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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
TH3 OREGON DA' Y JOURNAL, PORTICO, "DAY ..;.iphr MAINEKCLOTHING ' AHD "OfSZM f ACES DEATH DDD Winter is AdvandngOKT Crop of CIctLfni is Moxnro to mou the Finest in Our History oa Rum ASA- OXOA ST ommoi The Rich Plums Drop First c::oii Whirled around wbMl with the re ptdtty of lightning Theodore Blmoneou, m a winch driver ob the oriental liner. Am geoia, bad a narrow escape from instant death this morning. Seeing; the dancer .hls comrade was la, Peter Pearson, tha winch driver on tha opposite side of the machine turned oil the powar and Si ' montuo dropped oa the deck lima and t almost lifelese Hie left arm waa broken t and be waa badly cut and bruised on it-be face and body. An ambulanoa was called and ha waa token to tba St Vla- 'cent hospital. At tha time of tba accident tba cargo .was being- discharged from tba steamer. aimoneoa waa looking: after tba winch n the starboard aide of tha vessel. 'Hie ooat aleava was caught la tba eable f that wlnda aroand tba wheal. Ha was thrAwn haullnnB Mr th wlnAh whtah was making hundreds of resolutions a minute. Uia body waa wrapped elear J around It and tha bystamtors spootod him U be around to places. . . r. man oi nrnt auitar. iw - Hereafter all the army posts la tba V wast will be supplied with clothing and i f- equipage from a depot which has been I ' : eatabllehed at Baa Francisco. The plan v te a reoent rating of the was department. ! '. pravloualy the soldiers stationed at all . tba posts through out tba United States secured their clothing front tba depot at k pnUadeiphla. , f Contrary to a belief Which baa be i . come prevalent ta many Quarters the new ruling of the department only an-1 T' pit' to the furnishing of clothing, a. 4 letter from Seattle stated that a nun- liber of the shippers on tba sound bad amtved at tha conclusion that It also ' had reference to tha supplying of grain. aeadsd at the various army ' material ' posts. ...... - , -.. When- tba attention of Captain J ease Baker, local disbursing quartermae ' ter, was called to tba mlaapprebenalon ''. under which a nnmber of the bound ahippers were evidently laboring, be '""replied: : "Until now all the soldiers In the "United States have been supplied with their clothing from tha government de pot at Philadelphia, From tbia time ' forward those stationed la tba west will . - be supplied with wearing apparel kept ;at the depot In San Francisco. Tha rul ing applies to clothing and nothing alee. Indirectly both Portland and Puget (sound, ought to benefit by tha change ; made.' Soma of the merchants la the northern ports may gat an occasional ; order for furnishing goods ta sand ta the , government depot at Saa Francisco. As ;. long ss all of tba business waa trena il acted at PhUedelphiaUbr did not stand the remotest enow of furnishing any part of the el o thing. - A letter from Quartermaster General : i Humphrey states that tba depot at Phil 'adelphta will supply sit- of the posts In v.the departments of tba East. Quit. lekes, Missouri. Texas and - Dakota, . while the Saa Franc lean headquarters ' will fit out all the poets In tha depart ; raenta of the Columbia. Including Alaska. .' 1 California and tha Colorado, together ' with Ports Assinelbolne, Harrison, Mis- soula and Yellowstone. . aUVI VMM WATSBtBOIT - S i - . i ' . Loaded with a full cargo of lumber and grain, the steamer Redondo sailed 'this afternoon for San Pedro. She cer hrled a aumber of passengers, among i-them berng p. O. Klff, a railroad man of l.8U Lake. Mr. Klff came to Portland fel rem San Pedro a couple of weeks ago on 5 the steamer Irene. He says he la out on 4 his vacation, and be concluded to spasd -lit by making sea voyages, "i After being successfully munched at , tha' Portland shipyards yesterday, where lane was given a thorough overhauling, , the steamer No Wonder went down the .'river this morning; ta iMinc a raft of Slogs up to Portland. Three mora steamers are en route to 'i Portland from the Bay City to load lurn i 'ber. They are the Aberdeen, tha