The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    i. . l . -.. -v-' -- . v , , i , , v
pijV rtcirrisl TlATT.v iftTfPWAT! ' VrtHTLAND. 8 A TURD A V EVE NT NO.
OCTOBER 1 1504.
! .'
- 'miiii mmtit
otbw yobs
oottbt ran r. s.
da st,sm fob
A 3ew York Jury has wirM dftOJ
, Ages of 7.M to W F. Lustlu of
Bloomeburg. Fe., for mtsmpiutattons
regarding mining property mads to
' Mm by Frank A Hobbs of Bolsa, Ida.
Hobba wma caught In New York, Unoble
to giva ball. he y kept la tbo Ludlow
i street jsll tntU ths hearing. He alleges
' that ho 414 act receive the domv pase
Incui MUll Of the mbrtrHttUUoi,
; but despite this the court held him to
account, Hebbs' sxperleaso is eouatn
" eenantlon i Mmt of New Torfc'e pro-
' matin circles, where , large number
. ' of men operating in the west have Of
fices. This mm to an unexpected ftevelop-
' - stent of agitation In meay eastern
ikin for protection against fraudulent
, promotion Soma KjUI have snooted
' a law In thta recpect, nnd MMHjhuHtU
makeo It poaai to advertlee niulng
took faiaely. AU legitimate promoter
of Oregon and other uonhweet states
J welcome any rfrorl to eliminate fraud,
but remark toot mining at a wboJo la
Y' reflected upoa by apoclal legtalatles of
thta oharactor. when tho multltudg of
-'i ether otook ooncerna that owlndle and
beguH the public of Now York and
" moot onatara atataa so without local
cm tiny. ---,-1.. -.. --
. ffipjiiii MojabA to to Inml
' Bakor City. Or. Oct l Mainior I
' V. Kelly, of tho I. X U wina, woUo bom
- yaotorday, oxplolnot tko cbaraotor of tbo
' .atnko modo on hio nroparty In tko abAft
workinno. o nay that ho atortad tho
a haft botwoon two ldoa that had noon
rovaa by othar work. Bolow tho lot
vol thlo work ontorod rtoh oro, which
' ban (mntrnood In tbo abaft ovor alooo,
' tbo wooant danth botnc ITi foot.
; about t foot bain nwdo oor day. Thlo
, wu onothor blind vain, liko tho ana that
f ytatded tho riebaot oro mtood down to
' tho ! lovaL and oanio no a aurprtM to
. tho nmnooonont. Mr. Ktlly anya It to
ho opinion of ontinoara who horo oBom-
. load tho property that tho aovorai opwii
to oponod ara oonrarHnc. and that at
, creator dopth ho will bnva OOO largo oro
t body. ' - . , '
An wjtportnMnt n-botn mafia by tho
An anamination haa boon ma da of tho
Cougar Biino, noar Oranlto la Ornnt
county. - J. W. Larkln, ono of tho own
oro, roturnod to hlo npokaao bom oarly
mi tbo waok with on oonort namod Itauo
food, who had boon going ovor tha
mlno thoroughly. Ao W. H. Plnmnirr
hi upnoood to bavo tho rovorty on
hond for IO,do( tho anamination la
ragardad to IndleaU oewia dovolopfnont
of nogoUatlono holnc onodo in tho out
for a tranafor, i
Tho Cougar to owned by tfc tV Srana
and Mr. Larkln. Tbooo fnUmn havo
oxoondod oovarsl thouoand dollaro In
davolopmont, and havo tho nlna
oqulppad with a largo oyoaldo plant, hut
both mlna and mill novo boon praotl
eally Idlo for few yeara. Tho yoaorvo
of tho mlno la regarded oa having oome
thing like lltAOM to ltftO.000 In alght.
but tho otea at whloh tho mlno haa
bets held ranging front ll.doo.oot to
1 1, hao prevented oonltailata S-
atring to work tt from taking bold. Mr.
Plummor bond la apparently of aueh
favorable nature that ho feela oecure lp
onllaUaf oaslUi had a Unnafer may
ooeuo. . , . v .
jnanagomont In ahlpptng to too tamfav
em ltar. If thta vroveo profltohlo. a
much larger quantity of oro will bo oont
to tha u plant for fire reduction,,
fnperlal Mspatcb te Tb fiaraal)
Baker City, QrH Oct, Manotw
Frank n Poarce, of the Iron Dike cop.
per mine, on the Snake river, ate ted hero
yesterday that until the federal court of
Penneylvanla and tho district oourt of
Oregon rendered deelgiona nothiag oould
be done at the mlna.
