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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
. DAY T "TJINa OCTOBXK . IfTt .8TAKP1ZD PATT-r-t r-twArw 411 Standard Patterns ara'k. 1 . A and 15-dVne higher. v . ' , ,; SATURDAY HINTS FGH ' . The KOVtZJt tIG3 now leadr at the counter only Oe or sp4clal subscription irk, portptld to ny ftddrm, 80 a CPEN AN ACCOUNT HEiUC at Portland's but and Jar-pat store. ; Pay monthly. Sea nW about it , "The Credit Kan." Third Floor. V ' ' HOUSEKEEPERS . ... -: - ROW TO CSDER If you can't get to tha stors, order by mail or "phone. Private Enhance 11 Leading mall order house on the coast. wltt eTC UETir mm 5m wiinM mt sVaMleM fasMS freni tlu kltehee, bmUmm r b mlwHt eteM ainua in tad MSlawr W Ait MM. Bole Oregon Agavt ' v far the World V . Famous Bonnet -. '. Silka : MiM Mj tmt la MM M tM. ; V ,The) " " -:Tiflfcrcnt - ,1 A -"--- nai ill ' a. , t MB Mini et leerf mm a week. lWesMd n hUFtm leeaeder m MM to fee lor the nriee. A inhlasaww 94 4 Hill IS. atM MM W tew fMv fix. ..imagers art v sa sra YES!; THIS IS .THE STORE THAJ CLOSES EVERY BUSINESS DAY, SATURDAY INCLUDED AT , '"'Wi o m- 1. .V yl ... y,u -j J 1 'ssaj 1 THE rpAYLIOHt STORE' .. n ; v a! v.1- 1 LAMPS Saturday Will Bring in Its Retinue Hosts of Extra Values, Flanked By : All the Special Offerings of jllie . vVeek , v (EXTRA SPSQAt DAltY -JTMI ALONE EXCEPTED.) Freeh stocks of merehandiae, gathered from every ojdartar of the riob are here. Bought in our customary favorable way, which means BEST, DEPENDABLE QUALITIES AND NEWEST sty lea, at lowest Ulrest pricea. Oreat opportunitiec offer here for the thrift 1 and behind all is the constant safeguard for those who boy here QUALITY WILL BE AS REPRE SENTED, NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE. Our autumn sales are of mora than usual interest thie year. Oooda that coma ruahing In to our already overcrowded building and cramped departmenta must go ruahlng out . No room here for merchandise to linger fat so we turn on the full power of matrhless bargain prices end seep the business stream from dog ging. This eetahliehment has grown so vast thai only a part of the things of special interest to be found bare can be mentioned in our announcements. But coma and see Saturday's offerings your welcome will be hearty. But come before, the day ia done-for this Is the Portland atora that CLOSES AT P. M. V t,'" imw!m P.M. In the Saturday Sale : Leaps e brlghUe 4 UetiUa tae luew, et ' prtoM) : teat weat mtka W pvm pawMpUbly. : arscus SAta or nuBcrnio Am oas poatiu - A us Mp SBADpro) Laura. , SMfne Lam PC plto wtth mbU nM BkadM and lx Smc smS tvMasv . 0a aemalMsMlRjss1Hateaa.esev BUHaa Laata, el kna kaet eai eteae m sltte; apMial et, ................ .gaJM KMStes UbM SkMft aa nttv eat pollshae gtlt vuae. etnalMC vpmUJ, M..... M.SO A tare M)9TtBMt of Omi Ptrtsfel aS aiaili Xaapa rM from. S.0O to a.00 mu. XJDCTRIC rOBTABLB A1TO KBADINO ZKPe. . ' .... OirafM fialaa. Malal Mn BtNtito rwtaU a4 neadtDg t iswa em- put: mciu .4.. .....f,, aa.aa Wrmivht Im. wmbr itui Uuk bulk aMlall Mra ....iS.aa Oia briN, antique ftalah. (anoy fMt, aompltta; apslaj. at, aaek... .a)S.40K Blaetrle Raadlna- Lamp. lth l-tMh SaMUd ahadaa, aaatplata, . Bieth PortaMM) o4 lUadins .Lmpa, wH SwufM; prUal tnm,-M.f)ais SSf '""sraclAii SAiis or mot stock Diwnn anra. "r"? f Km aa ahaDaaaamtlaa, mmII VtBk Wti4 vbmv fmU nM Ma. l-plea PIumt St. Tain ; apmiat at fS-M 0-piaoa Dlaiwr Bat. valua t.4i apaalal at .. '... ..4....v..f4.S0 e-plaea Dlaaar Sat, mm 9U.U j apMlal ai ..t......MM-t.aa.aa Odd plaoM af abova pattarn at half formar prleaa. f oval VsUMa PUhaa, valua lo; aaoa.4...k..V......X8e No, t oral VavaUbla Dlabaa, value 4c; apaolal, aaatt ,........ ..SOe No. T PIMM, valua 1141 doam: apaolat at. aoaoa ... ......... .....69 Ka-S PUlM, vaAl 91.44 dooan; apaolal at, Aoam . No. It BUM Dlohaa, valua I Co wefa; apaalal at, aaok ...... .f .,13 No. II Maat Dlabaa, value 4e omch; apooial at, aaoh 'm.....,......,..SOe No. IS Moat Dlahoe, value o aaoh; apoelal at. aaeh 334 No. I Fruit DUbaa, value Tte doaaa; apaolal at, doaaa . ........ 894 Covoroa .Vosataala Dtohaa, valna o oah; apMlal at,-aoli ......464 Taaoupa and aauoofa, valua ft. 10 doaaat apaolal at, doaoa w....., .81.95 Coffaa Cap and Sauoara, valua 11.44 daeani apoelal at, dosae ... Othar odd plaooa at half aaual prtea. Barlr aolootlona taa baai r -, AU iaapa, Inaludtns 8badaa ul aioeaa, et apaolal fadvood prtata. ,, 2 Great Sales Saturday 1 ys: XS4 PORTLANLYS GREATEST ; . v jinjj jEMbai nrrAKoir aivau& -:K.' ' FOR WOMEN. Z y GRAND SALONS 2d FLOOR. - . -V A The Faabioo Center of the Westera Oarment World T Saturday Afibrda Last Oprxsrtuni to Secure ThM - -'.;. Pccrlcsa Values to V i ' COLOREP DRESS 'STUFFS :V ' ' ' FIRST FLOOBf ANNBSV- ' - V . , IMS and M.44 14-lneh Bnaiiah Broadeiotha, eoo4 wrlt and In att wan tod oolorlne Faahloe'a awaUaat faOrta for etroat woart apoelal for aatardar. . ear yard - ........ -f 1.6 (1.(0 and (IN Fronah Caeialihalr aed Snollee,,aU ootora ia ta lets apoelal for Saturday, jrard . f 1.49 11.44 par yard SutMnra, In Mtvad Twoada. mmaiamtad- Caovtate an Sootohy Bfraota, alsO S-lncb All-Wool Covorta and Vonotlaaa, a traatondouo aamirt- at to'aolaot from; apooial for Saturday, yard .-v.,.t Jl 084 lo por yard Twaada In Baathor aed Mum lab Effacta, AU-Wbet Soraoo and Albatreaa, in ail oolora, tpoludlnf atroot and 4vglae ahadaai apooial for Bat- rday only, yard . ....... ...r ,'4 .....,...... 4 1. 894 BLACK DRESS OOP Be Spaolal prielnff on the toueb-aoualit-for popular Crape do Porta, allk and wool, tho awallaat faerlo for draaay waar aaown Roeular II-M quality; apooial. yard.. ... 084 Itasular tl,I( eualltr; apaolal, yard. A.. .M-984 Bajpilar ILVf qualltyi apooial, yard..., ...,..,v , ..'.. ..81. 19 juarulor t-e euaUtyi apiil. yard...... .................... .1.84 BXTRA ePBCIAl M-lnoh All-Wool Black Tnlbote and Haltoe Cloth, a , opiondld eleta for aoparata ahirta end taUorad.auita. roeular $1.4 par yard HaJya; apoelal foraaturday only. yard,. . .794 .' tV; Ikikr THZ "SILK STOREV'V A Rteutartf lo qualttr, IT-4n.t apoelal, yard ; fi . . ... .J; . .484 Baeular 44o. quality, T-lo.t apoclaL yard. 474 Roeular 1 1 quality, ITtn.; OpocUt. yard;.'