North A lend and tba Despatch, tha latter saillng today. . ' f Word nag been received by tba local ,rant tbat the ataamer Alliance, which r- sailed from this port for San Pranclsoo' v a week aaa, la barbound at Coos Bay. 4The statement la made tbat K will be lmposelbls for her to gat away before , the flrit of next week. it Charles P. Beeba will give a dinner at .the Arlington club tonight in honor of Captain Schuldt, commander of tba ori- v ental liner Aragonla. A large aumber y of invited guests wilt be present bats xv sroma. Beattna off tha Columbia 'river bar for , -10 days before aa opportualty presented itself for ber ta cross Is aa experience f through which tba schooner Andy Ma 4 hony went The vassal arrived In port i let evening, and la now la tba etream near the lnraan-poulsea mill, where she s will receive a lumber cargo tor San Francisco, When the schooner came In sight of tba mouth of the river a gala of unusual severity went sweeping up tba ooast The eklooer concluded to nut ou to sea, expecting- the storm soon to sub side. Two days later be put beak to ward "the liver, but tha tern nest agalrt dreva him aut several hundred milt from shore. The wind continued to rage and It was 14 day before It waa cone.t - wA aaf, IK . - -. a. - - .over the bar. Sba sustained a aamaga. trnder fhe ausplees of tba Seamen' i'. Institute a coneert. will be. given next i Mtwdny afternoon on board tha British ; ship Dumfriesshire, which ! moored st I Montg-omery deck No. t. It la wald ; that several hundred young ladles will be present and assist In rendering a i musical program which has been pr- pared. To add to the entertainment i of the visitors the captain says that the sailors will sivs an exhibition of , sesmsnshlp, sad while they are at work , ( thy Will carol one of their famous aa songs. An admission of It cents will i hi cnenrM. which will be aslleetog far tba banefU of tha Institute, , - A rmafl herd, of estfla was brought -down rrom in iwm yeeverasy arier CASTOR I A For InCasta sod ClOldraa. Hi Y E:ft A.V3I Bssjtt tin -asAsnwof , - , , si P.s :,,.;r ... " . " - ' ' . . . i -J i A Changs In our business plans January i, 1905, cocnpsls us, in order to accomplish ouf purpose, to move our. high grade clothing upon men's and boys' backs Instead of shifting them from counter to counter or table to table. To face a loss at tha werw autaat of a aeaaon calculates to rive any merchant everything, but console te aatiafaetiAn. u um hv utWtinn ui. . a to counter or table to table. To face a loss at the venr outset of a season calculates to give any merchant everything buti complete .satisfaction. We derive our utisfactiotw.what little Aa r much to us to move the stock but let us any, IT MEANS MORE TO YOU. Our purpose justifies the sacrmos--don,t be skeptical. Take advantage of mile it extends itself to vou. . v .. i - J' .. - -' , . v .' , from seeinr the s:oods so. - It rneanT this great and unusual opportunity while it extends itself to you. NO i LINE OF MEN'S FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVER- COATS EVER SHOWN IN PORTLAND $3.95 For any of our Men's and Youths' Overcoats or Cravenettes, worth as high as $10. Nu merous styles to select from and some of these garments are worth four times the price we ask. They will wear and give satisfaction.. r. ;. - '.. CI? CA For choice of Men's Nobby $20 and $29.00 PlaVaOU Suits, Rain Coats and Winter Overcoats. Hundreds to select from, in all the styles and in all the weavea, patterns and colors in vogue. A great saving here. Dollars saved for nu-dollars lost to ua. . ' (17 7C For SwcU Cravenettes, worth $1$ to $18 ' splawalO anywhere in Portland. Youll need one of - these soon, so here is the opportunity. Nowhere are r such styles, such qualities and values offered as in these ' " garments. ' v - l ; . '.' -,y r- t1 3 CA Buv my of our Men's High Art $28 and r vpiUeUU i Surta and Cravenettes. Thw offering includes the very latest styles of the season, in the most beautiful weaves, in any number of patterns and variety broad enough to appeal to every, taste. You couldn t buy 'em