The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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nam wm mn
tenm ov cuuuiv m
. gxa wni n a iroTaT.B
. pBOrosRxoa nvAm -
" "' " "'',. ' - I
us fiTSTtticas mii o dob or mo
jozjrajo ajtb roucmiAjf nv
oar BBfTT.amb txa m wot
Amxprn o xo& V9 a
maxi oaT-axe)
nt fin ajrDt rosAT.
:'- In th eult of the OniM Transfer
tha executive board, the city council aao
. -.u.uin.i t em loin Hmvlh A
. Howard. contractor, from further pur-
'. suing etreet improvement work on North
, Tenth ttrMt, from Washington to North
Frost Mmt, Circuit Juds rraaer cava
mm hnaukrtut 4lBliM this m amine By
' ft he places a broad Interpretation on
v uMinn 7& of tha fit char tar. HI In
terpretation makes It a "workable prope-
alt Ion" and destroy the koala tor man?
aulta now before the court ana others
,' contemplated. ,
Section of the abetter provides
that "th Imnroeement of oaeh street or
part thereof shall be mada under a eep-
Improvlng tha thorough far was adoptad
by th council laat February. Tho otroot
, la being improved frost Washington to
jaarsnaji who mwawin. iu
Marshall to Nortbrup being omitted,
' b(tt filling and planking to to bo dona
' tfrof Northrup to North Front
As tho two Improvements woro oon
Vbied In ono ordinance. It waa eontend-
.i thai fha amflMdMa Waa Wnoll VOld.
.another vraund of suit waa that tho ad
jacent property wmtid not bo banafttoiS
by tho Improvement. A third waa that
Wlfferent materials woro to bo used on
auirerem parte o we airwwi,
"It to tho duty of a ooart." oald Judge
-Freaer, "ao to eoDOtrao oar port of a
charter, tho meaning of whloh lo doubt
ful, aa to max It practicable, a working
" .proposition, la ao far ao tho wording of
tho Instrument will permit To hold
that because alone any part of a otroot
to do inprovn h i oioch niremny ia
proved, and that thia noeooaitatoo sep
arate proceedings, would bo to make It
practically unworkable. I think tho In
, tantlon of tho Trainer of tho chart
' waa that be tons; a tho different eeo
1Mm of a otroot to bo Improved are. In
woo part of too elty, wboro th property
wnara have a eommoa Interest, ocparato
proceed! nes ar not aooeaaarr.
"It would bo Impoaoihlo to Improve a
number of otreota in UM city, under an
other IntprprotaUoa, wboro Improvod
cross otroot are numeroue, without Hot
. Ins . A - aepareto proceeding for every
.block. , Either that or food laapreve-
.. torn up In order to make tho work oon
tinuouo. Such aa Interpretation would
,Im absurd." - .
Aa retard tba benefit to property by
n Improvement, Judge Freaer hold that
the city eounell la tho tr I banal oonatltut
d by th ehartor to dooldo that question.
Tho pro tea tan ta abould have appeared
before It and made a showing oa that
point.. Under tho otroumotaaoao, unloa
they oould ohow that tho aouncll aetod
without juried letlon, or that tho aeae
annt waa fraudulent, a bourt of ooulty
atouM not bo oxpectod to In tarter.
Relative to dlffaront matariala botna;
od. tba oourt aaaortod that the oondl
.tlono mlfht be ouah ao to aoooaoltato It.
U road to Portland betahta, for Instance,
aalaht require fllllna- for A part Of tho
.way, and plnnklna- over ffulchea, wblbt
rook mtaht be blaatad out and form a
wood roadway at other plaoaa. .
; Vndor tha doluatofi that tho hhw of
waeapinv imn, aa not waxor waa amp
Wad Into a bathtub at tho county Jail this
morning, waa tho note mad by a paao-
ln- train. Charloa WaUona, oolorod, an
.Immao nrlaonor, ran and lumped Into tha
-tub Hla foot waa badly aoaldod and
,frfa loa Mltrd half way up tho oalf.
Dr. lloCoraaok, tbo aa latent oounty;
phyalclaa, waa ranaemd, and had oon
Morable dlfBoulty la rvraovlnf the man'a
kna Tk ut mrmm AihiiJ n ha haitl
swollen. It waa bounu up and Wollona
piaood la a oeil where he aould do aim
elf no further dAmaao. -
The Inaana priaonor waa brought to
the eottuty Jalt from the city prison ye.
trdy. When examined ho aaemod al
nt rational and tho iaJler waa ordered
"bo dtocharao him today. Slnoe the bath
tub Incident Under-sheriff Mordea noti
fied the ooUnty court that Wellono haa
(violent attacka He wtU La bald, pending
m further examination.
