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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
w A an) ...! SlIANAIL'jrS GHANA! IAN'5 1 a 1 v r- M'lpiJ CT7' E ZL'' TV' ' IS S. aTUM IUWAT MBIttT 9xmxs nmvMisi jar unn wmm zjf novi 0 T oevnonoi or &t wupobt. During the aix ulnutM required br a Jury reeterday aitemooa to take one bal lot In which the vote to ooovtot. Charles : W, Walton af murderously assaulting , Policeman Ota Nelson, tha tmpaaeluyv of I' another Jury to try tha youthful prta oesr oa tha charge of highway robbery was, begun. Thla grvce an idea of the expedition with which Walton ta Mine hurled m by tha authoritlee to meet punishment for hia alleged crimes. It lacked exactly It minutes of tha hour of 4 veetarday afternoon whan th jury hearing th assault charge rooa from their seats, sfter Circuit Judtfe Cleland . had delivered hla osargs. Two minute waa required for Bailiffs PoweU end . Waldmao to clear the Jele to permit the Juror to reach tha room where they '. were to decide the prisoner's fate. Bix ' minutes later earn a knock on the door. .. ' The door waa opened and the Jury ' filed In. the foramen handing tha verdict . to Judge Cleland. The court passed It to Clerk Johnson. Tha prisoner wee ', then ordered to a land while It waa reed. J Not muscle of ther eoy'a face quivered as he rose, but tha blood mounted to hla ' bead In torrent, flushing his faoe, heck and-, ears. Am the verdict wu : handed the court Attorney Bt. Raynor, who had prepared tha prtaonar for tha Worst, leaned over and whispered a, word af consolation Policeman Neleon waa mora gHfbry af- fee ted than Walton. Ha nervously . arlpped the table one hand and a knee with the other and riveted hia eye, ,i air Mie defendant. ...... "Uuiity as cnargea-- as cnese warns .. left the olerka Una Nelson eat Immov able as a statu for full M seconds. limply back In hie chair, Judge Cleland uwnnai ut JH17 ivr ii wwa k mja- , Charged It for tne term. - lor the trial of 'Walton on tha oharga of , robbing Conductor Bimanual Johnson. Tha complement warn accepted and all ; - were sworn la this mom in a. A special venire of t$ men was summoned. 17 be ' big rejected and three were taken from ' among the) spectators - for : exam (nation as to their1 eligibility to earva, -awo being rejected. Tha. Jury ooaeneta of the lol . lowing: , ' ' William Harrla. eV I. Stone. .Owen 1 Martla, Mark Levy. v James Hislpp, F. S. Frank RunvwUn. John Dollar. F. W. Fletcher and Nicholas Ban, Tha last named juror waa saiosioa mm sjnong IM epeooKore. ; Conductor Bmaaoel ' Johnson ' was placed on the stand as the flret wHiares .for the state and told practically the "t . aame tale as on tha former trial. Cross , axaminatloo failed to abak his evldenoe in any parucuiar. ii inai was oon- ttnued at t o'clock this aXterooon. -. f .,. w rti'-.mi r AftAnin mtvic , FREE NIGHT SCHOOL Vha three nhtbt aeheolsrara opened Uat. nlsha -eUa a - Urae a Hand nan, never Deiora nas inert oeen sucq - a .. sirs wbmset of pwpUa on tb opentnr jilcht. At the Hih acbool there were : vr lis enrolled and manv mors have fslipitfted their Intention or anserine. Three teaebara have already been aaf- : ptoyed nut tnia is nov enouaw w case f for all the pupils ad at a meethur af t "the sehool directors to be held soon, an- ' V' At the WUlnuna Annul sohool there were Si pupils o attendance. A some- what larrer number ensered at the Cen--. trsl school, la all probability the num bers will he Increased In these two sohools so that an additions Inetrootor will have to ha elected for each. UwUOUOW iHIWC-TDamCD nwi ruewniM wnui ron rvu. wncuLa eemnwfittniY f, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlSSSSSSSSSSliS a WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY? ITS WORTH - fee Wesf-b) Bl. wrse mi of smted ta th color sapeleBMal et wk. The neeer Is srft te Steer ttf Toe Sjwtw hat Matter en eeloM ta the seletloe ef ts , V correct snvwer. Per the Unnst mU Jearitsi on arm pne m prism m ee euwienrs . 