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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
- - - .1 , ' .r 4. TBEORCOUTIOS ' OF THE J0UC1AL A? I f J i - 1 ..v v tf ' ; m- 1r: ASIANS PRESS ON cnt Westter FsJIs 3 Deter Kcr?pstk!a's Advance, .. - ANOTEER POT V- ,1d Froa Ialt4ei That Japanese -Zzi (Brokl's Riilrt Are jklvei Oat an" mtt Bit- ' ..JX tat Captured. ? r - i ' ? WJon. ot BL (Bulletin.) fae St k eraburg onrToepondont of tbe . Up ' enge. Telegraph oapiiy unit teat t.) general staaT hM seceived a tale . B-- reposting that ths Japanese -ere sparing to retire aloe; their whole ?- eaA The St, Petersburg eomipoB4 of the Central News wins tbt u MimflrBMi ffsport bu fc noalwd , Inm Mufcd yiirttof that tb Xu ? "I. (JlVMl llUJ tVTtM.) ' - ( St PcUraburs. OoL II. A dispatch , WmIvW frM UM front this aorninv M9 ttet KropMM ytrfejr udi a allsiit advauM U alone U Usm and ' In mtmy pno rtraiud tao o(Inir. 1 Bo took an Important position to tho iigM f Ooaorai Kuroki'a annr altar a ' Jloroo aaaault, aai thaa taln4 foot- kola wbich la a naoaoa to too Japan 0aaraTs anajk a. Two tuna worn oaptarad, toffothor wltk 14 hll ana tno tonuiant of th ananr who aurvtvaa tna attack, Tho . Japan ma dM not rotroat, but bald tualr ' ground atU ail nut H www kUlad. , Thaaa tattar vra Catrt yorotvoworsa and oaptaraa. '. ' ' 1'-i. UMr area npoaatTa, Cho m ' w iant adda, Maatawoh da tha Bun , ntaa Mllad and woundad numharan O0 ..jnan. Barmd tha otataflnent that tba ' poattlaa la Important anoush to ha a minam to KuroU, tha oorraopondnat doaa not gir9 tho details of tho altua- . nor tlwazact Moauon or um nui ffrhlota was eaptarod. . . . j . . mania Am ntlraa. ' ' 1 Ba4 waathar oonUnuso and tho roads nra k an von worao oondlUon than la tho oaiir Put of tha wt In an at tompt to bots a battsry of artlllary for ward on too Russian rlfht yastardar. tha roads varo la such a muck that tho moTOmant waa abandonad ontll a oor duroy road oould bo buit aoroaa a tow islng Valloy. . Uaavr runs mtra thamsalres to tba axlsa of tho earrtaaas and avan tha Ua-htor'of tho Russian placaa aro morad only with axtrona difficulty, and tha onploymant of all foroa that oaj bo ntUlnad. Tho oorraapoadant says thaoa dimoultlss W1U bo larsaly Ob v I tad by tha arrlTal of U-ht mountain puna, ueh aa aro used by tha Japanasa, aav sraj of whleh ara on tha way front Har bin. - - . ' fuii tk. ks amathar and nlmoat ImpaaaaMt condition -of tho roada,, Kuro patkln wlU oontUiuo h(s forward bovo jnant. Tha man ara In a msaauro dmln-Ina- rant, aa tha heavy work of tho a vanoa la balna- dona b7 troops that wara bald In roacrvo back of tha Bun rlvar, who hava ohanrwl phwaa with tbooa who foufht so steadily for 1 daya. Anothar dispatch from Mukden states that on tho Russian light cantor last atsM tha Rasstans surprised a Japan see battery, killed tha runners and captured tnree runa Na other dataiU of tbia en aamant ara riven. " . . " Oanarai nakharoff officially reports that tho anniee ara today malntalnlnr hir raaosctlva dlstancaa. and that thara la oontlnued reoonnotoanoo on both aides, k H saya thara waa bo aevera xianunr on tha Russian rtrht yeoterday. and makoa po mention of thb capture of a Japanese . position of value to .uroso. ' Tho official flat of offlcsrs kHled and wounded batwaen October 11 and Octo ber II total e ITS man, ncludlna; afajor Oeneral Rablnakl and IT field officers killed. Tho wounded aro la tho propor tion of one to sla. . Tha Hat for tha heaviest daya flrhttoc aonth of Mukden la etlll unreported. It will doubtlea ooed tha leasee at Uao Tanr. wharo IM offlocra wora kllhad ar wounded. K ' 11 ' Tho losses amonp tho man aro net yot raportad. but It la thoucht thy will ap proahnata not much mora than tt.OOe. (Oontlnued on Pnro Two.) BULLS MAKE; IMMENSE f PROFITS QNiSTOCKS . v..: (Jsensl special rervk.) i ' Ha Tork, Oct Ii.Preflts exoeedtnr t9,M.oe have been, taken by the ring