... .;.......i,...M...,,.694 Roeular 91.40 quality, rT-ln.1 apodal -pord. V . 4. -.784 Rosular 11.14 quality, tf-ln.; apoelal. yard ...... ..w .. .....k. ..... v834 Rag-ular 1.W quality, tf-ln-r apodal, yard...... t.,..'.,.... .974 Raqular IM quality, uhd.; apooui,yarai. . v....... .se .01 .S3 DBFBNDABUD BLACK TAlTAe Rl4tly turM frJii th foontabr-hd tho nakor. Thla Mora makoa prtoaa Impoaalblo for loaa powofful huylne arsanlsatloM to noma and trvo. Sonio Portland atorod buy allka froni tarao ro tall aouaaa la taa aaat and brine than aoro to aoll aela at ratall. Such oaa eovar bo rlyhtly tormad "allk atoroa," and no prudont woaaaa dooo Jnatlea to bar parao tn taa auk Rorahtf 7to quality, lt-taj apoofcU. yard ;,.,. rt.... ... 614 Rarulor 91.90 quality, 11 -in.; apooial, yaro... , f,,......t..:.M.T3 Rcaular 91.40 quant; Roqular l.It quail ty Roeular tl.U quality, xaaruiar vi.o quamy, -in.i ipiti, rBra.r.,Mt,i.ii. Raqular-fl.44 quality, 14-lnil apoelal. lyard. .'. . , ........i-al.89 Roeular 11.71 quality, t4-hv; apacbU yard., . , . ... j. 1.48 the laltar la a ahlffoe flnlaa. aaporltlly adaplad for naklac ef tba tall eulta. WOMEN'S $16,50 and $20.00 COATS $7.95 A superlative bargain, lucky the women that' , share' in ' It Tomorrow re place en sale, a small balance of a large mo coats' purchased by na late last season. They are elesnt coats, materials and trimmings are superb. The coats are beauties. Styles that are always rood.- In tan, castor and black, kersey, trimmed in rich fancy braids and stnekinf effects, fhost of them lined with heary Skinner satin. - Soma very handsome blouse styles arc included, also cape effects. Some have the full modish Bishop sleeves, and everyone is a $16.60 or $20 value. Choose Saturday only, at....,... 7.95 MMMMMl jo 1 Raeuiar no quality, linn.; apooui, yarai . . .c.4... v......v Roeular i.i quality 94-te.i apaolal,' yard r.l Roeular 91.44 quality, 44-ln.i apaolal, yard. , . . . Raeular I1.TI quality, 94-ia.i apaolal. yard. . i . v. .,,.,..1 itiy torniMi i iwrw, ana m ptuomii woaaan aooo jaaueo o puyinc allka frooi houaaa of aucb aort, Jlup at the aouroa of aa-aadaava,. .r : . -J -V.A : ,..-.. y, I apociai, yra. ............. . ........... .Te IT -In. j apoonuV yard . .".l,?.;,i..."Ti.VV..'B94 14-to.; apooial, rrt ;...k,..V...,..,... 98 r V $2SIN CASH ABSOLUTW-frREEliv to Forra ptrpiLa tn ottr cttt btiiooi Jtmt tv? boat four empoaitione ubalttod to ua on or bsfora Saturday. Kovambof 14 jtttat. , Tho aubjoct of ooropoaltkm, "THI PANAMA CAMAL," not oror 600 worda m tho antlra eon poal linn. Wrltar muit bo a pupil of aoma Portland arhool oublio, prlvato or parochtal. Ench 00m position ubmtttod muat boar tha eartlflcatlon of althar lha pupU'a taarhor. parent, ruardlan or aooio roapoaalbra ad alt praoa that It la tho pupll'4 orlslnal product, and U atuat boar tho full aana and noma ad drooa of wrltar, nam of acbool ho or aha attanda. noma of tMchor and pu pil aeo, Tha award will bo tnada aa abova, tha aiattw to bo doeldod by a oonmlttoo of protalnont aowspapor moo. onnouneonMnt of roaalt la Thabko ivine day papor Adoraaa ail ooaapoiltitoaa la Oioa. Wartaun A Kka; Adv. OnVjo. . -,. .. j . 