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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
J, OC. TKE t WATCHES WE SELL bwa Oa wi a e- cunatMfX mm na. Tit al te im tt hnl uihmf e tttmtr saw aaal ftuvMn IMtttMMt . tHe at 41 Bi-nNt. aa antir ail. suraiee. a wfnMAMr aaiwuk tin e kte gwiM ewe OP n Bboaw cvsriy. ytitiU "- our af aaammT IWr rwsTAaBBBXse ' PATEK, PHILIPPE WATCH far A. A C Feldenheirner Jewelers, opticians, auvetwmatasv m mm n TEE CC-PER FAMILY PORTLAND CTHWESTERN WEEAT FluDS READY MARKET JoMph McCabe'of Walla Walla, vioa preaklect and general manager of the Washington aV CoIumbtaRjver railroad, m la Portland yesterday. Mr. lfcCabe aid that" nearir all af th wbaat along ta ltnaa of him road baa been aold and great portto of tt atttpped. About J oar eMt of the wheat of that portion of caster Oregon and .Waahlagtsa through wMeh Cba W. C It runs waa old oa th aaatara aaarkats and tt now being? shipped. Tbo raot of th whaat went to aupplr the willltng d ana no of tha aorthwait aad the export business, air. McCaba aald that tao ear shortage IS not oanf iwn as ua umna nnm w anr oxtont and tbo ' shippers have ao trouble In getting, their wbaat to taa awfcota - - . .' Vera! of a Union county ease; TJeot ralatako your mother-ta-law, aspeoleUr If yoe llko bar, for a burglar. A amt af the aoavaar alls FWe-oe Boberte 1 Z taorpa, b. print Ufa Mr rrCoW clear aa tat city, and awther of three Baita U af wham have taJtea their . . . .k. a rVianaCL ' ! TM rtrat Ua Mra. Coopw .Di1 baca.waa aa tbo eblld Vioiat to "Orlm laV a aaar tat only ald-tlaara will nuia'i- atar waa JUa Vlaoaat. Ta wmm taa flrat Aba bad aar m. kar aaiaa ra bC. Ucit tyiand aow. wllb tbroa daucbtara ropaai tt taa alatary of taa mater, aba nmmuh bara tt aa dlatlaaUj aa tbouB tt bad 1 -Aa7"uirIrt that earn Barfead Mra. Coopar, Vaa wltb Fran Man playlnc Eloanor fa Dary Crooa I taaustat then X bad attained my aiahaat aatblUoa, bat I. P. How ami tor bm ad I waa featured la repertoire aloaa taa ooaat, appoartna; ta aucb old iIb.ii aa 'inMf Um plnaa' and Toor Joa." Wnea I oaaaa bera Mr. Bowa waa oa hta last lasa, It looaad aa taaaab we would not laat a waaa. But. would yoa believe It. la aeren weaka, laoklns one albt, we played ta M.W. And it waa om of toe proudeat Baoaianta of mr Ufa wbaa tb manaar eama ta aaa ma. patted b oa tbo back aad announced the reeetpta. 1 nave loved the ooaat all my Ufa, aad I eannot expreea tha pleaaure It baa been ta appear once mora ta thla day before- people who aaw my part ona- "'cooVirThuetad' of Utm Wood w u at the aid team of Couha anfl Cooper, who traveled wua Billy Bmaraoa for many aaaauna, duclna tna eloedaaoa. Tbey were paid .i.v,n t hnH tava. and tha pair re ceived at tha and of acb parfona anoa, Mlaatralay waa then la it haft daya. Of tha three daughter. Georgia la playing aoahratto parta la Oakland, CaL. OUie la area ting a aenaatloa 1a the Rob erta company at tb ag of It yaara, and EVIltn. who la but It month older than OUie, la making a treat record with tha Belaac company la Lo Angelea Bvery day af her Ufa Mra Cooper la tructa OUia la dramatM art aa wall a ordinary acbool -etudlea, exoeptln aat urdaya, when tha child haa a matlaaa to play. The reuK of thta talUoa ta mak ing Itself manifest. Ollle ta a crowing Maude Adam a fact ah demonetratea beyond aueatloa by her rataarkabla per formanc of Hurt la -Mart of tha landa." Mra. Cooper's beat part la tha Rob erta repertoire la Is, one of the mllk malda la "Tea of the jrUrharrUlea," but her art la revealed to aom extant aa tha aid woman Inea la tha Saaolah trag edy. ' a nun or tn vajdxt. 