which ban been manipulating Wall street for the last IB daya. The profits ao- eraed to a few men through deliberate . and well-planned manipulation of stocks. There waa a slump en Wall street II months ago, and from that time until 1 daya ago tha lose, figured an paper, on principal Issues, aggregated the co lossal sum of t 009. In tho last 1 IS days stocks Increased MM.too.eot in value, showing the .profits taken by ma nipulators. glx months ao, when storks were at the lowest, the staixlird Oil Interests, V or van lerereats, Bcblff, Hsrrlman, Buna, LAb A Co. and a western ayndl-e-.e rupraaentaw by J. CL OatM 01 Ca. E3 r mm Pnnitf ( I stiff iirr:: :::ev? ausilj f VQUUVI LQUU Troops and Supplies at WsIfisJ Bay. SEKICUSLT "INTERFERES Reports lodlttte That Kijser's Ftrces Are HectlDt Wltk Reverses ! f A " v the Scnttwest Africa RebcIIloiv ;ir. " ?! V . tfeaaaal Special aarrlaM Barlla, Oct. 11. The British merit has positively refused to rrant tha request of Oarmany to permit tho latter to nap Walflah bay for tba landtnr of troopa and auppltao for use la tho war aralnaf tho oatlvoa ta Oarmaa Bouth- west Africa. Thia reiuaaJ wlU aenous- ly IntorXaro with Oonaaay'B military plana ta outbwaat Africa, aa Walflah bay la tho only ajooA harbor for a dla tanoa of aiiis alonsj tha coast. Reports ar Oarmaa r oversea hi nouta- weat Africa oontlnwa to bo raoalvad. Tna Oarmaa staMoo at Nomtaaa has been oapturod by tha Hottsntota Official reports. It la said, art made to oonoeal tho really true atato of af fairs. Theos however, -ara bartanlnrto oomo to llrht Tho fact that Oraat Brit ain baa refused to allow the landlnr of troops at Walflah bay la taken to Indi cate that Bnrland doaa not Intend la any manner to allow tho Impression to ajet abroad that she la In any way- whatever aympathlalns or landtnr aid- to her Oar maa eewalno tn their effort to subjujtata tha rebellious Hottsntota Pufcte denlaia that dansnnto from Aarman aotisoas that the uprialna; la of aa fcaslawlfloant aharaotss, tbf move on tba Dart of tha oarmaa saint try a - ties to arrann for the lanomr or addi tional forces tftrowrn mum an umurr rlvaa rlaa to arav auaplclona that tha extant- of fha trouble Is much areatar than has heretofore been known and that aotbter but aa overwhelming fores-of relnf oroemsntA will -enable the kaiser to retain control of. hla pOsseaalona In Bouthwoat Africa and maintain anything nae peacerm raiauons wa uis aauve subject. GIRL OF 14 POISONS HER INFANT NE1CE '- '(fsaraal I aervfaaT If aw Tork, Oot, Alice KlJnrenbarr. airt of 14 years, poisoned her Infant nlaee yesterday at Upper htontdalr, K. J alvina bar carbolic add. Alloa Uvea with her slater. If re. William F. Poeeker. Poeoker la a newsdealer and hla wife took charge of the atore durln the noon hour while no want boat Cor dinner. She left the .sls-weefce-eld baby m obaraje of Alloa. Oa her return she found the child dead. - - Finally Alice oonf eased that she bad aivnn tha baby a sooonful of aomethlna from a bottle tn miataka for a aoothinr preparatton. Bha bad mixed the poison with water In a cup. The bottle waa la beled "poles n" and eontalned a earbotto aeM mixture. The Bin waa placed In charge of the police. - She expressed no fear and accompanied the polloe wil lingly, ah .made no npkry,for the dead, . ' i. THREE MEN5 KILLED ' JN TRAIN COLLISON (Jearael fctaetal Barries.) ' eneva, N. Y.f dlt. 1. Throe mem bers, of train erewa killed tnd three in jured. la the result of a oolltaios between two freight trains on the New Tone Central near here this morning. . Tha dead are: Charles Ruloff, engineer; John Hlckey and George Rorrm, firemen. The tralna came toaetbar la a aenae fog while runnlnr a.t full speed. . 