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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
.4.. , THE OREGON r'"tV JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 89, V4. A CCCD KILE For an-uateut ppte It to pick Mt aa aid ml Woe by depositing It therein. NOW u waat poor twaum ut wist re to knew thef THE 0-ttST TRUST COM PANY Ui OREGON. IituM fetsrnt-bsriaT eeewBrstea ef dswodt that pay from t to 4 per cant Interest and mb n draws at any nine 07 firing a car tels number of dart' nolle. L rill Bnrtteulara tn cauioa in Mir doo or . v - .. .. wvimnon," v " Which w akail kt Ud at a yB. POSTLAND TRUST COMPANYOF ORECON MS Third Street ' t BEHJ. j COHEN.,,......,.......,. ...President H. L. nTT04'K..... ...Vtet-Proaldent B. LBS PAOBT.. M Secretary J. O. OOLTRAj Aaetatant Secretary BTOTTOB, MOTICS to hereby given that there to prndlna; to the ottca of th auditor of tba dty of Portland, Ualtnoouab county, Oregon, a peti i tlou for th vacation of tba street, alia and ' pnrtloa of atreet hereinafter described and Ibal at tka regular naeetLng of tba council of , tba dty of Portland to be held a Wed- uesumy. the Ttb day of December, 1004, at ' ,. tn regular boar u pun mm petition wui no in rn il to a.ld onunrll br tba andar- signed, praying for tha mention ef all of "vi , Murray itrnt and of all of tba allay run Blng tmtween Murray atset and Madison ' , tret la the imoM plat of Ardmor. and ' alao b portion of Madison street aa the tame r appeared os tba orlctnal plat ef Ardmoro ' filed br DobbM Macleay, dced, aald poc ;,''. Uod being bounded on tie north by tba aortb linn flfadlaoa atreet, ea tbe eouth by a i Hub parallel with tba Mid aortb Una and aeveatoea (IT) faot distant there fronl to tba - ', eonth, oa tba west br the dty Prk and on B tatt br tba waat Una of rora otreec. MACLEAY BSTATB COMPANY. ':'-, , f RODERICK L. UACLBAT. Pralaoai, btACLHAT ESTATE COMPANY. By B. UTINOBTONE, BacroUrr. MOTTCI II BE REST OITBlf that OB tha IBtb S UbJ. Or., waa duty adludleatBd banknt: and that tha Brat BMatlaB of bla cradilora will bo held Bt room WW, OUbm or uovaaarea . ilMtBB, rortland, Or., on tba otb da of L. Movambar. lBOi. Bt W o'clock a. at ' which tltaa tba mid cradilora atar atrond. ' proTf tbclr clatnM, Bppolot a traateB, oxan Id too bankrupt and transact aucb otbor . buBiBtat aa nj proiMrv ooat aanra bbw " Baud Portland, Or.. 0t Eft. 190L 11 ALEX aWBEK, Befarao fa BanirBBef. nrtouuTiov wjrrm fXroBMA-nn? wantad of tba wbaraa boots of , K. L. Landmlat. bc4 M. Ufbt eomplexlon, Ecbt BwaUeha: 1 faot Jllfbi canw to PortUud Aptobaa' ! and ha not alnc been aea; can't Bvoak EocUab. Brick Londoolat, Mlno- taoath and Oolnf ats.. Uppar Aiwoa. at-i.'-iUA.. a iii-rrs.rr "rnrnai aTEXR WABTTW HiTf ' VOBMTB Baal ataaajwra wantad ararrwhora; n alul tarritorri "Ob DolUr a zar Protoct ' You;" ro Maua bmto aacldaat and atekaoaa ; notlHaai than any otbar almllar eomBoar w ;-y tba world, bacauaa wo Intno tbe nwst papnlar tad cheapoat laanraneB wnttea: now pun: 1 a roar paya for 0O0 poUert no meat i - asaatB or duoa; mother atnonnta la BroporUoa. . y tatb fcaacat; wnoAlr Indonultr; opedne in - " daninltj for tooa of Unbs or eyaalBM; froa Bjadlcal attondnaca: auor other original and 'v nopnUr toatoraa; Intnoal to oftbar aez wiuonc ; rafr to nationality, color or occupation: all olalnaa nroniitly and liberal It settled: lnaor- " ane aaact Iwb.MQ. RalUblo raproscntatlyo wanted oTorywbar; apod tomtorr IUU opon: liberal, parmaaant aontraot to eapablo aranta; prerlonp ojtparteaea sot Briaaary- Intoma- . tlonal Compaay, BU Broadway ,, Xav York. WAHTBD- A larf BianntaatBrlng aoacara about to opoa dlstrtbatlot depot la thu sac tloa, daairaa oarrlcas of rooponalbU sua to 1- , take aaaoa;Bnt, Balary flOO par annum T and efniausolona. Applicant mast fnrnktb BTst-claas referMiroB and 91.TM to $2,000 oaah. HorcbnndlM fumtsnaO. -. Addreaa - ktaaafaetarac. car Xalaon ChaaiaiB Co., Csi sago, IU. 1 THB ortflBB Jota A. Hofcsp baa opaaod om of hlatamoua barbar eollosaa at M4 Clay Ban franrlaeo: anaetal badneniaata this r " nvmth: dovHIoos iuarantoad; tnltlon aarned . white looming, write oorrost nassbor, M4 hz- clay at., Ban rrasciso. BXILUTD AlTfr rKSElLUtTJ LABOB of aB doacrtotloaa, ironwUr aappUod. oVaa of OrTlOl 9i Martft Booond straat. near Barnaldo. IOOKINO far workf Many food padaaasi aro eaatantlf advartatod ta Joaraal Habr anted" ooinmaa. Tot ad. andar "Bltaa ' ' ttooa Wamtad" sbnT bo tsawtad ska at anargM. IfBM to teara barber trad la 9 woafcs and . Baeara prooubU podtlooa; special inaoc ntenta this nontb; caUlogw millod froa. Molor tyateia CoUago, Baa FTanrtsco, OaU WAtrrm) bo1Mm. oood addraaa and ta- , dDetrtona; awoe ooerr algbl . Portland ror Trail uo., aev nrsi an. XEXV WAsTTTO--ra(JXB. OOOD gfrbt ar hard to And, bat to taaan to rev, aoneare joorsai nun uo rasas. 