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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
TK (WBlin' .-innBAbSBmmnwewnmW X A. HOUAN fed. A. A. C MEN RZwZTMB PRACTICE ANGELS AND BROWNS TO BATTLE THIS WEEK-YACHTING, FOOTBALL, SPORTS. 5P0HUk j WORLD vvc L A. A. C ELEVEN KSIQS PRACTISE cavb TtM flrat practice to whlon the Mutt- (oral trip wu held tost vening oa th sawduet eovwM grid la lb B S. A- iwiuriML n after boure ssra nr auM to end. tlM SOSOlie T marked that no bstsr wrk-sut wm bstd t, ia NUM. In Un flret few plm thsr sppesre to bf llttto stiffness to evidence, but a ths plays came faster the neu seemed to forget thtr strained eecka and bad anhlee, and went through the entire llat of abjnatf with speed snd precision. Oris, the sturdy ceoter, hs bee Id b4 tint hie return from Cali fornia, threatened wits pneumonto, and hla place waa filed by BlntooJ. whoa passing was good. 0a Stow, wtw waa on ef Bwktar i trngst Ha man for ecvcral rra. appeared tost night to Multnomah uniform and ptayad left tackle. Stow mi mssetvely built, weighs 1 stripped, and la a rsmarkably fast man for hla weight On a tackla round tack) ptay Stow leaves tha Una like a flesh and picks out tha mom wun aw judgment On defense, too. Stow H strong, and his presence on tb laft side of Multnomah's Una wlU bmlanca both offence and defense to rood shape, fttow and Pratt at tha tackla positions, and Boss and Seeley playing" guard mould max a combination aaoond to nona In toe oountry Mart Pratt nose ku reaonwd Its, normal shape, but It la till aora from tb severe break It re ceived In tha Berkeley game, Pratt will ba In tha Une-wp .agnloet Utah, tar roil's bad ankle prevented htm from Batting m tha faat playa but night, and It may b Mma Urn before ba te fully to condition to reaunw bla good work. oiph played full-back, and put up pretty exhibition an Una bucking and irtina outelde of tackla. FuU-back imiu to be tba logical poaltlon for Uoipb. aa ba hi strong and faat and can ba relied upon for a Hn buck gain at any time, besides being fast enough to load tha tatarferane on and play and charges on tackle- CrtUctam may ba tMUd out to Multnoasaha back field for being somewhat alow In getttng off an end run. Tba success of and playa de pend entirely upon tba speed with which tha Interference can cat away, and tha ability of tba runnera to croe tbe acrlmmas Una away outeld at tackla. bcfere tba, opponent can eonoen trata turtle lent fore to atop tb play. On and runs Multnomab Intends gainlnc much around to tb with Ctab and to oroar to ba auocessful, tba ooaohea hav lectured the back field continually upon the fact, that spaed to tha essential requisite on and run. Of ooursa speed to lilii rr to all department of the ante, but an and. runner" only efojanoa la to gat away like a flaah, and beat out the defense concentration. Jordan and powHng hav about reoorared from, tha California drubbing and expect to per form In M Una style en aWturday. ; On aclenoa Multnoman aboukl beat rtah, but tba Mormon eleven la heavier than the club man, and can atand a ter rific aaeaulL Tba match to already at tracting bonaMorabl attention . among ooUega and club man. -' UTAH TEAM MEETS 0. A. C KEN TOMORROW ' tlearasV abeelel Serrlea.) i CorvaUls, Or.. Oct. It The football team of tb Utah Agricultural eollaga, that la to meet the Corral lis eleven as aXC Held, Wednesday afternoon, ar rived to thto city yesterday, and tha member are located at Hotel Corvalll. They ar s largo, powerful-appearing aevreaatlon. and tha outaomo of Wed- Mtdu'i same to a matter of. doubt to tba norson who vtows tb glanto from I tab and compare them to to smaller men of the local team. All Corvallto will turn out to aa Wednesday's gam, and excursion will bring; In man vis itor from Albany and probably from batlsa. Monmouth and Independence. Buslneaa houae la Corvalll will ba dosed during tb oonteot on tba gridiron. woaua wa f tJearsal IpmuJ service.) St. Louis. Oct. SA Tha dog Is sow having hla day at th world'a fair. Th dog show under th direction of tho Uvea took department opened today and will continue for several Srsek. Tb exhibition eomprlses oanlne of htgb de gree from many of th beat known kan nels sf this oountry and Canada, srtoofe Alien lewls' Beirt Brand. SOLE AGENT FOR THE : CELEBRATED . DUNLAP. HAT Hurt's Quality tad Style " Thers srs "no of hats, but none of thstn ar of tb ssm Kwetbsr ns ti:e robson TSs bet hst that eaa for I.. rr'ffffi wosuc xa fbsf abatsc fob a fTBIIMW UIMBOI BiflU wits m gtiimviwiiMn OS UTVIMf. " !