The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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bstt vonon.
fflTT B0T1UE8.
BdiTBThta ttTltaWBEJPX.
num tnu.
" Ptottot II heresy 0ree) thatet tbs MMtlig
! Of UwObcU ( the Clt af Krttond, Oregon.
held M th day tf -Oewbw, ItM. UM
following rasluttoa WW adapted;
l Tlsolv4V Thai the Oouncfl t th ai f
PvUsttf. Oregua, aVenu ll expedient and pre-
CeS ( llDlrvV IffMlMMk atrset trow IT
t seurh ef the north Hue ef Bllasbetfc ilnt
f ths km Ut curb tin of bum HnH ! tiM
toUowlAg umtr, to-wit:
flniBr cradlM tb Styest ftU Wtttb Wttg
full totftttoa to tb nm gsh-sraA, W
SaeWaCSy MDctuTawfiw af th Mrwt
fug width, with full toteraestUsA to l4
Bskc4 grad with widia
Thlrd-raV euMtriwUuf rttfttal MM tJA.
walk la Mdansn wjlk Um Oitp ffngtoter't
(Una, enHnetluB and estlmatee.
eYurth By ooostraettng wUfi. iml at tertoj
la eeordanes with tba Plgr atogltttf'4 rUtM.
PlMClflcaUOM and MtlflUtM. ,
Ilfth Br onaatructlog ttoaa gwttar,
14 tanproreaMat to pe made In wwrtoM
lth the charter and ordinaire of tit Oil of
", Portland and tit plew, epeeJfUltos and tatl
w.te ft tb City stoglnssr, filedTa the
. office aT th Auditor of th an of iwtiend
mi Um 8dday of Ootooar, tnum4t
"1ty Enjrtneer't plui IMl pcl fleet loss for
: the fjuseoretaeiit. of Seventeenth street from
. IT feet south of the north Un of RHaabath
ww Aa d smsu rvo una in iuivm aum
an ths astlmatt ef the work to h 4am M
tb prvtobu toUl oM tbrof."
th4 co pf ul lDprTftntnt t W td
U Wb ikrUN to b all lb Iota, part ot
feu and Hmk of Uni lrtna betwaca a Una
100 faC waaurly froai and Panllal wtk lb.
ftarlr Um Of arantaaBUr atraat Ml a Up
, lw itt aaaiarii rraa ana p"iwi win w
Mt Uu u iHtHiith tract and ha
twaan tha MfS IIm oC EUaabatk atraat and
touts llaa ft OliftM atfa. ,
m Knclaarr'a aatluto ff tha hmbabla total
nat tortha IngrcTaaaA; 4( hU haraatoanth
uaat la M.M0.M. . ,
flu WtM ! fnit hi hi ha alaaaad aa a
natadaai Imstotaaiant jMt ahaU-ba mainUliiad
to tba thj fcr wtod w yaara. wldM
that tha aWMra a a majority ot tha propertr
hrnantea or aau mprarfman or w pa-uuai
thaMor ahall not MMtlaa for a naw or diftarant
ImuryaotaBt hafor tba axplratkM, f a
. TbapUna, apaHfitatlMM d aattmata jt tba
fltv Btwlaaar tor tha iBprarmni a
Uaolnd, That tha Aurtltor of tha City of
TortlaM b and ha H mtcdt nraciaq m sin
Atfca af (h Bropoaad lmprMamant at aald
tn aa wnrlLiI hv tha eltv dhartar.
Ilaahoaa trance anlaM tha abow laprova
, au-at mar ha filed ta arrltl&f with tha oMar
load wlthla Ki daja from tha data f tha
nrat MDiicatioa oc inn now.
TU08. O. MTUH. .
AadJbw of tha Cltr of PorttohaV
Partted. Oracoa. OttoHr U. 1M.
j AYXhnrB. : ;
Itottoa harowy flvjn that at tha BMrtnf
af hWoooneU of tha City of Portland. fron.
halaT on tba 19th day af Ortobar, UMa. to fol
Ivwtni raaotatkm waa adopted:
ILtaolTad, That tha Ooattell of to City of
Portland. Oratoo. daonw It -annadhMt ahd
- poana to Improva Portimoath iiimm iron taa
north Uaa af WlUuaatta hawkmrd o to
': aonS Una of Hanu attaaC la tha follmrla
Mp1rt&-By nradtof tha atraat ton width with
fall Intarawtlona to, tha mda H ftran by
ftWond By conatiwHtnc wodaa aldawnlka.
' Ilr4l Br aooatrurtlnr troaawalka.
Paarth By oonatrMtlni' box nttara.
Bald Impromnaat to ba ma da la acoordane
with tha charter and ordlnanraa of tha City
af Portland and tba nla&a. apadhVatloa and
aattautaa af tha City Bnrlaaer llad In tba
fnaa of tha Auditor af (oa City of Portland
nn tha 4th da of (Mnbar. 1904. Indoraed:
"City Knalnaar'a plana and apaclflcattona for tha
Unpfovamant or rorramonui fTtno iron ina
Kth Una of Wnianutta boolanrd. to tha aontb
i ot lloat atraat and tha aatlnatoa of tba
work to ba dwa and tha ptobabln total aaat
Tha coat af htlh topeoratoant to ba aaaaaaad
aa nroTldad by tha city ehartar upon toa prop-
arty apaclally and pcraiiariy panaaiva uarany
nad which U barahy dX-Urad to be all tha lota.
Krtt of lota aud parcel af land lylnc batwean
a narth 11m of Rouahtoa atraat and tba aooth
Una ot htonto atraat and betwaan a Una 100
- faot waat of and parallel with tba weat Una of
arrhFnnBtBMktl ttl nnH and a Una 100 faat aaat of
A and parallal with tha aaat Una of Porta month
' areaaa; alao all tha Vsu, pmrta af lata and
par aria or MM lyinf Patwaan m noria nq
af WlUawtta bonUTBrd and tba aooth Una of
Dawaoa atraat and hatwaaa a Una 00 faat
wrat of and parallal with tha waat Una f
Portaataath aranua ana a una iw taax aau oc
and parallal with tba aaat Una of Portanwath
anna; and alao tba aaatarly aaa half of
blocka M and M and tha waotarfy ana half of
- blooka r and If, Portamoath .vuu aatanaao.
Tha Bnftaaar'a aatinuta of tha probabla total
coat for the Iraproremaat af aald PortaaMatb
avfnna la ,4M 00. , ,
Tha pUna, aparlBcattoam and aatlnwtaa f tha
City CnKlnaar for tha tmptwmant af aaU
Porta aaouth aanaa af bar any awoptad.
BaoWd, That tha Aadltor of tha City of
Portland ba and ba la haraby dliwctad to !
aotlc of lha propaaad improTeipant af raid
aa pol(ftd by tba dty ehartar.
Itotoooatrapoa acalnat tha. a bora lnprareinant
Bay ba QM In writing witb tha nndaralcnad
within to daya froni tha data af tha Aral pub.
Ucalion of tbla nottoa. .
By ardar at tba Ckje".M .
Aadltor af tha Clt y of farUaad,
OrogoB, Oatabar M, Mod.
'nopoaxo norornfxifT or tuinatoaais
Natto la barahy tivan that at fha Mating
af fha Council of tha City of Portland. Oregon,
(heldoa tha lth day of October, 180. tha ful
'lcwUc raaohitlon waa adopted:
Raaolrad, That tha Council of rb City af
, Portland, Oreron, drama It aipadlatit and pro
noaaa to tawaaaa Hawthorn emu from It
ifaal waat of tba aaat line of Beat Third atraat
to the etat Una af Beat Blavaath atraat la
the following manner, to -wit:
Plrat By eonatrwrttnr arrtgctol atd.
walka In accordanoa with tha City awalnaat'l
Diana. BDaclflcatlona and aatlmataa.
SaeonaV-By conatrurttng artlfleUI atoa
Third By conatraatlna aroaawalka
Bald Inproraniaat to ha nuda In aeordanea
with the charter and ordinance of tha City
of Portland and tho plana. aprclAcatloua and
attpaet or tn nty Eng-maer nied in rue or
ca or the Auditor of th city of Porttond a
tha 10th day of October. WH, ladoreed; T'C1ty
Bnainear'a plana and apFclgcatloaa for the ln
proeat if Hawthorne apnua from 13 feet
weat of tha aaat Una of Eaat Third atraat 'to tha
aaat Una of Beat Eleventh atraat and tba eatl
nut of the work to b daa aid tba crohabl
Biatea of the work
total coat thereof.'
Ota I coat theraor." '
The cnat of aald Imnfoaeaseat to ba aaaaaafd
1ded by tha city mrr apoa tba nrvp-
arlf aperlally and preullarly haneOted hherpby
and which la hereby deeUreq to bf aU Uw lota,
norm thereof and parcela of land lying between
n Una 100 teat aontb of and parallel with tha
aontb Hoe of Hawthorne tTanu and a Uua
200 feet north of and parallel with the north
line of Hawthorn arenne and batwoan tha at
Una of Baat Third atreet and a Una 100 fee
aaat of and parallal with tba aaat line af Beat
leth atreet.
