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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
TOB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTtAND, SATURDAY KVKNTN OCTOBER Wt 1 Afc-. '" ''T-i ! FIGHT fAKS HAVE FD FC.1 Vouovsm rn rano am tMUM AT I'lHllll UflMW , ooos vownrfl laMHiff J hatch J a wmm wimni With the an-angement of the 'match Between Jot Oane and Jimmy Btt for the lightweight ehamplonahlp a ad the rehabilitation of Terry atcoovera tnr BwotiH of pugilism hav bad a imt - deal to talk about total y. BTeOovern'a tmt mix round boot wit Bedle Banloo b still being discussed aad will be com- E anted upon (or weeks to eome. There no mora popular llttla man n the wetness then Tarry, htaanae f Me reg ard and hla willingness to fight wnen called upon to do ao. Whlla htcoovenrs restoration tq form la not ae deeieive aa Ms meat ardent supporters wouia eeeire. It la sufficient to laad hla admirers to believe tbat with patient training ana aloe attention to tha rulaa Of regular Ylrliff MoOorara may again bwaome tba .premier fighter or hla weignc. Mwn gatalng tba title of featherweight eham- n defeating George Dixon In It thaf la out of tba question, aniens mwwii haa deceived ovary ono a regard Ma a act sereppteg weight To bold the honors of ftotoerwelght . champion BcOovern must be able to do battle at US pounds or eder. That he amnaot get to this notch again, baa been proved repeatedly. Not one of hla en oouatvrs during the paet three yeara haa beea at the featberweiabt aeale, or near It Terry haa grown a4ot In the seven yeara ha haa been fighting. Where It wee easy sail Ins for him to reduce to 11 pounds for years are. It 1 the hardest kind of a Usk for htm to stake III now. In a robuat body training develope the muscles to such an extant tbat they add to a person's weight aa well aa strength. Terry carries but little superfluous neah. What little ha haa ha can work off inside of a week- Young Corbett hi just the reverse of thin. Ho matter how hard or how aealoualr be labors he ap pear to be fleshy. Tba mora ha tralna the mora weight he la likely to put a. Somehow his muscles refuse to become prominent. Yet beneath hla flee they are aa hard ae nails In oontraotton. and aa pliable as rubber In repoee. Of tea thta faot haa deceived Corbett'a tot Una te friends and the public Into the belief tbat he haa neglected hla condition. But when Corbett la in the ring ha dn atratea that ha ta Suet aa fast, and Just aa stronv and vUrorona aa the ftoaiy ebtoelsa muscular flaater, and that hla powers of enduranoa are oven uraatar. : etwaaai tba Hit lei una. J '-' In hta division, whldh la Just beMriTrt ad between the featherwolkbt and Uaht walvht elaea. a pugilist aait be axoep tionalir fast and elavar td kesp on top. There ere any amount of good men In the ring; between 111 and IIS pounda. who are -aa skilled and edually good par!llste aa soma of the alleged cham pions of tba other clasaea. MeOovrn, Auralla eirara, Battling Natsoe. Benny Yanger. Jimmy Srltt and other welt known bruisers eome-In between these weights. They have demonstrated what they can do.- Tat they cannot be olaaasd aa ehamplona. They weigh too mush for the featherweight division and are too light for the lightweight otoaa. ftrttt had Neteo probably appro oh nearer the lightweight ranks than the others. Cor bett could easily build up to the 118 Kund mark, but at It pounda ha would ' muoh atrongor. - Undoubtedly he would jntae a hue and ory about giving hway three pounda to auch man aa Dane, and no one would blame him The only proper adjustment of thta question would be the establishment of an extra ehua. any ltd pounda, which la a. reoog nlaed class in England. But ft would not be popular over here, for the simple red son that every fighter who la unable to make a certain weight would Insist on a new division to ault hla