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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. FORTLAND. I IDAY CwTC Today's News of Sports BASEBALL iJIlER'S EK7,'K!ES IE!? TEE SEALS 'v .. i ! Mn UOfflBUUWWM mwoif Portland. T: Baa Pranoieea, S. Batteries Thlelaxas ami eHerfnjan WhilM and Wilms. Bauer's Urownles pertoranod like good tall players MitwdiT starnooa aad dfated th Saa Xranoleco nine In aa Interesting oootosL The features of th gens wara Thlatmaa's masterly pltob- Inc tha batting of Steelmaa and tne all-round spirited work of tha Portland tea. Tha good vised arowd thoroughly aDprectatsd tha Imptwred playing ox ui Browna but denlorad tha work or um nlra Brown. U soeaaa too bad at tbla law day to be eompelled to submit to an nmptre whoa boat work is wuy m axenea. whose ordlnanr wont w nie- wnraMMt to both teams, and whoaa poor work as a aorry reflection on tha miIomI naatlras. Tom Brown oxri- eietlng thla aaasan ha never baan gooA and tha ahanoM ara that at ha should ontlnue umpiring anttl tba oraek of dooak, hbi work would always remain tha same. Him doolatona yasteraay wora t bad tiit had, and although Portland wm tha asm, tho vtetorr was aooora- i niiahad ever Brown" to. Wara tha aoora eloa whan ba called etpenoer ut at third baaa tn tho eighth Inning, that prapoataroua Jndgmoot might have ooot tba locals tha game. Hla decisions on balls and strikes were Ik kaanlna with bio baaa award a. j Thlelmaa wee fravsr tm better form and bant tho visitor gn easing at every nut, Ba had all klnda of speed and ourraa. and aaida froaa being a trifle wild 4a tho epnlng chapter, waa Tory afrectrve. fila corking thraa haggwr to tba fanes In tha sixth Inning aoorod oar. While going to third Jako Cot urn loft foot Injured la aoma way and 4Mk want ta to ran for him. On Dren tan'g fl7 to HUdobrand Back start ad or home Ifk a runaway horaa dad though WTIsob bad tha ball la hid poa aaalon, tha wary third naekor alW under na aaal aatohar and rsgletereA "Wats" Jerls work at first was vary food, and ha mtorast thet-h Injected Into tha am was battar. Oaa mlnot of Darts' oaoblng produoad mora marrlmant than t fantaatlo lumbar wagon motions of M the BtU Hurlsya la ohrutondom. I Butlor ran tba team with rood dtsore Ion. having eeea, man bant and run at ha oorraot Urns. Tha ammo was vna f tha bast seen on tha local gTOvnds la ioni time. I In tho first Jrammn lod off with a afa ona to oantar. XeCreedl fannod, nd BoUand walked. BecbT soaked, ona or two aacka, scaring Drennen, but ioUand, who also triad to reglater, waa aught at tha plato on a beautiful relay , rom Waldroa to Anderson to Wilson. ( Ronkla lad off In tha second with a Mt to oantar and soared, when Manner tlowed Btaelmaa's Ingle to roll to tha do. Thllmaa new out. ana urennen sain stnclad. but Bteelmaa waa nipped it tha plat on a throw from ataaney. j Jafe Thielman mado a IHUa troubla W himself In tho third whan ho passed Yfloom Whales flew out, Hlldebrand 'tnslcd. and a passed ball advanced both nan. Meaner bunted, but a fast piece f fielding- by Bteeltnan got Wllaon, who tried to aoora.- Irwin was hit by a. wild xbaot and tha sacks war loaded. Van 4uren hit to Bnnkla, who tossed to ipenoer to Irwin, and Brown would not Jlow tho out. and BUdebrand aoorod. .iValdroa fanned and the side was out. i Anderson threw RtmUe'a chanca a trtfl wild to Taa Bursa and Brown "lied him safe. This started troubla 'or Whales, for 0pner saorlflead and teal man alnglad to canter, seorlng Run da Thlelmaa htt to Ooehnauar, foro-' ng Nteelman at second. Drennaa was lassad. and KeCnedle planted one safety a ontr. and whan WUaon allowad Wal 4ron's throw to roll to tha stand Thtal- Cn sad Drannon seorad. . "wo errors by Rankle and a' fielder's ilea rive the Baals their second tolly tn tha fifth. Wilson's error, Bteelman's (orifice, Thlelman's triple and a long y to BUdebrand gava Portland two hi to at xi b. Tba aoora: PORTLAND. A&&HPO.A.E. man. a. t ... IcCreedia. L C. .... Holland, j. f. ...... Kck. lb. -via, lb. itunkle, a a Spencer, lb. ....... teeiman, 0. . fhiaimaa,.s. I Totals. II T II IT U I ' SAN FRANCISCO. I ' " AB. B. H. Pa A. st tmdebrand, L C ..... 4 1119 ;rffV'..t:::::::l liiil Buren. 16. 4 1 Zl 1 o Waldren. 1 J I S i J r, a, at 4 1 1 t hnderaon. iocfanauer. a a 4 t Vllson, a. ........... 14 4 11 3 vhMier" . . 1 a a a a o ::::::;:: f S S 2 S Totals 4, ...... ...i" 1 i 14 14 Wheeler batted for Wilson. '' Barber batted for Whalen la ninth. KUNft AND BITB BT INNING. 1UN AND BITB BT INNING. Eland V f ? T its . .........1 I f ! I S I 14 ita .........o l i f i t Portland V f 4 Ml Ban Hits lUHIURT. Stelm baees Maanev. Bnaneor. B. n bails un -rnieunan, I ( Wllaon, leaner. BUdebrand) : off Whalen. I Holland. Beck. Drennen). Btruck out y Thlslman, k WaJdrOfL Wilson, A nraon. Whalan. Maney); by Whnlen. 