1 "A rrlend of Uw PamUy" ta what tha oxanagemeat eaUa "a aloe HtUe enow." it la a fare oontalnlng all tha alemanta thereof. aotraaa, a fly huaband, the new govoraaaa, a auaplolou aunty, a rreoch maid aad a dog the dog being uaed ta help-along tame olimaaa. lia oonatruoUon allows atrangara to loaf around a gentlamaa's aouaa for daya at a um wiiAoui oeing aiaooverea uatu tha aad at tha play, except by tha hua band, who la, of eourae, forever la hot water aa ail faro huaband are, Tha play waa out from tha aame pattern a "Why Smith Lft Home.' "What Ptd Tompklaa Dor "What Happened Jonee." and taelr kind, and la quit aa aopaaaaical. Tha principal comedy ta aoppHed by William rrlend aa the huaband, Jfiugano Redding aa tb traaolhl Freach count. aad Harry CraadaU, formerly a PorUaad bay, aa a tippling prof aaa nr. Tb sou at aucoeaalv momenta Is the actreeo, breea- Uy pictured by Mlaa Thais Magraaa. a hard-working and deaervlag young worn- Tb play aootala many am ilea, without "baa continual aoreaav' Tha farce will be repeated tool a lit and to morrow night at tha Marquam OraadL gantlemaa tatrodueaa a number af new trtcke that causa the audleaca to wonder m hi work. Kaymond O- Baldwin la our to urnpj Into favor wrtb aui uiuatratea aonga. Ho la poaaeased of a good barltona-voloa. The bjograph offering thla weak deala with the "Sal f Joeeph by his Brother." Tha auditorium af tha beautiful Co lumbia theatre furnish a eight af a lUUe interact at each performaaoe of "Romeo and Juliet." Vrom tha areaaa- tra back t tha Uoaat-lakar tha dowa- stairs la f Ulad, aad perhaps M par oant of tha auditors are holding books an the playera. Thoas who eugmg in thia aractio aa a rule are woman Utarary waanao aad sehooi girla who forgot their eeoort aad rallaquiah aU "maell talk" whua they eagerly scan their Shakes faraa aa tha playera upon taa ataga pronounce the beautiful Unaa. It la a euatom Inaugurated shortly after tha Dublloattoa of tb great hard's plays began, and haa oontlnued am torough aanerauona. - Tha logic of tt la clear, to watch um ltnaa aa they are being read ctv more oompreaenalve understanding of their meaning, although aoaaa people prefer to watch the players in ten try and lay tha hook aald untu tno and ox taa act. than road the aat mentally tn imi- Utkm of the aotora. Tb advano sale for tha ramainder of tha week apeaks eloquently of taa popu larity of; the production af "Rama and Juliet." Shakespear la by no mean dead to the modern taate, if wall done. and the Columbia company offera a pro duction oom plate In ovary detail. Miss Countlaa and Mr. Baume are making new oonqueats by their imperaonatlona of tha two tovera, and each on of the oaat hares tn the boundles approral which the public haa bestowed upon tha aaw oflarlag. , teftaaa Allen and Lewis Beat Brand. V'lklwnw I ' A Reduced Reproduction of the Graphophobia. -v- The Columbia Grapnoph one UCULAR PtUCS 7Q '.'V v 1 Caaranteed to N ft Perfect Talking Machine " 5 The ColumbU PhoRograph company guarenteee thia grapho ; phone to be a perfect talking machine--n fact they will allow ." . a credit of $9.00 oa it toward the purchaae of any other - twahiw that they make at anr time within a year the eub acriber to have the fuU use of the graphophone during that time. s - 1i Journal's Extraordinary OfTer . By special arrangement with " the Columbia Phonograph company, 128 Seventh street. The Journal is enabled to ' ' snake the following extraordinary offer: v :, , , vn ; rJoonuT topbophonc Agreement wvavAL rem ee friiMi. er.t 0-oOf - l art aabwrtat e)w BaOr aaf Bvaaey neraal for wM ef me. wi ea T'r ( ttaa fwfaler rata of evw enft. im eowrtom tt. af wbtck. lai walrh I krlr ear far a eniwoa aetltllM aw to th Srat rerara. roer an to faraMi bm frt at ma nffWw of the Calsmtle rhaatfrii (Vnpany. No. iff ante trMl, mm rcular tTAO Orapbopenna lap mj pajlaa ate 1 tot pf eaarrw, tt m f -ti. parklac, r. ), far tmt exairthr am darm taa terai af tftta mtooiiptiae. It tt agre for), that 1 tia rat nai1i'd fct pwbu aar farttiar rrarda ta rU1 M Ormb'ipbofM 4minc tb trm af ar aubaerlMlne; but If t try Mm aad at my v. option I fc porraaat SO addttvieal iMtrai of rha CnhnaMa Pbeoncrape Cnetpanr at --lr aormt iMtmi, d eMnaWM tab) mtoatpdia. taa