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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
THE CFFOON DAILT JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' 'XZS f I NINa C ' I, t '.. ' HOLDUP. ARTISTS ARE BAD MARKSMEN 1 - ' v, a mm r Br run uvrv a a vrnvTHrr-i iiir1 wif 1 1 i iiiii am i , I lllllll III. W lil aM, m 1.1 uiL.LI " - - a AmmA ; v : Tbdr Ballets Go Wide First Attempt at ttienwa? koddctv m wees - V A abowar of bullets Syed at H. O. ' ' Wells 1 e'eloe last nlfbt by thrss , hishwaymea, fii4 to atop elm in Ue ., attt tnr with hla moatr. i Tha saasetleaal attempt ta bald op i and rob Wells eoevrred oa the Slavln road; asec corbett etreet, aecoraia to 11 the story fwlatea' to Polloemaa J. P- rniiM. The latter resorted Um matter to Chief Hani thia moroln. and detea tivas ware daUIIod to tavaatlcato. ' Walls oparalao a wood aaw. and aftar work la too or eaeb day returns aftar dark ta bia homa, an tba road aamed. rreajwantly ha haa larva ioai of maasy with hlsa. Last Bleat ho had osa to -$1, ho aays, and It la tho haltof af tha aoUoa aad of tba Intended victim that tha thraa mea who triad to hold him up meant to rob him of tho manor. M la hallovad they know ho had It, aa that they piaaaad to waylay him to tha lonely opot aad aacmro It. Walla laavalfht work ad elees to tha plaoo whara fee waa eonfrontad. and had Just atartod to walk homa whoa tho at tamated boldjip eeeurred. It waa crow has dark, and bo ooold as hoa very tar ahead. Snddsaly thraa mea apran oat. Tha? erlad to Walla to hold up his bands, and at drat bo tnouaht it waa a J oka. but, seebtf thalr ravolvara aloam las, know dUtoront. - Takln to hla heels. Walla ram. It Is doubtful If ho wlU aver run aa faat araia, unJoaa undor tho Same olrcum stancea. No ono kopt time, but Walla bellevee ho brobo all raoorda. At any rata, ha had tha pleasure of fotllnf Ibo would-ba holdup man, altoouch bo oama noar loalng hla Ufa. Aa walla taa, tba thraa man baaa flrlnf. How many ahota thar aant aftar him Walla doaa not know, far ha waa too frlcbtatiad to ramambor, but no board fvarai bull to whlaa paat htm. and ho oxpaetad to bo brought to tbo ground at ovary ahot. But h Kapt up hu paoa, aad roachad hla homa, Latar ho roturaad ta aouth Portland and told bia otory to tho polloaaaan, Thia ta tha flrat attanptad holdup for four wooka. Not alnoa Sulllvaa and Smith hold vp da vtetlma la a alnaia alsht havo tho poUoa boon. tvoubUd with Ualtwaymon. BABE'S ARMS CLASP MURDERED MOTHER (Oontlnoal from Paaa Ona.) orawlod aeroaa tha floor, aad Ha banda wara atalaad by Ha mothafa blood and tha front of Um whlto frock waa eriaa- ;aonu. . i' -i ',. . i Tha orlmo had arldontly hoaa eom mlttad hut a ihort tlma boforo tha hup band artivad homa. Poet prlnta wara found laadtnc to tho road that ruaa mv tho door, hut furthar than thu bo alua haa paaa found that haa aa pravod of aaautaDoa to too poi aooarlnaT tha ammnnity. Tho paat raw wooka baa aaaa an an uauajly la raa numbar af tram pa paaalna; throaah thia Ttolatty and by many It la thoucht that tho murdor waa oommtttad by ono af thaao and that ha aafaly mado hta way out of tha country bafora tho 'day paaa ad. ' 7 Too late to euro a oold aftar oonaum Tion Baa raaienea ita aaaaiv grip oatl lung, tiu vt. wooo i norwif piao .Syrup while fat thora ta tlma YOUNG DEMOCRATS "-ARE ENTHUSIASTIC 1 Tharo waa a linra tend tethaaiaatla moatmaT of tha Touna; liona Pamoaratlo dob In tha Chamber af Oammarea laat ovonlBC thoaa praooat apnea ling- apoo- tally anthaalaatlo aver tho ohearlna aawa that New Torfc and Indiana ara aura to giro Parker thalr eleotoral votea, and that Wleoonetn la likely to drop Into thu Demoeratla oolumn. There waa not much extoUatlott of the prealdant at tha moot ing, aaa .apoaher prforrlna; to him aa tho monumaatai 'ago man mar mt our proa ant elrU laat ton." C Armltaga, eeoretary of tba elua. deUTored hla maiden