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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
. f .1 i Tin C"'"30N I CRTLAND. ay r :nq, OCTOBZ3 21. in It. .J iuJ j - Twri uuiuwi. Oehaftla.,. sawtMg M WM" aWrqutai dread., "Mart t tie LowUiwis" Cordrejr'e , .....,."rf B Ltria Vandei!le fcljutt ........... ...VaudeilUe Star ..... ... ,..Veudetile ....Vaudeville ' " Today, ni aw ssoend fey of th ' Monty fur which la helng hld under the auspices of the livening Star mail. No. IT. Patron of Industry, in the ball en the BtottoD Una road, and which Is . ' proving a greet mwom. OtM featare of too program was a bread contest In the afternoon and a abprt musical and . IKerary Bros run. Judge Jobs SV Capias delivering th principal address. The - eonnty fair opened yesterday under the auspioes of tfaa Evening star grange - and before th aloaa of tha day tha large t hall was filled with eommandatola dis play of agricultural product and On ! fruits. A abort nron-ran opaned tha 1 .' fair and lira. Clara C Waldo, stata leo tilrar. delivered a vary Interesting ad- drese on the. objects of tha association. '.- Tomorrow Is oxpaatad to ha on of th biggest days f tha fair. - -r' Ifeny valuable Improvements ara be 1 trig mad In South Portland whkth ara v 'changing th general aapeot of thU c " tioit of tha elty. - Gulches ar being f Iliad and knolls br being out down. Many of thaaa improvements ara nearly eomploted. Tba 0,0-yara fill Front and Wood atreet ta eomplatad and th ,, ana at First and Wood street of IS.eae cubic yard ta nearly finished. A fill at Pannoyar and Corbett atraat of U.OOv cublo yards la bains; mad whlla another of te.OO cubic yarda to bains; put la at Corbatt and Wood streets. Oradee of V1 several of tb straata ara also being ' lowered. Bastdaa this a nw ateel bridge '; has reoegtly been eomplatad on First V atraat aeros Rareuam gulch and an , . other la betas' built orar tha galea at tba ", Front atraat oroeaing. ? ' A fraternal reeeptloa together with a Jlterary and anualoai proa-ram will ha tendered to Roy si Circle, Woman of Woodcraft, by Wtbfoot oansp. Ko. , w -W. a W.. at thatr hail this evening. The program will consist of a fancy drill by tha Royal Cfrela's peerless guards an sddress by Cant. P. BV Coultar of th '-First regiment staff on "Tha Fraternal ' Good Fallow vs. th Fratamai Kneckerr mueio by PTofaasor and Mrs. And raw ' Jackson Da vie; dancing by Mia A. H. Ilifrbas; a raadloc by Miss Snganla ' Cmr and music by Wbfoof now or . ehasrVa. Admission will b fra to -i Woodman and tbslr tiiands. , - John Anderson pleaded guilty hi the - federal oourt thla morning to baring a ' counterfeiting outfit la hla possession and manufacturing spurious dollars. 11 was sentenced to a term In tha stata prison. Last April federal officers dis covered a complete counterfeiting plant oa Willamette heights, naar.lha.cltr, and ,by 'watching tha place for a abort time succeeded In arresting Anderson. An derson is said to bava bees manafao--. turlng spurious dollars for Uto past 1 years, and It la also asld that ha paid tha expenses of via father's funeral with bogus dollars that ha had saanufaatured. One dollar la ths anoarata lory Cb eutt Judge Clelaod'a court yeeterday de . elded la duo C harlot ta Wlnsler, a wat- . resa, from Kdward. Bcbmoar, ft res tauraqt -keeper, for a parlod of two -years. , Tbo-wamao tea titled that during bar aarvioe aha received but a small part ' of what was earned by her and waa sup- , ported by romltt ansae from bar huaband. Schnraer and others swore that aba v worked only during tho noon hour, ex cept la a few laaUaoea. and that atao waa paid every time aha worked. .He olalmed fftto duo from bar for bears. . . Take a steamboat nda through tho mountainous region, amidst tba match less sosnery of Oregon. View the great waterfalls, canyons