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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
OOD EVENING. - ' Tonight and Thursdav, fair; eoolsr tonight with frost ta x- . . ' pOStd plMMi variable wind. THE OKUUT101 Of THE JOURNAL YESTEttDAY WAS I5D warn VOL. III. NO. 195.1 PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1904. PRICE; FIVE CENTS. IS THE LINE River Divides the Main Armies of the Deter mined Foes.:::::::: KUROPATKIN AGRESS1YE loidei Reports Indicate That Rus S siaotire Achlevloi Some Sue ; cess Oyama Also Be- , ports Vidorlei, : J ' - I ulii 1 V MuJuten, Oct 1. Last night th waa aoaraaly 1m firing than on the prVtOU night, la M fU U artMary practice wu eonewMd, - tout no Bight attacks ar believed to hav taken place. Throughout th night th Russian gun- Bra continued their fir upon Japan position and wr answered with, regu larity. Tb mala bodies of both Japan and Russian continue to onfront each other oa appoalt side of tb Sbakh rivr, and th Russian have a tilth ftdvan tag la position, Inasmuch- a their bat teries ar at grantor atevatloa than the Japan, thu allowing a dropping fir. Tb Russians, however, bav advanced aome men aoroaa tfaa Shekha, Brldonoaa ar at hand tola forenoon that tn Japan ar beginning to Buf fer through tack of projectiles, InaaDrueb a thar haa bn a cxmslderabl. weak ening ta their fire, -which Um haa ceased nearly altogether. It la reported ben at noon that th Japan left flank has been driven hack by a Russian brigado, but - that th advane was effected onty with heavy loss of IU en tb Rusataat ld and eorreepondlng- losses In th Jspaneae ranha, 4MtanavC ! sitaiawaunt lv-ifing, aor la there official oonflnna- ttoa poaslhl until th day's wants axa aaoiiiiied. IibsMn &af ran ftaeh. . A aourlsr thla afternoon from th front anya ths Japan a ar slowly re tlrlnsT at all points ear th very oan ter, and that tbey flant with vreat ten acity before atvlna up a foot of srouna. Fires alone their line tndkmt that tbey ar burning their ater prepara tory to a venaral retreat. Artillerymen bav In many eassa served their suns steadily for so many hours that wbea relieved they were too wearied and careless of Ufa to retire to nlaoas of creator safety, and have throw thanualv down beside their aleeea In th mud beneath steadily fail ing and marrow-chill In downpour sf lain. Vantfl rifMsmr. Sshaustd aa tbey are. th curara, with that Straus affection which a Russian artilleryman poasessta -for hla pieoe, show no aiana of other than silent determination to either die beside their weapons or aenr ttiem with such dead- llaaaa that th Japan will be ooat- nelled to withdraw. Th moat terrific fighting-, it Is being gradually learned, attended th advance of th Roaalaa left column. Th Japaa- were so bant upon their turning movement . that th men, finding them atvea outnumbered and being gradu ally driven back, practically courted an nihilation in preference to defeat. In on Instance a remnant of a raai- aaant consisting of 4 Jape nee soldiers and five officer were surrounded tn Chinas village. Th Russian troop had such greet admiration for the splen did valor of th enemy that they ceased firing and aent forward under a flag of truce an appeal to th Japanes to sur render. Thin waa firmly refused. The Russian soldiers eheered th Japan, but war nonplussed, aa they hated to fire on a band of men so hope lessly outnumbered, and a aeoond appeal under a flsg of true waa made by ft Russian ofnesr. The Japan fncar tn onnand ourteously thanked the Russian for his proffer and submitted th matter to hi snen a Individuals, telling them to each net for himself In tb matter. Only flv of th Japanea stepped outside and sur rendered and th Ruse lane - retired preparatory to opening what oould be nothing mor than a slaughters . ' llttl hana nil ah tn at ft sninutes and then those remaining allv committed suicide rather than be taken prisoners. Ths Russian colonel rdrd guard to laav tb Japanes banner flying until sons aod wbea tb night time fell and the little band f Japanese wer burled they wer give full mitt aary honors. Tba village of Mtatung ta reported to hav been destroyed by tb fir from a Russian mortar battery; posted to th hakh. river valley. The hospitals her la Mukden ar still crowded to overflowing and stllF trains