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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
THE OREGON T -Y J NAU POBTtAKD. I IDAY rvXNINtXv OCTOBER ll lorCo. T '1 i, 01TT BOTWIBA 0RT O'' " OTTT BOTTCKS. OfTT BOIULBS. AOJkAA :": f i ' motors AMacrarr m mm nr youui itu. r, Ajrrr im atbstttb ' ' AND TUB ALLOTS m a U. 14 ASS ';- 10, EITKBTI1W ADOn.. I1, BOATBWUlK ' 0T USX AIIO MOUBOB IIIIIZi Motto to kerabr olaon OnmO af . . the city at KrutM propon to ihm me V nllewlna AasarlaaO raporty aad ewiter or tiun m balnc apeetaily snd pecallsrly be. J Bi4 la cm amount mi smmiv iw mm ' and dncrtpOoM ttoroos; by tbo auastractkm .( nw la Morrlo eUOet, OMtaajfeata a Ten in ,. tad alley l blocks IA 14 and 15! VtwtU "V AAaUm, Boctkwlek atrMt and StoniM afreet, ' ' tram tk WMt 11m f WUJlam stMm to a Ooaaectloa vita th Ooo aranM dtetrlct n la Aiato ifutf, M protldod hf wdiaasco M. - U OAA . Any ektortlM to th apportionment of et ,,' ft mU aaaac ant be made Id writtnc to the t j Council aad fltod with the Auditor within 16 - iui tren th data of lb first publication " af tbhj aottee, and Mid ebtactlaai wlU 0 - kaard aad determined it tk Coancil before tbo pac of to acdiaaaoa ataaaalnc h Mat tar SuBamTiort or miTExriBitv iwrnoi TO ALBIMA BLOCK U, aatttk not at tot ,t A Uaato Utt, S3-M; sooth faat of tec 8. opu u. AaMraoo. oawu: souta a ox Wl 10. Joaa T. Newland, P-00: soatfc Atari af kit 11. Richard Heatey, SB-W; BMtb 8 Eat tot lk. BAcaard He, 02.80; Booth faat at tot li. Job Moot. 82.110; aoutb .south U lot; A Sol ttofibara, 1240; nsrth riot T. uiai as-ivs QUI Kyllo, 8U.; smiA 100 faat 2 tot WTanMttTtrMtaa. .la.: foaff 100 Etk 1 faat at totl. W. H. Kuoa. traata. Mi aorta otf aoatk 100 teat of kn a iokMaa. J14.M: aorU U of .MVtk 1U laat af lat L 14. aoatk 100 .; aoatk 100 faat af tot k. Eat rraleaf. M; aatk 100 faat af tot a, Jaam A. mSL watk iOO taat t Ml . raadOaala Jarratt : aoatE 100 tot W M I, ABcusU B. uotk 100 Nat af tot l,.lkrl a BnuuL (MM; aoatk 100 faat of tot 1. rl a lraMMaV(T aO. BLOCK W. wmtk 100 faat 100 faat af tot JffdU H. jkamam, fM SBi aoatk 100 faat at tot f. ffkomM VaaUr, tM I aoatk 100 faat tot 4, Tboaau Mm tor. tMMi aoatk 100 faat af MlLaan XraafL U0.H: aoatk 100 faat of lot S, Oaarca M Hnry & ritk 100 faat at tot 1, ataxia in a. UtM. faat of tot 0, Cbarti Oaarfa B. and Hearr L. opbMaoa M.t: BLOCK IB. aortk flharlM M. rorbM BaUta. katra at ; ab a faat af Jot 0. Ohutoa H. VarkM KaUW. katra of. aS-00: Mrtk a ' faat t tot 10. Daalal ItnMUk at v . i uik a u f Ut li. ArtkM O. v. t. tboMt.J100; aortk a faat of tot la, A. B. ; CwUiTliaOl aarU faat f wOo faat ' vt f tot ' la. Ida . Jmmob. l aortk ' IdA faat of tot 14, Ida U. Sokamom, atT.M; Kotaiaa. 17 90: aortk t faat af tot It A. B. . Wl 100 faat af tot 1 aad B. B. kUtcMU, itT.Sd; waat taat af aortk 100 faat of tot is, AiMrt r. Moraa, BBa.40. BLOCK IS. aortk 100 tt af lot -100 taat af tot 1 Wfptliry, J" ! ' aortk 100 faat f tot 3. Ida H. BorreU. faS8; ertk 100 faat of tot HatUa Matooa, 044.00: t tl.U faat of aortk 100 faaTot (oVl0.K.llt. T. Braa4alL.. J. Clark. 4. B; tot 14, TioaToo wwiob. OOt aorta OV raat M i u, iffrnii; aaatu a.oai ran n wi , JitiajU H. Cartooa, 04.00: aartk at oTlof 10, W. aad Aojraau at. 038. TO: aoatk T.ST4 foot of tot 1L Saba JokMoa. ar.aot aartk 100 faof m . ZUrrlat BV.TraaiaB, Ma; aorva vm taat of tot la. i. j. curt an. 48. 'iALBI IN A APOmOB BliOCA i. wnw af tot A Q. W. Altos, traatoa, out HartaoKwaw, m-w. wan to van ar aoru m aa . . W. Altoa, rraataa. M1.T0; M can n aorta 100 BMt Of aaat io ran or w is, aa CT JokMoa, aklO. BLOCK A aortk 100 faat f tot k ataraarat Dot. f-ST Ooj aortk 10U 2- Sato tot . WllUaai 4. Km. seS; i aortk faat af f tot.l BUaa BL y.aa B 3kr6: to? I JIgM 040.40 Bar Mtata, Mira oa, oawaL ; Boy. . and Ida li WbKmt. f.40.: tot 11 A dm O' Conor, 000.10: - tot 10. Joka W. WlaaauVtw-aki lat U, Jaka W. Wtoaaaa. 041.10. ... . -KvkTiLUAlfB ATBSTTB ADPTTtOB TO THl - CITY OF OBTiaHI-BLOCK J. tot 11, f ! Anna It JokaaM, 044.01 tot 0. . 'Bltotadt. ' i 044.00; tot 0, noma "V S j-'-f BUaabatk B. Oakaa. 44.W.t 4, J. H. oad 1s:fr Ku A. Fas. 08.B6j tot $. Akalo ' jiaiLaoAD anon addtttok blooot , i j-vTi. H. D. Laa. 047.00: MIL T. Saodr . ktMMt w. t BAAJB: tot 18. Aonata B. XMdar. 084.00: tot Id.' AamU B. f RVtUa toloaiaa. OOT OOl aor 100 an k . tot If. Hattla ftolowavJMT-0, - tot 1, H. Toatard. U'M tot t H Dortard. - 093.00: aortk 100 faat of tot i a, n. -; aortk io0 fW of lat 1 1 On m tw.i ao unit in Daaurd, J Aadftar of tha Or af PortkraaV , Oratoa, Octobar IT. 1004. BOB mnOTaaiBaTT Of BOB bTBT ATBBVaV P Votka kJ horabr Htm tkat tka Ooaartl at Ibt CUT W Portlaad, Oracoa, at a toMtlna . feral M tka lttk Octobat. 1004. dMlarod . tba aaaaanaaat br arolaaaM Ho. 14.304. for tba ' , UoproraiMat of Bodavr avatHM, troB tka - nortk Um of Knott atraot to tka aoatk tim of WarrU atraat, to tka awaaar ardtd by ordlaaaM No, 10.150. aaoa aack tot. put af lot and aartl of jfwU'1'',od SjJIINA--BlScKff. aat 100 faitrf tot ft, Mary Pkelpa ktootfonarr, Mat 100 u ' frt of lot lfc Mary wlpa UoatcwMry. 11 880.90; out M0 feat of tot Mary Pkelpa SfMtOBiarr. 0B0.8T. BLOCK at. Oaat i&O f oflot liT winu yhm.pmht: raat 100 faat of lot ti, William Vaarhcr. 1 BMOS; Mn 100 faat of tot It, WllUasi Wuckar. rooiTi Mat 00 faat af tot 14. talto B. nttoager, OOATt: aoatk fan of r Mat CO faat of tot W, Btalla JL nttoatar. 00.04; norU it faat of aaat W fMt of tot ' it Bmm M. OrsTaa, 004.00: wwH 00 fan af art 14. Mary O. kfallor. ttwOT: waat So Sat of tot 10. klry .0. ktalWj, 8S.44I aaat 100 faat of tot li. Own M- and B. B. faaMaaa. S0AT8. BiiOGK . Mat a fart of IM larVsal Wnolnfor, Jt.TS; tot 14. Mar - oMlta B. TmallDMo. 003.01: aoatk 43 V faat of lot 10, Joba Joka Braoyoy Batata, kaba of, r.00 faat tot loTriret Oaf inrek. 00 00; tot 14, Tlrit dor aortk aa If mm af. H. aa H. B. Cbuark, tflt.64; lot IT, Mar fooaaoy, 044.41; tot la. Mary Tooaaay. 