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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
jotJrnal, portla. TH-E i :ews of UECra PLANT AT - BAISLEY-ELKCC3N J10YOBS ABB OOS- SBTiV KII4 U(B oovosim ros xbbtaubb os nonarr. - 4ftecl1 Dtspstr to The JowmI ) . Baker City. Or- Oct. 1A Rnt equipment added to th plant -of lh Balalay-Blkhorn mln euUrgee the treat ment capacity of the mill matsrlally, and will eeiabta the MSJiageixisnt lo keep full forces buy U working face. Tfa transformera for tb )so trloal plant have bm ahlpped from Maw York. and sre wiwcttd km la r abort tints. In tM bum ear with .he tronofornora novo boon hlpped ff-horan power motor for too crushing mllla, Iff - netra powor motor sur tb ooncontroUatr tahle. sad a W-hor tMiwor olootrle hoist, wtvnerennta for Installing which bavo boon oompiotad at tb mlsa. When Umbo artiv and ar pot ta oporatloa they will constant jttao moot oomploto electrical oqulpmont a this rloa for ftperaUng mine and im the tafllln oltot ona WlAor tabl ta being- added, giving a battorr of six, and anotbor 1-foot Bryan mill haa bos ylaced alongside of tbo two aireaay in position, which la sstlmated to brine aha oapaoltr of tbo concentrator up to 3 iff tona por day. Tboro 10 a ooBaiaor bM rooonro of oonontrating or la tt ftbaft levels of tbo Balaley-Blkhorn, bo aidoa tbo shipping- trad of oro that baa boon eeat out of lata. Too ahaft la down to tbo Sfte lvL and a drift of at oro than Toff foot baa boon mad on tbo lowor level a odor upper workings. Ail rtfta from tbo abaft or tbo adit front which tt ta sunk, bjo Into th bill, giving; depth rapidly. Whim devoting mooh tint to tho mill an olootiical equipment. Manager Yield haa put throo ahlfta, with powor drills, la tbo faoo of th big eroaoeat bore, whloh m to tan tb ontlra ma srystem at tho greatest dopth of any bum working In thin at to. SOTER SKELTER - GETS BADGER ORES (Burin Dtotitt to Th JsaaL ' ' Ptassr City, Or.. Oct. lA.-hfanager Fred D. ruilov of tho Oregon Smelt In IbBflnlnc oompeny, oparatln- at Sumptor. Jam Joat elooed a deal with tbo Badsnr nana nunaaaaswit for tho oro product of that rtob Suaaavllto property. Tho taanao a Tory Important factor tat thb) district, and baa boon tho ataadleat for tho paat two yoara of any mlno worfe tna; bora. With annoonovmont of hav Ina; aoenrod Badaor oroa, tho nuoaaw mont of tho nanetter alao aayo that oon traota bavo boon made with tho nuuiaao aaont of tho Balaloy-Klkbora mbio for tbo prodnot of that wuno, which . WlU eooatot of ooncontrataB and oro. Bocurina; Badaor ooDcantrato waa OomathUus of a avrsrlao, aa thai oUh hi owned by a kindred company to tho Bunker H1H and alhan. of tho Ooour d'Ahmoa, wblh aamo awnaral antoroota own and ope rata tho Taooma amelter. Fred W.- Bradley, manager and oonoult lnc onalneer for tho troat tntoreata of tbooo oonoarna, ta manaawr of tho Bad er, and entered Into tho aaroemont with tbo dumpier amelter, thronch Vuportn- Oandent B. T. Kennedy. The fact uiai a auooani eapoolally doalrlac to amenoreo at tta own. plant abovld turn wrrr tbo oro Vroduot of tta mineo to aa ootalde taotltutlon. opeaka voranrao for what aaj ho eMMenpttahad at wmpter. Tho fa two of tbo amalUnc buolneon tharo nimi aaawed beyond all poealWMty of doubt wboa tho ajanaemeot ta able to Biako ouch Uda for oro. Badaor area oro rery desirable m a matter, and will fa cilitate reduction work at Bnmptor mm tarlallr. . MINING IN EARNEST e IN IP AHA DISTRICT Tho manaMnant of tho7 Baroka mlnoa, at Imnaha. haa jaat eommonood to mmo la oameat," aabt ft dOaen of Wallowa yeatorday. ' A oontraot haa been tot for LffOff foot of work to bo done with tho now oomprooaor plant ro eently lootaltad. and thU ta to bo fol lowed by enercetio deretopojent. By mnenff of power drlUa tbo oopper attnea tbaro wUI bo opened In okore aattofao tory taaimar than work haa proare ed horotofora. At tho Farao proporty tbo aaanaooment la waiting for eofnoune fAont of tbo Moan tola Ooaa oteamboat'a reeroiar runa, when prortalona and oup plies win be prorlded. Tbo Gem haa been anoaaod op until tho present haul ins nra-la from Bnaka rlrar potato near liOWHrton, hot whoa wator rises la tho rlrer a UtUe. oo that tho rapids may bs p sased asiely, oho will bo to tho upper river." - Wallowa eoontyff oopper dtatrlet hi to fooorra a Breeder amount of development tho oomlng year than slnoo tta dloovery throe yoara avo. Additional work may ho dona on tho reduatton plant eom aeeaoed at tho mouth of tho rlrer. Ut tle baa been atatod rolatrro to tbla In amok, but It ta oald by enciiwers who hawo rial ted tho oamp that tbo plant waa jot aulted to the bandllnc of Imnaha orea. and that tho Eureka and Fanro maaaajenienta would Mkely be oonaWer Inv a regular blast fornaeo after their devetopment haa proaroand anffletoatly far to keep a lOff-toa fiirnaoa tn oooamio. (aserUI Stopatob to The teorsat) ' Baker City. Or. Oct ttWoha a. Klrohen. of tho ampter maeltar and oajBultlnft onsinoer for tho M. J. Oot oneen Ac Oo.'s proportloa, atatod while pasolnc throuvb thai eltr that work at tho plant BtlU oroaresaed saliafaetorlly. "Tbo smelter la running day and alaht. with double shifts, and haa a btrae re ervo on band." oald ha. "Wo will bo lo to oontlnue ranntnoj tbroutrfe tho v eter months Mat tbo aamo aa at pros- c. aa pmvtslon baa been made aamlnat n conditions. Good ohtpmenbj of era o bolnc made from the Friday at Pearl, from tho Seven Devlta, Ida., tho j vr.d and BaiBley-Klkhorn, on tho .r City side of tho Rlkhorn dlrldo, aa from tho propertloa abovo Sumptor." Gsessei Yd? ereaMNrial hTueaaInf oootaot e t m NmrmnMT t, ThU at your hut 0 rtuo1ty to tret an equal ebanos at . hanrtaotno prtseo valued at l0.ffO. Ir t wait, but aend In your estimate 1 ,r. Ooo guesa ta allowed for ovary . r ts remitted for euboorlptloaa at to Tbo Journal the mines PLACES H; OAS A MAMKOTB PLMP af sKM-BBS mn somas vows to aotuatb i wiai btpyisb loss 4SS WHhln a very short time tho Ooldon Drift altnlna ootnuany wlU rooelvo at their phtat near UranU Paao tho buveat oentrlfuaai pump ever built on too ra cittc coast for other than marine dock usee. This Dump, bolnc a five -step af fair and of creator diameter than any other eaotrlfucal pump built on tbo coast for sueb work, waa destcned by Enatnoor W. L Fleek of O rants Pass. wbo to oonaultlnc aocmeor for tbo Golden Drift eomoanv. In a-ettln this order filled at Baa Fran cieco, Mr. Fleck had to make hla own patterns, far tbaro are two more steps than had boon used so far In other pumps, and the maanltude of tbo new machine waa far beyond the manufacturer. Conaldermblo time has boon