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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
iRTL ivJ'CfffiCBr im IS CLOSED SvlL'ERT LIZ ECEOER U IS !.U ..: Li. :T9F0CBASE LCCKS Br COVERKSJENT READY TO SCOOT LAND FRAUD CASES Th- AVo ' A BV OlfcWBM BAUT Th board Iftiiiw f th ihuf par ot iaaNM at a nwnc tooey HiHitil the Mport fevering the Pr afcirt lay lb owiBit of Uw WUlaaa tte lock, wi resolution asking the Oregon delegation la MagnM to occur Um earl? p age of Hi rtver and bar ber bill la order that Um work oa Um Colombia bar might not b delayed, an thortsed Um appointment of eommit Mo f tmportora to take tp la -nrlag fa roUoe of a t of standard ohies fey the oronuoant la Portland, and took notion to hav th govramat brine th troopship to Portland lor con veying Dm Infantry regiment from Vaa ouver barrack to um roiuvpnim Tho report of the special ommltto. consisting of W. H. Cerbett. W. B Ayer. a. Chapman ana I Oerllnger. oa the feaelhllttr of tho government aena rabip' ot tho Willamette locks, bow ivMd by ths Portland OonaraL KUotrlc onwany, wh to Um efteet that aa te vstlgaUon -of Um prsot situation hows that tha Interests of tho aUta at Oregon would bo boot served by some prompt and anal attUomant In favor of (m navigation, Tbo report reoom manilri that tha ehampor of oommeroc porelstently urge the member of tho Oregon congressional delegation to taka action la aa ntetter. Teig. report waa adopted, - Tho navigation ooaunlttoo reported on tho damage don by tba recant storm to tha JattT at tba south of tha Columbia and nnantndtl that aa oarlr appro prtottee be oMMirod for aozt year ao that tha work might bo carried am ertthout painless dalay. - Tho navigation committee also re portod that ta view of tha faot that tho gn mnl Intended to transport, a relmnt of Infantry new etatlooed at Vancouver to tha Ftullpplnas tha cham ber of oaanaaraa ebould taka aomo ae Uoa to have tho troop-ablp broach to PorUaad for tha aatbarkaxloa. Tba board of trustees axdM ta ap point a iiiamnlttoa composed of looal importer ta recommend what action aboold ba takaa to retard ta asking tho gumma ear to aroot a aat at atandard eoale at aomo point alona tho Portland water front. Tbo government baa Juet decided to araot thrao of the aealoa alone tha waterfront ta San rraaotooo and Obey ara oonaldTa A to ba a groat advaataga to tha importers, aa no nlmato ara maoa for wotghlna tho aroooo. Tbo board of trnatooa aolloras that tf tho ooodmooa tn Portland are property pUood boforo tho Valted Mtatoa iwwuMiit a art of asalas wiu ba A. J. Bate, a aotol pkan wan otoctoa to Mmbarahlp by the board, four adver ttotng aad ebarltablo propoalttoaa war cVnra aa taaommendarion of tho eommlt taa, Tbo aoatmlttoo approvod of tbo Oregon State Poultry aaaotaatloa which BiMta tn Portland tn Doomibar and tha Baby. Boma ta Wavorly'e aadlttoa, DATE IS SET FOR TRAVELERS' Y1SIT an wUf ba Tmvalrng btan'a day at Um iMWto and Clark fair in Portland next year. Arrangomenta ta tttla affoot have )uot been computed by Um man agonaont aad the offloora of Um Travel era1 Protective association and the United Commoretal Travalara associa tion, A totter rooelvad thla morning by JhBcretary tad from Secretary B. a. aforajaa of Um Traveler' Protective aa aoetotioa ears that Um invitation estend ' ad to tha mombora of that organisation to make Jua 1 Traveling Men'a day at the fair baa been accepted and prepara tions undartsk for tha oarrylng-out of the plan. Commercial travelers from -all porta of tba oonUneot will com to Portland to attend Um fair and tola in tho oelobra Uoao planned by Um local ordera oa that day. It la expected that June It will be oaa of the blgaeat days af Um sum mer. The 'entertainment of Um visiting knights of