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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
THg OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, 1TURDAY KVT 1N0. OCTC H t i I omit EM BUILT UAVBO 'AS A on uu Koraa tm JM QOTCB. RlOIt botbs or Inerul Dtapattb to The Jesrssl.) ' 1 louver. Weatk, Oot II. Tbe Mff y bridge, a ICM ions; dm ween tad. The actiial Ume required to wni-tt with 1 Kan nnn4 U Ind one half hours. Tbla Included .aeuresncnta sod travail! over a the north from the bridge, cat . tlmhar. hauline? It to ths loon Ltd erecting ths bridge. Tbraa i ware incttd equidistant u tne nt i h hrtdM and connected with ringer. Tba height of tba brldgs ha highest plaoe' iff feat, wnne dge la over one ami ox n ponu m Columbia river, tbe construe ik. m midt an tba aame la aa though It wonted, a wide and required a larger MMr ties. tfc Min la raatle ta Its a- k tm it li exceedingly strong, 1-K nude, without nalla or solas. ft together with aak pine and the, of the bridge at each treat la la ad oa six of these pina, three I seen end or we ireeue. bridge la strong enough to permit importation o a. battery of ar- tba aame aa u in actual waxier. e faampalgn is now on in earneet to oountv. Last night tne nemo- held a irmly rally at Bast MlU Chile the Republicans report a acting at Felicia, speakers advertised for Vast Mill ilset night- ware Colon! B. F. g. Brown and W. A. Catea. Tola waa aomewhat enlarged by other tea ajnona; whom were B. at. !W. J. Byrum and Messrs. Henley ina Messrs. Shaw, Brown and era the principal speakers for the Tbe appointment made for en la the future aa follows: Beat tain on October M; Sara, 94; (eld. IB; Hara. : Btna, 16; ta il; Tenny aehoolhouss. It; Fe i; Waabouga ai; Laeamaa, No ll Farn Prairie, I; Hocklngson, Isvllls, 4; Manor, 1; Orchards, 7. HI be other appointments made er spaa sar arranged from time Republicans will soldi A grand Vancouver under the apaahor- A. B. Mead, candidate for gover- hat ticket. This is to take place Auditorium on Wednesday night. S at o'clock In the evening. . . of H. women's auxiliary to the . W. will give an Invitational October ,11 at Elohealaub's re- hall. Annie Scott left Vanoouver yeev ln company with her father and , Mr. and Mrs. Bit Soott. r Vila, where they will make their horn. Ohmrok BeOe as, ha Baptist church. Pastor B. .a will preach at 11 o'clock to i morning, theme The Mighty Jacob. The avaolng sarvloa will er the aueploea of the Baptist People'a union, . ha Presbyterian church Bev. O. tun. Morning service U o'clock. "Secret Things and Bevealed Evening servlcs 7:10 o'clock. "The Mark of Duwlpleshlp.", pedal Mspateh ta the Jbstaal. ) aula. Wash- Oct U. The regis for Chcnalis ta Ml this year. acks but X of being aa many a regtetered last year and tba a year. Chehalla has been grow Idly the past two years and the ill be much larger than ever be ta SOS OF GAFTAXjr (leers! Special Service.) Tork, Oct. 12. A wedding of Bote Ires that of Mies Madeline John- lighter of Mr. end Mrs, Davis p. and Lyle Bvaaa Mahan, son of Alfred T. Mahan, U. 8. ft. The ftf took place la Oraee church la eenoa of aa assemblage' that lo ot social pron tSEBSH FRUPiE V P CROP VERY SflORT FBAOCICAUT aUaV TMWtW XS WOW AMini gO,0OOQOS FOWTOS AMT SpmU1 MsBstck Vae fssiasl ) Salem, Or.. Oct. II. There are still one oc two dryers running la the prune dlsuiet It la aaid but Utejr will likely be done In a day or two. The crop la aomlng very rapidly, ac cording to N. UUa of tba Willamette VaUey association, but la not moving ofl very fast. The orop when It Is all la will be Just about aa estimated hereto fore, about 11 or le per oant of the crop of last year, wblott for the entire northwest amounted to about 10,000. 