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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
wrtxt 7ZXT J" XTJINa OCTOBER U IM , w.c.T.o.i:::LD STATE OiiiTP I B CIS tOASTEi ho hart a Iittk money to invest bib constant and cartful radoTg of tne peal estate advertUcrnenta. If ou would havw .them bur of jrou see that your ads. art) prepared to attain, that end. Se alao that you keep your name and what you bbvw tft offer ever before them. There art) 16,000 Journal VJ) -..1 .1 ' ( f -' aam Z iWeramember that v ' ' ;-r v - -v- '"'-T- f i PSOPLR . .. ; . fttBTBAJTB MUM OMVAVf -, m wo tut m mi bo !.V , ,f -.. . ' . " . tnu ovur momnxt mfmmm or m mTwamsmtm ' mmranm i . it Tha Portland Asiatic eorapany lata yeaterday afternoon ohaxtered ths Brit - tea eteamsbJp KUerta to carry Osage, sroduetg to far ssabam port Ths r , la sow 1a oriental waters and to expected to roach atojt, Japan, tonight . A fur eoalfng than aha will sail' direst ; lor Portland, and la expected to reach hero not later than November t, aha Will eonw light, - - ' ' The stsemer will be provided with ft wheat and flour cargo which aha will ' carry to Chtneae and Japanese porta , She hae a dead weight carrying oapaolty i" at a trine mora than 1,000 tone. About two years ago the veeaal loaded govsra ' meet lumber at Portland for Manila, and Captain McLsod, her eoanmaltder, la well-known hare. He has been master , af the stsamer for the past five years, I and during that thna haa visited all the leading aorta In the work. Hla sraft -la one of the beat known tramps that ir 1 baa been shattered recently to oome to the Facias coast. She la of M?o arose . reaiatered tone and LtSi tone net Her : length 1 12 teat, width feet and , 'deptfe at bald 1T.I feet, The weal la ; awaed by Andrew Wat? Ca'OeMgow, . Scotland. for the peat weak negotiations have . been la progreoe by the offlotala Of the v Portland A Aemtlo company to ohar l tor the taamshlp Clavsrlng to load, at Portland for the far east, but word wae ? received la at svsnlng that the awnera had arrived at deoteloa to nae tht .' freighter themselves. She la owned by the China Commercial Steamship eom " very meter telly reduced. , She is now en route , from Hongkong to . aaltaa -. Crua. . - , ' One day behind her schedule time the ' , oriental liner. Aragonla arrived off the 'J; tnouilr-of the river yeaterday afternoon. ' Bhsj la bringing a full cargo of far oast- ana products. Arrangements will be made to give the eteamer Quick dls- . patch. Aa 'the Aragonla. la supposed to r be the faataat freighter af the fleet un der charter to the meal com party It la : the general belief that aha rnu at have ' encountered aome very heavy weather oa -J1 her trip acroaa the Pacific. All af bar are re for the outward voyage baa aeea . engaged Is advance. r . BOWB Of BOBOA, Pasta fa Bates af M Boas Tarn 16 a aaa 1 ' For yearn Captain N. H. Nelson, sonv mender of the American schooner Hoo '. olutu. now In the barbar, bad been ooo- - . ( mother whs lived la far away Norway. , During the peat year he spent his hard ' . earned aavlnga to build a hoaee for her 'V. In Sea Francleco la, order that aha mlgrht '", knjnul Ha HHiliulu a lua atawa In : 1 peace and earn fort. Laat aummer ne sent ror nor ana -r- eieamaeip norga wnicp siroca a reex oi , J 'rooka a few daya later and sank off the ' eMat of BV-oM.nL Bis hundred ami 4 , twenty people want ts their- death and emoag them the agd mother whs was when ah would mgain meet bar boot : . whom aha had not aeon for more than yeara. - - . ' There were only 7S Uvea saved from ' t, the, wreck 'tha Norga, Twenty mlo- - naatb the wavea. A latter was bant by . the ownera of the vessel to Captain Nel son, which ha received a abort time ago, stating- that bis mother .wad among thoaa who wars drowned. It was a brief sons Ufa which all tha sunalne will be Impotent to remove. " The Honolulu is under charter to load - 'S ker ballast la dlaohargad aha trill shift .