and' glens skirting tho Columbia. The steamer Charlea R. , peaoar leaves foot of . Washington street Monday. Wednesdays and Fri days oa Its up-river run to The Dalle . and way landings, returning on alter nate day. When coming to Portland leave the train at The Dallas and ride down to the olty the spencer. Tel. Mala 14X1. , , y To The Dalle Buaday-A ohawoa to take round trip to. Caaoada Looks. Steamer Pal lea City will leave Alder street dock at T o'clock Sunday morning for Th Dallas and prtnolpal way land ings, meeting steamer Regulator at tha Locks, allowing passengers to make round (rip to that point Tha scenery Is exceedingly grand at thm time of the year. Fins meal served oft heard. Phone Mais !. . . . Th eat sal- for Dr. Matthew fa mous leoture on The Uadivorocable Girl." to be given at the White Temple . Monday evening, opens at 11 o'clock to morrow at the Allan at Ollbert- Rama her . , Co.'a mualo stare, corner Sixth and Mor : riaou straata,, As dull house la already '- assures. , . ... ... . C C C. Tonic wUl help you to be Strong and useful, to do your daily task . with Joy and profit. For sale at ; Knlghfa, SOT Waahlagtoft. 4 ' The Mast Klghth street brtdg across ' Stephan'e slough has bee repaired and 4 ' a : i Derrick Irons FROM ONE TON TO TWENTY TONS' CAPACITY Hoisting Engines yA;'V;r i! '': "i'l. ' AND :va.uJ' hy- 'v-.'-.' Electric Hoists For economical handling of all classes of materiaL Of coursa, at jrou ara a shoemaker or a hop grower this will not Intanast you, ' f .Kite If vnii r-Vtanra fta re ft . . Live Contractor it mix xxxjTQjsmAXB, "lin r 'Hi:--".' OF n LSSlU nOVsSsT JBUf 0OMTAMX, KXinBATM mm mnKnn mam n tn miiAi wn wnn Awo. ' Says Thaodor B. WUoox praatdant th Portland Ftourlns; Mills waapaart "You ad not worry about my pra dlatlona, mada son Uma aao, that dol lar wbaat would rula la this market by April. 190. I, nava not jrat down from that statamant. "Dollar wheat Is yat vary probable hi this elty. Thar is no doubt In my mind that wbaat will reach th dollar mark much before that Urn If tha railroad oo not bold It bask. . If they wlU fur nish us with tha oars w need for tba transportation of our wheat to tha east, prloas would be up near that mark at tha Breaent Uma. Tha rail roads ara hoidlnc bach tha prloa at wbaat la this market bow. "Bhieateoi wheat la tww aw soars in this aeotloa that millers oaanot afford to allow soother sins; La bushel ta po to the outside. Wo ara not bidding up prloea. but will pay what wa bars ta la order to sret trnDDllas. All over tba north west prloea or 'wheat ara ruling" vary strong and soma of the miller ara paying a premium of as puch as 4 seats a bushel over ths ax- port quotations la order to secure sup plies. Soma sales' or Nuestess bava baan reported la th uortnwes curing us past few days w high as tl ante a bus be! and this prioa m not oonsldarad vary axoesslve. Than Is also a Tory great aeareuy ax WUiamatu vallay or soft wbaat and mill mea of this ssetton ara also foread to pay s pramlusa ht order to paours ItlllllllSJ. Tho demand for Rod ftassiaa wheat from tho oaat oonUnuaa vary beary, but few sales are now reported oa aooouat of th lack of transportation. -Tha resort published that tno oron Northara would not furnish any mora earn ts tha northwest until tba yards at Minneapolis and St. Paul ara alaanedl up." say Mr. Wlloox. -w aiigntiy mis understood, as I believe that tt simply means to refer to tha Rd River valley and not to thla aectlon." is new apes for travel after being alosed for two yean. The bridge has baea re decked through tho ontot ? v Wa-Hoo Tome. Tno great bleed pur. fler, nerve tonto and liver regulator, Just what you need, these day, Fr sftl by all druggists. , - . r ,. . Wa etoaa and press poor sloths and shin your shoes for Jl.M par month. Unique tailoring Oo I4T Waablngtoa . , , Chow