000 pounds. Thus there wlU be from l.lvO. uw to 1 .Otftf.iH pounds tbla year ta the horthweet. In aiurope especially are the German and French crops reported as being very heavy. Tbe ana thing that saves the prune growers of the Paoifle northwest la the faot that they have at least 71 per oent of te-0e and 40-lftr In their crop of thta year. They will, of course, realise the beet prices that are going under the ol rcuma Lanoes. Toe pool prunes are being shipped as fast as they can be gotten ready and It la expected that the last of these prunes will be gone before long. The main diffi culty is said to be the lack of ears for shipping; purposes. until the pool prunes are out Of the way there will be no movement of the other prunes of this district. The Willamette Valley association is making a number of Innovations In Its prune shipping this year. The principal of these Is the smaller slsea of packs gee. Tbey have arranged to ahlp about .iM or l.frua lt-pound boxes, and are also now putting prunes up In a very tasty and attractive pound package, which has not yet been offered. A great number of the prune growers have put up. their prunes this year with out lying" them as has bean the unl vernal oustom hsretofors, and the result Is they have tba bast Quality of prunes that have ever been turned out here. The difference, bet ween the "lye" treated prune and- tb.e prune treated la iu nat ural etaie Is that the latter shows up plump and fresh and juicy, while the prune put up In lye has that ah rival ad appearanoa so well known. Xt would am that the matter of curing without lye will hare to be adopted some of thee days by ail growers, or they wlli have to receive lass money for their fruit than the growers who are more. tastv la the mode of hand! ins. There la no change reported 1b the prices from last- week, and very little demand is reported. . . ... . . ' Barker Board Files Besot. j. C. Weir, H. O. Meyer and F. T. Rogers of the stats barbers examining board filed their report for the year October a, loi to October 7, ltot. Their report was due March 1, but owing to Judge M. C Qeorgea dads Ion in the "barber" case, they waited until the supreme court had passed on this decision. Their financial report shows tba fol lowing receipts and disbursements: Cash on hand October It, 111.01; re- eelpts for permlta, renewal cards and apprentice oarda, f 1,718; total, tl,oil.l; disbursements for His year, 11,711.11; balance on hand, 1171. 7a. Of the dis bursements 11,421.11 was for salaries and traveling expenses of tba commis sion, and 1114.19 for general ajtpandl- turen of the commission. The board reports that It has recently inspected all the shope In Portland and vicinity and- will soon visit those la other parts of tbe state. V Boy Conklln. who relieved his oomDan- lon, Wllllama, of a watch during fair week waa today aenteneed to servs six months' In the eounty jail for larceny from a person. Conklln la about 11 years of age, - CKTfiOBdfMPS niAft V JJesrsal Special Servla. ; Boston? Oct- 11. The board of naval offloera appointed to oonduot the govern ment trial of th now cruiser Colorado gathered In Boston today In preparation for the trial trip of the vessel. Ths trial will take place over the Cape Ann oourse next Wednesday. Tbe Colorado will be commanded by Captain Duaoan Kennedy, U. S. N. M&kaa. had U-hft u tntv. taraa Maki-a laataatlv. OIN&l G-Q1NO !t GONE III. Uetee ta gate St, Bin WIS Sees fk . Tea XaM far Baillslsj, EWBRO'S HERPICIDE The ommtw mm nmity that -kills the Semdra rt BLAME YOUR MIRROR lasies eocapal tbHr nttmra ta bwt wlmmi to saffian kalr onatnie Dar after dor titer aw baantr and letlvDM saapnilH hr tea removal of aomhraia or sitobtly ilmw4 hair eaaM hm aard. If roer adiror eoall it weuie ptaafl witk yea ta yner-ejalr .eat the satMttse.H ft tea fee eons wire. Xwbre's Herplridt welrb kills the leraba that caeaas evil, brittle and IsataraMS kalr. alas eaadraff aed faning fctr. Daatroy tba frrni and the bilr'a aatnral ltMin- and abandanra will Ttar. Harvalem rasaha. Aa esonlalto aatr arete Inc. I Uniltkit m, iumiM. . leinciBE Ct.. lent I, MreK, Rtck., hr imtlt POPULARITY IfT SOCIAL STAJfDTWa IS ALMOST ALWAYS GAINED BT RACTIVENE8S. PRESRRVB TOUR COMPLEXION AMD 1AMCB XOUB BEAU XI BY UalNO AT-Blf