(' ua to the mill to beaia raoalvlng eargo. 1. it uMaasta ( fha anliMmaf will V take out In tha neighborhood of l,S0t.90 v"" feet Tha vaaaat la spick and span from ' v hjeo aaiaoa , t ,;. , ; :,' i WtsftV S BtoSttS , - - After rapplOaT amea Kaae over me hactt with a quart bottle and altnuot i fracturing hla skull. Ran Harvey made ' hla escape from the steamer Ballsy Oat sort at Vaneouvar Friday morning and ia . detocttvss are now looking for him. Aa yet they have failed to locate the fugi tive, Kane has a bad aoalp wound, but It IS earn tnai no win soon recover. , Both men were employed tn tha gallair v of tha Oatsert. Aa the- steamer waK ' nouns up tne river on ner laun irip tne cook a got Into a auarraL How it orig inated or what It waa about no arte s r ' appears to know. Suddenly those stand ing in tha vicinity of tha tdtchen were startled bp a souffle and laud talk. All ... at ones a neavr diow was sruo ana , ,. Kne feU aa though dead. , . v. ' - The boat waa seating Vancouver ait the time. Aa eooa aa a landing waa ef- t feoted Harvey ran down the gang plank TRBATMgrVT Of PIIJBA A, V in man i af Oars tbs wraa Was, ' Marry so-oatled ptla ramedtes Will af ford tha user slight temporary relief, and the 'majority of thoaa afflicted do not expect mora than this, Tha average sufferer, after having tried every preparation recommended for tha cure of piles, comes to tha conclu sion that there la no on re except by aa operetta, and rather than undergo this "last reeert" he suffers on, resigned to tha situation, so far as may be. Tha at tention of thoaa Interested la Invited to the following experience: ; - - ' "After ten years of Offering from blind, bleeding and protruding piles, and after using svsry remedy I could hear of without any benefit, I finally bought S fifty oeat box of Pyramid PHe Curs, and nsed It with suob good results t bought next dollar boa, which dn Ished up the Job, That was nearly alx years ago, and as far as piles la eon strned I am eared, and have never felt a symptom of them since. "Many others have saed tfrts -remedy by my advice, with the same results, snd I alwaya recommend It to sufferers with pUea." C H. Potts, Burltagtan, Kens. " Testimony libs this should onnvlace tha most skeptical the Pyramid Pile -Cure not only ceres, but suras to atay sured. It Is In the form of a supposi tory, ess be applied Is tbs privacy of the koene, alreeup to the parts afflicted, and does Its work quickly and painlessly. Pruggutts generally sell Ibis famous remedy for fifty scats a package and sufferers are srgad to buy a paokaa- now and give it a trial tonight. Aooept aa substitutes. A little hook describing tha senses and dura of piles Is published by the pyra mid Drug Co.. Marshall, Mich., and ana will be seat frea to any sodresa Car tbs .Tbs twenty seeond ahnual stats eoa venrlon of the Womaa'a Chrlatlaa Tern peranoa union meets Monday . evening, this -week. In the Cumberland Presby terian church, Kest Twelfth and Taylor streets. This will be a memorial meet ing for s number af old workers, Mrs 8. McKuna, who was tha first superin tendent of Juvenile work; Mrs. B. M. Ksrn, who for many years was the Bast Portland leader and state recording sec retary; Mrs. Jans Blair, a long Um tha leader of tha purity work.' Tuesday evening, tha welcome sight, the Woman's club, the suffrage associa tion, the church" and the county W. C. T. U. will all voice words of , welcome. Wedneatay Is platform night and a num ber of stirring IS-mlnute speeches in terspersed with good music will make sn