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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
I 7 rLAKi; AY XVXNINO, OCTOBER 11, I I MILLINERY MAKERS Wanted AT. ONCE! Apply to Manager cf Millinery Department, Second Floor Olds, Wortmaa C ; if -TSE ! DUTEEEXT STORE- .-THE DIFFERENT STORE" we ass a r ore. md? ma this. If pou aaa get to the mmB s feMMUnii is. Every Selling Record Smashed in ttxpansion arid Betterment Sales ! Busy Business in Knitwear Aisles "T C WIWBIWl MUM . VIM nuaMM. ' W Sffe to Hi fsaa th r A- MW 10) M4 mm tteTasl u tST4?Z ml III ilia prftee, mSjili towri4 d SO) a pane. S These Stirring e I " Another Matchless Three-Day Sale cf H I and Rich Silks FBATURINO IN GREATEST VARIBTT FINE NEW . PTOCK1 AT Aft.. TOUNDINOXt I-OW PRICES! ; v For Thursday, Friday sand Saturday Im th Fifth Street lin First floor. nnDILBN TALUBS IN COLORED DRESS S1U1TS. fi ll and 11. -tnob Engl lab Broadcloths, good wilfht mo ta mU mJiM eoioringa, fashion's pweUeet tabrlos for afreet - waarr agaotnl for thro day, per jirti - 91. ft 9 It. to and ll.oo Pronoh Cajnelabalr and ZlbeUne, oil color la th lot; special for throa day Bl.av fl.Ot per yard Suitings, In mixed tweeds, UlumlwUM eboviota and Sootcby ffeta, also (1-lnob all wool Covorta aad VomUaUb teottoadouo aooort BMot to ooloet fromi apoolal for throo dajra, yard d)Sd Wo o4W rartfTwooda, la fccathor and nuiiUk offoqta all wool aort ana Albatrooo, In all oolora, taoludlac at root and aranlnc hadoai apaolal for tnraa day only, yard ......u..u...Sww : BUICK DRBS8 OOODdl , ftpoolat piietnt' oa tha much aoojrM for popular Crop do Puia ftok and wool, tho awelloat fabrto for drony war abown ; .So) apoclal. yard paoiai. rarq 1tAula.r 11. It amalltvi Kavnlar tl.M (mailt Tl- portal, yard .vft '" opoolal, yard ' BZTBA SPSCIAIa ! ' -S a'. v H-lMtrall woor blaeb Tnltett and Mottoa 'Olotbv a aplondld doth for apa- rata akirta and Uflorod aulta, rocular par paid raluot apacial for t throa ddya only, pard ... .. VVdV .' ;;- " tim silk vroMi ' . tT iM t-lneb whit India and Japaaoaa Habitat SOko, pToaap rodtiead for ., throa daya aaHlnc Theaa doatrabla, mnob oouarht for aiika whleb aro ao- Ug naod no axtanalvoly for fancy walata and oronlna; vowno at tho prlooa i wo aro radoclns thorn to, ahonld mako oar alwaya buoy Bilk dopartinont 1 orowdad to tho ntmoot capacity. To oava our patrona Ion a; walta wa aava aoonrad EXTRA BALXBPKOPhm for thla ontraordtnary aalo, JUcvlar too qnaiity. 17-taobi . apodal, yard . Rerular 4alltp BT-laol); apaelal, yard Roaniar tao quality,, ST-tneai apoclal. yard Bamilar i.0 quality. I7-lncb apoclal. yard Bamilar II. H qvallty, ST-taeh; 4d Ba) Td Kacular TIM quality, IT-laob; A apoolal. yard . 7d Kauiar wo quamy. la-mobi apoolaL yard Kacular 1.U qoailty, la-lnob) ' apoolaL yard Rorular 1.M Quality, M-lnob; poolal. yard Rocular SL7I quality. St-lnoh; apoolal. yard ftlftS 59a 8ft4 T4 apoclal. yard " DBPKITDABX4P BLACK TAPPaTTAft. . . Rlirhtly boofht from tho fountain hoadtho makar. Thla - atora paafeoa prlcaa tmpoaalblo (or laa poworful oraanlaatlona to namo and 11 t Bomb -v Portland atorm uy ailka from largo bouaaa la tha aaat and brln tbm T hao to aoU aamia at retail. Such oaa aorar ba rl-htly' tarn ad "Bilk - atoroa," and no prodant woman doaa Juatwo to htr pura in ouymf Mlaa from bouaaa of aucb a aort. Buy at th aouroa f th aUk aaraaaa aad SSd T4 Sftal i Racular II. H quality, M-tnoh; T- apoclal. yard Ranlar I1.M quality, tf-laeh: apoclal. yard ... ftl.19 Racular 11.40 quality, It-lneh; ' apoolaL yard L Racular 11.7a qaaUar. lo-taeh; . apoolaL