00. M; VtiO, NoTa MrKaana. a4.SB; aaat afaat tA ln ). Btm lr atrafcan. Bl.M: oaat B hn Of tot 40, H.ry C. Hodtn. li Of tot 40, Cbartoa Ollrtry. B4.0: m ? Of tot 4T, CaarlK U IUo.; vaat U watt of toi 40, Ckarua ouroy. r mm uuiy. r'i ".TO " f tot 40, V laanal Hoao, aai-w ' S.iawl Hoaa. 1 Baenal Hoao. fil OO: Mat H of tot 4t nui hima mi.w aaai ta oi lot 40, fMt of tot SO. B. O. Pyao. 040 09: -nt 100 foot of tot St. B. a Dyar. 044, Id. BI-OTK lOTwMt 100 rait af tot A BlioO Caaa, 04(1.04: W 100 faat of tot A Ktlaa Com, 40gti wm! 100 fMt of tol V, miaa GZwb: WMt 100 faat 0 tot K Joho I, . Bdrntoa, foMwm, 0110.10: tot SO. twadlak .Utkaraa ' BraaKfllMl StojanMl CtarA UfaVISl tot JO, mwtsa awMt KWargtMa, 1122.01. Total, O.OOO.aO. 1 a ihtoant or amraaaia awanmi aw ovtarad la'tl:, and at BOW om nty Traarar In litrtul jaoBr of tka United itataa, and If bM OaM- arltkU 00 day rmat tka data of tola atl. aa protMainM -win m ta Ikon for tM teUMOra K "a aaawaw m dad by tba ehartn of tba rtty ctlfad. . .lH. .u-.t will Map hitaraat 10 t 47- Off tk. Brat ' AanWof IhO CIW afBaMJaaaV' FMttoad, Oroa, Oetobay . 0O4 TOB WIWTtaCKaT ' or CLlOBdaTAi tTBBXT. . . BoMm ti harabf flTM tkat tka CoawHI af & City at PorAaad, Orafoa, at t paarlaf M m tkt 10U day of Oraobw, 1004. anlaral tha aaaaaamaat ar ormnanca no. m ItnproT.atoat of Cla tinu ttran, irorm wa Una Ht Mttrnt TwaatT-roona atnn m tka WMt tlM of ato Twaatyldltt ftrMt. tn tba aiatinar aronaad by ordlaajKa Me. 1.4J, apoa aab tot, Mrt of tot ar0 parMl of land, . trkleh ara awK-laHy aad aacaUarl Jtoaanud. JlBOT ADDITIW TO:HfM.APAT 9M ATJJ . OUtoa, Portland, otMnt-BIK!K tl, aooth loo feat tot 10, Tba Tltto Ooaraataa Tr , Conoao. W ( aoatk 100 mi tot f. TM . 1 Tltla Onaraatat A Iron OroMay. 44,ot; aoutb 100 fart tot t.Tka TUto Oaaraataj '' ttmI CoDaaay. 800.49; aootk 100 feet tot T. ,tka Tltla daaraatM A TrMt Oaajpaay, antM A TrMt rnntMnf. OfT Si BDOtk 100 (art tot 0. Tba Tltla OflBj-utoo A Traat Cm Kiay, 0OT.S0J foata ion tm iiihiIh A Timat CnaaMn an a. im CM tltto at Coamany. OWT-Sri Omta lOA tm krf ft. Tha Tltto OMftntM Truat CntaMny. afiSOT; Motk MO fMt tot J. Tha Tltla OnaraotM A Tran maaay, 0M.U; aaatb 100 ht tot 1, Tka Tla OaaraatM A Trnat Cnapany. Jlia 14. Biwn , tot "7TtT15o' rJi t -tk loa l 100 feat a B , 4 fc tot a, tv. m oil raotea ' 10 ( tot C mpaar, v T t la Guars aoatk 100 f TrMl CoKkSw Tia tit la --tiioa A Tt- rt (nv (fe at tot a, Tka f la 1 li i omu. Ml. 08 1 ar M Tm OuaraatM 1 r Bth 100 faat tot A . . A Zraat Company, v" II I. T tm rtu uuaraaiM m BLOCK .aWCK , tot 11. atiat; tot 1. to OMrantM A f at 1U Oompaor, 940.00: tot IT. TM Tltia GurantM A-TVuaf doawaar. I llf tot 11. Tka Tltto oaaraatM Truat unnaaBT. 0H.M; tot la. to Tit la ' ouaraotea TTMt Ootaaaar. trr.JO; tot B, Tka Tltla Owtum Traat Crapaar. llt.0. BLOCK 10, tot 11. Tka Tltto QaarantM A Traat Ooaipanr, (114.13; lot UL Tha Tltto Ouraotea A Traat Oaa mwTBW.BT; tot It, Tha Tltto BAaraatM B Traat Compaar, 000.80; tot 14. Tka Tltto ttaarata Traat OoaMaay. 0OOJ4: tot li. Too Tltto Guarantee A Traat Oaaxpaav, AU.001 tot 1A Tka Tltla Onariakaa a Trill Oatnpanr.; lot IT, Tka Tltla Guano tea A Trut Oaiapaar. aOBJO; tot IS. Tka Tltto SuxBBtM A Truat Otmtmr. tU.OJt tot 10, Ttaa Tltto OaaraatM A Trmat Oraiaaar. Ml 08; tot 00, Tka Tltto OaaraatM Traat CofflMnr. Total. .tB.T. A ktateiaoBt f BforaaoM at aaimaat kaa baw ntarad to tka Dockat of 01 ij Liana, aad to ao tm Mat aavabto at tka attto at ka 01 tr TrManrar, la lawfal aowr af tha Unltad OtatM, aad If aot Mid with I a 80 dara fraai tka data of tkto Mtlea. aacb MMaedtoa will ba tokaa far ttaa ooltoctton of tka mom m an ararldad tv tka rbartar af tka City of Pnrtlaad. Tba a bora aaiMaaaaitt' wlU baar lataraat 10 dan attar tM prat paMiaattoa of tkia Mdao. - Aaoitar or tM city ac n rarttaad, Oraaoa. Oetobaff & 1004. iaaraaaTWT fob xarpaOTXktxKf cur mrtt- XWMJM aTBKKX. BatlOT lo knaoy atoaa tkat too Ooaaett at tka City af Port load, Ora, at a maattaa bald m tba Utk day af Octobar. looC 4aclard tM BManmaat T orOTMaaa Ko. 1,BBL nr i lmDroraBwat of MulrMBiaa atraat. from 1 Mat 11 m of Boat Flrat atraat to tka waat 1 of Baat Bitk atrMt Ml tko ataakar arorh by ardlMBca No. 10,001, Ma wak tot, part tot and parwl of hind. Wtlck ara aaMnfly I pecouariy MuntM. ta m m rouowo, na: HOLLA DAT 8 ADDITIOB to Ial Iaa4- LOCK 00, lot 4, Baalal A 1.23; tot ft Daatel B. H-l.- U 1. M WA Haoa4l.0O. BLOCK OS, OMrt J. QbIUm, 0S T1; Onth A. ColtlM. At. S3: Bmnu X. ArchaaabMaa 1.0a: tot . KafM M I lory. aaJa; tot 0. Bafua ltallory. 11.00. BLOCK OA tot 4V Patar vcoar. 09.00; tot o. Patar WaOaar, 90.03: owl 10 tot A Oil to tlrtiala gawko, fATS; want tot 011m -TlralnU Bawka. h-Vii aaat tot A Patar , OaraUM, 04.49: Mat V tot f, Pnar Can Udm, 0.40. BLOCK fl, tot 4, Oragoa Baal butt Company, 030.10; tot ft, Orxgoa Baal nuta OoaiMny. foot tot A Orafoa BmI Batato Ooapany. 121 30t lot 0, Oracoa BmI , Batata Company, to. 00. BLOCK T4, tot 4, Oracoa Baal Eatato Company, 1 1 06; L Oraroo Baal BaUU (Jaipany. Ol.Ofti tot 0. BUMbatk tt. TutUA W OoTTot 0, BttMkatfc O. Tnttto, 1.0A BLOCK WT, tot L M. T.41. BLOCK 04, tot 1, A. H Bray man. IlSLSl; tot ft. A. H. BriyaUa, 0O.T0; tot 1 , I. B. Bryama. .OBTt; tola? IT H. Bray au, 11a BLOCS? OA tot T, Kmata . x AMaambaan, 00.06; toe A nanam 7. Arcaam. baa a. 00.53; tot T. Lou Ml MlcolaL ttod; tot Looto NlrolU. tlt4.TA BLOCS TA tot 1. Hatcra of Chtrtty "of lYandaaaa of it. Tla rant'a BoaplUl. 0XL00; tot & Matara at Charity of PrOTldenM of ttt. naMt'a Hoa pluL Otl.40; tot T. Mary 0. Mom, Ct A Eaaor B. fcooarlaid, tSS-OOT BIOCb! fa, lot 1. Orafoa BmI BaUta Oooapaoy. 01.03; lot ft. Orayoa BaO BbUba Com p. ay, fl.OS) tot f. Oram Baal AtUta Oomnany, Al.OOj tot a. Oracoa Km) Batata Compaay. A - ' - ua ai.oa; pornaad Baliway Oamyaajr i rual Of ' war. 800.00; city a bbarbti Baltway aaay'a rlrtt af way, 02.10. Total, ftsft.04. A atataawat of aforoaald BMraaawnt bM kaao M tared ta tko DockaT of Oty Liana, aai to now doa aad aayabla at tba atftoa of tin 01 ty Traaaorar, t Uwful aoor a tba Daltad SUtM, aad If aot paid wltkta 00 daya from tka data of tbto aotioa. Utk aran4naa will ko takaa far tba aollocttoB of tba himIm ara arorldajTby tba cbartn af tka 01 ty at Portland. Tka abora aaaoMaaont will baar lataraat 10 daya aftaf Ob Orat aabUeattooi ad tfcla Mtwa. 