v'All Id waiting upon tho ooorta now,
ho aaid. Mr. Pea roe la not able to make
oo-y prodJcttoM to thlo roapoot. but
hep an that the heavy litigation between
oemer will goon and, onabltag tham to
pTioaai with tho ex ten el re development
that woo in erogreeo before tbo atoning
down. The oum lavolvod to the anit la
tea to She JhoraaM
Hood River. Or- Dot. II. Amoe Un
derwood won In tho Olty Thuraday from
tho north otdo of the Columbia with
email quantity of gold duet taken from
hlo otoCoy creek mlno. Mr. Underwood
la a pioneer miner of the early ' oa, and
bellevoa he will atrlko It rich on McCoy
oreek. The c talma are on tho hendwa-
tero of the Cowlltg river, about o mllea
JTora Hood RUrer. The trail to tha
loon lendo fey way of Treat Lake ovor
high mountain and through deep ean
yooa, and la aceeaalblo part of tho way
by nook onimale only. John Dark and
Abo Amee will leavo next week to apend
tho winter there. Tho MoOoy oroek
mlnoa hmvo noon worked for three yearn
with onenrogtng reemto,
itm to Tto lenrmLI
Baher Olty, Or, Oct jAinoo the
loaoo and bond ayetem of'onoratlng mln
lag nroparUoa hog oomo Into vogue mora
oxtonalvoiy than ovor before hero, at
tention la beta eepeelaiiy directed to
tho provtoloo of the etate law nrotoetfng
tho -owner from dehta or obllgatiooai of
tho leeeee. provided tho leeeor had to
oordod ta the offwo of tbo oouaty re.
oerder a -oopy of the teeee. Thlo hi ra
gardad oopoclally encouraging for own
ers to let their oooportleo on laoaoa, aa
thug good work may bo dona without the
property go too original owner being
jeopard MM for dBtojwlv owlldoUwM bv
- .T
tnoeeUl Uapiem to Tto lei ail)
r Olty. Or. Oct IA O. W. Bogga,
of tho Mayflower property, to tho
Qarwnoopla dlotrlet, where ft otrlko wag
roeontly made, naid when ho ronchod the
city yeeterday that work woo now fa
peogrooa on tho Ml level, and that a
high-grade ore woo being Backed for
at patent. Further partioulara of the
vein and also of tho oro body were not
given out by tho maimgament.
' Wallace, Ida., Oct. IA rtetohoo S.
Mamehaw, breeldeat of tho McKee Croak
ConoeMdotod Mlolog company, of Atlln.
B. ft, operating placer mtnoft poaecd
through hero Thuraday, on ni way to
New Tork. In a email fcand-aatehel Mr.
Ham haw anrrled ovor tt.oM In gold
nuggeta, varying from tho also of a boon
to one 17 ounoea la weight. The aatobel
eon tain one half of tbo product of tho
loot cleanup of tho company. Tho con-
tento of the aatchel woo enough to fill a
good-lied waabbaaln. Thla la oal
amall part of the product of tbo mine
for thlo oeaaon, the total output for four
month beta placed by the owner at
IM.Ma, .
ohn and Edward MnrahalL two young
mioerg or the Oroenhorn dlatrtoL to
Orftnt county, who havo properties near
the Morning mine, gre In the olty for the
winter. They auto that Manager Charles
rnrner, or the Phoenin. la completing a
plant to "ink, too ohaft to atart from the
level of tho 1. tftO-foot main tunnel
David Choate ta alee sinking below the
main tunnel of the Bonaette. In addP
tion to this, both tbo LX. U and Snow
Creek are going down or getting in hope
to do oo. Tho tendency of the dletrlot lo
to get depth, and tho heavier operatoro
are pre poring for thla requirement. The
MarabaU brothers havo a group on
which a good otrlko woo roeentlv mada
and they have spent moot of their Hot
in im oroonnotm wonting on it.
Tho beat book over written on Doaf-
neeo and hew to euro tt lo being given
away absolutely free of charge by Its
author, Poafneas Specialist Sproule. tho
greateat author
ity of the age
en Deofneee and
Oil oar' troubles.
- Tho book con
tains Informa
tion that will
bo of wonderful
value to deaf
people. It was
written to hon
estly help sll
who suffer from
Oaafnesa, and it
tell all about tha cause, danoore and
cure of daafnau 1b tha nlaJnaat niDDir.
It obowa now tho Inner tubes of tha
ear sat all blocked un. cousins; tha loaa
of hearlns. and axDialna tho terrtt
ringing, bussuii
how to step
lustrata its pagea.
mi rid of your Deaf-
thla book and And cut
can now .
tho beat artists Illustrate Its pa
ou want to get rid ox i
Bond for thla
to do. Doafn
cured, and this book explain! now. its
in groat demand, so oak for It today.
