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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
Tl LVtLAD HAKES STuaLI!! ad:xess Uit TATXOSf X ait ima ot ' tfwwul staccUl tovvteM '-' Nw York, Oct. 21. With very Mt fn Um greet auditorium at Carnegie hsli ' Ailed, extra Mtu In the aisle, hundred Unable to sain entrance and atringa at :(opl lining the atraat to the entraace--way, Qrover Cleveland waa laat night -given a tramendoua oration when? am appeared to deliver tola flrvt and proo ably hia only pcta In thi year'a na . tlonal campaign. Tha cheering on hia Sntranoe laatad for 11 minute. . : With him, and ehartng la a maaanra tha honara of tha applause, waa Joan Qarlials. formerly eecretary at to treaa uryv Chairman Kobb waa naabla ta brln tha dteaaoastmUoa to an and and eilenoe waa gained only by Mr. Cleve land, who atepped to tha front and. with hand, aloft, besought quiet, hire, Cleveland and atr. and Mm Dah lanioat wltnaaaad tha esoltlng onenlng Cram a box at tb alda of tha stag. Altar a moat cauetlo arraignment of he Republican party aa bigoted, con elted and tta 'l-em-hollr-than-thoa attitude," Cleveland la bin apaaoh dn voted eonmdarabla time ta tha tariff and trust townee, watt aa tha ;cur-i fancy Question. V J- Kafarrlna- ta tha Pblllpplnaa, ha aaid: - Witt 2ai mtparlallam. - -Whm tha platform bonat la mada Ahat In tha Philippine wa fcava np- E" raaaad Insurrection, eetabllahed order nd given to Ufa and pro party a -pnrity narar known there before,' tha onfaaalon wlU ba extorted that tha In surrection auppreaaad was no mora than tha Brushing out of resistance to tha axny of th United State whit eng-aged ,in tha gubjugetloa of a people thoo aande or mllaa from our shore, whom -a lneldant of a war undartakan by ua to aid of tboaa atniggllng for liberty end Indepenjdano In another Quarter bad but within our power; and tha people -will aak under what sanction this aub ugatlon antarad upon by a nation , pledged to the doctrine that all Juet Kwera of government are derived from i eoneent of the governed, and they t trill deny thai Imperial lam and our foro iiblt rule of foreign peopla have any tuve tmonf tha purpoaaa jot ow v Uenai Ufa." " Concerning tha Panama canal affair ha aald: "When credit la el armed for Been ring A route for a long-dealred lnteroceanlc watarway. It will not ba lb a carping plrit that tha people will look at the Incident accompanying tbla achtere ment. - They da not undervalue the ob- Kt sained, but they keenly appreciate lr Importanee and value of our na tional honor, our national rood name, jBd. above ait our national morality. "Not even tha treat worth of tha thins aoeompllabed will loee tha eye . of tha people to tha fact that In machine tha result w have exhibited -aueh International ruthleaaneaa and auoh alflBhneaa, International immorality, aa have lastlnaly debilitated our reputa tion for good faith and established a MMnaAnfe wMoh. in dm to come, may kl invnkaA ta lustlfv the moat atarUlna nd reprehensible abandonment at the high Ideal which have made us an ax ampl oi tha bast civilisation a people happy a wa are inieuierenuy iree. irnn a are scruttuloualr iuat. and very where trusted and honored aa wa andevlatintiy follow in tha way ox vy tlghthneee and rsctltuda" . . " Jabs K OaiUate wpmlr. r- Cleveland concluded hi epeeeh by frrlnslna; forward John O. Carlisle, Who waa slven a greet greeting. His speech : era much mora brief than that of .r-lavelajML In that ha discussed tha .tariff. Imperialism. Panama oanal and Anally the gold atandaro. A, refrnoa ta Cleveland, Is which uu iatr mm aiven credit for tha gold etandard and sound financial system of th government, brought out mora ap nlause. which ' lasted until Cleveland m na bowti racosmltlon. (' Both apeakera paid high tribute to - iiuim Trkr ud D. Padv Herri ck. and Urged steady, eonalatent work for them . as tha ground of right, miner man poii- 'tlevA ; aXm aZX-TVAB BTHVTBVOa. . OranaevUla, Idaho. Oct. IS. M. L. ' tohswia MnvLetsd of hlahway robberd. waa yesterday eenteticed to aerv six , yeara In tha penitentiary. f CUTS' VUTlCEa. QTTT TKKlaTJXXK'l IfOTICI OF SALS 01 sxax raopuzr vob saxxxanurz as- sEaaMXjrra. a. Hetic I b-raby givsa mat tae'Asdlter ef W du at Partland baa traasmltted to a llat f the daUitqeast aaseaamenta tor tbe "tmarovuf of CkreUnd araoaa froM the aorta Una ef Alberta street te the aartb Una at Freseott atreet. and that paraaaat te eertioa 41X ef tb charter Of tM- Utw ox roruaita. I win, es Monsar. tb lt day ef .Hovamber IBM at tha brew ef 10 o'clock a. 1 the weat aoor of (he city ball la the City ef Portland, Orvgea, offer for sal St pobllo ' enrtlos ta the hlsbeat Mddff for eaah, iub- Itct t redenwtlon. the following aiaertbed ltareeta ef real property, ta-elti afaealr HlahUnd Mk lTt 10 feet ef 1st Sb, . M. Bryant Vlk i lot t. 0. M. Brrut. 4SS" 42.44 4 90 Bit B, lot 11. ammna J. miikbi. ........ let 1 Emmor . int. ........ let IS, Kmnmr f. Bljbt. 42.40 62. W 47.30 tUST D.14 um 88 0.1 sn.oo let 14. Bmmor i. Halsbt.; lot IB, gminnr J. Hlrht. tot 16, Kminor J. Hnlgbt.. ....... lot IT, tmmor 1. HlRbt. ........ lot W, Kmsior I. Halht...... lot IS, Emnw J. HnlBht... ...... let W. BiBBKit' 1. Balfbt Each Piece or tract of lead win eohl eparately and for auaa not leas thaa the BnpaiS aosaasrnent tnereoai ana interest ane roat of adTertlalng and sals; If mora thaa on thld to offered tb land will be sold to the Milder offering to bike the mm tor the least amount ef penalty and tataras. Ceaopetltloa i lint-rpea tb malty far tb fhvt period. fkooodLpoe tb penalty tor tb wcessdlog tarloda. T-ir4 Ceaa the rate ef toterest. I. B. WE KLEIN, Ctty Tveaeww of th City of PortlaaA pertlmJid. Oregon. October It, 1B0A OTT laUtAtOBBBt V0TIOS OT I ALB OP BXAL PBOrXBTT FOB DKLXBftOXBT At- tA6MXVTA Metlee to bereriy gtvaa that tb Anoltor of tb City ef Pertuod ha tea namttted to bop list Of tb dcllnqoent aaacasmesta for tha t pro Ting of pTeacott street frosa tha Waat ie ef Bast Tenth atreet to the eaat Irn of rt Poairtrenth olreet. and that paranant to ttoa 412 at tbe charter ef the City of Prt 1 4. I will, ea Monday, th 14tk day ef kreeaber, 10O4. T tbe boar ef 10 o clock i a7t tbe west door ef the city ball tn C9M Ttr f PnrtUeA Oregon, offer for aale St e 4 BBrttoo to tfce Ucbest Mdder for w anbieet to rede rapt mn. the folVnwing 4b . '-4 parcel mt reel property, to-wit; . pk it, W I, Maswto C. tbiism 4 It M t Woven 11 kk 11 at 6. John Moras.. , , t 17 pk piece or tract of land win h e!4 ae-jatoty and for -nam sot Vea thaa the . aaa.aa tWrtoa and Intereat end .t of d-rtlaltig and sale: if aer .ill one l to efteved the lana win aw aoa as w. eer eftarlng to tak the same for the Jaat ,t af peaslty sad Utereet, OosanetJttoa iLfrm the penalty tor ta frt pevtod. MteV-Lpa-. the penalty tot lb aweoeedlBg w T-Meejr r 1 city Oesnsef lA THB WW WHOM. ' J.. I , ., n - '"T-a-x- 1 ' 1 'MP'" omr -uaatjkzmt inmos or uu or bxai pioriurr rom scuxav-uix SEgSinilTm. ' Metle la kmbr glfea that the the City of Pertlaml kas trasimttted a a U of the dclluoeeBt aaeeaMitBU for tM iHpronasr e uanco- - . - . Uite at Eaat TweaW fuer itroet W a Vl' al a. al . Il a4 ham f Vtlllftl V rOtl U . ,h-T tnruo;.-tr tke 14th day ef Nowmb-r. V. lteiZ of 19 o-rkxk a. am., at tea ant doer t the cltr hall Is the City of Portiano, "r. efr tor sal. it asblie -atlo-to Wdd-r for eaah. aubjert I JpySJt? roll.wlag daarrtbed enli f real iveparty. wttA m AdWHee-. T.rdlaA. mt 1, let Ml 1, let a it i i.i Carter ...4 Thomas Bwamas. Sarah J. Buckaws. ........ 