The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1904, Image 3

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eissLL ' aLla
davis cc:iTi::js
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- - (aperlat DUpatck to Tha JMmLt
dSusone. Or., Oct. II. Charles Alley
no rfonn Mowira, 10 ere, quarreled
. over ownership of lamp at PaU
Creek, mile eaat of Eusene. rulir
day eveolntY with tho mutt (bat Alley
itibM Howard. reeuitloa; fn the lair
tera death several hour a f tar ward.
Th two man bad bwn living together
mi m cnoin. may uxa quit work pre
paratory to com ins; to th valley aiul
, war dividing; their effects, whan a die-
put am ovar th ownership of
lamp. Kxclted word followed, th 11
waa fUM and Allay whipped out ft
pocket kalis and oommenced alasbine,
t Howard. A urrtfto elruaa-le ensued,
as la evidenced by atia blood-stained
waJla and wrackad oeodltloa of tb In
terior of th cable.
Allay cut his antagonist, who u
unarm, on th arm. ebt and abdo
men, avrlna th IntMtln, and whan
he w that ha had severely wounded
him ha lft th plac and Informed th
pro cere of what h had dona and Kva
hlmaalf up t th laoal constable. Hew
ard dlad la terrible aaony hut night.
Physicians from Eugene attended him.
but ooald not aava hla life. Deputy
Sheriff H. I. Bown drov to the scelie
of the tragedy and brought AUay to Eu
lvt and placed him In the county jail
laat night. Hla preliminary examina
tion will- probably e hold tomorrow.
Coroner Day, Deputy District Attor
ney Harrla. and Deputy barlnT Bown
are holding an Inquest today, i Both
men were mtddla-ced. and Alley haa ft
family la Bugane. Howard waa ft sta
sis man, coming here from Texas ft year
A Journal aorreapondant waa allowed
to Interview Alley tbla morning, but he
Waa bob -communicative, - Ha atated that
he would not talh until h bad ssoaretl
soansal and ooaaulted with1 him. He
' atated. however, that Howard attacked
him Brat.
A ooat of adamant plaatar la bains; ap
plied to the exterior of the Columbia
theatre, a provided for la the original
building contract. It will gtv th
hove an appearance aim liar to the ex
tertor of th Portland hotel and will
aav other advantages, among tham th
deadening of the sounds from the street
and additional protection agalnet oold.
The heating apparatua to finally In
stalled and Manager Baker aaya ha la
ready (or ft good hard winter.
At th requeat of th exposition offi
cers, Tom lUohardaon will make eeveral
addressee In oltlea eaat of hero within
th next few weeka, uetag the fair aa
the text of bio lecture, In Salt Lak
ha will deliver hla address under th
aueplcea of the Commercial club, and In
Denver the chamber ox oommeroe bag
the event In ehaxge. .
ulsseppo Beraadln had da bnaa"'
wagon, but now ha go- only da horse,1'
aang a hundred or mora telephone glrke
In chorus thla morning aa thay ruahed
pell-mell Into Salmon atreat and helped
thejnaelvea to th bananas that were
etrewn over the street for aayaral block.
Aa aoon aa the load of bananaa . had.
been thrown Into th afreet and. th
wagon scattered, the bora stopped and
looked aadly behind..
Bernadlao - la a fruit vendor. H
loaded hla wagoas with bananaa thla
morning and waa driving alowly along
Salmoa atreet stngaog out hla were,
when the horaa took frlgbL The driver
wea thrown- out of th .wagoa and the
horaa daahad wildly down the atreet. It I
rarr cxaBr,
A flna of M or II da ye In the oounty
tail waa the flrat eastern Impoaad upon
Miller for cruelly beating hla frail
wife and trampling- bar face with th
bela of hla heavy she. ...
Municipal Judga Hogwa beard the re
mainder ef the evldenoa thla morning.