Tha Engineer' aettmato of Ina probabla total
mat for the Improvamaat af . aald Hawthorn
Team la ts.iso.00.
Tba plana, apectaeallona and eatlmate of the
City Enrlneer for tba - Improvement at aald
Hawthorne avenue are hereby adopted.
Rewired, That the Auditor of the City f
Portland b and ba la hereby directed ta air
aottr f the propoaad Improvmeot of aald
icbui aa nrovtded hv tha cite phartar.
BeatenafraiKee agalnat the a bora lnprtreeaMntH
mat Pa Bled in writing with taa nnderalfned
within 10 day from the data of too ftrat pub
lication of tbla notice. V- '
B arder ef the Council-
Aadltor of the City of Portland,
' Part land. Oreaoa, October XM, lto.
PBtrodZD wpMviifEitT pr wzluami
' ATXirOB.
- Notlc m barahy given that at tha meeting
of tba Oeunall of the City of Portland. Oregon,
arid an the 10th day at October, 1004. th
foUewIng ffceojnttoa waa adopted:
Raaolved. That tha Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, define It expedient and pro
peea to nnprov WUlleme aenu fmm tba
north Una of MeMlllea atraat to tba aooth lino
af Alberta atreet, aan and except that portion
af aald Wtlllama avenue lying between a Una
Td faat north at tba north Una of Cherry
atraat and' a Up 100 feet aontb af th aontb
Haa of Broadway, to tha following manner,
to wit
rtrat By gradtnj Mm atraat full width with
fall tntertectlon to tha prnpar uh-gada, a
abown by tha eta he ant by tba City Engineer.
' Heaad By onatrujetlng arajflcial atoa
Tblrd By aaanlraattog atoaa) hloek haa aura,
double row.
. Pourtb Bp tavtng tft.
fifth By hrlutng th rirrfac of f etreet
fnTl width with full tataraartloa to grade with
italltble navrment. except that portion of
paid threat orrfipted" by tha atraat railway
aonwany m a right of way, which pnrlloa of
paid atraat aha 11 lie Improved hy replacing the
raihj now la wa with grooved ralla not lea
than eaten Inch In depth, paving the apace
betwaan th ralla and fW a dlatanc of on
foot oataUn of th raid ralla with atone blocka
Bat a a cm orate foandattnn and krouted with
r stent mortar, tha aoncrat under ta rails
and tint atone blnrba to ha at leaet Mi toahea
In death and tha eamalnln nortlnna at th aald
i Malt at .way tg t Iki proved with MWUtato
' id lajpfovmant to to mad to aaaardanta
with th rharter and orfllnenrea of tba City of
. Portland tnd tha plana, paclfleattona and aatl
. ma taa of the City Bin filed l the offlaa
Of tba Auditor of th Cltr af rsMhtnd aa lb
' Itth day ef Or toner, lffd, IndorW: "City
Itogtoaar'a atoaa a4 to'taHaaa gar mm m
wtwit or WUlUma t frsaa tha aarth
Una af KMlUaa atraad to tha aumthlua 3
Ataarta auaat aad ta aatlmtaa of tba work
la ba doo and tba aotabla uul aeat tbraof.71
Too ooat of aU laipraravwat ta ba imniil
aa povldflf hf fha ittf rhartar npna
art au-clallT and amUailv haoafltad
aad whiah hi
aaaiaraa w aa an ua ma, aar ta
f lata and
aaroata land vlaa hatwaaa
100 faat aaatarlr frun and aarmlW with
lha aaawl Utta af wuiuuu vaoa
Una IM faat waatarl from and par alia
tha waatartr Baa af WILltaota ivanua tnd ha
tWMn .tha apth jlna at AlUrt wttmi had hha
aavta una at Miiwra avaai.
Tba hUaaTf aatlaata af tip hrahahla fatal
Tba abort tvurafaatanl to a atoaaad an a
MulltUc MTant, and. ahatl lw nMlatatnJ
ny ina ar rar a panan oc
mat im tm
banafltad b
tharauf aha
lawwakrt hnfaaa Im ajMraUatj
Tha ttoaa, apart fieaUoan and aatlaataa af
fha Ot Stirlnaar for tha iniprawaaiaa' Mid
w numna pnu af a tDran lamai.
ftMolwd. Tliat
r of tba
CHr af
rVtlaud ha and M haMbr diractad to glra
notif pt tba wapaaad lininaaaniaut af
TMiitta aa amrldad bj tba tj ehartar,
Kanionatniicaa aratoat tha atmva tnma
ant may ba Hkd In wrlUnf with tbattnda'
icnad witkln 10 dart fron thn data Htm
Oral fiAllMUon aT IfaU naftot.
aw nvajaT aa yn coaimii v
Notice la hereby at ran that at
af tha (lannJ af tki (nil d hvt
held oa tha ltth dW 4f Actobar.
followlar raaelatloa waa adoaiad:
aoiod.3'oat toe flauaell oY tha aty ff
Portland, Oregon, daaaaa 1 ainedlaat and pea.
poaae w eooatrugi a eewar af rttrinag aawar
ndveUw .irViyUS
atraM from 10 feet either lb pWU Una
of bloafea tl and M. 8tf? iuHnaT to Jt&e
aawar to Morrla atreet at pelt atraat. Bald
ewer to ha eon true ted with all naceaaary
eatch-baalna. man-bolaa, lamp-holaa and
brancbaa, and to be of th following Mma
alona: Of eight toehea clear tnatda dUnteUr
from point la Borthwlck atraat 190 feat
north af the eewth Una of block II and St.
CentraJ Alblna, to a point In Bortbwtck. atraat
where alley running through black a. Braerrlew
addition, lataraeeta aald Borthwlck atreet;
thenca of 10 tachaa clear Inalda dlanvrter along
alley egtowUag Uirough blok , Uvarvlaw
addition, (4 la Alblna avanu to paint la
Alblna avau at Cook avenue; tbanr at 13
tncUaa claar Inalda dlamatar tbroajh cok a'H
au to point t Cwk gvanoa at Htchtgan
BTcnn: thanca of 14 Inchaa eleer laalda diam
eter from a point to Cook arena at hUehlgaa
avenue along Cook avenue and Delay atraat
to a eoauecttoa With the aewer la Morrla atreet.
Bald aewer to ba eonatrncted la accordance
with taa charter and ordinance af th otty of
I'ortlaed and the plana, apecltlcatloua and oa ti
me tea af th aty Bngtnaer, filed la th affloa
of tha Aadltor of the ihty ef Portmnd oa tha
17th any of Ootobar, 104, lutoraad: "City Bn
glnaer'a plana and apeelflcallooa for aawar
la BJvrrvlrW addition and Bortbwtck atraat-
at al. treta frum 1M feat north ot tba aooth
line af blocka 81 and SB. to newer In htorrla
treat, and th ea Hum tee af th work to ba
dona and the Probable total ooat thereof. ,r
The aald -aewer to b coutmeted for the
noea af eewarine and dralnlna all tha
aalta thereof and parcel of land lying Within
the dlatrlct V-undad aud deacrlbad aa faHowa:
naginoing at n pout in taa aat Mat of
Demy atreet loo raet northerly from the north
Una of Morrla atreet; thenc. eaatarly along tha
to a Bulnt 100 faat' aaatarlr from and naeallai
With the cnetrrly Una of Delay atreet: (bope
norueriy nioog a ua iw reet auteai rrota
and annual with the aaat Una of Delay atreet
to a point 100 teat dUttnt in rootaaguUr
mcasoxr'isent from tha eontbeeaterlr Hue at
Oook arena thanca north easterly along 8 Una
100 feet dlatant from and' parallal wttk tha
aoutheaeterly Una ot Cook annua ta a point
la tha center Una of hUaalaalppI avenue thenca
north along tba Muter Una. of Mlaeleelpp! are.
una to a nolnt 80 feat In recto nan I ar maaaura-
mant ulatgnt from th eoutheaaterljL line of Oook
f Tenu: theue nortbaaatcrly alonr a Hna Par
allal With the eoatbeaetarly Una of Oook avanu
to tha later Motion with th aaat una ox lot o.
block 5. Blvufvtvw addition; thenc northerly
SI point In tba canter Una of Oook avenue;
ansa aaatarlr alone tba center line af Cook
avoaae to a nolnt 106 feet weat of the weat
Una ef Commercial atraat; thenc northerly 100
!ec aiaiani irom ana parauoi wiu ua aaaieriy
Una of Commercial atreet to the north 11 o f
Blvervlew addition: than w eater It aiaua tba
north una or Kiremew aaaiuon c a point
100 feet aaatarlr from the aaatarlr Una ef
Kerby atraat aa told eat n Klverrlew addition;
thenea nortberlr alona a Hna 100 faat eaaterlr
from and parallel with tba aaeterly Una af
Kerbr atraat aa laid out la Blvervlew addition
ta tha aouth Una ot Central Alblna: thanca want
erlr along the aooth Una of Central Alblna -to
th center Uaa of allay running tbranau ulook
38. central AlMna: tnenc oortneriy along
the center Una of aald alley to a point BOO feat
eoutherly from tba aouth line of Beech atreet;
thenc westerly along a Hna 900 feet southerly
from and parallal with tba nuuth Ua of Beech
treet to tha canter Una of Alblna arapua;
thenca eeetearly aVj the oantaf Una of Al
blna avenue to tha center Una af Fremont
a (Mat: thanca weeterlr a lone: tha canter Una
at Premoot atreet to the center Una of allay
rnanlng through block 8. CoohA addition t thane
aoutherly along the canter Una of allay
through blocka 8 and 8, Cook a addition, to
the center Un ef Oook avenue; thanca aouth-
weeterly oa a Una between lata I and 4,
block 18, Cook 'a addition, to a point
an nth waat erlr of the aoutbweatarlr Una
avenue; thane aouueaateriy along a una BO
feet dlatant aouth wee tar It from and parallal
with toe aw, ta wee terry ire ar caa arena
to tha eon tb waat corner ot lot a. black 18.