12 M t 06 W.2U 1142 .U 6.63 1S.M U.0B mt 1. lot a Tn-oeore nupaiuao BIh a, krt 6, Tboniaa Back m a. t Bik X let 4, Tbcodire Btuhmaa. ........ BIk 1 let T. Theodora Bcknia Blk lot 4, Theodore Burhmaa . BIk I, let 4, Tboeoat Bsckmaa.... Blk t, lot C. tgrdU A. Usrter. .. F"rrnwood - ... usoinovo a-e ea e ak u"""" - 1fJ TT Booth iw reel or wtsi a . Hdoeri laitae --v A tract ef land lytsg betweee tt aortb Una or Haueocs aireet iwn erly ta Its prraeat costm and a line 100 fret aorta thereof d P"'1" tharcwlth. and b-tween the eaat Un of Conniy road and a line feet eaat thrrenf a ad psrallal therewith, Breaa wa Land (V lb a.-w i l.vitia A. nartev. .......... 642 ' 6.42 21. TO .27 14.10 T4.I0 40.20 10.3 H.96 n.stj Blk t. let Ijdla A. Cbrtar.. Blk I. lot fil"h Bockinaa. Blk T, lot . trdla A. rarter ma in f. Theodore Bock mas t Blk T. lot It Theodore Bockmaa.., Blk tot 1. Lrdla A. uartrr..... Blk C lot a,' Thomas Bucktaaa. f Blk 6. lot 1, Wllda Bockmpm. ........ - A tract or lana irm oeiw-es am Bne of Block a, V iw nose aoaiiwm. the west line of Bat Twentrrelfhtb street and hetweaa the sooth Use of Hancock atfert and a Bn 100 eotitb thereof and parallel therewith. llRlleta A. hlTarty. ...... in.M OndlTlW M lot II. lcbatd M. Peolsy 1T U Undivided 1- Vt 11, rrank Woolaay... Blk T, lot 1, B. hi. Lombard. m.e Ti.M 41.20 S 70 21 .96 M Kt BIK T, lot 3, 0 W. lXmnra. Blk T! lot tV B. H. Lombard: Bib a Ht U TmYrA . Blk f', let , fi. MJ lembard Bik T, lot . M, m. Loranare ,. nib w m u Awn h. m . Blk f! lot a! a. m! Lombard Blk T, lot 9. B- M, lionbara. tl fX tH.M Blk T, lot 16. B- at. Lomhara Blk f. lot t B. U. I-wibard!. ......... W-tw Blk T. aortb )ft feat tot la, B. If. Losa- ; Blk T. serth 10 feet lot 14, B. M. Loaa- bard uv.'A"- Blk T, aorfk 10 feet lot 16, B. kf. txan- Blk T. north 'reet'ist ii' W 'it' i-iav bj 4 e'e - Btt T. Bwia'itMM'lVi' M. taaa Blk T, aorth'io fart W lB,' B. 'at'i-iiv Blk 7. aartb'M feei'lat 1V 'u."eah ')' bard , i -1 Bik t, aerta w mat ,.. iw Blk r aorth'iotaet let U. B- X. Less Blk T. serta ii' terttot ',' -1 st'liaal Btt T. aorti'ie feet 'tot eV''ieo lad . ............. Blk 7 airtk"i feet lot hi. B. M. Iw A uact ci'Uid'iyiai betweea th soath sera. .41 " A6 1.0 Has of Han-or Street an e nam jw feot sooth thereof and parallel there with and betwees the eat line of the County road and a line 200 feet eaat inereoi ana imuvubi iwummi war Land Oo. stSJ.OQ Each olace or tract ef toad win be .sold separately and for a MS not lass than' the '.ii - tA tntarM anil eoat of sdTertUtng and maJe: U aw thas one bid la effared th land win be oM to the bidder efr-rmk n ni we earn amntmt ef penalty and Utereet. OaasseaUos win bo: . . . Hcotid-naB tb Desalty far the wcaoaatsg period. t , , ; i, , WBRunii. : v flty Tiaaouoae of tb Olty of PortbwL IVrtland, Orearoa. October-18. 1604. oztt TBEAtrmrft jtotiob or ialx or BXAL PBOrXBTT WQM DAXXBOwUrT aaV gxaamsTTA a. a4aa tka the AnaHtO ef the City of Portland has transmitted ta n s oat of the oiinqant aaasesmenia nar " I tn pro Tins Ponlnaolar avenne from tb soath Una ef Plppts street to tte eonth Une of 0 I sun -Ma BAnlaard. and that psrauant to aecttoa 412 of the charter ef the City of Portland, 1 will. on Monday, th lain oay as noremuer, iw. at the hoar of 10 o'clock a. at th wet Oregoa, offr for aaU at Mbfto wcttoa to the D If MB I Bioaer iar en, iwai . mw- oVmptlon, tb following Oeoorlbed parcels ef real property, to-wlt : . . Oomctea riai o aw Penlnanlar Additions No. X t sod 4 . . bat H of block , reamaniar Beat Batat OB. V eatio to!? - H f bleak A Pan . solar Baal BaUt Ce,.......,;-- l- North H of eaat H of sort H of Meet 67, Penlnsslar Beel Bstato Co....... . . TATt Brat U we . irwuawuia a. KaUt Co.... Iuineolar AOSnooa . a smb BeA'tot . Crrsw A Lswooa.. ...... t.40 nib M In aa Ctmrch A laiwson .. a. 40 Blk SA lot 4A Church A Lawaoa Blk SA tot 44. Obarah A Lawaoa....... 4.41 46.44 ail e la l ahmlaakta Vaaffeet 66 Bar Piece or tract of land win b sold epsratolr and for ajm not to thaa tha eoat Of advertising and sale: If saore a thaa ow Md ta offered th una wui jn eoea m uw .1i"SL&Ud 'cooo "Hhfp Ucp- tb. -to City Trawrr of tb City of PortlanA PortlanA Orrgoa. October 1A 190A OTTT TAKAAtntEB't VOTI0X OP BALE OP mxAt pBorxxTT roil VMznwnan BlaWsfXBTB. - ' a. - aaaai eke eha ktidHa af th City of Portland ha transmitted t me S Bat Of IB iingner "" T. - i- ap.n. atraa from 86 feet sootb of the aomb UBjof B..t Btark arrest to a connection with th aewer In Belmont street, and that porsnant to aectloo 412 of the ch-rter of the Clly of Portland 1 will, on Monday, the 14th day ef November. I", at th boor or iu - . weat dr of tbe city hsll la tj ftty of Part- redemption th following Baacrlbad parcels Of reel property, to-wlt. ( Portiano Wne rir urnHw Bast 1O0 foet block 89. Portland I Mr tmetery Company.... ........... . a Baat 10 Iwt Blocs no. b-wtubbbi PIT Ceatetary Company .j., . . . . . .. - bat 100 feet block 87. Portland Loa Plr Cemetery Company ., ........... . Baat 100 feet block SA Partland lea Fir CeoB-tery Company...;....,..... Bast loo fret block Sfi. rartlaad Lone rtr Cemetery Company Baat HW feet block I. Portland Laa Fir Cemetery Company. j'-i- nanson's Addition to Eaat rVartlssA Blk A tot 4, John Oastennela. .......... IP.66 ta.ot .26 66 1A40 even 17.66 Bach piece or tract of land will be sold .-I- . ana. Hat laaa rkBB thj. unpaid aaeeeament thereon and Inter rt and coat of art vert ism son bbic; h bbotr uwb v. Ud 1a offered the land will ba aoM to the Wdd-r offerisg to bike tbe aam tor the lee at amnsnt mt penalty a4 Interest. Coospetltloa First rpna tb peaslty for the first pertod. ffrrmaft tpaa tb passlty far tb sascoedlag periods, ... Third TJpaa tb rat f tot er. 3. E. WRllLEIN. City Treftetrrar of th City of PerrtaoA PortlanA Oregon, October 1A 104. r orrr TBEAtrnmt notice or ialb or BE AX PBOPEBXr rOB DUAXUVXMX AA tlBSMXXTA . Netlea Is hereby gteen that tb A editor ef tb tlty of PertUnd ha tranamttted to me list nt tbe delloqoent aaneeamanU for tbe Un pro rtng of Front atreet from the north Hne ef Arthar atreet t tbe north line of "leymonr avenne. and that psrenant to section 412 ef the charter ef tbe City of PortlanA I l en M'Wday. th )4Ut day af Norsn.ber. 10O4. at tbe beer of 10 o'etocfc a. bl, st tb west AW of tb city hatl la th City ef Portland, (tregon. offer for sale at psbUe actlna to the blshaot bidder for eaah. subject to re dr motion, th f'JlowiBBl dascrtbad aereela ad real propertr, to wit: rarstbers' Addition to fb City of Perttosd s laid eat by tb . toatb Portia nd Beat Batata Blk l5, tb aoatb t feet Of sH tfest pnrtieo of btt 2 frlns eaat ef th Ore gon SI UUKIMH HlW wmfa . right ef way. Lenrw-e B. Oregary ..... ,,M BWYtnS nfBsatead-a BU T, sortk lift feet mt M t OREGON DAILY TOURNAU PORTLAND, 8ATURPAY Broaasirh ,. taV.1t Blk T. aoutb lt feet ef tot 1, Oram I Hroeeash U"V. tst.aW Blk T. aubdlrteloe B si tot I, ll U Wrakoop ,. t.l Blk T. aobdlrlstoa A mt tot B, BUa L. Wyskoop Bik S. aaat 106 feet ef anhdiThrinai D mt t 1. I. M. Uanahae 10.16 Blk a anhdlviaaaai 1 of la a Chaa-toa B. Teaaplaton 14. 14 Blk 0. aubdlvbaoa t f tot I, Char lea B. Blk ft, aubdlvbtea r f tot t, Cbsrla B. Temple ton , 11 -aw Blk ft. aubdlelBloa 4 of lot X, tAarMS B. M Teatsleton 164. 