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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1904)
OOD EVENINO. WHZN IN irV. Ur SMALL AD ITi Hi Tonight and Tuesday, frost In exposed places WUMT Tuesday, ... VOI IIL Feels Sure of Convictions In Chief Land 1 Fraud ' v Cases. WILL HASTEN TRIALS Special PrnsecHter Thinks McKInlcy 'md Putcr and Benson and Hyde v Must Be toad Guilty m , y ( ; evidence ii nana. .v.-.;----1"- ' " us u confident tbst Benson, tad " Hyde wlU hs ooavloted for the timber frauds which they perpetrated M I am ' that I shall eat dinner tonight." v Francis J. Htiwy who mad this atata ; -ment at tha Portland hotel this efter ;. nooa, la probably batter aualined than any ona alaa .ta. weigh, .tha . chances af success la tha prosecution of tha iins . leaders la tha hugs conspiracy which baa ' robbed tha lovtrnuMit of hundreds of thousands of aoraa of nubile land. -r Mr. Heney, who waa retained as sps ;,' olal oounaal for tha government In tha '. land fraud eases, and who oarrlad to a brilliant oonclualoa tha preliminary pro : ceedlngs against Hyde and IMmond In Ban Francisco, anivad la Portland laat . night, bavins just ratamad from Wash ; ' lngtoa. D. C At tha national, capital ha bald Important oonferenoea . with . Secretary of tha Intarlor Hitchcock, la . relation toL the land fraud oaaes and with the government's legal advisers. , we Aiittf for Barly riaL ": The Immediate. object of Mr. Honey's coming to this oity Is to arrange for an early trial of tha McKinley-Puter-Wat-- soa-Warer oases, n whlob ho U to ap pear. He Is confident that thaaa oaaea t wlU result la nonactions, and says that no time will b lee la hrla1a them to NO. 193. HENEY IS CONFIDENT ri- . Mr. Honey's ass status of the :j "Psaaoa-Hyda oaaea Is aapaclaUy Interest ing la view of thspsrslstsnt efforts to areata the Impression that the govern- men eould not establish Ita charge against these defendants. . la discussing , tha cases ha said: The decision of Judge Lncombe of v Hew Tork In refusing to order Benson's . removal to Washington was based. I am , aurs, upon Insufficient acquaintance with the facts. Precisely the same que "' tlon arose la Baa Prsncisco wbsn Uyds and Dimond wera resisting removal to Washington, and tha argument a the polaU Invorved waa axhausUva, , . esiiaa tw TTienaisn -MTour of the best lawyers la Baa Francisco were arrayed for tns dofssd " ants, but both Judge DeHavea and , judge Morrow held that tha objeetlona , wsre not sufficient. I am thoroughly eonvtaoed that the position taken by '- these two Mdgos will be upheld by tha United States suprsms ooart. , "The matter Is aow before tha au '' pretne oomrt and the government will do Its host to secure aa early.trlai. A mo tion to advenes the eases oa tha calendar , will be mads soon by the government's - attorneys. "As to tha MeKlnley-Puter eases." , continued Mr. Honey, "there Is sot tha least doubt of our ability to get convlo--' tlona. The evidence la vary strong. Tbeae eases are to be triad, no matter what the people say. and they will be set for aa early a date as we oaa ar-. v range." - --. Although the rsaersj graaa jury is to meet tomorrow morning. Mr. Heney says that he is not hers to submit asw evi dence to the Jurors, nor doss ha expect any sensational new Indictment! at this tlmex . : 1 ' -" - . - a WO 1-.- A fflptrUl Mspattft te Tke fcarsal-l J, - Btarbuck, Wssh OoL IT. Albert Kob- ' son left bis cabin and ail Its effects, near -here, early la the season to work In , the harvest field and when he returned recently he found the oabla ransacked. His trunk had bean opened with aa ax and everything of value taken. - k i , i . -i i. ' BaFVBUOAji mmuuLvn masAn, - ' (JMnal tseeU ervtea.) ' Chfeagor Oo. 17. The work at dls arganlilsff th Republican national head quarters la the or eat has already began. Before th work Is ever -the literary bureau- will be suspended, as tha work 1a practically completed. . , B EUTi OF FLAM ES i ' (Jnersal SpseUi sVrriee.) Buffalo, Oct. 17. Tbe efcLemer Paint company' e works at Black Rock was damagvd by fire to ths extent ofvjisa.. 