physioal re hulrameata. McOovern's bout with Hanlon waa of the rushing; rapid) order. The Callfornlan waa aald te be at hie beat. . Yet tna re ports of the mill Indicate that Terry outpointed him two to ono until the Cat Iforniaa laid him down and almost out with a left hook la the fourth. What ever advantage MeOovern may have had up to that time to tha way of aoortngr, Hanlon dispelled with that ana punch. Terry waa grogVT Ha waa ao daaed that for a while ha did not know "where he waa aC1 But tha natural instinct of the fighter Who haa acquired generalship with expertenoe delaed him. Like drowning man, ha graeped tha first thing In sight Ha caught Hanlon around tha legs, tha aamo aa ha did when Oscar Gardner floored him In their fight at the Broadway Athletic stub, thia city. Terry. In thle way found hla equilibrium. Han lon wan standing aver him exalted and anxious. Ho left hla body unguarded and alcOovarn new hta eaaitc Intui tively ha brought home h ootid left fn the wind and ent Hanlon sprawilng to the ropea. Thia punch waa Hanlon'a undoing, for It robbed him of all hie steam, and rendered him limp and help leaa. He waa In n bad way and the po lice came to hla rescue. Perhapa there would have been eoored another defeat against HcOovera bad not Hanlon been too avareonfMent. But the. mill haa beea fought and Tarry won - In - amah quicker time than U too Corbett and Nelson to whip tha Callfornlan. . do whatever oredlt oomee from that an aountar devolves ta tha Brooklyn boy. :.I 1'.' Shrewd aa Ai Harfard may appear an n manager, hla friends think that he has mndn bad bargain by agreeing; to let hla man. Joe Chun, faae Brttt at lt pounda rlagstde. They amy ho might have hold out for 111 pounda. weigh la at t or f o'clock. Thia would have al lowed Oena to add at least tva pounds to hla phyeiQue by tha time tha combat waa fought But Harford's aouma waa Inevitable. Ha had to do ao or lone caste In tha eyea of the f lotto world. 4 cham pion wha aauld nog noma to weight aoeordlna- to established rales, wauld not be a champ Ion to tha true anna of tha Oena with a "a" prefixed to hay present laurels would no tongnr be a d re wing card. - Hla relegation to tha has-been olaaa) would be all th ssere rapid be omasa of hla actor. To whip Britt, though, would mean added pres tige, new fortune and perhapa enforced retirement for a year. Like Jeffries, ha would be considered, Invtnclble and there would be no ono to meat him. Making; all daduoUona, howeree, Harford may have nomethtnf up hla sleeve. Ha baa beep ao anxious to not Britt to moat hla man that be may have .been willing to aacrlfloa anything- That tba bout will attract n bumper house la not to be de nied. But tha oporto will bo ohnay to placing- their money not because tha match nppaara like an even thing, but beoaaoe dang has not alwaya been eoru- putoua to hie dealings In tha rtoeV. DEKESZKG CAPTURES GARDEN CITY STAKE cenn rrrcBKi HDILUM GAME BXOIBJC FOfa WMM ' ahOwyg Aib ma aoodf-fi Mxrmmmn wmzrnv eTfaTsT BTTT."1 FROHSB A BOOB ."' ' -' L - - ' f ' IDAHO VANQUISHES : i ;f WASH1KGKN ACE1CS it (leamsl faidlt Now Torn. Oct J I, dummsry t Ja maica track: Six furlonga Bt T Bruto won; tlma. 1:11. . , Oai anrta and om ateHsnlb Oiaiaits time. I:i0. rrre nnd one barf furlang-a Pay htoid won; tlma, l:Ote-a. Oardan City stakes. 