62 Btt ft. aabdlvtstoe t Of 1st ft Charts B. TVmpWton , ltt.41 Blk ft. aubdlvtstoa 16 of tot 1, OharUa B. Tesapleton J0.t Ik fi auhdlwallaa II at U t nkarlae B. TVsiDUtuB IfltLtt Carulhers' Addition to the City ef Portland as laid out by the Boath Pert- , land Heal KaUt Aaaeelstloa Blk 127. lot I. iawlo II. gettletaelar.,.. . Blk 1H7, all that portloa of lot T blng west Of the Orecen A California Ball. - read Company's rljrat of way, w. . at. r Blk 1T. all that portloa of tot.6 tytng weat of the Oreson ft Call focal Bali- read Oompenr a rlfbt of way, wiuiam Blk 167, all that portloa of tot t lying , , west of the Oregon Call curat a nau- rd Oorupany'a right of way, William Lchlab Katate, bear Of.,... ....... Itt-M Portland Homcatead Blk 6, aubdtrtalea A of tot BL B. aibbs -wi 'm'm Blk a, ssbdlTbtioa B of to 4, H. - Olbba Itt-tt Blk a. all that portlos of anbdlvtsl-a B of tot 4 lying weat of the urease California Hallroad Companr' right of way. Ward C Wet mora ,t Blk i U that portloa of aabdlvtalea r or mt lying wast or we un-goo a California Railroad Conasay's rlbt of atav. TarS r H.lmn TAM Blk 6, all that portln of SnbdlTlalca Q or lot S uing eaat ei in urewi m (BjUformls fiaflroad Ooanpaay's riant of wit. W A. Ourrle. Blk 6. all that portloa ef SBbdtvtaloa T of lot I Lrinff eaat or in uresoe CnUfornU Baltroad 0oBnaiirls1t Ata Blk 1, all that portloa of snbdlrlaloa B ef mt lylna eaat Of me urecea a Cahforals Ballroad OotBpsay's right w tr W &. ftarrla 1A66 Blk 4. askdtvMea L ef tot Mm law 4.64 Blk 4,artada.'K at kit 4oto'Bi. ' bocher t6.I0 Blk 4. aavttoa 1 ef tot 4. BmU fat- tt assr !.: -j.- . Blk 4. anbdhrialoa I of lot a, mnu arao- Wb?faLtlJlaiia.n aV Wi. blU atlrSt tinier .T2 Blk 7. onttdtvtatoavt mt tot t, Aauadt aV BnaDMinn Blk 4. niodlvlsloB B of let t, Aaaaeda B. BlkmtKivWca' '6'if 'ist 'i' 'iifral' H ' Beara. It a- Blk Ik 4. north f feet ef aabolvtoltoa B f in e ilhJI t aara tin Bib A annth an ful nt anttrttrlalon B mi lot X Sarah W. sno V. w. nanar... Blk 4, aatdlvla1nn A of tot I, Sarah W. a B. w. msner... j-" Blk A weat 26 feet of mbdlraStsa 0 f 126.61 Mt S, Airreo. r. o re. wr . ., . ... A Blk 4. Nt 2S feet of so' BTCunswai r ea lot A Alfred P. Bears. Jr.. ..."". Blk A weat 2B feet of north feet of ABB sttbdrmloa Q ef tat aurea r. oeara, Btt " A ' west BJ ' feet of "eontB ' feet" ' 0 snbdlvlaion Q of tot A Barak W. sad Blk A snbdWlstoa B'ef'tot't,' "aiirai'wl J.6T and W. . naner....... ...... Back bmw or tract ef land tU be sold A14 eparatelr and for s mm not leas thaa the unpaid aaeetanient thereon and Intereat and mat of advertising and aaW: If mora : tbaa on Md to offered the-land win be old t the Mdder offt-rlng to take th aame tot the leaat amount of penalty sad Intereat. Oeaspstlttoa wlU be: . . ... pint Trees rne pen arty xor m nre pe mm. Becond fcoa the penalty for the aeesdlpg ' City Tfaaatsrsr of the City of Portland, PerttonA Oreson. October 1A ltOA CITT TSsUBVBXB't 1TOTI0B OT tAlB 0T BZAI, rxOTXAZX BOB OSJiaOUI w nCaWafXVTt. Kotlc to hereby gtrm that The Avdltet of m City of Portland ha trsnamlrted to Ba ft Hat of the dellnonsnt asseaeroeats for coBBtractlng tb sewer In Preaont street from the eaat line of Union avenue to a connection with tb ewr I CtoveUnd aveane at nm aaont street, and that parmo ant to aertlon 412 of th charter of tha City of Portland. I will, on Monday, tb 14th day of November, 1004. t ta SOOT OI Ji tend a. n., at w door of tbe City ball to tbe City of Portland. a-- nU a iHihll. anatlAII tn thO blgbeat Wdiler tor eaah, subject to redamptloa. me renewing liii i w-w it, wwt. -f i- r! Blk 22, mat 60 feet tot A David teas- has nib BO Saaa laa V. fktvU B9vaaa Blk'lS, " tot ." Adanj iTrit" " ". ', 1 ', . I.. . A0 Williams Tnne anui BIk 16. north 8 feet eonth ft feet toft , a, rorriana iniii ummiv.... BllTlA west 88 1-6 fast of lot 1, Oennaa BTsngetleal Lstheraa Trinity Church 18 64 Raeh ptoc or tract ef had wlU be sold separately and for mm not lea tbaa tbe an paid assessment thereoa and Intereat and eoat of advertising and aale: If more than one bid to offered tha Usd will ta aoM to, tbe ujia .f.n. hw. Mia iiru ear tha laa at amonnt of penalty and Interest. OoampetltioB WliLb: t h. .IM Aa. Oka Asa MrbJ Becond Upsa the penalty far th aseeaadlng MTmHI-p. City Treseoret of the City of rWtlaaA PortlanA Oregon, October, 16, 1B0A art nBABTBXB'B sTOTIOB OP tALS OP beal pBorurr ro aaxzftUBanc a niuim HorJce la hawebT atvsB that tb AodKa? f ka r"ii nf Portland haa transmitted to 4 list of lbs dcllnqoent aatrasmentB for constructing tb sewer la Hamilton, avenns from 26 feet west of tb west line of Illinois street to a eotmectloa with tbe sawsr la Hm Uton svano at First atreet. and that pnrensnt to sect loo 412 of tb charter of tb City of PortUnd. 1 will, oa Monday, tbe I4ta any KW ioo4. at the boor of 10 o'clock V m.. at tha weat door of tbe city toll te the tWtlanrf. Oraavn. of far for Bale St public section to tbs highest bidder for eaah subject to redemption, tbe following described pare la r real property, bv-wm; thu-MaJl n.niaa(aan . Blk 17. .oadlvided H mt sabdrfbaaa 0 of lot t. D. Jacobs i-Li'-vl '-0 Blk 17, andlvlded H of aehdlTlrlon C ef lot A Mary 0. Sims Estate, heirs of Aft Blk 16, north 100 feet ef eaat 60 feet mt lot 1, Pells Friendly....... .....t... 80 Bach piece or tract of land will be sold separately and for a mm not toss tbaa the unpaid aaseaement thereon and Interest end eoat of advrrtlalng and aale; If more tbsa one bid I offered th land will b sold to the MiMa arfarino fat taka the as SB for the lea at amount of penalty sad Interest. Ckpsttttoa VlBHjlrinnai fha aamaltv fnr th first STfcd 1 Bccond I poa tb peaslty far tbe saceawdlag psrioas. - . Third Ppoa ta to 1-terest , 2. B. WRRLBIN. , City Treaaerer of th City ef PorttoaA PertUod, Oregon. October 16. 1604. rrrrr eraKAnrUn wonCB vf tALS Or BEAL PR0PXATT FOB MLUfOrjENT At giaSkfXirTA bb kMiM aivaa that the Andltns of tbs City of Portland has transmitted to me a hat of th dnltnqneot asaeementa xor IS Improving of Pippin street from th eaat line to the weat line of Wabash avenne, and that pursuant to section in tn am cn o um Hit nt fnrtlann 1 wllL Oo Monday, tb 14th day mt November. 10O4, at tha hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tbs west door of tb city hell IB th tlty OI i-ortiarm, wwe, pi irr for cash, -object to redemption, the following described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Frances Addition to Alblna . mw i ai sh feat bit H. ioha Oolnm. .1 'JM Blk i tot A Jnnn Collins Blk 1, lot A Ja Colllrs..!, Blk L, tot 2, Joha Cnlltns. ' BIk 7. lot 1, Job Collin..,.. ....f... 4.11 " 5.T AUB Um 1A84 BIk 1, lot 11, Tanrln t. Wlckiasa...... Blk I. mt 1". faunas w TTicia. ... . naa du Blk A tot A . B. Andetaon t 07 Blk tot T, Nord Undaay. ; All BIk 1. tot S. iohs Ertckann... .JS Blk L tot T, lobn Erichoa..i.... ' .78 Blk C tot A John nrteaVM.......... Ji Each, piece or tract of toad win be r4d enarateflr stxt for s sum not las tbaa the snpald aeseeamenr thereon snd Intereat snd cost ef advertising and sal: If more tbaa en bid ht'eff'-red th land will be sold to The Udder offering to take tbe asms for th least amount mt penalty sad iatasssL Csmpstlttoa will he: . . yirst rpoa th penaHy far tb first period. Wo,id iJpon tb pcnslty for ta seceeedlog "erloda. tb. rstoja Xgfil ; , " " City Tressnrar ef the City f PorttoaA rartlaad Oragea, October l. IMA I , art iroTWJM. arc Bornx rmorotEB zsrrmovrifMrT or sact trnrrm - BTBEBT. KeMo to berehy mfw that at tb saeerrag hild-ithrmh 4mt ef 0'br. ItO. tbe following reeoluUo w adopted: hJia : That th Ooancif of tb City ef