ncalaa thaa baMBMe my aaciealve praaarty hwt. . . , . . . i .. . , emit sapar V ' .... .. , ttoiiH',nf)tMiitHi.tH,vt n. a ' (WaaMi yiMwariiai ftMBpeay ath alWw a att ea any kraer m u aavuat at tf 8ft at aay Uom awtog the yuw at aacHiaaa tor . ii i! tr aftin. Na. IM mrrmmnt MrL at U fatara teatrat a tale emtraet. til Raiaajaim tha " Much has bean heard of John C Ptshar and Thomas W. Byleyi new pro duction, "Glittering Oloria," ' which oomea to the. Mnrquam Oran4 theatre next mday night and Saturday mati nae, October it and It, Tha place has been scoring phenomenal auoeeas la all cities tha far visited. Bee idee having a brilliant oaat. Messrs. riaher and Rylay have spent HMO ta production realistic . Tha plot la in three act. Th tret ahowa a Jeweler'a ahop to Bond street. London, with much expensive ailverwara, diamonds and other artlolos which go to atock a first clasa plaoa of thla kind. The aeoond act, tha Interior of Gloria's apartment, ta replete with axpenalva dranerlca. velvet, oarpeta aad mahogany furniture. The next aoane la the interior of th Buston railroad station, tha larg est depot la the world. The great train had Is aeen la tb rear, alao a dupli cate 'of aa Bngflah railroad coach, show ing tha mode of travel. Tha oaat la a strong one, being handed by Mlaa leader Rush aad Includes aucb weir known artists aa Qeorge Parsons, Wlltoa Harlot, Edward M. Fnvor, Bert Clark. Cbannea Olney, Lulu Louden, J. Gunnis Davis, Thomaa A, Klernan, Irma Davla, George Jackaoa aad W. - rree ama. The advance aale of aeata will open tomorrow, Wednesday, morning At 19 a'alook. Wars thero only two features ta th performance at tha atar theatre this week and those the slack wire' work of th Alpine trio and the playing of Miss Lata HendeahaU on the. violin, tt would be worth mora taa tha prloa of ad mittance. ! ' Th Alpine tn doe thtnga on the wire that are marvelous. The tw girls ensue la cake walking, dancing aad jumping aver obstacles on their attanu atod support, while the older girl per form a handspring and Jumps over a table. All three arc clever aero beta and their turn la dona not only effectively. but aeemlngly with perfect ease. Mlsa Mendenhall la a violin virtuoso whoa technique la not only nuurterful. but wboee musical product la soulful Her vary being appear attuned to the exquisite harmony produced by bow and string. When this slip of a girl gav th iBtenaeaao from tha CavaUlera Rua Uoana It waa with A toach so delicate. aa true, that her audience wag anrap- tared. Baa waa encored twice. Among tha other feature are Bowa and waxds, a clever comedy Sketch lb: the three Renos, comic aerobe ta. th Baal mambere being good high kick ers and contortionists; Lou la Lauren a trumpeter; WU1 ft Hoyt, la new Il lustrated song. "In the Vale of Bhon- andoahV and th projectoecope, which thla week present th "Barber af e- viU , . ( V - bTBia Tb raid of th Illicit etUl by revenue 4ofBoera Is only on of the extremely in ks resting features an the LyriCa bill this Veek. Th picture are a aevsr ar raignment of tha government which rutaleaaly continues its afforta to ap prehend "moonshlnera" la the Blue Oras stats. They graphically tell a complete story of a mountaineer's Ufa, lov and thea a tragedy. Among the aerformer m a prodigy la tha shape of a small boy mad up after tha fashion of a veteran Irian comedian Indeed ha daneee llko veteran and completely captured the audience, Ha Is the running mate of a clever lavaraon- ator of Dutch comedy. .,- Tha malcoma are extremely good, ana Faiarado make a hit. The Draws, Be atrice Dally and Harry Hoyt are ail clever performers and together make one of the best btlla that has neea pre sented. , Tha place always haa a crowd. As a provider of mirth and merriment Is doubtful If there m a man on the American a tags mora competent er more popular thaa Prank Daniels, the amus ing eomle opera comedian, who will ap pear at the Marquam