Write your nants and eddrsas plainly on
the. dotted llnea, out out the Free Cou
pon and mall It at onea to Deafness Spe-
alailaO movu. IBS Trade auaing
ie book
Boston. You will soon receive tr
, fm Mnm M Unptt
NAMB . , . .... ....................
1 , ffeomtt goeawt bMe.) '
fltLoola. Oct II. The fifteenth an
tual seaslon of the Trauo-Mtsslaalppt
Oommercial eongreao Is ts bo held in SL
Ueula during the coming week and a
numbrr of the office r and loading mem
bers of the organisation have already ar
rived In the city to complete the orrange
menta for the gathering. Owing to tho
central location of SL Loafa and the add
ed attraction of the world's fair the
rongrooB this year promises to bo the
beat attended and the moat suooassful
Over held by tho organisation.
Tho program calla for addressee by
many man of nolo. James B. Garfield of
the department of eomraoroe la expected
to be preaent as ths persons! represent
ative of PrerMent Roosevelt Hon. F.
J, Hssrenberth. preoMent of tho Ameri
can l.tvwelfwb ABBoHatton, will be pres-
l Feed a cold yes, but
; feed it with Scott' Emul
ion. Feeding a cold in this
way kills it You cannot
ifford to have a cough ox
cold at this season or any
v Other. Scott's Emulsion
will drive U Out quickly
and , keep it out Weak
lungs are strengthened
and all wasting diseases
are - checked by Scott's
Emulsion.1 If s k : great
Hcsh producer: ,
ent and. fhnuaa tho range lntorosts be-
foro tho nengrees. WUllam K- Curtis,
the wen known aewopapor correspond
ent, wui toll of irrigation work In India.
Other opeokers will bo Charles Jerome
Bene parte, president of the National Mu
nicipal Reform association; F. H. New
all, chief of ths reclamation service of
tho deportment of (he Interior; Glfford
Pinchet. chief of tbo bureau of forestry,
and Martin Dodge, director of road In
quiries, United States department of og
rtouituro, ,
(pertat Dtasaam ts ftaJvareal.)
Seattle, Wash., Oct. It. Tha Soattlo
polios havo arrssted Henry Offoro, who
says he Is an Engl lab oaltor, and he
is being hold on suspicion of betng one
of tho men who hold up the Canadian
Faetflo train, near M Ionian Junotloa.
RUea from snoovvor, B. C, September
It. Canadian money, which It lo be
lieved lo ft port of thai takes from tbo
train' ftrowur cheat, nro found on
. In 1 moat every way Mori reeembleo
fh picture of one of tho men Bent out
by the Pin barton agensy, which la work
ing on tho case. , Hlo goaorlptlon also
tfeeraal beetlel Barrtm.) .
Washington, Oct II. Tto state de
partment g notified by hf to later Conger
that the trademark regulatlono which
tho Chinese government has adopted
at the Instance of tbo United States will
bo put Into offset tomorrow. Tho sama
regulations will apply oo to other coun
tries, and tho protactlon of American
trademarks lo aonurod to the Chlneee
empire. Meosureo oro now being token
te Insure a aim liar protectlog) of
American oopyrlghta In China. -
- 1 tfearssf BteUI arvwi.l
Boston, Oct. IS. Arrangomento Tiave
been concluded for the eoneearetleft to
morrow Of Rev. Edward W. Osborns as
bishop Coadjutor Of the. dloeooo of
Springfield, III. The ovant will be at
tended by ' many prominent Bpiocopal
i I
Porta, Oct tl It ooomo dffflcult to
reolloo that Mme, Brnhardt tho "Dtvine
Samh, who hag Juat returned from ft
moot triumphant engagement to London.
Is three sooro yea re old. Such to the
foot, however, the groat octrees having
first seen the. light of day ) years
ago today at I Rug do L Beole do Medi
cine, to tola city. Her mother wna
Jiwoaft, who bod migrated to Porta from
Berlin, Her grandfather was ap optician
of Aaseterdam, and than oho spent nor
xlleot childhood.
At a convent at Yorsgfflog, where she
wns sent at the ago of 1. she eeoami no
torious for tho vlelenet of her temper.
In 1M she ontorod the Paris eoswarvu-
tolro and became a pupil of Provoet and
In two years She gained the
aeoond prigs for tragedy, nnd tho next
year the oomo for comedy.