-f Thoua th mother of Maria MUltr.
t very pretty gin who haa not Quite at-
Of her youth to her marrlag lo Oeorr
lArfleld, aed ft year, who la employed
aa tntvellnr aaleatnaa, she oonaented to
th union rather than risk as elopement
14 re. Millar nooaentln; to the iHuanaa
f a llcena to wed by County Clerk
afield, the two youna; people were anlted
by ClrouH Jtudre Kraaer and are now
nattered In a pretty cottage on Seventh
atreet Chief Circuit Clerk H. C Imlth
and Circuit Clerk Marlon R. Johnson
witnaaaed the eeremony.
That fa th prettiest girl t her seen
tn a long time,1' observed Judge Praser
bttr the fcnppy eouple had departed.
: aafted boah Oaaao
' Alien m iwn nnax sirane.
You don't bear much about lympathy In dentistry. Do you?
People usually speak of dentists aa cruel and calloused to tbo
fin they Inflict That ie because our methods hare not been
tried. We are so confident that we can operate successfully
' without pain tn any instance or under any conditions that !
we ask for a close investigation of our methods. As to the
durability of our work we invite investigation also. , .
Dr. B. E Wright's Dente Offices
't tiHyi Washington Street, Corner Seventh. '
, OSeg Htmt9 A an. to p. to, Sundars, ft a. to, to If..
tmiiniMn rsae. -, PHOKa main tut.
j v w. Basgih QSIto ttooaAoff nUilldtog, Bale,
Three wltaeeaea took tho stand In tho
clroult court before Judge Cleland and a
jury thla morning and pool tl rely Iden
tified C bar lee W. Walton ao the high
wayman who held up a Willamette
Hctghu oar September l and obot Po
liceman Olo Nelaoa. Dramatic eceoe
in court wro tho rule rather than tbo
Uotorman O. A. Blngman waa tho
beat wltnesa so far placed on for th
tat. He stated that when Policeman
Nelson threw up the ourtaln on the front
platform of the oar and told him to stop
be shut off the power and applied the
brakes. Olancmg hank he aaw Walton
holding up Conductor Bmanuel Johnson.
Ha recognised Walton plainly, aa the
handkerchief on the bandU'a face had
aiipped dow under his noae.
"Nelaoa waa ahead and he and t both
rushed by Johnson," oald Blngman. "Nel
son oolllded with the robber and fell oa
tho rear platform, with me on top. They
alld oft the platform and I Jumped on
to both of them. A ohot waa nred en
the rear platform and one oa th ground
at Twenty-eighth atreet, where tho oar
stopped, Johnson foil oared m out and,
picking up Nelson's revolver began boat
Lag tha highwayman oa the head. I
took tho revolver away front him and
also took A revolver away from th
robber. t
Btngmaa said he eaamlaed tha revol
ver be took away from the highwayman.
Two chambers were empty. Kelson's
revolver was fully loaded. At the Good
Bam tl taa hospital tho conductor had A
struggle With the robber on the lawn
and took from hi pocket a pooketknlf
with tho large blade opened, whloh waa
hand ad tha wltneee. .
Conductor J oh neon and Polloaman
Nelson testified exactly aa did Blngman,
oven In' minor details. All three wit
nesses Identified tho hat, ooat and hand
kerchief whloh had been worn by tho
highwayman. The revolvers, oartrldgeo
pooketknlfe and a flask of whisky, two
thirds smpty, were submitted la evi
dence aa exhibits. Nelson showed the
wounds he had received. He said tho re
volver pointed at him looked so' big ho
could see little more than tho muaale,
and A ripple of laughter caused tho bai
liff to rap for order.
"Ia the man that ahot yep la oourt t
asked Deputy District Attorney Mooer.
"There he la," said Nelson, ind loa ting
Walton. .
"Are yog ourof ' , - - -
"Tea, 1 would know him tn a tbou
mod," was the emphatic answer,
, Walton th Man, - -Johnooa
Wis also positive hi hla iden
tification. Bingham ewore that Walton
waa tho man In tho ear with a hand
kerchief on his face, and tho parson
from whom ho took away tho revolver
when they had - reached the ground.
