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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
-DAY iew.ING, CXC-i U, "I - c t r OTTY Iirvr. - CTTT BOTTrr-eL CTTT BOTICU. CTTT NOriCBA JCNATJ, JORTLAi. BAt- faovooD pfl?iwT or nrvsa Tarr sxajBT " Motto ! hereby giro that at fh nseotn Of tha finunrll f Um Cltr of PurtmnA Oregoa held tb l oar of October. 1004. tha feilowlng rsMlutloB wm adopted: Keaotrad. That the Coauclt of tho 01 1 of -Portland, 0refon. eipcdlent and peo- pooea to injiirore BeTwateeota etreet from IT feet south of tl aortb Um of SUsabeth street iu the south curb Hm of CJlftaw, 4r to Uw - following MUiwr. to-wttt . ... . ruiB7 grading Um atroet (Ml wUtk Wtth full latereerrtoM to Um proper twaa. im by !W city engineer. bWndBy totaling Tba orfaaa of the Btreet - Ml width wlta full totcreocUoM t tan aUb " Based grade wit macadam. ' Third Br eoMtrucUug arttfteto! ataae aid- Walks la areordaoM wltn tM HIT Biana. iiweinctuaM ana ssnuiniee. 4n accordance with theClty CniaM' Beano, . anectflcatloM and estimate. m rlflh By oenetroctlag too gnllm. -' fluid ImproeenMnt to be made la aororeUo .tb the charter and oral uteres ef the City M Portland and tbo plant, spertftoaUori and moV taetra of, the City Bugineer. filed Id ue office f the Aadltor of the City of Pnrtlood a tha U day of October, ISO. taibMued: "CtUr SnatBMr1! slaaa and iWUHMoat for the Improvement of SareotMuth street frost IT Seat aoola af th aorta Una or ausnoeiu etreai n ue boom cur um 01 biuw .. . and tka m time to of tb work to a oaa oao -.tka probable total Mt' thereof Tho mi af aald fmnrwaniHat to BO OB 9lwld4 b tka Mtjr ptartar moo Um prop- Wb dalarad to bo all tka Ma, parto of , to aad aarrala of land trlng batwoaa Haa 100 waatarl from and paraUal wltk tka . waatorlj Una of iawntooatk ttra ,ad a Km 100 faat aaatarto from and fanlMl wltk tka loutarlr 11 aa of aVrontaanlk atroat dad twaaa fto aortk Una t BMukatk atroat Tka Kaa-lnoar aattraato of m anftdM coat for tb improTtaMal of Mil aaTaaUwatk fttroat to f 4.500 cm. .-. Taa akoTo lntprwroBMaf to to b otoaaad aa a , BMrtdan iMprovaaiaDt and aaall ka BjainUliMd by tka rtty for a. porlod ai flro roon, prorldad tbrt tka owvan of a majority of Aa ttr Wnofttad by aald InproranMBk or aar pnrUnn tkrroof akall ot aotlUoa Car a aw or dtffrot . iaproraaC aaura ua aajwrauaw .w Tkipam aaoHfkarlaad aad oattMatea at tka 1tr Bnjrlaoar for tke lmot'mnit oi aald ftoiatrtoratk atraot ara krety adoptaa . Kaaolrod, That "taa Auditor of tba City Of ' rortiand ko aad ka la aar07 'rTCl7 " 'TT ' ftcuea of tba pffaaoaaa inproranraDi KaiaonatraacoB alnat tba bo lanroo f towit BM7 ha fllad la wrtttDS wltk i tad aadar rlanad wtthla BD dUa from tba ddU M ta Hrat awkMratloM of tbla aotlaa. . . v v , . Br ardor of tka roonoil TW ' f 11 . Auditor of tka City of PortlaaA "J Parttoad: Oroa, Octokor U04. nOTOftKB IMBjOTDfaTirT OV VOBTBatUUia - ATzmn. . - V Hottaa k aoroky ftwaj tfcaikt ka aMttaf af tka CoaaHl of tba Oty of Portland, 0w. krld aa tba latk day of Octokai. WH, a. RomtwL That tka Oouacll af . tba City af. rortiand, Orrtua. dronM It upameac ann pro- 'Boaaa to Inprora Pnrtamoatk arraoa froto Um C5 Itoa a ktoato otoaat- Aa- Ua. AaUamU. , rirat By aradlaC tba atraot tall width wttk tall tatorVeftraa"to tba frada M atoaB ay , tba nity llnclaaov. m - . ftmd y constrvrtfog voodaa aMawasa. Third By aoaatrertlnd- woaaa-aBta. . i Hnprr, wwii. Jf Wftortk By gooatrwotlnt ao wttafa. - toltb tka r-kartar aad ordlaaacoa of tka City i of Portland and tka plana. paclBttooa aad atliaatoa at tka City Br,lrr Had la taa fftoa at taa Aodttor af tba Cltr of rortlaad M tba th day of OKobor, ltM. todoroad: -rity Bturlaaar'a atana aad rrldtatloaa for tba laiproTOBMat o Portaawulb avaaaa froa tho borth Una at WlltaaMtta kootorard to tha oaatk ft no af Uoata atraot aad tka Mtlmatoa ad taa s wort to kt .doaa aad Um axobabla total aaat tkiioof ft coat of told laarovaaMBt to ka aaiwaid aa proTldHI by tka- rtty cbartor apan tba proa arty tprlally and porarlarlr kaarltot tbarabt 9mA wilra l koraby dlarad to ka all tba lota. Krto of tota aad ptmk af land lytnc katwoaB aortk Una of Homtktoa atraat aad tka aanto tlao of Monu atraot and batwooa a Um IdO kt woat of aad aaraUal wlU tka woat Una of tNwtMuth avrooa and a Una 100 faat aaat of ad paralM wltk rk aaat Una of PortoBMath arrnt; alao all tka lota, part of lota and TrftH at Uad fylac batwara tba aartb Una f WUlaBMtta aaoWrard aad tba aoatb ttaa of Dawtaa atraot and botwaoa a llaa 100 toot oroat at aad parallel wltk tba arrot Una of Vortatooatk avrnaa and a Una 100 to aaat of !nd parallel with tba aaat Una of PartaaMBtb mraa; aad alao tka oaatorly, aaa half of trtorka and M aad tba waatorly oaa barf of Morkt P and N, Port smooth TUla aitaadod. , Ttaa Baariaoor'a aattaaata af aba arobahU total Mat for tba lraprnvoaaaat af aaat Pactaaaoatk- Tho alaaa. aaaoldcattoaa a wf aatlwMtao wf tha City Kna-looar far tba liBprwraiaaat wt aald Portatnoutk arraoa ara borahy adopted. BVod. That tha Auditor of tba ONp at PrrtMad bo aad ba b brrab dlrortod to ftva otW of tba arapona lapromairat of aald araaaw aa prooMod by tba rity chart or. aarafnat tka obova tonwaaaBl buy ka tlml la wrltrnaT wltk tba wndaralcnod -wltkla 0 daya froai tka data af tka brat aab- aKviloa or tau not - Br atar at tba Caaarfl. "' ' - lanlw af Hm rt of ParUand.' ftraiwa. Oataaar H, 1M4. XJEPBOVEJUBT OS BA w tATOBB M ,. ANTKBVB.- - . Xettot B bereay flroo that at fb BMetraa; at the Coanett of tka City of Portland, .Orafoo, tild an tba 10th day af Oetober, 190a, tha fo alof reeolntloB WM adopted: BeoVlrad. That tb Council of tbo City Of Portland. OroaMn. doaBM It MBOdient and BT boom to tmpror ItowtboTM areaue froai 11 reet wont af the aaat Um of East Third street to tha root Um of Beat Bm Tenth atroot to the follow ins BManer. to-wit: First By roMtractlna artl trial aton atda- wika.4B aetoraanca with tna city aajiaaet a puna, aporiacaiMM aaei aanmaioa. tftcoad By coMtmctlnaj artUrlaP atoaO OBJ Third Br sonatrmrtlna croaawatfca. Bald tovroroaaeat to be nude la aataraanta onto im caartar ana erotaaacea ot taa city of Portlaad and fba pi ana. aprclflcatMoa and MtlBMlaa af tka Otr Btiartoeor died In tka f- Bce af Um And! tor of the City, of Portlaad oa ie intk day or October, 1W, raooned: IX1ty ndneer'a plaM and apoetdeattoM for- Boa las- C-aismt of Hawthorne arcnoe fre 11 trtt I af the Mt Una of But Third atraot to tka oast Um af Bast Elorentk atrret and the eeU Mates f the work to ba Oom had tba arababs) aetai coat nareoi. - The rent of said tojiaroreaaont to ba aaaaoi oa arorldrd by tha dty rartr boob the prop erty wpecUlly and pocaUarly banadted tboreby an4 which la hereby dcotared ta be all the lota, nernj thereof and parcels of land lying between i Hm 100 feat Booth of and peaaUel with tbo outh Una of Hawthorne araaM and a Um 100 faat north of and bobbIm) wltk the north line of HawtborM art me and batweoa tho aaat l'oe of Baal Ttitrd aueot and a um 100 fret oaat of and parallel with tb Mat Ua of Beat Blerentb arreet. : Tka BnfltMar'a estltftat of the prabable total coat for ibo tmarnnaatnt of aaid Hawtbama Arena M CS.16n.00. The plane. aprdBMHeaa Bad tottnartao af tba flty Enclneer far the laaprarr meat at aai4 BawthorM arena ara hereby adopted. ReeetToA-That the Auditor of the City of rnriiana m ana m n Moeny airected to glra notle of the propoaed IntprorBMat of aald aeenoa aa provided by tba city ekartor. BeajOBatranrea igalnot tke aboro laapraraaaiat Mar ka Otod to wrltlnr With tbo onderalancd wlihla 10 daya from tba data, of tb Brat pab BcaUoa of tbla Mtlce. , . , . 