4. mis take In orders waa the enuee. ' v v FmsMua eatrrsna baz&., - 7 (Joarml BpteW 8ervts.V Maw Tork. Oct 31. The French oral- ears Duplies and Jutien de la Oravlere, whleh have been visiting the port of Now Tork for several weeks, departed today for the West Indian etatloa under command of-Admiral Rival. r - - : : ; - commenced buying at row prices. Ten days ago their holdings oa paper were enormous. By buying and selling baok and forth they hava run tha fJgurea gradually up attracting attention and thereby luring outside speculators, until now the stocks are at boom prices. Bnermous deala were necessary to bring about tba valued artificial Increase, The heavier operatora have all par ticipated in the movement and tho larobe have been aborn to a eonalderable extent In many Quarters by tha quick chaoses of na eaeeadlsgky active market, t 4 It la feared by many of the eoaaerra- tlve brokers that there will be another el amp es severe as that which marked the flrat aqueeslng of water from the market last year, and a general tendency to fly to ever" Is being manifested In aona ef ta smaller firms. PORTLAND, OREGON; FRIDAY ' EVENING, SHERIFF IS DEFIED; POOLROOM Warwick 1 Commission Company -Operates Despite State Official's Threats , to RaidVcrdAVifl Not. Sw Down Until V Bheriff Word has been ivee the UefT by the Warwick Oomm lesion oompany. wearers-en eastern raoee were taken at Its rooms on Fourth street, near Alder, yes terday afternoon, and the plane was agaia Opened for business at l:M o'clock this morning. While no arrests were made yesteraay. and, so It la saacunced, none will be made thia afternoon, SherW Word has net reoeded fronr the. position no aas taken la the slightest, Hla failure to raid the establishment, arrest the man ager and operatora and seine the para phsmalmv It Is asserted, m not due to belief that be has aasninea' aa uoor ot peattloB, but ha - order that his method of procedure may be accurately determined oa before a declslvs atop la taken. This poUey la adopted by the Sheriff to avoid being baadmapped ta bis operations by giving the pool room men a chanoe bp take aeTvantaga ex tech nloall ties. Bheriff Word Voanmes that a great deal depends oa the method bo adopts for suDDrenslna aool rooms, ta view of tno support the gamblers will resolve from municipal officials, - He la closeted with hla legal counsel -this afternoon. It la believed for a number of reasons that hla flrat raid aa the poolroom operated by the Warwick Ce mm lea ion company win take . plaoe tomorrow afternoon. X Johnson and John Bala, two prominent members of tba- hf uoldpal Reform aseoolatlon, called si the pool room early this afternoon sad made a does' study of the mode lnarhleh It fa) being operated. They conversed with' Local Manager MV k Neaae for about la- minutes and were evidently keenly Interested tn what was' going on. Jn exureeslnc myself for publ leaf leu. saU lianager Neaae. "I wish to say fthatl The Journal has always shown enaenoe of being fair. For this reason, before making a statement as to our position. T wtab to correct B number. nT errors already puMhvhed. -( a i ; la the OrSt place, ft at not true that swr rooms were fitted 'up as A olub at great exponas last summer la order to carry on rambling. . We have evidently been oonfused with the Orpfteum estab llahment. Thta plaoe Is not fitted up for gambling. There is net a room up atalrs. All we hava hnythinr to do with is running a poolsobm. t- -Acalnv It Is an error to aay tnax pooia are being sold at tho Irvlngton track or to connect us with tho track la any m. There ara no races there now ana this poolroom has nothing to do with ILLINOIS HAS AN Wmi Sdl- to Have Bcci Att-cted If Waltfe ftoon if Depot fcy ' PromInTDt Persons. . ' ' r"7 " earaat sseelsl ssrxl'e.) Peoria, I1L. Oct Sk-Iafra, Hetlm Thompson, the: wife of former real aetata dealer, of this city, died at bar home. Xaooov and Richard Hlgglns, a poa-af Jshn C Hlgglns, who Is a mem ber of the- board of supervisors ior Peoria county and a prominent poli tician, la under arrest eo a stats war rant aoeualna him of the