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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
TITS Or-GON EATLY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVEHINQ, OCTOBER M. IC'l ,LI I J ULlLii mie.kjA 11 I LA 0 1 VkKnLL vov sat- petition hu keen made to the wr de ceit in nt by Inman. Poulsea at Co. and the Portland Lunbr company to dredg th Willamette river ta a sooth of 1ft feet from the Madison street bridge to Dlvlatoa street or to Brant them permis sion to deepen tho channel. In doing thin work tho Portland water mains are to bo considered aa It to stated that at low wmtor nark the river lr only about IS fct la depth ovor them and If the channel la to bo deepened th mains will have to bo lowered. The only thing I am able to do ta tho matter." said Major Lengfltt of tho irnitfxl MulitMr! deDartmOttt. "Is to refer tt to tho war department, which I have dona, They wlU look ovor tho in formation Disced In their hands and will thou mako a decision. I onnnot say what tboy will do." "I do not know that tho war depart mont wilt have jurisdiction ta thlo case.' Mid Mayor Williams. "Tho Jurisdiction of the United gtates government to nx tonded to all waterways wbleh affoet In- teratate or International commerce or tho Intaraata of tho neool at large. What bar or not tholr Jurisdiction ax- tends to ma kin- Improvements of grant ins permission for improvemente In In stances where only certain tndlvtdusln or eompanloa are affected to a question, ft Is stated that tho mains of tho city wore laid In violation of the act of congress of ltl without permleelon of tho war de partment. I am not familiar with this act and oannot any what bearing ti will have la this oaao. To lower tho Immense water mains- would bo a Tory difficult undertaking. In moving thorn tho pipes might break and cause greet damage." Inquiry at tho Inman. Poulsea at C. ana Portland Lumber eomoanv rovoalod tha fact that tho water waa ao lew thetnl only vessels of very light draugnt were able to roach tho mill. At both places It waa stated that their oaao bad been placed In the hands of tho war depart ment and all further action will bo sua ponded until a decision to reached there. iU AWAKU PRIZrS IT. FAR BIBBlBw STAB eteUTwB 1KUB1 : paxb mvwmmtwuit w ui t. oomarjr op momn vabos artrscftju op nr oooxivo, Bra This afternoon tho Judges are complet ing 'the list of prises awarded at the counts- fair held under tha auspices of the Kveiilng Star grange in their hail on tho lection Una road. The crowds today ward larger than durkag any pre vious day. AU available room In the large auditorium was taken up with ex hibits and the fancy department bad to ha moved upstairs. ; - . J . la. the award of prises Mrs. Clara T. Corbln of Mount Tabor took tho greatest number of first premiums She oaptured early all tho first prises and led In cooking, bread baking, canned fruit, and general display of house plants. The Individual awarda in the art, school, fruit and vegetable departments have not yet been made. The Other prises awarded were as follows: - Wee l biscuits, Mrs. 1 M, Vail. Bfst and Second. ( ' Best loaf of bread, girls under to years, Miss Mary Corbln, first; Miss Hamilton, second. . Bast loaf bread, women, Mrs,' Claim T. Corbln. ttrst: Mrs. Payne, second. Canned fruit, Mrs. I H. Vail, first; Mrs. Mock, second. Butter, Mrs. Rosa Oldenburg, first and Jellies, Mrs. Clara Corbln, first; Mrs. Olbbs. second. Cakes, Vay Johnson, first; Mary Cor bln, second. Pies, Mr a BUlott, first .. . ' ' House plants. Mrs. Corbln, first - .i ' Vege tables, & J, ftpoonar, firsts sVtulrs Miller, second. Fruit. C & HottgTlev. first; antra Miller, second. Stock, James . Vector, first , U D. Thomas, eeoona. - SEATTLE DETECTIVE REMOVED FROM f ORCE a4.t Mi4 a fVa ImMiI I fieaMlOr Wssb, Oct. II. Charles An demon, tho man shot down by ex-City Detective Lane, who alleged he thought he was a burglar ana woo, wniio lying In a paralysed oondlttoa at the hos