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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1904)
THS O 30N T 7 JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 7TDAY rVTNINO, OCTOBER B, K 1 The Ctoeolate Girl TELLS THE -STORY Son will find her on vorj fs-srine package Of . BAKER'S , - . Breakfast Cocoa run finest in run worid 1 41 HIGHEST AWARDS B Europo and Amebca Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Mte4n DomeHBMKa, Mam. FIVE PRIZES Kl CLEVER WRITERS KAXTT ABTXO-B OK MMOI AJTB At meeting kite yostsrday afternoon ; Of tbt Portia ad oocnmlttee ebOMn toy Mayor Williams to decide the contest of ' ' li . MAM MAIM rnuiui ovum vans state unorm to oonmn a fuiBWJi ocnomoiAXi cxra -jonnmiBniffannin the Gotnmerclal club on Oregon articles ; -published In papers ouUM of tbl atata Josephine Liaber wu awarded first ' prise, Gertrude Metcalfe second, Asa : sieetfc third. W. H. Cbapla fourth, nod W. I Crlaaay fifth. - Judgment was rather difficult. - In asking for the artlclss, the Commercial ' elub maraly apaolflad that they should ba ralaUro to Oregon, limited aa to .time and word, and abould appomr in . pa par outalda tha bounds of Oregon. Literary styls, breadth of subject, adver- Ittlng value and other features wers loft to auob standards as (ba commutes Could fix In Interpreting the wishes of 4. tb crab. ' Tbs mambars sitting in fudg- ' meat were B, B. Bookman -(chairman). W. A. Hears, Banry B. Reed, Paul KaKy and W. IX B. Dodson. Thay nnve pri ority to tbo ona depleting with moat vlv- Idnaas baauUaa of tha etate and tha llt ' .' srary finish and atria of that wrlttan by Kiss llatoaifa on tha mora limit sub ject of rosao commanded ssoond place. . Thara wara a larva number of artlolaa eomtng within tbs latitude of tha stata ' competition. Anotbar committee e boson . by aba sot toot is to decide upon these. As tha members of this committee are rather widely separated, mora time Will . ba required to eeaure their Judgment. Assistant Secretary Crlsaey of tha club f haa turned tha large bundle of papara over to this committee, and within week or mora report of thalr findings will bo made to tha offtee here. Tbo prises to ba awarded by tbla committee are tha same aa those distributed by tbo olty committee S " Last Call for typo. ' - Tonight winds np the free Saypo washing powder offer. This premium haa enjoyed n Ona record aa ft pressnt with eash want ads, for tha Daily or Sunday Journal, and If you're down town t (might, attending some few of the many special Saturday night sales, dout forget to oome up to The Journal office and advertise that spare room of youra for rant. Tha ad. will coat you but le cents provided the total number of words does not exceed II and then you'll have something for too kitchen. whlah la undoubtedly so big a labor aaTer ajr-anything you"may hnvsr ebased at tha special amies. Cant. K. B. Cain of Seattle hi at tha Hotel Portland. Congressman Blnger Hermann and 3. T. Bridges, receiver of the land office. came In from Roseburg this ssoming and registered at the Imperial, ... Senator C W. Fulton la la tha Olty to ; attend the meatus of the Republican slab tonight Capt. George I Ooodala of Fort Ste- Tens la In Portland today. L. R. Stlneon, grand keeper of rseorda. Knights of Pythian. Is at the Perkins - from Salem. H. C Orady of La Oranda, formerly Vnlted States marshal, la In Portland for few daya at the Perkins. Ck X SL MoOrew, n druggist of Wee ' ton, Orq la In Portland, aooompanied by Ma wife. Yoor Last OpporlaBRy " K' U now offered yon to vwit the woHeTs fair at St. Louts and other eastern points at very low exonreloa rates. The Northern Paclno will ngeln seU apaolal excursion tickets on October 17, IS and t, to St. Lents and return and other eastern points and will run ' through sleepers to St. Louis, leaving ' on tbs dates mentioned. For particu lars bail on or write A. D, Cbarlton, as sistant general passenger agent, let . Uorrlson street, earner Third. The telephone situation will bo dis cussed In n sermon by Rev. H. C Shaf fer of the U si ted Brethren church, at Beat Fifteenth and Morrison streets. In tha regular sermon tomorrow morning at tl o'clock. The subject of the sermon will be. The Telephone Situation; .a Remedy." .