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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
voaxwrc uwmm Mtroaaa Iru4....' e.4..iutti ('ur (tray's, kf , 'A rrUed af the "ITT. "ksmo aed Juiot- .... "Am Aanl'i Prajer. Taude ;. Yin L rlc , Hi Joe .. Arcade Vauderi ia. TandeTllke. Teade villa. The Taylor atreet Blstbodb anarch of J Portland enjoya Um distinction of Mm the first Individual Methodist church : sending out for lam missionary of Its owi sad auatalntoaT Mm analnsd m hla work. For some time tha ohurch baa bMB contemplating Lhta mof and.bas , Dually concluded that It la abls te geiae sufficient funds far hla aupport. Oa " reuommsndailon of tha national mlsslon t ary board they hava aalaoUd Tbomaa g. MoUe worth of Essex, la., and ha sell" . from Naw York on November It, to a , . atatloai ta tha Punjab territory tn India. Una thousand dollars ha boon pledged to hla aupporv Ha will report to th uv , dividual church Instead of to tha na , t tonal organisation and wlU keep hla '? supporters advised from ttma to tlma of .. hla progress Th ohuroh haa - taltan 1 thla action foaling that mora personal Interest would ba taken by tha ohuroh people te a missionary thay oould oaJl ; wholly their owa. - ' Col John Sofataekl. tha mat f tha fa - moua family and rightful hair to tha throna of Poland. will apaak thla vn Ihg at tha Cumberland Preebytartan church Beat Twelfth and Bast Taylor street, at meeting of tha Prohibition ; party and a local -optica rally. Ha la . considered to ba oaa of tha baat Prohl ', bit too aneakera la tha country. It la ltkalr that every Prohlbltlonlat la Port land and Ytolnlty will at toad tha eject ing, for 4t wlU probably bo tha Uat op , part unity tbay will hava to oat together before tha eloaa of tha campaign. Colo rial gobleekt la a eplondld apaakar and , U amid to ba a good votamakar. No ad mlasloa will ba cbaxgod. but a ooltoctlon will ba take. . , Whan yoa think of tha Bailor Oaft . mm think of a eta anon, strong, flaot and comfortable steamer. The Oataert eer talaly to tha persoarnoatkm of parfeo tloa In river craft, and haa coma to ba . regarded a tha "vr-iliabl.- Thla, handsome ataamar loavee Alder street wharf very Monday, Wednesday and " yrlday morning at t o'clock for tho trip 1 up tho maginosnt Columbia to Tho Dalle and way aetata, Btsamar Kera la tor, another ataunca Regatetar Una , boat, leavea aamo wharf at aamo boor on alternating day. ant: .. will give yea a aaaed: ha Phooa Mala 14 . m . PeiTmnd Hats woo bar ft tho Phil ippine telaada. Ho hi not meek oosua turned to tho laws of thla land. Ha go drunk at Brlekaaa Bursoido-atroat aalooa last night. It made him ao angry teat to oven op mattera h rctumad and .poked hla flat throush a pnao af ftriaaa valued at Ilea. Pel to as Baty and i Burke found Herao two hour after tho ' breaJUns af tho window ant aeat hint o 3 JalL Thla mAntbm Haras triad hard ts explain himself to tho oowrt so ao ea i avoid trouOlo. butOTaUad and was ftssd , 111. Having ao funds ha win oaivp ant tho fla la tho city hxla Te Klehscdseaj off th rrab baa been tellmc tha aoopto of ana of tho wwadara ad Ovesos and tho . greatnaaa of Um eomlna; Uawla and Clark talc He wan ha Tepeha oa Friday af ' last weak and tn tho evening delivered ra addraaa eefere tho Coaunarchkl otab of that city oa tho scope and aha, af tho Lowlo and Clarlt fair. " That Mr. Rloharoaen ss a good ahowtog s) eva des from tho smntloa amdo ht tho Te peka atato Jouraal andar that data, which devotas oastdwablo