Sergeant Hogeboom told of going to
th hospital after Walton. He found
Ave extra oartrldgea la tbo hip pocket
of tho priaonor, whloh fitted but rer
Attorney t Itayner. asked ,a nunvber
of gueetlono, trying to break down the
testimony, but waa unsuccessful, lie
Inquired . particularly relative to the
speed of the oar, asking If It would not
have boon possible for another person
to bavo boarded tt Just before the hold
up and shooting. Bingham answered In
the negative. Judge Cleland made a
cloee examination of the different ex
hibit la th case.
The room was crowded, a number of
women standing up In rear seats so aa
to get a better view, fevers! men occu
pied th window Bills as seats. Th
trial will be concluded thla afternoon
and tha case aent to tha jury. Wal
ton's trial on the charge of highway
robbery will occupy Monday and Tues
day. .
On tho strength of Information filed
In th circuit oourt by District Attorney
Manning yesterday, charging Elsie
Douglas, Basle Watklns and Mrs, C.
Clark, keepers of disorderly nous, with
operating nlckd-ln-the-slot machlnea,
benoh warrants of arrest were Issued
tble morning by Judge Cleland. Tbo
warrants were served by a sheriff g dep
uty and th defendants admitted to ball
hi the amount of tin each. This is three
times the amount of hall that haa been
required previously In such
citAXMs & rosswins.
(special Dtaitai to Th Jesreel.)
Seattle, Oot. a i. David Roeooe Long,
who asserts ho is a half-brother of
James Long, the wealthy logger of Flor-
no. Waah who died In Providonoe hos
pital last month while In the not of mak
ing hla will, haa showed up la Seattle
and oialms the fortune. James bang
was a resident of Waahlngton for many
years and amassed a feriuae In tha lon
ging bustnosa,
(gperlal Dtopsteh to The Tiisl
Marsh field. Or, Oot. II. While noth
ing definite la known as to tho-lnten
tlona Of tho late reeled, tho mooting
held hero yesterday evening 'between
Paul Mohr, tho Boston railroad promoter.
Kills a Smith. J. D. apreckele, Jr.. and
Manager Aamnel of the gpreokols steam
ship Ilnss la thought to bo eonnootod
with the plan for building a railroad Into
Coos Bay.
Vaul Do Lanor has returned from the
Tonopah and Ooldneld oouatry of Ne
vada and gives some plain feet about
that mioing dlstrlot and th oondlUons
prevailing there. He eaya that It la a
good place for people to euy away
from this winter, and thla advloo oe-
peotally applies to mini ok anaa and
others without mean. , In peaking
along these lines Mr. Pe Laney said:
"Oregon has been tho least affected
by tho wild stories from Ooldneld than
probably any ether otat Only a few
Oregonlans are there. Baker city ie
repreoented by possibly A half doeen and
these are either promoters or men who
nave means and are looking for a ohanee
to make money off of tho nubile nthea
than tho mine.
The people from tha south and mid
dle east and west have especially been
attracted to Nevada. . Western Texas;
along with New Mszloe, Arlsona and tha
Indian Territory are wild over the sto
ries sent out from Nevada. The people,
of thooe planes think It a aoooad Klon
dike. Ohio. Indiana. Colorado and Utah are
aleo sending a largo number of people
to tho eountry. Tba papera of ail or
those state are publishing oolumna
every day about tho oountry and are re
airy creating wonderful excitement
among their people.
Veople vosarmf m.
Tha result Is that a daily average
of about too people Is arriving In Ne
vada. Many of them ar Inexperienced
la mining but hav spent their laat oent
to get there under the theory that ta
past great mining discoveries green
horns' have made tha stake, and they
ar finding upon their arrival that they
have made a serious mistake. -;
"Ooldneld has a population of about
4,100 and only has aooommodatlono for
a third of that number and poor accom
modations at that. There are only a
few wooden bouse at present with rude
accommodations. Th majority of the
places of abode consist of tents and- mud
houosa Water la eoaroe and fuel la
almost beyond th reach of the average
person, seal selllog at for over 9o a
ton and a vory poor grad at that. From
II to la charged for plaoss to sleep
and these ar oot in tents and mud
houses where -people are packed like
sardine, and the ventilation poor. Ktvery
person who can set provision Is run
ning an "eating bouse' and they dleh out
meals for from 10 cents to ll.laV the
best qf which oould be duplloated and
even Improved upon la Portland for II
Qoldfleld la over feet In alti
tude and winter haa already begun there.