1. roc ttM sreetaet aaaibrj ef eemel j. A. Per tee Brit Itrrest sesteer ef cerrect tTor tbs tklrd larrral aasiber ef esrrtet imwin, gz i Tar the Coerth UrsMt easabar ' ef eorraet saswars. t s. .i. For the em next strrest Bbm ef a Par the toe sort isrtvst anmbsrs et t. Per the ehtvea seat Urgaet saaiesM et Oct. 25. ;. ,: ; u pw thla coupon wtyj , ; V- Mo. 25 r ths woooltbboo BTprromi ' f . t V- ' . ' 1 ' - TBTB STJhTDAT JOtTrlNAL, POXTLAHXV OUsXKMt .Vi'?:J The answer ta the goeetlod sskad. of the Wogglsbejg fct M Maga sta Sectlea ed the paper of SCNDAT. OCTOBEB . t . ii ' i- i ..; , 'V:. ' ' ' v . . "". ; . r - ' .aa ! ae '? 4aai .()MttMttett HHHMMttU aaaaeVaaaaaaa iaa ' - Kaase.. .................. Street end lnbw..,. .- .--. i- i't- - . . r. . ; -' ' ., - '; ; V ,,. Twn r City.. ....... a.4.. .......,.:.........k..t... I. Stat. . .. r aWaav.. a . V :. RULES Of THE CONTEST ettl ktefdar. October Sa. Tbta rivet res a ppmirs Is Tfte Beaaar jDortial ef 0ctnir rd. The ifvff la to be wrlttae ee th o iifww ta ta be wnttaa ee ta ef tha all waak dar fnlhrwlag. Each month COUIfinS a ee os tht laat of ma stoatb aand Vhm t Till WOfl (JUS SI 'O BPITOR. Tba lesreal, Portlaad, Or. OdI coepnoa IN T ,R omc OT THg lOt'n WAL BT t a. U. Or THE TBI BD Pal OT MOVBMBKB wlU be easawd M amkleg the awards ef October iHaia. If two at swra penotta seed tee TristMOt ssrabav ef enivert aasweni the Brat eHe win be elrieei bbmss them, la similar aaem the ether Brian will he stauUrlf divided. Tha sMpem for OHeber are eemwra Hwlrwwhwed. tBdsnat ea plaead Is sea Pnvlnr. Ib anmrrWI order. HO TWO COtTPOf-m tW A lfB ? v jCI.OFg kStST BBAB Tllft HAMS NI'HRRL. If ree are eoepoas ea I If trew ax, thaa see eaer ef Tha Jiaraal roe siast aawViea eaeb aM far tb BMetb IB a aaearaU esvoloa, Oietaatants eerl eot write tea as aw anavar en aeeh o- i. Toe m- r wvtta e " it a r for f"7 tar, bet S KM w- ea ef TA Jiarait, ar sjetaaMR ' fesy non cwmm in Pickets tn tha eervioe af the striking telephone operators encountered a bevy of strlke-breaaera at the west aide office of the Pacific Btates Telephone company at Park and Aider streets this morning, and epithets were east at each other that savored of trouble. There was no mlx- up, however, and arter calling each oth er all the names they would think of, they separated. "You're a scab!" aaM a picket to Pearl Woodward, who waa going to work at T o'clock this morning. Then the picket tried to dissuade her from working. Miss Woodward declareds her Intention of oontlnuiag la tha sjnpily of too eom aany. - "If yon wont quit, you're a soabr rs psated the picket. - "Charity! screamed Mies Woodward. If I'm a scab, you and tha real of the etrikera sra charity char seel4 Then ah rushed Into the hstldtag. ' There have been no difficulties be tween sny of the pickets and tha atrtks breakers, though pickets are on duty at both tha east aide and west aide stations constantly. Union leaders declare that they wUl tolerate no disturb nee. They propose that the strike shall be conduct ed la an orderly manner and that any In fractions will be punished. . The girls are busily engagsd selling tickets to the bail that will b given, an tha east aid Thursday evening for their benefit. . A large number have been sold and the affair promises to be a euoceea. "Thar la really nothing to give to the public- about what ws are doing," said hflss Ada Rappleye, chairman of the press coram It tee. "We are trying to win, and will continue) to do so. The company doesn't seem to think we will, but ws may be able to fool them. Num. bars of the girls who ars working de clare that they will suit because they are worked to long, and the eompany Is beginning to treat them as ft treated as before the strike." Thirty