01 RL for meral aonaeworb cor. Iryfng; no waablng. boneework, Ut M. Twoatleth. XXXV TAJfTBIe-MALX .OB IIIAU, BBOEB half-oelod for BO at HoUabassjb'a. BTH Taylor Ut Thlrdand rowta. BYTVATZOsTB WAJtTTP-EtAXB. ' SITUATION wanted by poaaf man. BO roar old. aa efflc nan and bookkeopert fly ; yeara' expertence: eapabht or running any set or anoaa: a ass poos aa was. a oa ' car of Journal WANTETV By alddU-afed nn, altaattoa to rak cbarra of farm and feed stock thu winter, wbore boy ran go to aobool; no bad habits. B. T, autrr Laacaow lmbb, ut. BITt'ATIOl WANTBD BnirlfMor, atallowory or donker: BBderatanos eatctrieai aacninery w V tore and reference. Addreaa ObarhM Baav boh, 108 ronrth at., dtr. 'TWO bora, tacoatlr fron tb east, IB and M, aola aapport of widowed nwther, vast work of any kind, K U, ear JomraaL T - HA If and wife want podtlea la owratrrt aua baa txperteaoo la farming and bnelnean, Ad- ' dreos O IS, ear loarnaL TOITNO nan going to Bight sob not woald Ilka i sltnatMB to pa far beard and lodging. D IT. ear Joarnat J ' ETPKItlBNCBD Bbotograpfaor, also good ro . toocber. eeeka omplornsant. Addreaa V. Bt. ear JoornaL x OKIfTLEBlArt erlabe poalttnw aaitstaM In . a chemical laboratory. Addreaa O SO, Journal. BXPBBtEWCBO sM wants work hi Unit dry r on tb wagon. Address W 4a. care Joaraal. - WAKTEDPndtfoa to roproeent cleaning and dyeing oetoMlsbBMat B 44, oar of Jonraal. riRBT-CLAM eaka bkr and paatry eoek wanta position. T 4J, oar af JoaraoL WAKTEIVPoaltkm u destne, Ulaatratlom at card writer. 2 SSL Joarnal, BTTVATIOVf WAsTTSEVTEntAXft A TOITNO LADY deal re to toaeh beglnoer an . piano at their bora; rente per leaeon. Addreea 1B40 rorUawBtt ate., . UalTorslty . Park, Oregoo. - WAKTBTV-Br sua and wife, position ta take care of roaming hone: e children; good ' referonee; salaiy nomlnaL P IB, care Joarnal. BJTT'ATIOie wanted by Boat psanc todr a dark; erpertssjeod. Addreaa bt Murphy. ITola " rroat at. EXPKKIBTfCBD BTrRRH dealra nordaB to do. Beet references. 411 B. Baeransento at. BLOYsTEirT AOXsTOTZB, kinds f awltf help faiatabtd aat abart to annloyor. IXIAMS KoBoRed tn. tH Berth Beoasd at. hTOHNT HOOD EMPTjOYWEKT AfJBNCT, far .. Blah froa to on kimablh HRi.r. mi r OoUla. tro Banal d. Hood 114T. BTOTMt, boto af all kind farnlshad fre to . employer. Waitem Emplnynieat Bwaaa, , SM Tbrd--Bt. PboM Main Hit. FOB LA DIBS 0MLT. . POUTtAW Wotnon'a taploymeat fwstpny. tit AH sky, ror. Sd Bad Morrtsoa, Bod ft. PIOKBRB BbIPUYMBMT CO. tabor owtrao tore; help froa to enptoyera. Ill htorrteoa. .1 .. . 1 " . awl ar fa. fft Obty 44B WABTM JWBJTTB, BNEBOKTIO man wanted to take charge oa Portlnud branch oftW of Han rrandsoo anannfacturli-g eoncera; good refarnneee and aiuall Inreeteaent required; liberal salary and Oununuslon. Address. ''Managar,' tl Maxr kat at., Baa rranctaaB, Cal. AOEVTff WANTED, mala or foatal, for tb buat aclllng household articles on tb market, for Portland and sur rounding towua. Call or addreaa 0. H. BwetUnd, ft J a tf arson at WANTED A gonte, Udlas or gntlBMS. to can. reaa. Addreaa Jonea' Book Store. B1 Aldor. AOENTS Big oommlaalon, quick eellert lataat norelty. CaU room 11B Mala at. J SNAPS ror nret-elnaa agwatn, at SB First at. Th Warren Book On. WAlTTETe BXAL BSTATB. WANTKD Hay eaah t bar f or S-raoai va hoajse, wen etooi parwroinrB glean, n C. car Joarnal. bmbI be WAVrae-anBABOIAL. LOAN WANTED so on Bret sortgage, om good fare. BaakJa Baker, BIT Ablnatoa building. WAJTfTD B1 IBUEliT. i BBOgaV WANTED Bverrbody'a went adrardead to Joarnal Want Column. They rliv yea. of all nnaooaeearr worry. BoaMnber, th coat tc hot 5o a Hani T aver words auk a Sna. Try thorn WANTED -1 English t Uawlyn aetta puppy; lso S bUck oocher epanUl poppy; aula or rmala; anyoao badng aanw eoniawlaato to Josopb Waaler. Bclo, Or. WANTTD Cheap bern4 tot dog feed. Baa 1. Sellwood. AJIlf.B 10 BXBT. 1 WANTED Erery boo, flat or roe la th Hy to bp ectapled. A good way to find aoen- Knts to by earer thing la Joamsi Want tnnin. They reach the kind of poopU yon want, ta words for It osnta. WANTED T" mat, B farntaaod beneekscs lng rooms far coupke wltbont children; East Side, wltbto walking dUUne of ateol bddg - porf erred; reasonable ternai. L ea, Joarnal. WANTED By tb SBth, by man and wife, f wall furnished bona e keening rooms; room con nected and amnari nutat be reaaeaabkt. 9 ST, ear Joarnal. WANTED Por g term f year, realoonoa lot. . SO ta SO feet front, aoatbwest part of City. V. U. Borthrup Co., SM Ooaunardal bis. WANTED To rent a farm about ISO a cms. all Improved, with running water am plaea; no agent. SB. tare Journal. yob FOB BENT New store aad UTlng-rooens 1b Ar- win rsra: m wciiiiii ior urus; hri or other bnalnoaa. Jasaea Cunningham, Arleta Park. Mount Scott car Una. PINE stern ream on YomhIU at, SSI per month. Apply Ja. P. Sharker, TOl, Chav bar of Onmmcrea. TaUpboae Mala IBS. FOB BOOKS. SI. 7 FEB wnbV-Ura, etoaa. furnashed . hOfSMkoeptng room, frith an of Uondry. bath, anon: ale cheep furnished aotUgaa. J. tandlgaa. 