'V 'jfr . Aodlbm Of ba City of ParUaal PortJan. Oracoa, Octobor tl. 1004, rAOFOaXP AaaaaTfPrt FOB BAST BtABBBOB OTAXXT. Bntoo to karaby bItm tkat tbo ConafJ at tbo dry Of Portland proponao aa bmom Allawta aVafrlh.A Wnmlt Oad II IB ownora a0 batno apoetoUy and aatlarly keoo- fltad ta tba amoonta aot oaaoaim taa aad daaarlpttoM tbereoT ay tn a aawar la But Medieoa Owm woat at tao won Um t Baat T to tka aawar In till TklrtT Ilia hr ordinance Bo. 14.1 Any objeottoM tt By or aakn newer naat ffA An obieotloM to Oka BPDorltoaaMat at aaat for man aavar nan ft made ta wriUnf to tao rvtoall and Atod wtfk and 8M4 wtta cm Anaaot witam 10 dayo fronj tao dam at tba I tfato aotioa. and Mid aUoetl and datormlnad by tbo f orat Mkuoauoa of oao wuj aa Mara Otmaeil Mora tba wining tko oaat naauco of tbo for mm a. war. acNrrrarna block at. tot a inmnnMt oa.. no.n: Barton, SB) 00; tot IS. Jbh 010 00. SLOCaT 80, lot A kaaayalda Land h ImproMmeat Co.. 1A60; lot It aaaralda Land A ImproMnwnt Co., 01A0O; to IS. . , THOB. a 6BTUB, ' AmMtm of tbo atr of FHnrttoaoV Partland. Oracoa, Octobat IT, 1004. ABUMMBBT FOB raTFAOTTBTIWT Oa BAAT TwTBTT-BIXTSI BTAZXT. aw m "Wafav oItm tkat tko Ooanrll at tbo City at Portland,. Oracoa. at a tooettaa acid m tba lttk day ot OetoMr. loot, otoclexed tbo qaananmat by oral nance No. 14.15. for tbo bsproTeaMnt at BMt anrth lima af Uul TwMtrautk Btraet. crom Um af Multaomak ttraot to tko aoatb Um or Haleey atrMt, la tbo BMnner prortdVd SordlMaoa No. 1B.MO, apoa ooca bk, pan tot and portel of toad, wktoh ara apoelally aaa naantlarlr kaMfltad. to be M follows. Ub: FIRST APPITION TO BOLLADAT FABK AD BITION, Portland, oreaoa. bluop. it, mc 1. Tba Tltto OaaraatM A Traat Oamaaay. 01 OK 41; tot A Too Tltto Oaaraptn A Traat OonnMay, ao. la: ki io, -im iiua wmifi TrMt Coaoy.ny. fl ; tot . Tba JlttoOaar. antM A Treat Company. CSAU. BLOCK SO, tot 1, Tbo Tltto OaaraatM A Traat Company. 011440; tot t, Tka Tltto QaanntM A TrMt Company, 14.80; tot IV, Tna Tltto OoarantM rTrael Comnaay, 80 Ml tot Bp. Tha Tltto OaaraatM A Traat Company. 8100.04 BrxX'K tl. tot 1, Tbo Tltto QnaraatM A TrMt CoaV pany. OtOAOfii tot 1 Tha Tltto OaaraatM A TrMt; tot It. The Tltto Oat. antM A Tr -it Company, 0104: tot SO. TM Tltto OaaraatM A Traat Company. 07.00. BLOCK 18. tot 47 Tba Tltto Oaarantae A Trtjrt Oompaay. flOATO; tot A Tba Tltto Boarantaa A Traat Company, 80.80; tot 4, Tba Titltf OMrantM A Trut Company. 81.90; fr t 8. Tao Title Ooarantn A Ttmi (toamnr, 804 FT. BLOCK 10, tot 10. The Title OnaraotM A Traat Oamaaay, 810A1T tot A Tbo TUto Oaaranua A TVnat Oompany. tot IK tm Tltto OaaraatM Traat coa fvaat C" r.S0 lot 11. TM Title uaaraatM nmNtr. Ollt 00. Bl-OCK SO, tot 10. Tbo Tltto Owaroatoa A Traat Company. 8140.18; tot 8. Tba Tltto OaarantM, A Traat Company, i 00: tot It, Tba Tltto OMraritM at Truat Company, bi an: m II, TM Tttw OMraatoa TrMt rbPllOPt. BM 8L 430.OA A MatooMat at aferamld aaaaaramot bm b aa tared la tba Itorkot of Cltr LtoM. aad la now dM aad par-k la vt tha offtoa at tka Cltr tiHM Ik .laa, awMw s.1 tka -ITafkma Rtatae, and tf MO- paid wTtahj ,S daya from tao Mto or thia anttca. Oaeh eraninsa win ba lakaB'tar tba tollerttoa at tha aanw M ara pradad by tar barter of tbo City of Portland. Tba thorn iniaawt will War ilatareat 10 amy aftor Mm Dm aabbkattoa of tbla notna. . TriUa, U. ' . And! toy of tko Cltr of PortlaaeV Partlaad, 0raoa. October a. 1804. p oaaiaamsr fob impoutimkbt of tnrxB ATajroTL dtea hj Vrtto (traa tkat tba CMnrfl af City of Pru-tland, Orairoo, at a mrnrna M tba 10th day of Ortob-r. lOAf, aWlar4 tbo baM tfce amimiMBt by er4lnr rmpraramrrrt of uatna Btowi No. 14.S0O. far tbo tram aka.rMtar too Of Wrtolofi atraat ta tka aoatk una of Iron atre-ti In tka maaaer preTlded by aoanaaw No. 18.000. bpm aark tot, part of kit a HI par Ml of land, wblrb ar aporlalto aad faeatlarUP banafltad. to ba m foltowa, rli: KBBN'B ADDITION to Kat rUnd BIXlrK B. tot A William C. Brown. 010 00; tot f. William A Brown, tSR.SS: tot 4, WlUlaBi 0. Brawn; 840 BT: tot 8, William fl. Browa, 04i.aa, LOCK O. tot , Frd a Morrlt, fao.41) tot T. Prod I. Morrta. 18 OA BLOCK CtTlot L Harbort p. MrBwan, aOT.Mi tot A rlM OrMary. .800,401 tot A Aaa Korr. BTl. jet a. Mary I OCalthalC Bto.IA F. tot 1, CherlM H. Cnir4. $20 ; rod S. Merrta. In n! Othm Water Hall war fhrmnanr'a crarE rtoht ad way. SrH.VT. Total. P n. 00. A BtateBMBf Of Brnrnau awiawiknt BM Man ratared ta rb Iorkn of City Liana, and In now 4M aad aayabla at tba offtca of Che City rraaaarnr. to. lawfal jaonay of tka United atatea, aaa tr not paid wttkbi 80 dafO from tbo dob) of tblo ootlra. aarh ajmcMnaoa will bo mkea lot tM anllMttoa at tka objm aa ko tokea Pat tM anUMOoa at tM aama at era ararldad by the 4ortf of tba City ofPnrttoad. - Tha aboM imoiawit will ban latoreet 14 daya aftor tko flrot w-Mtonuoa Kh notion, TW- fltt ffnaraatM fan. uat Cw, O-Aaai lat 16. f i a Mraataa A " Oaauaa. aiOOTt kit 10. Tka tltto CaantM a Trwt Fart aak tat a. una t OBMrocttoa of L from lot faat BManawm A0ataaaawWjra fV kLaJTB OF MiT MmIm to aHt atTM t-t tao Caaaafl hii 1 v i and lf"aaaS . . T I i. A naeullarl V k at T to tk- nt Um of aaat Two. A ou-. oa ararktod by onaaaj Uy'a -nna to tba MaMnaaiiaO at oj arid loiortaw - m ..T. v U 1 n from tbo 4 a wa -uu w wi a a a 01 St JpvtbUMt at aW bwtloa, aad A i ' toaa mm ko board tad datormlaad V a-a; aaco of tka orflMBM oiBBWlnf tba aaat oi aaid luiprovem.nU CAUTKttd ADDITION ta Baat FortUod LOCK 1, bH waina r. Hataou.. luAAA. BLOCK A tot o. Frod B. Stewart, OAldf tot at aL and Lootoa Millar. 041. 70; t; at aad LouIm Miliar, ow t: tot A aad 1mm MUtor. 882.10. BLOCK T. tot Cbrtotua Otoaa. 800 11; amo. tArutua VMM Alfrod rfanw-a mar on. amw aa, lawtor. 071. 8A A tracTof land ba- m tba aortk Um of Batoey atrMt and a 100 Nat aortk taeroof ajd paraltol tkaro i and aaat Una of Carter a AOdlUoa UT UoLlaD A T AlWltlON to tif City of Portia ad B LOCK I, fot 1. John ProvdfMt, itU aa"kot A John Proaaioot. 