The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1904, Image 1

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    ' 1 -;tV
- .
: Toalght and Sunday, fain, south
to wui winds. "-. . t w, ( j
VOL. III. NO. 198. '
Japanese Retire From
.Village After Hot Artfl
leiy Fight
... "'
Both Armlet Are Bdnf Reinforced
Wit Mei isd Guns, aod Each ;
Will Keissime Offcosrvo
.. ..
, " (li I Ifirtil Minn.). ':
BC PvUrsburc Oct M (BulWtlBV-
A Mukden dispatch today fflv Uta to
. Ul of kUlad ud wountUd In tfc batU
ef Shakh rlvar on both ildn mm 19,000.
: It ndda that Umn mxm IndlmtkHM at
' np dj nniunptioM ot haatlUUan, j
Wuhlucton, Oct. 2t. (BuIMId) An
- official dispatch front Toklo to tha
Japan lavatlan thia aftarnoon aajra
that Oenarai Oymmm, raporta that ia
Vaattvation up to October If ahowa tha
Ruulan loaa In tha Shakh rtvar an
' ffimnt to ba-IO prlaonara. lO.lfeO
bodl found and 41 funa, ?. ahaUa,
' 1,000 rlfl and 71.000 round of ammu
nition captured. The total Russian
eaaualti ha tavat at 00,09a. -
. i - j .
(Joanal apMial aarrtet.) '.
t Patsrmburs. Oct. II. Osaplta tha
raporta aant out by lrraaponalbla nowa
nanelM y tarday that tha had baen
. a aaatlon of hoatllUI and that ail
v ftmrn quiat at tha front. It axp ra from
. erffteuU bulletin laaued thla morning
that exactly the opposite wae tha case.
Bakbjuroff last night reported that
' tha Japanese renter-day fled precipitately
from a resolute forward movement upon
- Maakh TlUajra, rhoat maa-prase dad by
heavy artillery Are. '
Tha Janane ammunition J at that
. nolnt. It waa believad, eras gettlnv
aoaree. but the ovtnra of tha village
daoBonatratad that thla waa not ttie
caaa. After the hurried retrt. of tha
: Janana to tha eouth bank Of the
hakhe river auantlt of ammunition
and stores war found which tha Japaa-
, eae had been oompeUed to abandon.
Bakharoff adda: "We found ana of
ur oaptured vuoa which the enemy had
bean compelled to leare, . Aside srom
tha attack on the vlllaae there waa no
further aarleu flahtlna at thla point.
r "The total number of fine captured
' from the Japanese after the battl of
October 14 and October 10, Indus! re.
waa 14. Nina of the are Held plao
: smd Ave are mounted pint,"
The Japan a rttTbt flank yaaterday
attempted to advance but waa repuleed
with heavy loaa after stubborn flht-
inst. which lasted ror soma time.
General Kuropatktn then ordered an
advance, which was put under way, but
a. terrlno rsln and thunder torm set
tn, turnlnr the roads Into rajinc water
ooursea, Ihrouth which tha una oould
not be draft-red. nor the cavalry go for
ward. Finding that all efforts at
celerity war thus df ted In advance
.by nature, tha advance waa abanoonaa.
aof Sid XKp tanW
It I reported here, unofficially, that
wit ualv tha Russian army but tha
Jaoanese as well la 'waiting with bated
brth for a lull In tha storm, when it
4a exoected one of the moat decisive
battl of the Held will be fought
Reliable Information my the Japan-
as are beina rapidly enioroed and It 1
certain that fresh men have been aant
from Harbin to aid Kuropatkla.
The Russians have largely regained
aonndeno in their ability to hold the
Japan and tha spirit manire tad by
the troop I much more urea.
Kverv thins, both her and in oondl-
- tlotxs as reported from the front. In
dicate that the camDalftit may' be eon-
Jnnedr far mto tha winter and po Ibly
through It. Nothing has been stated
In this regard by the official buy r-
taia actions nearly tan tn, taia.
Only tmM a Be Oarrlad.