While th anow does not get as deep as
might be expected from th fact that It
Is at the entrance wag to Death's des
ert where the heat of summer does not
alve wav until lata Still It Is oold
enough In mid winter, and on aoodunt of
tbo barren nee ot tho oountry and th
poor aoeommodatlonB tho most enthusi
astic promoter of tho place shudder at
tha thouamt ot the results there this
fwlnter. ,
"There la no saworaga, A terrible
stench constantly arises -from tho rear
of tho various wetlng bouser where
gar be re la thrown The general belief
le that Ooldneld will experience an opt
demlo auoh as Tonopah experienced
thro years ago when tho entire town
was praetiosiiy wiped out.
Win Work fag Thetr Board, "
The conditions are already srlooa
Hundred of men ar In QoldfUld offer
ing to work at anything for their board
and lodging, hoping to bridge over until
serin when they expect development
work to begin. Nothing can bo expected
before that time. Ooldneld is M mile
from Tonopah from which point very-
thlng In tho way of building material.
machinery and supplies have to be
hauled la In wagon, it Is Impossible
for tho Tonopah railroad to aupply the
demands of Tonopah, much lees those at
Ooldneld. A railroad Is contemplated
between th two point this win
ter but grading la aU that can
bo Son sine . it i Impossible to
set building materiel into th
oountnr. " There ar nearly 100 ear
loaded with merchandi and supplies
for Tonopah and Ooldneld now on tho
sldetraoke at Sparks, a division point
oa Uy Soutbsrn Pacific railroad near
Reno, and between Reno and Tonopah
there ar over 100 ears loaded and for
which the Tonopah and Ooldneld people
are IbibetleaUy waiting.
-Tons of fruit and other porunaBie
shipments have been dumped from the
ears and are deoaylag by tha aid of the
track., . .
A row OppaSwn. '
'But atlU there are opportunities both
at Ooldneld and Tonopah. Conservstlv
men state that no othr such opportunl
ties ar offered In the world. There 1
enough ore In alght to keep th oamps
going for tlm next throe years and new
discover i as ar being mad every row
daya. Tho Ore llee at the very grass
roots tn the Ooldneld district and la
accessible to all alike.
"It la true that ail of tha eountry
haa been staked out bat thla does not
prevent prospecting. The manner of
prospecting there U peculiar to th dis
trict. One is permitted to proapeet
wherever one please. When a prospe
tor finds a rioh deposit he simply goes
ta. at. a m A auniiaa a laaaa TIia
average prospector then sell his
and goes prospecting egaln. Many pros
pector hav thus toade several thou
sand dollar In a few weeka
'It 1 expected tn the spring that gen-
oral development will begin; that the
railroad between Tonopah and Oold&eld
will be computed and that a great elty
will be bunt there in th desalt. Water
oaa bo secured M aitre away and It Is
expected to bring this across the desert
to the district. In this way all of the
Water that Is needed for manufacturing
and domestic purposes can be secured.
"At present the or la hauled out on
Wagons and shipped by rail from To
nopah. . When It la eonaidorsd rtoh
enough to yield large profits under thee
Conditions, than there Is plausibility in
the theory that when water I secured
and mills are established at Ooldneld the
district win besom eae of the great!
la th world. .
"But the one thing that Should b Im
pressed upon the people Is that they
should remain away from the plaoe until
spring. Those with money cannot as
sure decent quarters there this winter
and stand hut little show te make
money, while those without moans will
have to undergo the severest hardships
and Buffering. The latter la all that Is
now promised the manv without means
who goes te Ooldneld or Tonopah this
S Otoam ff)wp.
There's nothing like doing S thing
thoroughly. Of all the Salve yon ever
heard of, Bwekten's- Arnica Salve Is the
best. It sweeps away and cure Ruma
Snrea, Braleee, Onto, Bnlla, Ulcer, fikla
Kruptioneend Piles. Its only- las a ad la farm tog II aa to the method of pro
guaranteed to give aaUafacttoe , I oedura.
fgpMtel Insseteh to the MereaL)
Pendleton, Or.. Oot tl. The meeting
of the Inland Empire Teachevw' o
a 1st ton closed this morning, with th
election of officer. The offloer are J.
A. Tormay. Bpokana, president; 1 F.
Anderson, Walla Walla; J. M. Martin.
Weiser, and K. B. Conklla, Pendleton,
vlce-preeident; C A. Coleman, Spo
kaiie. corresponding secretary; J. JA
Myers. Walla Walla, treasurer. ;
Preston W. Search epoks thla morn
Ins on "Higher Ideals." S. a Jones, prin
cipal of Walla Walla schools, read A pa
per on the "laflusnoe of Home."
ttpokane will be the next plena of
meeting of the teacher of the Inland
Kmptra Spokane was the only city to
extend an Invitation 'to the associa
tion te meet there and It waa unani
mously accepted.