fjubr rWa U eipedle.t id pco fu IniurU Beat Ninth etraet from the auuth LTwrtui wwt to th aortb Una ?f tiotuT " U th following kmsaaer. le- Vlr4ratt By Vastng tb arat fall width with necenrirSlnsing th awrfM of tbe tt foUwldth with fall hittrescttoan to the proper grade with spUnd bank grsTeL Third: Bj eooatrurttng woodka eidwwalks. Bald haproeeateat te be nude la aecordane wlih fha and wdlaaneea of the City of Portland and tha plana, apuotflratloas end rattS. of lb. iy Bneer, ft tod la the ottU- ol the Aufilwj of th. Cltr of PortUnd on the totb day of Aoguat, 1604, lndnraed: "Olty Buglneer'a plaas and speclfJcatloas for the tmnrure ment of Bast Ninth street fruan the south line of Wygaat street te the north Hne of doing atreet and to eaUnkate of the work to k dons end tas preUbl total eost tarreof " Th coat f sslf' Slant f be aamaad s prorlded bj tbe cltj cbartoa, apos the tswnertv apecUlly bonetltad thereby sad which U hereby dei-Ured to ba all tbe tots, parts ef lota and parcels of bind lying betweea a Une 1 feet east of and parallel with the eaat line of Bast Ninth atreet and a Un 100 (tet weat ef an parallol with the wast Una of Best Ninth Street sad hetweaa th aouth Una of w 7 seat street and tb aortb he ef Tb tbtglaeer's eatlasat ef the arobabto total eoat forth Improrenteat ef aaht Bast MlaU Street IS 61,160.00. . The above improves" awn eiaaseaj aa by the dry for S period of four years, proYlded tnai u vwua. w w. h w-. w benefited br said lm pro t anient or any portion k aball .ri Mltflna tw a uw MO dtffap. ent UnproreBeai bafor tb szplraUoa ef sash lae -Una. spwrlflnrtoaa end estimate of .w- fVta u,.4a.u a- tl,. Immm a a. aaU Ba-t Ninth atrest are hereby adopted. . a-k. . k. - . .. A . k . Ma, a awitami ka anal hw ta hwvhr aUrartcA to anve atrret, as pro Tided by tb city chart! KeagonsiranEm if iyi u shut alyned within 20 days from tb dat ef tb nrst psuunuua n una la'.Haa, . V eruar a iMjeacu. . ; THOS. a PBTUtT, . . Auditor of th City of PorttoBd. fwfttoad, Oragos, October PJ, ltOA FtOPOaBD IlCVmOVZaUCaTT or BoT-nncx - TUXT. - . - noma as SWJ gvn vaa m w ..-a of the OooncU of the city ef PortLsnA Orcgoti, held on the loth day of Octob-c, UK), tb WBOITBW jl 111 IW1BIU, VTCBjuu, unwa . r- poses to ..Improve- Borthwtek at root from tn uorta Un oi BVimnaTswuria wrmmmm w u, snw ilna of Waal IHadinont ta tha toltowLag aBaa- aer, tt-wlt: nrst B grading tn atreet ran wmib win foil intapa. rrToH tn the nrad a atvaai br tbe City Business. . Second H7 esasiraCTiBg ivbw-w with wooden enrba tn accordance with tha City .nur'. nlana uwlflntlmi and w - ThlrJ By cotutrncUng croaawalks. Bald lmprovsuMtft tob mad ta. aawdsae wiin toe cnartor ana snuasnn Portland and tbe- plsna. apeclflcatloea and eatt metes of tbe City Bngineer. filad In the eMIce of tb Auditor of tb City ef PortUnd on the 4th day of September, 104. tadpraed ; ' "City Engineer's ptons and speeiflcailons tor the mproTement of Bortbwlek atreet from the aortb Una of KllllnssworU nveans to the aortb Una ef Wast Piedmont, and the stlmtosj of the work to( a aea and the pmbsbl total east tfcTh't of mid lmprovafBSBt to be iiMii M provided by tha city charter Bpoa the prop erty specs 1 lr benefited thereby , and which to hnbyderlared to be all tb lots, parts of fcte mDO Baaa rwaum MMmWtM tM A66 BaV b ee ii ii aw e mm a a, feet weat of and parahel with tha weet line of Borthwick atreet sno a aw uw im awv paraUal with th seat Un of Bprttwlck atreet and between tb north Une of Kf,wr,V vena and tb north Une of Wes t nednvant, Th Knglneer'a estimate Of ta probable total tost forth. Imnravsnsmt t mid Bortbwleb .U,'l. -.e- tta City Kclneer tot tb Improv-ment of Osld Borthwick ntreet are barabr edopted. , Resolved. That in aooiiw YITj Portland be and be 1 bareby directed to give BemonatrancM gBlnat tbe a bora linprovement wail b nwd u rmnf.r,tLij,nSld wttbta 20 dsys from the onto tb Brat psbUcstloa of this norlce. , By order of the Council. - Andltot f tn raw i rt s-rW. Oraeon. October 'A 2WA 0XTT TKEAbTTTKEKA VOTJOB 0T BALE OF KEAZ. P BO PIE XT rOB DEXIBftXrABTr At ggalMxVTA Nettee to hereby gtvaa thae Ow Anfflter ef the at at Portland has transmitted to me 4 list of tb delinquent sosom masts for tbe improv ing ef Kelly treat from tb aortb Una ef Orovor street n tas sonta una m bus, snd that pursuant to section 412 of th charter of tb City of Portland, I will on Monday, the 21st day ef Nova ruber, ltOA. at the hoar of 10 o'clock a. m. at eat doerof th City Hsll. to tbs City of PortUnd, Ore gon, offer foe sal at pubU auction to th highest bidder for cash, subject te redemption, tha following described parcel f teal iropsity, C." others Addition ta tjta Ctty of Portland as told oat by tb Boath PerttoJ. Beal Estate Association Block 186, tot 1, Prsnb sad Mary Hacb- snsr . .... k. gayg.ajB Block Its, tot X rrank end alary Back- wM nay la.T6 Block Mt, tot A rrsnb and Mary Back- eney UAtt Portland Homestod .. MJ Block 8, subdivision 4 of tot 1. 7. BehBrtdt.ttAta Bach piece r treat of toed will be aold sops rately snd for sum not toss tbsa tbs unpaid ssaeaameat thereoa and Interest snd eost of ad vertising sad sale; if mors tbsa ens bid l of fered tb land win be aold te tb Udder offer In to take tb same for tbs tosst amount mt penalty and Interest. Competition will be: First Upon tb peaslty for tbe trst period. hwond upon the penalty tor tbe aaooaiolng periods. nt-. tb. mm mhKrn: aty Tressarrer ef th city ef INwtlaaA PortUnd. Oragea, Octebsr 2A 1S0A CTTT TBAAb1TBXXB VOTICS OT BALI OP BXAL P30PEBTT lOm DELMOUEJlt AtV Nsdce to bereby sivee that tb Andltor tt the City ef Portland ha transmitted to as a Uat of tbs delinquent assessments for tb Im proving of Baat Thirtieth atreet from tb soath lias of Hawthorne's First addition to tbs north line of Hswtborn' Plrst addition, snd that por snsst to sactloa 412 ef tha charter of th City of PortlanA 4 will, ea Monday, tb 14th day of November, 1P04, at the hour of 10 o'clock s. Mu. st th weat door ef the dty bsU, In tb City of PortlanA Oreson, offer tor sale at publls suction to tb b If best bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following ftsacrtbsd parcels of reel property, to-wlt: Hawthorns' Vlrst Addition ft stoat sNari- PI-Ta lot T, William P. Mot... 840 Blk 7, lot A John Todd AS0 Blk 7, lot A ttcll BelUnaer f.10 Blk 11, tot 11, Emms J. O'Brien t 16 Eseh ptsee or treat of Isnd win be sold separately and for a nm not lees tbsa tb unpaid saweesmest tbsreoa and Interest snd cost of advertising sod wis; and If Bvre tbsa on bid to offered tb toad win be sold to tbs bidder offering to tsks tbs sams for tbe tosst amount st passlty aad totereet. Oaas pstltlon will bs: Firat Upoa the penalty for tbe ftrt period. ftecood Upee tb psaaity tor ta saoosadlng psriods. . . , City Treaawrer ef th Cltr of Portlaaaf. ' PortlanA Oregon. October la, 104. OTTT TBEAgVBEB't NOTICE 0T BALS Of BEAL PB0PXATT BOB SALINQDaJrl At- xaaitiirrA NotW m bereby stree that tb Andltor of tbe aty of Portland ha transmitted to me S list of tbe drlfnq.uent assess inents of the proposed aafeolny, widening, laving eat and eatBhllshlng of East Fifteenth street from tbe sooth Ilns of Belmont street to tb aoutb Hne of Jlsst Tsmhlll street In Its present coarse Iffd width, snd that pursuant to aectloo 412 Of tbe charter of tbe City of Portland. 1 arils, on Monday, the 14th day mt November. 