- Daaclof School Profassor Baton opened his dancing rlssa Monday, October t, and will con tinue Mends y and Thursday evenings for six months. 0ntlemen tie, ladles - and OeJL 1 "'ti ni',fi' 4..S.J U.U 1 a-i. Il.aV VvSyall SAY VX IIIOI TUMI BOU SB- a OAuom lonrnni SATS . Pollosman Baty and Burke, having fa I charge the north and district at night, have warm words of praise for Mu nicipal Judge Hogue for hla action in calling boys before him who have been arrested by them for frequenting dives. Recently Judge Hogue overruled Chief of Polios Hunt's action In releasing boys i arrested for this offense without permit ting them to come before the oourt and Inaugurated tha plan of making their parents oome In and listen to a lecture. This sasthod Is said by tbo pollosman to have worked, wonders. "Boys are aa scares as hen's teeth," said Pollosman Baty. "Why, yon not find n boy In all the north end any more. It is simply wonderful what Judge HoguCs plan has already aooom pushed. "Before Judge Hogue started. this plan of compelling the boys to come Into oourt with their parents, they were to I be seen everywhere In the north end 1 and gave us a good deal of trouble. I -Calling the parents Into court seems to I have bean lust ths thing needed." ' Judge Hogue annonnces that he will continue hla plan of lecturing parents, making their sons stand la Una while tha parents receive the words of ths court Tbo purpose Is to enlist the help of mothers end fathers In keeping boys from the divan of the city. For, the first offense boys are released, but sub sequent offenses, the oourt announces to each prisoner, will be punished by fine ar Imprisonment. , FOSTER AMD BUSH ON i BAIL; TRACY BETTER Slight Improvement In the condition of. Herbert Tracy, who baa been lying unconscious In Good Samaritan hospital for eght daya, oauaad Municipal Judge I Bogus thai morning to admit Guy Foster and Tberon Bush, sharped with assault with intsnt to kUL to bonds In tha sum of IS.MS each. Foster and Bush are aooused of hav ing attacked Tracy with n heavy beer glass. UlB skkU wa crushed over the right temple and ha has never regained consciousness. His Ills has been. upalred of. ' : City Physician San. having eharge of Tracy, states that he hardly believes the victim of ths assault can recover. If he doss, the physician believes, ho will be Insane; be stay not bo able to spank. f Allen and Lewis' Bast Brand; ' FAIMS ISS A OB AH aood soil. nearly all level. In Claras county. Washing- ton; running brook of water; w) acres fenced; 4d acrea cultivated; J acrea' orchard; good 1-room house; ' good barn, fiixll feet;, stanchions " For 40 cows; will exchange for good - tTPartJ ln Portland or vanooivar. OS ifmtJ HI Sns soil: II acres cul tivated; new house S rooms: paint-I Jk - inn Mt nuv I -trtawsS BsuafjssJa iut num. B ruiimnr fiitv.. i tPZ?1 iBh! Se" slashed; house, some fruit; watered by springs and brook; some good .. timber; near Hlllsboro; on good IsvbI road oat: very cneap ii.iso. S srmwp. All rich, black soil, and level; IB acrea eultlvntedr good house and barn, stock and impie- , menta; Clarke county, wasblngton; level road to-Vancouver l,92i. SO AOmBS ISO acres cultivated; 40 . acres pasture; 140 scYes ln nsevy Cllow flr timber. lO.eoo.wo feet; id is level, rolling and creak bot ' torn: good soil, watered by stream or spring la every field, and pas 1 ture: new t-room house, water , piped to house and barn from anrlna hot and cold water In house; t bams, wagon shed, chick- en-bouse; hoghousea, amoKsnouses. 