bear wounded away to northern hos pitals. Th casualties of this terrific and protracted battle will unquestion ably b appalling when th efficial lists f th two arm lea a re made public. Th position of th two armies la nearly as follow: Th Russian eoater I oa the north bank and tn places lap over th Bhskbs river. Th Russian left extend over to th Fuehua road on Un with Bentls pautss and Benslhu and la being held. Th Russian right as wall a the left are at last reports slowly advancing: The fleroeet fighting has taken place cm th Russian left, wher a defeat would have opened th way to Fusbua ana thence to Ti pass, and on ths center where Japanese possession would cut off th railway communication to Mukden, SHAKHE ImIa Taft Sent to Investigate Feeling Against the United States. THEORIES AS TO CAUSE Attempt to Bleed Uncle San KRepob llcai Canpaltn Play Suspected . Threats Dyoamlte ; ' the Caoal Beportei s . Wanhinerton. Oat. lt-Th president today tnetructed Pecretary Taft to make a personal visit to Panama and confer with to president, and other officiate of the republic, regarding th question arising over ths possession of th United States of th canal son. . Thm HuMdrr will laav November 14, -Taft will take with him Minister Obal- dta and William Nelson Cromwell, coun sel of the new Panama aanal company. It Is now stated that the situation haa been most strained, and that open rup ture of th two countries has been barely averted. Tb feeling tn Panama Is very bitter against the United ftatas, and threats have bees mad, to. dynamite th oanaL. This new phase that haa developed la th affaire of this oountry tn Ita rela tions with ths newest republic bring to mind th many published statements and comments on the manner la which the canal deal wa brought about and successfully consummated. Almost a year ago many rumors wer In circula tion relative to the plana that were adopted by a few to make million out of the transfer of th canal right of way. Th mmM than waa that the Panama rosohiUoa wa fostered by a ayndloat of Paris and New York brokers. No thought of resolution, waa to owtward appearances vlslbl until th prjcaad liufa in th canal transfer reached a stag where those Interested la tfc ayv dloat saw th time waa ripe to make a speculation that would yield mTTTton. The person Interested In the syndicate formed aa Immense pool for speculating In th aha res and other securities of the Panama Canal company. To further their scheme an amount said to be llto, 000 waa furnished and Judiciously used ta fiirt th. mum of the revolutt&Rarv party. Of this amount ,000 waa used to brlb th Colombian troop wneu tn time arrived, to bav them leave th Isthmus. v. Oa the Parts bourse share of th oanal company were selling for Tl. when th syndicate of brokers took bold of the revolutionary project. In a abort Urn those same shares ware Mlllng at 111. At that price tfaa profits of th syndicate war estimated at 4.00,40t. Taking this Into consideration thar ar many who have carefully kept In touch with th affaire on tn tethmus, who are Inclined to believ that, th reports emanating from that country to th effect that dynamiting and open rupture ha been Imminent, ar only th muttered rumblings of another South Americas revolutionary plan to fleece mor millions from th fluctuating stocks oa the bourse. However, there ar those who bear tn mlrtd the conflict ing statements mad by Minister Barrett and the representatives from the isth mus, and th fact that Freeldont Roose vlt haa 'deemed H necessary to send Secretary Taft to eonfe on th situa tion, and these ar Inclined to plaos soma eredono In th report that th trou ble Is of ft serious nature. Bon even go so far a to intimate that th Inquiry 1 for campaign pur- . ma th idea that the present administration which reooanlaed-. the now republic Wltn staruing prumyt ness helped to argaals It. Hudson Boulevard!. Jersey City, N. J-. Oct It. To the Bdltor of Th Journal May II last I Isft Oregon to make my business horn In 'New Tork. I deter mined. n starting, to learn to what ax- toot Oregon 1 known In that section of th United State called "th east." and '' the result of my Investigation 1 here ? eta ted: , . . During flv month I hav traveled ' about 1. 