1 Mr-Creedia). Barrlnc hi ts -flpenceT. toeltaan. Two-base bit Beck. Three- see bit Thlelmaa. Double play 4 vie to Spanner. Left on bases Port nd. 4; San rranclaco, 1. Hit by pitcher -Irwin, passed oaii nieeiman. Time f game Ona hour and 44 minutes. is pi re Tom Brown. (aaarasl spettal santo. Taeotna, Wash Oct. 11. The bout twees Ruf Turner and Chea. Levera ilch was scheduled to go It rounda x evening, waa atopped la tha third d by tho referee. Turner had his iat beaten from tho start, and r tna latarvaatloa of the referee pre- it4 a knockout KM Kraut pat out t urinnlss of Seattle la tba second and of tho preliminary. (jaraal aatal Berries. Wore Orova, Or . Oct. II. Thar Pa lo university football team M la good Mte t meet tha Oregon untveralty trat ehtven tomorrow afternoon on local nald. Thourh somewhat lightar ttir opnojiems. tha T V. eeMieat w a twUmx, :: I ! J .. I I 1 ..I 1 I f :. l a i a 4 i i t FOOTBALL WINNING RUNNERS : ON THE TRACKS . tJeWaal BMalaS Bents) . Kaaaaa City, Oct. tWWinridso aav maryj - Bevaa furlongs Telephone won tlma, 1:11. t pits fttrloogs- Lauretta wont yma, rive and one half furlagn--"ur ut- 1W won; tlma, l:9t. - M Oaa and oaa elsteeath miiaa wman Wright won; tlma, l:T. nn iila.Nartl won: tlma, i:ti. Ona and on aighth miles Ooldao Mlnaral wonj time, 1:1.. t Loufa. OoL L Dalmar rasnlto: Fir furlongs, aalling Mr. Barnahy mi- tin. l:mL. Mile and Ts yarda, purse- waorga vtv- hui won: time. 1:4T44. Five and on hair ronoaga, purs- Tada wan: Uma, l:9t. Sis furlongs. bandioa Jnns Dans won; tlma, 1:1a. Btx furlooga, poraa ataaoa tlma, 1:1. ' MUa and H yards, aeTllng Imbodan woo; Uma, l.H. : - ' At ramatoa ' Kew York, Oct. 11 Jamaica rasnlto; Flv and ona half furlongs rratar- llght won: tlma, l:fl4-. - Big furlongs. saUlnawToama Banry won; tlma, 1:14. Milo and. Tt yards Oaataan woat ttoM, :41M. - Tho Hempstead, stat fajrlongs--Marry Lark won; tlma, 1:14. Mile and on sUteanth Oarnlah won; tlma, 1:47 Mile and one elghtn-0toln Momants womi tlma, l.U 4-i. . . , , Chloaga, Oct 11. Worth stunmary! ' Flv and on half furlongs van Tha Terrible won; Uma, 1:T -. Bavan furlongs Cardinal W?jsa won; Uma. 1:111-1. MUa and on olgta, Alptn alllag Stokos Hussah won; tlma, 1:11. Six furlongs Gold Bnamal won; Uma, :lt 4-a. Ona mna lAtr Jooelya woa Uma, :4l-l. Mile ami oaa fourth--Bard of Avon won; tlma, g:M 1-i. - COXVAIUS ELEYEN ' i FEARS UTAH TEAM Corvania, Oct tL Ona of tha moat Interesting football games ached uled for the prasant season takes plane on O. A. C field next Wednesday, between the O. A C and tho big eleven of tho Utah Ag ricultural college, which last year de feated everything H played. Thar ara nen in the Utah outfit, and It hi stated In a recant dispatch froaa that stat that tha average weight of tha Utah maa la ovar 194 pounds each- It la known here that interested parties have bean In Corvallls for the past weak where, unknown to tho O. A, C unen, they hava watched tha latter at practice. as well aa la the match games that hava been played on the local field. These parties also want to Seattle and wit nessed, the game there between Seattle and the Corvallls man. tn which O. A. C was winner, and returned to Corvallls later and offered to wager large amounts on tho oomlng- game, declaring that O. A C. will not defeat tba Utah men. Tho wager has not boon taken, batting an such affairs not being pop alar la Cor vallls ooUeg olrolea. UTAH ELEVEN IS HEAVY AGGREGATION v.- r-.M '. -"-v. The Utah Agrfcraltural college, eleven pant last Bight la this city sod left thla morning for tha elaaalo berg of Se attle, where tomorrow they will moot the strong eleven of tha University of Washington. - Tha Utah team la com posed of big, husky fallows, and their manager stated that they averaged 190 pounds a vary heavy average. With a n of that weight, providing they hava any speed and team work, Utah should defeat every football team on the Pacific coast. On weak from to morrow that 140-pound squad will in vade Portland to play Multnomah. Man ager Watklna today wired to Sam Stow ,t Oregon City to report roc practice tha first of the week. Stowa la a fine lineman and a splendid punter and will strengthen th club team considerably. Tha Multnomah boys ara foaling bet tor today after tna saver gam at Berkeley. After a few days rest prac tice will ba .resumed again, and tha clubmen say that no opponents will cross Multnomah' tin again this year. . riomo coast uitvm ' ' W "IS a 5 a Tm, Los a urate Oakland rattle t nan FTaaetoo Port la b4 i Lcat miminwaiastsrri Seattle. Waalu Oct. SI Jack Hlckey 'had bad luck In the third Inning yea terday and th Angli scored six runs, and he waa relieved tfy Wllltama. ' Se attle went after Newton in the latter part of .the game, but tho Seraph lead waa toe great to ba ovaroome, . Score: It. H. SL 1 Angela .1 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 10 It 4 Seattle . . .,,.00149441 1 7 14 9 Batteries Hlckey. Will Uma and Leatar: Newton snd Spies and Eager. UmpireMcDonald. ... '' ' dene as Overall. ' 1 Baa rraiMlsco, Oct. fl. Testardara game between Tacoma and Oakland waa a pitchers' battle between Bert - Jonrs and Overall, In which the Oakland south paw won out. Three bit war allowed by each pitcher and Overall at ruck out taa men.