1S4 Sbarmen. Phone Clay SOS. OOI NO boasahaaptngt Baeaa't found a plaoe to UraT Try Joaraal Went ColamnBi they'U help yej find a aambar of good ,iooaM, auiosry. TWO neaUy farnUhed booMheaptag room a Brat Boon aaa. beta, pnone; no cnxiersn. W Clay. , W SIXTH BT-Kteelr farnlshad easmhplng anortmaatB.. - Phono Main eme. u. waiy. prop. FLBABAKT Croat reoma. bPnekeplnx; yrT oonveMtoBOsi roaaonabta ratee. aia iwra ax. LAKOB fnrnlabad room oa groand Soar, sd table tor young may. inquire y iuiuu v. CLIFTON, BWH First sa.. aat. OahimbtB SI tag CLBB par week ana p, - THREE anrnrnubed baneikaaping; riimi. hath. at 177H FVet at. FOB KBsTTUBJIlSJUR BOOnTB. NICELY ranlnbed rooms, with aad wftheart board, ta all parts of th dtr. enouw no adTarttoed ta Journal Want OotaosnB. neennae ale poo pi ar Uoklac far fhom. Bt word for IB cento. BITKBS1DB HOTEL S4S Bast Oak. FarnWied iki luiumwim iwuhi wu WM - wl fc?' las Si par waa na hp. rnon noon THB DEXTER. No. 1M 19th.. tor WaahlngteB Nloa comfy rooms: modern onveniencee; rraadaBt. Phone Oreen 4M. NICELY FTJBNI8HED FRONT BOOM Trans ient; ether room; bath, gas, phina. lav rark, near saorrinoa. FOB RENT Lars front room, Bpatarra, with aieove and parwr waejnotJ aowneiairs. Ap ply IN Everett at, FURNISHED reoma. doabl and dnglo bade: quiet reomara deatred. awe East Union ev. NEWLY fnraietied ewlot b-amlont tB4 rora n. rnawa sea aooa. FINE COMFORTABLE SUITB OF BOOMS. S01 Tenth at., cor. Taylor. . BOOMS AJTD BOAEB THB OHIO, 180 Btevanth at., near Morrieon Nleely farnlsned rooms, single or ansait; Srat-cUsa board: ataam beat, porealala bath, plenty hot water. TWO gMtlomeo ran havs room and beard at SU Fifth at.; goad toeattoa; hoard raaaoaaua; Oerman family. DONnnCTTltd a momtaar aoneaf Adrerrlt tha fact la, Joamsi Want wanna ana ou ywar BOARD with reoma, wall farnUhedi modora eoavenlenoeei table heard, in niirteontn as. Fl'RNIBHED room and beard. SIS par lata. 2S1 Bad Sixth, near Hawthorn av. FURNISHED rootna and board. SSS Water et FOB BXsTT-OIrBES, BART 8IDB rants ffica f J. L. W1U B Co,. St Or and avenge If yon bar a Bonee ta rent or Waat to rent a boo a. If ran have a bones or let to eeU. or waot to bay bona or lot If yon went t Insure roar bane and rumi tnr tn th Phoenix Tna. Co, of Hartford, Conn., call Up phone Bast St. . HOtTSKS art acareai at laaat tha htnd tn went out yea can aart a ior oi ear rare and time, aa well aa much worry, by eoa aoltlag Joarnal Want Column for whet yea want Try them. U words far If cento. KADDRRLY Tranefer ComsteaVvn Co.! pUnot end fnrnlturc moved by axperiencea men. 110 North Third at Phone Main 1S88. FOR rent av tale. 1011 Wrtllsma evevioe. B-room , an modem eonrenlencee. tpntf Jean Bala. SM Stark at TeL Mala TSS, FOB RENT Restesn entta end flats. an ip-w-gaii, rvuieu ire nre. I. Ckvnrta Sens, First and Yamhill Bto. FOR BENT New T-room bona. Bath aad gaai ale modern t-room boo, oa Belmont at; Mr Use; Sua yatde. 948 Belmont . B-RODM oottage, Eaat Mala Bear Seventeenth; aewij paperes ana naintea; sis. n. m anion. MoUey blk.. Second and Morrmon. , OOOD S-room boa and bam. 1 acre ground. pear fair ground entrancet thw 4-room cat tage. Phono Front SMB. FOR BENT New modem r-room bona at Mf. Tabor, near car Una. Pbone Bast 3t at Mala 4W. FOR RENT A honat af, Inanlre opt Fourth at. FOB UFf-rUtl. S4S TAYI4B ElegsBtlv fnmUhed 4-room flat new; ana range; doctrU HgtaU. baU; rant reaaonahle. BYJVBBS FOB SBsTT FtrR-TTtTRB FOB SAXJI FURNITURE of all modern R-roam Sat tar eale eheaBt need enlr S sBoathoi twaar leaving dty. 41SH Fifth Bt FI'RNITI'RB for aate cbeaa aoar! nridg. ST1 naaaato. FOB BALI OB XXCNAEBB. FOR asm r earaang far grading, SR eneda wood; ahu Md far grading Bad bM LAST CALL. FOR SAYPQ : Tcmight winds up the offer of a 2 lb. pickge of SAYPO Washing i?ow der free with want ads. for the Dally or Sunday Journal Saypo is a C D. Smith C& Co. product; and is winning a name for itself as a great labor saver t as well FOB SITB BYT, BSTATB. THB PORTLAND TRUST CO., OF 0BB90B. 100 Tblrd Street. OITBRB Bpa SALS MB to STB0 Tbr aWfeT building tott to Saa nyslds; B-minnta ear eerrleai will aa ' ranea money to build. ' f BBB) Lot and building a W. ear. TJalea ara. and Bcnadway. A arodUbU laraM- v tnent. BTBS to fUMONnmeroa caoto bdMtng let In Braaa' addition to Alblna, tbe cream X::-'- and osmtar af thai nectton at low SleSS Chket ea PortUnd Helrbta. roachod by tb now "loop" electric line. tSTS The anoat H block la HotUdayp ad , , dltiou. Oa ear Una. W1U ad vane money to build. SOOO Fine lot oa Northrap et fadng sontk. pet. Twenty-fourth and Twenty -fifth. - , ; an ear Una. W1U advanoe money to build. S TSOB-A beaatlfal torga boaee, with Vara -v and lovely grounda, B. B. cor. B. FU , . ' teoath tad Hancock, worth Slft.ODS, W can sell for T000. BaSS Choice building alte. S feet rron. an Tweaty-seeond at, near Irrlaf ; will ad TBBce money to bat 14. , BTBS A bonellk ho m Onrbrtl It, sear , , Bancroft are., 10 rooms, a am aaa ton glTen promptly, prtos toodoraU; tar dm raasonabU. S SIS i beautiful lot fadog eouth oa North nip atreet, between Twenty-third and S.. Twenty-fourth eta.: barn, cement rlde ' Walk, lmprored atraeti will ad vane money to build. - BBSS A ehde building let aa Twenty-third at., near Johneoa, Nob HlU dUtrlct; - will advene money to buUd $ SOtS To btTeatora w offer a beaatlfal , . bouse and lot on Nob HlU for SS000, . aew ljed to reaponslble tenant, a at "to yield a good raturn an th price. 