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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. glTURPAJ EViNINO, OCTOBER 190L ... .7. C T. U. ENDORSES . . WORK OF JOURNAL Passes Resolution Commending Stand Taken in Local Option and Other Campaigns En- : ". courages Sheriff in" His Campaign.; TANKER " CREEK , SEV.TR passes r. iakiuhii bous sfiomm axe bbaxb AJTB TO omu pom "Beeolved, That we appreci ate aad heartily commend The Dlly Journal for the aeeistaaoe It gave in the reoent campaign for local optloa and the stand It haa taken against gambling and tha esleea boxas." . , Tha tangoing raaolBtloa was passi! yeeterday at the anal business seoslsn af tka thirteenth annual atata eonven tloa of too Woman' Christ laa Temper ance union. Xa addition ta tha reeota ttoa commanding Tho Journal for lta stand tho eonveatloa aaaaed another resolution strongly lndoreing Sheriff Tom Word la hla vlforoua fight to aup- press gambling, as f ollowa: "We, me representatives of Mm W. C T. U., In annual eonveatlon assembled la tha city of Portland. October It to ill, Isoe, doalro to reassert oar loyalty i to principles of elvie rtgtiteovsneae, and !ta axpreae our unqualified approval of tha aouraa af tha sheriff af Multnomah county la hla faithful and persistent af i forta to enforce tha law against Ula (vice of gambling, and furthermore, ara 'pledge our aaalatanoa to him 1b tho faithful discharge of all tha duties par I talnlng ta hla ofDco." Tbera were several strong addressee made la favor of tha foreaolng reaolu tlona and thay wara adopted unanl- mo usly. Humorous Other raaohitlona (were adoptad Just prior to the closing of tha eeeetoa, principal uunf them being those for tha protection af all young Klrls vh may vie It tha Lewis and iClark fair next year; favoring cquaf 'suffrage for woman and urging all i women td eserctee their praaent right (to vote at all achool and Municipal Im provement elect to na; indoralng unoondl tlonal prohibit loa .and local option; for a eonstitatloaal amendment dl equal lfy Ing ovary man from public efnoe or tha eleetiva franchiaa who shall ba guilty of .polygamy; Indoralng Praaidant Booae- valt m tha ealllng or aa international arbitration board to doal with the pres- ant war and favoring universal arbitra tion; thanking tha Cumberland Preeby- terlaa church for tha uao of tna audi torium: eommendlns; tho preeo of tha olty for reports of tho meeting a oondomntna social oerd playing. " Juat befora tha eloaa of the session tha retiring president, lira. Helen IX Harford, was preaented with a fine silver aafca dtata aa a token of the es teem la whloh aha ta held by tha organ isation. Tha presentation waa made by tha newly elected praaidant, lira. L.ucia R Faxon Jhdditoa, after-whlch tha dele sates joined handa about tha altar, Tha singing of "Ood'Be With You Until Wa Heat Again' brought the oenventloa to a eloaa. Mrs. AddKoa, tha newly elected praai dant, appointed tha following -depart ment superintendents : work , among foreign-spooking people, Mrs. C A. Oaarhait; labor, Mra Pulton; Chrlattaa eltlaenahlp, Mra. s. I Wood; legisla tion, lira. If. Mears: alcohol medication, Mra, Adams; modal contests, Mra, Helen B. Kirk; health and heredity, Mra. Emily U Lumn; Sunday schools, lira. Elisa beth P. Moroom; preaa, Mra. Aehsia M. Morrla; antt-oerootlee, Mra. Mary Kara Leo; evangelistic, Mra. Ida B. Barklay; penal and reformatory, Mra. M. Btalno: work amon railroad man. Mra, M- E. Pugh; xrork among soldi era, Mm. Bllae- beth Dalglalah; work among lumbermen. Jennie Barnard; rescue, Mra. 1a P. Rounds; social and red-letter days. Mra. Margaret Houston; flower mission, Mra, Mary B. Town send; franchise, Mra, A. U. Nash; mothers meetings. . MmJ Iuis Brasee, Dalegataa to tha national ' convention, Mra, Barak Plat and Mm Ida c. Bark ley. - CHILD'S TREATMENT siv- LEADS TO DIVORCE Juat because Herman O. Tarr tlnually threatened and In other ways annoyed hla llttla daughter, giving her, lit to alleged, St. Vitus dance, Circuit I Judge Kraanr yeaterday granted Ida, C Tarr a