FLUID FACE POWDER fTW ONLT OTTARATfTiry?r ABSOT.tTTKT.T HARMLESS FACB R FTP A RATION. CHEMISTS. ACTRESSES,, PHYSICIANS. ftO rrrr LADIES AND OTHERS ATTEST TO ITS PI'RITT and ef- "J iriF.Nrr. AVOID DAMQEROUS SUBSTITUTIONS. FOB SALS V ERE WHERE, . LU'.TAU ER-FRANK DRUG CO. DISTRIBUTORS, PORTLAND, OREGON - t .;. MUSICIAN O DOME Uu?LEASANT aUTO uoajr liuv. (IpacUl Maaateh ta Tba JBSraat) Oregon City. Oct. tl John Kaboursk a wall-known resident and musician of Macksburg, in the south snd of this county, filed a suit yesterday asking for a divorce from his wife, Gertrude KatMnrek, on the grounds of eruel and inhuman treatment. Kabourek and bla wife were merrled in Wisconsin in 1177, and have lived at Macksburg for tfr years, where tbey. own considerable property. ' The complaint alleges that on October IT, 1M4, as plaintiff waa preparing to retire for the evening, two neighbors, Peter Horning and Walter Hornback. cam to his home, and, assisted by his wife, assaulted, beat and choked him un til he was com palled to flee from bis home for his life. He says that his wife has Often expressed tbe wleh that he would die, and has repeatedly threatened to kill him. George C BrpwaeU appears for the plaintiff. " aaowstHona Many Is fAsekatssaav A' Republican rally will be held at Bs- cada. In this county, today, and promi nent speakers from over the state wlu be present A party sf the faithful, con slsting of Hon. Oeorgs C. Brownell, Sheriff J. R. Shaver and Deputy County Recorder C. B. Ramsby, accompanied by the Maooabee quartet of Oregon City, left early this morning to take part la the meeting. Hon. John H. Mitchell. Hon, George C Brownell. Hon. B. B. Tongue) oT HUls boro, David M. Dunne and Frank C. Baker of Portland are among the apeak sre who will address the meeting. LIU tie interest Is being taken In polities la this eounty, but It Is expected that a largo crowd will be present at thla meet ing, and the committee In charge has spared no pains to make the event a successful one from 'a Republican view point. Oeorgs Press, well-dressed young man of Parkplace, waa arraigned Is Re corder On fry's court yesterday, ehsnred with drunkenness. He pleaded guilty and waa fined 111. In default of which bo was given five days la the city JalL Faxes! of Mrs. Morgan. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Morgan, an. old-resident of thla county, who died at Olympla, Wash., the first of the week, waa held at Red land today.- Undertaker B. L. Hoi man was la charge of the bur ial srvlees. ' . ffhamisrg Vet wufrty, The trial of A. Chambers wf Damascus charged with embesslemant waa had In Justice Stlpp's court yesterday after noon and the court Instructed the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty for ths reason that defendant came Into posses sion of the money which he Was accused of smbeaKllng-'by virtus of his employ ment which, under the statu tee, would make the crime. If proven, that of lar ceny by bailee. Emma B. Dewey yesterday filed a salt for divorce against J. Andrew Dewey oa the charge of daeertloa. . At the Congregational manse yester day, the ReV. E. S- Bellinger officiating. MrJ. A. F. Krahl and J. F. Linda were married. Thy will reside at- Casadero m this oowrty. ' If You Knew - MllavM of that Af41fl or ehronlo. nsrvous or eiek headache In a raw minutes tviua yvw muuuui w "UapaclaJly when yon are assursd of the fact' tnat ws rmw wriww harmless, and will have absolutely no other street, except to relieve and ours tns pain. Dr. Miles9 ! Anti-Pain Pills will bring such relief, o.nlek and sure. ours all kinds of pain Neuralgia, Back ache, Rheumatism, Menstrual Pains, Stomach ache, etc. recommends Dr. Miles' An U-Pain PlUa as follows: . ... . . . "I am anxious tnai an anouis now ik. Ikau nllla. T haws uri veloui in their instantaneoua relief of neadacne ana aii pain.wiiua nay isuvu no disagreeable after effects," package will ban ant. or druggist will return your aawnay. 