00t milee. I hav visited Mtn- , nee polls, St Paul, Chicago twice, Detroit Cleveland. Indlanapolla twice Pittsburg twlo. Philadelphia three times, Buffalo. "Albany, and th distance from New Tork to Chicago baa beea covered tan time. . I hav aieo spent many day in New . . Tork Ctty. and tn the Iftrger cities near , Mew Tork. Durnlg all of this traveling I have snjoyod ooavereation with a great , many business men and fellow travelers. To my statement that I cam from the - Pacific ooastrthey have all replied. In- - variably and tnetantly. "Oh yea, from Callforam." I counted th number of time that reply waa mad during th drat three montb after leaving Oregon, , and the number waa 1.111. dine than I hav not continued th oount but I hav been surprised and pained that not 'ft single one of th thousands of eastern xaen 1 hav met and conversed with. , ' appeared to know that Oregon wa on th map. but every on Instantly said. . -Oh yea, from California,' whan X men tioned th Peclfi coast -., Lately I hav boa Investigating th - "why of this sssmlng lack of knowledge of Oregon's existence. Hera, again, la th result I And California literature ' ' everywhere. Railroad advertising, land aompany book 1 eta. elty souvenirs, fruit statistics, and ths fruits Usmcalvea, , PLUCKY MRS. PIETRO REBUKES MUSEUM MAN ' (Jearaal toeelsl Bsrvlst.)HH 4 Kew Tork. Oct. li. Whtt your offer of tlOc ft week seems 4 Ilk immense wealth to ma, who 4 am so poor, I cannot for one mo- 4 msnt consider th Men of plao- lag myself on oxhlbttloa. The memories of my. cruel experl- enoes ar too frosh to boar oon- d templatlon and X only wish to 4 drop back Into my humble po- d sltkm In Mf where X may, a far as possible, forgot th horri- M Incident which hav been d thrust upon me. Were It not 4 that I believ your motive ar purely thoee f what you cell "American business" t should consider even your proffer of employment Insult. d - Buch Is the latter, written In Italian, received by a local mu- seum roanager today from Rom TH Pie t ro. th young ssotbsr who, In defense of her honor and hes d life recently killed Michel Rago. She wa taken before a coroner' - jury where, in )ust eight min utes, she was exonerated with verdict of Justlfiabl homicide and who ease waa brought up before th grand Jury Monday. The professional Woman' league of New " Tork,- the -City Federation of Women'a clubs and the Woman Suffrag club took thematter up and In ease of grand Jury - Indletmant will defend her. It 1 generally believed ah will be liberated. P L-J-L". ,.i;LJ: v rl ' I""""" - 11 P- "U ' reman i rm MURDERED MOTHER MRal ROflA XI PI1DTRO AND HBR COUNSEL. MARIS COLEMAN. TKBJ NOTED . . NEW TORK WOMAN LAWTE R. AND ATTORNBT BARR. SEND WHISKY TO BISHOP: POTTER (Jesraal gpselal Berries.) Baltimore, Oct. it. Ini appreciation of Bishop Henry Codmaft Potter's ac tivity in connection with Una subway hotel th distillers of ft certain brand of whisky ' yesterday forwarded the reverend gentleman a case of a well aged product. Th 'goods" wer sent by express and plainly addressed to Bishop Potter ot his residence address. It La Fayette mace. New Tork. Following 1 ths letter from the makere of the whisky to Bishop Potter: "Reverend Sir We have thla day for warded by expree on ease of whisky. In taking this liberty w do so with no Intention of reflecting upon you. but simply a aa evidence of our friendship and esteem for one of th cloth whohas the manly. Christian spirit to advocate the doctrine net forth In tb' golden Rule, 'Llv and let live.' X "NOBODY- IN THE but nothing from ' Oregon, or almost nothing. I hav visited vral of th large ' groceries la Newark. S60,0Ot population, ' also In Elisabeth, It.OOt population, Jer sey City, 10.0t popuhUtom, New Tork, about S.tOO.OOs, looking for Oregon " prunes, and other Oregon fruits, and the . Invariable and unhesitating reply hag '"been that tbey never heard of Oregon ' prune. I have, however, ordered eight boxea from ft friend tn Oregon and they will be placed on th table of ' tight wall known men living In New Tork and New Jersey, for X am deter- - mined that sobm one within my circle ot , buelneee and personal friend must be , able to say that tbey have heard of Ora- . tn prunes, and hav tasted them and ' found them good, I hav still further pursued my rn ves tige, (ton relatlv to Oregon product In th east My latest