anywhere for less than, the original price, , C i C For choice -of Men's Elegant Cravenettes, PUeYU worth $11 and $12 the world over. values wiu be known aa a bargain at a glance, and are bought quickly by those who are judges of value, pass judgment , . . Such real, id are Come BaaW"" - a J . (IC Puts on your back an artistically tailored $80 and 4lt) $38 Suit, Rain Coat or Winter Overcoat Hun ; dreda of styles and weaves to pick from. No effort of f ours to describe these graceful garments could do them justice. You must see them to appreciate' quality. They are the best ttiat were ever built along the line of modern . fashion. .. , : - . .. Vv ,v. ;. , . . , dJT CA Men's $10 and $12 Fall and Winter 8uita or pUsOU Overcoats, various shapea, styles, fabrics and patterns on which the vogue haa set its seal You would have paid 20 per cent more elsewhere on the original price. V (7 A ? ive Tu yoir choice of Men's Fine $18 p I mkQ Suits, Overcoat and Cravenettes. It Includes Rain Coats and Winter Overcoats, as well aa Suits. All the styles, fabrics and colorings affected by careful dress er everywhere. An offer not well for you to slight . CO A Ct For 01 McnB tl$J0 and $18 Suits and )y40 Overcoat. An offer Including both fall and winter models created for the comma; season's wear. The makers knew their business; An unlimited variety.' The tacts lace you, me rest remains with you. . ( A AB we ask for choice of Men's Swell Hand-TaU-epIU ored Overcoats and Cravenettes, worth $18 and $10. A bargain that won't remain long. Those who come first get pick; and a snap it will be for them. There's too few to last long. .:' : v Let Us Tell You About Our Boys' and Youths' Clothing ' You can't prove' to ua there's a finer line in the city nor one where such values are offered for the money. .We are strong in this department, and in order to decrease the stock we are blind, to cost mart We place on sale hundreds of Youths $7JK) single and double breasted Suits and Overcoats, in sisea 13' to 20, a broad variety of fabrics, weaves, styles and patterns all sub-' t 3 Aff ject to your choice In this sale for. ,J)Oa!0 We offer hundreds of Youths' $8 Suits' and Overcoats, cut in all the moat approved models, in a wide range of fabrics, colors and patterns; sizes 13 to 80; at the choice of them JJ" all for. . . . , . . . . v. . IOe 1 D We place on sale hundreds of ultra-fashionable Youths' $20 and $22.00 Suits and Overcoats; in sizes 18 to 20, superb specimens of the de signers' art and the tailors' skill; f f C all subject to your choice for.. . . .ePlltewd CLOTHING We submit to your selection hundreds of Youths' superlatively elegant $J8.W-and $18 Suits and Overcoats, in the widest range of 'faahionable weaves, in all the new models; We place on sale, subject to your selection, hundreds of Youths' splendidly fashioned ,12.60 Suits and Overcoats, cut in all the latest models, in a wide assortment of charming patterns; sixes 13 to 20; at the choice . . , Boys Knee Pshts, all 00c and 80c. .. . . .35e Other Grades If You Desire at a little More ':. , ,.. ' v Money. ,.r-l,,x BOYS' CLOTHING We wiU seU hundreds of Boys' $2.00 and $8 two-piece double breasted Knee Pants Suits, Norfolk and Novelty etylea, also &t AA Overcoats, at the choke for. .,. ePleVV We" wiU sell hundreds of Boys' $3JW Knee Pants Suits in double breasted, Norfolk and Novelty styles, also , Overcoats, at' l 'J Z the choice for....,.., )lea-0 We place on sale hundreds of Boys' $0 Knee Pants Suits- and Overcoats, in all the popular styles, double breasted,' Norfolk and Novelty Suite, all subject to your choice AA 7aVV for, .r.,f..-.eMV.Vii We wiU sell hundreds of Boys $00, $7 andT $7.00 Knee Pant Suite, in double, breasted. Norfolk and Novelty styles; Over coats of same varus choice fee. We offer hundreds of Boys' $8 and $8 Knee Pants Suits and Overcoats, in novelties, con aervativee and staples, aU subject to p aa your choke in this sale of sales for. . . a)0aUU Others a high as f 3.6d. f 4, f4.50 and' .V . -'- " -'y-' 85- ..-'. ry ' :..5..