Grand theatre next Monday and Tuaeday nights, Octo ber SI and November 1, under tha man agement of Charles B. Dillingham, tn his latest stag offering-, "Th Office Boy." In thla play, which Is a two-act musical oomedy. by Harry & amlth and Loa wlg England er, Mr. Daalela aeems ta have been provided with a. character which exactly suits his comic genius. He appears aa a much abased omoe boy, who, through) force of circumstances, la compelled to assume tha responei blllties of a famous Jockey and ta ride a ferocious race horse. Among promi nent members of bis company are Bailie Fiaher, Clara Belle Jerome, Violet Halle, Ida Gabrlelle, Louise Galllcr, Maude Walsh, Vivian Mara ton. Leslie Mayo, Sally Daly, Alfred Hickman, Bydne Toler, Mace Boa villa James C Reany. Laurene Wheat, David Bennett and Leayltt TATTBarvrXAB'S . Keating gc Flood, managers of the Baker theatre under fta new regime, act th high water mark for "dime vaude ville la Portland laat night. Th nubile evidently expected some thing good for the house was packed to tha doors a quarter of an hour befor tha time set for the flrat act oa th MIL Those who eama early got what they were looking for la the amusement way, for the bill was th beat ever given la thla city for the money. Ten acts were scheduled and nine of them pulled off. The absent number was not missed. Bingham Gable do a 'musical stunt that is entertaining. The male member of th duo plays tw cornets In a won derful manner at the aame time. Their musical numbers are wall oboeen. ' Huston and Dallas are aa clever a pair of j a sclera as ever act foot In Port land. Their act la spiced with comedy that Is new and .fetching. - - gankey brothera are billed aa foot Jugglers but the title la misleading. They have sensational aot and are really strong awa, contort ionlats and equilibrists. Their act catches aa from the very s beginning hut U is poorly dressed . . . - . Pete Baker Of tbo eld team of Baker and Parron proved that he had hundreds of friends in tha audience. 11 la voice shows the wear and tear of years bnt ho still la tha funny Oerman comedian and he makes good from the first Jump. The OardeMs are "tight wire art I eta extraordinary" and their work Is little short af being marvelous. Tb male member of the team travels along the thla metal strand en roller skates and gats a great hand. There la, however, a lack of finish to the turn. L Barge la billed ao a muatoal king and make good la a oertala way. His musical number aa tha banjo and fnl tar arc treat but he spoils his turn With a lot of fake comedy. Del Adelpbia wear his hair lone declares him self ta be the "wlsard of the west" He hi a really clever palmist and his sleight of hand work Is af the oaiahed kind. Tha aot la old but this The two principal features at tha Bl mu theatre- this weak are th turn of Lao and Sualaetta, Roman gladiators and oaanoa-ball Juggler, and Menlo, the magician. Both tha team and the m ariclan are eeneolallv good In their Una. Bualnette la said to b th only woman cannon-ball Juggler In tha world, ah handle easily eannon-balla weigh ing M pounds, and In th gladiatorial duel representative af a scene la "Quo Vadta?" keeps hey opponent on bis mattta from start to finish.- Lane eo- etrolea his head with a has aoUshad hall welahlna tl axranda Menlo la a-aaaator of hi art. Oat of a hat which ha borrowed from a man In the audience laat night ha took enough artlclaa to cover th top of a email table. Including a number of things In the line of a babye wearing apparel, that caused shouts of laughter. Stick and Stone, clown grmnasta, are clever, while the twa Rustics do comic acrobatic work on new Unas. Maggie Gillette Is singing "Good-bye, Llttl Girl, Oood-Bye." this week as an Illus trated song. The bioscope la precepting pictures Illustrative of the work of submarine torpedo-boat. .. X MOBRl'B WOin AV AAOAJSB, At tb old reliable Arcade there la al ways a crowd, and