divorce, Whan UUlaa Tarr. the IS-yaar-old child of tha unhappily mated ' eoupla, I waa placed on the witneaa a tend aha I began to aob froaa pure aervousneea. and although Attorney Hoary B. MoOlna and Judga Freaar spoke ta bar soota ilngly, she waa barely abta to talk I "I don't want to live with my 'papa.' aha Bobbed. He waan't good to oia. He told me. ha would whip ma every morning for a month until X did juat aa; ha aaldl Ha wouldn't buy ma ENGINEERS AT anything and acared ma all tha tlma 1 don't Ilka him at all." , Mra. O. B. Callahan taatMlad that for sis waeka tha llttla girl haa stayed at her hoove. She aald this waa aeceasnry beoauae tha father annoyed bar bo con stantly that aba had contracted St. Vitus danoa, and It was aaoesaary for bar health that aha ba away from him. A joor ansa waa made out by Mrs. Tarr. Judga Praaar gava this aa hla opinion. Attorney McOian aald tha treatment of tha ehlld formed tha prin cipal causa for tha divorce. Tea, I am tneltned to think that an amount af thbi child a divorce mtvht properly ba grantad,1'- admitted -tha oourt- fin faov you may taka a da oree for that reason. mi ON DAMAGED JETTY anrvAjb mavAuunm to owonioi VMotrsajTB pjuy op nun on BBOOBB MRI nOBaWABT VO MAXaTTAZsT BHPTM At SAB, ' . Wlthm taa next two week 'the work pt replacing tha piling swept away by a totorm at tha Columbia rtver )etty a (couple of weeks ago will ba started. Tha mv ptUag,wlll ba drrvaa at a point Berth jot where tha old anas stood. In that locality tha anaineera atata that there Hb plenty of fraah water, and tha taredo which wrouirht such damage a abort tlma Ah, Hr. Golden Oat. tiUd to you. Walk rl4ht liie- aald Mr. Wise. "I doa't mind telllad yon that my best ens tomera woa"t dHnk amy thiol bat Golden Goto Coffee.' v : H-.v,; Aod bow dont slra this Bway &ood coffee brings new; and holds old trade. ft'fT '!V Yaa yo: cob make regular 30 day ahlpe. meats so as to keep tha coffee fresh. Good"plan this packlnd roasted coffaa In aroma-tiBht Unse- it- COrgSB b aatlafaatlaa. N I aad S lb. arama-tldal liaa. fVa Folor CX Co. ago "win eauae aa mora' rraubla. a B. Ragardt, aasistaqt United States anglnear, spent yeaterday afternoon In the olty, conferring with Major Langfltt on tha Jetty subject and concerning other Improvements being made at tha mouth of tha rlvar. It waa decided to build up tha gap ta tha Jetty work Juat aa soon aa practicable. Proposals for fur nishing tha requlejta number of timbers have been asked, and Just as soon as they oaa ba supplied active operations will ba commenced. - "Tbera to an axpansa of about IMS feet of the Jetty to be repaired." said Engi neer Hegardt "and if good weather is ex perienced it should not require mora than two montha to complete tho Job. Rock will ba supplied from tho ajuarry aa fast as tha piling Is driven, and tha work will ba pushed to completion aa quickly aa possible. An Invaatlgatlon haa ahowa that the ta redoes ara likely to cause aa mora trouble north of tha addy. where tha old Umbers stood, and there to where wa have decided to build tha new addi tion eo tha Jetty.- - Tha visiting engineer stated that than to no doubt when the Jetty Is fully ex tended to tha point originally decided an on that tha problem af getting a suf ficient depth of. water at tha bar to ac commodate tha largest ships that visit tha Pacific coast well bo solved. It may ba neeeaaary, be declarea, for a Jetty to be built oa tha opposite aMe of tha channel befora the desired result to ao oomplbibad. Before the rovers meet gets through with Its operations ha states that tha bar will have aa averaae af low water depth of fact. It to now about M fact aeeordlna- to tha latest survev.. Ha explains that tha dredae Chinook to still doing good work at tha bar, but oa account of bad weather It may ba necessary to taka bar out of commission Cor tha winter at an early data. wnen asked about tha nature af tha fortification work that to beta dona at Port Canby ha answered that Infor mation of that aaaraotar to not for pub- Uoatioa. "It is one af the