The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 21, 1904, Image 3

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r"N' en ft:
: in
Broad tzi
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. -i s svs p
o vniTunt o
Mirraxsur PAOtrio b;
Assortments of
max mmamn a mutou
sua in citt suosov. ,
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r-m wnoi Amr-""- stosnSsVT
aieeiaiaa vostvAswai apaivo
. amaisTism'atuiiaaa iiisiisj
? i
bperUl PtaMtek at The Amil t '
. Salem. Or.. Oct. 11. Cliff Glover, with
Ruby and Opal Hlrakin, searching for
mush room a yesterday on Mlnto's island,
mad discovery that may lead to th
'unraveling of a mystery. They dis
t. covered a hole In the ground and i
opening it up discovered, a box, which
they took to b a ooffla. Tbey notiued
Coroner a. M . Ctough, who visited the
, ,00, exhumed the box and found It to
contain the bone of a man. In the box
f war alao a sponge and a bottle, the
Jatter having the nam "Steiner" blown
In the bottle. The bottle waa a flve
ounes druggist a phlab Coroner dough
decided that aa he did not know any'
''thing about the body nor bow It same to
- be there, there - waa no use of d
further Investigation, and banc he had
'the body replaced In Its former resting
. place,
. It waa stated that "the akull and rant
; 'of the bones were In a good state of
.preservation. The bones of the arms
and lower limbs are heavy and long,
nd some think that the- mar be Um
-bones of John Robinson. H disap
peared white the Steiner Drug eom
'.pany was In business la this slty. Us
vanished from bis room ta the old court
, house one night and was never heard
from again. A piece of beef that be
rhad bought for his Sunday dlnnsr was
' found on his tabls when his room was
- 'Anally broken open, as proof that he did
hot Intend to leave of his own volition.
It was said at the time that ka had beau.
-murdered, knit all proofs wars tasking,
. - - ' ' russ QaaHetlj -
, Superintendent C. W. Jamaa of
weultenttary died hie report with
. sortary of stats yesterday, covering
th quarter ending September to.
There wars SIS convicts confined ttt
v the Institution at ths close of th quar
ter, a decrease sine ths June quarter.
Thirty-five war rsestvsd during tha
quarter. M war discharged and an
- was sent to tha Insane asylum.
. .The stat received If it for ths board
' of United States prisoners during the
quarter, aa against MM for ths Jan
: quarter. Ths convict labor sngmged In
U th North weet stovs foundry brought
94.1M. From th public funds for road
work. ftM dare. life waa received, '
' Th expend! turee during th month
' wars, for gensral expenses. f,m.C4;
- for machinery and farming Implements,
- fll2.M; expended for public roads, HIS;
salary of matron, ; from th better
ment fund, 11.711. '
Whitfield L. May waa brought to tha
' Insane asylum uestsrday from Jaokson
eounty Ay Henry Miller and Albert
Parker. May Is a natlvs of -Pennsyl
vania and la a phyelema. His insanity
waa oaused by chronic a loo holism and
morphine eating.
vc " ... -
c (special Mssatsh te the ttereal.) ""
.Forest Qrove. Or., Oct, 11. A meeting
of tha members of th Congregational
chtfrrh of - this place, waa eKed last
evening t consider ths reeommendatloiw
of tha committee on a new pastor, tm
church decided, to oll Rev. M. W. Boyd
of AshbyS Mass. .f - -i
The qongrrgatloi) la building a naw
church Which wjll oost about 18,M.
h Ts It a burn? Uas Dr. Thomas Bclse
trie OIL A cut? Us Dr. Thomas Bo
lcrtric OU. At your druggists.
S1' '''v-i sxaxa V; s V.
To call In and Inspect our Boys' Department. Hera you
wiU find all the latest styles, the very newest psttsms and
the largest and most comprehensive line of BOYS' AND.
in the city from which to choose. ... ;-v V' ' 1 '
i f Pano-a fram I to I veara.
-" worsteds, cheviota, homespuns and fancy tweeds, v.
A-; - in Norfolk, blouse and Russian effect ; .
i.; . -
V '..V
I-. ' m . mm- 1
Bovs Suits
t r rom a id ao rain, ut 4oitoucjuiq. qquow ; ,
bresated.-"v;: - ,ti ;
-, r Youths' from 14 to tO years, m the very best; ,
, ; . ' ; materials, single and double breasted styles. ,(-
i .A - ' ; j -i-.-i .,r, ,' " 4
Of an aises, from the
Quality considered, this is the lowest price store in Portland.
