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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
OREGON DAILY JOUT "JL, WRTtATO. FRIDAY gV NOOCT: SA!LC2S DESERT f WALTON'S TRIAL . KNIGHTS TEIjIAS YOUNG CI.U 0 ' SERVED LlillCJ r OITBS VESSEL 1ST PROCEED ELECT CFHCESS -n. tUBUUJf fVSwB flUUIS aW at. VOUCa gWOOP gtfVnr OR ATlkAS vmi oin An u-rmAo3h9 ma- CAMM ftaOTO IB njBXdOsT m VOVaTJ TJr MAJTT Vf0 JVBOM AM tm- t t - v . -. THE DRB gUMX tfUIM OOKBfl TO aUVaTB MaMnv C Pmwjinl M 0- ttimB aa i - -v abort Marly all her Crm the British bark Dwhm srrived la the harbor ree. terdav afternoon and moored at tha doe C tl Holmes Coal e scaaaanr, where bar cargo wilt ba discharged.- Ths vtMd rwoM Aatorla SO Ootobar tram Hewoaetie. N a. W.. with cargo at dmL MM tons of whtofa m dia eharawd at that point. Walla the vassal ' m lyiuf In the harbor af the City by ths- See. 11 of har aaamam left uadaf aover of night As there are onlr about seven mm ra mainlna? on hoard, it required th great at part of the afternoon for them to get the ahio properly moored at tha dock. Tbs ma labored faithfully-, bat br tha tlana they had carried tha haarj hawsers bach and forth and amde tham Can the sreiw almost ready to drop la tbolr track from eahauetlon. Had thar baas etx ' nalnsUe. a doses thar seamen ould have baan used to advantage, la apaak. tog of tha dessrtlons, Captsia BurobaU, neater af tha vssssL amid: "I do ot think tha man who laft us tarrlad long at Aatorla. Tha probmbiU Use ara that thar arrtvad la Portland several aa ace. It la tha general ana soeiuos that tha aailar boarding-bouse people Induced than to go ashore m ardor that thar emlgM supply fcnothor ahtp with thank ,Of course, X do not know anything of a serin tats nature about tha matter, bat tt certainly leoks that way." Tha shippers wM reeenthr arrived state that Portland atlll enjoys tha dla tlootloa abroad of being oaa of tha moat notorious porta In tha world ao far aa tha crimping aril la sonoerned, Thoy explain that mattara are la such a ahapa here that thay have to exercise ths greatest oauUoa aa ta what thar nay about thoaa who ara engaged tn tha business or tt will ba lmpoaalbla for tham ta sat avows whan thar rat ready U go out an tha antward voyage, - Tt w dlffarant tn Maw York," amis ana f tham. Whan oar aallara ara antload nahara br tha boarding hnuss ruaasrs tha ahlppara man prsvtskm to as ta get nallaro from aomo athor source, so that wo ar not ebUaadl ta patron laa thoaa who war tha oanaa of tba diaac ttoaa. Tham ahenld ba aoaaa sort atf ft staUar arransomant mada hara." Tha Owaanaa mada tha piaaaga from Jfowemntla tn daraf whleh la aavaral ' dayo bottor than tha avatnea aQnara-ria ar ooarftlatos tba varaaa- Tha af float a stata that nha has many good paaaaraa to bar araatt Tha vaaaal ta a slatar ship of tba Muakoka. M lntoraat In which la awaad by Oast. A Crawa af Uua atty. flha la of I, is 4 tona sat raaiator and 1 'taohartarad wot tha outward trip. .' FLEET MAT GO SOUTH . (Ooadlnaod from ram ,) darhand mnaaa, tha aaaalaa. Frlrataly. I fraaly any ta you that I. should , llshtod If Panama wara aa tadosandant atato, or tr a mada ttsaif sa at thta moment; but for, mo to ear aa pabtlely i wouJJ amount to an inatiamxion if , jrolt and thoraforo I cannot aay It. . "TVith sreat retard, alncerely yours, . , THJDODORJ1 ftOOSBVm.T" Trom tha abovo latter," said tba jaaakar, tt la arMant that whan tt waa .written tha president waa advised of the aontamplatod aaoiaaloo of Panama, which waa eat for November t. and tt la squally evident hla Information eama from an author Itatlva souroe, for ha eon aldarad and cast a aide a propoalUoa to fomant tha moramenf Pi - MBS Mxa ovt :.. . ' (Jmraal spMsd nirrhw.) - ' -Kaw Tork, Oct. 11. Ir. Albert dhaw, ad I tor of tha Review af Ravlewa, in replifc to tba aacuamtlon that a latter ; WHrjfe by Proaldent Roeaavatt to him, v la wTCh tha praaldant rejects tba sus Bastion that ha aid In the seeesBton of Panama from, tba republic of Colombia, , had been ftivan out by him In violation ' of eonfldenoa, oald today that tha latter ' waa mada public by Mr. Locb, and, ha bellevad, with tha fall consent of Urn president. Ho adder 1 beltovs that the prlvata sspraeslon mada by the president that tba iDdepondanoo of Panama would be - weloomed was shared br a majority of the paopla.r - .