required to execute tho order, but it is about ready now, and will bo de livered at Grants Pass noon, whoa ereo Uon will ha token up at onoe. To operate the pump, four of tneh tnr- btnea have boon installed as ona unit all emineoUnc by beveled ojear with tho line ahaft seven Inches ta diameter, on which tho contrtfuaal pump to placed. Bach turbine has a estimated stroncth of 400 horse-power, givinc tor tns unit The ountD. turning at MO revo lutions per mlnuta, and llftlnc U.o oal lona of water 480 feet por minute, to es timated t require l.X0e horse-power, so that tboro will ho a surplus of energy Lin the first unit, whloh may ha utilised by tho asanacamont for ether work. If desired. Tbo penstock and turbine framoo win permit tho metalline of two more units aloncaldo of tbla one, u tne sower ta Oeetreo lor aumpma; or ior otber porpoeea. Masmcor M. C. Ament itatod the oast week that ovoryuunc ax the dam n ready for winter flooda. and would continue ana bated. TWO POWER PLANTS ' NEAR GRANTS PASS ' (opeelal BtoMteh to The tonraal.) Granta Pass. Or.. Oct Ja. Thoro pi em laps to bo oom petition hers tn the sower and Ucht business. A few days Mto Cot t-iarik Bay of Chloian, who Is aaaooctatod with lr c. s. ltay oi tne Condor Water A power oompany vis ited the dt with the punwn of da tarnHnlnc what could bo don In this market. Tbo Condor plant la hut four mllee beyond Gold Hltt. ur atlchtly niore than 24 mllee from tkto city. But tne Golden Drift atlnmc eompany, which haa a plant within two miles of tbla city, has aa larco n powor plant aa tne vonoor, and while the primary purposes of tho areata Pass Institution la operation of a placer mine, there to already a sur plus af enercy th the first unit of wheels placed to operate the pump, and that wttl no doubt be In tho local market. Whether oom amioabta arrangement will bo made between tho eoneerne, or Grants Pass a to receive tbo benefit of a oorapetltlva struccla, cannot do fore casted, aa neither manacanent dta- ouasoo the anbjeoC : V CorapctltioB Wixe, Warn, v " About tho ftrat of Septan bar the Acme Mills oompany received a huvt ehlomeot 4 nHnA" illanla. uerda. alvertlaliu their orack hrenkfaat food. 'and to order to cat thorn displayed to peat poaalbte advantaajo offered prises to meal cro oers for the most aaoeltaat dtaplays. While there war many deaiana and sbowinco of more than usual merit tbo first prise of tiff waa eapturod by Geotc Hockeanyoa of Suaaoa Btreet. Mr. Boekenyoa' dtapUy waa novel ta many respects and attracted great attention. Jobs K. 'Malley of North Seventh and Burns Ida streets, secured tuo seoond prise, by the next beat arranament Tho Acme Mill only rearot I thai there war not more prises to b awarded to Boswrvlnc dloploy. - A y - LAST ST, LOUIS KATES. X saw aWW ! Tlehoe OfTosad hy t h O. M. m S. Tkto On October SI. SS and SS th O. B, If. aaain sells very low rat return trip tickets to St. Louis. ood retumina; un til IMmbor SI. It wlU nay yoo to oall at Third and Waahlncton streets and obtain particulars from C W. StlnSer. city ticket aoant, ; Msaraol fJoeetal serries.) ' - St. Lou la. Oot, IA The Southern Rail road C3ommlaalonra association beams its annual meetln in Mv Lotil today, and will be In session until Saturday. Th prldlnrjfflcr Is N. W. Baptist, of Nashville, Tennu. and am on; the par ticipant are member of th association from Florida, South Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, Mlsalaalppi and other atatoa. OPERATIONS A FAD Btrttta radilv Awaken ft th tnS, Th Uteet fad In operations ha been th appendicitis fad: before th fad for rectal operatlona (piles, etc) held away. Hunarod of patlenta were frightened and harried Into hospitals, operated npon and robbed of their last dollar, when th trouble was simple oaa of hemorr hoid or pile only, easily eared at home with a simple remedy ooetin- but AO osnts a box. 1 procured one bob of Pyramid Pile Car of my drugaist, with tn intention of buy in a larger boa later, but waa happily rarprlsed when I found that I waa eared, and still have Ma pyramids, left out Of th first and only box. I have not had tbe least atan of pile since I used this on box,' which haa been boat two months;' previous to uslns; Pyramid Pile Cur 1 had th worst kind of bleeding- and protruding; piles - for over Iff years, and no one know, except thos who have had th pUs, th pain and misery I suffer, 1 am a poor man hat hevs often mid I would give fortune. If T had It, t be oured of the Bile, and now I have been oured for to oent. I should b very no grateful If I did not thank yon and give you every arlvUe to oa my nam and this letter, when I know there are so many whs suffer as I old." 1. A. Wetsmlller, No. 110 Blandeasburs; Rood. Washington. r. C Th Pyramid Tm Oo Marshall. hTlrh, pablleh a little book on th causes and core of pile, which they will be lad to malt free to any applicant, and w advise all sufferers from till painful dtaease t writ U them f or tt. CLAIRVOYANT Sir 30354 Wwhlsctadi . trsot. Sir Francis Drake M mm e - ' siv.uu Kommnm ts Utm RMlma for -1 1 TLl. iaui. irt.. asW WV SJUsB ffnnji VDIV jrU WTTX TKT.L TOtl TOTTS PVTU. HAMS, AK. (K-CUPATION, AND .WHOM AND WUIH TOU WIU. HAKRT. Z wul f erf eH Mff rre I fan to toeea ee w to fssclaete aaroae ree eeatra. new to nMke rear eoeaues ronr frleada. eaeas a seeesy auirUge wltfe tbe eae of year caolea. alve yea pond beak end auks yea Tiissfal i year aBaineaa. reawve evil uaeoscee, re sile the separated. sle res taekr nam bare. keete the eartk-a berlad treaearea. aettla me eld esUtes that tbae bss pUred aeond the lawyers earewassss. ,aa4 posiUfoiy esaniito Bew eaa How eaa How eae Bow ceo How eaa How eas hart oosd torfcf raceesd la builsessf aialia mr bobm btppj evBcrser say eseauT aurry tbe eas I senses t if: marry weiiT Hoi i BMrrrr Hew eaa I eonoar ut rival t Hnw eaa 1 make anr eae bwe BMf How seoa will my lover atoaomY Sow vas 1 set a letter T , Mm eaa 1 rt food pnettlsaf Bow eaa I twmove sad taflneecssf ow stake suuat omm tklnk ef wm Hew eas I bold my fensbaad's taval How eaa f bees at wlfe'a tore T SIS VR A If CIS DSASS UUs all aeks eeestkias. aWrRS IUII.Y, Iff' TO f, AWD BTTCDAx. M WAS HITi OTON ST., COR FIFTH . AND WAflHINOTOK ITS, ' X oamos SAM rauotsoa . . ... UMXTSS. , SsOatoa. ,. amia aueau. Bsed'ofaea, IB Old Sreaff Strott. TUa bank traeaaeta a avaaral baakta asea, aukas loans, dleeoanU bills and leaoss tetters ef credit available tar brsretors and far tfea asrebass of mtrchaadlse I say dtr of the arid. Dean la fareirs ssd domeitle T'Titikimi Jeterest said eoalT Usw eeposltt. W. A. MA CRAB, ataaaae,. SSfftTaUTT SATTATOS ft TSTTCT OO, M fetorrleaa M,, Sertlasd, Oi; s Oeaeral Senklns BKMSaaaa. sattjioi DiriiTHan. Istorast Allowed oa Tlane sad Rarlnse Dssoafto. ct ae ireeree mr uuut. ad tatters ef credit sealtosie im aS psrto of the world. . M w ini wa A, Liwii.,,,; i-vne Tlee-PreaideBt Pii-1jL.