the grip will be provided by he PorUaad loon of tba Travel! Pro teettv saooclatloa. At a moating Bat wxaay night this body took official ao tlem an tba preliminary arrangamanto. FRENCH SAILOR FALLS AND BREAKS HIS BACK ' spttoi' fen fait the hold of the Vrsoou ablp Crflloa at S o'clock this morning, and broke bla beak. It to feared that hto injuries will prov fatal. Uaongh Dr. Lab be, tha attondln; phy atotaa, aaya that It. may ba posalbl to arolong his life by an operation. At the Uasa of Um accident the ua tbrtemau man waa standing between eteefca, panalng lumber down Into tha boid for UM purpose of lining the Teasel. Ba tripped oa a pleot of Umber and fell distance af li feet He struck on on of the rtbs of the ship and roUd on down tote tha bottom of tba craft. "When piokad up he was nneonsetooa and a meaaengwr waa dispatched for a phy atelan, later the Injured man waa taken ta St. VlnRenfa hospital - His limbs ara paraiysed and he' la bnabla to mora. Tha doctor does not know tha nam of tha sailor, who 1 about 4ft rar of a. He arrived hero from Antwerp aa tha CrUtea about thro weak ago. ; Too 4oft hcx much sbwot sytnpathy fax dentistry. Do you? ' Pwopls nsusUw speak of dentists ss cruel and calloused to ths ' psin they infBct. Thst b btcaase our methods have not been ' tried. We ats so confident that we can operate successfull - without pain in any fottance or under any conditions that we aak for dose investigation .of our methoda. As to the durability of our work, we v B; E Wright's Dental Offices ' 342 Washington Street, Corner Berenth. , ;V Offtca Hours I e. sa, to If.. Suodara, I a, ah ta 1 p. m. i a, J PHONsl XAZlf tilt. ; , a Branch OAc Swualoff Boiidrnj. Sawm. : r tw9wm mwmw mm rucn m rat nwt virn un Toaicht tha atorrtaoa-atroot artdgt wiu asato aa t loot I and far aa Indoa- aMo aarlod. jtrranaromaato aavo boom mada bp UM City Suburb oompaay to aooomaia data aaaaoncaro for Um oaat oKto by war of tha BKrnaMo-atreet brldd. Twala targa oara will bo alaeod oa that rua toolcht tn addlUoa ta Um regular aum bor of oara. aad. U to aald. ample pro- vlaloa aaa boon mado for UM aooomma- datlon af all DUMimra. Tho brUga wUl bo aloaod liatuoa ot aa order loaned vomorday bp Major Laagatt. of Um Ualtad Mtatoa engiaoor Ing oorpa. Major Laagfltt ordered the ImmadUti THDOVll of UM Vkf la UM middle of tba oaat obanaot af tba river. The order waa laauad to the PaelBe Coaatructtoa aompany, which la aroct lng Um new Momaoa-etraot brldga. Tha work of romavms tba pier will, begin immediately. 4 Tha order wag taeaad booeoao af tho near approach of winter. It to thought that with Um swift eurrant daring tho winter river traffic will be Impeded by Um pier and Ita removal waa oonalderod Th alr must ba ramoved to a depth of It feet below tba water Una, Tho work of removing it wUl bgln tomor row, but n estimate af tha Um aooaa aarp for lta complete tarn oval to given. MOURNERS REJOICE A AFTER CREMATION It was a mourn fol seen. Thar was na nail, no raulm was sang, and ta ganerai Was missing ail those outer evi dences at grief, which com to ait en throned at Um mat aad rites marfclng Um passing of those who to Ufa wr looked on as potential faetora ta Um ootnmimlty. But on th faoes of th mournara, though few tn number, was seen that expression Indloattva of the heart sadness whmh b comprehended only by those wha aWv passed through a similar ardeaL Without oaromonlal, wlthoat rtte. tba ballots of th Jun election worn ora mid this morning by County Clerk Plslds this morning officiated a chief mourner. Janitor Med Kehoo and County Carpenter Bigger atoe lamented. The law provides tnat unless th bal lot boxes ara required for another elec tion ail ballots shall be preserved for two years. Th boxes ara needed