9 Sefld Chotoe enttsge boaw on U. Ankeay, close la; modern; a bargain. W hay lots lmprored and unimproved la Booth Portland. Bom exqnlalte buDdlnf dtae on Portland Heights, and hundreds f lots in oar Beost dedrable suburb. We can eait arary purse and aaa sal Id or advano mo any If ae dred. PORTLAND THnST COMPANY OF OBBOOB. NO. 10t THIRD STREET. , NEW boom aad aerea, S1.000H raraa S-acr traeto, BfB par sr; fonr U-aer trscta, aw per aere; ail naar u. w. ,r. tar Una; take Brtoeada ear; eee agent at first boas aonth of Oat' croaalng; loo ear rare; easy tone ea iu. FOB SALE Nino-room bouse, -upr Queen Anne etyte; t lots; chicken boaa. etabto, woodnonse; bearing fruit trees; M.nSO If aold in 14 oaya; a snap; on sow sr.. uuraa are., Eaat wosdiawn. jaaat Moor. Anttraet title. BARGAINS of very doeerlptlon art 8 instantly advertised ta Joaraal Waat Calomaa. Prop arty owner will do well to adverttoa what they wlah to tell rn theoo tolnman, St B nne; t average woraa ma so a nna. BNAPu-Two new nolenlal Mddcncaa. east dd. close In; ta T and on S-room, roll eoacrato ba semen t; modern througbont; a too one 7- room, twoHRory hone, eboap, A tar am owner. mm Bast Sevelitoantn a:. FOB BALE Dad rabU nbvrbaa heme, oa vstilent to ear line; S-room modern bona. 4 acres; 1 acre In strawberries, 1 aera In young frolt tree. Davidson, Ward Oa., 0S Obamtwr of comoaerc. A BARGAIN. taws tot and house for aal aa emry tormt; t rooana. all modem improvements, en car Una. Apply John Bato, ZM Stark at Tear pnoa main tb. 14.000 S 10 S honnaa. faraltara and gvoandi eaat .000; 10 minute' wait from court hsnaii ita will pay tor muparty la S yonra. J. to ante tndtgaa. is FOB BALE One lot on Bad Twenty-third and Conch ats., and one lot in sanest ran, cheap, by owner; cash ar laatallmaats, Addraai F ST, ear Journal. i BBAtmFXTL. largo Soom eottag. bath. Sr- pUea, cement basement, corner lot. fl.two. rorty-thlrd and Bast Salmoa tta. Phoa Union 10S. FOR SALB Nie red dene with Urge grounds where anartmanta ana nets can S DO 111. being a good isvoatment; very central. Tel. Scott SIS. hVROAhf eattac. tot SOilOS. Alblna Bamaetoad. blocks from car. SJOO. H. HstBald. Malkty Mk., necono ana Morrmon. BXiR BAlJe--nom eottaa. cellar, tot SUth. fa XT i too. Ai.SOO, on Rberman aaire at 664 Sixth It ro . BIX CHANGRd -room eattaaa ar S-room Bona far lot and toast asah. Inaatr SM Ivy t. near union. FOB SALE S1.0S0 Neat aottagm, rou tar. FsdV-thlra. lot. I Bast MaOlaon, Terms, eaah. WB build hen. May partnenta; kets fmaWhed tt dedred. )2 CommerHal Bids. Mats 140. FOB BALE flood 7 -room Imw, Mllwsokl av.. eUat to tehee, roan Been aaw. Brown, Oavrtnevlll, Or. SIM LOT for tTB near Lenta, If teken at N SB, car Joarnal. BTbVVEBS eKaUTOBBt BTRERA. REAL ERTATB AND 4 ' BTTBINEHS CUANCE ACIBNCT. SBtO buy t three-chair barber a bop; nma rtom goo to aeo a weal, nessonacu rttt. Most b told at once. For Salt Cheap A well tracked) iTfeiy a tore; pond hvatloa; ebean rent end good trad. Tnlt matt bt donas tut A dell ea tors en spreads saod leeattoB, rwaeth tbhf rent and Sjood patronage; oa tala rbaap. A dgar a tore: food tmafet asnttos baas nMt good; awaar muat aelL paotanrant; weariot) toed: rot i good ran af cnatom t It mnt go. a well teleeted etoek moreaendlee; paad d trad with geWswr bntldlBB. ( A roanag ton-pta alley i thM Bvast g; a good thing for one wba Une fan and new a; t far eseap, , . . ' A rootntng hoaaei SS reems: pays Mg! rant very r ease an bis; i a asm all accaplad; 111 a hammar, , Parma, hrvnoe. loto, croeg. tn a Bargain enwatert lit open far view; mm and sea a. , ; tn WAfmiNoToN sr.' A SNAP "AT ASH WOOD. OBBOON. UA.nnA atnek general merchanllaa at tteeawatt dipk ean be redneedj tmiidinga son torn for tale. r will rent Inauira af Jonrnal, or ""T.w.em..aoKM.a, as a great worker, "1 Jot a Word About W&shbs Powder It i the purest beemtue it ccmuini no turmftiL ingrxdienu and" will not injure - the finest fabrics or the hands. If you sought it, you'd get more lor the same . xroney than any other. It will clean any thing and it does Its work thoroughly. V . Your home un t complete without it -; , Saypo Washing Powder is a Pacific coast )- product (made in Portland) and one you iBturally want to use. -...,?. RemembeflaAlisyOk free with a cash ; "Wt MH 1 Tha ; : Swday .fotinial. Same 614 "want ad, ratas 21 words tor 15c. f'v ;' BVSDfXSS 0XAN0X8. WANT to eeU year besnneaal Want to tavatt la sme thing good! No better Investment than advartulag for what yea want In Joarnal Waot Colnmea. St vara cat IS aeata. Try H - HBREfS a anap for oenebody Hew fnrnltara. aaed 1 months, la a ft-room Sat, last finished, for ante cheap. Owner lea ring dty Bad gtaat sell at once. 41&H Fifth at. PARTNER New and second-hand fsroltsr baaines; prercr practical man; goon opening. SW half