Canh'e addition: thenca eaaterlr a lona tba
aaaUarll Una of late W. 11, 1 IS and la.
block Id. Oook'a addition. 18 the weat Una of
mt 18. blato IM, Oeok'a addlttoni thenae eeuth-
erlr along tba watt Una of lota 18, 18 and
to" MocF li CooV'a addition, to a nolnt at
tht nauttwaat aarnar af lot 80, Math IdVOnok1
addlllon: thenc aaeterly along the aouUwrly
Un of tot 30. -block id. Cook' addlttoa, to tba
center Una of Delay atraat: thanca aoutherly
alonar the center tin of Delay atreet to a
unlni liio feat northerlr from tba north Hna
of Morrtu atraat: thenca easterly mi a Una 100
mat of aald aewer to h aaaimid aa nro-
rlded hr th cltr charter upon tha property
apeciatbr and paculiarty benefited thereby and
wnica la nereoy oeciareo; is no iu in auia,
par (a thereof and parcela of land lytng wlthla
th auatriet aareuDeiore , paaaata ana
PaHuMtt f m pvphahto total
MllprttoB f HUd gtwut 18
aaat of th
Tba nl;
awartncarlnaa and" aattmahna af
tba ettf
glneeff for h apwJtk g) ml
Beiofvad. That W Auditor Of fha OHy of
Pfrtlaad e and he hj haraby directed to giro
natiap at tn proposal eeatirucTion a bum
orwnt. ha provided by tha city char tar.
njanyinatranrM againat ta a now aewer ntay
filed to wrfttnn with th anaaratgned within
a6 dags nm ut data of tha flrat nafeUaattoa
tor aroat af the fWtnrU. . . : 1
tnua. v. nav r.
Auditor of tha city af rwuhiad.
Portland. Oregon. Bt Inter
r B8, ipoa.
Notice to herehr alveo that tha ftoaarfl af
tha Cltr at Port land. Oreaoa. at a meeting
held oa tha 18tb day of October, 18Q4, uacwred
the aaaeaamcat by ordinance no. la tor, rar in
Improreuient of 8llwuo4 atraat, from tba aaat
Un of William avenue to tn weat Una of
'Dion a venue. In tn manner provided hy. Or
dinance No, 18.788. upon each tot, part af tot
and parcel of land, which ar apeclaUy i
pecallarly benefited, to be aa foflowa. Via:
ALBINA BLOCK M, weat 100 feet of tot 38,
Uerman Evangelical Lather an Cbtirch, faT.paj
east 38 feet ef tot German EvangaUoal
Lutbaraa Cbnrrh, lil KS; lot SB. John ft and
Plora B. McirwlTH JIB M; aoath 109 feet
ot lot 88, Benjamin P. Bteraaa, 8tt fc; aouth
I'M) faat of lot 12. Mettle A. North, 8n0 10t
aonth 100 feet af tot 81, William Hagreaehaa,
Sa.87; aouth 100 feet of lot 80. Amanda
erabmar. 1 103. 78: meat SO feat of aonth 100
Set of tot 18. C. lundstadt. 81.34: aaat
feat af aouth 100 faat of tot 13, fames
etoraftald. 1 04: waat 80 faat of.aou0
1O0 feet Of lit it, aajpaa Barumid, 880.88;
aaat 80 feet of aouth 100 feat of tot 18.
Tbotnaa DrMou, ISotm; aoath 100 faat of
tot IT, Thom a Dobaoa. 881.34; weat 40 feet
a tot IS. Mary O. MultVr. glAM; went 40
feet of tot 14. Ifarr 0. Mnf. 847-8i north
43 feet of aet 88 fiat of tot 18, Bugune
M Oraraa, 838.83: aouth 8 feat of aaat 80
feat of tot 18, Stella B. nttengef. 8. 48;
at 88 toef of tot 14, Btolla B. Plttongar.
fl(a . BIXH'K 18, lot 86, loha I. D.
Bdgerto. fl08.L lot 88, John j. D. Adgar .
ton. 844 33; weat 18 tret of Vmth 108 feat
of tot 38. John J. D. Edgar too. 830. 4tl aaat
86 Net of aouth 100 foot of tot 34, O, M.
Wrataett. aaU TBI aonth MB root af tot 88.
Oaarg Bart lng, 8 1 21 Id; aouth 108 tot ef lot
tl. Aloya Haroto, 818JI.88I outb ll. feet
100 feet af tot 18. Jbha A. Raan, fill. 85;
nnuth Idf faat of tot it. 3. H. Buck. 4ia4,a4t
P. Raaft. 8166.81: wet 1"0 feet af lot
LilUe T. Huma. 813.08: aaat 8ft ftret of
ptehrtra of . 848 . 08 ; aorth 100 fcat of tot
a! Vununfflagf' mwBBBB "" Bafrtfc aWu) PMubV- gto
a Bat. 861. M: aarth 108
f. LudaT CUrk. 8B1 Bt; aarth 100 fa
arguret A, feteraoa. 861-M; north
100 faat
T lot 8. .MarnrotA, raroa.
80. 46; north
orth 100 faat or nniu.
Van V&et. 9114 W: north 100 teat 7 lot 4.
Carry Holm, 8UT.A; north 100 faat af lot f.
iZZL HinT.;. TlSO.88: north 100 feet of
UCV Peter A- Patereuu. li,ti north 1
- feat af lot 8. Mary franeea Ughtaaa. jlto.tft;
orth 100 fact of tot 10. Charles and tslna
Anderaa. 1M18 wejt V M ft to 18.
Total. 8. 108.84.
a utaiu.t ml a roe int Id aaaaaauaant ha been
nteraf la th Docket f CUy Lien, and la
now da and parable at th efflce ef th cnty
raaaurer, in lawful money af th Unit ad
lata, and If not paid wlthla 80 daya from
tba data of tola node, auah proceeding will
he mka tor tha collection of the unu aa ar
provided sy taa caarrer m ina tr oi rnriian.
nhiwnaaiaar-nt will latoreat U
dan a flat tha llrat auallcattoa of thia neUoa,
mya anar an "TrHoa. o, pVl-N.
Auditor af the Cftf of Portland.
Portland, DVagoa, Oetobar af. 180.
roB nmtoTXatijrr .. or
weea to bafky ! fltancH af
tha City at rWTUnd. Oregon, at a meeting
acid aa tha ltth day of Octohar, 1804. declared
tha aaaaaamant by ordlaauee No. 14.280. for th
Improremaat of cuckainaa axreet, rrom fM
aaat ana or wat iwmifiwii "wi v
th wiat Un of Beat Twenty -eighth atraat,
to tha maaaar aroridad by ordinance No. 18, MI.
w. mm - Cllnwa. via:
PIBjSt ADnmoi to holla daTpabk a
flttpn, raruaoa, vnrajusi dw ai. aauia
00 feet lot 10. Tba Tltla Ouaraataa k Truat
Coatpaay. tAl 8; uoatb 100 feat lot 8. Tba
TIC la Oaarautaa. dk Truat Company, WM:
aouth 100 feat tot 8. Tba Title U Oar an be A
Knit Compaay. 888 48; aoath 100 faat lot 7.
Tha Title Ouarant' Truat CVwpany,
gPT.88; aoath -100 feat lot 4, Tba Title Quar.
antaa Truat Oomnany, 887.88; aouth 100 feet
tot 8. Tha Title Ouaraat A Truat " O ta
ken y? 857.88; aoath 100 feet tot 4. Tha Title
BueraDU A Truat Company, SSr.87: aooth
100 fet tot 8. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat
Company, BM-uf; aoath 100 faat lot S. Tha
Tltla Ouaranto Truat Company, 884.43;
BouU 100 faat lot 1. Tha Tit la Guarantee A
Trust Company, J113-14. BLOCK 33, aooth
100 feat lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Truat
Company, 81 18.44; aouth 100 feet lot 8. Th
Title Guarantee A Truet Company. 884.60:
tenth 100 faatlpt 8, Th Title Ouaraato A
.Truat Company. 880. IT; aoath 100 feet lot f.