9t ardar of taa Conacfl. - " . T . TH0B. 0. BBVUff. f ' : Attffltor of the City of Portlajhl . PorthtBi. Oreana, October A, 1004.T 7B0POBBB OOJWTIMlUrT OB WlXUAata " ' ATBVVB. ',' rtettod is hereby tlrra that at tba BMettnt af tba Conaetl of tb City of Portia oi Oregon, beti oa tbo 1Mb day af Oetober, Uoi. tba fvUrrtt'fn' reanlortoB wan adopted: Bosolrad, That tba Cbaadl of tb Cttp af Portland, Oreana. aWna It oxpedloat and pro peace to rtaprwre Wi Ilia dm bobm froai tha aorth line of McHllloa atrret to tb aoatb Uno of Alberta street, ear and neeot that pattern of aald Wtltlaaw areao lying oetwoaa a Uoe TO feet north of tka. aorth tlM.of Cherry atroot tad a Hm 100 feat aoatb of the anotfc Um of Broadway, .1 tab toUawtan aser. nt-wlt; rtrat Br tndraf tba aarwat fkR wMtb vHk fall tatereeetloM to tba proper aab-frado, aa ahown Mr tha ataae aet ay um nty Bagii nteoaa aw , oaMttacUsai artUletal otoae tar be. Thl Ktrd By otoatrotHaaT abtoa atook boa dare. doable raw, Rwrtb By taring tile. ttb By hrtnalng the snrfaoa af tba atroot fBll width with full Intersection to frado wttk hltalKble m ireaient. axceyt that porting or aald atroet oocoplad by tb a treat railway company a a rlht of way. which aorrioB of Mid street aba 1 1 be lavrored by rroteolng tke rslW now to wa with grnorod rails not leee tba a aeran toche In deotk, aaelog taa apace between ta ralM and for dteteae af eoe foot MtsMe of lb aald ratio with errwe btocU et oa a eron rota IbanditlAB and aroateg wltk eosaeat awrtar, Ike concrete ander tho relh and Mm atoM Marks to fan. at treat all lac ace lit depth and the renulnlnf portloM af the Mid right et wo to k Utprersd Mh kttaJMhtf parenint. BaM iMpranncat to ke neaa to acrordeac erttk the charter and ardlnancce af rk city of Portland and the plana. sardriratMM and rati BMiea af tho Cltr Knglneer. filed In tbo office of the Andttar of Ine Cltr af rrthiod oa the tb dy of O--"- r. v. Icoraod: r-flty -, 'a y-. - t-.a tVa. lai- VtaaiiBt of Wtniitao arasaa froai tba aorta Ui of btchUlMa atraat to tbo aooth Una af Albarta oUat and ib action taa of tbo work to bo done aad tb prot' tetal ooat tbrt-aof." Tba cat of aald li iinroTamaot to ka aaa rare J aa ao1d by tba c! j roartor pe tka prop erty aovtally and pollarly baaafltad thereby and we4-h hi aWJr4 to ke ail tke tote, part or low aad parcia or una lyiuc mini a Ha 100 feet eaeterly froai and paratlal wltk tba eaatarly Hoe of WUllanM avaBoa aad a Hm 100 ti waatorly fruan aad parallel with Um woatortj Hm of Wllllanw mint and hr tweaa tba aoatb tine af Alberta aUeot and tba Berth MM Of WcMUmh atraot. Tba Enalnoar'a aatiaute of tka prabable total ana for tba laiprovaaaaaU af aald WUllaaae arenaa la ro.oliToo. Tbo akora loipraraaaaat M to ho el Maid aa a Mtulltble paaeawnt. aad ahaU ka ulntatned (' tka atty for a opt tod of rlcbt yeara, prorldid that tba owaora of a BMorlty of tbo property he&entad by aald IntprortuaBt or any portion tbrreuf beU But peutloa for a new or dlffereat tuiwaahuat. awfara,. Um. iiplrmiia of mb The plana, aporlfl rati oaa and otMautod af the Cltr KoeinMr for tha !nimnni mt aalA .Will ia ferrnue ara hereby adupled. Heuirea, itai ibo auojeot of u City or Portland ba and he w berehy dlrovtod to five Botloa Of tha Btapoaed laatitaeiiaat jit. daid BTeone aa prorldad by tbo rity charter. aaaooetmnoao afabaat ,tne above lnrpreoo BMnt may bo flbd lu writing with tha uar alcDrd within B0 daya froao Um data af tba flrat . paMlrotloa of thlo avUea, T T . mm aawar . af ta ceanoU. ; TUOd. 01 DBTLIff. Aodltor of tho CHr of rVa-ttoad. Perttaad. Oracoa. Oetacoe O, IftOi. rmovmwn tmi nr bbxat BTxrr OOOX ATMtm, AXUtT THiOOBH BLOCK d, BJTBATIBW AOOITIObT, AYS BOatTaT vxos rtun, vboh im jut btobth or MOTI isn T BLOCKS al aJTB tfl, OXB TBAIf ALBIVaW TO BBVXB MM BWmBBJ sawn eX UMI RTBaaTi i . rToUoa la baroby airra that at tba BMattna of taa OaaaeU of tka Cky of Portlaad. Oroa! bald aa tho ltb ay of Octotrl07tae folhrwlaa raoolutloa wm adnotad: lUaolred, That tha Ooaacll of tba City of Pert land, Oracoa. aoema it oapedlant aad ara- "e t oDaatruci - a or war oi nuifud aowor L pa hi Delay eU-eot, Coo aronaa, allay throatrh Wo djItWrtaw addition, and Berthwfek treat froai 100 foot axa-th aa? thm aantk n or oca ai aaa aa,- ueatral AJblna, to the aowwr in awrne arreet at imu atraot. Bald ewer to do aaoarrurtao arita ail eatch-baatna. niaa-holaa, Ump-botai imI braneban, and to bo af tba toUowtaar draiea- Iomi Of alcbt Jarhoa clear loalda dlaaaatar iro a pout la Vorthwtek atraat ISO foot north af the aoatb Um ai blocks tl aad at. Central Albion, to a point la Borthwtch arreet where allcr raantnn throorh bbwk a. UwtUk addltloa. lnteroecu aald Borthwtcfe atroot: thenca of 10 lacbM elear Inside dlajnator alena lky oBtenduf throocb block 4, Blvorrtow adJitloB, and la Aiklna itiun to a point In Albino aTvsMO at Cook aeooM! Inrboa atoaf laaMa dlaaMtor throash Cook ava aaa to point la Cook btmm at Ulckbjaa aroaue; thonea af Id Inches dear toelae dlanv ator fraaj a point to Cook arenaa at Klchlsan aronaa atone; Cook arena and Delay atroat to a eoanecttoa with the sewer la ktorrai atrret. Bald toeroT to bo eoaatmetod In umnUM wltk tba charter and ordinance af tba City of Portlaad and tba niana. aooeincorloM obm aart. 1,' to7'oVMa7M' BMiteo af the City Knslneer, filed la the office of tb awdresr-wf tb CKy of Porttomt oa therl lTtk day of October, 1004. lndornad: "City B? I fln"'l pbjM and apociricaUona for arwer io inrmrv anainan ina Bnorowira mhm et aL Btroeto froai 10 feet north of tha aooth une of block tl and tt. ta a war to Morria atrret. and tb eotlsaotos of tka work to aa done and the probabla total coat thereof." Tka Mid arwer to be aoMtrncted for tha par bom of orwerlof and dralalog aU taa tots. Brta tbereof and parrebi of land lying within e dHtrlct branded and daaorUMd aa follows: BaarlnnlneT at a ncdBt tn tha oaat Uu C Belay street 100 foot northerly from the north Bne f Morrto street; thenca aaatorly atong Um south Um of tot T, Mock IT, CookTs addTttoo. to a putot 100 feat easterly froan aad parallel with tb Msterly Um of Delay atreet; Ummo northerly along a Hm 100 feat dlatant froai and parallel with tbo aaat Um of Delay atreet tn a point 1W feet distant In rectangoau nwajrwarit front a aontheaatarlr Um of Cook arenoe: theaM Bartfceaaterly atoegr a Una 100 feet distant tana ajd naraUal wltk th aratkoaatrrly 11m of Cook arm tic to a point IB taa centor Hm of hi lo leal pot nrcnae; thenca aortk aieng tho crater Um of btlsalaaippt ara Boa to a Doint BO foot to roctanaular wMaamre- korat dlatant froa the aooth easterly Um of Cook" arcane: taooe northeeateriy along a Um par allel with the MMtbeuterly Hm of Cook avane to Um tataraectton with the oaat Hm f lot . block B. airerrlew.aooiHoa: tbeore aortberly to a faint tn the center Hm of Oook arenae; thaaca eoeterty oJaog the center Um of Cook Srenae to a point 100 faat went of tka West aa of natBBSrreUl atrret; tbeore northerly 100 feet dlaUnt from aad parallel with the easterly