1004. at tbe boar ef 10 o'clock S- m.. at the weet aoor or ina Cty mi in ns nj os rnri lanA Oreson. offer for seat at public anctton ta the highest bidder for eaah. subject to redemption. Um followteg described parcels ef tsal property, towlti Haw thorne Part ' Blk 2A west H M ft L. A Borne and (stherlne H. Bek....... AtO Blk 2IM. west to tot A L. BL Bate aad Catherine B Beck................... ABO Each niece or tract ef hnd wttl be aold separately and for a mm aot less tbaa the snpald sSflesNroent thereoa and Interest nd coat of dTrtlalng and sale; If more tbsa one bid Is offered th land will be aold to the Mdder Offering to take the Mm for the least tntount of penalty snd la tares t. ttompatlttoa W First tpo th pmalry far fb first period. cone L pes tb osnalty for tbs saceseolsg periods. ' r Third Cpna tb rat of Intereet. -. - J. B. WKrtLBIlf. -Ctty Treaaarer ef tb City of Partlaml. PerUanA Orsgea, (October it, ittA . , EVENING, OCTO "ft raorotSD lifiwvaririary 01 IfellTT.TEB ... mm. MoHaa fa kaeakv aivaa that St tb BSeaHnS of th Coonctl of tb City ef PorttoaA Orogon, neta on the iftt day or uciouer, asvs, u fallowing resolution was adopted: rrl la.wi AHn. it BXDedhnt SBd BTO. poeos to Itaurovs McMIllea street from the southwesterly Un of Crosby atreet h the east hue of William svesne la tb following man aef, to-wlt: First By grsdlag the street fall width with full Intersections t the sob-grad 6 givea by tbe City Engineer. . ' teeoadBy easwAnt ansae btoek gstors, double row. Third By toying tils. . . Poartb Br eonatruotlsA! BrtlftoUl oarbs. ... . irtn--BT bringing tbe sarru tae arnst to tbs estsbUahed srade foil width Witt foil tatatnactlon with WtuUthi pasesient. Bald lmorovement to be mads In BCeoraanee with th charter and ordinances of tb City of Portland end tbe plana, apecincsnoas ana estimate of tbs City Kmrlnaer, filed In the office ef the Auditor of tbe City ef Portland on th 6th day ol October, 1604. Indorsed: "City Bnglnear's plans snd sped fleet lone for tbe Improvenvtat af steal I lies street from the southwesterly line ef Crosby street to the eaat line of Wllnams crenua, snd tbs .eatl- mate of the work to be dsn so ta prooasM total ot thereof." ' , Tb cost of said Improve meat to be msimo 1 aa provided by tb Cltr charter BPOB the prop erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby, and which to bsrsVy declared to bs as fol tows: AU tbs tots, puts of lots snd parcels of land lying between the southwesterly Une of W he Wr street end a Un 100 feet south westerly from snd parallel .with tbs aotrthwast erly Un ef Crosby atreet hnd between a Uae 100 feet northwesterly rrom sno paraiioi wiio the eartbweatarly Un of Me VI lien atreet and a Una ion Veat annthMBtarls from and parallel with th bos tb easterly Use of MeMlllea street; also tbe southwesterly ene-hslf of btoek 2B and tns nortncasteriy ene-aair ot waa ao, '. ' ton'B rddltloa to Baat PortlanA ... Eoglnesr' Mtlmsts of th areanow wjyat eost for tbe improvesaoat af said Mcauusa reetH 812,483.00. . Ttta atw,a limn i Hunt fa to be ClaSBed SB a blruHtblc pavsmsnt and shall be maintained oy tn city tor penoa.oc n t vlded that tbe ewBars of a majority of tb proiwrty benefited by aaid hnprovement or any portion thereof ah all not petition for a new to different lmaaovamsat beter tb eipArattoa ef sach period. Th ptena, apart ncsnons sna ssnmans en am City Buglneer tor the Improvement Of Said Mciflllea street are hereby adopted. . Resolved, That wtb Auditor of tb City f PortUnd be bad harto hereby directed to give notice of the imposed Improvement mt said atreet, aa provided by th city charter. Remtnatrsnee against tbe above Improvement may be filed la writing with tb anderslsped within 20 dsys from tb data of the Brat publication of this notice. , By order f the Council , , , - Auditor of tb Cltr of rrttoaA ' PorttonA Orsgos, October 22, ltOA .. nOTOm IMPmOTOsXaTT OT BUI -TWaUfTT-BUfTB BTrBBXT. yfotlc to bereby given that st the meeting Of tb Gc-mcU of tbs City ef Portland- Oregon, held oa tb 1Mb day of October, IBM, tb following resolution waa adopted: Rseolvsd. That the Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to lnuprov East Twenty-ninth street from tha northllae of Hawthorne avenue to 100 feet aortb of th aortb Un ef East Mala I. ha VnlbMrina- manner, to-wlt! Plrst By grading tfce street full Width with full lntereectlonate tb srsds, a glvon by. tb City Engineer. Second By con rmet! ng woodea sidewalks. -Third By constractlng woodea erosswalka, Pourtb By constructing Un getters. Bald ta prove meat to be made Is aerordnne with tb charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and ths plana, specific ttoa and estimate of tb City Engtnsr, filed to tne Offlce of th Auditor of the Uirof tland on tb 23d day of September, 1604. indorsed: "City Engineer's ptons and speclftcstlons for ths Improrrment of East Tereoty-aintb street from the aortb Un ef Hawthorne aveane to nn rae anrth ed the north Un of Best Mala street, and tbe estimate ef tb work to be don and tbs probable total eost hereof." Tb cost of mid taprovsmeat to be assessed aa HenatAbA Bnr tha UtT (thartar BOOB tb OrOB- erty spsclsUy snd peculiarly benefited thereby, end Which is bereby declared to bs all , tbs lots, parts of tou and parcels of toad lying benrseT Un 100 feet west of and pajlie with tb weat Bne of at Twenty-ninth atreet and a Hne 106 feet seat of and parallel with tbe east Ua of Baat Twenty -ninth atreet snd between the north Ua ei wtboras ; ne nnd a Une 109 feet north af and aarallal with ., - u .1 Waa 'Mala atraat. Tbs Bmnneefs sstlmats of the probsbte total east for tb Improvement 4 said Baat TWsaty ninth atreet to 86S2.0A . Ttm plana; sp-riftesttona and estimate f the City smglaeer for ths Improvement of said Bast Twenty -ninth street are hereby adopted. HesolvsA That tb Andltor of tb City of Portland be snd bs la hereby directed to gtv notice of tb proposed Improvement of said treet. provided by th city charter., BeBkomtrnaces against the shore latpiwv aaent may hs fltod la writing with tbs uoAsr slgned wltbla 20. days from the date at the first publication of this nettoa, ,,- m ara mmw' ' " Andltor of the city of Portbmd. PortUnd. Oregon. October X 1MM. fjtOrOBSIr TmTWMOnMZMt OT WEBT OBB BUUJT 0T KBTtHOUTB AVEHWA Kotlc at bereby givea that attke sa ngs the Council ef the aty ft P?i land, Oregtv bald en tbe 19th day of October, IMM, tbe tallowing reaslutloa waa adopted: ResolveA That tb Council f tb City of PertUsA Oregon, deem It espedlent snd proposes ta Improve tbe wettjsae half f Krtamoetk avenns from tbe aoutfc Ua of Wilbuastte boolevard to th north line of Binff treet by eonstructtng woodea d" croaawalks La accords ace with atr BWer's pUas, apeciflCsUon snd estimates Bald Improvement to be made in accordance wltb th charter aad ordlnsncea of tha City of Portland and tb ptone, apecltcatton and ssthutes of tb aty Enginser tied to tbe of&es of th Auditor of th Cltr ef Port bind on tbs 10th dsy of October. 