pital area cnarand with burglary by that officer, after It bad been shown that tho man's character waa good during the IS years be has resided la Seattle, was discharged from the aoousauoa by Jua im nnrrim weatardav. Laao Is no longer en the detective force. Tbe Anderson ease. In which It Is believed the detective manufactured a meek to assist In a oonvlcttoo, being tho direct cause ot sis removal. - . Wle WnTreedla rlaht fielder t the Portland team, was Indefinitely auapend ed this morning by Manager Butler for Insubordl nation. Jake Th 1.1 man will nitnh inmnrrow for Portland and Wheeler will officiate for the finals. nn:;STi?ATinn 1WVI W ill llglVIS I Pev ever else yean I nSrl wttk kieal esa Iftleailoa end darlag tela time 1 b4 to lake ee , Injection nf warm wator oeee everr n aer feie I foald bbt m aetlqe ea mf sowala. Rupilr I triad CaiftervM, end kMfT I M I wall aits. txirtes iba nina yani kcore I aaes vesrw (nlTorvd a a told nlinrw lb laanial olU. Teaaka to roa 1 asm frae fma all thai IhU BJoralnf. Toe aa aaa aaTa toWaU ff "'4 10, BgglrV Tho Powslfi PieMaet alaMa. Peeaet, TaeteOeed. pe Oeet. "r elites. S . - 5 ' - u, ne.eta.N,at d (a briii. T!-vj! 'n ( aed 000. ,aranas eere ot roar saoaay Mil aHerllng Co., Chkase or H.T. ea " at f B v o o-oj I Tfr-f )J Ceiioi taTinsing er Ul.Li lud tiO EH CITY XtAjrBvdujr rmsjgozsoo mum ak(km la to ' bs placed on tho Portland-Han Pranolsoo route at an ly date by the Kuaseu e atogers oompanyi owners oi too Aureus. reu at .....n nigral manaaar of the lint. arrived in the city last nlgbt from ban Kranoisoo to ooofor with tho shippers before tho addiuonal vesoelNU piaoei in eoamlsalon. By operating two vea vels the company wlU endeavor to mala- taln a weekly service. As yet the nam of tbe now staamer is being withheld, fiome weans ago a deal was practloally closed for the ua.m hiii mi iwonit at one of her owners being interested la a competing lino the nogotuuoos lauos te snaierMu lae. Since then the officials of tho com pany have been easting about for anoth er vessel that would be suitable for tho kiul 4 la annaunoat b V thOOO WOO are In a position to know that they nave been successful. When asked about tb ntattor this morning Mr. Huaseii nam; -u. lmmmA tha neJl'Straet dOCk ub Portland, which lndloatos that wo ex pect to do eonsldorabis sua mass irem this urns Kprwara. ut so sar as piaw twtm m a utantr aa the run is con cerned. 1 do not oars to make any defi nite statement as yet. A iniena ss re sin m the olty several oays. tium La alen a rumor eroina- the rounds that the steamer Breakwater, owned by, r a fa. of Hmjs Pranalseo. hi to bo placed on tho Portland-Coos Bay run at an early aate. sinos uiy im veeeel hag been plying between Coos uw Mi.. ai hi VrauialaMML Una was built not many months ago, and Is cred ited with being one ex Uie nest veeaeia of her also oa the coast. She Is of about 1,10s tons not res: later, ana w eaua m in ospable of making II V knots an hour. Many of the local snippers no jiot u nraiMi AraAoM fn tha renort. e .ui.i.. th.l hM will aukt ha a auffl- oient amount of business for a boat of her dssorlptlon. Tbey osplaln that she may make an occasional trip bora with a oar go of coal, but they are of the oplkr lea that aha will not be operated regular ly on the run mentioned. .. -, - Oom Thetv foha, - Refusing to nass wood to tho fireman yesterday afternoon the deckhands of J ine steamer unaine wem. m The seen insisted that aa additional fire man should bo employed to handle the wood, but the offlolals of tho company declined, to comply with the demand. As a result of the differences tno steamer went out on her run to Astoria with only two or throe non-union deok- handa who were employed to take tho places of tho strikers. Upon the ves sel's return from the month of the river It is said that a full complement of man will be employed to fill tho positions now vacant. On account of tho small crew of deckhands, longshoremen will be employed