yard S1.4S Tha lattor la In ohlffoa flniah. oaaookOlr adapt ad for marina; of .aultav Racular TIo quality, la-laek; apaelal, yard Racular ftl.M quality. ILtnehi apaelal. yard Racular ll.t quality, 1 4-Inch; ' apoolaL yard Racular quality, IT-toeh; apaclaL yard CORSETS rRoyal !Worcestcrsw 1 Raally th only richt ooraot at for , Amorioan woman' woar, for 'tin th only ooraot that raally fit tha Amort can woman' flcura. Coroot ar a hobby of oura. Wa hara th boat T raaaona for knowlnc that thta ator alia tooro ooraot than any othor two, and probably tar, Portland tore, ladarahlp haa not oom by luck, but from atudy and appllod akIU of var a half oantury cloanlnc by tha, world' moat axpart ooraat mouldar. Royal Woroaatar Coraota aro hot mado for us alona. It' th boat or at mada la tho worte-Traae and bar Tronchy" modal not axoaptod and thay aro aold by th world best atoraa, only to Portland by Old. Wortmaa dt Klnc. oonflnod to M u ar other beat thine. All tha number ar ebooea with regard for auperiorlty of lit and workmanahtp. ftom ara our m etovutop mont. Three expert oortlre ar oonatantly la attendance, tho most ex pert Ittera in ll th waat. Their aquals are not to be found la any ator oa tho ooaat, either permanent employe or factory "promoter." A word Of the ooraeta: Perhaps nothing I so hlghl Important t th St of a gowa and th em fort of Ita wearer, both mental and pbyeloaL a the ooraat. Our new Royal ' Worcester Comets aurpaaa anything made or shown lor atria, eomfort and At. Wa hara the ooraeta la over ISO different style, to moot tha demand of all figures. Th French modeled "Sapphire" "Bon Ton" are th leadlnc ooraat for smart dree e re. "We aro showing 14 different style la th bow kmc Dtp HabU aad Prlnoa Hip Ooraeta. - THE NEW DOWAGER ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS FOR STOUT FIGURES - This garment flu a long felt want, ta that by means of aa adjaataht reduolng band tn abdomen la eupported and strain thrown on hip and back. In all slaos, from 0 to 4s. Th prloa of R. W. Coraota, tartlag at ftOd and going up to ft lft. BO, bring them within rang of very pure. Thla oorset cannot be bought in Portland ontald of thla store. Th model ar mad xatuervety for Royal whtreoeter patrona and Cr never used la any, ether make, it doeen't matter what price eorset you buy. Ws bare, oon atantly la attendance, thro oaperlenoe ooreeUerea who will b plae to fit you.' -. New -and . Increased Attractions 'and Greater Econom ical Opportunities Than Ever for This Week, : i j ?r;xi ; Are You Watching Them ? , ; ; THE SLOW PROGRESS ATTENDANT UPON THE CON8TRUCTIO! OP OUR NEW BUILDING, HOW NEARING "COMPLETION; HAS BROUGHT ABOUT A CLOGGING OP THE STREAM OF MERCHANDISE CONSTANTLY POURING THRO' THE RE CEIVING ROOMS. MANUFACTURERS1 WON'T TAKE COUNTERMANDS THIS HOUSE NEVER GIVES , EM. GOODS BOUGHT IN GOOD FAITH ARE ALWAYS RE CEIVED CORDIALLY UPON THEIR ARRIVAL. THIS RULE HAS PUT US TO NO LITTLE INCONVENIENCE! THIS SEASON, FOR 'STOCKS WERE BOUGHT FOR THE LARGER 'STORE WE'LL BE MERCHANDISING IC NEXT MONTH. MEANWHILE SHIPMENTS ARE PILING UP IN, THE OLD STORE CAUS&O NO LITTLE DISCOM FORT IN SHOPKEBPING. IN ORDER TO CLEAR THE CHANNEL AND MOVE THE GOODS FASTER THAN THEIR NORMAL FLOW, SAVING ADDITIONAL WAREHOUSE AND MOVING EXPENSE, WE OFFER THIS WEEK GREATER SAVINGS FOR EVERY PURCHASER THAN AT ANY PREVIOUS -AUTUMN .S-ALE A Monster Purchase ' and Forced 7 - Sale of ; : Manufactur-j erfs Entire ' Line of "Sample Tailored Hats I v Opens at This - f Storij 8 a m. Tomorrow Oocoml Floof Sftkmft A Coloesal Selling "Event