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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
4 - " I -1 '.' ( ' I I -- o 4 'w J ' AdvtrtiMmenU are publish ad fraa of charga la Journal Want Column. Many good positions havt bn secured through thm. ' "' You 'f Looking botttja 1 WILL not to teepoaatble tot say Ml 'entracted by my wi.. , . n . u, nix innm j n, . vniw. a A VTKIV a? wldowaw. A aad haawk witk Al rafaraMoa: kava aa Ilaot ' and aaa cAlld. Addtxaa J S8. Jimmal. GOOD ftrto ara hard to Jtod. tot aa rata ato fav. eoaaaH lonraal Waal ColuBaa. aix WAmi XAxa aa vsmaul iHOtd kaK-aotod lor MM at BoDi " 7 tSTH Tartar tot. Tblrdaad FoarA. BoDatoaaTk'a. a Ti '. Inttm atamraau ' fc to? aajfciaai Ataaart. , - .. . fVom th RtehmoBd. Vau Newa-t.wdwr. Now that thav public avshooia ard to 1 atnnlnMto pa, could Mt tha autaort ilaa ctvf a anaall room aomdwhefw aod a , teachar for tha betiaflt of tha faw f ua Who would lik ta bava our ahJldran tuht o pronoasoa taa Enaitoh laa auaca aa bava bn aecuatomad to -um and aaar It bwra la VJratniaT Thare , linaTar la thla world of naw-fanclad word, dloia, pranunctotloaa and thlnara, and confound d fooHahnaaa 1 wrally, a few Vlrainlaaa who know both but Uia Vlrvlnta langnaaa ao to pamk-i and who Ilka to hoar it, at toaat ." at noma. - . t 3 .-. Tha publle aehoola, and tha -rlTaa . anaa alao, with much aaaldulty aod aa ry arf tamohlpf Vlrajlnia ehlldran Con , nootlout pronUBClatloaa. Wo tat tbo , bataV. Oat abard, flat and taatalaaa aa - eako of whlto Naw Knajland ehooao ,J and ovon that, abotntnatton of ail J ' abomrnattona, th eoaraalr rolling V "Whlrb haa no plaoa on any Baxoa tontrua. A few days ara. an unuauallv Jntellt vent Klrl, a publld school graduata, uav v t wrona o urn aicitaaa zroaB ona oi tnaoo V -ald-tltaa VliaTtnlana. and found hflraai? ' iboolutelv unabla to underatand blm. Bha had bam brought up td talk a dlf r foront lanajuaca from bla, and whan ha Used auch worda aa chanoa, "calm." afaaa" and "oalf ' In tha way to whlrb he waa born aba balkad. looked bewtl HAtntJthd frankly owned that aba had ' navar hoard them and did not reoofjniM ,tbto T-7 . r -k. Ah$ et another, iwllod mi to -write fne letter 2, pronounced Virginia faah inn, deliberately wrott tt out "Zed and H the ooneaaed tbat when . aha began school aba eallod It that .way. aa bar father and forefathers had dona blnea ,'tlit tlma Lbey eama from England, but 'ne of tbo first leaaona aha was taught was to lay "bee." -Webster saye thta letter to pronoorteed ad "eowaionly In . t'lCngland and eometlaiaa tot Amortea," f We pretend to be BngHab-a peaking peo pla. and why and by what authority do wo drop the mouth-ftlllng. boneat, sturdy and ttine-honorod "aed" and pick up the toee." which before tbo war waa never . heard la any good oonapany In thla part f pf the country, and which la an at f tenuated. saueaky, wretched little trea - vture of a aoundf u i;' Very few of us ara loft Thak old t I rain la prvaunolatlon, or dialect, ar languaga, or whatawar tt waa, raniahee fast. Apparently all tha taachora are 1 in conspiracy against H. Tat It waa the tongua spoken by wery aultlrated pan vie and by great orators and mastora of rhetoric and literature Just a few years ' ago. Wo do not know what tt baa dona to arouse auch fierce antagonism and perpetual assault Wa eannot recall that tt haa oauaad any harm la tha world. Perhaps It was a little laay and sloven ' ly and provincial, but It waa aoft and - pleasant and Indescribably ' dellaleua. J k alldtng like slow trickling nector over . the scarlet lips of a Virginia woman not ashamed of being a Virginia and not forgetting her mother tongue or her I personal privilege to use It j ' ' Why, than, should not a faw ha eg. - empt and remnants of Virginians talking . . , Virginian be permitted to remain T Why should all of us be fnado parrots to fol , low tha Impudent dtetuma of som pro- tentloua humbug at tha north who bo onmea aa "authority" oa bis own au j thorlty by shear power of Impudence, aaeartlon and advertising Tha Latin taught in the schools now hi Jargon .to the scholars of Id years ago, aa pronW- bo permitted to hold noma Old-fashioned . - English of our ownT , Could not wo have a room oat apart. . or oven put up, say, In tha Capitol aqua re. If there la fear af contamination, ' and there, ander aa old-fashioned teacher : ,, from Hanover or Now Kent or Essex. , "have a few children permitted to retain tha Virginia a'a and rs, or tack of fa, l' and to forgot soma of the everlasting terminal g"T might have dona In , aecret aa Polish la taught to Ruaela or , aa Oaeltfl used to bo taught In Ireland .In tha days of tyranny, for tt seems to ha offensive to the aahool author! ties, if . not absolutely under legal Interdict . Cant wa keep alive tha tongue of our fathers ao tbat It shall not be clean , ono forever and our Individuality aa a pdOPld amy antrvlvet , r -f-Dnclat ScM. :. 