16 a oaf a, 3ft cents, never eoio in ouin. CLUB IS' OPPOSED TO PROHIBITION OOaffJERTBB OF FBOM1BEBB IBB APFOUITBB TO lUTIOBl OaT QtrBB- A a mum: BBAF1 FZOsTS AJTS (Spaelsl Mspatca te The fasraaL) Bugene, Or- Oct. '' 11. At a special meeting of ths Commercial club last night U was declared to be ths aanss of the meeting that ths club was op posed to prohibition and this commit, tea of prominent cities ns was appointed to draft resolutions on ths questions to be presented nt a special meeting of the .club: J. H. McClung, Dr. D. A, Pains, and Attorney Charles A. Hardy. Roy Peters, a deserter from the United States army, was arrested at Coburg yosterday by Constable O, O. Baasett He will be turned over te ths officers at Bremerton. Peters, who has lived at Coburg nearly all his life, en listed about four months ago. Not find ing army life to his liking ho aame home without leave, Oeorgs Leslie waa hard for trial under 1101 bonds yesterday on the charge of stealing; a quantity of canned fruit from Allen dk Cos cannery in thla city. Allan hid la the building and caught Leslie with a sack full of fruit. Leallo bad been peddling the fruit about town. Ha was a former employe of ths cannery. ' One of the Japanese section hands on the Southern Pacific railroad at Irving la under arrest for assaulting the tlon foreman, John O'Brien, . Rev. Mr. Bollinger of the Congregational church desires to call special attention to several sermons that will be given at Aha morning services beginning with next Sunday. "How Should We Think About Oodr will be the beginning of the series. The evening topic will 'bo "Mas tery Over a Oreat Realm." At St Paul's Episcopal church, rector, the Rev. p. KY Hammond, tomorrow ser vtoea wlU bo held as follows: Holy com munion at I a m-; Sunday school at 19; morning prayer at 11; evening prayer at I. The choir will he under the direction of Mrs. R. C Oanong. Ths musicals at .the Congregational church last evening given by members of the conservatory of music of Pacific university was a decided hit and was ap preciated by those attending. The musi cals was under ths auspices of the Sat urday club- of the First Congregational church. ... PREPARING EXHIBIT FOR PORTLAND FAIR fgeerlat Dtepates The fceraal.) Baker City. Or., Oct, 11. Oeorgs V. Wright, ths well known rsnoher In Tow- der valley ta the Rock Creek district, was ra ths city yesterday and brought with him some threeor fous boxes of Bartlett winter pears raised on his place. Quito a few of the pears weighed 11 ounces each, or one pound and five ounces. The pears wore as handsome specimens of fruit as ever oamo from any section of Oregon er any other sous try. They wars at Anas pecked ta preserver tive fluid in lsrge glass Jars for ship ment to Portland for the Lewis and Clark fair by the CHlsens League aom mlttee. At the same time the commit tee packed some vary handsome peaches. sprloots, tomatoss, potatoes and other fine fruits and vegetables grows within a few miles of Baksr City. INSPECTOR FINDS NO ILLEGAL WORK - (Sparta! Dtesatss te The levraal.) Vancouver, B. C Oct. tl. Timber In spector John Murray haa returned from a 11 days trip to the headquarters of the Skagit river which lies In British Co lumbia, although the river haa its mouth In tbo etate f Wsihlngton. Murray went up to the source of the Skagit on account of ramors which had reached this elty that certain provincial govern ment timber la that locality waa being marked by parties who had neglected to ad visa the department of the faot of their operations. He, however, found everything all right and did not find that any Illegal work was being carried on. While oa the lower Skagit inspector Murray was taken by the natives to be a Canadian Paclflo detective looking for train robbers snd as a result he had several amusing experiences. m i i in1 ! Aim p. flo-clal maaateh m The Jearaal.) Grants Pass, Or- Oct. II. Ths total of ths lata registration of the three Grants Pais preclncta Is 11. The rtg- tetratlon of ths out of town precincts Is not yet In. It