Interest Addroa hi m, JonrnaL WANT to eeU eawmtU, entire eatnt aaw, S ml lee to relttond eutusj hen to a bargain. O P. Rich. Orient. Or. BARBER SHOP for onto at SOS First at. FOB SdTT-FdBbTS. FOB sal or to. Hood Rtvor farm. SO aerea. SO acrea ta enirtvatloa; fln buildings, mea dow, fro Irrigating water, welL creek, atninns: fonr mllea from Hood River: tele phone, rural delivery, on oounty road. Frtaa piu.tKm. For tease, eanieot e ain, Far eal or leeae, Hood Blver far a. SS seven, ndlotnlna above farm: T acre In ealUratkm: good bulldlngn, meadow. walL creek, Lrrlrat lng water; price 13.100; sst SO acroe, 92,100; west 40 acres, SI.IOO; on ooaaty mad; far sal eubject to was. For ealaf a fine Improved atoofc and fruit farpj near Whlto Salmon, Waah.; ISO sere andar plow; SO aoraa a la abed and burned; 10 acrea aub-irrtcatod by pip from aprlnge m pUo; SO galltina par mlnato par spring water: fin ore bard, meadow, all andar fence; 140 Anawm soata end other atock. horses, all farm .Implement, nearly nwj hoanehell goods. Pries np.gno, For sals. B0 acres on arlU from Hood Blver, aa aaat slop; fre trrtgattna water; T aerea S cultivation; floe orchard bearing; Par aala Iota or for lease. Inquire af John LaUnd Henderson. Hood Blvar. Oragsn. FOR BALS FARMS ' e. rmi fra anlo ta al nawtn aa? nee. gon and Waahlngtoaj payments mad to tnlt . purcnaaers. wx run parnenmr as n vnrv WoycseSr tbldgPPl' Wbu scMastar, all OR BOON farm beat them tjlt And By tpawar lag tha ad under thin awadhni Wu find aonw fin oBea. , OOOD rcr ttoeh farm for sale bp ewnar. H BOO. B. H. Dade. Corvallla, Or. FOB SitF aiBnil.T.iBBOOB. FOB B ALB Any aammt of rpaos to Jonvnal Want Onlamnt for S cento a line; f average word made a Haei teveral laaarttant of an advartlsansant awaafiy mak a tala. That'a UNDERWOOD TTPBWBITBB. wdtlag. Tabulator. ntu aearina. ubbi Aynney SB Front tt Phono Bad 1BSL RILLIARD AND POOL taates fat rant or fat aala aa May paymeota. THB aSUJlSWICK-BALKB COTXBsTDBB 00w as Tntrc et, rnraaag. LAUNCH tor aate. nw and flrd-clsss: BS feet kmg; I b. p. engine. O. F. Oraham'a boat yam, root ax awsc nw x. SD00 UPRIGHT piano, alight ly nsod. BlSSj S months' leeaona froa, Kimball organ, fan. H4ih nrn . FOB S ALB Fin new Kimball piano; win ton at half price. Call at Ui Bad Fourteenth at WANTED 1000 people to eeaaa to th Great Book Sate, BBS Flrrt at Tha Warren Beak Os. BABOAINB Ib aaaend-hsnd machines. Under wood Typewriter Agency, an Front tt FOR SALE A 1 fresh aaw aad tnlt, F. F. SaMtenbevg. Bvllwee. 'FXBB0BAX. J. J. HIRSHHBIhlER Pension attarnap and trwammm inawi nna IS Washington at; pea til Beta of eoaareat for 1 war, Spanish American eoaneeMV r law. w Wi ton obtained nader teldlMB of tha Civil war. war tn the Philippine; Pension for aoldlcra' widow. adar ealXdren and dcaaaat reianvea. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Narva montna, so; oewi eeenrery sealed or man. Ageata, Wsedard. CUrka Co.. PnrtlindTor. TBI BOOK OF NATURE." "Book tf Lift." "Mabel Gray," Story of a Slav." "Nana;- anuttguet iron, a. ncnmaj. gnp rirot tt YOUR preriprtona art more teeerately and Casonablr filled at Brssell'a Pharmacy, ttt orriaon tt. between First and Second aht BAYLOR PARLORS Fast) aad eealp maesag a specialty; msnicanng. uoeme and 4. SBOtt Washington tt SVtephon Black SS1S. PERSONAL Your bad nee or nrofaaetomal ad in journal want uoinmna will Bring yen bndneea; tl worda tor IS eesta. Try tt HIOHEJST price paid for aeon's cart-off cloth ing and aboe tt T8U North Third, Phoaw Oreea dm Ordera promptly attended tn. WATCTTRB, dtemond. easy pamontat diamond nougat W. H. Leen. rift Deknm. Claj LOST AND FOTJBTA DON'T b a loser I Be a wianar. by advortldng iu aumi rr mm iiamv ; tney Mr. in noaroet way to snore. 1 war fa IS cents. FOB BaLBVTOBSBB jUFS OABBIABBaV UYBBTOCK to arwma dtspoaad tf very adcbly wdb anvemsea in joarnal weal oniamn. The rat ta SI ward fat IB ants. Try thenv FOB fAI.E Cheep for cash, heavy work team. Bom pu 1 1 era; win rent cheap to raenonalbte party. Call Lyons at able, eaat dd. FOB BALK Team af heavy work h arena, IS year td brae palter; weight S.S0O, Frtot I A. Leger, Hi liana le, or. AA0B3TECTS) Ooodrleh A Gnodrieh. arciilteeti; Wat. W. rteb. eoneniana 'englaaer. TS StB. ' OT-ATBTOTAnTT AND FAXBOST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, pa cam reeoar; i give raers reiunat ana portent on en affairs ex real Ufa, BOc. SS Sewnth tt, near Oak. PALMISTRY and Card readlns;', aeatloat anawered for Sn atnto, Boeal 41, Bin Wavblnttm at ABFHALT FAVTBB. THB Trlajded AaybsH Pavtagj Os. at o ?.:, ..