-.--V ANGELS ARRIVE TO ; PLAY WITH BROWNS Tb strong- Los Angel nam Mrtved la Portland tola morning and will ops n week angagamant with tb Brown thia aftarnoun at JUereatloa park. This weak series wlU be tb last baseball for Portland this season, and U to rather a pleasure for the fan to celebrate tha closing: by having such a clever segre gation bar aa that which Tim Jfloed dlreoto, . . Flood la out for tb pennant 1 dead earnest and amy that ba to goto: to get H. HI team I to good anape now and will be strenrthaned thto weak by tb arlval of Oscar Jones, tb orack t wirier f tha Brooklyn National taagu u Matthew aoa, perhaps tha great est pltobar to tb oouatry. will toto tha Angela upon, their return bom next weak, a WW also Cnano and Wmr. Manngnr BuUer says that while his alna la not so formldabl a tha Angela, he Is willing to wager that Los Angeles will fall to march away with more than half of tb games. Portland ba baea playing to faster style during the past week than at any other tlma this season. The trouble breeders In tb club hav been 1st out and harmony pro vail now. With such splendid weather as Portland Is enjoying at present tha outlook for a good week's aport to bright. atarkella will pitch against Baum this afternoaow PUGS CARRY GUNS I .... FOR PROTECTION "It ts a Strang thing that soms of the most skillful boxers ar not satisfied with nature's weapon, " " write Bob Bdgren In tb New York Brentng World. "Joe Waloott, Who oaa defend himself agntoat any man to the world with hto bars flats, has been to tba habit of car rying a revolves. A s result ha asct den tally shot friend and blew a hole through hto wn right hand that may make It Impossible for him to continue to th ring. . -Kid MoCor need fear no man Hvtng. yet he earrtoa a 'gun.' It to a tittle French weapon that can be a lipped In a vast pocket, fires tan charges, and will drive a steel bultot through six Inches of "Jim Jeffries, who eon id whip a grls toy with hto bars bands, sometimes arms himself with a Lugsr ton-shot pistol. Ha can handle hla weapon as well as any frontlrsman. If any footpad should ever hav tb nerve to bold Jef frie up he would be In husk tf ail h got was A knockout punah. , . - "Bob ntsslmmons to a bare-ftot match for anything on two legs, but I know It to ba a fact that ba never goae to Bed at night without first slipping n bis Colt's U under hi pillow, and leaving loaded revolver within assy reach on n dresser. .J LIPTON WILL SURELY : CHALLENGE AMERICA Wsarasl spsalal sent.) Ivondon. OcU. Sfr- Discussing tha probahUlU las of s ehaJlenga for tha Amertoa's Dup, .tba Tatcain World says; "Many hav taken tt for granted that all proposals had beea deflnltaly shelved so far as Sir Thomas Lip ton waa con cerned, but thar to less justification for tha assumption that hla recre table withdrawal means th total eoUaps of sll chance off an immediate roopenlns of tha contest. Ksnneth M. Clarke, one of th foremost Clyde racing- owner, dropped hi aspiration whan Ltpton moved again; but hla Interests In this International phase of sport remain un abated, and recent negotiations bring it well within tb bounds of possibility that he may ester the oonteet." Blr Thomas Llptoa was shown the Yachting World'a article, and said that It to utterly Incorrect to assume that ha has abandoned th Mas of ohalleng ing for th America.' up. H had. Kb aald, faced great difficulties In secur- inn s designer, but b had not given up. He had given Oeorgs L. Watson carte blanch In th matter of securing boat and was still hopeful of suocees. BUSH ACCUSED OF H r BEING A QUITTER " (Jeanal bpertal Serrkie.) Boston, Oct. Zo.