- MBil vlue-rreeldest a. juarrs USTTSS srTATWR SATIOVAT. BAaTS OF POSTLAKP. OEKOOV, so: WE. THIRD MMO OAX a OesersJ Bashlae DRAFTS TRRtrsn AvsBshls I ah rifles ef the Hatted States and nes aoes. sm Menus. , OtnXBOTXOBt MASS OS tAvOSASIJi TRASS. rwaidset. , & aikr worth Vlo PraeHint. W. B. AT Cashlor..... 8. W. SCrfKBlfR Aastotsat Ossbtor ....A M WSIOHT MBmOBdSTTS' SATXOWAK BASsT, rflRTLAMB, 0SBSOV. tun Wiiranu tL DTTRHAH ,..Tto-IWdnt W. BOTT...... f. Cashier 0B0R0B W. H 0 TT ....... A erla at Caahier xrass ms a ssairsj aasaing nssissss Drafts sad totters ef credit taed svailasto to all parts ef lbs world. Oattoettoaa a specialty. OoM dnst beagbfc. rZBdrS? SAVIOSA& BASV r ef lortland. Or. - Itapaattnry and nannslal she DnUad Statas. Cashier.,.,. J. W. VBwkirk AsaUtast Ossbtor W. C ALVORD Stood AasUtast OseMer S. P. STBTRNR Istters f credit toned s valla Ms la ahoeas and the Baa tare atstea. SI Snhange and Telearapblg - Trsasfers aoM oa Mew York. Sustoa. CblcageSt. Leeta. St. PaaL Omaha, lea Fran las sad the principal points In the Bertbwest. Right and time Mils drawn la saw to sett ea Leooom. Parts. Berlin. Break fori-oh'the Hats. Bong Kong, YeknaeSM. Oopeeassea. Chrhitlanla. Btncbhehn, St. Patorsbmig. atee eew. Enrich. Bosotsia. Ool lections toads ea favarsbto TOW. BASTKBBS, tabllaaed to IBM ) Oeaeral Saafcla shwhiia. Oeltottlons awds at an polsts ea favoratt terats. Lottera af credit, tossed avslUble to Barope and sB setota hi tbe United Btates, Blgbt Bzcaaage and Telegraphic Trasafers seta ea Mew York, Washington), Chlcage, L Lento, Denver, Osaaba, fcn Irasntoso end blentssB sad British OohnsM. vHianaa nsld ea London. P-Vta. BsaBn- Prankfort. Boas Wens. YoaoaaaM. alaaUa aad Honshu. I htonvam bsos. b . B-ATrlbV sr1, tSSH Vans St.. Pssllaad. Oesgsa. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Perttond Sail Betate aft Lswsst RatoS, Tltlea Ineored. Attracts Fttrtitahd. mpM TASASTBB B TBITSY fM EARL OF DARTMOUTH A GUEST OF HONOR ' ' ' (Joarnal Spselal Snrrton t ' ' Hanover. N. rL. Oct. It. Arriving: train today hroaaht aoore of aiumnl and friends of DerUnoutb oollsgo from every part of th country. Thsy com to attend th coram on to Incident to the visit of th ari of Dartmouth and th lay Ins of th oorneostone of now Dart mouth hall, which la to tak th phve of th htstorio old bulldlna which was destroyed by fir last oprlnr. , Tb procram will be Inaugurated to- nftrtit with th celebration of "Dart mouth night,- at which th earl will be t-HaB ahntaahnBtt JS akbtlAaTl FaThaal dd alaaahe Mtitlt m laylna- proper take pUce tomorrow. In the ovonlnsT the ezerclnes will be brought. to a clpse with a banquet, at which the sut will Include, besides th sari of Dartmouth, HI Excel teney Sir Morti mer Enirand, th British ambassador; Jams Bryc. If. P.; President Bitot, of Harvard university, and otbor persons of wide promlnenoe. . From th National staain. V ' Pro mth Kattonal sfaaaJilna. Th Incident happened a I waa being driven to tbe station, and It srooe from my admiration of the publi library Senator Hoar had polnhrd out to me, The only Urn I waa vr atuilty ef wire pulling." my boat then remarked, "was whn 1 so used my tnfluano that Thuoydlde tnstaad of Hrodotua re oelved honorabl mention on tb faced a th representative Oreek blstorinn. Why did I want to carry that point? O. only because Iv always bad mm special fondness for Thooydldea." Was not that deltdouely oharnotw lstltaf I there another man in Ameri can psbllo life today who would pall wires for ThuoydMdest v 1 -rM CUDAH BEL..ICUE CLAIRVOYANT THE VULED PROn :XTSS -1 TELL VOUK NAMB m Srcbl This Wed. V $ 10.00 ur l yi Raiting ' j r -m TWe ere auetakes hi the predletlpas SMde by tbe rrest sod woaderrwl eayrttr. To awr wtsta ts kaow U H Is adrtoabto to rake eaaaae Is kmlseav la tore, 1 awe. rlcse. ""ban i mesea u say sew aaosrtsaisc r 1 "Oaa I seta la ow besss. av itabss. ai aa stttensr' - . "SbaB I ever enjef tie toxartos Of waalttr "Caa I traat mr Meads T "Hate I eoeotlssr (. Si '-. ? . Wbea shall 1 marvyr . How eftes shall I mmrrrT ' i ' . "Shall I srer be dtvoroedl" Does another saere the lev fbat HfbtfBQr oofs to acr' AaH loved la retaver . " .;. "! there a rival la my bvef ' "Wbea Bball mr tore affair toraatneta hi amrrlaref"' "wusa sail mf aenosne tronMs r Hnw can I make mj life end boms sappy Whsa ehsll my abeent friend retarar', Way de I set torsive a lsttort" . i ' .i.i , .... ' . ; , HODRR Iff to DAILY AND UK DAT. " 29VA Morrison St., Corner Fifth Tloor of Boston Ttontal rarlor. CITY SOTXOXS. YOB rsnOvYBXSY Of CUT' TOH RIIR. BetW to berebr riven that the Osaaetl ef . in Mnni m , at a peetlms r, 1WH. declared k 14.BBS. far tbe tse Olty eff Port lane, presoa, at BeM ea tne IU U7 or October, tba aaaeeament by ordinance Ne. tnMvavamrat of OUften street, frost the west Une et suteenn street to ne east one or Twenty eecond street. Is the SMnner provided ordtaanee no. la,Tm. spon eecfe tot. pert tot and ssreel ef land, which are epsctsllr and peculiarly benefited, to he ss toUews, Tta: CARTER'S ADDITION to tbe 01 tr ef Port- Und BLOCK 87, tot 4, Joeephlne caihia. T9.M; tot S. He B. CardwelL fSl.H: totff, H B. Utt. Waes; let A H. B. Utt, flffl.T. Slots: oiu, lot . nimbeta smiu, -T.6I; Ml Vllaabeth S. Baltb. 34.4T; north U to ffToierria A. Nottlnh Jao.TT; avaia 1 in v. m. , w.i, wi 4. af. nWne, f ine S& BLOCK 47, tot A Ida F Orsjaon. 1X40 OA; neath SO feet fat A Ida . arsmoa. SR0 TA BLOCK 48. tot i. Pannle V. Pare. RMT 31 arath SO feet tot J. rannto W. Paie, sooth SO fWt tot tPaanle f. Page. fflT.TB; lot 4, Panola P. se. SMS. Of. A trari. of Isnd Irins betweea Bbrtbera Une or ciirtea street aa s Bne iod fret aornerly therefroai and psrsllel tbere Wlflt and between tbe went See ef Tweaty- Sret street and tbe east Use ef Twenty second street, secaHty gavlDse Treat Oompaay 1411. TL BICR TO. let 1. WllUaaa a imlth, tTI.Ttf tot t, WlltlSto K. abBttb. tU.da': lot T. aVneet Bease, in.M; lot A D. W, BeenMn. ffiiwas. ilqck Ti. lot Kilns R. rrante. sat, is; lot PranM. latl.tli tot T. Uarararst A Bit S. UcCrere. Hi. 45: tot A Sara a rat B BcClare. ROO.s. BLOCK TR north 10A feet ef east 86 feet, Orvllle B. Rankin. KtTs.M; west IS feet of eaet 100 feet of north 100 fast, Agnes ht. Orawferd. IM.M; west TO feet ef north 100 feet, Robert W arrack. 