Airf-an, Football, Boxing Gloves, Catcher! Mit or Mask
GIVEN AWAY with Suit or Overcoat., ,v v .
Soinucl RosenlM ft Co.
igaerfaf Mepawh te The JesrsaL)
Oregon City, Oct. 11. The matter of
granting a franchise to the Bouthsrn
Paslflo nsllroad oompaay will some
up again at tha council meeting next
Tuesday evening In the shape of new
ordlnanos which has been Introduosd by
Councilman Koerner, and will soma up
for final paasags at the next meeting ox
tha councils This ordlnanos modifies
tha old on sonsldsrably, but stilt pro
vides for a perpetual franchise, which
seema to be the main point of on tea
tlon of tha eltissns. Those favoring tt
are Kelly, Chapman, Koerner, Straight,
Storsy and Mason ; those opposed.
KnaDV. Justin and 8 bee hen.
Ttu oltlaeaaf aommitta nnsSi ai ne
pers 'for aa injunction Xo prevent the
granting of perpetual franchise. How
ever,' If the dtl sens' sommlttsa secures
ths Injunction the matter will go over
MU altar too December city election.
which win maks th contest for mayor
very Interesting, ad well as tha election
of oounoilmn In the wards now lavor-
abls to tha passage of this erdinaace.
RAILWAYS $10,000,000
. i 1 riesraal saactal Ssrrtss.l
Port Monroe, Va, Oct, 1L Ths aggra-
gata annual loss ox in railways ox
th United States through th operation
tiAkai walMra is eatlmaftsd at tl.-
os,os by the railway protective bu
reau. Tnts astimats ox iws wtipu
In a discussion of the subject at ths
im.hiiaii lit ths sensral sasssngsr
agents, which adjourned today, nnd tt ts
this enormous staas wnicn me nuirusa
Boalpsra are eons tan Uy battling for.
In Chisago alone, la 1101. tha Boalpsra
took, from th railroads v revenue
amounting to more than ll.00o.00S. it
.iuAiAna that tha sfforts of tha
protective bureau and a great detective
.. n Mhaek tteket soalDlng sre fu
tll and this brokerage ts evey on ths
Increase, on man, vninger, amm v
Aoes all over the sounUy. and baa bs-
coses a- milUosalrs. . t .
Tflfs tm ta the gssrssl I sl f Oet. 11. Prsvlnctal
Constable Woollacott yesterday arrsatsd
Chief Seeaul or ins rort nnpen n
rttanSvrW Intsrfsrlns? with Jostle In
deavorlmi to prevent the news of ths re
cent murder Of an inoian wosaasi xrvm
nstng given th authorities.
. mui whs . murdered last wsn-
tsrabsr and when th authorities inves
tigated. H Is alleged that Besqul bribea
the Indian polloemen and others to keep
quleC Tha oass will be tried next weak.
It is the first of tha kind to occur la
th province, and Is a serious assnga.
. asectal sWrtei.l
Tuitaboma, Tsnn Oct. IL AltoBj
w.rk. ashler at ths First National
lMlr- tm enlaalnc Ha la allsged to b
short between ISo.tOt and $71,000, Ths
bank examiner 'baa taken onargs. ur-
floors of tha, bavfc. will make good th
shortage. - .
In the latest DStterns of
f t tn m i
smallest "tot" to the man.
A small army of workman Is patting
ths Atkinson school building Into oon-
..i a .b. hamUoB Of thO DUDilS
next Monday morning. Th pupils who
have bean attandlng classes held in th
portable rooms at the Ladd chool were
dismissed at noon today nnd ths furni
ture and other apparatus la being moved
to tn AUtinson
w. k .i.. wan tils tins OlSJlt
. u.n..ui mnA Bsarly all tha wood-
i. thk imiidlnn- la flntsbsd. Four
rooms will not b ready for aooopanpy
. . . . . n ma BMk. hilt
oeiors ns isi.s
all tha other portion of tha building w
aa mads comzoriauiL
th Atkinson school, with the sxosptlon
of ths two higher dasse reciting in th
portablas at tha Couch school, will meet
la their own suuunia
tk, nrlnslDals Is bslng
held this afternoon to organise manual
training classes, mis
be la operation within a few days. Port
able rooms from th tdd school will b
movad to ths flv manual training oaa
TZTl -ilrk-hoos. Th slsssaa will
be open for boys only this year, but
tHtMtinM af tha nrlnclDala
sxtsnd th sours to any girls who may
dsslr ts tans up wm ww --
tha department la well Tgaalsad. .
