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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
i U t it F at 4 t ell mt Svuro, r ' ' . r . . & t a ahtt if. Tfca Cerent Store" -dy t the counter only 10c, cr nedal eubecription price, pccpaid to ' " 'roe, 80c a year. If yoa can't get f a r Wr by mail or i -w" Eichauc 12. U . f r. . ordar hoaae oo tba coaaC r "The Different Store" Bola Oregon Agtnts for tba Wor! J Pamoua Boonat Silka The Home of Quality end Worth . GRAND INFORMAL OPENING OF THE THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS OCCUR TOMORROW t (STANDARD PATTERNS--Fir -" S fWf iik 7Ji Mi Psttsmsamoow lOoana 1o Store. r , ( , . ,, , . . : ; r ..v A dot- higher. ; . . L ' - Ma3"" i mm ': f" V "; 1 t; r: r ," t ' if ii . M K SENSATIONAL SPECIAL SALES ABOUND 1 1 MARK THE EVENTI UNPRECEDENTED VALUES WILL BUSY SCENES WILL BE ENACTED! 1 1 v.'::-v-4;: The longest day has Its end. ' Pstlenca carries vrith it Its reward. W have waited patiently for nearly 18 months for the com pletion of the new buUding that forms the Sixth street Annex and now makes this PORTLAND'S LARGEST aa well as best STflDP Th im Min mm n4 mwA onrtrmw w sfart tr roin fhm rwirH ni nation rA Kv thnwinv rknn r tk public two of the five spacious floors of the new building: We can brook no further delay. So vast are our new stocks that we must move them in, one at a time, as floors are made ready, and relieve the strain on the warehouses. So openings now will be informal Grand formal openings will come later. . These informal openings will be marked by special sales as vehicles by which , thousands of unprecedented values will be distributed to our great public Come and see the new stores. Note how much pleasanter the enlarged quarters make shopping and safer. The building is fireproof thro'out, of steel and cement. Fixtures are not all in don't expect to see things as they will be at the formal openings later-but bargains will never be greater. Plan to spend an ; hour or two here tomorrow. Just tell your friends to "MEET YOU IN THE ANNEX." A few of the many price attractions ' that will form tomorrow's MATCHLESS BARGAIN CARNIVAL! JPTTn, OP A PORTLAND SCHOOL ' SBNT IM TOUR COMPOai- . TION ON TH PAM-S-V JKA OASTAJL v- A aumbr Iwt& IntarMttna thlaga arm hapfMnlna la tb Ptmnw ounlry Burratt te la WMhlaatoa Tsft. U fotna t gimnw momtMlmm dolna: Look tt ap Mdol la rtftb-t. wiaflow. 1S IN CASH ABaOLTTTSLf FRJDB . to roun pupilji in oun -CITT SCHOOLS -v V tor tho tmm dm ipniltle ai tlttod to w m or bofor Saturday. Nov. It, next. Th aukjoet of com position. THE PANAMA CANAL, Mt vr to word la thm ontlro omport tlon. Wrltor auit b a pupil of mom Portland aohool public, prtrato or parochial. Ea&k. composition MiBtt- tod must Soar Irw oartlfloatioa of mthor Um pupll'a . taacbor. -oar at. guardian or aomo raaponolblo adult porooa that it im th4 pupll'a orlclnaJ product, and n must boar Uto full muoo ana homo aflitroaa off writar. i of aobool ho or aba attonda. aamo of toaohor and pvpfl'a aca. Tbo award - will bo mad aa abovo. tbo mattor to ba dooidod br a oommltta of promlnont. nowapapar - tnon aa nownoomont of rooult In ThasKmslTlaa; Da papers. Addroas all oompoaltloaa to Olds, Wortmaa Una. Adv. Offtoa. MaULT OP THB) CANAL MODBL VOTD AT tip. M. TamTBROAT; St. Marr1 Aaaaamy 9i,U Hlrt Sobool ...... .! Rarrlaoa School , fl.ltl Portiand Aoadamy ..ter....or. St.CU Park School ....".....'