$2e5Q Ail $1 and $1.20 Knee Pama. .. .,55e :'.v OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Same story here too many. ' AH new goods, to be sure, but you know and we know, they have erne en arn . , . . a -.r ' :.. ' " - i ' V - : . v. 1 ' Ladies' Shoes Ws slaee a sals several stria f la 41 es' $a00 sad SIJO Saaaa, reoent ar rlvala la all tba latest models Pst ant Kid, Patent Coltakin, Praocb Calf and Vld Kid at tba ebolee, par pair ........S2.50 Wa flase ea gals SS tab aff Ufflsr SsMa aad M-M Visa Kid Basis, turn and welt solas, at, par pair.. . .1.7f wan seu av medisr se-ee aaa mm Vtat BUS Sbeea and OaUakSa Sboes, with exteneloa er (leclble soles, at l.BO Menfs Shoes eso Salrg of stem S.8S aad SSS tram 'Uses! Oatf Blaobat Sbosa on sale at, pair ...$fSS Theae are xaede en the new Plftb-Ava-nua model, with new pointed tips, mili tary heels, medium -weight sola For reasons of our own ws'U seH these at 92.65 the pair. ass Bairn . of Ken's Shram Ojinlltf Saoea that are worth IS.09 and li te a pair, at S.SO These are fneda vp la blgnest soallty, with bellows toosaa to top, double soles, neat last N SM Vain as stem's $SSS ee fast Saoss oa gala at, par . , Plr SI. 10 This offernSg Includes many famous makes. In suoh fashionable models as tha HCrtUo,' Uia "Fifth Avenue." the -Freak," eta. In Patent Coltskla, French Calf and VtcL Kea's Fine SaJS Saaaa ea gals at, per pair .fl.50 This offering tamloden Satin Calf Heavy and Light Shoes r also Kabga roo Calf, Laos and Congress tipped and on the Cambridge last; also Heavy Work Shoes wita heavy soles and bel lows ton true. - - . Steal Sfl-OO Batta Oatf Seep Bases ' Neat, straight last, Upped, aa sale at 41.80 wa wish ssfeiimnr aaU nw attaattam ta oar strong Use of Boya' aad ObUdrea's Bboaa. Oar Shoe Department saa compete with any store In town for Im mensity of stock. Wide rang of styles and oom pari eon of quality. As for valaea, wa know you aan't do as weH anywhere not alone in Portland, but la tha whols United States. That's a broad statsmeat, and wa trust' you'll demand that wo. prove It. We can. Just aire us the opportunity. HATS AND FURNISHINGS Come here, look aroun"a;.go out and visit other stores youll come back and say we have the berv geuus. aa jruu ( mtui uu u iu ueis, -p ; Men's Hats J lea's srsw raU BMff sad Baft Msas the ereem of tba present nsaaoa'g styles -all sab 4eet to your aholos now for. .1.S desea ataaa BBSS aad Bttff aad Sera Mens lbs present season's blgnest and most approved shapes, blacks end eolors; pour aholos for - .4. fla.BO , regular II. Si and ILK hat. In aU colors and shapes...., TB We ales pines ea sals ear ewa bread af SS Staff end Soft mass the best ' ta America all tha aewesi klade ta shaped and shadesi gala price , 9S.OO SS esese Staag BTew SMI Bsylea Hat good enough to wear any plaoav and . worth from t.M to H , tTtia'W'i11 n isMM that an extra quality and the " prapar tbtnc only 01.50 Men'$ Furnishings Lasga variety, best qwaltty and tha prices lower thaa our ampsUtors ask. Oeod stiff -boaoia Shirt-of qwa!lty- salla from Ms to IL0; our rlaa ....S5 Soft-bosoni 11 and 11, II style e shirt good eaouglt to wear any place by ' say man BOd All kinds of son and stiff-bosom II Shirts, including Crown brand. .Otte Choice of soft an golf 11.10 Shirts-. , 8M ritohidi Several stylee of 10c and Tie wear at, garment .....So ttogular quality 7 So TJaderwear you'll pay li e for this quality at other ' plsess nt .r.....M.......ftOd We pay particular attention to mail order and will carefully nil any order from this stock ad vertised here below. We have described the goods and given you the price. Write us and weH show. you what great care and attention la paid to this department ' These bargains are too great for distance to hinder from buying. N. S. WeksteBi .r j:' v IXCI 1K7 riDCT. CTDCCT . OCT UAfinfCAU AMn VUHffl -i IWSX'lVi IIOJI Jllii.LI9 Ulels I'lUAlMJUil mill IAlflllla.le . AU Cars Stop Within Ten Steps of Our Door. , ; ' Transfers to All Part of the City. Kara rat aU gray Sflkene TJbdar wear, a sensible garment tbat la on- ' equaled, for .....7B Tba IL7f aslebratee all wool Ifbder wear wa defy competitors to equal .8d Tba very finest Australian hi tba well. ' known Roots make, to an colors, worth Lit .!. ' r ascawBAn, oox&ama, ' 'i Bowa, worth Ida .... BdV Bows, Worth Its lOe) Pare Silk Teoka, Surinam Sown, eto., worth tto ...lftd Tha I for See a O If. Collar-you eant equal ta 8) A regular lea and llo Suspender .15g) Tba famous O. dc If . Belt Suspender the equal of tha President en sella varywhera tor o.,. ....854 ; s)ea&- soon oaTsav ;' - . Oar best snae of lea Sox...;... .51 All wool fast black Sox.