Bids for th Trvlngton dlstrtct sswsr
are being eotaaldsren tnis axxsrnoon vy
th ukmI aswsra ta tha sity..
Will b sllghUy.Ovsr two miis woum
. a It will run between
t and 40 feat beneath tha surfaoa, and
will bs laid through ninnst. tm sw
Mtlmats at tha oost of tha
. Lm siaa.soa.
phiM tm nuah oomnetltlon among
sswsr oontraetors over tbla won. Al
though a Urge undsrtaaing, ton grwonai
mmiiIi vhirh tha sswsr Is to run Is
easily worked. It la expected that ths
oontraet will M awaroeo ac a vary
Residents of th east aids who era ta-
tarestsd tn tne temporary uaptwrnien
ik YTnlM mui brldn sniSss Sul
ltvan'a gulch ar also represented at th
KmsSting. xney mtmvm.ii 01 Manoi m
Hff bridga this season sitnsr oa urana
or Union avenues ana navs asasa um
avenutlva board to oxnand th gam of
01.000 to temporarily repair Union
avenue bridge.
ti. la Mi tndlaatloa that tha as
somtlv board will grant this reUef (a
tne sast dm rswm - .
... - . i .. : -
(SpMtsl DtoeeMk e The faamsU
Vaneoavatv. B- O Oct. dl.-Th
veiling of the monument erected oa San
Jwaa Island, la osoimamoBattoa of th
signing of th treaty settling ths die pats
over the ownership of ths island by
Great Britain nnd th United States took
plaos this' forenoon with appropriate
oeremonlss. The chief speaker- was
Prof. Edward S. Iteaney of ths stats uni
versity, who has fathered tha plan and
carried It through ts , a suoosssful
termination,- Steamers took axcursion-
et from Seattle, VlMssla and this elty
ta ths aosns. -
" (Ssselal Stesatslt t The Ossrsal.)
Boss burg. Or- ' Oet. tl. Pollcsnian
Znt last night saw a negro sneaking
Into aa allay and sailed to him to halt.
Th alley was in darknsss. Aa Dent ap
proached tha negro suddenly xirss a
pistol in hi face. ''
Tha rangs was so inort tnat Dest's
face waa blackened by th powder, but
otherwise he was uninjured. Th negro
ran dowa th alley. Dent fired six shots
at him. hut he sscapsd apparently on
hurt. . - ; .
A now and wonderful system of light
ing stores, dwellings, halls, factories.
and streets Is advsrtlsed and Illustrated
en another oagsc Th system Is worth
mora than a passive thought sr annual
reading. Inasmuch aa It la somlng Into
use so general that lta field oompasass
ths entire tut. In one , Willamette
valley elty, said ta possssa th best slso
trlcal lighting plant In tha state, th
hollow wire lighting aystsm, generating
gas from gasoline, ia being Installed In
th bast business houses, first, because
Its lights are amaslnglf superior to
those of sleotrleity, and. second, because
ths east t operation la not half that of
electricity. Tha diagram on snot her
pass gives aa axosllsnt Idea of ths plant
as It appears when completed, th large
Inclosed lamp being for oat-door use,
tha a mailer one for Indoor llshttng. and
ths atovs for oooktng purposes. The
tank may stand at any plaos desired. In
ths building lighted or sutetde la th
back yard or shad, and as th lamps ars
fed by a small hollow wire all possi
bility of danger la entirely llmlnatd.
In fact lnsurano companies prefer this
system to any other known, solely be
cause of Its absniuta security. In this
plant all ths profits that go to lighting
oompanlsa ar aavsd to consumers.
henos this and th magnirlosnos of thf
light accounts for Its extreme popularity
wherever Introduosd. Th H. W, Man
ning Lighting Supply company, tt
Third street. Is th sol owner of this
Improved system on this eoast, and lta
business has extended to all ascUong of
thw region.
