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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1904)
4 iOUR ir PORTU 4. Ow Farmers Now Unable to Sell Potatoes t jcanae Dealer Are Unwilling to Take Chances Rise of S Cents la Cattle Hops Unchanged. TODAY'S MARKETS - 1 M " ' ' " knrrf at the Btof of fwttoae. Or,. Par tnuaportattea through the Mite M llMit TpwJtm tar stoato ceptes: Per ae 19 to 1 page paper, I erot; is to ' MM) M Page. mara. - ' MftwUI BoonwMato IM. : KiBw Otace auia oa S"6BXYSW UratTlUMt BIFUIII'I 4ttti, Vreclnd-Boganun Spectol A d tot t lata Agency. too Maaeau Mrt, w Tart; XrtbvMMiU . Log. Chic. . . . nmnmiDi ba1 Titm by Onrrtor. Th Daily Awul, with Sunday, I yer...f-66 t The Daily Journal, 1 year S- 1 The Daily Journal, wlta Buaday, ahoathi. M Th Dally Journal, t asoutho f-60 Th Dally Journal, vita Sunday, t BPBBthS. 1 lbs Dallj Journal. 1 moat ha Th Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 aaoett. .66 Th Dally, pec wmI, ewUvered, 9-aday Included , , .1 The Pajly par we, 4oHverd, SanAay Twtma by efl. - - Th Bally Journal, with Sunday. I year... .W-SB Tha Dall Inurul I Tea 6.00 TM Dally Journal, with Sunday. 6 awasha,, B-TB - Tb Dally Journal. swath. ....... f- Tha DallT Journal With SundB. I WWtfeS. 1 The Dally Journal. I SBontbs. -' The n.ii i.r-.mi win. Bandar, i aanath.. Tb Daily Journal, t mouth..,., -BO "the Sunday Jmraal. lresr Tha snmda ScuuL months .. L Tha tel-Waaklr Jee-aeL Th Ssari-Ws-fcty Journal t to H. pages tHl m-u. llfaetrated. fell mark .U6 art. i nor Tha Weekly Journal Tha Waahly JoaraaL 100 eetoans of t4V i w uit..h4 hit aaarket ' reports, 1 yr KaauttaaeM abouM ha aM0a hjr ran. faaw MtM, axpraaa ardara and amaft MMwntt an aaoUba, b lullwl xjSCTifc i r. 0. fMt tB. rvrttanC Or. . -WKxaa sea jovual hat as nvn. " Tha JwnU a ha fawad am Mil tt Oh faV Bnisl, IDAHO Plar hoaft Man. CHICAGO PMtoflot Hawa eeatpajay. HI Par visVKH, OOUK Enrfrtrt Soofe ft Ba7 coapaay. 91S ateanth atna; J. Batch. , Mtteanth and CarUa atrta. KANSAS CTTY Ta Ky Wwa aaaaaany. ' LOS ANGELES B. f. Oardaar, SM SMtt Sprtoc atrMt; OUrar Halaaa. SOS ftoath imSTASilM-i. i. ttowm. m ens KIW foBJC OTTT Bmtaao'a, VaaM HMW. ' (Hi DBN Osdaa Mawa soaipany. u OMAHA Ml Uard Hotel aewa ttawd; hfataath Statloaary company. 1S0S ranraai atnat. ALT LAKE CITY Kraya hotel bwb atawl: Barraw Broa.. 4 Writ Sarand atraat Soata. ST. LOTTTSPhhla Roadar, 1S Loevat atrt SA!V rSANCISCO W. . Ardlac. Ialaa Hotri awa stand ; Ooldamlth Broa.. tSO Sattar atravt: Ftad W. Pitta. 1006 Markft atnat. SPOKANaJWAHH. Joba W. Ota ham ft Oa. TACXiMA. WABU. Oaatral Maw aatapaaj, US1 PadAr-avaona. 4 ftuonoa bales TOatoaaow. fc J, J WTtooa. Sixth" and1 ABkay atracta. at Id a. Sala of BMdra boaaa taraiaa- laga. J. t. Wllaoa, aartlonaor. " miJLU aTOTICS, SWINTOM Oa aar Birthday, Ortobar S5. at lb natdaaca of bar .ana, John B. Swlntoa. hfra. Asaaa Roaa Swlntoa, win ef tha UU Boy. B. C. Swlatoa. SS yaan of ago. rnnaral froai tha Ftrat PreabytaHaji ebara. Twalftb and Aldat, Wfdaoaday at S a. BL - WSATBJtB BBtOBt. Waatsor eaadlrlaaa and faaaral Sjrataat Bar Oro(fon, Waabluftoa. and Idaho; Uara traat ara topoiiod caaarally . ttla aaamlnf la aaatara Oregoo. oaatwa Waahnkftoa and Idaho, wallo trocsLac tamptaaturaa and kllHaf Craota aoeamd tanahoat tha aUddlo ' Urat fa Bkodmrhtly kam ralaa ara rowrtad la Teaa oaatera UbMoarL abothora IIIIdoU, tha Ukc rcaa ar-4 along oa aouta Aiianaa ooaat; ohMwaora tkroDKhoat tha Ualtad ItAtaa fair wathar baa aroralrrd. Hli4 flw Nrrlk PiiV llitM tfnrlnv tho taat aovrral day eonttanaa ta adraaea aWiwIr aaat ward. Ita eaator mem belas yat Nebraska aad Kanaaa. The tadlcattxaa ara nr ooatlaaad fair waathar anvpt aloas tha Waahtaftoa aiaat, wbora abowara arr arobaMa WrnAda. it will po aonlor Wadaaaday waat of tha Oaaeaaam. Ohawratloaa anaad at a. bi. -TEMP. Mas. Artauta. Oa. , MlBa, 40 M ' 40 , .00 ; .00 .00 ,r .04 . ,00 .W .00 .01 ; .w , .00 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 ' .00 .00 .00 .on .00 .00 .00 .on .00 .oo , .00 .04 1.40 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 '- .00 - .ao .00 .00 Bakar City. Or 90 . Boatoa. Maaa....M. ...... 4 Baffalo, M. T Bt - CbarlaatoB, B. 0 3 Chicago, in ad Ctodanatl, O. ...... S DBTar, Oala.... 43 Detroit. Mlrh............ 5fl Boreka. Oat 69 . rraam, Oal ....... TS - Oalreawav Tas.t.. ....... TS . HrleuaTitoBt BO - IndepOBdanoa, Cal.. ....... Td JaraoalUa. Ha Xaaalooea. B. O.. SO Kanaaa City. Ha Lawtatoa. Ida... 4 Urn Angalaa, Cal.., T4 . New Orlwuia, La.. TS Hew York. . X tS Omaha. Nh DO Philadelphia, Pa M Plttaborg, Pa M PortUnd, Or........ Tl , Boaeburg. Or TO ' Saeramoete, Oal. ......... TO St. Loula. hto. OS Aaa Ajttonto, Tat TS Raa DIogo. Oal OS Saa Prannro, CaJ.. ...... TO St. Paal. Mlna 44 SpokBtta. Waah............ SS fi 44 SO 47 B0 BS TS &S BS m so m BO Bd 40 ss 4S SB 4d 44 6S 44 an do K4 so M 40 d 44 n so M TWorla, B. O SO ValU Walm, Waah SO - Waablagtoa, D. 0......... M WlnDamar, Kay dS Tama Art,,. M j,-.', ' . MABBiAea Lioaaim ; ; - ' ' Javaa A. LaaHa, . and A ana 01aoa,'B ' Albert Bachmaa, X4. aad Annie Both I. IS. ' - Oaorga Haaaeh. 