- good ones. eaa't be boat, only ..10d Diwpotttohad, t -shade las Sos..,OaV Segular lie and llo Sox. la eaah meree and lisle thread ........ SO S pairs for r......a....,,.....50g AU lie Sox. pair ....16 S pairs for a8 All wool Sox, worth anywhere lie and Ma lo Bore toe fast black Stocktnga. ..lpA Not only do we do s retail business, but whole- sate as well. At retail we cannot move the stock quickly enough, consequently we ere wen pre pared to advertise a wholesale business. ' No mat ter how large or how small your order may be, we want It. Our earnest desire to reauce the stock at leaps and bounds prompts us to institute ' and maintain a wholesale department. - v noon an the BaHey O inert. There were U7 bead la the outfit, and the anlmala ocoupld all of the freight space. It was the largest herd ever brought down me uoiumoia nver at one time on a steamer. Immediately after the passen gers bad disembarked the animals were taken down to the rjnion stocbyarda. From there they wtU bo shipped east. - oxvt of sueawa utrnoarnaw , After having- been practically con verted Into a new boat, the steamer City of Bugens was tsunehad yesterday after soaa at Uta Supple shipyards. In- addl- v 1 st 4 , , "' r ,' -i '. .. 1 -j-v Mon to balas; lengthened oat It feet tba vessel was supplied with a new hull. She wss taken out oa the ways nearly two months ago, and a large force of workmen have been buay on ' her over slnos that data The City of Bu gene is owned by the Spauldrng Logging com pany of New berg, and she will be taken up tha river In a day ar two to resume the work of towing logs between va rious points on the upper Willamette, rlrer, ,. . Astoria, Oet. ik Condition of the bar weather clear: no ehlBnlns- hmIm. San Francisco, Oet. SO. Sei)d Schoaner Kva for Columbia river. 1 Soa far Collin Hat Ssrlos. A eovsred platform has been erected by the 0. B, A N. Immediately opposite Collins Hot Springs for the accommoda tion of passengers who desire to visit this resort. The Spokane Flyer, trains I and 4. ..stop at this point ea flagr to take on er let off passengera A oom modlowa launch moots and carries all C socagers and baggege so rose the river the hetei GREAT SEASON XT J v NOME IS AT AN END The wxmer to Nome Alaska, has ended end the port is now practically closed. Miners have been coming oat very rapidly and one of the lost parties to leave the mining camp reached Port land today. The development work there oils summer has been very extensive and all mines hava paid welL There m mors machinery going farto the dlstrlot aad Chose who have elalma er property there leek for a big eatpnt of gold next pear notwithstand ing the fact tbat this year's outsat will exceed anything; hi that line heretofore from Noma They say the samp w now on a substantial beau and an Immense hmeunt of money has been Invested In mining property throughout the entire dtetrlot. Operators are putting la more and better maahleery each year. Times were good there this summer and those who will remain during the winter wiU have plsnty of supplies. Tbs party to reach Portland yesterday hf composed of Tbomad DucvalL Ai , . ' i ' ' :r: - . .i- .. . Miller of Home: Ralph A. OrHTen, F. U OrtfTen. WW 1 Hlgglns, C. A. Hlgains aaa T. P. Vawter ef Solomon sreek, ' t LAST ST. LOUIS RATES. ' - Very tow amaanrtoa eaeto OfTerad to . . the t A I Ii Vals stoata. On Octsber IT. II and II the O. -B. A IV. again sells very low rate return trip tickets to St. Louts, good returning un-- Ul December II, it win pay you to osu ai xnira ma wssningtoa strcsto and obtain particulars fronb G W. Stinger ty tlokst ssanl. ."1 V ., t'