Th aontano waa on the ebarg of aa
aautt and battery and waa the limit of
th law. Thar la a aeoond ebarg
drankanneea, to Whleb Miller pleaded
villi tv . Oa thla. the oaurt atated. he
would sentence tba prisoner whan be rfad
ither paid tba -Sns of" aarved th oounty
tall eeateaoe. - .-,.-.,
True to hla promise. Miller called bla
tittle daughter sad bob ta his behalf. Ha
tad each If they remembered bow,
when he waa belpthg them wttb than
arithmetic looaona, their mother oama In
drunk and oauaed ft disturbance; of how
he had to eook hla and their otoels while
their mother waa drunk and of her
drinking to axonae for a king time. They
roaUd no ouch thing. Both ana wared
th fathrb waeatlona while Judge
Hogwa bold them In hla arma on the
bench.' Onoe the UtUa girl cried, but
the iudg oalmad her Immediately. It
waa whan bar father aaked her If- aha
recalled her mother drinking a bottle
of gin laat- Thuredar night. She buret
out la tear and aobbed that ail aha ra
mmbrd of that night waa whan her
father oama heme drunk, and her mother
ha4 eoarcbed bla pock ate for money to
buy food and to pay grocery Mile.
MUlera aged mother waa preaont.
After 'tb hearths, aa Bailiff Golfs led
the priaoner away to tall, aha reee and
walked to hla aide. They embraced and
klaaed. with hands cleaped. Th mother
erted bitterly.
$ 4
A Reduced Reproduction of the Grsphopbooe.
f ,f V . , J. i' ' , , t,, ,i. " ' .
The Columbia Graphophone
ran keadlr throwlns fruit lb ail dlreo-
Uone untU the wagon atruck Ue oar
tracks at Fifth atreot.
. There, the wagon was Overturned and
baaanaa ecattfred lp the atreet and on
the oMawalk, The horaa ran for a abort
dlktanoa and eucoeeded ta wrecking the
wagon. Then It atopped and waited for
Ita exalted maetar.
It stooped directly hi front of theH
oooka' and waiter hall In Salmon atreet
between Fourth and Fifth. There the
at r Ik Ins telephone glrle have eetabllahed
headquarters and bond red or more
poured out iato th atreet to help th
aelvea ta the bananaa. While doing ao
they oompoeed a melody and aang' it to
the Infuriated Italian, who earn up
panting. - v
RlCULAsl PUC $7aS0
Coeu-antted to Lva Perfect TalUng Mevcfaina
: The Cohimbia Phonograph company fuarmntes this grapho
phone to be s perfect talking machine tn fact they will allow
credit of $5.00 oa It. toward the purchase of any other
machine that they make at any time within a year, the sub
scriber to have the full use of the graphophone during that
' time. " '', i ...... '
IbV Journal's Extraordinary Offer
' By special arrangement with tin Columbia Phonograph
, company, 198 Seventh street. The Journal is enabled to
' make the following eartTawrdinary offer:
al.....w MJoorear Cnpaophonc Agreement
.. -, - , v .
-' - Marruro. e...; ....4....
tevauut rem ew pnwaai. a.t v -
-I aacabr ! tar the BaOy ed
hv a toeriad af
aaa rw at tba ramlar rata at eVpa BMM.tb, la'canBloWatlaa ef waivb. ead lie.
f a? aey m a nwaoe mtltltna ax W n lrt vaaara. raw are a raralae bm
aarlrxy im at ta mt lha CataatMa naaarapb Ceiaar. N. US Bath
trvat. aaw rafela fT.M dreenmiBaca tapm aty aartn ttVai tl fnr mww rare
fna fWtorr. aacabw. aa.K fat ny aaatvataa aea tartm m mm f iU maaritiaa.
It h) aart fortkar that I aat aet (war1' la pnn-fcaea aa raroW rrhi h raln
raw OraphoelMea nrla nSa tar e af mj ei-herrlptlnn; e4 if t arv flaw ad at mf
m1 natfcM 1 ea mn-aaaa X4 addlttnaal (mHi of tbe CalmaiMa Pbeeaarmp Caameay
at tbV aanv eedrM., aad enaaiaaa mla mmaHriaa tt mimlae maa tamaiai aw
eathHaee meeeHy be . .
. 1 tLS
Awl ............
krra Tea rataaiate rnaaaraaft raexeanr w
aViMlBMa BMiTilai ta tka HiAiM at 1A at ana MaM
fkla ttripaophnaa at Hiair afttce, no. IS ata atraaC
n, -TrWe ef all tuinMwO a. mat aeatma.
raata atra.
apaSK ea eer bawa
am yam nHiiigi fea
Articles of lncorporatloai of tba Port-
Con aol Ida ted Railway company
ware Bled tbla morning ta th omoa of
Oounty Clark Frank & Fields by A. -k
Milla, jr. C Ainawortb aad C A. Dolph.
Tba oapitallaatlosj of the now aompany la
tl..M whleb la divided Into .