secrete that tha Wr department." ha concluded. "Insists shall be kept at all haaarda. If tha United States haa any enemies they would par hape Ilka ta know all about this lino of work. J "-. Another ramoaatraneo against tha ac ceptance of tho Tanner creak aewer came befora tha exec u live board yeater day afternoon, but It waa turned down and tha work was accepted. Tbia la tha third objection against this piece of work to ba brought before tha board. It waa from R B. Uunaon. rep res an tad by At torney B. W. M on (ague. 1b tho remonstrance it was elated that' reports had bean circulated that tha work wan not up to epeolfloatlona and that it waa vary faulty. The petitioner asked' for permleslow to send a eorpe of olvll engineers through the big drain td make an investigation before lta accept ance. Mayor Williams immediately In terposed: '1 do not be! leva ft la right ta bold up thin work any longer. This makes the third time the acceptance haa bean post poned, it would be a different matte If the demonstrators would bring in some definite ehaxgen, but they have not. it is all hearsay. 1 am appoeed ta fur ther delay, wt have given them plenty of opportunity to make Investigations, and they have not done eo. Attorney Mendenball appeared for B. M. Rlaer, the contractor, and was la tha mldat of an argument la favor of accept ance when he waa called from the floor by the mayor and the work aooeptad. B. W. Rlner, the eon of R. W. Rlner, Is the lowest bidder for the new Irvington district aewer oa the east aide Hie bid waa tll.4.fa, or M.m leaa tha a the estimate of the elty engineer. The estimate waa 1131. 009. Following ara tha other bids: Fralner Keating: fllfi.S.; Smyth a Howard. 1H,- 67.91; J. W. Sweeney, 1U,1.; J. B Slemmons, fltt,lt.ll: Joseph Paquet. 91ll.t01.7t, It was a great surprise to thoae Interested that more bids for the Irvington sewer had not been made. It expected that there would be at least Is or IS. There were others who desired ta bid. but It Is oonatstenUy rumored that thay oould not get the proper becking for such a large undertaking. Tha banka turned down several appltcatlone for backing an the ground that they were afraid to place their money la each aa undertaking; Too many remonstraaoas gainst the acceptance of work being done la the city la the reason given. The recent trouble with the, Tapaer creek aewer and aavaral other large eontracts in the olty have made the backers af the contractors a tittle careful of the enter prises into which they place their money. One banker Is said to have stated that he 'refused three contractors money who desired to hid oa tha Irvington sewer. The petition of the east side people for an appropriation, of ll.eOO. to repair the Union-avenue bridge over Sullivan's gulch waa referred to the atreet com mittee with power to act. A It-foot roadway on North Front street, leading to tho Alblna ferry, will be built by the city with the assistance of the property- owners. Councilman Rumelln appeared before the board and etated that thia la tha only outlet for a somber af enter prises north of thlepotat. ADV0CA1ES DIVORCE " FOR CERTAIN REASONS - Dr. Stephen s. Wtoe, tn the course of aa address on "Marriage end Divorce" at Temple Beth Israel last night, de clared that- infidelity, cruelty or deser tion should ba sufficient ground for di vorce but anything less than one of thaae, tn hie opinion, ahould not, under any law, be an excuse for the sever ance Af the seored marriage bonds. Pr. Wise continued: "To have no divorcee, to not la Ques tion. Tho question actually is If divorce shall continue to be permitted on cer tain well understood grounda, or If every legal hindrance a nail he removed, making divorce free.' The advecatee of the reign of lawlessness la marriage and divorcee are the first to urge that marriage to a legal contract bet two people, hence revocable at the will of either. Marriage from one point of view la a legal contract between two people, but I hold It as a contract be tween four the man, the woman, tha child aad the