apeeeh, ooaupylnc tho attention of hla audience for more than half an hour. Ho oomparod Roooa Tolt to Cromwell, A man who aoorna advlea or tho opinion of tho world, an tndlrtdual who aowa tt ail." Mr. Armltaga'e brilliant aalltaa ware load I y applauded. Tho elub will ma Bast Tueeday ovonlac, ' Allen and Lwla Beat Brand. f WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY? I HI v ar aK kaaz-naiii t I . I lJt' (V Hi J If aO V I : I Profttrad -tha tMODle In thia EXTRAORDINARY BROWN TAO 8 ALB art such at Wwraj nmr bafora Dlaced witkn tha reach of burera at thia Maaon at tha year, bare, elsewhere, anywhere in tha union. Tha wtapina; cnt in priced throughout tha ttore throws tha vaxioua atockp which we have provided for the' fail and winter aearoiie--on tha market at leas wan tney coat to, produce. Tnia moat unusual ana aaMordinarf proceeding la tha result of conditions beyond our control but which left no doubt in our minda aa to the wisdom of facing present and peremptory loss in preference to tha fabian policy pursued by other stores, s Tha styles ara up-to-tbe-bour and ahead. Tha marchandiaa includes tha good, batter and beat productions of thia country's most celebrated rnaau- tecturers in their reepectivs lines. . ; - .-: . : paep- A. s .... ,- Special In Suits fi J A C :. tor Choke of Meo'g Fine 9 Tjf $15.00 Suits, Overcoats and . fT"F,-i CraveDettes f m9 Thia offering appeals to men In rrery walk df life. It included Rain Coats and Winter Overcoats, aa well aa Suits. Hundreds to choose from, in all tha styles, fabrics and color ings affected by careful drawers everyuihere.: WE DO AS We ADVEKTISE-llE COT m J 2.50 SOT - i, ST 1 v Racwiwavl of N. A ft. Weinatein marrhanHiaa valued at tlS.ftA aa aHvertiaMl bv them to ha arhmm away Saturday, October 14, m The Daily Journal of rnaay, uctooar xo. xne arawing was oonauctaa natrOMtfw aar4flfaM41w On rria mram mimlaaa- nmiini who bought goods and received numbers during tha day. . . LB. FOLKENBSRO, , Unnton, Or. Special In Overcoats f ( For Cbokt of Men's Swell Hand - Tailored Overcoats -wbbbbI gad Craveoettes wbrth $12.00 and $15.00 ' Hera ia a bargain, and what la here won't remain long. - Thoaa who soma first gat pickf and a snap h win ba for tham. v ? ' OUR STOCK EMBRACES A COMPLETE LINE MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING in incomparable values latest' styles nd materiak ara being shown here and offered at prices that others pretend t to isaet but cannot, aa they gtva goods without quality. Aa an inaas wa' quote r , . Men's Suits and Overcoats $3.95, $5.45, $6JW. $9.45, v. $12.50, $130, $15.00 Every garment the best and worm from ona third to ona half mora than asked here. If skeptical, coma and look. We offer no inducement to buy except r style, quality and low prices. ; ; Boys' and Youths9 Clothing Boys $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, $3.30, $3.00 Youths $3.95, $5.75, $7.50, $10.50 Every suit and overcoat worth and being sold for double our price. Tha material and style ara tha right sort and mothers will find H to their advantage v- ana giv nawuig wo naua cwxe. Men's1 and Women's Shoes ' Meai $1.30, $IJ0, $2 JO, $2.50, $25 Woeaao $ajMJ. $1.75, $10 r v Tha kinds that have style, fit and wear to them. Tha very best that tha leading shoe factories make. Wa give our personal guarantee with every pair. . . Don't ouy untU you m our stock. - COMPLETE LINE . Or MEN'S FURNfSHlNGS, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS AND VAUSES $10,000 WORTH OF SHOES Men's, Women's and Children's Being Sold at Actual Coat. Chicago Shoe Store :'y. 165-167 FIRST STREET. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL . AH Cars Stop Within Tea Steps of Our Door. . ,; s; ; Transfers to All Parts of the City. $25,000 STOCK or CLOTHING Men's, Youths', Boys', Sold at Less man Manufacturer's Cost ore MaineClothingSt ITS WORTH $50 TO KNOW -fir- S?"aS'w'ta2?A . Lf er!!"