00 today. An tomsnss tank sf ssrnmh was punctured and flowed down the river, ( taking firs and creating a spas taeuls'r boons, . Ths firemen protected ' neighboring buildings until tha firs burned out. Pour firemen were injured, hat not ssrtoasiy. . - As ths scooping varnish gradually overspread the surface, of tho rlvor, giving1 It tha appears nee of a Pea of , glass, many persons congregated assr tha seens of ths firs. Sparks wars fly ing from the engine that were exerting every pound of strength to force the vast streams of water oa tha burning I buildings of ths paint company. Bud j Only the river became transformed fair; light tonight ; - FIGHTING CONTINUES Russian Gains Offset by Losses-rfach SId(t v i Captures Guns.- : RUSSIAN FLANK RETIRES Shakbe Elver Valley h the Scene af , the Host Sanjulaary fifihtlnt : Slice tbe BeinolDt af ' !:-' Ibe War. . s i... i .'J'-'' t Petersburg, Oct 17. (Bulletin.) Messages from tha front state that the retirement of the forces of General May erdoff oa tha Russian right Sank has been turned Into a rout, and that he baa suffered tremendous 1 Rom. Oct. 17. (Bulletin.) A dis patch from Bt. Petersburg tates that after consult a tlon with the osar. Gen eral Hip pen berg has decided to mobilise f ao.sftw additions! troops, and that Man churia is to be abandoned for tha pres ent Jtassla's note will probably be Is sued aanounotng to tha powers the osars Intention to continue the war, a polite way of preventing any offers of Intervention. , . (Jesrsal Special gervke.1 " ' .Mukden, Oct. 17.A1 though the fight ing yesterday was apparently as severs as on the first day of tho battle, which ended In Russian retirement to the right bankof ths Bhakha river, there waa no abatement la tha vigor with whloa It was resumed Just before dawa this morning. Tha situation this morning la aa fol lower Tho Russian front extends over prac tically 10 miles along tha right bank of tha rlvor, which la flooded by rains and passable In a few places only. To the west Is Oeaoral Meyerdoff, guarding tho extreme light flank with A forn eomposed of' recently arrived' troops. supported by a few veterans. , At - the center.' where the fighting Is the se verest, are troops oommanded by Kuro patkla In person. To the east of the center the troops are ander Bakharoff, assisted by several brigade leaders. Tho Japanese) to tho extreme west last alght and early this moaning showed fleros determination to carry tho Russian right flank back, but their suo- osss would not avail to any great extent in the battle plan. Inasmuch ss tho cen ter and the column which extends back toward Mukden la of ths greater impor tance, as It. commands ths railway to Mukden, by which tho wounded are carried to tho rear, and fresh troops and supplies are sent to tho front. Reports from ths battlefield this morning say that the Japaness to tha eaat have been driven back and that prsssurs en Kuropatktn's left toward tho hills hss been relieved thereby. The main attack, which Is of vital Im portance thia morning, la oa tho Rus sian center. At this point antfl nearly midnight the fighting continued, although a storm of great intensity waa raging. As mid night approached tha Japanese rested, slthough continuing an intermittent ar tillery fire with the evident Idea of har rasslng the Russians. Ths latter ra plted In kind. Juat before dawa tha Japaness firs be came heavy and at daybreak another attempt was mads to fores the Russians Back. Tha Russian artillery, however, shredded ths field with shrapnel, oom pelllng tha Japaneae retirement with heavy losses. At this hour ths oannon- ads eontlnuea. . . -,. Yesterday's eperstlang were slightly rn favor of Russian arms. A brilliant movement was carried out successfully on the left wing which cnlmtasted la the storming gf tha Japaness position at Soukhetung. At this point the