Whan tba meraer waa flrat decided
upon If was decided to ceil the new cor
poration tba Portland Suburban Rail
way oompeny; the queatloa of the name
had even gone ao far aa to have "Port-
. Suburban Railway oompanjr
painted on eome of the new ear. But It
wwa reoaatly dMaoovarad that thla name
had beea need years ago by an id oom
paay( aa it waa decided ta name tba
new eorporaUoa the Portland Cooaoli-
dated Railway oompany.
The purpooe oftha oompany. aa sat
forth In' tba article of Incorporation,
are to build and operate atreet railways
In the city and suburbe of Portland and
surroundlna towna; to construct and op
erate power plant; to eonetruot aad op
erate bridge: to own And maintain parka
and piraeure reaortai to ooniraot for the
construction and eaulpment of Una of
railways, brtdgea. farriea. power plant
and etatlene, telegraph llnea and plaota.
telephone llnea and piaata aad ether.
proper t lee i to lease, purchase and build
telegraph aad telephone Unas; to acquire
and bold patents; and to do many other
thlnga connected with railways, brtdgea.
power, plaatev telegraph aad telephone
llnea. i . , - - f
Several type-written pagas of tbe arU-
elaa filed were needed to giv tba llet
of the treets upon which the aoaapaay
operated, . or baa tba . power to run.
transportation Unas. But th articles
stated that "tbla oorporatloa shall have
the power and authority to extend and
enlarge at any time all or any of the said
lines of railway and to ahorten and
curtail the mum." The eoatenta of the
artlclea covered II. type-written pages.
It waa atated that three director ahall
ooaatltuto ft quorum, aad It la also made
plain , that a minority of tba directors
may reeM aw tide ef Oregon. ;
Tb aytiaajai jre fimmwtstwm t aadar.
and cert in ad by Notary Public C A.
Maaey. a F. Pnxto, preeidentof the
Portland Rail way oompany, and C. A.
btaney are witaeaaea.
The flliag of artlclea today wOl be
followed immediately by a complete or
gknlsatloa of the aaw oompany, and aa
booo aa detail oaa be arranged and new
tieketa printed the uaiversei traaafer
aretcea for paangrs on all tb llnea
In -the elty will bo put Into affect. Tbe
change will not ba reached by November
1. aa was at flrat expected, but will oome
eome tlmo durlna November probably
not before tb laat of the month. With
the election of th aaw oanoera aad tb
aooptioa of by-law, the moneoiidated
oompany Will ba ready to rSbelve deeds
from tb two old oompaaiaa transferring
tbetr ntlr properties to the aaw eosa-
paay. Mlaor detaile, meluding the ar-
rangement for Interchangeable traaafer
ticket wlU then ba taken up. Aa entire
aaw Issue of ticket Will be printed.
bearing the neaee of tba Portland Cooeol-
tdated railway, and the old tickets will
be dona away with. By December 1 th
oottaolklaied atreet ear system will be
fully In operation with the tickets aad
transfer ef the new eampaay.
. mu, Vxxal DAY'S spmaxrav
aTAjcarai twerjrs OAjmzzAra
biasta ovtxjOOX amxeaTTJOa,' '
(aaaraal l-erlat Berrte '
Boanoka, Va Oct. la. The Davis
party made a daab lata Virginia thla
moralac making a atop bora. Thla
special will next maka a atop at Blue-
Ac! d, w. Va where th day's speech-
making will begin, Aa all-night stop
waa made at Richmond. Nomine Devi
Is holding up exceptionally well, and as
yet baa not exhibited the elighteet evl
denoa of a breakdown. Hla record yes
terday waa eight epeechea, eeveral of
them quite lengthy. The meetinge at
Roanoke aad Radford. Va- war ad-
draaead by Senator Daniel this fora-
The Indiana outlook ba assumed aa
Increased optlmlatio appears noe to the
campaign party on the Davie e pec 11, la
view of- numerous telegrams received
from eeveral leaders tailing that Indioa-
tlono for a Democratic victory In the
Hooster stata ar daily beoamlng
brighter. t
Immenaa arowda oonttan to greet tba
special train. Prominent polltlolaas of
both aartles gather to listen to the
views as expressed by tba candidate, and
even hia opponents concede that tba tour
la conducive of much good to tba Demo
cratic party la th states through whleb
tba apodal baa passed.
(Jewsal apart! Berries.)
