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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
w w DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY "NO, 10 THS OREGON NEWS, OF, THE MINES j WALDO MINE TITLE LLTCKY, EOY ; TRYING IS IN LITIGATION -CYANIDE PROCESS WEATHERED 'OAK eovmr or imui - wxrmmnaamrnml oo&waxav IMlOff OOVBT. wsoxsxos mor or ob or nuunv) oowemm -wm n uvmn vow rom a VOSTT STJ 1. "V ' -rtS i Dispatches rom Ban Franetooa aa V wmmi Chat tli federal court of appeals ; tea reversed the Oregon federal district ' Mart m um m A. W, m MTIUI X O. B. Obdm and T. W. M. Draw, Ihvelvtog title to a scoe portion of tha Waldo mtolnc property ta Josephine ' aounty. Further tbaa atatlng that the district mrl baa Mn iwimd, m partbrulara art given, and there la torn 'conflict la the km, as tha dlspatoh : nri Judgment baa been given for Ouim '" an Draper. Tha district court daclaloa , aa a judgment (or Ouna and Draper. A.-W. Fez brought an action against Draper and Qunm tor mm undivided half itoterset In fear elalma of tha Waldo roan, ta ltOL Ha alleged that ba and Ouna vara partners in the property. - whan be aatd a half Interest to Draper 1 an conditions that were not fulfilled. Draper elleged that ba bought aa undi vided half of Fox Interest (or ILeOe, navlmi Stag down. IIM later, and ten dering MO at tha Uma af tha trial A eouRter-claim waa brought against Pox, In which Ouna alleged that- ha ad vanced ft. lit (or certain powdar ex periments, whleh Fox -we to repay, but bad no repaid. Qunh waa to bold tha proaartr to eueatloa pending payment. . whleh ha Bald ha waa doing, and Working , tt ta an economical. raaaonaMa wanner, ' Judo Bellinger dismissed tha com plaint of Fox. tha eountar bill af Oann'a and ehargad tha eoeta to rem. in taa complaint If' waa ailtged that tha prop- arty waa worth !.. but to thalr aa 'awar the defendanta allege that It la worth only e.eoe. ; , DRIFT OF 700 FEET' OH COPEK VEIN T (. f.. ' ' Two Otwws ara engaged on tha ooppar : properties being managed bf a. A. h alone to SC Helena district. Both ara working under tha aoatraot eystem, ana an tha Polar Star and tha othar o tha ; -. -Goat Mountain. Tha Polar Star nam ' drift haa attained a depth of 104 feet CM crow to craaaeuttlng M (hat from tha portal -of tha tunaal, this work al v -ready having proved a vala 11 faat wide, ' "Whan thla crosscut fully explores tha width af a vain here, tha mala drift ' will ba continued. . About 1M (aat fur-i- thar to, a shoot, tha haa been pnrrad oa tha eurfeoa, wlU ba opened oa tha lowar level, whan U la tha Intention af , tha maaasenent ta ralaa ta tha aurfaoa , Cor air and ta prova 4ha aontlnulty of t era thara. Mr. Baaalona atatod today that ba had a flaa anowlng of ore in tba work here, md that It waa tba InUntloa ( tba m anagamant ta preaa work tlU ajantly throughout tha winter. Oa tha Ooat MoanUto group the tw. (Ml to pat to tha natara af a cro cut, but tha vote la bellavad to ba only a, few feet ahead, Thla will ba tba deepest , work dona on thla property, and tba results of exploration at thla depth are - eagerly awaited. . Tba work of Mr. Saaalona -ootBpaalea to aaora advanoad than that oa any othar property la the "t. Helena ooppar dis trict, save that of Dr. H. W. Coo and associates. Tba propartlaa ara located aa tha Cispua, an tha sorth side of the . moaataUk LANE COUNTY WOULD . ; i ; ' CONTROL BOHEMIA 'ty- - A, -, , -1 ; ' Iauia aounty aeeka to Include wtthla tto boundaries all of tha Bohemia min ing district. . A gentleman from Oottag Orova statsd thla morning that the Com Baarotol dub f that atty nad mtotog ' . aaen of Bohamto had taken notion to ' tacludw tba entire district to Lane. This- , - would encroach slightly upon tha- praa- ant boundarlea of Douglas eounty, tha dividing line between tha twa being tha 'crest of tha CaJ spool range, Tba aa i. tloa has bean taken to bring tha abo , , tlen aaTaeted ta eloaar touch with tha aounty. -asst. Sgrass from tha entire Bohemia district to through Cottage v Orove, tn Lane aoanty. From that ata , , tlon to Bngena Is a much shorter run than ta Rosebarg, tha aounty aaat of ; pouglaa; Many properties have been lo atd down on tha Umptrua sTopo of tha -. -Calapoola range, la Douglas county. They will soon be needing roads and ' other county aid, and will ba called ' tipon to pay taxes. Douglas county, I the miners argue, will ba slow to max , Imprevemente that only help to turn trade to Lane county. It Is probable that at the