Daa-Tai-ama bava pearly eth and prevent daoay. For . sal Sign see W. P. Barge ft So. t4 TamhUl: pben Hod tMa. - - - M. Cornwall. puMtaher of the Columbia River n4 Oregon Timber ma a. Is-vlaltlng la San Franc oe, . u will return lev tha eourse f ft-ereak r It dava - Mrs. William Doha van and Mlee R. Court emanche of McMlnnvtlle are fav Portland, tho gusets of the Imperial. A KunksL an implement dealer of Pendleton, pane it through Portland yee terday morning, on his way homo from Jarkaon county, wb era ho went to file on a timber claim. jr. w. Knowic of La Grande I ta Portland for a few days at th Imperial. Senator A. B. Klttrtdge of South Da kota and Arthur F.. Btaltar. private sec retary t Senator Levi Ankauy, left tha elty by boat this morning far Th Dallee, Senator Klttrtdge la In en route ta hi home from Washington, where he ha baea oa a campaigning tour, . P1ERTIER SPENDING '. HONEYMOON IN JAIL Lying in the St. Helens Jail, with two serious criminal charges pending age met him, Michael Plertler, tha 0-yaar-old groom of a Is-year-old bride, la suffer ing from such mental and physical tor ture that hla phyalclaaa fear unless hs is liberated he will Bet live to stand trial, t Sheriff Martin Whit wa ta Pertlaad yeeterday and said that the old man's condition was sarioua. The district at torney refuses to withdraw the ohargaa against hint ovea though ho has mar ried th girl, and a hi bondamea ware released ofl the day of tha marriage the old man's honeymoon wa short lived and ho we again oonflned tn the Jell. Zt Is said tb girl's parenta will not appear against him, and as th girl Is now his wife she la not allowed by law to testify against her husband. Hla hearing ha bean sat for November 1, but the sheriff say that unless the eld man's condition Improves rapidly be will not be able to appear before the oourt. f " r AF'rf ' lli ILL : UUld PSlllAOaT 4F RsmlliBSIS FROM ISAff SaWTlOR R9MRXTRR tMKJ. SKATS ATTWjrWMf RROat RSSR AIRR4UUnOV gtRRFASeV , A Portland Height Is bav fir are teetloa. That la tba deelsloa of the Fir oommlsslonsra, i They have instructed their eec rotary to aommunloate with tba Portland Height Improvement otub stating that lust a soon as funds are available the wants of the people la that vicinity will fa supplied. The matter was tahea up after read ing a communication stating that al though many of the moot valuable and attractive home la the olty are located la that aeotloa of th lty and that tha taxpayers havs bee long suffering and have paid their taxes without a murmur thsy believe tba tune baa coma to ask for fire protection. A obemioal engine win be the first piece of apparatus to be las tailed. . William nana en. eaptala of hose com pany No, , was suspended awaiting ln veaUgetloa ef charge preferred against him by O. M. Rum el In, aodbsiag him of assaulting M. 1 Crane 44 years old, last July. A reeolutlon wag asassd raceaam ending the execuUve board to ask th elty water board for iee fir hydranta. There la a crying need tor hydrants att over the city and R D, Curtis stated that the city had to provide them la some way. ' A volunteer hose company of 40 mom- bars has been organised at Midway on Mllwaukie avenue. It asked th depart ment far a boa cart, soma boa sod a fir hydrant. A oart and hose will be turned ever to tho company Immediately. Contractor W. H. Oordoa, who built the fire boat house, and Architect F. A. Ball In Indulged la ft few pleasantriee. aordott brought la another bill for ex tras which he says ha used in the con struction of the hous by order of tha supervising arohitaoC The bill to for Il.tU. of which Mil has already been allowed, but the oontraotor refused to accept that sum. He said that hs would settle for $404 over and above what baa already bean granted him. Oordoa says that ha wa ordered to make oerteia ohanga which