will probably .total about the aame number. The May rea latration m the eounty was 1.17a. I made an awful faux pas last night, said Mrs. Oldcaatle. "Did out" replied tier hostess. Trs been want In' te make one for long time, but 1 ain't been able to set pattern. Whose did you have?" TERRIFIED WOMEN V BY HUGS AND KISSES (Batalel TMasateh ta The eWsaLl BaatUa. Wash.. Otrt. Ix. Rail women wars terrmaJI out of their wits yesterday and ths cause Is now oa his war to ths stats Insane asylum. For several hours the town rang with srtes and stories were told of a man who rang front door balls, entered houses, hugged and' kissed all the women he could lay his hands oa -and then de parted. Ths polios were called out and after an hour's hunt arrested Jacob War dan brook, a- muscular fellow at to crush la the ribs' of ths average vomta After his arrest Werdenbreok talked but little" and a commission of physicians concluded that ho waa Insane and Judgs Bell ordered aim committed te ths asy lum. A year ago Werdenbrecks wife died. Shortly afterward he became pos- seassd of the hallucination that she was living and hiding from him. This is re. sponsible for his' oondnct, although he developsd his hugging and kissing mania within about It hours. - Good Flsblng oa tbt Clackamas, Fine strings are now being taken be tween Bagle creek and Estacada. Satv- soa oloses November 1. Last Sunday of low rates oa the a W. P. AMERICAN ARMY TO BE SHARPSHOOTERS ' (fesrse! Spatial Service.) Washington, Oct. 11. A meeting of ths national board for the promotion of rifle practice was held today at ths war department. In addition to approving the awards mads at ths recent shoot for tbs national trophy at Fort Riley, the meeting discussed several matters which It Intends to bring before ths coming session of eongrsss. These matters relate to th plans of the board for the formation of a national marksmen's reserve. Including the en couragement of rifle practice la the sUte militia, la military and other schools, and among Individuals. As a first step In this direction the board de sires sn appropriation of tl.(MJt,00s per annum for five yoara to be, expended under tbe direction of ths secretary Sf war for ths providing of ranges, "their equipment and maintenance. Teas sr $fc 60c Teas ' 4 tre regular ; 80c qutJiiles Extra Premium Free V with each purchase Premiums must be seen to be appreciated .1. New Teas ..;.t: 25,30,35,40,50c s, Just to look. , fAMrinilsTo Hosvtj Saving' Store. SH Washington Svr . SSS First Street, . Portland. PELVIC DISEO OF MET tats Are aaaatataly sad eaaWvaly esvet. Blaad sMaaa, strtetave. aariattals, arereea alias, raptuie, semaa aad stanly aeeUae, a 4 ilaaaaaa at tea fclssdav esd aasaM glass, aiaaeya, raeaaMttf, stlartaa. ata ham baas miiaifallr treeeet at The SL Louis Medics! tr.j Surlcsl Dispensary XIMO. it aallatad, BMaaa, taat tkara n aa atsar aa OMana SranakHH titattaa, bava shunt It A UA We. a lu.ll.-uJ aaJaaal the Paetle mast aa edWbuel? aavsarat te treat preaayala & -stla , potfjlity Lltar ZMaaasM Cbititta BUddar TieeMaa exittra ritht-a ; Ihaaaem A Canauasttsa paafaaat Ba4 Falam aaaauitlasi arairta baaawla raraiyala Looaawaar Oaaoar Uloai Tunt it -- PUas aiavila ta Uls ass aa Flstsla kaotal Vtaan Bactal yiaaaxas IwoUl sad Si IMaaasaa af W Ssaclal Plat atia aS Faarksnt ' AND ALL rOBHS OF SKIN AND D100D DISEASES ."';. ' . BtTABUSKXB leva, . . , St. Louis Medical and Surgical - - Dispensary i 'r.P: Say Sal ahjht, with aHseaaa sad sarlanee. ' earnest. eseaetaatJaea, , eregrtasl shrtlrlana ara atadylag tba raaaas aad pasullarttlea, aa wall as tba rura of the rarlo aUntaata that affaet the haaua ayataai aad amdoae aad oar tee the baart ef sum,. rarloaa POISONED BLOOD rrhnery. naeoeeary. tertiary, haraSrttfy. seianning to tkat it anil satar raaapaar. -We eaa poeltwoty enrs say Uuw away poor aiuaaas ara thara wha am atowaeaet, wfth aa bases of Hvtng set a abort, auaerabls Ufa, oa aceannt of mnt ftkwfl t Ibs Cd ta miaa tad wita eaiaoa, wBJra haa