Hm of Coannerctol atreet to the north Una of aarorrtoor oddlttoat tbeoco westerly a Mag tb north Um of Blrarrlew addition to a point 100 fort easterly froa the easterly Hm of Xerby atroet as laM oat tn Blrcrrtow addition; thenca northerly along a Um 100 feet aaatorly froai and parallel wtfb taa eoeterty Uno of Kerby a treat as laid oat la Rlrorrteey addition to tM aonth um or Central Albino; tfconce west erly along tba sooth Um of Central klBlna to lb center Um of alter rannUA tbroae-h block on, (central awina: eace aartaeriy atong tba center Ba of MM alley t h point BOO feet another y from tha aoatb Hm of Beech afreet; tbonoa westerly along a Um S00 feet or tear ly from Bad parallel wltk the aonUi Hm of Beech error to tM center dm or aibim arenae; tbeno soot bar ly atone; tha orntor Una of Al Mna nrenoe to tke eearrr Um af Prmnont atraot; thonea WMtrtly atong tha tenter Hm or rrensoet street to ta center line or alley roanlng Usroogb btoch A Cook adahttoat thenca southerly atong tb renter Hm of alley through knocks B and A Cook's addltton. to the renter Um of Cook rmw: thence south waster tr aa a line between lota S and 4. btoch 1A Cook's addition, to a paint 00 foot aouthwMterly of the aooth westerly Um of Cook arenae; tboaea sou theaa tarty aioog a Ua 00 feet distant southwesterly froai and naraiui with the eoathn-entorly Ban of Cook arenae to tba anvthwent corner af tot 0. block 1A faok'e adoittoa; thence easterly along the southerly Um of tota A 10, 11, 1 IS and- 1A block 1A Cook' addltton, to taa woat Um of tot U, bioek 1A cook B oOOltton; Umbo nonth rrly atong tba weat Una af tota 18, 10 aad SO, htock 1A Cook' addltton, to Bolat at tke nouUiweot corner of tot SO. btook Id. Oook 'a addltton: thence eaatrrbr ntoag the aaotberly Hm af kt SO. btoek 1A Ooek'a addltton. to the center Um of Delay street: thonea southerly atong tbo center Hm of Detoy atroot to a polal ino feet nert berry froai tb north Um of Morria street: tkenca easterly on a Hm 100 feet northerly boa. and naraiUl with the north una of, stoma street to taa puaoa as aegm tTns oaat of said tower to be assrsssd aa nr rtded by tba city charter upon the property specially and peculiarly benefited thereby and which to hereby drdared to be all the tota. parts thereof and parrels of land lying within Um dtoUtot aoraWtofar , kaqalnd aad -do- ro ecrioeg. Tba rautlnear'a eetlRtara of fae twobabU total ocot mt Um BOMtmcttoa of. paid aewsr to $1,030.00. The ptona. oandnonttoaa bad eatJaUtaa " of the City Engineer for the aoMtraeUoo sf aaid Mwer are hereby aooptoA . KreolreA That tbo Analtor of tbo City af Portlaad ba and be ts hereby directed tb giro notion or im nrananig sowe traction sg arwer. m nrorlMd by tke elty charter. BeraoMtrsnre agalnot tb abore arwer aaay S filed to wnitsg with the Mderslgned within daya frntn tb data at! ta first pnkUcattoa or tbm notice. , . By ardor af tW 1 A I THOB. C. DBTLIrt. . ' . : 'y r Auditor of the Cltr of Porthwl. PorfUml. Oregon. October SA 104. FOB laTPBfyTBBABV OT BBIsV a 0O2 BTKJCBT, Motto fc hereby gtroa that tb Vjssjarit of th City of Portland, Oregon, nt a HMetlng held on the lOUl day of Oetober, 1004, declared the ass nan aunt by ordlnaocs No. 14.30T, for tba Improrsairnt of Bellwond straet. front tb Mat Um af WIlUaaM arenae to tb west Uo of a nance No. lATSA aeon enoh tot. oart af tot ana parcel or land. Which ara soerMiiy aad pecauariy peBentrd. to be aa Riiiowa, TM: ALU I H A Bl'OC K , wrat 100 feet of lot SA Oenaaa BrangteUeai Lutheran Caarrk, StT M; Cat SO fret of Ut SO, Oeraiaa Brnagullcnl itbeeaa Chnrrh. $31. OS: tot ia. John A and Plorn B. MclrairA JUB.M; aonth' 1O0 feet of tot SB, Benjamin PTotevoae, $4 SO: south 100 feet of tot SA htsUie A. North, $A0.10( aooth JWO feet af tot SI, William Harreochoa, K1-0T; aouth 100 feet of tot SO. Amanda rrakaMr. tlOt.TOi west So feet of armta ion fot af tot U. 0. Btandatedt. $31 34. oaat SO feet af aouth KM feet of lot 10, Jsaee Barsfleld. $31 04: weat SO feet of aouth 100 feet af tot lA Jassea sarafUlA $eV.0h; est SO feet of aooth 100 feet of tot 1A Tbosnad rwwoo. $30 00; nsuth 100 rVet of tot IT. Thosnas Doboon. 001.M: weat 4 feet of kt 1A Mary O. Mailer, $1AM; weat 40 tee, of art M, 'Mary o. uuiwr, 4T m; m 43 feet af Nit M feet of tot U. Bug M. Oraros. $03.03; aouth S fret of Mat $0 feet of tot 10. Stella B. Mtteusrer. $ 40; eat OO feet of kt 14, Sulla B. ritteuger. rod NO. BLOCK IS. Mt 3d, loan J. D. Bdgurtoa, $103 tM; tot 30, loh t. D. Bstoor. tan. 044.SS; wmt 16 feet of aaatH 100 feet of tot S3, John I. D. HtNlm, 020.07: east 00 7et af anon 1O0 feet of lot S3, R S WoMOott. $40 Tf; south 100 fret of tot BA George Bartlng. $ ISA JO: aoatb 100 feet of to , Aloys Hereto. $130.00: aouth 100 tret tot SO. Atora Harold. $139M; 10001 let) feet of Mt 10, Adam Krtoger. $111.00: OMtk K foot of kt 10. Joha A, NorAcea, (11. 01; Onuth 100 feet of tot IT, T H. Bock. lA04: Ut IS. V. P. Heated. $30.04; Ut ia, 0. P. MolanA $144 4 HXr fg, ut 1, Reurr L Has ft, $IM.B1; west im hot rr iet 1 lite T. Basse. 11100: Mat SO fas of tot 8. Arthur T. K rue ft and Are Hi a., $S$B; north ! feet of tot A T. K. Wimaam Bs- . toto, keira of, fwe 1 north )0 feet of A Oeorg Beta, r-l ei elk 100 toot 51 W f, Ooorga Bata. WH lot T, 4. t I. Oara, ' tot fViaraoret A. 1 "'eea, Afct.M; north 100 faWt eT W B, fc- r tu. nik 1 iYI hat at lot 10. Eakllr liar ehaiL t9 H- lot IS. WHlUoi Wvwbrr. .T0; kI 1. Bllvo Cr. I B41 OB: north lUO feat f tot 4, Kdltk Tan north 100 foot of lot ft. SUlla Tea Carry thM lli-liaiam. iijlu-Mn;, aorth 100 toot at Pi TPreo0lM Ttj north 1 foot of fct a. Mary ria LlihtMT. 1 JO: north 100 feat of lot la, Cfcarloi and 1 Joaaohloa Stella Via VUet. weat bf faat of let let It. Bllaa A. Vaa Tloot. 17 M; oaat 1W tret rf lot la, Kdlto TMei. axn.oa. A etJlraMDt of aferaaatd aaaeaaaMot baa baea anterod to tfc IVohet of tL.u- k4. w ib. mmJt Miikl at the offW of the City - i Uwrat agwr of tba Ualtad Uloe. and If not paid wltkla daya froai Um dot of thla notice, dark Moaedlaga will he taken for the wlltton of Die aaou aa are prorldad ay the Aartr af tba City of fertUnd Tho bore aeeeaapMat will boar lataraat U Oara after tba first puDiieation ea m outwa. waya w hm r- TnQg a DKVL,M ' of tha Cltr afPcrUaaaT, Portland. Oraoa. Oetobor U, IfOA, roB atvnomajn or OXAOBAatAS BTMOrT, Notice bj koraby ira that the (ft & City of Portland, fa-ego, at a id on tb ltth day .Of October. 1901 that the Qbaactl of Meetlnx 004. declared tho aaa Man ant by ordlnsnca So. i.aor, rvr the tic pro r r dm at of Ctockaraa atreet, rroai Is aaa Has of Best Tweoty 'north atreet to the west UM of Bart : Twenty-elghlk treet. to taa BMnw arorlded by nrdlnance Ma. l.i npoa each tot, pert of tot and ..pefcelof Uad. whteh are epecUlly aad aooBllarly haaafllig. to ka aa roiMwa. nii PlHr ADD1TIOS TO HOTXADAT PABK Af aiiioa, reriMno. w . Company. fU 40: aooth 100 feet tot 0. The mpany, BU a; aeota oo teei set , im lie tiaarantM Trust feospnny, 044. aS; ith 100 feet lot By Tb Title GnarntM A eat Coaipaay. OM.aS; aoatb 100 feet tot f, xitie BOO Tlul The Title Onerantoa A Treat Coaapasy. vr aa. ism lul tnt O Tka Tttia fln. ansae a Tmet Coaipaay, WT 30; north 100 feat tot S, The TltU OoaraatM A Tmet Ooa paay, OVT M; aooth 00 feet tot 4. Tho Title GuarantM A Trust Coainanr. tiT-fT: aonth 100 feet lot . Tb Title Quarentee A Traat Cooipaar. Ag.BTi aath 100 feet lot A The Title Ouarantoo A Treat Oorrfpsmy, BN.4I; aoatb IM feet tot 1. Th TltU Oosrsntee A Truet Coenpsar. Jllkl4. BLOCK M. eooU 100 feet tot 1. The Tltto OnsxaatM A Truet Company, 111 to; aeotb too feet tot J, The - T11M uaamntM a Trnsi iosapanr. awa.oui atuth 1O0 feet tot I. Tha Title Oaaraaua A Troat Oompaay, ImTiT: aoatb 100 feet lot t. Tha Title anarantoa m Trost CoMpaay,; aonth 100 toot tot t The Title Onar snMe A Troat Onapany, BS0.M; aouth 100 feet tot I. Tho TltU Guarantee A Trnat Conv Baay, 131.01; ayath J00 feet tot 4, To TltU Oturantoe A Trust Company. 