The Title Gear an taa A Truat Company,
80.88; aouth 100 faat lot 8, Tha Title Guar
antee Truat company, pau.iv; sootn io
feet tot 8. Tho Title Ouaraataa A Truat Ooov
100 faat let 8. Tba Tltla Ouaraat A Truat
Company, 11 tf; aouth 100 feet tot 8, Th
Tltl Guarantaa A Truat Company, 843.69;
aoutl 100 feat lot 1. Tha Title Onarant A
Truat Compaay. 84 TP. BLOCK 30. lot it.
Th Title Oaaraate A Truat Oaeapaay,
18.84: tot 13.-Th Till auara&ta A Truat
jany, 84108; tot Ik. Ta Tltla onarantae
MOpany, gw.Hi tot . Thar ntie
A Truat Ooaoau. 88.88; tot It.
Tba .Tltl Ouarante A ' Truat Oompany.
8J0.iT; tot 16. Tba Title Onaranto A Treat
Company, mo w; m U. Tha tim Bjmrantaa
A Truat Oompany, bsb.ii; Mf
Guarantee a Truat Cot
a A Truat Oamaany.
iw isv uuaiaum m nuti wmpvi
fTT.BOt tot 80. Tb ptta dhuranto A Truei
Company, 8)18.88, BLOCK 10. lot 11. Tha
-Tltla Guarantee A Truat Company, fll4.8S
tot 13, Th Tltla Ouaraato A Truat Oonv
IH.bti lot IS. Tn nu vnaran a
Ceanaay. 888.88: tot 14. Th Tltla
.Suaraatoa m Truat Coatnaay. 866.84; tot IE
The Tltla Guarantee A Trtrat Company.
888 88; tot 18. Tb Titto Ouarantoa A Truat
Coeaoany. txr ril tot If, Tha Title Ouanata
at Trust company.
Guar n lee A Trait
80.61: tot 187 fha tltl
t Company, 841.08; tot 18.
The TiHi Onarantae
m Truer unanpuuy.
1 0g tot 30. The tltl Ouarantoa A Trust
Comnanr. 844.38. Total. 83.3IB.87
A atatemeat of aforesaid asaaaamant Bap han
entered to the Docket of City Uena. and la
now due and nayabl at tba office ef tha City
Treasurer, to lawful money af tb United
State, and f not paid within 80 daya from
tha data af thia notice, such proceedings will
ba taken for thai collection af the aema aa nra
aroridad by th ehartar ot tb City of Portland.
Th ahov naaesament will bear Interest 18
dan after tha flrat pub ilea tie oftbla aottee.
.THUS, a DBTUlt,
Aadltor ef th City of PortaagaV
oVegoa, Oatahar 81, 1804.
Katie to harehy gtrea that at tba maatiaa;
at tha Caanoll of tha aty af Portland, Oregon,
toldm tb let day Of October, 1804. tot
Ballowlng resolution waa adopted;
Raaolrad, That tha 0uuclT of th City af
roruana, Oregon, oeema it expedient ana pro
Boee to improv icatt ntara atraat rrom ina
center Una of Eatt Seventh atraat to the center
Una of Baat Ninth atreet. to tha following mea
ner, te-wtt:
Plrat Bp raaaoaing all toon earth, and and
debris from th anrfaca af tb atreet fall width
with full totaraafltlona.
neeond By redressing, th street fall width
With full Intsrurcflon with washed river grareL
ThirdBy eonatractlng artificial stona eide
walU U acaordajica with tba City Bogiaeer'a
plana, specifications and aatlmataa.
Ponrtb By poaatructlng wooden sroaawaTka.
; fifth By aanatructlng curb.
BUtb By nana true ting box gutter.
Seventh By apnstructlng wooden sidewalk
to accordanoa with tba City Engineer' plana,
apecirteBtton and aatlmataa.
Bald lmproTtnnt to be made tn acaordaar
jWlth tba charter and ordinance of tn City of
Portland and tba plana, epaciricatloua and eatl
matea at fh Cltr Engineer, filed In th offlc
of tho Aadltor of th aty af Portland an tha
Ath day of September. lPOt, Indorsed: "City
Engineer' plana and specif) cations -for tba Im
provement of Ex at Stark atreet from th canter
line of Beat Brvrnth atreet to the center Una
of Baat Ninth street and tba eetlmatoa of tho
work to b dang And tha probafcl. total aaat
Tb coat of paid Improvement to to) statin I
as provided by th city charter upon the prop
erty specially burteflted thereby and which la
hereby declared to be all tba Iota, parte of
lota and parcel of land lying between n Un
10 feet north of and parallel with tha north
line of Bait Stark street and a Un 100 feet
south of and parallal with tha aouth Una of
Bast Stark atraat and between the test Una of
Seat Seventh a treat and tba weat Una at Baat
lath a tract.
Tha Bnginevr'a estimate af tb prohshto total
Boat far the Improvement af aald Baat Stark
atraat la l.nioo.
Tha above Improvement la to be cleared aa
a gravel repair improvement and ahall be main
tained hy tba city for a period of two year,
provided that th owners of a majority of tba
property benefited by aald Improvement or any
portion thereof ahall not petition for a BW of
different Imprarament befor th aantraUoa ot
garb period.
Th plana, ape ei fleet low and ettmatee of tha
City Inglnaar to the Improremaat ot aald Baat
tarfe atraat ar hereby adopted.
Resolved, That tba Auditor of th City of
Portland ba and ha la hereby directed to air
uatfr af tb proposed Improreuient of Mid
atraat. an provided by th city ehartar.
itoaBanatrBuaaa aralnst tha above 1
menl mnr ha filed In wrlrlua with th under-
aimed wlthla 30 day from th data af th
nt-at publication f thia nouon.
Bf ardar ef ta Council.
THOS. 0. ttrTW.
Auditor of the Oty ef Portland. '
Portland, Oregon, October 33, 1804
Matlea to Aaruby glrea that ft Cuarncll of
tha City af Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
pel a en tn intn oay or uctorjor. inua, aeciarra
the aaaeaamant by ordinance No. 14,368, for
th Improremant of Yamhill atreet. from th
wuat Una of Paurtfc atraet to tho east Una
af Ststeenth atraat. In tha manner provided
by ordinaaa Na, 14,087, apon each lot, part
lot. pi
or tot asd parcel or tana, wnien ar
aad peculiarly baDefltad, to he aa follows, vlt:
PORTLANDBLnCK 81. Int 4, Touaa M
CbrloUaa Association, SS8.1X tot 8.
Man's Christian Association- 154. Til an-
dltldd 1-8 of tot 8. Jobs Ore Betate, helra
sf. 47.08 ( uaaBvlAed l-8of tot S. John Oreen
Batato. heirs ef. 144.78; undivided 1-8 af
-t 4 Band P- Thompson Estate, heirs ef.
847.08; udlvtded 1-8 of tot A Darld P.
Thorn peea Betate. heirs ef, 1184.72; aa-
Jlvided 1-8 of tot 6, Her man C. Leonard.
17.04: tndlvtdsd 1-8 of let , Harpaa C. Leon
ard. J4. T. BICK 171 tot iTjJnltod itstea
OorarnsMnt, 1T ; tot 8, tfrJ'ed Btstsa
- Ocvernesant, BlM.rt; tot i. Unlud Statea
Ooveramaat, 81044; tot 8, TJalted Statea
weraramaat, 863 .88, - LOOC 1T8. tot 4,
Plaod Hotel Compaay. SnSB.SS: tot S. Pert
Hotet Company,; tot d, Portland
A Oompany. 884.78; lot 8, Portland Hotel
pa ay, iSAAWi BLOCK 311, tot 4, Porn
fcveire, 1882.771 tot A Dora W. bras.
JB410; tot 8, Nellto Henabaw. 1130.76; aaat
H. to 8. Johg P. Bharkey,. 8ZU.86; weat H
W II. James W, Beatty. B281.M. PARK
BLOCK 4. let B pVeatoa W. Olltotta, S8N.T4-,
north to tot 1. Thomas Harvey Bennett,
ltt SBi aatA M luuato tv Matikiil,
PX)RTT.ANTv-flLOCK 318, tot 4, ftoartoa P.
Ela7ert.84sa.a3i north 48 ft tot 8, Comal la
P. RochwcU, I108.48: aoath B faat tot 8,
?arla P. Blrerert, 61318; north 40 feet tot
Joaeph Oaodman, flM tst es7 to f aouth
SO fast tot 4. Anna Chemln. 64.08; Weat to
af Brmtb 10 fast tot A 3yruL Woodwortb.
11488; east to lot 8, Anna Chamln, 118 77;
wast U tot B, Rymt L. Wnodaworth, iw361.
BLOCK 381, aaat 43 1-1 feet tot 4. Amanda
W Raed Batata, heirs of.; east 48 1-4
feat at atnitfe 14 feet tot i, Amanda W. Bead
atoaa, kasra ad, dBAiftt Mai MM gaat
BBI1V Har.