Second to None v in the History of This MiUinery Store I A gltnoa at tho beautle eontalned la thai agrgrecatlon of tailored hat porfootloa oauses our foaling of elation to . ma riot, and wo must relievo somewhat the high tsastoa by sharing them with our publle. We're aware that It 1 ' guperogatory la Ha moat aupartattv sens ta go Into de tall ta telling of this moat fortunate purchase ever mad by th millinery ehlof, a almply say that th manufae- turer was eoe noted for hla high art, axel ua Ire ereationa - Hla esea Is over. Our buyer wa watching, and 1 pounced on him with a sash ffr for hi samples f about half what they aotaally sost to make. Twas "yes" . or ho," and that qotok. Maker saad "yea." Hat ar . bar but won't be tomorrow night, not many, anyhow. t - - t ' Into boxes. All now, of sours. : Th later season's latest conceptions. Meal, dressy turbans la tha unobtraslv style that please Portland women. Trim and trig French Sallora with the piquant air they alone posssaa and numerous very smart aad stylish Dress Hats, mads from finest, choicest material and trimmed attractively hi all th up-to-aow effects. Not a hat la all trie Immense purch out would be a real ssrgmia. rare pteaina; II. each. , Ton may choose your a Thursday oniy ex...... ......... , 4 ;V'.'THE OMNIPRESENT COWBOY HAT - : Thar wont down. The popular demand oonttnuas aad we most thsrsfsr oonttnue to supply th dsmaad. A shtpment ready tomorrow, gauclsr and Jauntier than ever. All oolors taas. Muaa, grays, browns, black and white, all with th stylish leather bands. Oner lot, an Quality white felt; spool at fl.V .... fl.wSand a.4V $2.98 All th onion ... THE PANAMA CANAL COMPOSITIONS-- AND THE MODEU Several compositions eeived yeaterday. end good one, too. Toa know wsra gotng to glv i $25 In Cash AbtoJutely Frw TO FOfJK PUP1LC lit OUlt CITT CHOOU for th bast four eompe- aiUone ubmlttd to u oa or befer amturday, Hpvemhor II. next. Th uhyst of oonrpooltloa, THB PANA MA CWTN AL; sot over to words ta th - satire 'ootn position, Writer must be a pupil of soma Portland aehool publle. prtrat or paroehlal. nomposlttoa so bin It ted must bear tha eertsSoat of ttbr th pupa's teacher, parent, guardian or soma rosponsiblo adult 4ereon that It la th pupil' original product, and It must bear the full name and homo addrsss of writer, asm of school he or she sttends, nam of teacher and popll'a age. The award will be made a ebovar th matter to be decided by a eommltte of prominent newspaper men. ea nouncoment of result la Thanks giving dy papers. Address all compositions to Old. Wortauui King. Adv. Offlv ' whs e all f sh mm p. m. j , at. Marya Aoadoasr. ...... High chool 7,111 47,114 H 1 4.ll Portland Academy M.II4 narnsoa acnooi Atkinson School park Rchool ... Williams Avenu 0ohoot.... I1.4T4 Palling School U.IM Sunnyalde School 1M41 Highland School 14,1 Total vote .,........:..4it.lM More Helps for Homefitters Pol low th Guide ta Powrth Ploor. And let Boonomy sacv aa golds. Ws expect to mors Into th new sixth street Annex oa this floor this weak. There'll b a lot of present stocks that won't be moved, for they'll go eat to new owners this week. Such pries a thee b mighty powerful -movara. " A fcKMAMKABLB RUQ SALS. - All wool, double-fa oed Smyrna Rugs la handsome oolorlngs and unique, magnlflrent Oriental de sign all at special reduced prloa to aav moving 'em. .i Ruga, alaa ItxM tnchea, , apoolal mS .dJTd) t. Rus. tsn ttxlt rnche. pectai ,;$1J1 IH Ruga, aiss lxt hmhe special ... ... fl.M Ruga. , spedal ... . 