New Torn, Oct l Parker arrived to
day and want to the Hotel Seville, where
ha waa met by Mrs. Parker and their
daughter, Mrs. Hall, who came to New
York to attend the Democratic ma
meeting at Madlaan Square Garden.
Ha will probably return to Ksopus
Thuraday night. axt Friday a dela-
aatlon of New Jersey Democrat la ex
pected at Roaemont, and Judge Parker
will respond to an add rase. Tonignt
former residents of Ulster county, who
bow reside la New Tors. wUl hold a moat
ing to further tb aemlnee'a polltloai la
ureate. .
' tleoreal aasctad Berrtae.
St. Louie. Oct. It. Prominent flrs In
surance men from every section of tb
country Ailed Recital ball tbla morning
at tba opening of the ninth annual con
vention of tb National Aaaaemttoa or
Local Fir Insurance Agents. After tba
call to order. President Franc ta of the
exposition welcomed th visitor, for
whom a felleltoua response waa made by
Frederick Ouentaer of Detroit. The re
mainder of the aessloa was aocupled
with the appointment of eemmltteea, re
ports of efnoers and other bualaass of a
routine nature. The oonvoatloo will b
la session durlna the next three days.
Msas Wife ami aaagbem bm sfaw
" v , . - a Xeaet Sea IP. -
Tbe oVlegnte ta th etate oca vent loa
of tba Woeaen'a Christ tan Temperaac
Union begaa ta arrive this moraine and
about were oa band at tba opcnlhc
esealoa at First Cumber la ad Presby
terian cbareb. - No business waa tran
sacted. Mrs. Lucia F. H. Additaa wel
comed the visitors as chalrwomaa oa
general arranasaeata and airs. Helea D.
Harford, tbe etate president, spoke
briefly la reply. Tho general ofYleere.
Mrs. Harford, -president. Mr. Bva C
Wheeler, first vice president, Mrs. Hen
rietta Brews, corresponding secretary,
hire. Ida T. Maatera. recordiag secretary,
and Mae. Heeet J. Bhane. traaaarer.
thea went lato executive session at tba
homo of Mrs. pillsbary- They discussed
the work of thla aoaveatloa aad pre
pared their reporta. Tba morning waa
apeat ba asslgains tb delagafa a tbetr
places, ,
Thaa aftaraeaa tb county preetdeats
wlU meet wttb tba goaeral offleera hi
exacutlvo seaelea. Tbe entire afternoon
win bo devoted te -varloaa aommltt
h meeting Tho rewulaT meet inn begin
thkt eventnej with aa opea awaaioa ef
music aad add res ea a. . ' Tho resmlnmc
detegataq wUl arrive tab) eveaiag and ao
asorrow morning.
Aa aeTert win be made by tho Lawle
and Cldrk managam eat to secure for
Port hi ad tho aost annual mootlne? ef tba
latere tale- commerce law convention,
which meets at luLaala an Octaoar ta
The eaaveatsssj twasists of a rap rosea
tstlv body of eaat era awatnoss men.
who favor eattendtae; tb power of tho
Interstate commerce eoawlaaloa. They
bavo never yet been able t aeeure tb
a operation ef Facias coast a em mar
olei metttatiene for the raaeoa that
tboy bavo failed to recognise -the asset
to a further eatenl tboa promlslne; ta
do so, U m polated oat that b,y having
tho aanveatloa meet bora, the advan
tageo ef tho northwest and th coast
will be mado clear to tr,
': 1 fJearasl special SarVtee.)' -;
Miohlgaa City.. IncL. Oct. It. aTareur-
sloa trains from all points in tbla aec
tloa bavo brought away visitors Into tho
city for the Democratic rally tonight.
at which ex-Senator David B. HlU of
New York la to be the chief speaker.
The meeting promises to bo one of tho
largest demonstrations ever held by tb
Democrats te northern Indlana.
Huzrtlngton. W. Vs.. Oct. Is. Tb oily
council last night refused perm lee ion for
tba Social Is te to bold a political meeting
In the city ball tonight. Tho party mar
anjola tbs eaty.efficiala from tatorfar-
accomahab good results.