1230 41. SLOCK T. lot 1, R11 L. Woodwnrdrfel4 B; tot A Kiln L. Woodward. ffg7.0; tot T, WlllUm S. L Ad. trastee. teATa; lotA WtlHaai nL Ues. trastee, ffSM.oi. BLOCaT T4, lot L A. L. Beard. RtnM.M: tor Tera Oticdersea. SeATS: lot T. tvra Oasdereoa, 1.SS; lot A A. L. BMrd, 1283. T4; rifht af way, Portland Bail way Company, fn.flff. Total. S4.r3T.TA A stateatsnt ef aforeasld sssessment has bee entered to the Pocket of city Uens, and is now das sad para bU at the sffles of the City Ttessarsr. In lawfal nwney ef the Dal ted Btataa. and If not neM wltbia SO dare front the data ef this notice, sacs nroceedlnga will be takes far tbe eolleette of tbe asms as are provided by the charter of the City of Portland. The above sseeasnent will bear latsrest 10 days after th first pobltcatloa ef tbla notion, A sol tor of the City of rerUanA PerttosA Orngoe. October 11. 1904. rsuirosxo xsrsovxirrarY or o.TKWtox STRUT. Mettoe B hereby siren that at the tosstla af the OooncU ef tbe City ef PerttoaA Oregon, heM aa the ivth any ef oetoosr, ipse, ise toUowlng resslnuo was soonta: RmoItmL That the OenneU ef tft CttT Krtland. Oregos, eeems It expedient and pre psses t baprove Borthwlck etreet from tbe north ha ef Kilungswerth svaene to the aerth Una ef west, rtodawat ta the sanswuaj nrat By grssing th street ran wim wrra 'I .Z .w. mm mimmm W na4.WltB tBO CBSTIT SBM1 -. Cttw k.rln scobb ay wMuanw gravei norwiin with woodea carbs ta accordance with tbe City Bagtoear's plana. sperincaUons ano sen mates. Tbtrd By cewtrnctlaf sr see walks. Sal Iniiamanianl te be antde la BOaardSB with the charter end ordinances et the City ef Portland and the plans, epaclmaUone aa esa sutaa mf the Cltr Bnaineer. CUed la the sfflce ef the Asdltor of tbe City ef Portland ea the th day of aaptestber, jvot, uooreea: "uty Biurtneer' Bias and spec (float Ions for the hmnwBMt of BorthnRrk atreet froto the Berth It tv. n KllIlDnarorth avanna ta the north Une ef West Ptedraeat, and the ssUnates of the to be den aa the ares as at meat seat n wvst mt nat linravaaaent to be an prevlded by tbe ritr charter apsa tbe prop ertr ssecsllr bsaeflteif thereby, and which to hMh rWUraa an be sll the tot. BSrtS ef lots and parrels of lead lying betweea S Use 100 feet west ef sad parallel with tbe west Use ef Borthwkrt street ana a nna ivo rear east ox ana Bsraltal with tbe ease Une ef Bertbwlct etreet aad betweea the north 11ns ef KllUngsworth arenas snd the north Use ef West Pled moat. Th Bngiassr's estlnute ef the probable total coat for the lntprsrsaisBt af said Berth wiak street Is ll.on.o0. Tbe i plsns. apaclftostlens and sstlBstes of the Snglaeer far the lntproreioen of oald i wick street are hereby aoupted. - Olty sm Resolved, That the Auditor of the City ef Portland be sad nets hereby dtrerted to give notice of tbe proposed Imnroveneat ef said atreet, as at-ovlded by lbs city charter. Beawnstrsnces against tb above Improvement way be flld la writing with the esderslgned vital a SO days Trosa the date f the Brat publication ef this notice. . B order ef the Comnctt. T r r Andltsr of tb CHy of PortlaaA Porflsnd, Orsgoa, October hC 1WM. , rAOPOSALR YOB latYB. Bp. tod presnaals will be received st the office ef the Andltsr ef tta City ef rortlsnd until Ivtdsy, Octrrber St, 1904. et 4 o'clock p. a., for fnraUblng to tbe Fire Depart nvut of saht city the folio wing Iteaaa of feed, which will be rsenlred for the Heath ef Sovasnber: Two tons eoastry bras. Scveateea tens best oaallty flsantby hay. Big bt torn beat oaallty whit eats, . . , hvaa ton straw. ' The Ore committee laser res the right to order far three Btonths at ant pries. Denvery te bs wade as required sad Mlta to be rendered only for sash ansa tines as are delivered and accepted. BaiapW of bran and ssa ntast ht sehmltted with esc prop(il. Bay aad straw subject to approval en delivery. . Ne propoesls will bs eoasldered nlea;a raunnnled by S pertlflM cbech nays Me to Oeorne H. Willis ma. Mayor, tr an anaoaat aa U. W Ulis ma. Hay eqna I h It ht nl af lha urrrti te d tot A The right n rstoet say er eU btds Is hereby By erdof of the1 SrecatlTe Beard , THO. C. prYUM. A editor ef the City of Portland. Port la nA Oregon, Orieher 14, 1004. , AVOYI0B SALS, Moris to bereby gtran that at 1 e'rioc a at., ea Monday. October M, JffOt, at tbe City Bars, SB1 Sixteenth etreet. ths City of Portlsad wtll sell for re ah at pnhtie snctloa to tbehlgheat bidder tbe toflowlng describad srUetes, whkh sre of se tonger see te the city 4 Horeea. e i Old yaatsfl ahwhiblet. ' 5 Horse now 4 waning Maehlns. , . 1 Tn of hcrap Iron. If Cart Ttrcs. . ; i , , 1 I 0W Table. ' The right la hereby tsssrvit to tojeet any or all bts. v By order af S Sneeetlre Board. m Andltor ef tne city ef INtlaaa lNrttos. Oregoa, Octeber SS, IffOA . r ...... . ii ,. OTTY BOTICy, rtorotD SBTMvsirSVY 4jxmA or a -scaur ttotW b) aersby atvea' that st the wxm of the Council ut the City ef Portlawi, J'e on ath day er uctubar, Umm mm reeeluUon was saoDieai ., Thai tbe OoUbcA of the City r .u4, Orrroa, dMtne It aspedleat sod p hoe'e te Iraurovs HcUllles street fftai i st .Htlj Hue ef Croehy street to Ue e 11 ef u. .jOsaw stenae la tan teUonlaa mtm. aer. le-wtti PlmtBy svadlBc the street fall width win ' iBteravcitnna to IBS sue pw an giras nj tbe Cltr Kmlawr. . bcond--Br ooaernotlat aeane btoek (attara. exoie row. Tblre By Bybnr ttlea. roortb--Sy oeaetructtBC artlftoUt carba. rift By PrtiMTlaff the enrfsos ef tbe- street te the eetabUibHl grade fell width with TteU latemecHuae with bUaUthle pavemest. Kaid Iniprorfnteat te be ntade In aeearassee with the charter and erdloancee ef the City of Portland and the plana, siclfl cations and estlBMtee of tse City Rnrlneer. fiW In Ute effloe of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland en the 5th day of October, 104. udoraod: "City Bngtnew's plans snd speciflostluns for tbe ImprorrnteBJ ef BcUlllen street from the aontbweeterly Tim. of Crosby etreet te tbe eaet Une of WlHlaaa sreune. sod the e ti nt tae of the work ta he done and the awoenbls total coot thereof." ne cwt of mid tnarov stent W ne aaseesei as provided by the eltr charter aton the prop erty npeclally and secallarlr beaeflted thereby. and which is hereby declared to he as fol of lsnd irloa between the eoBlbweetariy hoe of Wheeler street and a line 100. fret aonth- westerly frost end parallel with tbe Sesthweat erly Hns ef Oroaby aueet a,nd betwern a line 1UQ leet nortbweaterty from sad parallel with me Bortaweamriy line or Hen men aireet sno s llae IM) feet soatheaatarlr from and Derail! wlik lbs soetheaaterly line ef UeMlllea street; lee th eoetbweetorly eee-bslf of block S9 