44, aad Mrs. raaato B. proaaler, SS. Praak H. Aibrr. SS, Ftere aaaaty, Waah., Bd Oertrada M. Maaalag. tt. i . r -r, roiTm. . ' '' - Ortnbor St. to Mr. and Mra. Okarlaa M. Obmb. .ad load Daavat areaat, a aoa. B BATHS. '" . dot Premont atrert: rauae. TnaalHoB. Bwrlal at Mount Calvary naMtery. unooa aa. blbt r tmii inauiei , age a n Bhonl ba, at BS5 Tenth atreet nnrth; caaa. 'taanltloa. Bartal at Lone fir cematery. October is, rrederlrk Ott. aged d yaan. at Good Samaritan hoapital; eaaaa, baart dtaaaaa. Burial at Lotta Fir rwmetary. October 11. Charley L. Brott aged 19 yaar, 'at 1ST North Twelfth atreet: num. polmoaary tahfreufcajla. Burial at Woodlatid. Waah. October SB, Paullao Lang, aged1 74 year, at TO Soarth atreet; rauae. aaalla . debility. Burial at areenwood ceBHtery. October SI. Mary A. Graut. aged SS yaan. at - ST4 Baat Ninth atreet; eaaat, M aga. Burial - at Imna Plr eenetery. October SI, London C. Olbaaa, agad SI yaan, at 48 I rdoo aTeuv north; eaoae, sanlyala. Burial at Loaa Tir nBMtery. October 14, Thllda Morria, aged 81 roan, at M1 Waldler atraot: eauaa, aaacar C atoaMCB. Bnrlal at Sandy. Or. -- rvtobar S8. Cfaarleaj D. Mareetla, 'aged 9 motha, at SOS Harrlana atreet; eauaa, gaatro clerltta. Burial at Mount Calrary conetery. wrmper m ara. amnio nunrer. aced a year. . fUBMf ira, at ST1H Third atreet; ran, aaartaa anal at ioa rtr naattary. CnaMtartaaf aa Oragw Orty ear Ba. Boat SVIl wood; atodara, arteatirie. aaaiplet. Oharaca Adult. ; rblldre. 128. T Tat tor 9 a. V to S p. st, PortUad Craatottoa anatlatfca Bofaud, Or. - l Tha Bdrard Bolmaa ndertakiag eaamay, eaonl dlroetan aad balaiara. SB) Third atraot. . P. flahry a Boa. rutaaral dlroetan aad arwofiuttwa. ban re mo rod to tketr aow art- 1 jaeMt, aar oar Third aad Madlaoa M fhaaaa Bw 9. Pwarl wnataa and eat flowon apaelalty t B.-.J Ctty flraaahoa. Twoaty aaaaad aad Baat Mirrtaia, nahotary. . T Ohart Baa, gay Oowan. B rATS rajjnRBS. Wmn W. SMas aad wtfs to B B Bartaa 7 . a 4 rlto. -net 1st 1, traat "P ' Crearnap ptofc . ...' -SB FARMERS CANNOT SELL POTATOES non mut saoAvsai ba HI 90 WO OABB rtXAXM AWT osajTOM or a ruust suBsai .WOH 1ST aWpTOXOaTS BOW I - w M Tba ortartpat tataraa at tha PortUnd wbolMala BMtfcaU W-oay Potatoaa yulaf a-ci"a-Prlcaa oa baaaa tirw. Droaaad tmI aoBMwbat dau. . .. Praaaod hoga tamporarlly oarda. , III atarket laaalar. MiA rooltry daawndcooUaiM aaeaUadl. Haau ara He lower. r ' Local lard aoeUnad UucklobMTlaB ara awn pwanfOl. s - Baapbarriaa coma from Mount Tabor. Hob aurfcat raaaalaa at top. " ratataaa a a-Bayl. If aay at tha potato grower da t'T a atatoBMBta that potatoaa ara 'n t. v.i. tk. anMin aaaoeciTa am""" ay brlntins la d tow wagon kwda aad tryla to nil oSTat tha pronut rht- " ha. oo la paaa that tha (rowan, aot Hndlng a wrt iwthrit ootaton along front atroat at tha high orfeaa. o to tba largar hot r la. aa well ae no rauU frowrfaa. and aU tbem at leaa fw Tbta eondltloa an awwi a awy i - - nuud troni tba tobbora and tbay bardly cart to bay at any quotation. L'atU pototoaa f aracticaUy doftJTeC than will bo nbaoluMy a daaiand froaa outotde aaatloaa aa ma" ratal ara afaloat thia market. Win awry po- U to-growing awtloa unnf a fwrj hi. .. U vlli ha Bin and tUVk Mr tho gTOW- an bar to unload at any thing Uka tba flgurea tkay raealfwd a yaw as. ..JrZ.LZLZ 4 . k. . .kM not aaolta thla aoUtoaa opoaad arach lawar la thla Mrket than thay did thla aaaaan. Tha Xaet that Orogoa oaly haa oaa half, or Beaatbly two tblrda, of a erop doaa not aacaaaarlly that thla aUU eaa amk tha artoaa olarwbar wbor tkay ntoa BMieh largar ataaka thaa wa do bar. Oawaa An tba Baiaia. Tha aaaaat aurkot la iaat tba nnrea. Tha kmUm m M what could a eallad hoary atthar ban r ahwwhon and growen haa eosat aart at caaa to hold tor a auTaaoa. n a M.ekc to aalalaw to flrmnea day and bobm vllgbt qoUUo r rnad. That IZlm. .m h. . mat aeardtr of flrat-elaaa bean fyoa. California tbta yaar to agread apoa by all tba Aaalora aad growon. Than will, bowarar. ba a torn crop of Beeoad and third ula mm la the HBM Bticaa Will B aaadad according t ouallty. --' Tail Bomiwhat BwU. nii.t.. tttm naot few dr tb fOCllpta Off dreaaed real bar been rather larger and tb awfcot to teat begtonlng to foal tha affect of It. Today'a toaa real m am ao . quotattoaa war not dlaturbeo. man aouHr wht of a acarclty la draaard hog, but tba ltuatkai aould aad aa aaUed atroag. Prtoaa aa. Local values oa prorUioa an doora today oa aceouat at ta wearer ice una m both ban and to tba aat daring tba past taw week. A cut of e par pound to announced to local manufacturad ham and He per pound to anrb bettlo leaf and a team rendered taru. Than was a eaaaga 1b other prorlslon prtoaa. Bgg SUrkot la Baator. - A aMettlo ooBtar fIlBaT I raltog hi gg. Tb ronlpta an showing a Tory amall toeraaaa. h. waathar la tha chief raus of k. UnllrMaa. Prtoaa NDMlB UtCbSgd- IB poaltry tha ranlpto and tba demand ra about on a par and aa adraaon oaa ba mad to tho OBMtoUoaa. wahaaa to eh boo aaarhat hara aot ehnd m.. .K. aut waah. hlAe beln tha bra prloa thoa aad today. Sema small buy are reported around tba prwtod Hear, but ,,h" mw.M ara aoldtDK JOT adrBC. Of UtO tba dealer, finding that they could hot buy .