FortUad wilt have a repreeentatrra ta
ta eeaventloa to aroeeat. aa Bsortatlaa
Ftvs thousand dollars hi being owed
for by C W. Fredenthal beoaoae his foot
waa Injured while loadlnaT lumber la tb
bold of tb ship STva. Fredenthal la sa
laa; the firm of Brown at MeCabo, eteve
aorea. for the dsuaages. Tho oass Is be
inc tried today befero Circuit Judgo
FredentnaL who was a stevedore ta
th employ of Brown a afeCabe, alleges
that h was ass 1st lag la loading th ship
Bva with lumber on June II. IMA, while
tho veeaal was lying aJoag-Bldo tb In-aaaa-Poulosti
mUla. Ho stated that ba
was working- In th hole of too vessel,
whoa a sling of lumber. Improperly
towed, was let dowa from tho wharf.
Oa account of to tmprousi stows-.
boarda were loosened aad oa fVll aad
struck Fredenthal oa tb foot. HO was
badly rippled.
Brown St McCabe, hi tbetr answer to
th complaint, stata that H la a well
know fact that boards sftea ally from
sling of lumber, aad that all steve
dores know of this aad are warned of
tho danger. They state that Prdnthal
know of thai dana-er. but got k tba way
of tho sling ka a reckless meaaer. not
heeding the warning slvea.
W. Sea ton and Claude Strabaa ap
peared aa attorney for PradeataaL
while Wilbur Letter are eeaductiag
th salt for Browa a McCab.
A party of boys who. With perml-
of their parents, attended a per
form anee at aaa of tho theatrea Biiaday
. can to grief aa their way
la ad (title t aaen sd sates lea
fees, they bad been supplied with a
Blekot spas, with watea ta round oat
th evening with eoaTeo or saadwtehes
after the airfare ante, Oa tbetr way
hems tbe boys atopped at a reach saaa
tor aear th raer of Third aad Bvra
aMo etreate. and Used ap to Invest their
funds ta rofreobareat, and at tals k
trattnsi yaaetur Odboer Bary cam
alaagr and a rr acted the entire party, war
der th mistaken Impress lea that tboy
bilaaged to tho emas ea rouaawtere waa
have beea frsqwoatliuy north end dives.
Tbeyk-wer tafcea to ta pelir atatlaa
and kept all Bight to a ealL Tb bora
were Joha Laary, Braost Sravaa, Mika
Malone. Fred Sah Willi Payne. Joha
Sprangor, Stanley Pbruipsv Liard Me
son aad Ralph Parker.
la th poUco court ewwj aainhig th
boys were eUachargod, after being glvaa
am arranar advice by Jed a Hofua -
fh .i '"wv-
IsaWVr iui . a..1
Here advertised ; below ' a re A aatalltiee Oaf tHe eeasoia'e
moet wanted goodt wkiclaa If in need rota can't con
cientiously let pass unconsidered. ' TKey ' are bargains
to beckon prospective purchasers They are tbe picK
from all departments and speak with elcruence felling
you of our determination to reduce our stock to a nor
mal condition. The prices are cut way down to demand
your patronage. If you are shrewd and "economically
Inclined you'll not stop reading here, v ' "
areX& FATTxtauraV The latest aad aaweot patterns for fall end winter. 04 and 1S. Ask t see theem.
areAUw at Wiwm 50 a year. A swell monthly of fsshion and Action. Get a fro eopy.
Garments Highest in Favor But Lowest la Price
. f 10.50 SUITS We are showing s nobby line of Serge, Broadcloth
and Venetian Cloth Suit, in Eton jacket effect, in all the new shades,
hand-tailored suits; they are in the latest suits that cost 01 A f"A
as high as $20; none less than $15. Your choice for onlyplUeUU
L13.50 SUITS Mixed materials, hip jacket, half fitting back! with,
belt, trimmed in braid and buttons, color effect; these suits 01 L?A
are worth $20 and $22.60. , We sell them for only. pluuU
f 17.50 SUITS A better grade of mixed materials, tailor-made,
Butcher back jacket with belt; the nobbiest suits in the ("7 PA
city for the price... a-... 1 f 0U
. f 19.85 SUITS Extra grade mixed materials, half fitting pleated back
coat, with belt pleated skirt, with braid trimming. Swell (MA QC
tailor-made suits, with all the tailored effect, for only.,.,$yOt)
f 24.00 SUITS--The neatest hand-tailored suits in the city, in the new
mixed materials, coat half fitting back with belt, pleated and piped in
red satin, fancy braid and buttons, sleeves of jacket have deep eutf ; real
JOM pu Vuue8 aip-o-dn 'usth$35. Here $24 00
LADIES' XOURIST COATS Blue, brown and black cheviots and serges. Fancy mixtures
and manish material styles. Tourist Coat, jaunty Norfolk Jacket, the new blouse and 22-inch
coat, in loose and tight fitting, smartly trimmed with silk braids, velvets, Persian bands, solid
color cloths and fancy buttons.' Skirts, walking and dress lengths. The New Tourist Coats
at 9.50, 910. 912.50, 915, 917.50 to 920.00. ,
The variety, the quality and the til
' around perfection of our
T' Ready- to -Wear
- ' Garments
"arc eliciting unbounded-praise. Our
' purpose is. to have every garment
- - we show excel in .