- A pass, a steal and an error gave Oakland one la the fifth, and two bits brooght in the winning run la the sixth. -Taroma's score was a boat rua by Track Kagaa. Tha score: sV Tacoma . . ......444 414444-1 1 1 Oakland . -.....,.0444 1 1 4 4t 1 1 Batteries Overall and Graham; Jonas and Stark, . , , . r , AjraaXaTfO aTIHITIOBT. ' A homing and athtatte exhibition will be given by tha Peerleaa Athletl club next Prlday avanlng, Octobor 14, at their grooms at Sit Aider street, y 01511 U 47 .414 .Tha t 8 4 M ,W M.J SIX 14 S .413 10 10 10 40 .BIS 4 IX 4 .. 1 53 .4.14 tit i .. m .tn J.A.HOHAN RACINO GRIDIRONS WILL EE BUSY TOMORROW Tho Important college games that will be played tomorrow are as follow: Harvard vs. Carlisle, aVmbrldga, Tale vs. Wast Point, at weat Point. Princeton ve, Lehigh, at Princeton. Columbia ve. Pennsylvania, at Phila delphia. Cornell vs. Franklla and Marshall at Ithaca Anna polls vs. Co) am Maa. at Anna pel te. Lafayette va. flwarthmor. at Baston. Susquehanna va. Western Ualv rally, ac riniourf, , Syraoua va. Allegheny, at tyraouaa. Washington and Jaffarson va. Bath- any, at Washington. Pa. Waal eyas, va. Rutgers, at Mtddlatown. Michigan SB, Wast Vlrgiaia. at Arbor. Chicago vs. Northweatarn. at Chicago. Unloa va. Rensselaer P. U, at sohanoo- tody. Harvard. 1441, va, Andovar. at Aa- dover. Tal, itdg, vs. Rotehklsa, at Lakavilla. Illinois vs. Purdue, at Lafayette. . Wisconsin vs. Drake, at Madison, Williams vs. RamUtoa, at Albany. Colgata va. Bucknall, at Lewlsburg. Virginia vs. Vtagtnla MUltary, at Charlottsvtlla, Rooheater vs. Onondaga radians, at Koohostar, DIAMOND GLISTENINGS kel Roach toft Portland yeaterday afternoon for hla homo In Chicago. Skel atata that ha will probably play Is the st nt seaaoa. "Bleu- Davis, altbouirh ' somewhat overweight, played aa excellent gam af first yeaterday. HI life and ginger act aa a toalo on tha rest of tha players and helps to Uvea up tha game. Bteelman's hitting has boas tba shin ing feature of the two games la which ha has played si no his return. Jako Thlelmaa waa there with th goods yeaterday and tha way ho mowed tba Seals down showed what ha oaa do under favorable conditions, . Oakland is going after tha Tigers to splendid style, and If they oaa keep the pace they will, yet glv Flshar ft tvssls zor th nag. Joe Corbett agato meet no Butler on tba diamond today. H has pitched three games against BuUer In thla dty and has yet do oome out vletorloua, (Tearsaf eeetal Btrvkea) Albany. Or.. Oct 1L Tho Albany col lege eleven will again moat tho Cham- awa Indian team next Saturday. Tbeae two teams mot before In a praoUo game, wbflah was won by Albany. v , V. OF O. TO F&AT SsT aVAVVUk. llearssl 4a i del Serrtea) - Ban Franclaeo, Oct. 11. Tho Uni versity of California football eleven has arranged to meat tha University of Washington, taam is Seattle oa Tfcaas- glvlng day. X The Bit Sale. So big thatno other sala avar at tempted on th ooaat bears even favor able com pari son Tha forced cleaning aaJa of 160.000 of ail now fall and winter suits, overcoat, panto, hata. shoes and furnishings for men and boys at aa actual reduction of 14 to ,ff" per cent off prices. Th Chicago, 4T-71-71 Third street, between Oak and Fin streets, Is attracting crowd despite th warm weather. Thla sals offers truV-blua money saving opportnnltla for thrifty money savers. This forced clearing sale la on account of th de pression In tha oast where tho Chicago bought the entire overstock of several manufacturers at its own price. Room must be had for within a few weeks tha largest single ehipmsnt of fin clothes that ever oroaaed the Rockies will ar rive at thla great store. . y WE Men's Fine Suits ahdf Overcoats Save you 35.00 or more on the price and give a Plain, Common3ensc Rea son HOW we do IU 6567 THIRD ST, WO sV&AY OKBMA ti-y'iK v.-.-- ' . - y aeeflCea f ( $10 to $25 ; THE ONLY HIGH-CLASS CLOTHING STORE BELOW THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE V AT THX THZATBXS j HABfi XS A BTBOaTw W "Through many Uma 'Us gains to . awa sun SJ malting-mal "But Bon abroad and few at homo , r TinTlha dark-ay ed girl af . Cadm." . Lord Byron's nappy rhyme is mors anally understood after you have seaa Florence Robert In tha picturesque Spaalah drama, "Marts of th Low lands." revealed to Portland for tha first time last Bight. An intelligent audience observed this assumption of Spanish womanhood la rod and yellow and drank m tha aoetnr of tho play with aa much satisfaction as tna maun gin aonva from her lemoa phosphate. laaaellch i a ahpbrd who had lived with nature till tte spirit has parmata every thought and fancy a type of character that appeals to all humanity. Sebastian la a "master." who aeduoas a helpless girt