1 l-if mnea Da Reeaka won: Una l:4t t-. , . Ono mil and 7 yards Bally OnaOe ttme. 1:U, Sir furlongs Bsngar wan; ttota t:W. . Kansaa dry. Co., Oct, HBmrMga resulU: Tin forlongn ' Praotoaa Btotm won: Ume. 1:01 H- Five and on half rntionga oovont won; time. i:tt. .One mile Baikal won; time. One mllo and ana quarter Barklytto won; time, lift teepleohaae. i mflig ohwarhrwald won; time, l it. Five and ono half furlongs Jaidy ka- Meon won; time, !:. . .. Chloactt, Oat. ti. Worth gumma ryt Six furlonga-Bia; Beaoh won; tlma. 1:17. ' to furtongpJ. W. OTtell worn tlma. 1:14 it. . one mile and ana sixteenth Barkal- eaore won; time. l:tt 1-a. Plvo and one half furlonga Ueefnl IAt won: UavK IiOat-d, v r , Ono mile-and ono slxteeenth Zr. Step nana won; time, t:Bt, One mile and 10 jwii lUHlfnl wont tlma, 1(4. .." ft lAutgrtMt. it. Oelmaf armreayytl Five and ana half furlongs, selling Lady Churchill won: time, 1:1. rive furlonga, aelllrig Wakeful won; tlma. 1:014. - Six furlgtura, aeUrae Wagon time. 1:11 U. One mildw aatUngIrarnln woau tlma, It4H. ,"' - ! - , rive and one half furrongm, nellfe- and Silver won; Uma. l:t. Oha mtle and three eighth eelTlng atengni won; uma, , fJenraet naeelal ntrrtee.) : New York, Oct. It. Minor gmea Bra ended for several of the big oollega foot ball team and today's schedule shows several Important contests, chief of which la tha Columbia and Pennsyl vania contest at Philadelphia. Two other oonteeta of Importance are those of Harvard and tha Carlisle Indiana at Cambridge and Tela and Want Point at West Point. Princeton play Lehigh at Princeton, and Cornell and franklin and Marshall meat at Ithaca -. In the weat tha principal famag ached ulad for today are Chicago and North western bt Chicago, Michigan and Weat Virginia at Ann Arbor, Minnesota, and Grlnnell at Minneapolla. Nebraska and Knox at ZJnool and Wisconsin ' and Drake at JdaaleeaY . . Ban Praaolaoa a, Portland Corbett and Shea; Butler and test Joe Corbett, brother o "Gentleman Jlm,H pltohed tha Browns -to a standstill yesterday afternoon, and shut them out to tha tuna of a to aero. Thia waa Joe's drat victory to tola city, having suffered defeat on three previous occa sions, and ana tlma tha trick waa ac complished by Ike Butler. Yeaterdav agaln Butler opposed Corbett, and while pitching a brilliant game, errors made his took difficult . and allowed the visitors to tally. Vp uatll tha ninth tnnlna tha Pitching honors were about even. Corbett allowing alk and Butler aeven hlta, but error to the eighth inninc brought up the laad or tha bat ting ardor to, 'Prtaeo'e half of tha ninth and Ike waa toucheg up lor rour nita, two -of which ware of too acratoh va- rtoty. Tba haa Piaeasns nine played a remarkably clever and lucky game. two fortunate double ptoya apolllng Portland's chanoas to out Into tha scor ing. Runkle and Bpenear were off color in their fielding and war responsible for tha vialtors' firat two rune. Still Oarbatt'wna pitching auch perfect bell that tha locals were simply faded and they . awunar violently but ta vain at Brother Joe's fooling twisters. Aeide from aeveml dumb plays that w pet rated by-the locals. It waa n treat to watch Corbett pitch. Joa hsd every thing and hla curves were simply tba fluent accM on' thn homw avounda thia year. Ehrary tlma a Portland batsman would dodge a aurve and toe ball would ah6ot over tha platp, Jo wduld smile Hla eurvea had Umpire Brown on the ragged edge of despair during tba mati nee. Tha runs euM IB tha third, htsth and ninth lanlnaa. Hiidebrand lad off In tha third with a hit to tha left Held fence, on which he was bald at drat by fast fielding on tha part of Hadaan. . Meaner aaorlflced and penoar error allowed Irwto life, and HUdy to toko third. Vaa Buren fanned, making two out. Hiidebrand then scored on a double steel, because Steelmaa threw to second to gat Irwin. WUdron flew out. With the bases fun and two out ta fha afxth. .Runkle fumbled Meaney's easy 'a rounder and hen registered. Butler's hard work to the early in ning told on him In tha ninth and the Seals bunched four hlta on him. sooting thro tuna, ginglea by Mesaey, Irwin and Waldron, Van'. Buren'a fielder'e choice and Andy Anderson's two-baae hit made the Seals' total register Tha eeorei r -' POBTlAim -' AB.ItH.PaA. Drannen. a. & t 9 McCreedl r. f. Nadeau. L f. 4 Beck. tb. ............ 4 Dervlk lb. Runkle, a av ...m... f Spencer, tb. ....... Steelmaa, 0. 