and tbe aortbetaterbr oor-aalf of block la, UckUl ton's artdittoa is Bait Portia ad. The Enslneefs eotlmate of the sroheht total eeat for the lmnrevennant ad saht HeaUUsa strvt to ffl2.4S3.U0. Tbe abere lmproveatoet ht te. he 'risssed ss a MtUIIthlc paresaent and Shall be aulnUlned or the city for a period ef sight jears, pro- vlded that the ewaera ef a majority ef the property benefited by said lnmroreanent er any portion thereof shall not ftltkm for a cw er dlfferenf hetnre the saBtrattoa Of such period. The Diana, apecineatloaa snd eenmates er the City Bnelneer he the ImnroTanteni ef anld Hchtlllen aueet ere hereby adopted. i Beeolred, That the Auditor of the City of Portland be d be ta hereby directed to give Mttra of I ha IriiihwmmiiI b IS street, as provided by "the city charter. Kenvwatraaeea agsinst tbe nhOTe loiprovetoent y be filed la wrltlns with tbe uaderbUmed wlthla dsys froai the dste of th Oat pnbticattn tor this notice. Br order f tbe Cmincn. THOS, C TlBvXIrf, . ' Ahdltst of the City ef Perthwd, rbrtbtad, Orecea. October ft IffOi. YXOPOOXII ISOBOvsJUSff 0Y XASV - TWRRTTSUITS STAKBT. Mettoe Is hereby siren that at th isstmg af the Onnnell ef the Cltr ad Port land. Oreaoe. heM ea the lffth day of October, iS04. the tsllowlng rasohittoa Was adopted; Keeolrsd. That the Council of tb Olty ef Portland, Xlregoa. deems It espedlent and pos poses to Improve Bast Twentyusth street from the aerthlln of Hawthorne avenne to 100 feet north ef tbe north tine of Bast Mala atreet la ths foltowfng manner, to-wit: First By grading the street fall width With foil lntorsecTtonaito u graaa, as given by the City atoglneer. second By conatrncttng Wendea Bt dews Iks. Third Br ornstroctlng woodea eroeswalfcs. . Ponrtt By eonstractlng box gntters. aid ttoproveBMBt to. be aaada la accords nes with the charter and ordinances ef the City of Portland and the plans, specifications and eerlmatea ef the City Skuriaeer, filed la tbe office ef tb A adit or of the Utr eft Portland oa th ZH day of BcpUmberv ihM. Indorsed: "City Bngineer's plans and specifications fas the Improvement ef Best Twenty -ninth atreet frost the north Une of Bawtberse arenas to JUO feet asrth ef the north Una ef Bast Mala Street, and the estimate of the work to he don and tta probable tetsl seat thereof. The cost of mid Improvement to be assei ss provided by the erty speelelly and aa provided by the elty eharter apoa the prop- ino pecansriy Mmnus umivdv. and Which to bereby declared to bs nil ths tots, parts ef tots and parrels ef land lying betweea a Une 100 feet west of and parallel with tbe west Une ef Seat Twenty-ninth street end a has 100 feet east of and parallel with the east line ef Rest Twenty-sloth atreet and between the north Use of Hawthorne avenue and a one loo the north tine feet north ef snd paxaOel with of Beat Hal street, 's sstlmsU ef the probable total Th - - cost tarthe improvr-mrnt of Shaft Bast Twenty Tw ntana am i TfTi linns SnS SStlmStSS Of The Cltv InrtMar for the UBDrevesnent ef Said Esst Tweatyfntt street are hereby adopted. R cool rod. Tbst the Andtter of the. City of Portland be nod bs ta hereby airscies n give not es of ths nroDoae improvement ex Street, as provided oy th city eharter. BkwriH aralaet the Shore went tony he filed to writing with tba onder slamed wtthbi Sd dsrs from tt dt. of the first pabltratlf of tbM netM. , , By order ef theCncU. THOA C. DSYLIW, ' Auditor of the Cits or rw PeriurnA Oregoa, October SA 104. norosxB iianovTKssrr ov wssr oam SALT OY YOSTSSOSTS ATbSOS. Bet Ice to hereby alvea that at the meetleg at tbe Cooncll ef tan OoaeeUf tie City J?,,??: ea the lffth day ef Oriohag, lSOa. ths J ring resotnthia waa adopted: .1 aolvad. That ths CoooeU ef ts Olty of held BesolreA That the OeancU of tW Olty of OWtl.a farwan. dsBTM i It SadtoBt BSd n Imianen the wet one half ef fcrtssMott sveooe from the Sdeth Rna of WUUmetto bealeTsrd to ths north Una of Blnff k miiiiviIbi annflea assa warns ana erosswalks la accerdsnca with tte City Bnai-i aeer's plans. snecllcaUoa ana esnmatoa. Bald Tanprevetnent te be antde la accordance awtiaad and the nisns. siterincatlens ss ttw. m e ha ntt bfllMr glad Is the offtcs of th Auditor f th. atyof .fbind on the lffth day ef October, 104, butorsed: "City Bnaioesr's pUns snd tperiflMtloas tor me Improvement of the west ens half of Peris, month evens from the sonth line of Wllmntatte bonievard to tte north Una ef Bluff atreet snd the estimates ef tbe work to be eeas awl tbe probable total cost thereof. The east of sskt lmpreeemesrt to be as sessed aa atorlded by ths city charter npon k HMnrtv snarisllr aad BeeaUarhT hsns a.i tkwar and wblch Is hereby declared to h all 1mm lots. Berts inerser nam parcrn m kind Irlna between ue weei one ov rwwuwiw avenoa and a line 100 feet west tberesf and r.n.i ihavwarlth. and betweea the sooth hne of WUUmetto heal yard aad th north lias TiB. eritmete ef th prabshto total esst for tbe Improvement ef ssld wast ens- half ef Portsmouth a v nee js sw.w. -The plana, speclseatlnos snd estimates of the City nVixtaeer for the Improvement af the ssld wast one bait at rsrtssteaU aveens are IvldTbst ta Asdltor ef the Crty ef Ow.UBd aai h to herebr directed to aire antiH of th neowoBwd Imurovemeitt af said sreDoe aa provided by tasvcity casrier. BsatottStrsncsS srsinst ue sneve imprvmwai mar be Sled la writing with tb underalgned wlthla SO dare from th data af the Brat pb Itcsttoa ef this notice. . aw at (tor as ta uooani. , ' Andtter of ths City of ParUand. . Portland. Oregon. October tX 1B0A nimns iBTatOvnzs or axmxmta f- STSBBT. Setlot la hereby grrsa that at the itowttag the Cooncll of the City ef PortUnA Ore goa, heW en tne lem nay er ucitww, ww, the following reaoiatkm was adapted; solved, Tbst tbe council or ue vity er Uad, Oregoa. donna It sxnedleat snd pre- Imnrove Alberta street from the araat Rne ef Ualo aveaoa to the east Une Of Oommerctsl Street by grading tte atreet fttil width with roll intersect mos to ue graae as shewn by tt stakes est by tb .City Regi nald ttonesveatent to be toads m secerdsncv with thai hnrtor and crdtaancea ef the City of Portlsad and the plsns. speelacatkma snd estimates of tbe City Engineer Sled in ths ofOce ef lb Auditor ef the City of Portland no tba IBtb day of October, lixH. Indorsed: --City engineer's puns ana specineatioas ror the Improvement of Alberta atreet from tbe west line ef Union avenne to the asst Rne of Commercial street end the estimates ef the werhto be done an tea srebebte total east ucrsof.'' . . . ' The met at sal nopaavsment nr se assassea aa provided by th city charter npon tbe