110 head fine Brads Shorthorn cat tle. 400 chickens, 17 hogs, & fine span work mares, 1 flns span drlv- - tng mares, wagon, buggy, farm lm- - plements. fine outrange for stock. ' fins neighborhood, in Benton county. Tha new eleotrlc road will run within f miles of farm: stock l 1 Implements will be sold at market j i value: will take some trade, Pries I nf frntm ImfluAlnm Iulv In hariia I e ii?52: . as Loavans s acrea euiuvaieu; rw i I - room house, hern: io bearing fruit trees; fronts on good rod. 111 miles out: 1 mile to boat landing A sura a nan at SOOO. 1 ACM Choice land ul. TOO straw- berry plants, besides tree fruits and other berries; nee new T - room Una. iV fare l.OOr tlENKLB at BAKER SIT AMagwjsv Bldg. New Addition TO PORTLAND BlgM stoas In en M a W. FT stoi , as ana sreweu vausy pass. . Lots $80 to $150 OBXT IS SUM U TBS' SU9B FBOM TO. In ths palatial steam-heated ears of the O. W. P. Electric Railway Company. This la the nearest addition to the sldenoe district of tha east slda One mile nearer tha Cltr than Wood- stock and three miles nearer than Lenta. Orountf cleared, water maina laid and streets opened. Already arrangements are mace xor owiding rour neat cot tagea. Bee tbla property and . select yourself a lot and stop oaring rent Lota ln addition will be sold for short tuns si tbs following prioosi 380 to 3I309 lie Down aod $$ per Month Take Wiwoll around, ror inTermatlon see w. A. Ben- saL on the premises, or eall on or phone J. A. BENSEL J ft. CHEAP HOME houss, sil in rood order; par- ln kail closets. ith. nice conibea. house furnish ed. nice oar lor set carpets, bedroom rugs, pictui let urea on walls. sets, dining table, ahalra rocKers, stands, stoves, nice new range aftd dlahea. ground lOOsIOO feet; Vice painted fence, choice fruits, bei berries. Rowers. Chicken park, nam, t.; bay in barn, wood, etc.; a nice suburban home, all goes C ham. ov aseap at a,eea. , MENKLB 4k BAKER ? a ofto oovh wm fnn mtn m Bovosnovsi nonoi tuag ust bajsmud aisxcxfWoia Of Promotes DijonjChmfur- masand Rest -Contains ntiltar OpfamJorpiiint iorMiueral. NOTKJnmCOTIO. - C Jsey Apctfed Rernedy torComOpm Hon . Sour Stovasth.DiMrhoea Worms jCorrnitsions .Feverish retSsandLOBSOF SUKW VneSiMsW Smhirt of " NEW YDPK. -EXACT COPVChT WPlAnanrji, "4 Lots in WEST PIEDMONT f ;f jrQxlOOFEET.'Y - ' $200 Each and Upwards v on'Easy Terms We have a branch real estate office at West- Piedmont, where hill information can be obtained. Take the "U" car "-':- Title Guarantee &Trost Co. 6-7 Chamber of Commeroa. I Have Got a Few Bargains to - . v Offer: X have got a 3-room cottage ready far aale far 800 on easy terms. I hare a nice I acre tract, three blocks from car line, with a large house and barn, all kinds of fruit . KUs 12iWlA T-i"" tmad homet or will do to Olat. SPECIAL For cash, new e- room hounn. nil eomrjlete. larfire . w . . fruit trees, all tor B700i It is worth $1,500. Must be sold. A mot S-room far f 1, 100) $50 A mnA $M pnv mranth. I hawe got sereral other. very good deals to good bouses on easy terms. " ,1 hawe two good building lots far 9125 each. 50x100 feet. - Call at NASHVILLE station, on the Mt. Scott car line. t ; Office in the white house At the sutkm. Business and1 Real Estate Chances S2000- A blook of St lots on Hawthorns avenue for 12,000 saab. This Is ft money- 3900 e-room house, lot I Ox 100. Sherman st. Houses and lots in all nana of tha city on easy terms. Special bargains in rooming houses. Choice lots ln Archer Place, on Mount Scott oar Una, on easy term a A large list of mrm ana umber lands. PMID QCTCO. -1 mile from R. n. devot: od houan. barn and onhard. Pries IS00. IMS AcmarS is m enltlvatlon: small hnuss and born; sosm frulr trees. Price 1500. vain bis hoenawssw asanas for sals aheap. tor Ulaxwell & Ei:rg Piedmont -v- - - AND - ;- - r Nashville e M