....m tTMl Atlclnaoa School 1.0TI WHItama-ATOfHi Sobool 14,111 railing School ..... 1M4T unnraioo acnooi 11,441 HiatUaad Sobool ............. J 1,1 f I Total otoo ........ ........T.M These Pctticoata are Ex- tv ' ceptfonal Values ' . lie POR MBIRCBNTZVD MOKREN PBTTICOATB, WHOSB REAL pnica i si.h. v- -. f . Plfth Stroat, Sooond Float Aaaos. - Ladtaa black aMroartaod moraaa Pot- tlooota. Tory full. 14-lach floaaoa, with two ' fltt-tMh bamatltcbad ruffloa, rmenbur prlco ll.ll; apoelat at .....6V - ' ' 1 1 A ll.tH SATN AND DXMONST1IA. ... .- TION OP Vi 7 Solid Gold Shell Rings " f- - worn Ha aaa 11 Aim ai aa. " MAKVSLOUI VALUES SCINTIL LATING OBM8 Th famouo "W. W Rtnaa ar tho aaaroat approach to tbo fonulno ovor romcbotL Wo ooatrol tho rlabt for tbo aalo of them la ttta eltf. Tho rtnea, am aet with real Pronoh dooMeta ao llko.tbo vena In Jewela aa oxpert mlht bo fooled); beoauee thor are sold aheU anor and outer aurfaoea of aolld void), and each baera the makera tradomarfc, and be oauee thor. tbd awkora. ataad book of overf one until tt weara Sto roara; another free for one that feile. All are exact reproduction of atoaeo worth from fll-N to lft.0. So the window dlapiar. Piaaonda, Bublea. Sapphlraa, TurqoolBe. Poarla. Ittw aide. Mooaatonoa, Oarnota, Ajaethreta, Birthetonoa for orary month SM and IM Plata Weddlna Band and ea- irmT.........f l.OO and flS) - W.Ud.Ca DIAJfONDSl Of all tho Inttotlew dlawnwle tho pjarkoc thee eaaUr alaim aupert- ortty. Tho W. L. Co. Diamond rival la luater and .brnilanor the aenulno atonoa. What' more, they ' retain that luater and brilliancy for an Indefinite Una That's wbjr they're euperior. Set In flnga, whtan Imitate oxmatly the flnoat gold. They retail for SO and fl.OO THB aAMWACTUBBRB' OUAIt . ANTBB. - All rlngo tamped W. L. S Oo. an rarrantod to wear yoara aon- etant use. Tho that fall to fir eaiuuaotloB will be replaosd hi any tore la tho United States whora W. U m Caa rhurs oro aoid. ' WM. LOBB TO Providence, It L, Maker of BlnSa. ; Th Qraat Ioformal Opsaiof Salt 8tart en tba Foorth Floor Surpassing Sale Handsome Portieres 1q ths New 0th 8t Anoax at UDtnatehabla Bovgaio Prieat "' Opening Sale of Baby Go- J r- MAIN FLOOR, ' Opening Sale of Blanket. Blaokata front all war tho oountry and all tba boat mills that make bmnhets. Blanhots with aood Ore lnto tl Buaa. - POTJBTH PLOOR. NTS POR WOOL BLANKBTB WORTH la-IO Very fine all para ft ace wool blanketa, walU with - pink or blue borders, full sine regular ealue; apeolal at. . Plr .j.. ae.TB ft.SI POR VlbOL ' BLANKRTS ATORTH rt-bt-Haary woo blan ' 'kota. mottled ray la oolor, ra' lot . yalant spoolnl at. p-w ...M.SS . shtrna Rvoa POR RUM WORTH It.H Sail ia Ruga, all wool, doable v . aooS I a Inehea hi .am; aood II 1. value; special el. - pair Handsome Lace Curtains, IN THB BALnV-BIXTH-fft ANNBX One of ths moat opportune happen Iocs over recorded hi this store's favor, HouseflttlBf time, and a pair of pretty fresh Laos Curtains brtahtea a room up wonderfully. M styles In tba en srons ehoosin. Wo not the prtoea In Um SToai sals ws offer aver M Stylos In the ehoosbws, and ths soles tions are marvel one. Booh Surtala t yards Ions and P tnoboa wide. The aTSBtost curtain bargain ever of fered