The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Image 16

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"' I WELL WHEW Mr.Two.Face came round next dr n malw
httpT aervemeupfoc wkft .f Jdj
forwrcr Of cow I didn't ilp much wui -pent moat of the cughi trying
to figure out aeane.way to eacap. .vu'iV-
mriiBWDVDCn mi! with ma tied to k that rh
to awed to puU up tee water. -1 need a btde tWr to.dOW Tw
Face. "Bring me my gooet P Sn 1 got the goo and ht tot on
to tahk a4 k tola
" . v-WELL SIR, TOU wouldn't beBew k tanto wi ii.
ootoT N,ml Tact gootc laid goldto ee faat the table wouldn't
(told 'cm all. Thaw m etrotk me. I tod the captain to ton ,
thai gooee and torn tggt, ill eoufctaltfcflg ! "I
W 'cm.
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j 4, fit... , -. if- r-f - ' r - Ifc- ' ' ( , . .
Icn tPARpn ft W f the cm and dropped cm ttraigV :
torn into tttKarttbe fool thc tr.r Befort the .int knew wa
had happened every egg had antiKcd "Lookeel lookeel I hooted
Son3Uitole7.W VVben he recovered from the ihock ha
wu runout ;
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a a iirll TX - - J all Jiwfc
- fit Tf AO WIL.1WII ra, ww T
. . . . t r I .La Hlu hiJw kaa II I
tooiUBf tor tne toicr wno couM mvr wm ; -f ,T v W1
.. A aoon aa he went OBI I grabbed the goota, chocked K m thepail and em
; cred it out the tower window. . TW eaptaiawu hetow a the.eubman-C
tod I gucat he vac pusaUd.
dMCaatU , '.. 1 H
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i I MOTtOHED TO haw to gt 'the goota. hata ehaa I haaea)
a noM behind wm. and that waa the ftaat aaakMg a rwah -ror mc ' LwoV
0y, the rope m tied iaaide M k ea-itd not hi Ttoat ea. tad in ahaaa aw
)iea I hnawad caw aha.aMndov.iedju.awd did aato Jtn tne at ehyaanat
'i'.'tf-:-.'-':!-!-:'-"!''; .. iff i'-'..ii
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' ' BUT I WAS TOO htttgam. Before 1 got neaf enough to tht
f- ayator to nA dropping into it I ett fnyaeff being draam p again, and knew -that
the giant waa pulling up the rope 1 duntped the gpoK out" of tht j '
, pai wto the water and holiertd to tnt captain to cech k, lor it laid goldea
- .' -- ,. . r ; '
1 y a - . '
THEN COULD hear ttM.rhweroaw roc w that giant kx,
lU me. . TA about Win mad I C Wdl he wwi weaha thatl ,
thought hit pannxatPuW thalw thtiaatW.4ow ,
,r , f TMEfl HE SNATQSDitoM cd tme,luid mc k the winftow;
.- , t rnrrw mi on the I oar and waa bout to era mc when he teemed to think , '
I bettrr of k again and threw mc bee hi tht oungeon. If I aver gat out of ' ' '
thie Iwrrihk caatie ahrc I wH teU yon itm real of the atorp.' ; -