Interesting program. .Thursday evan Ing the early part of tha program wfll bo devoted to the shlldsea and will bo followed by the Y. W. C. T. V. Friday sveninB there will be a grand gold medal coatee. Contestants muat all have won prevloualy -the Oliver and gold medals and they will represent all parts of the state. Mrs. L. H. Huribort Bdwsrds will have charge of ths musts throughout the con vention. The oar sessions will he do voted to general business, including re ports for future work. A general of ftoors' meeting wUt be held Tuesday morning, general officers' meeting with the county president at S p. nv, and d full executive et l:M p. m. Tha chairmen of tha committees on arrangemeata locally - are: General chairman, Mrs. LuclA H. F. Addlton; entertainment, Mrs. Jans M. Donaldsos; reoeptlon, Mrs. B. U Lane; deooraUon. Mrs. Lulu Hornung; badgss, eta. Miss F. E. OotshaU; postofnes, Mrs. Dals Bartrocha; hinehea. Mrs. Moldenhaner: literature, Mrs. McFarland. , -Anyone In the dty expeetlng friends, among: the delegates and desirous of en tertaining them, are requested to notify Mrs. Donaldson. - ' -f.T'Bi r"ff i ' " " 1 " ' ' and mads his escape. Tha Injured man was left at Vancouver. Too polios of Portland wars sotlsad f tha oaour renoe, ' hseatisa detectives met tha steamer as ana puUed Into her dock teat UM. .. ... JPJst rna lalKnA ear tha1 montlf of the Willamette river, will as a busy scene of government operations for tha next two months. A revetment l.iOft feet In length ts to be built Tha first load of rock for the improvement' waa seuvsroa yeaterday afternoon. Tha stons waa nmouMa at t Ftaher tandina- anamr. A large fores of men began yesterday to put them in Pacs, ana otneru mrm slaslng the brush of ths taUnd for rip rapping pjirpoass. -J- ! tha .ma vIHbMv ths MethlomB -will begin tha work of pulling snags out or the river, xowrag ma aipper ar-usv Mm ft aha arrtvaA tfi the harhOT VSSteTdaV from points o tbs upper WUlaattetta Ths latter will go Ue wtntev ejuariers at tha govemnMat snesrtngs 01)908118 L Johns. Taatarday she was smployed at widening ths ehaaaer at Claoksmaa mdMl attiM tha rains will soon set Is i ia aaia that tha nhannsl of the Willam ette will need so furtbst attsatloa iiatu WartnMlita ITnnSaW the bsrSBS Of OlB Oregon Bound Lumber company will bo nraaaad inta aarvIoB trensoortlns sand and gravel to Fort Canby, , near , the mouth of the Columbia river, to os nsea in ths government fortlficstlona. Tha sand will be procured at .fisher's land lag. The company has also been awarded a contract for taking .0v barrala of oeraent to tha sbbm place. " Measurements taken yeaterday by B. p. Barnes, deputy collector of customs, show that the ateamer City of Eugene, since her anlargemsnt, la 141 feet long, 37. ft fset acroaa the beam and . feet deep, 0he is ? tons gross register and IIS tons net. With IMS barrels or nowr, worth aas aaa. ana 11 JIT hushetB or whsat valued at M?. tha British ship Hart- field cleared yeeteraay arearnoou xor QuosnstowB or Falmouth far order , VTaAa tha MM BUUlk ttt the FlMlCh hark Crlllon the captain endeavored to comply wUh tha dty ordinance oy piao lng netting or canvas one yard - In width. - It was no wider than tha plank and Harbormaster Ben Blglln waa pus sled to know how that would prove any protection to a person is case he should fall overboard. Ha told ths captain of hla smioluslons and Informed him to re place the narrow oaavaa with one meas uring at least It feet wide. The skip par agreed t attend to the matter at once, etnoe tha net order went Into effect mors than six months ago there has not been a serious accident reported resulting from boarding or going sahors from tbs shins In tha harbor. rTfw-aaTsa OZB At FOBTsMtWTst Ts save ths necessity Of bar oomtnt up ts Portland Barrels 01 ruei ou will be discharged from the bsrkentlne .MM rhinh ta Iviaa at Portsmouth. 