for No vember and Um ballots af mat June had to go. Mr. Field ramoved hta hat as th first bundle went Into the rearing oil furnnos. When the last bundls had been teased ta and th door of th faraao etoaed, tear glistened ta bis eye. "Thar soos Um tost obano for any body to con teat my Motion over Frank Lea, and County Commissioner Light- b avurmurwd. - CHIEF HINT NEGLECTS DUTY UNDER CHARTER Aithoush Polio Omoer C Foster was expelled from the polioe department last Friday by tha city juotUv board on reoommendaUon of th polios oom mlsslonsr. Chief of Polio Hunt baa filed na notification of Um expulsion with th dvli earvie commission aa required by Um lty charter. Section SIT af th chart er1 states "that no employ ta tba class Iked civil eervloe who shall . have been appointed under ths provisions of this article shall be ramoved or discharged except for eaua. upon- wrlttea charges (of which on copy shall be served upon blm and a dupJt- eate filed with th oommlssloa.) In case Um suspended offioer desired to appeal to the com mission, as he has a tight to do anoer Um eanrter, th com mission will be unable to haar bis as they have received no notlnoatioa af his dismissal front Um department. -,f U. S. MINT PLANT FOR FAIR TO BE COMPLETE Tba plant Showing tha coining of money by Um United States mint t ba operated la Portland during th Lswls and Clark fair will b It per cant better than any other vr exhibited at any exposition. Thla aasuranee to given by Me. Church, auperlatendant of mechani cal construction of th department ot th United States mint wha baa been ordered to Washington from St Louis ta consult with tha department In regard to the Installation of thla government exhibit la Portland next year. Before leaving St Louis ha gava Di rector of BxhlbltS Dosoh th particulars concerning the plant to ba installed bar. Th government, will put la two new furnace which will permit of the con tinuous operatloa of the plant In tha other exposition thera has been but one fume oe, which necessitated th shut ting down of th plant about half tha tlma Mr. Dosoh ta a letter to the direc tor general says that h I certain th mint 'pUn in Portland will be finer than anything previously, axhiblted ta Um United State. Invite Investigation also. MAMT nAJstS WZXA FASTXOXFATS tm rMussmttATs mxna oomn. mm oobi sTSitji isvuut mm w Ttstttas aoldler wha an ta take part ta the rifte compattuoa Tnuraday ara already praatlclng at tha ran. Koa- borg's team baa boon on the ground a day oc two aad each day m takaa ta th targets for a round to get tta bear- Inge. Othar teams ara showing lib 1 tarost. A fun list af tba contestants has boon submitted ta Adjutant 0nrai Jlnaer, who Issued th gnrai ordr for Um oampatiUon. Bvsry organiaauoa la th state at repraaented. Teams hav been praeUolng on thalr bom ranges for the vent, and aomo good scores seam prob- abla Th list of name submitted by van oaa oompaay commanders as ecav petltore and substitute. Is aa follows Aabland. . company B JuleuL T, at. Carter, Bergeante Qorg Sponasr and XX 3. Bddy, Corporal U. Tbcmaa and Pri vate a. rx Shelly. Buaone. eomDanr A CapC C C nanv asnd. aaiwaant Robart B. Morris. Cor poral Raymond pardaw and Privates Ed ward R. Davl aad Jaawg U Furnish; company C. Lieut. H. H. Hunter. Br aeant W. A. GUbert. Corporal Thomas IsoOormaak and Private Cecil Heoder bob aad afalvla Lamb. ' . Roaafaura. comnany T Cunt. T. B. Hamlin. Sergaaate W. U. TrefleM and Fred Stewart and Prlvatea m w ana C S. Jaokson. ' Woodbum, company I sai gaanTa atoy Kalaav and Orover Todd and Privates A. W. Bannstt. Charte T, Boanay and Bdwln Walker. . ' . Th Zmlle. ompany T Capt. a. k Bartlett, Sergaaats Boy Burgatvana William A. Moon, Corporal Frank Tyler and Private George