buyers by any Portland houso. Rend ths Usft T stylos, reg. f PJr BS.BS 1 styles. re. f 1 10 toX; pair 1 3.8B IT styles, rag. f vaL; pair 1 4.TS IS stylos, rag. I M vaL( pair 5.0S 9 styles, reg. IU.ft vol.; pair 1 T.T 4 styles, rag. lll.M Vol.; pair . S.BO I stylos, reg. IlLM vat.; pair 1 B.B6 I tempt, mothere H I D V M f m h - -veer Of A Great "Removal Sale Fashionable Footwear SHOB TALOB8 THAT . CHALLBNOB ATTaTNTlOlf OP . ' BUTBRS, FIRST MAIN PLOOB. , x This store mads In Um dlstrlbntlo. of, good shoos ta Portland, . In a fw days thdflro doors will be hung whore the Shoe Section Is now located, and the stocks must bo moved Into the new Sixth-street Annx Shoe Store, in order to make tho moving light as posslbls w offr the following remarkable vaius to redttos lbs stocks Quickly to ths amali sst sosslbM minimum 1 POR HOUBB JTTLIBTrES, WORTH tl O- Troy Houso Juflettea. with floe kid uppers. patnt tips, hand- WOMEN'S SHORS, WORTH !.. POR !. Hospital Shoos (or Women, with fufborli Jumna-turn eoiea, O. W. A RVS SHOBS POR MKN Ml ICS BHOBB, mads OI air or . oeei Is but BOX storm ealf. with doubt eoles, full round tooa. ciaiir lor uuia. vreri- 53.50 i'S Shoes of box Thm aaeistlonsl flna w almsst winter aasnth as tea ths tots for aa aim Swoh prtBss as those shwalS tempt any af than a assaia a Baa faaa ant tea baby a a bargain frtia r , oa-Carts wtth patent foot keaka , asjU-frtetloa wheal faatenora swah : Ion rubber rs, somplots, with porssoi and svshloa and all mtast, - newest Improvements, reduced as i printed ..,. - Boot lit Os-Csrta, this sale SjsLSS Boat fit Os-Curta, this aaie $tt.TS Best iaM Oo-Oarta, .- . this ami. ........fll.TS - Best ts.0S Os Carta, this earn ..4 ....flBO . Best M ot Oo-Cnns. . this ami. SldVTS Best IH.H Os Oirts. ' ,; this sal. ..SlSSw . Best tit.ot Oe-Carta, . , ,. this sale .............. 91SS4 Beet M.M Os Carta, u this aalo aaa.M ' Best lis. OsOart " thm sals S8B.BO Opporturie Opening Salt of Oriental Rags4 Days Only m for heirlooms. extra heavy uppers shoes made sin a suns:: actual value ia 1 . sell them at, pair t m wniinri u oe arrnnmWomen'i ealf or viol kid, bluoher or full, round toes, heavy soles, military heels; value $4 Specialist $2.93 Sae POR WOMBNBJTJLiBTTn WORTH fl.M Warm Houe Jullattes for Women, made of felt. Just the thing to slip on winter mornings; regular l-d value QSC Special for tomorrow only at, pair T?eaw With svarp pair of womeo'i aboaa (booght r I CC m tba recular prios) of $2.S0 or T7--. A PAIR OP RUBBERS..-.... l for dreaa or eaeral It I A ram tuw 1 1 doubie aolas or extra heavy stngls soles, full round toes, nest awsn- CHILDRB1CS SHOBS. msda Of boa calf or viol kid. fVl r broad toes, laos. shoos that nr. built E?liersUb7 t. Vnloo SLtsW AA epedal at, pair bImTih to 1. value l $.48 BdccIbI at. oalr w " BOYS' SHOBS Boys Shoes, mode or box oalf. wlta doum oiea,..iu round toe laata heavy box Oalf up pers heet winter shoo Lltue Oeatarstssa 11 $.2S . YoufbVTaiamJ U "tV 'V f ,48 11.11 POR w6nTBNs" SHOBS WORTH ll.TK Women'e Vouso Comforts.' lace or congress, good, broad toes, hand-turnd solos, flat heels: regu lar 11.71 value-speclsi for C la Wsdnssdny only, pair BOTS HOBS mads , sis good, sturdy sh ' SSJW W.SIW8 Bsr,'rJifiS!r....n.78 rwTT.nnicT'. and missrs shoks Shoe for children and misses, of box calf, with double