war not In cluded la th oontraet, while the arohl teot declared that the oontraotor agreed to make the Change for IS00. While tba argument was at white heat, Oordoa made a aUteaaent regarding the work. "Ton are a. liar,- retorted Ball in. "Tott are ft atlesnan," .heatedly re turned Oordon and mada a movement toward the architect, but wa restrained by Commissioner FUedner. Commissioner Curtis etatea that tney had looked Into tha claim or tha oon traotor. but had coma to no dedelon and advised the contractor to take the mat ter Into th oourta. ; COURT CUTS SHORT BALCOM'S SAD TALE Themes Baloom waa arreeted at Pen dleton a week ago oa tho oharge of el-Una- whisky to Indiana. He waa brought to' this elty and appeared bafor Judge Bellinger la tha federal court. . - . H told such ft pitiful story of hi wife and family who ware dependent en him that he waa released an hie own reoognlxaaoa. Ha waa poor, he said, and the ohildraa would auffer If b waa oon flned or Imprisoned. Hla wife was ill, b said, and she would suffer If hi help and assistance ware taken away. Ha vowed that there must have been a mis take, he did not ovea Intend to glv tha Indian a drink. His story touched the Judge who told him to go and in no more. i A week bad ot elapsed before he was again arreeted for Bailing whisky to an other Indian. He waa brought before Judge Bellinger again thla morning. Hs had another story framed up and was about to deliver It when the oourt Inter rupted him with a sentence of six month la lail and lie fine, . PITCHER THIELMAN I IS HEAVILY FINED Jake Thletmaa. Portland's star base ball pitcher, waa fined ltd by Municipal Judge Hogue this morning for assault ing O. Bvana, a conductor oa a Washing ton street ear, Thletmaa was arrested Wednesday afternoon by Polloami Hammarsly on ft warraat Issued out of the municipal oourt. Hla sass waa ceiled yeeterday and continued for hearing to day. Whoa Thleiman waa wanted, he waa not present In oourt Hence a bench warrant was Issued, placed tn tha hands of an officer for servloe, and the twlrler wa sooa before, the oourt. He had mis understood the hour for the hearing, he explained, and bis apology wa aooepted by Judge Hogue, Thleiman, who had already plead ed guilty, explained that he became angry when Rvan refused ta trust hint for th njokel until the following day. STRIKING OPERATORS STILL FIGHT COMPANY . i . ' . Official of the Pacific States Tele phone company state that th striking operators are gradually returning to work. Th assertion 1 at denied vig orously by tha striker. Tonight tb benefit cartel menu vIU be given at Cordraya theatre. "For Her Sake" will be presented for the benefit of the striker and many tteketa havs been sold by committees of the striker. It 1 stated that over 1,404 signature have bean attached te the petition of the strikers demanding their reinstate ment. The rumor lo still currant that operator are en their way te this elty from San Ftanetsoo t take the place of th strikers. Rone, however, bava arrived. -- V - . - , ... STREET CAR KILLS DENVER RAILROADER Frfenda ft thla etty have been aetlflod of the death of Oeorg I Oarrlgen ef Denver, wb waa killed In a etreet car aooldent 1ft that etty last night Mr. Oarrtgwag formerly lived te this' slty where be was an efadial of th Pullman ear compear. - He left hi work at the Baton depot In Denver at the Um ef the aooldent and waa walking down fifteenth etreet. The oar etruek him while going at a raped rata and he waa thrown violently to the street. He had been tn tba rail road wuetnee sine he was a boy. He Is well known In this olty. ivLICE TO UUJ scutd ;;; ARR OARSdJ A11RSU.OR WW RRW FLU PXART ' m ll-mtnut addrssss to the day patrol and second relief of polio at headquarter this morning. Chief Hunt brought up the south and. The north end has long bean heralded forth