'V rVofeeoor Eaton opened bla dancing class Monday, October I. and will con tinue Monday and Thursday evenings ' for dlx months. Gentleman tit, ladles tl. Arion hail, ateoood aad Oak, 'fhone .v West 711. -at aabbaHa Prom the Philadelphia Bulletin. ' Parmer Trofrog What makes yon think Daniel Webster wua a amarl want rarmer Hoptoad aal, Tva been raadln' Bomo of his apaoobea, an they seem to agraa purty thoroughly with Mary tane'e graduation asoay." - A Crwt AHnclIo. tton't mica hearing Pete Baker At the Baker thto week. Pot In his German parts and songs la known from coast to rod st. ITndmibtedly the greatest yodler on tha vaudevtll stag today. -J MI J .act. Aa R af all fm m - far 1 kat goad poetttom am i taod Is JW al 7 ' TtW Bd- iT Bltu m to mm tree f --rav K . t h K.rbor trade to t weeks ul erw e pop ;! Special lsdnce- -s a f s p ; - kIM free. It jr lmi b ge. Sea OtL OOCD boy. xet IB inn eW, tt Uve with KtnLJ mnb la mnln. IHf ten: - a 1 to. clotWe, and can pa to school to w..?r. 1mtm 0 M, JoarneL TP'1vO. reerwuble toy, IB. to toam tto (I -.lata' b . OrMBbMM. Twmty-CBC-ead end Bast Merrtoea. TAILOB wanted: cxpertoacad Baa to take charge at rest nd tNU. Cooper, M)t Thl'S . gTTVATTOVg WAVTZB-KALS. WANTBP Br nnlddto-aged ML atcoatloa to tita abarra of farm ud feed etoek th"J w .far, wnan tor co go to school: to tod habits. A T. Blllff. Cade Ixwfcs, Or. MILLWRIGHT and woodworker wants attaa ttoa (tflnf for and attending Bnarklaary i - lerre experieni-nober and toduotrtoua; rf eraaeoo. Phone tVett STo. BRIGHT young with boalaaes ability, deelms pee It lea thaf he tan rnaka klBaMlr uaaim; wacaa pMoaour aoaaacangav to, Joarmt sa.vRAL alt round toadr awaa waatt ataadr work la warakniiea ar ettor work touaetl euiy. B to, JoarsaL BjinH-rLAIW wnalclaa . (festlesaas). ptoaa plajfr, waaal Uka aaainoa la otckestra. a H, JooraaL 10V X a aTAIf f years wants poalUoa aa eleTator opera tat; mi some aipertDaa. N m. Journal. TOUWO MAN. tt years ag, wtobea werli anr htad; erCaraacas. Addraas a 8.. asm Joaraal. af re ef JOn0 swbi J years, waata wart aa portar; ran da his work goad sad cleaa. nmnmi. J COMParnEfrT bookkeeper aad ealaaaua -wants work aaywtara. Addraas g a, oan MaraaL A HABTgRg aVatras" wart. 1B ecead at nrvAttoaa wajttwj yrjxAxx. gCAT wrnnaa waato' wnrk by tto day. fbaae Maia uts. ar jar MoatfOBaery . ainMVMxai Aaiataaa ALL kkada ad state help f aatoid a matt fa Phrtoalaaaod st Ptoaa Red Wt. aOI-HT HOOD KMPLOTMKirt AOEHtT. tar slak rraa to wa BET.1ABLM HELP. Mragat A Oohlaa. ltd Pan, at da. Bead 11T. HOTZt. bato ef an klods famlahad frae to Btplerera. Weatera EnplojmaiiC area a. ttt Third St Pbose Mala ttm- POa LADIES 01TLT. rOBTtAWT Woaara'a gmslortBaat Cnaraaar. tld ANaky. res. Sd sad Merrlsoa. Bed mm. PtaNRint BMPLOTMaNT OO Lar eoatrae- tora; tolg ftoa to esulayefs, ns aWB-isaa. aTVLT wanted and saaHed. aals ar fawato. a O. AAAKa Sdi Waabtogtos at Otay 4 WORK for mm. cm for JgAWEaygOTTlCg. m Worth toaaad at aERT asllaa- aaal ananT attar fs aswoto en earth; a new booaebald aarraattyt 1 000.000 eoidi saeno enie is Miaaeapoiai ; onaui ir. Bella for Me: Malta to aaiua people In a me terrltorr: asrata auke froaa U to Ago par dar ; as aaparpraca seeraaarr ; deaf and duaab sws aaa aril H;.ear new pla a to s wlHur aaH alat bv anawtas What It will da: sot sold Is stores: row ess prove It -k aaa da what r -aa? it will det people tor. raw aaooar Pay : aaiai aa pnor aaa rim, graatoat,aruT avar toveatad; agast's Mtflt lOr Oomeatle Mfg. CeTf 1V Mlaaev apoiM. Mina. gNRkflmc waa wanted to. toko essrse ac Pnniand hnvt arSM at Baji fraaetooe nanafarfarlrr oaamni; good nhrencas aod 'a mall laaeUaet raalrad: Utoral aalary and eoBanlsatoa. Addreea, "klamgar,H ttt Mar ket at. Baa rrsacieee, csl AOFXTH WANTED, feels ad toaula. far tha beet aeniag bonaebaM artlrlea an the Market for Ponlaad and auiaAtiNi towaa. Call ar . address 0. H. gwatlaod. 2oT Jafferssa st WAKTBD Areata, ledlee or gaBtlaatea. to eaa vaaa.' Addrraa Ioims Book ton, B1 Alder. v WAJrTPV-MIgfrgTiT.dWEtTPa. " W AFfTED Bverrbody e wants sdverttoed to Joaraal Want Colanua. They relieve yea ef E 11 BBaecossary worry. Binaariber. me aaaa est to a nasi I avenui wavas asase a las. Try thaw. WAICTBD AO awa to get ttolr old tots Bade saw. PL a. galtb, prartleal totter. HI fourth st CARPBNTKB weald hke to give flsarae an amttl tomes st repalrtog. Addreaa A at. AoorBal. ii I. i ni. i WaNTBD Bwr toass. flat ar raeaa to a tm ha afaan aL A aood war ta naC Bsnto to to awvarttalBC ta loaraal Waat Colsaana. Thar raaeh the klad af yea waat SI wet da far eaatt. WAimn-to rent with privtlee ef kwtng. iv ta so acrea, wita eaiM.nK. win i Salalag ponltry: 'to to Porttaad; oa tor Ine, Martoa A Mattbewa. Mans a to, Mlaa. WANTIV-Ta real a rarw sheet ICS sens, an lis pro rad, with raaalng water ea ataet; so eaent I M, pare Jeeraal. W A NTB D lMk roc with desk, ehaC-a, toe. Aeareee I SB. ,JiammBtm ' roa BprroTrdrjtirorai aooata. THBEB faraiabad or aafumlabed toaeehaaplag rtoaa for rnt otoap; bath aad phooa. Na. 10M Beat Tayk. set. TUrv-mvaathl sri- - vale fasilly. PB a WBBK--Urge, etoea, tontotod boaaakaeplag room, with aaa ef laendry. hath, ohoee; akw