t-H
Suit to ..
Ths workmanshls, trtm
mtng, ttnlnaw, the equal of any
tailor's 1S suit Over to
pieces of Sua suitings to as- .
leot from. It's to your Inter
est to lsvest Urate thb) aster.
Remember tho a umber, ftlS
Wash last sn street.
Til r
4 - -V
aval Freuhiase
at la aieaMa . t n , l ... . . .
raua to The) JeuraaL t