11. Ruga, apaolal ...... IIS.W Rag.' semetal 34 Rugs, special ) ata .1471 is tsa Inch ad ta feet. IHxl feat. ai4.o salt feet. $1R.60 A ORBAT CUBAR1NO SAUI OP BABT OO-CARTB. Oo-arts with patent foot brake.' anti-friction wheel fastsnsrs, oueh ton rubber tire, complete with para sol and oushioa and all lateet, asw sst I m provementa, reduoad aa printed Beet tit, Oo-Carta, this aula M-as Bsst tit. Oo-Carta, thla aula Bsst til t Oo-Carta. this sals. .... ... .... Bll.T Best .M Oo-Carts, thla sals - . BIS.KO Bsst ts.t Oo-CMtS. this sale B14.T Bast tM.M Oo-Oarta, thla sals S14J.BO Bsst tit. O Carta, thla ah -. Slw.SO 'Best IM.H Oo-Oarta, thla ate ... ... - Best $St.M Oo-Carta, thla sal IMM LACS CURTAINS ARB DOWN. ta the great sals this wssk ws of' far over t style In th chooelng nd tha selections are marvelous. Bach curtain I yards long and t Incbee wide. Tha graataat curtain bargain aver offered buyers by any Portland house. Read the Hat- t 7 Btylss; regular t 4.t values; pair 1 atyle; regular I t-tt value; pair 9S.M If strlas; regular I t,M vaiuaa; pair ..v M.TB II atyle; regular I I.M) value; pair ... I Btylea; ragular tll.44) valuea; pair ... ST.T 4 atria: jocular .til value; air SS.BO , atykm; regular I14.M valuea;, pair ... . IT total atylss. f the shm October -asevntaga give yon, Jthm "creeps"! Poos th "sooae fleah" rise a ya uattl pour akla reseeoblas the feel of pebble goatf As you still running 'round with eummsr underwear ear Next thing may be a aoetor bill. Better spend your money here you'll feel better about pnylngslhiaa, pi-Mo than a drag store's. la thla .",.- . BinOIT OP MlWt PROK THB Knit : Underwear and Hosiery .Aisles Town Sad unequaled value for thro days'- sentaai THTJHADAT. PRTDAT AND SATTTRDAT. WOMBM'S II.M UNDRRWKAR POR I1.T. - -Dr. Dahnel'a Una Mesh Underwear for womeav. Teat have blah neck and long' aleeree: assrts ar ankl " length with French bands Our eraxk tAt grade; spoolal tor these thro daya at, eaoh..... $1.TB II It POR WOhnWTS UNDCiRWBAB, j WORTH FROM IM TO 111. , haiuI HUbi.a m mAAm atut mtAm ttt - Wanul . n I.. BiKkl Vuta m4 TlarhtA In white. Btnk andf PI MBlcODB St blue, rssmlar ll.tT to IA grades; ehl WJ UNDBkWBAB Mot aar of thorn, ao eoene early. . - - POR WOMKNa UNION SUITS. v" Women's Munslrig Union Suits. Bllver gray. Jeraey ribbed worstsdvjong leaves, ankl Ungtb. regular $1.11 Talus; special for Thursday. Jmday and Saturday only. suit,.. i .!. , , . ' WOMEN'S Mo COTTON HOSB POR tto. ' , Women heavy black eottoa Hose, with high aplioad heste ami nhlshad foot, big lee value; apeetal for three day only, pair ,.SB 11 He FOR BOTr COTTON HOSB. WORTH Ma. Boys double ribbed black eottoa Hose, aiaralM deubl bases, racular Ite value; apaelal for Thursday. Friday aad Saturday only, pair. .lJ'bw Portland's Largest Leading Suit tind . .Wrap Salesrooms Tba FsBhioa Ceoter of the Wtatrn 1 - - Garrncnt World , Oraad Salons Banond Floor. Woma'a Pla Wssriag Apparef Th Oorrsot Idea for Pall and' Winter, aa Or Igtssosd by th Moat Noted Demgn. Tea certainly cannot afford to make your flisotloas until satisfied as t th style which will be most bosoming to your fig- ar. W ar sow ahowiag th ' moat ad vanced Idea la th atylee that hasja heea accepted by th highest sutbdyitlea as THB CORRBCT thugs for th present saaoa. Oar sknowledged authority apoa aU amt tsrs pertaining ta atylss. together with th fact that designer find la this ator tba best patron In all the West far their sign al novelties, pJaees us In a position t obtain advaao Information coupled with th preaenoe of our buyer. Ml Bernard, now la America' great stjrl enter New York City. Th poaeeeelon of thla knowl edge hi f extreme hspjortans aad great value to yon ap well ss t us. at H k posi tive assurance that oar style ar abaotutely oorreot And price here, oa asm quali ties, ar lower than at tawharS'aon thorltetlv stor. . WhB you are ro th grant atyl aalona today havo a pssp at tha Hew Crav. ntu waterproofed fabrio Suite la yesterday by , express. Ooata la three-fourth lengths, allowing of wear aa sspeeats oat and tMrt, v suit; vary awell M .......