etoap raraaabad eotUcaa. t. Uaagaa, 14 tkaraaaa. pboas Clay BOA, 0OIK0 hoeaa keep tag Plarea't toead a pbw to live t Trr'aaraal Wist Mnwaji tbe autokly7', " am RIXTH BT. Ntrely toralabed bemihaaptog apartaaeacs. Fbane Mala OH. . ueao, CLirroi. BH riret at. ear. Oatoaakla atollat az.m per wees aaa Bp. MICB1.T faratohad leeam, wtto aad arltoeet eoarfl, m au parts et me eirr. aaoaia as drarttoed la oeroal Want Olo Blre people af lealag for 1 canto. BlVtkflDB HOTEL Ml Baal Oak. rsrwlebed aad aafarelahvd mo aaa, elDala sad m raltat tog, Al par weak aad ap, fboea Bcett TEBT daalrahte aunay froat reoea. aawly far slaked, on groand flaor; ant table for two! toutTtolaptoaa; rmt ivaaeewbla. tto Mill at. TWO steely raralatod reeaje tor tboaa toktog aarele oat; akw t air hwaarlraeping sooaaa. llbt aad airy. IVi Uatoa a. aowtk. THE DXXTKB, He. 134 Itth.. ear Waattagtoa--Nlm cotafy rooau: aaorti-ra esavaalaaeasi traattont. Pnoa Orera as. you BENT Kowly faratahed raoai: ebotea la catlnn. Me. Ml Tirta t rtoatltth B4a, as tan toreweeaa. PfRKIBHRD ranaw. dasbto and alagU tods: ajalet rooatera drelrad. Mt Beat tTnlea era. PEWLY fWatwVd H rnnelaat rSwth at- Penan Bed !. - n roMpoRTAm.R buitb or room, an Tenth at., enr. Taylor. Ofa slot fnmiabad treat reeaa, akw stoghl BO VSB SB, , WAirriDCbeap toraaa to dog toed. Bsc ft, hllweeA . ma'i iaasaBaBpaawaMDiaawwaawawsasaawws wAjraaa-ce axaa. -' 5 ATI. 1 ff Iral Mod tlcmUrm m to Ki kvoaa. v - w-W, t fat two; wovM turn! t - 'i u ar t: m AtMaa car aL, Mar MMaTBa; trraaa raaaow tort to i-aaanurt n-f Ul flaw afovm roa aairr iiiajiijuaa roa ui TSN-aoOM toaaa (or rant, fatal tor tor Mltj roa arrt riTav aaiinr; awkri amartaatfaa. U M (.. PortUnd tolfttto. naw; ( aaaa; aJaartrto Itovta, tola. Ma roa asav-aioam Sto UM SOOaf tor rent. jrtoawc tocattfln to eitr. '. OEOW A SHAW. SSI Waablafftoa at. to Ar Uav koalDaaa. Ja art f natoBaaa, Park. Muuat fkatt dar Una. Artoto VI KB ataaw Mom OB Taamhttl St, iuuiu w, pa toaata. A oolr Jos. P. atturfcer. TOl. lAauav ber of Oatcnarca. TalapQoae auua saw. FOB TT lilt. aTATB. BBAL aSTATB BABOAIrlA ta North Alblas na ta Pnlnf Via IT -::::::::::lw5g ots la Central Alblas win uii m tm Si A aaa aanath: aa exeaae for ye not o-mlac a ho aaa of yew ova, la Portland's belt apeeolatira PJPa"y. Do sot overlook Walast Park, with tor wl atreeti and alttea, aalltaa tor only M sad did a fraat foot. BtoldioaT reetrlrtloe; as eaaaties eaa to baflt la Wainat Path, . . W. Mr RlbLinuaavain, ' BM Chamber ef rOB ALIt--JlBp-raoBB bones, aaperb Qaaea Aaae attla: 1 Iota; eblckaa hooae. etabie. .SIshT iI toeing frolt traaa; b.0 Tf old la 14 tore; a enap: sat Howe t. Daraa aa., Bart Woo laws, .isaas tosaao. assiraei utu. . BAROAIN e evarp daarrtpttoa are eewstaatly adTarttond I Joarnal Waat Colnana. Prop erty owners artll da wrll to sdvertto .bt thy wlab to sen la them estasma. to a Osl T a vera aw warps auk a Una. gKAP Tw aaw eelaalal raeldiarea. asst ataa. etoee tn; eaa T bbc oaa e-rooaa. nu eaaeray taaamanti aiodera tbreasbott alae ene T rooia. two-story baoae. cbeaa, Addram ewwar. 4M Bast geroatoantb st gOR 8AI X DaaU-a Ma aeberhea be aaa, w a ilea aa car 11m: g-roow Saodara haaai. 4 arrae: 1 ana ta atrawbarrlaa, 1 acre ta peeag fralt ttaea. Darldaon. Ward A Cax, Ch a aihar ef OomaMiwe. i.Ooo g beaaaa. faraltara sad groawdi east M-OMf IB atlsataa' wait frasa easrt aaaaii gOR BALE Oee tot ea Beat Tweaty-thlrd aad Coach at a., aad aaa tot ta eteaftet Park, ebeap, by owner; eaab or hhtUllmaato. AAdraaa g fj. care Jonraai. POR gALB Klee resldaaea with torge grenato where apartaenta and data eaa to tout totag a Bead lawaeiaaast; very eawtoal, TaL yOR SALB dmO.00. easy toraaa, saw. aaat f room eottag; bath looaa. ete. ; hard awlah; - aaloate ear sarvlca, at edg M. Tartor. yOH BALB B-roaaa ewttage. irilO0.fl.t00. ea Wharmii sire at odd Sixth st i meat cellar, tot mar SUta. av WB bwTld toeaea. eaay peraaeDte; toto faraiaba If daalrad. eta waawnM aaaia 140. anatv ' Mnia ew swJt river, A. J. Brews Cwrrlaevina. Or. 10 LOT tor ITS near Lea Is, tt n an. eara jonraai. yoa azBT-ooaaa. M rand avonea. If roa have a Beaeo U rant ar araat to root a koaae. Jf yea have toatae er lot to sell, ee want to toy toese or wr it ye want to toenre year baaai ans rsrn rare la tbe raoentx in, ua, ear Oooau. call Bp naoae Bast At. BODBKa are eearee; at toest tba atad re waat tot gba eaa save a tat af mr fare aad ttaaa. as well aa amah worry, by eee earrtag Joaraal Waat Columns far what yoa waat Try ueam. xi worm mr aa ma MAN and wife who will fnrak hood reference eaa find a rare chance to get late a good frnaoeg moms, all avodern. booae wefl far-aUb!