?" aaiaiiaieg aa ra. P4 i DtoC- Pp'aawaj af Tha Saaaar IaraL tann a mtta twt a. The r hi . lart to duemr ale annrar. Tha plctwne aak aWrtatlta vrvfilaa. Ta qaaiilaa dariai V M mm utter at nlOn to ta aalnttaa mpntm Waal m tm run to aa aanbar ai mrrmt m atoMbatoa a Mlmn: taa a t eft aaawwa, ailKW i td. mrwt urfMt aamMr ar amt aaewtfa. as.oo...j i. tha thM terrMt aawbw el amt aaarm, $2.00. ......, ft. tha toartfe luaMt wailMr oT rm( aaaarS.0Br:"!r."ri" t " taa art Urrt iiDbm af acmrt iMwui, $i m aatfe U. For the toe aaxt UrrMt aaabare ef eemet mmi wm aw abma east lataat aaaigna af tl.m aata. U 00 v X i. fl.M mA... 1009 X a a aaaav....... 1 Oct. ls'oetaiCavna omy. v N6.19 re taa wooxaUBUo Krroni -" - 7 ' .J' ,V." " .-L. : . - , ; tbs roroiT jouiuiAU poutuucd, orbook -v"! Taa aaawer ta Om aaaatiaa arte af tha Wogalaba tba taw Seotloa aC tba aaaar at SUNIXa.T, OOTOBJGR la. la ' ,. V V " ; i;. .r . t; : '. ? ' - . -, j -' . lkNMnMtMNMNMMWaMHtl(nIMIIIUIIIi(lllHttt t i ' 1 ' - . .vr . t , 1 , . , 1. aMMMtlMIHMMMXIafMItMIll4.MMMa ' 1 ' - '-' ' r . ' . ",Vi Mi)MMlkNMMMuaNtlMHMMtMMMllfaMAaitoll f I I. . . . . . . , t . i , a.aM.h...MMM ttiM.M(tMM.HwaH J Tawa ef Oly1.. ....... nmwfiM hhhhhw RIUS Or THE CONTEST aeM Battiraar. OrtnbM- U. Ta Ba V apiMan to t. W Mt. The aa . f'-.v'.--.. aa taa' eaanea ta ha ti i eattr hi toi ImmI tarn grrm rrm itm auBM a Ratwar tha near Jaernal aC la. ftrrk luwU f la ta h. wrtttrt M fh. hmm m af tha k dan fUdowlDC. Bach Booth haalna a mw a oa iwlaj a ha emtloa whbA X rra maatloa B I onrrom and Ti 10 fi will he alrlaai aoMac thaa. m. Hal. niTOR, Th JoaraaL Port BT 10 A. at. or Til mni of Ortohar It two or am paraon laat M ef th month aand than 1 pwpn IN THE O AT or MoVsjaJUCa wti PVrtlaod, Or. On TUB THIBD SA pMaaa. icq. aant ta Wfl that dar end aa tack toat. IATI THB I WOOOLa-BUO OF TBS JOUR- raaat Miaf mt awwa? aiidd. " Tfaa tow aaaa far Oefofwr are wowrtdwlt imnfMrai, aad Meat ha alae hi aaa THS SAVa NUMBER, it ttmi ara enm4ac cmdom dallv rmaa aura n..n , m.v aa "a -t far tha amatt la aMrato aaTafciBa, wrlta tba aama anawar aa aaah eoetxta. To aiav arite thb LAdan MUMsaa or wUl aa aaaateS la ataklaa arM turn aiai!aftf af Th. JootmI roe aaat wm Meh ft OraatMtonla aaad aot arrlta th. him aam-rr for rrrj day. hat SBMEhlBKB, O0BKBCT ANBWSBS WIS. ' 'limit, ar ajiailai af aa a-jlajiH faaaQr h attiaat to Z Kichmomidl Is tits most axonomical fuel We can furnish cleaner coal than any other dealer because we have better facilities for scraaning. Let us five yon prices on your winter's1 supply Of fuel. . . A ;'s-rv,;i Holmes Coal & Ice Co. ' ' 353 STARK STREET ; WHEAT DEALERS : -' HOLDING STOCK VO tXXABaJM- snosneaaS foUfxa 1 il moat ; soajwnu Orders far wheat era asala eoastas ta thia city tram taa eaat, but tbara la no dlapoaluon ajnoos tha miller to aail tbelr atocka, as tnea; say that a anort aaa ta local suppllea la Tany Ukalr. Tha withdrawals of wheat from thia section durlne- tha pre aant aaaaon for eaatara ahipmaats alone have amounted to more than 1 1,900,00 bushels and home ot tha araln men ear that If the present orders ara (Iliad by aha north weat 16,000.000 buahala would ba a oloaar atlroate Tba demand for blaeetem has eanaad tha miliars of !uvet sound ta look to their supplies, for tha eaateraera are buylns so much that thay wlU not have a autflalent amount for thalr own aeeda There ts stlU shortaaa of aara for eastern shipment and some of tha mili ars slva thia aa a reaaoa for thalr not aeeaptlns any mora ordera, Oa tha other band. It la said that tha miliars af the ooast ara frlrbtened and want to aee Juat how mueh wheat thay bare before they aell aa additional bueheL. Blaestem wheat has baooma so soaree oa tha aoaat that mlU men of California ara com pelled to brln aapplles all tha way from Kansas. This thay would not do If thay oould set tba wheat la tha nerto-weat Tha