sad then finds It convenient to marrv a wealthy woman. In ordwr that ha mar stlU have tba girl wlthlif his power, ha brings about bar marriage to Msnaileh, tna irusung. laiurui Manalleh. And whan tha ahannard d la- covers what has transpired, ha kJlbj th master aa ha would a wolf. That to too tor aa briefly as It oould ba told. Miss Roberta, of oouree, ft tba girl, Marts. Angel Oulmera furnishes this vigorous story. Bo lives la Catalonia, a northern province of Spain, M la poet, dramat ist patriot, with ona object la Ufa to relieve a political oondlUon under whloh arlstoerata ara so muoh Blasters that th people surrounding thorn ara raduoed almost to a atata of serfdom. It was to, demonstrate tha. vice and wickedness growing oat of this condition that Marta" waa written. And oontrary to an old proverb, Oulmera ts honored in his own country. - Bis plays and books hare for years boon translated and acted In all Latin nations, but this, th first, cam Into Bgtleb at tha Manhattan thea tre. New York, aa translated by Wallao Oil Patrick and Ould Marburg. Mrs. Flake gave It up because tha role of Man alleh was muoh stronger than that of Marta. Thla may ba attributed, I pra- auma, to "tho eccentricity of gonlua." It la a fact that Marta la subordlnata, but tha art of Florence Roberta forces th character to tho foreground with no uncertainty. IBs pec tally to tha aacond act, where tha girl tella her story, tho motional pa war af th actress la given full awing. Hobart Booworth, tho Manalleh. 1 r perb. - Ha created tha role a atatement which moans mora In thla Instance than the ordinary usage of the term. Aa ad mirable phyelqua, a splendid voice and an intellectual, careful study of char acter combine In tho prasantatlon of tha slmpl beauty of th rugged mountaineer a man with faith In humanity and Im plicit trust tn Deity. la fact, Mr. Bos- worth has created a character of genus homo that might hava baaa transferred from tha first day la Bden, before th appla episode. . .? The third aotSbm of tha case M iittm Otll Cooper, than whom possibly no greator child aotrass has yet lived. Miss Roberts Is surrounded by a capital com pany and bar admirers cannot afford to Mt thla opportunity slip, "Marta" Is a wonderful euooeea, wonderfully depleted. .T -,. RACB WHITNKT. , ' awniBO ajtp tmam BTBXW. - Tha. final perform nne of "Bowing tha Wind" will bo given by tho Columbia Tbeatro Stock company tonight and to morrow afternoon and night. - Th following Mil is Ttomao and Juliet." The company is hard at work on th serious dramas which will ba pre sented next -Sunday aftornoom Mr. Baume and Miss Counties will enact the title role and th other members of the company have been wall cast. - Charles York, who mad his profeaaioaal debut this week as a butler, will play Paris. The scenlo production for "Romeo and Juliet" will be of unusual beauty, ona of the most splendid works of Artist King brush. of iu moxm lioiugvoi. The vaudeville performance at the Ar cade tbeatro this week Is good enough to attract favorable comment from any body anywhere. The acta ara of aa even grade of exoallenoe, ail of them good, some of them funny, soma snu- The same grades la i Young Men'sSults Overcoats : at mm and give with " Every Onei chances oa the Fine; Hammerless Shotgun hanging In our window :r THOUSAND " , 1 ' BY OU2 Drop us ft postal, static o; y . full particulars how to p . an catatt for yourself. age 25 r. :-f c y 6 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT you 4 ' for f 1,000,00 and guarantee you a GOOD INVEST- -, MENT. . . ; Why be without a Policy? ' :; ' : ' Iaaura with , . The Washinbn Life ' ' OFNEWYORK. ; ' ' ; -. Write for partJculara, . , r - BLAIR T. SCOTT, General Manager. ; ' - ; '.. HARRY B. SCOTT, Agency Director. ? r 609, 610, 011, 612 and 613 Cham, of Com. Bid Prjitland, Ore. leal and aoma acrobat la. Tha mtmte wbtoUtng of Jarastt. tha colored daaoer. who Imitates aU th bird of tha air. la a novelty and. ho surprlaps the old est theatrical sharps by dancing an Imi tation of a pacing horaa, a stngl footer and a trotter. - Moreover, ho doesn't hava to label hla Imitations, a wm VXAV STOOD. That the publle la wonderfully quick to recognise genu In merit Is shown by lb packed audi autoes at the Star theatre this weak, - The management tn special notices warned the theatregoer of Pert land that Sylvester, Jones and Prlngle made up aa extraordinary team. It was 4.4 ih.ra k iwtlar trio at minstrels. It was heralded aoroas that whan Sylveater, Jones and Prlngle sang. It was aa event that tha audlencv applauded until Urn roof trembled. Ana It all came true. This is aa act tnac la really good.