property sped ally and peculiarly brneflted thereby nd whir Is bereby declared to be sll th lots, parts thereof and parcels of bind lying betwaen a line 100 feet north ef snd parallel with the north Una ef Alberto street and a tin ion feet eoiith of end parallel with ths soeth 11 oe ef Alberta Street and betweea tbe west tin ef r ill -.a arena and the seat una of Oommerctsl street. Tbe Rnrlneer's earl mat ef tb ernhabto tetsl cast for the Improvement ef said Alberts street to i.iin .00. The plan, sprrlfftfittoas and otrtlajstas ef the City Snglneer for tbe hnpreeenwat- of said AUxrta street sre hereby adopted. RoMttved. That the nil tor or roe City er Portland he and he Is hereby directed to sire wnlea ef tbe nropoaed Improvement td said atreet ss provided by the fflty charter. Rentonstrances against tne aoovs improve went Biav be nied ra writing witl Ike under lane wtibln So days rrtai th date ef tte Rrst pnb- ucatloa ef this etre. By order ef tt Coesril. ims, c. rjKvi.m, Andltsr ef th nty of Portias. Oregoa, October S3. IMA IMOVwwTirT r KASMLYB hareby given that at the wetting i tne City of roruao, v a. b dsy of October. the Cel n as sdoptad; t the IVuacll ef the City f , 0 a, sWcbh II eKpedleat sest pro 1 re Rjuidolph street from tba f Hue ef Hiwr street te the eeetV e at Uotdamltt ausst (a the tot s' te-arlt: Uug sha street fsS wMth with r i liAw.afe tbe proper suaVgTBde as b lu "ty Bnglneer. i i by bringing lha street full width Witt fail l .arawctiona tn wraOm -with vraTrl ' J BT Bona -Br const roctlug wood r a etdswalhe. 1 14 7 cuiiitructlng woodea rroeswalaa. ft- ctiitatrnctluB aiuoa nttcra. T;1 .b?w-Hial to ba ataee U aceerdance . b , certr and ordinances or ths City or por Uad ad Ue plana. plaVatlena and Z . i 1ty Kogtnaer Sled la tbe JLS Audltt eA the Ut ef Porttand 7.,.,, lu J ei neptomoer, ivo. inoorevc: lnvg dm as sud speclftcstUins for tne lh snwnt ef Kssdulph Street from ths Uo f Slw ri to the soetb weatsrly Une ef OoMamltb street aad the esti mates of tba work ta be dans and ths arose his nst thereef"-" sro-eom .. iL?. f ",d Itapreretseat to he assented -,fT.-T,1,by rHl eharter poa the pros t.,f1'."' bsnento tbercby sud which is 7 ,c'srcd to be all tbe lots, parts of uS wrt wad lying between Une iw tort northwesterly from end iters! 11 Witt -ii0, ?tri Un aUndslsh sweet end idh.K100 "Olhessterly from and parallsl --jT J? wthaaaterly line of Bandolph street. wT"i tb aortbeasterly Ue of Blver stett ihwestorly Una ef Oeldamlth aDTaioesr't estimate of tb probe bU total STi-.Xse1 'ffwvetns of seta Aaadolim TJe abovs tmpravetaent h) to bs classed as a ft'"' Iwprovemsnt and sbsU be maintained rl.FZ.?1'' Pentad ef five years. provldVd benUts tZaen,A ""Jority X the property tt,-TSI J ' Brovmcat or any portion tZZIS . n Ptlila fer a asw er dlt fercat '-" r . .t- . Och period. emaa. a. .r'. operiassttom bnd eettmates of TBi!L n,r tor uaprevemeat af said iT-,lSrta br,b' adopud. Andiler of the City ef Portland he mm n t. k. .... f J.fW'' Imprevemeat f said n2L5fLJ?,T,dfl fn f'lr charter. i;"? J? writing with the aader uaB 3 days from ths eat of tb Sm publication rf this notlceT . Br order 4 the OonnclL v - i . YHOS. 0. BSYLTW. , "; of the City of PortlaaA rortMnA Orcron,; October St. U0A 0dSB rsfnovvhrnrr or bycstsl AVRSTOR. MoHm la mmmmm- 1. ui U- iZitJL0 ' October, 1SOV tbe fc"ow15 resoluttoa was sdouted: jT0?1 Coanofl ef tt City ef PolajA Oregon, drema It expedleBt and pre KTS to Imnrove BuchUl svane front the J0' dtsxt street to tbe north manner. "&wit "- the fnltowta ri!,r,,J radbaf the etreet faS width artth fall latonoctloH in fa gtvea br th Cltr tniw mTZrJ-b""' H e anrfsce of tb atreet foil width with fall totorssatiss to grade with gravel. Third Bv ntnStrrjfOBg WOode ridewelfea. i.loSr eonstructlag cresswslks. . "lfth By ennatrnctlng steoe gntters. Bald lmprevmeot to be made In accords nee with the charter and ordinance of the City of Portland and the plana, specifications and eatt metes of the City Kngfneer. filed In tte sfflce of ths i Auditor of tbe City ef Portland ss tbe lTth day of October, 1004, Indorsed: C1ty Bngineer's plans and apeclflcattons for the Im provement of Bucbtel a venae frost the north line of Bast Stark stref to ths asrth Hue of msyer uatss adoitinm, snd ths estimates of the work to b dsns and tte arooebta.. total The cot irf said Imptovenmit to bs aesssaia as provided by the elty charter npos tbe prop. rriy npecuiry ana peculiarly aenente tbereby. and which to hereby declared As be sll th lota. parts ef tots and pare la af land lying betsmeo a Us 100 feet wt of snd persUel with tbe west Use of Racbtst arena and a Hne soul distant from ths eeat Use of Boehiel avenon an the west line of Bast Thirty -eecond street, and Its extension northerly In Its preaeat oowre. nd between the anrth lhte ef Bast Stark street end the north Use ef Mayer Oaten sdiltttoa. Tba stogtoeer's estimate ef tt prnbabl total east for the Improvemsat Of said Banhtol avrnaa to SA,Sol.0O. The above lmprovenssat M ts h risnet'd ss a Svel ImprovTSseat snd aha 11 be maintained by dty for a period of five years, provided tbst tbe owners of a majority ef the property benefited by said Improvement er any port km thereof shall not petition for a sew or differ, cat Imscvvemeet bsders tb eaparattoa of sea period. The Plsns. aaeriamttoa snd estimates of tbe City nnglneer for the Improvemsat st said Boehtol avenue an hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe Audit of tbe City f Portland be aad he to hereby directed to give notice of the eruposed. Improvement of said avenne, as provided by tbe'elty charter. SetBOnstrsncea agelnat tte Shove Improvemesjt may be hied la writing with the undersigned w'thln SO days from the ante ef tb first pab UcsttaB of thht aottre, . By order ef tba Conncft, v , v thoa c nsYxrw, v Asdttnr of the City of PmrtmaA , PnrilsaA Oregoa, October SS, MM. 1V0YOSBB RatWXB JB KABT ALZMTR SYBBR Hetto to bereby gtvea that at tbe meeting of ths Council of tte City af Portland, Oregon, held ea tte 10th day ef Oetober. iffOi. tba following resolution was adopted: sVsolvad, That tte Council ef tt nty f Portland, Oregon, deeam It espedlent and are posea te eenetrnct sewer la East Alder street from TI feet west ef East Thlrty-fffth street to tte sew or ta Bast Thirty-fourth street. Ssld to be er ritrtne sewer pipe with sll to coranry eatch-bsslnn. tmaa-holaa. ump-holea and bcamcbes. snd to he ex eight mches clear la st d dUmeter. f Bald sewer ts be sotiaU acted hi aceordanos With us eharter and ordinances Of the City f PortUnd and the plsns. Declarations aad eeti BMtes of