atraasth of tha Chloasa market has been a wonderful help to the market hare durina tba past few says and prloes ara firmer. Tha flour demand from tha eaat 1 aot so great as it waa a few weeka aao en aeeount of tha lower prtoa of wheat thora. This Is more than made ap by tha preaent aood sail for atocka from the Orient, eepeelally Japan. Of tha situation in both wheat and flour, tha Chioaso Iteoord-Herald thia morning says: "This aountry la lneraaslna Ita norm- tatloa at tha rata of 1,600.00 each year, and yet It la rat Mine leas wheat In the eastern and middle west eta taa than It did twenty yeara aao and less In the northwest States than It did II years aao," said a promient trader yesterday. 'In Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and aticnicen raised ilt.OOO.OOO buahala of wheat. Thia year thay raised about 4,000.000 bushela. To offset tha mesas we have but few states that now raise mora wheat than thay did then or fifteen years aa. rThese ara Oreaoa, Washing ton and Nebraska. Kansas raleee about tba aama, arhlla tha states af amaller production hare not Yarled mueh from their total of tan or fifteen yeara aao. expect to aaa tha three northweaiern spring wheat state gradually raduos their wheat production aa tha older atatee hara dona In fact, year by year the quality la that section seems to be averaging, poor. Maanwhlla tha ateadlly increase la population la talllnc an ev ery place, I axpeot to aee mueh htgner prices despite tha talk of imports." "Millars everywhere ara fish tins like wild oata for aH tha choice wheat thar aaa find." said B. A. IDckhardt "That ta what la tha matter with wheat There la not enough of tha aood wheat to aa around. V IDAHO TOENMLL SUPPORT 1S35 FAIR 60s VBsTYioar os a V0aTjnrS' OJuaa garded aa a psraonal friend. Ra waa tha only railroad maa la tha aountry who bad a national reputation mm a stager. For many years ha waa tha Boston ticket agant for tha Boston Si Albany, railroad. Tears age he waa a feUow singer with Tern Karl, Bernabee, MaoDonald, Whit ney, George FTothlngham, Ifarla Stpna and Adelaide Phillips, in tha famous Boataa choir ustn ahey orgaalsed taa Boston Ideals and want on tba road. White ateoted ta atay with tha railroad bueinaaa, Ha waa a great tenor, and oould have made aa aruatio success on tha ataga. But It haa bean said that whan tha ataga laat a good tenor the rallroade gained a good tleket aarsnt In hla eholoe of a earaer. Ra ylaited Port land la taol, aftar tha adjournment af tha In Angelas ' aowvantion of tba Amartaaa Aaaooiatloa of TraveMng Paa aengar Agents, at wbiea maaun bia ballad atnaing waa a dallghtful feature. sure vo amajra itbt. Alloa Smith, who waa arraotad Tor attacking IX Kramer with a knife, waa held to tha grand Jury Under 11,000 bonds by Municipal Judge Hogua today. smhsb aroa ssa-w - , aT II1TM Y H I IT 1 aTW aT TV11TT i mw : mm MMMAm s w a vm tctLih ill. i BBaBaBawaawawjamaBaaaaBB a t g - m in m . m m - ' : jk ' T y 9 aC ' s ' f r' ENGLISH REMEDY At tha eonreattoe of tba Biiaad Dla trlct Confedaratloa of Woman's oluba of Idaho, which mat laat Friday aad Sat urday at Boise, resolutions ware anaal mously adopted andoralaa- tba JLewta and Clark azpoaltloa and pledging tba aup aort of all tha woman's aluba af Idaho is tha fair. lira, Sarah A. Svana of this elty at tended tha eooYentlon. She went to Boise In the Interests of tha Lewla aad Clark axaoaltloa and tha Saoajai status aaaoelatlon. . Not only did tha women af Idaho pled ire themselves to support the fain but they also promised aaelstance In erecting the monument In honor of- tha memory of tha Indian maiden who acted aa rulde ta Lewis and Clark la thalr memorable aapaditloa to Oregon. Last year tha Idaho women ralaad tha aum of IMoe ta furnish tha Idaho build ing at tha at. Lou la exposition. Thay must soon dispose of this furniture and natures, It waa unanimously raw mended that thia