-fa.Od SWAOOBR HXW RAINCOATS. Prieattey CrafWtM. with a world of oulet, dlgntflsd imawty amdsmnart e fecta Pretty toalnga oa collar and cuff of brilliantly colored velvets ' yeav and paatel cloth. Newest of all leather trimming. There are dtm n of new detail touohea to enthuee over. Som of tho coats haws box Plaited bach and front from eoMer to hips. The Palette (sens alearre) , Coat 1 a favorite la fact. Pashloa' Istesfc Th how of gooolooing atyle at from M.M to lit. I noteworthy If . Ri Tasand this 1 ahowlng here la far away th beet and greatest on th Coast. Cost that ara fit to guard th most magalflosnt opera gowa or bail drees, soata that ar appropriato for BtreeC Any prloa yoa choo to BBd. , - STTL.I8H WAUCTNO SUITS. Fancy tattortng Man-art softened with a touch of ' color aad esse Una. Wv atudled Ullortng a carefully a you will study the aulta. and we went atralght to th heart of Fashion for Inspiration. , Was It worth K allf Sea th salona filled with th choicest tailored art. Basil y the ebief fountsJA-hesd of supply for tho majority of Portland's beet-dressed wo men. Th aalona cover every rang of price, beginning with a, very pret ty lino of suits at llt-tt aad running along up. with hosts of In-between pries to i V ' A W1DB PRICaVRAHOB ON QAJUUHVTW rv mvaiais ruxvtiun Smart Tailored Suit -Sia.ftw to faMMf Calling Oowag and Theatr Costumes 4I to 8S40 Opera Wrap aad Caniag or Auto mobUs Coats ..faa.ftO to aOO TaUored aad Paacy Waists ?s.oo to aso.oo he gratt aeaort- ment of hand-made Bvsnlng Waists B1S.OO to 975.00 Shirt walata for atreet wear fl.SO to 01O.OO TaUored WalMng Shirt ... 83.60 to 09S.OO Pre BMrta ...5.00 to BTS.OO Silk Underskirt. f&.40 to fSS.OO Ask ta ass th new Silk uadsrskirta la walking kmgth8lik Walking Skirts SS.OO to S1S.OO ChlldroB' Coat. $3. 7 5 to $ Xlmoaas and Drowning In hort or long styles... . . .S1.44 to -Oto.v Oolf aefcsts and Teats- Jt popular knitted novelty, very aiaann- abl .B1.00 to BS.OO Oolf Blouse ..... .fa.ftd) to SS.OO Norfolk Jacks, ap from 97.60 PITTED BT BXPBRTS. '' Our staff of fitter (s, we boHov. aoad to a corps of custom fitters la America' thoroughly trained art lata who ar certainly uacqualed bp any ether Western houea. Bargain Light Third Floor l i i . 1 dW- .Osb Old Biaaa. lAmpa to brighten aad tighten th horn, at prtcee that won't lighten , tho puree perceptibly. SPECIAL' BJU.B OP- BLBCTRIO AND OAS PORTABLES AND u READINO LAMPS. . 1 Oaa Reeding Lams, omen state with mantle, decorated B hades and six feat good tuning. Oaa Reading Lams. Mack troa baas, gilt stand complete; special at each ... - Bfl.OO Oas Reading Lamp, old brea baas and stand. Colonial design, com plete, special at. each BB.BO Osa Reading Lamp, black bees, .ruby and pollened gilt taad, cnm. plate; special at 08.84) A bugs assortment of Oas Portebi and Banding Lamps, priced from, each ..BS.w to SaV.H BLBCTRHJ pORTAItlB AND RBADTNQ LAMPS. Old Rraa fteiah. Colonial an a. Electrto Portable sad Rwi f lmps. seenplete; sot;l . - Wrought Iron, r ' - aafh aattoua frnlah. faaer om plot; apolal at. ... f ,4