'- All traffic on tha Siberian railroad
osoept for soldier and ammunition has
best) suspended for tha coming alx
W ka, and flv and pmetlm six
trains ax leaving dally with reinforoe
nnanta Returning trains are bearing
tho wounded in tn battl of Shakhe
river. The wounded are dlatiibntea at
Mints alona tha Una Prom Harbin to
A proclamatton baa been tamed mobil
ising the troop In tha district of War
saw. Vilna, Kleff and Moscow.
It Is definitely atatad that General
Ortppeobergfa second army will be eom
.poeed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth.
Xlghth and Sixteenth Burop a oorpa,
the Sixth Siberian oorpa and aevaral b ri
gid of rifle, totaling 100,000 nea.
Tha Baltl fleaf will proceed to tha
far at at a low, economical speed, and
It la not expected to arrive before Feb
ruary It 1 believed that Port Arthur
wiH bold out nntll It arrive.
oa FiaallaaTly tTaahanged. '
y fXMrmal ' BarvW. t ' i
s Toaia, vas. -. asarsnaj u " "r l
. sent la a lengthy offlctai report, ni
vavhkih the foUowlng waa leaved by tWa
regular war offlo bulletin: ' A :
Ther I practical I y n ohanga 4a
Che situation at the front.
"The guns o far captured ay sur ten
army number l. or wnwoa
taken by the left column.
-On Thursday our scouts found 10
ytu ia d d near Chandllampao." -
tap a a Save) Vakea Sans Site
; M
Mikado's f War Depart-
ment Calls on Second
r l ;
P-. v"
Portland CootlDjent Leaves Next Week
; Orfcataf linen ; Will; Take
Amerlcai Japs to Serve 1
U'U . .i. j nr.. . . .;
.v .t( .... I-
By tmperlal order front the mtkado
of Japan, his nnbjeet who aid In for
elgn oountri and are Hated tn the aao-
ond military reeerv must report at
once for duty to their various ragt-
mantal ofnoera. PorUaad Japan a who
are Included la tn oooscrlpt order are
preparing t laava naunedlataly or the
oriental war..
Tha order 4alads ' Japene te all
part ef Ui world. was received in
Portland two w ka ago.. Arrangements
have been made by the. Japanese authori
ties for toe transportatloa of the ra-
serv from Puget sound. Tho who
llv la Portland will 1 v for the
sound dtl during the coming week.
On October It tha steamship Fisted
will sail from Tacoma loaded with
Japanese r err . The Japan team
ehlp- Kanagawa Ham will depart from
Beet tie November 1, also carrying Japan
ese troop. Ths latter' v a el belong
te the Nippon Tuseo Kiasha, taa Japan
ese Mall Steams alp eompany.
Ttae-veela will be met In the Paolftc
by- Japan e warships, which will form
an escort for the transports antll they
reach the'r dti nation. The ahlpa ere
destined for YafcoAam and other Japan
ese potts where the troops ' will dis-
exnrjark. " Thmr will then proceed art .our
to their various regiments and report for
Tha order will Include If or M Japan
em from Portland. In every rty oo the
ooast there ere men who are enlisted In
Uie aepnd and. third rarvea , t , ,
- BTuatbsr ra Bet Baavwa. .
1 "No on knows how many men have
b a ordered front America and other
oountrt except the war officials," id
V Ice-Consul Albs today. "The order la
ant to each, man Individually. Many
of the first reeerv are summoned,
though I sm Informed, all of that orgao
tsatlon has not been celled out.'
The local Japane have also bee In
formed of aa Imperial order that was
Issued September It, extending the
term of enlistment In the mikado's
army. Th military fore of Japan' Is
divided Into three division, tha aotlva.
first re rv and second reserve Tha
active force, of course. Include the
regular standing- army. It number
about 140.000. Th first and second re
ser each number about - that many
Tha order la to th effect that th
term of flv year In th eeond re-
erv has been extended to 10 y re.
Th aotlv rvtoe 1 for a term of three
y ra, the flrat reeerv for a period of
four year and four month. Th nw
system subjects every mala citlsen of
Japan to military service for a period
of IT year and 4 months It 1 aaid
that th new order will increase tha
mikado's fore by at least 10.000.
