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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;. PORTLAND, day r ;m octc 'nhnWaew' MShWaUl y , WHISTS EECCE : STATX (WMMlTtn $ Um-iTMHI PVXUO war. r The Fowollst hare decided on their platform. Tb SUM limiUtW of that mtv yesterday IwM a MtUnf h th htooawk buUding. Tho present were r, prentatlve Of th MKWtMMM. Stood Win Ol the iUt TlUtlel - nwign. The platform adopted fellowe: V "We, tb elate eonuOUM of tb Pee- fl earn. tiMbM la the etty of ortlen. this Zth dey of October, 1M4. get forth tn following M MUilM or our principles end platform: Fire We Indorse tM unooti plai ns of the tvon!1 party. Adopt July 1M. t Springfield. II L, on lipriMM- M tn this laBMln br Wataoo and Tib bie, our candidal for axeeidont d vloe-prestdent. i, "Second while not opposing bank of deposit, whlcb ar nonofy aa dliim of exchange and a eonvenlenee to the business and progress of th coun try. we do oppose tb delegation Of au thority br h fOTtnoHot to ur bonk or corporation to toeue mommy. Wo bo- liar oil money, enner meiauio r paper, should b laauod directly by tb gevern- ment, and should b o full tool tender sor mil wiifsuun yuuuv ww r 'Third W favor publle ownership of telegraph an telephone linen. "Fourth W favor tb government Min mui wlmtnik ainr ail rallraed Una to tho eatent of regulating tbolr freight rataa and fares. Id preventing un just discrimination between ahlppere and point, untU auon tin mm tta govern ment cm purohoo transportation lino now exlatlng, or construct otbor Knee, to b owned and opomtod br tb govern moat la tb interest of tho people, and mot for tho asuiebaiomt of prlvat oor po rati one. . "Fifth Sight roar a- thor woro Hwit two neUoosJ parties represented la Oregon -one la favor of tb gold stand ird, tb otbor to. faror of blmetolism. Th party favoring blBMtallam wma rep traesnted by W. J. Bryan for president, nd Thoraao KL Watson for riee-presl- dent. Tb PoeI'a nmrtr boa thla roar aoauaatad Tbomaa K. Wataoa for proat- dot. roprooafiUna tho aajno flnaM brlnelnlaa aanraaaad alcht raara uo, "Tbaro ar aow two goid-aUndard nomlnaao oppoatnc - tb olcUa of Mr. Wataoo vla Tboodoro Aoooavolt and Alton B. Parkar. - -Wo know no roaaoa wfty thooo who rot ad acaiaat too sold atandard t yoaro aao abovld Oaaart soraMr pruMa alo and orllaatt : Tbaraforo, bollortna that thoot who rotod for Bryan and Wataon bafor ware haaaot and eonacUnttou In ao dolnc, wo now Moat raopaotfully tarlt Uim to ro- amala ataadfaot la tbolr formar bonoot oowrlettoaa and raoaat thalr rota for Tbatnaa K. Wataoa on tba Ich of No ram- bar, i4, .; '.' -JL . KKLSON, - - - . . i ' . ' "Cbalrmoa. ' -. " ' . "BRNttT BARTON, . "Socrotarji . ' "W. T. HARK. nBORaa ooia Vtata-CocMMHtaa of Paopla a Farty." UNDERWRITERS. PAY VISIT 10 FIRE BOAT Th Ooorwa ft Wllltana," Portland Aroboat, waa lnapoetad thla noralnc by dclaamtloa from tho Portland Or ln- uranco undarwrltara. who or much lrrtrtd In tha big raaaaL Amonc thon war J, C toao, avrrOyor in chary of tho tooal tmdrwrltra; moh ard Daraoport. Haiway WoUa and othora. Battalion Chlf Bold took tho heat out for a trial ran. with tb avotta oa hoard, and avarytblnf worhod to prfo Uoa. Th oraw anowad thomaalroa to ho parfaetly drUlad. , v. In oaao tho eounea faoodao froai Ita atand takon rowardlna; tbo oil fttol plant balna- InataJlad at th Alaaka dock and problblta tb handltnf of all fual oil alona; th watorfront, thor la a atrong probahlllty that tbo rata f laauranc which war raeantly ralaod tl par eonl, will be lowered a rain and par hap tb rata oa all property oa tho wajorfrdnt will ho loaaaned, Th