-. hoaiiT aJTd In taking to Um stock already purchased, and much ahlpplng to tba eaat baa been dona during mm waaa. inm MiNidM a aood domand from tba continent aA Marly all dealers ban order oa band. (- fjataar Apptaa An Oaanlag. Aa tho aaaaoa adTaaoaa, the receipt of aptitoa of tba bettor grada an largar, but tba supply hi atlll adar tho domand araa at tba high prtcaa. Soma amall ablptnanta of raapkarrla obbm to thla morning from Mount Tabor and Pound sal at SOe par pound. Brrawberriee froai tba aaaw locality wan quoted rft UtJSOe Cr pound acoordlng ta quality. Then to a ttar supply of bocklrbarriaa and auaiity being better, there to an Improved domand. aar af hrrr aarna to thla morning. Whawt Markat la TnflTT Thor ta awly duUnea ta tba wheat aiarkat, tba acarclty of ear for aaatora shipment of tha uMor hr grower eoatrlbutlna. Both oat aad barley an firm, bat the tons of the market Is dull, mocha ar. owanv, anuua; awa aa firm aa orar. Today'a wholes) aatattoM, ss taTlaai, an "ieiW ' WHBAT Now and oMWalta WaUa, SSot blneatem. BOc; nllp. BTc. , , ,, ,, Sam to B D. Bndabaw, waat H tot 1, tract "r,- utbtiob pars mt. Oaorga J. Enrich to Margaret T. mrlck. kit 1, Dioek m, HBBit aooinoa n mmn . Portland SO amuel Swanooa to W. S. Ormear. ssat SI feet 1st 4; eaat SS feet of south SO feet lot S, Moefc IS, WllUama indm adul- tlon -. 4,000 Mra. S. J. Klnaer to W. B Ma aoa and wife, lot U, Mock SO. Lincoln park , BBaei BBO BL B. Conner and wife to Martha J. ; u-b In. kiwi M annnnllU , . . BB Jme HoUomaB to Petor Millar, lot 19. block 18, uneoto p vi- ' W. H. Caraoa to J. aOUer. eaat H tot 1 oast H )t t, block 17, Uncoln park.. 900 Merchant National Bank to Merchant IDiauaw iiwl mtttm WMt H houthwMt H townahfp 1 oouth, rang dlTlaloo A-.-O" loch InvMUaawt Trust company, aoota- v of aouthweat Becuoa w. ng 1 eaat; sub- , , 'L." "O." "P" of tot 4. ktoek 4, Prattand noaaaataad M.TB9 Bannyalde Land and Inreataient eompaay . , to U. 9. uruner, tot a, aioc zo, aunny aide, according to a sabdlTlaloa of block SB. etc STB A Harold to Henry Lowtgart at bL tot - 90, block 16, Albion 1,000 Ben Belling, trust, et al to Frew W. 4 HughnrVrto IT, 18. block S, Kara park 900 Conrad Bladlaub to Bert Warren, lot 16. , . block S, aaJrdlrlakHi Proebstal'a a u , dltloa BS00 Title Ousraute ft Truet company to T. W. Werner, lot 14, black 1, Heiladay ' park addition 1,000 Mabel B. Harris and bnabknd to Mlnato E. Petri et al, weat SS I S feet lot 1 block 16, Williams kvenoe addition.. 1,900 Daniel J. Malar key and wife to Oacar , , Anderson, lot 37-40 tactual, block IL Hawthorn avenue addition 4SB Katharine A, Daly to Daniel J. lfalarkey, lot T, block BT, Conck addition 0.000 Percy W. Shields et al to Henry A. ' Shields, lota i, S, Mock SS, Tlbbatt's addition Joseph airooa et a to alary M. Hnntor. lot T, block BT, Ternon IBS John D. Hewitt aad wife to Miller Mur doch, north 100 feet tot T, block 4, John IrtlnVs first addition ft, BOB Mary B Tlchner and hnaband to Emma Austin, toteieat la Iota 11-14 teelual?, -Mock 9, BlrerdAle. .. , IB Set raar toaa rase and abatneto to "real catat from the Tltl Oonrant ft Traat -paay, Cnabar ef Commerce halldlag. . . BviLDnfe rauiTrs. October St. H. Bolland. two -story atone hoase, Borthweat corner Mxtoaatb and Marsball atreet; cost. fd.OOO. October M, C. T. Orsee, dwulllng. Twenty, tblrd. betweaa Baaeavslt and York street; eoat. I1.H00. October Si, Dr.' Prod Drake, dwelling, Tate. toenth. ketweea Clay and Market atreet; cost, 94.000. October U. H. Beeen, houe. trrlng street between Or aad sod L'aio sTeuuea: coat. l,bf, October 34, Dr. A. C. rroom, dwelling, Beat Twenty-flrBt, between Waldtor aad Broadway Btraetai coat, U.MM). October S4. i. jobnaoB, aton oulldlag. Start, HJIT tJUmtk Boat Twaatlath JL-' "ndetl. erttag. Bast oaat OS raUBd atreeta. October ' A. . Wrirht, dattaga. Bast Thirty (earth, between C 11 a tea and Darto street.: eort. $1,500 " Octo her St. O. Olnanu. dwelTlag. M ftfJIL Bear Banateeatt street; nst, BdC-X . T BABLBT red. SSUrOfjn.TSi leafed. SSAOBi Drew ins, -CORN Whole, Sfll.tO par tan; tracked. ISTOS. Kin ai.oo per rwi. 0AT8 Prodaeara' prloa at. wkito. WM gray. mo w. riXH H-Kiihsra rrreaoa; Patoeta. 94 straight J1TA; Tallay, B4.I4; grabanj, Wa, MlLLBT'Prs Bran. B19.BS aar teai arld- anng. .; ahorta, aeuatry, BSS-o; -op. HAT- Producer' price TTaothy. Wlllamwrt rauay, nacy. gie.OOO lB-OO; erdlaary, aix-waj 110. 00012.00; alorer. B.0S11.0; grain. 91L9B ajiA.avi eai. an ooajii ao. . Waol and Khhaa. HOPS 1904, SlKOSlHe tec extra che SBwriOc tor choice: SluaSHae for art ma. WOOL Nominal. Tallay, coarae to leedioajk. ITClBc; Sne, lpe; esstsca Oregoa. UAllBa. UOHAIB NaW hfie. BHKRPSKIN8UerlB lOSNStt ahert waL S03(V; m odium weal, eVdjouci toag wool aOctrt each " TALLOW Prlnha. Be Bh. ddHtl B. Ul C111TT1M BASK 4a oar to. hurtoa prtea. HIDES Dry hldaa. K. 1. IB toe and Bp, UHl6c per tb; dry kip. No, L I t U Raj. tlUc: drr calf. Na. t. ander Bw. 1614e; dry salted bulla and Stage. 1-S teas tba dry flint; salted Lldea, eteae ouod. 40 lbs or or. TeSci 80 to 60 Dm., Te: nawar B0 Iba ad tfwa, dOTc; ataaa and bulla, aouad. Be: kin. B to SO Iba. THri sound. 