-, . -r . - Kecotlatlona for tbs erect Ion of thp InsMa Inn on tha Lew la and Clark fair araunda are atlU pendlna; between Mm, J.- T. MoCready and the manatremant Mrs. MoCready and aaalatanU (pent tha ontlro day lookldk over tba arounds. The ealectlon of a lite bee not baan com pleted as terms for certain locutions are atlll unsettled. Mrs. MoCready aald today that If har terroa ware aocepted she would oertalirty erect the bbj hotel jbut that would all depend Unas tha fair ' mansitement ' " ' r ' fr m",l-fvJrr Aera-Msna)' , ' "t ii ' .1 1 -s ni .i . . .... ... I, ; After Usuntns n arrument for son- tlnuanes nntlt tha November term at mft of tha trkU of Charles W, Waltsa on the ehara of ehootlng polloesaan i Ola Kelaon while trytn to hold ua a w. UmetU Hclffhta car nsptamsar . ir mil JudM Claland dented the motion thia morning and arderaa " X!rAuornsr Hearr M. ' RavpaT, "Vapia santlns tha defendant, aaved aa axcep tlon, leadlnf to the oonciuaioa waa na uttanda taklns an avpaal ta tha stata auprcme court If hla ollent la found guilty. Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney Moear, who, with xuetnet Atmrnay jeamiins, annaarad for the sUta. eutad to tna court that tha aMbatanoe af an affidavit fUed In support of a aontinuanoe was traeh and unworthy of consideration. savhn furora wera at o apt id up ta tna hour of adjournment at noon. It Is probable tha list will be complete and tha taking of evidence will basin tela afternoon, Tss jurat sa far aeiected "f. rUmllton. R 1. Mlekslson, A. B. IWrtoa. Oeorga Spring. M, Rlcksrt d. K. Oraham and 9. M. Rooa. Two praa. nactlvs lursra, M. 8. BprHng and Edward Doerlng, were ehallengad by St. Raynar. Tha challenges bains dleallowed, they warn peremptorily ascusad. Kaoh of tha turora Wan asarehtnglr sxamlnsd, frequently the eama question betnp; aakad In dlffarant form several times br aH. Raynar, a pre o me whleh aauaed tna court to admonish tha lawyer not to da isy tha prosraee .af hs ease unnenao sartly. Whan oonrt opened Attorney It. Ray nar submitted da affidavit eubserlbed to by tha prisoner, In which ba declared that his mother Is now at Dubuque, aa., where aha Hen 111. He asserted In thla affidavit that his mother will awaar that white she was last In Portland, prior to op tan bar It, two man oaUd on har at bar botal and ana aald ba had held np tba oar and ahot tbs 'polleemsn. This mss la aald to have eta ted that ha weald admit his guilt ! ease tha polleemsn died, but that If ah said anything about tbs occurrence tn tha meantime ana would ba killed. Walton said that ta oenneetiou with hla mother's testimony he would awaar that a man lumped off the oar just as ha boarded tt and that the osatdoeior and tha pollooman grabbed htm Instesd of tha aaoaplng man, whs was responsible for tha crime. t Raynar declared due dillgaace had beea exercised by tha defense ta having Mrs. Carrie 9. Walton here but that aha had gone to Iowa, ot knowing tha trial of bar eon was to earns up ao soon. He assarted that as tha main avldanaa far the defense would be furnished by Mrs, Walton It would ba najuet to Insist on tbs trial af har eon at once. Mr. Montr, in reply, oallad The doeu umux -trash and aald It was strange Mrs. Walton