(aerial Orssateb ta fW-tWual.)
BTUtsboro, Or., Oct. ll-Ths Washing
ton Coanty Teachers' Instltut aaasm-
Md her this afternoon for the last
day's session of this year's nesting.
Both ths forenoon and afternoon aes
alons were devoted ta select address m
by different speakers.
I sk W ffN r-u
; The lines of the Steiiibach CLOTHING FOR BOYS were never quite
so broad and handrome now by far the best iiiade and
best looking clothes for boys, to be foiind in the Northwest, and the prices
prevailing make them, doubly interesting to careful parrota.
i wu-nctc
I Double-Brcasted Suits
Sisea. 7 to 17 years, in atat
lined and tailored. . ; . . , . f 5
Sisea t to 9 years, made of navy blue, red,, brown and tan
shades, brass buttons, red flannel and silk lutings. .5 to f 18
$2.15. $2.85 and S3.35
v Spectal Mssara Tae raL
Osrvallls, Or.. Oct. II. Thsrs
been considerable activity la tbs
market la tbls locality during tbs a
snt season, although ths boom la
past and all that la peeled has been
dlspossd of sxospUng te a fsw lnstanoss
where tha peelers have held for higher
prtoss and havs been mistaken la their
eettmate at th propabl prloe to some.
th latter having fallea. .
Mara hall Miller has snipped ll ear
loads of bark so far, tbs shipments going
ta all parts of tha Unite States. Four
oarload lots are still oa hand, and aa
soon aa Millar can secure oars for th
purpose, th remainder of th season's
aupply, that la la ths Corrallls market
will bs sent out Th prloe has stood
at 4M easts for some time, with only
small lots oomlng lata tha market,
(Speetal Masateb t Tbs JarsaL
La Grands, Or., Oet. SI. Th Japan
a population of La Grande and vicin
ity turned out sa maass last svenlng to
do honor to a Japanese who was going
to Japan to Sght for ais eou a try. , K.
MaatnchL a Japanese oontraotor, gavs
a banquet to ths Japanass In hla honor
and thalr band was out and sheared him
oft at tha depot. Be was ana among
tha ervwd of Japaasss beet pullers who
were Imported la from the west to pull
ths fall erop of basts for tha Amalga
mated Sugar oompany. Ha fought la
tha Chinees Way and won modi Is.
(Sseraal Drssascb to Tae yesrsst)
Wna Idaho. Oct. II. Father Ran-
drlcx. a member of ths missionary anion
of Mew York City, has bssa appointed
bv BlahOD Olorleux pastor of ths
CatholLe ohuroh of Mosoow. For tha
past seven years Father Hsndrlck has
been lecturing throughout tha western
cities, on adsntlfla social and religions
topics. He is said to aa posssssea oc
brlllmat tntsueot ana a pieasing par
Awusmn wxmmv fsobtkv.
(speetal DtSBStek the sssraal.) . "
aarasTU, Waasw - Oct 11. -Word has
been reeelvsd her by Fvter MoOough
that he baa bswa awarded first prts oa
wheat at the world1 fair at St. Louis.
Th sample selected for exhibition tested
gH pounds ts the bushel and was takes
at random from s, aumosr or saoaa, just
as they oame from ths thrash. Tha
wheat la spring sown aiuaatam.
' (Saiidil Ptesatsb a Tbs gssrsat)
Pullman. Wash., Oet, IL Tha blg
gsat srowd of tha season la bars ts wit
nsss ths drat Interoolleglat football
mm between Washington Agricultural
collegs and tbs Unlverstty of Idaho tbla
af tsraooa.
ftWMHl Drspatoa Tsa ssaraaL)
ti.i Wahh Or4 11 -Rnv Star.
tin tha iK-vear-old runaway, waa today
taken to ths reform school. Hla brother
Harry was allowed ta go soma.
Aa atAMoai
fWerlal ' Pieua ta Tss JoaraeVf
fwiatxt lAmtxa. Oat. 11. Tha arfantal
dancing girls, who . ars giving a native
danea st ths fair have been prohibited
from ahowtag by the local offlosra.
nunuuv ami
brxywn and gray effects, sptendidfr
?.& and f to f
rj blue, red,, brown and tan
and silk Uningi..f5 to$ 18 .
20,000 RIFLES
(Jesrasl speetal gervles.)
