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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
7' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, "PORTLAND, FATURD F NINO, O If .wA-ff)-ASASBBBaaaSBBSBwSBB f 4 M tbe paatonte Pectin Perttaad, Or., lta'tor ttagm toat P aa A to 18- - flaununras. - - - SMrttorlal Booem Mala SBA' Btoalneen Of Mai 0A -it- Vnntnnf AsvsaTmvs unnuunn, i iikiul.BMHBli Mnerlal laTNUum uvoi.-r - Kaeea lUMt, ltow Yt. Trlbtme "tieege. y , - A,: ', v ' ! iv - soMoairnov una. Tbe Dafty Wul, wit Stud. Mf"5S ' Tk Dally Journal, with Sunday, moatha. S.TB , " Tbe Dally Journal. month. ...... ....... J.tO 1 TbB Dally Journal. WHO MUnony, sagaa . ' 1 .Th Dally Journal. 4 aaontha ... -" . Tht Pally Journal, with Sunday, I ttonth. ' Ae Dallr, f wk, toUreri Sunday Included Tferm... V Yto Dully,inr Mk, aallnrad, Sanmay ' . iUHM j ......... a' imi by Btaik ' .., M ., Th Deny Journal, with ludM, 1 year... i Th ftally JoarnaJ. 1 rear. ...... Aw Tb Pally journal, with Sonday, anmtb. S.7B The Daily Journal, With Snooky, I atoaSM. TT1 llaliy JOIUBai. IWmnr. .... The bally JMtnl, wit Bandar. 1 moth.. . TtM Daily Joornal. 1 month ....... The Sunday Journal. 1 yttr ? ; The Sunday Jtarnal, Bunfle The ieml-Wefcly Jean. ' Tbe Beam Weefclr Jonrnal. 1 I Bt T each Uai. tllmtutod, (all market t- j port. 1 year ...... ; ,.aU TIM VaaWr yawawL Wa1r Joonud. WO wlawi , aad- , to laaua. Utaaoata loU aaaxkat antM., aaaraM ardM and amall amoanta ara r ceaBtabl. 1 1 ad taaat $aSW . P. 0..BW 111. PwtlaBd. Of. WHZJUt XHS OtTUAX. KAT B IOXTjID. Tba Journal cam ha iaa4 am aala at Is ft- Sim si . SdaHO Wamaar ba atPa. ' CHICAGO PoatoMaa Wawa aoaapaa, ITS Baav 0ENVBE. COU). IMAM Boak UtlaTy compaDT. 14 SaTentaenth itraatt . Waem. alxiMDta and Curt la trMta. KANSAS CITY Van Nay Nwa aammtnr. LOB ANGKLB8 B T. Oardnar, V Soatt aprloi itivcti OHf m uaiaaa, -mm bniu RiirlDit street, all NN tlPOLlaVM. X, ICavaaamgk. m " Saatt Third. KKW YORK CITTBmraBo'a. UataB aemaia. OflDEB QtAn Nav compear. j, OMAHA lliUard Hotal twwa ataadt WafaaJh BtatkMwr oompani, 1S0B Parti nm atraat. SALT LAKS CITY Kanjwi botal am aUnd: Barrow Broa.. t Wat feWoad atreat. Soatk, in- idmii I'KIHb ata Iwnat atrt. SA!t FRANCISCO W. B. Ardtn, Palaaa Hotal wn atand: OoldaTOlth Broa., WO Sattar BtMwt; Trd W. Pitta. 1O0S Ifarkat atraat rnv ivi wian inhH w riraham jk On. TACOMA Vash. Oantxal Hawa auowamr, lltl WXATXn KE70XT. , Waalmaf frntdlttan mad Mawal braeaat Anna. Wuhlnataa a ad Idaao Tba - dta- torbaaea arMeh vaa appraacalnB thla dlatrlet VMtnrdar BMXMd Inland arar SritM tninwjoia. It mcrad too faff aorta, auwarar, t aftaet tba waatbar eaadltlaaa ta thla dlatrlct aod taa in- d I call ana ara that tba praaaat apaU Of Half , WHthar will conttaaa orwr Soadmr- & In araathar Mtlaaaa la ttfT HartaarB ' atatea aaat at taa HlaalaalFpt rlvar, and Uthk - aaov la raported tkla morotnc 1 VppM Mfw- - can. Ta tba Boat Atlantic and OaU atataa and ' ttraaBmoBt taa aaUdto araat fatt waaUat Bfa . raila. , Oaaarfwttaaa daaad at B a. aa.t ; : j . . . TBM1. : Ha. Via. tamta. Ok .... TO r- Bakar at. Ok M r BS . ' Bnrlna, Maaa......i V. ftaffala. M. M 4B .04 Charlaatoa. . C... 74 M Cklraa, 111. ..,'' ClactaaarL O. . t.. i 40 IVaTH, Ohio-......,....,. Ta M Dw troll. Ml4. ............ 54 .-r;- 40 4. ' .04 .if .04 El Paaa, Tax... ....... TO Eureka. Cal.r.. 71",--- WT Piaana, 01. .......... w 7 ' 4M OatroatoD. Tex.... TS M Indrpatdfca, Cal.. TO --' 48 Jcrkaourllla. r la. T4 M KallapeL HMt......H S . JM Karaaa Otj. M.M..,...V SO - 40 Lrwlatoa. Idaho. OR " 40" Uttla Rot. Ark M , t 48 Loa AtiKalca. Oat. M - M Kw Orlaaaa, Lm,...SMtk T4 " ; BS Npw York. N. T W 64 ' Kara Bead. Waaa........ SO ' M Onaa, Nnb......M.... 54 ', M p; iladalpola, hIH.mH. 1 BS Ptttatmrr, PI., B4 48 Portland. Or ..--.. T4 V BO K .( 0 .SO .08 luwt-iianr. Or...HHfHw. Tt Kaeraawnta. Cal..M...a 76 aXt. Urnla. Mo 0 flalt Lake. Utak..HMa BS aa Anton ta. Te...w...., BO 54 4i or as 4 f. m 84 . 4d y 0 r'V S -A 0 Has Dleco, Oal B4 Baa Praadaca. Oal.wmA St. Paai, Mln a. w S f. Mpakaaa. M Tr racaa, Waata , . . 54 Tlrtnrta, B. 0 M " Walla Walks, my i ....... TB r Waaktartoa, D. M Wlnnaaancea, Xav....... OT Vaau. Arla..w..... M " 0 A'- 0 9 no a v. , ' '.' Art ft. ta Mr. aad Mra. VmUal A. Bakf at 40B GHaaa atreat; a aoav Ort. 14. ea Mr. aad Mra. MorttaMT ta aamtta 9t BS7 Stat Harrtaoa dtreat; a aoa. Ort. IB. ta Mr. aad Mra. WUUami B. CBaim mi TOT Barter atraat; a aoat Ort. tL ta Mr aad Mra. A, at Stmrcfta at MmM Park; a daua-btar. Oet ). a Mr. aad Mra. Patrick acbaB U SM Ovartam atreat; a daatar. . a :" - Ort. Aa Oaaa. aad at raara. at 4H Sae aa atreH; eaaaa, feaaarcaloala. BarUl at mm Fbt raautarr. . o. 21. Baajaartm Beam, aa4 raara. at aafl lUat Oanch atraat; aanaa, dUatlom ml SaarL mortal at Needr, Or. Oct 1. Roam Praae. av4 Bf raara, at BBS Itrat atraet; aaaaa, trptaaa taw. terlal at ' Oaeaela. Pa. Ort. IT, WTTHan B. Sefeaaftr, aad 44 paara, at Mt. Tabor Nerraaa aaalUrlnm; canaa. apl- MPtac aaara aaaaa. jbhtuu at.JUMM wn urniurnn aa urecoa air ear 1 Sat) wood; aaodara. arleaUfK oaaipleta. CreaaatarratB aa Oracoa City ear ttae, aaaa tdiiltB. BWi cblMraa, fM. Tlaltora B a. aa. to a. am. ParUanaT Craaiatlaa aaaaeUdaa. Partlaaa, Or. Taa