Laat night Preston w. Peeren lec
tured on "Music In th Fatherland." An
entertaining musical program wag eiao
rendered by local talent . .
(Continued from Page One.)
It Is reported herd on good authority
today that another great battle le immi
nent, and that tho Japaneee are pre
paring to assume the offensive with the
possession of both banks of the Shakhe
river mm their first objective.
Reinforcements and additions! gunai
hav undoubtedly reached Oyama's
forces by this time, although nothing
official has been given out - Should pos
session of the Shakh be obtained .the
advance wUl probably be carried on un
til Japanese oooupeuon oe aauaaen a
assured, '
Thia would mean that the way must
be cleared toward TIellnsi where Kuro-
natkln would be shut oat from aupply
sources, which he can hold ao long aa
he retains Mukden.'
Efforts are ' being put forth for th
gathering of more man, which la taken
as proof that Japan expect the war to
oonunue veil into th winter.
It la authoritatively stated, here that
the mikado haa Issued A call for the
mobilisation, of the firat reserve' as
speedily as possible, and that this eaU
will extend to Japanese who are now In
fore Ian countries. Many of these are fh
America and the Hawaiian Island, and
the Philippines also have A good con
tingent ,..----.-' - . k-:
glows! Win Ohmto the Works
(Jearaal Bseelal gerrtss.)
Rome. Oot tl- A telegram from
Toklo In. the newspaper Italia Mllltalre
report that a bombardment of Port
Arthur haa been en from October It to
ll. inclusive.
Botes report that the Russians nave
placed eolossel mines under tne Lisa
Tl Bhan forts preparatory to destroy
ing them should there be imminent dan
ger of their falling Into the hands of
me Japanese.
(Joarnal fipeeUl gervlea.)
London, Oot II. A message from
Uao Yang says that both side this
mornlna are preparing for another
great battle, which. j 111 undoubtedly de
cide the fate of Mukden.
The Japanese have received Tl guns
from Port Arthur which were too email
to be of use to the besisgers.
The Standard' Ten Tal eoireapovdent
wires: "Kerepatkln appears to be i re-
oar tn a to hold the plain In front of
Mukden. He 1 concentrating troop
and strengthening his defense works la
three lines, one elonn the shakhe river
and tho aeoond along tho Hun river and
the Innermost cloee to Mukden."
The aBxchange Telegraph has n Rom
dUnatch Stating that the Russian am
baseador there has been Inetruoted to
have coal end provisions for ths BalUe
fleet ready in November at Nap lea
. . - BOtjBAxa xa Bzornn "
(fesraal gpe-tal SsrvM.) '
Berlin, Oct It. Frloee en the Bourse
declined today oa a rumor that th
Russian Bleak sea fleet would pass the
Dardanelles and accompany th Baltic
fleet to the far. east There la ho eon
ftrmatory news of the report.
William f. Bavnea. n electrician, fa
confined In Good Samaritan hospital a
th result Of an accident that occurred
a wek ago whll working with ofectrlo
wires In Station C of the General Eleo
trio company. Barnes is In th employ
of tho firm Of Oerrlck, colllne Oer
rlok and waa engaged tn placing a tap
per on an electric wire.
He accidentally touched the wire and
received a severe shock. H was ren
dered enoonscloo and removed to Oood
Samaritan hospital. He 1 gradually re
covering from th shock but will be con
fined for at least els week longer.
Beynee recently came to thla elty from
the east
- .v
Conntle ot the atato desiring te make
an exhibit at th Lewis and Clark fair
should notify dmond C Glltner. di
rector of this department a eoon as
thay determine te mane th display. Th
failure of a number of counties to do
this bad oaueed no little confusion in
the work, , The quoation of space, whloh
Is a very Important one to eaoh Indi
vidual county, cannot be satisfactorily
adjusted uniee th director has notice
of the intention of the oounty to lake
part In the exhibition. Several eountle
af th atate intending to make an exhibit
have failed to notify the authoiitt.
One instance In particular Is that of
Coos county, the space for which display
haa lust seen arranged. The county de
cided te place an eshlblt In the State
building, and committee of foor man
visited Portland to look over the situa
tion. They mada their selection and re
turned hnoiA The director of the work
did not know they had pen 1 town un
til four month later. There ar -other
counties doing likewise, and Mr.'oiltncr
Is preparing - short- aottr to each on
BeUeTtof tt MM areip be Octemd Man
Offvjn to eve Pvee Ti to She Btofe aa4
ASMebeS. t . ..V ... T
,: ;;:v :y-yj,y.