1 . j reel et a p. aw iiiiiiiqi y-i ;." I I Willluna-AvoMe Soneol ...;'.fl.94 falllne School .,,....7........18.14 Bunnvaldo School .......... ...11.441 Hleiiland School ii.914 ' ft AJ B - ' -4f,waa that arq dasttnod il Sjl i ' r-.-- i voauo aaldom aooordoa-a , . Ikaifciria -..'.' (- radical deDarturu from old ' lM 'rJp , porb atyloa. amortly l JIletsAn 1 " V . with all th stvla ai ; J I v.-: r 1 -' for in v A Saturday , Suit Opportunity wokrrors bmart kbw 919.M, $m AKD 9S1 44 auiTa WII4, OO A8 coMPANiojra TO paavaT SRS AT ' 1 -. v . , pihU7 . STUKKINOLT SMART STTlbcaw ALL TKB NEWEST. SWAOOKR TAlLORKD STRHJCT SUITS, llTfiB. 130 and 93S.SO vtluei Ineludod (moat atoroa 121 and 111.14 aort o aulta). about tot) in tho aaaortmant, vary amartaat and nowaat fall modal. to onjoy a now., ana llnaa. 8u- tallorod. Sulta ad fit von look hla-her-prlcod ewmanta, alnala or doubia-braaataa. louruc or jacaei affveta. aoma collarlaaa and taffeta Itnad, In cnovtMa and manajah mix turoa la handaoma Sootch. Aaaorlcaa and Rnalhih aultlnea. Color Una am- raooa blacka, browns and mlzturoa n eray. blue, brown and black and WhlTa mixed offacta. Tnmmlnea of velvat, wlda tltehad taffeta Bands and taba. stitched aatla, braid and fanoy button affaeta. Unad with talTela allk and aatla. An axcop Uqnal opportunity la offarod Satur day to becoma tha owner of ono of thaaa apundld aulta. -wtioaa aquala ara net to bo found n town, outatda thli atora, at tha raeular prloaa of 4oii.89 Well Beaten Fmthi Lead To the Shoe Store Saturday tOTS OF ECONOMIES IN GARNITURES POR SATURDAY BUYERS -;w ; Hlffh Scbool .......40.7t St. Mary a Aeadaaay M......0.6I Hafrtana School .94,104 Portland Academy , 96.444 Park SoboHiTT....- ...04 Aiim - - . 17,941 Toeu vW ..444.144 Such aa baadtlfifl ribbon porfac4 flltlne- - - Slovaa, atyllok nookwoan dainty laoaa, ehio volllneA pratty, aar vlcaabto karehMfa and umbrallaa ta protoet thoni all J from wot Wva anancae to aava on all thaaa tomorrow male floor aialoa Waahlnetoa etroat alda, RADLANTtT BRATJTIFUL RtBROIfS B4 for Vnner Rlbbona, worth h , 44o and 40e. A Una of awatl novolty fancy Rlbbona, in Paralana. Dolly Vardana, Droadona, varlaeatad, Ro j mb otiipoa, plalda fanoy taffstae with dottod oontera and ahadod raln ; bow affaeta. Thay ara aoautiful and not ono to worth loaa than Sao. - and moat of them ara' worth !4o and 4oo the yard, far Saturday, ' yard ,.., .p . i. .. ,184 tXN3rTOMT 8AJJB V OW-ABRIC OLOVKS 994 tor ailw and tula Olovoa. . AU of our flna allk and balo Olovoa. tn blaea.