-aat A Bbbib.1 A. aad anUs-n Brown. 6188.08:
waat PI t a fmm J Mat 88 faat at north
a rmm . mmmlm 1A it bt L Ba IB 111
A. and Ellla C. Brown. 88.80: wart 88 8 8
feat af aoath B feat tot ft. Bamual A- and
Ellla d. Brown. 88.64: north 41 feat of
faat tot 8. tlanr W. Corbatt Ealat Belre
r. r.18; north 8d toot af aaat 88 toot M
Henry W. Oorbett Bttot, helm. al. Ill6.8t
north Al fmmt ml Int d. CathartaW
Lnoo; am id a re ua v,
muel A. and Ellla C. Browa. 10 fdi tajH
48 feat of tot 8. Bamnal Annd "1116 0.
aVawn, 88 lt.84; aoath 8 feet of wt 80 feat
M tot 8, John A. Brown. 8113: waat 88 ftet
B jorrT Britr. 8l4i.81: tot 4. John Paott.
Iim to, wM it jo fcajrah Waldm.n,
88644. BOIT1T U BLOCK H lot 4, David
mpaoa fcUta.haira if. 861.48t '
80 feet tot 8, David Thimtaau Batato. hair
as. aw.ta; north no raet lot . Biepnea mean
Betate. hair f, M8M; ocrth 30 Joat tot 8,
Stephen Maad Bttato, h-lraaf Mh-il;
aaat 30 feet ot aoath to East W
8, David P. Thoenaoa, $16. IT; aaat
fet of aouth 80 faat of tot
Darld P. nomtiaan. apavaB: want 96 faat
fouth feet lot 4, Harm a Hircbberg.
8M.A3: wt 80 feet Jot f. Herroan Hlrtch
Crg, kwr.aa. poi'TH ipiiTl. tot 1
naa, Sweanay, 8480 38; tot 1 Obaa. aVoeney,
' 8188.78; lot aTCbaa. fwena, SjW.M:
lot 8, Cbaa. iwaaoey, . 1616.10, BIJ1CK
810 tot 4, a 7. aed. fruW
8517.8f tot a. ft 1. Ttoed. trual,
1168.84; tot 4, Ltd W. Slttoa, SlSMt; I
, Lad W. Httoa. 8481.88. BLOCK 41
tot 4, tunnel J. Barber. BB31-T8
Bamoat J. Barber, $li:4.B8t eit I
Theudora B. Wilcox. 826 68: east
Tbeodor B. Wllcog, 834.8S; waat . M1
8, Duncan Perguaon. 86.70) want to tot 8.
Ttnnean IWm. tMi
Duncan Paewnson. 89nfi.sA.
PORTLAND--ULOCK 80,' tot t,
(D -BLOCK 80. tot 1. Ifarr V, Thai
.?li lot 1 Mary E. Teal, 884.881 tot I,
leartttta B. Ind Uary P. PaUlnc 'tud iBrily
:abetl. 8140.70; lot 6, Henrietta 3) pad Majy
f. Palllna and Emllr Cartell.AatO.M. BLOClt
HI. lot X Henry W. Corbatt Eatata, btwa
tire of. 1140.44; Ut 7. Staary W. CorbeTt
lata, helra of, 8168.81 ( let I, HanW W
Corbatt Beute. hekp of. 8687.76. BLOCK
180. lot 1, Alnrwcrtb Company, 8838.70: 1st
1 Alagworth Company. 1160.881 art f. A I ne
wer tb Compaay. M : lot 1, AJnaworth
Compaay. 8878.44. BU)CK 310, tot fT Uaf
tarla.i Bnclety. 8383.77: tot 3. Dnttarlan
Boctety, 8M.10; lot 7. Henry W. Oorbett
Beteta. helra af, 8131.40: tot 8, Haary W.
Corbett Batata, helra of. 8467.fJ. PABK
BLOCK 6. lot 1. An-tta Cottor, (STL 88; alt
4. Usaia 0. Walla: S66T.T4.
PORTLAND BLOCK 318. lot 1. BowHl B.
Lamaon. 347378; lot 3, BoaweU B. Lamaon.
8122.80: tot T. Anna B. ConnelL 8160.42: tot
ef 8uo.b; lot 3. Henry W- Oorbett Butat.
8, Anna B. ConneU. 8637.84. BLOCK 260.
a, Anna n.
tot T. W. to
1 ixi rv TOW,
f. 3141.14;
idd BsUto, bairt i
dd Batata, helra Oi
dd Batata, helra af.
M 8. W. B. Ladd Batata, hairs of. 8A01.77.
BLOCK. Bto. tot 1, J.maa W. Oanh, 8&S8.80:
wt 1. jamas w. oook. pitl.uu
14 tot
7. Blwn H. oangto
881.761 aaat to tot 8,
Lot 1, iame plelda, 8ft 19 46: tot 1 Jama
field. 6166 A3; lot T, Jimea Plaid. 8168.39:
lot 8. James Plelda, S4S1.ST. MORTII to
BLOCK li Lot 1, Phoebe M. Dekum. 8638.88
tot f. Wimtm MeBae nad f8ar and
Elva Huraaaaa. 8138.48; let T. Jnatua M.
BtreWhrldaa. 8166 M; tot 8. Jnatua It. Straw
hrldae, 8681-11. BLOCK
-Lot 1. Ifargarat
B. Hmlth. inrl Bt it Wiurl 8 Umlth tot 7. Maraaret ITBmlth. S1W.7S:
tot' 8. Margaret B. Smith. 848101. BLOCK
J IS. tot 1. hjaatoar Batata Compaur 8477.81:
-t JL Maclaay Brute Company l 88.70; tot
t me ciaar nutate oompany. ann 00; 10 1 a,
Jl,l" Batata Campany; a4.80. TaUL
838. OTM 88.
A statement af aratuaatd tatiaamtnt taa heea
entered la th pork! of City Lion, and to
now dua and para hie at the afflct of the fnty
Treasurer, in lawful money of tha Putted
Stat, anA If not aald wlthla 80 y from
tb data af thta notles. nuehnraeeedlnaa will
ha taken far tha eoUectloa of fha same at ar
aroridad by th charter of th City of Portland,
Th bore afeteroent will bear Interest 10
daya attar ft Ttoat aabllcatloa of this notion,
Auditor of tha dtp af rVwtland.
Portland, Ovegon. Ctotahar 81, 1804.
Cm Off POETLAKD, 0A v .
Sealed araaatala. Will b received br the
undaratoaad if th afOoa of the Auditor of
the City of Portland. Or., aatll Tueaday. No
famhar 1, 1804, at t aVloc , m., for tb sal,
at ant lea than par vslu tad accrued Inhtreat,
ef laiproTcmant nnnda of tha Cltr of Portland.
Or., as tha Sanaa ahall ha authorised to ha
leaned for tha whole or any pert of t94.ftlM9.
Said Wda will be leaned to Itenomlnj.ttona Of
8600.00 each, to ba dated Soreabsf 1. 1804, uey-
anie in years rrom aau, aaanng mtoraat ar id
rata of g par cent nr annum. Durable aemi
ITnlted Slate gold coin, at tha offlc of tb
City Treasurer, Portland. Or. Provided, that
th City of Portland recrnut th right to take
terraa tba H
nda, ooa t
tot, with a
lent, 81 an
an and capea! each bn
4 cancel each Band, una a tha
r the tar vslu fhareo
aceruea laier-
eat to the date af narment. at anr eemlannual
aounaa period at or attar an ytar frop (Aa
pi aucn uuuua.
aid bond are Imaad undaf auihorlty of a
an or tne iieuturp- or ma arie ar orgtn.
tsaaad Pebrnary 16, 1888, antUM: "In act
, provld for the, latnaae ef boado tor (he
Intnrorekicnt ef atraat and fha Urine f sawara
In Incorporated cities, and for tha payment of
Basal of tneh rmnroveeaanM and larinsr of
hr InatallBaeBtB.' as amended hr an aat of
the Legislature of the state ef Oregon, ap
prowed Pebruary 38, 1801, entitled; "Aa aet to
arnano tcctiona l. z. a, , o, u ana T or aa
set entitled: 'Aa act to provide fay th 1a
BaBca of bond for the Improvement of atroata
and laying of aewere In Incorporated alrlea,
and far th payment af tha cost of each lav
prove men te and laying of sowers by Install
ment,' Sled in th offlc af th secretary of
state Pebruary ffj, laos, and th proceeds
thereof are to ba used tor th payment In part
rr tne improvement of atreeta or conatruetiou
of sewers aa the aald Improvements ebaU ba
The validity ef tha art of the taartaurure
sforceald haa Dean aftrmd by tb Supreta
Wirt or tne urate or Oregon.
Bidders rrlll he runlrad t submit a tat Md.
without conditions, cxceDt a to tba regularltr
of the Insue of bonds, and to submit with their
bids a osrtlBad aback oa a bank to tha City of
Portland, Or., eouat ta 8 par cent of the
face value of the bonds Md for. payable to the
Mayor of the City nf Pottnd, as Hquldated
damage la case such bidder withdraws hi
bid or falls or neglecra to enter Into contract to
take and fay for said hnnda according to the
as rate ef te Md and thta noHe. Th right
io reject anr ana an mm is aerenr reserved
Bud ebould b addressed to Themsa C. Der
Un. Aadltor. Portland. Or., and marked "Bid
lor improvement Bond."
By order af the Council.