Robinson. la arandav oonioaar It LleOt. A. B. Rogers. Serreant James H. Oertrldg and Prlvatea W. La Wen ham. vbsjum -a. OUver. A. Blmor and m. BoJIng. iMbaaoaTroop A, cavalry, capt. m. , Blklna, Sergt ML I Smith and Pri vates H. Rawlins. B; Taokar aad Berrt E. R Pugh. . Bakar Cltv Compeny A. &tent. B. w. Halnea Serat. Bert W. Prescott and Prl vatea at H. Haw It y, Lawls B Thompson I and Paul H. Webb, Portland Company B. sargt. w. Daugberty and Privates Jordan, White end Dunlnp; Company C aargr. Araru Lm Lowes and Prlvatea a U. PatUngcr, Volnay A. Driver. Freeman Toung and Corp. Uewla It. Del; Company B. Lieut. W. U ormandy, corp. jonn maiaoa ana Private Frank Falrchllds and J. H. Pot ter; Company F, LleoC W. M. Danny, Sergt. L. B. Crouch, Corp. J. J. Conway and Private B. D. Jonaa and Corp. If. S. Cadonan: Company H. Capt. Boy H. Do- bl. Sergt B. Oeer, Corp. U. Cramer ana Privates Oascb and Dtoksl; Company K. Capt- B. O. Scott, Bergta. W. T. Bird and A.' J. Roym, Corp. J. B. wpcrou ana m- vate M. Q. Maynard, Albany Comoany O. Lieut. W. U Harks, Sergt B. O. Back man and H. J. Moor and Private J. Abrama and W. a Wllklna Salem Company - af, Smaants B hat- ton and White aad Prlvatea Bauay, Mut ter and Rider. Four comDvtttora ara snowed trom aoh company, and on substitute. Tha ralas for ths shoot, as promulgates oy ths sdtutarrt-awesraL eaU too baU alow and rapid firing; the first at range of 00. SO and tto yard, and rapid firing at 100 and to yards. Tba regulation Krar-Jorgvneea is to b used, trlggor three-oound nulL am munition as msnu- faoturod by th grdnano department of the army. rne eonieax wiu oa uraor reaular army rules for target practice. Th Lebanon troop of cavalry hold Um state cup, and Sergt. B. U Smith of the earn command baa tba stats meoaj. Both must be won In thro annual com petitions before they becom the perma nent property of tha victor, and last year wag th first Um they war up. . WOULD BE SUICIDE" GUILTY AS CHARGED Mr. Jannte Oitl stood bafor ntunlct- pal Judge Uogu thla morning, pleaded guilty to a charge of dfeorderly eon- duct la attempting ulcle. and ex plained to th eoart and to Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald why ah drank laudanum early yesterday morning with suicidal Intent, ah was Jealous ne- oaus her husband cam bom long af ter n had promised ha would return. she said. Mr. Olll will be In court to morrow morning, by order of the court. to. tell what h think about his wife, aa to her ability to restrain baraelf from further attempt ta take her life. She aald she thought she could restrain eereelf In future. Aa published In Th Journal yester day, this Is the first tiro In the history of the city that a person he been ar rested for attempting self destruction. Disorderly conduct was th charge. Tha purpose, as explained by Deputy Flts gerald. la to check the suicide epidemic In Portland. Statistic show an alarm ing Increase, be aald. In th number of suloldea and attempts at sslf dosUno tlosw . ; V .; . HUME INJUNCTION I SUIT IS FINISHED 1 ' (gpFdal Msaatca te Tsa earaal. Rose burg. Or Oct. it. Ths circuit court of thbs district after aa adjourn mnt of an week, reopened yesterday morning. The only Important oaae brought up was that of an injunction suit of It. 0. Hume against M. B. Burns and It others from Curry county Th plalnUfr asks that th Rogue river from lte mouth to a point vfght mltaa up th stream, b closed to flsnennen with the eaesptlou of those ta hi employ; as h own tb land on both sides of Um stream for that distance. Hume's attorneys are B. H. Country man of Saa rrancjoeo and W. C. Hal of Grants Pasa. while ths defendants ara represented by Judge Mnnley of Port land. John Hall of Marshfleld, and Bobert Burns of Cequllle