Japaness were well Intrenched and defended their ground with great valor. - Three different assaults war mads by tho Russians before lodgment ooold be mads and on tha fourth aaaault tho en emy was driven from his trenches only at ths point of ths bayonet after des perate hand to hand fighting. Ths Rus sians captured a battery of J guns which wars so sltuatsd that they oould bo turned apnn tha retreating Japanese with deadly street. (Continued oa Pago Two.) FLOATS IN RIVER elrvery glass tff a raging furnace) of flames rearing skyward. Vast volumes of smoke of Inky blackness rolled aloft and awept over tha immediate vicinity, obscuring everything beneath Ita heavy palL . Tbe greatest exoltement and confusion prevailed among ths assembled specta tors and a general rash was made for a place af safety. No one waa Injured th' ths Scramble, Tho cease of the sudden firing of the Elver, was that a spark either from the anting bulMIng or on of the engines set firs to a small hemp of bruah Bear tha water's edge. This was soon com municated to ths oil on tha water, which Ignited and spread with lightning-like rapidity over the entire surface. rvsTal narrow escapes were repotted, among them being several venturesome spirits who had rowed close to ths ell sovsrad water a a small heat, , . . PORTLAND, ORKGOM, MONDAY EVENINJ, count flviatapolst-mirskt, russian minister for the 1ntbrior, . von puuv b beat has shown a disposition to bb much moris ' bob. ..,.,..-.;.-- ...... BEINZE TICKET : i BARBED BY COURT Anti Trust Jcpubllcaa and Antl-De ocratle Ktmlnatlons nat Regular, Declares ModUoi Cairt ; Oseda Dwsateb e The Jearml-r Helena, Mont, Oct. 17. Through aa order Issued by the supreme court this morning the -name of Albert- J. Calso, Republican . nominee for attorney-general, will appear on tho official ballot, having bean emitted at tha filing time through a mere oversight. The mis take was not discovered until after tbe statutory time prescribed . for filing nominations. Ths Court, however, de cided to- remedy tho matter and so di rected the secretary of eta to to- plaoa Oalens name sa the ballot. . Tha court also Issued sa order direct ing ths secretary of stats not to plaos upon the official ballot tha Helnss tick ets known as tha anti-trust Republican, that their candidates war -wot reaw larly nominated by tho ooavsatloa7 FIGHT DEADLY DUEL WITH POCKET KNIVES - ' (Josrasl Spetlal fiarvka.) Clarlnds. la. Oct. IT. A dual with knives between two young farmers yes terday ended la the death of one of ths combatants and ths arrest of tho other oa a charge of murder. Ponton Whlt- maugh and Charles Mlddaugh, as ths outcome of a quarrel arising out ox a mall business deal, agreed to settle tha dispute' In a fight. With half a desen companions they drove at midnight la Mlddaugh's carriage to a esmstery. Whitinaugh was given tha choice of weapons. Mlddaugh brought a revolver. which was taken from him by bis com panions. Wnitmaugh seleoted pocket knlvee. Ths men entered the ring sod Immediately ol inched. Within half minute Mlddaugh received three bad gaehee. one of which severed the clavlsn artery, find he died In five minutes. A coroner's Jury today found that Mld daugh cams to his desth by a knife- wound In ths neck Inflicted by Whit maugb, Whltmaugh Is 1n ths county Jsll and has confessed bio part la tha af fair. Mlddaugh was 34 years of age. He leaves a widow and one child. Whlt maugh la a few years older. REJANE AND COMPANY ARRIVE IN NEW YORK (fesmel SpedsJ fierriet.) ' Hew York. Oct. IT. Relane. tha most Parisian of Paris comedians, arrived here' Saturday evening on La Lorraine, With Germalne, her daughter, and 17 per sons of Re jane s comedy company. "Nlnety-flvs trunks , for yourself alone,' aloete," some one exclaimed. "What sensational gowns have you la thenar "X hops they are sensational." she re plied. "One la of doth of gold; ons la of olotb, of silver, another la bJstok as Jet 1 am to play the Lady of' the Csmellas" la black. This