00A0O; .tot A loft a ProodfMt. aO-OB. . , ITBO-P ADDITION TO HOLLADATTI FABK AD DITION to rartUM. urajaj-aLoin a, porta ion rant af kit 11. Tba Tltto Quran tM A TrMt Company: asT.OS: aortk 100 fMt of tot It J Tka Tim Quanatea A Traat Omtui, Ma Mai aartk 1W fMt of lot IS, Too Tltto Ooaraatow A Traat -Compear, tao.n; aorta wo fMt ac lat m Tba Tltto SuaraatM A Iron Oo Z?ar,H4.W; aortk 100 fan of tot If. Tba Tlvto OoarantM A Traat Ootnpany, 848.14; lua uaaraano 100 teat of Traat Oom- eny, pasaoi Bona iw uat n m if. im tto OurutM A TTMt Compaay, OBAM; ibo iiua uMraama Traat Oompnny, 042.03; any. 842.02; aortk 100 foot of M an m Tilia OuaraatM A Traat Oam- Tilia OuaraatM A aa, tfY . BLOCK FA aartk il if tot 11. Tbo Tltla OoaMatM A Tn m io coot Trut Com aaay, 041.01; aortk 100 fan of tot 1A Tbo loarantM A Traat Oom May. 040.eS: Aarttr bOO faat of tot 18. Tba Tltia OaaraatM TrM Company. 8M OA: aattb 100 toot af (at m7 Tba Tltla Quaraotn A Tma Conv- Ray. 840.41! aorta iuo con ac m la, xaa da OoarantM A -Traat Ooapaay, 040 OT; rtb K fan of tot 14 Tka Title OaaraatM Trjat Company, 4lla; aortk 108 fan of tot IT, Tba 71 ua (narnaiM a im wnaw, - ttl.TOr aartk 100 foot of tot 1 OaaraatM A Traat Oamaany, 100 foot oT tot 10. Tbo Tltto oc mc la, tm Titia ooo. IT I uoaraatM a traat Oampasy. 804.90; aartk 100 foot of tot 80, Tka .Tltto Quarentoa A Traat Comaoay, 04A14, ' TtoJ, aAOOAOO. THOB. fJL DBTLlw. at tka City of tntUBaV FAOFocro aooyookmrr roa xxrBOTB- BTXBT OF BOBTBTWIOat BTBXBT. Battoa to karabr aina tkat tka Oooaotl at tao City of rwtland acapoaaa ta aaeaaa ioiiowiboT aaai i Tim pro party ana owner ar awairt aa bain opocl lauj aaa aanuwriy boaacltad ta tba amoonta oaf oppbalto tka mm aad daocrlpttoM tbaraof far tba Improro Mjt of Bortkwlek atraat, from tka aortk Um of Somali aatMt ta tbo aortk Um at Stantoa an atiaat fa tbo a aa proViaed by or4 obtioM ta tko a atrMt. aa provided by ordlnaaoo No. 10.00A Any obr-tioM oa tbo apporPoameM ot en tor aaid 1 rovoaMat moot ba made la wrltlnc a tbo lV3elI aad fltod wltk tha AadlUr wltkta If daya from tao ocattoa af tbla aotk. a data of tao fa-at nb- aad aald objantoaa win id bp tao CooadlMfara bo kaard and determined tha paoH paoaaaa af tba orHaoaOP af Bald IummmL FBOBffTBla ADDlTfOI TO ALBTNA r- LOCK A Mat , tot .040.041 Mat 14 totlA Of .oba fct 8, Btrpbaa Bana. 2aa Brnaid, 0BT. IP: tot tot It, atr at Pia laml. OaO. IS. M Oaatoa Marthlao, OOO.lO,. oaat. feat of tot IS, laak tkewraMlrl, aaat 84 foot of tot laTJaak M MAISI mat St fMt Of WMt 40 to . 04. 18, OatkortM Darnel. 00.141 .aaat of wan 40 Oaat at tot 14. Catbart 14. .TO; waad B4 fMt of tot 1A Ml rtr. SAOO: won 84 foot dt Jot rubarty, 84 SA BLOCK 11. Vt Coin ton. 0S7.44: tot 10. Daniel OBSiTO: tot 11. Oeorao A and Annla 00O.IO; lot is, unra P Fauowa, noon; i as raat oc mc in. aunra v. Fauowa. 00; aortk IT foot dor. 011.1111 tot 14. A X-K lA tot A Joka aad B. Ortoa.011.0T; 1 rldad H ot tot lOTMaa BTinman, namTioea m i in. naanaa a.. and Clyde J. aarai, n.: mi U. tewman, SO.TS. BLOCf Id. Tot d. W. Tatoa. 04A44: lot 8. BraMt B Mra, OOAUJ lot 4, BTltnam TaapandM, 1.111 tot 8, Wlinaav Taapaaoaa. 044. IP; wiinam Tapaaiion pn.wi an . l. 04T.44J BLOCK 10, tot 041.11? art A Wtntam B. BWram IMTBi WtQW tLOOK 14. bk A aniua Mania of. t A ftllttoa BntkarUnd. aoAsT; tot r Aaora Wlaa. 881. 80? an tk U . A. Frakaa. OM Ofl, tot A MUtM fharland, 848 .08; tot 8, J.B. BMtt, 8OP.U1 t 1. 3. B. Seott. 8T0.8S. BLOCK IV tot A . J. - THOA ft DaTtXrjl, fHtoaA Onrmn? tt rrrmwo, tnroaaB wanw iwvm n099U FOB BTXTAXt TBtOOXB ZJOKaaB . TAwOV BMtoi aroBaatki artfl. j Oa4 Tatarnol at tbo offtoo af tM Andltot at tM dty.of anUl ft a'etoofe a, m, Tnaoday, Morompor IBM. Aw tna fnralaUan! at 10.000 natal Mhtok taaw aampiM to M Maauttod with ATI taaa at Oha aama color. Oa ha Meted toanhor ta aaa box, a aaparata, boa for Meh oolor of Oxta. aad Mllrorad to tha aty Patfi, Portlaad, not later than Deeombar SO, 1004. Bide mnat ba acconmaatod by a oartinod chock payeblo ta Oaoraa H. Wltltaam, Mayor of tka City at Portland, for a oom aqaal to 10 par Mat of tka Mpt at the Md. m nxed ana nqtOMtoa aamaaoa ra mm boob bidder aaan fall to dollror tka taa aa apod, fled ta kta prapMni nhMld tha bum ba awarded ta asm, . Tbo ri8M to rafatt oF ot on Btoo m aaw ay Bur ordaa at BM I . . THOA C. DEVLIrf, naajier at tM uty 01 rc Oracoa, Oetobet If. 1004. bob ratrmoTKMEBt os- max I 'ATBirVBt pTottao m boMbB at mb that tko OtopWfl ot the City af Port lend. Oracoa, at a atr-t. tnc bald M tka Stk day of Onobor, 10O4, dWlared tha an nan at ordlnaoea No. VC 147, for tko Im pro t moot of Flrat arenM. from tbo north um of Lonwt Btroot Oa tbo Borthorty Una t Aefa atrMt, ta tbo manaar praalded by aratMOM n oym oocb fox, lot and mtcoI of taat. wfeleh ara l it ant a uII.bIs mm Bi.llna 1 CIT TIBW PARK ADDITION bp Baat Part PwtUnT Craaiatl'on 'Aaooctatton. 'H.40i lot A Pwrttaad Orematton i BLOCK A tot 0. L. lab m Aon rtattoa. , Ql 1AB1. iahjL iUAOtf tot w. h Tt ' AM: ht Frank and MardatoM Uanar 041. Mi tot 1A Frank nod Mafflalaaa Klnaar. W. A traat ot land lyiac katwaaa tia won Bm af Flrat BToaao and 0 Um J00 feat wnt thereof aad parallel tfeerowltk aa tha north II m at Asb ptroat extend. between WMtorly In Ita nraMat Mom and the north Um of LoeMt atraot ax tended wottorlr la Ita praoMt coaraa, Po 'ortland nrrraatlaai Ooo, arrr to. Total. 