4......... I let 1 1 s s a 1 t 1 till : 1 1 1 n lit I i fill! is i mawrlca Sayera of Mtlwaukoa and Benny Yanger of Chicago fought a els round draw at Milwaukee tost evaninc. Jimmy Brlggav champion lightweight of New Bngland, knocked out Martin Flaherty ef LfOvell ta the seventh round of what was to have been It-round bout at Marlborough, Masa mat avan lng Jack O'Brien Of PhUadelphla krtocired out Jim Jefforda of Angela Camp, CaL. lh tha tolrd round Mil evening bt Bal timore, . SHOES FOOTBALL I I IWrUM IB? VMB CATTT TXB 'it.;i V ' tm mwmw mtwrnm, wrm V., 7 V. " W aa aav pan goad money em , Pasiball thin a wa-eWr- - Mrtmaei H gtaa mora urn iittitM , AJaMn JuviOM. , wt miuiu" tAratoatB) imiiwagg bm yrf AWWSaBflBflB AJTB M fy nWrMI VOaBB ..1 1 ' i" 111 . ; ' - Butler p. ..j..,.. Totald.. I I IT II , SAN JTRAHCISCO, "T'r AB.1LH.PO.A.B. Hltdobamnd. ft . 1 A t t Heaney, r. f. 4 Irwin, lb. t Van Buren. lb, ....... 4 Waldron, e- f. ....... t Andoraon, lb. 4 Wheeler. L f. I Shea. c. 4 Corbett. p. 4 Totala .': .".'..IT S 11 It 11 "I . BUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. ' 1 1 I 4 4 I T I I Portland t 4 Hits 11111111- I San Francisco ...I t 1 t j I r I Tltlto . .........1 11111 411 ' V SUMMARY. ' Barned runs Sn Frsnclsco, tV Stolen bases Hlldsbrand. Irwto 1. Corbett. Runkle Bpencer. Bases on balls Off Butler. 4 (Waldron 1. HlldebrandTshaaj, oft Corbett, 1 tMoCreedle). Struck out By Sutler, 1 (Van Buren. Corbett, Shea; by Corbett, CM Beck , Prennen, Davis. Spencer. Nadeau). Bacrtflc hlta Means y, Anderson. Two-base hit An derson. Double plays Dunkla to Spen cer to Davis 1; Corbett to Vtn Burea; Corbett to Anderson to Van Buren. raasad ball Shea. Tlma of game One our and 14 minutes, umpire Torn Brown. , DIAMOND GLISTEMNGS Bunkle, Bpenear and Da via pulled Off two lightning double plays yesterday, which shows tha Improvement to the work of the local team. . Drennen again endeared himself to the fana when b captured Charlie Irwin's long fly. when tba aacka were loaded to the etxth Inning. Vaa Buren la Maying a star game at first nowaday. Van is one of tb grant eat Xavotitea that aver played In thia city. Andy Anderson and Kd Waldron each got their Bret hit ef tha week to tha ainih toning yesterday. PhU Nadeau played a great gam In left. Ha captured several difficult (Ilea, and hla work to fielding Hiidebrand s long smash against the fence and hom ing that faat man to on pillow waa aa oellent. atata Darla tg the first and only ball player that ever had flab named after him. . A certain roatauraater In Salt wh keep tank of lira nan, toe Sneat apaeimen to tha lot after tba well known first aacker. Thta to as actual fact and not a -fie- story. sTOVCjBtoJC BBjmBQB. ! Wnl1MM Wuh TW UTkS Vllh. togtott Agricultural eoUege eleven want down to defeat before tha Dniveralty of Idaho team yeatorday ta ft hard fought game by tha eoore of I to Tha lineup: Idaho. . Poalttoav W. A. C. finow . .ttoM ,..C... Btcwart Sharldan O. Colllna lraon .,,M,.LT.R fiapp Magea. .1 B Rehom Pegto .B. (s X. . Morgan , Thayer Hcgvra .BtT.X..4...... Whit Thorns .R. B.L... Oolds worthy Iobaugh Mlddlaton ..Q. ....... Cart well. Smith .L.H-B. OiU Miller ! Maaoa, Lobaugh, Ruasall -...... H. L...... Card wt 11 Keys F Hardx Referee. llAihmrkt ubiMm. Hod arm an: halves. AA mlnutaa; attendanoa, 1,100, BAODTO OOAtT &SAVm. ' t-, -,,..': -.i?-; 3 r;vv, ".. Tuoai ..f.... Otkiaa1.1?. !!!!!!!! MtUe " Baa rrtiBWii.. ...... rwthag !. 11 if; $ Oils 11I1S 4T .410 I il l i I I 9 lull 0 .Bit fa 1 10I10 41 T 4 11 I H .442 II T 1 t it Bt .172 ' laattl Waah., Oct It. Spider BaurA waa peuaded all over tba tot yesterday, Seattle securing 17 hlta off hla delivery. Billy Hogg pitched a good game for Seattle. Oscar Jones, late- of Brooklyn, haa arrived here, and will pitch Sunday for Los Angslea. He la tha firat of Mor- toy'g big tongue stare to arrive. Score: cattle . . .....Iltlllfl 1 A l-t-i Itlllll. Batteries Hoc and Iahv: Bum. Gray and Spice. Umpire McDonald. Tare anrahrht f e dvAhwd. ' Baa pTanctooo. Oct. 22. Oakland mad tt three straight from Taeoma, yester day by hitting Pltagerald frealy. Both team erred frequently, but Tacoma'g bungle were tha moat ooatly. Soora: Taeoma . ..