-. -reeeoeablr. by addraaalag B SS. Joey aaL KADDEELT Traasfef A Ceaaataaloa Oa.1 atones end forultnre saavaa ay axpartancea . lift North Third st, Phone Mala 10. POB BBN T Bonsas, tettogw and fkto, ana ap-tn-aata, rente free et ebarge. Oerarts m Bona, rust a so 1 a aura am. POB BRNT w mam heme, three from upper AIM on car; flO gar swath, quire gar Oa at an be to ave. OOOD d-reesj bones aod bara, 1 acre ground, aeer fair groand entrant; slse t roam cvt Uge. Ptoaa riwat S04S. POB aaNT New Bandera T-eeem heaea at Mt Tiber, near ear baa. Ptose Bast aZT ar -2L gOR RENT New, madam A room honaa. Call 4 Rest Twelfth et Phone Beet 1T10. aVBOOM toaeo to teat Bear Jonwe' mwodB, AlO. SM rroat, ar atone front tod. roa REWT A OST Peartk st Of laaadn SOB BRNT-rA af reeenv laeeire SU HmT roa BALB r POB Mto or leasr. Bond Blver farm, SO aeraa. SO scree to rnlttvaUoa; fine bnildings, awa- rivaUoa; 1 tfatlo w. tree ferric water. . wall, creek. springs; foar a Haa frem Bond Blver; tole- phone, rural delivery, on Bounty road, frtos flO.OOO. Far leaaa, eabject to aaia. Par anto m leaaa, Hood Blver farm, B aerm. adMnlng above farm; T arree la eaittvaUoa; anod bnTldJnga. SVMdow. well, ereek. Irrlxat Ing water; price W.lOOj eaat SO acres, S1K0; weat 40 acraa. fl.100; da eeaaty reed; Sac sale aamfeea to laaa. ' Per sale, a floe tea peeved etork aad fralt farm Beer White Baunoa, waafc. ; iao aerm aaoar plow; SO acraa alaabrd and to road; 10 acres . aub4nirated by pipee from eprtnga oa place; go gellone per minute fare Bpriag water: nna orr bard, meadow, sD ander fence; 140 Angora goats and ether Stock, heraea. all farm taiplomeeta. snarly . sew; hoeashoM goods. Price to 000. tor aale, SO acree one mile fvom Btosl Brew, ea eaat slope; free hrtgetln water; T scree la eulttvatloa; fine en-hard bearing; par aale Is tots er tor tones. Inquire ef J eaa Letoad Meaceraosv Hood Btvw, Oregon. , POB B A LB PA B MB impreveg rama nr aaa m an perm or rjre gne and Waahlngtes; paymeato made to salt BBwebasere. tVe fall bartlcalara ea to Varl-eneij-onleaaBply to Waa. Maehtoates, SU BAST toram; oa the toet tomtod 4 end S-acra Kacto oa car line: 6c fare... Praak Melrla, g Cemmerelal bldg. . OBROON sarms heat thoat aJll Aad by aaa Ing the ads anoar tbto leading yea 11 .spam raw OLATRTOTANT ABB PALatXST. IADAMR JOBKTON--ClaarvnTnt mhatot, card ran Ave; I give facta reliable end Im portant ea Tl affaire ef real life. Aa atlas ftoo, M Savesth at, aeer Oak. "ALMIBTBT aad eard reeding: S aaaetioee anawered far M caatow Beoto 4L. SMk, t aaninginaj wt. DON'T be a taserl Be a art In Jeeraal Waat Ootonai am, by oarttoteg ii tbey aara tbe 11 wards tor id wag to ton aaa seats. LngT Tamag male fl jerrW; bUh aa toad tag lai. C.' ft. nhtrbeMand. Water!. yovWO At Third and Oak alrewto. todar. check far 9 BO. nwwar eaa tors as an by agptytag at ui afftos. awaa. a"JJ' art-l OW "oraSIioy i -jTiTAnr aoxioi ABB RAWMXLJU la Oia Dtotrict CMrt of the Catted Stats for tto Dletrtet of Oracau. hi tha siatter of Loag A B"aai Lawl eaaapngr, a ear pur at loo, aaaarust, "aotlea to toreby slras tbat by vlrtae ef as arear aaade an tha tb dav ef Ortober. 104, by tba Ocmrt. to tto abore anUtled auttar, tto Badaratfnrd Trartae will ew, touaa aad after 1 e'cWek to tto afteraooa ef Wedneedar, tha 0tb day of November, 104, at tbe areislBaa hereinafter described la Cottage Urora, Oregoa. sail st prtTate aale In the his htet blddar tor cash to had the failowlag daaarlbad ateauaae aad aUl pUot. to-wit: Baflanuui at d betot M feet wort ef tto nrthweet tor mm ef Moot A Bweond Addi tion to Oreraatowa. Orogoat Oaeace running Went STSH feat; theses eoeta SM.t feet I theeee west AM. 4 feat to tbe rifbt of way ef tbe Oregoa A OsUfonua railroad; toaace ceath t dasrea west 10 feat; tbeaee eaat UO toet; thane north 10 faetl toeao aaat 100 taati tto nee aorth 1M.T toat to tto place ef tostanlsg, aaeUlalag LI aerea ef land, BMra oy tons. . Alao bay in nine at a point ta stettoa M, township go anuth. ranyn S west net waat ef the Boat waat eoraer ef let 1 ta ' block ef OeerietewB, Lane eoaaty, sUte ef Oregon, tbeaee west 10 feet; OMaoa oath ii.g fact- thence eoatt AT aWgraaa St BUaatos wast T37 1 fnat; tbence east 10 feet; toaace north tS4.T feat; thence east too feat, and tbeaee aorta eeStt feat to tto place af toftoalng, caatalalag ATM acraa ef land, Bkore or Wen. Bxeepttaf frem tto aforasald preaaiaea, tto part thereof cmrejed hjr tbe said Long A Blnfhasi Loamtor eemnear to the Orefua A SwttaeMtera Raihwad eaaapany, ea the 3oth day of March, 10US. by tbe eartala eoarayanca raeordad Anil 4, ISUt, ea pasw 8 of otanta 0 ef tbe Berorda ef Dada for Lena reaaly, Orecoe, eeacribad SS Mr Iswa. to-wit: Basjaalns t s antat to ancttoe 10, toara- SbId B) aonth. ranan I want. u feet Want ef tba north waat earner 1 tot i, block ft, ef OaarsetowB. la Lane roonty, atate ef Oregoa; thence smith 4TS toet; thence west TO feet; tbeaee north a drffrew SO auaatas Weat SOfl toet Store ar In, u tbe aoutht aaat Boundary ef tbe sronnde caarayad by O. W. Long to tto 0. A A K, a B. R. enna pasyi tbeaee north XT deraea St mlaulae eaat lftt feel: tbaace north 1ST. 3 fwt; toeaea aaat 100 feet to tbe ptaoa ef bagtn Blng, .eoatalnlng l.M scree ef lead, mora ar use, all altaatad la Lam aaaaty. Ore gea, Atoa the tonewtae aawwdll ataat ltosted npoB tto above ' aremlaaa, to wit: One Double Cbrrnlar Saw mill, aaa eO-lnch Port land Iroa Worka Bdgar. oaa 19t2S