as the one vile spot of the olty, but now the Ether portion of town I branded as quail? bad. If not worse. The chief said Jt must be attended to, and oraereu the patrolman to arrest women found frequenting saloons la the south end. ' Chief Hunt declared that whlla the police bad bean directing their attention toward the north end, the south and had been growing mors evU each day. until It was now exceedingly wicked. The south end comprises territory from Morrison street south to Hood street; and from Fifth sweet to the river, aooordlng to the polloa. The Star cafe, now known as the American oafs, was known as the worst resort In Port land until Its proprietor was recently arrested and lined by Municipal Judge Hogue for keeping hla establishment open after tha hours prescribed by lew. The license eommlttee of tb ocuncU revoked hi license at It last meeting, and that place Is dark. CltUan have been complaining. It 1 said that many of the women who have had to vacate tha Pari House because of the Sre there, havs moved tat tb bouses of the south end.. HE HAS FAITIl HOW IN CIVIL SERVICE " Chief Camvbell of th etty fir de partment at loud la bis praise of the civil service commission. Ha atata that it has don more for th betterment of the Portland turn epextmenc inaa annwf He aays that ft not only eliminate all polltloe from appointment but that when he gets men into the department they are allowed to remain regardless of their political views. He has man of every poltloal faith ftnd faction under him but they are never moles tea. no man I removed from his position unless he has broke the rules of tho depart ment. After he ha been suspended he has the power of appeal and a bearing before the executive board of the elty. "We have nearly all young men tn our department, thanks to the civil service commission. They are aa active and brav a lot ef young fallow a you bav ever seen. They work without fear of molestation and take great interest In everything they do. "At first I wa greatly apposed to the ctvll servloe, but 1 have changed my mind and I eould not get along without It. We bav no political pull bare. A man data la on bis merit. He to green an open and competitive examination and the one who stands highest is given first ebanoe. Allen and Xjw1s Rest Brand. CAN'T COMPLAIN BrbI till or the hoetn at Bllera Hane Hcegaa. ft fly-Fear Inetru meats 5oId la Three Daya 4i PUnoe, a Pine nod Costly Pianola Pianos, Bit: Peerless Electric PUro, j : Ptanetaa rr4 8 Oigaoa. v - Low Prloas, the Very Finest . Pianos, Easy Terms of Pay- meat, Sure Ouarenf ec, MNo Plftftge No Pay " and Fair Treatment Always, Brines the . Business to tbe fillers Mouse. Here Is the record of three day sale thla week: Mr. Charles Bookman, Kim ball piano: fra. J. F. Idvermore, Story A Clark piano: Mr. J. I, liewellen. Pa cific Queen organ; Mrs. M. K. Merrill, Ptanola-plaao; J. 8. Klogaley, Story A Clark piano: Mr. rrea Huber. Klmbau Kno; Mr. Berry lceper. Pianola and atar piano: Mr. Ik A. Bralnard. Kim ball piano; Mr. J. a Hal lee. Jacob Doll piano: Mr. J. A. Rica, Story A Clark pi ano; air. Andrew nuoer, ifaiiey piaao; Mr. H. H. Eubbard, Pacific Queen organ; Mr. A. B. Monti. Kimball piano; Mr. S. R. Seondacaard. Klmbail orxan: Mr. A. I. Bchultheas. Hobart M. Cable piano; air. jsmea nowaro, Kimotu piano; Mr. John Helnbrlftger. Kimball oraran: Mr. Jacob KUlen, Kimball plane; Mr. Jacob Rosenhoff. Kimball; Mr. W. R, Parson. Pianola: rather Da Maiaohe. Kimball organ.; Mr. John McKsnsie. Weser piano; Jlr. j. B. Albright. Kimball piano; Mr. ohn MoCullum, Bailey piano: Mr. O. (A rranoe, Chlokering pit no; Mr. A. C Rice, Hobart M. Cable; Mr. Charlea Oar lisle klmbail piano; Miss Fannie B. Psnn, Story gt Clark piano; Mrs. P. ONeil, Mo Dart m. caoie piano; Mr. John A. Allen. Paclflo Queen organ: Mr. H. H. Hlldretn. Story