14109: sooth 1O0 feet tot B. Tb Title Oaarantre A Trnat Oonpaay, 041 0T; aanth 100 foot tot B. Tha Title Guarantee V Traat Cooieaay. 04X00; aoatb 100 feet tot I, Th Title Oaaraatoa A Trnat 43oenar, 044. T. BLOCK B), tot 11. Tbo TltU Ova ran tee' A Trnat Cosapaay. pLM; tot ir Tka Title Oaaraatoe A Traat Coaipany, $41 M; tot la. The TltU Guar an tee Trust CuMpsnT. 130.W: tot 1. The TltU Oaaraatoe A Treat Cosapaay. 94M: tot 10. The TltM OoarantM Trnat towaay, 90.0T; tot Id. Tke TltU OwarantM A Trnat Company, 040.00; tot IT. Tba TltU OoarantM A Trust Oonpany. B00.11; lot 1. The TltU Onaraate A Traat Coatpaay, ..; tot IB, Tba TltU oexentee A Truet Oosnpeny. OTT 00: lot 00. Tha TltU OoarantM A Trnat Company. glltJO. BLOCK 10.' tot 11, Tke n Title Gneraotee A Trnat Oaaipaiir. $114.33: lot IS, The Tltto Onaraate A Traat Oobv May, BM.0T; tot IS. The THU OMraatee A Trnat Conaeny. OOB.-OO; tot 14. Tho TltU Oaa mates A Treat Coapany. $eB.r tot 10. The TttU Onaraate A IVnet OoMpeny, $U 40: lot Id. Tba TltU Ooaranto A Trnat ConapaBr. fTT 41: tot IT. Tb TltU Oaamatoe A Traat Cora pony. $40.10; Ut 10, The TltU Onarante A Trnat Conpaay. f41.0f : lot 10, The Tltto OoarantM A Traat Oocnysay. Rl 00; Ut 10. The TttU Oaaraatoa A Troat moeay. $44 9 Total. OS.3I0.OT. A atatoBBtat of aforesaid aaniagint baa bora Mtered la tba Docket of Cite Lie an. aad to now owe and MrabU at the offlcd of tb Cltr Troaaoror. la towfal awncr of the United Btatee, and U not paid within 00 daya from Um data of tbla notice, ancb proeoedlaga will be take for tho rjolUotJoa of the earn aa ara prorldad by tba charter of th City of Portland. The abore eeeeaement will bear tatereet 10 daya after tbo first publication f this notion. . - -TflOI. O. DaTTLlH. Aadltor of Um City of PorttmnB. Perttoad. Oregon. October $1, 100. BBOBOBXB IMPBTEamrT Of EAST BZASJC 1. . aTBXET. ' Boftoa fet bereby gtron that at tb BMCttog or rne oaoncu or tae uty or Portia no, orrgoo. held an the lOrh day of October. 1004, tb foAeurrag raaolattoa in adopted: Resolesd, That tb OoancU of th CKy of rortinnd, Oregon, dornw it oapoaiont and pro- poeea ro impror nasi ntara atreef rrora cm center Hm of Boat Bereath atroet to tba Mater Hm af Beat Nlatb atreet. to tba anttowlng aaaa arr. to-wit: First By fanning all Uom sarlh. annd and aabrta frasa the aurfaca of th atroet fall width With fuH latorMctlona. V BacondBy redressing tb street tofl widrk With full utareectloM with waabed rleer crareL Third- Br coMtrnctlno artificial atone side walks la accord oc with the City Bnglnosr'a plana, aaocinettioM aad avtmate. Ponrth By rorsmncttag; won daw. nrtn ny rMorrncttng enrba. frlxth Br ennatractlns' hoc amttora. Bereath By corMtroctlng wooden rid walk ta accortunce with the ty sttectftcatkMa and aatlmatM. Bald taproreBMBt to be mads ta aceordsaM With th charter and ordlnancea of tb City of Portland and the plane. speclflcattoM aad eatJ matea of tb City nbsrlneer. filed tn tba effloe af the Auditor of the City f Portland aa Um nth day af Seatewber. 1004, todoreed: "Oty Bnglneer'a plans and epecl first loss for tho 1a- KrrnMOt of Bnet Rtark atreet frees tbo esoter 1 af Bast sVrenth atroet to the auto Hm of Baat Ninth street and tba estlmatae of the work to a dona) aad tha prokabU total oaat thereof H . Tho eoat af Mid Unpra rinse at to ke amaimd m pro no a ay th rtty charter upon taa aron ortr nnorlallr heooflted therebr and which U bereby drcUred to k att the tota. warts of tota and parcels or nnd lying pet ween n line 100 tost north of and parallel with (he asrih Hm af Bait Stark atreet and a Um 100 feet aoatb of and para Ttol with tba aooth Um of Cast Stark street and between the east Hm of Bast Be rent street gad Um weet ana of Baat Ninth street. Tb BngiMar'o eettaMte af the probe Me total ennt for tba rweraeaesent of sato Bai East Stark Street to 01.Sie.00. Tba abore Imororemeot hi to ba clasaed M C eel fmproreaaant and shall bo Mln I br the rltr for a B fried af two years. ta pro viae that the owners of a majority or in Srwei tT benefited by Mid ImnroreaMUt or any nnrttoa thereof aha 11 Mt prtltton far a aew or different totorerement before tha onptratloa of anck ported. Tka ptaM. aajaetflcatVvM and retlnutea of tb r-tr Bnirineer for the imprweinent of an a san aiarst atraot aca horaaw adnntad. Reaorred. That the Auditor of taa City of Portland ke and be k bereby direct eg a aire no ties of th arasanoed laanrorement of said atrret. as prortdrd by tb city rbarter. KeaaoMtraaroa agalant the aboro Improro Btent mar be filed to writing with the under aimed wltbta So day fmn ttaa aato af Um first pnbtlcattoa of tbto notion, By order of tha nwinaiL, THO A C. TiBTLnf. lnta f th City of Perttaad. BA IOO4. POB IaTPBOTSatATTt Of TABV mUL BTBXKTi WoHce t hereby rlrm tbnt tb CownrtT of fke City af Portiao. oregna. at a meting bold on the lOtb day of October. tOOi. declared the a t by ardlrMnc Bo. 14.33. far tmoro wt of Tamhlll atrret. from the mat Hm of fourth atrret ta tha aast Bne Of BUteeath street. In. tb manner prarlaed br ordinance No. 1 Id.nOT, apoa eocb tot. part of tot nnd parcel e oi laod, which Ira apocUlly and neenllarl benefited, to ho m Toltow. rta i-ORTLAND BLOCK 01. M l Touog Men s cnrisuan Asaocincn. m ui wt a. Toon a Mu'a Christian Asenrtatton. 064. Taj aa- divided 1-0 of tot A John Oreoa Bat ate, hewn of. 041.00: andlrtdad 1-0 of tot 0. John Oreen Batata, belra af,$t04.TR; nndlrlded 1-0 of tot A Band P. TboMpeon Baute, ketra af. andirioed 14 U let L Dsrtd r. Thnmnaem Batata. heirs -t, $104.73; -dtrtded 1-S of tot A Henoaa C, Leonard. $4T.M: BnitlrMed 1 $ of tot 0. llrrnuu C. Leon ard. $14 T A BIrCK ITS. tot A United Ota tee Oorernment, AtHT OS; tot A Colt eg States neeraiuent. 01 W JT; lot A United ft tea norernmrnt, flfl 40) lot A United its Us flnrernment, $R34 M. .BLOCK 1T0. kt 4. Portland Hotel Company. Onyg.SS; tot $. Port' lend Hotel Cnssnaxr. $100.38; Ut A Portland Hotel Companr. SAATS: tot A Port land Rotal romMor, $.Vi4 SsT BLOCK til. tot A Dora W. Baragr, MITT; Ut S. Per W. Barege. SBM.10; tot A Nellie Henahaw. SIOO.Tt; oast ,U tot A John P. Sharkey, $rt .In; west U I. James ay. Bealty. Hxi OA PARK tCK 4. lot A Preston W. OH let to, $0-0 TOi north ii Ut A ThonMU Raree Reaneft. Jnls aooth H tot A eawla 1 MniUjisA TT.AifT BfOCK SlB, tot A Chnrtoa P. Klwert. 