soles, full, round toss, spring or safety basis good eonooi anoos - Slses I to I, OA ' price'. .. vetj SB :.1.78 POLLOW THB CROWTaV-AJCD THB PRJCBnVALONO DOWN TO ; .. i THIRD PLOOR. ' x' . SPBCIAL SAUBS BILLBD POB THIRD STORY ANNBX BTORB . ILXTH STRBBT. Opening Sale of Steel Cook Stoves pUos thorn within tho roach af every puraa. This sals will Inst bat four days only and will slese with the At special sale prices, a sotlsettoa af Ortsatal ana Antlqne Rug. unrivaled out aide tho boandarlee of Now York. 1. oarpet slses that embrace Khfvea, pi atans and Cnsbmorea, smaller and medium si sea that Include Bokhara. Kir mlnsbnhs. Savoa. Selmaa Anatoilas, Leaghls, Shiran, Daghsstans. hfossoula Raaakaete. Tbo time for brightening up dull spots about the rooms at homo is hers, and then saperb, rare eld rug gem will help m lot ths prices dur These stoves are the WallsvtUs bin Snlsb, and are ulck bahsrd PuU It-Inch 1 1 ins, value S4: special at -StS.SS PuU ll-lneh evens, vuJos It 1. 10; speoml at SB4.9S X1NO QUALITY STBTEL RANGES. A strictly Maw-grnds stel iwnga with high alosot, extra flna SniBb . 14-lach ovens, vain. MB , . apeolal at v-Ml.OO ld-lneh svmuv value tft.KS: spoclal at ......M4.TS tS-lnch svens, vnlns Mi , Special nc S40.00 CAST IRON fXftTK STOVES. Ma. T "Kltehon Oem," value lit; npsnlal aA .....ST.SO No. "Kitchen Oom. veiao 111; svoeml at aO.rS Special reduced prions en all Heet assBtsTss. v Special Opening Sale of Elite Enam-ti-'M-Q eled .Ware 'x:1 f-r'-; Ins the opening sal a lot amors. Ths redaotlons trend this weyi liao Rug. for.. SS.SO 111. Ruga for.... ......... -B1B.TB I1IM Rugs for.......b.i...91S.S si. mugs nr.t.t tie. nun ivr..,,........ 91T.OO IM.M Ruga for...,, .$S6.00 t.M Rues So....... BSO.OO 4.H Rugs for........,,... S35.00 ttl.s Rug. T........w...f 3.M It OS Rug. for.... B4S.Sw And II to H la betweea .uallties not pa) '..(. Itl.H Rug. for....fc,.V. ITI.M Rugs fon. I.t Rugs for... too. Ss Rug. for... tS-0 Rugs for... .....,. . is.ts Rug. for. Rugs for-B0B.OO HU M Rugs for. ......... .BiOS.OO I1M.H Rug. for..,, ilSl.OO 17f,0 Rugs for ....ilSS.OO anntea nsrs at proporrianai reoueuon. 8S.00 58.00 eo.oo 75.0O SO.OO S3.00 S0.OO Smart Black Silk Turbans '. SECOND FLOOR SALONS V. ' W shall atee. an aata tomorrow In 'ths splendid I htilltnorp Salon, a spotml 1st of very pretty and at I trasUva styles 4a Silk Taffsta Turban far wear of ; matrons. Shapos are very neat asm becoming, of a ft ao. good quality taffeta, and may ba wern with or . without trlnunta. or Wednesday eary wo shall nam. a prtos on theee hat. that la wonderfully low for tba valna M represents .....fS-wwl LACES IN THE SALE, TOO A SO.) POR ORIBNTAL LACKS WORTH ft. AND l.fl OHontal Not Top Laoss, nad Inches wide, worth f. and LMi spseml for lomnsrsw at. - laaynra Aloe a lot of Net Bands at Special prices. BS POR BCRU AND CRBAaf VKNISB OALLOON8 WORTH Ma, ' A lot of BLACK SPANOLBD BANDS AND OALLOOSTB, pogumr 1.H t. II.SS value; special for tomorrow at, the yard a -f) to B14B Sf POR V A LBNC1 UN NKS LACKS WORTH s TO Ss IM deon yards of Wide ValoBOlonnos Laces. wtU meertkoa to match, t to I Inches wfdo.vory . sultabl for trimming fin underwear and worth from lee to see the yard; ' spools! for tomorrow and while It last. at. tba yard - S- BNAlfBLVO 00OKTNO WARS H OUARANTBKD 4-XATTBD-LIPFKD