Onrea Patiemto In Vmett Own sreaaes Ksjliisg of antes Awea aa Beakap
rhomghwney Oalisd ta Biasin egini be Bftml Snormg .,.;-,
Mn and Waw Builin nam Braga Osanet Onie,
Mew Tor. Oot II. (Speolal Oorre
apondonoa.) Dr. WUllam Wallace HadV
ley, the enlnent eolentlst and profeeeor
of panopalhy and physlactrlca of this
city, has announoed that he has aban
doned his Urge and lucrative private
practice and wlU hereafter give hla
eervloes free of charge for the treatment
and oure of hronlo ease of dieease
pronounced hopeie by physicians. H
Is quoted as saying that h feels It hla
religious duty to help the elck and af
flicted. Independent of any reward.
This dec l loa, amaslag In this day and
age of money getting madness, Is aU
tho more remarkable When one rem em
be ra thla man'a great reputation aa a
aolantlnd wlaard, and hi phenomenal
success In healing when all others faU.
Tlmea without number he has tafcea
men and women given up to death by
doctors and restored them to Ufo and
health In so short a time end In such a
marvelous manner that he has aroused
widespread wander and admiration
among all classes of people who ere
aware of the facta.
So far no satisfactory explanation haa
bean given of Dr. Hadley's mysterious
control over disease of all kinds and hie
apparent ability to overcome death, -nor
of th means by which he has made the
almost miraculous cure thai atand to
hla credit proclaiming him a healer of
healers. He seems to have A power over
human life and th ill thai attack U
not given to ordinary mortals. He oaree
in the face of ouch apparent impossi
bilities that no on oould be blamed for
thinking" him possessed of supernatural
gifts, although h disclaims anything
more than a knowledge ef the secret of
lite, a peculiar understanding of tho
causes of disease and death, and A com
plete grasp of their prevention and cure.
In cases where physicians, surgeon e and
specialists sbandou hope and - re at
thetr wits ends to kn6w what to do, be
remains calm, oonfldent and masterful,
freeing ths patient of. pain and disease
almost aa easily a be would remove a
stain from a piece of cloth.
Naturally a modest, unassuming man.
With A reputation for never claiming
more than be can do, he yet makes the
startling statement that there la no dis
ease he may not cure, no case so had but
that h ha absolute confidence ia his
ability to restore heslth and strength.
Bvldenco that this is no more then th
literal truth la glvn by one ofbi pa
tients, a Mrs. 1. O. Whitfield of Norfolk,
Vs.. who asserts that he revived the vital
spark In her body, that at the end ot
a long aiege of illness due to A compli
cation of diseases her body felt llfslsss
and doctor said that ths end had oome,
but that Dr. Hadley mad her heart beat
again, and the blood flow through her
veins once more, and warmth return to
her waated body. She naturally looks
upon her. restoration to life and health
as pening understanding. Another In
stance was that of Mra If. Worthlngtoa
of Bgg Harbor, N. J., a woman who bad
been an invalid for II years, many long
month bedridden in hospitals, and who
had been pronounced hopelessly Incur
able, and " given up to death by doe
ton. She was so completely prostrated
from disease-pain and weakness that
h looked like a corps end felt llks
one when Dr. Hadley commenced his
wonderful-method of treatment and res
cued her from the grave. One' ef the
first Indication ef returning life notloed
es th mighty fores controlled by this
clenttno sorcerer permeated her eyiUm
waa the sudden return of normal cir
culation of the blood; then little by
little strength could be seea animating
the wasted frame; gradually eolor re
turned to the pale cheeks and they filled
out; the Umbo rounded end the Whole
body seemed to undergo a transforma
tion until before the eyee of the ex
tremely Interested witnesses the women
stood forth in ail the beauty and perfec
tion of physical and mental health.
Could doctor end pelilts be blamed
for iooklng at Dr, Hadley In amassment
and reverent awT Is It any A wonder
that he le eredltsd with superhuman
power over disease, whatever Its nam
and nature? Preliminary to anothr
aaee, that of Mr. B. 0. Hall of Snowviii.
Va, 10 doctors using drugs, medldnee
and surgery: tried te euro this hopelese
invalid suffering from a dlaeaee long
ooneldered incurable. Tbey failed en
after, the other. The man waa oa the
verge ef death. A pieee of hone, nearly
n Inch long had been out from hla
skull above th eye. Hts agonies were
terrible, and she doctors advised another
operation as th only chance of sav
ing hi Ute. But Dr. hadley took the
oase, said sawing or outtiag into
man'a head was no necessary, put Mr.