City. The rase was finished yeewroay evening. A decision wlU nt ba banded down for ma time. ' t - OOsTTBACrTOBV s)FF eTsTFAXB ' A. Mcfntosir. th aoritraeter Who waa placed on the on f sir list by the riggers' and 11 nor' unloa, has agreed to employ no mor nonunion men, and hie nam has bren Sraaed from th blackboard. Officers of ths Is bor organ! sa Uon itate that he ha signed aa agreemsnt with them to employ unloa men altogether in any work that he .may have around the drydmrk. At Ih tlm be put tho tug Taltnoah In repair tho Hwtracter got rt ewteld of tho unloa to do th SB FPOgl 11 0 IS TA OOxta VF AT VXAV Asm ' aMSATTOsTaA ill SjOOXHS nuxf ii TJnl Sam has not abandoned th pur- auU af the land and timber thieve and cm sensational development arc an ttctneted within Um neat . two month. To federal grand jury was notified tarn morning by Judge Bellinger that n would be expected to convene again ta December and It la aa open secret that at teat time Um government expects to nrasaat evldanoe which may result la a frsb batch of Indlotmont ot parson Implicated In tn land xreuoa, Bafor th arand Jury convene agabt. the case agslast Horaoe IfcKlaioy, Ma rls War and their co-conaplrator will have been tried, and there ts reason to expect that they will be prcduotiv ox som Important revelations, tor the gov- amments attorneys are confident that tbey will be able to lay bar tba whole achame and to estabUah um identity ox the orlnolpals In tha frauda The oaa sgalnat Henry .Meldrum, ak-survyor general of tha state, la also to coma un for trial tn Nov amber. Meld rum Is charged with fraudulent surveys M government lands, and tare ara many indications that bla operation ware oonduoted with th knowledge and coa- nivanoe of Um general land omoe, of which Blnger Hermann was then tha head. Meldran)' oaa has been set for Novmber la. 1 M. U Pipe and Thomas O'De ap- psared bafor - Judge - Bellinger this morning and entered a formal demur rer la behalf of S. A. D. Puter and Emma Watson. In th oases In which thaw ara eharaad Jointly with MoKltt- ley and ether of Conspiring to defraud th government of public lanaa. -xne two defendants war th Only on who had not hitherto entered a plea. Tha demurrer waa promptly ovrruld and both defendants then entered a plea of not guilty. They will be tried- with their oo-defnoanis wovompw sa. , TO CHSISTEN NEW - CAR ONE SOON f ' ' 'J. . J. .. II I , ,-: ( - The next step tn th aonsolldathm of th City and Suburbaa and Portland Railway companioo will be the oper aUoa of th two systems under Um nam of th Portland Consolidated Rail way oompany. Th christening will take place lees than two weeks from to day, but beyond that no ehang Is an ticipated for some tlm to com. An official remarked thla morning: ' it takaa Uma to merge two big cor poration Of this kind. A surprising number of UtU details must be figured out. Before a new policy ta deemed upon, a thousand and one things must ba given careful consideration, so as to work for the best Intoreets of th public ss weU as Um oompaay. What the public ta most Interested In, I pre sume, is Um axchana of transfers be tween th two system, and. this wUl probably be inaugurated oon after Um nam Is manced." c Char lea F. gwigert. apuiaaar of tin City- and Suburban, and Mana-r- C L Fuller of the Portland -Railway om pany, returned last evening-from their eastern trip - Tbey wer at St. Louts while several Important street railway conventions were la progress, . among them Um American Association of Street Railway Men. th Street Railway Ac countants' association and tha Mechan ical and Bteetrteal assoclaUoa. At these various meetings they mat managers of transportation concern from all the principal cities of ths United States and afterward