Waahtngton. Oet. 11. Minister Daw
son at Saa DomingcC sables tbs stats
department that the Dominican govern
ment has purchased abroad 10,000 rifles
and a large supply of ammunition in
order to be prepared for any possible
revolutionary movement. ,
Th dispatch convey no further in
formation on tha subject, wblch Is
looked upon hers as assrsly ths preface
to another chapter In tha oft recurring
hostilities la ths South Amsrtnsa repub
lics. . i
p ii iri i -.
(Special DlepaKb t Ts Journal.)
Ponerov. Wash.. Oet. 11. Lerov John
son, a pioneer and ths oldest soldier In
Garfield eounty, aged ts, waa found dead
In his room yestsrday. Hs was a mem
ber of oompany O, Eleventh Ohio In
fantry. Tbs funaral tomorrow will bs
eond noted by tha O. A R. - -
CaUrrh of the Stomach
at Baf and BfYea-
Oaaa fos IS.
Oatarrh of th stomaeh baa long bssa
oonaldered tbs next thing to Incurable.
Th usual symptoms ars a full or bloat
tng sensation after eating, accompanied
somatlme with sour ar watery rlsinga,
a formation of gases, oaualng pressure
on ths bsaft and luaga and difficult
breathing; bsadaahsa, ftekls appetite.
narrousnsss and general played out,
languid feeling.
Tner la often a foul taste ta ths
mouth, ooated tongue and If tha in t tr
ior of tbs stomaeh aould bs assa It
would show s slimy. Inflamed ooadi-
Tb aura for this sommosj and obs ti
ne t trbubls la found la a treatment
which oausss the food ta be readily,
thoroughly digested before tt has time
to ferment and irritate ths delloate
nraobus surfaces of the stomaeh. To se
eurs a prompt and healthy digest loa Is
tha on necessary thing to do and when
normal ,dlgestlon - is secured ths
oatarrhal sondltkm win hay dla
app eared. - a
Aooordlng to ri Hartaason, th saf
est and best treatment ta to us after
each sssal a tablet, composed of
Dmtaas, Aseptic Pepsin, a lit Us Nux,
Ooldsn Seal and fruit aclda. These tsb
Ists oan now bs found at all drug storsa
undsr th asm of Stuart's Dyspepala
Tablets and not bslng a patsnt medicine
oan be vsed with perfect safety and ea
auranos that healthy appetite and thor
ough digestion will follow their regu
lar nee after meal a
Mr. R. a Workman, Chicago. 111a.
writes? "Catarrh tm a local conditio, re
sulting from a neglected cold In ths
bead, whereby th lining membrane of
th nose becomes inflamed and the
poisonous dischargs therefrom passing
backward Into th throat reaches ths
stomach, this producing catarrh of h
stomach. Medical authorities . pre
scribed for at for three years for
catarrh sf stomach without curs but
today I am tha aapplsss of men after
using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets. - I ssanot find . appropriate
words to express my good fesltng. I
havs found flesh, appetite and gonad
rest from their use."
Stuart's Dyspepala Tablets la th saf
est preparation as well aa th almplsst
and most soavsnlsnt remedy for any
form of Indigestion, catarrh of stomach,
hlliouinesa, sour stomach, heartburn and
bloating ait msals.
- S S)sswrgs Oats sTeswak sxaS saesssws
, isujr uvwuwu
Sisea 7 to 19 years, new plaids and mixed cheviots, and plain
gray frieze; prices range from..;.....,... ....f 8 to f 22.50
I BUaStcr Brown Suits
We are Portland's Special Distributors of these exquisite erea-t
tions. Twenty-five" styles... V.... i ....... f5 to f 10
Ria4M Pfwn TVmus anH Clnata frtr tHrls ''
(speetal Dtasstsb a Ts Jeersat)
Psndlston, Or Oct. II. At o'clock
this morning tha third day's session af
tha Inland Umpire Teachers' aasoelatloa
waa opsasd la this elty. Aftsr ltatenlng
ta a musical seieetlon, tb assemblage
waa sailed to order and Stat (Superin
tendent J. H. Aokarman delivered an ad
dress, his subjsot being, Tha Next For
ward Stop in kasmon tary Bduoatloo."