01,041 00. A' natomaat at BforoMM Mowed bk tha Doekot ot City Llnn, aad to now Jm and payable at tha of the City Treanaro, la lawtal nvmey of tba United StatM and If not aald wtthla 80 Oaya from tko date of tkta Mtloe nok proceadlnn will ba takaa Tat the ooUtntoa at tba pama ao ara pro Tided ar tao abartat at tao CttF at Portland. The aboro ' ataimajul will n daya aitat tha 8rn aabctoaOoa ot tbto AadThm dt tbo City af Portlaad. Portland. Oracoa. Onobor 11. looi. FOIlBlUfABraCBB VOTXOS. vkTottoa to karoby atraa that aa tha fOfh day of Onobw 100A 1 took ap and ompoormtod at tba City PMltd, at Na. 841 SUtMath atren. ta tba Ctty of Porttond, Orrpna. tka fnltowlim dearrfhed Oalnato: Dark brindto hnfar, .lit ta rtcbt ear', tod and wbltb belfor rrd balrer. wklt. aa and. white baUy and white opn m tot at taoaidara, and anton oha owaar nr other parann or paranii Mrtaf aa tataroM tbaralB ahall oblao po ileal an f tko aama, Md pay all 00a ta and harcM of tko keeping and adrartlatac tkem, kactker with the ponad feM on Mid ml mala, na arnrtdd by ordtnann No. A8S8, ta amonded, of Mid 1tr of Portlaad. I Will, aa tka 84th day of Onob-r, 1004, at tka koor af 10 a. nv. at fko City Poaad, at N. 801 Olxleentb atreet. ta paid rlty, ten tha abora aearlnnj anlmato ol poMto aantoa do tha klcht blaaar. to pay the toeta and thorpm Oar talac an, kaealnc aaa) adyoyttatac paah Bora 100 fMt of lot 10, TM 1 & Traat Ooawany, 0MST; aartk IT, TWTUto GonaatM A - llw.l bur en A X7 Tarkaf. fiT OO; "feocfc Mi tot SB taat UK kCry ST. BaTMtt. B. Ho. 000 A Haartortn inslPiala. .' .... , ArABboV o- -H at 10 1 tto inrlr MM Vwnora t.d to oora il aalni aaactolly d to tko amnata eat or' MBMB and sa of a dnortattaaa tber w 1 . nuo. from M a point OMh iniai Am wpat A 1 inoM nan witB tne aewer n 4e4 BP ordlnanM kma M tbo apt -AMI at fot Will ba m. . wltk -?rttnf wfl tba 10 daya af tha . iMttoa tbto notice, and ml rill ba BbJecttoaa hahm tha naa- bm MtoraiMd fcr iO Coon nrll ft of tba ardtaaaM UM aoK atr ma a. war ALB IN 4 ADDTTtOB BLOCK 4, tat BA at Peteraon. OtAOO; aartdd M tot 11, rtod- erirk Forbea, OOi uodlTltod tot 1. rraor a roroea. OOt andlTlded tot IL Sally rnbeo. 1 as. nuii,iaad V tot IX Baity rori oa. 120 001 tot 10, Mary A. . Ftpanjaa. l.U: 10.00) lass. "&UAMB ATBBTJB ADDTTION fe PwTltond , let 11. Oaoraa In a Bn"8AlOaar BBvAt! tot an a. WILLI A Ml AVlNtrV ADDrTtO prjtl.nd BLW K T. lot T. H M to tbo Crty at Harrv W. neoM. 37 46, tot it A H.rrr W 'Ruua. OJB.aO: tot f. Harry W. Bona, OXAaO: fit 8. Harry W. "a. ISXa.'ot lA eiarry W. Boajnt, BHZ.M. wII!r4 ANTTrB ADDTTTON a Mlua- BiWm. t, naatk 1T.S1 faat tot 1, hUebaoi and . Abm Laiaaar. 81.40: aantb IT. 11 feat v- a Ptoator. 81.00: aoatk TT n Otto t. Kramer. 11.00; aaatfe A45: tot W W. H. little. f" 2; 14, Adato A at Mi 0. ten. tot 1. famn 048 40: arlra 1 B, EallnirT. B. Montanaue ami BaaM of 401 lot A JaWlL aiaatoNaanBtohv .m, era.w -Forbao. nndlrlded U IaI I rredariek m. rorbea, OS tOi aadl ao namTWaC M tot A FT brtoh BI PWhaa. On on- i a Rittu Both, 01 AU; tot 1. JaaenktM Onaata. 888. wWiJf AyBNDB ADDrTlON In Portland aiuuuK tot 1A ibt tT8ah a.0hUuiaaa. SSianl.Tw pnpn, 004.0A WILLI AMI AVBWTJB ADniTTOB to fba City at -awa a, 101 lnl 1. Hurt Rum 04.00; tot ft, Harry BoaaaT 10 OSt tot 04. H n w BamMl P. N.wT M4 0S- aamaa. nrarn, nM-Wl watt, SBB. 036 4B; lot ill. 00; tot Fl 834.08. . BLOCK It. tot 1. 3. H. tot a, maianna Wtotrand, a: tot tl. OBl A Carl a. Leaf. UA SL. Portland Traat Coi May. 01A40: tot SO. atotbew Waleb, tld.40 K tot 10, Matbow WatoA. 030.40 fathow WaieA, IS. A. A Ellla. CH 4A' lot IT yfc 40; tot 14 MMI froat. 88440: tot iZ Ftland Traat flnmnaa OMakl la la BWaa. . 1 TWfJaV ft BaTFLIrT. V stsarr of mi hi barabr cino) that Oha atF af Portland touawiac na MoeriMa proparip aaa ownaov a nwaan to tolm apoelally nod peratterry beM- In the amoonta aot oppoalta tna namaa mill ,ouoM taeroar aw tha hMa.. mbw nntii xrom xaa em iina'ar niaa Mnat. to the woat Um of Outoabeta aranma. n a warn, oa inijwa ny oroinaDC no. u.OTT. . day obloetlOM to tbo apporttonaMat at coat fltr aald ImaraTonnt moat be nuda la atitiu en n waani ana moo wica cm AOaltor Within If daya from tka data of tko flrat pakllrattoa at tbto notiee, nod nld obJatttoM will be BMra ana anernUMC or tM Cooaefl bofora tba BOAMaa of the ordlnanM tna aoot of. nld lmproromost. aVLBINA-BLOCK b wwt 00 feet tot It, Jtohn f- Pi. KeUte, beka of, B ItT woat 40 ova n, m m; wan so WMt M tot 1. Faaehal ran an in. joob jr. 011.00: oaat 40 foot 0410: out 40 foot tot BT.TA BLOCK 4T. watt M tot 1. PaaeM rranAA, WaTI ixra s woat at. tot A Okarlao A. Wltooa, ff .80 oaat Joe l. MlTadar Dtndlo an7 Frank . uairna,, aw aii m OanbM, OtM HI tma Aaa tna IM.U. BL BOB. Oil AMI lot r-a-AorK WllUam Drnak, 0llA01 ea. aaa.iBi aaat BlrrelL 04. Tt; oaat Ik Btrrall. MTOt; woat .tot vraca. pn.ri; DraHt. 84T.OA PKOBSTfeX'S ABDfTTOlf 'test fMt tot A B. BLOCK 14 OMt 14.77 foot Baton. 014 00: oaat 14.77 ' Marcea. BtOO: aaat 14TT fan af onth 10 foot tot 4. William ToMoadoa, 80.40; lot T. Henry B. Heppner, 041. W: tot A Char H. mill Batata, mim ac, MB. at; m m-t M aa- W 1 r,alaa S HIH W.... BVaNS ADDITION to tba towa at Albtnaw iajck a, won on ran 01 mc a rvat Chan at IkhL on.OTf net U fa tot A Oorca W. Batoa, tSB.21; tot 1 W. BateO, 0SA80; OMth 10 fan Oaora OrVBttn. ps-dt; toMT, Ooor, tea, 801. lit OMth 10 feet of tot Badlay inm $1.84; tot JA Bernard Baaka Braat, 1.T0; aoatk 10 fret et tot IA Dudlay Era pa. 01""- at 11, oooi.r Brrana, 023.41; totMiodtoy Braaa. feM.SA BLOCK 4. tot A Dllay Brans, BmToO; lot 8, Dad ley Bnna, 123.46; ooath lo"fa-t of tot A Dad- toy frraaa, 04.TS; tot T, Dndtoy Brana, 800.00 Booth 10 r-t or tot A rnidiay idle Beoa- . 81.T4: lOt IB. PMMT BJTBBP, PBO.M: PM af tot llTDoaTtoy Brana, fl 00; fan at Want ITT f apt at tot 1 aootk 10 faat SO; aaath to eat at tot 1A Dadlo .Braat, fO-TO TT.f feet af tot 14. Dod- toy Brana SAU: woat IT T fMt of lat lA Dsdtoy xoiat. i 1 THOB. C. DOTM n. ' ' ' Aodltor of tko Otto ofPuftoaA rarttoBAl Orotoa. Onobar IT, 1004. FBOBOCAB dB8IB8B OUT FOB IwyMTB. or wosBoifi Botiep to hereby ftraa that Oho rtoaactl of fko Cttr of PWttoDd nape an pa aaaaaa tha Oal- towlna aooeiibd property and owner or owners m brine aaeetallp aad pan liar ty tinadl d la tha amoonU tat oppoalta tM mo and do Brrlptlona taareaf for tba feaproMpmat ot Haa wto ttraotfiom tka Mat. Bm of BMt flrat atraat to tha woat UM at Boat OUtfe tiroot, M arortded by orolnann "a, m , (tor aeld inMawtml Mit'bV made in wrltlna tn the Council and OVmd wltk tka Auditor Within 18 dnyi from tbo dato ot tba flrat publication of tbla notice, and asia ewer 100a win m Mara and aetorntMd by tba Oaannl botoaa tba pa- aara of tba oratapaM awiaataf IM aaat af ScluPAT'B ADDTTTOTf hi Ban PnrtUnd BLOCK or. tot 4, jmb ciara. pm mi lot a. John Clark, loft: tot 0. AacMttM Mart K-ketTflltO: tot 8. Aao-MtlM Maria Plcbot, Olf OS. BLOCK OA lot 4, A, H. BrerRtan. il tl: lot A A. H, Brayman, tot A l an-aot an a a a awoymaa, K 08. tot 4 laiam A. Arrkan- i.Ol t tot t, Bnram A. irrbMBNt, 1 A LUUna Olds. 80 Ml tott. LlT- OMa. t1t.1T. BLOCK fl M 1 Look) ilaL OltOJ; tot A LonU BtoolaJ. ot A Loom Ifarohil, 80 St tot 8. Loo to flralel. 