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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
AY ev: 3, OCTOBER St IBM. 1. ) OAX .SE IT IN C'J 40. irs so TREMENDOUS ROAR AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT 7"7 ' ; Gnat nf WiVh-Clasa Merchandise Cuts No Fieure Duriner This Great .v- ''. V VI L, T TLAND, r 1 S.rE it u ci M H i i' . . V O v Y This sale cannot lait long; and just as old Pelee belches forth its smoke :apdl fire without warning to the -people ; so do we LAUNCH . THK SALE-only warning you now that you must takeitdvantage of it without delay Just think of. it at this great safe you canx purchase from us a SUIT" OR OVERCOAT; in the most upto-date styles men an m 'V . V., : Men's fine heavy jersex ribbed Shirts and x Drawers, fleec lined, steam shrank col ,t ors blue, brqwn and salmon; elsewhere a " bargain t fiOc; f ; ; " ... a- . ERUPTION PRICE., U XOC "Men's fine SanitaryNaturat Wool Shirtf- ; and Drawers; elsewhere $1.00." ' iA ERUPTIOtf PRICE...... ' - j - , Wright's Health Vnderwear ; standard $1.00 ' values. ' w '''"- - v v ':75' i ERUPTION PRIC.i..u.v I uC Men's Genuine Coopers, derby ribbed col . ors blue and pink; $1.00. values. -: ERUPTION PRICE.... ;.....v. lOy Men's Extra Fine Fleeced Underwear, cbv- ' ered seams; a great $LA0 value. ' nn ;; ERUPTION JPRICE. t.yOC SO stylet Men's. Golf Shirts, madras, per cale and Bedford cord; elsewhere, v 75c ERUPTION PRICE;... ... OOC Men's Extra; Grade Golf Shirts, all new and ft up-to-date: patterns, every sue 4 to 17; ERUPTION PRICE D J-..4yC lMMi'a Blade fifltine Shrtarrc4ceacte,A)ls', r-rr r . . - . f I bie stitcned seams, separate coiur oanos; i great valtfe V v - ' -i-;'"' , '2CJ' ERUPTION PRIOT......'.v...WC 200 Dozen Men's Natural Wool Socka ; best . 85c values in the tit, v. ' . ERUPTION PRICE.....;... 1 1 1 Same-in. black. President Suspendera. 0v ' . - eruption pjweg. :v;X"V i Men's Japanette Handkerchiefs, large i srlk i ; initial; 15c values. - !" g ERUPTIOk PRICE. . .OC Men's Sweaters lland-made, worsted, navy : , blue and garnet: $1.50 values. . AC ' . ERUPTION PRICE............. "OC 1000 Pocen Men's Silk our-in-Hands, all , new styles and patterns; 5c val-... A- ; ues. EitUPTIONPRICE. 2 C Odds and ends in Meo's Pure Linen Collars, -? , sizes 14 to 18; 15c values. - ' Cv ERUPTION PRICE..... ...... ....Ut iMen's All Wool Suits'ih ail tnem ana try tnem on as hurnisninirs . TiTO ALSO APPLIES TO OVERCOATS. It is the greatest opportunity that will high-class clothingl to " RIG HIMSELF OUT at small ; expense. ; The fall season is sell garments at -this wonderful sacei''Vw- For Men's Heavy Veight, All V Wool, Cassimere Pants; F Elegant $2.50 Values AT THE INSIGNIFICANT PRICE OF . s ! $ 1 0 of Uncle V A saving of from $3 to 4 ber in mind you see it When You Sfee It in Our Ad; Ifs So This is oBfmotto. No misrepresentation by 3ur employes is ever for a moment tolerated. "As we' advertise it we s -; f life Football. Air RJfIe and Watchea . i 2 ; F- - - GIVEN AWAY HitT7Si lth al!bV .ult. .nd overcoat. imaginatie styles and makeC to nt, 10 dc: convmccu ui uic, gcuuuic uoigwu yuu ic fur liireaijcicuption raie For Men's Suits Sam's Money $5 on each1 garment, and in our ads. in every corner strictly lip to the ues, rear value $15 you must see i -1 . - ; or Overcoats Sold . 1. Boys 1 Boys' WatstS) detachable waist bands; 25c values. ERUPTION PRICE , two for.......... ,.....vt Boys' Corduroy Knee1 Pants ; others " sell , them at 75c ; all sizes. 5C . ERUPTION PRICE,. ..... . OuC Boys Jronclad Hose, triple knees, double '.' heels and toesi a writing tablet Q with each pair... ...... ......... BOVS' Wool Sweaters Navy blue and me- roon ; 50c and 75e values, , . ERUPTION PRICE. A . r. .OyC - ALL OTHER BOYS' SWEATERS, V HALF PRICK. - T Men's Hats In ail the latest shapes, toft and We will suit WM Mill ll VUI head with stjM Ush hats, 'i- m- , REGULAR .r VALUE $Z50 Eruption Price gctuui xui wc suu suuiu be afforded any purchaser of late and we are compelled to . :;sV lor ;Mens Pure Wool, Hir Lined, Heavy Weight Cas- -slmere Pants, .$3- Values Uothing: Sl Sk 2CO PAIR3 IN T'3 LOT i- WKtN YOU " jr.: sec it in cm - AD. IT'S SO 30O PAIRS IN TriB LQT 'r j (3 -Elsewhere for $15.00