murder. - Tha wnnan'S death la Bald tb bO the result of a mysterious affair ta the wait ing room of the Rock aland depot w this elty last Saturday. It IS ooiered that monara nigwma. aged 14. and) his slater, Jennie, aged M, mteroepted a letter from tne woman to one of their .relatives aeainff tor a meeting at the depot and that Hi lna. hla carter and uncle there met sirs. Thompson and. an altercation followed. The ticket agent aseiatea tno woman to tho train and afterward found A pool of blood oa tho Boor of the wait ing room. .. - - The woman was severely Injured. Bhe reialnd ta a eotnatose condition for several houm and died without making a statement. It Is alleged that young Rlsvlns and hla alater admitted that tha Lwoman had been attacked. ' MAIL SHORT.. REGISTERED LETTERS (HmnmS spseUI terries.) Hongkong, Oct IX The postmaster rt Hongkong Informs the Booth China Morning Post that be haa received one full bag and two empty bags from Pek ina odt of 11 baga of mall that left Taooma on the British ateamer Colon as. which waa captured by Ruaaians. . Mors-than BOO registered packages sad letters for Hongkong are missing. HEARS THAT CHOATE ;1S TO RESIGN POST l.wael SssewJ aerrke aTanohesUr. Oct. 11 The Jaanohaster QHiardiaa teams that Amabasaader Choate will resign hla poet March 4. next, whether Boose volt la re-elected or not. - UNUSUAL MURDER Whltelaw Held Is saentlnried eaof Ohoatca probable en pease or. Tha seareo of laXermatioa lg awt given, IS Method of Procedure Is Settled! tha' Irvtnrten track, nor W pools is sold there until raoas ara held there again. "As far as our business a eonoerned ws oentend that we are pursuing" a legal vocation. Bo far as Bheriff Word'a ao tlona are eonoerned, we will bo guided la oar poUey only by what be Boos. We are going to continue business, as Wjb hava a right to do. We will sot aoeord lng aa events transpire. We have re tained the law Arms of Dolph, Mallory. Slmoa t Oearln and Watson, Beokmaa A Watson a our counsel, and are now do big business under their advtoa This la all I have to aay until we ara raided, as we expect to' be." "There la not a shadow of doubt that Tota Word oan close the poolrooms- and keep them closed. The law Is dear and unmistakable. The attempt of tho city oouncU to Uoenaa the poolrooms amouata to nothing, and the sheriff baa full irt baa run war- poolroom la the rant to suppress every city." ' ' t ' ' " This declaration was made this morn ing by one of the moat prominent attor neys at tha local bar. who has given careful study to the question at issue, and whoee opinion carries weight. He was emphatlo in the declaration that the poolrooms are Illegal and that the Bher iff Is clearly within his powers In ar resting the ' proprietors and Inmates' whenever tha places are found running. ' "No ens oaa question that poomeUIng Is gambling, and the only defense aoV vaaced for the poolrooms la the argu ment that thia form of gambling Is not expressly prohibited by tho lawa of Oregon,- and Is therefore not illegal." the lawyer continued. "As s matter-of fact, there are several provlsloaa of the cede Which roach the offense. Bad Sheriff Word eaa proceed against the poolrooms on aay ana af several grounds. - rae maw ta the Cmss. - V I Beotiea 1044 of the Oregon statutes deals with various enumerated forme of gamhHng, Puch as faro, roulette and poker, but pool selling and betting on races ara not among them,- Thia sec tion, however, does prohibit gambling with cards, dice or nay ether device," oonatruction to make thia language ap ply to the poolrooms - - But whether or not the courts would so Interpret this section, there Is another which is believed to afford ample war rant for suppressing the - poolrooms. Section ltSO reads as follows: If ihy person shall willfully and wrongfully commit any act which gross- DR. BADER SAYS . WOMEN ARE GOOD i' 1 Forttand, Or Oct. II To tha Bdltor of The Journal