jof .the strikers have returned, to work. As an offset, however, several if the1 imported gins hdva returned to their bomee, gad others have refused to WOrk. NEW CODE OF RULES c FOR FIRE LADDIES Hules of tha city fir department ars being revised by Chief Campbell, assisted by his batalllon shmfa. The old rules nave been found to be altogether in- adequate. They .wer compiled several years ago under the Volunteer system and do not eover many of the mentlal points neoesear under the full-paid are as soon aa the rules are omnpleted. they will be submitted to the civil eer vioe commission, which body will pass upon them. When thla action fs taken ther will be printed ta phanrplet form and distributed among the members of the department. - Examinations for tha positrons of cap tains and lieutenant Will be held next month for the ,f Irst time, A very large number of the members of the depart ment have pwt hr- then application and 4 will take the xejnsnaton tor sreeaottoce fThe same" Examination will be given for both positions. There are also many ap plications for positions aa firemen The entertainment for the benefit of the Seamen's Institute on board the Brit ish ship Dumfriesshire yesterday after noon waa a success. Ther was a lit erary and musical program. It to said that tha net proceeds amounted to Me. The ahig. was gayly decorated for the oooastonw $ Ynnr I act f hanr. For reduced rate Chicago - St Louis round trip tcketa. Sals dates. October ST. St and t only. Any route gslng and the same or any other rout rstura- lna. Call on or address B. H. Trumbull. Commercial Agent, Illinois Central Bail- road eompany. PortlODd, Or. $50 TO KNOW party treat os, wffaee aevve teres am t , aasdev Jeers L asswMe eat eessoee ever an war. The rlctere sad oocrtotls erobUsk The eessttoa ssatlts ef bat ess of serreet v seerlr nrnS asswsm The m muowst . i . . . eeewenc 10.00 .,..,.i......fl0.o MW i...... I6.0S,. .... saw ." ist i. axoo to eeswera, S5 00. eorraet ssswere, oath...,. oomct oswats. ai OO osca... 10 OS ewreet sawwere, see asm. t at $60. oa r r e be amed salw m van teasNi Is aarwar the eeeotloe which aa. Bacb aBday a frraa qoratioa oaepne arurkMl oa tbat ear end oa tack bafina a sew eoetaat. BATS Till Eh BBS, TUB TuAmuST MUMhKB Of at wa eeasleyV SJ Bllawai - - asuassgi ". mrnm ndi ts . kkosTA FBOat fBAJlgVOMATZOsT CATT 00 eUTO Flans are being perfected for putting an independent eteeuner on the run be tween Portland and Lewie river. - Tha farmsrs of La Center. Waeh,. are bask of the " move. To carry out tha project they ars negotiating for tha purchase of the steamer Leone, owned by tha Oregon City Transports llsn company. Captain Oraaam says that the steamer la for ale at a reasonable figure. The Lewis river ranchers ars ss con fident that they will be successful In closing a deal for the steamer that they ars now making Inquiries for a dock from which to operate in this city. It Is said that arrangements tor carrying out thla part of the program have practic ally been oompleted. Those In a posi tion to know say that they will probably use the dock st the foot of Washing ton street. Soma declare that If the deal for the steamer goes through all right tha new line will be la operation within the next two or three weeks. . During the past IS ysars the steamer If ascot, owned sad operated by Jacob Kamm. baa been on the Lewis river run without opposition. Should the farmers around La Cantor be suooessful In their negotiations and carry out th contemplated plan It at admitted by all whose attention has been called to th matter that one of the biggest rats wars In tha history of navigation as th Co lumbia river wyi result, Th Leona to bow on the ran hi viae of to Maacot, which struck a, anag at th month of the Lewis river a month ago and was sunk. She was brought up to Portland for repairs, and the work en ber was