- Ton will never hear anything: bettor' or more entrancing. They appear at every perTormanoe aatu Saturday night - ,. u jdma or XJvTjra. - Harry Crandall. who comes to Port land as a member of Isadora Bush a ailtterlng Gloria' aompany neat weak at the Marquem Grand baa strange ideas of living. Ho believes that maa oaa live without eooks. His Startling theory ts that nature has provided tha proper food for the human race without th neces sity of cooking or killing. H argues that fruit and nuts contain gumeient nourishment for the heartiest appetite. Mr. Crandall fc preparing a series of lectures which . he will deliver la the near future,- ". - Tor Her Sake" will be presented at Cordray tonight at tha benefit for Urn. trlklng telephone girls. It la an of tha greatest offerings over seen at Cor- dray's, and It tella in a positive, -convincing manner th Injustice of tyranny and despotism. - It has been the sensa tion of th past week, and has bean seen by thousands of Portland people.. Its lnftuenoe has been wider than any play aeen her te years. ' The member of tha unloa have boon busy for the past two daya disposing of Ucketa, and tha sal at th box-offlo baa boon very heavy. ' This delightfully rigtnai aeuarett star will open a week's engagement at Cordray's on Sunday afternoon la the newest and moat realletio of modern pastoral corned y-dremaa, "An Orphan's Prayer." Prom one end of tho country to th other th present tour has been a continued success, snd what Is approved by th critical audience la usually In dorsed by the Portland public. aUT SIU at ITam . ' R. Q. Welch and company hava dupli cated their hit of hut week at tha Lyric. Their aot alwaya wins bolstarou ap plause. Another strong feature of the great bill la Maxwell, tha monologue man, who cracks 14 Jokes shout every SO seconds. Ths moving pictures are unusually good and the audience that WE GIVE Ingersolt Watches, Rugby Footballs, Air l?i7cs. V ; V Football Pants, Pocket Knives, '-u Punclng Bags or 4 y Boxing Gloves V L ; i WITH EVERY Boys' Suit Overcoat -' Priced at . $2.50 to $7.00 STARK and OAK ::3iiefited r t e and w wifl mall you t sur family and build up crowd ths house ara not backward, is bowing their appraclaUon. aKBAT MAM FUMUgUJiaV "' Roblnaoa, who wlUi hlg team mate Donovan, la at ths BUoa this week, la pronounced by eastern experts to bo th fastest hag puncher In Amer loa. Boahan. Masootte and Deahaa pre sent one of the most novel sketches af th year. To watoh one of Bunt's mon keys trundle another across a tight reps on a wheal harrow means a hlg refraah Ing laugh. MXCATAM AW Florence Roberta will present "Marta of th Lowlands" at a apeolal-piiea mat inee tomorrow. Her engagement at tha Marejuam Grand eloeea tomorrow night. Your Last Chance. Pot reduced rata Chicago St Iouta round trtp tekete. Sale dates. October 17. 21 and It only. Any route "going and the same or any other route return ing. Call on or address B, H. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, Illinois Central Rail road company, Portland. Or. GTTT sTOnCQtS. toa Tatnorxannn ov oxzy. Tog graxxT. - Netfe 4a aaraev give that the Ooaarll st the City ef rwtUnd, Oraroa, at a awatlBg bpld oa the lfrtB dar of October, 10M. aVclarad tba aaMaamaat by ordlaeBce No. 14. Mt, for tka improveamt of OUftoa straet. front the wast Una of Slxtaeeta attest te the east Da of TireBtrvcoBd atreet, la the mtaaar provldad hr ordlnanoi Ko. It, TO. apes tech lot. part of lot end parcel ef land, which are rjwcallr and pacallarlr baaafltad, Waa Mlews, vis: CARTKB'l ADDITION ts th tT of Port land BLOCK 4T. lot 4. JoerpaltM M. Cbllda. tTtt.M; kt 4, Ha H. Carda-all. 432.06: lot 4. H. B. Utt. 4X4.01: lot a, H. a. Utt, 4J41.T4. BLOCK 4, auaaaaoi a. Smith. 48T.3S lot X mbaba B. Smith. 4A4.4T; aorta lot 4. OaoriU A. Hotthuham. t H; m a, u si. saorno. let a. 1106 Ss. BLOOK 4T. lot A Ida P. Oraraoa. raraon KMs .08; soeth faet ktt ft. Ids V. uraraoa, 3o.ts. ?. Oraraoa. SLOCK S,10t I. raanle V. Pare. t34T.5ai sooth te lot X. yannle P. Pass, 41417; ansa SO feat lot a. rannla P. Pate. )T.-rei lot 4, raanle T A tract ef la ad lrlax betweoi rata. 4388 4S. lylsg betwaa su-tfcara Uaa f CHftoa Stravt sad a ha 100 Jrat aortharb' thorafroai and parallel there. with and batweaa the wast Ba of Twaoty ftrt straet and tba oast Us of Tareetr-eeeond stiaat. gaevrltr mrlass m Treat Compear 4411. n, BLOCK TO. lot 1. vHlhasVK. Smith, fTl.Ts; lot S. Wllttaa) K. SsmU. ai 9X: lot T. arnMt Beeaa, tXJgj lot 4, t. W. BoalUiW. 41 W W- BLOCK Tl. lot 1. Ellao A rraaTa. 435. IS; lot I glial 1 Praaie. 4aS4t(k4 T. hbiwara-B Hectare, 441 .48: lot ft, .Marsarat B. McChara, im.10. BLOCK fx, aorth 10 feet ef mat U faat. Orvilla M. lUakla, 43TB. 54; west 18 fret of aoat 100"fet ef norm 100 faet. Agora at. Crawford, 4S8.m; wast TO foot ef north 104 ft, Kobert Warrack. txxO 4X BLOCK T8 hrt 1. K'la L Wixxlwtrd. 4X74.44: lot A Bill L. Woodward, 47.44: lot 7. Wllliasi M. Xadd. tratp. 441.7S; lot 4. Wllnasi M. Ladd, Ititatoe. I2W0C. "BLOCK T4, tot 1. A. L, BoarA 43'JS.m: kr t, Tara Ourdrraoa, 44. 71; hrt T. Tt-ra Oaadfraoa, 414.48; lot S, A. L. BVard. t3m.74i rtabt d war, PortUad Sail. War Company. 41 n. Total. 