PRBSBRVINa KBTTLKa. . . MMrt sias, regular sasi , spseml at ... l1t-oaart stss, assalar Toj spseml at S) S-quart sias, regular BT.t ; ' speoml at '.4lSd uart snm, rogumr fToi spseisl at M .....BOs) t-qtmrt stse, reguisr Tecs : special at .ST ' . BBRLOf BATJCB PANB,' ' f-qaart sfss. rogulBr Mi ' special at .............. .....04 t-ansrt sts. regular speoml at ...S1.0B iKranrt shm, regular Lfli speelsl at SlS ia-4mart slsa, rogumr; special at fl.5 RBRL1N XBTTLBS, . guar, stse, regular stai -i speoml at . ...4s) toart slse, regulsa; y spoeial at .TB4 t-aoart stss. reguisr ILltt spools! at BOw f-soert sum, regalari 11.4.) speoml at S-quart stse nswlar; - . special at COPTBB POTSj, . , -1 -quart aiMt rssnuar Tto; .- ' ' spssml at BTs) 1 -quart sisorapalsr Wi special as ....J4s IM-qnart sbn papskv Stat speetal at Tla luart erne, rogumr ll.Mi speoml at TBs) l-quart slss, regular IL1I; apeclal sa v STs) ..:.sts) TKA POTB. -quart stse .regular last spseml at I -quart sis, regular Maf spoeuU at 1H -quart sias, regular tftst . spoclal at ft) I -quart alas, regular; . Spseml at t-qtwrt also, regular 11. IK special at ,.S7o) ' SHIRR BD BOO PANS. ' m-lneh else, ngular Sis - ' spoeial at ....! iH-inoh ahM, regular tssi spsshU at v.. ....Sis) "'".,' ': TBA ntBTTLBS. . ' C ; . S-fHnrt slsa, reguisr; speelsl at ..$141 f-ejumrt slse, regular Mi HtW at sUO Muart alas, reguisr I&.II; , spoeial at .4U..Sl.tS) mic- BorLERs. : ; Its-quart slsa, regula; PcuU at S1.04 I -quart slsa, regular Jl.lll , . apeeml st S1.B3 -quart slse, rogulnr ll.ll; . gpsomi at t..,i,.).tt..p.S;2.14 WASH BASINS. tt Ufi'lnoh sum, regular Msi- speoml st SS 11 V inch oiso, regular tsoi special at .44) II -inch stss, regular 70s; special at BBS) '" hnLsr pans. , 1 -quart stss, rogumr Ins; special at S4s) lit -quart regular Isoi special at .....BBS) t-quart stse, rssjulnr Ifte; . special at ... BBd -tw-euart stss, regular ITo; shmI st 4S4 Wednesday ttM Last Dy of Tbcse '$'"'' Bsrfsins in. , Underwear and Hosiery 'Aisle? : put -"" WOhTBOTfl U M ' OASRMBRB UNDBRWRAR POR $1.1B Wosmm's Pin. Cashmere Vest, and Pants, white and blue-gray. aUk taps and allk finish, long Sleeve vests, sjiklo-longth puts, boat peealbto Il.tS voiuei Wedneeday saiy, speoml at, gnrmeat. .$1.1B SSs) POR WOMEN'S COTTON TTNDKRWKAK WORTH . Women's Jersey-Ribbed Winter-Weight 1 Cream Tinted Cotton Vests and Pants, splendid Ids quality; apsotel far Wednoeday only. each. ...k.S8d WObODN'S l.l COTTON UNION BUTTS POR BBd- Women's Pin. White Cotton Union Sulta'blerod''--' high neok, mag sleeve, and high neck, short sleeves, . ankle length, ra. ILII value; special at. suit. Oft.) PINK OHANCB POR THB STOUT WOMRN. $1.18 POR WOMKNS HBRODP UNDKRWBAR WORTH 1. IS Women's Bxtra-Slss Blsrtn. Vests end Pants, whits, extra silk trimmed, medium weight, t '' tonar-eiesva vests, ankle-length pants, sxoeUent LM value; apeclal for Wedneo- I - day only, snob ..... fl.16 49S POR WOhtBN8 COTTON HOSB WORTH tie Woman's Black Cotton I Out is Hose, finished foot our O. K. importation Bin I and I only, rearu- i hr Tbo value; spoeis! for Wsdnssdsyonly, pair 4W4t BBS) POB WOMBN-S HOSB WORTH tS. AND 1. Women's Blank Cotton , Hose, opera length, finished foot, foil Isngth.. Tie asm ILSS values; special for Wednesday .nry at, pair .......Raw ( SB POR WOhnCWS SOc H Oem Women's Btaoh