(.. I f ft j 7 T Oakland . . . . . . .1 1 1 1 1 t 11 I Batteries Buchanan and Byrnes: ntsgerald and Hogan. Umpire Par at tajtoo vrmst ' ' -fJearaal gprtni ftwrrlce.) " Vanoooven B. C. Oct. II. TTha Tan- oeuver oolleg ' ladiea basketbaltv toam. champion of tb Paeifte northwest. have organised for the as aeon. Tha team will be very strong thia see eon and after n 00 ties ef home matches thay will prob ably tour Washington and Oregon. Harry Godfrey, the well known lacrosse player, haa been elected ooaoh. ice i steal . " "l Y rami onv ' t- '1,,- V .... . 0: Unftod Stoto Saonto. WstlmnTwaa. TJ. C nsa aad HATnBK whiskbx tor gaaaicni purpoaag to or tomirr nod 1 mm- uihHM. I hsitowa M to) h a nnailinT ana WUftBay. ... 4. . -.v; $ff7mmj e;vs. TJ-Bfismiw CiumTuntohh KUiSEST QUAUTT MO PE&TECT nilTY. - WP nn etM of tba mrMat disHllartoa fa tbo world. Wa am tha tartae bottkrfi of Wntokvf fat tb world. Ws hava mora whtakay to oar cteht ttosdnd Warshaiwea tha any other dfstiller is rho world. Thar to nf6r HAVNEA WHISKEY aoid than any other brand of whiskey ta thn world. We bava bean ta bum nee for 38yca and have a capital Of (500,000,00 paid in fall, go 70a ran no risk when yoa deal with on. Yovr nxmcy back at once if yon are not aatisflod. Don't fbrffet that Mai PIER WHISKEY roes drrect trom oar diatillery to yon. with all Ito original gtrength, richoeag and flavor, thus aeamrint 7 pertect parity and aavingr yon tb enormous pronto of the dealers. Yoa cannot bow nayfetog im. lMhTBM satsxactor' tba HAYNEX WWSKEYV 00 aatokov Btochyoapay. ? DIRECT FR45a CUn DISTILLERY TO YGU : ; I FULL QUARTS J EXPIESS CfUBotl PAID IT IS , ' m OFFER espraei cbargag. We trffl arad yoa FOUR fUU QUART lOTTUt ef sUYWEB SEVEN-YEAS 2 RYE far S4.00, and we will pay tb Try k and If yoa don't And It all right and ae good as yo ever aged or can bay from anybody alee at any price), than aaod it back at or empsuaa, and your $4.00 will bo aaturned to yoa by nest mall. Just think that oner over. How could k be fairer? If yon are not parfoctly eatlafied yoa are sot oat saent. We ship hi plain ami nil cant, no marks to show what's Inaid, aUarrtFwL aOtT1PrU CLAM SMS) anagaailllg aUT wTTS taua naaia ST llala. FREE I FREE member, a Hsyaercisartieaa aesest qeart sf p) aaacss. 4 to the gsJ toe, fasti 1 uao la asttlss of ataer sennas, really isaeslag ear pnee tasc tasx mesa. SaTABLrSHEO THE HAYNER DI8TILUK3 CCPANY ST. PAOL. SUBK. ST. UPina PMw 1 MTTOto, tu A sJUTT A M. ItTIUXatn) TtOV,0 j AT THE THEATKXS "Borneo and Juliet" will be heard for the first time tomorrow afternoon at tha Columbia theatre, with the eeveral fa mous roles of that tragedy to tha bands of Atanag-ar Baker' a galaxy of favorite players. The final rehearsal took place thia morning, and ran smoothly enough to Insure patrons a Oomplet spirited rendition ef the play. The title rolee will be read by Sdgar Baume and Cathrto CannUss. Roes Eytlnge will play the old nurse, to tt aelf a performance that should rank with the best acting seen to Portland this year. Mr. Bowlea will be tha Mcr- cutlo, Mr, BerraU tha Friar Laurence. Mr. Barnard the Tybalt. Mr. Dills tha peter, and ao en down through the list. every member of the company being required In this notable production. Stage IHrector Bernard announce that for the Sret dime to thia country In many year at least - Chorea (Miss Brandt) will read Shakespeare's beauti ful prologue to the play at tha rise of the curtain. nr tioiu.1 John C ftohar nnd Thomas W. Rr ley'e offerings of "OUtterlng