-Praidnt Taylor, of th Boston American team, has made rejoinder to John T. Bush's published reply to tb challenge for a postetason scries. He said: "everybody knows by thto that that Bush Is a quitter, and this tardy reply. tf It might be called such to my chal long some tlma ago, to just to make him stand good with th public. He to rather tot ttobigh, for the baseball world keeps tobwell Informed sf what to going on to b 'iolltod' toto believing that Bush' can make good at this 1st data. 'Now, I wouldn't entertain tha Ides of playing a series past prlng with tha Olanta for a minute. That Would be no time ts test the calibre r the two teems. Anyway) be wilt hav to send n chal lenge or an answer ' direct, and not through th newspapers.'' - - WADDELL TRAVELS - v: IN GREAT STYLE - ' Jearael leerUl Senrw.) ; Butler, Pa., Oct .Oworge BVfward "Rube" Waddell. accompanied by bla wife, shotgun, bird dog and A dosen trunks and valise, arrived in Butler yesterday. Ha took dinner st a local hotel, after which ha started to a prtng wagon for the bom of hia father. John Waddel, at Piano, 1 mHes north east sf Butler. Next week Oeorg Bd- ward will entertain n hunting party of professional ball player at hut father's plaoa. Bub to to play guard ssi the Butler football team. - OLVBA nr fJearaal spactsl trvlcs.) 1 Mew Tork, Oct. tl. The president or other onVtals f all of th minor baseball leagues of the oountry were present today at the opening of the an nsal meeting f th Nations Aaeocla tlon sf Minor League clubs. The princi pal Purpose of the meeting. In ad ditto to reviewing th work f th past sea son, t t dtorwae changes for the com ing season which It is though will work to tho mutual Interest of the minor leagues. President Powers of th east ern league ia presiding ever tb meet- to , ;, - , , . , STANFORD ELEVEN , Vr PLAYING IN FORM IJeatosI Hi HI sen lea. Pal Alts, Oct. II A week's prns- tloe sines th Interoollegtot freshman gam has wrought marked Improvement In th 'varsity' form. Where tea work wss a mere myth before. It Is now beaianing to take actual ahapa. The ail- rvqulait speed to beglnnlnc to show, and ovary day tba men go Into the game harden .rUanford to fnrtonsto to baring n seoonjf team almost ss strong as her varalty and tba big "0" veteran have a hard time every evening to scar to tb SO-mlnute period of sorlmmsg work. Several times tb second eleven has prevailed.' Th coaches bsvs been relieved sf much anxiety by the recent addition sf four strong men to the aquftd. They ar iprott. Dole, Roosevelt and Preston, all of whom wr scarcely counted upon for this season. Sprott, n veteran of tost year and the year before, will step Into bis eld position of right tackle; Boose velt, who played In 101, wlU probably guard the right Bids of the oenter, and Dole will tax bis old position sf right half. Prestoa 'varsity end In liOL will have to contend with Smith, tost year's enoV for tb position, but In ess he falls to make good be will be s strong substitute. Smith waa taken off the field Thursday night Suffering sever in ternal dtoeoder from a blow tb stomach received in praottoe. Chalmers. Waller, Thompson sod Wast, who have all been told up with watered knees or bad ankles, srs sgaln chasing th plgakln,- Besides Smith. Brennan and Shields srs en th sick llat, suffering from alight Injuries. Manager Barrett yesterday closed ne gotiations for n post season smm with tha University of Colorado, to be played Thanksgiving day In Denver. The Ooto rado pirakln klckera. are reported clever lot. and their record substantiate th report. Not long ago they won from Nebraska university by a score of to . and the latter Institution ranks well up among the bis; middle western