epaee ft Mr. JLWhsrdnoa-a fan and ta fala 7 Tho drat whaaraal af tho grand masft OSi festival tho aaored opera "Palahas er," Martin B Robtassov director, was Jtald at tho Oraea nL K. churoh Msa ' svanlng. A hmrga ammher of the alngers who participated In the reodlcloa of thla masle at tha Chautauqua last uaamsr. ao well aa many who- aaalarod m, the produotlon of "Queen Bather" at tho Marquaoa. wars pr est and ea tared ea Uiustaottoally Into tho rehearsal. Thoee desiring to )oh tha class wlU amod thla . ovoalng at ah aamo plasm . . - . . . mountainous region, amidst the matob Uaa eocnery of Oregon. View the groat watorfaila, canyons and glen skirting the Columbia. Tha stsaaM Charles B. penear leave foot fff Waohingtos street Mondaya, Wsdseaday aad Prl days on Its np-river ma to Tha aMllea and way bvodlnara, .retsnrhur. aa alter nate days. Whoa oomta aa Pwrtland laavo tho train a Tho Delias) and rlda down ta tho. alt- aa tho pcv . Tat. Mai U21 . - ' Tho OiWgna Auto-CHapatoh emn party, organlsad la Portland a faw days ago, hss ordered from an eastern factory sev eral autofTslht truoks and- one passen ger eosch,. which they expect to put In operation on tho streets of Portland by tha nrat of tho year-. Tha machines will be of the latest etegtrlc-sower deal ana. Tha director of tha company ara B. B. Xytlo. Dr. m m. Mllhm C. JU Ball, B. W. Gaga aad m W. Ooddsrd. Tho-Tmrng Men' a psmoaratlo dub win hnto another of Ha onthuMasUo meet Ings ac Its rooma In the Chamber of CiHiimero baUdtng thla evenlam Abla pakara will b In at tap da no. (' v Tn- tfw otaasMsd ontsnm or today Journal, under the head of "Buatness Chanos)" la sdvsrtlsad for sal tha real eatats and aawmlll of tha Long A BIna Mrs. AirrtMi Rons Bwlnton. wife of the 'V BblV h ltlttct Odd. OBViaslBVBi9&n,nT .. oVmvBBBatAmfOftP VBamB. v . , ' S. . y v.: ' . . B . C 9 - soft- t ac ImO b o X Joan R. iffiDioo, Aincwortb aa Vvniiama are nuea. Ur death ooourrad on tha anni versary of th date of her birth. She was It years of a Funeral service will be held tomorrow af tarn oaa at l:tt o'clock t tho rsaidano of her eon. bam Lumber company, corporation. .Tho aai will lass pjeoe In Cottage Qrov on Wednesday, November SO. There ara a aumber of properties and a milt plant and they will ba aoid to tho blgboot bid der. Mar ia a obaaoo fa aa laves t mant. f Tho oounty JaU rookpUo gang, which ha until recently beaa at work on the Canyon road and la now at tho head of Jefferson atreet; will ba taken to a point on tho Bt Melon road, near th eevsn-mll post, about November 1. Tha county oommfcaloner have made ar rangement to have the gang earrlsd to sod from Its work daily oa a small teamar for a aoatract ario of H a . .. :. ;. Ton aotlod what a beautiful day thU is. if Just Uk the Interior of the Union laundry,, second and Columbia. All la aunshlno In that pleasant Institu tion. Bvsn th a team heated polisher seem to sing songs of glartnes the charming timet, aad tho young lady operator help them out. If this laun dry doe your waahiac you sing, too, Tel Mala Municipal Jadg Uoguo Imposed a floe of til upon "In-." J. d. Craveaa, a clair voyant, tbl morning bar permitting Prank Bolan to pass oat earda oa tho street. Being abls to poor tot tho fu ture aad bo at what earning to pass. It waa BjiMil the dfadant should have avoided tho trouble ho certainly know wobm result H ho allowed bis maa to vlolata tho tty ordmanoa. . Tour WlU Don today? " if roa rv-. Mead thorn t " - v.- Goodyear Shoo repair Factory. Tenth ID near Oaa Co. 