Bdwartf Botaaam Undattaklmt oaipaBr, fr-aerat dtreetara and amaalawra. SBO Third atraat. Fbua 60T. - t. . tlalar S Soa. raaaral elrartarl aad artMtaiara, kava raaxmd ta faelr aaw aataa ttabaMiit, oar mt Third aad Madlaom atraata. Both aaaaaa mm. B. . .,J4 Clark Sram, tar noarara. SB Murrtiaa atraat. ;. . ... EKJB. SBTATS TBAJBBTtmS. r' W. P. la at at. to 0. S. Klmf, tot ft hWk U. lABeuaa Park Aaaaz.........SaBO A Itamld tt Lacy A. Uilpla, lot IS, Mock B, Villa Rill u..t-.t; i B I C. Btallenser to V. j". Bahaav Vat t, hloek X iTanaoa 143 Tyler Inraatmtat On. to Hermaa Onrtler. - kita B and f, Uaafc ST, peolaaala- aaV ' ditkM No. T Park La ad Cm. Id Lrooaud D. Jaqwo, lota 10, 11 aad IS. hkwii 106, f.'alraraltr Pat TSO Sheriff ta William Saraa. tat la. Uafk ., , Wkeattand ..A t Sana to Mra. C. flcaamek. fat t. blork 8, . Morrana addltloo to Oleafcave Park.. 1 Saaia to mim. tota aid T, bkfe ft Mor- T ana addltiea to Heoharaa park. ....... I .Aiiiamth Nataraa) Bank to Ada at Hcia. rlth, lot 12, btotk IT, Llomln Park.... ISO a Lownadalr at al. ta . L. MfBary, aaV SB-xa lt ft kloofc Sift mr ft, U UrSmrr to M P. MrSarf. aad. It U a. hawk SIX fiLf t. H. McMJIImi and wife to Laara Break. kta ft S and 4. aWk ft UrMlllea'a ad . itt.- BLiydi A HeMlllaa aaMlctoa. aa tmvt fart ftBOO harlff to P, H. Marlar, MM U r. . . Martin traet, Meadn-r Park Na. ft Mla lltaa, a4 Maaaa Park auadlfteloa. tot ' Satne to '1'. 'il'elijr.' 'wi' ' VlWea'i' ant ajrWt"n. Infa SB and St, Olraaarea Park a B. Klaaoti and wife ta H. P. MrNarr. a-4. H lata 4 aad t, bfaak 1ST. flnatek aM na , W. T. aalBk aad ! at a A. DtkmSi, TODAY'S MARKETS WAT MARKET IS SHOWING ADVANCE prnzosa rx mt mssAUT ' Tou vw am ui stow ymao TZOAJUbT era soe BALM MADS A A BTV AaTB OOKS 4: M ' . wtof4nal BaataraS rraaT awaer, w. . r-r t tba PorOaad wbaala aurkatt " fat Wkaat at axaat aia, ... - . By, ia ear lofty. Cora la aboarlDaT Bramaeaa. ' i " ' Plow Brca at recent ad'aneaa. , ' v - Blf daaiaad tor beat applea. -v Mora fiaatera ena ara cotalac ; Putatoaa practically Be lower. ( Anlana belnf bald taara flm. Beat craamery batta la aoat . . P.mltry U anaraly claaaad am, . . -,,,, riab eerelpta ara larctr. : ,4 , . Better racelpta of eteewberrtaa, v ' WW la Swatod Kicaar. . arbaat aurhat la thla city aa aaaa earllne hliher aa aradnallr that avaa aaoat of tba trade aa aot baea aware of It. Today the qoetatlone ara practlrally adraaeM arar tba fw-BMr aa-orea and avaa at tba aaw prteea ta market la firmer thaft arar. Taatorday aaearal eara of Walto Walla were aold at BBa track bare; while aa equal aauaat af blarataai waa aold at UUt. Taller aUnda ta hlkbaff at BTr The flaurea am Walla Walla and bla- ataaa ara practloally BOBUaai. naaa traoaa ara axcepnooa, tba- general nenrea runn " market be tag: Walla Walla, toe; aiaaataaa, aw aad TBlley STe. . . , , , . Bis Ttaaiaad far Beat Apalaa. Oraama aad tba Hoathwaat doaa aot mraaawa any araat ajaaatltf f either rya or eora and aa tbara H quite a ttoerai oaoMna nw row ttaaa prodncto troaa local milling ceaeeraa prteea ara being bald more Brat at blfJuc tovala. Aya tk aapedaJly blab tale aaaaaa. - Plaa Maraot Jbm Vat Baakaagaj. ' Locally, tba Boat market waa aulet today and tbara vaa practieally no demand for atocka troaa taa orient Bnylng for Baatora aeceoat la now oat of tha queaUoa aad will eoatlaaa to aatu Bbara la a better avppiy at eara. . , Patatoaa ara Oaats I-ewaa. Tka Batata aurkat doaa aot aaea to bold in atrenctb aad baying prleaa today ara prartleally Be aar ewt lower tbaa tkey were y eater oay Tbere waa ao change ib taa eaiung price at daaiera ara atlll aredletlag a dactlna. Coatrary to imbUabed reoorta there waa aa change ror taa, batter la tap California potato Market aad none are net at praacat looked tor. OatoM eantlnna to be held aery Srm by tha growera aad toratar prtcaa ara beiag aaally obtained. .. . Baa Bianaf rap Beat Applea. ' ' . ' Bobm vary alea applea ara bow arrrrtog ta taa atarkat from Hood Hirer ana ara eaaii aoloT oa arrlral at top Bgurea. Thar ta atlll a aeareJty of grapea bat tba arrival at tba California ateamer tfcla moral og aotaewkat helaed oat tba attaatton. Prleaa anehangad. A few good peacboa are err! ring aad are eelUng at top qnoUttoaa. Sweet poUtoaa ara UI large eapply with atockt aelllng rather low. A car of bananaa eama la froai tba Booth thta anora laaj and foand a good daamad aa tha aMurket waa bare mt good atoek. . " eteaa Bait in Xgga ara ,0iaila. Afcordleg to local daaiera tbara ara maw aboat a half doaaa eara at Baaarn egga eoaalng la thla aftaraaoa. Local freak atocka ara rery hard to obtala and only tha top anotatlona rule. Tba poultry market waa entirely claaaaS Bp today and taa tone eaatiaaai rery arak. -. Haas Being BaU PtmMr. . . ' It la bow exceedingly dlffiealt tar aaalart ta boy hopa and growera ara BMra de tar mined than eeer to aaeara Boo for tha remainder of the eaotceet anode. Ream tha nrtaua ara BOW. aaally bringing StUaaOr, while tba fancy bona ara wertk about Alfec. Pew aatoa art betas i ap aria a. Bettor Baaaiptg at Stoaayaarrtaa. ' Beeeipta of ttrawberrlee froai Baatora Halt neaiah and Claekamaa eoaotlaa ara larger bat aa atocka are at good ejaaUty prleaa ara eaaUy