On August 11. 1IU. aba Panda) hoy go-
but at tho Theatre franooio ta Tpht-
gonle,M ' To Ftancleque Saroey la due the
credit of dlocovertng Sarah Bernhordt's
talenA 1 When oil ether erittca were
silent ho onnounoed that though her act
ing was that of a school girl, her elocu
tion wns perfect, She woo sight months
at tho Oo medic Fionas le, when - oho
boxed tho earo of hi lie. Nathalie, her aen-
lor. and left for other flelda Her first
real success wsa In 11 I, when nhs ap
peared as tho Florentine page In "Lo
During ths siege of Paris eh,o worked
untiringly with the Odeon ambulance and
shortly after returning tf ths gtage
achieved a veritable triumph as the
ftuoea to Ttuy Bias," -thereafter' man
a gars wort at her feet. When Bernhardt
flret went to tendon, hi Mil, oho wag
adrorsely gritletood. Ones for being un
able to ploy hey part and again for pre
senting ft defective Clorlnde, a part a he
disliked. She retired to- her country
houoo and paid ,oM for breach of ooo
troct rather than bo crietoed egato.
t OS
(horaal giidil aervleal
Berlin, Oct IA The Bmpreog Au gnats
Viator ta woo it years old today. Owing
to the recant death of King George of
Saaony. for whom tho oourt ta In mourn
ing, the anniversary was allowed to
paea without feotivKlee, though flags
were displayed on all publlo and many
private buildings to the capital. Her
majesty was likewloe tho recipient of
numerous presents gnd congratulatory
meeaogea front tod various, oourta of
Europe. , I - , .
' (Sperial Dtoactoh to Tto SeSrssl.r
Omngsvllle, Idaho, Oct ft ferry M.
Dorman, n pioneer of Camas Prairie,
and a wealthy and highly esteemed real
dent died hero yeeterday. Ho woo bom
In California In 11. He bad held
many reeponalble public offlcea In Idaho
He leaves a widow gnd several chil
Nelpwrf NaeVj DctoWrSdl td Mgy
OM Pop!e Ifl. PettlMi H
Be gonsidorato of tht agog.
Lend tham a helping hand.
Make life eaay for them. -The
lnftrmitieo of aga ore many.
Moot old people havo ft bad boofc. .
Tbo kldnoya are weak.
Are worn out with yearn of work.
Backache makeo dare of misery.
Urinary troubles, nights sf unrest
There's grey of lunahlne for the aged.
Doan'g Kldnuy PUlf will toakg Ufa
They are doing be for old and younp.
Portland people are looming thla.
Many are teattfying te It
Bead tho following leeei Indoreement:
Mm.' J. H Kannedv. Tt veara eld. who
reetdes at TIO Corbett atreflt sara: "I
have been s (Tile ted with kidney trouble
:or iniriy yearn, sna ror tns put twenty
'era I have never been entirely frea
rom It In aome form or other. 1 Buf
fered terribly from backache and could
hardly atooe aver and set on aaaJn.
Trouble from the kidney accretion ex
isted. At times I was greatly bloated:
my feet swelled to twice their natural
aloe, and I was oeldom WHhOU1
it a alaater
on piy back to eaee the pain. X doctored
a great deal and used mem medicines
than any one person could carry. I hd
ma so much anout unini Kidney riiia
I con eluded te give them a trial.
a box
and got
at the Leue-pavts
f Ti
corner ol
hill an
au bleat
ndlna, and T
julo eafy
Company atoro.
Third atreets. I waa
with a Ceee of such loaa
thought if they helped me I
reaommend them to Othera,
faithfully and ths reeulto
factory in every way."
For Bale b all dealers.
oente. Mailed by Pneter-Mllbuen Co.,
furreio, x.
tatee. -
Remember the nemo DOAM't-end
t good
r atandl
I ueed them
were satis-
Fried It
Ibuen Co..
pole agents of the JJnlled
ind explains ths terrtbltjt.
hg oounvia in ina earn ape
them. Finn drawings by
-'''iiifMF:-- - . , 'iiiiAAii4 1
mmmimm i iiwii -- - - 1 " 11
'-. -cv-.- v ; v ; : V -'-0 Eh
of paying for a costiy and
complicated mechanism to
operate your shop and then I
being constantly bothered !
with keeping it in order. I
. ' '-' , " " - " -' .
. . . (' .. ' . H. , , . - ft I -
.- vt : '; ej s . . - ' i j ' t - y , . -, v..' i
piicity itseu in companson.
dependable and
use ' for any niiniite of j
day by ' simply throwing a II
switch. There are - hiihdreds in
is sim
is much more
ready for
use on our mains, operating effi-
better than promises,
y : y electnc mbtoiv
cieritly and
11 4
Get an
ElesMc Co.
... I ;
- i
f T
ttCTBavwMtemewaeVw Maw swA
eharesmes, ( -.- .
take no substitute. ...