'a ofhes. Pros sail aad de liver? any- raasoaabla dlfo. Tha Ladies' Oslld of tho Caapel of tho TrajniflguratloB, alath atreet, near Oak. wlU boat a birthday reception thla even ing t tho roosas adjoining tho eaopet. frost to 11 e brat with thorn nd oaoowrago work. Bring a penny fsr sack year af your ago. No aaaatlaa asked. Masle and refresbmsata free. this morning to answer 'to tha charge of He to anraiH af having killed P of tho apaenna of he at- Clark fair M as tetter from the tho Bt LouM fair of foreign eouatrie, ta wkkh they state that their gevermmenta bar has asked ts participate, and from abtr wBL I grand yary under beam by Msmmlsal Judge Uoguo this mernrsg en a eharr of forgsry eg a shock far Sib a t k amlth. Mo wwvod preUaelnsry bearing. Ho wee-brwaght beck from till test by SMotvo Hartm., R. B. Ward. eon t rasters sf H. Ward C. a Lol arrrved ha today. wiH at enoat the ptellsjlanry sarvoy work for baHdl; which h tho to rsau A 'tetter Eugene M. Of V that that eeuntry will undoubtedly be ripraaaatcd at th sapoaltlaa her gxt wtth Rev. T. L. Bllot Bsv. atephen; A. Wise, at which th pro gram for tho met It iile of rsitgmw set tho goetnl daaas every sstrardar oseonag. Woodward' bail, , MoatavlU. Union muaea. Admlseion: Osaka, Id; ladies ar tS:Mw , Tho yoaasT hdm f M. gtv a whist social th win hly hall. Third ad ttermsi iiiinig, at 4 o'stoobv Tha Mred oat fsaMng and) tank of tone eeil out anmbMakablr for C. C. C. Tentov SOT Weahrngtsn. fler. nervo tonic and Uvor rearulatoc. Just what yaw need bhaaa daom. Pw gal hy all druggists. W ten an shine pour Bhoeo Untqus tailorlwg Mala U4 - tl.00 par aaonth. C. 147 Waahlngtam, Tlhr Bakey has et vsndWrtns etrolao agog. Blevsn all star act. Pet Baker, the grt Qui oomodlaav bend tho Ba ths (Ireafe Dal Adofphls ttW vn hoy magidan, at tho Baker thla weak. A msgjema ho ba sa aU sutdonot , r Chw DnTBl-ruBV hav aaarlp tawtk wham Ptoo d1enary for worthy jwo f, Taea. Thuraw seA. L p. m. Bt. Vlnoenf Ha For Sign asa W. P. BOrgop B SOk, m VamhUlt phoa Bad tott. Capt. P. B. Turner of Dawson arrived la Portland yaaterday, having mads tho trip down la It day. H say th win tar sea son la setting IB la earnest la the Canadian mining, onmp and that all river navigation la praetloallp olossd, Th minor ar nearly all out, and oh town I ttlln down ft tha wintso ro Una A. A Bohartai reoelvor of Ley Orando land, offloev arrived in, Portland y tr dap to visit hi wife, "who l , patient at Oood sairnnratan heoplmli ' Jnanea A. Iteross, dltor of hhw Burnt Weekly Bxpraei, of Baa Awtaakv Twm, hv vmltlng relatives to tbtte dty. W. O. Aahv tho well-known Hood Rive, morn hen t, n at tha Perfcln, acaom panted by hhrwtfiel W t Connorm a prornthnt mining man of Vancouver; & O, I la tho dty. H. T. Mcdsjlen, sheriff of Dougtaa county, nrrlvwd, from Bburg thla morning. BX-RspTeawntatlvw D eater Bloar- ofl Dougtaa county i at- tho Porftdaa hotel from Roeeburg. Drv S. M. IeCrono of TBrnaja to mim tb rrtvla at tn Perkins.