next session of the leglsla , ' ture a measure will be prfteented asking t J that Iba cauaty boundary Una ba CMBged. ' r ,lfa a mistake to Imagine that Itching piles can't be cured: a mtatake to suffer ft day logger than you can help. Dosn'a ,; Ointment Brings Instant relief and per- ,' aanaat aura. At any drug atora, ftO cents. SYMPATHY 1 Tod don't bear much about sympatfa In dentistry." Do you? ; Pwoptolisuslly spesk of dentists as crusl and calloused o ht pslB thsy Inflict . That Is because oar rnsthods hst not bwsnt tried, W are totMrindest that we can operate succeesrully without pain In any instance or tmder any conditions that we ask for a close investigation of our methods. As to the j-' durability of our wets we invite mrestiatioB also. . '7 ; Dr. p. L U'rigfit's Dental Offices j U3L WMhinfltMi ftmt, Conwr aUretrth. '':: Onto Henre a. av to ' ssi'isa I Zm merman, prealdant of tha Lucky Boy, returned early thla weak from Blue river. Batna have flvan abund- anea of water thara, enabling tha mine management to put the full equipment I of stamps tot commission again. BxparUnenta ara also being made with the Da JCsyaar process lor tha treaU ataat af aeooentratea. Until thla work haa progress sd further Mr. Kim merman doea not care to go Into' details, but aald everything tookadvary anoouraglng i when ha left , . As water gar tha mm will ha plenti ful from sow on. every energy will beat by Managar Haneaefc to mine and mill Urge quantlttea of era. Tha Lanky Boy ta assured Immunity from further trouble because of dry weather, aa neat fail Will find tba manageraent fully for tified against avaa exceptional drouth. ALL OF GREENHORN H i CONTINUE ACTIVE fsseelal fHaprtn aft The Jewel.) Baker City, Or.. Oct ll. Peter Mann of this city .who awna tha principal water systems of tha aoutheta part af Oreenhorn district, returned from Ma possessions yesterday, with . the state ment that unusudl pre grass waa being made to tha mines thara. At tha Baow Creek mine Managar Fred D. Smith to Installing another large boiler, prepara tory to tha aommancemant of deep alnk- 1 lag, Tha L X. I lasnagemaat to down ta the ST foot lavaL whUa tha in tha abaft to aaM to ooattoua excellent. Tha LX. L management says that thara haa been no change to tha abaractar af thla ore sines the rich etrlka was made at tbp iia level. Tba work being dona at tha old Pyx property had uncovered unaawaHy good ore. - Andrew iarsos. who owned tha almoa group, to aald to have tha tranafar that property, of which mention haa bean made earlier, and tha new niaaaga. ment Intend to put a. good development arew In tba twanela. . v, ; , - 1 STEADY WORK ON t ALAMEDA, PROPERTY Manager John P. Wlokham af tha Ala meda, who to aaandlng a (aw daye to tha city, aald that whan ba toft tba mine tba two working erawa ware still tn good ore. There baa been improvement In tha face of both main drtfto. Mr. Wlokham said that tha beat ara takea from tha mlaa waa balng found to tha face of tha lowar drift, whleh to mora tbaa M faat long. Tha eroeacnt atartad at a point about l faat from tba portal of thla ate drift haa baan driven ltd feat without tha at her wall coming la. Tha ore body hara to proved ta ba mora tbaa ! faat wide. Valaaa have not been quite mo good ta tha oaaa of thla eroaav out, which tha management accounts for by ths fact that lasa depth to bad with progress ahead, for valuaa tmprovo with grantor depth ta both mala drlfta. Surveyors ara en tha route between tha Alameda and Laland. and will con tinue work until bad weather prevents further progrssa J Mr. Wlekhaa aald that a conslderabld aum of money bad bees 'raised among tha mine operators and at Grants Paaa ta improve tha mala highway down tha Bogus river fo Oallea. aa a result af which Ira vol thara would ba easier. . - ' . -j TWO SHIFTS IN FACE OF LARGE CROSSCUT Twa shifts, with twd power drtlto, are -working to tha face of tha big crosscut .tunnel of the . Oregon Securities com pany, Bohemia district, and another crew has bean pat tn tha escalator Tain running a drift . Three drills are thus given place ta thla oaa tunnel A.. B. Wood, general manager of tba Oregon A Southeastern railway, which la a kindred organisation to the Oregon Securities company, reached Portland yeptarday. He asjld that work waa rushing la tha properties of thnasompaay. From eight ta ten feet a day will be made now. In 71. r,LZ'-. 