teams. Training wlU be continued on the Stan ford gridiron after the big Interooffeglat match until Urn ts embark on the east ern trip, , CALIFORNIA TEAMS AND THEIR CHANCES (Jeeraal Seeelsl Barries.) Ban Francisco. Oct. Si. With ly thro weeks toft for final preparation of tha teams. It to still too early to at tempt a forecast of prospects, because polishing' team . work has only Just started. In tfie freshman game tan ford had a manifestly weaker team, but the versatility of on man. and hto reli ance upon n kicking gam, offset the su perior ground-gaining ability of th whole Berkeley team; Stanford's little If -year-old, ttl-pound quarterback kicked IftT yards and ran to kick SI yards, gaining a total of 147 yard him self, while all- the rest of his team ad vanced the ball but IT yards, and tried to do as but It times. California kicked 0 yards, ran to kick 111 yards and stormed the line and tried the ends time for ft man-tiring gain of 111 yards. With n4 effort but that on defensive Stanford, by punting and running In punts, mad 14 yard to California's MS. which to itself is an excellent ar sument for the kicking tins, ' California has tost saves of her best veterans of last, year, and Stanford baa lost but on and has gained two former 'varsity men of a previous year. Cali fornia will be powerful at tackles, the keystone of the line. , and strong; at swift straight line-bucking, but wak at ends. Stanford will be strong nt snds and end running, dangerous with W sl ier at Una mashing, and keen at quar terback tricks, and withal will have tho advantage of n continuation and evolu tion of tost year's policy under the In struction of tb same suocssaf ul ooach. A concluding surprise may be expected from Palo Alto to an eleven welded Into swift team work. All Stanford's prepara tory games thus far hav been merely try-outs In whloh from SS to ST candi dates hav been rushed in And out of 11 noslttons. To put tho ess mUdly, Dugdals waa fired "for th beat interests of the game and be certainly deserved bis fst. A soon ss he found be bad no chance of winning tb championship be started sut to make a record for econ omy, and thw way be did It was to get rid of almost every capable player be had. This, of cour, out down tb ex penses of th club, butit even more ma terially cut down the gats receipts. Portland ranks perhaps next ts Sss Francisco ss a town that will loyally support th game, but th outfit of al iased ballplayers assemble: by Dug-dale was too much for even the most enthusi astic fan to stomsob, and th weird ex hibition of how not to play baseball that wars given by th Brown put n lot of cranks temporarily out of bust nee They ar glad Dugdal to 'no mors, and while no effort will be mad t spe cially strengthen the team thla year, tba Portland management ba promised s strong nine for IPOS.' Sen Francisco Chronicle. . - fSAM TO OUsAPSTB. ; (Jeoraal Steekd Servtee.) ' Rugene. Or.. Oct. SS. Company A and Company C First Separate battalion, O. N. O.. of Bugene, have chosen their rifle teams to compete in ths state, tourna ment at Portland on October ST. Tb personnel of tb teams to ss follows Company A Cap. C C Hammond. Ssrgt H. D. Morris, Corn. Raymond Per due. Corp. James I Furnish, Private ML R. Davis. ... Company Llsut Henry Hunter, Sergt. William Ollbert, Corp. Brwln Mo- Corn ck. Corp. Cecil Henderson, Private Nelson Lamb. Seattle. Wash.. Oct. SS. Seattle mads tore errora yesterday and tha Angela made tba rounds of tb sack almost at wlIL Ths score . B. h. n. Seattle .-' 1 1 1 S t s s I 11 Los Angeles I I 1 1 t I Batteries nicxey ann L-sany; xiawton and Bp lee. Umpire Me Dons Id. There wis s bis sensation ik Lees- vllte. Ind..' when W. H. Brown of that Rlacs, who was sxpected to dlA had is life saved by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. He writes: "I endured Insufferable agonies from Asthma, hut your Nw Discovery gave me Immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure.". Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip ar numeroua. It s the peer less remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price SOc and HAS. guaran teed by Bed Cross Pharmacy, corner Sixth and Oak streets, on ths way ts ths postoAce. , , DELHAR LOWERS FACING REO PAJKOVS CjTefSVfJfw M AT JOOX- OaT Jeral Sfirtal Service.) Memphis. TsnlL, Oct. IS. Major Del- mar broke the world'a record of S:tl for unpaoed trotters here yesterday by goto th mile to ):! A large crowd witnessed th event and both bore and rider cam to for a big ovation ss they pasaad tb grandstand. Summary: The Sunny South, S;1S psoe, Sl.tss, two to threeThe Broncho WA tw straight heats to S:07,.:0S. I.l pace, S1.0S, two In three Qay- ety won two straight beats to U:lt, S:lt pace, 11, HI, two tothros runstos won tw straight beat la S U1,. 1:16. S IS trot, amateur drivers, tw to three Imogen won tb first sad third beats to JUS. :1SM. Major Del mar to beat S:S11. trotting Tim by auartera: ;IL 1:00, IM, i:si . Dsn Patch ts beat 1:SSU, pace TtuM by quarters: ;, !;, :. ' New Tork, Oct. SS. Jamaica result:: Six furlongs, HUkt-B, I Johnson won; time, 1:14 S-S. Mil and A slxtoestn, SUlns-Cnsss- plaln won; time, 1:4 A Six furlongs Crown Prtnos won; tlm. 1:UU The Lyn brook handicap, sis furlong--- Olen Bchs won; time, i:lt. MU and ft Ausxter CtovmrUnd wosu tlm. S:S S-A One mil and- a furtoog---Csrbuscle won; Urns, 1:S 1-S. Chloago, Oct. IA Worth results: Six furlongs- Automats won; tlnm, l:l 1-A MUe end So yard Itaperor of India won; time, 1:4 A six furlong---Nw If own Hsy. worn: time, 4;1. One mUe Bad News won; Una 1:40 S-S. Mil and ft sixteenth rsnArsl woa: Um. 1:4S. . Five and A ban fortong Colonel Ruppert won; time, ItOT S-. fit Lou la, Oct. SS. Delmar resultst Trourere won; time, 1:1 A. Flvs and A naif furlongs. Clara Dee won: tints, 1:10. - On mils,. slllng--U Daniel time. l:4SA. Handicap, two-year Ids and upward. seven furlong Adton won; time, 1:S714. Mil and a aixteeath Miss Betty won; time. !:,. MUm and no eighth, selUnB- Second Mate wen; Urns, ltH. feekwys mr at ' Cincinnati, Oct. tA Jopkeys Hart nwn and Pierce fell from their mounts In th steeplechase st Latsnto track yea terday sad were seriously injured. Be- guit: Six fnrlongw Otod SmU won; tlm. 1:14. ' - Five furlongs Baahford BeOs won; time, I SA On mile Requlter won; 'time, Handicap, atseplecbass, short course- Red Car won; tlma, S:01. Flvs and a half rrinMf, w'nrhrn won; time, 1:S. Mil ' and a stxteeatb Olenyood iron: Unn VtS-sV TaoMM Lne Angek Oakland ..... Beattle Saa meriaai Portias .... SB BIB AST'S (Joaraal fceetsl Sarvtee.1 ' Kansas City, Oct. SS. Aa a rssult of Florlael'a race her last weak sntrtoo sf Flortsel's owner. M. Boaaberg, known on the turf as Jack Sheehan, will be refused hereafter, the presiding Judge announoed yeeterday. Jockey Mlchaela, who rode Flortsel, has beei auspenoea IndeHnlte ly for hto rid on Pacific laat Friday. Jockey Lowerance waa set down for the remainder of the Rim Bldge meeting- for ft rough ride on Happy Chappy, , ' WsrW'. F!r Ewirsioos. ' Additional da tee of sale for world'a fair tickets bsvs been announced by tb Canadian Pacific. On October 17, SS, SS. apeclal round trip tickets ts St. Loul and eastern polnta will be sn sale at very low rates. Tickets good for atop-over privileges and s ebolos of routes returning. For full particular- call on sf ad dress, F. R, Johnson, F. P. A, 14S Third. Street. Portland, Or. v COLUMBIA 'VARSITY'S S- BIRTH ANNIVERSARY . ffenmal apKtal Wvles.l New Tork, Oct. IS. Columbia nnfvsr sity, known In Its carry days ss Kings college, celebrate it lMth sanlvwraary this week, and t he. event promisee to be on of great not to ths educational world, ' Already numerous educators sf prominence are srrtvlng from various parts of th oountry ts take part In tb program. A n preliminary to tb celebration there was begun today A series of con ferences or lectures by s aumber of ami- nam foreign