Clark piano; Miss Carrie Moberly, Sherwood piano: Mr. Tom Housard, Kimball piano; Mr. J. M. Pratt. Bailey piano; A. Iefeore, Story A Clark piano: Mr. 8. S, Berven, Klm bail piano; Mr. C T. Howard. Klmbail organ; Mra. W, W. Wheeler, Planola- SUno: Mr. J. P. Hoben. Pianola; Mr. obert R. Slmmends. Kimball piano; Mr. James Hayes. Klmbail organ: Mr. Um bavls. Klmbail orgaft: Mr. Millard McPetrldfre. Burdett organ i Mr. A. R Murrey also purchased a Burdett Organ; Mr. D. M. Taylor, SharWood piano; Mra Chios Cordere. Bailey piano; Mm Jeff Miller, Jacob Doll piano; Mr. Elmer O. podda. Lester piano; Mr. T. R. FMal. Ktmball ptano: Mrs. O. W. McCormick. Shlckeruig piano; Mrs. ' Minnie Et raves, Rloca piano; Mlsa Caclle Sham brook. Story A Clark piano; Mra W. M. Waller. Hnddorff piano; Mr. Jaaee M. Hartert, Peerless slaetrle piano. This latter Instrument, as well as several d1- an oa, goes clear to Botse City. Idaho. If you want an especial bargain, a few choice style of the Story A Clark piano remain. On theae we ere still Bin King ne apeoiai oner ow wnmewais nrlces. six months musld lessons with all test bonks needed free, and a present of a handsome music cabinet at Christ mas. L - ... Frives lire, hob, iiii ana en, wnien IS practically half price All cash, or easy tenna of payment, en aults yon Wrft naf fr nertlenlar If tm dr Interested. KTI.fcftS PIANO HOITSR. Ml WASHINGTON ST., COR. PARK. RTome of the Chlckerlnr. Weber. Kim. hall. Hasslton. Lester. Story Clark. Hobart u. cable, crown and many other hlffheet grade plsnoe. CUTLERY 4 MsnemmmmRml 9mKRKEKm- ,---BESX-tttBEBBBBBZ. DIAMONDS! ; 1. OUR SPECIALTY Wa carry the largest and most complete stock fat tha city, our prkea ara by far tha lowest; , We simply defy competition. With uVerv Diamond we sell wa trtva a certificate absolutely fvaranteeint; tha quality and rahie of your-purchaaa, and further agree to buy back any diamond within one year at 10 par cent leaa tha cash purchaaing price. ' " ; rri 4 "YoU ;L . I EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PA YMENTS i ; Without The Portland Loan Office DAN MARX, Proprietor AHrOaRDRRHTuV BASEBALL Portland vt. San Francisco RECREATION PARK October 22-23 any, Maa Mttaa 81 Render, f aft. Sdmisetoft. Se ehildrea, loft. - COLUMBIA THEATRE SBO. U BASRB Mi im .mi wniilMtei Pnaea nUla 110. tnlsnt. tosnmv siatlnee and nirtt. last H..Hdw at the DDDvlar Colnmbu Stock Ccnpa&T. presentlns rhrlr rT1 Tort oeceae, -mivwamw by sydaer Orassy. Prloas ETMtag. 16a. Re cad 50c. MmUoM. 10o, 15c end . Downtown ttcket erne, Bo we Hattm'i drag Store, BUtfc and Waatalnfftoa StreoU. froSJ Is a. k tS f . SV st theetre. after T p. m. MaTqnam Grand Thtatrt TnolsM sad HenrrBW. epeetsl-prlee SMMoee aniiiinir aiaht. Mr. iTederV nfaae eraasata , . yLOftjaroi koaiax . in A DranM ef apeateh Life, fteeet Prir Ltrwer Ooo. til liRinfj Tie, 0e. Gallery, 18c. tbe Uttnee rVleeennMre lower near, fee. Re tire balcony. Ms. allery. He, me. Marqaam Grand Theatre ZJiESZ. lloaAay, Teeeflar,' Wedntaday JflsMs. M. . W. 1 'A TRZRRD OF TRR Setter tsaa "Cbarley's Aant. Hera leegas rrleeo-Lewer loor nct lset mrea rewa. ferV. me. aV. Besss sad leges. ItAO. Seats i saw sunns. . fowliini' TkaatM Oarovey VVIUIOT a aiivau u pertlasd'a Rest reeamy nafheme. OaaRaaed at ns gnat ftaadaa play, For Her Sake MgM, geirttsg Butlnee .i performances. Madar Mattsee. IdrlUt Pasteral Oreettoa, Rsstaa Pku? ef the Oaatary. ; An Orphan's Prayer i rwrrra Html DnxnremnY ad aa ataelately faalUeee aapscrtlag eeeasaay. rrtees. ins. , I0o: apeeial raserTiS eeate. Oe. Matinee, t&e to say part ot tae bsassi eblldree (apeelal seats), iee. BAKER THEATRE KgArue a noon, rsorsmoas. rnMt teallsnewi vaedevtlk hoese m AsMriea vlif ma is Mnaday ernlnr. Orteeer fa, .with klia-eleaa vandevUle. milOURUIaOTt , -. Admission Only 10 Cents The Arcade Theatre... , , The