Not alone the higher priced gar
ments, but cverr grade, all along the
line, down to the most inexpensive.
Each-i-from the very modest to the
very -elaborate bears that 'mark of
tone, richness and sll that character
izes the perfect garment. Such is
the high standard we have attained:
, and it shall be lived up to by con
tinuing to show only correct ap
parel, priced at figures absolutely as
low as faultless garments, can , be
"V ' - sold for.
Re4y-tavWfr CarmeaU for th Young.
MISSESeOATS 83.98 We have a special offer in
Misses' Coats, In blues and tans, kersey cloth, double
breasted front, Butcher back with belt, flat stitched '
stitched collar, pleat down side. Special. ........ 93.98
The children fare ss well as the grown folks in this
special purchase. 500 of the most desirable Coats shown
this season' are here one-third below regular prices.
Gretchen, Automobile or Reefer styles, in Kersey,' chev
iot, zi be line and covert; all the wanted shades, including
blue, brown and tan; also 260 dresses in cashmere or
serge; newest colors snd styles. AH sizes, 4 to 14.
Dresses are 81.00, 91.75 and 925 Coats are;
93.95, 95.00 and 97.50. - 1 .
School Coat, in three colors, blue, red and gray, with '
cape over shoulder, breat trimmed. . Special. 69
We are showing a swell line of all the new things in
Neck Furs, Collarettes, etc at astonishingly low prices.
Last year's styles, short length, in blues, reds and grays.
Oxfords, well made, trimmed iu braid, and are wort,b
double our prices asked. Your choice of seyeial Ion,
94-50 93.50, 92.75, 9T.25 . - -
UoW and Chndra.s Fall
Ladle White Wool Ualoa Salts, bat-
toned 1a th Onelta strls, res;, fi.;
peclal l.rO
Ladles Wool Plaited Orar Ribbed
Veet sad Pasta, ras Tlo; awaCl Od
Lad leai ' noooa Uasd Tests and Panta.
re. is; paelal IS
Ladtaa Fin Ribbed Ploooa Lined
Wait Vasts sad Pants; special SSd1
f ills Tleeee Uaod Orar and Creaaa
Colorod Bibbed Ualoa Baits; spe
cial ..d
ChlMroa'S Vloaco Ltnod.Orar Bibbed
Ualoa Suits; special 25
Mlases Orar Ribbed Deeca Lined
Ualoa Susta, Onelta stvle .....vdd
Bore Heavy Ribbed Gray Union
Suits; special Od
Bore CaaaeUaalr Wool Uadsrwear.
all stsss Sftd
Woracn't an Misses
- : Hcaiery -
LadW Reary Ribbed Black Cashmera
Has; spedaJ 35
Ladle Extra fin naek Cashmere
Ueee, gray aeela aad toesi sp'l R8d
Ladles Out-atss . Ribbed Casamera
Ho; special . . . S6
sftssos snd Cklldraer-s lal r tx
Ribbed Caabnaer Hoee; special U
lafants' Black Cnabners Has. Bilk
heel and to; special 15
Busses' Viae Ribbed UsI Thread
Hoee. rea. fee: speeaal. all alsea 15
Bar' 1 rends Hoee. re. Ue; spe-
UU ....... ......asr-
Domettic Ait&cles
Sheets. Ttx, worth t
Sheets, SlsM, worth Ti
Pilinw rei eSmla. arerth 12a.
Cosnlbrts for Cool M$hto
An extra swod fan stns for. ,
fall ots par wait Sited
Coaaf art for
A ate etlaaihee easaS fan
fort fa
era, extra aHty.
and araet. Bargain.
WactSUmom BaaTf-!