set handel eowa frosi tbrlr aa rants er acoulrad! now aunt aa taat Saeaylac and ara gradually aatng knrarad late tart arm Tea, atlseed by awa aytnptonai of dtaOnie. tloa aa, flrat. a e&aracterlaric aora, tbea elaiplaa and aoraa etav the body, akhverap. tloaa. ralllmr hair, elcara le swats aad threat, ajsaalaral spots an sals, aeee echae mu aim alkw tnlnl luUiatliiu Oa act taka aaareary, eoUah er tsgitaMs eeaapoaada. for they aery ssatst the dhvam ta tortarlajr yoe aaora asd brlas about tha and moch aarllar, and It h n anforteaate for haBunity that phTsltiaoa, alsioat arUhoet axcaatlaa, art a till gtrlsg saasJe thh) bled af treataseat whaa thr fcnw It Is harmhu. Oar system of trtaUas tbla batafal affliction ta aur owa dbwevary ft has he etanv, tarpert on earth. la a fw waaka attar basianliiK the trratmaat tb pMeas la caat oat. tba eorpuaclaa ate renewed with fresh, fare blaod. whtrh abundantly aappllra tba tlstaea that rebuild the flaak and hoeas. so that the pattest titaini atreag, Otshy red-fassd aad aaioya (be ertc el baa 1th " . h . , ; ; , .STRICTURE " . . 'V ( ajtd rs gomrifio. osmxAnr, safs mru - T - - gtrlgtare to the ntaet traeseat sal eadfal dtaaaaa et the Felvle antes), aad tt sat ealy Important because of Its painful sad harmful afferts upon tha easel, bet Is Eats baeausa of Ita kathuata rtlatlu tsrauh tha ayaipatbttla. satYuaa ayatam with a hldaaya. bladear and sroatata gland. Every sua affected With trlctere for any lent-th af time la Iwrdartng aa daasroua eempllcatmas with the kldaera asd bladder, and whaa thaaa vltai organa ara encroached upon, by dlatam the raaalu are m aarwes aa to foraboda atora danger thaa cooaamptloa . ' Tha reason why thara ara aa sunt fallsiea made ta traarlns SUietsra la bam eaa M Cant of tba physlclane Wha claim te cure tha dteraee ampkiy aoma atatbod oC traat orsaale atrirrara wbna same oUer eoadlltoa axilla Ko darter eaa Justly claim tha ability to cars stricture unites he has derated ears of atudr end prartloa.ta tha dtaea-; satther caa any see pact ta b cured by cutting, dHatlng, ayrlnsms, or Sm use af eotable beuflea, which glra enlr tampomry roller and MTats tba dlaeaaa. Our treatment for atrletsra le br Irrlmtloa. which dlxaita the formation la nbroua aartlciea, after radudns all leflammatloat ao thnt the paaaaav af water H without Bala or difficulty. Immediate relief la reeaited fratn the courts of treatment wa ad' ml n later, and wa Cora tba moat errata eaaea. Than wa bars tnamlaaad a cam tbe canal la sound, healthy and pexfectlr sat oral. We Fill girt $1,000 for a cam af elautle stricture that we eaaaet cure. - v SEXUAL POWER RESTORED : a awa m mletmti wbe la suffattng free aa.BaB. that n aa nant eahalU aa4 iWll giaalaat deeire, and aftst we bava eared s aaaa af thla 1 W a alM af aaa alma esaant hraaaht aa kr laintwsanae. About thraa-foartba of the mam population from 2D to 10 yean of a an ara trauMed with sa abnormally weak eoneitwa of tbe ertaaa of nrocreitton. and during this period, by all meane and at all tlmea, tbla function should afford pleaaure of th hi it heat decree, with ao Impediment wkatevar te the eerleiacttoe of the anoet aaeaaal dHpoaltlns, Tba ealy ebeUrle te tha enjoyment of aatarc'a moat tree tared 1ft to man la dleeaea. Which ta tsraiiably brousbt on by the youth In bis teens or tha many excesses to wblch s man Is apt U he adhctod. Varicocele, amlaalona. dralna, premature dla sherce, small ersans. weak back, ara all aymptoraa of rapid decline. OUR CURS Is s tbopoech snd nrfaettfle cauraa of treatment which acta at ones nana the nerve forces, stonplni the drain and reuladaa the wornout and run-down ttaeuee. It lscreaats tba weight Is sound, healthy flesh, snd mueclee that give etrenath snd fills tba brain and nerves with fresh vitality, building ap tbe satire an tarn sad tre as for me tbs sufferer hue a type et perfect manhood. VARICOCELE ffj a earrle dlttaee. end tl ttmpty vatm filled wtm cerdtod er stagBant Wend atmltor to vnrlcose tainn occurring la any ether