scholars. Thla part of tb programme, whloh to purely academic In character, will -be succeeded by three day of exvrclsee which wlH be of mors general public Interest. Next Saturday will be given over to tb students. All exercleee on that day will be planned and oooducted by them. On Sunday there will be - s religious service of praise and thankeaivtnx, and the follow ing day th celebration will eloee with s reception and luncheon to ths famous gueeta of ths university. A leading feature of ths exercises vrllt be an ad dress by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butter, the president, reviewing th history of the university sad Ito ftcbtovsmsnts. . h i I i t t SI 1 IS 11118 esl .000 S .. IS 11 S S 41 JUT s .. 3 rails 4i .fiat T 12 3 .. H10 41 .611 T 4 IS I.J 4 S6 ,eH ....... 11 f I I M .......OTt wiiwjaasi ; About 10 days i T M aver, a Grhm, Or,, rsal estate dealer, in serted a small w t In The Journal ciaasi&ed colunms. adver- .- m . ' y tuuft; a property tor sw. on O. W. P. 4 Ry. Co. line. - Today tha carpenters de erecting a bouse on-tha ground for H, K. Retake of Aberdeen, South Dakota. . ' " " Mr. Reinke saw the evertisenient in The Journal and irnmedlAtely sold his home and with hia fa y raced to Oregon. So anxious waa Mr. Reinke to rurcriase the property ro stop did he make for breakfast in Portland, but went hot haste for Mr. I sv ?r property. A deal waa soon- corisummated and by noon the lumber for a dwelling had been ordered. Quick work, eh? If You've Scr.ct::J b ScM Advertise At - r '. ' '- STRANGE GATTLEz ; DEALER'S JAG RS lg ft WaD-to-dO SSttl eastern Oregon nnd cam to Portland tost Btidsy on bustoess. He to stopping nt the Imperial hotel, but of course It wouldn't ds to use hi narao--b would be asked to roslgn.. tb. supertnteodeacy sf the Sunday aohool In his uslrrs vlllaaw and th parao would teU him that his son toes as deacon ware no longer needed. Yesterday be met several young fal lows and somebody suggested that they go out for a time. Th osttleman re membered that be could go some him self In his younger day, and It had been s lone tlm stooa bs had tried It. so be consented. ' Shortly before IS eekiek "tost night there waa th usual erowd of loungers at Schiller's cigar tore. Fourth and Washington streets. They were sur prised to see a well-dressed man walk th street and DEVLIN FOMYOX? 0! SOME ELSE? a B. BTbTBXXK, AtA' PollUcal goastp Is already busy with ths names of men who srs oredlted with an ambition to run for office th the com ing municipal Campaign. Naturally tba asplrsnts thentoelvea ar not talking, for all of them are agreed that a boom launched so long beforehand will hardly aurvlv unta election day. Moreover, most of them are of ths opinion that It to atlll uncertain whether the legislature will so amend th direct primary tow aa to oauae nominations to bs made next spring In the old way, by party conven tions, or whether an amendment will be devised which will permit the psepls to nominate by direct votft Until this ques tion has been determined, oandldates do not ear to announce their plana. 14ke B rer Rabbit, they aU prefer to toy low. But the modesty of th candidates to no bar to the speculations of others, who have already, marshaled' n galaxy of names that, may And place on th ballot next June. Interest oesters of sourse In ths mayoralty. The office pays S4.S0S year and to naturally regarded as ft very dellcsts plum. It la the com mon belief that Mayor Oeorg H. Wil liams would b quit willing- to serve aa the city's executive for two years more. Before his veto of the poolroom ordi nance some of th advocates of s wide open town wersoutopoken to their decla ration that be was their choice. But that vets ba caused a cold, cold chill to run down their 'spines, and ,they now begin ts regard the mayor eg a fickle friend. With out ths support of ths sporting element. Mayor Williams would scarcely be regarded by the ma chine as sn available