state. Marriage may be personal between two people, but lta oofieequeaeee cease to be nsoael. Tha marriage contract takes oa a different hue, John Stuart Mill admita, with the birth af a child." Long Creak's flouring miU to doinc ft REGISTRATION OYER, ; PARKER VOTE LOST Re was a Monta vino man. When be walked into the county clerk's office yea terday and aaked to be registered he laid great stress on that fact. His name ha did act give because be waan't registered. -Why, man," exclaimed Chief Iepvty Preen, -the time Axed by law for reg istration aspired at o'clock yeaterday afternoon. Mobody oaa register you bow- , ' The Montavma resident waa dum founded. He excitedly declared that he hadn't heard anything about there be ing a limit to the time for registra tion; neither had he eesa anything about It la the newspapers. T am sorry." amid the deputy, "but It will be Impossible to do anything for yon; the hooka are closed now." Approaching closer, the applicant aald that if tt was a matter cf extra work he would be willing to pay for It. Thle to a presidential 04001100," be declared, "and I don't want to loan ft vote for Parker If I can help ft." The hnpeesiblllty cf what he asked was explained to the applicant, where upon he flew lata rage before taking his departure, Tt'a coming to a fine pass, be ladig. aantly declared, "when a native born American, who haa lived la this region for years, can't even vote en account of a lot of red tape. . Thle country s going to the bad Just aa fast aa a lot af poU tleiane can above H." , . October 27, 28 intf 29 Art the Difet That the Northern Padfle wUJ sell tha last special excursion tickets aa ac count of the world's fair at St. Louie. Tickets will also be sold to ether east ern points end return at very low rates, and aa heretofore, all Besets will ba good tn both directions oa the "North Coast Limited," the creek electric lighted train of the northwest. For sleeping ear reservations and full par- tlculara call at the ticket office, is Morrison etreet, corner Third, or write A. IX Charlton. A. O. P. A, Portland. Or. BARBERS ADOPT AFTER HOUR PRICE SCHEDULE Twenty -Ave eenta will hereafter be the price of a shave la a down-town bar ber shop after t o'clock la the evening. Hair euta after that hout will be IK oente. The 'chops will remain open until Id o'clock each night except Satur day night when they will eloaa ft half an hour later. The deetoloa waa reached at ft meet ing of the barbers laat night ta the Lewis shop Its Alder atreet. Aa or ganisation waa formed whloh will be celled the Boas Berbers' association. The organ lastl on rep reseats It cf the largest shops ta the down-town dis trict. P. J. Browning. It First street, was elected president, and Sam Howard, of the arm of Howard Dennleoa, let Fourth etreet. eecretary. ' It la not the intention af the aaoe olatlon to eonflMt In any way with the Journeymen Barbers' union. The union made the eloelng hour optional with the members. The new schedule provldee for a charge of M cents for ma sea gee end 10 oeate for ft shampoo after S o'clock. Oct Tinware Dcpsrtosnt t , Is In charge of competent workmso, equipped with 'the wy best tools and mschinery thst moriey can buy. We can there fore supply our patrons with swytbing made of tin, 1 , ;Our Stove Deportment ! ; 1 Contains all the cekbratl nukes of Cribben ft Sexton's Brest Chicago plant, including the world-renowned rsnges, found in more J world. today than the product of any other concern In the Our Cutlery Dejttitment ' ; Stands for everything good In that line. We carry one of the' largest stocks to be seen in Portland. - , , ( .;. , ; J Haiware DejHj Is always foremost in up-to-date goods. For tbia our store has always stood. . V - '-J.- .'r.J. : -Vl -" ..-.-'if H1 t'''. COLE'S ORIGINAL , HOT BLAST - . HEATER . ... Odd FeDows Temple, First amd Alder "" -"-i UoftV 44 M i 4t So frequently settle on the ran aad result la Pneumonia or ConnmpHomv 1 tonot take chances en a cold wearing; a vPay or talw aooxtlauic .