10 to It Iba. Be: nlf. aowad. amtor 10 Iba. IUe: me (- raited. 1c per lb ls; cuOa. leper toaai bora hides, eam-d. aech, ll.SBSILTttr dr. each. II 0001.80: coItB hide, eaca. SBOHOet goal akin, eomraoa. each. lOdJISdi Aagor. with hum on, each, SBcOll-OB. . Iwaltr-v BtTTTER PAT Sweet. SRHc: eaar. SBHo. ' DfTTER nor. creamery, beet. SOe; aeceod grada, 22T4i on t ld fancy. SOe; orll rary. BltiiTUc: cold atoraaw. BUe: aaatora. SEc; tore, 1318He. , K'IUbj . 1 rrean wegoB. W ' "T : eanwra. freah. SBc: Aprlla, S4c; aroouda, 22Q2Sc. CHKaaV-New Ptill rreaav twlaJ IBOlMtl Young America. U&t4t. PnttrTRT Tfelia-ena. mtTad. lOUMtle' B)l hen. UUtUSc per lb; rooater, old. WOe I J young, lOHt'iie par lb: broiler. U'ftuioc per lb: fryer. li3llHc per lb; do che, old, 14e per ; yoang. idc per lb; . ac per id: taraer. Ol&c per lb; dnaa. lSQlSo par A. mrta aad atetealas. POTATOES Bnt Oregon, SI per ewt: buyer' pricea. SOtjBOo; swaeta, l.B0 per ewt; crated, ONIONS Local, tl.S0Ol.8S: bnvera arte. S1.S6; CaUforala, $1.78; garlto, StJlOs par lb. par lb PRRRH PR FITS Apple, fancy Oregon, ftlfl E.25 bos; cheap grdea, 80 p 7 Be box; orange, t Titonclaa. S3.B0a.7B per . tag; ba- nanaa. Be per a; lemon, ebotoe, Bt box; fancy. SS0UOS.B0 per box: lTinaa, exlcsn, SBe 100: plaeapplesl 3.BO3Si plum. M'ljeoc per box; peache. ordinary. BOtiOOe per box; laDcy. 80e per box; pea re. fl.004jl.2S; fjapaa, TBc(i. per tax; Oregon. OOflj toc; Ooncordk. SOe per 6-Ds bankt: 10-lb baakat, 30e; cauUtoupes. TBctjll.SB rrata: eaaahaa. Bl.nn ner not; ncBieiierne. 10c pa- lb: pranberrle. locaL 50 per bbl; Oap Ooa, gn.Boittp.oo per bou prunea, ac par in. VBOKTABLBS Turnips. li.K per aack; car rota, fi. SI rr each! beet. 11 St par aack; Oregon radlahea, 15c par doa: eabhap. Orvgoa. Sl.BoaS.00 ewt: lettuca, head, 18c doa; green pepper. eOfJBOc'pet box; celery. The per doa: to-nn-toea. Orego. SnJ40e per tax; pannlpa, TScO fl.SB; green, peas. Or par Ibi greea ealoaa, tUc per doa: local green enrn. l.'nfll.28 nor aack: pie plant. SOtt tt string baana. 4c: cucumberl, BOc per aack: ceullnowar, TS9J BOe per ds: butter Vans. c; pumpktas, lHa per lb; horsendlah, 7c par lb; apron U. So; nvaah rooroa, 80c per tb. - DBTBD rRniTS Aorle. awaperated, TdMt par lb; aprteoto. SHqiSe par tb; neks. 144 per lb leaa; peaeaea, ItSiae- per fb; pear per rat prune. Italian. tOHe .-t. : Prench. IH04H per lb: Sga California black. Brli4 per lb; California whtter. . par lb; plums, pitted per tb; date, gulden. Shit par lb; tarn. flM par 18-tb bog. TJOAB Sack basto Cnbe. SoVdOt powdered. bo. 88; 98.18: golden BOe advance on sack ha it. IB daja- saaple. ldQlBd par HOSET lJu.1Rc to. CO ftb B Greeu Mocha. tSSe: Ian, fancy. S8ae; Java. good. SOQSAc: lava, ordinary MAaOcj Coata Blea. taacv. : Onta Rica, good, MQlSc: Costa Blca. ordinary. HOla per Tb: package coffee. S14.TB. TRAB Oolour. different era dee, B)09St gu mi a Hai4au, ww -li.k Air. ferent 'arane, T2HSfBc; spluerleg, uneolored Japan, BoOnee; gmea Japan (very oearee). BB4t 8aYt ritm Bale, St. Ss. ds, 9a. 10a, fl.BO; table, dairy. BOb, f0.8OOlt.B0: forw. SO 00; Imported Liverpool, 60. tlB.0Odllo.00t 100a. B1J.801B.(; S24a. 1 18. BOfl 14.60; eitf floe, bbl, to, 8. na, 10a, 4.So; balk. S30 Iba. 4.00: aacksT 90s. Bc? SALT Coares Half ground. J 00. aar tea, SB.S0O8.B0; 80s per tna. B.BBav.00: Uverpool tomp rock, 118.90016.90 per ton; BO-Ih rock. So.2SA8.TS: 100. B.TBO-SB- (Above price apply to les of toss thaa ear Iota. Car lota at special prtoaa subject to fltjctoarPma. 0RAIH RAOfl Calcutta, fB.TBOd 00 par 109. BICB Imperial Japan. Ko. 1. 4". Ho. S. 4c; New Ortoaaa heed. BYtOe; Adjaok. SV4i Creole. 4c. BKAN Sman whlta. del Urge wutto, Hc; pink. 4e: -bavon. Se: Lima. Be; Mexl- aan red. Ht4e. nuTn EMBwta, THet 7bo. SH psTw: nw, Bfjldc per lb; roasted, eoeoanot. 8B9) BOc per doa: walnnt. iau14Hc per lb; pine unto. MfjlSHe per !h: blckorv nnt. 10c par Tb; chestnuts, eastern, ffiQlBc ner ,1b; Bra alt nuts, lbe per Th: fllberta. lBniAe per Tb: fancy Pecana, 14tBe par lb: almood. lBOlB par Bh. ; Meats, Fish and Jisehilianl. - .PRBBH MnUTrlajDeetod Beef, stoer. 9s per lb; oowa, B8HC per lb; murtoa. on dOBe jper tb: Ismbs. dreeeed, BQBc per Bk dftpc per Rt; pork, block, f!Vie per fb; Pok- era, aue per ID; bull. xiac per in; oowa. "K04He P tb: motion, dreeaed. 4Q1V per lb; veal, extra. TUr ne lb: ordinary. 6Q7 lb: Boor, ac narlh; lamia. BViORUc-oer lb. HAMS, BACON. BTC. Portland perk( torn!) ham. 10 to 14 Iba. ISHc per lb; 14 to 16 lbs, 18Ue per lb j IB to SO lbe, 1314s per lb: cottage. lOSc -per Tb; break fast bacoa, 14aic per lb; plcnlca, lie per lit: regular short dean, -a rooked. tOe per w; smoked. 11H P rb; clear back, atramokod. lOe per R: asaoked. lie per R); Union butta, 10 to 11 Tba, anamoked. Be per Tb; smoked. Be per Tb; clear be 11 to, nn amoked. 