1PM, indorsed: "City Bnglneer'a plans sad speritestloos toe tbs Improvement of tbs West ons half of rVsna mouth aveane from tb aouth Una J WllUmette bontovsrd to th aortb Uo of Bluff street sad tha estimates of the work to be doa Bad tb probsbl total cost thereof." The cost of asld Improvement by be ea sensed sa provided by the eity charter ansa the property apevially and peculiarly bsne ttsd thereby .snd which to hereby declared to ba all the lots, parte thereof snd psroels of toad lying between tb west Une of Porta mouth STsnus and a Use 100 test west thereof snd parallel therewith, "and bstwesa the eonth Une ef Wlllarsette boaUevsrd aad tb Berth Una ThEaSlnUr' estimate mt tb frobabl total eoat tor tb Improve meat of said wsAaae half mt PortsmonU aveane to. 8380.00. Tb ptons, spscttcatloBB aad sstlmatm af tbe City Engineer for tb lmprovemsnt of ths aid west ons half f ffbrtemsath svsaas are teeolvedThit tb Auditor of fh City of PortUnd be and be la bereby directed to glvs notice ef tbe proposed Improvement mt aald a venae a provided by tb city charter. . RaOMnstrsncea against tbs above Improvement may ba tied la writing with the undersigned wtthla to daya from the data ef the tret pab Ucstloa of this notice. . , , Br srdsr af tbe Council. . THOA 0. PEVLtN, " Aodltor of tb aty of Portland. PortlanA Oregon, October 20, 1904. III til II DaarBOTaTBTatBT 0T ALBZETA ITBEZT. krotles bl hereby give that at tb ateerlnf tt th Cooacll ot th City of Portland, Ore gon, held oa tbs 10th dsy ef October. UWA the following reoomtloa was adopted: Beeolred, That th Cooacll of th City f PortlanA Oregon, deem it xpedtent and pro pose to Improve Alberta street from ths wast Has of Union avenue to the eaat line of Commsreisl street by grading th atreet fall width with fall Intersections to tbe grade aa ahewa by the ate km ast by tb City Engi- 8ald' tmpepvemeat ft b msd ta accerdsnes srttb ths charter snd scdiasnce of the City of PortUnd snd tbe ptons. speclfratkm and estimates of the aty Engineer tied la tbe office of tb Auditor ef th City of PortUnd on the 16tb day of October, lPM. Indorsed: "aty Engineer's plans and spect&cstlous for the Improvement ef Albert street from the west 11ns of Cnloa avenas to the east Une of Com morris 1 atreet and tbs estimates of the work te be doa sad tbs Brebabl total test The cedt ef MM Imprevsment to b aMMed provided by the city charter apon tbe property specially sod peculiarly besetted thereby and which b bereby declared to be all tha tote, parts thereof snd pares la of Und lying between a Una 100 feet aortb af sad parallel with ths aortb Ua of Alberta street snd s line 100 feet south of and parallel with tb south Has of Alberts street snd betwuen the west Une ef Tnlon a venae and the east Ua ef Commercial street. Tha Boglaeer'a eetlmere ef th pronsM total ot for tbe Irsprovaeseat af Mid Alberta street Is tl.ltl.00. Tbs plans, apeciocatlo and eetimatea mt tb City Engineer for the Improvement af Bsld Alberts atreet are bereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe Auditor ef tb City of Portland be and be to hereby directed to give notice of tbe pro nosed Improvement mt bm street bs provided by tbs eifr charter. Remonstrance as lost the above Improvement mny be tied In writing wltb the undersigned withta 10 days from the sate sf tb trst pub UvatbB of tbla antics. By sraer of the Ceaacfl. , THOS. ft lMBVLIB, ' Andltor af tbs Ctty ef PorUanA TttlllMl Orsgea. Ogtobag A ltOA t I 0IR VOTICEA norom imMrmmn or bamdoltb BTAJOrt. Notice hi bareby given that at the fsecttng ef the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, to Id oa the lftth dsy of October, Woe. th fol lowing resolution was adopted: i h ilvad. That the Council of th City Of Portland. Oregon, deeaw tt expedient nod pro poses to Improve - Randolph street from tha ourtbeasterly 11 ua of River street ta th aunt1) wastoriy Una of Ooldsisitfc straeft la the fo towing manner, to-wlt: first By grading tb Street fntt Width Srttb full Intareecuona to tbs proper sub-grade as given by the City Engineer. tacoad by bringing ths street full width With toll Intersections to grade with gravel. Third By constructing wooden aide era Ik a Fourth By constructing woodea crosswalk. OTlfth By constructing Stuns gutters, Bsld lmprovemsat t be mads la aoeordaace with the charter sad ordlasnos of the City of PortUnd snd the aUus, apeflUcstluns snd sstlmstes of tbs aty Engineer 8led ta tbe oface ef tb Auditor ef tha City of Portland on tea 801b day of tsptembar. 104. Indorsed: 'City Engineer's plans and spocltcstluns tor tbe Improvement of Randolph street from the northeasterly 11ns of River street to the south westerly Un of Goldsmith atreet snd tbe esti mate or tb work to bs da aad tb probsbl total coat thereof." Hitai coat uareer." Ths cost of aa4 lmarevement to bl provided by tbe riu charter apna arty specially beae&ted thereby and ba amaoead the prop which to hereby oW tared to be sit tb lot, part of tots sod parcels of land lylug between a line KM feet Borthweaterly from and parallel With ths northwesterly Une ef Randolph street snd a Un 100 feet sou tbitast erly from and parallel wltb ths Boatbesstetly line of Randolph atreet. and bstwsvn tbs northeasterly Hue of River street sad. tb sosthweaurly line of OolOsmlth street. ' lb Engineer's mrtntat of th arobsbls total ODat fnr ths Improvement af said lUndolpb Street Is 82,888.00. The aboTs tniprovessest h) te bs etoased 8 6 gravel Impravoiasat sud shall bs ausluteined by Us dty for a period of fire rears, provided that the owners ml majority of tb property benrffted by aald Improvement or ny portloa thereof shsU not pel It Ion for a new or dif ferent Improvement before tb ftspiraUen af such period. The plans, spMlaVrnttosn and eerlmatas of tb Olty Buginest for tbs Improvement of mm Randolph street are hereby adopted. ReaolveA That tb Auditor of tha City ef Portland b and ha Is hereby directed to give notice of tb proposed Improvement of ssM treet as provided by the city charter. BemoDstrnncss against tb above improve ment may be tied hi writing with tb under signed wltbla to dsys rrom tb date ef the trst publleattoB of this notice. . By erdar f tb OaoncU. 1 .... .. THOA a DBTLIrf, Auditor ef tbe City of I'orUsaA ForthiBA Orrgoa, October 22. 1B04. BaUXPOtEO. OIPBOTgatEatT 0T BV0XTZX, atTEBOB, .'' Botfa to bereby give that at tb meeting ef th Council of tbe City ot Portland, Oregon, held oa tbe 10th dsy of October, 104, tbs following tant n I In was s dotted; Reeolved. That ths Council of tb City f Port land. Oregon, deems it axpedlent and pr. poses to Uunrove Bucbtsl svenue from the north Uo of Best BUrk atrest to the north Un ot Mayor tiatee addlttoa la th to (low lug UUkAfi to Wit Plrst By grading tb street faB width with fail Intersections tn the proper sb-syad a givea ,by the City Engtoear. Seoobd By bringing Lbs aurfac af tb atreet fell widtb wltb fait totrcttoae to grade wltb gravel. Third By usastiiii tlug1 ere idea al dears Iks. -t' " Pourtb By cons true ting erusswslks. rifth By OoMtractlng atone gutters. Bsld lmorovement to be mads la acoordaaee With tbs charter sad ordlasnces of th City of Portia no an th puns, specincstloos ana eeti matea of tb Cltv Bnglneer, riled la tb office of the Auditor of tbs Ctty ef Portland on the 17th dsy of October, 1004, Indorsed: "Oty Engineer's, plana and specifications for tbe Im provement of Buchtel arena front th north line sf East Stark atrtot to tb north Un ot Mayor tiatea addition, and th estimates of the work to be done aad th prebsbto total cost thereof." Tb eost of td bnprevemsat to be aaaaseed aa provided by tbe city charter anon the prop erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby, snd which b) bareby declared to be all the lots. part Of tote enO parcels or laao lying Between a line 100 feet west of and parallel with tbe west Ilns of Buchtel avenue and s line eq Di als tent front tb eaat Un of Buchtel avenue and the west Ua of Baat Thirty second street, and Its eztenalcm northerly hi Its present course, and between the aortb