1nte the barge Bonanaa and In tow of the steamer Qlanola it wiu oa srwoa-m w the gas dock hero. - Ti VuiUptoa reached Portsmouth yes terday moral sg form tha Bay City with a full cargo of fuel oil for the Union Oil company. Jt la reported that the waaaal aul. a BdaVAntful tTTB UO 'tha coast, the strong southeast wind of tbs past few days proving a great aeip w her,. - ,,-' 1 . -Astorbx Oct. . Arrtved at TiM a. Sft, schooner Irene, from Baa Dtego. Arrived down at UO a. ov achoonsr aV t. 'Aleaander. . Left up at It a. sw, schooDer Xthel Bane. aaiiaA at l-ia a. m . aehoone Joasnk Buss and Vlrgtnm. for Van Franctseo. Outsld at ft p. ra.. oerman steamer Aragonla, , from Hongkong snd way ports. Ban Francmco. Oct 11 Balled last sight, steamer Badondo, for Portland. Balled at It s, ov. steamer Iaqua. Ibr Portland. ' ' . Sanaa. British ship Durbrtdga, tor Portland: . , 1 ' . 1 a . Wlfaflere's sn article la tbs paper tailing how to foraeaat the weather. ' Husband Is It by soma ana eon nee ted with too government weather bureau? Wife No. HuatondTbesi read tt J v ' v i-.-v. A few, ; - . St. Johns goxioo 51 50 SSwOO Dovirnv y 9BJOO a Month T Free Street Car Tickets a Hartnh, Thompson & Powers a Charntbtpof Com a IS bv lftt ft k u-u u, Unvt Knnh HI 11. One of the best locations In city. tt.SOt; ham oaaK. balance on or before three years at i per bent AT arrtTaBT FaJtBL ft-room cottage, modern, full ossjsnt by , osment sidewalks, complete. tMOt; lftt cash, belanoe lit per month. OBB OS ra OUPBBV and best es tablished wholesale and retail paper and paint houses In city for sals. SfcknesiL causa for soilluav For part km la re call ea ., , v ' Baker Real EstateCo. W ABB OFFBBTNO BTTHBB OR A1L THBBB OF THOBB BBW AND BtatSOAKT PWBtiLIKOa SITUATSD OK TUB aoOTHWBBT OOBNBB OF viiT itxTBSNTH . AMD BTAJEtK I BTRHIJTS, FOR SAIaB AT VEBt WW FXQuRBS. -j' , ParristWatkinsutCo. ABARQAIN 100x100 on soathsreet corner X. ; 15th and E Burnside streeta - r PRICE. ONLY $2800 V Phone Vales lftl BSft at Bumaids St. A NEW PUZZLE Kit S AND TWO ANSWERS . : ': . ... awt.i r r.t tt-JT aa SMItor of The Journal Please have yew bril liant mathematicians from tha sallying country solvs this egg1 probleaa, seeing the, Success tney nsa wim nm ooitm deal. Tour Tamhill and other rural oor respondoBts are sspeoiaUy recueeted to com pet a In this problem thero wars no agga tnUa .kmkin MP Mu-kalbV OatB. tatS . h..aua, HalnM anS alt BasM must bS aoeOMnted for. Tha problem: j Three egg aeaisrs went to ine a .ik is Mik H with SO dossaL O with it dossn. Bach dealer sold at the same price and each one raseivsa uw amount or money. ,, ; INTBRBSTED BUBWUlUBSiK. ;' ' ' h rha OlumbBB bwoMbbb.' ' "f rKIwwta Waati Oct. tt.--tC tbS Bdl- tnm nt Tha Journal The BMWSr to TOUT half d ehloken problem la seven chickens. To A tbs owner sets snras ana a asii chickens snd gave away oae-hslf a AkickM n the owner aaM ana and a half chickens and gave away ana-half a chicken: to C the owner bom ane-neii a chicken and save swap one-half a chicken. Give oa some mora but a Htus mora diAoulk . . v , A, BUBTOH. Artlaiu Or.. Oct. 11 TO tha Bdl- tor of The Journal Ths problem of ths man and tha squirrel ts parallel to the proDiem, awes a point on in nrewa ferenos sf s wheel (axis turning) ra- Toiva that Is "go around" about tne osMer oC ths axial . ' - - . . - , Tha sol nt ion Is simpis. rut. win give a good si sen-cut definition of the nhraea "soma around." 