Th3 Ki:.d Ycj I!:v3 Always C;:;t For Over REAL ESTATE -,-r FOR SALE BY The Titlt? Guarantee & Trust Co. - Takes n fine lot on Union avenue, bet. Stanton and Bauwooo; sewer and gas. (A. S0t.) $1400 : New -hou liouse, I rooms, bath, gas, base lQt 56x70 feet. Failing street, near ftve.;.jlftO cash, baianos U ft ment. Union month,. flOOO Now cottage, f rooms and two lots. Hi 106 feet, ln North Zrvlngtoa. Call at our wortn irvincton o: nlca on Ujtlon nvft near railing st. (A SOL) r - f 1750 ' - Rouse rooms, bath. Patents W. C, street Improved and sewered, 'lot 10x105 feet, on Ivy at-, bet. Williams and Rod nay ftva (A, its.) - . S2500 100x100 fsat and house rooms, streets improved and sewered. Mason at, tbrcs DiocKS rrom Thompson snhiMtli oar property.- (A. 207.) -; v $1600 New sotUgs, f rooms, bath, full ment. stationary wash tuba, alaetrle light, street Improved and sewered, Mai- wry eve, near railing, ia, 20s.) $1550 - New bousa T rooms, bath, full base ment, lot 10x100 feet; Mailory ava., near Oolng at.; between two ear Unas. (A. ") i L . i K22KO New house, I rooms, bath, etc; piped for gas; lot KOxloe feet: HoUadav Tark Addition. . B. .) $2000 Fins oorner, lOOxlOO feet. M. 10th and Schuyler; cement sidewalks. ar. Hi. $225 Woodstock. 100x100 feet, oor. LoveU sis. (B. P. 111.) $1200 v Lot on llts nft m st B. $2500 1 0x100 feet. 8. EL oor. SL lffttt and Start (B. P. ISO ) $3250 House e rooma, ooncrete basement- na barn, sewer In and paid for; street new- ua ror; street new Couch and SL 24 th. iv unproveu; cor. Mi. C 1H. P. 2i $3000 K Taylor st, near I Od. lot 10x100 fast ana a nrst-ciass modern bousa of 7 rooms, pipan tor gaa. (ifi. r, Uil $1750 - vsTiov reel ami modern kaium v mm.. bath, two flreplaoss, near tha ear line. top of Portland Heln-hts: flu.vUa ' CHEAP LOTS we have a bunch af fin 4 Im! wnnin a raw minuter walk or ear at reninsuiar station, ror amis mrr han- flne chanoe for small chicken ranch Also sites for bomebuildec Cail and la- veeugata. ABsrrmAOTs pumarxuarjo, . THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. . Farm Bargain ISS A0BBS All ohotco hmdr no gravel: id icrm cuivivsieu; a-room modern Klsstsred house, concrete basement, all, psntry. closets, bath, stc: nice barn, rustle and painted red; bouse and earn nearly new io cows, X calves, I hotiB. some chickens, team, harness, wagon, covered back, plow, harrow, rake, mower, cream sepa rator; 40 tons hay. 410 buehsls po tatoes; 10 miles from Portland, on nice, level road 'all way out; l4 "l."?.ir?n; 1clrt Una., pries for ftll, lio.tos. HENKLB BAKER A. F. SWENSSON 1 CO B&OKESV Honssa and lota In nil narta of tha elty. Money to loan on city real es tate. Collections In TTnlted States and Curona. Special attention to aollectloa of Inheritances and settllns of sstataa in European countries.. Soott 0711. Bears the yjf . Thirty Years BASTOlilii r - Ten Cents a Day There are many people bore who for years have been slaves to high rant people drawing good salaries and lgjp'"g that they ! had - to saalntaln n certain social ' standing "Which ailed for ft bouse - seating UO to 40 a month. They are happy to And that - homo n little loos pretentious M a whole lot - more . oomfortanls whan they feel that It Is soon to be their own. Then they aan add to It and make It Just what they want They ' are the vary host . fllasa of people of f this or any other elty. and It will do ' you good to oome out and talk to them about it. Come Oat anOJec SO J Fattinf Bldg STEWART l niu 20 Minutes by the Mt Scott car... 50x 1 00 S5.00 a Month Only a few LoU to offer. The last chance to buy lots 50x100 for $100 In this locality. Pacific Realty A Investment Co. Office on grounds Take a look Tomorrow at LOTS $100 STOP RENT Stewart te These are the homes the peopl of the Mt. Scott district are paying or at no higher rates than they formerly paid in rent and in