oompletod thla morning at the Portland shipyards. During her en forced Idleness the Kamm people chart ered the Leona with whleh to look after th business. It will probably bo a weak before th Mascot Is again placed la oommlsslon. After being launched It Is th Intention to overhaul her ma chinery, whiah will require a few days In the meantime thf ranchers mentioned are making every effort to have the Leon continue to operate. Th Masoot stopped at about 9$ land ings between Portland and the head of navigation on the Lewis river. The principal towns along the latter stream at which she called are La Center. Wood- hind and Aldgefield. All kinds of prod uce are shipped from ther to th Pert- land markets, and the passenger traffic Is also said to be better than that on the average a team boat route. Saftlr Trips B- Oeorge W. Simons statos tbat tha lit tle craft bearing hla hams Is ens of the busiest st ea mere theee days on the Co lumbia rrver. She is plying between Cascade Looks and Th palles, making th round trip every day. Tha vessel leaves ths locks at f :I0 In the mornlna and oovera th 90 mllee to The Dalles by noon, stopping at about IK landlnga on the way. At 1:1 In the afternoon aha leaves on ths return trip and gets back to her moorings before nightfall. The doors W. Simons." con tinned tth erneT, 1e as out aa bitten. The way Ahe gnhss -hee jo lzitJaeaw JaaeV tnga'snd darts out again la a caution. I put bar so the run more as aa experi ment than anything else, and the venture has proved an satire euoceea. She car ries oa sn average of t passengers a day In addition to being leaded to the guards with freight of every daserlp tlo. Tha boat proves a great boon to ths residents of Ooldendal. Waeh. They oom down on th railroad, to Lyle gad take the steamer to The Dalles. "Th Simons has also been th means of almost putting the stag road loading from Ooldadala to Grant out of busi ness.. Th. people take ths ateamer In atead of patronising a wagon line. A great many people appear to be andr th Impression that th Simons to oper ated ha connection with th Regulator tin of boats. Nothing la further from the truth. The vessel Is owned bv ma. and X alone am responsible for her be ing opwratod." . . . . VO o mm win Oojy Aside from msklng a trio or two H la now generally believed amone tha shippers that tha ateamer Toledo will aot be placed on tbs run between Port land and Tillamook. Th declaration la mad by thoss who ar keeping in close touch with th situation that to owners of the ateamer Sue Elmore, which Is plying regularly between Astoria and Tillamook, or using every effort to pre vent th proposed plsn being eoneum msted. It Is also stated that ths Bu rn ore people ar going to win out in th attar. . , It appears that those who are oper ating th Astoria ateamer bav yearly oontmcts with nearly all the ahlppers In ths town down ths ooast to handle their business. And ths sxplanaUon Is further made that they ere going to hold th merchants or shipper to the signed oontraets. It Is also pointed out that a number Of Portland capita Uste are Interested In the Elmore to. a oer- taia extant and that they are using their Influence to see that she will have no op position. ; - f ' Ths Fay brothers, owners of th To ledo, ars now at Tillamook Inquiring Into the situation, and ths report oomea that they bars about oon eluded to aban don ths Idea of selecting the route for their vessel. It Is now nelieved that they will either operate her betwa her and Gray's harbor sr run her between Sea Francisco and some .other port down ths ooast. Last winter th Steamer Toebwrg wont on th Astorla-Tlllsmook run la oppoei ttoa to the Elmore, and a Mg rate war was Immediately Inaugurated. It oontlaued In fore for about two months. Finally ths opposition craft collided and bad to be laid up for repairs. When they wer again ready .for buoinsss