1 -think anyone will bo able to answer the pu axle. If the definition is to inciuas max a aaa all aMaa At tha art lftl a m ao imm amunA U than the sman did BOt "so aronnd" the aqulrrei. But if ths phrase going giwuner masse simpiy s oswircte it. as I think It should, then the snaa did BOt go around the squirrel- - v. a. v, vs. ' On Oetoher IT. M snd It the Northern Pacific will glvs you one mors snd the last opportunity to purchase lew rate excurstoa tickets to the world's fair at St. Louts and to other points east. All excursion tickets will be good on the North Coaat Limited trains aa well ss on either of tha other overland trains, Through ameperfl will be run to St. Loula Call at the ticket office, ttl Morrison street, corner of Third for full particulars ar write A. IX Charlton, A 0V F. A- Portland, or, ' Investors Attention f FOR. SALE FARMS Ws call especial attention to tbs fol lowing properties taken from our list of several hundred farm a Some of these win not be offered sgala at the reduced prises: ate atorss aear Jf oTlala, riacksmas oouatir. Or.: 1st n lowed, with 11 Is ; ond barn 14x60, and other eutpuiia-. Uifs; wall watered ana xeaoea. riwm 921 per sere. - 844 Acres, fn same locality; ft plowed ; 14t choice stump pasture, balance In Eood timber; running water piped Into ouss: rich soil: good 7-room house and l-room houas; I good barns; on good road, nsar school, church and stores. Price Sis par acre. BOO Acres, same county: SI plowed; ITt 8ne rich bottom; running water; good ouss. new barn; near school, church and stores. Price to November L til to per aero ti.oot or mors dowa, balance at t per oent. US Ass ss. It miles east of city and sa good road all the way: purchased a year ago for lft,000. Is now offered with stock and farming implements , for only I It. 000. if sold at once. Rea son for sailing, sickness, , Call -or write for full partlculara. SS Acres, near Shattuck Station, with T eleared; 2,00ft cords of wood oa bal ance; fenoed; I acres orchard; rich sell; well located, for It, 160 If sold this month oash i,ttt, balaaca at I per seat. SBS Asrsa, near Bstaeada, watha O, W. P. Ry.; It plowed, balanoa timber and brush; rlen soil; running water; on two nubile roads; nsar two sawvilw, school, church and stores. , Price 14, - tot U sold this month. ( , v City Properties" 1 We have a large llat of well located and reasonably priced city properties, and In aid of purchase are willing to lend It par cent of the selling value at low "rate of Interest, thus exemplifying our faith in our offerings aa wall as asslattn' purchasers to secure them. I We also have choice building sites and ean likewise lend money to aid In build ing thereon. Intending purchssera will do well to tnveetlgats our oaTorlnaTB be fore .making purchases. M ., lans 1 Ws are preps red to make leans on well located nronertlss at ft and f ner xant Interest Thoae in need of money sbouirinveslTgsts ourttrmC bA ws take chargs eg estates, aouoot rents, sell properties, fursiah substan tial invastmaato, sts. , . v . The Shaw-Fear Co. ; v A flns. St-bsrs traaa on Powell allay road 1 sftUea frosa alty, Beasonablo terms, A anas, v .',( ' - SMOO ' f Che lea Quarter bleak Id Bxwtharnas First addition. Terms. 14300 Ftno eotible house near stoat bridge; pay II par otM) kwoss SSW Sad strlotly Bsodstm, v ,-.. v v ek.250 Ftne bonding lot tn Mokflllaa sSdltna: s medsl lot for building parpossa. , , SI.250 v Choice bwtlding lot sa Vanoosver ave nue, nsar Broadway; htsTh, sightly sad lave. . . . S500 4 ;'' Chows euartor block on Grand avsnae, near B, Burnslds. strset; three oussa; vBa.a5o'V The finest quarter block Ik Hotladayt addition; Investigate. $1600 'Fins hustaaaa btook stoss 1st pays It per osat. . JOHN P. SHARKEY Block 200x200 f Suitable tor Ware house or Manu i factoring Purposes Railroad Along Side V Price and Terms ) y;;, on Application Cross & Shaw f t REAL ESTATE V' BROKERS v r 233 Washington Street A