muuatauao. Beat Oraaaaaey Batter SaBa. Dealara axperteaee aa trouble to depeetn of their twrtar grade creamery bottar, wnethar oat of town or city Banufactnre. Ordinary gradea ara ooco palled to compete with tha Beaten and com etorage atocka and ara not at ana, altboBgk prleaa are aaeaanged. -& '' Wmmm Oatttum Bark Is aWli. . . Setae email Iota of eblttlm or eaacara hark are betag aold by tba dealara for Kaatera ac eovat, bat tba demand froai that eoaroa ta quite umltoo. Dealera Ban art mat aaxlooe to bay eyaa at 4c. Todaya wbalaaata aaatotlama, aa iiitaia. ara aa iouowb; Sfaak. Itoar and Pee. ' ' WHBAT New and old Walla Walla, SBei blneelrm. SBc: TaUey, Inr. B A BLST Feod, Sn04Sa.7S roBad. SSftOSt Brewing, Z2 uu. . CORN Whole. SS8.00 par tea; eraeked, SSB.Bb. It YE ll.M ner ewt. OATBProtniara aitoa Ba, 1 araita, SST.BO; gray. mi.w. PI)t R Baatara Oragoa: Patent. B4.0S-. atralgbta, SS.T5; raUay, S4J0; grabaav, Ma. aaw; MILLBTrrra Brea. Sit BO aar teat dTlnga, S2b.00i aaorta, eouatry, SSftoai ebop. HAT Praatoara price Tlanetby. Winaaaetto aallay, fancy, aH.oofjio.on; ordlaarr, Slioodj 110.000 11. 00; ekrrer. 4.00iLJS; graia, SU.0B cneai. gii.ouaiii.Bo. R0PS-U04. S1H far extra ehaapl. StQSOr Bar rboice; 2Saw tor pnioe. WOOL Nominal. - Taftey. eoaroa to aiBia, ITBic; fine, ite; eaatera Oragoa. Udjlee. MOHAIR Hew. 80c BHEEPSKINBCbearlaa;. loOSOtt abart woeL toe.Wc; mediant vou. S0Stei hams wane. tallow prlnta, aar Bx 48tl Ba. t and ajreaae. xztc. . , CHITTIM BARB 4e per Sa, baylag- arlat. BIDBB Dry aldea. No. 1. U too aad aa. 14UaiSe aar lb: dry kla. No. 1, B to IS lba. UUr dre ealf. No. 1. ander B lba. lSUe: dry aaltad bulla and aUga, 1-t laea ttaa dry Slot; aalted hi dee, atear. aoaad. SO lba or aref . T0S; CO to 00 lba. Te: aadee BO tag and ewe. saTr: atata and nana, aoaad. Set aip. IB to 80 lba,. T H: aoand. JO to 14 lba, Sc; itf. aoaad. ander 10 lba. BUa; green taa raited. 1c par Ib leeai cnlla. fc par lb horae htdea. aattd. aaeb. Bl.Kat.TS: t eb. Bl.sttet.T3: drr. aach. idea, eaca, SBORoei goat 81 OOai.SO; eolta' hi aklna, eemmoa. each. lOOlSet Aagora. WJ wool oa, each, BVafl.OO. Bnttor. Bags aad Bonltrr. ' , BTTTTBB PAT Sweet, Um: Bear. SB44. BtTTTBR City creamery, beet, 8; arcond grade, 2nrSTHeT ontalda faoer, arOI- rary. W3zn4e; cold atoraaja. JCfimtL. waatatn. Ke: atore. 13ia. ROOnna. 1 rrean urejaoa. JiW" 'Jr- enaaarn, freah. SSe: Aprlla. Moj aeconda. 22Q2V, CHEESB New Poll creenv twin, 1301SBT Touna America. t4ffi. POTTLTRT Oilckena, tM, lH1tt Bt; bena. lmMlZe per Ibi rooatere, aid. H3e lb; yooog, l"Hjl1c par lb; broil ore. 1&Q13 per lb; frrer. It t 11 We per lb; dncka, old. 14c per lb; ynong. lSc per A: gaeae. V per lt: tarkaya, 14tl&c par tti dreealeaV lad) IB par Bt. , ' VMHa aad aawtobtoa. PtrTATOWl- Beat Oragoa, 81 per ewti boyera' erlcea. BotOc; aweeta. S1.S0 par awt; crated, NlONftWLoeal, trsOdfl.flSt bareMf price. 11.80; CaUforala, 81.75; garlic, IfJiOe Bar lb. par lb VRErI PBtTTB Aoole. fancy Oregon, flia 81.28 bni: ebeap gTa4re. Sn75e box: orangea. lata Taleariaa. aa.aoqa.7a per nox; na- part M 1. and ft btoek da, Cartars addition ., .j, . a.OW Henry Kriekana ta A. W. Bagley. Iota 1, . S tad S. block 8. PortanMNitb VlUa Site, i ISO M. U Holbronh and wife to P. 3. Kner . , ner. lot 6. btock ft SU Ma Perk addl- , 'Uaa to St Jobna j. BB B. B. Noble and wife to Boaa McHlaney, ' tot IT. tkck 1ft Bnod Morning addltlna. SB Oregnn lo real moot .Co. to W, A. Ooaa. lOrvlSS reet. heglanrng at point ITS feet W. at ft. TV. aar. Paarteaadl tad : A L. Mini and'wtfa'to rify'Sarinia and Trnat Co., lot 4, Mock lea, CaratV J era aMittoa , 1 0. P. Paela and wife to l 0. baPla..kat ft Muck 2S, Highland BOB Metta Wallace t al. to JeawpB Myara,A lot 1ST, Stopbana addition r f dot roar taearento and ahetraetj -to real aetata froai the Title Onaraatae A Treat eaaa paay, Cbnaabar of OoaiBieraa baUdlag. - u - a-. arL. v-r : BVXLsnfs pnsrjTS, , , Oct. -St. Baaaeft A Stythw,- tddrHoa tt awtU- Ing oa anrtbweet oomar Sixth aad ntraatat aaat, BftOOB. "" n1" " " "' V" " 1 '" ' aaaaa, Ba met Bj? toatona. aknaoa. pftTBdSftOS ff boci nnry, 880rO3.B0 per boa; iTaaa, filcaa. Boa 100; plaeapplaeS S3.B0tSS; plnmo, BiiaiOOo per boa: peacbea. ordinary, Bflricone per box) Taney. 0e per bujc: paara, 81 OOyi ."; Kapea. ToceSl.aB par box; Orcgos, oa -; Cbaorda. 15c per ft-la aaaket: 10 it raakot, BV; eanUtoupea, TBc ti 1 1 SB per ciate. caaabaa, SI 00 per doa; hnckletoirtoa, Oe per lb; craaberrlea. local. $8 00 par bbl; Oape Co4 f P'r hblj pranea. Sc per lb. BnrrABLBSTnralp. 8LJ5 par aaefcl tan rota. 11. an ror eeck; beeta. SI SB per aacfci Orejroa radtahea, Bc oee doa; aabbaga. Orgea. Sl SoefftOO rwt: lettuca. head. 15c One; green peppera. dOOBOc per box; celery, Tba per doa: to JaiLtoea, nregoa, X)JOc par box; paraalpa, TBctJ I BS; greea peaa, Sr par tbi areew oaloaa. lUc per doa: local ereaa corn. SI ",fl 2 ner each: Die cleat. SatlUe nao B atrlao beeaa. 4c; ewnmbera. SOe oer each; aa nil Ao war. 76 tt Boa par doa; bntter beane. act Bumnklnn. Ut per lb; horaaraiSlah, Ta par B; aproata. to; ataah- roftma. B0eper lb. vuiko fruitt Annlea. tTanoratiB. Ttpw par Ib; anrtoota. BHtTlSe per fct aaeka. Ha par Ib lean; peaahee. "rjlSe per fbt paara per Bi; pranea. Italian. SHf4Ua per I Prenca. lUfltUa ner tb: man. Callornta black. BeTtlAa ner lb: 41ufnrala whlrae. . ear Ibt ptaata. pitted par A: datea. goaaea. Sfit tar Ibi tarda. Bl.Bt par ta-B box. ,. Smarm. Bato. Bta. ' STTSAB Beck bula Cube, M.eOl 15 da r. maple. 