Hall nnder hts treatment end remark
able as It may seem ta the face of for
mer failure, the man rose from his
bed and walked about hi llf aaved
and his health and strength restored
most marvelous! y.- Tot these Are only
random Inetaaoee looted front amoag
Tn d fleet el on montrtnar an rmnr 'for
deliberation, la which ha dealt exhaua-
tlvely with every ramification of the
eii It, circuit Judge Preset this morning
SrEJCl'tf FCft.ftLES
tTCnlWOlMISi pveeseWms us lasi i l tolas'
l-toia fono, wall aa ailns, BlaeiUas cm r "OWnHL !
Jar tdrasttraMersssa -17 sylL 1 -
ibm kaul your t
be Veto AS Who
hundreds where Dr. Badley almost mi
raculous power baa made the bonds ef
disss fall away eg tf they were broken
chain and changed the miserable vic
tim of life sapping II Ins late strong
and happy men and women.
Naturally the announcement that a
man of auoh a. wonderful ability to heaL
a man who probably baa had more pa
tlenta than any other doctor in thia elty,
will hereafter give servioe and home
treatment free te all who ask la the
moat sensational and few aanhlaej In
Ite attests, since It gives every one
throughout the eountry. the poor an well
as the rich, an equal opportunity to be
cured by availing themselves of the
transcendent skill, long experience, won
derful power and proven ability to heal
of thle world faawme acientiat And tt
ie the snore rexnarkabto and fswtanate
In view of the undoubted fast tha there
le no disease he may net our.
To eonflrm the facto as toted, an
Interview waa sought with Dr. Hadley
at bis ontoe at Madleon avenue, daring
which the great pathologist said;
Tree, your toformaUon la oerreot. and
I an willing to repeat and prove the
uaMunu that f haws ssarta I am lust
aa ready te ear paralyals, heart die-
ease or Other organic weaansaw wh
noae, eoneumptlon. Bright dleeaee, one
oar. tumor, any drug r Honor habit or
any of the alaa usually proooanoed
incurable, aa I am to euro rheum Mam.
otomeeh trouble, stood disorders, ea
tarrb, or nay ether ill that huaaan fieah
le heir to. I oaa banish pain, renew
the vital energy, restore strength to or
gans broken down by disease, age or ae
otoeat. and make health and bspplnees
take the place of HI men and sorrow."
Thaa nrnn antist havei aBBato 0S BOW
and wonderful discovery unknown to
igsfliosi wssnee
"I have I have discovered the -eret
ef HfA I now know and understand
the cause of dieease, hew it may be pre
vented and cured."
"And these miracles of heeling arda
to thle Usooveryr
"Yea i have dieoarded the woolaos
drugs and medic in commonly pre
scribed by physicians and aae a aye
tern of treatment that ie as much su
perior te modem medical pmetloe as
the son Is to A oaadle. Now that 1 have
perfected It after long years of praeUoe
and experiment, X find that 1 have the
power to sure my patients without their
oomtng to me or my going to them. But
you ar mia taken In calling these cure
miraoia. At least the are not mir
acles In the seme way aa spoken ef in
the BlblA They toay seem Juet en won
derful aad beyond understanding, but
they are. la truth, simply solsntine phe
nomena that demoneirat the great
power ever dleeaee that ban been given
to me to use for my fellow men."
"It 1 eald that you hav abandoned
your private practice and will devote
yourself entirely to that new Us ef
"Ye that H true. Sat I artenS to go
en ourlng any en who to IU of any
dieease they may neve, just aa long ao I
sm able. Rich and poer now .meaee no
difference la my accepting patients. X
have become convinced that aa a Chr la
tum to le my duty to the Oreat Healer
who gave me this power" te nee it to
help the sick end afSleted. wherever
they may be, whoever they are, and
whatever their eirou mate noes. All that
any one need In order to command my
eervloes Is to say that be or a be is In
the grasp ef the demon, dlaeaee. All
that any one who to IU from any eauee,
and who weato to be euroA has to do 1
to write me a letter, ed dressing William
Wallace Hadley, ht D., office 10U A
Madison avenu. New York, telling me
the disease they suffer from moat, their
rrlnoipal symptoms, age find sax, and
am ready and- anxious to eerve them
and send them a course of home treat
ment aaeolutoly free oa e barge." -
"DO yea really mean that any on
who to slek can writ to yew te be
cured without paying yen any money f
oily. X mean Just that. Any
I Am not a mlUlenaire and X ap
preciate the expense it will mean to me
to do thle. but I would not have given
up my private praotiee If X wee net
financially able to give freely ef my
service to all who stand IA need of it.