candidate. Th number sf oandldates who are planning to step tats bis shoes would indicate that most of ths politicians rogard Mayor W 11 lams erf virtually out of th running. . ' ' StovBn fes nlayos. . . - ' City Auditor Devlin has long been locked upon as ft probable candidate for mayor. Th manner in which h has oooducted th offloe whloh he now holds Is cited as s strong- argument for placing him at th heed of th Republican city ticket, and bla popularity among the voters to not disputed. Devlin has been city auditor slnoe Jnna, IMS, this being hto second term. - Several members of tha' executive board and of tb city 'council nave been credited with ft willingness to become th city official baas. Whitney U Bote, chairman of th Republican city and county central commute, declares that he to not a candidate and this ae surancs baa bad ths effect of dropping hla name from ths list of aspirants Oeorge H. Howell and H. C Wortman, two members of the executive board, hav both been regarded se possible can didates. Howell's chief reliance would probably b th labor union vote, though It to understood that b would not enter th rac unless with a reasonable pros pect of receiving ths regular Bepubll oa nomination. . It la not known whether Wortman would oonaent to run, but be would undoubtedly be acceptable BIMMSBnTSW. WMMB stwbwtt.a, A. v. nmm OB SS AATTmSfW ft 'US SSBBT Bra. StopssUisaT Btoto, SteUeves Stoates. . NEWBRO'S , ' Tba OBXSrJfA. itabuSy that AOlNGrI : OOING!t GONL. Ill -rililll WUl Sae It. BwpliM WIS A PUBUC TOOTH BRUSH A noted AmaatelogtM myt The Usw M eomlnf whea aa aiMterlllarg public salr broafc will to aa rare a a public tnoth The Mesne b) (kit dirty Mtaa-loTia t air la ar fenowa to be eeotaslone fMataa breahe karaad tkurdrert, tree Saadra aaararr rn IssrsAllSs. Scad rtr. Stamst. ft A-yws,ioAT: T : - ::-;v.s v. past Bs wss psat Tntddle ass and 4are were strosfes of gray in bla hair. "TeU me What's say name," h earnestly to one .of ths group.. ."Don't yon know met" - . , ''Sorry,, old Man, nsvsr saw- yr. fore.' replied the youth, as ths crowd gathered round. , The rancher stagxvred gUghtln but otherwtoe seemed perfectly sober. AU knowledge of his whereabouts, and even hia Identity had departed. U proceeded Into Ssm Vlgneaux' saloon, SST Wash ington street, and repeated his question. Unable to learn who as wss there he went up the street sang- everybody bs saw who and where he wss.. , -Why, you Are Rip Van Wlnkto. said ft tbejl-toeeer whom h accosted, '"and you'r among tb ruins of Pompeii.' Tve sssn all kinds of drunks," said Vlgneaux, "but I never saw ft man who didn't know whs he wss before." - ts th Taxpayer and the business men of ths city. Whether becking of thto sort would bs sufficient to scour bis party aomlon.ttoQ to sAotbsr question. r . There to premiss sf several entries from tha city council. . C B. Ktunelta of the First ward would probably ba mora acceptable to " th. Republican machine than anyone alas, but machine oandi dates srs not likely to be la demand among; ths voters next spring. His hope of being mayor war high S few month ago. when the Republican bosses proposed to Mayor Williams that be should resign and accept ptoes en ths circuit bench. The chem wss ts hav tb city council elect Rumelln ss hi successor. But Mayor Williams de clined to resign, and Rumelto's ohsnoss went a-ailnvmeHnaL Councilman EimineriSftn st tb) iMxth ward to said to b willing; to servs hto city ss Us chief executive, nrovbtod bla mining Investments with th Grant brothers do not demand too much sf bis Tlm Councilman Fred T. Merrttl to alee wtfllng and he doaem't much care whether be geta the Republican nomina tion or not, for Merrill thinks bs can do best ss an nVUpendeot , candidate. Stertoa of th sutomobU .campaign made ts Chloago by Potter Palmer's so a. who ran for alderman, have stirred Mer rill's souL and If ns runs the lever will be thrown to top speed. Rumors srs heard that Councilman