44.TrT.7a. A atattBMat of aforaaald ajmaaaiot baa bee entered la the Dookat of City Llaas. aa4 la now dae sad parable at th etfloa of tha City Treasurer, Is lawful stoner of th United flUtee. and tf aot paid wlthta SO davs frost th date of this do lea. such erocadlngs will ht tahra for the aollactton of the saaia as ore proTlded h the cbartar ef the City of Portland. Tho above aowaamant will boat tateraat 10 ears attar the first subllcatloa ef this nodes. TllOS. & DBTMit, Aadltar eT tba Cltr ef PwuaaA PortUnd, Orogon, October . 1404. aJasBMJtxvT poB iirymoTKxaprf Of ZAB BIU. 4TIXR. Botlee ! horoby give that the Ooamcfl f th Cltr of Portland, Oirn. st a martins bald on tha lath day af Ortober. 1404. dVelartHl tho itwannl by orabianro Ko. 14.349, for tho airovament of Yamhill Strovt. frow tha west Ilea of Fbarth atrrrt to tb eaM Una of StxtMvrh street, la tba axaanar prevteVd hj orillDance No, It.fOT, anna aarh lot, part of lot and parral of Una, wbleh ara apaafallr aod peculiar!? baaafltad. ba as followa. tia: PORTLAND BLOCK 41, lot 4, Tooag Moo'i ShrUUaa Aaaoetatloa, small; lot V. Xoang po'a CbrlatlaD Aasodauos. 4M.Tlt oa divided 1-4 ef lot 4, Joba Qreea Batata, aalre ef, 44t.0ft; eadlTtdee 1-3 of lot 4. Jobs Qraea tat. batrs $144 Tt: andlvtdad 1-4 of t 4, David P. Tbompeoa EaUta, hah ef. 447 08; andlrldad ! of tot 4. David I. Tborrpooa Batata, batra af, 4144.73; a. ' dlrldMl I-S of lot A narnaa C. Laoeard, 47.os; andlvldad 1-4 of lot 4, Harwan C Laoa- ara, iim.tx, hixk'k itz, k a, unuao sxataa BIXK'K ITz, Mt a, unuao sratoa 44 Si lot L Usltad Stata il. n; lot C Tnltad Stataa ilAS.44; lot I. Ualtad Sutaa . Oovemmaat, . OovcrniDaat, Ootarnnaent. fltNniBfit. XfiO 5. ' BI.OC1C ITS. lot 4. PortUnd Hotel Gum pa er. 4028.44; lot 8. Port land natal Coapanr, $148.38; lei 4. Portland Hotel Company. 4M.TS; lot 4, Portia ad Hotel Company, S88.VU. BLOCK 811, lot 4. Dmt -W mtip, 4392. TT! lot 8. Dora W. satate. 484.10; lot ft, Nellie Henahaw. 8184.tS; aaat U let St lha P. Sharkey, 7a.m; west lot 8. laaies W. Beatty, fall .SB. PARK BLOCK 4, lot 1 Preston JT. OllletU, ; tinrtb H lot a, Tbotnaa Hvyer Bennett, D2 M; soeth lot A Petals U MerahssA 2W-44. P)R TI.AND BLOCK fit, tot 4 ChsrM P. rawart, 44na.4St north 48 feat lot 8. Coraalla , P., 10B,48; sooth 4 feet lot S, . Charlai P. Cltwert, fit IB: aorth 40 feat lot 4, Joaeph Ooodataa, illtB.lM; aaat H of mth 10 faet let 4. Aaos Chemla. $lt.m: woat U of snuth 10 feet lot 4, Byroa L. Woodtrprth. 114.08: aoat H tot A Anna Chamls, 420S.TT; Weat H lot 4. Byron L. Woodaworth. t2 L BIxicK Sit, aaat T-S fet ktt 7 Amanda W. aed BMata. helra of. S44.11t aaat 88 1-4 fret of south 14 fret tot 8, Amanda W Reed Batata, heirs of. 8S0.1B; wvat 88 14 feat tot , Saitraal A. snd II Ha C. Brown. 4S8.r waat 81 M fret of aaat M faatef aorth a frat of sosth 14 feat of tot 8, Samuel I. and Etlla G. Xrowa, 48.88; west 84t-8 feet of soeth B feet tot 8, Samoa I A. and Bill 0- Brown. 40.8: aorth 48 fret ef west 8 fret tot 8, Henrr W. Corbett EatatS helra ef. 4718; aorth 88 feet of aaat 8ft feet tot i? neorr W. Corbett Batata, tie Ira of. 118.M; rnrtb 41 feet f tot 4, Catberlna Morrow, 4117.80; aoutk 8 feat of eeat 48 feet tot A SaaiBel A. and Bills 0. Browa, 410.TS; east aa fMt aT Int I Xamnel A aa4 Ktlia C. Brown. 4210-94; sonth 8 feet Of woat 68 foot a. Brown, 111 (If: wast 80 feet ef lot 8. John A. Brown. Sant 48. BLOCK SM. tot 4. Bobert Brady. MM ; tot 8. Rortert Brady. 4141.01: tot , Jobs Foott. Sinsm; seat U lot 4, Sarah WaldnaB,; wi-rt H tot 8. Aaron Bart at ox.. Ism. 44. SOITTH BLOCK H. tot 4. Pa-rld Thorfipaoa BaUte, helra ef, 8881.48; sooth SO fret, lot I, David Tbosapeon Batata, helra of. 808.44 ; north in feat lot 8, Staofaes Head Retat. helra of, J.X4 aorfh SO fret tot A Pttphea Mead BaUte. hafra sf, SbaUl: real 80 fret ef sasth 88 tswt tot 8. David f. Tbeejpaee, 114. 4T: east frat ef senth in faet vt tot rtaeld P. TVimnaoaj. 80S M: wast 80 feet s SO feet tot 6. Hera Bhchbars. fen 83; weat SO feottot 8, Htnan Hlraeh- Denr, w' i n A" a et. m a, that. Swaeney, 8480 xa: tot S. Cbaa Sweeney, 138.T; lot S. ta. frNinr, 4J-Hl 4, Caas. awsoser. SMfl 10. BI-OrK lift. tot A C d. truateet R 1T8ft; tot . C. t. Deed, trustee. n.H: tot 4. Lea W. SHtpe, Ti48.41t lot ' 4, USs W. SlttoB, 4481. 88. BIXCK 817. tot 4, Saewel J. Barber.- 4811.78; tot . ta1 T. BarsW, 134 01: taat U tot f. The.inev. g. WHena. 42" a8: aaat H tot 4. Tbeotnre B. WlWx, f- H SB; wewt h tot 4. rhtnena P-raaaon. 41n TO; west H let B. D'Ui'-eei Fitianr, 49(1. M. rOHXLAhD-OCK SO, M U Kara. A tmL BYrTTnwg, t"i tot t Hery A Teal. 884 Mi lot T. 1 a - and Mary P. ratlins and Bally C - . W.tfl; tot 8. Haartrtta B sad Mury r. a BatllyCatK-ll laOOm. BLCM K 1T1. ! . 1. Henry W. Cuibett Ktita. heirs ef gfwv .98: lot 2, Henry W. Corbxtt Katate, b or, M) 48; tot T, Henry W. Corbeti 8 a. V s of. fmVll k( S. Hoary W. C tt ite. h'n af. 4937.78. BLOCK lo. In 1, i,owi-. at fmanr, 8M8.T0; tot S, Alaaww'h Owap, ny, ; tot 7, Alna. . Worb Cou iy, .