- moda and , yray aoma Wtilta ono ta tha lot; , roeular eaa lao and Ska quaUtloa, Tow Saturday only, at, paJr....a4 UMBRBLXAa POfJI TH8 CtfTURBlf Vmbrallaa worth 91.4a brvllaa, 14-Inch alaa. la blaak Btorla. with natural wood boo dle, paraeon framoa and atoal roda. ' TbtoO era uft tho Umbrollaa for . mlaaoa and efalldroa- to oarry to : aohoolr-aa tbay ara vary aarvloaabla Reular 11.10 value, Spaolal for Saturday only, aaoh .084 LOVKLT LACSa ' 884 or ToaleO Laoaa worth to 74o. Vaaloa LaoM i In ban da, soloena . soma whlta, aoaaa oroaaa, aaaaa In wlda. madtuaa wldtha aultablo for trlmatne faaey walata and iota and aaaklne bar thaai othare onpoolally adapted for trlramine ohlldron'a draaaoa. Tha roqular prloaa ram to 74o tha yard. Tor fetwrdaj aely. tha yard..a4 -84 for I A Tot of Call DAfHTT CTRKATlONa IK KFX7RT WEAR A lot of now ft no whlta Dtnbroldorod Collars aoma with ona tab, aoma with two taba. aoma with throa tabs, aoma with tho flna tono rlof work, othora with ambroid ered STOmmota all tha way arounA Tboaa -. eoUara war boueht ai a rldlonloualy -tlow prlow and ara olaeaat sooda. Tha Baanufaotarar la lha loaar, and ft will bo to your advantaca not to :., bIm thla aala. Xvary ono of thaaa eoiiafa la worth 44a. 71a or 914. : Far aatarday only, aaoh ....874 A sutroatlaw -It wtll show 4"od yadeaaont on your part If you buy ana aaoh of tha drffarwrt atyloa. Bvary one la a porfaat uttle earn. 0 LXKKN HAWtS.43RC'H UPPS 84 rar ; IAnaa Handkarohlafa worth 19140 , and 14e Wa hava 104 doaan ladloa' pura llnon homatltohod Handkaf ohlofa, manufactured by tha famous Richard son. Llnoa Manufaoturlne . Co. and - laiportMt . oapoelhlly for . Portland pooplo by Olda, Wortsnaa ' A Klne. i . .Thaaa RandkrOblofa ari half-hMn-f dorad. and will ho aa soft and aboor after waablne aa a, 4o Handkar . ablaf. .Tbay ara aa usually eood valua at I9ia and lao, and yow won't reerot tt it you buy tbom by tho tor Saturday aaty. apaalal at. V ' aaoh '..84 VBU UNOeAIl our ewaU saw rU Inea by tho yard, fct black, whlto and oolora, et apooial srtinfar Sat araa 40oj apuial at, yard 404 Valna ftai apoeaal at, yard..... .44 Value too: apoelal at, ymrd,... ,404 Value 91-4; aysolaj at, yard 474 Vara l.ei apsnlil at, pmrd ''to FIRST FLOOR. -"BAROAINSV and "QUAOTT" era yuide poata aat alone tha way that hundroda of foot will follow tomor row. Too bralQ WlU dlroot tho troop. hay feotand tho pocket will benefit. Brine alone your puraa to taka away tha ahaneo or hav 'am iehareod,H luat aa you plaaaa. Tour erodlt la eood. Soo tha erodlt man about tt Third Floor. Buy "O., W. .A K." SUOaa FOR MEN. Theyra mada ta 94 smart atylaa, vary ' latest aaatara laata, by a famoua manufacturer. Tha uppers ara of Storm Calf vlaoolbwd leather. Thar la e doubla aote ran elne from hoot to to tlpv'eolld oak tan sols leather eood, honest-tanned loathar. Foot-form laata, atyllsh and comfortable, Ona chooses from Viol Kid, Patent Colt. Velour Calf. Bluehor out or plain lace "Bah' atyloa. You pay fsHlO ond aava 91-44, for other atoroa oall awah ahoao e "94.44 inda" Prapara now for tho Oreeoa rains bujr yood. ' substantias, winter shoes; keep your foot dry, atiue and warm and winter weather will bo dellehtful aa tha aprlnqtlme that tollowa. v BOara WORTHT , WTNTKR SHOB SPBCIASw, ' v $8.77 FOR WOMhTTCS 99.99 SHOES women a winter street anoea, or box oalf, Bhieber out, military heel a, ' full round toes, blh'arched Instep, yood all-aolld materials throu about, res. 9 4 vaj.; apooial. pair.. $8.77 88.77 FOR WOMEN'S STTLTBH STRBBT SHOES WORTH 99.40 Same eoneral atyla aa above, but mora draaay ta appearance, patent eolt vamp a, matt tope, military heela, plain or tipped teoa, roe 99.54 vol.; apaolal prloo. pair... ...