Gloria" cornea to the Marauam Orand nest Fri day night and Saturday matinee, Octo ber SI and St. with the approval of the audlenoee that have witnessed the pro duction etsswhere and the promise that la made that tba new Importation to all that la claimed for It. The play ta spoken ef a- being funny and snappy and composed of a consistent plot that to reasonable nnd of eonsequenea, There are n few oag hit to "Gloria' and the play's tousle la aald to he of that char acter that lasts after Its origin to for gotten. Mies lender Rush boa da the Hot of artists and It m aald that ta the role of -QloruV eh haa a next that aivae her ample opportunity to display heP ability. The advance bam of aato will open next Wednesday morning at 1ft o'clock. f . - The Hill ' Military -Aoadmy eleven meeta the aeoond Multnomah, team thle afternoon en Multnomah Sei The game will be called at I sharp. The team! are evenly matched and a sard fought gams w expect e ' OMABB TOBAt. ' The membeig ef the Pert lend riant club will rid through a paper chare tola afternoon. The at Art Will be made at the Them pan a . aeheet at I o'clock and the Sntoh Will be announced at tha start THE S. H. BRAINARD CO, pmse 6ast w ; ; opctt evbninqs en. Eu:::rs BLC89 ! KERVE TOXIC TO aA AT MBAl. matonwwi A Sn yjeat ee ttwrtarsef SjtA re ewM w esses r rtm y cm U rras OIt ANertyMe, rettdaelf fa fem U Mtysr Mli re cere IMhi Pfeesa. fs fewees t Jew i leahnvtotoO rstore spmeyeto t4LS it swoeftart. eawaMn. an asoSBT f to aatci, toe. k aox; t eoxn t a BBiBBB or rata BAjgxbT. One furious laugh la the way W. K. Oorman deacrtbea hla farce, 'Friend of the family. ' which will be peen at the Marvaam Orand Mcaday. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 14. It and 1 The latedt farcical etfuslon. which hsa a them entirely different from anything yst an bora on that order, was writ tea for the sole purpose of amusing the theatre-going public, and the amuse ment Is created to a logical nod reason able manner. The company la e imposed of eome capable player and ran-mekera, among wheal are Wlllnun man Harry Cran dall, Bogena Bedding, William Wood aid. Thlaa Magran Thendora Dudley. Mlen Travera, Violet s Billter Lucille VUller Carroll Hamilton and others. , OJrBBB AtOaTBAa4. . ImprsYsmento ere now about com pleted for the opening eg the Baher theatre aa a vaudeville house on Monday afternoon. All week a forcd of work men hue been preparing the theatre for tha reopening. Messrs. Keating and Flood announce tbat nothing but the highest class acts will be seen In their new theatre, fend that tt will be made a fnmUy teaert for lever of good vaudeville. With tba Increased stage room the management will be able to bring to Portland acta Which hav here tofore beea ana see to neifeem to this Hp. The Baker to new the largest vaudeville bona to to rartoe north west, having a tenting capacity of l.ift Ten acta will be oa toe bill each week. of special scenery and each act to eafcl to be a beautiful portrayal of toe home ly virtues of simple people with enough dupllelty and villainy to supply excitement. Its comedy la sweet and pure, bringing wholesome laughter with rare touches of pathoa and an occasional tear. , . buovs Asv norma. - The Bijou vitas oope thia week ahowo a forlorn chrysalis, which after n moment becomes a beautiful butterfly. It la a picture that to enjoyed by all lovers of art and nature. Hunt's dogs and mon keya mean li minutes of laughter for the children and most everybody else An acrobat !o eksteh tbat to. amusing la "Who la Who?" Boahan, atoaootto and Beabaa to tt are excellent. ; ... - XaTBXO ATBAOTXObTS. At so time to the history ef Iyrlc offerings haa a bettor MU held tha boards. A. O. Welch and company ex tract aereama of laughter from the audience with their aketc Maxwell, tba monologulst. takes a big role In the fun making performance.. Byron