-4 JO; tot A Alasworth Cxw.. fy. 44, F VCK 814, tot 1. Dnl- ' tartaj . gr ir, SSATT: tot t, rjterias Sj -lety, t x0; tot T. Henry W. Corbett fctate h' -a of, $111.48; lot . Henry W. CwtKtt B-tate. helra of. 8487.88. PARK BUK K 4, tot 1. Airtta Osttar, 48TLJB; tot 4. Ltula C. Wetto, A...7.T1. PORTTu.SrV- W "CK let 1. Raawvtl B. . JLm, 44TJ.78; tot S, Bnawvll B Lamaoa, . l2S.SOt tot T, Anna B. Connell. 4188 41; vS , lau I, DociAll, 88XT.J4. BLOCK SM, tot 1, W. S. Ladd Ktta, helra of. rV2S-8; .Ml?, t. Ladd Batata, , heirs of, 8lt.T9j tot T, W. S. Ldd Fetate, helra of. 8l.14i tot 8, W. A Ladd Btate. helra of, ftWH.TTT blocs , tot 1, Jimae W. Oook. 4o.ift.80t tot X James W. Xiao 141.SS; aaat H tot J. Ea n. uBgta. 81 TS; eaat U tot icnea n. vmgie, BX104; weat H tot mmrr ana Lmnarc v.w: ant B, Mary Ana ' Laathart, 8284.88. NOHTH H BlTkTC VZ lt 1, lame Plelde, filB,4ii; tot ft. James Plalda, SitWM; lot T, iairie Plalda. tlM.SSt .tot 8. lames Plalda, $481. ST. NORTH . PLOTK LLot 1. Pboebe W. Dehorn 0M BS: tot X, Wllllaa) 9. MrBaa snd Clara ad Blva Hnmaaon. 418848; tot T. Jaatea M. v Btroarhrliln. 8108.88; tot 8. Inrtas hi. Btrow hrldaa. IU1.11. BLOCK 80S Lot 1. Marraret K. Smith. 8533.82: tot ft. Maryaret B. Smith, 8147.28: tot T. Uarxaret B. Smith. 8ll.73i tot 8. Marraret , 8m 1th, 44X1.01. BuwC 818, tot I. 14a4aav Raute Copipany. 8477.81; tot B. hfaetoay Batato Ompany. (1W.TO; it T. hfaetoay Batata Company. 4M.M: tot 8. fmsniV Camaaay. 487. aa. TetaL 'A atateuaat ef sfarisald aaaaasMast has hoed ' eatared la the IWhet of Cltr Uena, and I sow due sad payable at tha offto of tha City -Treeaarar. fat lawfal atoner of taa United ' Btataa, aad If aot paid wit his 88 days fr-ia the dab of this entire, each aroraedlni will be taken far th coltoetto at tha mm aa ar provided by tb barter ef tha City of Pnrt1anl. The above saaeaaawnt will bear Intereat JIB days after th first publlcatloa of thla antlea. THO. 0. nm,iit. Aadf bar of th City at PcrUanA fwrrtoaA Orecoa, Oetabea tl, 1S04. yxpoaaxg fob rhtrmoTKarnrT omr op poBTLAjin, oa. BOhTDA Sealed pripaiala will ha reeatvad by the aiMUreJcnod at tha offlee ef the Aadltar of ., the City ef PvrtlanA Or., an til Toesdey, No' veaaber 1. 18A4, st S o'etoek a. .. for th Sale, -at aot leaa thas par aatoa and aeeraed Intereat, of fan pre resent boada of the City ef fVrtlond, -Or., a tha aaaae ahah he antbsrised to t , toaaad for tha whole or a ay part of 484.S11.14, , Said bends will be laeaed la denomtnattona o( 4nO0.O0 each, to ba dated November 1. 1804, par. ' ahto 10 years from data, hearing intereat st th rate ef 8 ear eeat per annam. payable seat! annaatly, tntereet and prlaelpaf payable la ... TTnUad States sold enla, at the efsVe ef the City Treaaarar. Portland, Or. ProTlded, that i ths Cltr ef Portland rerree the rlsht to Uka ; ', ap sad eaaeal aaeh bonds, apoa tho payment , -at the face valaa thereof, with acrrned Inter. V eat to the data of payment, at say ae Bet-annual oaapoa period st w after eas year from the data of ase hoads. Bald hoada ara leaned aadar sarhorlty f aa -t act of tha Lerlslstare of taa tate of Orasoa, ried Pbrury 14, 1898, mutled: "Aa art ' pravldo for the haraance of bonds for the laaproraiDeiit of atreets and the laying of arwors ( la Incorporated pit lea. and for tlte payment of . easts of rare Imprevenwnts and laytnff ef aewara by taatallatenta," aa amended hy aa act -af the Laaiautore of tba State ef Oregea, an. ; proved February 28, 1801, entitled: "Aa Set n snaaad seetlaas 1. S. 8, A A sad T of aa j ect entitled: 'Aa set to provide tor tte la ' saaaea f hoada for tb Inqirovemeat of streets snd tsytsff of sowars la loco mora ted cities, -and for the payment of th roet of' aerfc Itn proveaientB and toylna sf sewers by Install, menta,' flld la tb offle af th "arret ry nf atata lbraaQr Zf . 1803, nd tha proceeds tharoof ara to he aasd for tha payment la pert ' for the laiprevrnMBt of atreet a or conaracttoa V ef eewwra aa the said Isaprnvinnsbj ahalt be t- 0The,Taild1ry sf the set of. the Le1iatwr ' aforesaid baa been arflrmed hr the Sueren Conrt of the Stat of Orecea. ' Bidders will ba required to svhcaH Sat hM. r without eoadlttoas. except aa to the resnlarlty. of the laane of honda; aad ta anbentt with their . Mda s eerttsad eherh on s bank te tb City of , Portland. Or., equal fen 8 per cent ef the ;, faoe valaa of Ova bonds bid far. payaUa ta tha Mayor ef th City of Portland, aa liquidated damages la eaaa sack bidder withdraw hla i hid or falsi ar eea-lerta fen enter Into eontract t .' tab aad pay for Bald hnsda arccrdlna ta the ternaa af sis bid and tbto nottoa. . Tha right ta reject any and all Mda H hrrehy rear reed. Bid a boa Id be addrsaaad to Thonua C. fpv. . Ha. Aodltor. Pnrtland. Or., aad. marked "Bid far Improvoaieat Bonda." ,, , . By srdar at the ConarO. h (' - t, " ; i ' ft. T. SIlrTBIiarrT. CnsBadttea o Waya rd hteaaa. 