D. T. 811 Eft RETT,
Committee on Waya and MeBWa,
JPrrfton- Oetobar 81.lf04.
propobes ntrmoTEMKiry or Ursa
: 8TE TKTi ' - ... , ,
Notice la hereby airea that at th. mmHm
of the Oeuncll of th City of rSsHlaaA, Oragon,
neia an ua intb any ar rjetobor. 184)4, th
following reeolntlou waa adoptod:
Baaolvod, That th Council of tfts Cltf at
nmiaun, irrr jun, o.n 11 sipemssil BB4 pro
pose to improve Rler atreet from the aortb
weetarly lid of Randolph atreet to a Hna 140
raet aoutaastrrv there rrom in tba loUewlag
manner, to-wit:
first By bringing tb aarfaea af tba atraat
full width With full lnttettoo to th grade
aa given by tb Cltr Engineer with good, clean
earth, clay, gravel, rack r ether gl table
Second By eon tr acting in bait Etaa aaae-
way with full Intersection.
Third -By constructing wooden etdswallta hi
eccor dance tntk the city Bnglaaar g plan,
aaHflcatfona and eetlmate.
Said Improvement to n mad to arspdaae
with th ebarler and ordinance of tb City of
rortnna snu in pinna, specifications ana asa
mate af th City Engineer, tltod In tb affloa
of th Auditor at the aty of Portland an tbc
80th day of September, 1004. Indoraed: 'City
Bngineer'a plane and apeetflcattoua for tat Im
provement of Rlrsr etreet from the northwest
erly lint of Randolph atraat to a Una 100
feet aoutheaaterlr therefrom, and the esti
mate f th work to ba den and tb aranabl
total cost thereof.
The coat of said Improv erne at to ha
a provided by th cltr charter upon th prop
erty apecUlly and peculiarly ben filed thereby,
and which Is bercby dec is red to b all tb lota,
parte of lota and parcels of toad lying between
a Un 100 feet northeasterly from and parallel
with th aurtheeoterty Hna a River atreet
and a Un 100 feet aoutb Waaler ly from and
parallal with the sea th area tar lr Una ef River
treet and between a Una 100 fast Berth,
westerly from and parallal with th aertb
weeterly Hna mt Randotpb street and a Una SO
faat eontheaaterly frost and par Mel varth th
anutbeajteriy una or atnasiyp atraat.
Tha ifciglnaet'B aattmata of the probabU total
IIT'sSom! "aapnTBMt Biva ttreet
The above Imnroeoiaai't ft ft ba tliattd
bb a plsnk roadway Improvement and shall be
maintained by the city for a per lad ef fear
years, provided that tha owner af a majority
f lb property benefited by aald twprowameat
or any pnrMon thereof ahall not attlttoa for a
raw or different Improvimeat befaaa fha tnV
plrsttsa Of suck period.
The plena, eeariertaa and tsetmsto af
the aty Bnglneer for the Imprrrramaat ef aald
River atraat ar hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of lb aty of
Portland bt and be to harehy directed to gtre
Bailee f tha fatpsaad towevrment af aald
atreet. ta prorioea ay fa city ehartar.
Bemanstraacsa against th abovs I
mnt mr h filed (a writing with the under
algnad wtfhln SO dart frrn the dato af th
nrat auniicuuea or tnta ajntie.
Br sadae g the ("anHl
Ahdltar of tn City of frttond.
PlllllS-eaV WBk
J,f!.?i ,-fcffT that tha Qpuwell 4f
pt, t-lty of Portland, Orvgun, at a masting
bold on th ltth day of OcUib-w, 1804, declared
the aaeaassAant by ardlnaac Xo. 14.361. for the
Improv anient af Uultnuuan fma tha
Beat Una of Jsat rtrat atraet to th Weat Una
Of Bast 81 Ith atraat ha rV. aaanw nmatdad
by ardlnanca If. 18.881. uu each lot, part af
tot and parcel of anV whlsh are apectalto agjd
fioLLAtJAfjTAl OPTION to Bast Portland
- 1 m. aruTuuaau ai.w am
Plalay ltorlaog.. 86T4: tot
; 6. Plnlay Most
W. 81108. BLOCK 88, weat to tot 4.
rg A. OnlUaa, 88-71; wset tot
rfa A. Colli oa, llM; ( 2 lot I
im A. Archasibaau. U.J8; aaat to tot 8.
tuma A. Arehambeaa, (; tot C BufuB
altorj, 88.18; totX Bufua ifaUoryV 111. Of.
LOCK 48. tot 4, Peter Wagner, 80.68; tot 8,
rter Wagn-r, 86.6S; weat tot t, Ollr
Virrinla Hawke. as ti wrt
Virginia Hawk, fa 60; aaat
Carstena. 84.63: east U let
tens. 86.40, BLOCK Tt, tot
Batata Company. 8.10.10; lot
latst Coaioiiiy. liXMt lot
lot 8. Olive
tot 4. Peter
Peter Cant
Oregon Real
Oreaoa Kal
Oregon Real
Orcga Real
Eatat Company, in. 18; tot
bUM-Company. 8.05. BLOCK 74, tot 4,
Oregon Real Eat at Company. 81.06
tot t
a (i swale uompany, ai.uo: m a.
EUaaberh Q. TutU. 81-06: tot , EUsabctb
f. Tuttta, (l.8. BLOCK 67, lot 1, If.
itoaa. 84 08: 'tot 3, U. Ollsn,'80.48i gt X.
,hsT . Wali 88.801 lot 8. Jobg H. Walt.
8T.41. BLOCK Ad. tot 1. A.
6188 88; lot 8, A. n Brtytnan, 8g7U;
Bit. 6123.88. BIK'K 48. tot 1. Emma
Emma . Arcnsra.
iruUi. I7.4: tot
BLOCK 71 tot 1.
Patera of Charity r Prarldanc pf fit. Via
aant'a Boanitnl, 880.00; tot J- Bletera af
atert af Charity of Prarld
Bal'l Roaaltal. 880.00: ki
Cbarlfcr of rUaaoa of St. flneeat'i Hot
yttaL 3348( lot T. Mary C. Kama. jil-Mj
tot 8, Nancy aT aVWdectad, $31.64. RLOCI
T8. tot 1. 0
Oregon Baal Eetat Company,
L Oregon Real Batata Company.
ll 08 tot
oregog Meal Btata unnpany.
81.08) tot S, Oregon Real Eatata Company,
At Mi Portia ad Sallwnv Comnanr't rlsht of
way. K 804 City A guharben Rattway Canv
panr'a rignt ar way, bx.iv. -imai,
A atatoBMiPt f a foresaid aastaemeift as bean
tatarod In ta Docket ai Olty tl.oa. and la
now du gad nayabra at tba offlaa f the City
rruaaurw. towtal money of th Cat taa
States, and If not paid within 80 daya from
Ka data of thia notice, aach proceedings will
take for tb aollactlon of tha aame aa aia
provided by tha charter of the aty of Portland.
Tha above aaaeeement will bear Interest 10
daya after tha flrat publication of thia no tic.
Auditor af -hp OUT of PpjUtoBn.
Oregon, Oetobar Zf, 1804.
povtlsad, Oregon,
Hattoa to hereby given that tb Cautwfl I af
mant by ordiaanc No- 14,263, for the
Improreuient of Bast Twenty-atxth atreet, from
u- .t. ttmm e Uiilnunuh street tn tba Booth
Una of Halaay atreet. In tha manner .provided
by ordinance No. 18.840, apon each toLpart
ef tot and prel af toad, filch are . apacto Hy
and Deculiarlr benefited, to he aa followt. na.
DITION. Portiana, wregoo. ojatv.v 11,
1, Tha TWl Outrantee A Truat Oompany.
io 6S: tot 3. Tho Tltla Ouarant- A Truat
Company. 86-78; lot 18. Th Tltl Oaaraatee A
tot 1. Tb Titto Querents A Truat Comnany,
tll4.48;TIt I, Tb Titto nnarantea A Truat
Compeiw. 8.6ui tot Titto fiw'"?!
an l. 1 fhrn. Ttttm (Inaranlea At TVeart Um-
. 8164.86: tot 1 Th Title Querents
trust Cumoany. Ill ; lot 16, Tba Tit
antaa Mi tr.'A tomoanv. 8164; lot
Ifltl. Anaaanla A Trnat CoBBDSOr
BLOCK 18, lot A The Titto Uuaraatee A
Truat Cumpany. 1108. T; tot It Tba Titto
Ouarantoa A Trust Company. W 60: tot 8.
Th ntla Qua ran tea A Trust Comnany, 82 38;
tot 6, Tho Title Ouarant Trust Com pan
a Titto
I let . BLOCK - m, t u- aa
luarsntoa A Truat Oompany, flOS.lTi
tim Title Quarnnue A Trntt.Oompany, a. 41;
tot -IB, The Title Ouaraat A Truat Corn
The Title Ouarantoa A Truet Company,
8148.10; tot 8. The Title Ouarantoa A Truat
t'lA?U,t. Th"M
Got ran tee A Truat Compaay, 6ag.Bg, Total.
Bt AM rut .