and Weat and LaBorde and Byaraon present two musical skits of high 'merit and atabto iMlle and Harry Hoyt atog wall The Rosa tan army ha at laat won a nominal victory In the far east, and as but one more performance of the play whleh haa done a much to expoee the atrocity of Russian rule remains Csar Nicholas may breathe easier. "For Her Sake," the moat powerful melodrama of the dap, will close Ito engagement at Cordray'a tonight. ' gAJtBTT SB wosrn Originality to to pre veiling- charac teristic to this week'e MU aA tha Ar cade. Cvery turn teem with excellence. Jarett, the colored dancer and mlmi. Is a wonder to bis line and never fails to bring down the bouse. Howard and Campbell, the Roman ring artist .have made ft great hit, presenting manor nov ernes. 1 OBOWVB A The crowds still go to ae Syiveetor. Jonea and Prtogle, the minstrel mea. who keen the audience to laughter at every performance at tha Star this week. The other acts keep up an even standard of excellence for which this popular vaudeville house has became famous. BO Tb engagement of Florenc Roberts cloaca at the Marquam Orand this awn ing to "Msrta of the Lowlands," which baa delighted the audlenoee of the popu lar star more than any of her previous offering to thia city. Tha final performance ef "Sowing the Wind" will be given by the Columbia Theatre Stock company tonight. Dur ing the week the play baa attracted greater crowd than any bUl sine the opening of the eson v . , GIFTED VIOLINIST COMMITS SUICIDE (JToerMl special ftervtee.) ' New York. Oct fl.'-Kex Oho Ik, n young vtdlatst, committed suicide at his home last evening by shooting. He bad just received a telegram front Nathan franke, offering him an eggnent to play firat violin In the Metropolitan ap-era-h rme orchestra. Frank Aald 0 Hul ks was one of the moat gifted young vio linists he had ever known. tt hi supposed that toy evr reaitstng Ms am bit ka. after 1ft year ef ton and asff'derrial. erased him, Hard study was ale reapeneibte Frank praised the young man s talent 1ft years ago and todueed a wealthy woman to supply money for Onulke'ft studls anmed. OSEIQPVDNdD To Northwest Coraer i ; Second and Taylor ' f RASMUSSEN & CO. Paints, Oils. Sash Doors. Etc. The attrseuoa at Cordray'a fw aeH egtnaing wit a mattae to morrow, will be "An Orphan's Prayer." a new paatoeai ecmady drama ef New England life praasntes by n rme com pany of pUyer hanged by Nettle Da Cburaey. Where the play ha been aeea It haa been heartily endorsed by prase -wty in ta It requires eartoag BLOOD B the wens It 11 11 ea a eere WIIHII loo Klfow H,r tf DO, Btoae eeve sjav ples. spis ea tae ana am a pa d f s p'. spis r I I la 1 1 1 . 1.V5 VIVWM-I13 sees t"ae. tt b) SLOOP pnfaojt, e,4 to El ma ires ft. tu. ints. ress,. fsr S , BLoflO CSS, ft set evtf); t j mnm,t- by fw retttsad Bemt fhssaaaey I THE "BIG" MEN ENDORSE THE WHITE ; fi. H. KARRI MAN W. K. VANDERBILT, GENERAL CORBIN, W. J. MORGAN AND K. If. FLAGLER of 8twS Oil fame art Among those who hays airesd pifrrhnwtd l905VhiteSteamCars And speaking of these. General Corbin says: Tbmm can sawn to me sb nearly perfect as it is possible to nuke them. I know of no improvement that could be tuggestadT j u The Newark, N. J., Advertiser of Septmber 1& aayss "A 1906 White ear was used by General Corbin at Minsssaa. Invitations were issued to a number of automobile matra- t laKturera to have cars present at the military Bistteuegia, but X tne nniiB pcopnr niunn an;crpicu tna naa nf einj can m an- d Mdance. General Corbin is very enthusiastic over his e T penencea m trig white steamer, and recommends its tase snerally by the army in f&aneuvering and the carrying of dto X ftotchea. It is his opinion that THE WHITE 18 KING OF ALL AUTOMOBILES NOW MANUFACTURED.1 Be Sure to See a 1909 White Before You Buy. If J, B. KJEXXY, r f"'n Northeast f SSSM tMMMMMMMMMIMMv i ft I.