the crowd alwaya gets ita moncye worth. Th Mil this week oertalaly gives one aa plaaaant an hour aa can be found. The program hi strictly first class and Includes some of the beat atuata that aaa be aeen la vaav devllla ! Thero are a number of brand -osw apa ctaltlea, and a number of brand-new spe cialists. Beat rice Lorn waa mora than well received with her ballad. Sam Hood Is aa funny aa ever with his collec tion of antiquated jokea, and kept every body laughing. GiHan and Gtllea ta a team that eom blnea clever oomedy work with oal la th eric feat Their work with Indian clubs is marvelous Durrant and Baldwin are good, and the "Dancing Kids" are certainly there whoa tt oomes to the shuffling of feet. Kate Coyle Introduced something new tn th way of Uluatratad songa when aha produced pictures of a coon oonrtahlp and told about It In her song, ii r . -'" v. msA FAarromAXj drama. ' The big event of the season la the ap pearance of Mettle DeCoureey and her flue company in "An Orphan's Prayer" at Cord ray' . People who never mlaa a play aay that It la a greater pastoral drama thaa "Shore Acres' or "'Way Dowa Bast," for It haa the dement of eenaatlonallam which those plays lack. Mlaa DeCouraey la a alager. of unusual ability, and her original way of render ing oeon songa alwaya makes a great hit with the audience. Bee tha magnlfU cent scenery, the realletlo farm scene, with the chickens, goata, sheep and other livestock, the eefe-oraoklng aoane and the terrible thunder storm. , Fv JTIVE F,. Should Codvioce the (L; , Skeptic tn Portland, , e eee t row$ Because Iff th evidence af Port land eitlaea. Testimony easily taveetigatsd. The strongest Indorsement of merit. The beat of proof. Read Ui J. Carson, employed at the Portland Lumber Co foot of Llnooln street, aad who reside at U First street, saya: "I waa feeling miserable with a depress ing lameness around the small of my back all mat summer. At flrat X did not pay much attention to It, but It con tinued to btow worse aad finally became ao bad that I thought I would have to lay of? work. To bend ar move quickly caused saver twinges. I was often at tacked with aiasv anella. s Decks ap peared before my aye and I bad no am bition or. energy. In th morning X arose aa tired a when I went to bed. In fact, I had ail the symptom of a very severe case of kidney troubla When I waa aufferlna the worst 1 read about Doaa'a Kidney PI lie and procured a box at the Leue-Davis Drug Co-'s stora I soon noticed an Improvement In mv condition and the natn and echtnc across my back soon disappeared. About six weeks ago I was laid up with a siege of th grip for two week Symptoms of kidney complaint made their appear ance again and I resorted to Doan'e Kid ney Pllla a eecond time. Tbey Just es thoroughly freed me of the troubla aa In tha former oaae. I cannot express what a change they have made in me. I simply feel like a different person." For aale by all deelera. Prloa It cents per box. Foster-Mil born Co.. Buf falo. N. T sol agent for tha united State. Remember th nam POAira and take no substitute. CAJTsTOsT-BiT.TaS ' To every man and woman interested la physical culture the feats of Mil Su-J xtnetta, who with her partner Lane la at the Bljoo this week, are a revelation. Through her training aha haa developed such strength that ah throws cannoa balls wltb eaaa and catches them on the back of her neck. Th vltaseop pic tures of the Holland submarine boat and tb acrobatic noveltlea af BUok and Stone are other features. rAJTDAW OX OOMZBO. - - (apeeur manatee to The Jarml,) Taeniae. Weslk, Oct. The Stand ard Oil company will erect big tanks In Taeoma and establish an oflloe here. This Is duo to the dectsloa of several ehlp owners aad other t aaa oil aa fuel. B'NAI B'RITH LEADER Tp MAKE ADDRESSES A number of addresses deaniur wfth qa cations of vital Interest ta the Jewish people win be delivered nt Portland on Friday, aaturday