effort baa been to dleeover, If possible, aom of th excel lent product of that great state adver tised la the eastern magaslaee and other ntgh-class publication, such aa th La- dies Hobs Journal, Saturday Evening Post and others. I hav found on glo rlou conspicuous exception to the dls 'couraglngly monotonous failure, and thla single shining example la th Pendwtoa Woolen mills, with their weU oon struoted, beautiful advertisement for the Oregon Indian robe manufactured - at Pendleton. Hurrah for Pendleton and bar enterprising woolen mill and th I Indian rota. X hav found two of the I robe hi families living oa Statea Island v and in Jersey City, and I felt lis shak ing hands with old friends from my ba loved Oregon. (I aent both rob eaet myself to the families for Chriatmaa if K' It 1 not Irnown. whether Bishop Pot ter will accept the gift, but tn any event It 1 liable to cause another such storm of comment as swept over th country whan he took hla famous action In being p reseat at th opening of tb subway resort. Th general belief among fhoa who are Intimately acquainted with the bishop la, that while he probably drink no whisky whatever himself, be will ao eept th gift and send It to some of th many charitable hospitals with which he ht mor r leas directly con nected. (Jeeroel Special asrrtae.) London, Oct It. Admiral Tan fit' tart I dead. Be retired in lSTt. EAST KNOWS present som year ago. I wish it wer possible to nd mor f them, not as- , pec tally to tost make preeenta, but to let mor families back her know of at least n Oregon prod act - But what tb matter with Oregon, , ' anyway T Why have thousands of well ' posted bright business men In nln of . th largest and moat wealthy eastern states said to ma, "Oh yea, from Cal I for- -aa." Why cannot Oregon products be found tn the big eastern stores? Why n does nobody know of the wonderful Ore gon f Not because she I so far away. -That Isn't ft good reason. California is Just as far, but everybody know of -' California. At tba St Louie fair your neighboring state of Washington dis tributed 104,000 magnificent souvenir books, not cheap atuff. but beautiful hooka that any on would take horn and road and look at many tlmea and ponder Over. How many did Oregon distribute , at ths St Louis fsIrT Today I received a folder dons In most artistic effect ad- vorttelng th Spokmn fair this falL And ' 1 have just learned that thousand of theee folder have beea snail ed broad oe at by Spokane merchants. , I tell you, friends, ft mighty hard , work to holler for Oregon, ft I am doing, and a I delight In doing, when: every man yon meet say. "Oh yea, from Cali fornia," and whan one aeea California. booklets, fruits, railroad advertising. ? land advertising, verywbere, but never ft word of Oregon. Coming east from Portland I encoun tered party of eastern tourists, re turning from "th const I say 'en countered. for that Just fits ear meet tag. They were looking at th Oregon 11 If Bitter Discovery of New Jersey Haa an Returning Home Is Eveiing Posse Seeks Brutal Slayer. . tfeefaal special aervlet.) BhUoh. N. J.. Oct- it. With her baby, nine month old, nestling at bar breast, hire. Frank Rasslnger, 14 years of ag. waa found dead tn her bom near hare by her husband last evening. A charge of heavy bird shot had been fired at a rang of but a few feet tote her left side just below ths heart. A circular wound two inches to diameter reached through th body. A hug pose of farmers ar today scouting th country In search of th murderer. There Is every indication that ft des perate struggle took place la th bouse and it Is believed that after the young mother had bean overpowered end cruelly- maltreated ah waa murdered to keep her from making known th Iden tity of her assailant. 