waa never dons la Paris." - . Relane left fop Cuba today and will return in time to. begin her en rase meat at tha Lyric theatre oa November 7, FIRST OF FAMILY TO DIE IN 48 YEARS flhMelel Mips tab to Tee JearsaLt 'OarfleldV Wash.. Oct. 17. Robert K. Dalley, a. native of Pennsylvania, aged 7 years, died bars yesterday. He came to Washington la 1ST4 and settled- near what Is now Garfield. Hs Is survived by seven child res and IS grandchildren This la ths first death la tha family la 4S years. . . POM BTSBfcsBT. (seelal fXeBshib to Tbe leeraaM -Rice, Wseh., Oct 17 Jnha Weston pleaded guuty ta burglary Saturday tnd was given six yeara la tho a tale peni tentiary. He served one term for a almllar offense several years ago. , I II 4 ' eertal nteastnh to The Jeeteal.1 -Ne Tork. Oct 17. Fire In a tenement house at WlltlsrrfBburg yesterday morn ing suffocated four persons aad Injured la, two ac them falsify. , , , MAD OFFICER KILLS ANOTHER AND SELF :Joersal Special Service.) e - Manila, Oct. 17. Second Lieu- e d tenant William D. Prltohard of e d the Thirteenth cavalry, today e d killed Second Lieutenant Prod L, .e e Deen of tho same cavalry, and d e oommKted suicide. d d The tragedy occured at Camp ,.e d Btottssnburg. SO mUaa from Ma- d e alia, Pyltohard waa Insane. e I FOR U. S. ARMY Plat to Make Americans a Ration a! ; Sbarvshovtert ta Came Befare ; it.- (Jearss) fpeeial grrrlee.) ' Washington. Oct. 17. What will prob ably bo tho snoot Important meeting of the national board for the promotion of rifle practice slnos that body was or ganised several years ago -will be bold at tho war -department. Ths board has been Instructed to prepare a plan for a national marksman reserve, which plan has been approved by , tha secretary of war. It recommends ths establishment of shsotlng-gallerlea, field raagee, distri bution of arms, ammunition, supervision of instruction and Inducements for prac tice, such as trophies and badges. It Is desired that ths standard military rifle la uss by the government be mads avallabls for civilian practice, and It Is probable that a provision to this end will bo made In too blU which the board will recommend. It la believed, tf the plans of tha na tional board are followed, the country will la a few years be la poseessloa of aa army of qualified marksmen to the number of from toa.oat to l,eoe,eM maa. ALL CHINESE MAY DOFF THE "PIGTAIL" (Jesrsal Bpeetal Service.) Baa Francisco, Oct. IT. According to tho Chinese papers of the past four days, la another year tha queue or "pigtail" will be a burled relic, perhaps a curio la museums. Chattering groups of ce lestials stand on the corners la China town aad discuss tho possibility of the enforcement of tho new Imperial man date which will compel them to doS the braided and glossy string of hair. Local Chinese papers have It that ths new order Is being considered seriously by the Chinese government and that be fore long, queues will not be worn. The emperor hss decided that his subjects would look mora civilised wit host tho "plfftsIL" Groat excitement prevails in Chinese quarters, and much protest is already raised against tha proposed or- aer. UPTON GIVES L'P . INTENT TQ CHALLENGE , 'ml t -:?''.: 'J . ". ' :- ' (fearsai Special ssrvtoe.! 'V' ' . Glasgow. Oct. IT. It Is learned that 8!r Thomas Llptoa, having failed to find a designer for a new challenger for America's cup, has abandoned tha Idea of making a . challenge this year. He will aow encourage yacht racing la boms waters. It w said that this decision was ad. reeonea mnm u me prominent assign ors hsd been spprosohed, and that It was with much reluctance that Blr Thomas abandoned for the present his cherished idea of vanquishing the Amer ican ysehtsmea, ( ., RAMON CORRAL AT THE ST; LOUIS FAIR f Joeraat seeUl fisrvbe.) ' ' Kansas, City. Oat 17. Ramos Corral, viae president of tha rbpubilo of Mex ico, and party arrived thia morning from fit. Louis and will be entertained by the Commercial - dub and