A. F. Flsgel tnsy be put forward by tb antl-gambllng element and reoeot sxpsrtonos bas shown that snob backing may provs formidable. Bat Flgl would most with fierce oposltion and tha maohln would fight him to ths last ditch. But ths poll tic lacs are keenly alive ts th fact that ft elttosna candidate may bs put forward whs win upset sU th plans of tb boeses. Aa independent movement with ths right people at Its bead would rally ft powerful vote. It need not cauee surprise if Dr. Andrew C. Smith should be put forward when ths time to ripe, - as a elttoees' candi date for mavor. Few men In ths city have ft larger circle sf strong? psrsinal frtonds. ' . - . October 27, 28 so 2 Are the Dales . That th Northern Pacific will sU th last special excursion ticket on ac- oount of th world's fair nt St. Loul. Ticket will also bs sold to other east ern points and return at very low rates. and-ks- heretofore, all tickets wlH be good to both directions on ths "North Coast Limited," th rack electrlo lighted train of the nsrthwest. For sleeping ssr reservaUona and full par ticular sail at th ticket ofnc. SSI Morrison street, corner Third, or writs A. D. Charlton, A..O. P. A, Portland, Or. . Your Last Oppwrtonlly Is now offered you to visit the wortd fair st St. Louis end other eastern points at very low excursion rates. The Northern Faetfto will sgaln sell .special excursion tickets on October S7, SS and SS, to St, Louis and return and other esxftrn points sad will run through sleepers to St Louis, leaving sn the dstes mentioned. For particu lars call on or write A. D. Charlton, as latant general paaaenger agent. SSS Morrison street, corner Third, . (SneeUI fHaeatrb t Tb AmraatV Rose burg. Or., Oct IS. -The aegro who shot at Policeman Dent on the night of Friday of tost week was bound over to appear before the circuit court yeeterday afternoon by Justice Long under Sl.flOo bonds, which were not furnished. He gars hto nam as Edward Torres. - Herpicide -MU b BanSraC Storm. tktt Sin, sooner or hi tar. es eaMneaa. A writer I Medlal Kfifw of ftvlewa, aaya: "KHkoel rhildres abneM know thai It at dirty te na aaethr'a ban braab." lowbro't Rrpklo rrndrrt pabDc hair raabea fearai)f tar dMtrortar th eaadraff talrmha. A rtlietfl salt srenlsg. Otn wiKie'arfBl remits. CS., Irst I. Ivtrcft, PHi.. for s SSflit Save IA Tee Let tm Buildli, ' f -X . ( - 7 ': ' d-a. .SW T1 rx .-'ft, la The Jcurnd BUSINESS ' COLLEGE . c - v SPECIAL COURSE IN ; PENMANSHIP On Monday and Thursday cvfmings from, 7 to I o'olock. 'Turn This class ss In charge of Mr. I. M. Walker and Mr. H. W. Knnis. Mr. Walker was a student of the noted -penmen, Behren sm is rt Srho field ft Williarms. Mr. Ettnis has been card -writer at Meier ft Frank 'a for the past ,pw,yeara,;;r.-; tpphom or mm$ bmM6 Holmes Cdirdgb Through the kindness of 1 the Y.ECA, day and ' night school is being held as usual at the association ' building, - - Fourth and YamhuT streets, telephone Main .-. Bfrtsbusbsd In ISts. 1 Opea all tb year. Private or class Instruction. Thousands ef graduate In pctotlons; opportunities constantly occurring. It pay! to attend our school., Catologus. spseunss. sts. frsA . . . . ' till! Military Academy ' wuBTLABTD, eaBSOB, A primta eoareta asd day raoel, Hassal tralnlag. ailtt. ftry elselplliM, eeuec P pa ra tio. Soy ef iay aya admlttad st aar ttote. . FALL TSAM MOW, OPEN. CtiTTtllft OUT ia wait ft Sr. I. W. AlO, MU l))Un - ' twtlana. tkp. I bafs toTA wbera 1 want I aaad ft g tallltary eheel, Ttow uas m ...... Ptoaae aaad aw Br1es and terwa; aba amklM eaeertpUve eetakarea ef yeat ssheel, . - - IsTaaj) if ...... M....e.Hna tsASrsm). ,... .A.fja.Mal , Special Attention Olvenyto students drflclent In slevten Ury subjects. Dally leantortA also Monday, Weonssday and Friday svsa- toga. r BlwnraXU UIT1TDTS, , v eg sxxtb misr, XTSA - FOsVTLASfB, OSS. STORES Htbvrm i trrsmn Fins serg gtorto, e aoa, yalant in into, wtsfe pearl $1.15 woodsy wtb Repafrinfj and Recovering 9 Me