the City Engineer, lied ta tba etaes of the Auditor or ue wty ex rortisnd en tb lTth day of October, 1B04. tladoreed: bar. 100 llndoraad: Oil Bagineer'a plana and spclScBtlcns for a sewer is asst aider arrest rrom 70 rest west ef Seat Thtrty-nftt street to sewer ta East Thirty fourth street snd the estimates ef the work to be done snd th probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of Said sewer to bs assessed as nra- vtded by the city charter anon tbe property specular ano peculiarly assent wereby and which to bereby declared to bs aa falatwn: Lets A 1A Meek A and toto f, iu, li, stock A anunyntde. The Kugioeer farrnaete er ue proosNa tui cost far tt tWBstrBottoa ef mid sswar to SBAOS. Tbe plats, agcicattons Bad eetlntotoa eff ths City Engineer fto the anmtratttaa of said newer are hereby adepteA Keeoivec That ta Aaaiter of the City ef Portland be snd he la herebg. directed to give notice of. the. proposed " construction of said sewer a prevlded by the rlty charter. Remenafranres asalnet the above sewer at Sftled la writing with ths anderelrned within day rrom tbe date af the arst nabuea- Uoa ef this aetle. ' S By seder ef tt Omncfl. ' ' . THOA 0. BBTLIrt. Aadttor of the City ef rwtlsnA portlsnA Oregon, Octobtr SA 104. VBAP0SYB ntPBUTRMARY 0a YAAOO arTAAET. eJotlee 'ts hereby aim that at the smtin ef Ue OooncU of tb City of Portland, Orerca, held oa Ue lath day er October, 1904, the following resoluttoa was adopted; Reeolrvd, That tbe Council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pre Boses te Improve fsrgo street from the east Une f Oan ten bets avenue U the oast Use of Comroercsal strsst ta tt faUswlug siaia to-wit: ' Vint try graoisg ne street ran width wlfh ruU lutersecflons t tt grade, SS gives by the City Engineer. engineer. Br coristrsettn wooden Sidewalk. second Third By constructing wooden erosswtlks. Said ImoreveiMnt to D made In imhUum with tbe charter and ordlnancea ef th city f Portlasd and tb plans, speriflietton antl -e iu rttv -- - - office of the Auditor of the Ctiy of Portland en tb SM day of September. 1ft04. Indorsed: City atocineer plans and specifications for ue Impruveuient of rargo street, from the east Hue ef flantenhela avenue to the east line of Cotaraerclal street, snd the estimates ef tte W(k to be dona and th arebsbto totol n thereof." , , , The rest of tstg Inrprovsmeut to be assssssd as provided by the city cbarter upon the prop arty specially gad peculiarly be Defiled thereby, and wbtcb are hereby declsred te be all the tots, parta ef lota snd pan-els ef land lying betweea Une 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Parr street snd Una I (Hi feet eouth of, and parallel with the south Une ef fsrge street snd between a Mn lnu feet east of ssd parallel with the eeat Hne of 3enteubctn a vena and tt mat Ita f Commercial street. - The nhwlnear's esttajato ef the pmhabl total east for tb Lmprovsmeat ef said rargo atreet is tmoo. The pitn. speriflestless and estimates of the City Rngineer fr tbe loipmvitsiat ef mid largo street rs heresy ednptr-d. Keenlved. That the Auditor ef th City ef rVrtland bs sad be ta hereby directed to give notice of the propowd Improvement ef saht Street, ss pro tided hy th ctty charter. Ronton trances sgslnet tb 1 ahov Imomve ment may he filed la writing with the ander sltfned within SO ders from US dat t tte Orel peMlcatloa ef tlita notice, , By order ef tte rincii. TflUB. 0. PBYMrt, ' Auditor nf the Cltr of PncHsnA rvuva oregeat, vcteoaf S-v... nOSOSBB XBTMYBMYJfY OY XAST AtOBS SXRAAT. . Rerio h hereby glvsa that a the sserilng of OsttneU of O City of Pr nd, Oe- ra. h-'d on the IBtb dsy of Ocobr. Wot, B I. TV., tn Oouncll o the tnay er P d, n, uVeam tt expedUot and pre- Pes to la -ur Beat Aider ttrevt from the aet Una ef Bast Thirty-fourth ttfl te ths writ Uta af Snnsyald Third BddiUsS. ta -tte following manner, to wit: , First By grsdlog tbe street faB width Vim ; foil Interaectlon to tte ftintW give by th City E.JSiDf. Second By cemtraetlng wooden sidewalks. - Third By eonalnictuvg wueden crosswslaa SB sccordanre with ttgClty Mugl aeer's Sisaa . and ett-lncettoae. morthBy oooatmrttag woedea evrha lb ae Crrdauc with th Oty Bngtaeer' plaag tad v (-looatiofM. i Bald improvement t be made la sew sea with ths eharter snd ordinance ef tta City of Portland snd Xh nUns. pcclpcstlops snd H- ! of th Olty Eugineer find la the efnc .1 of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa tbe Sntb day orAeptembcT. 1004. Indorsed: "City Kogtnrer'a puna and peclBcanoM for tba ! tirovemcnt ef Bast Alder street 'from the east roe of Rest Thirty fourth atreet to the west Une of auonyatd Third add !. snd the eatl mates. of the work to ha done aad ths nreb iMt tetsl cost thereof." The cost ef ssld Improvement te be assssssd es prorlded by tbe city charter npon the prop- -erty speciaUy beneSted thereby snd which m -hereby declared to be sll tbe lot snd parta ' of lots sud pareets ef land lying betwet-n line n im leet nort of an parallel witn ue aortn ri 1. line or East Alder itravt so a line ion rv south of and paraUel with th Strath line Raat Aider atrMt. and net ww the east Una Bait Thirty-fourth street and tta west Us of . uaoyslde Third sddltloa. Th Engineer's estltnato f tte erohsbto totsl erst ef tn imprsvsmeat ef tta said Bast Aide . street Is SS12. Th Plana, snerinvattoa and et1mtta af the City Bnrlneer tor th Improvement af mid Bast Alder street sre hereby aduptsd. Reeolied, That the Auditor ef th City ef ' Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice ef the prepoeed Improvement st ' SH street aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agsinst the shore raapiweV -meat may be Sled In wrllln with the Under- alined within SO dsra from tbo date S the Srst publlcstloB ef this notice. ' By order of tt Council, ' Tiitja. c. pnun, r '' Auditor of th City of Portlasd. Perttond, Oregoa. October BS, 104. YB0P0SXD alkTBOvBMBS OY - YTBSY Kiuat, " " '' " y ; Xotte s serehy gtvea that at tb asset! n goa, held oa tbe 10tt dsy of October. 