visited a number of promi nent cities, where they derived new Mesa that will ba of immense ealu tn the operation of tb eonsolldatsd sys tem. . -- FRATERNAL -TEMPLE IS TO BE ERECTED . i- Fraternal organlxations of this city win erect a fraternal tempi for tha Lewis and Clark exposition. . At a meet ing of too or more of the highest officers of each of the subordinate fraternal so cieties of this city last night It was the unanimous decision of th large and enthusiastic gathering that whatever Um ooet the temple must be constructed. At a meeting to be held Thursday night the plans for issuing stock cer tificate for membership to Um' asso ciation will be adopted. Tb bolder of the certificate must be members of some fraternal organieeUon Th cer tificate will entitle him to all th priv ileges of , Um fraternal building at tha fair. 1 " William Reldt was appointed chairman of the soliciting commute and hi hetpers trill be named this evening by President Wer kin. Tbey win begin Im mediately to canvas Um city for stock subscriptions. ( It ts expected thera wffl b Drtl dif ficulty encountered in raising sufficient funds for the proposed building. At Um meeting but night a teprMeauulv of the Knights and Ladles of Bejsurlty stated that th grand lodge of that order bad voted 900 toward the building fund and might also give another tX. Portland lodge of the Masonic fra ternity promised to make an appropria tion as a result of President Werieln's visit last Friday , evening Industry lodge of the A. O. TJ. W. will also make a large subscription at tb next meeting. Prom this time on It Is mrpeoted that subscriptions will coma m rapidly. Why Don't yon give obano rou So tt your heart tho asm o the other organ t Why? Because when any other or sen la in trouble. It refuse to. work. and you hasten to repair It Th heart, th aver faithful servant never refuses as long aa It has power to move, but continues to do the best tt can, getting weaker and weaker, until It Is past repair, and then atop. It la Just aa sick as th other organs but because It will work you let It However. It's not too late fat g nang of heart" so remember. ' Dr. fttHes' Heart Cure , will gtv th heart atrength and vital Ity to overcome Ltsslness, Palpitation, Short Breath, Faint Spells, Pains in Heart and Aide, and all other Heart arhe and dlfflcultle. "My heart would ache and palpitate terribly, and at times I could hardly breath. " Drv -Miles Heart Car has restored me to perfect health, and I aw very grateful." MIRfl EMMA J. BARTON, Wo. 1 Bill at, Waterlown, N. T.. Th first bottl will benefit: If not, Um druggist wiu return your, mmey - mm'mwmmwwuw xm fajds w BBAJS ntn AT AJt SUBZ.T PASS . , . --. ' j i (liiHil Dispstm ts Tba Jaersal.) BeOem, Or, Get. la. The interior de partment has bee th object of much oemnlatet for haviag withheld far try greet traota of land auitabia for agrieultur only. wlUl a view. K 1 eemed, eridenUy, ot preventing its be ing selected sa basis for lieu lands by auoh corporations or parson a might have claim within tb rasarve. Governor Chamberlain has found fault at least with Um evident fact that, notwithstanding th state waa deeply Interested la the auesUon, th Interior deoartment waa Inclined to pay no at tention at ell tb Um desires or Inter ests af th state. After getting but UtU saUsfaeUoa nam the commis sioner of the general land offlo. gover nor Chamberlain wrote to President BooaevelL His first letter In August m followed by Um release of oartala lands, which bad bean held adjololng tha nmnoaad r erven Th aovsrnor then dOOMM mat UM aa to writ to for a final clearing up of th matter waa tha an who had oaud .things to be don before, ao en September t. Governor Chamberlain wrote to the president as