Asms Bnaiaa. em 10x14 Corliss Enclne, one etflit horaa sowar hrtoe, aprUht H. P.f two KtxOO Aaiaa Bo lk re. ana 0xl4 Erie Boiler, nee Ajnrrlcna Planer, SiMi one Ho. 44 Invtoclble Planer, aaa dO-ltx Buckeye BWrwar. one Matlooal Dry Elba complete and MldlBg tlxM, ma Latb Mill and Bultar, not sat Bp: cm cat-off gaw and Arbor, not net npj foar pair Lnmber , Trncke, one Tft-lUrht Dyne ana, eaw Leg Hsat aad one Leg Turner. Alee raefeu an ink at ad and d m Moefc d of Georgetown. ' Alee lota 1 and I to bleak I h to I. L Jeeee Addition ts Cattage Orora. AU tbe rlgbt title and Interact of the mid lUnxrapt 1 tto faUewtng dassrlbad "SCglnaXg at the snnrhesst earwer of tot a. fctoch 1. Tones Addition to Cottage Grove, Oregoa. sag renaming thence cant 1 TT T toat to Mill atreet la the Secoad Addition to Oeorgatowa, Oragna; thence north 110 feet, waat 1T7.I fart, soetb 110 feet to basis' 1 sing point; ooniSMnclag at s point SO feet rat ef the eoutheaat corner let eon. bloc Is Jones' Addition to Cottage Grove, and running aaat 17A4 feet to M1U street earth 11S feet, waat ITS feat to tbe east aide of tto swat eeeterly atreet la Jonas' Ad dition to Cottage Uaeve, aoeth 11S feet to place ef totlnatag; seeueaciBg. at toe aortbwnet earner lot 1, block a, Jenea' Addltloa to Cottage Orove, Oregon, weat SO feet soato 111 faet, eaat M feet north IIS feet; elan lot 1, Mock a ta J. 1. Jones' Addltloa to .Cattoge aVeve, Leae oaatr, Orcaoa. A deed tor mesad htet deetrltod to ta Barrow aad provides for the payment of Si.itTd.oo; kSTtm toe toaa paid aad Al AHA M an .1 Tbat all ef toe sremtowi Stove are in Lane enaaty, Oregua. Bald sals to ta to aubJeet to ttoa by tto Ceart after A days' aettos to eredttcra. Dated at Onttnge Orove, Oragna. this SM day af Ostebey. J- . , t. C WftO, ... . . . j - Trsstee. ' aOOMINO BOTJSB BBADrjABTaRA. BOO MB rp-hn-date bnwaehwepicgr a part -, aaaabii very finely tocsted; good leaaa; rest rlgbt: feraiablnga very heat; Meam Beet e,, Baey I BOOMB-dffetol steam hast, rbrat Bp ts date; sew brick, tow rest, toaa lease. . SAM. dS BOOMa-ttew brick, very ajedsm la deary any: rarnttalags good: all haw aut- triaaaa: rant aadv AlOOt S-raar toe St.500. Might take smaller toesa 1 exchange. 1 - " SB BOOMSAwelt hoardlnr boneai tost ef to, eatluaa; Aolng fine boa In una; rurnlaalagn me rigas, ,. St Bu3nMB-rbtMabln bnardlmT finely furnlahed; eboke corner: only very abort dlatanm from Portland hotel; 8 yearr leaaa; rem lew, to. a B OO MB 01 eatabHebed boarding toeae, .doing wry fine boat nana, high claae trade. weU faratohwd. toaa. rrica, nas. M aoOMt Very aleely fmalehiA brtoh tadM. ing, goo aocetiea, omng a reat; aaaee. m.SQD. SB BWMSOa Btovmth St..' Bern Wcntorai bard1ng; nicely tornlstod, doing geed 'j aaa tn aaa; mat eery ew. sevsue. IS BOOWS 4 htorrtam at. all m one ftow; aleely fjrratohe; mad tow. , IS aoOMB Paialtala aU ato. rsctadtag f ' a no; good location, cheap test; mostly - aeaaaaaapiag; aiw.ays xau. S3. ene. II BOOkTB Oe Waahlagtaa tt.l wetl fantatod; goad tocattea; low reat; tones. AA.600. IS BOOMB-O Par et.i bnerdtonrt vary ftoe, towttea good; reat fTS. Prise, 91.400, IB BOOMaU-oa fifth at. . Morrises st; nlcelr furatabed; j svery war; reat ttl: has aad . anariet tofare. Si.TOs. . , , U aOOMgAW gefferaoa et.I ferwHar aery good; rest 4S.oo. Prtca, gag. H B0fWS--0a Taath at; feat tag; sWattm aned; has anod fnwepM. StoO. ' aaocRar BToaa. On Waaatnarton st. antns raah bwalwas 1 StO Bm day; aim, elm stock. SAsoo. ' mimcTioNaaT. 1 " i ' vm ew n ..,,,. ..ww One eat Waahlnxta I M a ea Berriem . 41,000 lurrjfia 1 ijaavw e man aai jafirrisDai , vvniuw a,. .!!' oa an Waabtagtea at., receipts EM...S3,00 wa cam MAjca trbm ob ant op tbb AaOTB, A ix nTLxa wi' aua nTrtnTn. auxauui nOTBOTBD AS WELL AS SaUaJBst . ' :. taft a no. ' .jBwd Abtuto Btoa. 1MM Talrd aa - BUBBKA REAL ETATE a BUWNI CHAirrn AHENCT. .... " EM WasMagtea Btv 'y ? . '' SSTS wB toy asn ef tbe tost tomtod V1 mteaee layout a to tbe dty; fair trade and ebaap rmt This to tbe last weak to tbla ' gan win get gewnaVid at ftoartohlag grecery baalneea; lecartoa anaaL with hnngry mlgbborhondt eaab trade. , This BMtet to etosed mt wlthis S day. I SaB will let to tto tacky Barbae- to am ef the toet rbree-cbalr abeee ta the eity. mn alng rra B0 to SCO a week, with wH eataMlahed rwa ef eaitoan. Thla meat to said tbto ww. , , . . , ' pelade ef ewveta, wall located, with evltlveted sweat taate: g'led trade; cwaap read. Tbto to tb last eaU. ft amat ga. S. on beva am eg tbe seat aatoctod etorke Of narrtonotV to one of tto ftaBrtebtns taWM ef Oreana; rrada ram gBO a day and ran be toereaaHd lailcflnltely. Meat be ao(d. Health ef ewaar re-oatraa abaaga ef aUmato. We have toima aad Into, farma aad cre as toto to salt tto Uate, sad tbe exam ef totyera. ftoe of toe beat meaning bwaoee I tto Hty: SS roonta all Sited; reet. mental. SlJS: In come Smn; eaa to raa up by tbe Hrht pert Tbto to a agget tot tto toomy toees. . BuaiRas owABoxa. BMPIRB 1NTBSTMBXT CO. ' ' gnermaura to Baker Koal Katat Caw, g Chamber of Commerce "- f Pbom Main sdM. . - WB BATB ATX OP THR RBST BtTg IS THE CITY. CAM ABMANUB TBhVMA ON MANX; Of THKht , aooMH omtw er ity, fan-ir wan tolanad, now mating ever SSM per its. This 1 pickup at.. .f.gZ,SM SS BOOMSOrod rerner. all Mesas eg sr-t Oesr; rest grs. Prtae.,.,.,...,,wW SS-BOOM amrtmeat boot; geed toeattoat ; leuosi all newly htrnUberL Thla Is tba - bcit spartmoat houae in roniana; rent glSB.7rrlc (Valf eaab) ..4.000 tt aoOMtWTbe beat ever far tbe Smear: - elegant furniture aad car Beta; Vry alone ia rem poo, race. si. 10 lg BOOMS-Swell dtown-towa toeattoat hrw- ' rent; fmrttcre ftrat-cUaa; good piano; . tha tost boy ta . town ftolf aaast v tor ., .....4B,V g ROOMS Nice tv fawaehed; eery atom to I geut HO. Jrtoe .fr0 lg BOOMR Ntoe UttU kmdtog towel to- enuis ai ran sag., race.,,,, A' trot -eta an lemttoa for geed toetnmwr una ngar a lore tor reai) eau er par- . tamawa. ... j avfiaa irrBaTMBNT co. A BNAP "AT ASH WOOD. OBBOON." gt0.OM atocfe general march and! a at etoeaacti etocB eaa oa reoaceo; nuiiouga ana wn par Bala, er wilt teat, laealre ef Joaraal, ar writ m today. . W. at A. BOB I NEON. WASH BB Bll rw ta ssaBetblag teedT Na than adverUBtag for a Jonraai Want Onhiakse, " eents. Try It ' WANT to mil year brntoasst Want to tavest rie emair urvaaTBHSt what roe wast ta St wards tar U NEW ArkanaM ell Seld0. M, Bailey, Mto. aourl PaclAo taualgraUea aanni uttia aoca. Ark., ma tat roa aa ell loeee. trltllng as paaaa. Pnrtusm from to tare mto Icaaee. BOOMINO towae, M mama, trick bwlkMng. monthly Income glTB; rent S40, leaaa, Price SS.100. H HatftoldV Molkey Sacewd and Morrtooa. POB BALB- 4toocery store, cheep mat long hwae: fine toe t ion. ret farther loxormeuoa addram Boa 4M. BARBER SHOP tor ml et SOS Flrat st rOB S4TB aTmTOIXASrlWaa. PORTLAND BIBD 00.. Sod Third aad 1ST North Sixth, offers tarn week toner pigeons and tontasas, very cheep, to make room; alao talking parrete, alnglng an fancy birds, tame awnkaya. inumrtec 41 guinea plan, aagora mto, ete. POB BALB A ay amount ef apace to Journal Want coibbus ror seam a una: t average worfa aaake a Haa; several taairTlm ef aa sdvertlaimm mainy anabe a mto. That's UNDER WOOD TTPBWBITBa, . amttag. Tabu 1 tor. nau Beanas. uni Agency great et Pbom Bed 1SL BiLLlABD AND POOL baa) far ! m tuwaffSMciilStuLM couaTgrDaa dS Third tt. IHrttasd. BABGAINB to neeead-basd BMcblaaa. TJi .wood Typewntw Agency, OB treat at. 40 WBBBB aprbjbt ptoaa, 1M; crgma, U; meax anil, mi nret at-, car. main. POB SALE AM vtoBa tor SM; US peam, can uiuoa asu. , PERSONAL, J. . ItlBAHH E1MEB Pvnaloa telor at law. BBS Wnabtastoa st: sto an obtained aaaee all acta of iongreas eoldlere of tba Clrll war, Bpaslab-Ainer for nwrtoaa war, war la me mil eoMlara ralatlves. MANLT aisar rastorad r Br. Botottaf Farm flletmtos. One aaoctb'a treatment AJt A saontbn. B; seat aeenretr eaa lad bp aaaU. AgeBts, WoeAvA CUrke A Co.. PnrtlasA Or. RATLOR PARLORA Pace Bad ecalp Buaaege a apecMitj; anaaicarug. nomas I ana e. SSOU; Wisbtogtoa at. Talanbouo Bleek SS1A "TUB BOOK OR N A TUB A" "Booh ef Ufa." "Mabal Oray." "Story ef B'Btave," "Nan;' mtotocm free, A Brbmato, xM Pint at TOUR praasriBtlom ara mar aeraratery end . reaaoeably led St lyaaairs Pharmacy. SST Morrtaoa at. totweaa dlrst and goeead sto. rBRBONAL Tow toalnaae ar prefaeeiewal ead In Jnaraal Want Oolunne will bring yea tontnaeai tt words tori IB eaata. Try tt WATTHEA dtaBMada. aaay payment; dtaa 1. rti Dekaaa. Oaf toagbt W. H. Leah. POB S4IB aTORSTg ABB OABaUAajBA UTEBTOCar B alway dMpaeed ef very evict ty wkaa sdverttoed to Joarnal Waat Oolamna. The rata 1 St wards tor Id mat. Uy them nwodrteh A Goodrich, architects : Was. rich, maaaltlag eagtaew. TS tfib. ASPBALT PATZB. TBB Trinidad Asphalt Pavtag Oa. aat ornee no woroteter ml ATirtaaara. AN DRAW L. CHEZ EM pa, IT Waablngvaa bldg., geseml law baa loom; pepcm draarai Utlee exaaUneA Pboae Mala MO. BBBPHBBD, ANDERSON A CKLLARA, A t tortv- r -iiayaa SMg BARgrNd ABB MBTBBTB. OBBOON ROUND UTMBBB OO, 1AI St. raone oraaT 11 ti. boat BaixjnBa, JOHN BTTDB Brnto talR to erder sad earn. Oar. Bast TamblU aad Water sto. CM ABA ABB tOBAOOO, BBBERO-O UNBT ClOAB , . iMatrlbntem ef pinb oHuaa PerttoaaX OABsnDfraaa aara sTartunaa, A J- AUTnOAS and B. B WOOD, carpenters aa panaa rat repairing an leeaiagj store and efface axtwes bsiU. Stop Catomaaa, Pbooe day 1AA1, M. Dmm. beOalaw an " atom X- tnrm a spsatoltg. SM Plrst st Pbeaa Otoy O, W. OORDgrt, cnentors, shelving, boaem tosUt sn repabva. m roerth. Clay it. vrjaTBOBBlOB atntaowABTa. gTBBDlNO A PAR BELL, nroatooeand eoeamto- atoa marrhanta. 