clt leans todsy. They will be guests of honor at ths horse show tonight. . Prom hers the party will go ta Baa ITanolaoa, . . . WW IlliklllaUtlllill OCTOBER 17 1904. So 1 " 1 - 'i - 1 ' .4,-, who bincr hib acckflsion to xjbbral than bis prbdocbs- MINISTER DINES AT COURT AND DIES Rumors That Prince Nicholas Poisoned HIB Promptly Vet by Order for -a Past-Morten Examination. ' (Jeeraal Sparta ServW.1 ' 4 Vienna, Oct. 17. Montenegro Is slmost in a state of revolution over the death, presumably by foul mesne, of the Montenegraa minister of Justice, M. Sohaulleh. Schautleh died Immediately after re turning from a state dinner In the palace, wherein be waa given special attention by Prince Nicholas. His death waa ap parently due to poisoning sa hs suffered very outward evidence and symptom of such Illness. Tha news of these tatter facta be came public and created one of tha greatest periods ox unrest that has marked ths criticism. of tha prase dl 4 mlnlstfatlon. Bo ugly are these rumors that the name of Prince Nicholas Is freely implicated and accusation la some places has openly taken ths plaos of In sinuation. The prince today, for ths first time. took cognisance of ths stories afloat and at once ordered Schnulloh's body removed from the vault wherein It waa laid, and a post-mortem examination to be conducted. Sohaulleh wss ths leader of tha re formers, had been tha greatest political antagonist of Prince Nicholas and had made plans for even more drastic legis lation for national economies, which hs wss oa ths eve of promulgating. It Is reported that Mrs. Bchaulich re fused to permit the courier bearing the oondolonoes of Prince Nicholas to enter her home and sent back ths prince! per sons! massage unopsneo. PARKER WILL MAKE VISIT TO NEW YORK (peonl PtoMtah to Tea JearsaL) Kaopus, Oct. 17. There were no vis itors t Rose mount today. Parker went horseback riding this morning. Hs will leave for New York tomorrow aad re main until Thursday afternoon. No special significance la attached to the visit, more than a desire ta be In closer touch with tha leaders. , omowva sura ratxb. Pasty Beavsa oa Bpeclal ' OharlesSoa. (Jesrsal Special Serrlea.) ' Huntington. W. Va Oct. 17. Vtoe- Presldentlsl nominee Davis and party left this morning on a special train for Charleston. , Speeches were made at Bsrbersvllle, Milton . and Hurricane. Lsrgs crowds wsre present at all ths sta tions en route, and much applause and enthusiasm greeted tha arrival of the apeolal train. The oharsotartstta remarks of Davis created a most favorable impression with tha bearera of -both parties. ... i i iW ' ' TKOygAJTVB mHkrT SATIS. ' (fteertei Dtopttch to Tbe JearsaL) ' . Char lee ton, W. Va., Oct., 17. Tea thousand fanners, miners and towns people listened ta Nominee Davis and Senator Daniel at aa outdoor meeting here this ' afternoon. That ths uttsr enees of Davis are making many frlende -for the' party la tho opinion of many whe listened to his talk today. MBATIUf r XUntOXS BAPTISTS. rjesrsel Bpeslal SWvlss.1 ' Springfield, III., Oct. 17. nirnofs Baptists have rallledhere ta fores for ths sixtieth annual session of tho Bap tist General aasoelstlon of ths state. Ths meeting spans In tbe Central Bap tist church thia evening with sa address of welcome by Judge J. Otis Humphrey, as be followed by the annusl sermon, which will be delivered by Rev. George H. Simmons. O. D... of Peoria. The ses sions of ths sonvantloa wlU continue until Pride r. . ax- ni arousa IJnsraal tseetsl Svrvlee.) ' Boston. Mass., Oct. 17. Kvery seal In ths Tremont theatre has been sold for the opening tonight of Henry W. Bar ege's production of "Parsifal." ft will be the first time the opera haa ever been produced In English. Among ths noted foreign stars Included among lbs company of ncsrly to sinners are Mme. Klrkhr Lunn, Johannes Biachoff, Prans Kgenleff, Una Ha ona Mara, aad Chris tian Da Voss. Mil d ii n ii el . II Bl FOOLED BY raoNS Chicago's First United Presbyterian Congre