80 OS. BLOCK. TA tot 4. Ooora mrkmaa. OiM.op; in A oenm Kraaamaa. 40; tot A Para. aVbada, 80.d0t lot A Dna ado. BM.Orl. BLOCK OP. tot 1. Frank la Anrna . Orob, Pa 01 ; toC a. AitoMtO Ooohork.'a 08. BIaVS 4T. MU iantk Oobnoft. 81 11 tot t Aataota Ofobork. ift n0: W T. Atwwto OaabOj. fe.M: UtTlarwU 0mhArk. tlAOA kw MK 4A tot i, Iran WltUnH-ra. lit 08; ! A TT.rmaa Witt-a-bera. 81 31l tot f Wit tenner. MOO; ,0 rmdeM. SB 4 , . t T ? a.P- roknaoa, 'O0AB; totl M ry A B-wU kM.OOirl-a of way. Portia 4 Ball r ijar it, fOATOi rlcht o way. City A fr- rSan BaUwaf Oao 0O0K ATBJfVB ABB an- i aad la-la r'-i-B.!. 010 it. bacv uio, aa aot bm a Hurr aw-oat. jot T. William B. Marroan. OCA OBI BB. BLOCK 1A tot A TE$8E-W bM g I Pmp, tin.40; aodlrlded tot 4 Bnllta B. For baa. OtH.ant anjMwiaJ a wl aunia a 111 ware, aao-oo: hi u. d. a omi- i tot IT, Mrs. kt A. rTtokarabam. IB, K. and Fidelia L Maaa, 14. John A. and Vldalla 1. Ifana. KUebart. 110 1 to ht IA Oara R. OOK 41 BM 1. Altoa 1 WlHaaj OWbao, lOT. AL0CK 41 Ca Jot l Wltaaa. Q it cLwIlS t It wntiBBi ,A n Bh, wuuam H. UUar, fttOl tot A A. feL BtaMberry. iristT tot T, Tha OraawA Bool Batato Cm Ray. 810.88: tot A Tb fhwrn lual Batato mpany. I ISO SO. BLOCK 48. tot I, Bern. k.rl NiMen. 814.80: north IB fMt of tot Mar. 8A0O, TotoA. I BKaTT OF BlKXat tmJmXi, to hereby c1m tkat lb JwnaO at ?flF af Portland aropoaap to V m tha foltowlmr dearrlbed property kad own or a belnp specially and BOoitorayben 4 la tbo aatonnta aat oppoilto tbo aaoM 4 A?oorTtlMa tbareof for tka lmpr-a-nt f SUta atraat. fram tko north bow Tfetorr tooa Btreat to to north Um ot IrrTna atiapA 08 Bn rtded ay ardlnanra He. U.414 Any ObatotlcM to tna itoBaaaht of oaat H ftortroremaat araat ba nude ta wTlttaf OPhncll and lied with the Audltaa witkln from the data of tba Orat aobUMtlon notlra, aad aald aUentoea wlfl ha koard erinlMdl by the OVmaaUkotoM kha Bbb. Of the HdfelBOM ' - tha aaat ai aalA ItnproramraL PC RTLA N p BLOCK 1T0. tot A Oracoa Oom- May. 16.10; tot A Oroaoa Company, TfM 02; tot S, Orocoa Ooatnaar, Ul.04; tot 1, Oraowa jnnpiBT. run. block 177. tot t SecoT aa mDiminc com pany.091.t4: tot rVaa Okt n. a .mm t totl naftw. ILZrisiOlo: BLOCK fl. tot 4. H. and If Wolf, 04 171 lot tot tT 1. H. PVtMi Patanon. 0M0 la wacaar. OllAaD: hat A I. H. iHn-tT 04, tot 4. b BUD ra CK 04. tot 4, Baffsao A OBaotbaa Traa Oampaor. B110.M; tot 8. MraOdlto F. laa, ll(B.4f lot A Henry W, fjorbett ita. aetra of. 81S0.S4; tot t. Haarr Colli Corbet! Batata, katra af. II 10.17. 1 trtoacalar tract of land tytaa between tka BMtberLy Um at Ankony atrnt, tha WMtorly Um of Slttk atraot and tka nortkarly Um of PlM otreet. City of Portlaad. 80 1A COnCH'S ADOITION to tha City of FmtUad BLOCK 40. aU of btoek 4t In( Mat of a Hno 100 fMt oaat of and parallel with tbo Mat tlM of Berentb atrMt, United ftatoa NarloMl Bank. 8040.80. A tract or hud lyioc between aoalk Um Baraetde atren and tka rth UM Ankaay Street and between a Um 100 feet mt af and nnrallel onth tM out Um btook 48, Cm eh Addlttoa to aty at Portland Bad 0 Bm 100 feet aaat at aad BoraUal aitk aaat ItM florontk treat. Mary nay, OleAdl. BLOCK 44, tot l. fcooa Lewi.. JSS1.8B; tot A Leoa H. I. OtOO 09; tot 8, larri Het kBtata. helm at. OthAlt; lot A Maria 'nthta Pfnsder. 0100 40. BLOCK 48. Mat 1 feet af tot 1, Cbartoa Halarky,; at 80 feat of tot A Cbartoa A. M.larky, M.M: wn 40 fMt at tot Llaato Brlaner- fT, 8S8.4BI wnt 40 foot of tot 4, Jnala lackarboff, 804.071 tot A Hnph W. Wal Wal- ea. 0201.0T1 kt A hCarv J. Oration. BSS.1I BLOCK 4A tot 1. Daniel F. Rarrlnctoa ton. SM7.4I: tot A Daniel F. Harrlojrton. 8110.00; lot 8. Daniel F. Barrtncton, tz.S0: tot r. .l.n aqita an Wi-a ae 1 SO; tot A Cbartoa 'crdlnrlt.TnOAlT; tot 4. Chorion 1. CardlMU, OOW.OOt tot 8 Blobard NUm. trastoo. 1289.07 1 tot MA Blefeard Mlxoa, trao 4A tot 1. Security tee. 0S4I.2A Bl-OCK 40. ferine A Traat Co.. fttOO 14 tot 4, Aaoorlty BarUkca a Traat on., oni on: nt a. re el flo Coaat Btoralt Co., 0104.48 tot 0, Pa ct fl Coast Btacolt On., 0107.01 BLOCK B, tot 1. Chartoa O. SUirton. 1TB.8J tot 4. Cbartoa 0. Olfcleo, IlS0.II: tot 5. Jon-jfi Clooaet sad rjeorao W. Wnteta, 1100.-3: 1 A Jeoaah Cloanat and Oaoraa W. Wertol aad Oeorao W. Wntela, 1180 2: lot w. tha 01 01 IX BLOCK T. tot l.Mi Blaraaa, 81D.TT; tot 4, John Kloraaa, 1 tot 4. John BTIeraam. Oil OA PC BTLA N D BLOCK ITA north 00 feet at tot rLAND Annie H A Annla H. MaxweU. 80.18; aoatb of tot f, Annla M. Maxwell, ft. 71; nortO tf of tot t Jfolor f Frank Co., 910.08; tot K Mnor p Frank Co., 830.0T. BLOCK ITA ondl tided M of T.t 0. Ibmo od Flora Jacobs, 04. T4; and! i toad H of fot oTTaaae and Flora Jacobs, ft. TO; nodlridad H f tot 8. Laac Inreetmeat Co.. 84.70; andlrlod of tot Laa la- Ernaeot Ob., 08.70. BLOCK 1TB, tot 1. a Vial estate, kesrs of, OM.TOl tot. A a Flat Mtata. fa airs of, 872.87; tot f. . Aaron Beet. faAJ.M: lot A Merchant Iaroat Pit A Traat Co.. 1SS. 00. BLOCK Ot, an dad W of w-st " of tot A Percy n. tb. 078. 00; ondlrtdrd U af waot U af tot Percy ft. Blyta, Jr40.f: oadlrldal woat Vi Ot tot A J. B Barbow, ITO.Wl andl Tlded It of woat H of tot 11. B. Barboar. 