10 mat t pwruaaa, us, Pboae Mala 1TA 1 DA VAN POET BROa. ISO Pront t PreJt. are- Cnee; eoealguments eenntect prompa returae. OATEA BTAB BBVTAIJEA NT Hoaae eeehtag a elalty: meal Ocketo fx. Tno. Loaca, Cor. TwalfOa and Waabtngton. THR OmCA SM Waahtnrtoa L Mala TTL Plrkatt m Vlxaeaaa. OSM1B1? OORTAACfTOAA BAWKINg CO Reel 4 nee, pot Peerto at. eane fveat ISM; eaoMat work ef aB de iLttomi Ptoa work sawstoityi werk cwnr- an teed. OB AA B. CARTBB A CO., Jforewrly Carter tl); cornea! cenwaetere, era J angart. at It A All work roaraataodT owjRopoDT ajtb BAanctJBiwa. WM. DBTENT and WrrBlXR DWTBNT, f I w bldg., Idt Semnd at. Phone M ' Tfcle at tha kng-halrd geattoaan. toe M teaa yea am toeauag tor. O0AL ABB WOOSX V WSATBE COAL CXk. ell Bert aw 1; naeeoa lamp at-Waa aeX A w m t i Hi, sn.w; agv -a, ST OO; CeatU & p free dallretr; t tLM aTMraateeA Pboea tor Oat- m i- an. n tai bUto t t. Wf TCBJt PEED A tl'BL CO., I& ath P to at, deators ta oMatla and et m a 1, Uackaaaith anal, ea a renal aad eaaa. Poena Mala 101A ALB1KA rUKL CO., BaJaread at aad AJbtoa eve., Bear ferrr; SUb end htoeg weed, toy and green- Pboae Bast 67 A wi an f rwi a annn V A RIV WonS and anal Omce. tig HeUaday svenoa. fbona A AM. PIONBBB PURL CO.. NBtovvd frem Soot 1 rtooa to toot Mata at Ptoaa Mala lA C, a VBUN, Arst-elam woo, and ej ; affton M AlMna SV.. Pear terry, vi aanow. OA COOK EtTRL CO.; aU klndn of seal cad weeA frtd Morrtaoa, Phone Mata . BOOTBB COltWiT 111 Witat at, aad 00a IT Pboae Mata etM. OaOOKBRT AJTS aXASSWABX.' VHOLFAALB erectotT and glaaawara. Ftsel BaftlaTo., 100 to 10 fifth, ear. Btark at LADIES)' and ebildraa's ramaeato, airh Bklrta. wabtts sad wrapnare saade to order US itoveath st TMeptom Mato SltT. MBS. McBIRBBN. arttatto mahtng. Sol Morrtaoa et IrTZntd ABB OXXABTJTO, PORTLAND BTBAM OLBANINO AND DTE1NO Worka; aractloel totter la eecuiectloat toattor toaa sad alnmee eleaaed aad carted by aa as pert til roarf. Ptone Clay TO. CLOTH Eg CLEANED AND PRAM ED 1 per month. Catoae Tallertag. Co., MT Waablag- , TTTBNRa, seafaa atonal dyer and Jefferaaa at Pboae Mate MIS. BOS tvaarfvaa yAtrroarsa. rUBHrrrjEB aumafactar nl L, Bavanaky'a tersltare TO Ireet et OBEOON rnraltare MaaafBctarlng Compaav Maaafactarare ef fsrnltare tor me waoa. am rtret at do abb Eoaaa bobtpttax. DA A CAB NET. D. T. A, vetartimry an to ens oases st, pet. swarm aad fifth sen. TBOOaATORA BBNBT BKBOEB 1M PI rat etl waDpapar. Ingrains. Uriatraaa. agUnaa mama, mm lor decorating. BABXTLBa, MBA ORANTg adult sad eblMraa's etaeaea. Academy ef Muele. Morrtom et. car. BeeoaA lxaoTRioAX, woaaa NOBTHWBBT BLRCTBICAL RNOINRBRINO Company. SOS Btara st., nmnna: ov nmr ewTtbTnj ta toe plauhtosl Raa. Phem raATKRVAXj ntnTJAANCa. OBDBB OP WAAHINOTON Poremest fratar- Cl ajeelrtg ef aerthweat; pretoeta tto llv g. J. L. Mitchell, vnpreena arcratory. gig end SIS Marquam aadg, Petttoad. Qav Taie- oae aula ia 1 lntaar bbbrbvb iVBtp. PORBBT RRSERVB SCEIP POB SALB Ae pri'vad, enrmtrlctea, reedy tor Immediate aaa; Cwaat prices. R. 9. A t. A Rltoy. SO Chamber ef Ofaaamraa. rUBRlTOBB BBPAIBTaa. naom afaaiafl aut' to order. Cncie Dick a, SM Waeblagtoa at Phone Bad 11 A nOOKRA WADBAMS A CO., wbolaaale sto groceaa, aria 1 am. faetBrars ens saaMMi and Oak sto. ALLEN A LKWTA anmBOaatoa aad jawdaee aaar- etonto. front aad Davis ete., Portland, Or. BAayywooD Piooaa, HARDWOOD soon, rtrtetlr ap to date; eel ana nnceming poroiar. See Tlmms, RD WARDS A 00.. SM treat At BThtAB BATB BOXLA J. J. BO BO. smart, k Sanaa hair tens, dm a pn. Pboae Eaat 1X1 1. Btnre. BM Blarrua at BOTTLA BOTBL PerttoaA Amarleaa ptoa; St. M ear day. BBLTBDBBB; Rareceec ptoa; 4th aad AlAar aaa. djaao u warra, sra JAA McL WOOD, emptoyers RaMHty aad ta dtvldual sseldesi aurety boada ef al Waato. Pboae st. BOS McKay bMg. I. P. BABTSLg COM PA NT, Bra teewreaea. eat gbarlerk blda. Oregoa Phone Clay ASA riBB INSCBANCB J. P Eaeaedy ghwtoch htdg. Pboae' Mala ISA. A Caw, SSI t- ARTHUR WILSON. bldg. Pboae Mata 100A raoB worxa raoBNTK IRON WRKa-Bnaineera. bmbc toctnrers of marine, mining. Inert ng sad eaw mill marhlnary; pro mot artentloB to renah wor. PhaeeEaetM. Hawtborae ave.. A BA BE 01 UAL. MR8..L. A BLLIS, M, D. Threalc dtoaaaas fclefttldcany treateA Office tn Sainton rt. MUSICAL. LRBMONH, . SOc; piano, ergaa, gal tar. ban la. mandolin, atoata, fdlvn Kret st, ew. Mata. Boom 1A TIOLIN, amndolln, comet, etorlaet and sB String cad wind laetmiaoats. Prof. Rdwto A Smith. Mata 470A S3 4 Twelfth st MA AND MRS. PL A WrTBRXA baeJo, manda Ha guitar toatrwctfOB. Mala aDSB. ITS W. Park MALSBl P1SRER M1TSI0 CO., 10 Third at. Tteaor task ing aaacblnan; repairing. Rod SO. BAdbTTTIO B3ALnfX MBA L m. BAR meceaafeny treat nil die aaaee; method taught. "New Thought" reading reoca. Bit Toomey bldg. Mala 417A MAONBTIO beattag aad scalp araatmaet: owe ingtoa at Mata BttA FRENCH lady gives bath aad message Anal meet SOS Pirth at West 17 1 OTTAALLA BOM or TBI BOAD OTRRAtA and mochaa . lea clothing: anion made, NceoUdtor Braa,, aMnnwen, rortiana. or. PAJBTTNa ABB PAPyJABAWarNa, BUICK RON N E I JIO NTTntJngT tocoratlBT pa par -0 a aging- w mnaacii m.i vtriata H aad BMtoctol savaateed, Pboae Laiua PATXNT A TTO E BETA A. O. WRIGHT. 