to loeo ana aiecnargei cars" until the strike has been broken and au tbe men needed have been sees red. ; There has been more or loss friction between tho officials of the lino and the deckhands for the past few weeks con cerning the wood question. Tho men claimed that they had enough work to do without keeping the fireman sup- piled with fuel, and they wanted some one employed to attend to that and nothing else. On the other band, the representatives of tho company state that they are going to run their own bualneen and will refuse to be dicta tod to by tho deckhands. When she arrives In the rtver from the south thi steamer Aberdeen wlfl pro eeed to Vancouver, where she will re ceive a lumber cargo for Pan Pranolsoo. The gasoline engines have been re moved from the Jessie Harkins prepara tory to Installing a steam plant In the vassal. When the work has been com pleted the steamer will probably be op erated Is tho harbor. Both the Carnarvon Bay snd Wray Castle are out la tbe stream mdon with grain and flour cargoes for the United Klrigdom. Had rt not been so foggy the former would have left down this morn ing fdr ths mouth of the river. The Wray Castle has on board tt.lll barrels of barley worth M.ol and 1MT bush els of wheat valued at 914,411. Having discharged her Inward cargo the French bark Ortlloa shifted this af ternoon from Columbia No. 1 to tho Oceania dock, where she will be loaded with wheat for Buropo. Taylor, Toung Co. announce that (he eteamer W. H. Kruger wlU saU from an Francisco this afternoon for Port land, fibs will load lumber at tho Ba st ern A Western mill for tho return trip. After' an uneventful passage the steamer Elder arrived In port at an early hour thin morning from ifian Francisco, fibs brought tons sf freight and passengers. Too officers state that they met the Atllanos Thurs day evening off Capo Blanco on her way to the Bay City. A telegram re ceived yeetordap by ths local agent tated that tbe Alllanos waa berbound at Coos Bsy and would be unable to get away before Monday. Tno Columbia wag aleo sighted oft the California coast 14 hours lata from Portland. The greater part of the time was loot on soeount of It being Impossible for her to cross the bar whoa she reached the mouth of tho river. Astoria. Oat . fisiled il I & a, steamer Isqua. for flan Francisco, and nchoonor Annie Larson, tor fian Pedro. Balled st ll:U a. n, schooner Tea ms, for fian Pedro. flan Francleoe, Oct. ft Bailed last night staamer Aberdeen, for Portland. Arrived at t a. n, staamer Columbia, from Portland. Astoria. Oct tl. Left vp at 4 p. PA, steamer Oeorge W. Elder. Having computed discharging her In ward ear so, the oriental liner Aragonls moved over to ths flour mills last even ing, where she began leading for the outward trip this morning. She will be supplied with a full oar ye, which will oonalet of 4.ed tons of floor, 1.S0S tons of wheat, n big shipment of cotton, lumber, sawing macblnes and a general lino of other freight. It Is announced that she will be reedy to sail during tho sarly part ef neat ween, , Tha steamship N loomed la will . nail today from Tokobama for Portland, and Is expected to arrive here .about No vember t. An effort Is being made lo have the American ateamahlp Astea sent book hers to load next month for the ' ; ukiu in Mfoi avam o m sMtn Tsw ra foff Weber Pianos Selected by , Pope Pius X For His Permonal Use and in the Apostolic Palaces rHK unprecedented honor of an official appointment by tho present Pops has been sow A f erred npon Tho Wooer Piano -s aompany. - la designating the Weber as i,,- ths piano to bo nssd ta the ( Vstloan and In the Apostolic Palaoea. His Hoi mens Plus X hlmself a deep student of muste adds n ssost Isapreaolve tribute to tho nrtlstlo merits , t. of this world-famena Instru ment, ' In tho Weber Piano are em . bodied a rtchnsos and msUow . , ness of tono. a distinctive dual ity and Individuality, which, ' ': combined with Its carrying ' power, have given It a nlaos pre-eminent among the groat pl- anon of Buropo and America, New Art Catalog seal npon request PIANO HOUSE 351 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND, OR NEW PLACE FOR MECONIAN HAN Brnsst Brosa, for about seven years managing editor of the Morning Ore son lan. left reeterday evening to as sume tns position ex managaag soiior ox Ik. ItullBnannllai H(r. at ImtUmiuilli lna. 4 Hooenuy tnree newspapers ei ui Hoosler capital were merged, the Star being the surviving institution, and tt hu ! n i ii I auah atraueth and bualneaa aa to become one of the moat prominent moraine- moots Of tha middle west. The hle-h eomDllment paid the Portland newspaper man is .appssciatsn oy n kaat nf frUnda. who. however. resTet that amine nf one raised bare from tho plain walks of loportortai duties to managing editor. w r Pinar a prosant news editor of h rtraavmlan will In all nrobabllitv become managing editor, as bis duUea on the paper tor many years nave brought him In close touch with man agerial functions. Leslie Boot, son of the odltor-lnrcblef of the Orsgoalan. will. It Is understood, be advanced to editorial writer. Mr. Brass hi Tory popular in Port land's business circles. Ul newspaper career has been here, amongst ths peo ple of this city, and In full touch with Oregon interests. He went on the Oro- gonlaa as a reporter about IT years ago, ... i.t nmmMal ta the excbsnaTe desk, than wrote tbe note nod comment column, and upon tho retirement of F. A. Carlo as managing ooiior seven yearn ago, was given the position of manag ing editor, wbleh ho occupied until yes terday. Mrs. Broee wlU go to Indianapolis at A later data - V , TOTB OB fcBABB.. ; (geertal MepsWfe Is Tee JaureaU Colfax, Wash- Oct. tl. A special election Is called for next Tuesday for the purpose of voting on tho proposed lease of the fillvor creek springs, above Elberton, for city water supply for Colfax. It is proposed to create aa In debtedness dor ths purpose against the water system, to be paid out of ths gross earnings of the water rents. Additional dates of sale for world's fair tickets have bean announced by the Canadian Paolfle. On October IT, It. ft. special round trip tickets to fit Louis and eastern points will be on sale st very low rates. Tickets srood for atoo-over privileges And a choice of ronton returning. Per full particulars, call on ad dress. P. B. Johnson. P. P. A, 14S Third street, Portland, Or. TIW Trolley Trip Sunday. ' r WlU be to Ketaeada. - cents round trip. At this season "of ths year the ride is most Interesting. The Hotel Bs- taoada Is open and will remain) open alt the see soft for guests. Rata round trip 10 cents. Remember It In tbe last of the season. AU can from PI rat and Aider streets. Allcn and Lewie Beet Brand. an PranclBCO, Oct It. flailed at I a. am., steamer Northland, for Portland. Astoria, Oct It. Condition of the bar at I a. m., smooth wind, southeast ; weather, cloudy. PLUMBERS! Our Drain TUe and tower Pips and Fittings should' appeal espe cially to you. That to, of course, tf yon eare about n reputation for doing work that lasts - Let as mall yon further tefor aaetton, pries list, eta y , Vlsl iM Vl We .PORTLAND. ORBOON. EILERS tslatl atSOM fiBiaaKfTMtf Afi MAJf AOXXO nmXVO OP nrWAaTAPOId W9w fwTBo orrr pom soov- UUfi aVTAIfi TBAJM WXTM MMAJh BAXXiT. . v. - - atOUbOw OO: ovTBOoa lam. aa a -m -to- a.)va helatrl ef voor esttlng. Tell no where yon intend to pises no tana, am- all connections free ef charge. A purchaser, therefore. Is not put to any trouble these superb lighting systamsi hence 4t would appear that there ean be no f nWd tor oWo at Mkv hu I Miner, wben we are willing te naaisi I S -y .'