part of the body. That overflow and dotted aa. enmulatlon ara eaueed by endue aicltomest and weakness If ths sympathetic ar gang le an l nerves that regulate tba aopply of blood la any erganjam. Krery man affllctad wfth varicocele of leaf etandtug known that tt hm Wlgbted Ms Ufa and that be has made a great mistake la sot earing hlmaelf eared. The dtaceee not only endangers by complleaOoa terry organ hi tbe aame region, but by aympethetls trrltetloe destroys tbe aarvem system sad reads rt a bus a eoatpleto wrack physically, mentally and sexually. Our treatment la the Itault ef years sf Vkparfawatarlm. There Is as seerarloa bout ear radical cure bar varicocele, neither any pain iwr detention frnes bnalneaa. Our Broeadare eon lata of alaorptlon. by which steans the atagnant blond ta tranauded Into the cellular tlatum and finally ejected la tbe tame manner aa all ether watte matter Is thivwi off. Tba ganglionic senaa are restored by the aataUBlstrsUoa eg a tools, aad a template ears tt posalbla ta every ease. ...,.,., , . , . HYDROCELE Is ens tf the freseent tbreeJt dteiatta. Tt eaeatoti of sn aeruanuatlea sf muse rtald snd always jnrM tbe sstlr pelvic system, depriving the organs and ths pal Tie ayatem af art vitality. Hydrocele la commonly ranted by Injury to the am tarn, or may remit from ooa tinned InflsmmsttoB prodaetd by atrlctara, piles snd any cbront trouble ta tbs pelvic ayatem. ' No one but a tthyalctan wha haa devoted his sttentlea to skis cuts of sis test la able to Jtodngvtok a ease ef hydreeeaa from titber raptors er varlcecele. Tba remed we nee to ears ayoraeeie compereiy won rave ran rne tsbmv bt aeee, aas r tae bm sc a art para Oaa) for a few daye as sign at the listens ever reappears. PILES Or baaMfrbolAi. sn small vascular ramors, ett sated st tbe lower osenfag ef the bowelt, or rectUak. Among tha chief cauaea auf be mentioned eonatlpatlos, aedentary baMtt. Indtgesttoa, aad, la fast, say ssadlttoa that In tat ferae with tbe pen tat of Tbtr a smet eerradlng Influence oa tba genera! health, fa fact, many patients aom to sa aufferlng with constitutional dlttsrbencet of various klndt which are reflex conditions produced ry alia tumnro, and after their pilot ara cured tha other trouhle dlaappear Immediately. Tha rectum la the enlr organ ef the alimentary eanal which ractlrea IU) nerve aunport directly from ths aplnal card; therefore, wheo tbe recto ra la diseased, there le direct Irritation en tba serve aupplylng It. which In tors Ini tatta tbt spinal cord, from which the different organs of ths body get thetr nerra supply. Is this way IrrlUtion of the rectum Is tra earn! t ted te tbe vartoas srgase of tbe body th rough tbe nervous art team. Our treatment and mecees ara tha reeuK ef yetrt of vipaHsnce. ted ear marhod Is dratlnrttvely our ewn. We cure without cutting, nor aa we see ligature er eny cerballe add Ittjecrtone. which treatment has rained many a men. There ta abeolutely ne paU er deteatlea aad whan yes Mate ear tare yes are cored for Hm.. RUPTURE rroperly toruaeg Rsrata, M aa tTfecttoe ta the rtftoa ef the stMc systom, and tras tweapt or protrutton ef tha bowel from ths lowerpart of the abdominal cavity. The tendency ef ruptnre H always progressive, end the tytnptnms art assally so slight ss not to wars the afflicted, even though be le In Immediate danger. Rupture fre eueatty results la ttrasgnlatlon and death, Tl stats ehoeld sot be ssBtlsaseslr wore, as thty only aggravate the trouble. . We have a tart, safe method for curing rupture. , Beeldes fcetng absolutely rcRshm, tt is palnleee and barmlaee. It mahea ao difference bow many timaa yoa bava beta trustee, wa caa cars yea, and Will guaraatat eatlre mUafaetloa. CONSULTATION FREtAND CONFIDENTIAL , Wt treat patteuts suueatfutty ettbev st star office or by cerreap..adesfa. Wt bate cared manr of tba worst catea by malL the patients afterward coming ta ear dispen sary to peeaoastly thank aa for what we bad dons for him. Da not treat elatwhere sntll yraj hare