ths dlflerences between the eompsnles had been patched up and tbs Vosburg withdrew from the run. Since then the Elmore has had ths Held to herself. .j. .. N - lv mms w. Mamas strsr. . twssn fmansds &seka aad BaUes. aUMVUB.: alias Pliinii Toledo mmrn amaoTr11y ' HOeTrTBStABTB SB 11fh '- Trtp Sliaikia Fart sa Sound as Stvaa. After aa absence of mors than month, during which time she he had a very etrenuoue and unplesaant experi ence, the steamer Northland arrived In ths harbor again last night for the sec ond time In her hletory. She brought a small general cargo from San Fran cisco. which was discharged at ths Oreenwlch dock. From there aha moved up to ths Inmaa-Poulsen mill, where ah will receive a cargo of lumber for ths return trip. T,he Northland, oars In snmtnand of a new skipper Capt. T. A. Jamleson, who la a evaapaiatlrs atraager at this port v, 1 t '1 V-,-.. f " ' A That's what w are xptriMcing just flow, but the bright sunny days hrs nothing to do with tha Quality and quantity of FaU and Winter Goods that we are showing, but it does affect the prkesthe prices hero are Pimply the lowest we have ever quoted since the beginrung of our business career in Portland, 15 years sax. If you are hunting quality, style and tow prices this is the place to find the three slue points all combine into one smiling satisxaction. ; ( 4 - ,.- McCall Patterns Tha latest and aew sst patterns for fall I0c 15c AskteSccTka Gar-i ments T ; ' .' ; - V The Best : , Styles and Lowest PricesT J. . "' . , h : " UmlenrvMr for Um amfly Boys' heavy ribbed , flsecs-lined Union Suits; spools! 50e Children's fleace-llned gray ribbed ' Union Suits; apeclaJ......-S5d htleees' fleeoe-Unod ribbed Union Suits. Onelta etyle; apeolal. .BOe XAdles whit wool Union Suits, ... Onelta atrn, reerukar . . special ..w...... SI. IS iBdht; -nao-nnedi tlbtoa., 8 llsa'.wool-pUttsd gray VesU and Tants. regular Ms splal. BOet todies' ribbed Vests and Panta, gray and eream colored, medlirm weight; spenial le LnJles' Sn ribbed fleece-lined whits Veets sod Pants; epeclal. . . .3fi 0oye oamslshalr wool Shirts vand Drawers, pagular S0 speclsl S5 Boys' extra Ifsaty flssos Shirts end Drawers, ait slse.. '8(c) mustisvBDS oa ov, :'V Towdi Cotton buck Towels. vlth rd oor- der, splsndld So value 5a Fringed and hemmed buck Towels, , soft and sanitary, ltxla, good - value lor IS. eaeb, aow....S-e) A largo Ha Union Towalt, with oolored borders, pearly all linen, .' , sold for Io each. for. each..iae CrBthTfixMundi of V; Yuril .v; ' TwiU Cotton Crash, with 'oolored. border, fast edges, for, yd. .. .S All linen half bleached Crash, blu borders. It-la. wide, just th thing for roller towels, never wear- out kind, ISO kind. yard. ...... i.lle Captain Botmefleld, his predeoeesor. lost his Itoasss a few days ago at Ban Fran cisco oa the ground of oareleaeness and Inoompstency. WhU taking ths North land on ths A ret trip that she ever made he ran her tats a took oa! ths California coast and wrecked her so badly that ah had to spend a month la th dry dock. . . v Judging by her outward appearanos Nhe vessel Is In as trim aad sound a condition aa the day shs was nrst launched. In July, and bears no signs of her venture along the rocky shores of ths Pacific She completed the trip from the city by the a to Portland yesterday afternoon la seven and one halt hours, which Is oonsldsred good time for ths speediest of craft. The vessel will take out about too,e0 feet of lumber,' ' On ber downward trip from Portland the steam sohoonsr Redondo also made an exceptionally Sn paasag.. Taylor, Toting A Co th local agents, received a wire thia morning stating that the Redondo reached San Francisco mat night. She smiled frees Astoria oa Sat urday at noon and consequent 7 th trip waa SBsds la about two and on half days, whloh Is slmost oa quick as ths big regular liasrs over th a lata