846 oC; net In of tot S, J. P. Onleaua. A Parry H , Blytb. tTt lO: an dirldad af aaat to feet at totof, B. f. 1. imt broM, 84.01! woat an raat oc wt i. llabrrw cb larch, oiTAlbt wott on root of On 4. and Chariot L. Anqaeat. Vm.8A A Alfred L. and Chartoa B. teacraeot. BLOCK OA aadlTlded H Of wnt 100 not of Met. mitmoi at rn. mare, sain wi aaaini H woat 100 Oaat at btooA, Boatra msHsaaArs, Rlfl.73. COUCH'S ADDTTWlf Ok tfea t land BLOCK 42 tot A Wltll feOAOC: tMth 40 faat tot A WllUam H. tot lUcknai McNamara. rTtO: 8IM.S4; nndlrldad M aartk 8 trot Ban aided aortk 0 foot lot A Honor Mi t lot 4. Honor McNtcurs. U lot T, Honors MrS rndlxfdef) M tot T. Mleba ra. 811 andrridod ara. 8103.87; lebaol M pTamara Bmlth. mora. Ol'ri.aT. BLOCK 41, tot A A. C. A. C imttk, tot A Thareela amn.ui lot i.Ot; oaat 1-S thMMdor. Aoodti oaat 14 of tot f. tberasta Oaaanader. 04 47; west 14 of oast 3-0 of tot A BUak Tonne. tXAlOl woat H at east AO at tot Tj bum tm Mil. Ml .01: wnt i- tot A W. and wnt 1-9 lot T W D, B. Hawklna, tloAST: . J. and D. A. Hawklna. IM tt: a tract of land lyiaf Mtwna tbo aorta UM or ireinc arreot and a Itna ho toot Berth tfcaraat and parallel tamawtth aad ba- twMB im Mat um ar aixts atreet aad a Una 100 f-n aaatfeoraat and MrslM tkem. wiah. porthera FSriM . Terminal flnaiM'. an 1A BLOCK 40, tot A Mrs. Uaetto k'-aaa. 834T.T8I tot A Mrs. Ltoatte K tTOi lot a. r. ri. arta, stsd.m P. R. Blyta.. fln.ot. BLO ai Mackoaats. T.' -lmnsaneTn ST InO a (Weavaa raahat aaaKMaO 11.04; lot A Braymn 4 aVtmmerTlito. MLfeDt tot A iaaiMl kt. Bare. IIM IT: tot T. asmael M. Bar, fttl! 0. TCs! 0. tot A Oracoa Trsnafap Ooiapany. VH-Ml tot A flraaoa TraMfer inarer anmpsnr. oias.nx: tot f, Areyoa Trsnafer compear, lP.0; nn-.ii; aano.dA tot J. Oreaoa Total 01A040.10. " TWOB. ft DBTLTN, - ' ladlto of tbo City ot Portnad. PorrteaA raa, Oatobor TT. 1804 nopoBXB ASBiMaiwajT row rarioTs. . BTBar of babs rorttrrK oTaxxt. BettoB tt feoreby atraa tkat tha Own! of the City of rortiand prapoaaa to aaano fb fbttowtaa: aorrlbed property aad owaar ar ftwnara M beiac specialty and pecaUarly bom flted tn tba aaaooata art eovoalte tha ftima and OhaerlptloM tbnraof for the tnpramnt of Beat Twelfth atren., from Up smith IIm ot Powell atraat to 10 fMt north af tba aortk fine of Frederic Ptroat. at Srorldod kp i ohlirCliM to Oka offattoaamBt at far aald fmproTOBmOt aoat ba made la wrltlnc ta lb Oaonril and tiled with tba Aadltor wttMn 10 day from tba dato af tba first ptjMlcattoa of tbla notice, and mid obtorttoM win fea Ward and determined ky tko Council befara the puMn of tba ordtaaawa oaBtialac tM cost nr aa cnT.PJ'H ADDI1 U rrmt itw in hbxi COT.' 0 ADDITION ' K1AICK 1. tot L Wl luam a. LNBtpssy, OOT.ST . fc A Conrad Wyes. ft74:00 w! Bcntt. 0044: tot Oana.01. BLOCK 1 tot 8200.901 tot 4 r. W. Orth, 0TT.I4: tot A rV4 U Fox. OTAMi lot A Ooorco Slckafoow, atrftt. BLOCK A tot I. MapoJaoa Pea dlctrn. SIAB.t: tot A Tbwi.a O. OdlorA SIOAfiT: tot A William . Bhlptoy. BliMi; aortk 40 fMt tot A Christ rfeldentkall. 000.02 BLOCK A tot A, BH-s T. Nobto. OTM 40; tot A abei Land Co.. 070.11: tot 4. bmsbs and ptntoM T Hanstoan. 11A0Bt Tot A NelUa WrUbt. imrTBLWTC 0, tot A Ma Mar rto. OlSATt; tot T. aVuab M. AhepMrd. Iwatki K t JTtJI SlV Mrtk1 UW . Ida Kfnc. 804 M. BIHTK i. tot ST Oearn B. novandoA 017450; totT, Bowtoa MattoB, I10AO0; tot A 0orca W. Ua herry. 0100 10: north 40 tact tot I, Cn ataar T. Ttamnrm. fctAsA Total. 0A0TA4A , ' . TarA C. OaTVLlN. ' ' , AnaltoT tf 0to CltT of rWttaaaV Bnrmnat Oroaoa. October ITi 10A FBOPOBX9 AOOVIAOBlWr FOB 8XWTB IV XACT STABK SThXR ABB BAATX TKTB- T1ATK BTBIBT 4-tmA in the aoMiaaU oat oppooito aba mbjm nod OeeerlntioM thereof ky tba ooMtracttoa of a aewn In Bsef aura nrrat ana un Tpirtmn street rrom im eon - - .i.ik atraa to the BOwf tB Bait Thlr to tbo stwer ta Boat Thirtlv atract near Bast "tarn attack, 00 Bfllfent by or 4 1 nance No. 14. im. Asy OBjerilM Wl m biibui u.bwiibb n onn beard aad datetadMd by tbo Council kofera thd Mnac ot tbo srdTnM Bmnniac tka oaat SN)Vr1McoNi oDnrnfmLonc ia I A0 & t of tot b, ntao uoaraatM a Traat usm- cJyWirtBWTioi- John F. H"rtaa, 80.89; MATbATli'Annmftr L tot 1 Ba rsDiuninc; Booth lot, enry B. and Lacto B. (10.04: onth U tot A Beajamln Lata. 030 ST; tot 1, Job JfEU Ladd. Bottro to beny atraa that Sao Osaacn at tha City of Portlaad prapoaaa . to aascn tka OaltowlaC Oeocrlbed proporty. ...T!1"? ao bum BDeriaiir ooo iRware wmmm b tIT TATLoA BrmAsTt ABB rt-BlhTTH aatAasTB. OpsttnU asf appaanO the una taroof ky tM aoMiracium stoat Taylor stroet sod Beat aa. aa lan raa WMt at the t-fV-alath trwH 1 r Mannary a point tB sen Tnirtyniaia ta Bon ThlrWatotb atreet to swar In flrat amklU atroat, OB arostaaa l Aal 0B atalnanca Wo. Ana ibiii itooa to IAa BMorlaMBMat at aaat for MM mm Btast ba bmm to wTrana as im BABTBCbT PABKBLOCK A WMMdod H 1A MaahatUa Besl Batato Co., att.OO, auMrtaWd M. bt l O. AaBtare TnutrT. 01P OB BA TLA rl B LOCK 4. lot L Motor Prank Co.. 04.00; tot A Motor rrsu e. oonth 100 rest of tot A anwymaa A Saoum rilla. 020 CO; aeoth 100 feat af toi 4, Br ay- Ca A ftommernil., BL0: SMtk W tastaf a M. Braa BtABO: aoatk 10O fMt mt tot 1 nnroii Bros.. OtAOO: eoetn 100 feet of tot 7. A H- BowsMA : aaa 100 foot ot tot A JonepblM Choaay. bjt.m; anaiin 1AA Baal mt Lot A kfafT D. ItoCB. mat; Booth M0 feet of tot IA Mary D, hc, OtAOO: OMth 1O0 feet of lot 11, AdaUne g - en en. aatk IM nt ad tot 1A M. M. Cain. 028.00: sontb 100 feet of tot It, M. lamtoa flterenaoa. 82B.00: SMth 100 aot or lot 14 Brey man area,. l w: bomb w r-" lot 14 Brayawa Brae,. IS3.W; aoon jh if west H of tot IS. V.tMrlae A- 1 III 80, bYoCbTV tot 14. P. ,W. W UA40; tot 1A P. W. WMChar, I1A40: k. airim, Waacfcn, bV lot lA . atownua. MA: tot 11. B. H. Bowman. 110. 4Ai fct 10. Broymna 1440; tot A Broyawa A 0oamaarrlU t A Inac P. Toboy. 114 40. BLOCK S, tot 14 triTi yjroa.. tlAOO: tot 1A M. Tie- tori Pratt 81440: tot 11 William M. ni.a- alnc. 144t: tot II. Winiam Haaoina, 8144AJ tot IA Breyman Broa.. CA40: toll Brrrman Bnmmat mm, oio-n; tot A Brayman a BomtMrtt traat of toad lylnc I oaat Una of Baat Tartar 0 ltaa 100 teat aootk thereof an ftarewttb aad between tba west Hi t. l.k .4 a tlaa 10O tbarMf and parallel tbarawlth. Job waaa. 020.1 A Total, 0403.T0. TUUB. fj. lBmn. Aadltor of tbo OHy af Oracoa, Oetobar it, )l aTrtlMBaaL Dt tSBTBBMTiri FOB tBTPBOTaTataPJt wt XVAT18 BTAXBTt KotJca Mc to feorabP ai na skat tk OBBBiPlat Oty ot PortUad. Oracoa, at 0 0WC oa the 10th day ItotaMt. IfC oVared uanomcBt by ordjatonoa Bo 14 m Oar tha tha held tiu hr ni lkMBna : ImaroremaBt of IqAjn rot. I mt Hna of Bast TOrMty-kaaoaa BJ tba WMt Um ta th monaor -rf imS& 1A08B. attoa et lead, which ata beMTltad. to M M DUNN'S ADDITION to KB land BT nany. 010 llT.Stl tot DVNN'B AU 10, tot A OTibort folcha.?"