Invtetltated ear methods, tbea tf not tatlsfMd ge aomewbare eke. But Ju wlli sot go enrwhera elas. Wl CAN BATIHrT ANT ONg THAT OCB 1ITHOD Of TKBATMKMT IS MOT SX CELLED IN T"B WOKLO.. , Female Diseases r That h as affllrttna to which wnmsBbscd M hair thst caanot be Mrcastrsffp treated at oar dtapenearr. Our pr.Tclane hare made tha ttady ef female eonplalnta tba ambition ot more man two aecaaea. ana inererare we invite eurtering womts to come to oa tt he cured. Wl ARI UNALTRRATILT 0PPORD TO THrf VR fir THE KN1F1, and eeTtr reaort to It except in tbs laet ntremlty. THKRB IS SOT ONS CABS IN mulcted , e A THOUSAND WHRRB mmaERT IS NXCUMAMT, and It eeBbt aot to be the pauast It eaa be helped. , St. Ids Itel d 5iril DisrrciiS!y swlHTAWJOU ST., OOB. SBOOBB. OOVSULTATIOF. , Dally boste, 1 te 11, 1 to 4. ThX. BATS m fsbs bxakzfattobT, Sendsy bttm. M to Is. Ink) Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK Ws treat tucctae furry ah stivata aai mat end an ran la dlataaet of men. alto blood. rtnmt" eeerthver. kidney and throat troabata. Wa aura SYPHlLLlg (wit hoi it meroary) te etaf cured forever, ta a to 00 days. Wa feme "TRIOTUSS. wtthsat spsnttoa as sate, le W aya We sens dralna, tbt result of sett sheas. Immediately. We can restore the sexaal vigor a any man andet M by meats it total treee cBt pecalsr to auraetvea. , ... t We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Tba natters ef this taetltate am ah revs las graduate, beve bed Mny yaara aiparleca bava bees known la Portland for in years, have repvtatloe to SMlutatn. asd win aadea, taka as asm astom ervtola ear ma be av feted. We guaeanta to ewe ta every ease wa sase. take or -bante na fee rnnaultattnn free, It. teea ennfldenttal. Inatrnctlve BOOK FOR BIS mailed tre in flsln wrapper. If vest ess" 'H at nfflee. write WW aastt ttoa Man. Haass tvettateat Of m town , as T to e gtwdsy seal j, beUdays. 10 to IS. . taadtag snectarMs In h. SoHbwast.'' . BMeMIahsd Use. Di'.W. Norton Davis & Co. Tarn sTsr Xotsl. m. U. Oes. Thlra atsd mas streets. mTurs, ouMit C. GEE WO Tbs TJraat Chlnsss Dsctor " la called great he reuse bis wonderful cures are so well known throughout snd heusue so many neonle are thanbrful to him for saving their lives from nPFDATlftNC Me treats hay an all diseases with powerful C h 1 a ess herbs, roots; buds, barksrand vegetables that are entirety un h... wit aelanre in tnie eoun try. and throuirh the use rhrtn lemrvmedlea. Thla farooua doctor towui the action of ever too Smarcnt rer; that he ban succeeefnllf used tnssrsnt dleeases. He sruarantaes to cure onUrrh. male trouble and all private '. Hundreds of tsstlmonlele. Charged moderate Call and saw him WBBHlaTTTBT V Psttont out of the city writ fat bleak aad atresia r. nloee stams, Ad dvewa a tub w ncciifi rnivpQO , UU, vw vital afa-a-. JHEDICINB CO, ; t ; v " til Alder street. Portland, bit Men. tlon this saner. O SPICES, o C0FFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, flCCTfS EXTRACTS MtahSitaty. flntslrltvM. dratfMtStrasnuoniwfrkfsJ CLOSSETftDEYEBS " rewrLANO.oasaoN. WEINHARD'S City! Brewery Baxswst aatt aVcayt Oamulets Bottled Beer a Specialty ''''vTBsaB-mOB Bw. tB,"'-' Ones ltth and BunSlde SUests. PORTLAND, ORBQOrf. - Erery Wcmaa about tbe woolarfat MARVa WanTwafl 9rav ts BSW Vtstaal ayetaaa. Met. temtaW fftrrimi. Beat- a f- t Moat Con vtrt lent, Uqiaaattl . blv aPaBBTam labyearerv . -itrer a. 'aaattaaff'BV ether, buttend alainn rot ' b. . wUlu, V vfi. illnatrated book aralet. Ilgtvm loll paii.tcuUraasddlrfM.'ilnaln- 4 ValnaMyoadtca MAIlVUfltay bJwb Uals By imXB Kor atABTI3iAldrlch Fhawmaeev wBwVwwwwwwaa m oiaaaOT troubimv Cures In 4aHourt URmART DISCHARGES stnch Cwpsuls ,Q ar the BsmsatrfWy teafwwVwVwwwVwwWuw'ww 1 hi. I I . M L tftM-'4Bb i assMM4n,a1 at W BlHISUBUBtS, af .tja., I OmSlgsiforsnnatursI a l f aar. J dlec bar nt.lslam mat toes, SMt m IrrltoUost a ulcarattoue ee. wevwte. " ef Bictll BMbrtaN, "t gent er BoHaososs. . 1 ateitl by ,gl la I tcteaid, tU A si ta. er a not Ilea 92 n. ur