slid -not go to tha police with bar starr instead of leaving Port land with her lips sealed. .If fear pre vented her from speaking then. It n reasonable s assume that aha would till be afraid. Ba added-that eush evl- dettoe, being asareay. and emanating only from tha soy's mot bar, relating to persons nobody else had aver seen or heard of would ba shadowy and hardly adJnlesfbl even If she wara hare. Judge Claland thereupon peremptorily denied the motion for a continuance, giving its reason for his notion, ills failure to somment am the affidavits waa taken to show that b sttsohed nta Im portance ta tham. Tba opinion of tha prosecution Is that they wars to traduced not so much 'with the Ida of aecurias a continuance aa of supplying something on which ta hang an appeal to tha au promo oonrt, Poiiesmsn Nelson was tn eourt pre pared to take tha stand. Ha asserts be wUi positively Identify Walton as hla as- LAUDS PORTLAND v ; SCHOOL METHOD (apmtsl smnateft ta The fearaaL) Pendleton. Or- Oct. II. Before the Inland Kmplrs teachers this, morning Preston W. goaroh made the otatsmsnt that tha plan of Superintendent Prank Rlgler af the Portland schools relative to ths Inflexibility of the gradations of pupils was the best ta A merles. 1 doubt If Rlgler fully realism ths great Importance of bin plan." asld tits speaker. "Hie method of allowing pu plla of Ability to move faster than others is a great prsmlss. Prasldsnt P. I Campbell of tha TJnt- veeelty of Oregon Spoke on tba training of ths ettiasn. t. A. Tormsr erf tha gpokane schools discussed dyne si leal versus statistical learning. ' - ' i Astoria, Oot, tl. Arrivad. at l:tl this afternoon, ths schooner Taurus. Tha election of offiosrg for the host rear was completed yea tarda site moon at tha eighteenth annual conclave of ths grand eommandory of the Knights Tam- ?XTt r T.1 onolV wV.h?,d ".T"TI?,,.X,U atroetn, Ths) following affloam war Cboasni i ' . , Oraod esjmsnander; X K. Ronay, Vu . U t. RONKT Ckmnd ContmaBdar Knlghtg Templar nf Oragoa. deputy grand, commander, XX C Alger, Portland; grand general laal mo, Oearga H. Barnett, smlam; grand oap-tala-gaweral. Frank J. Millar. Albany: grand senior warden, A. M. Knaps, Port land; grand junior warden, T. C Taylor, Pendleton; grand treasurer, for tbs 11th term. B. a Whitebosse, Portland; grand recorder, for ths If U term, James P. Robinson, Bugesjs; grand aroints, Henry Roe, Portland. Tha Installation oeremordeg ware aon- ducted by grand master Oeorga H. Hill of this dty. A charter was granted tha Baker City csmmandery. J. M. Jlodaon was apwerntsd ta attend to tha foreign correspondence af tha sommandery. Tbs soncinve adjourned ts moot in this ctty tba third Wedsnsday of aptamber, RUSSIANS PRESS ON J (Conttirued from Pass Ona. MB Arehsjs madly Waos. Chefoo, Oct. tl-A junk which left Port Arthur Ootobar It. brings tha news of a fierce bombardment- which began October it. and la still progressing with out interruption. . , Many buildings wera damaged, and b ship la tbs hsxbor waa, hit by shells. The extent of tha damag la not known. - Tha Japanese main for una are now posted at Ltlushlatung and have placed guns of large calibre -on tha XunJIds mountain. The -Russians continue mak ing sorties, suoeassfully Inflicting heavy loases on dhe beslesars whose losses slnos the aommenoement of tha slag anally reach tft.OOv men, , . . OS WAT (JeWnsl nil dil sarrtea.) Omenhaen. Oct. St Tha Baltic fleet today weighed anchor off ths gksw and steamed north tats the North asa. The vessels are thus fairly embarked on their long Journey to the far east i 24,368 PRESIDENTIAL y VOTES IN COUNTY v Whoa tha books at County Clerk fields' office dosed at I o'clock yester day laftornoon they showed 1,201 addi tional registrations since September 