gation in Uproar. APOSTLE BUYS CHURCH Two Kemaeri Purchase Property and Transfer tt !a Joseph Smith flbo Hal Been Barred ' f Fraffl BMdlnt (learaal Special berries. Belt Lake. Oxt 17. President Joseph P. Smith, sa trustee, la trust for tha Mormoa church haa received deeds for the Pi rat United Presbyterlaa church building, situated at Monroe and Pau lina streets, Chicago. Tha property was for sals and when ths Mormons attempted to purchase It ths members of ths church bald a meet ing and overwhelmingly voted not to sell to ths Mormons at any price. . Finally twa members of ths Presby terlaa ooegregatlos secretly bought la ths property aad transferred tha title to the Mormons. Ths building will be used ss a Mormoa mission headquarters. Very little Is known as to what tha outcome of tha aotlen oa ths part of ths two members who secretly outwitted ths majority of their brothers and sisters wlU result In. So far aa creating dis cord la ths otherwise spparently harmo nious conditions that havs previously prevailed In ths church Just purchased by ths Latter Day Saints, It certainly haa been a eueoesa. Msny expressions of opinion have been made. Ons of ths leading members of ths flock that havs In tha past regularly congregated for worship at this particular church, makes the statement that. In the light of recent non of Utah relative to the traAo la politics of that staWf it would hs no surprise to learn that these tws men were hired and paid to betray their fel low members from a sense of personal benefit entirely, and that they ought from this time forward ta be shunned by every member sf ths congregation. This expression of opinion Is universal and although It la now too late to help the matter, many conferences among members especially of tho women's aux iliary havs been held. Bo far aa knowa thess havs "resulted In nothing mors than scathing dsnunolatloa of tha be trayers of their trust. PRINCESS DIES WITH HER CHILD - aeessal Special Serrlea.) Madrid, Oct. 17. Princess Marie Mercedes, -sister of King Alfonso. Is dead. She gave birth today to a daugh ter, who la slso dead. Donna Marls waa 24 years old and ths wlfs of Prince Carlos of Bourbon. She waa the belr sppsrsnt, which title now reverts to her sister, ths Infanta Theresa, whose) .approaching marriage will hs deferred la oaasequence of her sister's death. SALT LAKE STUDENTS . ENGAGE IN RIOT ' (Jeeraal special terrto.) - i Bait Lake. Oct. IT. Students at tha university this morning. In celebration of their victory over the Montana uni versity football team Saturday, indulged la a stampede. Ths faculty endeavored to quell their enthusiasm when ths students broke down ths class room doors and compelled the professors to march with thsm around ths camp. Tha prooasdinas ended ta a small riot. v ISperlel. Dispatch w The Joeraakl Corvallia, Or Oct. 17. Albert Lyrtls of Philomath, aged It. who. was stabbed la ths byearfL the blsds entering the pleural cavl, -Friday evening, la still alive. Physicians aca uaoertaia an to the result. Georgs Avery, who did the cutting. Is member of ana of ths Old est and wealthiest CorvalUa families. . WIRELESS 'PHONE h i IS NOW POSSIBLE (Jerrail Sseetel Berries.) Great Bsrrlngton, Mass.. Oct 11. Stephen Dudley Field, speaking of hla new Invention, the "amplifier," which Is designed to facilitate telegraphy, especi ally wireless and cable, declares by It that tbe speed of ocean cabling oaa be doubled and ths radius of action made unlimited, and that wireless telegraphy may be at ones brought ta a commercial practicability. "I can hardly prophesy my amplifier will revolutionise electrical message transmission." hs continued. "but It certainly will bring all the pres ent known methods of perfection Into greater use. For Instance, it will make it almost as eesy to seed a message from London to Shanghai, a distance of 10,- 0i0 w- lee. aa to send II 10 miles. aww. - -r. with a system ef wire i i. tmaeed on three ji 11 ae, ww. THXY EJUNG RTSULTS