11 He per lb; smoked. per lb. LOfAL LABD Kettle leaf. 10a. lHiC Per tb; Be; 11c per lb; SO-tb tin. 10ie per lb; team nndered, 10a, 10e per tb; Ba. lc per lb; bo. lOc per ib: rompouna tierce. par to; tabs. e per Tb; BOe, 8e per to. CANNBD SALMON Oolumbla river 1-Tb tana. 11.88; S-Ib tolls. S2B0; fancy 1-lb flats, SS.00; H-lb fancy flta. fl 38: fancy 1 lb ova hi. SB TB: Alaska ufls. pink, S800e; red. ftl.90; aocalnai i. tall. 82 00. PISH I -Rock end. fe par Bit flounder, St par lb; halibut. Te per tb; crab. 9128 per doa: Mrined hen. lOAlSUe aar to: eatSak. Ta Bar Ib; aalBMu. ctilnook. 8c per lb; aflrersldea, fic per lb; herring. Be per lb; aotea, 9e per Ib; sbrtmpa, 10c par lb; shad, draasad, per lb: perch. Be per Ib: shad roe. per lb; ahad. Sb ner Tb: black end. Sn bar Thi atrrar melt. Be per Tb; mbatera. ISHc: frert mackerel. Be; crawflah. snc per flog; Bounovra, ae par io, OTSTBBS Shoalwater bay, per gL- f ! a- sack, 84.00 net; Olympla, per sack, B2B; CLAMS Hard hetL Dr box. SS-00t tnaar clam, 3.00 per box. . ; , Vadata, Oanl Otto. Sta BOPB Pur Manila. Ul&oi suudard, iS.i SlaaU Uc. . COAL OILi rean er aatraioaaaa, per gal; water whlta. toon bole 19c par gat wnoden . . per gal; headlight, lTO-dei. eee Tifte per gai. iron ooia in per gai. per ', an mm x w yr-t aH'- BKBD OIL Pure raw, la bbls B4C POT gel. LINHKBD OIIc 1 cane BPe per. gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaa 91c Per gal, bbls Bac per gal; grouad cake, car lota $26.00 par tea, toss thaa eara BXu.00 too. 0A8OUNB 98 Beg. aa 145, Var gT bbla 28c per gal; etove. Iron bbl Irtc , per gai. . . BBNZlNB--s-4eg. eaaaas sb per. pna, area bbl IB He per snt ..." PAINT OIL Raw. Bbl BSC per gai, aaaaa SSc per gal: boiled, rasea 404 per gat. TtfKPENTtMt I eaaee BBc per gal. weode bbla. Ble per gal, broa bbto TPs pa gai. iv-bj ae lots 8c per ral. WHITS LB4D Ton tots tU Ht to. SSS-S. tot Te per !b, teas lota te per ft. WIBB HAim Preeeot baa at tS-4B. Drain fan lead aad aaalw So wirSrttol The Diamond Brick Co. MaMioctaran af Drla Tito, Standard News. Ptoep and PltUags, Vltrlftod Brick, Btc. No better Tinnf bs be nofaeTrt and no Inatltntlou ran furnish thing made of clay eev taraa .and pricea ajprnaahlag THE DIAMOND BRICK CO. Offl, IM Buann Street, Portland, Oro gea. Tard Jeet af Aaheay Street, Send fat Pries Ltot. trult gr a no la ted, po. in; ory gnaniatea. Wet granulated. 98. 00; esba a I8.U; 0. SC. 88: bbl. 10c S U bhw. She:, boxe lee SBe ewt for oaJh. SI. PAIL'S TONE WAS VERY SENSATIONAL fPuralahed by Ororbeck. Starr A Cooke Oa.) Mew york. Oak SB. There war BMny haarp ftaetaattoaa to atoeb today far time the haara Wild in swsy and then tb bulla. St Paul wm sensational and daring tba day Bad a movement vi K enan. Today's fndal .tock markets: Hi BBSCBIPTIOB. Anaconda Mlolng Co... Amal. umper to- fAtchlaon, common do nrefarreu Am. Car ft round., . ST do preferred ... A war. Sugar, oom. Awer. amit.. do preferred ,. Bait ft Ohm, eon..... do preferred Brooklyn Bap. Tram... Can. Pacific, com..... ChL ft Alton, ooa.., da preferred ....... Chi. ft . W.. eesa... CU., Mil, A St. P ChL ft Northw., earn.. ChL Term. Ky Che, ft Ohio Colo. Puel ft Iron, eoav Colo. Southern, eoav . , . do Sd preferred da ItX ureferrod Del, ft Hudaoa .. Del., Lack. A West... Denver ft B. 2v, ooau. do ore tarred ' ..... Erie, oom 82 5 do Sd preferred ..... do 1st preferred .... nilnols Central ttularlUe A Naah ptrop. Traction Oo.,.. Manhattan Bier. 181 Mex. Central By Minn., Bt. P. ft St. M. MUaoarl Pad ft X..!'. Mo., Kan. ft Tan., coca. do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Wert., oaa.. do preferred Nortt American isH ist" IUoH 8 V. Y.. Ont. A Waat... Pannaylvanla By People' O.. L. ft a Co. Preeaed Steel Cay, oom. do pref erred ., Pacific Mall St. CP.... 138 $ 11VH to sadlng. com. ........ do Sd preferred Bepub. Iron ft Sc, eiai'i oo pwerrea Bock la land. oonj.. do preferraS ,,. fcuthern By., anas..... do preferred ........ Soethera Padfla 8t l, i & r, M pfd, St. L. ft S. W., oom... do pnferred ........ Texas A Padfle Tana. Coal A Irom ToL, St. L. A W.. onto. oo prarerreu tJaloa Pacific, do preferred V. S. Leather, do preferred U. S. Rubber. do pnferred ... U. S. Steel Oo., do preferred . , Wheel. A Uke B.. do 1st preferred w laconsiB t.n t., do preferred , Weatera Union Tel.... Wabaab, com. do preferred American Ice do preferred Tom aalas for day, l.SftM09 ahaxea. . -j i BAB nUBOISCO XXaTOre BTO0XS. Aaa Randan, Oct. SB-allala; aawtsttoaai Cloalne hid. Tea. Montana .fl.93H . ITTing Did, Oen. iBaparlal . t .OS Alpha ......... .14 Belcher .ST , Utah Oaa. ..... .09 Rxcheonae 0 Belniont ...... .Ta Midway ....... Mc.Nanutw .... Jumbo Ton. Gold rid.. Ton. Ner da Ton. Gold Mt... Yellow Jacket. Kentucky Oohlr .88 .39. .61 .81 .99 .18 IS OS S.20 Overman .IS , rnioa Cob...... .M Sllxer HUl .... AO Occldrntal ..... ,0T St. Loul '.10 Sierra Nevada.. .SS Bullion .19 Lea. Belchar .07 rtonld A Curry. .14 Best A Belchar 1.19 Ooa. CaL Va... 1.38 JuaHn .10 Savage ,. .28 Chollu , 1.08 Potosl IS Crows Potat ... .OS Caledonia ..... .80 Challenge ..... .19 - BAB TBdBnrSOO LOCAL ITOCXI. Saa Pranetoo. OcC SB.' Lecal steeka 10: SB a. hx.i ,,- , - ' '- -tTkortag- . ' -v Bid. Ak. npnng TSiiey watro so Central Light 8 H. P. Oa. Bectrle 68 (llant Powder 68 Hawaiian Comanstalal , 68' Honokea Sugar 1414 Makawell Sugar 38 O no roe Sugar A.. SS Psaubaa Sugar lav Alaska Packers Asao.. 07 CaL rruit Canaan'.....'