Astoria. Oct. I. Arrived down at S a. m. British ship Carnarvon Bay. - Arrived at IS a. sv gtesmsr Aber deen, from Sen Francisco. Arrived dowamt 11 a. a. British ship Wrsy Caetle. San Francisco, Oct. It. Arrived lest algbt Steamer Redowdo. from Portland. Arrived at S p. m.. yesterday- St earner Iaque, from Portland. Astoria. Oct. II. Condition ef th bar at t e av, smooth; wind east, weather clear. Astoria, Oct ta -Steamer left sp at li lt p. m. UVMYntDVBBJ ear Yesterday the lighthouse) tender Msn santts left Astoria for the sound to look after the buoys end other aide to navi gation In those waters. Captain Hellnwr, local , lighthouse Inspector, announces Tailored that ah wlU probably bo gone a n SuitSi Cloaks and For ladies and children, the chance to secure the greatest snaps in before the public Every garment new, and style up-to-the-minute. snaps as tar as apace wiu permit. SNAP NO. 1 All-wool Cheviot Suit, In navy, brown and black, jacket half fitting, collar and cuffs trimmed with burnt brown broadcloth, full ( i C! pleated skirt........... ....... 113 J SNAP NO. 2 A beautiful navy mixed all-wool cloth, just the goods for those mannish suits, jacket . . ", I CI I E4I loose fitting and piped with cardinal velvet, full pleated skirt....... vlTsdv 8NAP NO. S Those handsome Cravenette Ulsters that can be ' J TA worn rain or shineH in the cloth shades.......... , vlOetJU SNAP NO. 4 The aame material, made In latest tailored skirts,, inverted' plaits from yoke box phut from waisV We ask for the Craven 8NAP NO. 5 For the children, in warm garments for school or Sunday SNAP NO. 6-Another one for the little oner; Pretty Dresses nicely trimmed,- good, serviceable collars and well made, full line of sizes. Prices )? from f4.50 to,,........ v..........,.wlttJ SNAP tyO. 7 A manufacturer's lot of sample Furs, In Scarfs and Boas. This ; comprises all the best skin and are mothproof; the prices .are from flr one third to one half less than the factoryfrom 1T.50 to......... 7ctHr SNAP NO. 8 The chance you will want for those rainy daySkirts. - The rain will be with us soon, so get one and lay' it away.r We AC Have them from $6.50 to.............tPls7t) New Fall Drts Goods Hsw rjbelraee. M-la, aU now ef fects. 14l grade 0B Late NovaltlM, aU wool, to-la., Sl.ti trad ...,,.....994 M-tn. all wool Suitings, Including all tha new shades e) SS-m. black and oolors, all . wool ST. 4a BritUanUne la f a row a. and plala t......48 ta-la. black Serge, oxtra ajoaitty; i sjaelal .......w...S9s) Crape do Albatross, new fa brio for : waists and evening wear, all shades, pretty ffcts.......l5a Mew Plannslettss In Oriental and Moorish designs, SS-hv wide ...ltttv New Plaanslsttos, suitable for wrep pers and kimonos, dressing saequee, while they last. .... .91 Beavy Outing Flannel, good and th ' fleecy kind, llo quality. .. 94 All wool Flannel Watating. bUok aad U shades, tec grade... BSe l)0eCt BeUllleV $1.M crochet Deispreada 69a' Sln honsyoomb Badsprvada. largo bad sis, hemmed, regular Si. eg quality, for eSe) IS.00 Spreads, tLSI Kxtr Urge Iss, Marseilles patterns, good V weight, good value for II.. our price a....,.f.'fjM$tS 1 . V Floss Pillows hi all alaae It-inch SS tO-lnoh ....... .'.v .......SSe) ll-tnoh ....... ....... .404 tt-tooh ..dftd TSo Feather Pillows AH4 Feather tlUow l ib. weight, at earned feathers, good heavy ticking; for ..4B bsforo she retsrns to hst berth near ths SMMith of the river. About the first of th month ths tender Heather win leave for a erulao down the ooast to rephsas what buoys may be out of position and inspect ths various stations. Upon her return It 4a very probable that a few alterattona will be made to the eraft. Contractors have been asked to submit bids for doing the work. , Sara Cerntosele My dog kla jump as high aa that barn. Hiram HayrlckHow high km the ham JumpT, - PIANOS We aarryvara