Japaaea who reafd la foreign ooun
trt and ar mutated In the r erv
muat notify their regimental officer aa
soon and a often a a ehang of r I-
denca la mad. In that way th officials
have no difficulty In locating th recruits
whssi they ar wanted.
' (Wpiilal pUsateh a Tee JseraaL)
Astoria, Or- Oot. 11 Tha rglatratlon
m Clatsop county for 1004 show an In
crease over th 1101 registration of 01.04
per nt ' The increase 1 In- keeping
with th gain in population mad during
th past two y ra Th percentage of
Incr la th city tl.00, while in the
ou trying preelnot th gala la 17-10 per
Th total somber of voter registered
la Clatsop eounty thl fail 1 S.ll, a
oom pared with 3.117 for 1101 aa tn
ereas af -041. Th city registration 1
1.011. as compared with 1,104 two y rs
ago -a gain of 4SS while th eounty
registration la 1.04T. mm oompared with
a la 1001- gain of 114. . . .. .
(Jrasl taeetai mmrtm.
Boatoa Oct. M. Th report of th
oom mitt on th state of th church
at th Bpiecopal - convention - today
ohows th total number of communi
cant la aow 104,10b. a gala af I0.0M la
th Isst thr y rs.
Thar has been aa tnor of ll.ttfl
tn th number of confirmation , 111
clrgyms hav been appointed, 404
parlahw. and mi teas have been
started, and 111 edifice erected. A
propoaltlon, to appoint a preeldtag
btahop was plaosd on the calendar. .
- (Jearaal SseslBl BsrHae.) r,
St. Petsrsburg, Oct II. Th admi
ralty has reversed the Vladivostok prise
court decision dad released th steamer
Allaatown, . , ; s
i i mi ii i.jjjM,u,i.m u.s.i Ul i..i,iM.iIM- , n. i j i aa i i ipsaasaaaass n I I. I in I I i I I ii ij i . .
v ,y rt-.
Startllol Discovery Is' Kelatioi to
' Csloese Who Dave Beei Sent U :
- - . the St Louis fair.
. (Jear 1 special Barries.)'
San Francisco, Oct. II. A discovery
made by United Stat District Attorney
Marshall B. Wood worth points to a tre
mendoua fraud upon th government. It
la a fraud which- may Involve already
mora than 1120,000 and th unhindered
landing of 260 Chine within the past
two months la the gula af performer
at th St Louis fair.
The Chine were brouxht here bv
L Toy and Eca da Silva, now under In
diotment for their part la Importing
Slav women. - They ware permitted to
go ta St. Louis by th commissioner of
Immigration. Hart H. North, under
bonds auppHed by th. Aetna Indemnity
company, amounting to S0O aaclw for
their return-- to China within dare
after the do of the position.
These bond, amounting to 1120,000,
ar practically worth! a, if District At
torney woodworta 1 correct, and bond
of th asm nature offered for IS Chi
ne now awaiting transportation to th
fair ar also no good. If. a la well un
derstood, th 240 Chin now la St
Louis fair to return, the United Stat
will have only th Invalidated bonds to
fall back upon. . - .
Jer 1 speelsl SsrvMs.)
Pittsburg. Pa., Oct 12. Society was
astounded today to 1 rn that Ml Edith
Oliver, who will marry Maraul Alfred
Dusmet de Amours, of Nanlea, Italy, to
day at her Sewlokly home, ha already
b n twice married to him.
Th young woman, who Is worth mil
lions la her own nam. 1 th daughter
of Jam B. Oliver. Oa Thursday she
went with tha marquis to Justice of the
Peace) Buckley, Of Leet township, and
went through a marriage ceremony.
Yesterday, unattended by any member
of her family, the bride went to a dingy
little room la Pittsburg, known as tha
Italian consulate, and was there married
again by Consul Lionel CelaL Thl even
ing ther will be a quilt cburoh wed
ding: .