8b waa appar ently shot down while trying to flee Into th open. Th baby, when found held- Ite arm around bar neck crying plteously. It bad upset ths cradle. (Continued on Page Eight) ABOUT OREGON SCHOONER WRECKED A- s mm i The Alice Kimball Driven Ashore Off Mouth of ' SiusIaw.River.. CREW SWIMS TO SAFETY Owner and Wife Rescue Fro Wreck After Many and Perilous Efforts . Vessel Will Prove I ;r Total Loss. (pedal Dwasteh te Tee leamel) Eugene. Or., Oct. It. Th schooner Alios KlmbalL from Ban Francisco te Florence, la ashore a short distance south bf the mouth of tb Slualaw river. and 1 faat breaking up. Th veassl arrived off th mouth of th river Saturday and anchored at buoy waiting for ft .tug. That nigm a at api nmtnm un. tw anchor Chain parted and th schooner was blown ashore the next day. The crew euc- mIihmIm ia atinra ant ar tlnat and took off" Oeorge Martin, the owner of the vessel, and hi wire, wno were aboard. Tba story a told by ft member or tn crow la of a thrilling nature. Be says the first intimation that a storm ef mor than usual severity waa prevailing waa when tne man on watch aroused the of ficers and they In turn called th www iikiv from their bertha Tb llttl V ea sel was then toeslng Ilk a frail shell on the hug waves, that tne neavy gaw sweeping inland waa driving oeior ix. Th night waa very dark, and whU slight fears were felt by some of thoee aboard, it waa not utougni tn vwse wAifl m hav anchors. An exception ally heavy puff of wind followed by ft heavy wave broke one ox tn two mmw h.lna anil th llttl ft fa ft IWWlf BrOUnd. -Tarn was sjutohlp followed by th swap ping of the chain tna neio wie anchor and buffeted In all direction by th violent storm th boat waa Mptdly driven shoreward. wh aha struck It .became tmmedt- mH.I that aha WOUld SO tO PlOCea and th orew. all of whom happeaad to be strong swimmers, took to th surf, aa th schooner's boats had gone In th waah. The spot wher they landed was aom j fMm the nearest habitation, but a boat waa finally secured in time to rescue, after several arrorta ana muco danger, Mr. and Mrs. Martin. The vessel waa owned by th Wilder gteemablp company of Honolulu, and had been In commission tor the last Se yearn. She was built at Llttl River. Cal.. ta 1174, and during tb greater part of the Urn ah aaa oeen piying between California port and the Hawaiian Islands. Bb waa of lT tons not register. It feet long, 17 feet acroas th beam and had a depth of f .I feet. LOREE MAY HANDLE " :r MEXICAN RAILWAY (Jeareel Bpselsl aerrkw.) a .( tmu Oct. it. It Is reoortod that L. F. Lore, who recently resigned th preeldency of th Rock Island rait atn whim the head of a Basra: embracing th principal railways of Mexico. , BAT aTAaUKXMABT OOsTTBOXaB. HtoerJel Dispatch The snraeL puuum. hvaah,. Oct it. It I ru mored that the Harrlmaa Interest have secured control ot th Pacific coast iMnuhin mmMnr. Officiate her can not vsrlfy or deify. Said and bills, and wondering what var mints oould possibly exist there, and whan 1 mildly told them that th land they war looking at oould not b bought for from $ to 1100 an acre, they Jumped m In groat shape. They had been to California, they allowed, and that waa th only country on th Pacific coast Ws happened to be at th Hood River station tost then and when I told them that X bad paid 10t an acr for 10 acre near Hood River only the day before, they dropped m right there and th only words X heard from them after that wa "he's erasr, plumb crasy, to wast ht money that way." If they oould have seen those 10 acre of mine, ap near the celebrated orchard and homo of Mr. Smith, th successful spple raiser ef Hood river, aa I had aeea th valley only th day before, I venture to aay that Instead of being crasy. I would have been put down aa being araay only ta on roc poet for leaving Oregon at all. X am sending yow thla letter, for tb purpose of telling you th results ot my Investigations regarding how well Oregoa I known In th state , that I 'have traveled over during flv month, and also to mak thla offer) If any chamber of commerce, or other public body of Oregon, or any other society that hi attempting to make Oregon better known, would Ilka to receive augge ttona from an Orogontaa ta the east about mor successfully carrying on their work. I would Ilk to, kear from them and they may b sur of reoolvlng such pointer s 1 may b able to giv from tlm to time, for X love Oret, and have ft little spot hack there that X am going bank to one of the o . JOHN Si Pins.r. SELLS POOR FARM DEAD Superintendent Courtney Accused of Trafficking in Paupers' Remains. : EACH BODY WORTHS2150 Supplies Medical College Will Bodies For Dissection at a Coislderatloi h aud Is Tbea Paid forloterrla nfalltatetJ Reatlns. -v; Through , objection " made by It. nV Courtney to a postmortem examinatkNe being made at the county hospital