. . , , AO aTPOTffJ. ...... ...y. ' : The H. W. Manning Lighting & Supply 43 Third Street, Portland. Oregon ; A,'. CHIEF DISREGARDS ORDERS OF COURT .' A dash between Judge Hogue of tho municipal court and Chief Off poime Hunt occurred this morning whoa Judge Ham leaned that the chief bad disre garded the orders of tha oourt commit ting Mabel Nelson to tno care ox ine RnM an ntrla Ala aoelatv and had allowed her to go home with her mother. AUtWl HABBB IfllflM VO eVO . jrBa BOova tveun bbb otbb frO BOTaT ABB BIBleV etfB OOO- Slliiiilii t mm a g 9m Hollow : Wire Lighting System :. v taTBOOJB JhAMOP. the of a ememrto Ugh so gas, and At laet there has been perfected h Oasollno Oss Lamp Jhat candle-power. Impossible to get out of order, safeaa and the very thing for private residences, stores, shops, factories, gains, orJS Other pUM where the seat light to be had Is desired wean be ueL Thi HoTlow-Wiro Lighting System baa attained such Pf ctl that there Is not now known to the world a light at all seual or that renders tenth of Its service at the cost of Its m Z.LLt space St feet square as brilliantly as two are lights aamo spaos. ee that tt can thus be easily determined tho number of lights raofodceeeoery to illnmlnate any building la which tt may be desired IS nos tpeae mmvm OW TO ORDER .b. .it tttM ahuflat. baaldea offering yon ,; . ' Vi the simplest, safest and moat eeosomicai lighting system on tbe market at a prloe - h- mmftt a an nurnkint haaU aeea man or owner v anywhere, SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE UST faneaadiaialv iBi learning of this the judge ordered that the girt be rearrested and brought Into court juogo mogue ordered Sergeant of Polios mover to go to the girl's home and bring her to the polios station and Instructed ths officer having her in custody to see to n imi the orders of tho municipal oourt re garding her committment to the Boys and Girls Aid society be carried cut, notwltbatandlng Chief Hunt. The persons who were arrested on the charge of selling a glass of beer to Ma bel Nelson wlU bs tried Monday morn ing. Tho case was called In tha muni cipal court this morning but after boom teatimoev had been taken wss eontlnued- Mabel Nelson testified that she waa but IS years of sgs and bad been coaxed Into the Atlantic Cafe by John Boh rants and John Kenny. The nartenoor wen ard B. Castle, brought her the beer while he swore that he asked her her age and he amid aha waa It Tsars old. "Mysterious Billy" Smith, ths proprie tor of the saloon, toaunes tnat no anew nothing about tho case, aa he was not p recent when the beer waa sold. WC CAN SELL YOU 330-336 East Llcrnrcn St, Tc We have -. added a - cooking and heating stove to the system .,. grres UgM gon ' (. . 'd. Co. lev iKMOmrniHt-T(MAC. r- aaawTc ecvauMrirn v nun roc rvti sMTKuura CUTLERY GEO; BLACK , PUBUC ACCOUNTANT Oeeaval rraetMe. mvestlrarleBS. totsts Werh. opeeiai ana rerioaicai muii, ,y...v.r, . -rf- v - - VJlfJV - I lWASHBCTOM I tfcasad.wws.mmd wffl I " " " -EKT , I S v leecc i lojil j rr Mfep B ''(.ITS ANYTHING YOU WANT Ets. Co. TEEi anown the werM over, arc tbe er'e dent lata ta porhand having tha laic t -tanlcal DISCOVERT to apply to I t guma for EXTRACTING, F "J-INO i I CROWNINO TEETH WTTHOUT PAjm. and guaranteed for TKN TKAReV BmAmhwtten . , ................ .Piec flUver r Ullage sue eoid puiiat-s ti.on Pull Bet Tee that m) from fc-OO old Orewns .kios to fa. OS Brida-e Work .3J0 ta fB.od OUR B1'"CTfl H dtiC to otir PAIN LESS MKT HODS, LOW PRICES AND GOOD WORK DONS BT PECTALISTg In each department. NO STUDENTS In the offlce. All work done PAINLESSLY by SPECIALISTS of long years' expe rience. Give us a ea)1, snd yea will and ws do Just as we ad vert lee. Boston Dental Parlor. A rrtatn mm far nil modern ills, nervg eodxsustion (that tired feeling), dyspepsia, (with au tne physical discomforts and mental depression). C C C Tonic gives new' life and ambition, improves appetite and restores health and vigor. ' -- - ' . v FOR SALE at , KNIGHTS, S07 WasWngton St. wsMweTwwee s:3ts::3 sti:? ahlMran while Iftv Tears. ItaooUMS tbe ehlld. alt nala. amrea WUk tbe sane, ailara D-la. emres wlad eeUa, sad S SM Seat wmt ror aianracea. TW EMTT-TI Vg OKPTS A BSTTLB. I i ns" II I far