and Bunday of thai ek by Wmoa Wolf, grand president of tha Independent Order ef Bnt Brltb, ana of the moat distinguished Jews of the United States. On Friday even ing, at Temple Bath Israel. Mr. Wolf wllli apeak oa "The American Jew. as Soldier, Cltlsea and Patriot.' aa which Beth Xeraol and Anavai Sholem ar to hold Joint acrviros Saturday morning la the Ahaval Sholem synagogue when Mr. Wolf will dctHar at Ad 'rasa on Why We are Proud be Jews.' the cer vices being cond noted ry Rabbis Abry heroaoa and Wise. "The American Jew and Some of th Problems he Has t Solve' will be th subject of address by Mr. Wott at Temple Beth Israel Sunday evening. ' In addition there will be address sa by Mayor William. D. Soils Cohen and Isaac Swett. district deputy grand mas ter of the L Oi B. B. Musical numbers for this occolon will be provkled by Mies Leonora Fisher, Mr. Rosa Bloch Bauer and J. Adrian Bpplng. . DIVINE TALKS ABOUT "UNDIVORCEABLEGIRL" Th attempt of tna vanoaa ehwreh gov ernments to suppreaa th divorce evtt by taking from the ministera the auth ority to perform a marriage ceremony where either party has bean divorced previously will not bring a solution of the evil, nooordlng to Dr. af. A all thews, pastor of the Flrat Presbytoriaa church, Seattle, who delivered an ad dress on "The Utidtvoroeabte Girl,' at the First Baptist church last night. . Tha speaker held that the only aom ttoa lay In the undtvoroeable girt the girl wh would require aucb high standard among both men and women that divorces would not be tolerated. He waged unrelenting war against all forma of the divorce evU, sayfmg that asest peo ple secured dtvoroae la order to remarry, abandoning children and deserting homes. He dosed with a severe arraign ment af the law-niaksrs, aaytng moat of them had their prio and the prloa was very moderate. There will be a banquet of htartlirs Men at the Flrat Baptist church tonight at which Dr. Matthews will be the prin cipal speaker. , , K v ' t The Presldeitlal Ceotest Bag axoftsd aonriderabta Interest and there ra etui a abort Um left to send ta estimate Five thousand prises val ued at 40,tM Remember the contest dose on November t aad yoa may be a winner. Bend fat your estimates. One uses for every If cants resaitted for subaertptiona to The Journal. jJont iH orget About ' Your Shirts We arc showing a swell line of all the latest and most approved styles : of stiff and soft bosom Shirts for Fall wear. Y , See us for shirts we can surely please you? ; s : :.T a BufEum C& Pendleton : '' CaoUrJtn, Hatters, liiTjisahtra 31f McaTison Street,'. Opp. P. O. weeeee tttttetttettetttttee rdClfWCOAL FOR ECONOMY , ".. . , . - s - I . t ALBQ AGENTS FOR CARBON HILL COAL ROCK SPRINGS COAL AND BEST GAS COK&M 'W , ft- " . , Holmes Coal & Ice Co. 333 STARK STREET Dry abort ilab wood, avtov I Dry abort cordvvood, stove. Wiu aaB-a) VT V I MaUnHuMaM-.. S&une Kind of Wood-Whaf the Difference? Per cord iruuu, ajivw $4.50 &1.50 Baiifield, Veysey Fuel.Ca. Phone Matin 353 80 Third St. Cor. Oak Call Cwseas'S, ' - ' ,.. IMPROVBO V UYL1 FILLS omly on t poa a aoai . by removing the Otoe -' ouaeaiuouaHiaa, . . by aidlDK dlwetlm ' M TMt qostPLtxiosj , bj purifjlng tba blood tEST FILL OPt EARTH ' aocs pt all DanooieTa.oaaTaTAlnoaT aacBiFT Jr raica, asa van box ttMHAMt roe rnaa tAMLt bojc 0. toaaMKO OOh PHILAOCLPHaTt. U. t. A. OUR GRAND HARVEST SAEE This Is What We Promise And our lhcjjfwraii of Mtisfied ctutorocri and our ever expanding buainett give indinpatable evidence that We Keep All Our Promises mens $12.50 to r ? f7 c $16.50 SUITS for only $7. 1 O BOYS' $5.00 SUITS BOYS' $3.50 SUITS MEN'S $20 Craven ettea and Overcoata MEN'S $3.00 . SHOES $3.95 $2.45 $15.00 $2.35 MEN'S $1.75 ; i f .g' umbrellas 1 ;0 MEN'S $100 t v CAV UNDERWEAR ..,.0UC MEN'S '50c''r'r2cl: UNDERWEAR ...;...OoC BOYS' $2.00 i 7 C 1 7 C SHOES ..:....,......... e)l eOO BOYS' 50c SHIRTS ...LiaSo BOYS' 20c H0SB.alull8o I 1