Will you d stats bow that the sensation of d the fiasco Is passed, that la say P remarks which have been so d freely erlUolsed 1 waa dlsoussfng. d womea suffrage from the Wo- d men's Cbrlatlan Tamperanoe .d union standpoint, and had no ref- d erenee to the moral character of d any womaa, either in Portland or d d out of It. Bo. far as I know, d d ovary woman ta Fortland Is a e lady; not one has ever behaved la a my presence in any way that Is w not consistent with the strictest s propriety. They Impress me as B educated, refined, elegant, noble d women, and I have no right, and d surely no disposition, to disnar- d m ' aga them. : d . DANIOL Z RADEH. d "'f' d ' J AMES JURY HUNG, f ; NEW: TRIAL MONDAY , "v" '' 1 V v v. s ' (Xsarasl ffpecUl asrvlea.) ' ' Untaeapolla, Mlnn Oct, 11. Th Jury In the third trial of ex-Mayor Ames of this city, who la charged with brib ery, extortion and, the maintenance of a wholesale system of btaokmaU of disor derly women, today reported a disagree ment and, the ssss will be placed on trial again Monday. Much interest la manifested as ta the final outcome and the attorneys oa both sides are exceptionally active. INVITE POWERS TO '- PEACE CONFERENCE (Jearmt special swvlee.) Washington, Oct. 11. The cabinet at Its regular meeting today devoted; most all ths time to the formulation of s drooler letter to ths powers Inviting them to participate ta another peace oonferenee et The Hague. - The letters will be sent out with fa a few daya to American embeaeadoro and mlnlaters abroad for presentation to their respective foreign offices. Tha let tar makoa no reference to Rosso-Jap- BUBBOB A1 (Jeerssl aseclel ervts.l! 1 tfew Tork, Oct. 11. A-cablegram ren reived. today announced the aafe arrival the Spanish steamer Buenos yfcyra at Havana, flhe was four days 'over due. There ware 1 pa sees sera aboard. OCTOBER U. 1901 - RUNNING ly mjuree the person or property1 of an other, or which rroeely dmturbs the nub ile peace ar health, or whloh openly out ran tho public deosnoy and Is injuri ous to public morale such person. If no punishment . la expressly presarioea therefor by this oode, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by Imprison ment ta the county Jail not rasa than one month nor more than six months, or by fine of not leas than $10 par mora than 1200. This section la a re enactment at the old oommoa law. and therefore the m tlon will be Interpreted in amordanoal with 'the common law decisions found ta tha Bngllsh reports sad ta tho reports of other states. The meaning of the language must be determined la that way. for ta re enacting the oommoa law the legislature plainly Intended to grve to It the meaning established by a long Ljlne of Judicial declaionev , n . . The prohibition of r "any net whleh openly outrages public deoenoy and Is Injurious to publte morals' to. deemed to afford ample ground for proceeding against poolrooma, whleh are placed ta the same class as oommoa gaming houses. Bishop on- Criminal Law, one of the leading teat books em the sub ject, declares (sec. l,ll(): "Bvea at the common Isw gaming houses may be a public Buteanoe and the keeper punish ablet It belnff a, disorderly bouse." Justice Chapman of the Massachu setts supreme court, ta the ease of Com monwealth vs. stcDonough, II Allan, re iterated tha doctrine that under the oom moa law brothela and gaming bouses were held to be nuisances under all elr eumstauoee. And hi Commonwealth vs. Victoria Ooodall, let Mass.. p, 180, the court lays down tho rule that a eonvio- tloa for keeping a disorderly house easy bo bad "although at the trial tha evi dence ahewn that ne house baa net been dlaordorry otherwise than as a place re sorted to for Immoral purposes." Bevaral prominent attorneys ex.pi ess the opinion that under the bread pro visions of tho oommoa law, re-enacted by seotloa 1,010. Bheriff Word wUl have jssi rss m ah, sgBaii i si .eBrieAABesarfnansB) Dtnriiuuii j is ui f v 111 nt puvii ruius out of bueineee. Bvaa should he fall to do thia adjoining property owners oan proceed against' the f moss as public" nulsanooa and enjoin them from doing business. This has been clearly estab lished ta' this state, where the supreme court hos upheld the right of property owners to enjoin tha use of adjoining property for Immoral purposes. PARKER ADDRESSES MARCHERS IN RAIN Bit Democratic Delefatloi From Bud ' mi County Visits the Candidate ; ' at His Rosenoflnt Residence.1 . (learssl Sseolal ServW Baopus. Oct. v 11, Judge Parker this afternoon addressed a delegation of l.OOe Dem cerate from Hudson oounty, New Jereey. The speech was a reply to a recant address of Taft, who denied that the Republican administration had wasted money. A heavy rain fell all the morning and made the roada muddy, but the delegation marched from tho etatloa. congregated on the lawn at Roaeraount and ahook hands with Parker. Ths can didate denied that the expenditures of the government had been managed ta aplrlt of economy, and said that the oharres of extravagance had not been anapfered. Parker said that the Demo crats did not propose to out pensions. but would, however, reduce the eost of the army, aa a large standing army was unnecessary. Much satisfaction waa expressed by the nominee at the show of good feeling that la being evidenced In many of the doubtful states, and which at this time point etrongly to giving a Democratic majority. r The crowd applauded many of the) sali ent features tn the address and wended their' way homeward, many of them more strongly convinced than ever that as each day passes the chances for Judge Parker's election seem more bright,. OOUdPBB VOW mOOBBlBXT. " IJeerasl special gsrvtea) HeW Tork, Oct. tl. -The Amertoan Republleaa Collegg league 'reports prog reee la Ma work of forming organisa tions m colleges and unlveraltles throughout the oountry to work for tha election of President Roosevelt The formation of many collage slabs a been reported within the last week. In the eastern states Harvard leads with a membership of over 1.00, and clubs have been organised at Pennsyl vania, Colombia, Cornell, New Tork uni versity. Tela Princeton, Syracuse and many other ootVges, with -memberships ranging from 10 to 1.M0. In the weet- era states the University of Miehlran has the largest ,lub with store than t,l men. . .,-.. : , Hi .. a- . ' CJBTsTXka VOatfBam (Jesrsl New Terk. Oct 91. There was aa un usual sir of bustle about tbe Demo cratic headquarters today caused by the activity In completing arrangements for iContlaued aa Page Two. NEIGIIDOR WILL HELP Walla " Walla . Promises $5,000 Toward Oregon N Portage Road. " ; WHITMAN ASKED TO AID II fi. Blalock Reqnests the Baslaess Hen ta Give $3,000 Toward Build-' - let the Llue-JISI Already,-y'- Promised lor Opetf River. Y faseahil Xmoateb ta Ike JbsvaaL) Colfax. Wash. Oct. ILr. M. a Blalock of Arlington, Or- was here yeo terday conferring with Whitman oounty people ta regard to tha project of the Open River association of Oregon. loob lng toward the Improvement of tho Co lumbia and Snake rlvere and their tribu taries, aa navlgabls streams, and the Immediate opening af navigation oa the Columbia river to Priest Rapids and the Bnake river to a 'point above Lewis ton. He explained that he eras seeking financial aid to enable the portage board of Oregon to complete the road, thereby connecting the- navigable waters- above Celllo falls with the navigable waters below The Dalles rapids. ' The Immediate result of the building of the portage road will be the estab lishment of boat lines oa the upper Co lumbia and Snake rivers and a relief to producers and ehlppers from the present excessive freight charge On May 11, this year.'there was a meeting composed of delegates from various sections of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, tribu