0400 00: north 4B feet tot A CnrMlto P. Bock well. 0KW03: aonth S feet lot A rbarlae P. Bllwert. Oil 1ft: north 40 fort kt A Joeenh rioodnMn, illfi ti rest U of t feet let A Anna Che ml a. $10.Br; went U ft anuth 10 feet tot A RyrM U Woode-nrth. m an; east tot A Anna Cbemla, ATO TT: West to tot A Byron L Woadsworta. $33 St. BLOCK l Mat 40 T-l fret Ut A Amnndn W. Beed Eat ate. helm of. AIM 11; Mat OS 14 Bet t saerth J $ foot tot A Amms W. Bead EaUta, koira of, $00.10; wsot MSA foot aad' Bin a Broerg, tlOBOO; nartn Diael A. and Bllht C Brawn. OS. 00; woat 00 I S feet of. aooth 0 reet Lit S. tUnauel A. nod Ellin C. Brow. OO M: north 43 feet of west fret Ut 0. Henry Of. Cerbett Batata belra of. 7 1; north at foot of cast 00 feet Ut A Henry W. Uorbett BeUto. lra of. Slid 30. Stiortk 4J feat at lot a, CalherlM Morrow. 1IT 40; nwith 0 feet of Mat 40 feet tot A sanel A. and EMU O. Brown, $10.T0; Mat 40 feat of lot a n.n.i a mm Kiiia n Brown, $31104: aouth 0 feet of weft 00 fart e mi o, 00 n A. Brown. $11 M: went M feet J. tot , John A. Brown. 0347 Of. BLOCK - mc a, aaa art Bead, 4Hg.40; tot A bsrt Brady, $i4L01: tot A ohn Poott 12: 2 H r Waldasoa. SSfi.ITt Meat ll 111 X . Buk a 4.44. BtiUTH BLOCK H. Ut 4. David Thau peon Bntoto. kales af, -AOlleOt south SO fact Ut S, Da rid Thompson Eatat, belra Of. OS. 44; aartk So feet totO, Strati en Mead Bouts, belra of. $00.30; oertk 10 faat tot A "epeMil Meael , Bhut. , fcetip ,. $o.M jeat SO fort of aooU SO,, fart lot f-D,T, ; Thompson SlAtT; aanl 0C fet of Oootk SO 'feit of tot A DarM) P. Tnompsoa, wAO0: west 00 feet of SLS'S. Herman Hirchberg. P8-ai.-wt SO, feet Ut A Herman Blracb fcerg, kMT.40. HOr-THH BLOCK K. tot A fbaa. Bwoeney, OaOO BS; tot S, Chas. flweeoar. OlBLTOi tot A Chaa, Bweoney, $Jl 4j let A Chaa. Bwaoaay, $318. HI. BLOCK ia Ut 4, a J. Becd. , trustee; fclTOOj Ut A V. T. ' Seed. ' trustee, aioB.Mt tot A Lea W. BittoB, 01SB41: lot A Leae W. Blttoa, leAl.SA Bi liK'K SIT. pr aaainei j. Saaroet I. Barber 1. Barber. AUl.TSi lot A rr. $124 0$. aas. V. tot A cog. $3(1 d; aaat tot A lleasr 19na M- oraM U kt TboMtoro B. Wllcer Taoodor B. Wllcoc. OSm A DaoMn rerrnsoo. $3 TO: west it tot A Duncan lrguaoa. $S0fi.S4. WRJWD-aXOCK 00, Ut 1. Mary B. Tool OSTb.Ol; tot A Mary fc TmI.1s4.SS: Ut T, Henrietta B. and Mary . ratling aad Bniliy Cabell. $140 TO; tot A BearbttaB and Mary P. tailing aad Bmlly Cab II. $400. OB. BLOCK 1T1. Ut 1. Henry W. Corbett Batata, heirs of B400.6B: lot t, Boarr W. ftorlMttBstate. belra at. SloO.40; tot T, Bewry W. Corbett Bats to, Their of. $14AMl Ut a, Henry W. Corbett BaUts. belra af, $KSt7tA BLOCK 100, tot 17 AiMwcrth Company, $BSrl.T0: tot A Alaeworth Ooaspany. $100 3; tot f. Atoa worth Cennany. $84 30; tot A Alaownrtb , Compaay. $aro.4A BTVTK tio, wT t'nl brUj BoHrty, $ir2.TT: Ut A Unitarian Bocl-ty, $00,101 tot T. Reory W. Corbett Batata, heirs of, $131.4ti Ut A Baary . Cnrbett Be lata.'" nil rs oi $40T.10. PABX BLOCK A tot t. Anetta lUttsr, SOTLW; Ut rsaleffc. WeTU. $T.T1. MsrtUrTDBLOCK S1A Ut .1 "Ban, tl A LeBMon. B4T3.TB: tot t, BeaweU B Uanwo. lia0; tot T. Anna B, rooMU, $100.4$; tot i. Ana B. CbanelL SflOT.34. BLOCK SM. Ut L W. A Ladd Barsta. hern of, frSO.44, Ut A W. B Ladd Batata, kclrn a 0100.T8; ai !, w. 1 una Kitate, heir or. r. ie- mui Mini, hid wt, 1111.11, r. I. Ladd Batata. Sell of, tWI.TT. BW. tot 1. Jibmb W. Cook. SOJkVSO; tc B. 1 BLOCK tot A JaaMa W. Cook. $141.00: aaat ; aaat H tot it H wt t, it i? ut t. A Wary Ana T, snwn h. congto. OHl.TO; east .. BTiwn h. onngie. B747.04; wrat r a in. a Lambert. NORTB XL BLOCK Lot L, Janwe PWkto, ntV.40: Ut A lames Cekto. tllOS 0$; UtT, James Ptold. $1S0.5; t A lames Pie Ida, $41. ST. NOBTH to ELOCK L Lot i, Phoebe V. Dehorn $0SAti: t A WUHaai B. McBao aad Clara and BIts Basaaaea. $103.40; tot T. Jnotna U B. Smith. $33A03: tot A Margaret B. Bmlth, SIOT.SS; lot T. Marr ret B. Bmlth, OlMl.TS; kt A Margaret A Smith. $401.01. IXCK la. tot 1, sfsciear Bats to Companr. $477.01; kt 1 L Mactoar Estate Compaay. $1U.T0: tot t , hfaetoar Batata CtoMpeay SM U: tot A ISIASA. ToUL A atatenMnt of aforoaaM si Mtered In the Docket of Cltr Uenfl, aad U bow dn aad nays bis at taa office of taa City Treeonrsr. in lawful ssoney of tha United ntataa. nnd If not Mlg wlthM 00 day rrooi the data of thla notice. ck iwoceedlaga will bo taken for the eolUcrtoa of tho an m are arorlded by tb charter of tbo City of Portland The shoes asaeaaraent will bear Inter cat 10 dayo. after tba ftoBt aabltcatioa of this nottoa. THlNi. U. UITMn, v Auditor af the City of PorUaaA Portland. Oregon, October SI, 1004. nOrOBBB DtTBOTEMBBT Of attTBB BTBXXT. ' 0 BotJcn 1a herebr airea that at tb BMattng af UM Oouocll of Um Ottr of Portia od. Oregoa, held en Um 10th day of Oetobor, 1004. the OUlowing esaointto was aoouno: ceorroo. That the uonncti or oa ciy ua Portland. Oregoa, deanM It expedient apd pro oaeea ta imorara Klrer atraat from tha north westerly Um of Bnndelph atroot to a Hm 140 feet aoatbMsterlr tbarafroak . to. tba BoLtowtBg Miliar to-anr: PirstBr hrtsarrast tfbe surfs os af tba atroot fall width wlta full tntsraecttoM to tho grade a nTren by th Cltr Bnglnaar with good, clean arts. clay, grgret, rock or other aorta pto filling.- aocond By eeoerroctlng aaa hnnT ptaa Md- way wltk ruU Intersect loan. Third By soBatroctlBf wooden aJsarwaJk ta occor nance with the oty gngiaasr a pMaa. nnedflcatloM and aet lama tM. Said lmprorenMnt to be aaade ta aCoMdnaoe with th charter aod ordlnancea ax um city or Portland and tke pUm, specifications and esti mates of to City Engineer, filed in the office of the Auditor or tbo city r Port una oa tor 00th amy of September. 1004, todoreed: "City Bngiaeer'a plun and epeetrieattoM for raa IM nroTomcat of Bteer etreet from tb aorthwMt erly Uno of Kandolsh atroet to a Um 100 rear anathensterlr therefrom, and tho est! ssstM of the work to ba doa had th Broaabto tAtal mttm ' The coat of Mid luiaroTeaMBt to a sm M nrarlded bp Um elty charter upon tb prop erty specially ana pocunariy oeaaniea tnereoy, and which U baroby declared to ba aU the Uta nam af lot and MrceU of land trlnm herwreu a Um 100 feet northraaterly from and parallel with the northeasterly 11 M of Blrer ntreot and Una 100 feet southwesterly from, and paralUl 1U Um southwesterly UM of Blear atreet and MtWMB a una im reet anriB wMterlr from and MrolUI with UM north wratorly Um of Bandolpk atroet and a Ha SO feet eoutheaetrrlr froai and parallel Wttk tba BMOiMaTeriy line or Hunonipn eireet. , Tb Bnglneer'a Mtimata si tne proosoM nsrai sort for tbo lawns 1 a meal of Mid Blrer atroot to $l.e0.00. . . Tho a bora fmnroTOoaeat Maw rtai M a plank roadway Imprnrem. and obeli be BUintainea ny uo city ror a ponnn or rear rears. orvrleVd that tho owners of a majority af Um property benefited by said ImproreUMat or any porting tbereof sbaTl not petition for a new or d ffereut ImProramoBt Mfora tag nirsttosi of such nerlod. 1 TM piaos. aprciricaiMM usm wnsunu "i raa city Engineer ror im impro minim aa bum BiTur street are herebr adopted. Besotred, That tae AMitor or rne aty or Portland be aad he to hereby directed to giro notice of the prooeeed latproreiaent of Mid street, no nrortaed br tho cltr charter. IteanuMtinneM aganMt im anore lapite stent may bo filed In writing with tha uader- nlgnsd uithln SO day from tb oat of tba flr.t ouMlcuttoa of tbla notto. .... av oruei o m '"""i. j. THO. fj. rTT.rrt. , . Auditor of the City of PrwttaaA , rorwuuw, wnam. wwvn ao, nopoAALO roB limo-rxauars bobda crrr or pobtlabd. ob. Be led MogoMM will be racotrrd rry tM oaaarslgaad at tbo ofaco mt Ua Auditor of Um CJly of Portland, vr.. oani Toanoay, rto- reanker 1. 