19, and tot changes of residence. This makes a total of S4,tt aa ths total registration on tha nooks at the county darks effloe, and that number will ba entitled to vote at ths prealdonUaT elec tion Kovambas t, m Tha last man t register before tha books closed yesterday afternoon waa Phillip Lowengsrt. Three el arks, wars kept busy yesterday, and there were only a few persona who showed up and wanted ta ba registered after tha books had dosed. - ARRANGING FOR - ;' , - HIS BIG HOTEL , ; ' l , ( i ' Charles T. Sweencr, tha Spokane cap italist who purohssed tha Dekum 'prop erty hi Portland, and who will erect a big hotel hers, spent ths day with his local agents. Rountree A Diamond, looking over tha proposlttoa and dis cussing ths situation. Plans for tha big hotel ara under consideration, but nothing definite has been decided Upon. Mr. Sweeney says ba has not given tha matter muoh consideration slnos his previous visit to Portland and has not fully decided upon anything during his trip to New York. SHe ejxpacts to make final arrangements while -ta Portland this trip. ' (Seenel OlimnV The Timsrt -Vansouver, B. C, Oct. il Chartea Oatee was taken to Taeotna yssterdsy. charged wttk assault Charges of Im porting girls tor immoral purposes mar result. (Vewast aeeetal eerte.) Washbigten, Oot. 11-Tsft sad his tag will salt. for Panama on tha cruiser Columbia November 14. Ths eonares atonal committee will salt November IS a.. mrl entlMd lnte) m nalocal and . 4 rink nf htenr brousht about tha following arrests and developments: Mabel Nelson, minor xrsquaauog sa loon, aaelgoed by Municipal Judge Ensue to aors-and OlrU' Aid society John Sohrantn and John Ksnaey, oaan- 1 JMOr to be sold to a minor, waived !..n..iM and held ts srand lurv examination and held to grand Jury under HOf bonds r -,f -Mystarloua SiUy" flaJth, proprbrtor Atlantic oafs, arrested for permitting mirtbr tn his saloon. Out on baU. sUohard B. Caatla, bartandar, selling liquor to minor and permitting minor to be in tha saloon, yut 00 blL - Orac Kaymsnd, arreated, but ts- Isnsed. ' ' v ' ' The arrests f kU but Smith and emma were made laet nlrht hv Ssrsesnt of Police glorar and Pollosmen Croxford and Kndleett .They saw ths party ea ter the Atlantic safe, the saloon ta ..uiLu end from tha ecttana of the Nelson girl concluded she was being enticed agajnat her will. Thar awoopea down on the party and took them all to .placed against tha Raymond-woman, as she wa over age, ana, was .worsung in g local residence. . enranta ana n-anney are vwnen mui dub a thla eltr. One works for the Acme MUla and tha othar far tba WlUametta Iron works. . Tbs jselaoa girt is but If reare or to. Mar mother was ta tha polios ela tion waiting for her. When they met after court was over thar ambraoed and ArleS hlttertv. , - . . PARKER ADDRESSES MERCHANTS IN RAIN .. . .. ., - :.:, ' (Contlo'nad from Page One.) tao mass mooting ta Carnegie hall to night, under tha eunpoee of ths Busi ness Men's .Parker and Davis sssoois Masl . Ths announcement that former UPresideat Oraver Cleveland is to pre- Sios nas nausea epvre wm n takes ta the demonatratlon than has at tached ts any af ths polltloal rallies held la New Tork so far during tha eree ent campaign. Though ths former president has mads tt plain that he doss not Intend to deliver a speech tt la generally ex pected that ha will have a few words to say la expresstea of hla views on the h lh, mi mnt iaieiielll and Of sndomement for ths national tlokst. Tim principal, addresses of the evening wui he delivered by John w- can uua, snpao rstary af ths traaaury. St. fjouis. Oct. II. Pursuant to tbs sail of President J. T. Brad anew, tna mam he re af ths Democratic State Press Association af Missouri held e meeting here tosevv witn naanouartera at we Ljdeda hatsL Tha sonfarenes was at- tnAmA hv memhars of ths Democratic. Ae MmnlitM atnS nrhsr nartr aand- mrm and the .nrlncinal business WSS ths discussion ac ways ana means rsr gmng a' rousing finish to ths campaign and sotting out tha fall Pamoaratlc sots an alsoelss day. , . --.