tary to the Columbia river, held tn The Dallas, which resulted la the ergantaa ttoa of an open river association, which it la Intended shall bo a permanent taatt- Bines the organisation of tbe aasoeia tloa the executive sommlttee, aaalsted by the, open river committee of the chamber of commerce of Portland, haa worked wtth the state portage commis sion which haa been urged to' proceed with the fulfillment of the portage set of ltoi. This act provided for the appropriation of $l1.00o for the con struction of a railroad IH miles In length for a connection ' of' ateamers above and below the rapids. In anawer to the claim that the appropriation waa not sufficient to build and equip the road, aa the cost has been Increased by the neoeeelty of keeping off the govern ment canal right of war, and that tlce 000 will be needed, the executive oom mlttee of the open river association has assumed tha reapenelblltty of agreeing to make up the deficiency of 940.000 by soliciting subscriptlonp from the pro ducers and shippers of the districts In terested ta lower freight rates. The road when oompleted will be owned and controlled by tho state af Oregon- sad will probably be tha flrat railroad la the United States owned by a stat governments ' Win Begta fkurvess, - V although 9100,000 seems like an enor mous amount to construct and equip a railroad only eight and one half in flea long. It must be taken Into eoneidera tlon tbat the road will be built tn o place where It to neeeaaary to blast every foot of the road. The canvass of 19 counties has Juat begun and so far Otlllara oounty haa promised 9&.B00, Umatilla oounty, 99.000, and Walla Walla county. Wash., 9B.OO0. Whitman oounty. Waah.. la asked for 99,00. , The following prominent men of Col fax have been mode trustees for Whit man county: Char lee fit Bcriber. cash ier Colfax National bunk; R. T Cornea, oashlsr First National bank, and C U McKeaale, representative from this dis trict.' These men wlU solicit subscrip tions at onoe, but no cash will be col lected until the contracts to 1st It Is proposed 4o have the road done ta time for the handling of the IMt crop, , UNION PACIFIC GROSS 7 PROFIT IS $29,243,624 (Joend Special Servtee.) New Took,- Oct tl. Tho annual re port of the Union Pacific waa made public today and enow a large Increase in the net Income sad aurplss available for dividends. After pay lag ths regular dividends of four per cent on preferred stock the eur ples will tequal ir per cent of common stock. Tha gross sernlnga were 9B5, 170,911. and operating expenses. 91I.09M0T. ' $100,000. NECKLACE A MYSTERIOUSLY LOST (lesrael SeeeUl aWvtea.) . New York, Oct. 91. J to reported ta Maidea Lane today among the diamond dealers that Mra. Robert Slater, while stay In at the Waldorf-Astoria, loot n diamond necklace , valued- at 410. 000. Mra Slater m the widow of John T. Lvnee. a nearl and diamond dealer, who oa his death two years ago left hie Wlfethave been conducting s seeeet qoot fer . enrttui wkiritn Mtmi af area value, the atoiHW, The very alas of the suiiwe a fortune including gems of groat value. He made a study of diamonds, and It to said the collection made by him of the 10 gumo fa the loot necklace waa the work of years. In else, biillbinry and out tbe stones art matchless. After the death of Lynch his widow married PRICE FIVE CENTS. FLEET HAY GO SOUTH Paul Jones Sent Out From ) San Diego With Rush i . Orders.-. MANY PANAMA RUEC2S flute of Destroyer's Departire Gives ; Rise "to Belief Tbat JeweU ' May Have SaHlo. : - testrnetlMs. r-f . (Jem sal tseelel Serves. . '. Baa Die go, Oct, 11 Hurry-up orders were received yesterday afternoon by the torpedo-boat destroyer Paul Jones and, stopping only, long enough to lake an extra aupply of oaal. the swift little craft left the harbor under what seemed a 10-knot speed, bound for Magdalesa . bay, where the vessels under Admiral Goodrich have been at target practice for some time, None of the -officers-oould tell why she Is going, but It Is rumored that the destroyer carries dis patefaas whloh may- start ' tha fieet to Panama la a hurry.