- ' (Jeereel Special Ssrvtea.)
How, Ijl, Oct 12. Mia Carrie Wohl
ford, who lived on a farm a r here,
committed aulcid yesterday by setting
fire, to a atrawstack, then shooting and
throwing her If Into th flame. Th
young w.otnan was keeping hou with
her two brother. She went to town and
bought a rifle, then dl ppeared.
Th brother traced her to a straw
pile, where they found ah had t th
tack on fir and 1 ped Into the flam
after shooting her If through th h d.
" . That's what you want when you buy. a newspaper, particularly a' Sunday newspaper.
Exclusive features are the things to notice in judpng av newspaper , THE SUNDAY JOUR-
t ;v;v..4.rvA.;;;.(.,VJ;-r.AL, of fen. you
riThe only .news' service of
state and the best v.. ? .
:'. The Only one published within the confines
of Oregon on the greatest press ever brought
into the state.- Gus Dirks with his Katzen
r jammer kids; Opper detailing the adven
. tures of Maud the Mulej Howarth recount
ing the mishaps of Lulu and Leander, and
'; Caw's pictures of the Handy Man from Tim-,
4 , buctoo are color features of tomorrow's mag
' azine. . ., , ..
. Rev. Charles Wagner, author of The Sim
- pie Life; Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Prof. Edgar
A. La r kin, Mrs. Tohn A Logan and a host
t.'ofrthen write for tomorrow's .Journal. !;
" - ' ' - - ;-
teariW4si.'t ia ii" senav'aVMrefc -
DEMANDS $12,500
Chicago Detectives Arrest Mai for
Attempt to Extort Bif Sun From
Barlow II fiiInbothaoj. -
. " r (Jearsal Opestal serrtsa.)
Chicago, Oct 21-Charged with at
tempted extortion, Roger McDonnell,
aged II yea re, waa arr ted last eight
by dot ttv at a spot, id by the po
llto hav boon d lgnated ha a tetter
to Harlow N. Hlgglnbotham. a promi
nent Chicago millionaire, demanding a
deposit ef 112,000 la oaah dr penalty
of -having his r Idenoe blown up. Of
ficers deposited , bag of paper at- the
appointed place and secreted - them
selves. Whan McDonnell put in aa ap
pearance he waa arr ted. Ha la hostile
and denl any connection with the plot
Thla la th third attempt to hold up
Htgglnbothsm, and the poll -and de
tective department hav been - using
their utmost end vors to locate the
-men- who are so active la their de
mands. Notwithstanding the strenuous
denial of McDonnell, th authoritl as-
rt that he la oertainly oonneo ted with
th plot, aa hi every aeticn when he
appeared on th seen where he w
sir ted Indicated that he was expect
ing to fin J something in that locality.
It is thought that hi accomplices will
soon be arrested. It Is also id tost
other prominent man of means hav re
ceived letter similar to tho received
by Hlgclnbotham, and that they hav
turned them over to th polio and pos
tal authoritl.
(Jemraal special Serrate.)
New York, Oct 21. More than 190
member of th Harlem Democratic erub
took the steamer Sagamore for Beopua
today to visit Parker. They will present
Parker with a est of engrossed resolu
tions. Th canvass of th doubtful atat
mad by tha Democratic national
mttt will b made puhllo tomorrow.
VIce-Chairman Nlchol Id today that
New Jersey waa not considered doubtful,
and wa safely Democratic.
(Jrsal Special Ssrrles.) " " " '
Washington, Oct 12. The war de
partment will snip fr of abarge from
San Franolsoo to Manila, Christmas
pec has for soldiers, which reach the
superintendent of army transport rv-
1 la Saa Francisco by December 1.
fJearaal Special lerrlea.) '
Oueenstown, Oot 21y-Ths White Star
liner Cedric, with th archbishop of Can
terbury and Mi Delay Letter, sister to
Lady Carson, on board, arrived today.