1 tic and feroUa mUatsj urnagetuont nana. ST. gTP' c: w I am to a noatiios imnrevac real any amoaot; a. srovs IdhUI trou. soon t ta na neuoiog prugri-a. wa anent aftar eeta j ,. VRAft M. STB 9, ral tog eo - at., t A ITa loan 00, "J"ed (wpior. war. rnar. ma gat a sto anaa, ntltoet soorti e R-15tSto ball er'l to m to or t oi 5U "ANBtw aan borrow aaaway ft awntha. la ur .Z,. T on ui . m hr m N from SB to t- (ow rau of Intra4t hjjah igntlatlooa ara atrtctly prrvate and touddenttol: narn.nt. ' t- -aa at wait ae mrtrYM L0!iT eaUrled iweea tott t attend; poattloa with raaooRonXtrm . etwbllHtr a. dVlar; il v"tna h fWlL, etaSAmtlaL NORTHWawT Lu co-. SSI AUngton bldg. ettj MONRT TO LOAN aa real, pa final aad ee lataral aacaHtr; epadal attenttoa to chatjil mortgagan; .etas bougfat C. W. Pallst, W Commerctal blA Pboae Mata 1MB. HIGHLY raspeetable place wbacv todlae aad gents eaa borrow monay en dlamede sad Vweby. On II Ural Loan Bank, AM WasaV Ingtoa et Telepboae Blaek TL ARB Tto Pana-Lewreees OA. real aattto aad Saaactal agents; monay t Van a stprteage eacunttm st low rates la Hem Bm W tlO.QW lBUj Ptrat st MO BTOA OB LOANS aa lm reave 4 aad tors propotlj (t toweet cnrratraUSi botlfflng bean, beta (1 aaa a r bMoa. Wan. MasMaaleS, til Worraatw bldg. MONBT ADTANCBD salaried BD aalartod people. icorlty; aif parm m artanalnal oltioa. ila. tmaattara. etc., wit hoot ea meata; Urg- ret toalneee la SSS AMngtoa bMg. MONBT lnaaed ea pUaoe. fuialtms fod ether cnnrani aemnnaa; mi nunnoan arr-. to w veto. NOBTHWBBT MAHOOw, AAA Abtag toe bMg.. Hty. I AM prapared to bay good Botes nmM ea any kind of reel eat ate Ir. Oregon or Wa- S""n. . m. nooie. sis tiaiaa i. i aw CHATTEL losBs to ameaats ranging from PW to M OOO; rooming hoaeen a enedalty. New Bra Lena A Treat Co., So Ablngaaa ThMg. MONBT to loaa oa Hty aad mbertoa reel eetate. atoa on chattel aecurltr, op tnvasahto torma. Roeta 490. Cemnerclal bldg. MONBT TO LOAN aa Imp 11 id m amaaaaeiad Err property, ia eatno ta nit. rwzruB, wa na A Co.. SM Aider St LOANS at towvat rates on fnraltme, ptoaeet any aesanty aotas Mrcanaaa. gaalar km office, 41 McKay bid. . MONBT TO LOAN ta toaga w SB e seedsecwrtty: toweet sates. Beck, SOT Tailing bMg. MONBT TO LOAN ea CtackasMS cnenty Mnda. , t r. ul f . A SUtoy. tod Chstotor eg Oaaa- pRiNTnra. BT7BHONO A CO. float aad Stork Sto., prtn tag. Utbegrapblng. blank books aad ef 1 an nolle; work done ea Hum: moat onwglaie printing efftoo to the west Maia 14. ANDBRSON A DCNIWAT COMPANT. rtottaa-litbogriDbina-. htoak be, Vtoac Mata W. SOdildar at rUTTJPA, V ' THE OBEOON PLATINO WOE OBKA. At Potolbtag, 41 Waato tea-tea at Badlaeonertng MAR B MONBT 1 UAB PRBAS CLIFPTWO! Ring up Blsck U sad erder a BMth'e earvta eowring every town to any w aU eenat states; dallr m aaa an gar ear lce; edvaaee re port on an eaatract work; Partlaad efTVan. )0 gocond at PAXNTA OtXa ABB OXAAA P. A B BACH A CO. rtaaaw Paint OA, eaJBag the beat thiags made to patota end gat. 1 building BMtortalsi wtndow-gUne and gW g a specialty., 1M Pbwt st norm Mala U.e. W. P. PTTLLBB A OO. Mannfaataoaaa Lea A Pboanlx Paint KopaUna; a gnnra 1wa with every t gaUen at pate fjaaata, arad by m BAAMTJnRN a OfA Jobbers, paAaaa, mah aad dora. ISO Flrat at mora. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.- sad Northrap at.. PortlaaA Or. aaj.,.,S7,., i . riu,iT-r,.-l&..,jjj as LABGEBT stock la ettrt DUbolA worht opened. Repair. Jail work, a teal celUnf. traato rnt and gooda marl ting som patoeaunse, a Davis. M Third etT Mata T10; rabber Btampa, eeam. eteacta. PH. trade choefca; awad far mtalagaa, CHAR B POTTXB CO., nbber etaanps, moved to SO Pint at., aaar Btaxk et. aooym. TIN ROOriNO, repairing and Jebbtng. J jam gPRATTNa AXT WBJTtWAAWrjrB, I WANT as tod ea yew palatine af reads, aacbn, warabnoeea, etoraa. balla, amine, tocvertae an4 all ether similar weak Aaae ta all m wetc palate, ta noma wan. acta tottw thaa touaa. with tbe spray pumgi eaa pmeao; SMny Saara ef eaperteoce Aflraim m Baat wai igtan. Pboas Uatoa SSHk a M. Morgaav APRATIN9 and 19 and wbltawaahtof, treea, bwsw baraa, Cbcka, etc MV . Movgaa A aU np Bcott Sit, we wnj call aad aunts, baraa. Co. Can np Rcott SIM. we wffl a give roe Hgwree ta year work. The tors at Iiamllne apraylag nod Whitewashing aatrtt a Munaomah seaaty. tT MUwaaVto st, PortlaaA Or. gaowoAfga abb prXTTRxa BHOWCASBB ef every deanrlptloai tan, toe and t or items mace to ewwar. The ism MaMfaetarlag Co., Portland aad BaatUa. mrAAOB ABB TBASTBrBB, SAPEA toaee end fnrwUnre BBnved.inrbid ready for ablpplng and aau'pped: sTJ war guaranteed; large. S etory. brt-fet Arena ed war boo for storaam. OfSm US rtret ah C. M. OLSSN. Pbona Mato Sat. a O. PICK, efAee M Plrvt St . betwem Start sad Oak Sto.; stoma BM; piano and furan - tar Btovad end packed tor BhlprAagl roaf modloae toamaag krtoR wares ani. and Clar eta. nABarxa abb BAtruaw, OREGON TRANBTTSR CO.. 1!M Berth Blnm. Pboae Mais A Hoavy feaallug aad etar. POST tPBTAAL DBLITBBT. BA Mw Waa tngton at. PtoM BUM an. TirRWaif AAA TOAT TXraWBITEB HiUnQnABTBBA xne arara eiron. kn ail klba. be yt. want a atanogr bar afanoar nar mr it We tov na or 1 4 ( , . Pbjcate Ptarn aV. UNDrRWOOD TTSIWT a T" at t t at-. SI e "E? ! 1HR EAST P1TMENT PLAR... ' T "m11 T"vimi. Strtetlr Oaeddaarlal , Of rice hour. A a. m. to d s. a. EMP La) TECS' LOAN oK. . Am tl, Tba Dateai todtv A W ear. Talrd and Washington eta. f 1.