J. A Foley, elty superintendent of Spo-
n sohoolg, then mads a abort talk.
and waa followed by J. M. Will lama,
elty euperlntendent - of Bous, Idaho,
schools, wbo chose for big subject. "Fes
slbls Oraduatioaa." J. a Landers of
The Dalles schools ' made tb last ad
dress of tbs forenoon esse Ion.
Among ths speakers at tha afternoon
and evening sessions wDj be A W.
Hendricks of Whitman college. Walla
Walla; J. A Churchill Preston W.
Churchill. JT. M. Martin and a S. Jones.
After the election of officers and trans
ection sf other business of Imports no
ths meeting will adjourn at 11:0 a'olock
this svenlng.
(Upertal Dtepatm ts Tss Josrsal.)
Monterey, Cal. Oct. 11. The coroner's
Inquest over the body of Sergeant
Tooley, hilled by a aegro Wednesday
night; resulted la a verdict against a
oolored soldier of name unknown.
Four negro aolldsrs. Privates Alloa,
Brooks. Sergeant Johnson and Corporal
Smith, ars la custody ss baring knowl
edge of the sullty party. Allen hes
been Identified by the others as the mur
derer. Private Moore, reported wounded.
has disappeared.
(iMltl meyateti te Tae JenaL
Psndlston, Or., Oet II. Robert Ed
monds, a oolored bootblack, la held to
answer before tha dreult court oa a
charge of assault with a dangerous
weapon. He etruek Frank King; oolored,
on the head with a rock loflletlng a
severe wound. The two quarreled be
cause King protected Bdmonda wbaa
the latter was drunk. '
Torn rem avstavs bat.
Jearaal gpwUl Service.)
Indianapolis, Oet. II. At the head
guarters of the Internetloaal Typo
graphical union this morning Ifr a said
ths union voted to enforce tha lght
hour day In commercial houses and ths
only proposition voted down waa one to
Increase the salaries af tha- president
and secretary-treasurer.
" .
' (Si 1 1 HI ISasawA s Tss JoarsaL)
Victoria. Oet. l. . The Biitmh
tug Lorn of this port has bean sold to
ths Pugat Sound Tugboat company. The
vessel Is the largest tug north of San
Francisco. Ths amount Involved In ths
transaction la not stated.
(Joan! "ertal Ssrvtae.)
Ta. f t. 31. A fire swept
t or TA "s Polt on
a loss ox k
$4.35. $5.35 and $6.35
CTiinciiTe 1 I'll :
(serial Masettk t Tss JesrssL '
DagetM, Or, Oet. 11-At th pressnt
time there exists oonslderable frlettoa
between ths faculty and students of the
Bugsns high aohooL Tbs executive
board of tbs faculty recently ruled that
a number of the best football players
would not be allowed to participate In
any more gamrs on account of their
low standing In their si asses.- and baa
deposed Sid Smith as maaagsr of the
team tor a breach sf the rules. The
atudenta say that they will disband tha
football teem If more moderation Is not
ussd by the board. Ths team had ar
ranged for several games but these will
probably be cancelled.
W. a Marks of Portland; who waa
n gaged In selling clothing here. waa
dned la the police court yesterday sf.
tsraoota for failing to ssours a 1 icons
to ssU ths goods.
President P. U Campbell of th Uni
versity of Oregon left yesterday after
noon for a two weeks' trip In th east.
Th PaclAa Coast Land and Timber
oompaay. with a capital stock of te.OO.
and headquarters In ttugene baa filed ar
tlelea of Incorporation with the count:
clerk, '
(Jesrsel special atrrtoe.) '
Francisco, Oct. 11. The grand
jury today decided to Instruct ths dis
trict attorney to Institute proceedings
to oust ths election oorsmlae toners, oa
the ground that the commissioners bad
violated their oath of offlos in not prop
erly appointing eleotloa oJSoera. . ,
Tnfermetions shaming Bsslo WaUrtftsY
n.i. rtniilaa mnA lira C Clark with
operating alot machines were filed In the
circuit court this morning ey Diet net
Attorney Manning.
Ruat-Prooi; $L50
You get double service from
these umbrellas, for the rloo
sannot rust T at tha top.
Hmulet, S2.C0
tTrabrellaS are wtndoroof. as
well aa rustproof. Tn strong
est umbrella made. -
Ws mks !-
frame f r r "
wr. T T - fc
the eomoin b -
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