- Bonlomln T. Bllert, Jr., of Taoewm, .to a guest at tho Portland. Oeergo Bowles, buetne- man gar of tho Prank. Dan tela company, ia la (bo dty. . ... B. D. Barbel ov of Omaha, a m amber of the firm of Borkalow Brnav. the rati read news dtstHbutor. ts at tho Port land. Tho Borkalow paopla control tb new gents oa practically all Mne rua LoaM aevaga. as tnoaaa from th Oraad Boado . reservotlos, appmrad be fore Jwdsa Biklsgir mi tho federal oswrt tsrnsy. the ess was iistg d. t- Tho dlioatm amal sf tho Lowft aad ten it w lag aameroiia fasec Base sjlssln wars ts th fair at Partmad seat Pi lelJiat sodo the ioi Mug bald a 4taS?vTHM9 -LEY t lr...d IL-' ' Let m. '--J BAJXVAT WAP nrnazoB tnoars BP MBT OO BO- JMm tfMAV WOBJC. Th Sumpter TeJlcy Ball way company mmi to give asaurano that the trade of tho southeastern sectloa will be turned toward Portland. It la Bald that tha line will tap th interior of Malheur and Harney oountlea and ultimately per bap may enter Lake aad Klamath coun ties. Its real extension baa not been of ao much Importance as tha work out lined by detailed survey, oa which grad ing haa been commenced, and wber ther Is every rooooa to belley oar will be running next aeaaon, . While thla work was la BrogrMa to be half of Oregon, Nevada and Calif era la have boon more active, for the Nevada- CaUfomla-Oregon Railway b now within about 10 miles of tho Oregon boundary. Thai Una. which, like th Bamptsr Val ley. M a narrow gauge, ha been com pleted for about 110 mite aorta of Bono, and piano have been completed for ex tending the track next year to Airoraa, giving a total length of about Mw inifca. When tbl work te finished, tho No- vada-CaJUoriihwOregoa te toady to tho Orearan bouadary and enter oouatar. Lake view. Or., oaa haul t A turaa, a distaao of Id mile, oa aa easy grade, following tho entire distance a lake shore and a rlva wagoa roads count. In faet Lake county nearly everything la California, hauling either to Madeline, about lit mite, or to Souther Pacific point ta tefciyoa and Shasta count la. Tho value of thla traf fic te not wall f la Oregon, where tt ha never been enjoyed, hut Callfornia'o appreciation of ft to express if te th prV greea of railroad work to give tt a better onttet. ; y. pjm, jBMaijgL hmhm ooaatr sJeai ship wt ghost HQt. pound of wool annnaihr. aad very year dVtvoa to CvJtfornAa markets Mvostocfc worth avoro than flot. AsTtoaltural produotg are sHghted, be oauaa ther oaanot bo shipped over Isag. rough wagoa roads, and timber te merely being, taken awaiting tho Umo Whoa a market wlU b Klemsth will lake, whoa tho roeorvattoa In Ktematk are the finest bodies of yellow and sugar pin . hataa t the Prealdeaf David Bnclea, of tar Valley road, haa said that tho ani mate destination of tho omaior Valtoy to Barns, la Harney sewnty. Thla year tho track was extended free Whitney to T!t atfy atoo mlteo, but grading to till aa progress down too slope of tho John Day basla toward Prairte City. Whoa M rot nlii Prasrt City tho lino will hav a total length of about mils. Tho extensio from PraliO City to Ban would add another to sr Tl mlteo. Up until the roues po frm tho John Day tt I la th heart of a rich yellow pis timber re glow. . Th John Day valley m oa of tho meet fartu aartealtural trasta of th Mat, aad ft about Id miles Isag asm from three to ton mite wide. Heavy stock hetaroot center arvwnd this aecttea. - Pumpte to Prafrhr City th iptor Valley will roa i f th Bla Afser tearvtng too Jeka Day, to vMeft .peer Vgttey wtB bav-e. ailmb ioeram plat en and owing Into tho Meinour and Harney baa beam by failawing th Slrrteo river. At are cat this scretok atrora tha less b duamant, aavs at the tsrmhiaa, wber tho tkrl-rtng.tewn of Banm, with tnbav tory ragtena sf tho Dundee sad Blrtss. Mvor Cooak, Harney asm Warm tprlnga would, R te states gtv a railway rood substantial aanaag. Heavy etoofc teter- ests ara centered about th tekes, both wool aad livestock bedag sxported. Th regtew ft raChar high for sgrloultura. Timber ft found from