followaj "X fully realise th dtOloultM unoer which tba land department labor la Um relation of thee reserves and oommand the efforts which ar being mad to pre vent private holdings within the re serve from being utilised aa valid baals for Indemnity selection as soon as Um reserve ara permanently cre ated. During my visit east last rail, la order -to assist th department as much as possible. X furnished Commissioner Richards with a Hat of us name ox in dividuals who had purchased oaoot section within th reserves referred to, with tha date, amount af purchases and whatever other information I had. offering to aid at all time m aoing wht i amiid to nrovent Um trauduleat disposition not only Af government, but of state land. T alnesrelT trust that om legteiar Uon may be bad at Um nut ssaslon af oongreas which wlU prevent th creation of new baa for tndamnlty selection and will provide a rut for equitable x ohange for anolt baa as baa been al ready created. '''''" "The unnecisaary 'withdrawal ex inea large bodies of land trom public entry can only be Justine by to aesir en um land department to prevent the erection of baste for undesirable wtohaaga of id, it to me that where per sons and corporations have private hold- In within the limits of these tempo rary reoervea which they ar unwilling to exchange for land of equal value. It would be wis tn creating such re serve permanently to adopt th Wicokor board1- oollcv. leaving them pracuoauy at th mercy of the United tatas gov ernment.'' - f.Vv la ana war to ta abovar OCT. Chant- berlaia ba a tetter from tb prasldant inoloainn oa from Commissioner w. A. Richards of th general land office, re- gurdtns th propoaed Bin mounwia and Wallowa forest reserve, commis sioner Richards says: Beaardiac the ..private holdings In tb area- involved. Qov. Chamberlain refers particularly to land which had paaaed to tho state -of Oregon and wer purchased from Um stats at the Um of th withdrawal by parties Intend! ag to as th land aa basis for forest re serve ilea selection to oaa tbey should be finally included within the i serve. He suggests that th seoratary of tb Interior might confer with Um state of ficials regarding tola elaa ec lands with a View to preventing, so Tar as poeeible, their -Intended as aa basts for election. It was "tb Intention to release as much of th lands temporarily with drawn aa are not needed for the forest Reoemmeodatlon ara now tni preparation favoring Um Immediate restoration of - very extensive with drawn areas la Oregon wbkm have Just been reported by Um secretary ot agri onltur as undesirable for forest r purposes, gnd ander the present policy ot the department actual set tlers win b given a prefer noe right tit th acquisition of the land to b re stored," This answer from tba com ml loner sent by th prealdent probably fore casted the release for tba -withdraw" Hat as reported Saturday or Sunday , CORVALLIS MAN IS ' AGAIN IN TROUBLE J Corvallts, Or.. Oct ts. Oeorae Avery. who stabbed Albert Lytl of Philomath, a week ago, ta again In trouble. Xt ap pears that Avery and Painter .Byland had held a grudge against each other for several days. They met In a bar ber shop her Saturday night, and eg- changed some abuelve language. Avery made a move a though to reach for hi hip packet, when Hyland picked up a chair and struck htm over the head. Avery received a .sever gash la the back of Um bead. He waa Intoxicated at th time, and waa la a serious condition yesterday, but is improving. WOMAN'S INFATUATION ;: COSTS HER FORTUNE ' (Spanal Dtoeatab at tat Jeers!.) Taooma. Wash., Oct. f. The arrest m this city of H. C Taylor, aa Indian, bring to light tb tragedy of a broken home, and th kma of 4 fortune to a whit woman, who became mfatuatsd