PRICE FIVE CENTS. J, E. Bennett May' t red U. S. Bunding for 1905 Fair. FAILED TO SEND CHECK Nevertheless Hay Get tbe Contract Four Offers Hade, Three ny Part land FImB, One by Oakland, :; California, Company ;' (Wamtsgtoa Pereas af The Jeeraal I Waablngtoa, Oct. 17. Blda were open ed this morning In ths offloe of tha supervising archltoot of the treasury department for the construction of gov ernment building st ths Lewis aad Clark exposition In Portland. - Only ons submitted aa estimate within ths appropriation of a quarter of a mil lion dollars, and that was tha ons of J. M. Bennnett of Portland, who omitted to accompany his bid with ths required ftertlnod check. His bid was 16.4.I. Ths next highest bidder was ths Bur rail Construction company of Oakland... CaL 1 That company a bid was 2te,71. If upon Investigation it Is shown that Bennett Is Anaaclejly abls to carry out his bid ha wlU probably get the oo tract. , " Ths following bids were submitted: Robert Wakefield. Portland. S2SS.0SS. Burrell Construction company, Oak land. CaL. t I6.H. Goldls Break, Portland. SMMSS. J. B. Bennett. Portland, 121,48. Mr. Bennett declared this afternoon that a mistake must havs been made at ' the office la Washington, when the bids were opened. He enclosed s certified check, be said, wblch wss fastened with a pla ta ths bid. The check, waa some thing mors than tC.eOS, it was S per seot'o,-sje , amonaiv oaV -Mta-hM, - n quired, Ths government ooatnlct win tncloda ths erection of Ave separata buildings. There will be the mala government building, tbe territorial building, tha fisheries building, the forestry and Irri gation bulldtngs combined, and ths Ufa station. Ths contract will also cove tbe expense of constructing tho sunken gardens and ths landlnga for tha Ufa and fishery stations. 1 enclosed a certified check for soma thing over SS.00 with ths bid I sub mitted," said Mr. Bennett this after noon. The check was pinned to my bid. 1 don't remember the sxsct amount, but It was S per cent of tha amount of tbe bid, ss wss provided." , la Portland. Mr. Bennett Is rated aa thoroughly respoaslbla la all financial matters In view of this statement there la very little doubt that Mr. Bennett will secure the contract. Ths award ta expected to Ibe mads within a few days aad Mr. Bennett has mads arrangements to oon meaoa work at once. . OREGON ELEVEN i ROYALLY TREATED ' (Svertel Mesa to a The leenal.) CorvalllaOr., Oct. 17. The O. As Ct, football team returned from Seattle to day aad waa greeted st ths station by several hundred persons and a baad. At great demonstration waa made. Thai crowd marched to the Hotel CorvalUa. where speeches wars mads la the street by Coach Stockley, Captain Ptlklngtoai and others. Tbe enthuslaem has neveg before been equaled k CorvaHts. , - Ooersel Beeewl aetvtae.l Mew Tork. Oct. 17. Fire Chief Crokftg Is entertaining IS members of the vob unteer fire department of Ban Francises and six members of ths regular ddbart ment who are on a tour of Inspection They will witness exhibition drills, make a trip of the subway and attend! numerous receptions. ISaeaal Presets ta fas Jeeraal.) " Sherman, Wash., Oct. 17. O. C Hour; a pioneer of the Big Bend country, died of a combined attack of pneumonia and typhoid fever In Spokane Friday, aged SS. Ms had - lived near here 1 yeara He leaves a widow and chudren. the same as ona, one hundred thoosandfTt ampere as with ons one thousand! b am pere current. 1 have sent, by means of the amplifier) messages ihrouch a re slatancs, coll eo strong ss to take two seconds Is transmit ths signals, at Iho rate of SS words a minute. Ths A I Unite cable resistance anuses but s seeone second snd a half or three auerters In termission end ths highest speed Is frota IS ts 17 words a sjlnu'e. "I believe It Is tertetiy p-'-"e V by the use of an Improved - will be able to taifc erota . Over the telephone." The am pi i t m " " mlcrnecoue l r variation U current ee co1 r I' - PORTLAND BIDJJWEST