1 Portia nA Otaaon, October SI. 1804. . AeUCaaWUrr POB DTPKOI 'TSHUIT 1 Of SZXL- WOOD STBZXT. -Hotfr Is hereby glvea that the CdbsHI ef th City of Portland, Orasua, at a meetlcf held on the ltth day of, 1004. derlareg the aeeeea carat by ordinance No. 14.28T. for the ImproTOtnent nf Bel I wood atreet. frnn the aaat line ef Williams see ta the weat lln of Unto avenne, la th manner provided hy or dlnaace No. 18.738. spon each tot, part ef tot and na real of land, wbleh are aneflally sad peculiarly benefited, to be aa fellows, via: ALBIXA DLOCK 28. weat 100 fret nf tot PA Oeraua BvancellraL Latbwaa Church, 487.341 eaat Jt fret of tot 20. Oermaa Rvanfeltoal Lutbaraa Chnreh, 831.88: tot , lobs A and Plora B. Mclrwtr jia nS; sooth WO fee ef tot 3ft, Benjamin P Staveaa. 48.x0: souU 108 feat of tot S3. Mat tie A. North. 850.101 Sonth 100 feet of tot ai, Wllllaai Harrearbon, SS1.8T; saath 108 feat of tot SO. Amanita Herahaaer, V1A9.TS: west 8f frat of amtlh im feet of tot 18. C. Standefrdt. 881 t; east SO fret ef aoath 100 frat af tot 18. famee ' Rare Held, 31.oJ: weet SO fret of eonth - 100 fret af tot IB, Jajaes Barariald. S.aii eaet SO feet of anejth 100 feat nf tot 18. Thomas Dnbroa, 820.O8; aoeth 100 feat of tot IT, Thoetas Dobaoa. 481.84: wet 40 fref ef tot 1A Mary 0. Multer. 418.88; waat 40 feet of tot 14. Mary O. Mailer. 447.80: north Sfeet of eaat 80 feet ef It IS, ttosrna , Srsvea, 4SS.8S: sonth S fret of eaat 80 fret of tot 18, Stella B. Plttenger. f 48; aaat 80 fret of tot ll Stella B. Plttsngrr, 81 OS. a. BLOCK IB. tot 3d, John J. D. Bdcertoa, 4183 Mt tot SB, John 0. Bdtvr. - ton. 444 S3; weat U feet nf th 10ft feet ot tot 88. John I. BK at annth 1 T. Maerftaa. 8307: eaj I: aaat 10ft feet nf tot JL C. N. Woaacott, S48.T4: outh 100 reet or utn, -Oeora-e Hartlng, 4123-18; soeth 100 faet sf tot -. Atom Humid. l2n.M: oroth l M of tot 80. Aloys Harold. 4138.48: south 1M : feet of to IB. Adam Krlager. 181.36: aoath 1( faet ef tot 18, Jobs A. Ncrdeea, oaU 100 fret of tot IT, 3. H. Bock, ll?-! - 6t 18. a P. Notond. 88088: tot 14, C. P. eUnd. 8144.44. BLOCK 38, tot 1. Henry P. Banft. 41M1.41; weat 10t fret ef tot 1 Ullto T. Huaw. 13.08: seat 2B fret Wf tot f Arthnr T. Kraeft sad ardelta A.. f8-lj ; aorth 100 fret nf lot 4. T. K. WUllaaw Ba tate. halra of. 488.08: north 100 feet of tot A Oeorge Belt, 481.34; aorth 10ft frat tot 4. Oeorsa Beta Ml -84: aorth 1 no .feet of 4, Oeoria Beta $8 1.84: aorth 100 .feet of f. Laria L Clarb, aorth inn fret rd g. Marraret A. reteraoa. 481.08; aorth feet of tot S, Marraret A. Petsraon, ' tot T. l tot S. MA fl SW).40t north 100 feet of tot lo. smily Mar abalL 44B T7; tot 11 WH)lam Wnacher. MS.Til : tot 18, William Waarher, 1187.84. BLOCK 14, -tot 1. alien Caee, 4148.44: tot A B11n Oooe. - 841.08: north 100 faet of m . koiu vaa Tlott. 8111.14: tm fmrrh 10ft feat sf tot 8. Stella Taa Vleet. 4114 20: earth HX) feet or tot L ifrtk 100 fret of tot T. Sophia Hrman. 4l9n.R8; narth 100 fret of tot S, Ttef A. Peterson, 414 74: aorth 104 fact of tot 4, Mary Prances Llfhtoar. 4188 .: portb 100 fret of tot in. Charle aad Joaenhlne Anftorso. 1XS.1; west 3D fret of tot IX Itella Va Vtoet. SS-ia: west fret of tot 14. Stella Tan Ttoet, 441 8 aaat .100 feat of tot 1A "Hsa A. Van Vleet. 17-83; aaat lflO feet ef tot IX. Kalta vaa, vies, Total. 44. 108. ft. a ilatHUnt af a Cm 0 111 aJSaSSIBSSt an tared In ths Docket ef City Liens, and ts mow dn aad payable at ths office of the City Treaaarar. la law fal Banner of tha Dal ted States, sad If not paid within 88 davs frors the data of tbto notice, each proneolus will ha tahaa At tSa itnlWtlotl of the MOWW Sra prrrr)ad by tha charter of th City ef Porttaad, Ths a bore asaeaament will bear lataraat Id days after ta first pahflcatloa of thla nntle. 1 HUB. V. Aadlter ef the city of Porttoad. , PorttaaA Oragoa. October tl. Wi laarwra av.w TitftWaraww fty BLAIB BTAXXT. . f 'eeeapttane with a raeolattoa saaeted at rha rertilar tins ef the Council, pelj October S. ifto. darlarf 'taring tba dtotrtct b-wted by th tmpror merit sf Mala atreet froal th rt Has of Chapmaa street t tb waat Ha Of King Street, and afrortlns; tha Auditor of the City af Portland fa prepare a preliminary mianMBl anna IM on, i block par hi. mi lanA WlfhlB Bald dlBtltat. rTow. n)4rerora, sotie m aarsor gn Kb ni ts sw m ll li u that cb asaeaament M saw a 8 le la the erftre of the Aadltov ef tba City of Parttand and that any ebfrcttona to aaeh aaeee. ment amtt ba He ta writing win taa Aodltor w tbla 18 days from the flat day sf Ortobae, 1B04. tha latt oar of wnnHcartoa of tbta antlca. Bnd antlca la further siren that MM oMectloat will ha beard hr the Counell at a aw-ting ta ha held on tha 2H day of loveuhar, 1004, and n aorawas actnavoa tnotwoy or rntrrened therein si net be preaent at aali awatlno. snd are wanted sot ba depart tberefraai satD saoh riaaeaa ileal has baaa comtileted. , , Tin iB. a DsTvTtrt. "" Andlter of the otr of PnrtlaeA alaaA Orasoa, Oehabar ai 180a, -.1