1004. . tte following resolutloa wss sdeotrd: Seeolved. That th ConsrtI of ue nty ej preposc to lmprowt Twentywst street amm the sooth Una of Jackson street to the Berth .,, Une of CUftoa atreet 1 tt sjllewlng at-,. aer. to-w1t: " . . First By nsdlssT the atreet ran winu wrtB full intersections to the srepsg snb-grad a gives b tbe City Rnglorer. . ' , Rreced--By bringing tte awrfar of lb atreet , fell width wtu tall Utaeeectlosshto grade with macadasa. wslks la accordance with tbe City Raglaner ' plans, spcctlcatkins and estlmste. . '..j. ' Ha Id tmprevement to be made 1 Seerdace with the charter and ordinance of tba City - sMiui ana th. nun. wdflMtkina nnd eetlBUtes ef tt City Engineer Sled in ins i w ace ef tta Auditor or the ty or roriiana ea the 32d dsy ef September, 19A4. Indorsed: "Cltr Enat seer's Slans snd epeclacatloas for the bapravmest of Twestr-flrst street fro) -ths south line af Jackson street to the BOriS line ef Cllftoa street and the ea It mate at tte work to be doss and the ssebahla total eosc uereor." t . The cost or mio nanvovensetni ss ev i m aa aanv1nd he th ettv charter nnea tte Bros , erty specially and pecalUrly heneBled tharehy and which to hcraty declared to bs all the lota, part of tots snd parcels of toad lyta , v inn, hat wm imf mmt Barallel , wtth the west Une of Twenty -nrat atreet and : .... u .rut m . . a K. 1L.I ttm .W . erst Una of Twenty-Srst street snd between - -the south Une ef J season street ssd tte aortt Use ef Cllftoa street. t t. The Bngineer's esthaate of the svebabto tntai east for the Imnrossnmnt of said Tweaiy art atreet ts SMo oo. The above Improvement le r be stsesed as a -macadam tmprvrsssneut and emrU bs atsfstslned h- the city for S period of ftvs yesrs. provided . , tLat the owners ei a majority ef lb property ' bene tod br said Improvement or any pnrtln thereof ehsll ant petatkm Bsr a new er afforest - V Ir'Hvssneat beflir tba eastrattea af sueh ... , narlnd. - The plans, speeMrstlon sad estimates of Mu m r.riu. In. Ik. mt mmtA . ' ' Twenty-Srst street are hereby sdopud. - ' f, ; . Resolve. That ue auditor or is w at Portlsad snd be to hereby directed to- give , . nxtfee ef tte prspsnsd lmprovemat . of .. mid' , Street a prevlded by tte ritg charts. Remonstrance ay at act tb ebns toent mat slrnad wi av few Sled In writlnsr with the ander- with hi SO days from the data M th , .; Bret otrrtllcatlon trMicsTion or into osuos. . .. ny order of the vsoscii. . L f- ' ' d THOS. 01 bSYLnf. 'aaonor oc ue nty ev rswami -Psrrtsnd. OrrsTon. Octeher SA 104. t k. TBOYOSatB TJfYBOVBMBSY . 0Y CSATSAS Notice to hereby given that at tb masting t of the Ooeacil of the City ef PortUnd. Ore- . goa. held oa the IPtt dsy of October, Mot, , ' the fol low-tag reeolatloe wss adopted-. Resolvad. That Hie Coaoetl of the City ef Portland. Oivgos, seems It aipedleat sad pre- ' -poses to hnprove ChapstaB atreet from th ' -north Hne ef EUssbstb street to tt south Une V of Bprlag atrsat, kt ths teUowlag sbssbs. te- rirat By grading the street W tte prepay ... mh-grsds as given by the City En rl seer. Second By bringing tbe eayfsce of th .' Street to tb proper crude with macadam. , Bald lsrprovement to be nude Is accordance " with th charter and ordlnaacee ef tbe City of Portlasd and the plans, aped scat lone and eatl- mates of tt City Bnaineer Sled In the of- . ace of tte Andltor of tte ctty ef Portland on ths At day of October, lffot. Indorssd: "City 'j Engineer 'a plana and specltcttiont (tor the ' ImDrevement of CbaDmaa street from tte aerth - Une ef Ellmbeth street to the aoutt lla of Spring atreet and the estimates ef the work ' -to be dons and the probsbl total cost thereof."' -'. Ths cost of as id lmprovenMnt to he tanas eg aa neanHdeS K. tk ftt-m eheetae ima tHm prvperty epecia lly beeedted thereby and whieb lm V.mBi AmlrmA ta all Km Inta n.rla of lots snd parcels ef toad lying betweea a Una 0 t 100 feet westerly from and parallel with, the westerly line ef Chspmss street snd a nneM0 .V -feet easterly from sad psrsllel with tbe east- .. erly tin of Chapmaa street, and betweea the aortt Uae ef Elisabeth street sad tt Sent Une ef Spring street. ? v Th Bnglneera eatbaato af the' ernes b to total east for tte Impravemrat of said Chap- , , an a smroet m asw.ia. . v The above Improvement W to be etaassd ss R , nwcadant Improvement and shaU be main-. tslned by the elty for period et Ov year, provided that the ewuets of amjorlty eff the property beoeflted by said lm pro re ment or any portion thereof Shall not netlltoa fer a arsr or different lmprorssteat awfor the es . niratl lee of each period, The plsns. sped flea ti 00s and estlmstes 'of tte City Bnrlneer tor ths taprovstnsnt of said Chspmss Btresi are hereby adoptad. ' ResolvMl, Tbst tb Auditor of fhC CHy of Purtland be and be la hereby directed to gtv tv-tlca af the proposed Improvement of 'Mid street as provided t tte eltr charter. RrstonstvBncea aralnst the abovt liuicvsBwt may be Bled la wrltlns with the underalaiMd witMn 30 days from th dat of the Srat pub ttcstloa f this notice. By order ef the Council s . . T1I0S. a DYYLflf . " ..' i . Aedlter f tb City of PortlanA , for tie nd. Oreron. Oetober S3, ISO. nOYOSSB SEW KB SS SOsBTST AVBH0S. ' Nottoe la hereby grvea ttat at th toe-flng ef tbe Council of the city af Portlsad, Oregon, held sa the 10th day ef Ortnbar, i0O4. u follow Id ; reeotnttos- ws sdnpted: Rcaolvod, That .the Council of us' Ctty ef Portland, Oregon, deem It. expedient aad pro poses to eooMruct a sews ta Rodney a vena'' from 100 feet north ef the north line ef pre. moot atreet to tbe sewer ta Beech street. Said , ewer to to) of vitrified sewer pipe of Sight Inches ctoir Inside diameter with all necessary cstcb-bsslna, , ssaa-hoias, lenxp-hotoa . and -brsnehes. 1 Bald aewer te bS ssnstrweted la Bocordsnc with the eharter snd prdlnanres ef tbe City of Portland and the nJair. apeclflcartoH and -estlmstos of the City Engineer, filed In the office of lb Auditor of the City ef Portland oa tte lTth day of October, 104, Indursedt "City Sagincer's pitas and peclfl'-ttfnna foe a I sewer la Rodney avenas fmm 100 feet ' north ft the north line ef rretnoat Street to the, eesrsr la Beech street, aad tbe eatlmates of tb work t k dsn sad tta Rrofaahto total eoat thereof." The coat f mid aewer te be amassed is pre. rided ly the rlty charter upon U property pecislly and peculiarly heseflted therehr. and which to hereby declsred ts be ss foltowat Lu A A 4. A la block n: hu ll, IA IS. 14. ta Mock IS. Alhln Homeatad. Tbs Imglneer's estimate ef the prioable tetsl cost for ths fata traction af aal4 sewer Is Sido.oo. The plsas. Sped first Inns and eettaMtad of tbe City Engineer tr th coastrncUoa of ssld sewer are hereby sdopteA Rotved. That the Auditor of the CHy of Portland be and be It hereby cirvt4 te give notice ef the tsroposad cnnntmetlon af Mid. sewer, aa provided br the city charter. Remoeerrani-p against In shnvs seww Mty . be filed I writing with ths uiMlertgnt within 30 davs from tb data sf ths first psblleattoa of this notice. By erder af th ftmariL r Tims, e,, Andltnr of tbe City of rarthuA rorttoad, OrantT-0toeat It, IffOA . -vr-ir S - ' -i if. . i I .A 'J i