----..y . d i iiii mapatoh t the SesrsaL) Pendleton. Or sOet. 11. The total late red vote of Umatilla . county aa shown br tha poll books fast wars dosed St g o'clock last night la ML Only ltd Vetera registered -Since ths poll books wars opened after ths jnna election. Mors voters are registered ta this oounty for tha coming election than ever before, -j. , ... ' AiJAWTgic ; ;;; ; , 1 (Spaslal Dtaaateh tTas Ummi. ' Albany. Or:. Oct 21. lost Sight ths registration books for Una oounty closed with M new registrations and ft total regis tratlos ta ths sounty of .... " .. , (Jesraal speelal Snrrla.) Nosebnrg. Or.. Oct tl. Ths rsglarra- tlon books closed last night at e o'clock. wttb a total of about 4.32a, Tba ragls-trnUen-U June we !,1H. ,. .. . , . ? OOttPAH (Sptdal msaataa le Tea MmnmL) 1 " Colfax, Wash Oct. tl. The reglitra- tlon books have closed and Colfax IS shown to have votes. ' : EARTHQUAKE JARS THE FAIR VISITORS (enWleis1al Servlfe.1 M. Louis, Oct. Jla slight earth qua ks shock was felt hers today. It traveled northwest to southeast and rat tled dishes and windows... No damage, however, resulted. w ' in. i ... !(' .n I ' B. A. WortMngton, assistant director of tbs maintenance and operation de partment of tba Harrlman linos, and W. V. nV Thome, purohsslng agent of the eama, will be In Portland this afternoon. They have been up and down tbs coast on a pleasure trip. . Mr. Thorns wilt go to Sea Pranetsoo and Mr. Worthing! on will return to headquarters ml Chicago after eeeing Portland. ECZEMA , . - aniHrsrs rsanl wKs4 and OLTCOVOffB have dost Inr a ccMoraiss joaroaJut m her Mri Oec-eeVeeveiemett peer . i u UiuuA asl, latlnvd bat khMralrf hh" rr i" w ynri. i own rm inuy. Jmmm Mw J,., mm SW S, V. Svs trW setuee of Mydrisim and OtyoBeena ant en itwlpi of nc. to par Bpreeaage. Team pram ranase are bara !, vet powerfal grrmtddel, uerd by Irad- lag shraklasa. .ty M eVnjgaci. M Prisms Sft, Revs Tern. Hydrozcns fSL b I Tbs Stora TM Stvw Yim MoMy H : , .V ''. 1 Spedd! Frcni 6 to 9 o'Qlcc!; Only ii,;-4-' ' . aomwtnma , f en , -4 -i. r i- , ;X v The Dayton Stock of ;'' ',-,,v " tgmfj ylro VcsotaWo Doilor . I I I Hi FURNITUMV CAXFIT5 AND STOVES. . Cor. Pint and Taylor Sts. , . . . -f .' - JURY DISAGREES IN EMMA TALBERT'S SUIT Psillns? to ssres, on Mna snot baek to resuma their deliberations, after asm tag tats eourt and announcing their ta ability to do so the Jurors hearing tha suit of Bmma C Taibert to recover I1.0M for aarvloes as housekeeper and te.OM dsinagea from John H, Thlgg, were discharged this sMrslng Bp Clrault Judge Fmsec . The tarr was out 14 hours, isoking II mloutea, entering tha Jury room yester day at ll:4i s. m. When tha Jurors filed Into oourt at 1Q:M .o'clock this morning Psrsmas Jacob Spiegel ns- sorted that ths members wara unani mous ta tbs opinion that Mrs, Taibert didn't deserve dajnsges, but wars widely at vartsnes on tha question af wages far eanrleee aa housekeeper. After tha jury was aisensrped. as hour later. It waa learned that one member wanted to award bar Sl,oae. the full s mount asked for as house keeper, .while another Juror Insisted aa is cents Other amounts ranges be tween those estremes, . y - SUIT OVER GAMBLING LOSS IS ABANDONED 'I . V r'. - V te W 1lAhee4ssn 'has' afcmmlonsd hla suit to reeovar double tha amount of money which ha claims to pare lest while playing faro at tha Portland club, in iiwintinri with tha nrovbitons sf a stipulation filed by counsel in ths cir cuit eourt this