-I: jaWEATttT THROAT aadl Eb'esV . ... - . .. r ...... . - Cr- .k -IK 6T-TTL ran - 4 , Cures Coujhs and Colda quickly aad omenta I LnJUli -'- -t-i- c- -i ' apm Pnoumonia and Conouxnption aaaaawpTiaa nuirmi , C TJftfef, SI i Maple St., Charapalri I1L, vrltagt 1 wma trcublcd whs a Backlog couch for a rear gn4 feoaght 1 ba4 eonaassprJon., I tried a great suurf re mad lea and I wee under the eare of pbyaiciana for several sooatbe. I aseel one bctOe oi FOLEY'S HONET AND TAR. It eared aw, aad I save sat aaa Swoblsd sinoo. - t .1 . bub) aaeaawiii pea Twiarnr ruae AM naaajrr M WAS waUBABLB Henry I1frataoe, BabTloe. N. T4 writeat I , fend beeo a anfferor wttt Brooch (tia for twentf veers and tried a great many with poor resuHa aatU I uaed ; FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR wok cured me of say Bfoaoaltig wbJca I aappobad wag Uhntraals. '''':.. - ' ' - ' -v iv THREE SIZES, 25o, 50o akel $LQ0T Rotw SabstJtafios LATJE-DAVIS DRUG COMPANY,' THIRD AND YAMHILL STREETS. Lumbafjo Oe laateed Berlof BOB OH Painkiller Bar BB. . . TVLTOaT, VaTVBOPATW. IS YOUR FRIEND DEAD? B BB SOT SCATS BXKS AOOOaSKS BATTTM SeV nOBaL TBXATXaMT. . Bava yes evsT meagat af H srags am makemwtvast let Crtaae aUsM far by a aregiaai bsUbb. . Taeee give ae at alL Yet They Cure! They em aa kalfe, ret flww patleaei fe sever. There ere la Pottlaad sad Oragea seorai at Benwea, sjaay af taesj stak nt years, bobm glvM eg by taeh saystelaaa, new heettay, Urlag I t lanitals the ef aceey of the eraeiem method. A waa sew werkiag mmc ekere ta thle atty was aeV vtNd a reaMwa a Arlsoaa e aad ats eare, sa bib ptiea weald spoo aarry Mai away. na dnwlem eter eared mat ate. A. Baawaa, 9B1 eaieat atreet. esaM ant IU or sit evwa tar mmths ea aeema ef rWeasatlam. lee eregleai doetor ie stered aiai to health. Mra. Marie Beartt eea. T Baadl etreet, ssthata sad aaMaaai treeble. was esrad ay Dr. raltoa. Se Is the daughter ef Berawa Brehawr, Mm. Hea rlkeea'e aeer. aad nt awdieBl dMtem had eraerad her te the saersllng taeto to he earved mr seeeadleltht. LeefcUy eae Ml late Dr. raKea's aaadi and the epaov twa was avoided. Sat the etotr af eans b) toe leag far aa ediwBuanat. They are toe mIUMsmi to he eaaBMrstod sere, hat the slek eae see taesi by ealUag at Dr. PaMaa'a wygmarex womav bas aaa Boar wugmaruL iiniiissg nt poaTLAs, .v ; he had eaaal eteam ton, aha same to fas Peels Ceaet. Bar twe reara' iiillaw m mis eltt save wee far her a Dr. N. J. Fulton svrra irwtg sum., Paaa A to la, I b ft. am mm i . -.-.-.. , am 11 aa . vyr. vvoraiiinio mao: aawais - e4 . a v amw w BaMawBr w i wrsirincr a nair.: You kre bound to tell your neighbor about the ) : i j; line. Our shoes always remain soft and pliable, : and ; are built :-r- so as to prevent arips.w They are sewed with silk and we warrant them to contaiij first grade leather. eaWJ em -i.:tf ' e II -.. . 1 ..!. V SHOE MANUFACTURERS J "A m - . -. . - - ie Co. v 9 and 11 North FirstS YOUR Will be called for promptly and delivered the hour ; we promise to return it We make a specialty of the new dull finish thst Is by far the best finish ever in vented. No sew - edges on your couars. Give us s trial order '-.,. - , West Side Office 12S 5th St .J, .... v ,1 4. Troy Laundry Co. . laundry, Water Street, 'East Side. Dry thort 'slab wood, stove lcngth,per (J3 AA ' conl...t.eyiJeIU Same Kind of Wood What's the ' Difference? Per cord .................. Dry short cord wood, stove SKf $4.50 $1.50 Banfield, Veysey Fuel Co. Phone Main 353 ' ,- 80 Third St.. Cor, Oak MIMHMMMM I When It Comes to Colors j Welt the aaaa who nan eeleet a neefc tie that will pleesa big wife Is a wonder- We please the wives ef thousands of men with our selection of oolore but than, bless you, wa give them a choice of forty different su perb colors In plain house palnL The paint that won't come off made In our own Portland factors' specially Tor thle ollmata cold under the UOl moat liberal af suaraateee. xequeeu -lor card mailed ea receipt of postal card Fisher, Thorsen & Co. is lea, ia paosrt bvbbi iszBre xm p. oos. pmo: rrmBiaae good buaiaeeav Ms MM