$8.77 88.88 FOR WOMEN'S 99.14 AND . 94.00 SHOKS Women's Shoes, with ' Vt tope, patent tlpa, aaadlam bleh heela. round too, a vary comfort able and stylish shoe, roe. 99.40 and 94.44 vaLi apoelal prlee pair $8.08 BOTF BHORS Boyaf ehoes of Box Calf, extra heavy uppers, extra ramp and upper at itch toe. outside back stay, eolea double to heela, fall round eeaa. all aold winter sboee and will stva th utmost aatlsfaatloa Blase 11 to 19; apsalal prlo.. eiaoa ItH to 9; apooial price. . aiaaa 14 to $i apaolal prtea.. MIflSSS' WINTER SHOES Patent or Stoek tlpa: aood, heavy, pramp appan; yood. atrone ahoa Sbjaa 1.48 1.78 as 4 apaalal , t 11 res. tl-TI; t 9. 99Al Blaaa 11 apooial j. 9Hm I te 9H. rae. L44; . as i rlil T.48 1.78 81. R8 FOR "HOUSE COMVrmfsr WORTH 99.14 "Houaa c , Jullottea for Women, arl Up, haatd-turn aoloa a , hoolav rae. 94.4 vaL; apoe, at. pair Saturday Helps for tCARPilTm ; Homcnttcrs ! Wa axpaet to mov tato th now atath Street Annex on thla floor- thla week. There'll be a lot af present etooke that won't ba moved, for they'll fo out to saw owners thla woom. Bueh prloaa as theaa wtll be mlfhty soworful 'Saovora.- r A REMAREABLa RfW 8AXB. All'Wool Doable Pa cod Saryrn Rurs te handaatna oajorlne and uniqwa, saaenlft oent Oriental desiyno ail et apooial reduced prloaa to aava saertaa Qm 91-44 Rue, alaa 19x99 tnohaa; speelal.... ....474 99.94 rues., aim 94x11 Inobea; apoelal.... ......8138 99.40 Ruya, am ISsM taohoa; spulll .....ft.aa 99.99 Rue, sum 94XT1; spaoml. y. $9.48 919.M Rasa, alaa 9x9 foots apoelal.. v.,.. .... ......... ..,..$8.84 91194 Rasa, bun lxir fast; apt rial .$14.44) 99AM Rosa, atoa 9x19 foot) apaolal...'.. . ... ......... ........ .....$l$.e A GREAT CZJDARINO BALE OF BART OO-CARTB.' 0-Carta with patent foot-braho, aJQtl'frlctlon whool-fatawar. eoshlon robber tlree. oomplete with snrea and euabioa and all hueot, no wool Inniraiamsnis. roduoed ae printed - . . : f .. Beat 914.09 Oo-Carta, thla aal. ......e ...w. .......... .$4.88 Boat 914.04 Oo-Carta this sale. .-84).78 Boat 914.40 Ooarta. thla aal.....M...... 4 Boot 940.0 Oo-Carta, thla aale...., Beat Qe Carta, tfam sal. Baa 914.04 Oo Carta, that ami. . . , ...... Boat 990.09 Oo-Carta. thla aala... .......... .... Beat 99.09 Oo-Carta, thla aala Beat 111.44 Oo-Carta. thla aala $11.78 $18.54) .$14.78 814.84 -$19.SO .$8S.84 $88.84 , - . LAO CURTAINS ARJJ DOWN. "v. In tha ereat aula Satarday we offer aver 44 style In th chooalne. and taa se lect I oas are marvelous. . Each eurtatn 91ft yards rone and 40 lnohae wtd. Th sraateat artaia bexyeia ever offered bayor by any Portland houaq. Read th list .e.. 7 otyiaa, raewiar 9 9.40 valuea; pair. . , . . . . . ,.. ..V.$3.y T atyloa. roeular 9 9.40 valuea; pair , .....; $a., IT atyloa, reyular 9 9.90 valuea: pair. ...... $4.7 S 19 etylee, raeular 9 9.4 values; pair........... ..