14100 aar Bn ri c j . a; t 1 4 ti tflitc. rOPrBB Sraaa btaeba. TttllBe; Jnoa. fa new. SBorUc; Jae. eood. S0Sft: Java, ordinary lSfSSOe: Coeta Blca. fa dot. lBf"0e; Ooata Rica, good. Mttins; Cbau Blca. ordinary. HBlBt Perth; pachagw coffee, 814.T8. tb. ab -On long, different eradaa, snejanat gwo pawdar. a3xv!tSc; Rngtlak break aaat. dif ferent aradea, UHOOOc; apt dor leg. aatotored Janan. SOAaBet araan Jaaam fannr aeareel. SOtl 80c par lb. SALT rTanBalaa. to. Ma. 4a. Ba, log, SI. SO; table, dalrr, 50a. Sfl.BOailOO: '" Jl"li tmnorted UraronoL 50a, S15.0OaniB.O0t lOOa. 8l4.B0aiS.OO: SSta, SlSBOa IABO: extra fine. rbla. Sa. to. Re. 10a. SaJot balh. SSO lba. 4.ont aarka. BOa. 5 SALT Core Half grown. 100a. aar tam. SB.t0O0.B0: HOa ner ton. SR OBlPr.OO-, Liverpool lnnjp rock. SIR BOUft 50 rer teal SMS "act, 8B.2nad.TS: Inoa, 83 754. SB. (Abora pneaa apply to ealea or tow nan r kota. Car toto at anaeUl nrlcoa aaatott to flnctoarlnna. BRAIN BAONOaicatta. SftTBdSB.nB pee n BICE ImrwHal Sanaa Wn. 1. 4 tie: Bo, ft 4c; Maw Orleana bead. SHOOei Adjack. SH: Creole. 4e. BKANB Bmali wklto. do; Targa Whin. SHc: nlnk. 4e: baroav SUei TJaaaa. Bat Moxl- canreda. Be, ntn peanota, Tjer Towooa. pho par mi raw, tOlOr per tb; roaeted. eecaaaatt. Bf 8) SOe per tns: wabuta. iniAai4Uc per lb; ptna ante. lOtjisue per lb: blckory ante. tOa ear Ib: cheatonta, eaatera. tBtfiOe eor Bt: Braatl wnte, IBe per Th: fllnerta. taaiA Per lb; faney pacaaa, 14eilV per n. aTmnda. maiBa par xb. Maata. ttak aad Tii.talaaa PRBBH MRATB lnapected Beef, atoera. per lb: cowe, Bffl'He per : nattoav draaaaC 4 Q 5c per n: lam ha. ftraaaad. SO Ac par Ib. FRESH MEATS Front etreet Beef, 4tbe ner Tb; pork, block. MSe per lb; pack era. BUc par lbt balkt. S2Hc per lb; eowa. SH44HC par lb; flwttoa. dreeaed, 44fS oar lb; veal, extra, TWO par lb; ordinary. 5Tc pec lb: poor, to per lb; laraba, BMfflOHfl per lb. HAMS. BACON, BTC. Portland pack ( latan kama.'ia to 14 aba. He per Ib: 14 to lflba. 14c per Ib: 18 to SO lba. la per tb; entbua, tH per lb; braakfaat bacoa, ItaiSe per Tb; rlcnlca, lie par B: ragntar abort eleara. aa amoked. lOUe per lb; etnoked. IlUc per rot clear backa. nnamoked. lOe ner n: aawked. 11a per lb; Union butte, 10 to IS lba. aeemokeS. Se per lb; emoted. Be par lb: clear beiuee. e- amoked, 11 Ha per B; aatohad. ltHe par lb: eaatera ha ma. l4a am. lb towAkfats aaaaa. LC?AL LABT Kettle teat. 10a. 11 H mar lb: Ba. litis pea lb: 80-lb tine, lie per Tb; ateaai rendered. 10. JOtic per lb: Sa. 10 Tie par tb; BOa. lOttc per lb: rmponnd tlcrcea. BU per tb; robe, fltle per lb: BOc, tle per . - BASTBAh LARI-10a, 10e; St. UNtl Sfla, 10 Wc CANNTCD SALMrtW Oolnmbta rfeer 1-B tana. tLKB; f-lb talla, 8S B0: fancy l ib flata, BS 00; W-Ib faocr Sate, 81 ; fancy l ib eraki. SS.TSf AUaka talla. ptak, SDOtOc; red. SlAOj aoaataal to. tell. rim. PT8H Bock rod. Tr per W: rVernflera, It par D: ballbat. Tc ner Tb; crab. 12fl par doa: etrtpod baas. loeitHe par i MtSah, Tt par Ib: ralmofi. rbtnork. Oe per tb! allreralOea, Be nor lb; b erring. Sc per lb; eolea. Se per B; ahrlmna. 10a per lb; abed, draaoed. per Ibi Derek. Se. aee lb: ekad me. aar Ib: had. Oe per lb: Mark end. Be p n grrrar emelt Be par Tb; lobatera.-TJHe: treak BtacheraL Be: rrnwflnh, foe par doa; DonnOere, oe per m. OTBTBBW Shoalwater bay, par gat, ft SI: Bar aark, S4.00 net: OlympU. pet aaek. 85.SB: CLAMB Hard ebelt. par ten. SB. OB raaar eiama. fftoo oe bar Palata. Oaal 00a. Bta. BOPB Para Manila. ttaadarA ISt4, Steal. lOUc. COAL OIL Pearl ar Aatral Oaaaa, BtHe par gait wator white, troa bble lac pat gal. wooflea par gal: aeadllgbt, iTO-e. bh per gal. iron mii itc per gaL LI NffRKTf OHV Para raw, to bble Me par eaaaa Btc pat gal; renal oe kettle boiled, gat eaaaa Btc pat gal; geaoine kettle boiled, eaaaa Blc per gal. bble Bee per gal; gronnd cake, car tota 2S.0O par toe. lean tbaa aara $30.00 oer ton. OASOUWxV-adeg. ta bble Sec per gal: rtora. tt per gal, tram a Silia per geL iron nnia inc per gai. bbnzinb tB-deg. eaatot sat mar ti sram able 16 H "er gal. PAINT OIL Ba aw. hMe SSa Bar raL aaaaa SBa per gal: boiled, eaaaa 40t par gal. TTJRPENTTKB In caaea BBe oar araL afaoBaa bble. Ble per gaL troa aala TM per gaL 10-Ib aaaa lota ft rwr aaL WHTTB LEAD Ton tota T9 pat Bl lata 7 e per Ib, leaa lota Se par B. Bt, aBS-S W1BS BA1LB Praaeat baee at BB4B. SHEEP ARRIVAL ARE WELL TAKEN CARE OF Portland ratoa Stockytroa, Oct. Sft -The ar rlrala of abeep of lata bare been large but tha demand la aafSdent at praaeat prleaa to keep tha market cleaned ap. Hoga ara Sail but mot over weak. There eonttBoea a fair tall for cattle. Tba reeetpta today cooaiated of SO cattle ana l.ouo abeep. Official ruling prlcee today ara: Cattle Beet aaatern Oragoa ateert, 88.00: heat valley atoera. 83.781 medium eteera. 88.50: oawa. 83.00; bolU, 1.7B; ataga, $2.00. Hoga Beat beary. 85 50; brock, 84.B0J Cbtaa rata, at-oo: atockera ana reeaera, pa.ito. Mbeop Beat grain-fed wether, B3-SBOAB0; latnba, tftwe.aB; mlied abeep. 