-A atafamaat af af iriasH ntsiaamavjt haa haeu
entered to th Dncil of City Uena, and to
now due and MnbLi a Cut offlc of the City
Treataraf. In lawful moaey or tte usiteo
gtaua. and If not paid wltatn 80 daya from
tba data af tbla notice, sort proceedings will
ha taken for tba collection of the aame aa are
on; Tided by th eh s rter of the Oty of Portland.
Tbs abora iaaeatmeot wllf- bear Interest 10
day. ft toe flrat StSST
Auditor of the Cltr of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. October 31. 1804.
Natto to hereby given that tb Csamcfl af
the CIU of Portland, Oregon, at A meeting
held on the 18th day of October. 1804. declared
tha assessment by ordinance No. 14.360. for th
tHpysvement of llnloa a vena, from the center
lue ef Dlrttkm ttreet to the aoath Una of
Iron atreet, iu th manner prerldrd hy ordinance
No. 18.M0. npoii aach tot, part of tot and par
eel of land, which are epettally and peculiarly
benefited, to be ua follows, vis:
KERN'n ADDITION to Eaat Portland BLOCK
n kit a. William C. Drown. 818
.33: tot 7.
William C. Brown. 836.38: tot 4, WUlla
WUlUm a
Brown. 8M.&7; lot 8, William C. Brown.
tW.SO, BLOCK O. lot R, rred B. Morrla.
820.41; lot 7. Pred 8. Morris. 816 88. BLOCK
CTtot 1. Herbert B. McEwen, 837.88: lot
Tnarle Oregorr, 386.46: tot A Ana Kerr,
C.6.B7; tot 4, Mary t- Mnltbalf, 870.14.
LOCK P. tot 1. Charles H. Chance. 20 28;
. tot 3, Prad 9. Morris. ISS.88; Oregon Water
Power A Railway Compan't track right af
way. 804.87. Total. StfT.Ot.
A atstemant af aforesaid ajiisamint has beau
arnared in tba Docket of City Lien, and la
now da ad parable at the offlc of tha City
Treasurer, In lawful money ot the United
SUtae. aad If not paid wlnila 30 days from
tba dato of thia notice, auch proceedings will
h taken for the collection of the aame aa are
provided hy the charter ef th City of Portland.
The above at test mant will bear totorest 18
gart sftof tb LS',e"12' ?Vl u
Auditor of th City of Perttoanl,
Portland. Oragos. October 31, ipoa.
por latraoTOinrf bob
Netlo to herehr glraa that fgf Cosaeft of
th Cltr aa? Portland. Ore ion. at a meeting
held oa the lath day or ootooar, isna, aeciarra
th aaaatmfBt hs oedlnaaoa o. le.e. fcar ths
improremant f Bodney areuaa, ffom taa
north Una of Knott street to th uooth Una of
llorna Street, in tn manaar aronuru
ardlnsnea No, 18.783, apna ach t, part
tot and Barest nf land, which are tp-rlallr ai
lontsomery. 8M-IT BLOCK Bt. saat 10C
toat 'at lot It, WllUam W.achar. 06 88l
aaat 100 feat of tot 13, William Wischer,
888 88; aast 1AQ feat f tot 18, WllUam
Wescbee, 8100. if t east 80 feet ef tot 14,
BtelU B. Plttengar, Ida. 72) Booth 8 fast af
aeat BO feat ef tot 18, Stella IT Plttengar,
8B.84: north 43 teat of east 80 feat of lot
li, uffrns Oravoa, 16440: weal 30 feet
ef tot 14. Mary O. Mailer. 83.87; west 80
feet of tot 16, Mary fl. Mailer, 83.44: east
100 feat of tot 16, Oeorg ff. and B. B.
JaaPeson. 844.78. RTXHTK to. east 9 feet of
lot 18, Paul Wesslngar, 81.73; lot 14, Mar.
merits P. Tumllnaon, S'B-11: aouth 42U
feet at tot 1ST John Brugaer Batat. batra of,
B3.S4; north 7.04 feet of tot 16. Plrat Ger
man M. I. Chnrch. Ift.Od; lot 1A Ptjet Oer.
man M. R. Church. 8n.86; tot 17, Mary
Tooiy. 844 41; lot 18. Mary Toossey. 846,84:
tot 18, Not McKana, :; east 8 feet
af tot A), Emily Btrakaa. 8134; eaat B
fast of tot 48, Henry C. Hedges, ai.n; west I
Sof tot a. Charlaa ailr..y. H OS; weat to 1
tot 47, Charla OUroy. 84.13; weat H of tot
4S, Chartoa OUroy, I4.IT; gaat H of tot 44, I
Samuel Hose, 841. 08 1 aaat 14 of tot 47.
Bamiief Hoe, 841.44; aaat H ef tot 48,
Samuel Haas, M1.80. BIXCK 14. west loO
feet rl tot 36, B. & Dyer, 846.68; waat 100
f t of lot SB. B. 6. Dyer. 143.83; weat
.100 fast of lot 34,1. C- Dyer. 846 10. BIcK
18. west 100 faat of tot A Ellen Cess, 846 04;
no rest or tot a, suet
fast of tot 3, Ellen
feet f tot 1. Ellen
set at tot 88, John J
west 100 feet of tot 8. sn-n caae, B4fl (W;
weat 100 feet ef tot 1, Ellen Cae. 147.88;
weat 100 feet of tot 88, John J D. Edgarton,
Snt.M; west 106 test Of tot SB, John J. D.
Edgartog. 844. 4: West 108 feet ef tot 34.
Job 0, Wgertoav 846.08. BLOCK
14, waat feet of tot A James
tot MrTnaajaa. Jl8,ia:,"tot j. Hans
Tone-, 6118.14; lot 80. Swrdl.h Lutberan
RvangeUrel Rmanual Church, I124.1S; tot 90.
John W. ikant, ll s8 weat A feet of tot 88.
C. A. ailJ H Catr-o, 81 18: weat 8 feet ef
tot 88. HaamBhk. Claud I,. Clyde J. Bcofflua,
l.S8t tot T nTrnt-tergtaaw. 81AM; totst.
B. Ingeterrtaen. 8132 61. Total. SSOoffm
A atatamant af afnraaaid aaaeaamant haa been
entered to th Docket of Cltr Liana, and to
now due nad naycble tt the offlc of th City
Treeaurar. la lawful noner af the Cnited
Statea. and If not paid wlthla 86 day from
th data ef tbla aotic. uch protaedlnsa will
b taken for the milectton nt the asm aa ar
provided hy the charter af th City of Portland.
Tha snore leeeaairent wllf bear later eat 10
fdaya after taa first publlcattow f thto nottoa,
I ' Til OR. C. DBVLI!.
Aadttop etlheCitv sfPottaaf.
JjtauVaflaBemgo' BFurasflVasW Bnr4affff3(BT 4Pnt0usBA
rieullariy benantod, to 9 aa reiMwe, nai
LRINAr-nfjOCK 37. aaat 100 feei f tot 14,
UaryPhalM 1MJjf0Jw,fc1J S101'hl-r!wBtry
tasuTaaBt TOO fett'of W Fi hllTy'phalo
sttoa In herVhr aieas thet the ftouacfl af
th Ol ry af rorttosd. Oregpn, at a m-etlag
held oa tba ltth day af October, 1804. decUreS
th eaaatment by ardlnanca No. 14.363. tor the
liBprovemeut af CUftoa atraet,
Ilea of llxtaenth atrast to the
toom tba waet
est Una ot
tr second atraat, la th meaner pwtaog
by ordlnanc Na. 18,738, spaa each lot. nart
of . tot and pareal of laud, which Are, apeatoltp
and oscullarlr benefltod. to be at laitowa. vlg:
CABTBR S ADDITION to toe . Olty af part-
touaUCK ar. lot a. (mwai v7''aT
to? .fu'TmitS:
a, (eaorgM A- roixiajrnDi, asu.iri
: 6, L. M. horno, lao.TTi tot I,
8136.83. BLOCK T, lot -A, Ul
guaa na; aouth 30 fast tot. A
OenyenB, 30 .78. BLOCK. tot I,
Jannla P. Page. B84T.6BJ esuth 38 fast tot
KSato aw"i6 Jjj eouth 80 f-t Zi
IPaanle r. rage, pit.tu: toi a. ranwa w.
1M m A --mm m laU Maa
BHttara Hna ot aiftoa atraat and a Una 100
fret aortharly thsrefrom and parallel toere
Wltfe and Wtwsen the west Bne af Tweaty.
Brat aUvrt and the eaat Una of Twenty , set and
alieet. sVcnrlty Barlpga A Trust company.
8411.78, BLOCK TO. tot 1, WlUlam K.
nitnr 7A78; lot Wll&aw K. Smith.
1.83; tot T, Brncet Boa, 126.88: tot 6,
W. JSoelbVng. flWitt. BLOCK f. tot I.
Blhm fl. Prams. 8
ia.ia: tat a. mnam m.