Your . Moneys VortK
its kind in the
In addition to the comic supplement The
- Journal publishes a fairy story by Walt Mo
' DougalL 1 ' r : ; ; ' ,
$50.00 in prizes ' fr . ;
The Journal still offers special awards .to
J. those who guess. What Did ths Woggle-Bug-
Say? r t - r.--i- - - , -
,, A page devoted to fashions, .prepared by one
of New York's leading modistes, Mrs. 0s-
,. born. V
Edward W. Townsend's famous Bowery
'' boy, who has a little adventure wit' de dagos.
Has all these and all the, news besides. . .
- - - 1
1 -
- ... -' "
:V ' "
Mai Who Is Accuse by a Girl Seids
Letters to Secret Societies In
; Portland, Seattle, Victoria.
(Speetsl Dtstss 0 The lisiail )
Taeoma. Waabw Oot It Horace
Oatea, th man arretd tn Vanoouver,
B. C. and brought back to Taeoaaa after
a hard fight la the.oourts. I defiant Ha
has nt out from th Jail here letters to
Chine secret socletl la Portland,
SeatU and Victoria, asking aid. The
letters ar addressed to "Chins Fr
Mason Chen King Tong."
Oat 1 acoueed by Ml Norma Hoyt,
a Tacoma school girl, 10 year of age.
Chine hbzhblnder to Vancouver fur
nished funds for hi defen there, and
will give him financial aid here, employ
ing th b t legal talent to defend aim.
Hla flrat night la laU here Oat 4
mended a feather bed and blanket and
a room or can tv btmweir, menry -from
the vagrant. . He did not gs what A
demanded. .
Oat mad a vigorous flght to avoid
being brought here, and svsry effort was
made te our hi relea la Canada. It
1 not known to what extent nor th
exact aatur of hla dealing with; th
Chinese, but .It I rumored they are of a
startling nature Thla la thought to b
the first case oh record where an Amer
ican citlsen baa appealed to th Chinese
Fr Masons for aaiyana,
(Teejial pedal Ssrrlet.)
Fort Dodge, la., Oct II. Th 1oyel
ghost" which has frightened residents of
Fort Dodge for the last month has b a
discovered la tha person of a young so
ciety girl who la a somnambulist In
stead of walking la bar Bleep tha young
girl simply rid around the block oa her
bicycle, attired In a night-dreea. Tha
apparition has been seen many times.
Last night two young men with wh la
waited for th ghoet
When the figure appeared Breeding
down th avenue they pursued and
caught up with It Just as ths pursuers
caught up with th speeding girl her
wheel struck a rock, and with a scream
she fell. This awakened her, and an
1 rem ed lately fainted. She waa taken
horn by th young men. who know her.
and th mystery was explained. - She
wa formerly a confirmed )eep-wa1bdr.
but after 1 rning to ride th bloycl the
sir I has taken sight rid Inst d of
walk. J .
London, Oct II. Th offlcera and crew
of the cruiser Olympla ar thl aftar
noon suest of Sir Thomas Llpton at
luncheon aivaa in- their honor at th
Crvstal eelaoe.
After lunch tha aid snow will ail
be thrown -opea to the visitor.
i t
, .)
l " i
Clark Admits Giving
Oregon Short Line
a Share.
Through ' Trains From ' Chicago to
Southern California To Be a --
Featnre Confirms Kocke
feller Stories.
(SeeeUI Msaateb The Jbarsl.
' Helena, Mont., Oct. Si. Senator Clark
stated at Butt last night that he bad
old a half interest In the Bait Lake,
Los Angeles Saa Pedro railroad to the
Oregon Short Line ta order to perfect ar
ransrenients for a new fraascsnflnental
system connecting Chicago with the Fa
dfto ooast.