88.35. . COTTON MARKET 5 TO 8 POINTS LOWER rrorolaned by O Mew York. Oct, Starr A Onoke Oa.l . 33. Cotton fetorea ckawa 5 to S Batata Wrwer. 7annary... ftTS Pcbruarr.a S.7B March.....' S.M AprU e.SB ( May .B1 June. ' July .... October.... 9.51 Noeembar.. S.52 Deaembec.A B.S8 - Tba tfacial eottoa market: Blah. Low. Ctoae. S-TT ' 9. TO S.78 ' 1 75 AST 8.T8 t.TO S.TB 8.7 S.81Q4S .MIH7 It.tM'aiW is B.4T S.00 8 0S S.fUUttO B.7 t.BS " 0.08 .2tJa dUVWfyrfaSM OwrwwBal XtpWSBaS UvorTMtot. Oct. x. -Ottoa toa f potnpi tower; apota. 4 point fawer. , . r " ; ' Blboankoa Srain Itarltot. ' Wlhrankee. Oct, Sft-C1oae: Wkaat Peaaar- bar. Sl.U aakod; May. 1.18. V:. t list Opportunltf. On Octohar tt, 18 mod U tht northern Pacific wilt srtvB pom om nrort) and tha Inat nnortuntty. to surahua low rata axcurmloa tickets to tha world's fair at St. Iu1 And to tht point aaat. All oxcuralon tlcketa will ba gooa. on tha North Crwat Limited trmlna aa wall as on dither of tht Other overland train. Through aleaptr will ba ma to St. Lonlm. Call at tha tlekmt offlea, tsf Morrlavm atramt, corner of Third fop full particular or writ A. D. Charlton, A. O. F. A-, Portlmnd, Or. . LAST ST. LOUIS RATES. TtSV XaPtr BmamnaaoB TVkm tmavtol Bp tBw O. A 8 S. Thai BTftSj Or Ootobar 87. IB and tt th O. R. A M. acaia sella vtry ow rat return (rip tlcketa to St, lyOuta, good rtturnlng un til DMMinher SI. It will pay jou to call at Third and Waehlngtorj atrtt and obtain particular from . C. W. Btlngar, cltf ticket BeTtnt . . I I A A TawVWVSftpmSt SBO: fmlt grannUteft SB. 18; dry granalated. 18t boot grnaalateal PAOBl extra a 88.18: golden a 80 BB ; bble. 10e: 14 bhto. SBei boiea. 80c adranea on aacft ha at a toaa SSo awt far aaaa. ST. PACL HAD A BREAK AT CLOSE VBIP TOSUC aiOOK BTABBJTB AOTTTB abb wtLDnw ear xjbt TT BTTT BIObT aVOB BAJSVZ.T BTBSBBTBI AT OXObTB. iParabhed by Overbeek, Starr S Cook OaJ Few York, Oct. 33 Wck Broa. any: The market ba been active and wild today. A few atocka ehewed bearlneaa hat moat of them wore buoyant and aumeroaa aenaallonal ad vaneaa ware orored. Bharo break at tba Ctoet la St. Pool Steel preferred waa atrong but later lent awat of It rlee. Tba bank etata ment waa moderately fa ror a ble. The cloalng na hrregnlar. Sentiawnt la quit bulllah aua tba general axnactatlon a far algbat nrlce next weak. llatton S On. aayi Spoenlatlona 1 fweorlab and Irregular, aaaaed by pruBt-taklng. Re ne wad buying of Krla. Tbara waa aanaattoaal new but the bank atateaaent prored more ftTorable than bad been Indicated by tba known movement of kaoaer' tbrougk the week. Tb public bare bean buying atocka boarlly In tb aaat weak and a harp break a can ba looked for from bow an with thla condition. Taluaa of money ar moderate. They will go higher later on, bnt wa cannot advtoa lba parxaaa at atocka at tba preaent lerel. . Logan A Bryan aay: Tba narhet la aette and atrong. A good apaclaltiea ara b If her. Tba bank ata tenant waa fa or able and ah owe eipaaaloB tn every torn. Money la woodor- fully cheap tor tbia time at tb year and tb tendency & toward area cheaper money. Tba waltlng Uat of laraatura fct beginning to 'com out. There bl of couraa a good deal of erat tored profit taking but tba Important bolder at atoek ara not, w think, letting fa to aar xtent. Today's fnetal Btoefc aaarkntl rrrrr BBBXTUPTTOB, Anaconda Mining Co... .4 aiml uoppor u Atoblaoo. coat.......... do n referred Am, Oar A P., m..... ao prererre ......... 15 American Smelt,, eoia. . oo nrenrra Belt. A Ohio, com., do preferred Brook. Rao. Tranelt ?5 Canadian Pao.. com.... is Chicago A Alton, om... do preferred ... & 1Q. W.. com. a, H. A St., p.... C. A N. W.. com Chicago Term. By Cheeaneake Ohio Colo. P. A Iron, com... Colo. South., com...... d Sd preferred. ..... do let preferred Del. A Hndaoa D. A B. a., oom do preferred Brto, com.... do Sd preferred 4o let preferred..,.. IlllDola Central ....... Louie. A Naah Met. Traction Ok.... Man. Tlevatad Max. Central By .'. M-, St. P. A St. U... da preferred Mkaaonrl Paclfle M.. X. A T., eom do preferred .. New York Central ..... Nor. A Weet., cam..... do preferred ft. T., Ont. A W...... Ponnaylvanja By........ Peopla'a O. L. A C W.; rraaa. Bteer c, aon, .. do preferred ......... Paclfte M. A Oa.. Beading, nm da 3d preferred...... At let preferred...... Bop. Iron A B. oa.... do preferred Bock laland, xaal...t, do are f erred Sooth. Ry.. com do preferred ......... Sotbera PaclBe ....... St. L. A A P.. Sd pfd.. do let araf erred . , . . St, L, A AW., oom.... do preferred ......... Texaa A Pactfle ....... Tenn. Coal A Iroa Tel. St. L. A W, com.. do preferrad TJnlon Pacific.' .... do preferred TJ. S. Leather, co.... do preferred V. Rubber, cam..... da preferred TJ. A Steel, cam do prof erred WbeaL AL B, cam... do Sd preferrad.....'. do. let preferred .... Wia. tenrrmi. eoee.....: do preferred ,...,....! Weet. Unloa Tel........ Wahaah. coWj... ....... do preferrad . American lea , Pop referred "TataTaalaa for day. t TO, TOO abaraa. ' Iab iTtAjrciBoo Knrnta Stooba ' Saa Pianctoae, Act. Sft--Mrblag anMKattona: Cktalng . . ... Cloaiog Bid, Ton. Moat .....11.95 Opbtr 82.25 MexlenB 1.10 Belmont .09 MeMamarm 28 Midway JM Bed Top .15 J umbo ........ .49 Ton. OoM Mt.. .17 Ton. Gold Fid.. .59 Too. Nevada .09 Crown Point .. .09 Con. IaparUl... .OBA Oonld A Carry.. .19 A Beat A Belcher. 1.18 Con. CaL-Va.... 1.88 Bavaga .a .9A Choiiar 18 Potoal 14 Hale A KnrcrOM M Yellow Jacket ,. .19 Kentucky .OBA Alpha in fteicner .no ConSoamo Utah Bieheooar Overnan .OOAIBlerra Hat JT .09 .45 .14 Bullion .f.., .SSA Big. Belehap ... .TB .10A .40 uatlce Halnn Con. .SB (CaledooU Cballeng .19 Occidental .. St. Lonkt ,.... .74 Arda S4 (. arOSTOB OOPPKA BAPJUT. . Bnrtoa, 08. .-Coppr anotattoMi Chretng CVelftg W Bid. ' Bid Tale Royal TTRtted State .. M) Sin .Vt Arnold I.' .Oft Centennial .SOt Adrentor ..... .OSyt Ircadlaa . tlantlc .. Dalr Wet .90 .14U .iii4imhm Thiia. Coal .55 Uaaa Old Domlalea.. .29 Pbnenlk ........ .01 tt Santa Pa .01'! Tamarack ....v .19 Winona ........ .09 Wolverln .91 H United Pratt ... 1,04 Parrot ..... fnnery , , Rhannoa ... Trinity .... Victoria ... Wyoming .. ' SAB FAaJfOISOO tOOAX STOCBA . Saa Praadate, Ott Sft. Loral ttoeka: Caoetag Bid Aab, 40 8 Spring Teiley Water.... . Central Light Paclnfl Lighting H. P. Oaa A Klectrl Honoke Soaar ... H ... . Hutchlnaon Sugar Wataonvlll Sugar Paanbaa Sugar Alaaka Parkera' Cel. Fmlt Ca "ner' A. Cal. Win Aaaa PactSc. State Tetophon. .4 ..50 .C ..5T 67U in !!l!ils IB .....90 JOB But. 88 ....118 114 CKIOAOO LOO AX. STOOXA Ohtoaga, Ott. 1ft Leeal atoek l :. Ctoatng .' Bid. Bat. Blaentt ...8 X United Be .18 do preferred ,h .08 do peferrog . Bat. rarbon ... .85 do preferred 1.09 Swift A Co.... Chicago City By, 1 M North Side By.. .TS Aaaertcaa Can ,t do preferred ,, Pneumatic Taat. rnloa Treat Weet Bade By. .0 .or TODAY'S BABX OUAADrOA Cteartagt ,...;,...SM.T4.ajt BaUnvaa ....w...... 8ft90ft04 " Xaaang Otty wrata Msrtart. Kaneafl nty, Oct. S3. Cloaej Wbtoi . eambar, 1.0, May. l.Wt, . - U-' -- Stow Tark atemla Btorbat. - New York. Oct. Clonal Wheat Dattti her. 81-191 May, 41.1814. . Wheat Quotations Have Bean Showinf a. Gradual Advance and Prices Today Are Higher -Hops Held Mora Finn Fresh Eggs Scarce." BAlf CENT LC3T ; BY JULY CAT OaTioaao bub: isaut &o BOWBT OOTOBla, AJTB BtAT IrOBBl CBBTf- BIO AOV ZTB BinjeS IBT OOBBT. TODAY'S WHBAT MARKET. ' Open ' Cloat Ctoa Today. Today. rrL . October ......ft...., 81.14 atl.HHBl Dectaar ..Sl.Um 1.15 81.16 May 1.14 l.lftttB J ir ...... js. -m , MB fPnrnlahaal be ArarWk Starr Oanka Co.) Chicago. Oct. Sft Logaa A Bryan aayi la wheat there waa a aoaUnuatloa of atrengtb aa Bulllah aentlment early In tba day. Efrorbl at profit taking at tha advance end large aa)a by the Armour Internet which ta, wa think, working oa tba abort aid and which to tba only aggreaalv boar la tb market, wet the adranea and tha pit ckned weak. Liverpool continue Indifferent. They are getting ample tuppllea each week from export countrle out Bid of thla. Tb edge waa erf tb caah mar. keta generally except la Kaaaaa City, where MlnnenDolla waa rwnorted to ba baring. There he been eome talk of farmer' offering ta tb Nortiiweet. The Tkttbto aupply Monday will ehow another liberal acenmuUtVm of atocka, Thla acrumulatlna- nrocaaa la likely to continue. Wa hardly ahar la the prevailing buUlah acatt- J J Bt Aattoa Baiu.' la tort there bo active bull etrmaat work, ing but the caah ettnatton ta atrong with atocka and receipt of old eara light. There hi aoioe movement of tooad corn to tht eoatbera porta tut from ta groat oorn ken tt la a car an la-portant. Hutting roturaa ara attlt to com In and th May la B to Be dtoconnt ander tbe cnab article. It looka a pretty aire par cent agt la view af th buyer. Other Bear Oata. '' In oatt tba weakneaa ta corn and wheat coa trtbated, but bulllah conadenca la aUU faint and after th advancing tendency of - th peat tew daya tha reaction waa natural. We are Inclined to feel that th caah altuattoa hi lm piovlug, that tba accamuUtlom la tha rlalbat aupply fct aboat aa large a It will gat and that tt kt not unlikely that we ahall net la tba fa rare make a new tow record. f Pa abara Aaaaawlattng Beg. Ia pro vl alone tbara la not larg rad. There la no great preaaar bow from lit nidation. While th Baeklnc Intereata ara net eetlralv devothig their effcatg toward ecorlng higher pricee, we taint may ar aa a rule, gradually accumulating hoga en th week apota. . Today'e of ftciel market . . ' " r WHBAT.'' ' ' ' . One. Hurh. m. Ciena. Oct....S S 8 S 1.14 n...i, i.t4 lism" ' May..., M4 l.lKtZ JlStt 1.1SUB itJ.,. JBM -.8 ASft . " COBB. , , , oet.o :.etR Bat.,. .49 .49 .491.- .484 May..., .464 ,v ,.(S .4511 July...; - .465, .4BS -.45 . -.4S " mTA A Oct..., i .-SBttB We..... Mik .SOU. ' . JB . May.... r jiw .si? , , .tufi POBJC Oft, , i .a pi.... suu ; Jan.... lft0 " May..,. 13.55 f. Oct..... ' ....."' Nov.,.. T.8S . Dee.. fiia '' Jaa..,.y T.TT May.... .Sf .; . Oct.... T SO v Jan..'..; BOO May.... ATS ; ...... ...... 10.8S 11.11 , 11.10 -11.10 - 1S.85 IftBB li.55 1S.5T lft59 ; '13.50 , laeJtXV V- tee t i a af - t .90 da .SB .S9 T.SS v ; t.-;;. V." " 5 r at - i.m . BIBS. " -.?. ;- , T SO , f .18 ; ?