Pram. 886 81; tot t, Margarst.
to Hectare,
lot 8. btartarat
B. McCiura,
BLOCK TB, north inn reet nr eai
86 fact. Orrllto BT. Raaklu. 8376.84: wsat 16
fart of east 100 feat of north 100 feat. Agues
M. Crawford. S6.anf wast 7J reel f norm
108 fL Ronart Warrack. 833043. LOCK
76. tot 1. Ella I Woodward. 427 4t; tot 8.
Hta L. Woodward. W7.48: tot 7, Wilftap jL
ht:1 JSrtsf ?H
lr ftFtoTisStS
Beard, 1283.74; rlrbt at way. Por tla ad 111-
war Atnuiir. fse na. TVtal. 14.T7T.7B.
A statement ef aforesaid aasesamsnt haa bean
entered la tba Ducket of City Liana, and la
now due aadpayst'la at tb efflce ortha City
Treaaurtr, la lawful meosy of the United
States, and If nt paid wltatn an days from
tb date of thia notice, each proceedings wlU
h tafcxn far tha sAllectbtn of the asm ss are
provided hy the aharter af ths City at Pealsad.
Tba ahov aaaesment wltl hear latoraat M
daya after the flrat aubnaaUoa af this nouar,
' Aadltor of the City af Portland.
Perttond, Oregon, October tl. 1804,
the aty ef Portland, Oregon, it 1 meeting
held on tba 18th day of October, 1804. declared
the assessment ny orainnne no.
Improrestest ef Bast Davis atreet, from tbs
east Un of Baat Twenty-second e tract to
tba waat Un of East Twenty-fourth ttreet,
in tha manner provided by ordinance No.
14,033. apoa eaah tot, part ef tot and pare!
of laud, wblcb are apecUlly and peculiarly
benefited, to ba aa follow, via: ,
8. lot A A. A. Krata, 860.38; tot 8. Prank H.
Schmidt. 88.47: south 8 ft of tot S. A. and
A. N. Bush, 80 61; sooth 100 feet of tot 8.
ebVbtqnb'dditiom to th aty of Port
land BLOnt 1, tot 4, fBCnt Land Conv
rany. $M.Si tot T. Orescent Und0uiass,
IfMi Int i Patrick Early. 817.18.
fyfNNB ADDITION tg Baat Portland BtOCK
0, tot 8, Elbert W. roopar. nsB-au; mn ,
llnert w! Cooper. 888.87, tot A Paul JEruesj
ones. 884.38; Vt 8, J. E. Soott, 830. 78; tot
JO, Michael Henrico, . .
srvla4-iiK-c' a inmWnH ta. ita mtr af li
laas z. saai nw isaa m an , vw-
oent Land Company, lit. 64; aU of tot S e
apt east 80 feat. M.ria BUae. ! : tot L
Basin D. Hewitt, 16 71; tot 8, CraeeeaA Land
Oamoany. 816.88. TotaL g.tno.48.
Treasurer, to lawfal money of the United
state, aaa If aot paw untwa bp uay to
ba taken far tb collection of fee sane as are
praridaef bv tb ehartar of tbs City af Porttoad,
Tbs above aaaeeemeut wilt bear Interest 18
aya iw sa u V""""."- rT-'Vr'Ts
Auditor af th City of PertUng.
Psrttond, Oragon. October 21. 1804.
Tht (mif rr
Ufl wi7 niwt)efl nit
Missouri River
Tbo ChlcAi
3dCAgo-PoRiand Special, the
moat luxurious train in th world.
r wins-room sleeping cars, dining
CRT, buizet amokiog and library car
(barber antl bath). Lead tbu gifN
dars Portland to Chkaga .
ta Chleaao are o Derated daily via lb
dally na tb
U. F. R R. and
Ry. Chicago
Oregon K. K. Nav. Lov,
Chicago ft North-Weatera
frsm parttoad and nsanta
Aaa i era vvaaningtoa.
Daily excursions ba Punmaa toanat
alecplngcarafrom Portland Iheoagja
Ubkago wltbout cbaag.
tn MsrhM h reet, m tkle A rest,
AAIffmOlUb 4V OHIO tv.
AIX 1RAIH3 VIAwVAaariNajrmi
3TrtAnMXrttlru3.nteml -
TrgUridB OgAlly- mH9
lhavllarh.t t-w, twe-asjartt ttot ' f'-"
and ft a Fr t-H v
attv, caul v&
87 SI; .
Ida T."
m w
Ro I
. Through ff,!,, -aatdasd and tsavtot sWp.
tag ear tally to Omaha. Chleago, Bgafca. n
heurlat alaeptng r dairy to Canaat CK'
tbroagh Pullmaa tourlat atesplug ears (parvaaV
ally aandaotad) weekly to Chicago, P lltjaaT
ohato can (asato free! be tb Baat dally.
ONIOH DBPOT. Laavua 1 Arrlrat.
Par tha East via Wmm
- tngtoa.
8:38 a.:
Par Eastern Waaalal
ton. Walla Wblto. Lew )
I to BV SB.
88 a.
la toe, Coesjr d'Aleaa
and Great Berth srs
Pet th East via Hunt-
8:14 p. g.
f:B avta.
' yCEAir ap!u kiVki ioBW0UL "
ll Oa
OOt. g, 18, !
Sntoa, .
SL A. Oatombla
Get. A
14 88. .
tfolnmHa Rivet ftMaUu.'
PGR AATORIA and way! 8:00 a, m.
ftata, eeamacting witb Dally,
htav, foe Dwaco and ev. fanday
North Reaeh, atr. Baa- Saturday
tela. Ah -at. dock. jia-.
8.-08 a. an.
Tamnlll Rlrsr Route,
1 0B DATTON. Otsm.
City and TamhlU River 7:f3r a. m.
tsfnto. errs. Rath and Cvlly.
Modoc Asb-at, doc. . ItS. etoaatos
(Wstar permitting.)
Bunk mrrag Bout,
and war notnta rWm
8:48 a. to.
6:00 m. na.'
Wash., etmra.
Spokane and
x Bat. '
TICKET QaTICgj. Third and Washlasraasv Taia.
pfcens Main T1A " " , gl
Hen, yaraaaki ana! glarVjIf 4M1eJiaia
rto ss-MBaetinr tfsiaama for taunUsTpurt nLV.
tour tad TUdl voetok: B. A ARAll A, Oct. It
n mtomAOABjl. aVfAJfTTAl
ffar freight aad furl ha pasttoutoai
. . . JAMRg ff. EaBBBUN. sgwat.
aaaia ana. VPr AaSBBfll OSSKa
trains, for naktsh. 1
burg. A to la no. Sacra.h
artB at WasAiiral
deity esjteaa aNadazt
with urato tag WMTiaP gv 8to
SrowVrtn, gprlag-J
fleld, Weaafitoi BBAI
strna. l .-. . , s
ta meal.
U Xo p.m-
40 p. to. Ifaerld
land da
fw Oswego 7:88 A, BM.
It AO, B.
Dally fax
U 90 p, ah ttoaliy aaly, :
a. at, Sunday only, JO on a. as.
Leaves froea MBit depot for ttoltaa and
mediate polntn dally (axespt Basaaj) 4.-0S a. m.
Port and 18:80 n. m.
I nniMndsnca- MonaxsifA
Motor " Una
opera tea dally to Moo month aud)
Air tie, ar
Dec tint with Boutnern rnctae
a tvasmt
at Dallas ana indepeoaence.
Plrst-clasa fare frora portlaatl to Eh
Tleketa to Eastern aointo and
Japan, Cblna, Po no Into and Ana trails.
City Ticket OfAc earner Third and
atreeta. PhoBMl Main 71A
R. crrusL
City Ticket Assart.
Pass. Aa
mt BaaaA lOmttod.
BiBSb. a.
and (toapto -stabs
Narfh ftoaaB IAmrtod.
tor Tnrxama. Seattlo,
Butts, StTTPauir Mlu
neaDolla. Ohleaa-s. Kew
TUB a. pa,
TorV. Boston and potaatl
East and Booth east.
Tvrta City Bxuraaa. fJ
Taooessy . ti le, Bpa
kaea, Helena, St Paul,,
ltd p.
Mioaaapoua cuanso,
Mew Tork. gtostoa and
BU notnW
Pusst fl
flaaaid Raaaaal
CltyJt. Lonfei
fVr Tuenma.
Bnewaae. Bntta. BUHn-u.
Denver. Omaha, Kansas
Oty. It. Lou la and all
potnto Bast and Bsutb-
Asatotaat ttoDsraIPaaseaaTer Agatt,
838 Morrteoa at., ear- TUrd, PortlanA
Astoria k Columbia x
v River Railroad Co.
tntioir dbpot.
Por Maysarav BalBVtr.'r.
Olatakaute. WMtport,jUhaV St
aiftea, Astoria. Wsr-1
rectos, Plavel, Ham
mond, rort stsvvbs.
Oaarnarl Parfe, Saaalda.
Aaaarto end tttbsra.
848 Bh
. ft V
. At
a A. imrWART. rmnBarttal Asest, a
Bt. Phsa MBIB ansa.
ler--a ft f
froai Os a taa. trvtv TAagtlsnA delta
8:06. 4: 8 18, T:S8. 8
(xcspt Bandar) 4.38, T; .
Bxcaot Mends s lhiaR