! IBTBTONK-B A BTKTCTONE'B ADDITTO to saa ijray sb r-n toad BLOCK A raat ao ran cant land Coat pan. 014M; MU. I fin.' it 00 feet. Marie Blanc, . Hewitt. 014 Tl: tot A 1 Comoanr. OlO.OA total.' OSnO.aA . . A at.timant af iforsaaal aa.taam e tared ta th IV.tnaf Cllr LI now da and payable at Ik offlra the data of tbla nofioa. Oonrac b taken car tM wncraiaa n m nwridod by th charter of tbo fflWa Tbo a here aaansment win boar day ottos th Oral pbHcaitohl tt TbtOB. ft Andltot of tb Ot Orroo. Oeton tt. 1 Onty , Double-Track , EalhrskSaWM Missouri'lUt'Cr frawinc-roora aiMpioa- CArtkaint ear. buiftt atinkiaf Aasl ifbtwy Ai SiVberoDdboth). ntihTBt ro PottlADd toChicaPO, . Two v ThroughTralns Cbkafo A North-Wwtara Ry. CVnn from Portland and potato ta Oraajoal Baa aUatara Washracloa. Dally exenraiona la Patlaiaa rowriat ' alaeplnff car Iron Portland tBrattaa ' la Chic arc wltboat c ban ye. t 8L B. AITCHIK, A, 0- BAB NBA, W raT An. fba. CM. , 0;.ril Aot. a t V.-W. Be. CAN.VTBp. n htarhel Brteet, an Third Olreel, t 9mm PaAjMuaco. CAa. t KsTiAao, oaa. BAJJTIMORl 4V OHIO IL R. BST4 im WB1T4V 9 wBA XaPaB34n A aoav TrmlnoB Lm- v . opw FAOT Tf .in TO fl A " BT. V W.VSI. " , AjuA A t t" m- '0 i 4UA a. fVa '4a, Bt ice ft. BPby fin tkat IfeO OhmartI W W-v city af Ptkbaa propoMa to anno too f HU aVanlnO property Bad war n t ..lac to rk i daya from the date of (No Srat acatloa of thia notice, and Mid obJertloM will bo beard aaa sWtermlnod by tie cWll tofora the pe ace at tM ordlaaaa MtinliiB tka aaat tar aU TBtONB Aiht4noir ksiwur-t Tt V Mt A TJiibbipI M uom- Oil tot T, OMsraat Linc uompaay. arrears, w. umbt, m lot a. i. B. Bastes. Chicajto Hkt CbJcPort04 L-OOMlnM ffboat lozunouc itbbji IK ono worro. (Dm, V-.4nL A jCwom'C - . I aCBdaatntgaV. B I , I UlHIONPACinS' J TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Tkroaafe Pa bny oars dally to Oanba. Catoaaa, Opn. toortat ato.pi ac oars dally to basic tluaock Pnllmsa toortat alaes4ac nra lirms ally ondacted) weekly to Ckleaca. aWsUanaaj chakr oara laaat dm) la the aaat aatly. PN1QB PBFOT. Lnraa Arrrno. CAOC PkrnjJTD ""' ' J - 4PBCLAL. 0 10 . to 0:aOABht' tap an Baat ria Bhast Doily. 0n4hy. tnetea. - - BPOKANB FLTBB. '" '. '' '. . Far Kaatara Waaktn '"" too, Wslto Walto, Lew- t:Ua.o. OMoflb... hTtoc, Coeac dAleM Dolly. Daily, and dhroat Berth are - TUAB'ABpTrrlm WsIliMtiJI. FOB BAB FBANCIBOO: " "" l-LVll. 111. ,"IU-LI.. 'ii is I oo p. m Dally. Aboat VZi .Bn yi :. Si ooday 4:00 a. 8k, Ba tarda v rdsy toe. -af. dock. i o oo a. BA. f samhjlj Brrar Brass. tt- aad Van. T-4A Am. STOBtoOs. ' rtli. ralklM Dally. l tix FOB UWttrrr.n ta. t dtAfc Aboat nTOeTfeir ttaTnpFnCal TWrd tad Wa 1 00 Bk WasAJbAfoa. Tato PfeoM MalB TIA TT8) ft. 8L tMA. kPt t rtnanrs fn MBlliPort Ar- 0-f li NHMANTTA. aaruoaikua camaaj m. BaTWBOIC. AJrearr. btata 80A Opaor Atoj Ltoafea Doafe EASTi SOUTH tooTsa. BNTON DBPOT. aJttfoa, OTBKLABD BXPB train, par a leas. ino bora. Aaktand, Sacra mento tbrdra.laa Fraav SMlVOJ. TdSABA, nNS, anocs t1 Bl Pi nsri And 1 lOnnnc Mcto at etaca, Stocktoa, Los A- m, m rsnn, new gtH tko Baat. train WoodnaraJ dally siMpt Sa with train Cm TlBtb flbt AmoL llltirfis Browmrrilto. Ililiiv OeM. WsanllBAT 0 Aj Natraa. ' aOrtB nttz aadVkn ami in na in. Depot Sw of Jrfrerora Atr, ' to Portland dtoltr for Oswec T 80 c U 00, SB. 0:39. TO. B:PS. 0:90. 10:10 0 IB, Bally fexeept Oonday), IJOl I M, 8:80, To A Bkl 4:00, U4i a, Bh, aaa say aaly, pmO antes Pnttood AMlr l td, 88. 4:88. 8:18, T M i. il:10 B, Bk oaiiy (.rapt aaaoayi s sn, t , :0A 11:40 a. W. Booopt IllBliy, a. si. Sanday Mly. 10:00 a. m Ura from mm depot for Datto sad kakM . edtatopelata sally foxcoat Oaa say) IM B Bk Arrtro PbrtUnd 10 CO a. Tko iBrtinaaiilaara Miramnnlfe oporatea dally to Monmontk ami Mtuu wit awatnara raciM oaaa at Dalteo and Ino.pead.nce. PtrstlsM fare from Portlaad Oi aad Saa Fraaclrae 820. Bertha 8S; tar 118, aecond-claaa kertk 8880, Ticket to Beaters BBjnto and 3psn, ChtM, RomIi City Ticket Office HoMiaPa M AsatraUa. Third mt wssts. iBCtna Btryets. n g. w. angaria. City Tick. A sent. rati am. 1 Oao. Pan. AMOrE, TIME CARD TRAINS POIanXMAJVDi OBION DBPOT. ' atoaatto. Arrlraa., mod LimftoA Oiraaris. BoaBk Brad and Ocaj-B afarbar Hlortfe flooat liMtoA XOT ASmBBB. mwmimw, Batto, BC Pant Mla Ma pelts. Chlooco, Nw York, Boa ton and potato ft-.. aiul SbMtnaoM. ta a m. TttftskoV ' - . ; T48B.Sk Twtn-Clty aproaa, farl Tacoma, bmiuo, npe Iim. Hetona, St. Paal, Mlnnsapolto Cabanaa, Bew York. Stoatoa and UmS)B.Ss. all potato. oaathMSt, a mtvAt- Lnnla BnorlaL tor Taooma. Bcattlo. Bilraaa Bntta. ailltaaa. Denrar. Omaha, KanMBi 8t80 B, Bh, Tabt A OV - City. Bt. Loam and all potato But amf Afl tralat aaUF atotpt a feoatfe fepoaoa. A. D. CT4A1LTO. Anwtaat Oooersl Paaaancer Ual ' ffflS Mirrttia at., oar. TfelrA Portland. On. Astoria & Columbia!. River Railroad Co. UlfTOH DBPOT. ArnnB. 040 a. Bk LULyv , Par Maroon, Baton CUtrtanto, Wntpnt CH fv. Assart. War UiiikA natoa, FUfL Baa aosd. Fort BtoM ,4 On r hart ParB. AAaarbo T-O0B.B Dally. . mm, SO" i. ' 0 flV. ' ft At BTYWAltT. OSmaAl A - - ' . at. PboM Mate On. I IAlbsay Msacr aaa Mt. Aaaol sad BUrar-i ina nm, 4VrflAsa.Corralll paw near.... IE. A . I Sheridan faamncar. Motor lib Alrlla. Bin. aaaaffamr'o tfapmc aad BiBBkor. Bap BI flsfaB. ;' 100 faat toi 10. Tka Tltto Quart a tM A C f'44i an ik 100 (nt tot J i A T. imI CnamaaV. i If. O. BOTW; Tfrraa. V. r"" dwdrtor or rbe Cf -r of oMtoo aa- v ov 1-jnvKr in AadTtat of the City af PtoasV Aoortor if tM c . Or aaa OotoooB If i. r i a T 0 :ran,, A a 1 in -t wl t t BW0., 1 1 . 4-r