Otaymal Fasilly slavlUa Resaa, 1 Howard AWDokmrm ABTD JtMWtm, gAMBBTT. , WMTIM. . . a.n ootxa nxosoorn. ' Sbswe ; to 4:to D. a.. t J IS tt:Sf ft, SL Adndeetoe, 10t te say seat. Thi Layrlo Thedttre . . TUa Week WRXOX ft OOMJPART. rwiu, j . r v r a. RTROK ARD WBfff, - ; ' 4 BUSH LBIUB, UBOU1 Airs RTRRSOSL , RABAT ROTT. . , , T TXTASOOFR. ' Barnwnaseea t 30 to 4 jo. f a UM a bl ASjDlaslDa to eentana Mshsr. Bijou Theatre Tsta Week's Jhitft St., op. Ortflvelas. Presvaai. SnngT'S f00 AMD KOHIET CIBQUS. BVOBxnraow abts DoaoTAg. ' Z.OUXS X.R MAJh. -rf '' RTBniI.0 MAOXCIAR, . - . MAaaiR oitLum, ' -T rn vTTAAoorB. ALL FOE IS CIOTS. ArnrgwooxA t nx gviuriifoa. t-a TMB STAR! THBATRB Rest raeUasaMe Taadavuia ThMtre. joinia aro TmxmQLM. BT ROWABD. TWfl AJLAROORR. porrtoi. T;B AX. TOWS. TU RBOJBlOTWBOOFB. ' BVrva w 4. to a, a.. 7.) te laaa a. a. General lmltoe, lOe; reaarred bps eta St. coscsav Ball RLASlgsi gftOft, ' COKOBBT IVIBT gNgh . StHM BUaRalBa. W&tcMs "andeelry Only tha beat known and moat reliable makes can be found in our establishment. WE DIFFER from tho exclusive jewvlera only In the matter of selling. We gather in tha aama marketav of tha samcf manufactuiera-i travel together tip to the selling point there we part - Theirs must be a long profit, to cover the auuit itiaiiw vium uw uwmi eiipei nwuu Can Purchase Any Article From Paying Any Mora Than Those' 74 f": FK1X ON SATURDAY ONLY A luuuisoma matted Pic ture ready to hang up. Lota of different subjects Given Away One with a pound of our famous r Wa ara doing tilts to push our coffee and you can get a picture on Saturday only, Sea window. HAINES' TEA IV-1 STORE 470 THIRD STREET Pbona Main 1700. Boston Painless Dentists Known the world over, are the only dentists In Portland having the late bo tanical DISCOVERT to apply to the rami for EXTRACTING, FILLINa and CROWNIMTJ TEETH WITHOUT PAIN, and guaranteed for TEN YKAKB. ... dPAWeaUMllOB . m at ft ft V w 1 liver rilling 800 Gold rilllngs fl.00 rnU Set Teeth that St fries Sft.00 Bold Crowns 3.00 S5.00 Szidfs work . .......... sauM to da-oo OUR SUCCRflS If dus to our PAIN LESS METHODS,. IOW PRICES AND GOOD WORK DONR BT SPECIALISTS In each department NO STUDENTS In the office. All work done PAINLESSLY S SPECIALISTS of long years' expe tiee. Give oa a call, and yon WUl and we do lust aa ws advertise. s Boston Dental Parlor and Rtorrlaoa se&vb . STORES near aaaui - lMofrbOR Near ntta $1.15 Repairing and Recovering $35 CASH Rnye a lot an the Peninsula on St. Johns oar Una; high, sightly, levels elty water. streets graded; adjoining lota name stse, without Improvements, selling for tl2l; snust he sold eaoae eat aetata, TiUe perfeat, abet root with each sale free. Last ehanoe to seeure a lot for H of Us true value and ara aa fine aa any Be tween AiDli aM ou Jonaft stl I25cf f SPECIAL BUCND" Coffee TEETH Rree f IR I Mered 1 'aai .'' aesB and as tare I weoi - wttA . V 2 Us On Paying Cash. 1V THIRD STREET rNKtUoCt t' -3 1905 We have uat received from tba manufacturers a large and complete aasortment of Dlaxiea for personal and of fice use. , Keep Your Patea. Diaries from 15 to f 3.00 Look in tbe window and aee mem V ...,,...- The J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers and Stationers. . THIRD AND ALDSR. ' Holmes Business College F IR E Through the kindness of the Y.M.CA, day and night achool la being held aa usual at the association building, . Fourth and Yamhill streets, telephone Main 018. : ;; Portland Marble Works 3 f T L SCHAKER R RRV, Manufaoturera of and dealers la all klndaof Marble. Cranitc tnd . Stone Wort Rsttnaatea arvesj en ApplloaUen. ' ' Ret Madison awl Jefferson Straata, ' PORTLANU Oft, BtsT COAL Raven Nut Coal..'......f T Raven Lump Coal.......' Carbon Hill Lump..,....' Australian Lump - Rock Sprint Lr ').,.. Special i" Diaries r "- FOR r 1 V i :