0rla i
faany strip ea
Man Uaabreilaa, etrea fraax1
,v........ to k
FUlaw Cases, feaM. worth I,
Pillow Cases, eaal. worth
inlta ry
. fl.da
stsi Com-
Notion Coantar
Plnlshlna; Braid, aaasrtid partema.
white only; S for ...aSd)
Ladles' Doplax Hoee Sspportors. as
sorted eolore, res. Sac; epeclal. . 10
Last re Croshet Cot top, la all polors;
S for Bd
Py rails Praealns; Coeabs. la. eolore;
each N
Stamped DotUoav assorted stsss and
patterns) frees TO 16
Needle Peaatad Plaa, ea eouat; I pfeae
for Bd
Fold Ins- Mirrors . ......10
Hand Mirrors S
Cellalold Comb, assorted eolor..10
t different style Hafr Ornament
Combs lfta OMd
Patent Pearl Bottoas; S doa Sd
Velrstoe Btadlaa; yard ..-1
Dress Braid, sssortod sslors; yd. . ld
Laca Ccrtaira
Tie Cartel. SH yards lns 4Sd
11. Carta ha, t Tr&m kmc..
II. Cnrtala, IH yards Itm. .1
.e Cartala, t te. wide, S yards
Man's Fall FitrnWiiss
Men Bwta Coada Underwear, ta
browa, tea aad aatarai aray, worth
II. J; apeetsi 85
Mess Heavy All Wool Carnal she Ir
Underwear, worth I. St salt; epeclal.
per jarmeat B5d
Mea'e eTancy Hooeycomb Sweaters,
variety ef shades aad colore, at BOd
Men's Hoary Mal Hid Osvntlet
Olore ..Bftd
Men's Hoary Merino Hon, dark blue
and srayt P4r 9d)
Ooed Hoary Workmen Hose; S pair
Peary Half Hoe ta alt oolors and
stripes; f pair ..5d
Ooed Past Black Boas; t for ....Sfrd
aUemkatt for Confort
Draia Goods Vaaloas
Mow WaJailaaav air wool sod ' sfl
hades; yard
Bow Crops do Albatroaa, ta all th aaw
vanlnc sbadee. all colore, sal table
for dresses and waists; yard. ,.lfd
Hew Fancy Brllllanttaas, to cream and
whit; yard . . ....!
Melr Skirt hi sm, ta Mask ami all
shades; yard . . r.Sad)
H-laeh All-Wool . Sultmsa, ta aU
ahadee; yard
fo-Inch All-Wsof Sklrtlas. and
1 Tain; yard M. ...&
M-Iaeh Black Seraa.......
Kew Plaldairard .......SS
Fancy Stripes aad Plaid SUfca; yd M
All Shade la Wash St las; yard. -2d
New KoeaJtlo ta Strip aad Chorks.
a see haa wide; yard
Whraa. taa ss
a pair
A better aaallty, a seed asrifcis Bun-
hrt ..t.. )
Matra huw Blsnaet. that will cover
any he, a pair M
AH wool Praam a aUsaa. real
Worses .
A Better srade
Ws hae theas la para wool, white.
rev M.BS aad 9-4.15
Ftamcl Tectum
' to etrt from, new eome frames
4 aS br piutur Saalera fnr
, hr. h
lUbbofit, ZmbrMmy.mUc
Calldrea'o colored kind a lad School
Handasrehlefs; for ,....
Ladle haaastltched HaasaerchlefBv
wltb laos oorners, reejalar 7 sad 1ft
aallty; special, sash ..49
Ladtas- fa hewjetltched Itoaa Hand
kereaiefa; soeeMU. eash IB)
Wis satta taffsta R Ik baa, res sir n
yard; epeelsi. yard 15
Good Satta Oro Orata Rlhhea. all
aolor; special, yard .....
Fancy whit amhrnli mit Twraerere;
saoebal. each 54
Ladles' Stack wool Mltteas, aoed
aaaltt-1 spmlni, pair ldd
from 1 ao S In shea width; sawelel
yard .)
Baalteh Tereao Laoea, 1 taehee wise,
eed aauty; opeelai at, yard S
Wsamny roU Laces aad fas art tea
to HMUea, rea-alar ae aad las saallty;
special at, yard 5d
Black sini srees srela BaMta. paod
aallty; mielii, yarn lwd
l.M Bed
roc net ,
$. 0 Sr maa thase ere evtr k
SMS, pur white Mareetliee
swd wetaht and sw
Si.OPl ewe -
v -
B- S
aaevHH, .