And, anyway, It la net a guestloa ef
money, but of say duty to humanity aa
I oeo it,"
"But bow about these at a elaUnoet
oaa yon oure them, toot"
"X have already told yea that diets nee
makes no differ nee, X eaa euro thoee
thousande ef mile away Juet ae Quick
ly and Just eg aurely aa these who sail
at my office. And I Am apeoleJ'y anx
ious te sure thoee eases where both doe
torg And drug have failed. I do not
ear now seriously ehroalc or long
standing the disease may be. Indeed,
I prefer these hopelese esses, slnoe they
give me an eppertaalty to demonetrate
beyond doubt that there le fie fisaas
X sear not oure." . . . -
decided agefnat X. t Hansen and ether
In their notion to have the Institution
of the Saaitartum compear at Mount
Tabor eendemaed a a nuisance.
The oourt reviewed the testimony J
both sidss te the controversy m detail;
end It enowed, be asserted, that many
ef tha act eomptoined ef had taken
plaoe prior to the Arrival of Dr. House
at the laeUtutloa Persistans and at
tendants had awors that the institution
had mors nurses end employee In pro
portion thAn almost nay ether similar
Judge irreeer apraaai the iptaaen
that fear fine to the arrival of insane
patlsnts from Alaska had oaueed the
resident to magnify their cause of
grtevanca - As regards the allegation
of the depreciation la the valuaUog of
On Monday and Thursday
evenings from T to I o'clock.
TIHT10N, 3 Mom 110.00 1
Thia class Is in charge of
Mr. X. M. Walker and Mr.
JL W. Bonis. Mr. Walker
waa a student of tha noted
peexnen, Betwaaantier, 8cho
field ft WiiUama Mr. Ennia
haa bean - card - writer at
Meier ft Frank's for tha past
four years.'
Through tha kindness of
tha Y. M. C A., day and
night school ia being held
aa usual at tha association
building. Fourth and
. Yamhill streets, telephone
Main M. . ; ,
BetAbltsbed ta Us. Open all th year.
Private or class in struct loa. Thoveande
of graduates in poaltlone; opportunities
rtnMtantl eoevrflnm It nay to attend
our school. Catalogue, apocimoaa eta
tlin Military Acavdcmy
Mitun, ekxAOK.
A arlvate seereinf aad day
emeaL Haaeal trahdsg. wltf.
buy CUHflpUae. selleie Pfteara.
nee. Sera ef ear ate adailtted
etaay Uaa PAU TAkM MOW.
cut this our "
td bmU ta Dr. J. V. Bltt. Ml
I hats .... boy, weent 1 tut ta asad W a
nnaty meei. tmw area ar ...............
Pteaae asad a arleea aad teraw: aha ahwWat
seeriptiv mtaiagee ef year aak
(Kama) .,.........
Study Something
This wtntor Improve your eondltlon by
learning te '
Ing to write a atrong, praotioat ua-
indivieuai training
as Bxsn STBuga
aomOOL Of KtraiO. lashulla eletatl
lanarua a-, aaa! aMS.ulP 1 1 ie fas TbJ deDSrtiaS
are aDCtr ict inan-oeiora, wno esva wmn
taelr ilrej Is UMlr sarticalar werk and are at
ia stwt hm
reuaa. ltnOJoa
tnta. beardlna
dVpartmentt Oollft aad TwelfU. lW prP
Buy a apiendM Plane from ae now,
payments of l per month. We bavo.
some that are mere expensive and stilt
others for less monsy stxteee different
makes altogether. Including the great
Btoiawar. Bate?, A. B. Chaee and many
ether well-fcnewm makee toe nnmereae
to menuoa. If fom are intending to
purchase a thoroughly reliable instru
ment yon. will do wen Co visit oof store.
and we easur you oourtooae treatment, .
fair and honest dealing and the best
poealbie values for the money invested.
We else have several eptolal enepe la
need ptoses) both In upright and
gi-aaaA See them " it to wort, your
whlto, - -
Scule Bros. Piano Co.
. 37hi and $74 Morrlsoa Street '
'" eoiuaas yiit paiul.
property, lade Fraeer aid hot think
It i us talked by the vldenea
... a. a In. ,
' " " -i i
' ftonlal Ptaaatek te Tee mt.
Pendleton, Or., Oat. is, Sertnenp
ewager, a farmer, was hilled by a
train near Meacham laat night. JDe toils
of the acetdent ere hot known.
IeVn1 rmv- g f -a ar gi