1004, at 8 a-clock p. a., for the asie. at not toss thaa par rules and accrued Interest, of impreremeat bonds of Um City of Portlaad, Or., m tho same shall be authorised to be laaued for the wool or any part of 0V4.011.1B. Raid bmda will bo toaned hi fBouxla MoM of $fioo.AO eeob. ta be dared Norember 1. IOim, poy- abU 10 years from gate, bearing aiereet ai tna rata nf B nee real ner nnnum. m Table semi an Dually, fotsreat and principal payabU la fnlted States gold coin, at Um office of -the City Treasurer, Portland. Or. Provided, that th City of PortUnd reserrM tb right to take nn and cancel noca nonaa, apoa tne payuncnt of the faoe ratoo thereof, with accrued toler ant to UM data of payment, nt any naanl eaaaun pertod at o aitor aa yeag trooi Um date of such bonds. Bald bonds are burned oader aufborlty of a net of the Leglsutar or the mate of Oregon, pawed Pebruary 10, rBA 0111104: "An act to prorfde for the lasnane of kondb for the Improrement of streets and tbo laying of sewers In ineorDorsted cities, and for the ear men t of coats af eurk laMexrreoarBts and Uying of aewara by tontnilmenta," as aaaennea ny aa net or tha LeolaUtnr f the Slate of Oregon, an prored rebruary xA ISO), entitled: "An art to amend aeciloaa 1, S, A A 0 and f of an act entitled : "Aa art t nrortde lor tha to of bond tM tanrorement of atreeto and Jaytng of aewara la Incorporated cillee. a Jaytng of aewen for tba peyuwnt ror amenta and Uyl" oa im met of encn im- na at ovwora br latall Sled 1a tho far f tn secrrtsrr of atate renruary n, laua, ana no proceeda thereof are to be used for the pay Meat tn part for the lei pro re meat of etreet a or osaatrucUon of newer m tb MM Manraea omnia shall unleleal. The ralMtW of Oh art of the LesrlaUrnre afereMld baa been afaruMd hp tb auarem Uourt or tae nrnw nr uregna. Nlddera win 0 reaaireg to eunmit g gat ISA Without conditions, eaceot M to th rtnUmr of the toeue of bonds, and to aubaalt with thetr bids a eertineg rnera an a bang la ma Clfy of PortUnd. Or., eoual to 0 per rent Of the fare rata of the bonds, kid for, paysbk to the Mayor of tbo CUy of Portlaad. as Hon I da I'd damage la cane each bidder Withdraws kls bid or raiM or neglects a enter is to roc tract to take aad pay for Mid bond according to the of hie bid and this notice. The rla-ht as reject any una an oina berrby rroerred. to ThoaaoB O. Dee- Bid shoo kg be Hu, Audltsr fwilirt. Or., aad marked "Bide By order of tba Umartl. BIMMKBMAK. m. JiiJu-a, T. SlfEBItrPP. Cuanualftoo oa Win nnd " ItorrtoaaV Orrgeo, October Si, tOOA let 4," Baawst A, pad- Bin a Broorg. $tM wet 04 1-0 feet of coat 00 feet of n B toot of BMth 14 feet of tot 0. Bat POB rhtPWTnTfXUT Off BTTLT- B0MAB BTBXXT. Notice to bsrebr Bm thai tha fassnell of the City of Portland, Oregon, al be Id 00 the tOtk aar a Ortotae. lrM. Jr. lar tho aaaessBMBC by ordinance No. 14.001. for tbo nnprorenDoot of Mnttuumah 1 treet. from tbo east line of Baat Mret street to tbo wee aoe mH aaa niitb m. Lk tk aravtoed by ordlMnce No. 13.001, a pen each tot. part of Mt and parcel or land. Which are specialty aan pecunarry noMnted, to bo m roiMwa, ns: HOLLAUAV B ADDITION to Bat PorttonsV- BLOCK OA tot A Itontol B. Bchaaaa. oa.0; m a, imumu sv oncaaua, av.w. IT Plato y btortoon. S0 T4; tot 8. FloUy Mar- rtoao. $1100. BliOCK OA urest to lot a. Oeorg A. Ostllno, t 71; weet U tot A Geprfo A. Ctollloa. pA2Z: 001 tf Let 4 Emiua A. Archaiupeaa. pa esat wi m. ft Ut Rbibis A. Archaubeau. $1.00: lot A Bufua Ualkrr, SATO; Ut 0. Burn atollory. Olt uA. BLOCK 00. tot 4, Pets Begner, $0 00; tot A State Companr, A'M.lOi Wt A OrenoB Boal lata Company, Kt2.W; lot A Oregnai trai Berate Cnmpaay, $21 .10; tot B, Oregoa Beal Batata rontaany. SSAdB. BLOCK TA tot A Oregoa Beal Botato Oooagany, $1 00; tot A Orea-oa Beal Batst Company, $10$: Ut A KUsaherh a TottU, $l oST lot A KUaakrth O. Tattle. $1.06. BLOCK ST, tot 1, M. Ollaon, $09.00; tot A M. Oltean. 00.40; tot T. JohsTll. Walt. SS.OO: Ut A John B. Walt. 0T.41. BLOCK OA, Ut 1, A. H Brermaa. ilJO-SO; Ut A ATh. rWyaMa.lAT0 W t. A. U. Brermaa, $0.T0; Ut A A. R. Brey man. $1U.SA BLOCK OS. tot L Iwm J. Arebambeau, SA00; tot A Bmma J. Arrham ' keaa. $4.03: lot T, Louto Nicola I. ST.40; tot 0. Louie NlcoUt, $134 TT BLOCK TS. tot L Blst era af as rity of Prertdanca of St. TlB cont'a Boapiul. $30 00; Ut Ow tare of Charity of Pro fide nee of St. Tlneent'a Hee- Ctal, OSSeS; tot T. Mary 0. Kama, $31.33; t A Nancy S. BnadVrtoaA S30.0A BLOCK its Company, !1.00; lot A Oregon Beal saute Company. I Oft; lot T. Oregoa Heal Eatat Company. 1.00; tot A Oregon Baal Eatats Compaay. 1. 00 1 Portlaad RaUway Company' a .right, of way, $mS0; City Suburban BaUway Coan peo.e'i right of way. S2.10. Total. $ST0.04. A atetaaneO at afnroMtd SMSBOment kM bOBO entered ta tbo Dorfcat of City Ltona. and to aow due aad parabU at tb office of the City Treaaarar, la towfal asoser of tb United Btates. and If not paid within $0 day from tb data of tbto notice, such nroraedlnga will bo token for tka eoUecttoa of fb eaua as are arorlded by UM charter of Um City of Portland. Tha Snore aaeeeament Will beer is teres t 10 days after tab first nubneathaa ox tarn now, -nioA a DEVLIN, Auditor af he City of PorttoaaV lHrttoarL Oregon. Oetobor . 1004. BBBTMSir-T FOB IaTnOTKBSnrT Off BAST . TWXBTT-AIXTB BTBXXT. Bettc to bereby giraa that tba OoancTl of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a nice tin held M tbo 10th day of October, 1004. declared the aaa mi Mint by ordlnaocs No. 14.00A for Ute ImnroTrwent f Beat Twenty-elxth atreet, from Um north Hm of Multnomah street to Uta aooth Um of HaUoy atreet. In th UMnoer prorlded Sordinanea No. 1A040. apoa sack kt. part tot and parcel of laod. which ar aportolly and peenUarly beMnted, to m m ioimws,.tV: riBsT ADDITION TOBOLLADAT PARK AD D1TT ON, Portland. Oregoa. BLOCK. IT, tot 1. The Tltto Oa ara a tea B Troat Coenpaay. 100. OS: tot A The TltU OoarantM A Trust Company, SO.TS; Ut 10, The Title Guarantee ft Trust Company. $1.00: Ut 20. Tb) TltJeOnar OntM A Treat Company. $0X11. BLOCK SO, tot 1, Tba Tltto OoarantM A Traat Oom puny. $114 43; tot A The TltU OuarentM A Traat .Cora pa ny. SAM; Ut 1. The TltU Ooa ranter Trust Company. $0 04; lot SO .The TltU - Ooarnntaa A Trnat Company. $100.00. BLOCK SI. Ut 1. Tbo Title guarantee A Trust Coa pany, $104.00; tot A The Title Guar an tea ft Trnat company, $11. SS: tot . The Title Guar antee ft Tr .at Company. $1.04; lot SO, The TUU OanraatM A traatCoaipany. OM.OO. BLOCK 10. lot 4. The TltU Oaa run tee A Trust Oompaay. $100 TO; tot A TU Bib Aiaraataa A Trust Company. SO. 00: tot A The Title OaaraaUo Trnat Coatpnn. fS.SJ; V t A Tho Title Guarsntce ft Trust Compaay. SI4.ST. BLOCK 10. tot 10. Tha .TltU uarnntM ft Traat Comoeuy. $1AA1T; tot 0. Tka TltU OnarsnU ft Trnat Ceaapnny. $8 41; tot IS. The TltU Ouarantee ft Traat Coav nany. ST.30; Ut 11. Th Title Guarantee ft Troat Company. $110 00. BI-OCK 22. lot 1A The Title Guarantee ft Trnat Com puny, BleAtO: tot Tha Tltto Oaaraatoa ft Traat Comnnny, JO.0O; tot 1A The TltU Guarantee A Trtiit Company, $130; let 11, Tba TltU Gnarantru ft Trust Company, $0A0A Totai. ' S1.aMn.0d. A stateonrnt of a fur us id entered In Um onw he and 1 In tb Docket of City Ltona, and U aad payubU at tha office of th dry Treasurer. In lawful money of th United Btatee. aad tf ant paid wltkla SO daya from the data of thla Mtloe. Back proceeding will hm taken far Um collecttoa of the mow m ara provided by the charter of tbo City of Portland. The eboro aoeeeaovnt will beer Interest 10 day attar tha Brat pwbllcatle of thla nottoa, THOo, C. DXTLIN. Aadltor of the City of Parttoasl PortUnd. Oregoa, October SI. 0A AaaUAABABT 10 B IBTrWTXSUBT OB BOD- . ' BXY AirXJnrB. Nottoa to herebr gteaa that ta Oeoncfl of rtBe ctty or Port r ana, tnregoa, at a meriing hsld on the I Bth day or October, ipn. Oeciared the asocesmeut hv ordlneac No. 14.10A for tba tmproremeot of Bodney arenaa, froan the north Um of Kaott a frost to tba aonth Um of Morrto atreet, la th manner arorlded by ordinance No. lA.TBA anon racb lot, part of tot nnd parrel of Und, which ar apeotolly 01 peculiarly beeefUe. 