many cases not to high. Why not stop the rent leak yourself? Buys a choice lot in the midst of an already well improved district with lota of good neighbors, splendid homes, schools stores, street cars, telephones, city water. Positively the . fastest growing suburb anywhere around Port land. ; '. EVELYN Lots are selling fast in this popular tract and there will never be any more anywhere around Portland at these prices and terms $75 and $100: f 3.00 down, $3.00 a month. . Numerous building contractors standi ready to build any sort of a house you want on the installment plan, asking but one installment down. 1 Rates to suit you according to cost of building- Evelyn has quarter mile front on car line, and well traveled county roads on . v three sides. ' Only IS minutes by Mt Scott car from First street 5-cent fare. .Agent on. ground. City office open ; evenings. - , Evelyn.. It Win Help Too to Geo, W. Brown Can there be any possible argument left to justify renting? Even though you are not sure of remaining here per manently, these houses will resell any day and you will get alt your rent money back with interest. . , ; - 1 LOTS AT "r ST. JOHNS OVERLOOK! WO THB CTTt AND PORT- : XJUfD HARBOR -TBI MINUTES' WALK TO THB ... , Drydock, Saw Mills ... AND i Woolen Mills 35 Down, 33 & Month r .1- J ' TITUS FERTECT. Bolsndld location for n homa Hy- drsnt water, perfect drainage. Sn ear vice. ishsotbi Three new chnrohes and ssvsral stores. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. iber of Clean Living CLEAN AIR r; -V-: i J CLEAN WATER . r V A CLEAN SOIL WOODSTOCK HAS THEM ALL Think of the mere comfort of cleanliness. ; . : . Our lots in Woodstock are eheap. We will lend you money to build. You can pay us in in stallments." is - w housa. nol ft. rt- ' v .p at POINT VIEW Hundreds of work ing psopis who had : grown to think ths owning off boms wag beyond, their , reach are located la ; the Mt Scott dls- trict. and have mora' , spirit for their L work than1 over be fore. livery ono la taking tha greateat pride In keeping hi place tidy and shlp shape, knowing thnt . honot his stnd lordls being bane flted. ' A renter soon loses Interest 'r to the outer appear, anoe of another ' man's property, and there is notbing strange about - U, elUiea. " , -Ot. m - Make tip Your Mind. r Phono If sin 2129 Kssaswsra anny umaV aa SSO r 990 TREM0NT PLACE TREM0NT PLACE Tbs Cheapest Lots on ths Warkst I.ocsxi' . . tion Tlrst-Ciass. .,. CORKERS. . . .0. ...... .S)f0 1NSIDES. $BQ S0 Down and 5 Fwy Month. Oems and Take Tasu mak. - ' , afo.isrH rtrst T. HOUSES S-BOOat aew modern' house, haa base ment, bath; full lot. fronts on car ' line; Improved street, ooncrete Walk; good location; snap at SlfOOS. S-BOOM modem house, in Suaayssdst tl.toS. S-aOOlg modern up-to-date hewso. ha ' HoUadays Addition 2. t. T-asOOH modern house. Aider. near 11th street 43.900. ft-SVOOsf new cottage. East Portland tiSlKRU w. S-BOOM now bouse, in SeOwood 11.. HENKLfi A BAKER SIT At FOR. SALE ARB OFFERTKO EITHER OR ALL THREE OP THOSE NEW ANU E LEO ANT DWELLINGS SITUATED ON THB SOUTHWEST CORNER OP EAST SIXTEENTH AND STARK STREETS. FOR SALS AT VERT LOW FIGURES. .. Parrish, Watkins & Co. $35 CASH Bays ft tot on ths Peninsula on St. John ear lino: high. alghUy, lavel; tlty water, streets graded; adjoining lota same else, without Improvements, eeUlng for if: mast bo sold to does out eetate. Title perfect, abstrnot with eaeh sale free. Last chanoe to secure lot for of Its true value, and era as Sua as any be tween Albtnn and St. Johns. BROWN, Ml Itftftt SC. so. Library. with lota, at Milwss- hi l.soa; terms. Soosa soMage, on Hf 1 1 wood street, one block from oar ah ops; rents (or fit for sale at St.eoo. AS enly vaanat let left on Bsat V--"-on. near JM .street: will sui w week for ll.MO. m , . . . SSSO Two low en Sandy road, at t i street. .-av - - - h. . r;