Un of . Hast Stark street aad tbe earth Ua ot hi ay or Qates addlttoa. Thai Kna-lnaar's aatimata of tbe nrobable total cost for the lmprovesMsU af said atoehtel venae to 84.281.00, . Tbs above Improvement to tb b deseed ss a svavsrl lmiwovement and nball ha melatalned by the dty for a period ef five years, provided that tbe owners of a nuttority f ta property benefited or said Improvement or say portloa thereof ah all not petltloa for a new or differ ent improvement before tb exptrattoe ad aob pertoA Tbe plan, anwritmtton and astiBaates sf the City Engineer for th 1m prove maut ef aaid Bkaahtal awaarna aea hapabr adnatadV BeeolveA That th Auditor of tb Olty Of PortUnd as aad bs is bereby mreetea to give notice ef th proposed Improvement af aald vanne. as provided by tbs city charter. Re nwas trances sgslnst tbe above Imrmrvemaat ae be filed to writing wltb th undersigned within to day from the data of tha fhat pob Ucatloa ef thU notice. By rds of tbe Connelly fc ' . . THOB. ft DBTLIrf, ' Andltor of tb CTtv of PorttoaA : PerttonA Oregon, Octebsr 22, U0A PBOPOAED SXWXB SB EAST ALDEB ITBEZT Notlc to hereby givta that at th awetlag ef th Council of th City at Portland, Oregon, bald on tbe 10th day Of October, 104, th following reeolntlon was adopted: Reeolved, That ths Council ef tb Olty of PortUnd. Oregon, deems It expedient sad pre- Kca to construct a sewer to Baat Aider street m TB feet west of Eaat Thirty -8 fth street to the sewer ta Best Thirty-fourth street. 6a Id aewer to be of vl trifled new pipe wlU all Dt'Leaaai J mm-aaua, awa-nHV, uai-wm branches, snd to b af sight laches sloe la- side diameter. , . Bald aawer to be enustractid ta si oar flat with tbs charter and ordinances of tb City of PortUnd snd tb plans specifics Uowe aad esti: Bastes of tbs Oty Beginner, tied to tbe cnc of tas AOOltor or m city si rortmna en ins tTth dsv af Octebsr. 1904. Indorsed: "aty Engineer's plans sad Bpeclflcstloaa for a sewer la Eaat Alder street from 76 feet west of Beat Thlrty-flfth street to sewer bl Beat Thirty- fourth atreet sno ta estimates ei tns wora so bo dene snd the nrobsbU total cost therssf." The eoat of said sewer te be ssasasad ss pro vided by the city charter upon tb property specially Bad peculiarly benefited thereby nod which Is bereby decUred te bs as follows: Lets A t. 1A btoafc A snd tots 7. 10, U, blesb A Sunnyaids. The Easineer aetimars sf tb probable total eost tor the satracttoa of said aewer to so2 no. Tbs plans, spacitesttons sad ssttsastes of the City Engineer ror toe esMtraema w sam sewae ara autrahv adonteaL ResolveA That tb Audi to ef the City of Portland be and ha ta hereby directed to give notlc ef th proposed construction mt n aawer aa nrovlded by tb ctty charter. ReBSonstrsacea against the above eewer may fee tied In wriUng with tb under ri rued wlttrtn 20 day from tb data of th trst pabUoa- By sraer mt th Ceaacil. ' THOA ft DBTLIrf. Aeoitor of th aty of PartlsnA Porttasd. Oregon, October 22, 104. PBOPOBXO XatrBOTZbtEBT Or PAAftO ITEXET. Netl tl bareby given that st tb meetlag of tb Council of th Uty ot PortUnd, Oragou. held oa th lftth day ef October, 104, tb fallowing Fssolutloe was sdopted: Resolvsd. That tbs CeuBcil of tb City f Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro poses to Improve Par go- street from th east Una of Oantoabela aveno to tbe eaat Una of CVmroarcUl street to the tsUosrlBg nana Kirs t By mdtng tbe street fall width with full lntersscTlons to the grada, mm given by tb city Engineer. Second By constructing woodea Side walks. ThirdBy eonstrnctlng woodea crosswalks. Said Improvement to he mads to ccurdaBO With the charter and ordinances of tbs CUT ef PortUnd and the plana, spedflratlooa ana estimates of the City Engineer, filed la the office of tb Andltor ef the aty of Portland on the 2M dsy of September, 1004, Indorsed: "aty Engineer's nlana snd specif lea tin us for tb lmorovement of Fargo street from tb asat Una of Gantenbeta avenue to the east Has ef ComBMretal street, snd tb estimates sf tb work to be dens aad the prsbsbl total east thereof." The cost of mid improvement to be. sssesurt as urovlded by tb city charter upon tbe prop arty specially sad peculiarly benefited thereby, and which ara bereby declared to be sU tbe lots, parts ef tots snd parrels ef land Iflne between a tin 100 feet nnrth of aad parallel with tb aortb Un of rargo street and a Une ino feet aoutb f and parallel with the South Ilns sf rargo street snd between a line 10 feet eaat of and parallel With tbe eaat Une of Oantenbet avenue aad the mat Una ef flnanflaerfla! street. The Bnglnear's estimate af tb probsbl total Ceet for tb lahprovamsat sf aald Pargn atraat la KM AA. Tbe plana, apeclfl cartons , and estimates ef tbe aty Engineer for tbe Improvement ef mid b-aran s treat are heeebv a do tj ted. ResolveA That tbe Andltor ef tbe Ctty Of pert land be snd he is bereby Oirectea m give notice of tbs proposed Improvement of said treet. ss provided by tbs dty charter. Remonstrances against the shove larpreve nwnt mT he filed In writing with th nnrW signed within 20 dsrs fmm th date ef Um first poMi cation of tsls entice, . By eras mt tbs (Wincll. ' . , . THOA C. DEVLIN. - ' Andltor of tb City of PortlaaA Parttoad, Oragea, October st, UOA 01 TT BOTIOBB. PaVOPOCEO XBrBOTEBEVT 0T EAt ALBBB STEEXT. Netlea to herwhv el.aa that at tbs steering Of tha Council of the City ef Portland. Ore gon, held oa the loth day Of uciouer, save, (U followLig rceahitloo wss anloylcd; BeeolvoA That the CuudcII of tbe City ef PortUnd, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro. poses to Improve East Alder street from tbe eaat Uu of Boat Thirty-fourth street to the west Una ef Hu nay aide Third addlttoa, lat tbe following msnuor. to-wtti first By gradliig th strevt tall width with full luterscrtioas to th. grade aa given by tb City Engineer. Breoud By cos tree ring weoose aioewsiss. Third By construe Hue woudt-n croaawalki IB aceordance with th Ciur . Aaslneer'a , pUs and apeclacatbiaa. . rsurtk By con tract lag wooden sorbs ta errdanc with tb City Esgloeer'S plaa and sot C West tout Said lmprovsmsat to be mad la accerdaao vitb ths charter snd sect nance of tbs aty of PortUnd and tha nlaaa. aiMHtlAcattons snd estl- Utates of tha tltv Enalnaar 6Ud In the office of tb Andltor of th city of PortUnd ea tbe both day of September, 1004, Indorsed: "Lity Engineer's pUna and apaclOcatlous for tb 1m- !'iovenicnt of East Alder atreet from tb east '.no f East Thirty-fourth treat to tb weat Un of Saunystde Third addition, aad tbs esti mates of tbe work to bs auaa and ta area- al-le total coat thereof." Tbe eost of asld Imnrevement to b amaaaaa sa provided by the city charter nnoa tbs prop erty specially nenentea thereby ana woicn ib harebr declared to be-all the lota and oarts of lots and parcels Of tend lying between a Un ll feet north of and parallel with tbe aorta line sf Boat 'Alder atreet and a Una 100 feet south ef sad parallel wltb tbs south Una of East Alder atreet. and between tb east Un of Beat Thirty-fourth street aad tb west US OA tsnnyalde Third addition. Tbe Enalaeer's estimate ef th probabta total cost of tha Improvement at tb mid Eaat Alder atreet I 841A r' Tb nians. aeeciBcstios ana sstimsus or tee Ctty Engineer for th Improvement of mid Bast Alder street are hereby a Hop to. . Resolved. That tbe Andltor .of tbe City of PortUnd b sad he U bereby directed to iv notice ef the nroDossd ImDrovemrnt f mid atrtet aa provided by th