underwriter bar a good oplaloi of the nreboaL . For etoallng a horoa. buggy and bar- no, raiuad mX Mtt, from Fraslor MoLeea, throe yoere in tb panltantlary will h aarvod by Kdmand LalgnoL His Mntano waa Imposed this morning by PrMlding Judg Oaorg In th cir cuit court. The da fondant waa ar raignod and enured a plea of not guilty roeterdar state f;.es!:ent i I " I 'III HVa' , w. o. v. v. oovrahrnoar oaoorsxa m rwm voauv o uu am- oritur. Mr. tAKfm H. Pmxon Addlton. for tt yoare one of tbo moot prominent t ra pe rano worker ta Portland and tho tata, waa thla morning .elected state president of th W. C. T. U. at th last oaoelon of th twentieth annual eon- ventloaeld la, the Cumberland Preo- UM. LUCIA H. TATOM ADDTTOW. byterlan ehoroh. Mrs, Helen TA Har ford, for th peat four year aUUe pr t- dent, waa tendered th nomination, but declined. Mrs. Addlton waa the oh etc on the Aret bailor following Mrs. Bar- fora'e reruaai to aooept tne omoo. i ne other office ra were, elected as (ollow: Correepondlng aeoretaxy. Mr. HenrletU Brown of Albany; recording eoretary. WOE Mle! Mr. Ida F. Maralrs. Boaeburg; treao urer MrsT Heasl J. Shan. Portland;' eewtttnrv of the Loyal Temperance) 1 gTonTjira, Courtney of Port land joac- rSiy o? th X Whealar of Cottage (More. ' TheTlSioa of omcere wag tho moot importantbualno. to come before th oonenttea today. Mm Harford, preat Zll tm dllalng a re-elect Ion. said tnat ah was aot to bo tooaod ahoot at will bTothor poople. and taaomueh e ahe had given out to her friend that be would not be a oandtdote for re lecOonTaoe would not aooept th honor from the oonventloa. sendmnt relating to- th time of eerno of, the general offloer had seen introduced at the opening of tho session wblelv. many of the delegate d ohvwouMnre no other effect than to limit Mrs. Harford to another year at the most. The amendment to th oon tltutlon was to th eft eat that the time limit of aerviet for one pnreon In any one of th general office he made fir yenra. Mr. Harford having ear-red four yesra ae preeldeot. would h limited to the one onsulng year. The propoeoa amendment brought forth a atorm of op noolUon and finally In orBer to restore peace Mrs. Unruh who IntrodnooC it. withdrew It from the ooaveaUon, nut the delegate wanted to rot on It and the amendment waa killed In a rtalng vol whor only one woman yoted yee, , S)D0.1L (DN . V. S- The Greatest Suit and Overcoat Sale ever known : in Portiand still contin- An w wrs4-Vh w jep Knion 4-s&Ar4' ' V 1 f c yzTF bnjBStfgswa WASHINGTON ST r $20, $30 and $40 unclaimed Tailor made Suits and Overcoats the stock of the Royal Tailors selling here at These Garments are Samples of H ig h Art Tailoring and sold cheap at the original prices, $20.00,- $30.00 and $40.00. : We1 haVe sold hundreds of these garments, but there are hundredsmbre. Any variety of patterns, weave and sizes. Here's your opportunity to secure your win ter suit or overcoat at less than half you'll pay elsewhere. 0 t. , v.;.. Th woman of tho convention n4 not yet forgotten Dr. Bdera addreoe and In an effort to etorm the tide of Indigna tion which' was pouring forth from all Quarters of the house si th mentioa of bis name. Mrs. Hartford, president, made th following at i lament from tbo plat form: "There eeems to be an Impr slo a the minds of th puhlks that thla annual ooarentloa of tho W. a T. TJ. which la gathered bore today to an equal suffrage society. There are two reaaona foe thla Impression. On 1 th discuss loo launched by Dr. L Rader who, hooauae he waa willing to accord to the otbor apemkerg on the platform all-th Usee they wanted, waa