tho timo that tho fthimptsr Valtoy prop oaa A route strike tho Powder, near Bskst; antil K araaaca tho Btraw berry pang aouth of the John Day, and la the higher mou tain of tho lake mglon to also good. Thla timber to ail yellow pin mattoa work kt bha lak regioa kao projected. Tho work sf bath Che dumpter Taltoy and th Mvod Callfeewa-Oregoa. leave th ragioa of oouthern Waooot Creek, Whoelsr and northern Lake, ft which 1 found th greatest body of yellow pine In existence, still saw for a rout eoa tng from tho direction of tho Columbia Southern or across th Cascades. U th dumptsr Valley Ja built to Burns, it will dram a portloa) of tha trad of Wheeler aad Crook eountleaf hut does aot command tho en tire territory. All freight to haw by the gumpter Val ley from th Interior will be hauled over a narrow gauge to Baker City, and then If tt eaanne to Portland, over tea miles of tt Oregon pAilroad A Navigation anmpaay track. Th ram for ouoh a haul ar hound to ho heavy. I?! opportunity. On Ootohsr TT. ts and lb ttm WOituora Pad fie will give yea on mora and tho last opportunity- to purabaoo low rare axoaralon tickets to tho world's fair at dt. liouia and to her point east. All exrmrsaon ttokets will ho good on the North Coast Limited' train a well oo on either of tho other overland train. Through sleeper will be run to- St. Louie. Call at tha Unbar offlo. KB Morrison street, corner of Third for full particulars sr writ A. TA Chart Um,. A. f P. A Portland. Or. SILVERWARE rhatf oaa' load nrorw hrfK Ilaaoy to the tabl than highly peilBksd ll rear warm It krmg th ey nd surety makes tha mml go bttn- Mli malm veryv ver ding or mxntvorm and ahould you hava oo law to give sm oomo dawn and lot's talk taa matter own Tho conversation will go httr ovor th ubjt.. . , v !A-NVnXGIIT 1293 nOPHfSON-ST Km m 4 I Wwlesft ma gVtBgOBgA L ; Dinner Sell " Chin I ' -Glftuwarv ' '' . . . Ornaments J. Pricei never so cheap Need the room - lor New Holiday Good . Come early I Juat to looK v HOBsT SaTaKg SlBTw. ' Pu GCO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT West 1ft, : Omoml Pmettei, Isveettrerlem. fthtatt Vat. fpeetel aad Pcrlodus! ladUa THERE STILL IS TIME Stop and Think What It Means to Oet a Story 6c Clark Piano Now Only B Fw Mori tdOoj Bt W1m4v ftmlB PrlCaBBBdl Otams taTtvw f V" slBCtdV7 iBwPXatWgBtA, 4 - Bom of tho most ooeCTy ttyls ar al ready aatlrely acid out, not there atlU remain a few exceedingly neat and ar tlatte daalgna, and your choice Jo f either walnut, oak or mahogany. Any one of them will do credit to tho moat Uboralely furnished horn a Remember these lee elaborate oaa house tho aamo splendid tons mat traira electee all gtory A Clark piano. Hualo teseone with textbook for org mantha ara free with them few remain ing piano ef-th flret three oarlood disposed of by ns, and Ovary one goes at wboleml price, and ta addition to all thla these sure has re ret a Christmas present of a handsome music cabinet. Tnma n ever, ano sea a yon oo nox want to gtv on of th children a ftert in maalo this winter. Too will prob ably never hav another a good a chdne, tor arter these tew rem a mm g lanos ar gone, we win not a permit- to offer Story A Clark piano at suck astonish lagly PdvaatageoMC mo use amnta L Basy term of payment- or afl oarK g pleases purchaser. Pull guarant with every lnetmment. Kllr Piano Hows. til Washington street, corner Park. - STARTS IN SCHOOLS a a a tb Psrt- tend pabWo ooheote y ester day. Chwen gtepbeno MkooL Durto tho day four lass