Cotton Oporsr-Lsngth Rrwa. ' nnlsbod foot, rogulnr Mo vnloot special at, pair .................. ....... Batd 40 t POR WOMRN-S LISLB HOSB WORTH Women's Pins Looter Ltsl , Hoee, with drop-atlteu boots, full-flnisbad, bis 7 to value, special for Wedneo-1 day only, pair 4e) anSSBS AND CHILDREN'S UNDKRWBAR Hlssss White and Sllver-Oraj , Worsted Uaioa Suits. Onstta stylo a aloe, soft garment , j Slss. . S t :; I - : t s-b-ld Regular prtos, ....... flo , TPs TSe ISO lie fs Special price BO SS 04 Oftqt -TOe TSd BOq 04 POR CHILD RKN'S ll.M UNION SUITS Odds and ends In Children's wool Union Sulta geed vslno at ILtd; spseml for Wednssdny only. suit. .a)Oa t f, A SWKKPINO REDUCTION ON EVERY YARD OP ' Dress Goods in Annex Fabric Store . ; - ' . FIRST FLOOR.. " . ( . Bop Dress Ooods Now Compara Prtoes and Fnbrlos. Tis Rightly Termed . a MMonstsr Comparison Bale" sf : .. v f Silks and Dress Goods V IN THB FIPTH-RTRKRT ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. ' . Compare the values Compare tho price with elsewhere store's! Bvery former sffort Mllpssdl Bvery sal. surpeaedl Read the vnlasal CTT XT epTrTTAT Q 4 I Pilnuss Crops, sseot- r" " r'" ' -" - I Isnt wearing and washable silk. Regular 1.S all pure Silk Crop. I U sood oolor. m ths assortment; do Chens, ta black, white, Ivory, I special, per yard 8Bs - cream and all evsnlns and street I All Dres. Ooods Oreatly Reduced. oolor. Including all the new ' .shades, such as fox. onion, copper, apricot and tho now greens, the best ll.Pd value Bold ha America; v special, par yar4 Bd Every 'Plsos of' plain and fancy Dross Goods radically marked down for this week's selling, m addition to the Extra Specials. EXTRA SPECIALS Regular ll.M Novelty Tailor Soft- ,1ns.; spscial .....1.S Rognlnr II Tl Novelty Tsllor Suit, tags; speoml ........... .91.43 Regular U M Novelt Tsllor Sutt- speciai .R1..1B Regular 1 tfl Novelty Tailor Butt mgs; special AV Begular ll.M Novelty Taiksr Suit ings; special iw The largest sssortnMMt and beat ' values In tho city at tho regular arieoa j- . S "fJ X. IS f I L If I uinner ) u v Sets f. A O t)t7 A T t dtn. VJrXXAaTm X . OPENING SALE OF - ' t r v" DBCORATBD BNOLI8H BKMI-PORCRLAIN DINNBR BBTS-w " lo-pleos Dinner Sets, value tl IS. special at ........... .......... 10-pMos Dinner Sets, Value t.l, spooial at tatplsos Dianor Sets, value lit.!., speolal st .STJU ' OLD BLUB ENGLISH DINNER BKTSv k ' IS-yleo Dinner Beta, valoe T.4S, specie! at ,....,.... S' d ft-pleos Dinner Sets, Talus I.Sl spoeial at ......'.. s ISS-pUo Dinner Sets, value I14.M. speolal at SUM ENGLISH SHMI -PORCKLAI N DINNBR SsTTS NMtly traced with SW4W now, -fancy shspeo - 10-pleoe Dinner Sets, Value 11 1, special at -pleoe Dinner Sets, value liaid. special st lOo-pleos Dinner Seta valus specls! nt ...........-.. . -S.. AMERICAN SBMI-VITRBOUS DINHKR SRTS rrreathntum dsoorsM la pink and green, with gold-traced handle, and knobs- - fl-Sloe Dinner Seta, value M-Is, spooial at ., ...,...'. .. - SSieee Dinner Set value 11.10. speeie! nt ..... ISO-pleee Dinner Seta, valae 111.71. special at t OBRhfAN CHINA DRCORATRD DINNBR SETS . - IM yieoea in set, vaiu. US, epeoml at.. .. ' FRkMCH CHINA DmtoraTbTD DINNBR SETS IM ptsoes la set, vnlns I speolal at.... OUR BNTIRB LIW OP MA VI LAND DRPORATO r PAtl " K1THKP. IN SKTS O . P.U, AT SPBCIAL SALB 1