morning; Preeldtag JudgS George entered- an order for dismissal, ni tha tint trial af ths nana before Circuit Judge Basra, a verdict. In favor of tha alub waa returned or ns Jury. Judge Bears granted a now trial, ths second 1urv dlsasreetnK. Bernstein A Cohen signed ths stipulation af dis missal for Robertson and & B. Wil liams for tha defendants, PetSr Oraat. Nau Solomon ana rtsrvsy usis. " A Saturday WfM Special. i; van If you haven't saythrag also to bring you down town Saturday night, you ought to go to Govurta A Sons It la there you'll And two speelal sales In pi egress of household necessities. One is a weathered oak Indian Stool, up holstered ta Spanish leather r green silk valour. Selling regularly for (and cheap st that) tna Saturday night pries IMS. The other is d -ploe white toilet set, fancy shape, sails reg ularly for ftsO tl.4 Is the Bsturday night pries- If you ssaa vener nera is. Indeed, yosr onsnoa ts navs on us purobsss, ?, , . ' ' Tna late to cure s cold after eon sum s cold after eon dump- tlon has fastsnes Take Dr. Byrup While yet there Is time. Con&ctorife 111 '' s"g1 v ajhiina lllVlVI BsSuM as iyA ML UMG $UilVrrjii& ItlENUiERBTIRIMG SAliE I Darilral DoHnrtlnn HuroM suras...-..;..wss. ' 1 . Aa wa hato baaa imppryiag UNIFORMS to tha ear raaa for many yaarav tho quality, works nunahip, fit and ftnisai of out garaMata art thoaughly arrprsdatad. , '. '. - , Srsonable goods for fcAlNY WEATHER: A. A, CUTTER, UNITED WORKINGMEN'S NAPTAN SHOES OIL CLOTH O-QTHINO, UNDER WEAR, ETC ' ' i 'W. ' - ' The Tvtd wvMom wmcn no iuictvm EiubU TSMtdUss to U sWOTwd or ktttLt by om mo-mount. Strtttipsd with same K actum. Sgivj rtffuUrly for lOc, Rstultiir s-m t j mm WWKI . Of Wvf WW W, f S! 1-1 M . 'm.A s alt-LA OJRPsnVI I Of ilBlaJI tMiy S&Um Raiig sVxl Ot ,. " r - Laue-Davis Drug Co. v Thiol and Perfumers , Go Ahead ! But Ftrtt tw inn too mn right Tht It wbtt w coma Itr or rsthr tfaitii wtsr yea earn ta tnd fMS us. Pint, bdj ' aurs you know Just wfaat tort of npoogm, bath brush or othar toikrt articls ytm want, thsti ba aur 70a fo to tba plsca whara tou caa buy that artida tba chaapaat aod batt ' Wa hara a full Una of jmt such gooda which wa ftr offerlnf at Uav low priM. ..-. ; ;;;- , ' i " -U-, There is a ta all our fooda. Thar p menta wafrant thata. Wa always nawg and alwayt win ssli druga and drua; aofsdriaa at tha lowaaf, pricaa, ao why, abouldo't wa aoUdt yoor trada wfaaa wa ara aura of aatjafyinf you? -4.-0, . . . a Our dnxsa tad cMTnlf,u ara aqual la atroagth and purity to ; any oa tha markat Our dnunrta' aundrisa ara battar and . lowar la pries than any offsrad by othar hotiasa. That ia tha f rsaaoa why wo ara la batrnaaa to stay and laaara aatiaiaction. . ; Wa inrtta compariaoo with ohara. 80 why no? gtva ua a ' frialf You ara booad to aavatlma and money. .. - ,..;,v,i Vhaaia aaad of a mod tonic . try bottla of our Beef Iron arid J Wine": Nothinf battar aa a raUd atirnulant and raatocatiTa Special 50 Cents Special Thl Week A bottla of our Tooth Wash WTcn aary aao nmrm preujo. ' T7 I I I IUI I : ; UNIFORM talti;.t.s.f 16.T5 . $18.00 UNIFORM SUm.. $15.80 $18.00 SERGE, . t 1 l l Front CfetaJin 3&93n A. n KAsmmm frook tJit pot p ' - 4 t loc and WKe 'sX a i t. m r SUJ s-uwu A.L. - ' I VaWjr ..; , " .-'4 . ., - v. .. -it snsa. Yamhill Streets and Druggists Lot of Go uicklf aiiDplr becauaa thauf Bristles Ara 'aH vary wall in their placa,.Wa hava tham and keep them hi their plac sa fe our ana Una of Hah Bntahsa, Tooth Brushes, Clothe Brnahaa. Nail Bruabaa, ate.. Our stock ia 4 mads up of tha boat Arnari can, Engliah aad French gooda, and aold at popular 'pricaa. $ ,;; ,.r Walk la and took around; " yoa don't hsva to buy. . , al M a special maks. ...... .f!5,8lt f r. eat PvtalaWs lloiTtoot. St nwrt Wad W -, - t - ,r .