met, saeh betag green eno hoar. Id mine tee sf Urns. Th moot from o'eteek nta from !: to 11:S t the momrng and sftsraooa ateieia from 1 to ft:l and from S:lt b I t, m oasti eteaa ther ar 14 mate pupil and they week. Tha oHy to dtvided Into ffro ad pwptto from th fifth grade up at tend the ill kt the oontoy to which they ar gisrist toasted. Th Karrteon, Cooch, Thorspeon -and PoHadar eohool ar ft bo tho other manual training een Dsra. Work ta them will ant begin' for at leest aaother wash a tha portable building, hav m b moved ay th esa tsrd from tho Lodd sebool and farntehed. W. k Budy te the hwtrnotor at fit Atephen school. Principal tsmdloy ha chosen B B Chamber. R. L Shaw and W. P. Went a three other assistants. A fifth WlU ba named within a lew ar Eniptfoi Sde luge Sottas Btr day havw been the order of tb day at th BToyor tnoo th Inauguration of It great eruptios sale, but last Sar urday proved the greatest of tho grvatr A U day ah store was thronged by hop pera keen to peroslra real worth ta clothing; Th Moyer baa a repotatlon for rail able slothing and with thM sate la capturing hundred of people with whom wtntar clothing baa beoomo a nut tor of earnest ooastderetloa. Rvadero of The Jonmal no doubt no tired tho full pag color odvwrttesmenf in Pridara kwue; aa adrrtlsment which has sxtdtwd aot a little ootnmenc for It atrongth and' charaoter. The Jonmal shares th honor of attrlbutlnv largely with thto advert hum wit ta th dar'g It ttr a eampte of the exoensnf advr- tlslng th Moyer te now alacing la Port- papers, and to tuv work of Jallua J. Wolf, th ftforer aorrorttelng atan- bfr. Wolf come to Portland with for many eaoaossful Mar in stituted at many time to many piaooa. Mr. Wolf tt also an expert window deo- orator. a fact sew evident In tlie excel lent display now ta tho Moyer window: Mn Wolfe wont a offloUl dsonratcr for the Mid-Winter fair at Haa Fmnolro attracted groat attanttoa and ma hint mi enviable nam ia Wtuduw dronnng airatea. - . Don't MltrTWnk f termav yon have alrandr omit At n ostlmato en the popular rota for pret rient that yoa need net aand la another. The mora guess yoa send th better your ohaneee. Plvo thousand bsadeome p rises valued at t.ooe. The oonteet positively oteoea oa November B Aot st one. On guea la allowed for every 2 noma remitted for surmniptlana- at roguimr rata to The Journal. J The Greatest Ever. Tf you oar at all for good voudevtn don't fall te vtert the Baker ttrto week. PoWttvely the greatest MU oa; tho Paotfi h - - fkpeolrt 'taapMWr m tb liwari.) netetua hfomV Oc John My a rancher living wear Terry, y tenter oommlttad suield by homln. He left not Bdng that ho was helplessly In debt and felt It better t rtsV tha sees- Help us advertise our shoes by' wearing a pair. You are bound tb tell your Ttieighbor ' about the good wearing qualities of our line. Our shoes always remain soft and pliable, and are built so as to prevent "rips They are sewed with ' silk and :, we warrant them to , grade leather, " ' Reid CS, 9 and ir BASEBALL it IkMtleBiii Lot Angeles IrMcr K, 27. JSV A aalted t: raday. t$ Sso ekOdren, Is. . COtUHBU THEATRE fb a Romeo and Juliet -mrvVrnftmsf net si nary. see Me. is md toe: salHsy tsltasy. iee. Alt day ww- z sws A fttortle e eetere, Jk" teytca, sm 10 a m T . Beta tic- eeeft at m-karter W V anrnlii: IVBlVTaw riling. CMmray'f Tbotrc md every alrtt Ik1a w-rt .lTAtiwl.B lDe. the tiylllc BledraSM, "A OXFXAJl I nhnt Obsnslag Mettto DeOeareey m a exeauet eaeipeay. - Mm. Me, v. mti mortal iwirvud ewrm. asTnee. ate w ear part of the beeee; cbiiorm (epeetel mcw. ioa. BAKsLFL THEATRJt Thaw and Tswanf eta Kesttag pkod. wg As.leass, Mfb esntee. SiBcaam seesey 1 J. A iABeres, The TUB STAR THEATRE Theerre. .. , - ll.1" fABttt. ' . aTBWB AJTB IDWiM , rarg t- ti aaaro. : ' ' BO B WAPBsTJAXJ.. 