- .:Yy ATTOXjrXTS. ANDRBW L. CHEZ EM CO, ST Washington bldg., ewnaral tew bualneaa; papera drawn; titles examined. Fnon Main IBM. BHBPHERD, ANDERSON S CELLARS, Attorney. glt-oSO-Ml Marqnsa bldg. BARdrXB AND LXORTKRTJfw. OR BOON BOUND LUMBBB 00b, IU at Phone Grant 11TL BOAT BUlLTJXSfe. JOHN HYDB Boats built to ardar and ante. Cor. Bast Yamhill and Water eta. FOREST BESBBTS B0BXF, FOREST BBSERYB SCRIP FOR SALBAp- Kved. anrratrlrted, rexly far Intaedlato nse: . t price. B. P. jfc F. B. nUtej. BBS Chamber of COtamareo. eiSABJ AND TOBAO0O. BBBBRO-OUN8T CIOAB OTJw inatrthatara af ' 1 , FINS OOABB. ' : FVtluSsMSsm OVSjffAmn. CUIBSTBBS AhTB BU1U1EBB, A. 1. AUTHORS and H. a WOOD, carpenters and bandars; repairing end lobbing: store and ofXlo Bxtnrat built Snap BOS OokmbU. Phon CUy 1S81. A. M. DBB, baildlns and rentodellng; atora Sx tnraa a apttialtr. B Flrtt at Pnoo Clay B24 O. W. OORDON. counter, ahatrinc. bsalt ana repeirea. vm ronrta. ciay iia. OUnUUSBlOH BOfBHABTB. BYBRDINO B FABRBLL, yratam and wimmtt too merchaato, 140 Front at, Fartland. Or. Fbona Mala IT. DAVENPORT BROS.. 110 Front tf . Fruits, pro line: consignments solicited: prompt return. OAFES. STAR RESTAURANT Heen aaklr a a pe el ally- meal tick eta gs. Tbot. Lee oh. prop. Cor. Tweitta and waanington. THB OFFICB. SS5 Watblngtoa t Mala 771. Pickett FlgaeaBS. Phan S CIBBNT OONTRAVOTOBB, HAWKINS 00 Boridenee, SOS. Penrth at. nhon Prent UBS: eemeat work ef all de- acTipnone: nap warn nananji warn snmr - - ' i OH AS. H. CARTER h CO., (formerly Caxtar a Bll); eemeat con tractors, art Taggert . Bart 1STS, AD work rnarantoed. OHTBOFOTf' AND htAB10VBIVS, WM. DETENT and BSTKLLS DBTBNY. tbe only adeaOBe dilropodUta, pertera room SOS Drew bldg., IBS Second at Phone Mate lBOl. This ta th long-haired grttoman. Bt at tha man yen tro looking ror. 00 AX, AB WOOD. QRBAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hoyt car, llthi washed mma BOotleaB COsL Bt 00 net b; nut, IS.00; aganu for Cumberland inge, V 00: Castle Gate, SB.SO; wholesale priest; free delivery: full watgbtol aaUaXst- rJoB euBrsntsed. Pboat Main pb. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. 104 North Fifth at. deateta m ones eat ic ana tteem eosl, bUckamitb tnal, aharo! and a. Pbon Main 10 IB. ALB1NA FUEL CO., BaUraad tt and AJhlna avaw. Bear tarry; dab and bteeh wood, dry and green. Pbon Beat ST. STEEL BRIDQB WOOD YARD Wood and OoaL Office. SIS Holladay avean. Pbon B 4S. PIONEER FUEL CO., lawaviS from tost atat rteon to foot Mala tt Pbone i Mat IBS. a a FEU. Brd-etasB- Weed aad eoalt afftee St AArina a vs.. near ferry. Dry tUbwaad. OBBOON FURL CO.) all kinds of SM Morrtooa. Phone Mala SB. HOOVER a CONWAY. SIS Water tt, wood and coal. Pbon Mala COOXBBT ANTt LABBWARX. WHOL REALS erockery and glesawar. FraaL Hereto A Ox. 100 to 10S FTftn. ear. Stark at LADIES' and tMldren't permenta, dm afcim. walata and wrapper mad to order. IBS Eleventh t Telepboae Mate BUT. MRS. McKIBRBN. arttetta making. SSI Merrteon at Bto tan BT0BSB nTOSFTTAX. DR. a J. CARNBY, D. B. vetorinsrr tar geoa.removed to SSt SBasa at, bet Farth and Fifth att. XTTnTNt AND OIABTNw. e. PORTLAND STEAM CLEAN IN O AND DYEING Works; practtrnl hatter la connection: feather beat and plume cleaned and curled by aa -pert BH Fourth. Pbon Clay TO. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRKSNBD tl pec month. Ualaua Tmltering Os, S4I Washing ton at , TURNBR, prof ea atonal dyer and Jefferson at PhoaaMaIn B91S. SOB irXOOBATORB. HimBVOEaui Flret tnwsp-p; Ingrains, topeatrtot, ananaonp frlmna, Intor- ler decorating. . BaUfOYBV. MRS. GRANTS adalt and ehlbnren'a ftasnet. Aesdrmy of Music. Morrison at., ear. nWennd. IM ; : "V " ,i il i t-v 1 Biammsananaar BXMTB10AX WOBKB, NORTHWEST BLECTRIOAL RNOINBBBINO Company, SOS SUrh d.. Portland; O, K. t " verythg ta th atoetotoal naa. V.. samsammmamennm FRATXREAJ, XBBVBABOB ORDER OP WASHINGTON Fere mod rtv aal todety of northwest; protect! the Int. J. L. Mitchell, reeve eecretarr. a td nil Man mm bMtL. Farlltai, aav f BWVXT TB LOAN. TUKa SlTJLa' "CIAL AO BAT. w . Itoney to Ma. Mo connr'-sle. fa a poaltloB to make Inm iate lean ea tmpsvrod real aat ate ar for buiuitiig purpoeoet any a moon t; moderat inter eat. We ap proT loan from plane and adraae money aa balldlng prograaaom, Option, hi ran! moot after one year. FBBD H, STBONQ, Ffaaadal Agvnt, 10S Second at.. Bear Starh. TMS STAB LOAN CO. J Any aatarled rmployo. wigr-eamac. ana get a hto witbawt -U.a,-.e- enfmftepap to S13.M N MM or S3- MS. 00 Repay to as i S OS or fa ar i M iT.0o Repay to ajoO r ii-oo oa p a.wj a SALABY LOANS Ton ean borrow ntoaay fro aa on your aalsry or Ineom for ea to ati eontba, tn any amount from SB to 100; Ml rata P hl.,a- mn watt. BO da ta ' an ut(i,Uii km eeetctW net vate and confidential: payments aaapendad In . mcKaaes. Tap Craooeea Lomn U.. aai gosiaa otflg. SALABY LOANS Any salaried person haying a atsndy podtlon with responsible Prm eaa btwln money oa the oaey pnywent pton, wltb ont publicity or demy; all bualneaa treated trictly ecnSdentlaL NORTH WEST .LOAN .OAANS ON THB BABY PAYMENT FLAN... . Tf Snlarlel Penpl. Strictly ConfideatUL , Office bonra. a. m. to S P as. EMPLO Y E KB LOAN CO.. Phone EB4. Room flrt. Th Deknto bhap S. W. ear. Third and Wasfalngtea ats. . ixAnj on real, prreonai nwo -- wra) eemnty: epociai atTniin w lortgagee; noleii bonght. C. W-Falbrt, U CommercUl blk. I'bono Mats 1MB. HIGHLY resneetabl pUea arhat Udlea and gents taa borrow money on dlawnda and