-.... f 9 style, roeular 911.00 valuea; pair... ..It.ii aryiea, rseuiar si, vaiue(parr, ...g. . 1 atyia. raeular 914.0 valuea; pair... v. . 91 total atyla. ' ' - I t t ' ... m . . . ... 9 w M.841 r; eAnothcr Record- ! Smashing Day of ' cTVlILLINERY Selling! . . ORAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. Today tha splendid Bftrtlaery slore has been throneod. boaleeoA by eaeer, enthusiastic buy era Bvary one had encomium of praise oo their llpe for the pretty hats, and everywhere were heard exclamatlone of surprise and del I ah t t th remarkable valuea Included uv the areat SALE OF A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF SAMPLE HATS. Wa eonttau tha aleoehter tomorrow and add saw barnln fuel to th flame. There'll ba a greet turnout hero tomorrow. Tou'd bettor arran to naeet "her'' hero. The hats to this ofterlne are exaot fao similes of bats selling- In all tha local millinery shops and departments at 93 00. 91.44 and 94.00. Turbans, Bailors and handsome areas shapes, la all tho neweat popularised oolorlne. Including: browns, champaenee, blue and grays, also $ a fa whlta, and blaok. immense, rich onooelng from vast aaaortmaai ANOTHER GREAT' VALUE 94.44 -NAPOLEON HATE, 9.94. In addition to tho continuation of tba above asmed bargaine, we offer th following EXTRA SATURDAY SPECIAL A lino of very smart, dressy, new Napoleonic models. In handsome hats for misses' wear. Like aoeompanrrne cut at head or tbia muunery announcement. Thooe trim, trie and Jaunty hats, renaissances of the time of Josephine and tha world conquering Na poleon, are trimmed with military pom pons and allk velvet. In browse, blue and blacka A limited number only, very stylish and aa extra dbO good 94 vela moat atoroa would gay "99.90 Hers Satuxdar at, pVo A $5,000 Sale and Derrxmstration of Solid Gold Shell lyings for 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 . ALL PORTLAND WILL WONDER AT THESE MARVELOUS VALUES! Off Too should attend thla greet eel. Not be cause the display la the ereatest aver made by any Portland store it la; not because th atyloa ara all aood and new (they are); not because wa advise you to (wa do), every atora claims those advantacea. but because nowhere In Portland oan you eat oo eood for me money; Because we are ia close rlth tha makers and eoatrol the aala of them In touch the rlxbt for thla cltr: berause tho rings are sei with real French doublets (so like th genuine Jewels aa fooled : because they and outer surfaces of aoll boars the maker'a trsdomai the v. the maaera. Stand hxrl Until it Wears Sva years; another free for one that fall All are start repmd uettone of stones worth from 924.00 9b 4194.04. He window display evpert might be arold ebell (Inner M need), and eah rk. and beoauee It of averv one OOTBW. AMKTHTBT9L weddlna bands and anetaveA ' plAMONDS, FWWRALrjSVRTTWTwa i bfrVMf- sriywKS. BAri'tn, .b, tA- , . PEARLS. BHTthatonea for every b.a, Vteia 25c SQc A CO. DIAMONDS Of til the I- ' Halm Sup: f. ntv. Tj ' '. L. ' W. L. anally claim sup nancy the genu llancy for tn l! whln Imitate e a M to wear t-. r 4