1: t 4:WO p. S., T:M Si M'ft P . dsseral eeaxsnea 10e.f isewved bea eeenx ate. The Arcade Theatre. She Oibjfl ramuy Vwsmvai Bern . Tra BAwarfttB arrn.. BIATEXOl lOBIIl. ' BVBaVAjrW AsTD BAXtBWSsX- . mOMW AsTf OIUbBbT. KIT! OOTl-a m te tm tC'esy'i T:B j ftPiB) m. sdwlsaten, lOe, BIJo Theatre R2m" BApra AsTD IUUM1U .- rpj TO MCE. Of BTDg. . tr OB AJTB gTOBTB. ; T I TWO BVSTIOt, ' r, ano btAOicxAaT. " mi " arxxBTTs. pnrw wioTtrmaa oar vTrxABOorB: 10 eeate: tfcat'a alL Aftermes. from SiM : neclaye. fern T:S 1C:. TifC LYRIC THEATRE Thh aaABOOaBftj' , ' BAI.ABAPO. fkl D 'WeS . BJAT OB BATBY ' . , SA' T gOTT, . ' L Tad VTx'ABWhPmi Si0 I ttto, T to' Wtgt l casts a btben OPsWtoarf BAIAv fBMTJftmV kVgkP fttt1 PW.T Pl'XWerTpa. Mm ssd Wasalisrt.c fsm Bate Ink fs I li ana aeweetpe yteytoom msujiC aad aB asV Wees, i. Pefr ftssdteg Tsestmv mssjM md Bin maV am amay term j". ' anaesy. fardmy B Bdaan, Mumm : Xiti JF" ' t a - f ( wcinLrr, kwU.aateeKM.. contain: first :; v ' ; Hertsche Co. SHOB MAN UFA CTURCR3 Orcca rEtor? AND Our Umbrellas Talk They tpenk for fht Wh rhy do ao many of our euo- temera want lust th aam kind of am broil a they hod th last tbaet Because that um brella had given the most ervted aad rata protect! they over bad for tho arte aald. . . , Whf It TKU7 Bunaoaa wo bey made a life' time study of the ombrell and give you apooteJgoods for special purposes. We male the BasOuroof. th Berenle and th Wladpveof umbrellas. Bom fanportsre of samaato and anaplll Itabl ailk VmbnBm from SOc 9 ALLESIN A TWO PACTOBl'lldt YOUR ONBN Will he ealM lor ptMnptlr Bfid fJeHvwrert fhT hottf w pcoa&mjot retunt Iv W BidkB pejcldlty' of th lew dull ftniah that it by hf tfadf bag flnitb vtgf bv vBAtdxt No bw BdgeB on woof doIlaTaV GiVB m Btrigt rtwfV.. : ' ' , ensaesar . West Side OfficB 13 fUi SH TroytasndryCd Ldundry; Wtmf Strdetr BmtTf Sidr " ' CHICAGO PAIMESS DENTISTS v few day only to order thaf oof splendid work may he-nnio known throughout thla dty arid ewte. w ouot tbes lemaibatly tow prtoest P1TIA tntT OP TBBTH.. ...... t BBinOB WORrf .v.. ...b SIOVBR PTTjIjIrfOB OOLD PTUL1NOB . ......... . .!. . t--j anamamanajL. RIonXeys r.d Pcrrct mmm ssmaadl AVaAmma --ff msamBanmhma. MTW BBVTE WaHOT 1 1 IVIIUaff, Jv HyfateVTvvWPm they era fee, a with one vote, OliO d WBATffKH-PFOOF PAINT th) great paint with- a guarant wtth oaoh liH sV M- famreav BB Par 1 POrTTLAND PAINT AND I- WALLPAPER CO. Boston p2.nfess D .a laawy ITnowik fhO eaA Atfii u 4 fhd orW dentist tanloal in Portland having th tot fc - DISCOVERY to apply to C r T EXTRACTING, rxtTOfl a I CROWNINO TEBTH WfTHOU Paaa aad guaranteed for TBN TB gurev rilling -....... old riUinrs . PnU fttet Teeth Bold Orowng OUR BUCCfefM 'id 'dui to o irj iiBRs methods, low r GOOD WORK DONPJ BT In men department, rto wi . the office. All work done PA - 4 by SPCCTAUBTB of long yrarTa i rfeneo, Otvo u a call, and yoa wOi kAO we do Juat aa w advertise. BosttM Dental Partowr RWoBALTEG fir COMPANY FIRST A OAR STREETS TKLKPHONtt MAIN 16$ ' d- Bar tho' retail uric. Com a4 kv your iee ears take for .tPAXBlBB ftWlBtB tr F1- rf good la th nous for. . - lined 4 BBftB fMW atylo We aleo bv d " ttl Piinrt yd " t -o TEETH inln bet F jamalty of bte . m, ;