0 bo as fbllowa, rla: ALR1 N A BIOCH ST. aaat 300 feet af tot 1 IA Mary Fhelpa Mm tannery. 1101.31 : Mat 100 feet af tot 1A Mary Phelps Montgomery. SS0.M: east 100 feet of tot 10, Mary Phelps MoatgooMry. OPAOT. BLOCK M, mt IM feet of lot 11, William Wsscfcar. $00.00: eaat 100 feat of tot 12, William Wear her. S00.0B; Mit 100 foot at tot 1A WilUam Waacbef. j10O.1T; Mat 00 feet of Ut 14. BtolU B. Pltteager. $ATS: south feet af eeit SO feet of tot 10. Btetla C Plttengur. S .04: aorth 43 feet of eaat 00 feet of tot , Bugmo M. Orares. $64.00; woat SO feet of tot 14. Mary 0. Moltor. 0A$T. went SO fret of tot 16. Mary 0. Murirr. $3 44: sa.t 100 feet of tot 1A George B. and B. B. JamesM. BOA TO. BLOCK 90. Mat $ foot af tot lAPanl Weaelngur. fl TS; Ut 1A Mir- gnerlt P. Tom II neon. $03.81 ; aoatb 42$. reet et Wt IB, jnu aragget gorato. neu of, OS M: Berth T O feet of kt IB. Plmt Oer. man M. B. Church. $0.0t: tot 1A Plrdt Oec man M. E. Chnrch, 0W 04; lot IT. Mary Toomey. S4A41; tot 1A Mary Toemey. B4AS4: lot 10, Nora MrKennn. AT. 00: eust B feet of tot On. Butty Straha,,, $t.U: east $ foot of kt 4A Heury C. Hodge. $1.0$: wast U of tot 4A Charlee Ollroy. $4.0A; want H of tot 47. Charlca Ollroy. $4.11; woat U of kt 4A Cbarle Ollroy. $4 IT; eaat w of Ut 4A Aanruel Hm, 041.00; oaat mt tot 47. Ssawei Hos. 041.4OJ east H of lot 4ft. Samuel Hone. 041.00. KjOCK 1A West 100 feet of lot 34. A C Dyer. B4W.Dt: west 100 feet of tit SO. B. fi. Dyer. 04S.30; west 100 foot of tot SA B. 0. Byer. $.). BLOCK 10. went 100 feet of tot A Ellen rasa. $40 04: weet 100 fret of lot A Ellen Case, 4n0; west 100 feet of tot 1. Rlton Case. $47 00; weet 100 foot of tot BA 'ohn J. C, Bdgurto. $51.00; west 100 feet of Vn SS. John J. D. Edrertoo, 040.00: wet 100 feet af tot St. Joha J D. Bd ror ton, S40.0A BLOCK 14. . weat t feet of tot A James B. MontBomarr BeUU. heir of, $173; tot 1 Itann Tnaweea. S1S.1I; tot J, Hani ToaoocB, $110.10; tot So, Bwedlsk Lwtberan BranaeHal Emnnuel Church. $134.1$; Ut SB, Snh W. Bkano. 11.1 BO i weet I feat of tot 30. C. A, anJ It. Carlson. JI.S0; weat f feet af t.XA tlnnnab B., Clsnde I. Clyde 7. BcofBns, 33; kit IS. K. Ingetrrgta. SIA00; Ut 01, Ina-eteratsen. $12Sd1. TotaL S3 00 00. A atateasent of a for ass Id aseissneot has hern entered In tha IWhet of City Liana, and U now doe aad parcble at the offW of the City Treasurer, In towfal noner af the United Rta tea. and If not imd within on day from tba data of thta notlre aoch proceed na win be tnkea for the colWtlou of the mdm m are pro Tl .tod by the charter of the City of Portland. The aboro sea aew a t win hear Interest 10 Says after tba first pabllcatloa of tbU nottoa. TIM'B. H. IllltU.l, Anrtltor of ihe Cltr of PortUnA PorttanA Oregoa, Oetober SI, 104. n0KrSZ tatPBOTntNT 0T BAST B1BTB BTBXXT. Stotton ta herehr alrea Uat at tb 0Mttaf1 eg the coonrii of tae city oc PnrtMM. vrugon. beM mm the 1tB gay oc fMtoror, IBO. (e BMiawing reootattoa wns ndopted: Hewrea, That Um Ooaacil ef tba City of PnrtUud, Oregoa, deems It eapedUnt and pro noses to Imnrore Bast Ninth street frnm the south Hm of Wraant atreet to th Berth Um of Oetog atraat to th foitowhas manner, to ol t: , . Hrat: By grsdtna fh stroet ran wtgra with fall interwrcttona. Heoond ; Br brtngtng ta enrraoe g ta atraat foil width with full latereeettoM to tba arooor grade wltk apUBd bunk gravel. Tnira: try coMtrucnag wooora weewaun. BaM rmnreeanMat' to be made la aroordonco Witt tn raortor and ordlnancM of tho City of Portlaad and the plana, specif! re Uom and estimate of the City Enfteeer, filed In the office of Ibo Analtor Of tb City of Portland m the SOth toy of August, lOnf. Indorsed: "City engineer's pieoa and eoeineetWM for tb ImprorcnMat of Bast Ninth atreet trun (be sou lb Hm ef Wygaut atreet to tb aortk tine af Uotng nrroot and th eatliMte af the h ST ka ahmn oad tha arakihto ssaaA mi tacreof " Tho cost af aald twnrrrruant to ba ssmmiQ 1 prorided br tha ctty rhnrter apoa the proaerty specially kuaeflted thereby hud vrhlch m bereny oerisra ro m ail tne ef Utn aad parceU of Und tying Hm J! feet east nf and peralle all the km. narta of tond lying between a nf and Mrallel With In east Hm af Beet Nlatb atreet and a Hm ln feet weat ar and psraiMl with tha went Hue af Bast Ninth atreet and betweoo tho aaath tine af B-rgaat aUOst sad tha north Um of wotnt atreef. in BBgiBiafo osthswoo of too srooakto tatol I Peter Wagner. 08-63; woat to tot , uure I Virginia llawke, 08.TI; weat lot A Ollre I VlrgiDto Hawks, 4 00: east tf tot A Peter I, CaratoM. $4.03 : Mst M tot t, Petar Cara- t tana BA an. MM'K Tl. lot A Otooon Keel a for tbo imererumsnt al said aaat VUrtA Street to $1.100 00. T is abore lima-oremeat a to be rtaesed ss K arel Improrement and shall he n.. .sted by Um city lor a period of four years, prvrta -4 hat tt-e owMrs of a ststorlty of tho or tteoeflted by said Improvement or any ptl.M tbereof shall not oellttoa fur a mw er dlffrr ent lintworoaunat onforn tbj eipiratioa et auok The PUm, aperlflcattoM and eatlmats of rbe CMr atogiaoer tor the Improeflment el aald aw HI..L -au anaa hanAFdllkw' aulUDlfrll. Beaolrod. That the Auditor of tha 1 Otf of Portlaad bo anal ba to horubr directed to $W, swtlc of th eroposcd toprorenieot of aald Btrrrt. mm prorMed by tae elty bmonsUanree sgainat the bu imseees. k KUJ Iw. rlttna- With tha DBSeT .1.. arithha an dam from tba onto at tba first pabllcatton of thU 00 Ilea, . , r By ardor of tbo Count U. f. , , , THO A C. DBTLIN. Aadltor of tho City ofPerttoa, PorflasA Oregoa. October Si rOsH. bob XKrnomtpxT of babt SATTS BTAXET ;Botfc Sj barear gleen that thntctornefl I of th" City of PtlawL OrertM. at a meetlag held oo the 10th day or uctoner, i", "V " .1" the saoeueoMOt by ordtoanca no. ImproreaMat of East Darts atroet. from the -V nn. i sjiaat Twentr necood street t tb wast Hm Of Best TwMly fourth atreet, . i mm nrdlnanM No. 1AO0O. apoa eaab tot, Prtor tot nu p- of Und. wfclcb are apenaiiy ana P-"" bene filed, to ho aa follow a. rla: ni uvo anniTirtw ta Eaat PortJa OnV BLOCK 0. tot A A. A. Ami, fwaj; m o. -' ": Schmidt. S0.4T: aooth feet of let and A. W. Bash, 00 01 ; BMth 100 toot of tot A KEYSTONE ADi'inoB to tho City of Prt BnoBU" li U( U vrwma pany. $1$ 00; tot T, Crecet L; JIT. Ml Ut 0. Patrick Early, $1 DCNN'O ADDITION to Baat Part 10. tat A Blbert W. Cooper. 