Th Saa Pedro road will bo eoasplated
In days, and local train wlU run be
tween Salt Lake and Ban Pedro until
the line 1 properly ballasted St all
points, when 'two through limited Pull
men trains WlU be run daily between
Chicago and the ooast Via th Union
Pacific and Northwestern,
It will require nln train for thl ser
vice, the San Pedro furnishing three, th
Northwestern two, and th-Unioaj Paolftc
four. .-
Clark remain th uisoMut of th
read, hi associates being represented on
the directorate. Allgnmenta are being
mad te facilitate its work as a dis
tributor of southern California products
aod connecting the east and middle west
by th short set tout with tha Paelfl
ooast. ,
Senator dark statement la believed
to set at rest stories which war sent
1 cats hw aa- aareHahto peess ass a slat taa
this morning, under a Ban Prmnelao dat
Una, to th effect that the Southern Pa
aiflo would Immediately start plana and
oo net ruction for a railway to parallel th
Clark road between Lo Angelas and Self
Lake City. '
A stated pom months ago ther la
and nss bean no real warfare between
the Harrlman systems and th holdings
of Senator Clark. It has been almost an
understood thing for as many months,
that when the proper time cam there
would be either fe traffic agreement or a
sale, whereby tha Harrlman and Clark
road would share the profit of th
great field which Is being opened up by
th rout.
The sal mad by Senator Clark ta
therefore a straight and natural solution
of th ownership, and traffic arrange
ments of the new Una. Further than
this It 1 believed here that the sal aa
reported by Senator Clark, la aa addi
tional proof of stories that hav been
printed from time to' time within th
past few weeks that the Rockefeller
were absorbing all that portion ot tha
business snd laying plans for its com
plete domination.
. fjral Seecial SarrleK) ' '
St. Louis, Oct. 22. 'lares men dead
and three bndy wounded la the result of
desperate flght between flv officers
and three guspeoted train robber here
last alaht. The dead are: -
Detectives Thorns Dwyer and John
J. Shea and a auspeot. At Rose.
Th wounded aret C O. Blair, sus
pect, shot four times, snd I a critical
condition; Jam MoClusky, detect iva.
hot to stomach, not expected to live,
and Harry H. Vaughn, another of the
suspects who wa badly beaten while
trying to assist his two companions af
ter ha bad been arrested by the officer.
Th three men wer suspected of be
ing connected with th' train robbery at
Centralis, -fit, a few weeka ago. The
officer hav been watching the house
where the suspects wer stopping for
several days, but not until yesterday
evening did any of th men leave the
building. Th man waa Vaughn and ha
waa immediately arrested, and the Bv
oflloer returned with their prisoner to
the house and entered. Ther wer met
with a fuatlada from revolver.
(Special Olspateh to The Jeeraat)
Astoria, Oct. 12. The funeral of the
late Nicholas Clinton will he held tomor
row afternoon. The Interment will be In
Greenwood cemetery. Rev. Mr. For
syth, noting pastor of Orao ehuroa,
will oenduct the services, - -.
H wa one of Oregon's oldest plon-
H was barn near Philadelphia It
year ago. In Hit ha came to the ooast.
by war of th lathmua, and Joined bla
father, who waa at Portland. In 181
he cam to Astoria and had reaMed bars
continuously ver sine. - . ' '
Mr. Clinton and six ehtldren, five of
them aona, aurvlv the pioneer. One of
hi sons, J. C Clinton, la county -lerk
of Clatsop eounty. Another son DWltt,
reeldbe at Portland. -
(Jearml Speslal Ssrvke.)
Pittsburg, Pa., Oot. 12. W ft tie at pis
tol practice at th polio station this
morning Lies tenant Walsh accldentalny
ehot and killed Cant. Albert H. Teeters,
one of the beat-hwowa o leers aa w I
1 J -
Colombians Will Have to
Reckon With U. S. :
Marines. ; -
i...'-. - J j - '. -' ' ; - -; '
Belief That Clash fill Pioaou CtU
zens Is Part of Plan to Foment
Uslnf Ii the Isthnus- ;
- Likely J FalL ;
o v iif'i.-j . . ,y--- .
C'." " ? . ' v r, 1
. ' (SaeeU.IMsBBteb te The JseraaL) "
Panaaaa. Oot. 22. Oolombiaa oldatej
wh hav always regards th ac-.oa sf
th United State to th Panama canal
matter as being worthy af open roe oat
meat hav Invaded' th country east of
the canal sons and now threaten to eo
croaeh on th Aaasriceu controlled pos
aessioa as wlL
This 1 th news received here today
ralatlv to th dash which took plao
yesterday and which at 11 ret wa re
ported to' hav been oooastoncd by
Pans ma revolutionist who were disaf
fected because of United State methodav
la th purchased territory.