- t.U . ft 00 - ' . ' 0 5 8 58 A ATI AT9 AST NO REASON APPARENT FOR DROP IN PRUNES ar-Jabed by Overbeek. Starr A Cooke Oo.V Pranctaco, Oct. Sft A P. Button A Co. aay: We have had a week of aepreaalon In wheat vatnea and no particular raaeon caa be Kvea other than a lark af aupport and a email lUng oft la tba export ordera. It n notice able that ao me of tb blggeat ehorta ta wheat hare beta taking In their abort contract at tba decline. There ara mora little abort la tbe market tbaa tor oom time. Sbomd any good foreign buying come Into the, market, there would be a acratahle. Wo oonld not aee any reaaoa for thla docile and therefore can aot ae why prior ehcmld go lower. We would prefer trading In May In tba future. Barley continue weak. No apparent anna, tar la noticeable. Today' ntflclal 11:99 a. . aurket: , WHBAT. ' , Ope- High. Low. Otto. . recvnber...ir46 1.4T fl.6 1.4M ' May........ 19 1.494 . . 1.49 BAALBY. . X.0SHB I.OBftA PBJMAAT. IHIPMASTS ABB OXXABABCBA fxttcaa. Ott. Sft Primary a -, , . loa ay, ,.. year agt, ' " ' ' Bnabela. . - Buahela. Wheat ....1.243.000 - L 057,000 Corn 858.000 ' v- SftOUO Shlpaenta were: WhealT. .. Slt.OOO 1,059.000 Corn j. S54,ono ' BM.Ooo Clearance ware; Wheat and Star, UO,ouo ma&tia; oata. i,ouo eaaaam. OBTOABO tUSSI WBZAT, Chicago, Oct Sft Caah wheat It St tower t unchanged. Tb official market: N. I red 4 ........1.19 , fl.30 a. t red ........11.19 , fl.30 o. 8 red i 1.15 -', 1.18 o. S bard winter..... 1.18 f.lA a. I hard winter 1.04 ; 1.12 . 1 northern prtng...v...... I. IS , l.Jl no. a No. No, No, 1 northern tpring. .......... 1.18 . i. No. S northern aprlng. ........... 1.144 1.1S Ba. S aprlng............ 1.05 jt.U ' wkamlB amxSB BBVbbA I1-'' Y . "' v rSpaoial Dxapateh to Tha Joaraal. 1 Taeomn, Waah., Oct-. IS. Wheat atrong tob and red higher. Bbjeatotm. 80c; tlub and tad, KOSSU. . ' - - Ll.aieial Ormta aUrkat. .- " -Urtrpool. Oct. Sft cleat: , WbtaS- toeaai ber. T 44d. Ski bigbn. Com Deramber. to SUA i higher. . ; ' ' MinnaapolB Arab) NatanA ' ' Mlnaaapnlla, Oct. Tt Ooeei Waatt Pt atmber. l.l Md; May. 1 1.1ft , , ' V BmhttB Braca Market. Dalntb, OcL Sft CIomi WbeaaDaaimTbeT. ILHsl May. S.l bid. . it . I' '' ' Baw York Srato Market. .New York. Oct. Sftcioe c WbaatOaeem bar, fl 19U. May. fl.lBU. . , ' -r-'v. St, tenia fhrnto Marhot, St. ttata. Oct. 82. Ctoa i Wheal Pitambet, Sl.15; May. 1.1T Wd. BXW TOAA OOPFBB BABXBT. Baw York, Oct. SB. Coffee fa tar cknad S to 1ft point tower. : .,. IM cnciai maraei: Bl Aak. October ....fe.TB foaoiAprtl November .. 8 75 e.W'May , Decetnber . B.S B.ilJon . Bid Aak ,.87 7 .; .. 7.15 7.40 I:' T0 40 Tannery ... 8.00 looUtUy TOO February ., 7 0S T.l"!Aiignt 188 t.TO area T.xi'i ., , . Total ealea today wera 44.TB0 bag. ' - FALLS UNDER TRAIN AND IS BADLY HURT (ftpecU! TrtapatcA to The Xonrlul.) 1 Taoornm, WMb., Oct ll.Thla aftr nooa J. A. Hyman attampttd tt) boartl a moving train for Portland. H allpptd and fall, hla head striking tht) sidewalk, atunnlng htm. Ha rolled under tha train, hla right foot waa ant eft and hla aft foot criiahmdi Ha waa taktn to th hospital for sa optraUoa. U at ay dlA ' ; , !.vr p ii2 i IT'S V v kTt Tht WOgfkt eoaated la tb lbt Bug, wtat tana at tkt otor tnppMBMttt of Tb w k. Tb reader IB left to Queerer ate 5te ar gn Idee to tba eointfs of tha J; ran anawar. For tha largeet nam bar of correct or aouly annul anawara Tb onraal off are SS9 ta felaat to be fltotrlbutod a eollowa; .... 1. Par the graatoet a amber of earreet anvwera, 810.00, ...,.,.,.,.,,,,, .810.00 ' ft Pot tba next largeet number of oorreet a new era, 85.00..,, BOO . ft Por th third Urgeat number at eorrrct aoa wera, $2 SO ftfift 1 4. Por tha fourtb largeet number af oorreet ana a era. 82.00., ftoo . A Por tba ton next largeet number of correct aaw era. 81.00 oaeh IB 00 tPor tha tea aaxt Urgaet aumber of correct anaweta. (1.00 each 10 09 . for U ale vaa ae Urgeat anmbere of oorreet anawera. 50 each -41.99 Oct 22e" V".. Ps this CQTjnon Only, ' . v r th -wckilbtjo Bniroi V i , ' . THA) iUKtUT JOTJBNAU FOBTLAND. OlUtOOW. " Th aiiswtjr to th araaatto askd of tha WoajgiatmB la th BfAaw. sins aUctioB af tha pimr at SUNDAY. OCTOBXR l, la , ' i ' ' V T . : ' . : '.' . V aaeea eearf ta e ' -'. ' ' " i-- '.'" -'-.v." ; ; . V ' -, '- V ' y '' , - .. . ..aaaeaeeaafaaaeaeaaaeeaaatMa..aeeaaaeaaavaaa.eaeaaaab ................. ....M...e.a,r.... .......................... J ; MaUM...a....o;.......eeaa.. Btraat aad XtkT. . . 4 . .' Tows aw (ty.....,..,..... ; '' mtStS 'neeaaeaaaaaaeaeweaatea ii..ttitiltti. ' -1 ' ' ' :- - ll?:yjyWMX Of THE CONTEST r Pin mm tb abort ooapaa. ale tba toonon, to ba found dally la Tha Journal anttt Saturday, October Sft Thla aire you aevan ohaecfat to anawer the oneatlon, wblca appear In The Sunday Jocraal of October 1ft Barb Sunday a freab qtteetJoa U naked. Th anawar la to be written ea tb too poo printed on that day and aa each Of tba at week day tallowing. Bach BMtith begtna a new conteat. SAV8 THB COUPONS and oa taa laat day at tha month Band them to THB WOOOLB-BUO-EDITOR, Tba Journal. Portland. Or. Only coupons IN THE OFPICB OP TUB JOl'R KAL BY 10 A. M. OP TH8 TBI BO DAY W MOTBMBKB wlU a ttaatad U making th award of October pel aee. If tw or mora pereooa aend ID hirheat namber f correct anawara tba Bret prim wfll ba divided among tbe am. U ilmllar aaaaa tb other nrlee will ba atmlWly divided. . . ' Th eoopona for October art faaa entirely aarabared. and moat a placed ta on ewvelop. in numerical ardor. BO TWO1 COUPONS IN AM ENVELOPS MUST BRAS TUB SAME NUMBER. If yoa ar ettpplng ronpona dally from mora tbaa on eopy C Tba Journal yoa moat tncloa each a at for tbe month fn a aaparate envelope. Contestants need not write tba earn anawer eneacb coupon. Ton may writ a different anawer for every y. bat ftKMEMBXR, THB LARQEAT NUMBER OF CORRECT ANSWERS WIN. Ba ampler af tat Saaraal, ar aMmbar tator tkit aaatott,' BwsaBaBaBBaBaBBaBBaeaBsaeaBWtJBBt)as; Bpncttl rato mad to famllltB and hath tatabllahmant tn th faotsi. OVERBECK, STARR a COOKE CO. - Maanbara Cbiao Board of Trad. , , : ' MAJBT, ' BB4I BIBIOBTB, COBBOaT. - trWOOXB ABB . . BOaTBB. 