city charter. Kemoostrancea agate at tbs sbnvs laa prove. Bteat amy be tied la writing with tb undor alined within SO davs from tb data ef lb trst publication of tbts notio. . ;:,, Bp eaosr es us council , ; THOA 0. DETLIlf. - Aaeitof f the City of PortlaaA. PertUnA Oregon. October ft, ltOA BBOKWS9 IBrrBOTSBTEBT OT , Wam tTBBET. , Kotto bereby given that t tb awatlnff mt tb Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon. beM on tbe 10th day of Oct ber, UOA the tollovrinjtreeolutioa was adopted: Resolved. That tbe twaocii oi ine viiy stMtiaiui neaamt avmi It sinetHest snd pro poa as te Improve Twenty -Bret street frra ths south Un of Jackson street to th north Un of enrtoa trset m ls ipuewMg maw pVat By Atafllnt" IW UT fall widtb wltb fan toteraeettons to the pre par Mb-grsd given by the Clip Bnglneer. , Hecond Br bringing tbe surface af the atreet full width with full Intersection to grade Wltim BJXACat (Wffa Third By coiwtrajrttng arritrlai stone side walks hi a cor dance with tbe Olty Bugiaesr 6 pUns, speclncstlons and estimatos. Bald Improvement te be mad te accord a sos ,x ea. ahartae bm4 ardlnaiicefl of th City of PortUnd and th plana. anvl6cat4oss and esthnstes ef trie CTty engineer aieqin ine oi fies of the Andltor of the City Jf'BarttoeAM tbe 23d day of September, Iftot, Indorsed: "City Engineer' plans snd ap-riaestinas fop tb Improve meat ef Twenty-tret street froni las aoutb line sf Jackson street to the north tin of ClirtoB street snd the estimates of the work tob doa tad the probsbte total ecoat,ef aaid improve reent to' be asseeeed as provided by ths dty charter "Pen the prow arty apeclally aad psealterly baaeftted thereby sud Which b hereby declared- to be all the lota, part of tots jod parreU of land lying -between a Was 100 feet weet of snd parallel wltb tbs west Unn jrwengr-trat 'street aada Une 100 feet endt sf snd parallel .with the msI Un of Twsnty-nrst street snd between . ths aoutb Uo f Jacksee treet and th aortb Une of Clifton street. m . Ths Engineers as lima to of the probebl total cost for the lmnrovaMat af sold Twenty trst street to 200.00. . . Tbs above Improvemest to to b etogsed as a macadam Improvement and abaU be malnU ned by tb dty for s period of tvs years, provided that the owners of s majority sf th property benetted by aald Improvement or any portion thereof abaU not petition for a new ot different tmprovant before the eaparattoa af each asrloA The ptons, speriftcstloB and setirnsres of ths aty Cnftneer for tbe Improvement of said lavaaty-ftrat atreet are hereby sdopted. Resolved. That ths Andltor of th -City af Portland bs and bs to hereby directed tt glvs notice of the proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by tbs city charter. Remonstrances agatast tbe above Imprwee. atent may ba tied In writing Wltb the Buder algnsd with la SO days' from tb data af tb Srat publication of this aottos. By srdsr of tb Coaacll. . ? ? r Andltor ef th City of PortlaaA' Portlsnd, Oregon, October 22, 104. VBfjrOBBB IBTJrBOTBSfZn OT CB4PWAB bTtaebt. Rotle M bereby gives that at the ameting ef th Council of tb City ana laid rha 18th dsT City of PortlaaA 0r- ot octor, uevs S. fhllnatm eaanhilLaBi waa alloDted : Reeolved, That the Council of tbs City of Portland. Oregon, deem It espedteat snd pro poses ta Improve Chapman atreet from the north Un of Elisabeth Street to the aouth Un of Spring atrest. In tb foUswlag msnner. te- pirBt By grsding tb street to th IB aab-grsds a given by tbe Oty Eoglaeer. Seoond--Br bringing the aurface of ' tha treet to the proper grade with macadam. Said lmprovemsat to bs ma da bl accordance with th charter snd eTdlaancos ef the City of Porttoad aad tbs plana, sprcitestioes aad esti mates of tbs Oty Engineer tied Ib th of. tee of tbe Auditor of the City ot Portland on the M day of October, 104. Indorsed; "City Bngiaear's ptons snd Bpecldeatlous for tbs Improvement of Chap ma a street from tbe north Una sf Bllaabsth a treat to ths south Ua ef Spring street snd tbs ssttmstea ot tbs wort to be don and th probabU total eost thereof." Tbe cost of said Improvement to be asasssed m provided by th city charter spen the property specially bene ted thereby snd Which la bereby oecUred to be all the tou. part of tote aad parcela ef toad blag betweea a Un 100 -feet westerly from and parallel with tha westerly Ilns of Chapman atreet snd Ua Ha) feet easterly from and parallel with the east erly Une ef Chapman street; and betweea tb aortb Ua of Elisabeth aUwat aad tb math Une of Spring street. Tb Engl user' a earl mste ef the arobabto total soot tor th Improvaansnt af aald Chan ma s atrest tB0O.oA Tbs above Improvement b) to ba etoamd ss macadam Improvanisnt aad mall be aula tolned by th 1ty for B pertod of iv years, provided that ths owners of a majority ef the property benefited by mid Improvement or any portloa thereof shall not petition for a new er different ImprovenMnt beter the a, plrstton of anon period. Tb pUns, specthVatksM and set! mats of the City Engineer for the ttoprovmat of said Chapman street sre hereby adopted. Resolved, That tb Auditor of ths City af PwtUnd b sod he U berehy directed te give notlc of tb propose improvement ef said atreet sa provided by tb city Charter. Re Btons trances agslnst th above Improvement B.ay bs tied la writing with the auderalgaed wltbla 80 days from tbe date of the trst pub lication of tbt notice. By araar f the CeenetL. v .. . THOA OL fiBTLrW, H' - Aadttor ef tbe City of PortUaA PortUnd. Oregon, October 22. I80A . nOPOfSS BXWEB IB BODNTT AVEWB, Notlc to heresy givea that at the meeting ef tbs Council of tbe City of Porttsad, Oregon, bald on tbs lftth day of Octebsr, 1804. tb. following rssolutloa ws adopted: BeeolveA That tbs Council of tb City of Portland, Oregus, dee ma It eapedleiit and are. pnaea to -con struct a aawer la Rodney aveno from 100 feet north of tb north Una of Pre moat Street to tbs eewer in Beech "treat. Said sewer to b Of vitrified sewer pins of clgbt Inch re clear lsslse diameter with all asessssry catch-basin. amn-hotoa. laaan-kotos . sad branch. Said sewer te b eeaatractod to accordance with tbe charter and ordinances of tha city of PortUnd and the plane. epeeUlcattone and estimates of tbe City Enslaver, filed la th office Of tb Auditor of the City ef Portlsnd ua the 17th day 'of October, 1B04. indorsed t "City Engineer' plan and -specification for a sewer to Rodney avenue from too feet north it th north Un of Fremont street to th aewer In Beech atreet, and tb eat I out tea of th work to be doa and tb probsbl total eost thereof." - The eoat ef said sewer to be ameasif as pro vided by tbs city chart er apon the property specially and pecuUsrly benefited thereby, snd which to hereby declared to b as ftJtowsi Lot A A 4, A to block to; feu ix, jx 18, 14, to Nock 18. Alblna HiBteeteaA The Kaglnesr' estimate of tb probsbte total eost ror th soe tree ties mt t mid aawar hi Thenlaee. epectfl cations and estimates bt tb City Engineer for tbe SBeutrscUen of ! aewer are hereby adopted. Resolved, That tbe Auditor ef tbe Ctty ot Portland be and be Is berehy directed to give aotlce of tbe proposed eon tract ln af aald Mwr, as provided by tbs city charter. BernonstrsBCfe agslnst tbe above eewer Mr be flW In writing wltb the onderatgned wltbla 20 dars from the date si the Drat publlcstlua of this anUc. ., , T , . By order ( tb rv-incIL , ' , . THOB. ft tlBTLIW, ! ' ' ' ' Aedlter of tb aty ef PorttoaA. . rerttoad, Oregua, Oeteber St. 104. e