It Is known that United State
marlnee-etatloned to th oanal son went
to the scene yesterday, bat whether tha
clash waa of eerlou aatur 1 wot
Ths oanal sons nolle win today yta
foroe the marine and th Panama gov,
emment troop ar ready to ooopermte -with
th Americans ta restoring order If
eoch a sour should become neoeeaary,
There av nothtng here which sttowa
that th hivaaion waa planned or vea
oouatenanoed by the Calcubtaa govern
ment, heaoe It la supposed that th mov
1 n independent one on the part of the
taveefvww amv Sara ted to believe.,
by the dicontnt la th oeW repubiu
that their advent woulu be joyfully ra- '
oelved- by tha dlsafrected Panamana.
They hav undoubtedly been advavad
that ther I a eonsMersbl party here
that disapproves of tha American mth b
ods tn the canal none, and hoped to cre
ate such a movement as would agala
throw Panaaaa under tha rule of Colons- -bla,
as It wss prior to th revolution
which created the Panama republic and
wa speedily followed by Amerteaa rec
ognition of the new government and th
aiibeequant signing of a treaty cover
ing th oanal son.
All appearance her today snow that
the United State force will bitterly re
sent any Intrusion and that th Invader
wlU hav to pay tor thetr temerity by
aa novntr with United State ma
rines. Th latter fore, although assail i
hi number, at aa efficient body and Its
member look forward with unoonoealed
Joy to a "ruction" wltk th Colombian.
Astoria, Oct. 11.-Thome Jam, sost
of a lick New Torker, ha arrived to'
Astoria after having beaten hla weqr
across th continent. - Although bla
father Is a director of ta New York
Central railroad, and a maa of meeaa.
yeung Jama undertook hi hobo ex
cursion when fellow clubmen tnslstsd
that he oould not make the trip, and.
oovered with dust from bead to toot,
b climbed from th blind baggage af
the Astoria paaaengar train after the)
long Journey across th eoatiaant.
Jams 1 a member ot tha Hobokeei
Athletio club of New York City. Ba
states that he one declared be oould
beat his way across tha continent and
that his assertion waa dlaputed by 1
other members of the club, Th dis
cussion which followed had the effect
of prompting the young aaaa to under
take the trip. He was to leave practi
cally i penniless, beat hi way oa aU
trains, - work only when ha required
money for food and reach th Paoloa
coast within six months.
"Whan I told th other crab members
I -would prov my assertion they
laughed at me,' ald young. Jam, re
lating his ed ventures to th raprs enta
tlv of Th Journal, "But I wa sure 1
could Booceed snd waa anxious to de
asonetrNt t them that I knew what f
waa talking about. My parents reside
at Providence R. L and I determined
to start from that oity. I secured a
pass from New York to Providence and
from .the latter point started for th
Psclflb ocean. '
"When i left Provtdene I had 11. If
In my pocket. When I reached Astoria
I bad ,!., During my trip aeroa
the country I never paid one penny la
railroad far and worked only when say
commissary funds ran low. It wa a
rough trip, ot course, but 1 have en
joyed myself. When ne at hoboing M '
he meets all aorta of people, and If h
1 a student be Snds plenty of lateresa
ing thing to occupy hla Mm. . - - .
'T am going down to Seaside, for I
want to sea th Pacta ocean. Then I
will return to Astoria and wire my
father for. a return ticket to Providence.
I have had enough of the hob career
and purpose) riding hoeae la Pullmea.
Mr father te a wealthy maa and tb
jaunt ef mine I merely to oatoosa of
Clubhouse chaff."
James I about 14 year ef am gad
bright young men.. He says aa ,
the west better than the east.
i i. ' i. ii ii ...
.- . ', . v, .
(Contlnusd oa Pax Two-)
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