. (Mu Cat. Wine Aoao ...,A.... M Oceanic Stramabi? Bid Pact Be Itatn Telephone J3 CKXCAS0 LOCAL STOCXS, Chlcaga, Oct. SB. Local atoeks: ' Closing bid. Cloatag Md. Nat. Biscuit .... 48ilCDltd Box -77777 1 flo prefemd... 19 t do preferred ... lo Amer. can .-. 8a!Nat. Carhoa SB do preferred... 47 do preferred ...109 in. Hatca IM Swift ft Co IIS Pnru. Tool .... w Chi. city vy. ...ITS T6 (West 04V By. ... 00 North Od. By.. B04TOB STOCnt PXAB3CXT. Bostoa. Oct, V. Copper qaotattoaa: Bid.r , Adventure 4 1-16 Etna J, Atlantic IB iBIngham ..... Calamut JS88 ICentannlal ... Bid. 12 39 Copper Range ,. SSUIDaly West 13 Sim. 2 Wyoming 2 trou ...t,. is ism Hoyai SB United Matos .. 34HI T intW TOBK STOMABT. . Me York, Oct. 36 Dow, Jones A Co. aay: Americas stock In London strong. With Colon Psclac leadKlg. J. J. Hill offer 12.00 a share to Britlah atoskbolden to Northern gecurHte wltk leas than 3,000 ah arc. Plenty of storks la loan crowd. Bxporta expected to Pari Thuraday. BunMra of noil vet tie merit taking deBnlta a hap. Regular dividend on Steal pre ferred todAy. Rumored aeit railroad contest will be for control of Erie. Bapks gained sloe Friday SSB.OOO from nb-treasury. -. - ABTTBTCiB STOCXS IB IQBPOB. : Loodoa, Oct. SB. S p, av Atchtoon advaBced S; Cheaspeake A Ohio advanced 4; Brie d Ined ; Mleaourl, Kanaaa ft Texas adnnred H; preferred advaaced U; Lou la tI lie A Nash ville advanced U; Mexican Central advanced i Norfolk ft Weatera advanced Hi Ontario A Weetern advanced to; Pannaylvanla advanced to: Reading advanced U; Boa there Railway advanced to: preferred advanced to: Southern Pacific advaaced H: St. Paul declined to; United State Steel advanced to: preferred ad vanced to; Wabaah advanced to; preferred ad vanced Hi eoasola unchanged. - Xaty kaunlngs Iaeriaeh, Mew York, Oct. SB. The earnings of the Mlaeoorl. Kansas A Tessa railroad for the third week of October how a gron In ere a of tlOB.888; from Jely 1 they show a groe la ereaas of 667,110. i- STZSX BAJUnVOS PALL OTT. Mew Tors, Oct. SB. The United State Steel corporation earning for the la at quarter were Sln.STn.033, against 18. 000,000 Iaat quarter, and $3X000.000 a year ago. , tfwteeW WTWf WVVbj, fitTanaTeWnB Mew York. Oct. SB. Tho regular dlrideyjd ef T per coot oa United St to Stool preferred was toelared today. . ' . -1 Stortrag. ' " New Tort, Oct. SB Demand BtarHag, , BBS. SB t 4M.B0; 60 daya, 4SS.S0 to 494. i ii - t, '- Mew York Stiver. KeW York. Oct. SB.SUvr, SS.- . ' .' BAJTB CIBABwA, ' t . . The Pert land ol oaring boaai today reported: Clearlaga , $877 . Balaaeaa ........ 4r9W.SS 5 6T 64 IB 100 OUI OPENS AO closes n;, ;; BBOVBCBBaa ill OTf 1H OaTJPTS AT s seems iiii.t Mflnta & oeiPsj uoaat noiuM oa bi ss oats oavnaJeXT w. TQpATI WKBAT aJABJCXT. Opee, CloaalO .aaoBTAOINNN Opoav . Clow. Ckw. Loae. yt;:-,is. '-.tt4I; Oct.V..t uee. May July (Pmrniahad by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Oawf t'nicago, Oct. SB. Logan A Bryan aay: In wheat ft trao a very quiet and steady marhel duriag tha early part of th day, tut later It toll off of It own welgrt. Then was nothing la cabin ar forelm advice a. Pilmarr recelnta an large and tea cash markets everywhere are atber neglected. Even Minneapolis Is begin ning to admit a toappoltlng demand for flour. With the winter wheat mill this baa been the cane for seme time past. It was a case of acatterad Uquldattoa. but very Itttto abort la tereat aad 'poor support. Th Burupean llqulda tton to aot nmrdett gertooaly but lnmnrta enough aneertalnty to prevent abrt selling. Bradatreet make th world's vlslbl decreaae 3.830.000 bushal, sgatort so laeraas of about 4,600,000 boahet last rr.' Corn Was Fan. Cora was aot verr active bat It wna a Srai market. Oaah corn eoatlnue anrca aad by contrast grade waa atrou &c over the Do- Lcember price, or nearly T cent over tb May. Uniting ta proceeding slowly. It haa not ad- vanoao rar anougo yet to give aay riear raea but aa far the atrawa from Ohio. Indiana, this atate and Nebraska ban a dlaappolntlng ten- dency. Now that th corn belt ha had barjl frosts the bashing should proceed more rapid li. W an Inclined to talnh that Its nurcbaae will aot h'irt BMcb aad wilt prove aulto produbto. Onto Satot aad Steady. Oats were very uuiet and steady. The en Bar- tone m atroag but apecnlatlra operation an not very large and the BMvemant ef the mar beta to alow. It would be very likely to ba la floe need by tb action of corn. W ar In clined to think they an tow enough. Thai to a good apeculattve demand partly for export Kl (he oaah demand to ahowlng saora straajrth aa the epttone. F i itolias An Vaafe. " Pliiflalnae aea wk. Itu anMne wraa u( 'ood aad tba scalping latareat working fur a decline. Th product la relatively cheaper thaa the live bog, bat the packer, while they talk boUlib. an net lending aa active support to price. The actio of too smrkat IB not encouraging. The official aurkat Open. High. Low. WHBAT. ':Ji8 ' CORN. I 1.18HS use.... i. 10' May..M' 1.14 1.14 1 M?.m, M .bs3. M MB Oct..... Dee.,.. May.... .4B1, .4BA -4BtoB July... .461 . 6 - .46 OATB., Dee.... 1 tr PQBK. '. ' U-BO" 13.40 . LABJk, T' T.SS BIBS. T.1B S.5S ' .9.63 "' ' .SB My..i. July..