throughly sood pianos; th ta thoroughly tortor , . good means as to .1 the Vital Part r of the Piano vary piano ess In our stars Is well constructed from cholo seleotloaar of beautiful woods but everyone oan Judge of the outside for himself. It la ths Inside, "the bualnsss pert," that should be looked after carefully. Our Purnos will stand the most erltlenl in spection r all old reliable snake that have worked their way 1st public favor on their merits alone. We do not car ry th "Just a good" pis nos that aa on knows anthing of. . , , eEros.Pir.oCo. ror mnncr snaps see snow winaow ana tbh ucuwiwwiu jackets and long coats, nice wear, all sizes, from ?6.50 to SNAP NO. ft Ladies' Percale or Flannelette Wrappers, an assortment second to none; fulrtine of sizes. We have f2.25 to....................... HosWy f or en j Bovs txl ribbed Ironclad Hood: special, pair M4 MUses' line ribbed lisle thread black Ho, regular lie; apeoial...lft1 atlssee' lal and Sal ribbed black oasbmere Hoee; speofsl 95e Mlaaeer sad CbUdrea'i extra heavy lxl ribbed Hbss; speclsl. ...15e Ladles black caahmer Hose, regu lar too; speclsl ..lSa Infants' blaok oashmer Boss, atlk ' heels and toss; spsslsr. . . .wH4 -tnfanta nns- ribbed cashmere Hose; silk heels and toes, black and - whit oelors t&4 Men's Fondshing Goods Men's all wool Uadsrwoar, worth li at. for 85 Men's sU wool Sweaters, plain blue, black and fancy strip.... 01.6O Men'e fancy oolored honeycomb- Sweater ftOa) Mt. Hood Oolf Shirts, tea and 7 So value ..8td Merino Sox, two pair S5d Boys Golf Caps, fancy oolors. .lfts Boys' wool Knee Pants ...... S5a. 5e and B64 Boys School SulU la. mixed and plain colors 1.9S Children's fancy stripe Swasters, . with buttoned houldara ....SVe SbtjeHlllgiMtialiltt ISO Cambric, yard,... lMn. Cambria Muslin, a good soft v Snlsh, never sold for lass than 10. our prion, yard. ...... .,..7 lo Musi in 4 It-Is, Muslin, bleached, a full yard. - wlds, good heavy cloth for, . yard 94 1-ln. bleaohod Sheeting, soluble for full sis doubi bed, standard weight, sold for SSo yard, now. 1 ' yard .' fl94 Old t Private Stock Whiskey ' For Medkinal Use $1.00 Qt-Dclivercd Free A pure Rye Whiskey, mellow with age, highly reconunended for medicinal and family use. Its rich mellow flavor com mends it as a Ihtverage and its full proof makes it most de sirable for punches and hot drinka. It dispels the most severe coughs and colds. Every household should have a bottle for emergency. . Delivered FREE anywhere in the city $1.00 Full Quart ' (fULL measure;; v THIRD AND TAYLOR fiTS. Spertar-rates mads to famllleg and belh eatabllshment In tha hotel. .VATi M I Mc03s 50c A TBAffL A awell monthly of anuuma and nctkm. . , CdafaeCepy Furs this department ever placed We -give you,a few of the $1.25 them from .....15c aUankeU for Wintry , WettW - Wondsrfulty tow prices on -Bedding supplies that warrant g liberal stocking up. Blanhvts. whits, tan and gray, strh ; abl for aheets at, eaeb Sfta) 9bS BhsaksW, fl.lS Tan, gray and. - ssottled. eatra, amrga shm heavy flaws, nsJr M.avaaja.aS vwhlt Oregon wool Blanket, all wool, usually sold for M , cor X pries, pair ...... ....,v..S)SM . Whits, full sis Blanket, with Juet "s enough oetton to keep them front shrinking, good value for 14.. wUl be sold for, pair., ...!. 91 jm Batahasi S.sS They ar aartra largo awe, apiendld values, pore lambs wool, extra heavy, good value for I7.1t. will he dosed sot a, pair ....... d.wC aXtS The 1 ar Orsgoa wool Blankets, la tan. , vicuna and gray, full sise, antra .heavy weight and good values for our prio. pair. '. Comforter, for v v Nifilrtt : S1.SS Comforts, tto-A fsil etna, god desirable patterns, la dark oolors, Sl.tO, for S8d SS.M Comforts, IL1I fltlkolln or earn brio covering, pure white, sanitary ftUed sotoa. forr,l.lS 1 -1 PHONE BLACK I3L TFo Portlir. : AmmteriT $3 Pr Pty r sTAOVa AM atagls ws cway i