101 Third atraatt. HeXAp Bulldtng, Portland. Or. , " WS BO A BTItrtLW C1BxBiaBtS30V aTTJBTATBWSL -' 'V CotlttBttOua Market by Prirat Wirt, (gutck Barrict. RBTBR EWCE1 LsM 4 11 ton, banktra. and United State National Bank of Portland, . TOLEDO MAY TAKE COOS BAY ROUTE (Spedal mapatch to Th loarnaL) Tillamook, Ors. Oct. 11. Bhippar hart) aUta that tt to prmotically AtotdaA to pat th atnaaswr Toledo on tha run bttwn Cooa Bay, Tillamook and Portland. Tha ataamtr ia mow plying on tha run b twetn Buraka,' Cal.. and Flora not, Ovw stopping tn rout at Crtaotnt City, Cal., and Port Oxford, Cooa Bay and Gardiner, Or. Tha veeel ia owned by A Mr. Fay of Bureka, and la a flrst-claaa cotur. Jjoeml ahlppara hava long twn trying to gat a ateamer for th trad bwtween thla city, Portland and tha Coos Bay ports. BODY OF MRS. LEAKE BURIED ATR1VERV1EW ; t' ' " . ' . (.." V '". ' Th funml of Mrs. Ami xtllsmhath Laak, Who dlod Friday at th North Pact no Sanatorium, wa hald at 11 a'oiook ' thla morntna - at Hoi man 'a ohapai. Th Tn torment was la Rlvr vlaw emmatery. Mra. Laka was th wlf of FTan iHtak, of th advartialna; dtpartmant of Th Jomrnal, and had many friend Ib this Bnd othar cltlos, Bn waa well knows la Bait lank City and la Spo kane. ...(: KAISER TO ARBITRATE IN SOUTH AMERICA 3 . BantUgo, Chill. Oe ll A treaty of poact Dtwan Chill and Bolivia haa ban lgnad and by It th Oorman amp ror la) appointed arbitrator In can of a dla aroaint, - Th selection or tb satsar for tnt Important poaltlon, la takn by Ameri cana her aa a hint that nolthr of th South ADetrloan oountrl oar to give America, any ebano for domination In auiplemsmnt altuatlona that might art, ; JAIL AND FINE FOR LEE TRAVIS " "'t ia nil ii aaha- , ; - -,' -' " 1 ! Attorn- tLe ML Travis oT Bugan. who waa lndtlctad bp th grand Jury for alleged ptnaion fraud, was sntnad lata ywttrday Aftaraooxi to on day in Jail snd to pay fin f 850. H pleaded guilty at tha tint of his arraign ment and im mod lately after awntcno wa pwjmd by Judg BmlllntTmr begnn hit akort partod tn jaU , r - m - v - WTJala OFas? OABtaPAZBBT, .' ", (Spectol Btopatob to Tb taraal.) ' ttlllaboro. Or.. Oct. Sft ptom . R. Dtmlck, Reptiblloaa prtsldtntlat aloe tor, and Hon. Oordon R, Hay, county Judg of Clackamas county, will addraea th cltlaans of HUlaboro and Tlclnltp, n Tutaday ning, Ootobtr 15, on th po irtioal laau of th day. Thla will b th opnlng of th Republloaa ampalsn In . Wanhington county. (Yoarnal Bpactol Bar tic.) .' Brighton Baach. Oct; 11 Th auto mobile diamond dip raoa ovar a ftv mlla couraa waa won by W. Oould Bro kaw by half a mil A OJdfteM waa s- ond. Tim. :-. . :;:::le - cug say? .3 T3 'KfwajrtV,' ata party tram rta wmoae adveararaa tr r W Suauay ioarnal. anawara on qneatton ererr eriweax The Dletara and aVarrlntlvt problem. Tb .aaeatloa admits of but one No. 22 af aa xBtoy't family .v to altowed at TEe Portland BmTlaABTBOBaSKST. . - .. rWKra rum r . $3 Per Day mi Upward ' - BaVDQTJASTxIBUi BOB) TUUB4STS AJTB ClOAaSAACXAZ. TbA,T1UU. tingle Bwatitmon. ' A ,modtrn TurkUK H. C BOWERS. Manager. B0 WBIMOK BTOPBIATB a 04ft ', . v. (atblUbtd 188.1 T Am SYOCBT BMBTBSA. Baooxav A Oroand afloot. bb or ooinaRCB. COMMISSION) : Roost S Cham bar of Commaroa. Q round -' " rioOT- : ( tmdtl and Barpima 800,000 90, Graliv,Provision$, Stocks and Bonds Utyoat Privet Warn Syetom ta tawrtoa. and Oaaaareattea. Wt Charg B later! an Carrytag la ' . , , Stock. ... . ,v ,'v B. SC. AUDEN, McknaffAtr ' Monkeys and Parrots Ar not warm frhtadft yet togothor they pralaa, as with ont vole,' OLODB WEATHER-PROOF PAINT tht grant paint with a guarant with sack pack ag. A. BL CTaTAimk, BS Vaylot, aaA PORTLAND PAINT AND WALL PAPER CO. IBS Seaead Bt. TaL. Blaoh SwT. POOLROOM SAFE UNTIL AFTER WALTON TRIAL Coram lesion onamasittrn racas ar ba in g plaotd at th hamdquartara of tha Warwick Coram ia Ion company today. No arrant wtra mad by Sharif! Word, who want bom very UI at about t o'clock. It Ib annonnoad that In all probability BO action will Sa taken agalnat tha poolrooma until tha eonclu- aina of tha trial of Chart W. Walton for tha shooting of Policeman N el eon, a District Attorney . Manning will not b ahla to a-lv his attention to other mattara until that tlm. - " ATlaemlttfal M. M. Austin of Wlnchaattr. Ind., know what to do in tbe hour of neL HI wlf had uch an unuauat etaa of tomarh and llvtr rouble, phyalo.lans could not help htr. Ha thought of and triad Dr. King's New Ufa Fill a and ah got relief at one and waa Dually curs. Lmljr 26A , , : , ;- r