- Oct. I... .'.... Dee.... 11. 0B 16.90 11.06 113S IS. SB Jan U.4B , 1183 13. SB May.... IS. SB : T.M , V.w" T.lT T.13"--": 6.4S - ' AB 1,V Til TOO .T:S0 T.lT T.lT 6.4S . ABB DM.... . Oct.... Jaa 8.50 to May.,.. 'FRISCO WHEAT IS IN STRONGER HANDS (Purnlahad by Ovrhck. Starr, a Cooke Co.) Saa Franrtaco. vet. X. E. x. Button ft Co. aay: Tner waa a good aellrng of wheat by local shorts. They took advantage of the drive, causing quite a slump. At the decline ahlppera stepped m and gave tha market support and causing a enarp rally. Tho market la. In a more healthy eondltloa now than for many week. Wheat haa gone Into stronger hand. la barley than la nothing of a pedal Interest. Tb of Betel Um i. m. market; r - WHBAT. Open. High, Dee.... 81 -4 91.44 May 1.4T 1.4T 'sJTi l.J Clooa. 144H . 1.4414 BABXBT. De. - i. t.7H l.OT 1.0TU l.OTH Hay. .... l.wtla l.oi . CBIOASO OASB WXEAT. Chicago, Oet SB. Caab wheat Ib t 1 tower. The ofAdal Bharket: Bid Aak. Mo. S rot No. S red No. S bard winter No. S hard winter ... No. 1 northern spring No. i norther eprlng No. I spring ...ILlS ... 1.18 ,:. 1.14 ... 1.0B ... 1.18 ::: US 1.21 1.18 1.16 1.13 , 1.20 ' 1.16 BATV VXSIBLB SVSFLT., Chicago. Oet. SB. Bradtreet'B grain vlslbJo supply: iwpart of Buah. I. .SAtft.ooa .. l,itt,oo ... 34T.000 ... ,4. . omioAse esApf cab lots. Chtotga, Out. 3B,-Brato ear tots: Oar. OraAs. Bit Wheat I0 . IT Corn ..! -: 15 ' 1ST Oat ITS SB IBB Wheat can today: Minneapoiw, ; Paint. 4tm. Tear ago: Mlnneapolla, 486; Durath, aSS; Chlenga, IBS. . - OBAUf nr all roeirrovs. ,Chtcfu, Oet. SB. Onto to all positions r lonay "V- -" 'Buah. Wheat 4.6rt.on4 Cora : 3.646.000 Oats ,. lO.noo. 000 By 69.000 Bnah. , S5T.Otlfi AA8.00f 9BC.000 10,000 ' Buluth Snla MaTkat. Duluth, Oct. SB.-loee: . Wheat Deceesher. Sk.lTt May, 1.1A ; St. Lenta Stato MaiBtst, ' St. louia. Oct. SB. 01o: Wheat' Deoial her. 11. IB; May. 1.1. Xaneps Olty Ssnto Mnraot. Ka City, Qet. SB "lo; Wheat -De- comber. t May. Bl-Mto- - - atewaakoo wrato Xarnet. Milwaukee, Oct. 36. toaa: Wkrat Dscam tar. l.l4Hi Hay. . - Bow Yrk erala aUrtori. '- Hew York. Oct. SB. Ctoao: Wheat Dees m bar, Si.iBH; May. 1.14. ' - WtonanpeUs Seata Market. x Minneapolis, Oct. SB. Cloao: Wheat Donm her, fl.Uto; May, !.. . , Lrverpeel wrato Blarhvt. Liverpool. Oct. 2B. Close: Wheat Decera tae. Tf 6 tod, Hd higher; March, Ta Hd, tod Ceru Dnimtiir. da TUl 4d hrwar. Taesaxa. Oct. SB. Wheat nnehaagedl blae Stem, Soai slab and red, 9SQB6H4. , ' bxw teas ooiTBs Baxsgr. ' New Trk, Oet. SB. Ceffe raturoa rtaaed aachaagad to 10 aetoto down. Tba official ooiree awser ema: Bid. Ash. Oet. .....SB. 48 SBBOMsy Nov. ....... S4B 6 80 June Dee. 6 08 6.80 Angw Tea. 9 89 6. TO Sept, Peh.: ..... 9 70 - 6.a hUreB M.. A99 ABB, Pit A A ah i B7 09 17.08 t T.SS T.SS T IB in Wheat Oo-a Oato lacreaoo. r ; e n r ' nojeBjBwBh --m wil ahvamaBA eBPSMY4ha-al -BBhl BWwdile. flnnllvtrV I OM00N., tel Estscada 00 Uie fcaeke ef tips Oeckeetse . 1 ( ' OPHlf ALIi TUB TnaAlLV! Good Hunting and Fishing B&UUK HEALS 50 Ol A' O. W, P. trolley card to It door. SM BrMnntol T jinihanna ne Dhinar prwpa atr, MartliMaj, manr.- feeeeiw)rf-iwwewwaweuSww SwafTlhauaS STSUP BTlllVMMof BotBaja for' aethlne for aver Plftv T a wuii aot bea th ebild, aoftong th gumA allaya neln. onsen- wind anlia. aaut m aha baa BBaaeOy lurAtontwoa. ' ' TW MM TT.pi v B OBBTS A BWI1LX, 8 TO 13 POINTS IS 2 THE RISE IN COTTON (Punished by Ovorheck. Starr A Cooke Co .New Toih. (let. is. Ootto future b 13 point higher. . t no oxnciai cotton awrketl Oban. Hleh. low. Clooe. 9.87 a 30 9,lco 9-Soit8 B.9(du0 10.02irt0 10.O8ilO 9.61 .08 SsUfiCJ at6bo JSB-.w. 9.7S 9M v. S.T0 ' Pcb M P.rSS . B.H9 9.TB March S.8S ' 9.UA 9-79 f.89 . VST 10.00 9.44 9.46 9.61 April B.S8 a BjHS May , B.0O 10.00 July ' 9.08B 10.03 Oct. , sj -. 9.m NOV. ' P.0B Dsa. 9.99 9.80 .- Big Oettoa Inereaaa. reported 423,481 bale of cottoa. Sasaa atoew last year reported 3fto.3T6 bale. Vow Terk OaaS Oaffea. ' Sei 4 baton. s'c. . , , SCARCITY OF CATTLE IS CAUSE OF ARISE Pwttand TJnto t-ekyarda,s Oct. SB. Ta eattto market Witt It amaltor neeiptt to epow- lag a eat tar taaa and priee today ara- prc Ucally SBe higher. The hog market to quiet but beat aBoek ara BBc better. Sheep eon tl nee tho Srmest of Bvostoek but bo change appear , smetaUoao today. The receipts today won I hog and SB Bbp. No eattla arrlveA ufUclal rnltng pricea today an: Cattla Beat aattera Oreaon ateera. SS-OOtl A SB; teat valley atoera. B2.TB8.00; medtam ateera, fJkoQi eowa, gz.oo; paua, fi.TO; stags. 2.00. Hogs Btt heavy. SB 6003. TS; block, 84 80; Chin fat. 84.60: a tochers and reeder. 89. 0B. Bheep Bt grain-fed wethers, Ba.2fitJ3.SSl lamb. S3.00et.a6; mixed aheap, I3.3B. , , KAjrrxajr moos stbobs. , S ChAniaA Oat. a& Livestock neetotat Hog. Cattle. Sheep, Chicago ......C........-15.iSw lo.ono so.Ooo Kanaaa City .10.K lT.OOrt . T.ntirt Omaha 6.1WG 12.000 lO.OiW Hb steady to strong, with B.BOO left over. Receipt year age were IP, COO. Ruling pricea: MU2 K.OOttB.rlO; rough, 84. BOWS, lit good heavy. S5.4nf6.B2H; light, Sfi.004U.4aV . . Cattle Blow and Btaouy. . SBaep Steady. . -" -;. PATTEN AS BULLISH AS EVER ON-WHr-AT i (Journal Special Service.) . 