with Um Indian, bow at Jail. The charge aasint th redskin offender Is forgery, and he has served two terms to Walla Walla penitentiary for similar of fenses. Tha white woman who deserted her bus band and children and afterward se cured a divorce and married the Indian, was Mary Stroud, 'a resident of Bnum claw. Wash. She received as bar share of community property til. tot ta cash. Last June she married Taylor and ther cam to Taooma to Itva, He spent all her -money and than began fargtag cheeks for mere, and wlU likely return to Walla walla. . Her brother, Henry I Stroud of Bnum lew, says th Indian, aided br tba woman, eeeared IS. too from blm. . ., Martha Washington shanter of the Eastern Star will toave Portland th a body on a special ear tonight to visit th chapter at Oregon city by peolai invitation. Entertainment will he dto- vlded by the Oregon City enapter, to be followed by a banquet and aa old-fash- toned "aortal time"' telle a lwia' " E3nsl Ye Bsfw Alwarys ta mam fbr trva SO TOnsr. eVMt , - w..wm JsJUOWTJcaaa voeewiltawom tn thla. U OogaBttwftBsm, Imltsstffws xmsrlauanu ihgi irUU with tutd OBMlangy tap hceMth ef IVhbt b CASTOHIA Is s svnloM sobattttitf) fbr Otwtor OO. , rridv Tjtops ad SooiUna; Bt"ipsV It Is Plrsitat. , emm tains tvtBtlMr Op4imt MorphiaB mar ebr Sajroois6 abateuuw. Its Shto) la its ssMitee It destroys Worasl f, s sand.anUS Feyeriihnpgs. It Ottrejd DlaWrtMBm aad Wbad " 4 CoUo. UrtUtmm Toethlnsj TnsAlav ear Muo!lrjBtlom '1 . Bad Vmalmmvf. U Bsstmllstfei the Food, reejakfctes thm fttottasQh mmm Bowwls sTtna; faemlthy and BaUtttBa slcma. Amm Clowe FansaTr, Tha Math Fykad, v . v CSnuiMi CASTPRIA AUWAYS aieaat eaaw Tt3 Kind Toi Haw Ateap m&L y '" r- In Use -For To -A. H. MO 3rd day, Oct. or, SS, sssswawgggggpm, ,,. E 1'.'. - II J ' ymlmMtasMi ATlB. gSv , -W . v--.J AT it :-; l r'" a. eVfl f- V 71 , M k '.V " F CeUart Warn, reswiei j . . ahemassaaP - sssesw ,i v., -. --ajBa ' L""""1"teaBnBw,A A t Our PHon " : U Mtaln W respectfully call th attention of Rets and Bastauranr trad to th fact that we manufacture Hotel Bang from t-ft. to 11-ft both portable and to set In brick, also hav large lie of Hot) goods, copper and reUnned. Write or phone ss for price. . ' We Mnufaetur tha largest Um of Cook Steves, Bang gad Bettors aa tta paoifl Coast ,' v . . -. LOEVVENBERG & GOING CCX -.!; '--- leatS UtB gn tBTOrf smBBTS. . t,,.! ' y i - ar at s in Nonnwfisi Lornfir Second iYj . t-' W'.v,r a ii ii t ,iv r..y,.-. t j..,, RASMISSEN & CO. Pfi'mts, Oils, Sash, Doors, Etc. I When It Comes to Colors ! WeU. Ch man who can select a aecvti taat wiu pica sis wire re a won der. We pieaee the wive of thousands of ma with our selection of en lore but then, bless you, w give them a ehotc of forty different su perb colors In plain house paint Th paint that won't com oiT mad In our own Portland factory specially for this climate cold under th moot liberal at gueraate. Color card saailsd on receipt of postal, card racuvat. . j . . , " Fisher, Thorsen& Co. Xg. lag, u rsr " t sbvI wUefci mm kaa mmrmm toat aJwrtannrek BBS sMwMtanaVVMugf big SCtfnalsuDSrviHom ihiMfanmmnR, mmm Jrt mm mod' Brobo : laaSsiBStC BSaUaS laaWlBMnV i anfuaiu v Over 30 Yeart. x -A ibeatlsssdveri ii fcisiT rriHirin if fin - i !' Isskle sr sv BMtr'tsMk. m vsevl Ml nw enw I'm apes' W Sk Leeto Jea M as taat saiese sU tla. AlsMrflHrntrsWillMhvB. ciijiigswg ' senaaasa, U1 St Lcuto end Rsturn ' Tm Rocfc Island System ofert tvra ftmtoo ta tkt WarU't fatr Oty vi St. hul MhTiwupofa, gnd throogh Sccaic Cokredo. No caang of can 0dcs to St. Lopit sd3 St. Pattl ftp St. Looia. '" ' is McDowain, Oeaeral Agt. Street, ear. Alder Sliest, go. aetoan Umit, nxaety day. 966 -' . and Taylor m BAvjresj, XM tMPf AsTB ILJ) - s ''i .1 ft f "if--