Jewelry. Collnteral Loan Baitk. BS Whan- tngtoa at. Telephone Black TL BEE n.a f . i i - .. . tmmi atee end Snandal asenu; money to Wi on nMrtgag eecuHtlet at low rates In tmmfl trom AS0B to tm.iiw itvu Blrst PL MORTOAQB LOANS an Improved aad Arm propeny rr lowest current rats: oonoio loan. InaUTlment leant. Wan, MaaMaater. in woreoater bldg. MONET hMBaA m fHeeltneo and othat chattel aecuHHesT ell bnetpeaa strictly ptt rata. NORTHWEST LOAN CO- SSt A hang- ton bldg., dry. M0NRT TO LOAN la Urge or amaTl J mount n noon secunry; mwass rnmn. miiuaa m Beck. SOT Falling bldg. MONEY ADVA Kraft aafarlad wbU. teamster. . etc., Wltbont security: eaay payment: .Urg- ost Mrinea la to principal dttet. Tounaa. ass amagtoa Diag. I AM prenared to bar fond note tecnrM en nr kind of real estate lr. Oregon or Waab- nwn, a, 'Bh naoie, om Mmmw vl. CHATTEL loan ha amenntt ranginc fromf to; rooming bonaeo a aoeclartv. new sxa lmi at Trust Co., jna magTm nionj. MONET TO LOAN an tmarevad or anlfe?evd dtr property. In an ma to tut Farnaa. Wat hint a Co., SM Alder at UlA KB mt Inweet eaeaa M Van! tare nfanot: any ttenrtry note purcbaeed. Baators lama) ,mc. tip McKay pidg. MONET Tf tillM en fTl.rwiaua eountr lands. B F. and F. a Blley, SOS Chamber tf Ones- BseTrSjL FVRNITUBB FAfrNBTES, FURNITURE mannfactadnjr and epeetal erdera. L. Rnveesky'a for nl tor factory. S70 Front at OREOON Purnttor Manafactnnng Oompsnr MennfsctMra tf fnrnltara far th trsd. BOS First tt f UBBl'l'flaa RXPAIBJNS. 0PHOLHTBB I N 0, repairing: mattresses mad to order. Uncm inch's. PBO waaioon BC Phone. Red 118. Tit "1-tj .it.uivissssxMaaBsamxsassm SBOOBBa. WADHAMS CO., wholeeale groeera. mana factarere and toapadaaiaa mercbaats. Fnarth and Oak tta. ALLEN 4 LEWIS, eemmhwrtou.nadprodu mer- ebaats. Front and Davti at a.. PortUnd, Or- EUXBWOOD TXOOBB. HA BD WOOD Boors, ttridlr aw to datol rat and heeomtn' nor filer. Be Tlmma. EDWARDS A CO.. BOS Front St BTTntAH KATB B0LLB. J.- J. 80RG, maafr. haawn hatr rolls. 4B1 Bt nth. Pbone Eaat Bll. Store. BM Morrison at HOTTXa HOTEL Portland. ABstrlcna pma; t$. SB per day. BELVEDERE; Bnrapoaa ptea; 4th and Aider da. ZBalTBABXIB, ; ISA AO L. WHTTB. Bra JAB. Met WOOD, empterera' liability and in dividual aeddent surety bends at an Wad. Pboae T. SOS McKay Pldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY. Bra rsswrnnca. Sherlock bids. Oregon Pbone Clay Sn. FIRB INSURANCE J- P. Kennedy Osv, BU Sbrrioct bldg. Pbone Mala lsaa. ARTHUR WILSON. Brp bldg. Pboae Mala 1008. TROW WORKS, PHOENIX IRON WORKS Bndnsota. factsreve of martna, aalnlag. lordng aad mw mlll machinery; prompt attention to repah work. Phone Eat,. nawthorn are.. A B Id. MXDTCAL, MRS, L. A. EIJ.IR, If- D. Chronic dtteeses edentlBcatiy treated. OtTic B0V Salmon d. BFtTBTOAX. VIOLIN, mandolfn. cornet cUrind and ell trine ana wina lotirumenia, i-ror. anvn n Smith. Main 4T0S. S94 Twelfth tt THB MUSIC SCHOOL OF PORTLAND; Illus trated ostaJofi-o tree; all aapsrtmcnts. Ad dreaa F. OTBoX BH. LBRRONB. BOc; piano, orsan. gultsr. banto. mandolin,, vmna, mr. Martin, jtitt, pint tt, cor. Mala. MB. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, hanlo. mando lin, gutter InstrnctlM. Mala worn, its W. Park. EnrSTO PSALXRB. PISRBR MUSIO CO., IBS Third at VtatoT toB Ing macblBStl re pa I ring. Bed nay. BUBEETIO HXAUNO). MRS. L. H. HABT tuceeaafnlly traato all dla eaaee; method Uugfat. "New Thought" reading room. HI Tourney bUg. Mdn 41 TS. MAGNETIC healing Bad Bran? tmtUMmt'Bat Cc treatment rree, Koom 4B, KJ Wana. (ton et Mala ttSS. BLnBSAGX. FRENCH lady glvnt bath and masvsg treat- meat, mm ntia ai. west jvib. OVXRALLS. BOnS OP THB ROAD 0YBBAIB and BMchan. tee" dothtnjt; anion mad. Nanatadtar Btxav. pnannfactnrere. Portland. Or. FAINTTNB ABB F A FEB- HAJTBrNBs BRICKSON a HBION, painting, decora tl a-, paper-be agios. SOSM, Rnssell att workmaa dfg and BMtertoi mwaatod Pne L'nlo F. B BUTTON, painter and panerbaMer, US Madteon at., west end af totdgn. FBThtTTJftt, BURHONG a CO. Ptoot and Star era., print- Ing, UthegxarAtat. blank aiipptie; work done oa til printing afSet to tha wont nooan ana or nee went stain ltd. ANDERSON A 'dUNTWAY COMPANY, printlns. t igratbtn, htenh keaka. Paeaa Mala IT. ' r at v pa's c MABB MONETI I! r Ring up Blnch 11 m , t ,. eoveriag erery U n in a-y or r eta tea; dally Ureaaenger ervtos; e port on all enntrnet warn. FartBa lot Beeoad d. PATENT ATTOENTYS. a C. WRIGHT, dr,BJtl" and fordgn aaU. lamngenMnt caeee. 4 Pekum & FLATTJTB, THE OREGON PLATING WORKS. 4BI W IstTten d. PWa B&TS. fSdtaemnm, pla. anuiBBTjuering. FATNTS. OILS AND BLABS. P. B. BBAOH a CO. neneer Paint Co.. aal' tbe beet things made In pa! at and : bultdtug BMterUb: window -a Use and gw a apecialty. 136 ttrst t Phone Mala U W. F. FULLER B CO. M.asfaetnrese Pteev r Lena; rnoenla rainf, nope line: a gnerai glvea fared ivea win every gallon tf aaiat mean fa ay a. BABMUSBBN A CO- Jobber. pabita. att, gtost. aeh and dcea, IRQ Plrd BOOFUfS. TIN ROOFING, guttering;, repalrint; and Jobs log. 4, hmu. 111 jeiwraon av. ALL hind of reefa repaired and Pnlntod, W J. Farrell. BtVfc Flrat Beott bsi. B0 PR. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.- and Northrap ata , Portland. Or. ; BUBBEB STAMPS. F. 0. STAMP WORKS, tt Ahtor at., tasnaa Mala T10; rubber its tape, mat, damdte, eage png. traa enecsa; aena rar osia CHAR. B. POTTER CO., rubber Btaaspa, pa. moved to 00 Plrst at , near Stark at BATES. LA BO EST stock tn dty; DIhM wk; tedtoato Otened. Bepalr. Mil work, steel ceiling, ireai aaeot and good meriting yen pstrenapn. J. B. Davis, tt Third d. BPRATTNa AND WBTTXW AnTTjaje, I WANT to bid ea year painting at roofs, dochs. nsrehouoaa. atores, halls, mills, ractonos ao all other almllar wort don la ell or water palnta. In noma respects better than brush, with the spray pomp; mr owa proces; many rar of experience A Art MR Beat Waa togton. Pbon Union BBW. B N. Morgan. SPRAYING nod whltowajdilnf. tree, be. mcnta. Urns, docks, etc.. hf. O. Morpaa 4 Co. CU np Scott S1S4, w will ea 11 and give yon flgare oa root work. Th lor t (:asollne spraying aad wbltewnshlng nuit a Multnomah tonnty. (70 MUwsuste at, Portland. Or. BTOBAOB AND TBABBTXB. - SAFES, Plane snd farattare moved, packed reedy for shipping and ahlimed; aU v t aneranteed; Urge. Story hrlrk. flreuvovl ' warehouse for ttoraga. OfSc 13B Farad at. a M. OLSEN. Phone Main Set. A O. PICK office SB Flrd at. between Stark BOA UaS ax.; noon dw, oasmai bub unc tor moved and packed for ablpptng; eom modloos firipreof hdefc warahaaaa. . Frnat and Clay ata. MwBrrmr sinywfjAscs and iTXTVBxa ' SHOWCASES ef every Biardprloa, heah. hoc and atore Ssturae made to order. The Latka Manufacturing Co.. PortUnd and Seattle. ' TBABBTXB, AND FTTLTNw. ' " - OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Statu. Pbon Mala S9. Heavy ban ling and storag. POTT SPECIAL DBLrTBBYNc BOSp Waeh T X PBW Rx'xAaS, YOST TYPEWRITER HBADQUABTBBB , SS0 Stark Street W rant repair. eelL exchange tjuawllaninV All annnlla for all aaaehtns. tandard macbino SSS and up ta BIOS. you want a stenographer or typtetf We Jmv Dd of goodsppltennto. ruona biscb ani. UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TTPE WRITER. agSBBCS at SB Front et. phone Bed 1SS1. ;;,J.,i.,.. Tr-, il.imbbibi'iwww TOW EX SUPPLY. t,.uu, OAILYCooib, hrtjah, bob a, per month. Lawrene Bra.' Towd Sunjuy P north and Couch. Pbone SB. WAXLFAFXB. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 14-IM st. bet Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. - V rOIANOXAX. OBmoar a bah fawoxboq nvasnK. . . - XtXMCXTKJ. - Head OfSc. BS Old Breed Street Tendon. This bank tranaacaj B general banklag baa, aeea, make loan, discount bill and tesuet tettera of credit a t liable for travelers and for the purchase af merchandise in say dty of tha world. Desle la foreign and domestic " agv. Intaeaat nald an all time deooalts. W. A. MAC BAB. MB I SBOUaUTF SATZBTOa TMWg OO, B6d Basrrlsen St.. Forttend, Or. Tsansai la a Oeaernl Banking amthbntnV BAvTEGB DEPAH TM EsTT. fnlai mt Allowed on Tim and Ravi or Acta aa Trustee for Rateteo. Draftt and letter f credit avallabte ha att parts af th worM. 0. F. ADAMS. ...... .... President C A. LEWIS ..First Vic Preai ,t A. C MILLS Jteeand Vtea-PresldeAl B. 0. JUBITS..... Becreury Feb arasroBTAx babtb: of FoTtlnd. Of. Deaignetod Impodtonr and nnandal Adant af tha United State. Preddant.... i.-A- L- VTLIS Cnahter ,....J. WTNEWKir Aaatatant Cashier ...W, 0. Al.vo l Brond AaaUtant Cashier B. F. STEVENS UtteM af credit leaved avallabte ftp Boras and the Eaatern State. Sight Sxensnge and Telegraph te Tvaaafi ea anld on New York, Boatoa, Cblrano, Bt. Lout. St. PanL Omaha. Baa Franrisat and tba principal pnlnta la the Nodhweet Sight and time bUte drawn in rem tt tab) en London. Parte. Berlin. Freak fort -on -the Main. Hons Kong, Yohnhtma. Coonhn. CbrHtlanla. Stockholm, Bt fnteanburs. htet cow. Enrich. Ilonolnln. Odlecttoua. made oa to vara bto to ran. U BTITaV BTATTBS WATTOWAB, sTABTX, NORTHWEST COB. THIRD AND OAK STB. Traneto a Ooneral Banking Baalnaaa, ' DRAFTS IR8IED Avallnbte to aU cities of tb T'nlred Utnta aad '- . ateropn. Bans Kans and Maatte. OOLLXCTIOsTS MADS OB FAVOBABLX XatBJUL Prvddent... ... ....X. & ArXRWORTN rw. B. AY? R ......a W. BCHMF.i 1 A. at WRiuHT Vice Preddoid......... Ctahler Aedataet Csahler MuomAJrrs' wattostax. babtf; J FRANK WATSON., rvedenf BL i. in unM. ............ .i.viov-rTe.Ti R. W. HOYT ,....C- f GEO ROE W. HOTT , . . . . AmUtvM reahiaC Tranasda a General Basking BusMee Drafts and tetters of mdH tMwd rdtebto to all pert of tbe world. . Cdteettena a Bpectelty. Gold dad boaght LmSS a T1X TOW. BAStatnma , (Eatahllabed In 1W0 Trnneaeto a neral Beak la aWtosss. ' ColWdtone avsde at all plat on favnesbto tervna. Utter ef credit le-ued trail bio 19 Buropa and all pdnte to the I'dte? " , Flaht Ficbaoi and TelrarapW TflSUl tnhl oa New York. Waabl'to. Louts, Denver, Omaha, f Montana and BriMah 0w Etching on Id o Frenkr.irt Bong K Bonoluln.. wffaV or t ,in. varung, atai him. Via bm wereeMc pm . . peon hub