orowdod Into Buoh a little apace that he waa unable to pre sent n clear Iniprwtotoa of both phase of the .Question, Ha was not given a fair opportunity. The other Impression obmos from th fact that the badge fur nished tho dalegatea are the suffrage society oolora. Instead of the usual whit. Bat ttat to through no fault of the association. Thla aaaodatloa haa devoted, Ita entire time at every session to a discussion of tbo regular depart ment work and haa mad ne effort, to start n suffrage movement-" Th afternoon session wag devoted to a dissuasion of th state paper and- to the report of th eommlttoe on reap lutlona and thanks offerings. Mrs. Laeia H. Faxon Addlton. the new ly sleeted president of the state W. C T. U- hen been prominent In .the work for the peat tt year. Spe p recent county president of the Multnomah un ion, natkmat orgmnlaer and editor of the union paper, Th Bulletin. She la th historian of th state organisation and recently published - a history of th achievements of the association. Th work la la on volume, entitled Twenty Bvpntful Tear. While Barring In many oapaeltl Mt the state and county organisation she haa devoted the greater port of her time to the labor depart ment, at th head of which she ha been for the pant It pears- gbe resides -at Mt- Boott and haa beep a rostdent of Oregon ol) UO Uma . , f , JURORS DISAGREE ft! SLOT MACHINE CASE FTr Jupsrn m the Justloaourt ware unable yesterday afternoon te agree on the guilt or Inneoenoe of CspL H. O. Schneider, charged with permittlngv the operation of a avmey-naylng slot ma chin in his saloon at MontnvlUa, and wer discharged. -A now trial of the oaao will toko place. Four witnesses who testified for the prosecution eseerted ' that tb y had played th machine themselves and bad aeon other ploying it. Th defense waa that Captain Schneider had told all wjio played the ' machine no, to do so, an It wee out of order. - The men summoned as Juror Included two aaloonmen and two bartender. Th peremptory challenge of th tion were exhausted. One oaioocisi served on. the jury. - GERTRUDE EYLIN IS 'PUT IN PADDED CELL '' -Cy'''.;. "... . 1 ; -V?". 0i U ad Brltn was taken to the county jail from polio needquartere this morning by Warrant Officer Oslts. who preferred a charge of insatiity ogolnat her to th eouoty court. She waa pro rented from Jumping from the Madi son street bridge, with the Intention of drowning herself, nt !:! clock last night by H. Web, who turned nor over to th polio. " Whan th girl arrived nt tb dotnrty Jail Deputy Sheriff Downey had to ex ercise considerable force In order to get bar into a podded pell, though th feat was finally aacompllabed without - in juring her in any way. Bine being la thla cell she baa. passed th tbno In try ing to kick the walla down. UNIQUE SHOTGUN IN HISTORICAL MUSEUM y?- "A- What la aald to b th first breedh loadlng and repeating shotgun made in America to now on exhibition In the museum of the Oregon Historical soefety in th city halt It to th property of T. B. Buahard of thla city, who oame inte possession of the Oreer nmng paara ago. Th gun ore manufactured by the Roper Rifle company of A moor t, Maa aachuoetta April 10. IMC, and was owned by several person before It oame Into the hands of the present Owner. Xt 1 a euiiouo looking gun, with a single barrel. At th baa of the barrel is magazine holding four ehella. As th hammer to drawn eck this notion revolve the magsalne and throw out the empty shell. The gun to a ll-bere and to In excellent condition. - WdrM't Pair Exconloii: "Additional date ed ole for werld fair ttoketa.hav been announeed