'l I suring tha opening of r-c-gevrha a month. Next sprtng General Manager Hengen aaya that tha company' will fur- th JrniM im t te nM.i.t thar develop Its water aupply to prevent a shortage of power ta such dry seasons aa that Just brought to a does by heavy fall etonna, . j " , BOaTBXB A. B. O. ?. (meted Ptsattoh t Tsa JearaaU pokana, Waah- Oct. II The Tip fop claim, near Greenwood. B. C, haa bean bonded by Phoenix people to J. C Haas of Spokane. The new awnere' have a. to. to t tv ah warn? Mia aVoflasng, iav-p, ... TTT I 4f ' .Upiwistered in Spanfeh Leather r Qreen Silk Velour, Vi-is-'ki i " ' : Corner First and Yamhill Streets . n ; I .OBVURTZ sells ' REMEMBER, WE CREDIT' EVERYBODY, I thb littlb-ata' I it for less? - j : - NOT A CHOSEN TEW V v time store" , maammmuaaaaaamawamm track a veto of good gold ore naat.tha surface, aeaaye runalng as high as sat. The ledge is about 11 Inches wide on the surface. The Last Chance property. nssK bro'nr?J "?!?1.-IL?"! "J"" r J " ZT Vra A abaft haa been gunk to a depth of about loe teat ana some arm ing Jiaa been gone. - ..- . VENERABLE ACTRESS i tOBStKYES BIKIIIUAY Mew York, Oct. 11. Saerea cf- con gratulatory maaaagaa from men and wo men prominent la tha theatrical profes sion all over tha owuatry were received today by Mrs. Oanna Hartley Otlbert ubm tti 14th nnnJvamarv of bar birth. Flowers, toe, fairly rained upon 'the venerable actress, and her home, at No. II West Slxtyiflrat street, was a perfect bower. Never la better health and aa eager for work ag the 'youngest begin ner Mra. -Gilbert spent a goad part af tba day to rehearsing "Granny." the new Clyde Pitch anew which la to be produced at tha Lpaausa theatre next Monday sight and la which aha to to bva the principal part. Mra. Gilbert la am tngttohwowan, barn to Lancashire on October L 1I1L Her drat appaaranoe . was oa tha hTcrwIch etobuH aa a dancer to 114. Tha aama pear i aba bad married a professional dancer, Oearge Henry Gilbert. They earns to the United States to lilt, and end conttousd aa a dancer until IMt, when aba began playing leading old wo man characters. In whleh she baa ac quired her present fame. Her husband died lb ! M 1 hire. Gilbert ca tered AugutMn Daiya company and ra mained in M. until hla death. Since than she haa been with Charles Preh ISMOF CMAsTeTOsT Msarasl IpsaUl sWrka .) Waahjngton, Oct IL-ln Pound ry M. tt. ahurch tonight an the Method 1st min isters af tha District of Columbia, to gether wtth representatives of the aea nregattoaa af all the Methodist ahurcaea Upholstered in Spanish Leather or ;-'.lr;"j I REGULAR $2.50, . r- 'J '? BUSINESS COLLEGER: j s SPECIAL CQURSE IN PENMANSHIP On Monday and Thursday evenings from T to f o'clock. TUmOrtlM This class Is In charge ,l Mr. I. M. Walker and Mr. H. W. Bnnln, Mf.WalkeT was a student of the noted penmen, Behrenarnter; Schorr field Williams, Mr. Xnnta haa been card - writer - ex Meier A, Frank's for the past four years, ,v, : , , . . TOP FL0OI Of SttAKU BUILKII. will gather to welcome Bishop 'Hail Craaatoa, wba eomev from Portland, Orn to become rssldant btohop of tba Dtotrtot of Columbia. Rav. J O. Nick- alaon.. pastor of TrthHy. ahwraa, anil preaida and thara will be add re as sa de livered by acme of tha beat kaawa pui pit raters af Washlagtsa. . . a Beautiful Article of Furniture. IJi a I : A MASTER MECHANIC Takea no ahance whan ha buys tools hs wants to know what he Is getting. Therefore he buys here where nothing but the beat to said: We have evwrr tains la hardware Tin . . Avery; & Co. THIRD STRESBT . WEINHAKD'S 3 ' ... ,,'. City Brewery stotwagt east kfoet Oumewto , SxsHsag hi ana mansion BottM B4r Speedily sneer. . W . i and- aalli ee POBTLAITD, OMOON, Green Silk Velour, um SAVE YOUR MONEY in a lifetime um acroaa many s chance to save money, gad It to unwise to let the opportunities nags without taking advantage or ttiecn. Our avsy payment plan on ana Watohsa and lta xionds gives you a chanoe to make email savings every week and obtain full value for your money. Before baying a Watch af Dtomead atoawhara gat cur prices. . We give a guaraataa aa aur goods that will protect you. See aur j pW oa PI sal to awj akww wtw .OKdfjiWairi' day 'i MS: Dr. W Norton Davitw IN A WEEK rut ffirm ptwnm 1? tobt wessa at bafT L anew so bv sm ts SBfsawav WcCmCoMrrlm Ths ssewse el fhb mrawto am all farai have repehittas n BMlBtaJn, and WIS asset- m as Am. emfl MflUaL . IsetraerlTe aw..oa m m emu wraposr. II roe lasint eafl at af Of is aama t aad t to 4 aawaam to aj ke 'kaesg fmsWismi aj fsa T?ml fuwat-3 CetVaS & CO. vka irap -. , k v e vfor aw 1