an th bodies of Miles Trailer and 1. Dftvta, , who dlod at th poor farm ftosday. V ctal attention haa beea aaUad to the fact that h haa been trafficking In bodla ot daad persons during his incumbency a . superintendent of that institution. For every body supplied the medical eollog of the University of Oregon It la said that be ha been receiving $10. It to further alleged by one of the express asa who had the actual handling of a number of bodies that Courtney haa supplied th medical college with tb bodies ot per son dying In ths city, for th disposi tion of which be received fit from th county commissioners to every teetano. Aa investigation ha brought out th fact that Courtney haa Also beea collect- . Ing part of the money received by Jani tor Boala of the college for burying bod ies at th farm after they had been dis sected, and ha is charged with demand ing and receiving money for th asm purpose from Janitors Rlmksnbsrgar and Oolden. who preceded Boala. Section till of th ode arevtde that the bodies of dead persons dying at almshouse and similar institution shall be supplied medical collegea on eVemand.-wban relative e nr tam' av not provided for their burial and in other specified instances. No provtotoaj la mad for payment -fnc.thesa bodlea. It is true, that ws hav paid Court ney tit for such bodies," said lr. Josspbl, prssldent of tbs college. "We had to give him an Inoentlve to took out V for such matter fa order that we might V, know whan to hand In requisitions. Formerly our Janitor attended to bury ing the dissected bodie after they had been returned to the Institution. Mr. Courtney objected to this, however, say ing the grave should be of a uniform width and depth, and ha attended to their burial himself. What be recslvad from th Janitor I do not know." . For every body sent to ths poor farm from the city morgu for burial Court ney haa recslvad f 10 from the county oommlsslonara. By disposing of such n body to tb medical college he would receive 110 additional, and also 11 from Janitor Boala for burying the d in sects body after leaving the eoltegw making a total ot tU.M ta each In stance. . . Dr. Joaephl say h doe not know whether or not any bodlea received at tho oollege for dissection wer t persons wno did not die at th poor farm. Ths name are given to th Jani tor, h explains, to bo placed oa a wooden headboard whan the bodfee ar taken back to th poor farm, but as) record Is kept On of th expressmen, who had bean engaged ta th business sf hauling dis sected bodies to ths poor farm from th medical oollege volunteered to an at tach of th county ooort th statement that two or three -name handed ham were of certain person account off whose death he bad previously seen ta tbs dally papers a having takers plan from one cause ar another ta th city. "I hav seen Courtney bury two' or three bodlea 1n one grave," said thla an nressmsn "Hs formerly nasi a man hired to driv a team at th poor farm, on whom he also placed th work of dlg- aina trtM I told thla SSSn SSW dF that Courtney waa paid by th Janitor of tho medical eolieg tor onrymg mm bodies and be waa foolish to do extra, work tn order to turn money into Court ney pocket. Courtney arrived at tht Juncture. The driver than protested against th work and was discharged on th pot" . - . -v-c Quajtaays mipusi Iwddsd Investigation by th board of ounty Amman lea Itinera has shown that While Courtney has beea superintendent ef th poor farm hla monthly reports m ixramr Auditor Brandos hav shown aimowt double th number f ta mates actually at th Institution. Tht discovery was' msda through n agent of th federal eerie oe bureau, who went to th taatltutlon recently ts eo eur ststlstlcs. So much slgnlfloano attached to th discovery that the mmniuiAMn state their future action will be directed by the results of a fur ther Investigation by th D. Jachsoa, who has been appointed to the soperln- tendency f th poor rarm, in discharging Courtney taking effect No vember 1. - - The reports of Courtney show 111 Inmates of the poor farm for August and lit for September. Th count awde by Courtney under th direction of tb census commissioner, which waa ward confirmed by Jack-on, showed oly tl Inmates for September. "Courtney told stoner Ll'htner. " handed h n ' or am - (Continued sa Pag Twa V