by th Canadian Pacmo. V . On October IT, It, , apeciai round trip tickets to t- Loalo and eastern points will he Oh eale at very low rate. Tickets good for otop-orer prtrllege and a oholc of routes returning. For full particulars, call on or ad dreoe. F. ft. Johnson, F. T, A 141 Third atreet. Portland, Or. Th neoowd eleven of th Mulrnomah Amateur Athletic club wilt meet th crack Hill Military academy eleven to morrow aftsrnoen on Multnomah field. The ftm will otart at t:lt o'clock, Multnomah played a tie game With Port' land academy laet Saturday, while on th earns day Hill defeated the crack Bugene high school eleven, Thla ahould be an totereetlAg oontsot a 'v . . f - ' . t r Saturday from 8 a. m. 10 p. m. w,WiU fiva a pair o Storm Xari with nca 'pair of tadies' Shoe tnm.tZ.Zi Wup,-'-;1;'' v"'' ' . ' t . - "-V - Thci . 7a Ihtcrc:t cu CV OUMren's ShoM 90o ICld, box caH and kangaroo calf leatherav aoUd leather meaium and heavy leather soled, good dttylea and neat fitter. ;yv Bute $ to S; regular $UflL SALE PRICE. ....... 90d 8ixe VA to 11; regular 8 ALE PRlOe.,.. ft;00 81se 11 to St regular $1.75. 8 ALE PRICE ....9125 fafanta' Soft Soled Shoa) ' In white, red, pink, chocolate and black; 86c value; aixea 1 to 4.,.. ............ .w.25d latsts: $3.00 Vict kid vekKif, caH ana doz CoutVlace. atynps, Hght and me dium weight flexible extension eotet, kid . and. patent . tip, Cuban and mUiinry hcel--Ul new -and up-to-date . hapec; reanilar ti.ft). 2.78 and 83.00 qualxtiee; all a), SPECIAL SATURDAY. i'rr..,.. f.UO Via kid two rmwJ thie-dtrap Slippers, hand-turn eoles ; rf ular $Lft5 and $U0 vvlueel al alsec 8PBCIAI SALE ' PRCE .' . . .ejdys s:iozs;sls In extra rood box calf leather. good atrong "oak leather eoles tnat will give trie parent eat tmf afnns f r aeanH etntr wratth every cent of $8.00; sis 18V, to OH P adnwejey THE STORE; V FOR THE ' Economical KZTS HICXS $3.45 Vki kid, box calf and vtorm calf,-lac and oongrea Btyle, tin and Dlairrtoe. medium and heavy solid leather aole mat stand the wet;- worth every cent of $8 and $30; aB eise. SPECIAL SALE . s. PRICg.. 2.45 BARON'S SHOE STORE 330-333 MORRISON St.Y NIAi SXCOND THE HONEY ' SAVERS y III SHOES Richmond Coal for Ecohomv V V ' ' Vf'- -V'"' Wa lurvii just received mother cargo of thla excrlent Auay ;;" ;U; 'tralian coal, which we ar now unloading into our imtw bunker. f 1 . ' Tbi coal is well nxed by au wno nave tnc n ana witn our- m- 4-.- v - v;-. r'"' facilitic for ecreening we can now eend out coal that i ah-- s. ;v ;.-'' We alto carry 4u1 gradaa oi domaatk'coai ln'rtock.. ', t'-' ,: .y,hi '. ; Holmes Coal W Ice Company BaeanwawOM ta . ( i 7 't .' -1 tv i Pretty Ran IbE Rfecel ; ApTctty, taWteful parlor add greatly to the appearance of th bofu. W ar ' V.. 'k ready to make your parlor pretty and tasteful, for we've the ptvttleat of parlor - vWnitura we've' ever axked you to look at AH aorta of odd chairs anddivan ' . V m polished woods and in the graceful aemi-tipholsterd design. t The shapes '.. j,- are all new, except th reproduction of uitiquea, and the ar aU authentic ' , x .V ' copies of favorite Colonial patterna. . ere. iata wide raige of prices and ' ' beans of quaHty to every i.fK: ?m-ytfs- Loyas$19.00 - WRITE FOR NECATrtLOGilE WrtVV I V V J . ? ' WA- . 1 " 1 i . - ' - - '. "" Ltv orrfof town? t Then, drop us a postal iwf well send you our nw catalogue 61 houae-funiiahtnn po It's fuflrf gOd things nd vou can furnish your boms complete froiWlt. Better hav copy, w'-aa s- i- v ' ghsmnwawssmsnmnsBW ''x-. aeenaemn . i'-"...... .j. . -'----mauanaanSJnn - L ... KzJ- 1 A ' " 7. f . t-. '4 V v"Jt 'l