4 Una BLOTK 1. Ut A treaotwi Creoceat ianu uunuaaiu. glT.l. it t la n BLOCK tot A Albert W- Cooper, JM.w. tot 1. laar UT rnnla. SM.Br: Mt B. tot a. raui Eraeet Til tot Joooa. $34 81; lot 0, J. B. Boptt, BSO. in UM...I tl...l .k B19 HO KBVbTUNE'S ADDITION In tb City of Port Und BLOCK A eaat no root 01 wt a, irw rent Land Oompaay. $10.04; all af Ut I e- cept Mat 00 feet. Marie BUM. $l-; tot 4. Brain D. Hewitt. $10.73: tot S. Craaosat Lead Company. $10.00. Total. $O0.A A ateUmeet of aforrnla aseesameat Am born Mtered tn the Docket of CTtrLlean. and U now doe and ptyabU at tha office of the Olry Treasurer. In lawful money nf th United Btates. and If pot paid within SO daya from Um date ef thla notice, such proceedings w1U be taken for tba collecttoa of the tame s err provided br the charter of tb City of Portlaad. The aboro aaa ee meat will bear tabsreat 10 days after tb Brat Babllcattoa of this notUo. , . THOS. C DETLIN. ' ' ' Auditor af the Cltr of PortUaft, PorttanA Orrgoo, October t 1004, AtfTirtTITT f0 IMTBOTiaiXBT 01 TK10B ATBSTBB. Nottoa Si bareby gtroa that tha OaaacU of tba City af Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held 00 tbo lftth day of Oct her, 1004. decUred tbt aesessmeat by ordluanre No. 14.S00, for tho ImproreBWDt of tnUm areuue. from the center Hm of Dlrtoton street to the aoatb Une of Iron atreet. la tb manner provided hy ordinance Mi. m aon anna aarh tot. Mrt of Ut and nor eel ef Una. which ar aped ally gad peculiarly benefited, to be en fallows- U: KBBN S ADDITION to Bast PertlandrXeOCK B. tot A B'llHoBI C. Brown. $1022: lot T. WlUUm C. Brown, 030.28: Jot a wiiaam o. Brown, $40 OT: let A WUllam C. Brown, $48,007 BLOCK O. tot 0. Prod S. Morria, &0 411 Ut T, rrod A Morrli. $10 St. BLOCK rfit 'iTHeVbert B. McBwenTitT.SO; tot A Cnarlea Oregory, $90.; tot A Ana Kerr. SBtT tot?' MW lv Matthalf, $T0 14. LOCK P. Ut 1, Charles H. Chance. $20.38; tot A Prod I. Morria. $2S.S0 Orcaoa Water Power ft Railway Companr 'a track right of Iay. 854 PT." Total. $4TT.O0. eratement Of aforesaid seseaameut ha boM entered ta taa Docket of City LUnA and to now dne aad payahie at tM erne or oa ny Traaauzur. la towfnl ssoner af tbo 0 sited Btrntea. and If not paid within SO daya from (-eie data ef tbto notice, ouch arc a aid logs will bo taken far tM rotiecnon at jue seme an are rortdod by tae easrter ox tne t uy or roriiaiw Tha ahnwa mfiiitimt wilt bear later set 10 any after tba Brat nuhHMttoa, of this aaOea. Auditor of the City of PortbUn. PorttoaA Oregon. October 31. MOA 1 v otf t Double-Track Missouri River TSo Chco Portland Spedal, the moot hixunous train in th workL La wing-room oleeDtne conj, dmiDS coy, bonfct smoking aod library car (barber and batti). Less ttiaa Bjim dsys Portisnd to Chkago. ThroughTrafns S,..y"i 5Ert5i?"S,'R .'is uregoa rt. it. ar rac v.o r. at. k. ana Chicago ft North Westera By. Chicago from Portland and poloto is Oregon aad aster WMhingtou. Dally waraiona fa BwH Bleeping car from Port laod Thrush ta Chicago witaoot c bangs. ,B,BITCH1B, A. O. SABKBB, Wee 1 Am. raa. ceost, Ocaarai Aaeen, t Otr Market Quaes, tn Third Street. na Qaaaciaco. Cali roKTi-Ana, Oaa. MrVUlMOrXJb 4V OHIO H R. AUi XRATH3 VlAWaiWTON IBB Valrel Bt, 3V Trna4ritlnappitanl eea. TrmlrtaB DgoJIy i, FAST TIMB TO BPOKANB. BT, TAVU BOT tttH, atlNMEAPOt.IN. CHICAGO U0 JLLtli FUIrfTlB Dgyllartit trip through and ftevy tnonnte 4. t ills " Art tr-O Chicago V Crjzz -n uwu f m0mmm f r 1 laan.a uuWAyaH 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Throwgb Pa lag can dally to Omaha, Ohloa tourist alftetilnsr csrs aaihr te throunh Pullman toortet - mm lw - ally eendacted) weekly to Chlrus. "toisal ekahT ens (seata Creel ta the Bsat tells. tmiON DBPOT. Arrrrs, CKICAOO POBTLAND SPBCIAL. toy the Bait rla Bet tog ton. IUli B nj p. Ba. iBally. BPOKANB PLTBA. Par Eaitern WashlsgM too. W1U Walla. Lew- 0:Ubi mfm a. m. totow. COOM d'AUaa Daltr, iBoiir. . and wnot , Bartaarai pointa. ATLAWTtn KXPRESA rta Haai- far tho Bast S, TluStoOto In ale n. Bally. tDaOy, 0OZAB ABTD aTTTJt OcSWtX" POB BAH PBAJfCIBOO A A Oaa. W. Oct $, 1A A All Dock, rBttoSht A A OotoaaMa-e Oct. A 1. 3A :00po OolambU Birar Dlrtaton: s-on irmn t mm 1 a.- 1 pointa, ronarcttng with Osllr. About ' atrnr. Par Jlaaoa and ex. fcaaap P, av, North Bean, atr. Baa- Satnrday SB. fandsr. Mto. Aab-st. doS. 10:00 p. m. JtB DATTON. Oregon I City aad TnaublTI Blrer t:00g, SB S-SOp, ah points, Btre. Butk. aad CrUP Dally. Modoc. Aakt dock. oa Sundm aa. Be lag. t (Wator aoraUtttna.l a-!.. TiMta, ' JOB LBWI8TON. Saa..l on m. lAaowt ay potato from riilr 100 p. m PboM Mala nt BomTTAar abxati0 . m. Bar Tohnnaoao m w .a ana. yieensBi ana BhanfhaJ. xakl and SbsnghaJ, Uklaa freight ilnf. f- ? MaaluTSwrt ir i.," : B t. ABABIA. Oct. la Tia onnociii thur and VI B A ABAOONIA. Oct. At; a MirwiNnr aVSyo "?BC ana farthor psrttonlaai JAM B0 H. DKWBON. aauenr. Taitpbuai Mala SOA , "ir 11 l liina EASTvuu SOUTH TJWTOB DBPOT. ftrrteas. OTBRLAND BXP trsina. for Sotom. Booa-J burg. Ashland. 8acra- t M A to. mens. Orden. Ban Pros TBth) cisco. Brockton, Lou An4 (elaa. El Psao, Flew Or- Imm and tho atoaf. Moraine train 1 aecta " at WoodborsJ dairy aaat with train t SO a. ah. WISB, AugaL Bllrert. BixiwBPrllU. 01 a a geld. WeadUag Bdl Natron. Alba ay Masengw eou neeta at Wsodaura with: Mp Mt. Ajm1 aad too tocaL nso a. at. Oorraln llBflOAOS 0.30 a. s eDsily. (IDully. eicept Sunday. IwrtUad-Oawaae aVHrbaa Oarrtoa Oahfl Dtrlslea, Depot Poet of Jef feruna BUmL ' Leore PortUnd dally for Oewsn T:SS 0. ga.f IS SO. SM. S:S3. B IO. $ SH. 0 art" 10 p. m! Dally (eicept Sunday), 0 SO. f rSO, S:0i. To a. aut 4:06, UM p. pj. fjudaf anly, 0:S fUtaratag from Oawogo, arrtr PWrOsnd deray mediate points dally (eioeat Baaday) dUa) p. SB. Arrlro PortUnd 10:30 0. a. The I ndeoMdaace Mi mawmCb nporatos dally to Monmouth nnd Air tie, t . aectlng with Boathern Pa HO manga ay's braauni at Piuas and iaopooaenc. Plrat-cUas far frm PortUaS Op and San Pranclaco $30. berths $0; fare $1A anoond-etoM berth $3 90. TlekeU ta Baa tern uotnui and 1 Jspen, China, flinolaU and AustraUa. City Tlchoi Of Bee corner Third aad ragto Street, rnoo aura Tlx. v . w. irnNun. w. a. cxnum. City TIrko Agnnf. time card Strains PORTLmAJVOb ONION B3POT. Onund UnritoA tor TacenM. Seattle Olnuta. Soutb Bend dBABk. ' - eX00p.lL oS0aav -:' t MhW V TatoohSBr TaWtoOB. nd Oray'a hUrbec puis to. North Caeat Ltoaltsd. for Tacnmo. aWattlo. Butte, St. Paul. Mln neaooha. Cblesae. New Tork. Boston and pntotaJ Kast and Oouthsaat. Twin City Ei press, far TaeoBM, Beattie. apo- kaue. Helena, St. rani, IflaaaanoUn Cklnaao. Uidia BA New tork. Boetoa aad all point Beat Bad Southeast. Puget Sound KanOM OltrSL Looto BtMctoL ! OAS . BL for TacouM. SrattU. Soofesn. Butt. BtlUnra. Denrer, Omaha, Kansas City. Bt, Louie and all pointa Baal sad aomtb- ---r Alt tmtoa daltr aet mm A k. D. CBABLIOt. ... AaatBtant QsuersJ Pasaenger AguaA BBS Morrtooa o. oar. Third. PortUnd. Or. Astoria &. Columbia. ' River Railroad Co. UNION DBPOT. 1Mb SA Bally. Par BtaynrA Bsrator D !tr. nstaksaie, . Wmtport. UOO A Bsa Cllft uuv Aetorta. War ran ton, FlaraL Ham-J Biond, Port Btsreus. Oearhsrt Par. BVaaliis, Aaiorta dsiar. r-Mp. to. Dauy. $40 a. ah, Aasnrta ' "" " oVr; andV A e. a. srrwwANT. c at, Pbom Awia . , (SB 9 J 0:SQ a. m. i:oa. :oo, :sn. oria T S0. 0 , 11:10 A m. Dally, (elaept Bandar) O tA T w 0:00. SO. 11:45 A m. Kxeept Mm sag. kS4B A . Bundsy eoly. 10:00 a. m. TaaoM fmm hm depot fur DnTtoa Bad totow