furniture be ahlaoed to Portland ta assist In famishing the womee'l apartments la tha Statea build ing at thd Lewis and Clark fair. JURYMAN OBJECTS TO ' ALL NIGHT SESSIONS - v ... MBS eW ASM OS lOS, f (avaalal Stema M The JawaaLy4 ' Cbehalla, Waa a.. Oct lt.htra. Cath- rya MoCarthy, mother of a McCarthy of Forest and Mrs. Timothy Lynch of North TsJdmsv-dled at tha homa of the former on Mewaukum river Monday Bight Mrs. MoCarthy waa e pioneer resident af Lewis oounty and would soon have had her losth birthday. Sha had bean In aoaaesslon of all bar mental faculties and enjoyed good health aside Trom tna faat. that aaa bag grows 4 QUIOK OUR f raw Ooumhm, AHmm 1 OoM I His aama la Fusa. Ba waa aammsned i a Juryman la the eircult oourt rea- terday morning ta listen ta tha merits af damaaa suit. , For reaaoa wbtsh da- reloped later ba did aot desire ta serve This is the oolloquy that ensued between aim and a lawyer. , "Mr. Poaa. hara you any prejudloa acainsT oamaga amtar .. "Tea, itr: X hara" : "What Is tha nature of your objeo- uonr' "Well, I stmply dotft like 'am. "It would take strong evldenea to ra- more thii prejodlee, would It notf" "Tea. sir; It would." "Kindly explalu, X aafc again, why yau ara appoaed Jo- damage suite." "Well, sir, I hare served aa a Juryman m two damage suits, and both the ethers kept ma up All, alght, trying to raaoh a vara lot," MRS. FRANK LEAKE DIES OF APPENDICITIS Aa tha result of a malignant attack of appandleltla. Mrs. Frank Leaha, 114 Ponlar atraaL dM a ff A'aWwib- laa alh ht tba North Paatfio anatorlunv Mar lllaasa waa of short duration. Mrs. Laake waa removed ta the sana torium a few daya aao. An operation waa parroraaea, Sha gradually sn worse, however. Until laat night, wkun eeam aama. She waa the wife of Frank Leak member of tba advertising; department of Tha Journab Mrs. Lake waa well known la Spokane and Salt Lake Gtty, where aha had many frtenda May mar riage took place In Salt Lake. Tha funeral servtoea will ba bald tn neiman a enapel at eolock Friday afternoon, Tha Interment win be la Rlvarvlaw oemeteay. SWEET VOICED TICKET AGENT PASSES AWAY News of tha death of Joseph K. Whlta aald to ba the best known raUrod ticket agant In the United Statea haa bean received by Portland railroad men, by aaarly, every aaa af wheat aa was ra- FoUowlng 1$ the statement of a doctor who puts truth' abort so-called "profes sional etiquette' and can-: didl atatee his ibeUef and experience for the benefit of the massee who tnay read it. That man le Dr. C. F. SMITH, the moat enccesa- fnl phyeidan of Olean. N. 1T f J,I wish to add my professioaai testimony to , the aloe of your English preparation, known , . ai Acker'f English Remedy for Asthrna, etc. . In several instances after I have tried my utmost to give even relief, I have prescribed your rem v ' edy, and it has acted almost like a miracle, not r - only relieving but permanently curing every one of the patients. I endorse the above prepara v tion as one of the most valuable additions to the ; practice Of medicine. " : ' (Signed) C F. SMITH, M., D. Such a frank endorsement as the abore is phe nomenal. Coming from so distinguished a mem ber of the medical profession. It carries with it an assurance which the public will he sure to avail themselves of. It is recommendations like this which make it possible) to give the broad guarantee that is a part of every sale of for Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is claimed for it: or your money will be refunded. , Do von know' of any other medicine sold on those terms? Do von know of anv other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves? These facts are eu worth considering. They are of special interest to those with ion throats and weak lungs Kemember we sell every bottle on a nositiv guarantee, asc, 500, ana a.ooe - " 1 v - - SOU) JUIOHCrUA&AimSQ BT t k CTJDMOEE DRUG COBCPANY. . t .... . t