4 4 " Chloagp, Oct 15. "I am as a 4 O him Bull on ' wheat aa I over 4 was," Mie . A. Patton, who ro- 4 turnM yoaterday from trip of e neverai weeka t tho Pnciflo 4 4 oonat, "W had advices today 4 4 that Tl per cent of tha wboat o e - crop near Orand Forks, N. L. O O had alraadp left tho farm.', : r 4 4 dd 0 HOOD RIVER CLERK IS BADLY BURNED (Special XHspatek to Th JoaraaL) Rood River. Or., Oct. Se-Joha I. Kelley. ftrrnituro' oxorw olorfe, haa probnbky lost th turn of Ms riftTht hand, and map looe tha loft becnuao of fright ful burna. To hoal a knlf cut, Keller had wrapped about his loft hand a cloth saturated with turpentine. Aa ho opened a ator door Um turpentine) Ignited, aad In an effort to tear off tho burning elotb hie right hand -was burned almoat to a crlap. ' He was alone at the time And doatnted from running into a back room after cloth for fear he would get the balrdins afire. : Brtbed tae OraTa, A startling Incident Is narrated by John Olltor of Philadelphia, as follows: "I waa In an awful condition, ftty skin who alas oat yellow, eyes aunkan. tongue coated, do hi continually la back and aides, aa appetite, growing weaker dap P by day. Three phyalclang had riven m up. Then I waa advised to use Sleetrlc Bitters; to my groat toy, the first bottle made a decided Improvement I con tinued helr aaw for three weeks, and am now A well man, I know they robbed the srave of another victim." Mo one should fall to try them. Onlr 19 oanta Guaranteed, at Red Cress Pharmaey, Sixth and Oak streets, o the war to the poetofflee. fit ft lie OVBRBBCKe STARR A COO KB CO. r- -AMembers Chlcaaw Board ef Trade. , ., -'. . mAXjr, BaWtlBlOBTS, 6WTVOW, BTOOKS . AST BOaTBS '. , . .. 191 Third Street HoKay Building, Portland, Of.", . V. WIMA WB10WI.W oOBTBIIBSZOaT BUSIBBBB. ' OmUbWI Bfarkets by Private Wire, fulck Sorvloe. "''rprff TarM A fUtoa, bankors, and United States National Bank at Portland. Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN AvVEEK Ws treat eoeeeesfuny an prtvac aarveao ead ehnnto dtosaaaa of aaen, aba bleed, stomach. tart,ljyer, bldnoy and throat troablsa. W run BYPHllXIS (without mercury) to stay cored forvr, la 90 to 60 dsye. we rtnee) JTRfoTUBS. wltheut apanltoa ef Bala, to IS 7w ate SMtaa. th neult of aarf ahaea. hamedl Uly. We eaa restore the nxaal riget of aay maa under Bft by means of weal kra meet peuilrto anlva. . We Cart Coootrhoa In Wett; Tho doctors of this rnsrltste an all ragatat padnatea, have tad auy yoora axnorUnc. sate been known la Portland far 11 years, ban g reputation to maintain. nd will under take ao oaa antoas oartala euro oaa Bo snrtM. We waraue h enea to aware eaa w a to ha a char, eat fae. rVtVnH. Hrrm feaa. Iai. tera confidential. I ne tract! re BOOB, roa Btan malted free In pMt .wrapper. If yen oaaant call at office, trrlto Bat.oean ttoa bank. Boon treetaMat aoeeeaafui. OS 4b boafss a aad T a. baUdaya, IB to is. whs iMdtog airartorhvta ta th Mas the mt .v ,. r BtalWaksl pB, v - . : LV.W. Norton Davis & Co. aa -fey Souex. IT , Oa, 7anM-Bn . Vlaa esBwaaa, - 9WWtmM OBBerOaT. - Q. dEE WO ' The Oreat Chltseee Decter ' Ift sallae sroat Ba , oaaae his wondavfuj eureni ara ao well known throarhout the United States, 'and because so many, peoole are thankful . to him for aavlne their llvap froaa . OPERATIONS Ba treats any ariS all diseases with EBwarfut Chlnaae erba, roots, hud a. barks and veretabtoB that are antfraly on- known to medical science In thla ooun- . m w th. nee af thOMharVra leas iw-sadleaThls famous doctor knowsr ttwatK7 over BOO dlfterent rernodlos that ho n aueceMfu" T uomdlffarenS qt sea sea. He guarnnteaa to our eatarrn. uOmaTlnng froubloa. rhoattom jr- vousnoaa. ifonich. Ja'alalvJr male trouble and all private dlsoaaoe. Bundrods of teatjmontala. , Caarsae moderate. Call and aee ntm. ( CHrBBUaVTATfOaT latBTB. . dTHE C OEE WO CHINESE V MEDICINE CO. Kl Alder street JNnrUand. Om awneawawawaaSlwa Efcry Ylt&tii MMtm WWrtpBaj Bray sat Most OoBTeDiept. m ttniaaamlaiinili. mr- . EhTraa Am VI other, but sand atamn for UlnatreMd book-aeaM. hatna fall particular! and dlrantion in. i valuable to ladles. HARVUOBe Ttonoa aVUtw sew Vera. For Bale Bv ' cWTOOTIAmD, OLABXl B OCs, $35 CASH Bays a lot on the Ponlrjamla oa St Johns car line; high, alshtly,. level; etty water, streets graded; adjoining lota same glao, without improvements, aelUnar fog lilt: must be sold to cloao out estate. Title perfect abstract with each sale free. Last chance to secure a lot for H of list true value, aad ara aa ana aa any be tween Albtoa and St John BROWN, Ml Stork St, opp. Library. WEINHARD'S City: Brewery Bottled Beer a Specialty . : TBXBlaUBe affS. Tan.. lata am PORTXAKTJ, ORSOON. COMMISSION) Room I Oluunber of CognmeroBV prouant . . Floor. .. . . S ewrpraa atreapgrs as ' GraliuPnrVlStoii SloduaivdIk)(ids Impel SltfBBB Win B. K. ALDEN, Masnmarwrv BH W BIBB, BUPBJBB B 00 , (Astabllahed 11 St) ABTB SVOOX Ai urtwawd TloWLK CBLAhtJsma oi" ooitnhrBSOai. eaUaVtmBaSBP ' " AtfPtBrfMl-T Bjenwel 0wWbjVVMVB f Cb-rae Be latornt tor Cavyng tenuj . Bteeaa . ?i t -V-r, V-'-