Modern Home See tha mwt modern 11-roorn house we have for sale on the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Bast Taylor streeta. It can be bought on small payment down; balance) easy monthly pay ments. ' . ' ; . W. H. MALL & CO. S8S E. Burnside, Barirhard Bldg. Special Bargains tuuiaaa mI-1a1 ih, fair f rounds; rental 111 per month, for i (AA Tnv.illMti (Ml FTjrs ftbaawxe-mo"B m rooms. rinse in. ciwnns taw a avaia, n only iMtt. XavBTT FABnmT WOSrw, at rooms. Sas looaUoa and business, for ,. Tfcs Sh:v-r::r Co. stsar. iium in sroou oonauiun iw s per, bnlanoe good atump pasture; Hob sol); fine hophouae, coat ll.OOO; new -mom hmtaa- ham ISA faat lona: SCO- r vwv Tha most picturesque f f- rjttened for settlement. ', V On tha way out you win has lurelwoed, where over $2,000 per :-,,v month Is being saved to forrner renters. You will alao aaa all along tha way tha moat rapidly 5 ' r 1 :' i ....... ." . . a J Vvalwrtls tfui - ' '-' a u.. iLua. " . It is tha heart af best home district and hundrede of the beet of peopla ; sx all around you. Orocery atorea, telephones, city water,, street cars, ev A ery convenience of the city and comfort of the country. ' - v V. .j : BEAR IN MIND, YOU WILL NEVER GET ANOTHER .SUCH . r rHANPR NR1THER IN PRICE. TERMS. NOR LOCATION. AND ' ' ".. "Mil? rTJTJ A XX 117TT THE CREAM WILL BE TAKEN TODAY. ; , , If you coma, lieva when you see . tmur ltmtbsr snd etoo All lota have "street. Mtcott car, :x r Room 203 raiog To Ui Come the Wise, Wm Always Get the lest lays. ; Mtt Rsoh. extraordlsary Una lota oo Bpokans avenue, wlthlA I uook of aleetrlo eara. 4a Beautiful acre lot; ooy t-room , cottage: nice barn: choice fruit; 1 I block a stat km; Clackamas, tltt Beautiful lot, fruit, shrubbery . and garden; neat oottage, ooay . . home ea Bast JBlchth at, soar railing. IfltS An excellent 41 -acre farm: good 4 buildings, living water: rich soil; anod rnaJa: t mtlaS Otencoe. tlltt Chsrmlns B-room ootUge home; it lsrars inrn ireesL en 11444 tVill lets on UrastOls svo: ovor is Doanng iruji irw; luwu tha hart kn In Bsllwood. ltlt A beautiful II -acre place; cosy CO lies. gOOO oarn, puur-nuuM and other buildings; miaulss waix sieccnc car. tlMt Modern l-room cMtager t lota; very cnoiceai ranrif inm, -lies and roses; chtckea park 'and MM.Hr n. Paninaalar avenue. $1444 For a grand home on Orand are. BS HOIiaaSJr S Aliainun, imotm, gtrlcUy modsrn. A regular dream. The Dunn-Latvrcncc Co. 144 SPECIAL BARGAIN cJModcrji i 9-Room House ? ; ' ; 575 Main Street corner Nartflla, lot 43x75 feet, ; ( good residence location. WAKEFIELD, FRIES Cos CO. 7 Hwnebuilucri and Speculators ,. . , Your Atteotioal ro not fail to carefully examine WABBTUV FABB property. It Is lo- Lhs most signtiy taois isnu oe- , rltrara and on 'both car UnrS. No ouestlon-Wlnut Parh will become tha most valuable resldant property In the alty of Portlsnd. Prlcs most lib eral. Terms oash;, monthly or suar tsrly psymenta. Do yoarseir a hlndness by celling sr sending for WAINIIT PARK maps, n kukwrer. I havs many mora choice bargains la ForUaad property. We M. KILLINQSWORTH Sleal Bstats Peel sr. he of ooai $52.50 Per Acre For 1ST acres. h Clarke eounty. Wssh- tfx, 1 miles Trom uoiumow nrr; ,wm in (.ittiivaiton: ,rarv aood 4- Mnn house, barn: flns srhsnfl; 17 acres flnest timber, eMugh to par for the whole place: ecnnoi eiose oy; larae c tory near by; I heress. rows, crop and machinery, end all Included. This la a Una place sad vary big bargain. Cbavrlwson (XV Staub -room cottsgv on 0d s nnrth. near tn a a esra; a v-y nk-e 1 vnu wbjk a sheas bums at a bat F. W, TORQLin, iss sneneea arwS aigntiy tract Of au too mu . , ,m v - 1 growing suburban district anywnere arouna rocuMaa. , .. . i : $3.00 Down and $3.00 ' -,. - , ' . snlntlriBi