- , - OnJaaTJeBOgf fTiMilMl aitnlel Mirlim.t . New Torn. Oct. 41. President Rooee veirs aotlea ta the Panama canal soat tsr came up for a thorough review and osuauo comment la ' a apeech deliv ered by Senator Culbersoa of Texas be- , fore an immense Dem oc ratio mass meet lnsr held here last night. - The president's attitude was declared by tbe speaker to be that of Iswleasneea . combined with aa insatiable passion for . personal and arbitrary government. Two significant ftd hitherto unpob- . llaheB letters were road, the Brat, as fol lows: . : lpartmenf of State. Washington, D. r C January 91, 101. Dear sierras I fBUla' 0j t "apfetaJ! W mrwV srgpJalaTiaajqV 0 aweTeJ'' aAX. . you that In his opinion tha "reaeonabte time allowed by tbe statute to oon- ' dude negotiations with Colombia for the oonatruction of aa Isthmian canal haa coma to a close and cannot be ex tended. He authorises me to sign with you ths treaty of which I have had the honor to give you a draft, with thia change, that the aum of 91M.90B an nual payment therein mentioned be In creased to 110.000. 1 am sot author ised to consider or dlsouss aay ether ebaaga whatever." t -JOHN HAT." This letter, Culberson said, waa with held while the president waa pressing the opposite view on the country. Continuing- his speech, Culberson said: T accept It as true that the executive- officers of tho adjnlnlsa-ation did not officially and publloly Instigate tbe re volt la Panama; but that the admin Is-, tratloa. Including the president private ly favored and encouraged the move ment, aad that this waa widely Known, la susceptible of demonstration, and la a matter of thia character It was tanta mount to committing tbe government to It. Tha verratmoaphere of Washington was charged with this belief. -Ths movements of tbe navy, ta consonance with the wishes and expectations or the coasotratora, are Inexplicable except on the- hypothesis of sympathy and fore knowledge. Tbe press of the oountry, whose representatives St Waahlngtoa visited the stats department and the White House dally, toemsd with sugges tions and prophecies of secession, rec ognition and a treaty with rename, from June antU November, 1009. with out obectlon or protest or denial trosa the administration." Tbe second letter read by Senator Cul berson waa to Dr. Albert Shaw. Suitor of the Review of Rev! ewe: -Whits House, Washington, October 19, IMS My Dear Dr. Shew: I Inclose you purely for your own Information a copy of a letter of September from our minister to Colombia. I tblak It might interest you to see that there waa abso lutsly not the slightest ehanee of secur ing any more than we endeavored to so- cure. The alt erne Uvea were ta go to Nlearncua, against the advice of the great majority of com potent engineers, aomevf the moot competent saying that we had better have no canal at this tuna than go- there, or else to take the terri tory by force without any attempt St getting a treaty, 1 east aalde the prop osition made at this time to foment tbe secession of Panama. Whatever other governments can do, the United States cannot go Into the securing, by auoh un- (Continued, oa Page Two.) Robert Slater. - Mr. and Mrs Slater dined U days age st the Waldorf-Astoria. Mrs. Slater wore the fafheuS necklaea. After dinner the necklace was missed, and all search has, so far, ae eordlnB to the report, been frultleee. No public notrree have been posted and the dealers on Maidea Lane aay the po lice and detectlvee ef tbe enure woria Stakes It certs Is thst no ordinary ti could aell then. Almost the eny w whleh the stenee could be mar, would be through oils1nu diamond cutter who woutd re-1 peas before e faring them for a AmaAxssTB mooavrsTxB r i