af tha rent nroblem . for V.wara t7H ins swill rlnuhlsi T XtV TiVPM TftflAV youll buy. We know it, because we for yourself. Dont wait a minute. vour rent DtlL ? . - v alleys and water maina.' Thirty ac tai-ei Ageiil on ground Wdo. y t , v I Have Got a Pew BargBina to - Offer: . , I have got two 5-room cottages ready for sale, one fSOO and tha other f 1,500. -., I will build a w-room cottage on a vOx 100-foot lot for f40O. I have a nice l-acra tract, three blocks from car line, with a large house and barn, all kinds of fruit trees and berriea, for f 2,000; good home or will do to plat. SPECIAL For cash, new ft room bouse, all complete, large fruit trees, all for f 800; it la worth $1,500. v - I have two good building lota for $125 each. Call at NASHVILLE station, on tha lit Scott car line. - Office in tha white house at tha atation. - ' W.L MORGAN, 513 McKay Bldg atts Large lot at Moudt Tabor, closj lO ear UU, mayutua ftmvw aw. - boms, ... . - atsa Quarter bloMr at Ookley Orpea. with barn and fruit; will lend money to MllM ana sen on easy payment. SSI III) TTilf cash, a well - built, sew. thoroucmy noarm t-roo aoun. wim, hall and bath: handsome oah mantaL with large mirror; sttusted on Wt Side, on ltth sta betweea Jeflbrsoa aad Colombia. W.LM0R0AN, 513 McKay Bldfl ; St Johns PwUpk Ffna new sottasas aosff Woolen Wllle and car Una, for sals ahsa ar una. Mr aais ensath sa sasiaii- masts plan. One with rlth I lots...,. ..,.S1,( rlth 1 t-l lots...., fi.t with 1 full lot sach S One with 1 1-1 lots...., tl.oso three with 1 full lot each S sos Ths Wools Bun will bo m operatlun aor.n and t to loo now nouses will sa needed w SL Johns. ; CHIPMAN & KINO - eaeral Ageaes, B4. Totes. O. Bolhroex. Ownar, 38 CASH . ; r Unva a lot aa the Peninsula, an St. Johns car Una; same slss adjoining lots ars selling for 12; city wster. strsets araded. . higi h and sightly; no finer lota between Albtna Jbtna snd St. Johns. Hunt be sold to close ap sn old estate. Brlu x your money with you. aa this Is the uut opportunity to secure a- mt for ono fourth or u true vaiua ssi sears sm spp. xtiasasy, CE 7-rooni complete house, all In flrst-cl.-B ordar; mod srn p( mbing. tenant floor r 1 ft; nloe lot In a - .don et Tbt 1 - sr Jt ? ; t ' a .4 Nashville ocm aunrux ww otj i': -.v'' ' r a Month vou hist aa Iaurel- in valtis In SO dswS. '.' 1 -. anow you wui oe Coma out, order -;K minutes from First f; Phono M 2129 ' IN ACREAGE ONE ACRE, on electric line, at Stewart's station; fruit and wa ter, r'T - $450 f FIVE ACRES, on O. W. P. elec . trie line, just east of Sellwaode $750 10 ACRES, six mites east of the) city; beautiful aWoom house. good barn and other cditaWiluV igs! M0 bearing fruit treea. The biggest '- snap, of alL 93.000. Terms to suit. 10 ACRES, wife good 7-roont house and barn; all cleared and fenced; beautiful spring; 100 bearing fruit treea and other small fruit; on tha O. W. P ' ' electric line; excellent aoil. . Will be sold cheap and on easy terras. . KhaDD & Hackev IB : - - St . Room ft, Chamber of Cornmerca, I Lots $100 and o h M' Upwards ,:- $5 0owiw $5 per Mcrsth Ths most beautiful treV m this county. Only short dtsunoa south of the 1st. Tabor Reservoir, and w adjoin ing Lauralwood Park on lh eeat snd Krn Park on the north. O round per fectly level and In cultivation, ft IS superior in every respect to any prep erfy In the market. I'omo out M my time and convince yourself. Only twen ty minutes ride from et slds. If " dnnt say it ts ths beat property hi fa vicinity ws will refund your oar tars both ways. 4. , 5 . Own Your Own Kcrrs Don't pay rest when you aa pnrch--e such beautiful property on such e. . l"ir further tnTormatlna St " at statioa as prsmn or s. t flee sf iL.r n-ff i t Great Bargains iiifpi